llamas Jefferson - a Restates. • :I WAsmxorox, D. C., May, 31.—At a meeting of the lot holaeis and trus-. tees of Glenwolixi Cemetery last even ing, a communication from Mrs. Meeklebarn, the granddaughter of Thomas Jefferson, was read. She says she is the nearest relative now living of Thomas Jefferson; that Monticello has paised out of the hands of the family; and that if the Board of Trustees will convey a suitable let to the *United States at the place selected by her, in trust, for the burial of Thomas Jeffer son, arid such of his family as may be hereafter'removed there, or buried there, she will procure the removal- of , the remains of Jefferson to the place ata•nearly day. The beard of Trustees ordered the the deed to be executed, conveying'the ground selected, in fee simple, to the United Stith; The lot owners unani mously approved the action of the board. ENGLISH APPLE Tam.—There is nothing nicer than an Euglish apple tart if it is properly made, which should hem follows: Pare, quarter and core the apples, then slice them very finely into a deep alish, grate some lemon peel (win them,.and add some sugar in a small iquantity of, water; to make the crust flaky,iake a pound of flour and half a ponud of butter; place.; the flour in an earthenware' basin and break the butter Up into small piecesi; mix half of these with thewer, then; slowly,• ado a little wster; enough to blend all. to gether as you mix it; take it out tif the basiu, aud, having sprinkled the board with fl-tur. rolhit out lightly one:: as you can; then take mote of the bits of.butter itutl plaee at intervals over the paste and roll it ;Tajo; once uu.re :he bits of butter on It •At 'ita-mils, dredge itiiguin, [AI it. and . roll out again; repeat 1 -this proce-s a thir ! time; then place' the caste thur . pr! pared over the apples, so, so that it covers the edge of the dish, and cut • exactly all round; roll out the ! pieces you cut off and make a btlip to g•i over the flat edge,. so that there may 'be a denble paste alLaroundir, and -to give it a raiFedappe.trance take the • handle of a tesspoon i aud press the edges lightly upward at r..gulariatervals. A thin coat of varnich apt:heti—to strayinvittjug will make it tunea more fintable nail keep the matting frysti and I= r In betnilig, butt , r4 alwoys take; the betek of your spoon. ; . Rot irons should ❑ever be' n'•ed for erubi6klcry lie wlso wishes to comprehend the present and understand thefutur !, must take his lesson from the pat, for it iP there he suds the root 9 of the 'present and the germs of the future. It was the wife of President Madisot who gave a young woman, the excelleu a.ivice: 'Give your app . earanett -care ful anti st rionS'tlionglit in .your dress iuq room and forget it eisewher...! A pure, -wholesome distillation of witch hazel, American pine, Canada fir, tnaigold, clover, blossoms, etc., fragrant with the heeling essences of balsam and pine. , Such is SanfOrd's Radical Cuiv for Catarrh. Complete treatment for .$l. •We may abound in energy yet t ffect nothing. Energy, is a good shed, 'but must he s and bridled ,c411;11 care. , and the reins placed in the lianda of prudence; then the goal. of eflielency, iF ftStoned. parents who allow their Ankh : C:l t.t gro . w" up with scrofulous humors burstin,fon s i every pore are guilty of a 'great Wrdng. Think of them. pointed out as branded I , ieit.lt ,n loathsome disease,_ and you will redly procure them the Cuticura Remedies. 1. "IitTeIIUPAIRA." gqick, complete care ? allannoving iitlnxq Bladder and lirinatsy Thug • • It is a er.rtain sign of an evil Heart to be inclined to . defamation, fcir It' ever arises from the lack of what is commend= able in one's self and impatierx see ing it in other , . _ society Belles Are lond in their praise of Floreston Cologne on account of its remarkably deli cate and lasting fragrance. . - If yO'n gain an alvantage ever your fellow min, 'e tit it shrewd diiiii)maey. If your fellow-wan gains an ailvantao. , over you, tail it raseAlity. Toe ternis r, , are synonynious. . . . . Lire and Learn , . It is estimated that there - are over two thousand million chickens hatched in the United States every year. But not more than half of these chicks reach the size when they are fit to market. The pip;' gapes, cholera, etc., kill millions of young chickens every year. These diseases can 14cured by. the use of Plienol- S(' ?clique. For sale by druggists and general store keepers. See adv. !Pi o e wlrich an unkina word leave , upon a lar i 2,e love snap be invisible, like that of a great Kiu upon: the tissues of She repentant soul; but; for. one as the other, life In:s no healing. We take great pleasure in calling the at tention of our friends and cnstotners. to Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lnng Syrup which is tierrectly harmless, pleasant to the taste, will not ns.useate, and gives relief almost instant ly. It matters not how severe your - Congh may.Ft, how many cough inctlicinve yon have tried, or how many physicians you have con . suited, the tonic, soothing and healing pro perties of thia medicine will loosen it and as itist the Throat anal Lungs to.expel the ofterid ing matter, leaving them in a healthy con dition, !Yee from irritation, and the air pas ' sages clear, besides invigorating and 't.,artugthenitig the general system. Price 50 VC'ts. Tor the poattive core of Consnmp jot. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Dry Hacking . Cough, Loss of Voice, Irritation of the Throat, /Soreness of the Chest, Pains in the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Infln . eerai, _Whooping Cengh, and Lung Fever, we ecommend !this medicine above all others. Irta.tinly, CLAER B. POSTER. done 14. End Ward ;louse Block.. MINER • CHOOL e,t— Ter Publie Dram, llreti TeadOM eel 88181•181. TIM it Reece, illy 8 to amern 11. 7 88 dew% nladlB del red HastlWW- 18888 far Chyle*: 7.ll.BXXr'iwy. 31881mal Oleited of IFllemilbra 884 141.LICAILI sonorte scrsom.t PHENOL SODIRLUE. s' tem ILIMI Wl= & RIM Is sit invaluable remedy In DISEASES and Eh .TURIRS of ANIMALS and POULTRY : destrY/RW LlCKand other VERMIN. Applied by washing the Aria; tbely masts and nap sip FkluAlon of the NEW.L - -mo-DELEuggikv..:4lo.wEß: Can Mow Back OVERIOO EUREKA ...,—___, 1i Dibl-Li.,—___ ~. .....-1..„.. .WHICH SHOWS WHAT EARMERS'AT HOME THINK O F THEM. I , t • Will cut a six-foot swaph as ewes u a side-cut ml i chine will cnt four feet, and with lest /Iran. It also ib leaves the grass in ticb cigitlition that it Will re in one-half the time, and'dispense with the use of the Hay Tedder. It I; especially adap d to the cutting cif Green ; Fodder der En af.age. A thorough trial is requeitedTrom all coat plating the purchase of a mower the of wing season. Send for descriptive cir4ubir, 'or call on EUREKA MOWER CO., Towanda.. P. R. L. BE UIDSLEE, Warrenhelp. 1 H. L. RHO Tuscarora Valley. i 0. W. BESLET. Austinvi le. E.G. VAN DYKE. East Cantoh. •' lelt. The EUREKA MOWER:is now manufsctured only at Mowanda, Pa. The' Compal!li has been thoroughly reorganized, comprising men of experience, ability and sbundent capital. No care or expense i.. spared to select the very beat materiel and skilled worknie& - EVERI MA. CHINE'S FULLY WARRANTED. 1• may 42 I• . . Stevens & L GRoczras, COUNTRY. PRODUCE .4 Card. WITH CEN 'KA'S SO6 : IN BRADFORD COUNT`.' LAST YEAR General Dealers in 1 • PROWszorirs, IM • RAVE armpit]) To their new Htort, , COs• MIN AND PINE STS The oti stand 01 Tem. Stevens & &lemur.) • I . i L, - ~; j illev invite attentinn to thew complete • mg ortment .atui very large stock of • • , Choice New Goodo,'which they ; • • di -. • haye alwayp or) Mend. r. . { ESPECIAL ATTENTION OVEN I To the PRODUCE TRADE- I,And Cash Paid for . .f.h3airable Kinds. Y. J. LONO. poteDl Towanda 5 ct. Store MAIN Sgrri.v.-k-rr, (NEXT DOOR TO MAR & CO• - • s preparod to offer .a complete alsor ment of CRY AND FANCYBOODS, Crockery, •Gtassware, WHITE and DECORATED LIMA • J Latestklesigns and patterns of MAJOLICA WAR E , d BIRD CAGES, r 1 SATCHELS,,AKI. For the coming Spring Trade, We adhereaii heretofore to ,our established principle—that a quick sale with mall profit is better than a Slow one with a large profit—and therefore our prices in any line of goode- will compare favomtde with the pripes of any other houie. lerWei endeavor to sell the best article for heleast po ss ible money. • UIEVIIIB & FREIMUTII. , 'RE-DRAFT FRONT-CUT. nd Forth on Same. Side of Field. , .4 • I titst atiouaL fait, ong ■ CAPITAL PAID IN $125,000 SURPLUS FUND 80,000 This Bank offers unusual facilities for I the transaction ,of a general . banking business. N. N. BEMS, - Castile!. iRS.D.V.STEDGE, HUMAN HAIR UCH AS WICp, BANDEAUX, the4optaar chatpaine ,Braid, EVERYTHING BELONGING To THE HAIR TRADE fifirSpecial Attention given to comgmcs Roots all turned one way. WITCHES from upwards. Also Agent for Hunter's Invisible Face Ponder, Madam Clark's Corsets, and Shoulder Brace Elaetics. !?Particular attention paid to diassing ladies hair at their homes or at my place of business, r Evans ?;_liildretb's store. uovis-Si Was. 1). V. STEDGE. F, p` 1n TROY, PA. We keep on band constantly for builders, LIME, HAIR, BRICK, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS,SHEETING PAPER, ". PAINTS, pms, VARNISHES, CHESPEAK NAILS. Also WAGON MAHER'S SUPPLIES Fellows, Spokes, Hubbs, Thins, Poles. Carriage Trimmings. Also s fun line of Shelf and Hkvy Hardware, and a full line of Carriages, Platform and Lumber Wagons, Made by us V tb skilled workmen. and warranted in every particular, BEARDSLEY SPALDECG, Hardware Dealers. Troy, April 27-ly 1 ce. ill El Corner Second and B sheets Notthwes . near Pennsylvania Avenue. - Within a square of the Capitol. Street cars pips near the door to all parts of the city. Conven , ient to the depots. This is just the hotel for Pennsylvanians visiting the National Capital. Rooms well furpished, and the cleanest and befit beds in the city. Table first class. Rooms and board front $2 to $3 per day. Reduced rates by the ,week,or month. U WILLIAM SANDERSON, Proprietor. Late of the,Congreasional Hotel. Capitol Hill. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER . STEVENS. NEM TOWANDA FA. JOS. POWELL, President tab. 1.'78. Manufacturer of and Dealer• in. COODS, Lafayette House, WASHINGTON, D. C. AND 1 BOOK BINDER, PAPER RULER &c Alfred J. Purvis, No. 131 Genessee street, UTICA, N. Y All work his line done well Ind proniptly at lowest price. Parties baying volumes incomplete will be fur nished with any missing numbers at cost price. All orders given to J. J. Scanlan, Agent for Bradford County, will be promptly . executed ac cording to directions. , sep9-tf NATHAN KTIDD, (Successor to Mr. Mcileanj DEALER IN PITTSTON, WILKESBARRE .AND LOYAL SOCK COAL, '.• FOOT or PINE STREET. NEAR rOURT ROUSE. TOWANDA, PA. W LOWEST PRICES FOR CAW. 11. The patronaire of my old friends and the mibl, aenerally le soltetted. , ChgeP..B 0 DR. JONES' OREKHICAMPROFt, IS THE NAME of the popular Linatnent that cures Rheumatism, . Neuralgia, Swollen or. Stiffened Joints. Frost Bites. Pain 'in the Face, Ileitelor Spine, Chopped Hands, Bruises, Svrains, Burns. Mosquito Bites, Sting or Bite of an insect, Poison Vines. etc., for Man or Beast Always reliable, and ' almost, instantan eous in its relief. Having an agreeable odor it is pleasant to apply. Sitld by all druggists. Price 25 cts. N. B.—This Linimint received a Prize Medal 1 at the State Fair. 1879.. ABA JONES, Prop's', 319 S. Sd St.-, Phila., Pa. ). Jsn. 13. 11-to. ItTTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, 011SIIIALDS, Lc prtal tbo bad styli t2tel REPrftlifidi ..1 . 5) ... , 1 :: : .: . -AWARQEb-= Captine ME Porous -MEDALS.- The Best!Known Remedy fbr Lame BackachO or Lame Back. Rheumatism or Lame • Joints. Cramps 'or Sprains. Neuralgia of Kidney Diseases. Lumbago. Severe Aches or Pains Female Weakness. Are Superior teal! other Plasma. Are Superior to Pads. Are Superior to Liniments. ' 4 ; Are Superior to Olatmeata or Salvos. Aresuperier toßlectrieltY avitabraldem - They Act Immediately. They Strengthen. They Soothe. They Relieve Pala at, Oan. They Positively Cure. CAUTION Benscm'eCapeinePOOMMPlas. ters havebeen Imitated. Do a not allow year' demist to palm off some other plaster having s di n muffin name. Bee that the waft *applied' C-A-P-C4-Nll. Price 45 eta. - 81/11BIVRY iiltjOHNl l oll6 annucturing maggots. ew seek. MUMS REMEDY AT LAST. Price Re. L MEAD'S Medicated-CORN yid BUNION PLASTEL QUEF.RtscCO. THE .GREAT OPTICIANS, a 24 CHESTNUT STREET, "Pl-1 I I, AM.E. 01:PERIOD KNOWLEDGE, SCPEI:IOI2. f-'o.:Pr.'n TOIL LENSES and , SUPERIOR FACILITIES 7slr r;fact et,mbilip to give our SPECTA. . ana 111 . E-6LASSES mational reputation. lfr: SINT NEVER RETURNS. IA- taking ITSSITIT ..‘;`Lr: Gi-V-si:S. • l'arl2-- 4 21141ca1 • ' • ' • ,• !" - ,rt Lanteriui. 112 . •-, ...; , . - . I- : c , ifi T .„ . •• . ..... :...-9 -no- .. • , ... , , 4„., -...- ~.. ••• . . , • • ,„.... . . , SanfOrd's Radical Cuie. A single dose instantly relieves the most vio lent Sneezing or Bead Cold's; clears the head as by magic,, stops watett discharges from the nose and eyes, prevents ringing noises in the head, cures Nervouli Headache and subdues' Chills and Fever. In Chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passages of foul mucus, restores the sense of smell, taste and hearing when affected. frees the head, thrust and bronchial tubes of offensive matter, sweetens and purifies,the breath, stops the cough 'and arrests the irog re.s of catarrh towards consumption. ; One bottle Radical Cnre, one box Catarrhal Solvent and Salford's Inhaler, all in one pack 'age. of all druggists for $l. Ask for Sanford's Radical Cure. . WEEKS A: POTTER, Boston. n_ ' ' --- -- ----- - si e , 0 1,144 v ~„,,, Iran any times other more ff plaster cater tti o r 1 4 44 f • -.....„ .. ,k , \ . electric battery or , pain --' and weakness of the Imago, Liver. Kidneys and Urinary ----'s .a, . .-- organs . Partial Paralysis. )1 2 ‘---...,. Rheumatism, Neurw I g is, '--Rysteria, Female I Weak. .:::,-- mess, Nervous Pains and f ,---: e _ Weaknesses, Malaria and 41.451t7a Fever and Agne. Price Ofe. Sold everywhere. ''' ATENTS. (E. 8. AND 'FOREIGN. Frank A. Fouts, Aitoroey-st-Law, Lock Box, 956 Washington, D.C. sir T ea years' experience / * MAO E 0 CHAIWE for my services unless a patent be granted. • Preliminary examination in the Patent MSc. as t' the patentability of an in., vention FUEE. Send sketch or modlil of the de. vice and a report .will_ be made as tne probe bilitrof obtaining a patent. • Special attention 'given to rejected applica tions in the hands of others. • ; U. S. Senators: Hon. GeO. F. Edmunds, of Vermont ; Hon. David Davis and Gen. John A. Logan. of Illinois ; Hon. senj. H. Hill, of Gain:, Ria; Hon. L Q. C. Lamar,. of Milo:Hon. S. Di: Cullom. Gov. of Illinois; the Hon.pommisaloner. of Patents and Corps of Examiners' and the pro piletor of this paper. Write for circular and instructions. novtf OUT THIS OUT MAKE 81511 s4o;"ER . K. • WEEK. Wehavestoreslnls leading Cities, from which our sputa obtain their supplies Our Factories and Principal Mises are at Erie. Pa. Send for our New Catilioniut mid terms to agents Address MB 111.,LOVELL 31 8 2 C Lir A ek N a TON nfut .PA A . " ::r N • = g n 4• e - at , St Fi4e.ant Z; Iterfeshing of Peril:mei Exceedingly Delicate and Lasting. Pl-. 1 , 2 -6; Lar t -,e 4,0tt1e..a, 75 eta. Sold by denlers M Drugs & Perfumery. alp:igen of 11:6 7 eem h Co., N.Y., 011 every bottle. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC • - •The'Medicine far Every Family. • • NEVER INTOXICATES. Madefrom Cinger, Iluc Mandrake, Stilrmgia, and other of the best vegetable remedies known, PARKER'S 'GINGER TONIC has remarkably varied curative powers, & isthe greatest Stomach Comet. or, Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator ever Made & The Best Medicine Yon can Die for Restoring Strength Itmmuninossto am from the first dose, Searches ont the weak organs, and is warranted to cure or help alidiseases of the Bowels, Stomach Blood,. Kidneys, Liver, 'Urinary Organs,all Cem:itsh:Us'esof Women,' Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Illseuess. limn and Drunkenness. • 1 .4 Try a bettle to-day; itmay save yourW. sect. and $i sizes at alldruggists. Every bottle has our signature on outside wrapper; WISGOZ & Ca, N. Y. Large saving hawing $: Parker's Hair Balsam Juat What la Wanted. - Everybody whose hair is gray or faded has felt the need of a flair - Restorer and dressing that is cleanly. agreeably, perfamed and harmless. Par ker's Hair Balsam satisfies the most fastidious in these respects. Sold by druce3ts at soc. and st. KLINE'S 4ARKE I T. \ CA.R-ItOIA I3LOC Ii Main Street, First Ward. 1M JOHN W. KLINE, ROWING REMOVED RIB MEAT &VEGETABLE MARKET o a more convenient location, arid established himself in the Carroll Block, , opposite Seely's Hotel. is prepared to supply lgs patrons with THE CHOICEST OF MEATS. , - FISH. OYSTERS IN TiFIB SEASON. FRESH VFOETABLES. I / 4 - • DOSIESTIO FRUIT, ko.. o • . , . EirSoLOCINA SAUSAGE,' specialty. AU or• dikmgrpurptly .dallvered. • Ell Milking.ts an art. - and the farm ,hand who knows how to milk tiroperly more valuable to the carotid; dairyman . than any other help, eourse any bodY eita milk, and some can milk s dozen cone before , breakfast. The care- fill manager, howevervis not so anxious for fast help as he ` is to employ those who ate careful. The operation shciuld 'never be hurried, but the niilk,should be drawn iteady, and as it flows, naturally. .Borne cows have very tender teats, and the rapid milkman forgets this fact in his endeavor to make speed. The cow that naturally impatient and fretful does 'net like to 41tbmit to rough handling, and her disposition is soon mined by such treatment. With the constant irritation she will bill in qnanti ty, and be less productive, just as any human being would tail to perform faithful service when loboring under mental affliction or trouble. As. the, udder becomes.. dbitended and filled with milk the desire on the, part of the cow is to be relieved of its trontente r and she willingly submits to iit for .. the relief it occasions. The constant prac tice of being. milked at started intervals impresses itself strongly, upon her, that she will seldom offer resistance' without cause. When a cow,: therefore. that has been a patient deliverer of milk becomes fractions the fault can always be traced to the milkmati. I The care less dairyman is the one wh complains of the failure of his °owe to keep up the flow, the bloody, milk, garget and other evils are the result of his own bad manngemant. There is another point in the treatment of .cows that demands attentions, and this is alloWmg them to stand a long time waiting till be milked. With cove that give large .fields it is very painful, and when the bailers have been- filled to the _ it ntthoit, and the milkman is not on band to relieve them they become very nervous mid restless. This will do more to cause • u cow. to go dry before her period ; than anything else, and many a good' cret has been sent to , the shambles through diminu. tion ofqmintity simplYibecense nature had revolted at her I sufferings and allowed her to dry up because her stpre house was notemptied of its contents at the proper time. She should always be milked to the last drop, ie possible ; and as the last portiort of' the milk is claimed to be the richest,ithe udder) should be !eft with nothingjii it. ; Ntit regularity in feeding and milking, - end i kind treat ment at all times, the cow will not only become gentle and remaih ;so, bet will milk several weeks longer Ithan other wise. An experienced dair7man needs help that are skillful, and he. knows how to judge the milkman's' work by the behavior of his cows. When a stable. of cows begin to gave trouble in milk-, ing His only necessary .tol observe the Manner in which they are milked in order to cure the evil. ' The udder of the cow is a very delic , rte structure, and she quickly rebels at rough usage or improper periods of Milbing. , . -17--* ` .-71 : - ?:;7•' .1 'l---gi° AGUlcuLTimai. How ; Good Cows are Sallied. - I Rental Value of Farms. Avery important (pea ion is what should be thel rental. ,valtie 'of good farms. While interest in this tote was even per cent., rents !ot! - fa ins were .considerably below the legal rate. The Wadsworths, in this section of the State, have several hundred farms itißich they have been in the habit of renfing for a term of-years, at prices not above three to five per cent. on the value of the land. Of late yTrs they have sold some of their farms, and I think the rental value of the remainder has been increas ed. Tenants are subjected to strict rules as to the crops they shall grow, and 'are mostly bound not to, sell hay, ,traw or other coarse fodder. But I notice that the tenants on the Wads- worth farms are - mostly good farmers and generally eineeeed when they go to farms of their own, as most of them do after a felv years. I have no,-doubt that most of the restrictions ~ u nder which the Wadsworth tenants are placed, however oneryns they, *silty seem, are for the advantage not only for the pro nrietors ;the benefit of them selves aqenarits. After . a few years of this sch4ling"-.they are ',prepared to farm on ``Bind that they own better than they4-otherwise would. I% thindt I have noticed also. t'fat eld country' people, after , they have; secured - a little money to buy or rent a p;ece of - 1 hind, were on the average of American boys who keep to farmrdort the lands left by their fathers. Perhaps, hOwever, this is not - a fair test. iMtst old coun try people come with very little money, and those who manage to earn and save enough to buy a farm acquire in so doing the habits which insure them after success. A Clear Complexion Can be had by every , lttcly who ycil use Parker's Ginger -Tonic.i, Regulating the internal organs and purifYing the blood it quickly removes pimples and gives a healthy bloom to the cheek. . Read about it in other column. . ' A thought that is notl hent-biptized never can mark results in spiritual thing's: Glitter With Out warmth in preaching or living is,the most helpless thing. Annoyance .rrecented. Gray hairs are honorable but their prema ture appearance is annoying. Parker's Hair Balsam prevents the annoyance by restoring the youthful Color. The very heat and root of sin is an independent aid selfish spirit. We erect the ideal self, and not only wish others to vitorshiP it, but we worship it ourselves. • "ROUGH ON RATS." Clears out rats, inice,.roaches, flies, ants, bed-bngt; skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. If a man declares himself to be so thoroughly religions that he has not committed a sin for twenty years you are bafe in concluding that he does not regard lying , as sinful. PILES. Piles are frequently . preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins anti lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times symptoms of indigestion are prescintlse flatulency, uneasi- ness ot the stomach. etc. A moisture like perspiration,prodncing a very disagreeable itching, par ticularly at 'Mat after getting warm in bed. is a very common attendantt Internal, External and,ltching Piles yield a. once on the application (if Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts direttly upon the! parts affected, absorbing thy Tumors, allaying the intense Itching, and affecting a giermanent cure where all other iremedies have failed. Do not delay until the drain on the sys t tem pioduces permanent !dhinbility,- but try it and be cured. Price; &ii cents. Ask cony druggist (or it, and when you cannot obtain it of him, we will send o,4prepaid, on redo, of price. Address The Bosanko Medicine Co.: Piqua. Ohio. Bold - y Clark li. Porter, 8. End of Ward House B ock. =2 Str..; _Albert Rings bury, Keene. N. R., troubled with ma humor on blinds and neck. causal kr had poisoning. (Re's a painter., At times it would break out, crack open, and the eau sepal. ate from the flesh in large pieces. suffering great continual itching and stinging- Purclased your remedies; used Cu Ileum Resolvent inter. taly, and calcites Soap °Mortally, and in less than three months effected a completa cure, and las.not been troubled since. Corroborated by Cullard & roster, Drugglitist Keane, MOTHER DIED FROM IT. - J. W. Mama, Neirark, Ohio, nye: Outlaws Remedies are the greatest medicines on earth. Ilad the worst cue salt rhuem in this country. My.motber had it twenty years, and la WA died from it. I believe Cut:lours would have saved. her We— My arms, breast and head were cov ered for three years ; which nothing relieved or cured until I used the ()Wien» Resolvent (blood purifier) internally, and Cuticura and Cullom Soap estenially. • P 13011,1111 3 -18. -, • • R. E. Carpenter, Esq., Henderson, N. Y. cured of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' Inbanr. by the Cuticura Resolvent Internally, and' Cativo% and • Cuticura Soap externally. the most wonderful case on record. Cure certi fied to before a Justice of the peace and promi nent citizens. All afflicted with itching and scaly diseases should send to us for this testi monial in full. . SALT, RHEUM. - Thou who have experienced the torments of Salt Rheum can appreciate the agony I endured for years, until cured by theCuttcurs Resolvent Internally, and Outlaws Soap externally.. 3isa.tttr. nuazgaros, Station. Wis. CIITICURA and Cllticnrs Soap externally and Cut!cunt Re solvent internally will positively cure every , species of Humor. from At_ Common Pimple to rofills. Price of Cnticura, small bcixes,:soc ; • large boxes. $l. Cuticura Resolvent; $r Per bottle. Cuticula Soap, 2.5 c. Cuticura Slaying lioap. M. Sold by all druggists. Depot, WEEKS & POTTER. Roston, Mass. • PAIMER'S GINGER TONIC A Supertative.Realth and Strength Restorer. If you arc a mechanic or farmer, worn out with. overwat k, or a mother run clown by family or house. hel,i duties tty 12 Ki nSI NC.E.it 1 . 1:7: IC. • If you are a lawyer,. minister or tusifiess man er lutirf u.di t y mental strain or anxious cares, do not take in rixicatin g stiMui an ts, bu t use Barker's Gin ger Took If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Itheuma. Ism, Kidney Com Plaints, or any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, biood or nerves PA I , HEWS Carecen -Tusic will cure yoti..l t is the Greatest Blood Purifier And the Best and Surest Cough Cure. tree Used.- - If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or Any disease or wnalot ess and requite a stimulant take GINGER Tome at cnce ; it will invigorate and build you up from the fist dose but will never, ktoxicate. It has saved hundreds of bees; it may tavh yours. TACTION rtrfn.e sll,sublitael.Parkey4Ginger Tonle Is ofinTorl of the best ternedialngvnta iu abe worid, and la (Mini,. differeni from mi.:nations of ginger alone. Send for thenlat iticox A: Co., N. Y. 50c. di AV itzer, nt dealer la drugs. • • GREAT SAVING IttiViNG DOLLAR SIZE: TO N Its rit:h and lasting fragranCe has made this delightful perfume exceedingly • popular. There Is not bine like It. Insist upon having nom% • TON COLOGNE and look for signature of • on .veep' bottle. Any drugged or dealer to perforrie; earl supply you. °S-and :5 cent tam • LARGE SAVING BUYING Ste. Bar. COLOGNE: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Is sure in its effects, mild in Its action as it does not blister, yet is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or other enlargements, such as sparing. splints curbs, callous, sprains, swell ings and any lameness and - all enlargements of the joints or' limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for which a liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and iyet certain in its effects. Send address for Illustrated Circular which ,we think gives positive proof of it. virtues. :co remedy hat ever met with such unqualified uc cm to our knowledge, for beast- as wells man. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for you. or it will be sent to any address on reiglipt_of price by the proprietors, Da. B. .I..Erspau, CoA, .Enos burgh Falls. Vt. ' • • Sold by . all Druggists: fEBTAXILIFIIED IN 1565.1 • HOWARD A. SNOW, Solicitor of .. • • AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS. -631 F SPREET N. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C.,, _(Successor to Gilmere, Smith & Co., aL - Chipman, Roemer & Co.) • Patents procured upon the same plan which was originated and successtally practic&l by the above-named firm. Pamphlet of sixty pages sent upon receipt o stamp. ' lnovel " BETTER TO LEAD THAN FOLLOW!" A GOOD MAXIM, BUT• .NOT ALWAYS TRUE It is better to follow H. JACOBS The old and Reliable Dealer in Ready-Made Clothing , From, his old stand,' (N 0.4.2. Patton's Block,) to his NEW LOCATION in the lame and commodins store, No. 123, Muin Street, formerly occupied by M. E. Sollomon & Son, (one door north of Fetch & C 0.,) where he is now open with a full and Complete Stock of Fashionable SPRING. AND SIMMER READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS AND CAPS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, TRAVELING . BAGS, UMBRELLAS, CANES, &C. MEN'S, BOY 'S YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S full and complete suits of grades and prices.„ While he aims to lead It hatmde, be asks his old friends and Ooryhody, clse to follow him to his new location; where be will fit them ont in the Whilst style et at the lowest prices. Come early. H. JACOBS. Towanda, Pa., April 6, IER. {3LATFORM WAGONS. - TOP AND OPEN &TOMES for sale atdeeided bargains A largo number of Superior make and finish: C. L. TRACY. • HENRY STREETER. Towanda, April 27-lin JOB PRINTING OF. ALL KINDS done at short not i foo and reasonable rates 01 Rnintal2sr cen, . II .- El FALLANDWIMR 18 81 ATTENTION 18 INVITED to out first-dm Heating Stoves They are too Weil known to require any eommendatio4- New Heobk, irestniinster, Crown Jewel. We also bade n line of CHEAP BABB MITERS, tbe' best of their class in the gasket, and well adapted for at- Plying a demand for an efficient but in• expensive heating stove.. iWOOD BEATING STOVES is great variety. i s, So - e l. MO 0 HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES Sold in Towanda and-Vicinity by A. D.DYE & CO. A LARGE STOOK OF Wood Cook Stoves CARRIAGEIIEARERS AND BLACKSMITHS' . SUPPLIES, AND A GENERAL STOOK OF HARDWARE MAIN ST., TOWANDA. Towanda, Oct. 31st. 1881. Double. ,StO.re. Double, Stock NOS. I t AND 2 BRIDGE BE. J.K.BUS Is now - open in' his 'Mammoth Double More with a full, fresh and complete stock of fashionable Spring, and :Summer Clothing, t , Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, ,Trunks, • Travelincr Bacr a s a 7 Umbrellas, Etc. Suits of all Grades for Men, Boys, Youths. , and. Children. Our rents have been obtained on the moat fivorsble terms. end our' current expenses re duded to the lowest possible • minimum, we prick pose to give our customers the , benefit of these Reductions by putting our prices at Lower Fig ures than any other Clothing House in Towanda. We invite a careful examination of our stock and prices, whether wishing to buy or not. We can satisfy the closest buyer of the truth cl what we say. WE MEAN BUSINESS. Coil and utility you. t 13.. Remember. Roe. 1 ind 2, Bridge Street. J. K. BUSH. Towanaa,. pa., April 10, 1882, yr M. HENDELMAN JEWELLER; Is still to be found at the OLD STAND MIX STREET,], NS:.it door to Dr. A. Or. Porter's Drug . Store WITH A FULL LINE OF FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS WATOIES I ! JEW E'LR,Y,I OP - STERLING SILVER AND FINE 'PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, 'CLOCKS, PROM TITS OTIZAPEOT TO Tag BEST. • ALL OVER T CH WILL EE SOLD AT TEE LOWEST,PRICEIL Clocks. Watches and Jewelry promptly repaired by an experienced and competent workman. M. HENDELMAN. - i itktl‘tt - ,-..CL, - 'l,,e!rXllW,iti NOW IS TEE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Stylish and Spring Garments MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, I AT. PRICES' WHICH OAN BE HAD AT NO OTHER HOUSE. ;•While maintaining the uniform standard of quality in ,excellence of work ati material by GOOD MANAGEMENT, -- - CAREFUL BUYING, and SMALL MARGINS, (with which lam content,) I have RAISED THE STANDARD 'AND- LOWERED THE PRICE, THE BEST - STOCK OF. CLOTHING In thislliehiity is now being sold for the least money by E. ROSENFIELD, M. HUMPHREY BR-05..&-TRAcY, ; Manufacinters and Wholesale Dealeis in all kinds of MEN'S, BOYS. WOMEN'S. MISSES - AND OBILDRENS oo.ts; ll .Bh9Pal -- RubberB;.-&6l', CQRNER [MAIN AND ELIZABETH STREETS, y — Use Lawrence &'llll . 140 i?, For COUGHS. COLDS SORE THROAT BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, Ft; MONIA CONSUMPTION, Diseases of THROAT CHEST AND LU I.:, l it LOAM i T 1, : H Has al ih 3 z 3 el b d e e e d n brg _ e o i‘ f_ l6 ,.n si7i.::::: ,... l , o , L ,, . • I LU BRONCHITIS, iASTHMA, SCRE Tll 1:.. *. 7 '• - .CONS LTMPTION in iine pleat and vaneed stages, and all diseases of the THROAT. 4 iii-: -mid LUNGS, but it h as never been so advantageously compounded as in the TOLL'. l:ot.:k :.. i •BY E t Its soothing Balmainie propertieS afford a diffusive stimulant' and tonic to buil , l hp : :system after the cough has been relieved. Quart size bottles, Price $l.OO. C A . O T 110 N I inno'lotbe.;) our deceivesdealers o bi l l wl 4 l ) l ff eh il i o i c i c he r V : MEDICATED article-the genuine bas a Private Die Proprietary Stamp on each botti. •;:'-.. 'permits it to be Sold IVY:Druggists. Grocers and Dealers Everywhere, A. , W wrruoirr SPECIAL sea oit momeran. g • The TOLU, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietors, 4l:River St., Chicago, in ONE MORE PICTURE GALLERY IN TO WANDA. G. H. WOOD & CO. . .. 'will open ' their New Gfilletv in .. , . g.-..y1 1 '4 Patton p s Block .-- t 1 ,-- on the First Monday of April. Having fitted up entirely new, with •the beet of instruments, we are prepared to make Tintypes, 4 at one sitting all-for a C:S. in neat envelo,..es,. 10 for $l.OO. Copying of all kinds of Photographs.and Stereoscopic and large view work done at this gallery. Givens a call and.we will try and . satisfy you in price and quality: . roar ..8 KENDALL'S SPAVIN - CURE Is sure to cure Spavins, ?f Curb, &c. It removes all. unnatural enlargements, DONS NAT DUNI - NIL f u t Las no equal for any lameness on beast or man. It has cured hip-joint . lameness in a ‘ person who had suf . ' 4 fered 15 years. Also enreikrlieunia - tient; corns, .frost-bites or end praises, cut or lameness. It. has no equal for any blemish on ho.rea. Send for :illustrated circular giving POSITIVL racnv. Price $l. ALL DRUGGISTS have it or can. Rota fir yon. Dr. Ti.J. Kendall d; Co., Proprietor., kliosourgh Vermont. IL 0, POWTEB. Agent, Towanda; Pa. DR. JONES'CREAMCAMPHOR IS THE NAME OF the popular Liniment that cures 'Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Froet Bites, pain in the Face,. Head or Spine Chapped bands, Bruiseit.Sprains. *Burns Mosquioto Bites, Sting or Bite of an in sect. Poison .from common Poison Vines, etc., for than or beast. Always reliable, and almost instantaneous in ita relief. Having an agreeable odor, it is:pleasant, to apply. Sold by all drug- Prihe 25 cents. . N.B.—T/0 Liniment received a Prize Medal a the State iFair,itrib. • Maar 20 13 - . tsiestnowoelofetherjbe lor ß g u t aknonyirterator l iou than.at anything else. Capitol not needed. We .will start you. 1 1 2 a day and up. .*lrds madO at home by the industrious. Men, *Omen, boys and girls wanted everywhere to, :work for ris. :Now is the time. Yon can work in , spare time only or give your whole time to the tinainrai.: Yon can live at home and do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well No one eau fail to make enormous i. ay 'by erie gitring at, once. Costly_ Outfit and terms free.—., Money matte fast, easily and honorably. . Address, Tnue & CO.. Augusta, 3faine.. '-- Dec 15—dyr - . ir • Yon need not Die o Win IN. THE • MUTUAL ENDOWMENT d . . • AND • ACtIOINT ASSOCI - A.TION • . • . - Of jßatb, w. T. • ,lon receive one-half of your itilurance;.ac cording to t he American Life Table. when two thirds of •e,nr life expectancy is finiabed—for illustratioh,a mate.or Woman joiiiiug the Aeso ciation at 36 years '-of age taking a certilicatefor {2,500, receives $1,275 when a little over 56 years of age. exactly the ;period in life when a little financial help is generally more- needed than at any other time. • BLADES . , M ' DES & ROOS. . • Pine2tf. Donated Agents for Penn's. RATIONAL BUREAU OF -INVENTIONi;. EVERY INVENTOR SHOULD KNOW That by the Rules of th'e 'Patent Office PATENTS, Models are not necesnry unless specially called for. Beni drawing end specification. TIMM receipt of which we will make examination at theTatent Office, sibtadvise as to patentability. FEE PAYABLE ofi ALLOWANCE of PATENT:I fiend for Paternisr of Ispersvcriona; free to. 7 address. _ ' HAI STEAD A CO.. Washington, D. C. Pabitehers qt theCongrestionai Reporter. - • Canary, 6, 110nr•se von- WI UNTIL' IT IS A POSITIVE FACT THAT TOW ATV Ir) A, PA.. TCYW-A1.1%11DA., -1" A.• OtS.N Eli to procure DALLY` BO TR I EfifOBT SUCCESEIFtL REMEDY ever d, covered, as it is certain in its effects snd d not. blister. Also excellent for human BEAD PBOOF BELOW. FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. . . , . • • Youngstown, Ohio. May leth, Dn. B. 4. KENDALL ,t Cot—l had 4 very valin.: ble,Hambletonian'enit which I prizeA very he had a large bone Isptivin nn ooe joint a small one on the other which made him T.! , 1.0:10; I had him undertbe charge of two ye nary surgeons which faVed to VIM trim. Ist/ one day rpacling the advertisement of KrDJ Spavin Cdre in the Chicago Express. 1.-deters::; no at once to try it, and-got our 'druggist* to bend fOr it, they orderedl three bottles; 1 them all and thn.nght I wouldgive it a tli•.rom'..l trial, I used it according to. directions an i fon•th clay the colt ceased to be lame, ail lumps ha:ye disappeared. I used but one b and the colts limbs areas free from lnuip. at moot!: as any horseip the state,. De In tirelv cured. The cure 'was so r, markabl. 1 let two of my Ueighbbrs have the remay..= two betties; who are now using it-. Yerpitespeetfully. • .'L. T. FOSTF.!I. Kendalfs Spavin - Cure ON HUMAN FLESH: • • • Patten's Mills,W c ash'ton 0., N.Y.. Dic,11..1. KENDALL, Dear Sir:—The •eartio:le caFe on which I used your Sendali's SpaN in was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen tre tds standing. I had tried many thiUgs, but in sxc :Your :•pavin Cure • put the foot to tire gre::: again, awe for the drat time since natural position.. For a family liniment it et. eels anything we ever used. . %; Yours truly, • ItErll. P. 8y.1.1,. • Pastor or M. E. Church, Fattens ? tills, C Price $l, per bottle, orAr bottles for r. Druggrats have it or can get it fer you, be sent to any address on receipt of price tq proprietors, DR: B. J. larZom,r, k Co., f.to burgh Falls. Vt. Sold at. , • • Dr. H. C. P wires Diug Stomi-'. * CANCERS CURED ;fy AT -.CRANE'S CANCER ECFID MARY, ADDISON, N. Y. - RUNPREDS OF PERSONS from all pull ^ , the world have been cured of this much dr4:l?.--;.0 disease and are now living witnesses that _tte. , ;1•• have been teecued from a te , rible and unt death. Doctors,. Ministerq and the Poor triancir:;.R Free, Write fora Circidargiving particuler.:43' 'i.Atliireas Drs. GEO!LeIt.VNE:, it RUSH • y sept.:injyr.ti) Tao._ FIRE AND-LIFE INSURANCE I.3L.XFAI AN'D COLLECTION AGENCY • BRINK. & BUCK, Leßaymille, MU writ , . Policies for risks in Fire and mimic& Collect Cl4iius with care ar.,l • .'-' promptness. They represent ponebut v 'FIRST-GLA. - SS COM - PANES! rimy solicit theconfidenre and patronage of thof -7 ',.. having business in their line, and sill eudtle,& 32 o to merit it. Apply to or address - ins:i tf BRINE& BUCK. Leitaysville,Ft;:lto HORSE. Send 25 Oa. in or currency for rum) L.DrriON of ..A Treatise on' the ilori his Diseases." It gives the best Arrainv all diseases. has CO tine engravings_ al BOOKpositions swindled b horses better than taught, in any other war. a tablb elMwim of all the principal medicines used' for tb as well' as 'their effects and nntid‘tes • 25 cts" val . :s a nct a la telling' the age of a horse, with an e:4 , tg rp cc t :ler t d i showing teeth of each year and a large I of other.viatusble horse infbrmation. lint of horsemen - have pronounced it wort/. than books costing $5 and $lO. The tact 260.000 sold in about one ye tr - before it in vised shows how popular the book is. 'fit vised edition is moctt.mcfai INTEResti , S , FOR A CLUCCLAII. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. Eendall it Co., Enosburgh Falls, Wermonr Mar 11-Iyr. ..'; .. , DR. JOHN CORR'S VEGETABLE MEDICI FOR MAN AND BEAST Fon 4fainurin—Dr. John Cotr's I,thinv Oils, Trice f 0 cents a i.ottle; Healing ri Gum and Oil Bals.•m • 50 cents a bottle; Vet Healing Salve and Sticking Plaster. 194 roll; Speedy Relief or Pain Remedy, price Fon Aiiimats—Horses,Cattle, she° ..Swit Poultry, Dr. Johneorr's Veterinary 0,11.1 Each bottle contains one-half pint. Pry' dollar a bottle. Prepared byJohn t'i•rr of Pharmacy. Towanda• Pa. Dr. CI- , rr will attend to or take charge times, eetcially chrojeic cases, when real dO so. Timetable reedles only :EU• '0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers