M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, August 18, 1859, Image 1

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    M'KEA - N
VOL'. 2.
ftV . iieti!l toillitglDeiiioirdt•
. .
. • copNTy„.., PA
- - .41 50 in Advance
. ,
. Rates of Adv - ertism" g. , •
1 oOlunin one yeer - . . ...
2000........520 00
1 . • 1 , • sin menthe . • . ' . • - - 20 0 0
.. ii . gr " • - • - • ' • 'l2 00
ne egware of 12 lines'or less,.3 insertions,. ~..... ,"1 50
RI4Ch ' suboique,nt . in5erti0n,'..,..:.......... .. .....-.., . : .2.5
nuelness (lards, with paper...'....,. '. . „:-.. „.... 5 00,
• ' . - 11',Theie Terme will 1:o strictly adhered t0....401: .
- •
Su iveyor, 'Draftsman Cotiveyancer,—*and Real Estate
Agent... Smethport,:lll , lle an eounty,Ta, • .
Practical Mechanic, Millwright; •Dridge- builder, . Ate
Port Alloghenr,'M , Kean county, Pa. • - . „ -•
!,Eatate Agent;
. oiTice . .Villlaroeville Elk CO Peoria
• ' • - 4 -itEFERBNCES-
Chapin & Boyle,. Esq's
Hon. Thomas Struthers,. ' :.,
W, S. Brownell, Esq.,
lion.. A. 1. Wilcox,
. .
-• . • •. . '.. . CARVER . HOUSE .' '
.. . .
! roam 'a: Hew: Proprieto r : earner of {Voter and Uickory
Strneta, Warren, .Pa.'. general Btage (Mine. ~ .: • . '
B. F.. WRIGHT & co,
Wholesale and Iteiail 'Dealers in Family Groceries, Pork;
. Flour, Salt ,Peed,. Under S. Idason'e,
Store Ruin:East side of the Public Square, Smethport,
J. .C. BA6IOB & CO
. . .
General Denloin In Dry Goods; Groceries, Crockery
Deady-Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps
dte., , opposite.Gie Court House, Smetliport Pa. ..
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Provisions "end Family
.• Orocerlei, Dry. Goads, Boots, Shoes Hats, Caps Neils,
Yankeollotions, &a., ,Ace.. Store' one door welt of the
.Astor Ilotise.-, Terms, Oaah. •• ; • • •
fronting the" Public Square, OleAn,"'N. JAMES M.
• MILLER. 'Proprietor. The Fobes House is entirely new
• and built of brick, And is furnished in:modeiti style.
The proprietor flatters himself that his accommoda:
Mons are not surnamed by any hotel in Western New
Yolk. • Carriages run to and froinVie New Yerk" and
•Eriii Rail Road. . • • • - • -
ATTORNIST AT LAW; Smetliport, M'Kean Conoty. Pa.,
Agint for lifetiars. Keating h Co's Lands Attends
especially to the Collection :of Claims; Examination of
Land Titles;' Payment n Taxes, and all Inn:ldeas rela
ting to Real Estate. in Hamlin - Block. . . •
~ .
D' A. Wiwi?, Proprietor,—at 'Kirrcurt, - W a rren county.
' Pi, His:Table will be supplied' with the . best the
country afrords,'and be spare do pains in acCorpodotisg,
. . .
, . ,
A ttorney,aDd Couliseller nt Law, • Smitlinort,' l'if 'Kean
: Comfy, Pa: . Business entrusted AO his care for the
coontien of M'Kean; Potter and Ellilsi II .be.promptly
. attended to ' Ofticein the Court House,' second. floor.
and Surgeon, Smetlinort, Pa, will attend •to
all protensional callawith t prornntneas, • Moils' dirt,'
Block,'second floor.
. .
R: S. BUTLER • /4•
Wholenale and Rotel .Dealerir in, Staple and 'Fancy Dry
eoods,.Caipctin g , Ready Made Clothing, and 'General
• Furnishing Goods, liont.prand Sheen, Wall andlYindoir
Paper, Looking Glasses &c. At Olean; N. Y:
Onasthport,M , Keati D.:11. 1111ItNETT, Proprie
' toirOPP9site the Court Muse. : A nevi', rem
modloun and iroll.turnlabod hence. ' • • I : .
Attorney and Couumellnr at Law, Snietitnnet, lit , ltean Co
Pa. attend lo all husineee in hie.prnfesehin in the
countierroflll , Keen, Potter and Elk. Office liver , C. K.:
Sartwell & lirothera'• Stare. • • '
Dealer In tiry Goods, (}rotaries, Pork; Flour, Solt, Fish'
Beady-Mode Glotlitng ; rltootit and Shoes. • Store in .Ert,
ton , a old stand, Smathport Pa. Genernl Patent Medi.
• etas Ngents. , .
Corner Seecind , and Ciberty streets, Werra , '
' A. 11.tinua,' Proprietor,' Travelers will find good ae
' oninmeditiorie and reasonaldocliargoa. •
.. .
Dealer in Stoyea, Tin Ware,. ,Tapprined Ware, hc., went
, 4 „ , nide orthe , rNbile squmil, Bmethport, Pa: Cuetorn
.•. work done to ordeinn the aliorteit' notice, and in the
. ' moat aubatantiai manner. , -. :• ~ . . . . , . - -
Dealer' in Dry Goods,. Groceries, .osockery,, Hardware,
Boots, Shoes, lints.,.Caps, Glass, Nails, coilti,,&e.,
• Bait, side of. the t'ublio &insis t Smethport, Pa.
A., J. OTTO,
Deafer in Provisionsand Family Groceries gen erally,'at.
-.Farmers Valley, 'fil , Kean On., Pa. Grain'. Lumber,
Fhineles, tkc.,. taken in exchange for Goods. Patent
Illedieines for saler . -..: .-. '
• ..
. .
-' . • • • LAMBE:WEI . HOTEL,' . •
B. LARABIIIi.. Proprietor,—Allegheny Itilitge, • MiKean
• Cu ~11. a. This liouee,is situated about nine mileatrom
, 'filmothport 'on the road. to Olean end will be found. a
convenient Mopping-place- , .
' EMPORIUM. HOUSE, ... • •
IThippen, IMPICenn Co., • Pa. • LEGRAND COOK, Proprietor.
A commodious and' lielf-fornislied lumse..:Straugers
• and tiarelere Will find good accommodations. '.
' •i• - FARMERS' 'VALLEY HOTEL . : •
fly. T. • GOomi , iti. This house is situated abont 'fire mile"
- from ihnethport on the road to Olean'. Pleasure partie
and °lawn can be accommodated on the shortest Notice.
NATHAN DENNip, Proprietur• Titla house 1.4 situated hal
-way betweeo.Bmetliporialul Oleau.. It you want a gned
dinner Hilo la.thuplace le slop. • • •
Proprietor of the 'Grist Mill, et litecitattießborg, Me-
Kean. County Flour. Meal, antl,.Feed, eons lantli•
on band and for sale ;in large and small onanti t es.
• .
. . ,
0. Osra.tsnan, • Proprietor, Norwich,. Id'Noan Co.,
,Good acconiniodatlous can be had there . at all
- timer:. - ca: . . . .
. . . . .
• • •
ENOCH B. Bot.t.ai; Proprietor, at Porl 'Allegany; Alo-
Kean County, Pa.: Thin Betel isaitun,ted nt tho hine
tion of, the Smethpoit' and Allegany ItiVer foadn, nine
rni4ea ealit'Of Smethport. • '
• •
S~IETIIPOIt r; 11 PKE.A111 . .Co.; Pu. •
WM,' HASKELL : : :
• .The Prriprietor':hm:fng.recoptly •purchved 'arid thor,
ioughly refitted •the Astor House,- flatter, hinmelf that ho
can furnish nn good accommodations rovany hotel to IWO
ern • .
;. .
' . On BlonlebelleYi dewl.' plain'. • • ; : ,
••• • ' iktedny nr.b , e irdent'eplendoi gleams;
And thrigiog niindo 7 n niattlnlntraine ;
~ Blend irilh . the'gneh Of atteams. e.
. On Ga penonsiriumph
The 11111116 ae:ehim, in seera gone' by,
The Errpireviglitteiing afar
Drighteat in En' .
• • •
• ,
Thi field the' kime.:-.4nonle blight
, That peinte . t victory n
,'. And, beralding:tiiumphant fight,- '
,•• :Ann& lifontebellola name:'
• • Ridgwity;' Pa
WArren, .Pn
'Wenn Viet.a, Pa
The Last Scene in Washington's Life.
Irving's new life, of Washington, in five vol
umes has' juste been . cempleted. :In - : the fifth
Volume, after giving a sufficient narrative of
the Administration of Washington, his retire
ment frpin office, and his mode of life at Mount
Vernon,.Mr. Irving brings the'work to a close
with the' following description of the' final
yrinter had now . set in; with neeasionall y
Wind and . rain; and frost,' yet Washington still
kept: up hlsactiye rounds Of. indoor and; outdoor
avocation,: as his diary ',records. He
.was in
Tull . health and vigor dined 'out occasionally,
and had frequent guests at . Arount'Yerncni, and;
as usual, 'was pirtof everyday in the s'addle;
going the rounds of his estates,_ and, in his snit,.
iiariphraseology, ccliisiting the outposts." •
He had recently :walked with his favorite
nepliew'abotft .the grounds, showing the im-.
proVerrienti.he iatended . tOmake, and hid espe
'cially pointed out the spot %vhere he proposed
building a new family vault, 'the old one' being
darnagedhy the roots of trees which had:over . -
grown it and caused it to leak. change"
said he, Pi shall Make,: the *first - of all, for
May require it before•any of the. rest;"
"When I parteddfroth him;" added the neph
ew, ".he stood on the steps of the front : door,
*here he took leave of myS'elf and•another. It
was 'a
- bright frosty morning; he had taken his
usual ride, and the ear, healthy:fiush on hie
cheek, and tki'S sprightly • manner, 'brought- the
reirtarkfrom both of us fhat.we had never seen
the General look so well. • I have sometimes
thought him decidedly the . handsomest man 1 .
ever .saw and. when in a lively mood, skfull of
pleasantry, so ,agreeable to all, ,with wkom he
associated, that I could , hardly 'realize he..was
.the.sanie Washington,- whose' dignitY awed all
whO approached him." . • ; • •
. For some tiine paSt..Wastingtion had been oc
cupied in rn
digesting a copl'ete'system onwhiCh
his estate was to be managed for . several suc
ceeding years;` specifying the cultivation of the
several fauns, t'vith tables' designating the rota
tions of crops. It' occupied thirty folio pages,
and was.. executed •': with that clearness and
method which characterized all his business
papers, this was finished. on the tenth of De
cember, .and was accompanied by a letter of
that'date to ilia manager 'or stetaiard. It is a
valutibln document; showing, the soundness and
vigor of his intellect at this.advanced age of his
existence, and , the love of: Order that, reigned
t hroughout his 'affairs; . “Iviy greatest anxiety,"
said he on a previous occasion; 'cis to' have all
those concern's in such a 'Cleilika and distinct
form that no reproach may attach itself to me
When I have taken my departure for the land of
spirits." . • •
It was, evident, however, that, full ofhealth
and vigor, he looked forward to his long chat
idled hope, the enjOyment of a serene old 'age
in this home of his heart.
According to his diary, the.morning on which
these voluminous instructions to his steward
Were.dated was clear. and calm, but the after
noon Was lowering. The 'next day—=llth-he
notes there was wind' and rain, "and at night' a
circle round the 'Moon." •
The morning of the 12th was overcast• That
morning he wrote a letter to Hamilton, heart
ily. approvin g of a
: plan for'a military academy,
‘rhich the latter had submitted•to the Secieta- .
r) . or War. • . . • .
. .
Abbut 10.a'clock.he mounted his .horse and
rode, out as .usual to'rnalce the rounds of the es.:
tate. The ominous
. ring round . the moon, which'
'he had observed oirt he preceding night; prOved
13; fatal portent. “iybout,l o'clock," he notch
fit beganto'snovi, soon after to. hail, and then
turned to a settled cold Having on an
overcoat, he continued his rideivithout regard
lug the weal lier,.end did notreturn to his house.
until' after three'.:' : •
. His Secretary approached him with letters to
be !ranked, that *they .roiiht be taken to the
postoffiee in.:theeyening. Washigtonfrahiced
the letters,,S.at obs'erved thatithe.weatherwas.
.s.NwlrtiPoitrr;..ivi , :A:N - CouNyy,,rA ,;. THURSDAY,
Ticino"s tale rolls slowly.on. , -•
Serene lind.calin•tlio -, iocnal diy*
O'er vacs); inends
. 910 rioting inn •
',Sheds Lie benignant ray. •
With glietMing arras mid fleshing 'swords ' , .;
The inurdereus equipage of War,
The . re.Austria'n bOld, despotic
Are gathering from afar: •
... .
For Liberty, for native land,._ .- • ,• '
Per hortie,.foikindied, and for life,
Itsitia?ipatriete nobly stand - ' 7.
.... ..
iferemont amid the etrif.f. •:- . .
. .
A Ud.with.thqtik; eagle hoots 1 .
Against their common toe eciatesid—
Austria's haughty heasts,
'Fair Freedom .they defend:
. .
The (inset's made ) and forward daidi •
The surging manses to the fray,
With battle-smoke and eantinn's flack,
' . Changingihe lightof
too bad to annd,a 'aerVant.otit, with them.' Mi . .
Lear perceived that snow' was hanging froni his
hair, and expressed. his. fears, that he had got
wet; but he replied, his greatcoat had
kept . As Onier haitbeen waiting for
hinri;be sat down to the table without chaniing
hisdress “In the evening,' writes his secre- .
tary ""he appeared as well as usual.! ' ;
pn.the following mormegthesnow. was three.
inches deep and 'still-falling; which prevented
him from . taking his usual ride." 11e complain :.
ed of* sore. throat ; -and. had. evidently taken
coldthe day before. In the tiftermion the weath.;
er clearedup, end he went out on the ' -ground's
between the house, and the 'river to - mark.some .
trees. which..were to. be cut down. A ltharee
ness which had hung •nbont- him . ..through 'the
.ifay grew worse . . towaid s night,. but he made
He was.very cheerful in the evening, as he
satin the' pea:yr.with Mrs.
,Washington .and
Mr. Lear; amusing . himself With, the papers
Which had been brought from the postoffice. 7
When he met with anything intereiting or. en-
terlainipi, he 'would read it aloud as Well 'as
his . hoareettess would Permit,: . or. %listened
and . made occasional comments, while
Lear read the debates Mille Virginia • AiiSom-
On,retiring to bed, Mr. Lear suggested that
he should take soniething to relieve his cold:=•
"•No,:' replied ha "you know I never take any-.
thing.for a cold. Let it go as it earrie."
' In the night he get .to be• extremely ill with
,ague and 'difficulty of breathing:. Bet Ween two
and three o'clock in the morning he awoke. Mrs.
Washington, who would -liave risen to call a
servant, but he wimp not -pertnit her, test she
should take cold. • Atday-break; when the serz'
vant-wominontered to make a fire, she` was
'sent to•call Mr. Lear.• He found the- Gen;:
erdd breathing with diffieulty, 'and hardly.able
to utter a: word .intelligibly.. Washington' de;
sired:that Mr. Craik . , WhO lived in Alexandria
:should be sent for;- and in'the meantime Ravi.
lins,`orie of Ihe overseers, should be summoned
to bleed him beffire the doctor could arrive.
A.-gargle was prepared 'for his . .•throat, but-
. .
whenever he atteinpted to swallow any of it he
was convulsed and almost sulibeatcd, Rawlins
inade his appearance soon .after. sunrise, but
when the - General's arm was 'ready. for the op .
eration, became agitated. .ciDoit't be.atraid,"
said the General, • s yell as he could s peak.-
Rowlinsmade'ait \i ision. • d'ae ori fi ce ,is not
large enough," said VaShington.. The blood,
however, ran . pretty, 'freely, and Mrs. Washing
ton, uncertain whether the treatment was prop:
er,*and fearful that toOmuch- . blood; might be
taken, begged Mr. Lear , to, atop it. ~When he
rtsabout to untie the string the General put
his hand to prevent * him,* and "as Soon 'as 'he.
could speak murmured; it:More, more;" but
Mrs. IVashingtori's ; .doubts prevailed,. and the
bleeding was stopped, afterabout half a pint of
blood had been. taken. . External ~i ipplieations.
were'now made to the throat, and his feet were
bathed . in warm xcater, .but without affording
any relief. . .
• His old friend, Dr. Craik, nriived hetWeen
eight and nine, and two other' physicians, .Drs:
Dick and Brown, were called in. Various rem
edies.-were tried; and; additional. bleeding but
to no avail. • - • . •
• “About half paet four o'clock," writes:Mr:
Lear, “he desired me to call. Mrs: Washington
to is -bedside, when he requested her to go driven
into his room and-take from has desk iwo
which she would find there, and Whig then . ' to
hirif wbich she'did.,. , Upon looking at them;lie
,her one, which he ;abseil* was useless;
as being superceded by the -other, and' desired
het to burn it, which she .did, and took the other
and. put it in her closet '
.' : • • . ,
After this was done I'returned to his bedside
and.took his hand. He said to me, find lam
going,- my breath cannot last long. I believed
from the first that, the disorder would move fa
tal.: Do you' arrange all any military letters
and papers.
• -
Arrange triy accounts and spttle. my books,
as you knoiv more about 'them than any one
else; and let•Mr: Rawlins finish recording iny•
letters'which he has. begun. I told• this
Would be done. He then asked me if I 'could
recollect anything which was essential for hifyi,
to do as he'had every short time to continue
with us. I told him that I could recollect
nothing; burl:hoped. he. was not so near his
end. He'observed, smiling,, that he •certainly
was, and that it,was the debt whlch we all must
pay, he looked to the event with perfect resig.
In the course of the *afternoon' lie appea red to
I;ein:grerytpain.and .distresied from the dilli•
culty of breathing, arid freqUently Chunked his
'posture in . the bed.' -Mr. Lear. eirdea‘iored to
raise'him and turnhim*with.asmuch ease ;as
posSible. *del ani*afiaid ['fatigue you too much,"
the dpieral.wciuld-iny. Upon being assured to
th . e contrary', II debt we must pay to each .
other, and. I . tiope* when you , v/.rit aid of this . *
'kind you will find.ii." .
. His 'servant hristophee'hai been in the
room during :the 'day, and situ - post the whole .
time en* his 'feet.* .The General noticed it -in.,
the afternoon;
,and kindly "told 11 . i:in • 'to. .sit
. - •
. .
About live o'clOck his . old frierid,Dr. Cfaik,
came again . into the room,' and approadhed the
bedside. .opector," said the General eq. die
hard but ,L am . not affaid to - go. .I..beli:eveil
from my first attack that. I should not survive
it-- 7 .iny. breath Cannot-last long." , The.doctor
Pres'ired his 'hand in silenci r retjred from the .
bedside, and 'sat by the tire absorbdd in grkif.
Between five . and .six the other physician!,
came ,in; and : _he:was assisted to sit up his
bed.. - est feel rI ant going . ," said he; 4 1 think
you for yew. atientions, but I:play, you tcrtake
no more froubYe about me; 161 me go' off
ly; I cannot last He lay .'down again;
all retired ertcept . Dr. Craik.. .The General .
continued uneasy. and' restleas, .but - without
complaining,' frequently asking. what hour it
• Further remedies ,Were Weil without' avail
in 'the evening: He took Whatever . was offered
him, did as he-was deiired 1144 physicians,.
and never uttered a Sigh or coMplaMt.
"About den , O'clock," writes Mr. Lear,. "he
made several ittertiplsle speak to me before he
could .effect., • it. At length . tta id.il just
going; Have me decently buried,: and do not
et my bodY.be put into the' vault in : less than
three days after ;I tun dead.' I .bowed. essetit,
for I could not 'speak. He thin looked • at'-ma
again and said, 'Do. you' understand rite?"
'Tis h 6. - •• • ;-••• : •
terrminutes before lie expired (which .
was between ten and eleven o'clock' on.the night
:of December I'sth, 1785,) his breathing became
easier. .He'lay quietly; he withdrew his hand
from mine and, felt-.his own pulse. I . .faw his
countenance changn: 1 spoke - to Dr.. Craik,
'Who sat by the fire:: Re came' to the bedside.
The general's . hand fell . from his wrist. I jook
it is mine and
,pressed'it to my bosom. Dr.
Craik put his hand over hs
.eyes,,andthen he
expired without a struggle ore sigh. ' •
riWiiilewe were fixed re silent grief, Mrs:
Washington who was seated ,at the foot of the
bed,. asked With'a firth and collected ,voice, ''ls
he gons?'' Icould : not speakihtit held up my
hand as a signal:that:he was no' niece: .Tis
well,' said she,. in the same voice. is'
over; I shall scion fellow. him; I s have no more
trials to, pass through:" , st",-
A Yonsu,./WA'N Ati . :k:t,l3lll-leigh the New
York • eorrespon4ent.pf Boston Jimrfiar, re
lates the following anecdote as illustrating the
case with.wlich wicking man maybe saved ae
well as ruined. • • '. • .
cone of the - leading brokers. of New York had
a young man in his employ. The vast amount
of money. in' his, hands was tigreat temptation
to him. Small sums weremisiedday after day,
one quar\er, then' fifty cents, then ono : dollat,
then two.dollars - were missed. He wps charg-,
cd.With the peculation. The broker,.showed
him he could detect the abstraction of thesmall
est sum from his money; the ydung manstard
.rnered and confessed.:
. e , Well;" said. the bro
ker, 411 shall not discharge; Ishalt not dishonor
yoir I intend to make a titian of . you. You Nvill
be a .iagabond if 'you go' along in this way.—
NOw, let me see no more
.of. this."
He wept:to his Work. He did not - disappoint
the man's , confidence. He did honor to his em-
Ployer.. And. the other'day he was inducted
into. Oneef our banks an honorable position,
and his employer became bondsman 'to the
amount of 510,000. Had he condticted himself
as some would have done---sent the boy away)
and proclaimed hie' dishonor—perhaps he would
'have ended his 'days is the 'State Prison, and
been sent to his .tomb,in the'garb
. of as'convict;
But' one young man' was rescued from rnin, who
had been placed amid the temptations.of money
and for a moment .was overcome.
• A Western correspondent says, there is one
featUrcwhiCh. is apparent all over the Westt
while the towns and cities have diminished in
business and population, the country
creaSed in.both.. Men who could.nnt live . in.
town belie gone out ypOn the prairies, put their
hands to the :Pio*, and deterinhied that it is
better to raise wheat at fifty cents pqr buShel
than it is to trade on credit with
.no securitie's
. .
There is a.village in.Stuben county, N. Y.,
which beers thenanne.olitPainted The
origin of . the name. is told as follows: •It • takes
derivation from:a wooden monument in the .
form.of a . large hewn squareepoit, painted redi
with'images in black, which was erected by a
bind. of victorioaa.lmlia'ns,.at that point, some
'time in the" SeVenteenth Centnry, in corinnern
oration'ef tubloody battle in which somesivtyr
or seventy of an'oppesitig tribe were slain' and'
A Goon o:YE.—Said u*gentlemanof ambition
.to one whom he supposed to be,well acanainleid
with:the conditions and prospects of the numer
ous towns in the State':' ' ' .
"I wish to settle in 'some hicality veliere I
can be.useful : anir do good; do you. knew or any .
place:Where one can . practice , preach,.
and use Iris means 'to profit in allaying notes?!'
Reflecting a. short time, the other
Rfthere is but one place, that I now'remernber.".
irWhere'ithett" asked the interested loth• '
! and it is already filled with just such
Ipterrogator bciwedrinif retired
_tarn Srocir'TneresronTATto;,.=Thee freight
and charges from Kentucky or Central Illinois
amount at present to about.sl2 per head; wheth;
er the Stock corhes by Albany, or direct to Yew
York by the Erie or other roads.'
. .
•-. .... -
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.1,.1 1 . ' . ..; ; ... ''.::: :/ '': ::.i: . 'n
... ...
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. ..,..,...„,
.. • •
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. .
. •
Artemas Ward the Showman, Delivers
a retell 9f .. 7111 Y Oration.
The Clovehtnii , Ik4indealer • has the &Hew-
, send lieerwith a 'synopsis of elhtt
skedyule of my orashun on the 4th of
. hly st
Wethersileld. -correct "ans.&
punktooate it ..in stile..:[ spoke' two
hours & was 96 minutes paella a; 'iris
There was between 200 persons presont p erho,
'with open mouths end clased eyes, tistesed to
me with trick attensliun:' A. W.]
. Fetter Cittersting-4 her bin onered with a
invite, to orate be4'yau on Ai. vats and
lorions clay. The feelings Which I tool oti this
occasion ; is more easier imigined tha,ti describ
ed. Wethersfield, is justly distinguished for
her onyune and paterism the World over, sod
to be requested to' paws and . address yow OD
thie, fuet perfesherna l 'to wer to Now
rayther takes me down end tills morsels
with various kinds of emoshuns. I enm Wisely
koti With no hily Manuredlintelleek. Too wont,
git no floury langwidge:cint Imo a Plage
man—a .exhibier of• startlin eutiosityi, lliin
wild Beests,& filch like, & whet 'I shallll4 will
be-rite etrate, out and to the pint. ,
ime no pollytishuro have no enemys.to•
ward or friends to spangel. • Ime a:11E110ft Man;
I luti this Union . from the Bottum.of my Hart.
Iluv.every hoop pole le ' Maine, . and every
. ,
sheep ranch in' .Texas.'. .The . cow' pastures.of
New . Hampsire is as dear to A. Ward as. the
rice piantashuns• of MisSiiiippy. :There II
mean critters in both: of them - 'air .fititeeand
there is likiwise good men and-troo. It don't.
look.eery pretty fur a lot•of ingsmin : qtary, in
dividuals.who wet . liftid theft hand, in de
fenc'e of Ariteriky , of did the fust thing
wards kekewerin our independence to tit their
backs up, and aware disiolve • the
Tiro much good , Mud was
,spilt . in maiden
and marryin that hily respectable 'female, the
Goddess of Liberty . ro git a divorce from'her at
this late day. . The old gal has behatied herself
.two. well . ' to cast- her off-nowat the request ofe
'parsed of •addlelbraned. men and he vvimin; who
never did nobody no gOiNI and 'never will sigin.
Ime sorry , the:. pictures of the ,
Goddess never
give her no shoes or' sleeking, but the band of
stars around her bed must .continner to' shine
'niter and briter. so long. cis the ..Eith recioliee
en.her own axle tree. Ime for. the Union now
and forever, and may the hand of the fast vnery.
cuss wither who attempts to bust her up. [The
wether was all-fired hot; & Man at dile pint
of the orailmn fell down• with a sun stroke*. I
told the aujience that considerin the large num_
b9r-of Powerful liansum gals,-present, I was
more afraid of a ti,twiren.sicioxe.. This make
was impromproo and 'amazed the very.
haint 'time:to ncrtis the
growth of. Aorterilcy . cram . the 'time when the
Mayllowirs cum over in the Pilgrim and bread
Plymmuth,..ilack with' cheat, '
,but . .every 'kora
bcc...y 'nose - our karecx has bin . ...trernenjis.
excuse me . if I don't prase the Orly settler.
of the IColonies: 'Peple'Whieh hung idiotic old
%violin • fur:witches,- burnt 'holes ica; Quakers'
toques anclconsined their teller-Critters to the
tredmill and pillory on the 'sliteat roverltaimil
may have been very lice folks its their Way,
but.l must A.Onfess admire their stile,.
and I will drop them all. I spdoe they rook
well, and so, in:the novel andlechin lengwidge
of the nusepapers, ctpeas to Weir ashes." 4 Thare
was no disicount, however, on them isiave men
whpfir, bled and 'died.. in the American to,-
We needn't . be 'n fraid sitting
. 'em up too
steep. Like m3r.Show, they .rildetond a beep
of prise. Washington was abowt the beet
man this world` ever sot eyes, on, and • I hops
,them_ noble ladies (may their shaddera never.
grow. less!) who are tryin to pirchaie his old .
,humsted will hurry up their cakes, as if.thi*
don't, it is hily proberhle the , present owner
will dig up . his grate namesake's .bones, Pot
them in a glass cage, and go in• partnership .
with sum enterpri.in shoWman, l.tbink the
shivalrOUs man is adequate for anything . in the
money-rnakin.line..• . • • •
To resoom—G, Washington was a clear-14d
warin.hearted, brave and stiddy=goin man.
He never sr.orr crvcn. I The praallin vreakaeas
of most publick.menia to SLOP OVER?: (Put•
them .words in .large letters.--A. W.) They
git titled up &. slop. - They Rush Thingi. They
•travel two: much on high' presheir
They git onio the lust popular hoby hoes whiCh.
trots along, not carin a sent whether the beast
is even gain, clear. sighted and sound ; rir irrav-
Mod, blind and
.bawky 7 `Of 'Course they git
throwdd eventoolly; if not sooner. When their .
see the: mulltitaoa goin it blind, they go
Mel with it instill'nf exertin theirselvesto set
They, c . arit see That the, : crowd.whieft is 'no*
healing them' :triumphantly: On his •siwaiders
will soon' dialtive'r its error and cast thiai into .
the, hogs pond of (rail vyuna • without Abe sllitest
hesitashun . .. Washington never Slopt
That wa s n't George's stile.' Re luWeitbia eoun
try, dearly.• • lie wasn't after * the '..He
was a hum , in angil in 'n'3` korneret.' bat . ;and
.knee britches. and we . shan"f;see his Tike tight
away.. My. fregs, .We' 'can't all :be Washing =
tons; but we kin i all patriots & behave; our , ,
.telves in a hui / rvin. 'and ma'enei:-
When We leek : brother Going down bill toßnini
let as•not give him a pushi but let, us seeie
hold of his colt-tall ind'drag him baek to Moo
elity. • . ".
Be share and' Vote, 'et le a st once'at
shin; Buckle on
,yer: Ariner and. go Ati the
Roles. Bee toy t . thatler naher.issthere. Bee.
that the kripples are provided 'with carriages.
Go to tir Poles and stay all lay. . Sew* of
the infamy. lice Which' the „Opposishan will'
be earths to lit up fur perlitereel effeek on, the ,
we' of elins*en 1 To the Pelts lie the poles l
and when you git there.'vote jest as you dent
please This fa a priVilege mit • all ,P,r!"="l
and it is tot the boOties of this grate and • free
I ene'mutch to admire in New Engtan.' Tout
gals in partickler are abowt ee entigbilt peace'
of Clinker as ever I eaw . They are fully equal'
„ .
to the earn fed gala of Ohio and
.Injiany, and
Will make the besteet kind'of. wives. It eels
my Buaturn On - fire tolotirk at 'em. . - •
Op Foy be NOW
,• ,
& YoU liar% etep,outtin up!' '
Which .Qecktimlines is eithei from the pen of'
Gitprher'Morriill of Maine or Dbctur Watts, C ilis
remembei •- - •
I like yourekool houses, yam' Meetin liciubeif f
your onterprise, gtiropshun, etc., but your : fat ,
vorit irevrilfge Ydi sPise'., I allmle to !slew Eng- ,
lan Rum, it-is - wus nor the korn whisky of In.
ilanny, which eats threw stun jugs, and wiif
turn .the stutirmanck of the most shiftlis Hog. r
seldom, seek coneolaslnof in the flOwlrt
bid Other day r.wiirrid down some of your
Rum. The lust glad* indused anO to aware WM
an infooriated trooper On takin the .seckund
gloat; I was seozed with a desire to brake win
ders, and alter imbibin the third glass, I knockt
a email boy down, piclced his pocket of a Naw
York Ledger, and wildly kurninenced - reedits
Sylvanus Kobb'S last Ti!.:dl verily do blOeve
that if Pd histed another glass, I-shood hay bin'
desprit entart o attack theyount Vermin Pa
. Its drelFul stuff—a: sort of liekvrid - litenin gut.
up under the pursonal supervision o(th . e. devil'
—tares men's ionardrall to pieces,' and makes'
their noises'. blossom es the Eohater., Shun
as you wood a wild hyeny •fire brand
tide to his tale, - Bi . while you are abowt 'it yea
'will do a .fusttate thing fur yourself and every'.;
body abowt shuanin all kindsofintotri...
eatin tickers. You don't need 'ern nOrnore'rif
cat needs / Wes, sayin nothin abowt the trub•
ble:and sufferin eawse.. Out unlesii.your
innards are, cast hen avoid:Newnglan's la.
'rite beyrige. :
.• • -."-
My trends, Ime thin. 'I tare . . myself away.
from you' with tears in my eye!! & a. pleasant
odor of
.onyons - akowt my nose. In the lang
widge.of Mr. eatterline to the Romans, I go t .
but perhaps I shall come back agin. ' Adoo,pe
ple of WethersAeld. Be virtoos & lie
h9ppY: • • ' .: ' •
How TO 1 7 .69 A.COTINTEItria NoTn.-.-44.say,
Tom, here's a pretty good counterfeit tliree. If
you - will pass it I'll. divide." . . • .
e.Let'e eel, thelilaster," siiid,Tom, and sitter
examining it carefully, put it in his vest pocket,
remarking: . ,
ttit's an.equal a &oiler
•ifew," said:Sem . •
right," slid. Tonr, and off he went.' . •
A few moments 'afterwards- he quietlY' step
ped into . the attire .of his friend Ben, grit! pur.:
chased a can of oysters one dollarand-ir
half, laying tta b wir • the thre e . dollar note for
.The clerk looked at the; note rather doubting;
when his suspicions'were immediately !elm
ed by. Tom, Who told him - “there nO tise
looking, for he had filet received that.note from
Ben himself not ten minutes since.'°.,
, . , .
Of course the clerk witiv.this assurance,im
medirtelY forked over the dolfar and=r-hilt it
chinge t "end with thii depot* and the ran of
oysters Tom left.. .
Short!) , after Wards he ore;.'pen, w•ho asked
him ""if be had reseed the note?" •.. •
said Tom,.filhere'e your share,"
at the same tirse"paering ore: the dollar ands
That evening, when Ben made up hie cue*
account, he was min:hied to find the same. old
counterfeit three dollar "note. the drawer.,--
Turning to him isloeum tenens," heaskarir
“Where did you get this Cursed note?. Didn't
you know it .was a•-counterfeitt".••
~ '•.; •
• • .
"Why," said the clerk,r , ?Torri gave . it
and] suspected it was fishy,,buthe said be hair
'jest received it from you, anil.l-tookit:".": •
; • •
• The whole thing had penetratedAlle wool •ot.
Ben... With , afteeuliar grin, he nutitteied;!raUld,"
and charged the can of -'oysteralo profit and—
, .
—Mr.• Marsh, an
.able, chemist.. found that ire*.
long under water, whaii.redueed to posydor,:ip-•
variably bacomes.redlinr,:end , igoites . sinytbiflg
it tortibes. ..A general kluirtiallgeAf tills is frm' .
portant, and
.it accoun ts for .
.many - spoillalleaus
.fires,.. ''A :piece Of . rusty old iron,.; brought.. into'''
contact, with a cotton bete • : •in -venrehouse,or .
'on shipboard, may °erosion rinuoir. tots 'or.tifir
and property.' . •
Fanny Fern aYe she, aa be,(T a, narrow el" .
cape froth being 'a 'nniiiister,',.:Aviftv,',enit.telis,
how she Srould•have actedin
An exchange, in- ;ohs went ing, upeil
ter says that if she had•apirrovyar
the minister then it eras fearfulia•satitaallates
indeed,- ,'• , . ' ". •
NO. 22.