DOUBLE STORE. J. I K. Is now open in. his MammOth Double Store with a full, fresh and complete stock of,fashionable SPRING AND SUMMER GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, , HATS, &APS, , TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, ,UMBRELLAS,' Suits of all ; - eli.4deg foi'. - .. mei). ; - - BOSts,Youthbl,aila.Chilatet).. .: Our rents having been obtained on the most favorable terms, and our current expenses reduced to the -lowest possible minimum,} we propose to give our customers the benefit of these REnucTiONs by putting' our prices ,at LOWER FIGURES than any other Clothing douse in Towanda. We invite a carefttl examination of our stock and prices, whether wishing to buy or not. We can satisfy the closest buyer of the TRUTH of -WHAT WE SAY., Call and we will satisfy you. ef=. Remember•,. Nos. 1 and 2, Bridge Street. Towanda, Pa., April 10, ISEV.- yr DRIFTWOOD: A little satire is btter than a great of urgumeat. It's an old story, like an old sermon, it can be - i)roilt used a second time, since it is, good. venerable and sedate:quaker was A ing by the side of a lady, at a fas:h able reception, who 'had nothini wear,' and who wore it. Her, 'dress all right at the lower end—that h dragged on the floor for a conpli yards, tripped up just half a dczen gentlemen ; during the evening, who apologized politely' and then retired to the smoking room, where they : expressed cEI their feelings with proper fr : om, but at the upper end it began very low. 'Don't you think it very' c id hire ?' she said to her companion.' 'What can I put on P -The Quaker 100 ed lather for a moment, and then said snietly. 'I really don't know, Sarah,' what thee can do, unless, perhaps, thee puts on anoth er breast pin ?' "BLOW OUT TEEM CANDL years agone,_ when the tal was the brightest light in farm house" of the land, a.l li!ing over in Jersey got Ivo" that a New Yorker was comb see his farm with a view to the whole family donned the best, l and as evening came .1 farmer looked down the roa i to his' wife: 'There he comes, Sally, y light three candles.' - He took another lOok an suggested that she light two more dip., bo ~ is to give the house a cheerful' appeicauce, and then took his station atilhe,gate to await the expecte] purohlser. ~ Ti Five candles illuminated the - house !as the traveler drove up in a bUggy.! The farmer„ took One ' long, look at him through the gloom and ,then harried into the house shouting out: = ;'Sally! Sally! Blow out four of them candles quicker'n Scat, for, it's nobody but a bald-headed circuit rider!' f, b `BPCHUPA:I3 I Quick, complete cure, Ryan tiog Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Unitise . £l. Drug gist& .• . , THE STRENCiTH OF MA T'it LOPE. —My sex may deem me hercrolloX•and worthy of consignment to any earthly Hades conveniently- when. I assert . that I be lieve that man really feeli i the power of love more thau woman When he does feel it at all. I leaver ontirelyil out of consideration the flirt Of the I liatterfly. They are not men, but Mero A man's heart is not equally sniceptable with that of woman's, though of course, every man admires, reSpects and loves a pretty woman. Why Ithonldn't he? But the average man is mentally strong er than the average woman when a man really does love, when the passion that - takes possession of his being is one that is . based upon' 'admiration, respect and esteem, "such passion with him I believe to bps lasting, to be almost unchangeable. "If crowned with possession, enjoyment, peace, comfort and happy life succeeds; if 'unsuccessful though later ye.irsAray find him mar ried, his life a kind of hibernation— he exists. There is no liKno strength,' no sentiment to his existence; it is not a condition of waiting.—Alice D. Lin gard in Chicago Tribune. What is that mother?' It is the Legislature, my child.' What does' it mother? It repeals acts passed by the Legislature, my child. - --.2Yew York Post. One of the most expert proof readers in Kentucky •has reformed, and is now a prosperous merchant. The rest of the gang show no signs of !repentance. —Courier JoUrnal. A Card We take great pleasure in calling the - at. tention of our friends and customers to Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrnp.'..which is perfectly harmless, pleasant to the taste, will not nauseate, and gives relief almost instant. ly. It matters not how severe your Cough may he, bow many cough medicines you have tried, or how many physicians yod have con sulted, the tonic, soothing and healing pro perties of this medicine will loose:Pit and as. list the Throat and Lungs to expel the offend ing matter, leiving them inn healthy con dition, free from irritation; lnd the air pas sages clear, besides invigorating and strengthening the general systeni. 4 Price ISO cents. For tho positive care of". Consum ption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Dry 'Hacking Cough, Loss of Voice,lrritation of the Throat, Soreness of the est, Pains in the Lungs,. Spitting of Blood, Croup, Influ enza, Whooping Ceagh and Laing Fever. we recommend this medicine above all others. Tura truly, Curs B. Po J nue 2-Iy. 'S. End Ward ttoilLitilleek.- Nos. IL and 2, Bridge Street, lug- IiZAN-.BUSINZSt. TREASURER'S SALE OF UN uYsEAtED ,pursusnct of the Acts OS Assembly having reference to the assess ment of taxes upon unseated lands in this Com monwealth, and the sale of the same for non payment, there will be exposed•to public sale at the Commissioner's Office in the borough of To wanda, on the -SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE, A. D., 082, being the 12th day of said month, at 1 o'clock p. m., the tracts of land assessed under the following warrantee names, unless prior payment of taxes and costs be made': i eat , Tate bly ;lon ,. to Acres. Warantee Nunes. Tates. 1. 1 6 Darelay—Cunningham, D. IL? . $l2 54 no MP. George • 22 19 155 1 .- Ililtztranier, Jacob - 20 28 390 Luny. Andrew • 39 15 was El I I, t l e of 400 ' LAMY. Peter 330 1 Ladly. Joseph 212 Stuart, Walter 26 Stuart, Deborah 200 Leßoy—Beck, Hoary 19 35 202 Brides, Broderick 19 58 191 Monroe—Anderson, Jacob Sal Benner. Jacob Benner, Jacob, Jr 32 75 Castater, Fred 8 58" Castsiter, Herman 3 03 Cunningham:Ll / . 11. S 08 02 Gray William 8 10 ;,:178 , Hampton, Peter 14 95 437 Hampton Thomas . 38.79 -n , Hopkins,'Robert 4 20 Hags, Peter 5 37 Ladly, Samuel /7 03 172 , 110,1 7. 1101 1 . . . sO3 4 32 4 00 4- 00 Ell 3 280 , • Wallace, Nancy 23 52 1 85 , ' Wallace, Samuel , 15 52 l'a Rose, David . - II 33 437 Bigger, Robert 30 58 !:."—ln the tote candle he richest old chap Id one day ng out to a urebasing. ir • Su nday , anxious and said ALSO—There will be exposed to , public sale at the same time arid place, the following lots, pieces or parcels of improved or seated lands. situate as herea ft er set forth, for non-payment of sundry taxes summed in the years 1878 and 1880, as the saute have been duly returned to the County Commissioners by the Colloctora of the several districts: 1,.,a•• 1 a . , ,-.1 • re ' - .4 -= - , - ~,,,, n 0 0 I I" 0 0 • • ••• 0 I 4 t••• 4 G . .1 . - . . , TO WHOM ASSESSED. if • 411 1 '4 4 : 4 I 64 ; ; 3 V , 7 1 • ...T ;I 1 PI P P PI g.... Ive t i, ot . • 3 1 1 --- —,-.---- ...........1........-........... ...., ••-••+.. •••,..- , ..... .........- -....-- , ALIIANY. ' i 1 J ' 1879 George Omps I • IS 2 80 1 S 4 00 ,1 S 5 00 G. F. Mason' 211 30; 30 • __. Mary Ann McAllister , .. _...1 11, 15 15 ; . 1680„.... ... NEW ALBANY I I I • I G. F. Mason , ' ...... ......I le. ARMENIA. i I : 113 . . • 1612 L. A. Case estate *4 ••• ••:••• • • • 1 1 451 2 071 269 .. H. C. Muhlenburg r • : .4-20 , 6 00 ; 7 80' .,,.. ... .. Churchill Strait , 171 ” . ...... Wm. Kinch... -- kr.— , ... . . 1......1 2 19! 2 55' ...... ..... .. W. I'. Case ~ ......1 3 7 48 1 1880 W. P. Case . ,_ _ • 45 45 , 6, 1 Raleigh Williams 7 s 6; 1 50; 2 '25..... H. C. Slulaleribilig - 600 G 00; 9 00; r, .' ATE! ENS DORO. ' 1879 Sarah A. Dorsey 1 lot 3 75' -. •••••• ..... ... . .. ; ATHENS TITS. I 1 I .. .. Henry Halleck ' '' 1 1 •• rob 1 2 0 1 V... e . ASYLUM. • I 1880 Henry Binjamin ' ' WEST lIDELINGTON• . I . . 1879 Charles Perry 90' 462 313 i 295 ... . Stephen Taylor - 1 40' 225 1 50 ; 2 25, -.. •• .. .••• • 188 Charles Perry . .• Stephen Taylor • 4 401 • .. . 1 25 rnasstsris. -, , , i .. '• 1 -•••• * ••• 1879 Robert Stewart , • 1 57, 491 55 ; 35 ...... .... ' ;I I • •• Reuben McClellan ' LE EGY "211 1 40 ; 120 1 .70( George Hemtninger 150; 2 101 1 50, 2 10 ...... . ' ... I RENCICE, • 18E0 Delamar Taylor ' 1 1 :. 4 43; 3 431_ PETE. - .I '• 1 • I 1 1879 Athens Building and Loan Association.... ~ ....... ~. 2 lots; 35;•••• o6' . ~ Henry Pepper, estate 1 ' 2 451 2 ... 45, 1 Ai ) — za•• " " - „ Jonathan Dimond 7 BE, , .7 88 ...... ... , STANDING STONE. Lnke Dolan estate . - I 4 50 ' il6BO ' II 6 . , SOITT/I WAVE/ILL I I es ra trick R. Quinn 14 52 , •••• • • ; 421 .. • Phineas W,..M . , ert7... 3i - 521 - 1 421 . .X. 1 ...,. • •• • 'Mrs. J . L, Johnson... ;,r 78,• •• •••1 1 6 3 1 .4....1 •.. richael Hsrinahin... 78, 1 al.._ t.... „ klartin Mar* , 1 40!. •• •• •1 2 12;...... 1 e• TOWANDA MORO. - • ' lAI. I' . 1 8 7 2 Holmes At,,,Ktiby . = 1 lot -88 6 T 4 .1 6 50, 6 0040,......... 3 lots 3 87 12' 125' 1 „ A. 8. McDonald .. William Henry 1 lot 105 1 . 50 , , 1 50' 1 20 t .. George W. Heath 1 lot 3 50 1 5 00, 5 001 4 00' •-. "George E. Stedge 1 lot 1 021 1 45; 1 451 IDO ••• • ~ 'J. J..Sevanangh - - 3 1, 91 4 701 4 70, 3 60' "•-• • • •.... ................ •••••• - „ 1W W. Browning 7 . ... I lot 701 1 DOI 1 001 RO I iilso iW. W. Drowningi •••• ... • 1 lot 1 05 1 1 26; 1 05; • 53' • ' .... . I TOWANDA TWl', - I I • I • i 6 79 !James Boyle 1 lot • 39; 55 : 22'. ' ;D. N. Newton., ,4 lots fis - 011 7 /5 , 1 2 14G... ....! o INettie McGill - .r 1., 1 1 lot 391 5; 24-.. .... , 'Patrick Sullivan _ , 1 lot ~ 77; 1 10 1 441 ...... 1 .... ~ Batterlee 4r..lllnasell 2 lots 771 1 101 ar!„,_ „ ;James Harp I lot , ; 2 , .1 1 / 41 ; 16!...... .. Ilene Lamoreux 1 •2 lots. ” 39' 55, 22, .... . . ` , ; 1 • ; .... 1880 O. E. Harris . 1......, 5 44• . .. 'lsaac Lamorenx, • • • ..... -1 2 lots" ; • 301 30 , 12; .. GeorimEmery... • 1 1 lot 30 , 30 1 121.......,, .... TROT DORO. , • I I I 1870 IW I / 1 1611 & Baker . • • 1- ss i 2 24 1 1 6 7 ~_ ~,, ; 14 -I TUSCAROBA. 1 1 . ( John Owens . 84 ; - 96 1 1 84 1 .. J R. F. Rugg • 87; t W. 1 Es) . .. ;Gershon Manning . ,8,51 1 20 1 2 05I___ 1, • 1 25 18 280 ;Norris & Sri Fargo 851 2 0 0 2 711 ..... .. ;Gershon Manning • 1 50; / 05 1 1 90r_....1 .. ,_ l l4. F. Rugg ..... 125 ' BB l 75; _..; . .. vohn Owens • 1 20! 8 1 ;72' i .... ..... •• 1 WILMOT. ..• • I I Waltman & Weir-- - __. ... ... ...... 14 10, / 4 1 : 11 , 14 501 ... .114 5 0 ••• 15t. H. leaning „..... .... ....... ...., . ..,„. 3 00 , 3 001 " 3001 .. Z.... 1 3 00 .. • :Edward Hornet ... • i 75' 2 / 5 ' 2 751.... ;„ 2 75 oval:ries. ' . 'Owens & tante 100; 1 80; 1 1 24 1 , 1.4 C 0.... . tol - ..1 oo' -, sol"""i """ Ocilla liVluilan 1 • 2 00 .. ' ;JohnWillie 1 09 •. 'Win. Hewitt , , 10 W 0 I 1 1 St ,; r•••• • • 1 I 3 00' t a 00 . ..1 3 60 • IGale & Lewis • 160 r 2 001-- • 1 60i •... . I 49) . ',Sarah A. Keene 400 WOW—. .. 4 801 — • • •• 'Thole. Waltman, Jr • ' 1 00 ; •,•• • • 2 00. I , " u'd better • N. B.—Noticeistereby given that an amount sufkcient to pay taxes, and costs will be required in every cue when land is sold at thetime of sale, and unless these tams are complied with the band will be again exposed for sale. 4 .E.BMN LILLEY. Treasure's. Treasurer's Mice. April G. 1882. • 1 KLINE'S MARKET. - CA.ltattllA Et LOCI JOHN W. KLINE, IEAT&VEGETABLE Alticz:or o a more :convenient location. and established himself in the Carroll Block. opposite Ileely's Rotel, is prepared to suppbr his patrons with THE CHOICEST OF . YEATS. FISH. OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON. FRESH VEGETABLES, DOMESTIC FRUIT, to., o SirBOLOGNA SAITILLGII speclayi. All or. dere promptly delivered. • 4 . _ U m~iebl7• , • BIUIS mcAiliunirtphriam North, Pter • 33 GO N orth. Js es - 33 60 =a= Main Street, First Ward. DOUBLE STUCK. LOTHING, J. K. BUSH. =I Warrantee Names. Taxes 343 Overton—Betz, Henry 42 24 343 Betz, John ' 42 24 343 Betz, Joseph 42 24 343 Betz, James 42 24 . 400 Dyson. Henry ' ' 49 20 363 Castater, Harman 44 70 400. . Cooley, Joshua 49 20 ICO . Castater, Joseph 49'20 343 . ...Edge,. Peter . 42 24 343 ' , Fritz, Samuel, 42 24 300 - Haga, George i 96 90 400 ~ Ilaga, Nathan '^ 49 20 336 : Maga. Peter -. • 41 33 400 Hardy,'Samnel- ' _ 49 20 375 Hardy, James ;' 46 00 225 Hardy; Henry ' 27 73 596 Harris, Ann • 47 98 400 ! 'Hollingsworth, Stephen 49'20 228 t , I . Ladly, Hugh' 28 05 100 '1 Ladly, Andrew 12 30 - 375 - ... Moore, George 46 00 400 • ' Seeley, Peter 49 20 103 Palmer. Thomas " 12 30 450 Seeley, Henry 49 20 375 SOeley, Jonathan 4G 14 400 ' Siddenp, Andrew 49 20 400 , Bidden.. ileorge 1 * , 49 20 490' i Seeley, Joaeph • 49 20 203 Temple, Peter . 35 GG 409 Temple, Samuel, t "-49 20 sr. Tuscarora—Field. Henry .5 21 100 Hunt, Job . 930 - 35, 1 Porter, James 323 56 *ilmot-Allen, John GOO ,- 78 . Butler, Polly "9 br. 75 .. i Hollenhack, John 928 97 ' i Marsh, Samuel 11 OG 200 . 1 Stowell, C. S. 24 GO 250 . I Stowell,o3.11. 231 Terry—foss, Elizabeth 24 31 401 • Morris, Israel' 22 27 28 Leahy. John ~1 1 51 80 ' Morris, Benjamin • 4 44 104 40 43 07 27 68 EIS 16 29 30 35 14 45 12 10 I A. BEVERLY SlilTß, BOOK BINDER Dealer in Scroll Saw floods. BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLY. Fine Blank Booki spacievrt. - - A.mateur'as Supplied,. This department of my business is 'very ooni pletf, and being a practical sawyer myself I blow the wants of my patrons. • WOODS,' Rh* - WADES. CLOOK•MOVEMMTI3. ko, constantly on band. sir $1,26 worth of designs, for $l.. Bend for pricelists. IMPOSTER" DESDIMT. Park street, Towanda. Es P. 0. box 012. IMM ~~ AND, 111 L • - -"-- ...• ' . . . , - . . .. . . .. . ... BEN S RS _..., - : . f i - j • . 4 1. . r . , f •,..i -. . . .- .. . . _ .... , . •-- • i HAVE BEEN IMITATED,, • And their excellent reputation in jured biwo,rthless imitations. The Public, are cautioned winst buy ing Plasters having 'similar sound ing navies. Seo -that the word *C -A-P-C-I-N-E is correctly spolled. Benson's Capeine POIOUS Piasters Are the , only improvement evert made in PLasters. . pno is worth more than a dozen of-any . othor kind. Will positiVely cure where other remeelies will not oven relieve. • Price 25 cents. Beware of cheap Plasters made with wail. poison .2. rr SEABURY 41, Jol4l4BolPi r Mannfacturing Chernisth New int. SERE REMEDY AT LAST. Prieetbds. IR MEAD'S Mediated CORN and ,BUNION PLASM 7•..:,_ .- -,:i - zii.(,;"O s ..., - THE GREAT iJ'Y'llir.. , !:.a'3 1 ' . 924 CH EST ‘; - Z.3;-'":"i'.z - rnErr t ' --....... ter -1 ;1i...". ; —... '..-•,. , z - ,';'- -- - - --- '' . 7 --- 'rr ,-7 . 1. - - ,---.- , tsF:c:3?. - i= r ' ; ' , lt‘" . t . . SUPERIOR. EVitst7r,r.DOli, s -- -• . SUPEIrioi: sii.u, - ,a., ; • , . - . SUP !.:21161Z T.ENES - and . ' 1 - SPI'Llt101: FACILITIES For manufacturinel rill combine to giro our SPECTA CLES and EYE-GLASSES a national rept:Attica. LOST SIGHT NEVER RETURNS. Do not trice with your eYo , by taking. trNSCIT ' ADLE 0 LA::: W.::. Carfalogves I, faro, v. 6. 0i...7.4, , ,",... • p a rt I_ Mathernati,nllmtr , Tnit•!...t ~. I.:.: C:'','N • '.- I :'ri 2—OpticAl Instruments, lEi T•ore,:. Part ::—?1r...r..• L:uiterur, 112 Mgrs. Pzrt 4—Philos.matioal It.tputzmutc.l6Optges ; • . . , • • ... A - • 1 if *7 ,4 7 -;\ -•" . ..0-'`,„:" ,- • , . Sanford's Radical Cure. THE GREAT AMERICAN BALSAMIC DUSTILLA TION OF WITCH HAZEL, AMERICAS PINE, • CASAIMAN FIR, MARIGOLD, CLOVER BLOSSOM, ETC., For the Immediate Relief and Permanent Cure of every form of Catarrh, from a simple Read Cold or Influenza to the Loss of Smell, Taste, and nearing, Cough, Bronchitis, and Incipient Consumption. Indorsed by Physicians,Chemists and Medical Journits throughout the world, as the only complete external and internal treat men!. Ono bottle Radical Core. one box Catarrhal Solvent and SandforWe Inhaler.; all in one pack age, of all druggists for $l.OO Aek for SANFORD'S %%TIDAL CURE. !WEEKS &. POTTER, Boston • , tOl.ll. B , ELEUTRICITY ‘ Gcntlo, yet effective, united i , 7. with healing. Balsam, ren ---, . der COLLINS' VOLTAIC z. ,t ELECTRIC PLASTERS one ---- - U hundred times superior to all other plasters mrevery Pain, Weakness and Inflam• Pi - ...esS nation. Price 25 cents. 4 ASTIA S Sold everywhere. PATENTS. (U.S. AND FOREIGN. Prank A. Fonts, Attorney-at-Law, Lock Box, 356 Washington, D. 0: - Sir Ten years' experience.. . I make no ortauoz for my services unless a patent be granted. Preliminary examination in the Patent Moe as to the patentability of an in vention FUEL Send. sketch or model of the do. vice and a report will be • made as to the proba bility of obtaining a patent. , Special attention given ,to rejected applica tions in the bands of others, BETERE2iCEB U. S. Senators : Hon. !Geo. F. Edmunds, of Vermont ;• I Hon. David Davi., and. Gen. Jobn A. Logan, of Illinois ; Hon. Benj. H. Hill, of Gaol'. gia: Hon: L, Q. C. Lamar, of Miss; Hon. S. M. Cullom, Gov. of Illinois; the Hon. Commissioner of Patentitand.Corps of Examiners and;the pro• prietor of Otis paper. ' - Write for circular and instructions., lnovtf • , CUT THIS OU T I *MS 15 B S4O WEEK. Wehavestoreislnls leading Cities, from which our wonto obtain their truppilw flatethr• Our Factories std. Prin_ma • Mires ate at Erie, Pa. Eland for our New Catalogue and terms to somas Address N.'LOVELL 312SCRANT Lackawa ON.P nna A. Are . . . tlogne . Pap: tait :4 liefrezitiag of Patames Ennedingly Delicato and Lasting., Pri-2,e- atz.; Large. Bzttlez, 75 eta.; sad by ' acslen In Dmgs & Perfarccjp. SlgaotorsatHfr COX & Ca, N, Y., an every bottle. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC The Medicine for Every Family. • NEVER INTOXICATES. • ) blade from Ginger, Iluchu, Mandrake, Sti and other of the best ;vegetable remedies known, PARKIIINZINGER TONIC has remarkably varied mnathrepowers, isthe greatest Stomach Correet or Blend Purifier and Liver Regulatorever made &' The Bek Medicine You can Use forilesionn" gilee,lth & Strength imonmences to act imm the first dose; searches out the weak cirgans, and is, warranted to cure a help all diseases of the rowels, Stotnipt, Kidneys, Liver, Urinary Organs, all Cotpplaints of Women, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Itheumn.. turn and Drunkenness. 4 1 - 1 Try a bottle to•day; it nta3rsatrente. sod. and $s sizes atalldruggists. Ever*genninebottle has our signature on outside wrapper. Bisons & Co. N. Y. Large sayingturnig $s sins. Parker's Hail-Balsam Just NlVlatlaWanted. Everybody whose Lir 'is gray or faded has MI the neat f a Hair Resigner and dressing that is cleanly, agreeably perfumed and hamlets. Par. ket's Hair Balsam satisfies the most fastidious in these respects. Sold by drundits at 5= and $l. BESTbusinele how before the public,. Yon can make moray faster at work forme than at anythinteLse. Capitol not needed. We will start you. $l2 a day and up• wards made st home -by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere , to work for nu'. Now is the time. You can work in spare time only or give your whole time to the business, Yon can live it home and do the Work No other business win 'pay you nearly as welt— No one can fail to make enormous pay by en gailing at once. Costly Outfit and terms free.— Money made fast ! , easily and honorably. Address. Tann it Co.. Augusta, Mame. Dec lb—lyr KENDALL'S SPAVELf CURE Li. sure to cure Spavins, Splints, Curb, Ac. It:removes all unnatural -• ; . enlargements, nog" -son Banns. •N Hu no equal for any .lameness on .• beast or man. It has cured hip-joint t lameness in a person' Who had .suf fered IS para. /deo cured rheinia, 11.1 m, corns, frostbites or and isolate, .at of lameness. It has no equal for any blemish on. licaces. • Send for illustrated circular givingavairmr. Paco'. Pricall. ALL DRUGGLiTS have it or can get It Dr. 132. Kendall - Co., Proprietors, Coosourgh Falls, Vermont. H. U , Poulin', Agent, Timanda. Pa: • ;DR. JONESTREANCAMPHOR IS THE NAME OP the popular Liniment that cures Itheumatism, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Prost Bites e pain in the ;bee. Head or Spine. Chapped hands, Bruises.tiprains. Burns. Hottentot° Bites. Sting or Bite of an In sect. Poison from common Poison Vines, etc., for man or beast. Always reliable; and -almost Instantaneous is its relief. Having an agreeable odor, it is pleasant to apply. Sold-by all drug gists. Price 25 cents. H. B.—This Liniment received a Prise Medal a the State Fair.lo79. Mar 20 By - -Mrs.. Albs The worn '47l)4l3llll,izing with ':Job for two thoufsad'-yetra, -,aud pitying his Sufferings and tribulations" - , hut hardly a thought - acemt to' have beta taken of Mrs. Job and bert,risie,. wLich niust have been of, 130 ordinary natiire.-. True,- alit ' , didn't have '`any brills. her linsbind-, with true misauline. selfishness, approprialing them ell , to hiniself,but she had to•_wait on him end listen to hie isomp)ainings day - Wii nicht. It would have tri e d . the patieace -of a stint to have been compelled to live - in florae- 110i1E0 with a 'man; burdened witti snobs wealth of afflictions as ;Joh woe, and it is hardii 'to be mindere:rat tha, goaded to deOeratiouliis Wife one day advised him to throw up .11e game and pass in • his checks. Alinost any woman; would have dent) the sitme thing under. the circumstances. There seems to have been a Constant stream of people coming to Les Job, to . candole with bun. Not Only did the neighbors drop in eon tinuilly to see how Le arts getting along esob one with a different .rewely for . boils, but relatives came from long - dia. -tenet s and of CMS, they h 1,1 to ea ' tertdined and fed. This.tnude a • deui;of work for Mrs. Job, who oa count 4.f her loisbunct's, extraordinary los 03, cOuldn't aiiird to keep fa hire.l girl 31.1 she not heeu a renixrhabie woman, site never could, hava gone through with it. Sponge Underclothing: Sponge underclothing i$ the very , late4r, some Gerniau gmius . having re cently, invented uu d.'patt idea a line of makrwcar manufactured from t this porous tyullitance. It .is' now clairced 1.1 that it can more easily cleansed than woolen goo( e, and, being more flexible, does ut:t chafe the skin so ninCh. It id a bad couducter, and tends to keep the temperature: uniform. One :who wears this underclothing is not Hartle •to take cold, for it absorb's Alio piespiration witherai checking it. After the mineral and Vegetable impurities in the sponges have been Sufficiently beaten .by a heavy admit 6f being readily wished out, tills sponges are dried and pared with i n sharp knife. - These par ings ere then. sewed together., The. fabric is prepared . Without , the use , 'of the poisonous'dyes which, as . incorpor ated in eluth• underclothing, some times: prove very deleterious to Cie system. . . . . ' .. =I • ‘!ROUGH ON RATS." 9 t 'Clears but rats, mice; roaches, Hies; ants, bed-bugs,. Skunks, chipmituks, gophers. 150. Dr?ggists.. . , P- ' • she was .a , real sheet-looking Toy with - a t;calskiti a teque aLd a big plush hit, and she stood tin the step3 of an up-town residence; having 'just pullel the belt. "I called to see,` said she to the lady' of the bow, who) svai; very red in the Nee froni_fryitig - doughnuts . over thekitchenfife, oil .yon wished to 'give anytlfingito the heathen to-day,' 'No, I don l- t-;*at to give - anything : to i the heath4e,.n-d4y. - I just gave the la wonfahnrxt l doo . - . .., a piee3 of tOr wind about lier , sealia,vag of a boy that broke . , dowii my . plants. That's all I Cal afford for tbe:hpathen; just vow,' Me'riited,Succeis. A .celitlextian once asked - - a distin plotted dispensing drugsiA to explain tbescertt:of , the almost .univernd de mand for Dr. „Richmond's .Samaritan Nervine.. He said that it was iu fact a "genuine medieine:—such a - compound as every good physician would prescribe fur the dtsease which it Was , advertised 1.• - to,cure. "Of course it costs legs than any druggistworthl Char i ze for the same erticle:sapplied on a iiiivsician's pre : seription, aud, besides ; filerl was a idp, of ' the. dootor's ftie iu • addition. Moreover, by buying the drugs in such enormous . quantities, and having a perr. feet !apparatus for compounding the miitore, he was not only enabled to get better artie:ei in the first; place, but also to present the medicine la: better : form and at less price the same . prepsrat mild be possibly obtained frOm iiiiY•othei;r.ource: Dr. Richmond has deviled all his energies to the • allevia tion Of human suffering. With this end hi view, 'and with his whole hart in his . - 1, great labor for the benefit of the-aftlict ed, he hits achieved marked and merit ed ••seeress. There cm be •no real success - :without true i :.• merit. That le iiin success is real is evi ~_nesi 'by ;the fact that his reputation 4,73 a man and physiciaul does not deteriorate,' and the fact that there is a stetely , inereitsing 'demand? for . 'hisi -Samaritan Nervine proves that it iN. no .nestrum, but a re liable rdinedy.. ..lICS has repeltedly In- - formed the public that it is 'no patent medicine, and no patent has ever Leen asked for or obtained. : - Neither tlOei he advertise it as it cure c ali. There..ure .hundreds ofdiseases : p:at he acknowl- edges it will not eurg It: may be urge.l that some of these dheases bre so widely different that it s.2ents ans . urd - to pre seribe the satin? remedy. . They way differ '.li syinptotne, yet ia . charaeter be :precisely a wilar; and then we_ must t a k e into cuil,..irietation the feet that remedies may possess various proper ties. Thus, some medicines aro both tunic and alteratite;othera may be tonic and las4tive, the propertitS' differing according to the quantity ealanitaster• d and the.time and circumstances .which demand its employment. - -t — '-.. :', In the manufacture of any ,pharma ceutical" preparation the purity and strength of the rnster*els used, and the reqUiSite machinery to "be employed, are mong the chief essentials. The first is iusured by Purchasing the in gredients in Cirge quantities, whereby the eiercise of greater care in Seleeting the materials cart be, afforded; and the second can only be accomplished where the business is sufficieutly extensive to warrant a large outlaY of capital in pro curing chemical Apparatus. These facts apply with especial force to ,our medicines, their quality having been vastly improved since the &mend has become so great as to require their manufacture in very large quantities. These irWs arejnot mere speculative remarks to mislead the reach r, or to im ,bee him With fats' vieWs of the enper iority of our medicines. While inspect ing Dr. Richmond's esiabliihment — yOu would be surprised to see the aclm;table faculties, both chentisutl ,und` mechani cal, which he employs in the I:Tosco:I -(kin of his business . . .Everything ar ranged, in the most perfectly systematici order, end-while to the general °barer there appears to be no, room for im provement, yet new apparatus and me chanical appliances are constantly be ing procured fctr the establishment. . ~.,. 41 : - ; ii. k ,;. t-1 0 ,,Y ~.,„„\..„4,,,. e s f l • ' ,i, .' , s(v . liiTZI• K- ,- ' ;W., !...; 1L " ' - opziafEs.wrru ENERGY UPON THE KID NETS;LIVER. BOWELS, gib PORES OE TUE SKIN, NEUTRALIZING, ADSORELINO.ANID EXPELLING SCROFULOVS, CANCEROUS. AND - CANKER . • HUMORS: ----- . . The cause Of moiit human ills, and curing when physicians, hospitals, and Kin g er methods sad remedies tail, Scrofula or 's Orli, Obuldular Swellings, Dicers, Old Sores. Milk Leg, Ifferearial Affections, Erysipelas, Tumors, Abscesses, Car buncles, Bolls, BloodP ohms, Bright's Disease, Wasting of the Kidneys and Liver. Rheumatism. Constipation. Tiles, Dyspepsia, and an itching and Scaly. - . EEUPTIONS- Of the Skin and Scalp;—each as Salt . Mown, Psoriasis, Tetter,liingworm, Barber's Itch,ficald Head, Itching Piles, and other Disfiguring and Torturing Unman; from a pimple to a serer. ulitio ulcer, when assisted by Ormcnna and Cur. mina Soar, the great Skin Cures, A sweet, unchangeable Medicinal Jelly, clean off all external evidence of Blood Houton, eats awe, Dead Skin and Flesh, instantly allays Itch fogs and Irritations, Softens,Boothee, and Beale. • Worth its Weight in gold for all Itching Diseases. CIITIOURA SOAP -- An 'Exquisite Toilet,Bath, and Nursery genitive. Fragrant With delciotis flower odors and healing balsam. Contain in a modified- form all, the virtues of Cwricuris, the great Skin Cure, and is indispensable in the treatment of Skin and Scalp Diseases.-and for mitering, preserving , and beautifying the complexion and skin. The ;only Medicinal Baby, Seep. Curicuna..Rsananza are the only real curativea for Weasel of the Skin, Szalpund Blood. t Price: CUTICIMA 31111OLVEST, $l.OO per bottle; Concuss, 60c. per box; large boxes, 11.06; Curl crits ilimiewat. Tort= Bruit, 25c. ; eirrietrua linivrao Soar, 16c. .. Bold everywhere. Depot, Weeks ierPotter,lloaton. rct ER 8 BIiMS.II3I. t.S . I•-•• Tbis elvtatit dressing • • • prz.orcd by those 4 ., - 44%; r,itoliave usedit,to any article, ria ae. of its superior , • ,i;it . elzioantness and purity. , •It coomins materials only tti t are beneficial j ', to Oat scalp arid hair ;-; s: .:I';':t4l Cet'a la Grey or, Faded Hair, 11 •.: 317.1 r .;: , ;I finely Perftitned and k "4 . of the hair and to re. 11 Co , N.Y. c. o ..t t I, : rt is drvzs saa, inedictr-et: f'AR.HER'S , lill Su naive Health and tarendth P4storer. • if you are a ir.ezitaiiie or farmer, worn oat with over.vork. or a nmlliefrurs enn-a Ly fatculx or b.ouv:- 11(i...i ‘lntivi try l'Anni:sis (;Incy.,{ 'ft :•.re•a. lawyer, •rni ni:.ter or bitsinels n'.an ex di,,7l:lZDtal atrLin or :In": chres, d) not take ....;•.:::::nr;:•timnlantv,buttie I'Mcker's Giner Tonic. voUlmva t onsumption, Dyspepsia, Ithenma ' ls:i.lney Cora plzirl fs, crony disixdtr of tbelungsi uenavb. lsowcb., blood or nerves. n rues Gumuu TCNIC cure yea. It it the Greatest Blood Purifier Asti tile Best aai Sufcst Cough Cure Ever Used. - If Vali e. away from ace. clissipaon . or any disease or weaknFss• and re-Trite a stimulant take Guess ToN:c at Mii-c ; it will iat igorate and build you up firms the fi-strelose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it' may save yours. CAUTION I—Ttef..e Al! tyl.,te!utes. Patker', Tonle ts er4npo Fed of the Le!t !rived rtg...,l.ts In the vrotll,,r.a.l Isentlreli eAfferr.t horn mptrationi gii.yrer alone. &DJ for thridar 10 .fr. Co., N. Y. it siacy at deafen t° dr.4l. TON COLOI4. and look for signature . 4. 4 6 X.C. , SCOX. • -- • en every Anyldnairrlit or dealer In pertamenr an supply pm. r 5 sod IS cent she,. LARGE SAVING BUYING 7.5e 4 SIDE' C QHI_ - Q.C, IN E, ', • KENDALL'S SPAWN CUBE sure in its erects, mild in its action as it doe's fttot blister, yet is penetrating and powerful to 'reach every deep seated "pain' or to remove any lbony growth ?or other enlargements, such as ispacins, splints curbs, callous. sprains, -swell. Jogs and any lameness and all enlargements ,of the joints or limbs, or for rheumatism in man and for any purpose for wltich a liniment is used fop_man or beast. It is now known to bo the ,best liniment for man ever used,acting mild and yet certain in its effects. send address for 'Unstinted Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. • 110 remedy has ever met with such unqualified uc. cess to our knowledge, for beast as well a nista. Price Et per bottle, or six bottles tor EA. All Druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors, Du. D. J. ERVDALL k.. Co , Enos. burgh •Falls, Vt. Sold by all Druggists. lESTABLIPILVI) iN lEf.s.] HOWARp A. SNOW, Sollcl•or of AMERICAN ,AND FOREIGN p:"TiEnricia? • . GU I" STREET N. W . .. WASHINGTON, D. C.. (Successor to Gilmore, Smith & Co:, at. Chipman, Homer k Co.) Patents procured upon the same plan which Vas originated and auccessfully practiced by the above-named Arm, Pamphlet of sixty pages sent upon recelp t o stamp. lnovel • NATIONAL DPREAtt OF INVENTIONS. EVERY INVENTOR silotrix kNolir , That by. the Rules of the. Patent Office to procure • ir • PATENTS Models aro not necessary unless specially ailed for. Send drawing slid specification, neon receipt of 'attach we will make examination &t the Patent Cake,. and advise u to patentability. • FEE PAYABLE on ALLOWANCE of PATENT. Send Air Pmentirr of iNSTIMFCTIONS, free to any address. HALSTEAD A CO.. Washington, D. C. Publisher's of the congrestio t ua &parlor. iannaxy, 5, 1882.—tf You need not Die to Win . IN THE • _ . _ • MUTUAL - ENDOWMENT • • . • • AND - • • ' 1 .4 . . ACCIOSNT ASSOCIATION r t • 1 Vgliatii, N. Y. .Yon receive ape•hiilf- of your insurance, so 1 2 1 cording to the - flaw Life Table; when two thirds of your I expectancy is linished—for illustration. a or woman .joining the Asso ciation at 36 years of age taking a certificate for $2,500, receives SIAM when a little over 56 years .of age, exactly the period in We when a little financial help is generally more needed than at any other time. BLADES k ROGERS. . . , june2tf. General Agenteffor Penn's. ___EIORSE Par currency 2 cis : ttilil stamp te wino Lannon of ..A Treatise on the none and Diseases. , ' It gives the best treatment for all diseases. hail 60 fine engravings showbig 813 OK pra hors ttl ese's*b autuned by, sick better than (ms be taught in any other way. a table showing doses of all the principal medicines used for the horse as •well as their effects and antidote's when' a 25 at., poison. a large collection „of vavrams szczrers, rules for telling the age of a'. have, with an engraving showing teeth of each year and *large *Mount of other valuable horse information. Rra l dreds of horsemen have pronounced it worth more than books costing 85 and $lO. The fact that 20.000 sold in about one year before it was re. vised *bows bow porMlar the book is. The re. vlsed edition is sums sous ratimertrici. Run ros a cracimas. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. J. D. Kendall A Ca.. Enos4urgh Ealls. Vermont. . Mar 11.1 yr. -i11'.41:;:; , i.!:"1 . 71 , ,f1igT.1tt - f , :'. - C•rt - lo' may , - ~,,• pk id '''' t- t ;•, -. • , kik! ' -- 1 , 4 . NEVER r4Fili.l o. o, 1 • _.:; , The outs knowti Specific Real der for Epileptic Fite. , - s rAs ERVINE Cures 'epileptic Fits, Spasms, Convulsions, St. Vitus Dance, Vertigo. ll;statics, Insanity, AP** Oen. Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all Nervous Diseases. This Infallible remedy will positively eradicate every species of Nervous Derangement, and drive them away from whence they came. never to return again. It utterly de strops the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison in- the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause r , / SAMARITAN NEIIVINE Cures Famile Weakitess, General Debility, Leu-- corthcea or Whites, Painful Menstruation, ceratt In of the Uterus, Internal Heat, ()ravel In. flamation of the Bladder, Irritability of the. Bladder. For Wakefulness at night, there is na bettr remedy. During the change of life no female should be without it It quiets the Nor vo,us System, And gives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet bleep. SAMARITAN NE!WINE Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen aniTer ing humanity, Thousands die annually from these noxions drugs. The drunkard drinks liquor not because he likes it, but for the pleas ure of drinking and treating his friends, little thinking that ho is on the road to ruin. Like the Opium Eater, he first uses the drug in small 'quantities as a harmless antidote, The soothing Influence of the, drug takes strong hold upon its victim, leading him on to his own destruction. The habits of Opium Eating and Liquor Drinking are precisely 'what eating is to alimentiveness, as over-eating first inflames the stomach, whi^h redoubles its cravings until it paralyzes both the stomach and appetite.' So every drink of liquor or dose of opium, instead of satisfying, only adds to its fierce fires, until it consumes the vital force and then itself. Like the gluttonous taps-worm, it cries "Give,, give, give !" but, never enough until its own rapacity devours it self Samaritan Terrine gives instant relief in all, such cases. It produces sleep, quiets the nerves, Wilds up the nervous system, and re stores body and mind to a healthy condition. SAILiItITAN NERVME Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Asthma ; Bronchitis. Scrofula. Syphilis, diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases of the Urinary "Organs.. Nervous Debility, caused by the indiscretion of youth. permanently cured by the .vise - of this invaluable remedy. To you, young, middle-aged, and old ten, who are cov ering your kiffferings as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be saved by timely efforts, tad make ornaments to society, and Jewels in the crown:,*. !I, your maker, if you will. Do not keep this a `iicret longer until it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thus afflicted,, take Dr. Hichmonds Ss maritan-Nervine. It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest prenfature decay, and impart tone and allergy to the !hole System. SAMARITAN NEUVINE Cured my little girl of SU. She was also" deaf and dumb, but It cured her, She can now talk and hear as well as anybody.: Phrtu Ross, Springwater, Wis. SAMARITAN NERVDIE -Has been the means of curing my wife of rheu matism. J. D. FLETEIIIR, Fort Collius,-Col. Bi?JARITAN NERVINE Mad., a sure cure of a case of fits for my son. E. B. nests, lifattaville, Kan SA3IARITAN NEAVINE Cured moot vertigo. neuralgia - and_ sick . bead ache. Aims. HENDERSONTAIITOIIO/1. . . tiiit'SJARATIN .ItipßV/NE • • W; the means of curing my wife of saame: REV. J. A. EDIE. Beaver; ra, SAMARATIN NERVINE ' Cured me of asthma, after spending over SC,OOO with other doctors. S.B. Ilonsos, New Albany, Ind. 81.31.kR&TAN Effectually curep me of Wend, 740 West -Van Buren St., Chicago, 11l SAMARITAN NERVINE . Cured our child of fits after given rap to die by o hur family physician, it baying over 10 0 in 21 ours. liushr ENE; Vervilla, Warren Co., Tenn. ' fidgARITAN NERVINE Cured • me Of scrofula aftei suffering for eight years•, -- ALBEIT SIXPSON, Peoria. In. S/MARITAN NEIIVINE', Cured, my son of flts. after spending $:4460 with other doctors. Tuon.stoN, Claiborn; Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permaneLtly cif epileptic lita. of a 'stub born character. Ras. Wu. MARTIN, Mectianicatotim, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINg Cured my son of fits, after havint . had 2,500 In eighteen months. • ' 3lns. E. Fonts, West Potsdam, N. Y. • SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine yeara' standing. . - ; 3lus. OMAN/1 MARSHALL. Granby, Newton CO., 110. SAMARITAN NERVINE llas permanently cured Me of epilepsy of many years standing. , , ~_ ~. JACOB SUTEB, Ss. Josepo, alto. , INCRVINE 8.1,51 A P.ITAI.I Cured lie of branebitis, asthma and general de °LIVED BMus Ironton, Ohio. • SAMARITAN NERVINE lies cured me of asthma: also scrofula of many 3 - ears standing. JEWELL,Is uc ; Covingtou, Ky SAMARITAN NERTINE Cured me of fit=. Have bfen well for over four years. • • CILIALES E. CUILTIS • OsakIs, Douglave Co., Minn SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured - a friend of mind who Iliad dyspepsia very badly. MicneE , O'Coinioa. Ridgway, PA SAMARITAN NERNINE I , Raii permanently cured me of epileptic Sta. DAVID TRFAIBLII, 'Des Monaca, lowa 8.531A1111A;1 NERVINE . Cures !fly wife of ei;;depey of 35 years standing HcanT:CL.Alux, Fairtlel4,lllch 84.11ARTZLN NERYXNE Cured my wLte of a nervous diaae t:elft rzrirlipera SAMARITAN NEIWINE , • Cured my ion of AM.. Be has - net a bad At for about four year*. , Jolts Dam. Woodburn, Macoupiu Co., M. • __ SAMARITAN NERVIVR . • la for sale by druggists evevYwhere, or may be had direct from to. Those who wish to obtain further evidence of the curativearopertiae of Sau.aritan Nervine will please enclose a 3-cent postage Stamp for s copy of our Illustrated Journal of Health, giving hundreds Of testimo nials of cure from persons who have used the medicine, aDd also their pictures photographed after their restoration to perfect health. Address DR. _S. A. RICHMOND_ & World's Epileptic Institutes 6apl-lly ST. JOSEPH' MO. 9 - : cLoT gi N a 4 NOW 18 THE GOLDEN OPPO Stylish and Reliable Spring Garmems MEN, YOUTHS; AT. PRICESWI:IIOg CAN HAD AT NO OTHER 1.101.:SE. While maintaining the uniform standard of gliality in excelli.n ce wo material by - • -000 D MANAGEMENT,' . CAREFUL BUTIV, andSMALL MARGINS; (with. which I t am content ,) I -3 ' RAISED THE STANDARD AND_ - LOWERED • THE p; UNTIL Ti' IS A POSITIVE FACT THAT - • . THE BEST STOCK ..OF CLOTIj In this vicinity_is now being sold for, the leiBt, money by M. E. ROSIAAFIE ITUM:P.HREY -811,05..',.5:., Sfauttfaetnrixti tnd•.4Jholzt>ale Dt•alersi:. all kinds ol KEN'S, BOYS. WOMEICS. MISSES, AND CHILDRENS Boot_p;;'Shoet•Rubber, CORNER VAIN AND ELIZABETHiSTI#EN, ME A NEW SYSTEM. A. TTEN TI ON.,DWALER, BUY DIRECT PROM HEADQUARTERS; YOUR Candies, Fruits, Fancy = Groceries, . Wines and Liquors - • We employ no traveling Ealesineu WE CAN r4A.VE 'YOU . O PER . CENT, By-this system.: Write for Price List - arid compare with prceut pr don't rave you Money don't orde... - AL IiOTHSCMLI) A._ Importers, IStranufact'rs & Comtnission Merc 507 ,Sixt4 Avenue, .New 'yofk. spr.l.3m Use Lawrence & Martin's ' l4-6 - • • ; MN& _ ! -7; e - For COUCHS. COLDS .5.:7"72E.-,1"..-fr.oAr • • CONSUMPTic,%i•:, Disbazos.of THEZ.7-117. BitsAm • gIF 0 • U CONS TSIPTION in Its incipient and tutvialeed , t.. :lila LUNGS, hut It has never been so advarztai;enii,iiv 'lt YE. IPP - soothing Balsamic properties afford a d IF i Vt . SZ. - 1 system tater tue cough has been relieved. Quart I , CAUTIONI rncil:loatcebedeocietirvc;iijiylc:l6, MEDICATED urtiele—the genuine has a Private Die Pro-,,r,-.;:•; •:: permits it to be Sold by Druggists; Grocers rind WITHOUT SPECIAL TAL: The TOLD, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietors, 41 STOP AT T. MUIR & CO.'S foli, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. The'place to gale money b onylug cheap I. ,a t Comer Slain ina : Frauklizi Btre66 I l'OVi'AliDA. f'S They tosinctrullyarsonnce to •tti pnbl c that • they have s taro stGelt of FLOUR, FEED, 3IEAD, GRAIN,- SALT, FISII PORE, and PEOVISIONS 'gencrajly. . We hive also added go on/ stock a variety ct WOODEN WARE, snob as BUTTER TUIB. Fiji ETC Just receiyed, a lirgo stock of Sugars, - Vas, Coffees, Spices, MOULSON'S PURE SOAP, the beat in the market, and other makes of soap Sirup and Molasses, which they offer at low prices for Cash. oct 26 77 - ONE MORE PICTURE GALLERY INS TO WANDA. , G. H. WOOD & 0. will open :their New Gallery. in Patton's Block, . . on the First Monday of April. Having fitted,np entirely new, with the best or instruments, we. are prepared to make Tintypes 4 at one sitting, all for 50 in neat envelor.ei, 10 fur Sip Coo. Copying of all kinds of Photograpbsoiud Stbroostovic and large-; view work done at this gallery. %live u.sw call and we will try an &allots* you in price and quality. - niar FAR* FOR SALE. A are of Wigton', located in Um ley. Ave minutes drive from _Rome b or o u gh. For hill particufers. address JAMES C. FOHMt. wauda Ps Wfeb4w• =I BOYS AND CHILD rrowA.N . DA, vA. f()1s - A N iT)A., I'.A All goods st,ld Orozp..;ll lqice - WE 1i....•;()W . . V- •:, r f- ; •-e. ••••„- - - . e %Air's v;' , ." • 1; THE MOST - SUCCESSFUL LI , Y , Te covered. as it is certain in it 4 e tfeCt 4 not blister. Also excellent REAL PROOF BELOW. reillagatowli, Uhi ), May I. , th. I D. J. KENDALL: fe had s Very v blo liatubletonianverY' ly, be bad a large bone Flavin on en , a small one on the other wi, : .ch Made ; fn 7 . l lame; I had him_under the enar.:e of tz:, nary surgeons which f.tited W care him one day reading the :Mr( tricnt,t Kit. Ecaciu Cure in the .(bicago h:ll,ress. I Jet-. eu at once to try it, and got, dcw2 . .:)fo . to send for It, they orderedfir , e loothet ,, them all and thought L would iliCe II A tl. trial, fused it acconlitlg t.) dire, tious a. fomth day the colt ceased to lumps have aisappeare t. I used but and the colts limbs are as (me tr. , a) as smooth as any horse in. the state, he. tirely cured. The cure was so r, I let two of my neighbors Lave the tem two bottme, who are now Mang it. Very 14*peLttu:Ii. ' L T. htl• • Kendall's Spawn OM HUMAN 'FLESH. - Patten's .51111 r,, Wasb'teiA7o..N.v.. tat Dn. ii. J. KENDAL.. Pear ran' ,easo on which linsed yoUrSendrils Slav , wax a rnalignan,. Ankle sprain of sisteer. standing. 1-harletrted many Verries, but t i Your Epatinmetro put the (jot to Cie again, and for the first:tuee since ha. natural position. .For a fauliiy eels anything r. e eier aseq. Fuurs truly. I:FW. M. P. BELL. raster of M. E. church, Partt Le 311 ,3 Prico #l, per bottle. or •it bottles for St. Druggists Faso it or can get it f,r yeti, ,t be sent to any address on receipt or ruse t , proprietors, DR. B. .1 KENDALL k CO., • burgh Falls. Vt.'. Sold at SMIf 11=E . . AT CRANE'S MARY, ADDISON', HUNDREDS OF PERSONS from all F the world havo been cured of this Touch d diseane and are now laiuti 'witnesses have been tescned from a terrible and 0: death. Doctors. 'Ministers and the roan Free. Write fora eiro2dar ar t ';,, Address' Drs. GEO. eItANE &,1:1: 611 Addison. N. Y. FIRE AND LIFE INSURA GOLLEU'IIIUA Alllll BRINK tt: B lieli.,:t-.llaYs'ilk Will Policies for ritts in Fire taa s4rnace. 'Collect ClAlcae with are promptness. They rep re gen rOtetv., . , FIRST—CLASS COMFAN rhey solicit thecontldence and patrouli e , d having huskies* in their line. and 'a ll •`" to merit it. Apply to or address • • . 4 ,1 lass tr lANINEk D VegiLallY"'" rnt %,(1 Wil Cigaysi Cigarettes; Tiantv( El BE D • ”. .-,0 :; PRON COL. L. T. POSTE CANCERS CURE C 1..1.131; r.) (%0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers