;,.• • • JEjT • 9', 7 • • • - • ' ' t•',4 t„, tj t , !44 tRI- VOL. 3. , ilrti . qi4 - : o.toujittl 't)-:.tOdtrqt. ' P EiEltV tI9RNINCI, • By J. B. 0V147, *. , nt , K.E4N COP PA s.,,t.cdiiN,l9t OF' P ÜBLIC SQt'ARE '..-,-.., ... - •• • $l5O in AdvanCe • • . Rates of Advertising!' Column: one • , 64 : • , :te six - months.: Ue square of 121Ince or Wes t 3 insectieng. Each aubsegueni, inaertihn, • 'l3aelnems Casale, 'with paper • .... . . . er:lgura week will Aeable the., abirvO .Twolce,linca .Eihrieriype, er'eight . lines rieupareil,-IF. . • . • frr,,Theie'Tecma c4rictly.rlhei•eil.tc. . • . Bit9itte.s.6: :Eirectotit. BENNETT .110U6E, Sipethport, 31 , 1i3n 'Co .16. E.'S. P.ropriojnr •• —9ppogitu U 111,0,1111.1 ll.,use .d nes, larrge, co mmocli• o'us awl aull.ti^ni sh url 119uFe:- r, ' GEO. H.TMT§ON, . . tenler.in Steves, tin WiireVneroined Ware.' d.r . e.; meet :elite of the .I:iuldie. Squ.ste,•• Southport, l'a. -Custom ' wiirk.doile to oriler•on tie shortest' outice, nod in iSe . most•euloitential manner . . • • -• ." " , • •' • ' DENTISTRY ,•.-- - - . .. ... . • tiOi. M. A.- . SPRAGUI3 wonintrn.n.nn.e.t . fnlte ntinnninee'tn.ille . citizens of Sinintlippet and Cielnity,' that he .110... Alit FA unna office', and is peennyent tin inttenni to : oil .1,11i500,P . in hit prefeioninn. ' Artifientl.teeth in.nttenl . upon .fi , i• entitle, pH nettles',runt NO II 8 to . vroscuye'the natural ex . - presiinn Of the face Al. operations in.Llental Sur ' ,;ry . done inn skillful manner,: • .' . . 10: A. .NOURSE. Dortliir in Fiorrs. Tin . Ware; Jaritrimrsl 'Ware, &a..• ond'or tho Pulilki Snitarv„ t'inottitiort, l'a• , C Ilti I -•, work done' to or4lOr maim- stiofte,l notico,..amt in most sitinstaptial [Mintier. . . . .. OLEAN 'NOOSE, , . A: 'P. DARo 7 .• l i iT;p;iolnr. : Y..t Omnibus ri . to and from the New Yoilt.aail Erie Raintood. Sta for Srmititpqrt Ont.l, Ceres . . .ROUSE, , 8. - J - Ceartho Proprietor: R , lii'viiy. PA. This flotel '1 'new coil furnished .in moaern,etyle, has :mete neeoin nvidefions.:on3 ie. in all ree - vente, 0 PIN.. Chas Hotel.. Ridgway, Elk Co.. Pa. May :2 I.lt OU . - • . ' . • , . . - ELDRED •110T21., ',, .. .. ' • . . . 'Jdwi •Wilit, Proprietor... „This; linu . so is situat.o.l half way batween '!imetllt,nrt• .and Ora.an • 'A emveni , nt. ' an altnnindious,lintis , , atteptiye, and okiiging. attend = ants and Iniv 'pricps: ' Eldred; May 11, PSVIO: '.' , . . . . . . - ' .- •- • - 'A„ ,D. ITAMLIN, .. .fluryieyor, Draftstae.u' Onuvve~ancer. ..tid 'Real Estate . ',Stant. Staettipori, 11'Kean county,..Pa: ' . . N..TAYLOR, . . . . . , . . 'Dealer in bry Gon,l9,`Groc a:lgs. Pork;:riciur,Salfylls : Roatly-31.fula Clothing,. Boots ant Shoiis.. T3ipettiput . . , ~. . - - - .• - - " . WILLIAM WILICIN , ' • .- Praptical Moclimnic,• Niillw.riulit. 'Bridge-buiiier,, 14.. c ' Port Alitiqlieny;'.M'fiuttn e0100,',Pa . .. ' . . J.; L, '4I.7RWEi"OR,•,IiRAFTS3IAN. CeiNVEYANCER aild Real • Estate Agent.; @Met . .., AVilliaresviile, Elk (le. • A.116y1t;; . P.,C1., - non 'rltotnas'Stilthoni. W. s..llrownell; Esq."; lion.. A. 1. Wilcox • ..' . - . . CARVER HOUSE, • • • . • , '4 01111 IL: Mu. Proprietor. ednicr of •IVAtor and ilkko Strootii, Warren: Pa.• General . $tagoCYloo••• • . , . FOES lIDIJSE, krolltirtz th , i • Pubiie :Milani, • Win. V. • *.l.trrs 111 . .311141 ER VrOprigtor: . Tile F9besll.,,iseli entirely ne and liallt,of brick.' an , f 'is furnished in modern s' li, •• The ~p,roprietnr himself tbst, his neeptniivela tiring are not ellqvai...ed . by any hnLel. in W,,iern N • Turk. • Carriages run to and' irole the ,Nerv.Tork an liirieltisititriad. • . BYRON D. lIAMLIN, . . .. . . . , liT 6 rfEr At Tarr; Sowthritirt,' 3l'Ken Cr.untv. N. Agent for Atergir'.4..lCeatio.; A. Ca'a Lando 'A i ti.ll, I.lll)l36ißliy to the ealleatinn, of Chim , ; Etantinatian a :. Land Titles; • l'ii;,ment of l'axec, an Pall latiness lola' ' ting.tn.lteal Irooate, f . illic;) iii Ilimlin;111 , ?ck, -- • ' . E, BDUtiHTON ELDRED, . .littnrcuty MllO • C • nunlnlirin.nt Lair,.m, Slaw Ilpnrt ,11.1iIr• r at . • County, Pt. • Itt.H•nn, , eu Irn , t ail In Ili; • enrn fur't In .",,,iiri,,...,..r . 31 , K'n t n,. Pot loran I 'Elk, iv.i,ll ho rump tli, •tit.tenilail to . .ollfctiin, the . Court ITTniiic second liiitir. DR. D. R. :WISNER, Physician .aa . l..3‘irecon. •.niethipOrt t PA., • will attrnd . .t.i, . all,precasiOnal c illy with promptness. Office in'art. - -wet I 'Block 6‘lolld4lOitr. • . . .. . . .- • .'' • THING -&.. MILLER, Wholesale and Itetal 'Dentont ',ln S , aploArnt Fanny pry Goods, Carp°lnns: It , '.i , iy - zoo .ci0thir,.....,,,,.1 . nenilrro .Furrihming (h..4,..n00b, a n d sheen, Wall .ondlVindow ~:- Piper, honking Glasses &e• • Al 111an. - .1.:. T...• • " . . . •• ..'•'O C BACUS , JHN C . K:-. '• . - • . . .. . ..I.t.torniyr othl.Onno+eflor;ot kno-, Soteliiport. M'Kenn Co ra: Witt Attend to 01l inisinesq in hi, proleg4ion in.iht non Mien ofNl',l{oin:TOtter . and g!tt.. Onicomver U. tc -, Sortsvnll lc Itrothh•'+,'.Store. '•-•, . - -:. • ' HACKNEY HOUSE.; Co rner,nr :'!e,cona q.,nl 'iV , irrn A, Pa. A.. Ilmtonw. Proviotor. T r.treler , , trill ilnd gnrnt ito• • • entrnnwlA.tion . s re:if:o3lolP charvs: LARABI!;E'S HOTEL; . . . . St ; I. t 71.0:ircx; :Wrnoi•ictor:•— : \ ilt ,. glienv 1:v0.1;d... M'Kort'n On ,P. Thie halloo N nib Mil Ilbellt Ilill 6 1101104 (nn Srnethport,' no the* . rood 'o 01.• on, am!' Rill be 101 l a 'oonvenlotit Rtopping,ploco • . •. ' •' .. •,.. • ... - . FARMERS' VALLEY HOTFL, . . cl• T..Cloeoivfv,• This ileitis issitiinimit siseii• flee esit• ' front itnothnert on the rend to Olean. •' Plee-ii•s• islet i•• And ntlie.3 eon he Aegnmsimisto i en•the shortest sit . W. S, BROWHELL, • Heater Au Dry Deeds, Greeeries Hrnekerv. Hardware - Bnote, - Shees, Hata. Oary.; 011e4, ,Eut".9itio 01' thfi ,P1.611c .S.vin re. Smothpnrt,• Pn. EMPORIUM HOUSE, , 19111ppqn.' '2,llCona Co., PA: N. 11. ILIVRIO. T!rnprie or A n ndlnui unit vtAll-farn1811(0.1)"1:93 Strihnge .o and t.layeleen will ling loill'aodoinlinOntionm. • •• • . :.•„ . 'PORT 'ALLEGAN y• 'Hoyss f . 8. Dpi.Var, ProprietUr, nt Purl 'Allegany, Mc , : Kean Oonnty Pa. 'rifle Unto! to qi leafed it the. junu. lion of.,the Sinctbpnrt and Allegany River iotds, uine ' miles east of Smetlipert. • • • - • • • • • Whr.-. HASKELL : P roprietor. ' Henn I 9 well calculated for the iicConteunletioti of, , thie. Tr:event iz l'abllot hiving -.rot:witty ',nen rpp . aer;rf sad.rdinol.Veci. float Reran ark , gte' , lya Obargeu'rea-- !enable. Seam for ()lean, Sitipp en an Ridgway. Sinethport,.July 2,1881/... Mining To . Those Interested in Mining and Mineral Lands: • . . tar BARNES offers nervieecinr the-ixanilna VT • tin of Mineral-Land4 in 3PlCean and •Eili noon ties, and will give his opinien , a•to the VALUE OF TUNES, ko Those engaging• his services will reeelve all ilecessaiy and reliable Ipforti!ation., fiesi.fenee at the Bunker .11111 3f ioes. .. • Sergeant, MlCean Co', 4une;3o t 1850. ' . A 64, 1 1 ,. • . • • .• • A. sermon . , Pieached -in • 'the , 1%, rst l'ritsbyterion Olean:4l;o . f Brook/tin, Ol? ' • Salk! (if 1860, •/, Rev. .ITenry raiz, 'Dy;I-e, ~.before ahi7amense Audience.. • • . . .. . •Before:•( l eliiing'.thefolloWinL t qernmn,• in liis oPellinu;, the reverend' God to liles's'ourSouthein brethten and reSs(rain the passion of'llle.evil among•themi: that the master iniuht he made Chrtist's'servant, and the herv,rit fredpari, a od'so 'Milli . sit to• getliof united in Chris , ian love in that ,chorh. founded 'by 'Christ atidjl is' Apostles,' in which' `there' is neithe'r Greek !Mr : Sew,: mule . ri,`;:r male, bond ror•fri:e,.hitt'allare one Christ Jesus. llC . also 'prayed that God would' hl ass he people 'or Ole Northern.State:si . restiain 'the vinlence..Of men; Provide' for those . ”•11.0. by the nuilatirin of the' t have been'. 'thrown out•olemployment, keep . the spenli . e.r . himself from teaching anything:which wag' not; in fig.cordance' With the 'Divine' Will, and, dis. •almse.the.Minds of his hearers of all prei:ittice and.paSsion, sb that - that they. Might he' willing to he convinced of the, truth.. .. .Nis text, froinTatilt.s first MTimothy, sixth Ackpteiyrri the fiitt to the. fifth' verse, inrlaCl ve• , • . 1. Lift as:many seritaptslas• are, uniler"the yoke count their; Own . • masters' worthy of "all honor, that the name :of God . and his doctrine be not blasphemed. .•-• ••, 2. And • th'ey.:.that hnve belie.Ving mbster's, letthem not despise 'them, ,tie . Cmse. th e y, are hreihreMhitt rather do them. !I berap., t hey'are faiihful .and beloved; pattaliei - a,. of the These things tebeh,and 'exhort. '• • amr man ntht.rwiqe , find. "fmnsen not to tyhill e.rrm .words et eb the' words or ni 4.m - d.j.-Fag; Christ, and to.the...iloctring is aecoriliau to gt•dliness, • • ••;.:1. lie, is pr : oud, knowing Pot.hinz i 'but ilia •!11 1110) . , nlinnt qifritions gr , (l,:strilrs of w.nra, ..gpmetti PerVorse. ti mon nr minds . ; and de'stitate of the 1 rant', sittinoniwi hat godlines,s;, from • stieh, thyself. •.: • • ' " '• ; • I pr9pone , he said', to (I:t'neri:ls . the churn e t.' and itithettee: of •A bolit look:in.' • With thi n ie3v, I have Selected a. text in the .1 - iihlr.;• and 'propose to adhere to theletter and spirit of the. ttmchin . g. We. acktiali - leclt!e plarC but one standiird of timtats, but aptfr osa li ve rule Of faith:arid Orat.tice. For. warp ChtiStiansilherf , ;' nof.Papists Luirw 'down to the dictation of..arty. rilant - oi; not heathen 'pliilonnpher's, to crepe oar way h'y the feeble ,c , .litnin'erin'is'of the light 'of na tiirp ; .nortoodern irifidrls,,to ariphal from the, written ,law OfGorl to the corrupt-arid fh , ltletribtinaf of reason tind.hunriartif3t;'inif Christians, on who:se banner is,..inncrilied this. sublime "To the atnl:to - the deslirno'nyif they spook not ace.nr4itoy, N to thin WO', it becausi , there isli'abt them.'"'• , ••, • • , • Let me direct 3 oar", special . altention to the laveitay.e - or onr:text.' :There is ho: - dispute : amouti citmmenta tern,' there is nrirootrofor trite, as to the:rnealiiittr of tlie - e)tpr , i'n.sion: , tse'r• vants tinder :the .ynke.,• ; ': Even '..\r”...rial:er•C; 33 , ho'.is..,bitnelf a diE , fioOlislied and. has trone . .iiiore perhaps t han' any nth nr nia'n in time crier t to proriagate.Ahnlition doctrine. tni ts. tha I, , gt he .a (4 the .pvir'an'e •thit . word,de,/on) is, to.'in; tindernt,on,: here as shi'very. • E . et .mo'cluot; , 'n't'intlier: testi, molly fin thiS ., point ICorp epii ! li;nt re , 6,11 L n 'T.lfrKtd2ht., tinn cif the st , and la, !Treat and in thin countty..rlr,tl whose. annocia• tionn.rpast t l"m from. all pro“,.layery •iiityntliteei; exnostrion, tit thin eliiPter .with the fotlowi,l•LT . tt't.. Ihe wof 'Aroni , n,ilp no' Its' to he.traide•a:nlave for•Jif-'3withrn. the . .T.tr latiuht , 1 I•ilt.pt. star 1 . 1 9 invo'nutars-slay,ly in un'a, rid ihir;trine the •apontleCrintletnned here... 4.1 tt other, epistles, ,by tan and•Ohey thl.ir 'toasters; 'whether were corn: 'suit by assorin:t. Timnt by' trl : at any pernOn tait'eht, oth,rwse ho opposed 'the 3 3:holeno,mo,•pr,c, , pt's':•of Christ•aa•rthe tinctritie'or the fol:pi-,iptn. in.ctinre±tilabi t o !!orllittenn or otilifl clray, , Pa ' re Iv.. ST - 11010 ‘ort, V. 11 0 .1. l'a . mar ilir v. ao.I (bid up 'n-i!h piiito wi 111- .ont tar trip.. .10r.0,i1. 2 .: the ,newish reYelt.jOn." nor leitrin'irl Soo, rh.'pns=aee dot fie. eninoitind to the rii3y.orfitl attention . .of all whrmi it may v inir;era: • • Chritian Ore . n doe the, yoke . . of:Onhelieyeri. ply, their owninilst-r: ill riisp..ehinil .. obinlienee, that' • t eyorraeter of GOil . whon we' scorsh , P may not, lie- m ill; owl ine , ibnitrine no th ao=pel • rray nor evil spoken of as tenilin2 to de41.97 - o.e politi era riehr.l . of rnani.; init. All tl-fisO elir;stiari ` 11 " 4 rho maPtepi . ,'. let them not ilespi.n.• thorn, • faneyinu. that. t h..y' are' Choir equals 6'rcanse, they. are - their brethren, thinnih all Chri=trinare..erinia 'l 9 •sNw.s are' inferior to their master 4 in station. .11'1i:ever/ire. let thorn .serve theirrnatets they who enjoy he benefit of their service, are beloye:d,of God. 'These . thing track.,. and exhort the biOth . ren nrletiee them:?. any one teneli'iliffe!TritlY by, noirtnine that initer not blond to. core'• their masters, lint onzht trilhe made, an I dots riot the .wi3nlo , :nme rein-. rn nild,rn On C hieh. ortr Loral Jesus 'Clirist?s,, on.l to the. doctrine Of the f.trioriel. in of pni•o:g js eonfnrrnalilii to tine morality,' bit:' is. onfre : l up with 'prirle.'rnit•.lcriniseth unfhine Of thJ. , tvio)'9rthe Christian recidothins,.. thondi_ he . pi•elonils.l6 have great' knowledeo of bail,; loit is distenwered. abctir idle rioe :. tines ahrhilebite of friril n'n loon- Init. ore the sourer of envy, ctinteritioO, .stispie inn.that tht truth iq hot sineerel : .mainiained; keen disptitin'as n tried. on o,ordiskry : to con. SeiPllCll . b V men wholly eorropledie their mirelc. and diisiilitte of the trne'dnetrj.ne of the .gospel: ve'in" . recizon.whoiriver . produces most •money., the best reliiiinn; from all such impious 'teach ers.withdraw thyself, and do•not dispute with. them." • The teit.na thus expounded by an .American Abolitionist,nod n Scotch . divine (whose testi- . muriy need not to 'be: confirmed by quotations .. from all the office commeptators,) is a prophecy- CHARACTER AND INFLUENCE OP ABOLITIONISM, • • • OfETIVQ47,.. 31.7 NE AN, .covNm..p- .. .r.9.'i-fici4,sl)AY., :•jA'N tl Written for these days, and wonderfully Uppli= cable to our prenent circumstances. If .piers L .piuture übolitionipm in its ptineiples, its'spirit hint HS :practice,. and pr.. pighes us plain instruction in regard .to',our tv in tlie.prernises;"• Before entering upon : the. disitiristomrif the.drietrine,'dol trims etripinyed. .lly we, eneatt the prineipl . es . laririmeastireS' of atiolitioniqs . .. 7 - And;what alditicinisil;. hle'is' one 'who belie / Yes:that . ..Stayelinldirig is sin, end ought therefore'to the funilii• mental: the* charaeteristie,:the essential print* . ple (if abolitioriism—that velinjmng is that, holding men in involtintaty .s . ervitnile is on infringeitioirt upon the rights,of and a heinons. crime in the - sight .of Clod: : 'A . man may. believe On pelifieril,or commercial.;2roidols' that slavery is omimilesiralrl , r syshvn,.ninl rho! slave labor is' nnt. most Profitable; hr brivi. incur i:erions views as tolKe rtghts -of slavithalders' nndrr t hr'eonsrl flit ion. of the e'ouritay;,.hri may obt.nlc this - or tharlaw ripan the banks . ot Sow horn States iStvroog; • but this *does, nor ennitit rite' him -tin 'a tiolit iiinisr,.. . he be: iiriyos. that slavebolding is morally. wrong.,- . This alleged:sinfulness o:f'slavehetiling, ms,it is hit itharaeioristic dnrjrine, snit is tfre strength i : ll..slit , (ition'is...m . in all its rsro;ii,crii'nll:- . . .Inrals. It dtictiinri 'that lays huh.' 'mop the.heartS nr.d ciiifseitinces-61; men, that it . r:otiten•ns a:disturbing - 1 - 01re iniO . ourerttlesias',. ileal and civil. institutions and .. exciting; .re ligio'n;s animosity . (vhigh' all 'history. proves , to. •Ite'tim s . hronge4tof hirinatt passions,) impa'rts ',peculiar intensity to vei'ycontest .into"whheth . Anil.you Will 'pt.ritrivti it is,.inst here that abolitionism presents a proper .jubjert 'for ,ihrsois.iion.hit the, pulpit—for; it' grea pose o f therefore one: groat duly : Potrs,ministers exposition, to, show 'lll4ris gin . It . n:l what is not. .Those whit hold the.ditetriim tliat.slaveohtlilim; is sin, nod ought th . erefore be ahnlishtiti,',ilifFer much in the ex tint 'to which they reilitee't heir 'henry.. in mac ire._ :11) • tome , this :faith iS• almost without Worlts. 'emirant 'thiMitiejvcs with 'only: . .yeiting in such a way its irf their judgment' will best promote the :idfirnair trilitriph of their; Others.starid off ah.wharat.hey Supp o se . a 'safs'ilista nee, as .4biniel - did.`vidten•dui stood• on the opPosite hill to ,eursrt K David, and, rebuke' the, sin 01; 1 'dt...tit-mild , ,:divitie .judgroent. iinotrt . he sinner,. 'Others More practical:, if 'pi-v . tnore.prinhitit,• the. very Mitlst.of the;a I he 2' Fit , Avirkr ; doess',a;ml tench i..servants,under . . thit•yoltim . they Might lint to cuunt their own Masters worthy of all honor—that diliiiTty is their 'inalienable tigliti--,Wltbdt 'they' shntild maijitairm if neressiry,:over by the shedding', Of blond. Now,' irais pot frig me. to decide. wlieth. of the, man who tenchexthis•doefrinit..in brave \v.nrrls; amid ;r 4 -o.l . ndin a • triitltittiilcs'in. the' city ' nI Broolilii.,.or the oile the stillnpSs• of I. the night and in the fatie of law's terrors goo , I tp phieticethe' preaching it ,Ifirpor's iq themo 4 (Oon , isterlt anniitioni.t and the)ttost .hernic" man. :II .is'.not 'for :tp,t. t o decide .which. is Itre'rnost impOrtant part, of a tree; and if ()le whirli.is the Most iriorious., the Mot, or t he braiirrips....or this fruit.. flat . 1 am here to ritght.. in. God'sMart.e.. rind :by- His. ! r ip, id• c rn , ,v,tlp't this, trite of attoliiiriirisni ,is evil IttultOnlv ev,h, d rOot .ori It rinch[flower . ..lsaf fririr, that it.'s'ittiotis frum.puil. is . .noifiti•shett v an'tut et rejection of.thc Sttrip.tureS; Idiot It . mduretimWte it tt Mi fits t,w• the'ensla and the huirful sourrmorthivisis.n and strife mid Y fltureb ' 7 have: pr'culOsitioits'. on tie ,StiliAc . t . • tour thesis tO'fail up. and:and dr. nia.n,lin— fP'n,l • has• nn inundation in -thr Cp rpt Ito .. . . . .. IT ' 1' . .. kitle .o'h ;ploc llnvp'lpi.n .prorptilglitrd r),i.,flyl);;ni , ..tp l irowd, lo a n 1) rf,a ,. 10 ., . .. ' . • 111. Ir..fr . ff id..,, iii•tptillitivlP , hr fa".'s, and .),Y. : 1 I n42. 4 e:i1•riv0i, ; ,,,... In Jitt ,, r it (,relit{'.: . • —..- TV: It is ti).' ehi ., f Call.° 'Uf Pk , ‘reiro; the•ag: itatior!„: nod , the ilsD,grr 'that ihreioe,lis. our' FnuNi)A - ricis to Trrr :4ing. by t r,Tords ige. and \:vavir! in Abraham's Carl - 14, the sin jrle,, but expre..give• I. tu.liaze tVIP . ' Se tipta re,. trieney . . i !' Inr us e”rne •ohi•i;. t,r)lional of. that ht . promtil, amid the. soletOnit \Vital said th e , l a w and : 1.1 1 .0 i tin that I) , ;Clttinr . iCr.,l; , over '‘.t : horp.Gol 61011. - e,;11 for who se 'si,,.... •ii•etiotv z : it,t4"a4:iorn,ell the rokpoti.ihlity Tht, in. 61 . 1.evit ices werll.:: ' • . . , binthor,i!oat by,tltre he iiiot 6 , 5(.1 unto !hoe ; •theit not voMp - ol higt . to korve.as - ,i; howl a • rvant..anil. solotirilor ho'sholl. be tisilh tli end sholl the jubilee, • oril ties shall.lie it, p! -, t.fitun h Mt.!) IS 111 I.fret7 Vl , ll h ' WM. " So fur, v. uw Ij ghsor% e. the log. :y 6, ih., riiild'rrn of lornpl .1% ho, 'by .roo•on - of poverty. were .rrduce~l 11).setyitii.lo -. It was ,thoir t o .h e . free a , the year of. joilnlee, they 1 . 110 SI! In r emntn in porpottnil.l4inildee, f'l which . earn pl nvicinm is made 'oth . er god aotritonts'.. - fliit';'net-roQl.iVe§ of forigan birth: There wets tio'yea r ofltibiloe pro voted tot there. or-s hat soy. , the law, ..Read th e I-4 t. p ve ses orlho - so:ne chapter: , Rath thy bonitnioneril thy handmaids Which thouishalt have sholt hO'OT tho , hoothen tiler ail• iminit about yott:., Of thoin.shall . yo .buy hoed men rind hon.lantiiien... ..illereover. of the 'droll of stranaors that do - .ojurii among yetts 7 o. o .' l ll ye lut,V,:algl or their families that With.yon, .which they, beget. iri 'your, ingd, an d li - ov • .s.holl - he your pos.oesion..... A nit''.ye shall take` hem eltilitren . alter inherit them ,t hi r y shall ire pun: boinlinen 'fo,rever.." ' . . . .. . : Thero it- is, plainly written in the tlivi,nO law. Na • I ,, gisla.ive , enactment; inn'sta - tuto Iran : mil by lenal skill, tuns ever mote explicit and . tnro• pablO of perversion: When. 'the - nholitiOrnot toils me that slaiir.flohlintx is . a sin, in tin.; sim plicity of my faith in tin. holy script tir , A„.i Paint him •toillis , ac,a I I:ronial, 0t41.1.11 lim.in•all ranilor, - 11.1:ny N. 70 •duos,. that his'nroaclting blasphpitos,tlie Hanle of dMl•und ltis ilortrini.. .. . . . 'Wh•' l l he harries to dont about goestions and sirires-ol words, :appeaiine to the Deelirration Orriedeiiendenee r and eqSertinit..that'the'idea of . ih• te - en . . Protl.rtY. is an enormity and e,criine, • I stilihold hire . to the record, sasyrett, ""Ye shall take hire as an inheritdnee for your • chil.!r ee after. you to inherit for a possession, 'When.hn •tvaxes warm -Ala he 'always rioel if • his appal; sciqr•r . t•nt vent tiontn.Scripture the great frit fa try their ipiritS whetherl . theyhe 'Grb—the . very spelt , of Ithuriel . .to r.e.Yeab . thniCtitte - char.. , : ' ariter)—=when be gets angry, ntirldreeins.tri Polir alithis . eeil Stirthisinen end abuse upon. slave : the,pieeept Which'snys utie/r 6°llll'qt-deg 'Myself With thfs,,tboulzht r' that, Ihe v.stlo t t i of Ooilf wiser than men, and the kintlitesi of Gutl„kintl eCthan'tnen: Thilesophers mey 'reason and re- Pit mess nosy rtive fill lonmsday, - -. they , never ranennv'ineo! trip that .Gotl,:in the Levities] law . ; or in - any, - other Inw.sanetioned'sin ; and /1; I kndw, froM the phiio ted,.and tridny. Morr lie' did save-, [PM slave-holding amone. his ancient people, 1 - knoWalsn; by 'the logie of than faith which:he lievesthe'.. Bible slrive'•• holding is not sin.; Tl . e , e,ttre.trPtii:eye4 nmetyr . ii'roressing Christ inns.' and Just 'tr !PIA' ore Minls . ,.. r..rs of 21O? aospcf, 'who: answer this arenment front.thwOld Testament script a:s:tnple. deni"..l of their atil+nrity. They..do not - tell Its, hoir 'God could . .eyer'or anywhere cetintentince !Ina . ..Which fs merally wrong ..bur they cOrn - , I tent thernselyns•witivsayinithet - the I,Uritietil latt' is uri-rnle ottiction for. us, end they spoi.pl. from its. deeisionsto what'they. 'consider.. the- Irligh•st or the GosPel:', Let , Ils e there fore 'job,. kqtle With . them bi4ore the' bar or t I c 4 w:Testnmen . r:'seriptures r i It is nhistetrie truth, lleknowl.daM•dan.till hands, that'st: the' advenl of.Jesits.rthrisr, slavery' rxlsted all over theicrinwn.wOrld,:nna.Wn's intimately intemn: ven with its soi.'iadand civil `Judea, in Asia iii . ,C.lreece,, In all the ' cottultries,..whore theSAyintn: -. Und prone bed, he Irmorird, ~ hive-hcdd rig teas twit "a s .comtnnn a: 1,1 is to•da.y Carolina.: It fs'not nne,...or least by 10' one Itayit::g •rtnY' . to candor, thn.t th'e ibM'an . lnl.vs'regul a litie kfp Very. were'ecen mild 'the'very worst .. .stalutr4 whicit.haye : . modern . it denied hyrinv honest a n d well infnfriledm an that mpdorn.ilv tritf-tittn- and the'restrainine irfliienees o f the Gospel ha've . 4-.lted arrielintating i• ilttepres lionn b - ..tirr; en master A .- 0 si,ve, ..rPffi utterly unknown et-the advent nt.'Cbris tit:miry. I A nd hew dill „Testi s J im! liis .Apro.il es . tr. : ur . - rbis subject, -Masters:end slaves' melt them at 'every stet.; in. their mitcionnrt•: _work, and were oven pi.esent lir eyllry.nipticittle to which „ther,nr , acbed. • • The nnman hew, which More rut) power 'of nr death info' the-master's hand, was famll s 'itirto'th;mf, 'end ell-the evils connecteil '1 . &I;1/ OP 5 ' 370(11 surrnnndlll them eye.y da y - ns obvi °list)! as the lieht.of heriveM,. end - yet-it a re- 1 rfri, , s not ',lorry, that the'New.TCStUmenf is utterly Silent it regard in regard in the allreed cinfulnrsc of Itlyei•liolitinit.• In •nll the instrtierions• of the I Savior—in m :ill the imported sermon's. of the in- Spired.A . all thomPistles' they Were . ' moved by the .Holy Spirit to wriie: for. the in• sdrfiction of coMint ! ifeneratiOiis,-.-ther., -is tint on.. dist iner and. &moor:Arlon ! if dnidin ~ nor ime precept of recoiling the master - ernanCimare hiS - slaves... 'Every aCknnwl., e•!ged sin , is 0p , 14 . 111111 11111 ill ‘ rintnensitrert •terms. • Drunkenness .adultery, ..theft' moral - wronts tyhicb evrr havr,,brdn knoivp to Italie! fathiAlOn by name, tpid-yet, nero'r. 'dine to Ice te . ardiir;2 4 nial . .nti , iiinisfn) efear r , r`df ell 5i11 , -0° sttin: nroll rr.Frtn4en .of exe,ent in. resp.ctfull lerins t ran, tip;c be accounted far 7. . . IV,lylind, uhnsa work on 'total Fel' rnrr le lilllolt id - 11)1:11v and rbildr,l nrh =l;n4yi , ;!.! 1 , ;01:, arl4tvi•r. from' rmiga '213: . • • : ' • . . .. • ~ ,1 11,, - anspe.l Atm, 0,:., , h!nefl 'not for; 0 /Ip. i-;-;;• 0 „ entree ; mi. , ' titne, 1111 t. for ell, roxec • nri.l for rift time.. ' Tr looked not in' 111'. Jihnlitlmi of ;-11 ' l'^• ,. . :f. , l' thlt .- li2 door; br , t for i.ts 0niv., ; .;. , nholiiion. .fler,e. , the itvpnr66t 4,lq , ri of it ,.. anther win. to !lain for .it a 16 , 1prriont .i n pv 'qv pi I{ rf t I) , kilOwn ti•nrl ,l ,.sn thtit I it 4 oeit'rr• C.tl , FtTo.i . o,Tifa . mehz..,;4ll' ri114.“ of . 5,1, i , fr ':if mitifit . goie!ly . atithri , •nyefollV rOodirs• rind. sohdoe rho' e'r TI ria...ioh, of tt.prf• ' To . thi ronnner,nlooo mold its Ohj ,, et,--rt oniverall rtierol reyoklrore' —lini'l. Ili.erl a 1 . 1" ~T rtli i511 , A.. Fn' if It hod for hirth•oo . Cer•evil, irilo,afl.ofFilliy-i'ioq 'the.o'rio•: eipie ; if it h:6l prhrhiirr;,l, the ori , n , ‘ - fo.lnP,q of: .'; - . 11. , ers- nod tziovht slay. , s • 'n'Tei.t. the o'prireQ... Is ; f 0 ; of !heir ma , tet , .•it wolitcl. in..ta raft ilavr;, nrrAyril - (he - two..:parti,q:l ll •,,i, ! . a my...h l) , t iii, v thri,l);!hMit the rii:iliz; , o 1.%!nr1,1; if.Lntir;Minr.i.:. io;ent would Wave 1) ~ e n .t lie siueal oraeryi le wn r• al:d'ihe very narne . tif the Christ inn -reTii;. , en wool , l lir" . e.Wee.i; fhT;;ottim ;midst:the tufi;ation ormiliviqs.ii I:,lootkik Or . • -.., • . •. - • , 1 We poise not itac. to comment upon ,a3l*- tnitt,ol faet.that•Jesti , i and his.Apooles , T ,.,rsnio 'a conr,o .that adepted by; healinlC,C.onists- i.rlntlimr the learn,- nt t•or hitns,dr, tnAnon wit .ther the - tenidlioq• of 'lholitioni;:in is rot a'sdikely to pro 'nee 'FtriledlYnl ~bloM4hell in tl ese days nt; !lo: fiat affe:'s of the'rhnteh• What tve nntY atiention to and protest against', is the imrinta. ti itphere cast upon Christ-and his A Postre 9 ',— 'Do von' believe, the Savione,s.litieht to- s i Jilt r•li ion into the enrili by enneeallna its real design, a nd.preservinz a prnfninl :silence in-re• rrl to one of the worst sins:4o6MP 'n destroy?, Do yrni belint, that when lo...healed 'the•r , ptit: ,rind's servant,. (whorl, eVery,bon'est rommenta, for ad , i)it• 'l6 nave been a - slave;) and. priironn' red that rneeions, upon , the tnaster,-- , 41 hay. not .seen ati!at fajth_in ynn htdhive•thrit'deStts silffered that trmn"rn live,on in Cir . ' . I)ocqtt=e .11...1!epr , Catwl the' consenoenre,s' of preaehimr,abolitienistn? When Paid, sin qt fin in .. - MarS' . .sntr':ozoded by ten thOuSamt time' as. many ,slavehriblers as.there, were, idols the, city, „do yon.. believe,he 'kept hark• any pert of I he r gnir moots of I he 4nsprl e . .nse he was afraid ofa tumuli among the pen p!o '.'We tivsn -abolitiOn „philosophers whither, as a: Matter of fart, idolatry nind.viee's cn tierted.withlt were not iv interwoven •tsith the snrial arid rivil.lifvtil• einpi• e than slavery was 1, ,Did. the A raptll , s abstain rroin ~pre,pehine against rin(know that by flen9nn einl-t his sin thilr" . .brilaglit. down' I,p c , whole power of the'rtlman ,e'mpire 'Nern revered thr hcfcliPs of. the Christian' raise tyrs . with-,pitch pttel ligllted'up'the'• city !with nett . burning hoilina . ,.jliseb.r;ratile . they %caul.) tint Wplihnltt or enmpronaise,the tenth in' rsgard the;'worship ,of- idol,. In -the light. or. that fierce persertitinn? n•prnfans trifling for . . . , . . . • . . . • . . 1 ,..-'.' .. .. ~i1F4 1 •• •'H •' . •'" ' - .•••?.'.•: — It. , - •! •.' Y. • .... . " .." , -, 11-2. / '..:.....-: ic: f i ,; te's '. 1( . '''. ,'.. ..,''').!---.:- 4 .:.'• ' ..'"'. ... 2 . • . : ... .• . „ iv , ..., .' -: i.t. , , .- 4 ..: ,' . , J 1 , . • • ..- .. .. . ~ . ... 2 • t - . . . 1 . 0 .A . i.ity .: 4o, .-f5p.L. • Dr: - Altavlatut o r tidy:other:Mon 10.. telitlint atis back their hone'at;opininna of :‘ltteery for.lenr of !:servile whit+ the ecry - narrie.Of the Phristiti.o religion liner - been fOrgettah." The paMe Of file-. Christian so Micily.'forgrittop CM• art portiiireg rif, .red'etoptino rfl jl Id "e being defeated by nn declitrntiomef' hi rniii,:every till - ere • and n,t • nirtirncs..... yn t his ;flabile.riphy-,inClYrict rim liis post is; moulding. t ha ra eter.'nf 0111 yonMe men and . . ri•Oraeit::; it .roMeg into "rot :selionhi.arfil:mioghA with thP'.v@ry'lihjblitml.o future genera tirM.. ent that and . lit. Apostles held 'hark the :truth, end Fur fermi Pinto go onrobliked for. fe'ai.' ; of • I 'rittl i t t of'Jnan'. Nod all f!fi.to al 114'; nod in freed o;c3roolf.',l, tho...rontrary,. pn.trrii.pt oral :dop_oin eldoefodding.it, in this t.:coovetintit,lni! the A potfles' . went roost forther ttraa.fo id‘t ff orn•pronehio . . .41;i.frtil red slnyeholdersl ( f.he ro , orr.tionin nt -tho: . riaisterg'art!-PrlzooWhohierl : a' s rol'ankheliit"e.l, partaker.i of theArtnetit," 11 hi' new 11 stamen is reretv , ol at 'a - faith. man waif:Oyer 're:Pieter! by. 'the nih.lolic chatcif! !mon' the groan,' that .he etvii . • . • ell vekt . •, • - • I imiiiker: as • a ..PeiF ! te'r, if' hp availed hirnc.lf.nf tlit; nothorrt coorerred iiy the Roman' hiw,tmenrii tiiry. or Monier, nr cruelly; was r. jof tett:for heto 'pro as he would: rejf,l;ted now for 5 41 1 1 1 %1 . r itn , s . from nos. Christian' church in our 'ern . if purer is'nitnmlt.or t,r;ideef her ehiltirrn. they were vienstired., - rot for having ,ettiltiren, brit for' not troniinv; : .-thorii proßerly. ' A-nd with the l'Ataecholiler: itwts iuit the oweing 'of ..Ittiees:i but in 0 .- cm:Muer in WhiCh lot' •fttlfil :cid the'dntiec Of Iris 0:kilo:I jiver - irmitle• him' n ' . .ttittlect Tor clittrchitli.ciplitre'.;•• The mei - C. far. 51tWelinlattr i 'no more ' him to 'rMiFere:ll an the, tn ,, te. t hat he a father .rind. ht!..l),:n I Lig tho .rer o7 hr . .11(;. feint ion . ftet all the precept s t-rte u tat in, •thri reCiprocal dating, .of . that - rettitiot are ." ..- • • Th rse 'priieept arc ...cat term!. all ; thrno l ...101 ) ; inFpir,4l • ThOre he'rott nap Comma m nr exliOrt [ion 'to er6aO'ripa le the- Fliive. ' The •A pestle- yr•sont,.orr6ii. 6,1114)9 would In; mo real ble . .tt gin Dot the.rnas..er ie exlint tell to br kintl (In ! ! eno‘jder nte; and the." slabs tn . he'nhed.ient. that 50 they prm•tiCiie thri'neity of that rltreli'. which tha'reia tin diltitirtioti 1 . 1,4 Woeii Greet; or •ImY;lott le or, fornalt, bonder free, Oh; irinin. leiter., of the anti-v.l' in titre land or. . 111111.1M' (01h-oat:Ml • follorceil••qtriat. into', in .teatt anatheoint'an'd a rfoly to bri os bott master and sieve to thi't.ttionttiti of breed ; it thin alzenrie9'nf the hro.”elt ot,, p si t thr t . only .Ffiffered l'o,wor1; Way miletlei:nitt the light Ti b et dery morning. jot° the - stroi•tor.'nf y . hot!) peen no , t South', hOW flitr"rinir y'vonltl hav . e heen the (uric. elijnved, , by. the poor broil,: Man's ;oinil. contesi; Sue beeti marl) nee t,eted• 'Thenthe , tl•niild have on rfee!l: in ha ye converted. our c1i,wi0.4.- into 'military • lin erartzet for collecting, fire•rirrna hi. ‘ carry on war upon distant frsintier.„ . necti-foir Sfrita'tooxer o t e fro , fonr. hi! penalty of the In'i'v'npon I,bn intatterfor'itri rio'opee'..than ftnnotfy -fa air Jp h titi l en ., • end borne, and toe f*:)• , ro, on inei 1 4' ,lioolders,. tide- O'er • 'fooch tf,orn not it-rfh, nQr oftheir „,d . r the wid o w nyd 'the, () y r . , decr?l,t in•l (hid will, bold. the real anthoil re•pn'mjbie' N•ti"nrr.)sirtl'err preteio for , hitn•lioliltry , frfue . .Statoc fur tho. pppi'-11)Tiint of the street'' •iteeti , itiary entitle. preventio n of servile war, '• ...'nt.lt'.oront Jo thow' will 1) , . the cond Boot of !h.:: :\ rlee in. 01' 1 ' w' ttr Go , lll' have. hr:00d,t,.., ) 11.-, l t x'n'e n relatldna man will , tit.'ain in :he limn= of Miltimitial;glorv.• il , :tinot • ImoW.i icorrlinlly •p%pbrivr'r.tho •rarr..,:f npil)rno,,nr 011 . rhnreh . ihnf s 1 peratipeir:iod..re'vtl...t , ./1;11Y.tI o e roo tinder boi tr•th , .levvi. i li, . i n , 'lf s . Arne think.' not a.:th i .,:nital tioictiev.of the en.lo-, ift , p , !r'a rjf and nere , R,l l e: urn= reCc ie Ilie.trinsi , ionjeorn.hr . at!), : i ? ko n Ch6o, rIl 01 Mit i f ' ery 0 • Prc;,‘itinne'e. : hv . •lolieir:tl.6. r' , 4l ion in thicanuy be. one and on.ry . a110;•1;1:1 , 1ist nti , Jll! t-t : i‘'re. re,Chri , . , faun' ihe,s in the Soo , h whiclia . iartitta ty cell a 11,,,1i0n cent tie; iree, Fad where 51ave= r•ii• ant! clot het(' autl t eitl,troll.an.. , Iwt.er',,n pnn for '‘')lir a I ion's I'an l'hO O , ajoilry hnTirp; peOple in tf,i. el.) A; of 'New. k.. 7 ( th e toi , v;oo: of nholiiioni. rn hair nfill; silvneft h , •i:r Iwrnty! vrars.Oast, Lnnilit;i• al' snrh. fum ; lj!'§ . t.O - 0, 1 11. b . - fi) fold tig elect. I i- • nt .t he' Nart otritd inv.., 1,1nel: in the wny of the. inn roeft:• fit 'fir. Thornw.d.) . of Sof:if!) Carolina and Dr. Palmer, of Nei,. Orleans — ,11 , 11 WhOst verlit ins 'and pied : . 1 . 4:(10/11 n:doto dny , sta!e or station sncetle from the 1..7 Mon. • They fmil that the' irtflioMee of the Chri.tian.rninistry is . h i ntleretl.atelitbeir . rower to tin gnarl to bnib master a'nd slave rrinpled by' eon,fant eel 'cation of ahinlitjnuj<m in our national and - tlie.ineecAantjurnmil that i aliiemholt . ling In, • nr: 1 , 1tiV6t1`..6E.4 of ,t y.ivp;..l3;v:V ornA.TRD misnEntl:sl:N'r.,rtcoz. , • •-• iiayio . 2'.•nn bitoill Him: iil.lSeriptpre; it' noes nr.t . rnrry•nti its iv!irfarc; Ily sc.rirqtir,!'ii..!nporu, Its: proi.n Mr.'s' .piTir:, i's ti . orer a ",1:pr;3,4); a 0,1 i ~' I , ..rittlia gr is,.(till.ol - Wrath. imil I it ter) - 1 ,, 5. Tot qv. piny? , 'tbi: by tftstiniepty . ,lroni its •n wn.iip4.,, . _ • . . . (Innto•Dr. Chtilin:n! , .. ne.l3?!tnn, Arbriqn' n n !Tip 501't0'1V01 . of ;tren ,, th . In din. nlinfli inn i.anc n i 11 . 0, tvito , e rn .mnryi.; th.tr eet,ti,litit: hrpn st. Ili 1 wnrk pith)i.h;trl in the ~ 3":.7.ir' 1830, r find the elrewiet! whrilf:. - : , '. . .' , . ~•• , iiThe'oliolitionists have done . 'wrong . , l'he nnr ;q ttwr—wr4r.2. tO. Ayinlcntr,,i k t riniisedone In , n'ic:dly . or with good Ji i te n ii o - n , ; ' for how mud) iniarhi,f 'ninv he, wronefir l vlil i good designslrhey have fallen into enrimion error of rut that or ..icarvii,t.'n!l' their. object, Of 'f7ling ria if no evil existed hnt thnt which they , oppciEed, a:410 'no guilt conhi'ht!, . ramps red with that-of conntenancing anti 'II!' lioltlino4„ ;Thu:trine :of .their nevespanire, Bo rg n 9 1 1111 Vli:FpPrl them ; hai ~Off en heen; fierce: . hitter and.iihilitive::;.*They:litivii seitf - forth' thaii': orators, same 0( tilerntranapiirted.iivith.lieri z , ml •tn' snit - ad : the alarm' aftairi%alasety through. 'the land, to gather !tient lier!Xotieg aneold,,pii.. pits from .octinola,. female.r.htirdly 'arrived ; at , alf yearn of. disOretinri: the 'ig . norant; the excita-. hie; the irnpetiirins, ntiodto - orgarn;e't s . into assort,; t lona •ler the hatter ego inot , oppression.. •Ver.v tiologipily.:ttey • pr;incheil. their doctrine In the eolored•p..iiph , . and collertryq!.thein. into ao , ..i . eties.. To'thiii.dniied andexeitable .rnalti; t tide,. reicilte, lien rt- rending' deoe"iipt ions . °Ulla ,ere w . eio giv'en - in • pifireltig.thmo.hf. . peadion; a lid slaViSlir ... ildkiti were' held up as ~:rnariatirra, of r.rnelty . unit "criine.. :The abolitionist indeed', prniv...r.l I'o eniiiiert alit vehnldersi, and for this end 'he approached ?kern with with vituportition end . '.. exhamtedon-tliem•.the vocabulary.of abuse. -:- mid he'reani-daS,ll6 sawed ~- -. ': • . ' . . -Smelt is the teotiti•oity of: br..Chnnning. gieen . ' In- the . ...year . 1$3(I.• • , What . ' wrintil 'he.. have finni t ht tinit said if. he hail lived until, the' year' 18 . 50, anil seen this little • adresm,. ristrr whoa. nfant i.iiiiii . tice lin'lnitientr . iii,,:sWelling into.. a . , orictil old 110i . iillsz the'lard? :AholitionisM: ie . ; n.i,oilve 111.4ti.'tv.ri;i06.11t,....nit!ii•iivesefi.t.i(ipnor,.. the legarprini•lplea.lovoive'rljn' the relation be;: tweet...masterand alavai., : They' reitertita:in - a '• thellband . exeitiag; , 9trtis. the nose/thin that , th#"' idea 'of Properti' . i d itin n ...biota out, hirmanhood •. . and riegrattei,...htmdn Ilis kvel n(a•bratai t nr • . stone. • i , Dome'stie slavery," opyrDr.i . .Nray; , Ipti!l:iii'r hia , ivot le on .Meral Seienee;,,enpposes. at hest thitt.'tlil,.relation between.. master and 'Slave .i= 14.1 , that..whlrhexicts between ttaari_and miin,,-.littria'a. mndifientinn• at Itittainr that ... whieh,o o i,it o lietiorien man and the :biuteo l ki..., DO not i Ite#e' ohalit Innis), pliilionpliers know that aernrilinl.tri.ttie laws of .eyri yr: cielized' cone, • try on eiirth„ri man has rtnisettylif'his...ehil. • itrrn. snide weipirn his' property in :her: bus.; -.. hand.? ..The'statuterof the States (ir New Ilew . • Tor k and-Or °vet y other 'Northi , rn State recog- . Adtte an& pretext tiii4,in:op-rty, ante. nor 'courts ~• rif iFiotice have repeatedly. .11O..iioeed its. value. : r Ir • a .men is. I; ilkilrei. it • railroad,' Isis wire .may lirin7. snit andrecnvey damageo.tor the pectin'. dry logo P)rpi'l lial. , "071.reil. : If one•inaa. entire .. away ihe (laughter of mi,ither and.. Marry her' •• 'While she it grill ontler'aze;.th' father may brivix ail-mai-Ten rur th;i,loss• of that child'a ner-,, viers, arid flip Tennis 6. , *i;dmptinantion is the. .• only -re f tress thielaw provides; , Thti.s the law. • of ChriAten , loti t nottihr statutes:4d' our own Slam rermin;4r prnrierty iii one,. In what, 401.1 . 1 : I fit. tlrnprriyeollsil!? ' Simply in Filch Itetvi4 vu's no, a. tuna nr a r.lilld,mdy prorn•rly...he re.- (wired to - render, '.This,' is till theLevitirel law, • ' ' nr any other la ti` ..moiins when it 'say, ~ r Otti, .. hoodmen'oliallhe your rin,Ooession or •prnp:erty; • .: and an inlieritanee foi Voir. ehilitrett:" . •. The omne'rtv e . onsi , ls.n . nt. in ttie'.. righ t to treat the slave Eke:a . brute, hut simply, in a. legal claim f. , r , iy.li.oervices.as a Mil in that position may . . ni,anetiv . lie reqmreil to render,' •And• vet Alit). '. ' lifinokt , , iii the fern of ' 'the iliviov law, .fter- . 1 . '.i,i.t •in &owl:icing:the vere 'rein I ioii • between ..... randier soul slsee,.ns.a . roodifPe r tion. at leaot, of . iVhieh e'vi,ito tietweirin.,rmin . and't he ,Airittes.o ~ - rhi‘.! , q;,,, ,,, ,,, - ..i5 not, Ihe IworAt . or the'. moot : pre'va lent dorrn wlirell !heir :allusive Fpitif• .!:19... stimeS . . Tf.eir.winrie nil arguing the question of :daveholiting.hy Fi pretended.appeal. to facts, in ' .. ~_ tic,,11,..nf. rokrepreentiftien trryto beginning' to • , .. .nit, Let me illitotrete rely meaOing :by.a 'per. ... . i Del: imse.. Siipriaso I tiarlerfa he, 'to prove the ... • . Virkedrieis of. marringoao it.'e x kr, i n the c i t y .., ~ is - , New' York. . la . trti; dieenoolonimippoiiii the till '..i. i•xditiled; 'or a t. leasr i Int toit.istiot ree- ',ir . .eiz, •d 'ie l lin eiaii exelitsive ...jstriadietion in ,the''.•;..., erNion of I heßiti , igtit;rl.l. My. first Sppanl is , tia. I , e ot'.itiito la w.or the State. - - •., . . how. !bore imitPttnoots , which "nullify - the . -• law of God and make dikotee a marketable and •• (silent! eomodii:y. , -.1 rPllect . the.ndyertinernents •• or. yottr.dtfilr paprt:q,)n,whicli lawyers:offer to prorurello , lea-,1: sepa'rntion of maim And :wild, , 4 . - ,,frft• a . - tienlate,l'Orice, to S.ny.'nething in ihis' Pn-. cred plat, of oilier • tftlyertiserrienis which' de cei.ey to - tb;d9 roe to quote : • Tholi.--rtiiitt to . - IVO rot ort , of-our eriminal courts; and find that ...• e'very. (Jar:seine . ern.? Int , hand hputs•his (idle, or - come tirmatoral pa rem i t murders hin'cliild, 'or nm n e tharnoted wife orho'.ha n d See'k s th e di sco .- !mien - , of the. ronrrir,ge . bond': • In the next oiler; Ilaro to th- rft . plian..64Syloms, nrftrhiaspi-' talc. nrol,f.how• there the Inerrthe 'Wrecks -of .. doinostie t y tanY..in .% . yiYes'dese'rred • and 'ebil- '• dr - .n.mn hoed by /1 onkee . parrittlir...ln't,he'laat • .p nee; I. , ft,' t )rooi,il, our streets pod inteonrth-..- ' ernen , .lrolge,n tol,,lnt or-the thrniSainis of r.. 2 . -, '.. t!ed./.1 thlreo who.' n1(1 . ienorAnee and filth'.' ' 'nl - (; trn , ning. _for ihr,p - 7 can and vAlowc... Su: -,,, m roi, all th , o, ,, e.nct I' iethpri par them forth;.. „,,,„.,:„,,§ of m0.,rri.12,. in the - citVrof . Nevi.. - v o .k: and a. prohi that thr , .relarinn'ilsalf in sin: Ibl ih I were 'll - . novel jot,' and had written a.,:: 4,,,,k to ithistra . tO thisname doctrine ; I would'- -- ,r'lli I hi, a rrity'of facts a , A , Key,"....1n this key .•• I s'ity nothi . ,, ii , ahont, the awe(' r choritiec nod nf. I.•ctioift , : that nourish in trim t_howaifth.. - lortie. no! .n .word shout the multitude, or lovine• kind-. • . ues , en-that characetize the doily lif , t'rf itoneAt. ' - • people; tibrint.thin-instrittion arni discipline that •-, nre:itaivito; children :at ten - thAsand . firesides . for, ti , eftilnesa here and 21ory hereafter; all thin I ignore and quote ortly.-the- ta tote hook, the new.waper, the record.. of criminal courtn - and r' ‘, the micetie 1 .- the . rthoden of pot , f;rty ; , Now, What' have I done? I.lhit:e not tioitittitnd or ex- ' . rt - ffern fed a-nil - 10e (n i t. Anti yet . am.l . not' a - : fakifferond slanderer of the tleefirst dye?, 1 . e.. - 0 - ere 'ri I;irtat - ntis woman or hone46'rrian in'thia -: . : c i tyr „„t p „ ,1,,, , ks ii•ott.l.l not 'nun 'with indig nation nt my fure:sid,d itml . ..ijorirms . state. : ,nent - .1 Now I hi, i* just 'what aboliiioni ern 'hall 'lt ne in recur) to Ida veholdinv. . It hag under- -.'..' tr ,,,,, .10 jllitqlate it!, enrdinel rfOctrine.s. in. -• .' work.= of Tic , um', Mid t'heif.to sustatn the rierl-.. -, , I ipn iir j ! i,•lanriy. has - nit ernided In' underpin it- . with no ,itceurnolatiaP nfl facts. - These .fact.i . ,- mire collected procisalk thoeWOY : 'l. - hor o , deYeri.. - , - • lied. - The 9 - ittifte booknOt •flayehidding Siates:'. a re.enrched.,;nrul.pv.:-ry ,ty.rinni.r'roctment 'col- .-• 1- , cted,'newspelier teport.s.of .ernelfY l and . rrime ' on the . part ofwicked 'ronntfitn: 'aro men'tir - ed it elns.Fifi,eil,:lll the . ,nutraxes that have'heen...- . • perpetrated - “hi. , .lewd,, fellnw's. of the tinier - - sOrr,'i of whom. there are rdentk, both -North,. and South, arei-engerly ieTked 'end recorded, :, tuitbis , mi.'s of vden - #4s - and ,fittli; collected • • . frMo.tlis ftgin:de Ilfld: sewe'rs„of sorThty,,in put • . forth'as n faithful: eiliii.)it;on.nt . slayehnOne: • . • . Senators in.rite forato,p'od.ministere iri . tlie pul 7 ' .ro pilitil this raw; w.material into:the r..nOre feT.' , '-' -- fined slander .. , that,Southern *sonl4 l V IL eiVin'• . (lolly harbarna, and that Flaveholding had its - : NO: 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers