; • • ~iF Ca 1 1 1 t of ore. ;e3tietj b.e. tecplidelietpteili titOer.. the nittn:e this day: d iesoi ved BUTLER. ;•; . ,- -. '..-..:ii ':-.; 4.4';', , i.1-:::', , ;; , ...'- , - ~..i AJ: RI AICE 0 . ; : PlaiWAPi,i,F l ; : . I, ', qo.: ' J: , ; IV;:,%F, ttiliP i • 'eta, fit,hli• 'With Inc hhi , under the 7 .6 illt!", Le'i l ' t e n c : r r e e: t a t s e p e d: d t ° A t a i 1 i s ei s e 8. Butler & Gh; • prt itrie s Hun .. • r G f;-:18q?: • ' . . . . • ••••.TA5T..0P.M..410118 dyilwu 'for JITIIO Term arifiVenunJeutins—i/IriuOruC-41iy• Clues} .P :Chag..Yniwg. • • • - ircm t v •••• • flitiftk,'El , 'Datlibei Chus Dis)i up,: • Tb up. Cunnover;: P.Ostus Turner. ••• efiiii;;;4mos Ptippr, •Leri Aqui:as; A - A •Darden. Erciting—A H. Cory, A D• Lyinau„ D Wool/ruff, Win Forsyth. ..Libert.U--Peter •; •,•••V'reer;;O:.G . Grifiln,lym sinntr. John 'Eastwood, :W • Peiton:;l4fakette--Elisim Slopum.' • Noririch-z• • Dinjel.Callup, C IV Robbins, 8 W.• ' , Dians........ata•--Nulium Baldwin, •• .• ' . . . GRAwil; Jiittorts—Bpedu.k R whiner; : . Roman Lutz; Freeman, C 7 Corwin. liradford.:-.OlYm. a Free Man; Jahn . Ca no,, Levi nit+, Truman Sharman.. Eldred-tl)ivid Cooper.. 'ifivit/bp-:-Uoriee . Starks. Keating—Peo Tyler, ..Istues,A.. 800. A:N . M.:RU . 4' 1` Otto, Frank Moo.. dy. S Steol..El Fiteb, A N v „.T DOnnbar,L Tint.terilelii, A Balboni. W N Stro.• P Byever, #.56-geant.r4 TEApriMIRS'I*TITUTS . . - "ThOTtiaohorh'lnatitiito for McKean dounty,will ibod 'a."aeasion at..Smethport, commenCing on ..Monday'the 15th- day' of Aprilitexti and don tinno 'lWaossiott . ..elle week. A general .attendance' of the geriebers of the County is enruestly docked. The diyeetera Of the .ti ariousdistricts,'und friends . of education taroughont the Conqty, art cordially invlted . tb attend and take .part!n the ;siert:tees of Stitt oceaelan. It is desired than teachers - should brlng,,With them such teat 'books ne they:pm...sue.' • ' ' wAhltElst COW;;E. Co. Bupt.- Sineitbiort Valli, 1861 HARD: TIMES MADE-E-ASYI Good News for the liNemployefi Ila 1000 CLIANCES To DLIKE azoNEr: ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH IyAT.r.TIES; , • ..'.'-', .. JEWELRY;: , :' , •:::::.:•':.•••.: , .....- ..... - .4y.gR: . ::.r..LAT.4.D .. 1NA11E To be disposed of on AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN ! • MI persons deiip ° 3us of oeclOrjrig an Agency in Itife-: • • ' • 'ww..ENTORpRisE, eboild send on their names at once, eheloSing a 3 eent stamp to, aostage, and reeelve by . py, p . retorts matt .1 P CATALOGUE •Con fain ink Our Inducensents ReIRE CILIA•CE •IVIC). - NE - Y" c!ittloui risk, together with 2=Z SPIVISMIZZ Reletive'ta this , - .IsTOVEL PLAN! , . inure prompt and aatiafactori dealings d orders•to ' . GEOR E. G. EVANS,' • G . 439 Chostnut at., Philadelphia. .1.861. • • -.Now . Your. • f • 1. ALL .WIIO..ARE :INTERESTED. I Mist calfirid frith melitt'ore the - 1503 of , . settle .. jprit ex' I shall ; on you. . don't ask any money—. •=slenttsfintanyc-den , t think of such a thing; but most putu sail hoes my, old books closed up, by note or other ' your .accoent fs top centil or ten dollars.— Y.onmeist call and sett/e or I shall nuke you coats after 'the ldtkiif • - • ' • - E. S. MASON. • OF LETTERS • -,- o‘LIST :' LETTERS at Ereethport, foe the .'_...._•' No in the'Po,'''..,..lm, 'Bei. Cobb, ,Dratk l t,t74 onetig Marc-, -, o'r m„„r Dhatineey ~,,_,, . 1 ,..„ " . ',11'''134,740,4; ebn?ln''Li.e‘ri ',W°entw°rtil j'il)„eweart'd!-2, D. n e 11 3t . 1311 . 1 " M . "3°,j63.16 Ilettl4,J°llni ( sne, Agent P.P* %,1-,111,1014.1..r. , eThMllnt -- unox_.2, 1 IW,l'ElinWi'i'llirb,-Ic...Rt.,talif: (sed°o% Dafi a r...)% I L ;. ma . - 8 '—u iompie.".--- -4andlegii)l.leDenni4 tib !genre, Da - ‘ Ilik I 014 f 414Lt'deter flaelfcluniit'n-2, John Rao' ' ',„,k...4.212410 %4 L' - ‘ ll 44lb.PaYOB-2115".2,a Julie P. g mlt hi ityl;lF tek.,?,rlijtu ra irh IN. alle vet"' 31 '.. '„1 ' r0... -I ` . r; winA'briti-sui if/44'. .1. SARIIVEL.L! P. .., . ' ,;.. fw Smi th * ,..?' 4 • . '' ''' .' ' ' 4)1 '.l, ''e Ctils4ol/. : ,' •''''.:••Z4,l*fli, • rY-1L,..,_ Yi• ,Ille.r•TED,. • • 107 ‘,,, ' 4 ,... ~'' • ~'; ' l . ',; .'. . p'• 7NV7,-.44‘4;4:74' . sigai'.' in szebalig Q. . ~.• • ' audstof I filP;,7 0- YUAN eiop; ttl'.l,V6_ ,03. - ' (,', ~. ' t.',urz Cabinet .. A i,,,T,,,.., . ~b..p. , .- . a .' 1i ; / sal. , - „. . 7 , 1140 r, ''t•k" ' vj'- - .(1 , :';:,',.. , ;' ::40.1,Z,','''.:''!..4..'1,,-,1 `bc()STAII'S" "Only Infallible Reinedie. These preiiarationg:xunlike•till . oth'efs) are • g;;Fife•from.Poisoliti." . •.. • + 4 lVaelilangerotia to the. Iniirian +~ ; ltaCs'come out Of, their. 401ki:to die." 01 pais and more eetublisbed in. N. r . City Med 17/—thil City Post PlTice trsi!fiby 7 tthe City.Pri ~ one and S(attoa llonsea by—.City,.Sfeamers, Ships, &c. Uand.by—thp'Cityllospitala, Al'ms•llouaca, .U.s4ar bif—t he City Tiotele g t 01::(-'St Nicholas,' Vsed by—the . Boarding Houses, Usedbu-*--,more . than .50,00'0 Prixate Families . . . - .„ Press, 11.7 - Scii iblq..ltll.a .peoile, Ou t Dealors Jay: •: BENBY it tosTmc-;-..A1l the s'itriimer'.l have been troubled with RoneleS and. Mire.• I wde - netually. Ashamed 'of The house, • for the Roriches were every Where. ' , l:Purchased it box of your. ExtirMina:toc. and tried 'it, And . . in one Week . there was not ri' Roach 'Or . ,Monse in. the House. ', , - :fouls11; aiv6 , is., No: 1. Elm St. lIOUSEKEEPE . RS : t d ''with, ve'rutitt, need be so:no .. l . ottgor; ir:theY'W use ' , osr..iit'n" F,ixtirtriinatoi . s.'' ,Wtr:havo 'used it• to our - antis• Motion, add' if a box- coil $5, we would: hive it..We had tried poisons,: but they . 'etr,.eted nothing ; hitt CoTrAren art ic te•knoc Its the b roil ih . . . out . 01 Rats,' . Alice and. Red l'iligs,: quicker thin: `we'can writ it. :It: lA in grent„deutond ot dyer the cann.—lllediaci• (c.).) Gazr(te. ..• . • .try . . ' . . . . . •' MORE d.R.-111Vad Provis i ons are d.'stroyeil arinnally• in Grant - county by.' vermin,. t ba:n would Pay.for'totis hr.- this Rat aa:bistcr: In , - ler.Laireastrr (Arks.) ..iiyabl. A ... • . . .. . . • BENRYL .CSTAR—Tour Extirminator is re•ceilied, • use(l,.;,And 'pronounced a decided snc - cess, .:tVis used .a box of it, and the "wily I.lle Bali shit -.Mice , around' our 'prernisCs ..," ra ise.l Neihi? that night was n Cnutino to sicepers.-- Sinee.then not a Rat iir:Alciiii , e. has been. heti id in kitchen cir.c . elidi.-171b.gregor (Toro;[) 7 " hit. S. ' 1 HAVE BEEN SELT.,ING,-Yoar • ENtirini.: natal: for fife last year,•- - ancj•fitid it a suaz anai. every time ' • , • '. GEO, Ron., Druggist, Cardington;'o.2 . WE . ARE. E.I.,(..ING—Your preparat . rapidly. ; Wherever'they bave been tise,t, Itaip, Mice, Roaches, An!! Vermin disappear irinnedi nieiy. ECAER & STOUFFER, ' DluggistNew Windsor, Md. • • . - . • To Ditroy—Ra6, Roache!y&c To D eiqoy—Mice,MOlesa'Ace 'To .I:o . estroft—Bed 3iigs To Destroy— : Moth!; Fleas, Ants, &c Td DeJirby--11losijnitioe9 • ~ To'D'estroy,•lncid on planti and , inse c ts. To Deitroy.—Tnseits on Animals, &c To Destray--Every forr9 and.vpecies.of yer- "Costar's" Re, Roach, &c., Extirmiu'r Costal's" Bed-bug'Extirminator. fi ßostar's" Electric Powder for Insects. IN 25, 50c. &ND $l,OO Box s,; BOTTLES AND FLASKS. $3 anti $5 SIZES FOR FLA N CA TIONS, Salt's, BOATS, HOTI;LSj &C. Cr:7"S.o?,i Everljrt;herp? by Which . afford Al! Wholesgle'Druggists in large cities. All Retail Dealers-,Grocers—S'terelceepery, 7 '.&c. in the United States. ' '• ..• . . . . . • • . .• ... Wholesale Agents in Nov• York 8ay.. ,. Skieffelin Bro. & C.o.l . lTarrall, Dioov & Co F alinOstoClc Ail! tk . Co. I Dual', Galo &Dobkon A .B4k D. ,Sands.&,Co...l\l'.• We rd, Clopo & Co 1 Wheeler & Dorf. '' .• I M'Kiston & Robbins,, fiefiamen•&,Co.lD:- S. Barnes .& Co. Hall,..Ru I c.kel & Co. - . F. C.. Wells &..Co,, Thames & Fuller... .1 Lazelli.i.Nlaish .S.:' Co P. D. Orvis, :- . .. ll.lll , •ThxO n .& Co.. ~ Penfold; Parker & Co. Tripp & Co. -. Dudley &:Stafrord::. . 'Conrad Fie.. .., . 1 ,1 7. Dyott & Itobt:Shnetnaker & Co B.A'.Falinestoch'& Co.. I French,Richards & Co AND All the - Principal Cities and Towns in the UNITED 'STATES... SMETE Poz j,, CO"'Sold by And by Dfuguists, Grocers and Retairers gen ' erallysin.Pity and Country; • .2:7 - Country bealtra caw ardet as above.. o . raddress orders direct—for . if Prices. Teims• &c. desired send tor Circular td Dealers] HENRY It:. COSTAR • DEpor-,No. 512; BrOadway, • • • Opposite the St. Nicholas' rfotel, ht, -Y. i •Feb: 1861 -4mos. - • • veimiN:EXTIRMINATORS,. Destroys Instdhlly EVI:ftY FORM AND siq:cir,s•ti F. VERMIN. USE ONLY AND OTUER Philadelphia, Pa no yov ~0 ...4N.r. - truosic.citS 7 • •.' : • DO roll WAVE IlYiliSkEß:3l 1.111.0/0 'LT IYANI'. musTAcvit.: • • • • • • 1)0. YOU AYA.ll.ill.':.C.ll/IS.TACILE-7 mitman.c.ml.s S 1 ~.0-N,GUENT • -Rh . : tho. Wliiskers and "h aii. enthaeriberi pilui.pleamaroin onnouncine to the . eit irgrfe of rho pitted •Statom,..tiott. they'haveidduhtrd the Ageovy for. mkt. oro ridw f nithltd fa off,!r'toMeAroeff can',pullie. tho ftbuve celebrated And Ni s erid-re now lief article' • . .• ' . • ..• • • • 'l'.lA.cOngl.l”ixt; . • • • • • , 'N prepared by Dr: C. P . , fiebt:tat;ll.43l an eminent phrsi elan of 'Leniloti; encl is swirrenj.dil.to brin,{'outfi thii'k Art WHISKT#ASOR.K.TUUSTACHE,. in freprthreo tAsix treelte, • Title' arlfcle le the-onlasne or the kind tilooot v"t100 'French, and lit London:Willer:is ft 1 , 4,11 i univeirmsl nee,. • •' •-• = • ;' -• • • ' oennnmicat,.Ahiltli;nio, yet stlienl.itina' 'coin peitnib, nelinir ne if by amen-. npon•thsatels cettsitn! heittiiithigrowth' hf Inioritint hair.. IY.applind In the enain it will cure ItAI,IiNKSIS; cnuild. to. 01.111g•up in phica nf,llur bald Fpntn a , tipkt prinstli anon. hhir. Ap plied according" to'illteetiens, - it will hire nr:lowy hxfr nAnk,and restere•ararh'ir;tri • iis, enkir it nnit. inlinoth end de,sli-le. The' '•Onedynti? is en Indispenfeiblo artirlo Ito irtiq ArLer 0110 treek'in use Altey nimbi net .for any ,considers- Con ketsitliont it:- • . .• '. • - -. • , ' . • The Hilbscribars ere'flie only Ag'Hnie fOir limn tirticlo in the' (lolled Stat. - et...to Whom njllo+t•lre ..Price ano by all Drinieists.Hini Desiert 11 tint of the ...On picet , '•warrawed the desired client, nil, be, rent: to any Who desire mail, (di,,,,t), lit-Orris' packed: tin.roneipt of price 'and 'postAge,.sl , l3.• .Appir In , tr.nildiet,. •••• • • ' • ' • - • '•• 110ftt..04:3;, nun 1-!r:tx & co., • • • ,Ifercb '23, v ihn e!, * t Willi:nu street; Now York. • ' . • , MEGHANICSBUIVI. CABINET 1110 D •pnfe,Es..gpj)ucE'D To S Thai Ps . . . . . ril 4ll . l wihwirilwirir'.l , ortfully9imowypng to M.+. tilizm J. •of M'Afo, cooory , t h at ho h, I ro c .o co,. simiv. for . molly nf . yetiOie.ll , A.:woltort. lit Jrn,ltnofr,bor•';'. a .1-i. Ilvkniatoiorino on I w , ill 4C,CIi:COnSIa oily 0pi.4.4 'ever! . varletY•a! 1101)10 of .. ~ . ~ • CH Vrltg, ' . • ' • Irrit , A - riv. . LoiltcG.l.;.. • • '• '-'• Orrn111N 0 .••• . : • WA gIT-*•l'.lNng, " TETE. 'L -Tur , ,, 1 • . - ~.t.c ;:k. , . • All .tho.lifolletn.. 6tyl,e3 of Furniture Ma '.l3laci:V74l4tte,.oak,..&c cbruVAGE r;) ,. .r.)1'1; ooNt-,t_rnis .FANCY A ZW: ORNAMENTAL WARtS;. 4S CIIEAP AS eA6' 1111:01101.111.1N , . . • .. • , ..Tb.....VOry hoat:nr renolcm on 111,e boon p o.,:iinoo•lr on 'o,ngri. nn.t's.ll ,vork. I jr,nod. nut, n' tl,iv Ddabli,dimen, xrarrantqd lo•be shat it.is repreFruted. , : • • '•.; • .• • • • - RE PA I 11 INd '4lt!ended Inlir . dalidly. ard on.lbe mom . ~a, , nahle torais: • *.. '.‘. ' •' ' • ' . • COT'FIISS nnulo to order, on th'o . !mike • - . . . , .. . . . - I.X3lllnit :nt nIL - Icindv;• Cherry. lyninut, Ponlrri. &e., Gi•nin ; purl •in f4et everj•tblng•marketable 7 tab 'IA excaufrige, for Trorh'. - - • • - • • . . . . . . .. . . Tim .rraariPtnr honog; hr a %feet .ntiont"9ll tothr• wantiof th e conitnuaity, tei m . 3, -;•:q 4,,,,'„ t ~.,„. ~,,.,,, .GILBERT LY3IA.N. .' fmct hrort, March 29;1861 .'. ' :. • : - . .MEAT. •• • rfP nubqnrther.i.bi've ren ted tho'2.bucetnent• of the tltir•w• 11 Mork: and titled it up ftlr,thO nitrpoPe of el pp.lying the eltizeum of th l u villoce an d slciplty• • FRESIt•IItAT . KILLERENERY DAY. Wo• - would Mapettfulle nnitctt . yi'utr patronage. •We shall keep no,meat but the beat gun city. .• ' . .BENNFTT'S: GIFFor.p.• . t l tpethporti Morph '2S. 1R41 .. ' • ... . • -You. IVANTIT; . •• ,• • .. • . .•• yOURVVIFEWANTS - IT, yOUR - TefiLDREN,WANT jjT WILL. CERTAINLY PAY, AND YOU WOULD HAVE IT; you only knew how TT . zP.FUT, and how ENTE:IITAINING it la. . .; .Wit,rofer Mot ~O 'r<t• thr4 • ntost. in N'== be - ti . nrl.l f;r iIvoTIOUSEIIOi.D, tot:lll.e'FAß3i, •. Ap,ricultitrit . . . . . . . , ".' Vi.)lr-11". , Iyr IT. I , ; 611.n . iCenlniltillg Fo very menv nr .. .vert rigefel 'ilireetieel hinie.,linsl 10 . 1 !:%7411Orl,:. 'abnnt. all Knit nt ' o. ni ,, lr.nr Averk. 'ln tilt, (;.AU Dr.N. in lime Y. l ): ,, ri I:i.tl,6oltill cill.k,'hn'thelitt/0"/76r of 4-„,,,,/, ..,. , .. -n! ., nut. Dnnn - 741,1 Sninrae tin -I , ' n. 111 , .4zri , 7l l, l , :ersr I; hot a . stnre r . ..litolt of ilieim: et feel 0.4. purl 1. nu ",;.., ti , . r0. 1 l1 , 19:i . 'nll,l.hllll ippnr to nthitllei,liut it:qiJ.lle I It:Mk Ilur fel unftrirW ) m r i netic , linfo.r?,`ettreil. Pi•arr wnritp , lvlti , ll ii • ''' rl, ;'-'..':1 , ...e11i ko ' Hfpl . t . ,t lkybotie4f;pripti,nl wpil lc, INfl MEN'. nfiy }moµ y, • bat.1110! . .. write 41 , 01zt.'. " ' - Eleit v...‘le - Ine enit!:,,ino im:l y..1 , 14,1” .. ,6 . n . ,!".,;,f1 i b Debt. and it is rrr`ain'tlrt f, 'natl.,. of tho'rt' 1004. will worth to inn rlidrO than mi PC11110 ,, . scriber • '",' .loht3lost.l me,r4; I'pr nor On a til..a,. ‘ ra fold of Vf in m ill 50 front a hint 'ilviut prc.ra 'tar 111.2afi'd •nrlivri_rt ': .an vher omyt lie nhlainyl art oxera yiel , l of , ll lay4llelx of corn.poi , lore on a' 1f,..i0t,t mind wltli no 0 ";. - tra costfor by aj , plvia on Lint from the Anoth.c, (a. i.illvto"..) 7offil3i4 w0...111 en trapizor'd he nttrilititeß totha hin , s in thtt to/ri, Idtloh him from tilll4 to, timfi , i ' Huvi . • 16 fro. note to do it, and 'rhea to Thr.u!.4111,14 Or ntllt't , s hat•'dr ri curt HlM:tar - advant.:iweq. nrti . t, ry the parr'r, ati , tOf unll you can ' have, ..f r(". of four 'or fly?, Poltlisher distribute among ' •. Your Virc - wants . tho Agriculturq loteaten haq a large amount nf voloolito and ,uleful• inform:lll.6i about all kinilt of 11 . 0U:5110Ln Il'9nic, from Garret I, Crl'ar:: (live bertha brnoilt of pita paisitr for .a• ye:tr. You will End ,Your borne intolo bolts{ and riuntry 'iytirt cif urmaT.N want tlto Anrittatiirisf , tor, i rant:dna a very Intertistin-, 'ul, and • entartnining pa.rtatent tor Youth 'air 1 Clittdern, be groat value:to their mitriaand 'ltettyt,.?„. •• • • Thoattufr on; truthful:statennortta,. that Wilt ho Vlreer, fully attegted by noarty'a hundrra thoorandnrjbe pout rot rea , l ,, rs ntiht. You 'ire invited to try attinto Vco,unto Of the Agrt'autturisr, cost only $l, and, alonblantly, pay, Try ii hir t!0.) °RANO e r,.1 Park Row New-York il the ll e E s• A t:! r o ' ; t G t e u r :t -i n t i ti A s I ,; l c is o f: t r t a t tne of o Port'Allegany, in the county, of .M'iCran, de . ceased,' have been granted to the subscriber, all Orsons, indebted to said estate..are regneStedito make imov;itiato payment,• end those haying 'claims against the same- will ptesent'Ourn•dply anthenticated to the suhrriber, or her agent, Tracy Scott, at L. H. Dolly's storerit Port Al legany. • . • .!..4"/PHLAT'.."SCOTT. BPD , TY!AD4, Tar ‘lO, •". .Nvir C0th' ,, 4 3 1 . Jaundice,. byspepsier,,lnelig,isefenl, Pysentery,Piit Stomade, Erysipelas, :Marlin:o, Piles, Mieuniatisni, Eruptions and Skin DiSeams, Liver Complaint,. .propsy, Tetter, - Tlonvvi and ;84e ifheu//4" Neteratglat as /)i)ilier Pill, andfin. Purifying the 'Bleed. ' They are sugar-loafed, so that, the most pensi tire can take' the . Pleasandy.'aild they are 'the . bers.caperientin the world ter all thelnirposeslif a, family physic. ; Prico 25 cente per Pox; • . •F.oie4 . for $l.OO. . , . . . . 'Great numlierg oTClergyine,n, Phrsicihß, States men,.and. eininent. perAnnirzes; fine. lent' .t heir. rtaine to certify the unparalleled risefithicss . of these, rerneclic4, but our space :here will not prink . iliC , insertih'ri of tliem. The A'griits be ow iinmetl.fcr. . .. . . nis' ' ' ' tatis due Amnloci% r.:%IANAq in ‘iilich they arc given; Zritlt also full descriptions' of the ahnne complaints, and thd•licatment that should be fol lotted for•thcif cure'. • • ' • • • • • " . . . . • DO not , be 'put. off by utiprincijAed tlealera nit h other - piep;trations they mite.. mOie profit on. 'Penland, AYERS. and tuke, no others. , ..I;he 'ielc mill t the best aid there, is for them, and:they should .have it.. - ,.; . All otir.n.einedies are for sale by 11. .Irairklin & Co:, Smrtbport ; C. E. Qs. Bradr . ord L. Dolly, Port Allegbeq atj.tl by doilers'everywAere.'., . ' . A LL persons are hereby . eantioned agar rievniatiorr for .School order' 'N0..101 drawn by the Directors of K.a;inv. School Dis drier, Ai.r. '20 .. 180, for $27.00, ill frpror o F, J. Dall.'as the same has'Aieen Iria and pay merit stopped. •• M: B. HALL. Dec. 'lO, 1800,-. • , • T. K. 1-1 A FFEY - offers his services to narties el owni i nr wishing, Jo'parebaSe Miners) Inds in M'Kean, elk;' Clearfield or' Jefferson ' . • BRICK FOR .SALE. • fi rst rate brick for sale.: In e 0 000 quire, of FRANK BACK Smetbport, August 13, 1860. WASUINGTON-.NATIONAI - NIONUNiNT. STIBSCRIBER ',IS NOW .OFFERING .1_ .for sale, n magnificent Steel-Plate- engra„: ving.of he Declaration. of Independence, .sur• rounded by life-like portraits of all .the Presi, dents, and- ,hearing upon its - face 'the • 'tomb or Washington, at Mr.,Vernon,. and facsimiles of thasignatureS affixed to the Declaration. . . being 18X22 inches in. size, is unsurpassed by any ever published, and is ofTered at the very low. price of 'fifty cents. , " • , Addrese.all orders,..with - price enclosed and two cents . fo )n - epay postaxe, to • ' -Ayers .' , a ,A : compound remedy, whickwe have la, bored to produce -the -Most:effectual :alterative 'that 'can:be Made. S. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla; so .coinbitied with other' 'substances . of still 'greater, alterative, power Ita to - afferdameffective . ..aittidote for -the diSeases' Sarsaparilla is reputed to satire., It is .believed . !that such a remedy is 'wanted' by. those 'Who sutler from . Strtiriums, complaints,. and :Ow One *hick Will. accomplish their :cure •Prove of. immense 'servipe- to this large'class.of our. atiliefeil 'How this compbuttd Will de 41MS:been proverihy exper iment. en 'mOny. of-the worst caseS:to be found of the following Complaintst.— Senotuta.•4:4o . : Senortmeitti 'ThiueetONS;.All.D:Eit'crti# PlSiet.,ES,'':l3t,oteups, 41,T Ituatim, •Sextri -Ar. rherioXs,,Mmteintrir;Ptszmn_,::Ditorsr, NEU.; itiLd welt 'D TIC EiYB - .Ate o lithiem4loS;l,littYstrlLAs,. Rosa on:Sr: AX•rito- y!c Firm, and indeed:the Wbole class of complaints , arising, from Isiruitrry . 01 Tliis compound will be found a' great pro, meter of heal thovhen. taken. in, tha . spring,' to expel the foul humors 1)/110V ...fester in the blood at that: season' of the year. r By the time •ly expulsion of 'them - motif : rankling disorderS tire nipped hi the - . bud. Multitudes can; by' -the : aid of'this remedy ;. Spare -themselve4 from, the endurance of . foul cruptions'ancl• tdc'eretiS through which the system will' strive to rid itself :of corruptiop.i, not assisted 'to- do this through the notural, channels of the . body . by an alterative. nictliCine: deans° out the vitiated - blood 'whenever:you find its impnrities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, ors - Ores ; - cleonse.•it when you -fluid. it ..is 'O6- - strut:fed Mid sluggish: ill the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, .and your' feelings will tell you Wlteri;. EVen where no particular disorder felt, ,people., enjoy better ,health, and 'live longer ' ~ t hr- cicaiisiug..the ' bloOd.• 'Reep the blood healthy, and all. is, Well but with. this pabulum life' disordered,. there '_.can- be 'no lasting. health. Sooner, or later must go wrong,' . and 'the.:great machinery of life is,disordereilor overthrown. .. • • : Sarsaparilla has; .and deserves much, 'the . reputatiOn,.of accomplishing. these .ends. But the - -World 'has . been egregiously deceived. preparations' of -partly because the :chilli. alone has me.t . -till the, virtue 'that hi .elaimc d for it, 'but more - because mOny - preparatiOus, pretending 'to be- cthiceotrated extracts .of it, Contain bitt lit tre of the of Surf:up:l4lln; dr any tliinn else During late rears the public have Veen 'Ms.: led by large bottles, pretending to, give a quart Of Extt act Of Shrsaparilla for one dollar: Most of these haVe fraudi upon; the. gick,.fcl they not only contain little, if any, Sar4i but:often.tio curative. properties \dont:V er.. Renee, 'Attu: and paintid diappointinent has followed the.use of the'vatious extracts of Sarsaparilla which Hood the market,' until the name itself is justly despised; And; has beCorue. synonyMous with imposition and .cheat.: still we call this eompotiud - Sars.aparilla, and intend to.'suPply such a remedy as shall, rescue the name., front: the load of obloquy-ylich ruts upon it. And we: think we have. ground. for believing has 'virtues which are irresiStible by the ordinary run of thesliseases ft,is, intend- ed to cure. .I.li.order to secure their coinplete' .eradication from theeystem, the remedy should be judiciously takmaccOrdingAO directions on the bottle. • ' ' ' TI.IEPATtI3 nY . . • C: AYER .dr.' LOWELL,. Price; $1 "per Bottle ; Six•Doitics for $5. :- Ay:er ' s - Cherry' PeCtoral, has woo for itself such ti.renown for the. Cure. of every variety of Throat and Lung CoMplaint, that it is entirely - unnecessary for us to . recount the evidence of. its virtues, wherever it lilts leen ens. ployeth.,. As' it has long 'heen in constant- 'use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its q'uhlity is kept UP to, the best it.ever has been, and that it may, he relied en to for their relief all it. has, ever been found to.clitt.' .Aye.r,?s . C#ha . l-tiC . .ills; LOST. CARD c°v*. Exam Ina thins made . and . faithfully ;re. rte 41: .•-- Tlra . iffc;rll, .Ti4'27, 1859 TI-us LNGItAVING; C. :N.. TENisIY, Acr., • • Smethporc, M'Kertn Fu 111 4 kIWIYARt . ...'.r • :. ..•.f..4.7iap0.11,...z...-.,..-. at Manufacturers , Prices, ITAVING ENLARGED, MY FACIi.,IIIE,S tba Old Stand, . • No 2 & 3 EXCELSIOR BLOCK, OLEAN, Far keeping'eOnStantlyhand,a mach larger . supply and assortment Of the lieSyY arti cles of 'Hardware. - generally kept by the Jobbing ; licM.se's, and.. having. • sicared the AGENCY of. .•' . many Manufacturers .• •includ;ng'th.e.• •*. PALL.RIVER- . NAILS VHEELER, MADDEN '& .BA KEwr.4,,s S A WS, Also tilos'e . of WELCH & GRIFFITI.IS ron othor.,maiteri, . !HANK'S SCALES, . ' • DUBBER andLEATUR BEI, 4 STEWART'S (unextelleti) POPULAR COOK:IN.O'.STIOVIES .GLASS;.•oFaII Sizes, Sorts and.Descriptio➢9. ~ PROPOSE TO SELL ALL TILE, ABOVE ARTICLES. A„T _A ; It.-Inufacturers' Prices Ala° I proiiose to. soli ai's small Comthi§.9ion from my LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK. of . SHELF and other HARDWARE n the selection of which havelakeo:much ains, having given, my petsOnal attention hereto. • HOUSE TRIMMINGS, COOKING and PARLOR of every desiiibte Pat tern BLACKSMITECS' AND MASONS'. TOOLS Or the ti.riost.approve4'kaz)Cliaciure, ECK AXES,- MATTOCKS, SPADES, RAKES, PI FORKS, BUCKETS,: • .WHEEL`•BARROWS. PUMPS', and LEAD PIPES, LAMPS for 011.; CAMI"IItNE, PLUM, and KEROSENE My motto is: The 'Largest Sales of the very BEST GOODS at the LOWEST.lte munerative Prices Insures the Largest Profits to the Seller, fuinishes the Buyer with the Cheapest and Best:Articles, and gives the best satisfaction. LI4EIiAI.:4S r ik"O . DNTS MILL 'BE MAD 'lO DEALERS If pPople Will pay higher prices fpr . nb better tirtieles tpthor places,. it shall: be their own fanit and not:rnine-... tmaneetion with the above,.l am able to cJiply . on short notice • ALL KINDS OF • SHEET-IRON • • 4• ,COPPER WOE K Having' in mY employ: Competent and experi eneed wotkmen,,whose work has 'never failed to give satisfaction't, JUST 'RECEIVED. 50. DOZEN HOES; 30 .'" SYTHES, 500 KEGS :OF NAILg'4T• NEW . YORK - PRICES; AD4INQ ••.tRANSPORTAVON RIVETED HOES, s2,7s'per doz. " WARRANTED SYTHES, $8;50 g% " SOLID SHANK HOES, " $6.50' " :" .IIORSE .2A.IE-ES Together with all,forming,l'obla, at man!). I:lowers prices; 'These ..artreles are NETT CASTE. I invite the trade to'my: stock: • B. BARSE • - • PROPRIETOR', No. '2 and 3 Excelsior 131e-c1( Olcat, ;14Hy r, lesJ. . . :• AT. •. • ' • A. E. AIINSTRONG & cos. ••• ' . [T APING become- the . .prOpriet6yirof the Gro rj...cc;ry , and tiro vie ion.'Store, .jately.occupied by B. F. Wrighti .lea take' this method of, in forming our friends that we !mire juet.receieed thelardeat.ritocie of ; ' • • . . . •• ' PAK ILY. GROCERIES,. .• „ ever offered - th people:6r M'Kein 'couuti, at prices which vFoula . seem ruinous, it Airy other establ iOirnent.; ;We 'keep cuvhatid,eud apt in the receipt of'','..' ' : • - • ..FRESII.GTIOUND FLOCK, - •1, -• . • FEED AND MEAL. • • ' • • • -• • 'FORIUSALI';•CODFISII. • : MACKEREL, WAITE FISH,. • •, •: TALLOW., -• • " CANDLES. RICE. STARCH, ' • : Ku'ehrEas. SALRATITS,,.. • • • • SODA.Asmoc.• PEPPER,: :• • , • • •. Pron. 0.1KKA•1110K, • • ' • • • 01.0yEs. 'CRACKERS:, . • • • ' .• T9 II ACCO. RAISINS, • • • • •• • " • MIES. O P. ALL HINER; -.• • • suGARILs cr•ALL•KiNDS, ' • COFFER.: GRIMM), ' • uNOROVND,•.' • • • STECPS.'A'.OI,ASSES, " • . • •KERINFNE• OIL: • •. • . : . . CAMPIIENE..FLTUD . ,• . • •-• • • • • CAN DIES,TE49.; See., , : • • "• • • •Our'siork is full and ronipletei And - peleeiecE froth the best in i)IP tnarkit.-, Call and exam:'. ine price and quality,. and you. not fail.:to• 1) • • ~ 1 . Y.. • - • A. B. ARMSTRONG & CO. Smethport, March 14, 1861. - COURT PitOdLANATION. , Tx - r11F,fi1?,.,-I,S 'the. Hori.:.l34ll)'ait. : .I'V PresidantJiiiige, and the: Hnris. line and S. Holmes, .AsOeirite ludgeri of the: enn:rt: of Oyer4c. Ter . miner and .o,,ner4l•J'ailt 'Deli•very, Quarter' •Sessionspf the l'eaCe„. pha Con rt n , .1 • Con rt. of • Ccimmon Pleaifor - Jhe Criti,nry,bl,ll , l!Kenn hn ksned their precept, ,hearfilixciarri Saturday, the 14th day of March; -in thi year 'of •ofir Lord: nne thousand eight h nit red anirsixt y-nne;' and tome directed, for hdlding Court ,of Oyer and Terrniner and' Gen.• eral: .lairPoli'very.'„Qtrert,er. Sessions` of, the: Paaca,,Dlnharis' Court,: and Obartof &ninon Rivas, in the I3Orough of- Stnethport, , on Mon day, , the twerlty;fotirth day of Tune next, and to conlinue one week.. . .. • Notice is therefore hereby,given tO•the.Corti, ners, Justices of the Peace. and . Constables within the county, that they be then and they in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their rolls, records; examinations, and other remembranees, tad° those t hines3 which their .offices appertain tobec done, :•And•those who . , are bound'hy their Tee ocnizances.to prosecute thepriioners that are or. 'shall be int he jail of, said ccantro ' t Are to be.then and; there to prosecute against them as will be just. ' • . • . ',Dated at Smethport, March 14th,. 181 . 50, and the Ssth year. of.the independence of the United States of America. . . , . . . '...•A:.'.x...- JOHNSON,- ~ c T . . OMMISSI C NER FOR HE .STAT.B.OF • NRVY .Y 0 MI. - 'tn toko proofs - and acknowledgments of Dead@ and other Instruments fo binned and recorded. in 'mild ,Staf•• i and to a4mipitter oaths or alllrinations"pureuoist to th• laws of said State. Conveyancer. iicc. Office In Land Of flee'nf.D Bingishury: Bradford; McKean CO., Pa. March 14 ; .180.I. -Farr; . . . SMETHPORT PAINTS WAGON AND. SLEIGH SHOP, ON. MECHANIC STREET NO. 1. . • THE.: undersigned w oul do respectfull y in . Pounce to the citizens cif 111'Kean county; that.he is now prepared to do.all kinds of Wood" work.in my, line of businesi, at short notice, Maworkmanlike manner, at reasonibleprites.. Heel satisfied that my.work will fully meet Che.requirementa of who , will fiivOr. ma with their patrona°e.- Repai:rines., promptly attended td ,on short notice. — All kinds of grain taken in exchange for 'li•nt:lt ; butter, pork; beef, pine lumber and 31t—wood. CASH will not be refused. •:: • • .:p. V. SHEPARD. SmethpOrt, Pa.,Jan. 10, 1860.. • SHOVELS, Arrival and Departure of Nails 'Sf gTH PORT POST OFFICE PAILS, .0/ean—Leaves. every morning at.Sri?elock • ri I V.PS every evening. L: • •Co),,i/ispart--T.eave's Tuesday .and: Saturday • mornings ;..airive,s Monday and Friday eves. Skippept—Leaves Tuesday,.:Thursday a rd Sat urday mornings , 'arrives Monday, iVednes ' day and Frinay.evenings. •*: • '..• •-• Rldgaiwy—LeuVes''..Tue.gday,' :Thursday and Saturday mornings:; : arrives Monday,.Wed . nesday anii.Saturday eVenirigs. . • , TuesdaY.morningelandfirives ..Thursday evenings. . • • ' SARTWELT.,• P. IN:. TUBING B. S. GOULD, . . PHYSICIAN - AND. SURGEON , ving'peynsifent located himself at PORT ALLEGANY, would re.peci(iilly inform the 'public that he is prepared to attend to business in all branches oi .the Medietil Profession. Particular otten tion paid to. Secret Diseases,• both male and female, tbey will be treated in accordance with the latest ant) orities.and prictiee of both Etc! rone'and America. All secrets intrusted to him, in hig practice,. Will be strictly Irept by him, in spite of money, law, friends, enemies, relatives or neighbors. • Port Allegany, March 20th, 1860. Public.. OTTCE is hereby given that i have loaned the:rollmving proporty to George Doclgei vi z Three Horses,' 1 Spring wagnn, 1 Double Harness. Having pnrehased the above at Con stable?s sale,. I claim the same as my. property.. Shippen, Nov. 1.5, 186(). ' • ~7OTICE.: All persons are. hereby notified Lr thPt . l will not be responsible ter *any brought to the mill at firneibport, *Mee, the begs containing jt have: Abe risenei's rune. legibly marked', • •• • • • ' IiESTER CORWIN— Smo'l , rorti Pa.) Jan.' 3,' . • • JOB .PRINTIN'G, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.. NEATLY, CPEAPLY AND EXICD=IIIRS EXECUTED Af:TBE TYF!TOC;RAT• OFFICE JAS. E.. 4AIR, Sheriff.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers