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' ''' . .. - soma"mtionno Vii _ ' One of the best Mal ever *Or bere-4 man of sisty.flve yeses, who loied Lis beano aid family dearly, and hid no reason for • eccentricity—slipped away ont:afterecion, sent to &et= and then to ,:Hrashington, And far two years drove a car there, muds. ing away because he thOught his wife would manage his affairs better witlitnat!him. 11/if - never intended to retain, but" *Ow* joy chance, arrested as a lunatic,-andltiveri" his choice to be confined in as image or.-: , tn do his duty as a man. He came! back, auk jitter two happy years at home,.dieCfn ' his wife's arms. In another mac hat liemais. be; & gentleman was sappoitediohave eon• i ratted suicide by jumping from steam. boat. His wife made no has, hut:hes the matter quiet,. because she skateinerver gave 'tithe idea that his suicide wrieri elan% and •for three year she hunted • Mist;' down, and Qnapy restored lain to idi hums and his business. A third case tde which Ihad aunt knowledge inui that of a - dry goods lierchant absent fo tyranty years, and who returned we made' Ilmse.l known to the wife, who been - melded in the meantime, sought oat his son and pre him $lO,OOO, and then his . way as he tad come. He said lie ha left home be. cause he wanted , to ; b$ not married or cared for another' home, - : and liked the life - of a wanderer mach better than any 7 tic ties. These instances .go to show tted - the cases of alleged , mysterious disagpear. awes my Sometimes be accounted for with. • out ark-qty of: presupposing robbery and madder.-- .. n&nre Philadelphia Rm& . c-: PILE& Piles are frequently itiecedad by a sense of weight in the loimeruid lower part of the abitraiiri, causing the patient to sup . Aiose he has lime affection -of the kidneys ;‘ or neighboring organs: !a -gout: . • eAt times, symp tom of indigestion are mend / as flidanincy, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like perspiration, producing a very disa greeable itching, particularly at night after getting warm in -bed, is a very common at tendant. Internal,. External and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which actu'directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tu mors, allaying the intense itching, •and ef fecting a permanent cure where 'all other remedies have failed. -Do not delay until the drain on the s3,i&;''4l produces perma nent disability, but:4 zn lt r ,and be cured. Price, 50 cents. dieggist for it, _and when you can no,robtahe ite4hiM, we send it, prepiid. 4 on receipt l ; of price. Address The Dr. Bosanko Me lvin Co., - Vigils, Ohio. Sold by C. B. Porter, Ward - lions° Drug Store. july27ly. PUTTING DOWN AN ACTOR. One cause of the present' feeling..against English actors (there certainly is some f ing, though not as much as the surface bub• hies seem to . indicate), isfound in the lofty 'Lai* which' many of them assume, says a correspondent of the Ilartford Times. This is characteristic of -nearly 'all Englishmen, hawever, and4hongh rather annoying, it is hardly worth reseatingJ The fuss now go- ing on recalls some lively proceedings in the Bowery 'rheatte — from a somewhat, similar cause a good many year ago—even before ites*Tor t.2dactidy riot. An English actor hid e hims obnoxious to the patrio tie BOwery boys y casting slurs ' upon their cayan . HA name, I think, was HamiliOn. The ys decade. ; to give him a lesson. l . gathered in- ferce in pit tvid Taller) one night, and waited for the obnaious ac tor to appear. When he did appear they greetedhim with a roar,' against which his videti!had no more-effect than the croak of a frog the thunder of Niagara. He at tempted to go on with his part, ,but agai n and again the Bowery boys roared lim Ceivil. They were determined', that:'he stwinld not play. He finally retired and , the manager came forwiird to ask what-the row ores bout. A hUndred voices yelled that thetnglishmen had insulted the country find. must leave. The manager said he . would run the theatre ' his own way, and the play must go ,on. When the Englishman again appeared he was saluted with another whirlwind of angry roars, and some missiles were thrown at him from the pit. He at- tempted, to hold hie ground, but the audience was resolved that he should not. The map ager came out again, but he, too, was hooted at in an angry way. The struggle went on a couple ol !mare, and seemed likely to go on all night, unless the demand for the ex pul.vion of the Eaglishnian was complied with. .The mana3er finally ordered the cur tain dropped and announced that there would be- no performance. Th - - t. 3 rftrz or cosr. BYzealling at C. B. Porter'S Ward House drtigistore, you can get a samplo bottle of Dr. Boianko's Cough aid • Luiig Syrup which will relieve the most obstinate Cough or. Cold, and show you what the regular 50 cent size will d. When 'troubled with Asthma, Bronc Dry., Hacking Cough, Pains in the Chest, and an diseases of the Throat and Lungs, try a Sample bottle of this nuillicine. july27ly. LUXURIOUS E;,JUTHRH*AdEtt.- Bat in the oppesite rich Louisiana low lands were those opment. Plantations front. ing on the river 'std the lakes of its old beds, which whtln thy. Lye( were bra= or cut would be suiner,zed, except on certain wide ridges of the le;Ts.• Providence banks, upon which ran the only rcad that was practic a)Dle. Ears Snit here houses and gardens frere slue. d, and a sr.ccession of such lovely residences as rendered it one of the garden spots in America. These rich estates had long ben the iniinea of a cultivated people, or ever since the French colonization of Louisiana at the beginning of . the last cen tury. "The houses were as 1 41 - andsome as Southern ones rid be made, t Wit in villa style, uith wide 'porticoes ' and large -halts running through hhem. Win. bows glazed to the floor , and' opening on shady porches, overlookl gardens in which were roses such as rivalled those of Ck.shmere. The oreen :wit of hot-houses 'glinted in the sunshine. Nurers lined the spaces on the walls not occupied with rare paintings, a4&great chandeliers swung from their pendants in the lofty. ceilings." Bre nham; and velvets covered the soft cushion. ea binges and graceful faitteuiWand satin and lace curtains flowed round the tall win dow'', , These were the laxtukists homes of the wealthy planters, whose sons and daughters bad inherited the taste, and . i . eultursof France.. Every meamfituf dogma t leisure, amusement, luxury, lad convesinse4 were assembled =du theiracids. Salts for the studious, horses and equipage for the gay, rowboats for the lake., Forests at the back of the plantations were tall of gime ; bell= lime filled with rare wMes, and the, owners we `wined far aid wide for *pawn e, hula , iobpitality. Family treS* had rami. • liesdonb that extended over half of Louis;, aua Qua • DEADLtp THAN THE TOT PlBol.* It begins to look as if a perea is hardly safe in sitting down to dinner. unless provid es' with a life insuranoe polky. So many ',people have died within the past few weeks from the etfeotrof eatingianalum, canned , veffeteamk ham, and dried fruits, and the usually inoffensive turkey 'boa clam proved such a deadly weapon in the hands of the InekiLfol that life is made almoit' miserable hy the thought that eating, though extremely ;dangetcue - is the one netomptity.of existence. Even a papal is not exempt from the dam gent* beset themost selfish epicure, as the Sad einnuostarat attending a chant dinner In Gennentown a ftvwdays ago clearly demos. Skates. In Washhigton County the -wiry ;chicken bone caughn mumspecting mania lhe throat and ran iris through, and it is but rescuable to alma that otberAkkenbonee ; me lying in wait far vicebne. In deli the chicken bone May become as.- deadly to the amateur as the toy pistols, the Summer re. sort sail bmt-- Phitade/phki lirmerr ESE ' , '.i' ",;.., ' ~, ' -,:.,-; -.,Y.:•' - '..-. , -., ; , .., 't-I,' 41? T il- 1 _ ~.. .„, ^i' ---4 b i-- i f !li BENSON'S orratED, And that , WiEr Alma reputation in jured by worilles3inaitatiorm Tim Publio aroAlnutibuoll itgilust buy- i Pla: tors hav,*,:gbirnilfresirand ir.gi nrquei. Sea that the word C I N-12 i 3 co:Toady spelled. 3ensen s Capctne Porous-=Plasters A.:1,2 tit° ciAstv impraveinent ever 'made iii F*sters. Ono ia - watth =ore then a dozen of nay eta: kind. , Will positively cure where other remedies wig not even relieve. • I Prdeo 25 mute. Beware of cheap Plasters made with le:diatm . o_ • ' _ • sEASI.IStY & JOHNSON, vActuient. Now Taft - I - St Piice nag. MEAD'S M-.2:c.te. d CORM aid BUNION PLASTER ti g Ey.; : - .. 4-- 1 - !•, - , - • • •• - - w-o - ; .'•,, e.. 4 ....... . ... -,. ~ - • "ciiil CRE.4,:. --.1i.-.... `,..i. 1 ,5. 924 C . , it E ' '-, • • ,I.:1 - ^ ',.:- . - - ..r . =• '1"-' , . 1- a.l -_ - • --- -_,‘ -, , • ~, ~.5 .:3 , 4 c-, ,. ..-.---, --- • . .. :' .. 1 ° 5 . r: - $ , ; : • f :',. - -„'- •‘ . _. . .1...-..;:iLrilr,4 • • ..! • • • - - • ......!-.• 1,:.14.i. - 11 , e.ti81•ECTA• ;,1 - - • • ~: ;. -,•,• -.-. x 4.,...):.dliti , ..tAtkii. •. . ' ':. ;' - -•'.; !•'..;..: RETURNS. . 4 'A • •""'" '.• i . '-. a.• TINSTIT i' 1: • 1.. ,-. Tzti .rux.ll3 ~.. . , . : , ~ • , . ::•1...1.1Jptkik.19 CUT T r . U AGENTS - da - 1 S4Ol PER MAKE Mr WEEK. We havesteivelinla leading Cities, flota whitireur Watts obtain their 11c5 quickly. Oar Factories star7Priqcipta therm are at Eric, Pa. boa - for our New Vatalosse aucl terms to wants Mtdress M. N. LOVE. suiWuvaaNTON":ll." 110 RS" - , f i end 2.5 eta. stamp AKE Or currency for thous. new =mow of uit Treatise on the Horse and his Menses." It gives the beat treatment for all diseases, has riti GO One engravings showing B 0 OK g:VertetTruly "g. taught in any other tia , a table. showing doses of all the principal me nes used for thy bone as well as their effects and antidotes When a 25 tr i., Poison. a lame collection 431 cm Tammuz azonns. rtdas for telling the age of a horse: !clef an unitriximi showing teeth of each year and &large mtibun of other valuable horse information. Hutdreds of horsemen have pronounced it worth mote than books costing $5 and 1110. The iket that 200,000 sold in about one year before it was ro. visedahowl how popular the book is. The re vised edition is anon woad itawszsman Gl= ros • entortem. AtiENTS - WANTED. Dr. J. B. Kendall Et Co.. gnosb'urg_hTalls, Vermont. liar 11-Iyr. ‘ , 404. 3 4K.Vea.50t. YDIA E. P NKHANP 41/3 :4 Or+l , ) P A awe Caro for all FEMALE WEAK. NESSE% hugodhei v prneeenisara , Zr. regular wad Paled Ilhamantatloas lelastiaatioa gad Memnon of eirma k is . the on% Illeollair; PRO. - • VS ITTEBX . A:e. INMAN ettleadou and Immediate to Its e ff ect, It help in Vaglaner , and r° ' Itavespain dozing Ispoz sad at Molar periods. mamma MOT MO =WU start. , IsrForli ALTrinaiXISCIi of the generative organ, of either ear, ft te second to no remedy that has ever been before the pabile I and for all 'diseases of the grouts it ta the Greatestßemedy In the World. VP - KIDNEY - KIDNEY of Mier Sex plad mesa Relief In its VI& LYDIA E. PINEJIA,RI BLOOD MIITTILID erwileate tlge of Mune. re trom the o ffie at amp =Tape will - give tone and strength t the m. . gasnervellcats In results is the ContpotuuL tlrDoeli the Compound sad Blood alller are pre• pared at Z 3 sad 233 Wester* Aveerria. 14 121 4 lffieL Pelee of debar, $2. lex bottles for IL Ito Compound D mai by mall babe form of OD, or -a br...marey oa aseelpt of prim, 11 per has for eters Dre: Blab= freely ararwera a/I hakes of Lopetry. amble Same tramp. Bead for peorphlat. Bietka Zfi Dryer. • trLitotA Pairiurs Insulting awl Couslipfr tion. Bilkommos mad learpktlty at So Ltfer. coats air Boll by all DrisitballeBl NEW MUNE!, LANE '& DECKER, PROPIIETORS OP 2 • Livery and Boarding Stable, e. • • Washington Street, below Main. , The best rigs to be *mad in any stable in the punts', rammed at reasonable rates. Ha. Dimuntwillgive thebnsiness his personal attention, and invites his Blenda to call when to want of livery._ 8..W.1AN8. - .ED.'BEOBEIL. 10ausS2. girot Salina! Vault, TcrifitANDA FA. CAPITAL PAID„IN $125,000 SIMP41:18 rINV. 00,000 This Bank Offers annsnal facilities for the transaction of a 'general tatakiikk hushmsa. IL , N. BE7TEI. °wilder. QUSQUERANNA- .COLLFMATE 1218TITOTK. The ant wintakkes ar the twontvainth: - yew enunneam ImmT; TIMM tith. The • ftalty bee been eelaryrd building -thorough V refitted end :•-beatni by stark the anninusodattesa , 11101Milea, and-- the -- school fi tted - .to - ateoannedete the porftsttnee The sttendenev Ina seam getudea hs acme Fes w." catalogue. or other the Isticipalt ID IL taIIENLAII. A. ILia. 1,- , ,' i w ,1 ' :,,..,...i,„..., : i„,.,,...i i ,,... : ,...„.1.,.:.,..„.:„....„.„...„:.:„....,.., 7 „..„.„..,,,,..„..,2„7.1...,_..,,!:„..,„:„...„,„..,,,,,,,....„,::,,,,,,.z„, : ,,, :..:,..: ..: .._:,i. .„ ~,,,,,,,.,...,„.:,..,:, B. ii i,,,i,...,: itt _ ..:„.:77,-..,....:;.,;,:.5...,..•cf..i:i..._:,, •:.,, . —. l ~xliiiiiii:idtdisifigiiiiiit.;4l4l...siooiool---.:,-Li*SiiiiigiAti* * o4-,Skiii , itid - B164:-::..Milliolit!-tOtiffti)* . effic*cy:".4!, : ',4000 - g ... ..:0***0, - .•-• iiiniell'awaia .l nitO Pisziiiquici'4'o • ;to. , ole-'.- -., •7 ---, : .l :ir- -. : - i:?±:- - : - 7. L.- . -•'. . :',.--:- -:- - Wiest ..!-Remedy :: - ....... 1. , :-;,.::: c''.' -..!•-:'• lan. 4. 'II- ' '.'::::, Khovi t n:lo .: 3 --- .4i,: - ..-... -- : - : - ... ,. ..sermizirralltiAttittec,': , :il.,::. - -;.-,• - -! ii::,:, I r ' Laboratory 77 West 3d sr: New Itork'•o4..c.- Drug g ists sell it: ;. -, - . • • . Duct* ttian,,._ Bedford Co:, - Pa.. DA. Vaasa Jam:seat : A abort trial' or so u r itia M IIAU OOd:zelrrUP Us giVeRMS /Meld ned tor Itheamattam. It la the beat mediates I Imo JOSH MEL: " mi...........:77 : - - ,•:. Goy: - __- gorP;Sv . : . EXDORSEX'.i.vviz.: , . r_ :-:.,ii,._' 121Wri - viTes rheiCuxitfs*,l7i , all th forum : , - D4'o; C Arrtg• 4 . ;024, pruggilip i Agente - for 7,cozaw*Alia.- r• . _ viimm o v ••- 'L: -.- D.::DY-E. Br, CO. RATIN s!{. COOK STOVES. MAIN STREET OY.-.I,]RC. - .0 - 471' ~ They are made of first-class material and 1, .0 , guarantee a - perfeet fit every time. GENTS FURNIS4ING GOODS MEN'S DRESS AND BUSINESS Form a special feature in my. business I take the lead in this Dep4rtment as well as all others. I have no Plate glass windows , or polished counters, but I keep THE - RIGHT GOODS.and the public appreciate their extra value. lam wife in saying - _ . Fall M. . KEN'S, BOYS. WOMEN'S. MISSES AND ORELDBEN'S I Ota - .Bh BOoes Rubbers 'f&c I TI 103. POM President -rob. I.'lll. E.eeeutive Ilfanswn .ifarrisbura, Pa., June 7, 18824 John H Phelps, Serantkn, Pa:— -. , My Dear Sir:=-Promptly upon th receipt of your Eli.rir ten days since, I:entered upon its use wearding to your diyections, slopping my 'Mid Potass., Phos. , Ammon, and Wine of Colehium. At that _time ,/ups . completely &added with gout both feet and rheuma. tism in both knees, and helpless. Now Teomfortably hobble.about *house, and expel to be out in J a iceek: It may be a cohieidenee,My amendnkeht aturthe use of your medi , ine; I hope.l:Or no ocriikon to try it:Again, but of need be I shall tryi again in afresh attao, with great confidence. ' Very truly yours - • HENEr If. HOYT. IT IS A I r AsC al e THAT THE WHOLESALE PRICE or KEROSENE OIL - Has advanced. •We still retail at the OLD . . „ PRICE. prmgpyour cans at once. TO DEALERS--We offer kerosene and headlight oil at lowest,wholesale prices. AT THE OLD r TABLE CASH DRUG STORE._ Drat: , H. a C porter & .Son f Corner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda. Pa. HAVE A NEW STOCK OF DON'T BUY BEFORE INSPECTING - THEIR STOOK A - _, LARGE I show the LARGEST VARIETY 4f.'llfens Boyx and Childrens TO BE FOUND. IN TO WAN O I keep constantly on hand a LARGE ASSQRTMENT-of HATS. CAPS, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS &c . . MY STOCK CANNOT BE EQUALED IN THE COUNTY. • L havi just received - a large invoice of ~:a',). ! i4..:: W l.rit_cr:,:- cjotlittf.:l. anwill,be pleiised to show these goods. Call at • ' ) .1J _ , E ROSE NFI E LD'S and buy where you see the Crowd. .; HUMI I IIIO 7 aROS. & TRACY, Manaftieittrora and Wholeaale Dealers in all kinds of MEI j --, • - CORNER MAil - ANI? EL4ZA ETH STREETS, d r r9r V aaVDA-sw - MO;M:M ME ROI i .TOWANDA, PA, STOCK , f,' , ` - C: -,, ' 5i'vt , ,, P, ,, q . - ,..6.. -- 4 , 1.4i5e5.:r2..4 4 L';',ni" p: ,,, - -, ;-. 1 TOP I -illAiAlirir 0......(:41°,0 , 1411004 : -; PnWiVO44. 04 lea*** ol * ;ill* ,424, 1 16:0 01 .16 ****40 4- thnis**4 - . 0414;11 0 1 0 1 --dit i T 1 0 .1 **` 4 4: :iiiiiiiii . 4 4 /01itLicalk4it a.:bald : diem - . Jbmilate she taiitifthatabillbef4. ate; rbei.**tuimil , w4mokorsinitoyand ionfl': , ..t. - , earaftd = pideceiviont ***4 ol i*Teitholbi Act , ibriY ' in** made b l:*** 44 hiN!mo 1 1 04. :The# 7oo a• eln*i telnereitable:,erewas some ;ring Cierti*Phii*Phe!,,,lf "1014 d with ft 'Pat if hWwwlidgO . Wwd slats fair. Gretchen, who - was planning to Weenie it, peer fa; arditak T imt *beams' bhatsalet- hi the way Witch CoithleAr be leteside by the "Ans. wandeMi - nffilt is tOOittir . hY www7iiiit hiss Cfretahen aid Starting Off it owe to Atnerleal *Wiley, 7:Beihl& Particular, deduction ult_ may, tho fa tht thortaloWd them fiat that fir. Atniitierman Mated shout to finish his IntrloltyoMins l / 2 magma/ in Poisoloion gwthr-tcOlti*Mo• 4 8 :# Irligfullf 4 444l me 'hat the prospecta in" America; - mere for a .7 1 Wwi math of toarolog; and many bon as. cored inethattheY crotalsot 'hesitate a ma torot t if they were only-aum of ..-• tolerable wit positloia on the Otherside h the ;water.' The currant of eildgettion toward cm *hole; Om& already , enough to Idi # ll tb , ShrmaPAlVlariatily raid merelybe much stronger it the poorer people Only bad enough to carry theta across the eci t i t z_ . *nth is that *number of Clet. mantwho`are dreaming ogloneries as of a landrig mate Is legion. , Prhat is plain. to *Aylmer who Wakes the trouble to discuss the matteriiiith . theordinary prnsant and laboring Man: " ' - .- Mal adelremales. The ezactke, _of Society, added .to the cares et maternity and the household; have tested bejtoid emdiururce the frill constitit tkeas which have bee . agranted the majority of women. To ,Combat this tendency, to -premature decline, no remedy in the world possesses_ the riourishing and strengthening' properties of Malt . Sams. ' They enrich the blood, peelet digostion, stimulate the liver and kidiryib..!arrest_. nlcerntiie weak nese, and purify and vitalizo every function the female system. , ii BOOTS THAT: ALARMED. A worthy gentleman in this city, who is Ihnshintly fearful At the speedy approach of bodily dissoldkni, was much disturbed the other morning on going down town to notice that one of hii legs had suddenly become dotter flan the other. Every time he-took a step on that'side his body experienced- an unpleasant- shot from a fall of about 'an eighthof nn inch. and whenever his advance was assisted by the employment of the other kg, he felt himself rising an equal distance into the air., His walk; therefore, consisted of amides of wavy undulations, which, how ever graceful and picturesque in theniselies, were extremely disquieting under the' , cir- - cumstatunis: Thoronghly alaimed by these idngular phenomessa be visited a doctor, and describing his symptoms, earnestly asked Whether paralysis did not sonietimes give warning of its approach by such contraction of the limb& The doctor confessed that it did, and, while this doomed man perspired with apprehension, instituted a vigorous ex amination, the result of which, was to show that the cause of the complaint was an in. equality in the thickness of the soles of the boots that were worn by. the patient. On getting up in the morning he had dressed himself hurriedly, and while he had drawn a thin dress boot upon one foot, he bad equipped the other with a covering which not only had • a heavy double sole, but a thick felt insole also. The ilebysician then hurriedly stated that contraction of the linibs was not an essential rammeraf the par. alyao shock. , 1 •• . SKINEY MEN Ml&lib renewer" restores health and • tiger,. cute. D)ettepl," —•..nee denial Debility. . WINTER AND SPRINO UNITED. As odd a looking bride ,And groom aim, over sees, and irk% after the circumstances surrounding them were !mown, set tongues a wagging and made laughing contagious were seen it the Union ' depot hi St. Louis. The couple consi s ted of an old man, fully seventy years of age, over six feet hi hnig, with flowing gray hair, and carrying on his arm a pair of the kind of saddle bags sworn thirty years ago, and a girl just fourteen years old, who in height would reach •about the old man's vest pocket. They were on their wedding tour. They came from a point in Alabama, and were bound for some point in Oregon. A passenger en the same train on which they came in says that .during the entire day they were the centre of observation because of their child.liko lovingness and general grammes& .The old is by prayssion a Methodist minister going to conference in Oregon. tua combines pleasure with busi mess by takingalong with him a veritable and living Christmas present. CONSUMPTION. his said that 50,000 people die annually in the United States alone from this' disease. In some sectio n s , of the country ode death in every thre6 is from Consumption.. This can be, and should be avoided; our ',people are too careless about an ordinary cough or cold, and other symptoms of throat and lung affections that lead to this disease. You should arrest it while it is in the germ. Two or three doses of Dr. Bosanko's -ough and Lung Syrup will relieve an ordinary cough or cold. It does not dry up a cough like, many preprirations on the market and liaie the disease behind it, but acts directly on the. throat and bronchial tubes, remov ing all the phlegm and morbid matter that accumulates in the throat and lungs, It allays all irritation; and renders the voice clear and distinct. Sold by C. B. Porter's Werd House Drug Store. july27lty. waxy i AvoidAs WOULD Go Wn.o.-'-" Da you believe' hat a woman, nowadays, would die for the object of hot love asked a bachelor friend. 'l,.don't know whetitel she'd die or not," aii!swered the Benedict. "but I've known_ heel° go wild when the trimming didn't snit her.”—Brooklyn , Eagle! THE 3103 4 i0N 07 A MAIIIIIED WOITAX.—If Maunder the . GrOt - had make a high spirited lowan he Irma never have sighed for other 'worlds to coakeer. Ello would have dept him too boa &Wei the broom tandle.'—Philatkthiga ohs iwkra kr. M ae* TA_ 411DRISW. LADIEt. Tog A Posithy Om tor idl, Feints ialles• Task Illesseaby ibiWassesiledlcsl la. ?Aims al Batas. as. 7.. end [mm seed ssceessfauy by bidlowiroEl4ll44 It If 4 'Pin am far all Feasils + .amplibite.sioese4 If Illebiesba.Dyspepas.sad at sesbecens asessel Webs Inersieribes *such an J01:02111041140 - WWI, Itilasi Jkonetsa. Illtese son Isf seessiesas, end mow tbstiessin wee Ilfets ewe Waken bssesswiseet or smattei oldie sea, • .- se, ewe Ober bitisesatecesswdo ... ace be iliscaberst . bet •• ToNici• a - atm* atm. is-iiirr tii girAr mil a iand lo"'" ,- - as MIMI Mt! wilaiusin edapbles . cosei so es do dome% ' f 4, = ad . • I ruble! tee *in lift ' " 0 0 . 1 414441 • same ._ • elaeleisifeslobess se .•• • bee tom Tab Is Maw . rn lallimusbetasat : BM Iteady-Made Clothing. . Ho is prepared to offer bargains 'that will induce customers to buy. Ocupying the Urge and commodious store, No. .123 Hain street; fornierly M. E, &Damon- & Son, he presents a full" and complete' stock in all lines of Clothing. ;5. • NEW BOYS', YOUT'HS' f A , ' - GENT'S PIIIMEOIiNG . GOODS, TRAVELING 38408, muumwi, c4NEs,4c., OVEIIICOA.TIS 3E) sir Patelita Procureal uPon ths same wfdeb inia originated lad -ineceutal4 b 7 aboft-siunsa Ana. Plaipblet castor pages sent itipoti receipt stamp. Inovel ..,r. -- • - . - 1 - '-' -, ' '-.: '--..: ; - .."., - ...;', = " z . - 1. „. : „1, • - ~,17,,,ivoitgb '.• --: ' - '-'' , ' ' , '. 4 --:- ..ii ' ' ' ''' , ',.. ;.. t .* ;°i t 'z., : -. 1 '' ' • 7 - ' - .. '-', ~-': ''': '•••.- . - t : ; ; ;; 71 :7 2 . 1 .1i := 1 . t . ~.f.%3 ,*, .•s m .. ri. 1 ‘,144f .'- t f .t• ''' '_ A 3 1 lb 110 II 111 fir_ , ," . • 80 1 . ... , OPURA4EB winv.zer sov trim( Taup* • • inns, I mini: lenWELlkl 4WD PORES . OT THE eKnr, NEUTRALIZING. AIIIIGRRING.ANDEMILING • r R0R9F1.G.0178. ( *A:MENGUE. AND The- mites or most Mania 11L; Sad miring when • W pliretebuts, hospitals, and all other method it anti remedies faU. Scrofula or it Lat's Evil, Glare 4 livredlinge.trimrs, Old mores, Milk Le& Me ailsotioas,Terti_ palm. Tumors. abscesses. Car- Wades, Boils, inood Poisons; Bright's biseass. Wasting of the Kidneys and Liver. ilheumatisni. Constipation. Piles, 'Dyspepsia; and all itching Gud Guilt • ERUPTIONS Of •the Skin Slid Sealp.-:sueb se Salt Rheum. Morbid*, Totter.Ringworzn. Barbers tteh,Scald ; Head. Itching Plies. and other Disfiguring rind' Torturing Ramon, from a_PIMPIa . tor Ik'rof. Wiltio ulcer , when sealsted by Ctrirevg,4 and Cest ictraa fk.sw, the great Skin Cures. • , . . CUTICIIRA- A sweet. anchangeabla Medicinal Jelley, clean; off enema' evidence of Blood Humors, eats away Dead Skin and Sash. instantly allays itch. log and irritations. Softens. Booths. and Meals. Worth its weight In gold for all itching A. SOAP --,-- <- All Exquisite Tone • thread Nursery gens, tire. of with one flower odors and boding . 'cat •:1 fa la- modified form all the virtue f '.can. the great akin Cure - and tetzsgspenailde In the trate:mut offildn and &alp Disesees, fad for restortne,Plmerving. and - bemitirying the coniplexion and The only . ltedieinal Babylioss. , I antevaa, RISMOtti are the only real ear& lives for diseases of the Skin, Scalp and Blood. Pricer (Mucosa Rintoxyzwr, al.i U per bottle; Cottotraa. are. per box:Urge boxes, $1.00: cum. hisantr.a. Tom= Sassiy23b.; t/rnmutt lizincumb Saorsrd Sas" 150. Mild everywhere., Depot. WEEKS kEBITER. Boston. Blass. M. . .._ . j '..^. ' - 1 .• Al Sanford's Radical Cur THE OhZAT AMEICAN HALuAIfIC DISTI TIQN OF WITCH HAZEL. AMERICA • - PINKOANtINAN FIR. MARIGOLD, CLOVER BLOSSOM. ETn.. For theimniedrate Relief and Permanent of every form of Catarrh, from a simple Cold or Influenza to the Lou of Smell, and hearing Cough. Bronchitis. and Ind Consumption. Indorsed by Physicians, C late. and' Medical Jihiriltdo throughout world, as the only complete externsil and 1 nal treatment.' - One bottle,Radical Cure, one bos'Cata' Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler,. all In one age, of all druggists for $l. Ask for Sanfi Radical Core, WEEKS S POTTER, Soo ''_ c,OLLI s ' ELETRICI 1r ..., - ~ Gentlayet Effective, n ited e - withHealina Baliam,iren --v ? ...„ der COLLINS' VOL "LIC - __,,--- ' 5,..- ELECTRIC. I'LASTE - ate ,_' 4 ) `hundred tittles super( rto - • all otherplaster4 for very , - ..,7 1,- .: rain, Weakness and Inflam /Z/ A r .....aiS ation., Price , 2.c cents - : -.c•IQ IS' Sold verywkere. , t r-i • ' :KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Is sure in its effects, mild in its action se it does not blister, yet is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated ..pain or to remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as sparing, splints curbs, callous. sprains, swell ings and any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs. or for rheumatism in man and for, any purpose for wider* liniment is Used for man: or beast. ,It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used,actlng mild and yet certain inns effects. • 4 Send address for Illustrated Circular we think give, positive proof of its virtues.... No remedy has ever met with such nnqualifled)'isc ceerto our knowledge, for beast as well a man. - rrtce $1 per bottle. or six bottles sorb All Druggists have It or can get it for you, or 1111 be sent to any address on receipt of-price by e proprietors. IM. B. J. reluisit, k Co., ; Enos. burgh Pans, Vt. Sold by all Druggists. MKS. D. V. STED GE, Manitjayturer of anki Dealer in. .HUMAN HAIR • COODS. ' T• - . Wics.BANpEAux, the popular Chatelaine Braid, • EVERYTHING BELONG MO zv Tag HAIR BADE ifirSpeci - al Attention given to COMBINGS Roots all turned one way. . SWITCHES fro& Si upward.. Also Agent'for Huuter'm Invisible Face Foi.der, Madam (`Lark's Corset's, Laud Shoulder Bruce Elss.tica. • ilfirl'artienlar attentlbn read to a ros‘dig ladles batrat tbetr homes or at my plate of business, over Evans a , Hildratb's store.. HavlB-Cir THE RUSH FOR JACOBS -:AT - • ! ( - Ha I - tellable 'Cloth - ing Is to examine his immense ERROUII9OS PLL AND WINTER FASHIONABLE ARV CHILDREN'S SUITS 1 Of e v ery grade land quality. , Of etivey quality. ,RUBBER ~000Dg-- • tt specialty. AII Are invited to Call and Secure bargai'iii. WJACOIB. - • Towagida, Pa., Oct. 3, 1882. LIME i, Minium= tit 180 HOWAAD A. liolicitor of AMERICAN AND FORE C3l F STREET li. IV"•WASHING 18aressor so GUltsorok i Smith Chipman, ammo: k C 11111 ~,.,...., ~,.,:.,.,,...,„,..„ ';'.i.i.:o' 4,-W.4.1:::44P:.•_t. GRacquz:, , COUNTRY PRODUCE MAIN AND PINE BTB -_, ~,,,,,, They invite attention k)-theis complete ; ; ma El ure :rid ste, tent .em. the tt.r- CM MEI lAnd Cash Paid for D - Osirablo Kinds. Geo L. Ross —.DEALER IN --- • f• pa n • list:Class hroceries Main Street, epposite H. C..:Oorter's" • - • And Bridge Street, , • . ;,•• •,„ Fromiieciraber • 28thl . 1882, I will give Specla prices to all find an extra quaDtptd all kyada of GROCERIES, AND • CHOICE FLOUR • From the beat roller Mills. • I offer at wholesale all kinds °LP. Lorillard's tobaccos. alio cigars, candies, leap. saleritne, tea, coffee, and spices of all kir ds, and kerosene oil, etc., at manufacturers' ..rices. NATHAN TI,DD, PITTSTON, WILKESBARRE A. • L - FOOT or PINE STitri*,'NEAß 11 01IRT ROUSE . . t . . The patronage o ms old friends and the public .ecerall , Weolid ed.. . Veep Wagons ct Carriages IMO oLp Esir4az!szil zvT k • would call the at ;h- - tion Of FARMERS and.: = - , ►them to.hia lame and. Complete assortment of • ()pen & Top 13tiggies PLATFORM WAGONS - . all of hia own MANUFACTURE zu s l 40iticc ranted in -every pari , ! . , tienbir ' r Bryant*. Flesitde Springs used in all Platter" - Wagons. The easiest and beat in use. OW, NOW IS YOUR TIME TO itUYI ' r s. i Look el those figural • - - Two enlisted Carnage. Wm ..... ... Silo to 1116 Photon'. ono oostsd US to 160 Top Bunke ' ' 1.16 to in OM Buillg_ 0 1:-: - .f. ,• .- SO to 100 et" Dowers, SO to 110 Itonsomberboro are in tall? inwrant. ed. tutorial's or no • . ~ _Arwiwillat P atttoodod to at 25 pot mkt owowlsat sears plow monad tutor, cor.lhila andl laissieth Elts. ' "dui -aaraztr. RUMP . N, D. C.. • •; , '•• =EI aelittritl-letit_iri PROVE.: lONS, • AVe - • - I - - . - . - .1- HAVE REMOVED • To thaw ucii.spOre; in Chia al stand 011foxetsgentikliernr.) ' kiSsortment and 1 ery v large 4 - ` - ' - ` -- _ I \ • 7; 14 , 11 : ,•, , 1 4 4 r," i • , . r. - . Choice New Goods, which ~,.. 4 , ‘......,.., • ,; t.„- . 11 , . • i .. f 4 ..,.. , tutus alwaye op hat r & •••:,-,,,,--- , A.....= • SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN To tbe • PIiODII6E TIME as. J. LUNG. GEO. STEVENS. (Successor to Mr. McSeaa,l DEALER IS AND LOYAL SOCK 'IOW ANT)A. PA. * L 0 IVR.St PRIC*4 FUG CA . Cheaper than eirmr' at the JAMES BRYANT, - AID >ri" 1 "r ]Wpb ingettkoustiedielesimb3 boy. of Honeybirook. Chester County, beside._ 'Pied Wieveridau of gifting raw( the rah which %N i g .hie ratjuir's collar,--:.11e beacon. rudest Outfit old, fruit isee batt..ty of three Le4den - Jilis, uleichhe, malteds; ewe places upon tt large free plate toucher the tin foil on the outside. Thhe',bait IS so imaged that whea the rat steps upon' the • plate'andscizis the battle r.tbnce makes - the connectico;befween the outside. and inside .4,Jsrs;mul they are discharged through hie 1 body, killing him -litPrally a 9 quick 'ami sin. He chargee the jars by means of an dentinal machine, $l3O constructed by oaf.' fie mu a couple of wires through the flocielo the cellar.from the room above, and es soon wie).o would )tea• a rat squeak he would immegately recharge the baitCrT. The first tims - he put the machine in opera. gar' he slaiic,titereit twenty.tlve rats In r 'Tacna! three,„hours, and in, two the cello was 'entirely , Cleared of the: pests.— West Resler- Lor a l Mtn a .~ . . . . . .. Quirk'. compl ete tore. anal:moving Sidney. Blacigler,..and Urinary Diseaets: ft: Dr'u'g , . . . At the Brush Electric Light ,Station; at the corner of Notra Dame and Front streets, there is :a dog . trap which Is Somewhat re. ,markable; and the effect produced on prowl. 'hag canines very,peculir. A space _on" the Boor is damPened and one wire from an electric light connected with the-Wet spot, in the centre of which is a piece Of 'sad with the othcewire attached to; it. k dog entering the 45,- - riaturally at. tr.ehed by gamest and app*Scli' es At hay: .ng to stand-on the moist spice.. The ma went he.tenches the meat the circuit, is mule and the intruder is thrown some distance by thikshock. The other night, an Irish bull. doiriciade four attacks on the' meat, brit had, titer' a severe shaking, to plinquish his grip In the tootlishme bait. TI e stroke passing er the small wires used i not sufficient _to kill, y't it is severelnongh to impress the log with its force, kid they.aarely return:— Yew Orleans l'imes.Ltemocrat. - MEM OE • ~i ClearsbUtysts, mice, roaches. dies, ants, i ., e(l-bugS. itkunks. chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggist.z: -2L MOW is THE . Itosr DANGEROUS. A whiter of broad experience and keen ob• tetviticia.mys a vidow is most dangerous in er second vear. That . ip probably a terrible .nct. 13 . 'etween a two-year old-widow and. a 'nineteen: yearling girt • you couldn't tell which of the pair to fly to or rua from. -Both/are set down in the column of rhks u stutra bszardous."—Burlincton Ilinekelio. - GnEr.kricu, rb. 11, 1880. llop Bitters was given up by the.doctors to die of'-scrofula' consump tion. Two bottles •of yo'nr ; Bitters cured me. LERoY BREWER. par. 11AD BTO rs.r. Pon 'TEE Tirtmmozurra.— ." I &tot-believe you have tire Water of the right temperature. You nit sk get a ther. mometer," said au Austin mother.to the new colored nurse. "What am dat?' "It is an instrument by which you can tsilif the water is too hot orcold." " I kin tellllat ar with out any instrument. Et de child turns blue ,den_ de water ; ern too cold and___oE-tit turns Ted, den I knot's dat de water am too hot."—irTexar Siftings. kozsern /CMGs NO /VD:CATION OP Ant.... It fa t.,:nr alleged that the ridge seen on the Section of a tree are no certain indication of thoao of a tree. It is the same witht the Ougs 'MI a girl's fingers—though z'whetr‘ her digits are garnished witlitalf a dozen the in ference is that although she may bo thirty years'old, she lacks the sense of the - average girl in her teens. - orrietown Hera!d. DrstaAnr.r. PLACE rm.. , rnz lady writes to a Cincinti paper to Thad out hspw rong a person trustft:ide in- Ohio be: fore :she can get married. We don't know how is in Ohio, but if the young Lady bi: of marriageable age and can furnish the bridegroom; she can get married within' tap minutes -after her arrival in Baltimore:— fkatimore ; Commirciat Adiertiser. FOR 3PALT.I\T CIIREtt Rheumatitm, rieuraigia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Backache. Heae Toothache. Sore Throat. SwOllll moo. XproLlos.kirtrises, Burrs. Scalds. Frost lined. __AND ALL (aqua 110DiLY PAM ASIA acne . Sot by Drug:lsta and, Deniers everywhere. Filly Centsyboitte Directions in 11 Languages: • • • THE MAULER A. VOGIELEEt CO. is li.ws e. A. VOllElit t CO.) Baltlison, 14.. C.B. A. F L . 0R E N En" itie &MA tIOWIT Ulna/ to tickusa. Tklkatio. very WU*, Noodoetlkett. Dome you pi AMES. TONoI ColuirsO, slogan el Moo=t Co., N. T.. as eires, iab. IS els at deverletiOad Aram to COLOGNE • • NEW FURNITURE AND RE- A I,AIRINQ'ERIA,BLISRM&NT, - SEYMOUR "SMITH, Who has had 21Years experience in the furniture btutineas, us opened a Itore and repairing shop in Bentley's Block, Prat Ward, (opposite McCabe's marble yardl and solicits the patron= age of the public. lie has been tniho employ of Messrs. Prost for past eighteen years, and feels confident tha be tutu give entire satisfac tion in REPAIRING FURNfITIRE, both as to QUALITY and PRICE. I guilt keep a stock of key Goods, and mill order per 'catalogue for customers at a smell ad vance from manufacturers prices. Call-and lee -me all who are in want of Repairing of New floods. Omen EETMOURAXITR. FIRE AND LIFE rbTERTRAIICE 4.71,A1E1 AND , • • LLEcii AGENcy . BRINK & BUCK, LCRayivillef Win writes Policies Or risks in Fire and Life Ii • insane.. Collect with; are and promptness. They represent none but, min -class COMPANIES! rimy tlisemblenee and patron:goof thaw having business In their line, end will *Messer to merit It. A ly to or address • I* it MICK. Laitaysorille. Pa. EVERY ONE SHOULD TRY I. Writing Inks. - • STATIONER/I'4F ~Ditll4ll3ll3' TB. ? MEE Fins KILLED BY -ELECTRICITY* ' - lit Lit 1 AIBA." 4 ' -0: ;:,101;.;ELECTRIG DOG TRAP. Uull ON RATS.' W. 1 B TODD'S GOVERNmENT FOR - ALEBY MEM ;; . , tf er is. . ...,,•- —,.. :5ztt.....-fL.7.;.v...e: -i MEE BOW' IdUCCEPAYUL REMEDY EVer di.. -- .: dowered, is It Is certain in its efforts Asa , not blister. Also excellent for - sw am , roi .11 MOP' BELOW. ~., chlk .. . , • ' MOM COL.I. T. POSTER, . • -1 - : Youngstown, Obi ._ Bay 16th, D R , V. I. gILXDALL k CO;.—I had s loiy, ..... ..44 4. Ole Usitibletoulsit colt which I prized v.-ry Li g ,: Ir. br-bed Aline bete Alps% In of, owi, f a It ead I small one on this other *lch made 10, 4 " hyds; rhad hint under the gof two :m e i, :. uary surgeons which tailed to` cure biz I as , One der reeding the advertisement of &tu r f; toivln Curs In Ole and ExDrms• / detemus ~ as once to try it. and got our c ires!, s a , to send for It, they orde rer three bottles; i too thsza SU and thought I would give It s thoro t r i s seg. I used . it according to directions sad u s youvia day the colt ceased to be lame, sad 2„ s wa p s bare disappeared. I used but on. h astu . end :he colts limbs are se free from /amp 1; 4 - atemoott, se say horse to the state. use filet. 4 tirtiO tared. The care' was so r• markabp, La/ Ilet two or my neighbors have tho remalolor rue d bottles, who are now using it. • - ,- Very stespectfully, _. . L. T. I . osym s , - Kendal! Spavin Cu re . ON HUMAN FLESH. • Patten's Mills. West:non co., N.Y.. 1. Feb.-• 1•• -Ds. B. J ;Emmett, Dear iiir:— Th e terw :4 4, moo on which used your Kendall's Nevin Cuta was a malignant selrJe sprain of sixteen menus sitantling. fried many things, but Mtuzi. y our 0, min Core put to thr stew again, and for th. drat ti me d sfricii - luctl 4 , ;natural position. For i fatally nutmeat del. • - e, anytKus t we sorer used. . Yours truly, ; . `,. • REV. M. P. DELL. Paster of IL P. cuurch, Patton iltils, yl _ • Price Si, per boUtiii.'er six &Ages for Li. la Dm:nista are. it or can get It far you. or it be setts to any oildreea on receipt of price by ju • proprietors; D. B. J. KEZiDALL k C0..14 06 . burghlalle. Vt. Bold at Dr. IL U. I ostei 7 N Drui—t se it KLINE'S MARKET .ciA. rt.( )I_, LI )c JOHN W. KLINE, MEATVEGET4BLE A.FIKET o s more convenient location:and establishsd himself in the. ftrroll Block, opposite t*elya Hotel, is prepared to supply his pimps. with THE CHOICEST - OF MEATS. OYSTERS IV_ Tam liEasoN. • VIIESH YEAH ABLES. •-• • DOMESTIC PELIT, -•• WBOZOONA SALEAGE.a specialty. &U or d.^ pzotcmtly delivored. . . : - You' need not Die to Win . IN lin --- • • - . . • . . ; nurnAL ~E NDOIVMENI , • . Immo • 11111 i A33,:1i • Of (Bap, 1 4 1. It, • Ton receive one-half of-your insuranee, co cording to the American Lite Table, 'when two third' of 'lnns We expectancy is Aniahed—for illustration; a man Or woman joining the duo, elation at SS years of age taking a certinadefor 82400. reeelvessl,2l . s when a little over 58 fad' of age, exactly the period in life when a l•ttla financial help is generally more fleeced than at any other time. BLADES k ßoca ; inne2tf. - - General Agents for Peen'a. Tilialida - r-5,:ci. - Stoie spF ' o Is preparo to otrer a complwe 'assort DRY AVD FANCY GOODS, Crockery, Qrasswre, WHITE iintrft . Th. crATER (711 INA el ME Latest detigm44,Pa!tertts of • ATAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, ; . SATCHELS, &C. For the coming Spring Trade, *e . adhere as heretofore- to our established principle=thaeu ;ale with a small profit . is beterllhaL a slow tale 'With large pit—iitid therefore our pr:ecsi in -.any. line - ,iof go6d i i will conic ate favorable with . the priees of •any other house. .Ser.We endeavor to self the best. article . fm• the liast pissible money. - LOEWUS & FREIMUTH. SPECIAL ' ANNOUNCEMENT JAMES4IcCA BE HAS 440WD 1119 GpOCEBY lIIIBLNESS 2118 SOUTH-EAST Coterry 0- 11.1iN AND BRIDGE STREETS. WAERE lIE nAs Egraßunzri' quar.tersr -FOR EVERYTIIIN6 I THE LINE OF MEMEL PHYISILIS, I= CASH'PAID for Desiii.l , l4. Pro i. • duce. Fine BUTTER :•nti EGGS a specialty; -;, _ . . KENDA& I II3 SPArni CURE lY sur..4o Clare goosing. SpMits. .Ad It remotes all unnatural enlargemnts. Dors' row surf= Has no equal for any IMlNtless on beset or man. It has cured - 1440W lameness to i person who had suf . bred II years. Also cared than. 'corns fro s t-bites or sod as at 4.as or labarees s . - It hum no equal . for aaT blembh on *bosses. ,Send for illnitT Sted eirsular Otte warms none. Price SI. ' 1 "" Dammam am it GrAmut get It rri• Kendall t Co:. PrtivrietM.s. ltuosourilb Vermont. 11. 0. pomp". . : Agent. Towanda. Vs. ro BEST fzirLers.tp,...brukl i not andel& We will start yon. $l2 a der and uP. 'aurae meads at home by the mdastrions. Ma. • women, boys and gifts wanted everywhere to work for rm. Now la the time.',Yon can work in sinus time only Or give Soar thole time tow e J Imetame. .You era live at heindaad do the work / No other badness will ply yew swirly se welle - No one ma WI to make enormous tor °a gat nee. • Coe*, Oath& and tonne tree.— made CIA Melly sad honorably. Dee 10— yr Tin & Co., Augusta. MOM Main Street, - first Ward. RAVING 11EllOVED 1118 - FE! F,, NEXT pOOR, Tu FELCIi. m•-rit oi IMO &C., &c. April 29 17 nsrebl7.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers