THE REPUBLICAN JUDSON HOLCOMB, CHAS, L TRACY, 1 1 "' - isupsoN_LroLcomn. Editor. ' stomas. IL ALLENOssortede Editor. "Reasonank tazes,honest expenditures, cam !Went dicers, and. no stealing." Harpers sir Entered in the 'Pont iitrilre at ronnda as SECOND CLASS MATTER. TEUIISDAY, JUNE 15, 18S2. Repuuiica. State Ticket. FOR tRWERINIOR, • k. UE.N. JAMES A:i BEAVER, of Calm' bo - LIEUTENANT-GOVXRAR, • WILLIAM T. DAVIES, of Bradford Co JUDGE OF THE SUPREME CURT, WILLIAM[ HENRY HAWLE, of Phila ,delP l 4 • ' • • ' f SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS, 4 JOIIN 31. GREER, 'of Balk- Co CO:VG RESSIIA7C-AT-LARGE.. .- Chairman Cooper has issued' the follow ing calf. HEADQUARTERS REPUBLICAN STATE COM- B/TITHE, ST. CLOUD HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA, May 20, 1882.4—The delegates elected to the Republican State Convention, held lit Har risburg, May 10, mill convene at Harris burg, on NVednesday, June 21, 1882, at 12 o'clock at., for the purpose of ineminating a candidate for Coitgre;-. man-aft-Large. • By order of the Republican State_ Com mittee., THOMAS V. COOPER,: Chair—MlMl. Chief Justice L. Bradford Prince, of New Meiieo; and.Judg,e Porter, of Arizona, have tendered their — resignations * to the . Presi dent. The unprecedented amolinVasked for by members frdm the Southern ' States to re pair crevasses in southern rivers,* wilt not repair: the crevasses in ' the • Democratic party of thosy, States. Treasury officials state that the: rumor . that a large amount of spuriotts bonds are in circulation are totally devoid of Ipundn tieff: In the words of Secretary nage they are "the idlest stories ever started by sensational gossippers." _ • It having appeared that an imprepiion has prevailed that the Post-office • DePart 'inept had decided that newspapers j and news agents could not. include in \ their publication bills, receipts and 'orders'. -for subscription; it is stated at the Post-office Department that no such ruling has ever been made, as the statute expre.wily author izes such enclosure in second-clAtniatter. According to the census of 18bp the order those States having over 900,000 habitants, and beg - il ' ining.withjia7greatest, is New York, Pennsylvania, itAiia r Illinois, Indiana,..gassachusetts, Kentucky, / Michigan, lowa, Texas, Tennessee, Geor, pia (the difference in the is?ipulation of the last twi:i_was less than 200,) Virginia, North IS EMI (*oliiiarWiticonsin, and Ne;v:'J'e-r-ky. The burthenof all the ligeshition asked for by the states lately in rebellion is, :for , the erection of public buildings, 'river and harbor improvements, and for payment of southern . claims. The ' draft upon the treasury from these sources is tremendous: At the same time, the Detnoc4cy ask to be "let alone" in the perpetration of 'elect _ion frauds c,piumitted through the magic working of .the "tissue ballot,7: by which the: returnedfa dozen or more ',members to and then fillibustered ten dapsto preven any of them being turned out of the House There is no longer any doubt that the newly elected Legislature in Oregon will be controlled by the Republicans. •It is true that they will not have an' overwhelming majority. At the most they will not have. more than : or twelve votes_ to spare,' but for most practical purrKise's any kind of a majority answers the purpose. The Oregon Republicans have strength enough to elect a Republican to succeed Mr. Gro ver in the m ited Staies Senate, and if that Were. the utmost extent of • their capaltilitieSi - there would still be substantial causefor congratulation. • •-; The Census Bureau has issued a bulletin shoWing that the live stock of the United States on faims on June 1, 1880, sax as follows: Horses, 10,357,991; mules and asses; 1,812,925; working oxen, 993,0;0 : milch cows, 1:3,-4-13,593; other cattle, 22 1 - 188,500; . sheep, 35;101,656; swine, 47,- 683.951. The rate of increase froni IV7O lo 1880 was: In horiies, 45 per cent., mules and asses, 61 per cent.; working oxen, a decrease of 25 per ticent.; mulch cows. increase of 89 pe * r cents; other cattle, 67 pc:r .cent.; sheep,' 24 per' cent.; 'ond swine 90 per cent. Wednesday of last reek was A great day ra for inventive •genius. : More Num four hundred_ Patents were issued "'.from .f,the otlice at Washington, and the transactions forthe,day were the largest kuTn in the history of the department. This 14oks lvell: 1. It shows that the ingennity of the American inventor is being freel , _tad sue. eessfidly exercised,. and ther are few things more important - than tins to the prosperity- and development of the 'country. No small part of our national growth is due to the inventive genius which enlightened Irg,islation . has so effectively encouraged. A meeting of the incorporators of the Oartield.Menirial • Hospital was held in 't: . Wednesday ; evening. of ;last week. A perManent organization si'as effected by the adoption of by-laws, and thi4 election of the following-named officers: !President, Justice . Samuel F. Miller:: • first vice - president, Senator William' Windom; seoind vice president,' JuStiee Arthur Mac- Arthur; treasnrer;-Gilfillan, Ijnite4l States Treasurer; recording secretatty, John A. -Baker; corresponding secretary, ,B. G. Lovejoy. Justice Miller, upon s taking the . deliveli':ed a brief addri'ss, am} the, fleeting scion afterward adjonrued. 4 . ,The Niwth American tells how an ingen iously superstitious person has found Out why it is that the country has not been doing so well for the past twelve months, why the crops-have failed and business been depressediwhy 'the balance of, the trade has been turned' against us, .and winter lingered so unconscionably in the lap of lie attributes this sequence of mis *fortunes and reverses to the fact that the country has a monumental Jonah within its boraers in the person of Charles." Cruiteau, and he insists upon it that so long as Mr. (iarfield's . assFmin remains in the land :of the living,- and the' murder of last July' is unaveuged, we k t eed not expect that fortune will smile upon us. There is something original in that theory at any_ rate,; and time was when it might . haVe fond geiieral acceptance, but the evil coliiplained of will soon be removed,. Guiteati's time is grow ing short. It seems 'to us that-as a first step toward harmony it would be sensible 'hi, the Stal wart and Indtipendent Republican: parka, I • to cease abusing each other like a pack of bawds. It is not necessary . to make the, breach any wider than it already is-at ' ', east Republicans neanot build thO brOgn for the Democra'oy be cross onto reach the I goal of their ambitiosa. Suppose a COnven tion of all The RepOdican aditora of the State be hold. A:they could agreO on a plan of reconciling things they Could mighty soon make candidates, politiciani, bosses and all submit. What say our Republican. editorial brethren of Pennsylvania . to a Convention? They could put an end to all , this trouble in short order.—,:Monirese lade , • pendent. We are, giving , the above ourj distinguished coiniideration, andj are not; sure but the idea is a good Ode. "I In the meantime cen anybody give assurances that the walking will be good at the time of holding such a convention, if it should be,decided wise to hold'onel ' .Chairman Lear . of the Harrisbnig Con yentiOn, has 'given ,an elaborate and forci ble opinion that the State Committee has no power to re-convene the old convention to fill the vacancy tn the ticket caused by the declination of Thomas AL 3farShall, and refuses to obey the call . of Chairman Coo er. His opinion is concurred in, by ninny of the ablest minds of the party in''the State. A number of the delegateis concur in Chairman Lear's opinion. and : have . signifiedtheir intention not to be Present at the re-a5:441114y Wednesday of the old ,con vention. If the fragment of the cenvention . meeting Wedesdayshall prove wiser than he party leaders and adjourn Without making a nomination, and advise the calling of a neu joint convention under the n'eW, rules, such a course will be approved by a large majority of the party and would be accept ed as a step iothe right directiOn toward a restoration of Amity. - But thetie is little room to' hope such a course will be adopted. The advices . e.:finithating from . :Washingten is for keeping alive the faetious fight, and the delegates are expected toeobey orders.,, The folly of iucli madness can bet be• con s templated when its result is- shown in, the , election. "So God wrought double justice, And made the fool The victim of his own tremendous choice. Seventy Democratic votes prevented Mr. Kelley 'from obtaining, the two-thirds vote, needed to introduce a bill for th*i relief of the manufacturers of knit worsted We'presume that this does:moti - irevent the . passage of the bill before the season ends; but it mat diminish its chances,l although the employment Ofb great body . 1. -of work men is at Stake. It is argued -against the bill that the whelebiatter of thejtaiiff has been referred 'to a : commission, and that this must go with the rest. It is iSaid, that, if the Committee of Ways and keens are not competent to report a tariff,-1 they are eqnallyincompetent to deal with this, part of it. . ibit these arguments are Mere soph istries. The purpose of the bill is not new legislation, but the Correction' a clerical error in the existing "tariff: a conse quence Of that error, - the mattufactureis of these goods emplaced by the other pro visions of the tariff bt a diSadventage, as compared With the foreign producers. It is made far cheepor to make these goodS' in Canada, and import them into ; America, than to illake them at home, Ile Ades, Kelley was brought to an understanding, before the tariff commission was taken up, 'that lei would follow it by a bill which would enable those members of ' the House who desire it to make 'a direct record by their votes en the question . of'Piotection or Free 'l'rede.l Yet, as soon as he tries to de . su, he finds the way blocked bY the votes, of Free Traders. '. .AlabaTa,, Mississip The Philadelphia Press, afte'r carefully studying the out-come .of the. Harrisburg Convention e-avo thw-collo k oitiz suAtt_Quin2.., "Every Independent Republican can 'consistently and conscientiously sustain the Republican State ticket for these reasons: I. • Because General Beaver's personal character /Ind - fitness: arq ..irreproachable and - because with a public disavowal of any personal obligationS, ho had given the most sacred pledge to administer the high trust of Governor in the interest of the whole party' and people. • 1 ' Because the ticket embraces a clear majority of recognized and true Independ ent some of whom if slated,. were slated with full deference Ito the high est standard Zif public requirement, and one of whom 'vas nominated, bv the free and spontaneous action of the Convention in smashing the slate. ' 111. Because,,henceforth. Popular Rule and Free Representation are established in the Repuldican party. of Pennsylvania; and, through the pii?vision for the popular elec tion of all delegates, the people have the opportunity to shade and control the party aetion,and overthrow all lioss domination, if they choose,to use it:' IV. 'Because the platform ordains the most advanced reform principleas the reg ular Republican creed, and, tho gli it may be an empty 'iimekery with some of the machine men, :it 'nevertheles fixed' the doctrine of the party, and . crowns -tirbse who accept and enforce it as the • true Re; publicans. 1 V Because the},great advantages which have been gained during the pas l t year • and in the Harrisburg Convention by . the per sistent demands of the Reformers show that reform Nvit hin the party is I pradicable., . , . , While t - .e.REPUBLICAN. j01:11.3 hehrtily • • in_ recommending thatimeasur i es shall be taken to harnionize the divisions , exist. , • I ing in the Repnblican . 3.iarty of .the State, 'because it feels 'bound 'to re- cognize the existing divisions as of ~ _too serious a character to be treated with indifference, we canifot,• hi reale the -E - differericare not !tealed, desert tle Har -risbu rg 'ticketA3 lOg as the Iconditions and relations of the two • diViSions re mitin as at prese4. From start; we sympathizewith the'?bjects'of the Independents,, , to . overthrow the domination of mactine power over the party, 'we have maintained that it was a mistake to undertake to adhieve,that end by an Independent mOvenient; The shadOw ofcoming 'events 4. plainly indicates Such a result in the near future by/regular action within the party, that an Independent movetnerit for its, accomplishment was entirtly unnecessary i Others thought 9 defferent,-., and while'we concede to thEim - the A , ,right of, private jtidgment as t, their !course of action • for curing existing evils, *e propoSe to exercise same right for ourself. WP •I • know no tinctive name for Republicans. We , are Republican because we believe in the fundamental doctrines of the Republican party, and desire o r so act as shall best promote the Su6cess of .our, convict us as a Republican, not, as a stalwart or half-breed, but as a Re publican. We confess that .the, situa i • flan at the present time presents some what of a puzzle hard to But we ,prefer to be regular rather than irregular. We regrot the situation, Yet it is not unforseeit., h tift6 been the boast of &publicans in defense of theiliuse, in., fact. it :has „long..AO taket the form . of an ; arglina44l* witlfth the Republican parlP theo ; vitas intellikent thought and ,idtion, itts'. ad herjehts Were iieverned .12• Vi honest con. victions in the perform , tride s of a • politi- - cal duty, while the forces - of democracy weo:wielded as by a Machine. This for a Nene was strictly true. But - sit is a lare , -ptable fact, that Rep:Aileene ers i' bavb adopted Democrati , mcilteds and prattices. .Wldle the prieelples of the masses of the Ilepublicati - .iparty. are , unchanged, and their - petition convic Lions are as strongly' in: fav,or of Re publicimsm as ever; our organization has become thoroughly Bourbenized by its leaders. The origin of the presl-nt troubttfarises out of this- fact: How to cure it is the-Conundrum, but. It us be't,Republicans. FibIIORIAL CORRESPONDENCE, WAfiIIINGTON. D, C . Jnne 12, 111,82 , - A week of hot weatheihns had the effect of causing Congress to think of consideling the question of ‘, FINAL ADJOURNMENT The Ways and Means Committee have agreed to report a resolution to - adjourn nut later than the ith of July. The Senate thinks it undignified to agree to the_ day fixed by the lower House, and, as usual, will amend any resolution the House may puss, fixing a different day.. If the House shall say the 7th, the Senate will' bo liltely to say the 10th, and probably that will the time. - With the exception of the 11Insge" of bills of a private nature, which cannot poSiiblY be considered during the present session; the important public legislation demanded can all be disposed of, before July Ist, if both bodies will work industriously. A larger number of bills, and reports themon by committees, are shown by the records to have been introduced and reported !upon during the present „session than in 'fury previous session Of Congress. Consequently the journal and documents will be proport tionately,, more voluminous.. , The House journal for the present session will probnbly exceed two thousand pages, and the re• ports of committees, each, one being a disl tinet document, will reach two thousand or more. While Congress is charged with being lazy; the above statement will convey some idaaof how the time is employed. Tag LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL APPROPRIATION BILL,. which Was reported in the House on last,, provides for the following additions to thc, clerical force in the several executive departments : Pension office; 817; Surgeon ,General'i office, 166; Adju tant General's office, 167; Secretary of War's office, 12; Second Comptroller's office, 8; Second Auditor's office, 20; :Third Auditor's 0ffici.,26 7. -total additional clerks, 1,210. Two-thuds of the increase of dtri cal force asked for, it will be seen, is in the Pension Bureau, made necessary by the past number of undetermined pending ap plications for pensions, ,numbering several hundred thousand. • TILE PENNSYLVANIA NEWSPAPER - EXCUII, hlo:kasTs have been here, seen Wasbinpon at its hest,.and left for their rispeetive homes on Friday last, delighted 'with their visit. A brief report bf the doings of the party will', we trust, be furnished by our . special cur= respondent. , ' We-embraced the opportunity to interview a .numiser of the Republican country editors relative to the political situation in their re:: et ii,tl=ljas,_.azaffected b the exception, deep regret was expressed that the disagreement existed, with a hope that some measure might be. adopted that would restore harmony 'and bring party success. Itlwas.a common remark that " Don Cam : • , eren has .no conception of the feeling his course has created, and if he persists, it can only result :in defeating Republican • ascendency in the state." As to the effect . the division -would have upon the Congres iional and LegislatiVe I ) ekets, all agree that the conflict should n' t extend to • these nflices unless . " -- through Senator Cameron's dere to control the election of State, Sen ators in his persdnal interest objectionable candidates ; by machine methods were forced upon the ticket. In such case In dependents would be run against thim. As the time for nominating- candidates for the next CongresS approaches, hoth parties begin toacontcmplate the Probable political complexion of , • • THE NEXT CONGRESS The Senate, it - is' conceded by the Demo . - crats, will be • Republican by at least four majority. The terms of. fourteen Demo crats and one Independent, and of.eleven_ Republicans eVire on .the 4th pf I March next.' The' Republicans gain one .in one in Oregon, and will probably gain one; in place of David Davis, Independ ent, in Illinois, - and mu.; in phice of - NePherion, in New Jersey. They lose one in Louisiana in place of Kellogg. The re sult, it is conceded, will glve the republi cans a majority Of four, and they May have six. The complexion of the House cannot . be so easily calculated. It is expected that the Repulicaus 'may lose three in Peririsyl , vania, 'four in New York, two. in Indiana, 'arid perhaps &o in Ohio, and the same in Illinc;is, making a loss of thirteen. 'They expect to gain one in Maine, threO in Kan sas, one in Califoru)g, one in Massachusetts, three in _Virginia, one in. West Virginia, and enough in. the other states 'smith to ntakeithe House decidedly . Republican'. It cannot be otherwise than cli3sely balanced. If theparty, dissensions 'in i*ew York.and Pennsylvania could be'healed, there would be no doubt about .the -next House being Republican. There is yet hope that the piny may notbe sacrificed to the blindness °Fits leaders.. • GUITEACS 110 PE (ONE. 1 The attorneys in. the case of Guit'eau having exhausted every possible expedient to save his neck, have informed him that lie must prepare for his final doom. He. maintains an 'Unexpected - comp . osure and self-control in the face of ,tho inevitable. On Friday last he made choice of a spirit* adviser, the Rev. Mr, Hicks:Congregation alist, 4 , C-the Tat4ernaele Church, who visited him on 4 ;lhat% dat and engaod iri prayer and held a long conversation with the _prisoner. The prisoner for the Jlrst time Showed some contrition, -aud. was affected to tears; At Guiteau's request, this clergy man Will ice his only spiritual adviser, and will visit him frequently up to the time of his execution, which will be on the :19th instant, unless a commutation of sentence or suspension is iutetlpoSed by the President, which is hardly probable. J. H. EDITORIAL EXODSIC.X. The tenth annual excursion of Pennsyl vania'`editors, made HarrisbUrg their 'place of reriileixous on Monday evening, Jupt, 5. The evening was pleasantly spent at the Lochiel House in. renewing "auk' acquain tance," and in. receiving introductions to new ones. On - .Tuesday a party of abOut WO proceeded to:Washington by a special train, provided' by the liberality of- the' Pennsylvania railroad company, whose guests the • excursionists were throughout the trip. We Ur% itedbmpad _by several of , the gentlemanly officials Of the railroat company, who spared no effort for our comfort and pleasure, • On l'nesda3r evening, the editorial party were received at the •Whitetonie by the President, atithited by : Senator Don Gamer tm.- It Innushed an ahnost nnigne oppor tunity tp see the grand Saloons brilliantly lighted when theca was - no crowd to into with one's moving freely about admiring theeastly and - ._ , handsome. in 63 of our Republican Ptdaft. In the first parlor off the famous East Room, stands the life-size portraits of -Mrs. Hopei and the lamented' Gterfield. What memories were recalled of the past that was so lately the preseitts How many times have formed one of the crowd in the saloon of the White House, attracted:not by the glit ter of foreign insignia of rank or the bril liant trappings of wealth and position, Out drawn there - by the gr a cious presence of that sweet and) noble' 'woman,- Lucy Hayes. I was there too; .on the , last eve ning on which Mrs. , Garfield received call ers at the White House. It was simply au informal reception ) and most of these pres ent were personal friends. Mrs. Garfield was evidently suffering from *the diseage that so soon prostrated her for many weary weeks, yet the evening will never be for gotten because of that one brief glimpse of the thoughtful tenderness of. the I4iifruid,- who laid aside ; the cares of state and assisted his Wife lin entertaining. their _guests. • ". A year ago, a year ago, To hope is not to know." On Wednesday the largei portion of the oditoiial party went down to Mount Vernon •on a Potomac steamboat Of course lam bound in honor not to reveal the na mes i of those who shed tears over the abandoned ice -house, mistaking it for . the tomb of the " Father of his country." • One of the' most touching souvenirs of the :Washington mansion is the little attic room; with its plain bed, -*here the bereaved wife spent the two years of hei ineonsolable widow hood before 'she went to join the husband so greatly. beloved, .so • passionately mourned. The low, mean chamber was inkeeping with the aseetism of Lady . Washington, but it would:- now hardly. be thought good enough' to be the sleeping room of . a gentle Woman's servant. The chamber in which Washington died com manded a magnificent . view of the land scape, the. wide' sweep of. the broad Itoto. mac, the, verdant slopes of the low , hillsi, the picturesque variety of stately ; greveo-and, emerald: meadows,- bathed inAhe golden sitnlight'of a perfect June day: This excursion was conducted on the go'- .aS-you please principle, so my young friend Miss Julia and myself did pet keep ,with the party, hint stopped on citpitol Hilkand went wlieve listed. .Thies. were drives to the Soldier's Home; Arlington,.. that beautiful city! of the Nation's heroic . dead; GeorgetoWn, with its grand views, famous I College and Oak Hill Cemetery; visit ,to the Smithsonian, the new.; State DePartinent, the Treasury. building, Post-office Depart,d meat and to, the various parks In this capital city. - _ . . Of course a trip . tie Washingtcin would' not-have been complete without a visit to the prison where the -a q.nqsiif Guiteau is" confined. Our torty was lett by the gal-. knit Captaiejall, who, was Guiteau's. bailiff all throng i li, the: trial, 'when the pHs? oner Was-taken _iron the jail over on the Eastern.Branch . o the City Hall, tweruilei I distant. We all. remember how many sensational stories were told about \ ti* Captain's being struck by the priSoner and how severely punished Guiteau iii re turn; but t.lto truth is that Capt. Tall is too cool and experienced. ;lin officer to thus ex ceed his duty by striking a manacled and defenseless?. prisoner, however abusive his sou y s ruttiFre .rr itiTTiiti . c.arge o Gen. Crocker. Theoretically no visitors :are allowed to seeGuiteau,es Gen. Crock believes that the few remaining, day's shoUld be spent in contemplating the possi bilities of, the future and realizing the awful trine of the past. When his attention was distracted by', curiosity to look upon the greatest criminal of the country, he seemed to enjoy the sense of being notorious and gave little heed to the fate drawing sonear. Last week he asked to see a clergyman and 'Rev. Dr. Hicks agreed - to look after his spiritual weifare 4ntil the hour of, his ere. cation. • Though scores- of visitors are turned away, yet our party being members of the Pennsylvania Editorial i Association were allowed to walk' doWnthe corridor upon which his cell opened, ostensibly to look at. a condemned murderer, confined in a cell beyond him, but in realiq to . take a good I • look at the assassin. Confinement is begin ning to tell On Guiteau, as he looks rather pale and thin. He •is -better looking than the so-called portraits of him, has light brown hair andlair,Complexiou, but there . is a restless glitter i in .the peculiar redish gray eyes that 'b etrays the Want of moral balance that made him capable of suchu a dastardly crime a.S . ' the murdei+ of our be loved President. He wore a straw.hatimd a light summer suit. Guiteau • seemed rather to court observation than to avoid it 1 and turneddiis face towards the door of his cell as our party passed it. - He was buSy in arranging two Magnificent bouquets of flowers, one was composed of the beautiful General . Jacqu minot 'roses, and the other of a variety of dossoMs. . Capt. Tall alone spoke to him aid in reply to his greeting of " How do you do t"'Guiiteau replied, "I• am pretty well. You . see they! haven't choked me yet. i '', After 'coming out of the, corridor, I said to Gen. Crocker that itdid not seem. possible that I, could look upon 1 any other human being, condemned to meet an ignominious death so soon, without a thrill of sympathy, but that I felt . only horror and aversion' on• seeing' Garfield's assassin. The, General replied that he did not believe that any one of . the many thou sands who had \visited him, had felt any thing but hotrorlor his crime. He further remarked' that all the newspapers talk -• 1 1 about letters , of sympathy, bouquets 'and other tokens bf regard, existed - only in the vivid inuiginsition; of sensational reporters:. Whence thee'caine the flowers 'I - just . saw in his cell ! I ventured .to ask. . " I brought thein from my own garden and placed them there myself. - Never a single flower has been sent to his cell except what tie officials about the prison hive given . .him,"- - replied the General. We were alSo 'i'liown the gallows ion which Guiteau is to meet his,fate--a fate that seems most ter rible because so fully 'desered. A strange incident in connection . with the shot fired by Mason, :Was the fact that the bullet 'fired diagonally into the cell where the prisoner wfis'lying on his cotl passed through one window; cutting a 1 1 hole in the glasswithimt shiverin it in the least, struck the side of the bard b *ckyall, glanced and went through to , uiteau's . coat and through the heart of a phOtograph of himself in the.breast pocket, shuck the wall again and fell Ito the — liniii of the Cell. The bullet thus flattened was shown us by Gen. Crocker and wii i s curiously , enough in the shape of a profile of, the assassin— a , better profile tfuin 1 half ' ; the published portraits of him. ' ' 1 .1 ; j After, a week of meet delightful told varied experiences at the National Capital, favored by the most charming &mu weather, Miss Julia -and I returned to our j" native . heather " on Saturday last, and thus ended our participation in the tenth .annual•ezeurtion of . Pennsylvania editors. M.L.$.. PENNSYLVANIAOARAGRAPHS The Malaga, •of , the. McKean dnutty SocieV ,announce , :that • Oey will ford& minister, the- wedding cake and the traveling aupmees to and from the 'fair ground to any 'parties matrimonially inclined whO will be mania' in the presence of the assembled multitude.dnring the cant ing county fair: he hail bridge of the Lehigh itafiey itailroad, cram:4w the Little Lehigh near East Penn Juiction, has-been 'completed. It is constructed entirely of Iron, with the exception of the ~pion and WasA built loin& a gamer that the running of trains on the read was not interrupied. Iy is said to be the Only complete three-track bridge in the Uci t ted States. • . • • A Lucent°, o county man met with his death in it',riagular- manner a few days ago. He entered hotel anti began boasting of his strength' and pow,eia of endurance, and clai'med that he could withstand the effect of any blow which 'eight be landed against his chest -without injaPy. A bystander asked the privilege of striking him, which was readily accorded.' ; ,The blow • knocked him.over, and in two minutes he was dead. The. third annual reunion of the Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry was held in Lancas ter Thursday, a large dumber of the mem bers heing present. An oration was do:. livered in the afternoon by Major A: C. Reihoehl, of Lancaster, and the exercises concluded in the ey_ening with a banquet. The officers for the ensuing year are: Presi dent, A. Schenck,- -of "Lancaster; vice- Pqaidente, Thomas K. Reynolds, of Atglen; H. H. Niseley, of Mount Joy, and J. K. Myers, of Likens; secretary, I. D. Landis, of Coatsville; treasurer, A.. C. loser, of Mechanicsburg. The 'next reunion will be held at Ilnittingdon . on June 2, 1881 'GENERAL GLF,ANINGS. lifJ Barthel(li has sent over from Priris to New,Yo4.for the great . arin and hand of the Goddess of Liberty. .He wants to ad just the, arm'tO the'tolossal figure, which will be put tegether in a French govern ment vessel. Considerable damage is being done ' to whet and oats in southern Virginia by small insects, known as white midgets. Presious to the appearance of these insects; wheat 'and eats gave promise - of the largest •• yield known in many years. , • A severe rain-storm, with lightning and i watrspouts, passed over Denver, Col., on Sunday'night. Several' houses near the Platta Starer were.s4o; away. _ .r.:IwO Ger-. • . mans and three children , are known to have . been drowned, and it is feared that other klieg Were lost. At Galden the Cambrian Fire Brick Works were fired,and complete ly destroyed by' lightning: • • " The brickmakers at Chicago have accep ted the of compronunise made by ',the oni ployers„and resumed work last '-week at Ivages ranging froth $2 62 to $31'21. The !workmen agree not to strike again this year, and-to work with non-union men. :•They also consent to do ; plating without 'extra pay. The advance Is twelve and a-half-cents, or just half the rate which the strikein demanded. ' • The only scientific Iron Medicine that does not produce headache, &c., but gives to the imiterii all the benefits of • iron without its bad effects, is Brown's Iron Bitters. • • A reniarkable collection of surgical in struments has been discovered at Pompeii and removed to the Naples Museumi- It evidently belonged to one • practitioner or establishiwnt, and is as large an equipment •as the modern surgeon is usually supplied .with. One of the most interresting instru ments is a long rod.with a metallic; plate fmkptew,3l-11.414,41.! ante of ItsrsVi. internal operations, but its remarkable re semblance to the modern laryngeal mirror suggests the possibilitythat it was employed in a similarmanner in ancient times. - At Perham, Minn., about one o'clock Thursday evening, twenty armed men broke into the jail and took out John Trib bitts, a boy sixteen years old, 'accused of the murder of Edward Washington find teo Fehrenback, a couple of land . survey ors, at Madena a few days ago. The !filch ers took the boy to the railroad track, placed a ladder agiiinst a telegraph pole, and hung the boy from one of the rounds. They kept the crowd back with their 're ; volvers, and then dispersed. A medicine of real merit, prescribed bY many leading physicians, and universally recommended by those who have used it, as a true tonic is, Brown's Iron Bitters. , The most severe-hail-storm that ever was known passed over Laredo, Texas, on Thursday evening. It, meted unceasingly from six to seven o'clock. Hail stonesas large as a hen's egg - fell. The walls of Babcock's new variety hall fell in, instantly killing Charles Munster, and wounding:two. others, one dangerously. The roofs of several houses also fell, causing a damage to goods, the extent of which is not yet known. Great damage; it is feared has been done to sheep in this connty by the storm. POLITICAL -POIkTS, • Senator Cameron was rather more. sue ci3ssful than Senator Mitchell in manipulat ingthe late Republican convention of Penu 7 sylvania; so . Mitchell kicks, and sayi it is tune the Cameron retired and let him "boss things" for awhile. And that's • all there is of it.—Warerfy Advocate. . • Says the Press: Ex-Sehator McDonald, of Indiana, points to the Western. strikes and says "Ha! Ha!" Inthem.he sees the fallacy of protection. - Does the ex-Senator seriously think that under , . a Democratic syetem of free trade those then wouldower have been able to lay up enough money to build a strike ota . . Boss Mitchell says there will be no truce unless Beaver, and the rest of the Harris bnrg ticket is withdrawn. This shows the spirit which pervades the bolters. They are opposed . to "bossism" unless they do the bossing.. *hen they bois it is an up rising of the "dear people."---litooni:Oarg Republicipt.. The Williamsport Gazette . and Bulletin is - inclined to the idea that inasmuch - "as General Hancock has been sacrificed on the Democratic altar 'once, - it is not likely that he will allow himself to be led to cer tain defeat again, as there is no Democrat in Pennsylvania ho could be ,selected over General Beaver." "If the object o Senator Mitchell and his associates is to assist the Democracy," the Brookville R Moan thinks "the only honorable course they can pursue is to come out boldly and assert their purpoie, . . and not act the part of cowards by en deavoringsto deceive by so flimsy a disguise as the Independent scheme affords." Senator Ben Harrison, of Indiana, is looming up as a Presidential candidate. A knowing Washington. politician recently said of him: "He has taken a prominent part herefor a new man and is rapidly coming to the front. He lives in n .pivotal locality; he has a military name a nd heroic . traditions(he is 'of good family, and the Morning light of Presidential ambition is already makiturrosy hisl horizon. • senator Everhart, of. Chester, a promi nent: Independent Republican supports Beaver for Governor. In a recent inter ifs", ho sail "Thorp aro Oarada of wzniditini against P€P ll3l O lll ./.., - mantigemeit in Penusylvania, , but that does not make . Democratic supremacy desirable." Mr. Everhart helped to send Mr. • Mitchellto tho uOited stabs senate. . • - Says the North. .imerican: Senator Cameron, according to special telegrams piiiilished yesterday, denies hiving made the foolish remark attributed to him, by those who fancied their hearing was accur ote, in the Matter of the alleged threat about the, tariff. It is well that he should htive lione so; and his word should not questioned. - Rash, domineering, autocratic and iMpolitic as he. is, denial of this charsii should be acceptet• by „trend and foe. Hen. James G. Blaine hits written , a let ter declining to be a candidate for Con gressman-at-Large in Maine. ..Ire hopes that the campaign Will result in theelection . of a Legislature which will return Senator Frye to the C. S. Senate, and says: "For twenty-three years I was continuously in the publlo.service, and I left in consequence of a tragedy which has involved deep changes in the policy of . the Government. Since then I have been- at4iniing to long neglected private affairs, from which I can not nt this dine turn aside except with in justice to those who. have oven a stronger claim upon me dna the great constituency which in all these years has honored me with an earnest support and with unwaver ing confidence." When John t. Mitchell announces that he is ready to intnd the State of , Pennsylvania over to the Democrats because of his hatred to the Cansomns, he should remember that his own election to the place he now i wishei to disgrace, showed .that the Camerons could be held in cheek and; they were not whole : Republican party by any 'means. True enough they had influence enough td defeat Grow, aided by the traitor Wolfe, - who was the Judas of the movement, but they - were not able to elect any ono of their choice. Other persons have betrayed the State into Democratic hands, but what has it profited them.. Where is Curtin, Mc- Clure and others who might have, been honored and respected had they stayed in the party. Gone over to the Democrats body and breeches. That is were John I. Mitchell will end Who does not halt.—Troy Gazette. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS; . Lincoln's 'celebrate.' Gettysburg speech. was writteriln the curs when 'the President *as en route .for that place the day preQ'ed ing the celebration. ..He peipied it on a piece of paste board.. .. :. When Cyrus W: Field first went to New York city he found employment in: the, house of A. T..,Sl,43wart &- Co„,onn salary of . .V.i a week. . He was obliged to be the first at the store in the , morning, t sweep it out, and to,remain, until the part/ eiSMul Most of the clerks luta-gone at nigh . , 1 i 1 A singular story conies from Washington's oli home at.lliount. Vernon. " . ..At. 1:30 on last Thursday`-afternoon, an old clock, which was Ought. by Washington More than a. centuiiy age and - luqrStood, for ninny years ill what was knowii,Xs the t'lliver Room," broke its sileinle.-_by,: distinctly : striking, it is. said, three time. -- The supgt= bite ndent of the place says the old clock has not been wound up for ' more ' than '4O years. 1 In fact, many of the works had been carried away by relic hunters. The colored servants refuse to Venter the room* deeming the striking . the work of. the General's ghost. , . OREGON AND THE SENATE. . The IoSS of a United States senator - in Oregon -must be a grievous disap pointment to the democrats, for w . 1/.4V-InatC-371111" us- bt.s.y - *r lea - UM __ of retaining the senate after the fourth of .March; ISS3. As . the republicans have the legislature by a ~majority of ten or more on joint ballocit is certain that Mr. Grover will be rtired at the end of his termand that a republican' I will be elected in- his Atc. for the - full term of six years - , This is an impor tant victory; for with - the : senate . .as close as it is now,flic, change of a seat from democrati C. to I republican,- makes a good deal of difference. At present the national senate _is composed of thirty seven - republicans,, thirty:seven democrats. one independent and 'one re adjnstet. : On-the fourth of next *March the terms of - twenty-six senators will expire, of, whom eleven are republicans, fourteen deinocrats and one ' independ- . ent Tue democrats .- lose one in, Oregon. Rhode Island' will return Anthony, republican, and Kentucky Beck, demo crat. The democrats \Via lose, one in Virginia 'as Riddleberger, republican, has already been elected. - To balance this .they have scored again in -Louis iana, Congressman cibson having been elected as Senator Kellogg's 'successor,. In Illinois David Davis ; Will .make way for a republican without; doubt. These changes . show 'a gain of one to both re publicsns and readjusters, and. - a net loss, of one both democrats and lode-• pendents. The other republican senators whose term is ,abOut expiring:represent im Colorado, la, Kansas,Maine, Maqs achusetts, Michigan, Minnesota. Ne braska, and New HampShire,. and are tolerably sure to be foll Owed by repub licans in every, instance./ The retiring 1 democrats' come from : Alabama, Ark an- . ' sas Deleware, Georgia; Mississippi, New Jersey; .North .Carolina, South Carolina . Tennesse - e, Texas and West Virginia. . In some of the doubtful states the legislatures are more likeß- to be repub lican, than democratic.. IThe, outlook, therefore, for r4Jublicati • wieemlnacy, by a . good , wt rking minority, after March 4th, 158.3 is excellent. I , - Dying of Starvation. .; , . lla St - ILLE, Va., June. I I courier from Patrick :county has .arrived - for ,aid. He reports 5,000 people starv ing in that county: c,A. number of Nrometr - apti childr,n.have already died, and there are 300 persons at Patrick court house who have had hardly anything to eat for two or three dais at a time: : The 'suffering is due to the failureof.the crops of last year.. The county - is a, remote . and mountainous .part of the state. Relief expeditions are organizing. COUNTY CORRESP*ENCE. • • . LIME • - En. REPUBLICAN::--N.Ot 'seeing any notes frOm here in your valuable Paper, I thOught . I would write a few to let the'eut side world know we are aline Yet, • Crops look fine ,on aceoun of the late Corn that is up looks rather pale; old meadows looklnli where the grub has'nt .cut the roots out. / 4 ! . - • , There was a' meeting in the Union church. Saturday and Sunday, Rev. C. 4.• Hal lowell, of Towanda, officiating in the after noon Saturday, and B. B. Luce, in the e \ veniug aiSisted by Fisher and Brewster, the Sunday morning Services were conduct ed by .----=_KennedY, assisted Jay Luce. The evening • service by Brewster. The Sunday School is running nicely With about 60 Schott/1. We have as fine a choir 'as !heti is atwitter°, conducted b,y Biles and Strunk. Otianistie Stella Coi and . Butts 4 One of our Tenor singers, W. L. Bilai,' has a very sore throat. Be careful WilVazul you will. be all right yet. We were surprised last Monday night, at hearing gun's, 'old tin pans, bells and good deal of hollowing, but on inquiring; found that 0. F Strunk had fouiul a par. ner for life and the boys were taking thei reyengolorhis , getting ahead of them. Nell I havo written more than I intended so will-stop and remain M. B. S. ; autor inisr, a. • The Troy Rifle Teaiii went to Canton for, a fiieiaijy match with those knights of in vincible courage, but somewhat pregnable skill, on Thursday, of last week and beat them for the third time. Still the Canton ians want to try again and bout the best= way to settle the matter will be fu'r our boys to lcit them have •one give away game and call the matter square. There is talk now about organizing a cornet band here which shall contain first class musical talent, which event will be much to the enjoyinent of the community. The Rev. Moses Hopkins of North Caro lina preached at the Preisbyteriait- church on Sunday, Tune 11th, both moriOng and e'enii g. • Hon. Delos Rockwell; went to Canton, on Saturday.last and addressed thjfarthers of that vicinity, on the• subject of agricul ture in the southwest. Ho was met by an intelligent and appreciative audience And gave them some very interesting informa tion showing the difference in methods of farming between that section of country and this: The decline of the independent boom in this vicinity bids fair to eclipse in speed its rise and progress. , The more men think about•the matter the less reason can they . find - for finding fault, and Republicans for tunately are reasoning beings. Time is rapidly healing all' d'itterences and there is little prospect that any number of the party will espouse the perspnal -fight . of men who are showing by their conduct that they only lack the opportunity to ,beconni the most intolerant oTmsses, Friday, June Kith, Gen. dairies A. Beaver, will visit Troy and there will be an informal demonstration of welcome froni the Republicans of : this vicinity. Hon.. W. .T. Davies; haS'aLscH been invited to be pre-, sent. A goisd time may be expected "New is the time to hear and discuss the issues'of;l the day and it is the • part of wisdom for all. to unite harinouioosly for the general good. * * s. 011 . 11 - ELL : Ep. 'REPUBIACAN:—It is a saying We have heard many times, that :?dry weather frightens people, and, wet weather starves them." .HoWever that may be, we think the present spring may possibly, and pro' bably is, an exception; tor the continued wet weather has brightened the prospects for a hay crop beyond.the anticipations of the mast sanguine of. our, farmers. Trpit frees look, promising aiul unless we7gaie untimely frosts to nip the bud, - there:iWill be an abundance. Corn planting is/over and though late may be :a fair, crop. .lota to beetles are plenty and the "small" boy may : pick" them at his leisure or when under: the watchful _eye of his papa. . H. L. Case, painting his house. • The old shop in front of J. P. Coburu's barn which has been au .eye-sore. to many, is to be. cleaned out. So says Mr. Hall. ROv. Mr. Weller, of Nichols, N. Y., --oc cupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian- church last 'Sunday. The Childrens Day was observed at the M. E. Church by responsive readings, sing ing and short addresses by Revs. J. worth and Pastor. - • The sick 'have nearly all recovered from Qr. Miss Tillie Owen, was borne Friday and Saturday to attend. Teachers' ASsociation. • PROGRESS. June, 13 1882: . • _4 Surprise and Itirth-day Party. Mr. J. L. )Goodin and his wife Jane have lived in this town for many years, and raised to man and womanhood a large and ° e.spectable faMily, eight sons and two daughters, and ell bin two are now living. One, a young man Sickened and died with his parents some • years ago, another, , a noble hey was killed while out hunting in the western part of this State, by; the acci dental discharge of his gun. Four of their sons are married. Allen the eldest lives on his farm near the old homestead; three are living and doing business in Clearfield county, this state. Charles is keeping a first class hotel aild living at Tyrone and keeping some of the finest horses in the State. Tice at the same plate is running a boot and shoe store; and (*ergo has a very large livd . iy at Houtzdale. The other ' two boys Frank and Emery (though both Of -have a *home with father and mother. Emery the youngest is agent and taking orders . for ntubtilar fountain fence tn for ceetry lots single graves and monu ments, which is strong and durable and also a beautiful article. The two girls are the youngest, the eldest of whom is married the other a young lady is living it home. - But to - the sUrpriseNow these daughters (yes God bless the„wonianeyer foremost in deeds of kindness) desiring to do something to cheer tied invigorate their parents as they. are now treading the ,down-hill side of life conceived :the idea of making their mother some presentsiand giving hers sur prise on the anniversary of her !:ilth birth • day. Accordingly kindred and 'friends were invited, presents procured, _dinner prepared and at the appointed time all wended their way down Lind up •to Uncle Joes; and when there had a grand - good time, and after spending several hours in a very pleasant and r social manner ;and piirtaking of a sumptuous dinner, we part ed'for our several homes fully believing that both parents and children felt better for this socialga i thering. Our hearty wish and lenient pr4er for them is that they may all live te, enjoy. many more such happy days. , A FitiF,No. GRANVILLE June 10th, 1862.. Delicate Females The exactions of `society. added' to the cares of maternity and the household, haVe tested beyond endurance the frad constitu tions which have been granted the inajority women. To combat this tenchnicy to premature decline, no , remedy in the world poSsesseS the nourishing and strengthening properties of Malt Bitt‘rs. They enrich the blood, perfect digestion, stimulate the liver and kidneys, arrest ulcerative weak ness,' and purify and vitalize every function of the female system. F . — 7 oR: SALE. One! second-hand Enst4aq Boiler. ith,good condition. En gine 12:2E4 Tanbular Boiler, Force , Pump, Con nections, etc. Suitable for a saw or grist mid. Have been running 4 run of stone with it. Reason for selling is that - I am 'increasing the capacity of my mill , and putting in larger engine. For full particulars call on or address June 25-4 w G. A. DAYTON, Towanda. Pa. r • NAurna-A)F JULY PARTY:- There wilt be a 'Fourth of July party at the Valley House, iiheshequin; Pa , on July 3, 4383. Two dancing halls. - Music—Stuith's Band., of Owego. All are cordially invited. J. P. ROGERS, proprieldr. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary baviliz_been granted to the undersigned, under the -bat will and testamiint of Donna Maria liontinye: Isle of TOwalids borough, deceased, all persons indebted to the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate must present the same duly anthentleated to the nioiersigned for settlement. /RA B. NEMIIIIIEY, Executor, Towanda, Ps., 3117 le, 1881. '• Nev:Advettizeminti. NEW , FIRM 1 NEW STORE 1 - NEW 00008 I Ed. Mouillesseaux, igortiterly with 'llendelnian o ) HAS OPENED A Jewelry Store OF U 1 'OWN IN PATTON'S' BLOCK; i, With Swarts & Gorden's Store, • • ,••( Main Street, Towanda, Pa., More he keeps a FULL ASSOA-: • giNT of Gold & Silver Watche SWISS'AND AMERICAN; CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, ETC. $ • His Stock is all NEW and of tho FINEST QUALITY. Call and see for yourself. REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY ENGVAVING A SPECIALTY. deelfi- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT JAMES MCCABE HAS REMOVED 1118 GROCERY DIMNESS 0 THE SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF MAIN AND BRIDGE STREET% WHERE HE HAB ESTLBLISILED Head Quarters FOR EVERYTHING 723 THE LINE OF iROCEf ItSy, , PROYIBIOIIB are., &ie. CASH PAID for Desizable Pro duce. Fine BUTTER and EGfiS a speczalty. April 29 17 A. BEVERLY MUTH, BOOK .BINDER . A NT) • • Dealer - in . Scroll ' Saw , C::ds. • BOOKBINDING OWALL KINDS DONE, .NEATLY and CHEAPLY. Fine Blank Books • 3IY SPECIALTY. • Amateur's Supplies. • This department of my brisiness,is very corn plate, and beings practical sawyer Myself I know the wants of my. patrons. • WOODS, • SAW BLADES, . * • CLOCK MOVEMENTS, ,kc, constantly on ha4d. iltir $1.25 worth of designs for $1.;" Send for price lists. f't; REPORTER:" BINDERY, Park atreet, • P. 0. box 1512. I Towanda, Ps . . , ::.t-, : • , , _ .. w:;... eLIDESDALE STAL t ' 4 4:4i c s ‘ j " • .. • LION: • _ 1 - t:f k -41 i.l "');i .. . LORD CLYDE. - i . Will make the season Of 1832, at the fa'rna of the subscriber one mile. west of the villagt or. East Smithfield. - . Both Sire and DAM import6d, bred by Wni Crozier; Northport, Long Island. As wa give breeders name and. address we can as4nre patrons that lwe are not offering the services of a grade horse. ‘S' A. WOOD, EA-T ISMITIIFIELD; ' April 6-6m.* A. N. NELS ON • DEALER tN • WATCHES CLOCKS, • 0— FINE GOLD AND PLATED .lEWELER of every variety, and Spectacles: 'tie' Pakten' &tention paid to repairing. Shop in Decker Vought's Grocery Store, Main Street, Towanda. P enna. • Emerscin'...s Norm fllistitute for 1882,,with. a fulltoartl•Of first-class lustrum tors, wiil be , beld at WAVERLY... N. Y.. com. meneing July• frith. and continue four weeks.' For circulars containing' full particulars apply to E. F. GOFF, 'Waverly. S.: y.. or to L.' O. EH. ERSON,,Principal. Hyde Par*. Mass.. CAR. TRUST .cIOUPON BoND.S' For Sale at par. Interest. viz per cent, payable quarterly. .• • Send address by postal. for circular giving par. titulars. E. W. CLARK & CO., PHILIYA XECIITOR'S LettersE testatutintary having been granted to the undersigned, under the last will and testament of C. B. 13tnilham, late of Smitblibld township. deceased, all persons indebted to the estate of said decedent are hereby make ini niediate payment, And all having claints against said estate must present the same duly authen ticated to the undersigned for settlement, 0E011(1E. T. BEACH, Executor. tbri.l,l Pa. June 1, 114;2. 6w , ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Bunyan:deceased. late of gm township of Granville, Bradford county, Pa. • Letters of administration having been issued nut of thd Orphan's Court, of Bradford county to the undersigned upon the estate .01 the above named 'decedent, notice is . therefore hereby givetilhat all persons indebted to the estate above named must mate - immediate payment, and all persons having claims .I‘gainat the same must present them duly authenticated for set- Bement to use.. . ANDREW RUNYAN.. , . . • -GEO. L. , Br& YAN, April 19; 1882.ilw* Adinhilatrators. , . 21 SSIONEE'S,• NOTICE. the 'matter of the voluntary amaigument of B. S. Tears, and B.S. Tears & son. The undersigned AaSignee wouid give notice that all persons in debted to B. S. Tears, and B. S. Tears . 1 / 4 . Son must make immediate payment. and .all persons having claims against 18; S. Tears, and B. S. Teary /c Son , must present them duly au. thenticated for settlement to me. L. A. WOOSTER, Assignee. Leßoy, May 10, 1842. 2m AUDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Estate. of Jacob DeWitt, late of Towanda botough. deceased. •. Orphan'a Court uf Bradford County. , The undersigned, 'an Auditor apPoluted by said Court to make, distrihntion or funds be longing to said estatelound in the hands of the Administrators of said estate,, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his. office In To wanda borough. in said county, on FRIDAY. the nth day 'of JUNE, 1082. at 10 o'clock a.m., at which time and place all persons - having claims against said rand must' present them or be forever debarred from .coming in' upon the same. ZEE:4IEIr. Auditor. TOWIIIIdII, P3., , 31,10 1542. 41ir Towanda Buinezi Direez A TTORA Br" AT-LOW. LEVELA.ND 2,IcOOVERN: I (B. Cle tt l, C W. McGovern), Canton. Bradford 0.•,t, I's,: ' burliness entrusted to, 1 their r Art Western Bradford will receive prompt stem}, - 20spr42-1y • .. SITH k HILLIS. -Attorneyetat.Lie7 _over Powill Co, • riAtipp,..j. N., Mee in Wood's mock, ' h:/, First National Dank, upstairs. joizel2: -- • _ unsisßEE ,k. SUN (N C Osbret and 1. Ely : , 44' 0116ce Mercur Block. Park St. , DECK & OVERTON (Bely Peek QM bA i„ • tow). Office over LUO's Starke! . MIMMaIiNNIMP riVEUTON & SA511)8118031 (8 Overton ar,a 7". e - FB'aniterson.f. thlice In Adairus Mock. jn, AXWELL, W3I. Office over Dayton• 44: .,; sprit "g" WILT, J. ANDREW. Otac - e In 3l , :an's S' avr 1.-,, AVIES:CARNOCIIAN & HALL, I W D W (:ctrrsozirart. L M 112 U.) a Ward House. Entratice.on Poplar St. (j 41,: MERCCIt,„ R(I)NEY A. Solicitor .0 „. p a! , Particula:r attention paid to bn00::.," . . Orphans' Court and to the tot er a .,a Uhlce In 3lontanye's Block' • Mc PIIERBOI4 • k YOCNO, (1. «'.l. Marg.) Office south s vie oi Block., • _ TATILLIAms, ANGLE vv Williaeu,Y. J A'nglg and E D (ace west side of Matti street, two dv,ra of Argus - officer: All Liminess .entrtistul to care will receive prompt attention. .OLt JAMA IL ANI/JOIIN W. COLMIN(,, , nays and Couriellomat-Law. t )111c , , In Mercur Block, over C. T. Kirby's Brig stmr, July 3, lor EENEY. .1. P. Attorney -itt-Law, .11 3lontinye's Block, Maio Street. Sept. 15; !)31-tf, ' rrIIIiiIIPAON, B. and E. A. ...tttr.rn•-:‘7, ; Law, Towanda, Pa. 'office in Mercur over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. entrance• onyx street. first stairway north ~of business promptly attended' to. att.), tiou-given to claims againit the tinfind Stan, or PensioLs, Bounties, Patents, etc., and °Bel:Um:is anal settlement of decedent's eaant April.2l ly HENRY B. M'KEAN, ATIORNEY-AT-LAW, i - Solicitor of Patents. Government cla! r x.* tended tu. rIfrBD,'ANS AND SURGEONS - T - 011MON. T. 8., M.D. , °Mee over U. U Porten's Drug Store. - , fob MENCION, Drs . D. N. &F. G. Oftlee JO" . on Haver Street, corner Weston rit. T _ADD; C. K.. M.D. °Mc, let door bank building, ou Slain street. tontion given to .diseases of -the thrust lungs. 31141:,7! WOODItURN, S. M.D. 'Office ar.,l fence. 7ilain street. north of R.E char Sfedlcal 'Exaruiner (Gr Pension Do' ”%rtn, PAYNE, E. D.. Mj7 Office over . _ '2.1 ,uty,,, Store. (Mice hours, from to to 12 A :tom 2 to # P. X. Special attentiou Diseases of the Eye, and Diseases of t, b.! TOWER, 11. L., M.D.. 1 - iiO.II(IOPATHIC PHYSICIAN/ Residencn and office post north f Dr. (: , •:bo:.'t •vtaiu - street, Athens. Pa. • HOTELS 114TENILY HOUSE Main st., next eor r iler ,of Bridge - street. New house au.l furniture throughout. The proprietor la spared neither pains,or expense in /nal:IL hotel first-class-mid respectfully selle:to public,Datronage. Meals at all lioura. 1€2.4 reasonable. Large Stable attached. mar 877 SEQSET SOCIETIES.,, TATATE.INS 68, - G..A. R. Me-ii" " every Saturday evening, at Military H._ J. R. Kiri - RW(4K. Adjutgra., f,. ' inEYSTAL LODGE, NO. 57.: Meets at K. of ,‘,./ Hall every Monday evening at nturauce s'4ooo. Ileneflta $3.00 per week. . Av•r • fge annuak.cost, 5 Years experience, $ll. J. R. KITTRIDGE, Reporfrr, JESSE WA4RDELL, Die ter. fel/ BRARD L DFOODOE. NO. 167, I. 0. 0. F. in Otld,Fcliow's Hall, every Mond* . eypw . ..; st 7 o'clock:. NyAnnEs Hum, Soble Grand. Jnne 12.75, iio USE .1 flati . PAINT4VG 'l. E. No. 3'.; Second street All on,.n a. will receive prompt.iittentiozi.' June 12..7:, E DUCA NONA Ls ZL'SCIEELIA,NNA 'COLLEGIATE INSTIT/"T:.' .4. The TERM-will begin .11 , 1. , `E; April a, tn...... For cettologar, or other - L.-cl imatical, address or call oo the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. Touaitda. July 1.3,7 b PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER WILLIAMS. FDWAIID. Practical . and Gas Fitter. I-lace of bustnean .iur Block next door to Journal office Public Square. •Plurubing, . Gas Fitting. ng Pumps of all kinds. and all kinds of ite romptly attended to, All wanting work 1!= Lit no should give him a call. . INSU RA NC'E 1:11:8SEEL, 8, General Inimranoe MO - Towanda; Pa. (Alice in IVltitcornb's July CETI Railr:ad Time-Tables. L--4EHIGH VALLE?! & PENNA. AND NEW YORK RAILROADS. . ,titatANuEin.:..NT OF FAssEsdER Tl'4l.N.z • TO TAKE: LITECT JAN. lst, EASTWARD. S TA TIC)N8:. ' • - P.M. A. 11: A.ll. 1..11. Niagara Falls - 15 • BulTalo" 2.50 3.23....: 2.2... • • Bocheater • 5.13 10.05 • ••• . Lyons . 6540 11...5 ..-.;---.' ..... Cilerpen ' &.5511.3: , ..... Ithaca.. . ' 3.33 .1 ..o. --...- '4 uliu ru ' 5.13 11.03 4u :::::e . : ........ ..... .. 3:30 1.33 • r'l;•ii: - .:. - 9.0. 1.45' 9.00;,..1' Waverly , • 9.15 - .2.10 .. h• • 1; • iayre • 10.10, 2,33 to ~,, i .•• kthens „.„..,„; . ..., ...... .. 10.11434•p...,17. 4. 4 4.' 55ia0 . ;.. 4 10.-15 Mater ; - . • , l'awaillia• 10.6 3.001043 505 ‘.. - yEUIII4Ing, ; - ' ; " '10;4 7.13 Rai:Mille, Stone ilumrimrtivld • .... ILI, 5::5 • Freilehtoum 1,4., . Wyalusihr , - ' 3 ••••• 11-.3i 3.4; Laceyville; 11:42 3.1;7 11 .. 4 . . ikinner'e Eddy .......... .. ... . ' 11• 1 5,. .....,7 11eithappen ! 4.12 I .. ' llelumpanv ... -1..,• ..i.- l'uukhanneek :12.23 4.33 1'...•• 7.'.e , 7 .•• La(iratige .... 1.11 Falla • ' - . ' ' • hi'. 7.:::• 4 4:. 13 Jog - mtt.ou .. . . ..... ! 1.03: 5:10 I:4'. -.0 Will.,••••.-Barre ' . ; I 1.3$- 5.30-.:5 slaimu , Chimk. - , ~• 3.45' 7.35 4..4 , 11. , ... kilt.utewn k 4.11 3.29 ;;..-• ; !2•4. Bethlehems.oo 8.45 5,14:,1...1:7, . . Bastou , - ; 5.30 9,00 6.4- :...."-i Philadelphia • • - - ' 6.53 1....40 4.46 ....... Sew York ' ' ' 405 . - .... "'... i: A. 31. P.M. P. 51. 1..31. WESTWARD'. BT7►TIO 4.1 Sow York. Pulladolphia EAsion • Mati . Allentowu Mauch ebunk Sti licsanare. 1. !'alts - ..... , runlehan noek neb oci pan y ‘reshop,peti iirilll3,,r's Eddy.: \ . . .... Lneeyville tyy,3 'using ....... Fre nclitown Esummerfield Standing Stone: .. Wysnuking- • row:mils Ulster ..... Xilan Athens iteyre.. ..... * Waverly Elmira :)wsgo Auburn Itbuca ..... Geneva Lyons . Roleheiter nuffalo Niagara Falla El 4.30 11.3 1 . 15 4.1011.11 5.4 , ... ; ... • ... ... H. 30 ... 9 . • :• • 7.41 ..•- s- 14 ... ... 9.50' .• • .... il.lO s.lO 1,2.111 , r. 1.03 - 9.2 i L , IFf 9 . 44 P.M. P.M. A A,11" No, 3 3leaviiiWyalusing at6:OO,IA. M.. - t.WI3 6.ll.Runarnerfield 6.23. Standing stony 6..+1 Wvsauking .6.40, Towanda plater Milan i:l6, Athens .7 3 ,25 ; Sayre 7:4i, Wave , * ly 7:5A. arriving at Elniira A. M. \0.31 leaves Elmka $:l5 P. M., Waverly-I'; 4. '. Sayre 6:15, Athens (:20. Milan s:2d. rowanda Wysankitig 7:05. Stai.diug t“."" 7.11, Ruminertield 7:22. Freuchtown mrh'" tug at•Wyalnsing at 7:45., P. M. • 'trains hand LS tun daily. Sleeping•car c n trains h and 15 between Niagara Fallsaud, delphia and between Lyons and New York a ,th• out changes: Parlor cars on-Traine S aud 9 between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia ,v0:11.... out change, and through coach to any .ut • Rochester via Lyons, ' WM . ST.EVENSON, Supt. SATttz.?'s.A: N. Y. I J 1 LETTER HEADS, BILL 11E:11 6 OTE DC, prlatal to tiol)git st::e the lift It tall Itessontrou °Met. MEI TU.~C.I~A.I. Ps W3I: HEN hi* 15 9 S 30 2 I'2 P.M. A.M. A.M. P.M: 6 .30 - ....7.41 , .. SAW 4.11. : 9.:41 ,%15 14).4,5 .. 11.0.1 .. 1.9 s 7.3 0 h.Ol BM OM t:. 2 . .s. , Y. 27 1 ;1.27 ••.: .. 11 ; 1 1 3. 1 )2' •••• 10.11_ 4.itt • ••• 10.27 •••••10.37 1:21 .... ;10.11 10.74 1.49'1104 143 .... 11. 1 7 .... 11.26 I,A
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