13 iiOLCOMB & TRACY, Publishers. VOL. VII. -TF775-- .raoort!-ROu6lican 1 , 4 Pui►lished Every Thursday, At tOWANDA, PA., DV iFIOLCOMB & TRACY, $1..70 Per .failitistip 4 in Afleatir4- ! 4- .Idecraqiiiirflates—S! cents a lino for ilrst .ortoti, an I.ilro cents er line for all sub.e. Readi g notice advcrth t.•e cents :per line. Et ht lines constitute a an'd twelve line an. inch. Auditor's sthrri. • Administ tor's and Executor's :tetlet's Yearly rertising Sito.no per .011.111ln. THE REITIILICSN' in the 'noel, :Snore and Nobles Block, the corner of Main :.nd rine streets, _over J. F. Corner's Boot and Thor store. -- Its circulation is over 2000, As an medium it is unexcelled in its ita.- Business Dirac;s:ry irrozLN EYS-AT-LAW \tt•rruevi-at-Law; Ottio mi.tas ri.,LIFF, J. N., •• Wilco iu Woad's Moak, Bullet V Sati"nal Bank, to stairs. June 12,'. 1 711::ir.111:1: xi SUN (..V G Efibree and L Msbree) iu liercur EthSek. Park Stl may 14,78 'DECK v. OVERTON (Ilenjl.3l Peek and D 00 , 7.- 2- fa:7: ), Ottlee over Hill's Market! 4921'9 r; F:RTON SANDERSON tE Overton and Jan Sdnarrzon.) (ace inAktams BloCii.julys-;8 AXWELL, 1511. Office' over Dayton'■ Store apri114,76 NITILT, J. ANDREW, Office in Ilean's Block - apr 14,76 VIES, C.ARNOCHAN h HALL, (W T Davies. D H rarrozhan. LJI Hitll.) Office in rear • Var,l House. Entrance on Poplar St. (je12,76 FEl:Crit: RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents. Particidar attention paid to buAiness in I )rphaus' Court and to tho settlement.of estatei. in 11,,ntanye's Block • 49-79 , / rc: PHERSON A:. YOUNG, (I. ,11cPhe , rson and ' W . 1. Young.l--Onice ysouttt side of Mermen '3l oft . i • feb 1,7 A Vr t IDILL liINNEY. Office corner Mani and 1-Y-L Pine et. Noble's block. second floor front. rqll s c.tiona promptly attended to.) feb 1 78, ILLIAMS, k BUFFINGTON. (Li N W Miaow, E J Angle and E D Bugington). (ace west side hf Main street, two doors north Argus ofilee. All tininess entrusted to their ree,ive prompt attention. oct 26,77 t , TAMES 11. .4:ND JOHN W. CODDING, Attek si nep. and Counsellors.at-Law. Office in the Aoreur flock, over C. T. liirby'e Drug Store. jnly:l, 'SO tf. Tr EEN ink': J. P: Attorney-at-Law. Office in Ntautanye's Block, Main Street. :5. 7111 , )All'.•;ON, VV. H. and E. A., Attorneys-at -Law. Towanda, Wilke in Mercur Block, ccr J.l. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Main first stairway north of Post-office. all I...hies's promptly attended to. Special atten -11..0 giVen to dahlia 'against the United Ststei r Bonn M. 0.. Patents, etc , and to tioas and settlement of decedent's estates. .vprir 21. ly HENRY B. 14I'KEAN, ATTOitNEY-AT-LANI solicitor of .ratent.S. 'Government claims at , mied to. - rrr I'S'ICAYS AND SURGEONS ToDSSON. T. D., 2.D. °Mee over Dr. 11. C J Porte:l.3'B Drug Store. fob 12,18 NEWTON. bra .D. .k. 7 F.G. °thee at Dwelling on Slyer Street, corner Weston St. feb 12.77 ADD, C. 31. D. OUles Ist doSor above old I—l Lana building, ou Main street. Special at to:thou given to diseases of• the throat and ju1719,78 NrrOoDitritS. S. M.. M.D. Office and real yv deuce. Main street, north of '3l.E.Church Examiner, for Pension Dresrtuient. 13b 22,75 110YNE, T. D.. 31. D. Omce over 31.mtanye's store. ()Mee hours from 1U to It a. m. and :r..tu '2 to 4 P. M. Special attention given to I , .hess..s of the E.Ve, and Diseases of the Ear. oct 20,77 ittAVN P.P., H. 1 1 .. HOILCCOPATEIIC PITTEICIAN fi SVAGEON. , :i.lence and office just north of Dr. Corbon's street, Athens. Pa. HorELs. =ESTI' HOUSE. Main at., nett corner south -of Bridge street. New hones and now fir Lituro throughout. The proprietor ham Ap.l red neither pains or expense iu making his I:rat-class and respectfully solicits a shire vublic;natronage, Meals at all hours. Terms : eisonable. Large Stable attached. 1.1. tr WM. HENRY. SECRET SOCIETIES. TrIATKINS POST, NO: 0, G. A. R. Meets V v every Saturday even ng. at Military Hall. GEO. V. YER, Commander. 3 it. KirraiDon,, Adjutant. feb 7, 79 CIZI;STAL LODGE, NO. 57:, Meets at K. of P. Hall every 3londay evening at 7:30. In t :rsnce s2,oa). Benefit& $3.00 per week. Aver annual cost, 5 years experience. $ll. J. B. KITTBIDGE, Reporter. WARDF-LL; Ja., Dictator. fob 22.78 , . _ BRAD FORD LODGE, N 0.167, 1. 0. 0. F. Meet in Odd Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening e:: o'clock. WAAISEN SILL. Noble Grand. ne 12,75 110 us AND" SIGN PAINTING. os - T r. E. No. 32 Second street All orders %%ill reef-ire prompt attention. inns 12,75 EDUCATIONAL L - tr. -, „.1 - EIIANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE :I'hr st:c , nd Winter Term will begin Monday De , 2. For catalogue or other infor address or call On the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A.M. L Towanda, Pa. - PLUMBER AYb GAS FITTER. tsTIELIAMS, EDWARD. Practical Plumber \' and Gas Fitter. Flace of business in kler -,!-Ir Mock next door to - .l6 . urnal office opposite I •.! , !ic Square. Plumbing. Gas Fitting. Repair. 1!. Pumps of all kinds. and all kinds of (learing r attended to. e All wanting ;cork in his .• hould give him a call. 27,77 /NS URA NCA rssELL. 0. S. General Insortince Agency, I. Towanda, F. face. in Whiteomb'e Book . re. July 12,76 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT JA MES-.3l€.'CA BE 9\" REMOVED ILLS GROCERY BUSINESS 0 Sf trTti-EAST CORNER 01' MAIN %N 1) BRIDGE STREETS, STIIER.E HE, HAS...RTIBLISHED- , • Read Quarters Fiji; EVERYTHING IN THE * LINE OF anCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c., 4--e. '.ASH PAID for Desirable Pro- duce. Fi ne BUTTER and EGGS I) , eialts. . • •••••1 NATHAN TIDD, t Successor to 31?. Itcßean,) DEALER IN P4'I7STON, WILKESBARRE AND LOYAL SOCK . O°.A . Lt: or PINE STREET, NEAR ( *WIT UOUS TOWANDA, PA. 41- I.6O:EST PRICES FOR CAW. • . , •11. Istronsse of my old friends and th e public ° me:ally le solicited. • . 9sep:B o, -,,... .... . , , , . . . .. .. . ~. . .. .. .... . _ ~ ...-. .- - . , .- . _ ... .... . :... . . . . . I • :. .• - -, . ~• • • -....-,......• --...•••-• • e • .. • ' • - ... ' ..... . . . , t ' • 2 - - -...•-, • ' - • . , . , ,• • B . , • • - • . •. . . • . . _ . . ..,__:,.. •kor ....,...- .- .T. r .. * , - „e . g ., . ,;., •,:::. ~ -..:•.. ~.• :• . •••:,,,. .. .. _ ...., •- 4 4,,,—..., . • 4„. ~.,. A.. . .70.-it 4 ••,, : • , . ~,, . - F ` ._ • . , . . . , .. - . - . . • • : . . . . .. . . •••• , , . ~. ~ . .. , . . . • Av y.... ‘ ,... ~ OPP., 1 t..tA - 4f-v-'l3°) -- 1 ? - .Tyon ,-- • • - : . - 1 • . : . ;.. . . ~ . . . BARCLAY R. - R. TIME-TABLE. __Z____ TRAINS NORTH. 161 4 Way ;Arc' maiLl tion P. 31.14.11 .1 - 1.2•14'. 9.20 Ar. ... Towanda ... Dep. 6.17 3 -- .15 :05 Dep. M0nr00.... ' 6.35 3.311 6.02, 9.1,4 Ae. ....Monroe.... Dep. 6.41 3.31 5.58 i 8.59 ....2dasOntown 6.47 3,35 5.531 8.54 Greenwood •• 6.52 3.40 5.46: 8.46 ..'..Weatona •• *5.39:*/1.38 '• Summit.— " *7.11 *3.54 ; *5.35;*8.35 " Latooka.... •• *7.15 •3.5 K :111 8.31 5 ' LongValleyanne '• 7.10 ' 4.02 5.10. B.ls l Dep. . Foot of Plano. Ar.. 7.3; 4.15 *lntlinates that trains du not stop. F. F. LYON. Sup't and Eng'r, Barclay, Pa 2rt,irs2 LEHIGH VALLEY &PENNA. AND NEW YORK RAILROADS. AHRANGEIIENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS TO TAKE EOECT dAl3.llt, • • Niagara Palle Barelo ...... • .... Rochester Lyons . Geneva - Ithaca. Auburn 0weg0........... Elmira Waverly 'Sayre Athens Milan Mater too - and 5..... ..... IN - planking Standing Stone... •Rummerileld Prenchtown Wyalusing Laceyville Skinner's Eddy.. Iles oppen Ilelloopany - Tuuktiannock L.sGrauge Falls B Junction .. :4 .Barre..... Maucn Chunk .... Allentown Bethlehem .. .... Easton.. . Philadelphia...... New York Sow York... ..... .[ Putladelphia Easton Bethlehem Mlentown Mauch Chunk Wilkes-Larre L k B Junction IZIMI CAG range ruukbannock Si e:b oo p y Skihner's. Eddy:. i:eyv ill o WyOusing Frdnchtoitti Rummerfleld ;+ 3tandiug Stone Wyeauking, yotrauda OM MW AIN A", PA 12011 &thefts 4.30 I 1.3 5.10 115 iayre 4.4011.41 5.20: 1.23 Waverly . . 4.45,11.10. 5.30, 1.30 Elbaira 1. 4 25'12.40 6.15! 2.15 Owego Xuburn Ithaca Cloneva . . Lyons , SlO .... 8.50: .... Rochester . ! 9 50 4.10 - 9.40; .... Buffalo . 11.40 x,1012.05 5.06 lilaga ia Falls . 1.03 9.25 .1.08 , 9.40 P.M. P.M. A.M. A.ll No. 32 leaves Wyalniing t1:00,..A. M., French town 6.14, Ilummerfield 1.23, Standing Stotie 6.31 Wvsauking 6.40: Towanda 6.53, Ulster 7.06, Milan 7:16. Athens '7 . :21, Sayre 7:40, Waver ly 7:15. arriving at. Elmira 5:50.. A. 31. No. 31 leaves Elmira 1:15 P. Waverly 6:eo, Sayre 6:15, Athens 6:20, Milan 6:30, Ulster w1:40, Towanda 6:51, Wysauking 7:05, Standing Stone 7.14, Rummertleld 7:22 ' Frenchtown 7:32; arriv ing at Wyalusing at 7:45.. P. M. Trams Rand 15 run nails. Sleeping cars on trains ti and 15 between Niagara Falls and Phila delphia and between Lyons and New York with out changes. Parlor cars on Traine 32. and 9 between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with out change. and through coach to And from Rochester vid-Lyons. • WM. STEVENSON, Supt. &alma. Pa., Jan. 2. IS_t2. 1 ?a. & N.Y. R. R. Illiscellane;us Advertisements. Towanda sct: Store MAIN * I Is prepared to offer a complete 'assort _ Crockery, ' t Gjassware, WHITE and.BECOILITED MAJOLICA WARE, For the coming Spring Trade,-we adhere. is heretofore to our : established principle—that a sale ,kvith a small profit is 'better than a slow one with a large profit—and tberefOre our .prices in any line of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. tfa-IVe the to sell the best, article for the least possible money.- LOEWUS & FREIMUTH. tuyG4r THE: POPULAR' CORNER • GEO. L. ROSS, Has filled up the old MONTAN - YE STORE with • • full and complete stock of FRESII GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS.. • PRIOES,AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. s to 4 dil here for 'your Groceries.' After you get prices, at Ross' it will be of no use •to try tilye. where for his prices are down to rock bottom. Farmers can get the ttp.top of the market a Goo. L. Rosa'. All kinds of Produce taken in.ex change for goods no for cash. ' _ .Aprli 39 ly giro itatioiiii §-Ruh, CAPITAL PAID. IN $125,000 'SURPLUS FUND . __ 80,000 This Bank offers unusual fseilitieri for the transaction of a genera] banking business. - MI N. N. BETTS, Cashier. Ad!lna& Time-tables. TAKES EFFECT JAN, L, 180 TRAINS • , • • Ace Way ,tion., Mail EASTWARD. 15 i 9 7 3 BTATIOIJR • 9.05 1 7,20 7.15 .' 2.50: 8.25 . 1 5.1510.0.5' 6..j0 11.03 . 11 6.55 : 11.3(11 • 1 t 1.011 { • 5.15'11.1):. - 8,5 U, .1 9.10 1.45; 9.6 . ! . 1 9.45' 2.10' 9:40; .40.10' 2.30'10.001 . 1 ,10.15; 2.31 10.05] I .10.15; .:1046! 3.00'1043: 505 . '10.54 5.13 5.26 i• • •••1 •• • .11.19 • ' 3.:10 11.30 5.43 ;11.42; 3.:.711.50 0.03 ..... 0.07 • I 4.1212.10! 6.23 1 12.10' !12.23 • 4,35; 1.00 7.10 ' i• 1 1.10 7.20 . 1.24 7.35 1.03 j 5.10; IAS 8.05 1.35 j 5.30 2.2 P 8.35 3.45 7.33. 4.50,11.00 4.441 8.29' 5.33;12.00 • 5.00' 8.45 6.03;12.15 15.30 0,00. 6.40112.55 I 6.55 10.40' 8.40; 2.20 , 8.05: I 0.15; 3.35 A. - Ar. p.m. P.M :P.M El!M! ARO. 8 30 2 12 STATIONS - ,P.M. P.NI • 6.3..) .7.40 1.40 H.OO 9.00 4.1; - , 9.:11 ,5,50 9 .50 .... - 10.4n . 6.15 MIIMEMOI MO =3:=3llM 1,35 8;01 2.25'10.10 H 45 ... 4 1).46 5.15 55 3.01 10.52 9.20 11v.!2 9.27 3.27 11.:!'.1 9.43 .11.45 3.02' 9.59 . 3.41i;11.50 ....!10.14 4.0.312.07 10.27 .... 12.17 '10.37 ....^12.24 .... .1104 12.37 '3.501105 443 12.46 ' 5.39 6.25! ... 6.10 6.40; ... 7.41 .... 8.14 ... IN=ISIMMiII TI-i1: (NEXT DO I OR TO ..'ELC7II_4 I .: CO inent of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Latest dodgn s anti pat terns of I BIRD CAGE , SAT - CRtIS, &C. TOWANDA ?A. JOS. POWELL. • •President :eh. 4.'78. i 1 CURES Dyspeps Liver Diseases Fever ga e, itheuma !ism, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Bil. tousness, Wervous debility, eta: The Best; BZICEI7Y. KNOWN to Man! 11,000,000 Bottles This SyruP possesses Varied Properties. • It Stimulates the Ptyalima in the Saliva, which converts the Starch and Sugar of the Shod into glucose. A dell ciency in Ptyalino causes Wind and Sourinof the food in the stomach. Ii the medicine is taken immediately after eating the fermentation of Shod is pre. vented. r It eels upon the_Lircr. • It nets upon the Kidneys. It Regulates the Dowels. It Purifies the Blood. • , It Quiets the A - crewing System. It rimnotes'Digestion. 3.41 4 15 4.30 4.34 It Nourishes. Strengthens and Invigorates It carries off the Old Blood and makes nett It opens the_pores of the skinjand induce/ Ilealthri Perspiration. . It neutralizes the hereditary - taint, orpoisor In the blood, which generates Scrofula, Err sipelas, and all manner of skin diseases and internal humors. There are no spirits employed in' its mann. facture, and it can bo taken by the most deli. cato babe, or by the aged and feeble, rare being require& in attention to directions.. DRUGGISTS SELL IT. • Laboratory, 77 .West 3d Str :Never fails to Cure. • Ashland. Schuytill co., Pa. Dear Sir:—Thit, is to certify that your INDIAN BLOOD Shit' P Las benefited me more, after a short trial, than all the medictue I have used tor 111 years Ashland, Schuykill co., Pa. . . Dear Sir:-1 have used your excellent INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Disease of the Stomach, and it has proved to be a Naluable medicine.' Nervous Debility. 1 , Turtle Point, Mckean co., Pa. Dear Sir:—l was troubled With . 1.I.•••••llIS De bility and psiti‘t t l / 4 .,;,s)sts, fur - a number 01 .1.. r .,;, ! , a i r10 i vil lf o t b i t t tnl t n i o r. ra a •li s e hi t or u t n t t i r llu o s f ed w y h ti t e l t . restored me to bnalth. ' • - . . ma: 7.2:, 8.27 19:02. Dear Sir:—My little girl was cured of Inilam. niatiou of the Face -and k:Yes, by the use of your reliable INDIAN . BLOOD SYRUP. A physicist had previously failed to afford relief and it was thought that the child could not live. Its neck and breast was entirely covered with Scrofulous Sores, which a•e now entirely gone. - '10.4! 12.::0 - Sure Cure fur Liner-Complaint === MEE Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has effectually relieved .me of Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, after the doc- tors failed. Remedy for the Rheumatism. Turtle Point, McKean co„ Dear Sir:—l have used your excellent INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Rheumatism and Liverk"ton plaint, and hare derived great relief therefrom. SIWYRON. .. - . . An Agent's Testimony. . Turtle Point, McKean co., Pa. Dear Sir:—l was a life-long sufferer from Liver Complaint. until I used your great INDIAN BLOOD -SYRUP. from which I soon obtained permanent relief. I also find the Syrup to be II valuable Dowel Regulator. - • A Valuable ➢eedicine. . AL Atm Somerset Co.. ra. Dear. Sir:- - Thia is to certify that your reliable INDIAN BLOOD mut , is . the best medicine ever used in my iamily. Hoping the public will be benefited by this great" remedy, I take great pleasure in giving my testimony of its value. JOSEPH P. BEIIDAfita. Dear Sir:—l take pleasure in • recommending your INDIA.): BLOOD SYRUP as the best medi cine made. People who are Dyspeptic should not fail to give it a trial. For tne Stomach it has no equal. I have used it and know it to be a valuable medicine.. Berlin, Somerset Co.„ Pa. Dear Sir: was troubled with Liver Com plaint for s long time, suet by the persuasion of your Agent, I commenced taking your excellent INDIAN BLOOD SllUJP,which has greatly bene fited me. 1 have never found any medicine to .eoual it, and can confidently say it is a safe and highly valuable remedy: • • Pain n the Bieast. 1•Bor1in, Somerset Co., Pa. ' Dear Sir:—l was alllcted with a Pain in ray Brep.st and Side. and when I would lie down, could scarcely breathe. for Pain, 1 was also very weak in my Breast and Lungs. I used some of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP and am now near. ly well.. My Lungs .are strong once. more and I am very grateful to you for such a valuable remedy. Philadelphia. Pa. Dear Slr:—This is • to certify that • )our valua ble% INDIAN VLOOt SYRUP has cured mo of Dyslier*Oa and Indigestion, which F had been afflicted with for years. For Kidney Diseases. ; Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Sir:—l was subject to severe Pains in my Kidneys, Weakness and Painful Sick Headache, for years, and rat t led to obtain relief, until Isms induced to try 'your relablo INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, a.shorto trial of which restored rum to perfect 'health. JAMES RILEY. No• 1525 Ilartrain St. - 1 • 1 • , For Costiveness. f - I i Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Sir !--:-I was troubled wth - Costivenes and Headache, and the use of yot *INDIAN BLOOD SYBCP proved most benetlct Ito me. It Is the best medicine I ever used. No. sl7 Fideral S . For 1 Dear Sir: —I was afflicted with Dyspepsia and Dilllousness for years, and . failed to prochre re• lief until I began toting your INDIAN BLOOD ST UP,, which soon effectually reliereir•ine. take great pleasure in recommending its use to the aftlicted. No. 1035 Locust 13% Disease of the Stomach and Liver. BushsilL Pike Co., Pa. Dear Sir:—This is to certify, that I bave used your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Diseaseof_the Stomach and Liver, and have been much bene fited thereby . Dear Sir;—l consider your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP the belt medicine I evcr•used in my family. it Is , just as recommended. • - MAnstr. Gutmann. 'Dear have used Your great INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP in my fa/Dili', for Worm and Summer Complaint, and it teas, proved effectual in all caves. 1 Tuoatas CownuanT Dear daughter was in Poor Health and a short trial of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP entirely cured her. AGENTS WANTEDfor tbe dale ot tbeINDIAN BLOOD SYRUP in every town or village; in which I have to agent. Particulars given onapplieation. Tqw- -ANpA. 7 P,ii „ *PFORP, * COKI;WYp4, - ,- . .i.11117..1R5DA17,:,,44.40Ef'!23,.. 1882.-,', SOLD SINCE 1870. NEW YORK CITY. A. B. BILL3MN Disease olthe Stomach 31ms. J. At7.3141N D., C. WINSUTP For Scrofula. Tnrtio Point, McKean co., Pa WAIIIISN SMITH Turtle Point. McKean co.; Ps F. F. BISHOP. 4ENILY C. SIMIIAN Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Berlin, Somerset Co.. Pa HAUTE KRISSINGEII Livei• Complaint. EDWARD Z01:24 ilysia:psia and Indigestion. GEORGE M. ELLIOT JAB. A. Bnovr.q Illiousness. Philadelphat FtAss T. Goalmrr, nuslux VANANizragt• Best Family Mediehte. Buithkal, Pike Co., Pa Remedy for WOrms. Never Fails to Care. Bushkin, Pike Co.. Pe. naux A MODERN WITCH. ""And he went up in January, And never ease down tilt June." I thinlme oft in the twilight Of a lady end her hat, ; , -• The former was little and vicious. The latter was large and flat. The lady went to the church, the play; * And Wherever she went the shout Went up from the many who Could not see. "Confound ill put her our 1" • She was not-to be extinguished. "I have paid," she said, and I'll Stay. I'll wear that hat"—and she clenched her hind "Till the crack or the Judgment-day. I'll listen it tight annuli, nty throat, And pin it last tajny hair. Let there come the dreSdfalest hurricane. The world shall still fled it there." There came a breeze from heaven Of a rather malevolent•,kind., It caught that hat; and took it tufo, :- And the lady went behind. Y r Now, this was sevoral years ash, _ And all of them full of pain; For with nothing to ride she still sails on, And will never come down again. Harper's . Magazine for April. The king would build s so a legend says, The finest o► ail flue Places. He sent for St. Thomas, a builder rare. And bade bim to rear thema wonder fair. The king's great treasure was placed at hand. Afid with it the . soverign's one 'command-- "Build well, U builder so good and great I And Red to the glory °fray estate. "Build well, nor spare of my Wealth. to show A prou&r palace Hiatt mortals know." The king took leave Or his kingdom then, And wandered far from the Impute of men St. Theinas the king's groat treasure spent In worthier way than his master meantX "16 He olad the naked, the hungrYied. The oil of gladness around hiin shed. He blessed them all with the ample store. As never khing's wealth blessed before. The kitig came back from hia fourney long, Bat roma no grace in the happy throng That greeted him now on his Glow- return, To teach him the lesson ho ought to learn. The kik came back to his well-spent gold, But, on Flow palace could he behold. In terrible anger he monk sn uuttuer's lolly should boat his heid St. Thomas in dungeon d a rk was east, Till the, time for his p nistirnent dire was • . pites'eo. Then it ehaneed, or the good God c s!itled it so, That the king's own brother in death lay low. Wben fOur days dead, the legend reads, He rose , to humanity's life and needs; From sleep of the dust he strangely woke, And thris to his brother the king be spoke "I have been to Paiadiae, 0 my king! And have heard the heavenly angels sing. ?And there I saw, by the gates of gold, A palace finer than•tongue has told; "Its wills awl tower's were lifted high In heauliful grace to the bending sky; "Its glories, there in that radiant Tlace, Shone forth like a smile from the dear Lord's fa 4.. "An angel bald it was banded there By the gitod Ett y Teomae, with lore and care "Fur our fellow-men, and that it should be The place of peace through eternity." - The kind this vision pOndered well, • Till ho tciok St. Thomas from dmigeon.;cell, And said; "0 builder ! he moat is ',rise Who buildeth ever for Paradise." • THE JEWESS OF ROUDNIA. We were passing through Poland pi great haste. Pressing business urged us on; but, then, tliat„ almost flat country, marshy and unhealthy, which stretches out between Uinta and the Gulf of Bathnia, offers none of those attractions -which induce the traveler to pause. The villages and towns suc ceeded each other along the intermin able road, very much alike and differing only iu the quantity of houses and huts,. in the number or importance of the churches. As the_view afforded noth ing of the picturesque the sight of the post station's alone gave us_ pleasure. But when one is in a hurry a thous and disagreeable accidents are quite sure to entangle themselves together. Of course, such auidents always hap pen even whan one has plenty of leis 'tire, but then they escape attention. This time, however, a sort of fatality seemed to pursue us, for at every rel.s or two; - no horses were at' the station',, and we,were forded to wait, sometimes an hour, sometimes a half a day, which may be explained by the small impor tance of the road we had taken, D. 31. BALL At last by a happy stroke of lack, we got Over a pretty long stretch of.country without hindrance. `Some dreadful i r CatinitroPllc must certaiuly overtake : us,' said 1, with a laugh, to my traveling companion, 'or fortuue will not he satisfied with her clay work.' - - I hats scarcely finished speaking when the postilion, half turning round upon his seat pointed with the tip of his whip 'towards thettown we were approaching. 'lt is on the !' said he phlegmatically A pink gush was visible, near at hand, beneath the sky, the light blue of which—that periwinkle blue peculiar to the countries of the North—.was der. keued by the approaching night. The Blight jogged silhouette of the-town was pictured in the focus, from whence ,escaped great whirlwinds of smoke, and the tinned dome of the Russian church reflected the flames like an imperfectly silvered mirror. 'What do yon calf that piece ?' asked I, of the postilion, as he vigorous)) , whipped up his liorie& 'Roudnia,' said he; 'it is the town of Roudnia.' In the eyes of every' Russian or Polish peasant three houses form a town, provided they are grouped around a church, and Roudnia poaasssed two churches, oae of them Catholic. The rapidly moving horses reached the great beam; variegated with white, red and black, which was then, the cus tomary gate of every towi. *official in a greasy uniform came tov - reedire the stipulated _ He cried out something unintelligible, and the tesixi -placed across the road rose obliquely town* the sky. This species of gate, alto gether primative, yet exists upon many of the government highways, though Russia Wisdom) away with the tolls on "GOVERNMENT 'OP THE PEOPLE BY Tom_ PEOPLE AND FOB THE PEOPLE." THE BUILDER. the great roads. Our position urged on his animal.", and we went through two or three very dirty, and abominable paved streets at a gallop. A noisy crowd . rushed in the same direction, towards the scene of the con flagration. and we nearly crushed half a dozen Jews who were running along, lilting their lengthy robes and uttering cries of distress. 'lt's a Jew's house that's on fire,' said the postilion, without ceasing to urge on his horses. ' 'Row do you know that ?' asked in; his arms in a half fainting condition, companion. and yet held his pipe in his teeth. 'I smell the stench !' answered the A triumphant acclamation saluted • wag. laughing heartily. . him. The °Liebe suddenly turned a corner 'Here's your old woman I' -said he to ut great risk of being upset, and the Jew. - • stopped in front of the post station. It was, in truth, the wooden , house of a Jewish butcher which was burning be fore us on the square. The co.religion ists of the poor fellow were throwing his furniture out of the front windows, the fire having engulfed the rear of . the dwelling. The front was yet 'entirely dark, but of that deep obscurity which preceeds•cmobtistion. A few plumes of smoke, bluish in color. streamed here and there through the roof, presaging the general conflagration that was not fur distant.' While my companion WAS seeing about obtaining fresh horses and hav ing our pasaport wised. I stood upon the porch of-the station. which, raised a few feet above the level of the square, afforded-a view of the entire scene.. A conflagration is not a run thing in Poland, but when a Jew's house is on fire, only the Jews run forth and en deavor to extinguish it, while the others stand motionless, looking on—not, per haps, without a secret satisfactioa, for perish the ini.quitonsly acquired pro perty of the sons of Abraham seems; at such times, to be theimotio. This inhumanity is explained, if not excused, by the rapacity pf the Israel ites, who, by 'reason of their commercial ability, keep in their hands the greater part of the revenue of. Om people, who are generally .very poor, end are still further impoverished by the system of usury largely in vogue in Poland. The wife and , children of the butcher, seated in the centre of the'square, filled the air with bitter lamentations. Dogs were barking, and our unhitched horses were shaking their collars covered with' .tiny ...bells, while other bells were being fastened to the hainess' of the fresh animals, 'the whole forining an inexpres sible confusion of sounds, made up I chiefly of sharp notes. I stopped my ears. Suddenly I saw the JBllB who were removing the furniture rush preoipita• tely from the windows and the diior. A flood of white smoke filled the house as they quitted it, and a red light appear ed in the background. The interior paitition had just caught . fire. kcom parative hush itt once prevailed. finch a moment has always something solemn about it. 'lt burns beautifully I' calmly said a tall Cossack soldier, who was standing beside me clad in his gray overcoat. I started at him; he was quietly smok ing a short little cherry pipe. With hanging a iimatie contemplated the con ,flagration with undisguised satisfaction; but the snapping of his eyes showed that he had taken 'too many gimlet's -'of brandy. • 'Woe t woe r cried the voice of the buteher. lie was in the middle of the squire, and was gazing at his groaning family with a look of consternation. Be tore his hair, and his little crisp curls frisked about in the wind from the ica petuousity of his movements. 'Woe I' repeated alt the Jews in oho-. . 'I. have forgotten my aged mother !' cried the unfortunate man. - A burst of laughter from the Poles answered him. 'I thought her with you,' raid he to his wife, who was standing aghast, with her youngest child in her arms. 'Where is she ?' cried some one. With a hopeless, look, he pointed to the house and covered his head with portiou of robe. The - laughter stopped. ' Jewess, she was still a woman. 'She is in the chamber t? the left,' said he. 'lt is not yet on tire. Save her, my friends,' added he, in it voice full of anguish. The friends who bad aided him, up that moment glanced at the flames, then looked, 'interrogatively at each other and remained silent. 'Go for her yourself 1' exclaimed a boy in the crowd. 'I will give half of what I am worth to whoever shall save her!' cried the butcher, wringing his hands. 'Half, yes, half,' repeated he excitedly. 'Save the poor old woman, my friends, good gentlemen 1" He spoke now to the Poles. No one moved. The tall Cossack gave a star:, then hesitated, and finally went and planted himself before the butcher, staggering a trifle as he did so. 'No tricks !' said he, his pipe still in his month. 'What will•you give me to go in there r He pointed to the house, now almost entirely wrapped in flames. 'Five silver roubles, my friend, five roubles. By the God of Abraham, five roubles 'That's nothing,' said the Cossack., 'But there's no time to bargain. You' ,707 people,' .cried he in a loud voice, 'be says five, roubles I' A murmur of assent ran through the erowd. 'But you mast bring her back with you.' said the Jew, cling to the soldier's sleeve; 'if you do not, yon get nothing 'lmbecile,' growled the Cossack, 'I am not going in there for plasure I Where is your old she goat of a mother?' 'Upon the bed in the corner of the chamber' to the left.' 'Good muttered the Bataan. 'With God's help,' cried he, in a ring ing tone. And at a bound he leaped upon the steps. ' The whole , population - of Routlia held - their breath. The soldier made the aigp of the.cross and vanished in the smoke. 'Your horses.are ready.' said the pos tilion to me, as be clambered into his seat. 'Wait,' said I. in a low voice. My friend had rejoined me and was watching like all the rest for the de. nonement of this drama. The Cossack reappeared surrounded by flameli. He bore the old Jewess in At that moment the whole house burst into Same with a species of explo sion; but the conflagration no longer interested anybody. All eyes .were fixed on the Cossack. 'Come,' said he, 'pay me.' 'Whit r stammered the Jew, 'now ? Wait mill I have fcand a place of safety for my family.' . 'No tricks r roared the Cossack, threateningly. 'Pay me on the spot. or—' . . From a habit of fear, the butcher threw his hands before his face; but the Cossack -had no thought of striking him, he simply fixed upon him eyes full, of growing anger. Blinded by his avarice, the Jew took no heed of this, he slowly drew from his bosom a greasy wallet, opened it with a whine, rum maged in it many times, and finally, took from it a ragged bill which he presented to the - Cossack. The roof fell in with a shower of sparks that Hew all about us. The square was as bright as day. 'A rouble 1' oiled the Cossack, hurl ing away his pipe,' a rouble for having risked my life !—a rouble 1 Ab, accurs ed dog ! I prefer to return for noth ing 1' He- caught the wretched old wom'an in his arms, and before any one could ium r ".• wr Ira di lelav house. The steps were not yet on fire. He bounded upon them with his burden and cast it into the flames. Then, re turning to the crowd, be shouted: 'A rouble ! robber beast now go and get your tuoth4 out for nothing !' The horrified concourse stood as if stricken dumh. • I sprang into the eolecne and my, friend followed. !'Away. as fast as possible r said I to the postillion. ! I felt that I could endure no more. The moment the- ()idea.) started a portion of the front of - the' house' fell forward, separating the soldier from the square. His tall figure was pictured in black- upon the incandescent back ground. He strove to leap through the flames, but., as he gathered himself to jump, a beam attack him on the head and he tell. ' !Quick ! quick ! cried I tO the postil lion; prodding him in the back to urge him on. . . He 'whipped his horses into a gallop, the crowd scattered mechanically, and we were soon in the open country. For several nights after we could not To Keep . the Girls Warm. A seal skin sacque costa fifty per cent. more than it did fifteen or eighteen year ago. Fashion and the discovery of new methods of preparing and dyel ling, or first the latter and second the former, brought them into use. The seal fur, as seen here, is' the inner coat. When on the back, of the seal this fin fur is bid by coarse hairs, which are re moved by a process of parting down the under side of the skin. The color of the fur as known to wearers is artificial. It the government had not taken meas ures to protect the seal, new wearers of Real simples would be few in a short, time. The Shetland seals were once numerous, but they have been exterm inated. The New . Foundland seal is in the market, bnt it is inferior to the sea of Alaskii. The islands of the Sebring Sea are the only ones in the world where seal catching has great commercial im portance. From, 1851 1860.1 the scientific World knew nothing irr regard .to the history of the seal. Tile- Smithsonian Institute did not possess a perfect skin and skeleton of the seal, although thon 7 - sands 4if: men and millions. of :dollars have been employed in capturing. dress ing and selling fur 'seal skins for the last hundred years. The vas+ bree.ling grounds :bordering on the Anteartie have- been entirely depopulated. • Be tweeu the yeas 1797 and . lB2l, 1,132,• 374 real skins were taken in the Pribloy Islands; between 1821 and1842,.468,502 skins, and from 1842 to 1861..372,000 skink In the year 1868 the number of skins taken was 242,000,. In 1870 only 8.965 were captured.; During .the last ten years, the catch has been is little less than 100.000 Per year. The 'whole num ber taken bet Ween 1795 and 1880 Was .3,571,051 skins. The seal catching is done in Jane and July, Atte! that time the far begins to 4 . l alied," and is worth less. The inativee are paid )forty cents a skin for their labor. , • - Though a • A little boy wanted a drum.. His mother, whiling to give hiin an .im• - pressive lesion, suggested that if, he should pray for it be might receive one. Bo at night, when ready for bed, he knelt down and prayed; "Now I lay me down to steep. •(I want a drum.) I pray, the Lord my soul to keep, (I want drum.) If I should die before I wake, (I *ant a drum.) I priLY the Lord my soul to take, (I want a drum.)" His father. who had been let into the secret, bad meanwhile quietly placed a drum on Ibe bed. As the youngster rose, and his eyes fell on the, drum.fie exclaimed in an emphatic manner,' that banished all neriona-thorights from the minds of his listeners: "Where the devil did that drum come frond" ' : The anticipated benefits from that lesson mat yrohably be considered lost. No alOtiot—A high hat. ELLA BOWEIVS LUCK: 'lt never rains but it pours I' Ella Bowen quoted the well worn say ing in a rainy weather sort of voice, aitd handed a letter to her. husband. He' had just come in fiom his day'S I;usid ness, and his face had a shadow on it, too, although be spoke cheerily. 'Don't look so doleful, Nell. We are not any worse off than we were a month ago I' 'I know ! But, oh lif we only had five hundred dollars I' . But we have not ! Tlic next best thing, it to be contented without it. Who is your , correspondent ?' 'Aunt Margaret Hoopei; she is my mother's aunt, but she has always been very fond of me. The , letter is not dikectly from her but from her servant, Anne Smith, who has lived with her for years. Aunt Margaret is very sick and wants to tee - me.' 'But it is dated Magnolia I' 'Yes. It will cost me considerable to go, and yet Anne .seems to think sholis very ill. She is ninety-two years old.' 'Bich ?' no,•indeed ! She has nothing of her own, unless it may be some cloth-< ing and furniture. She lives , upon . an income-from her omit property, and that goes book to his family when Aunt Margaret dies.' 'Then you must go If she were wealthy theie would be plenty of others to comfort her death-bed, but as it is, if she wants you, you had better get ready to 'start.' • 'But you ?"_ 'Oh, get along. Jane will give me - my meals until you come back.' ''l do think, Harry Bowen, you are Boil best husband that ever a woman was blessed with,' said Nell, putting her arms around. his neck. `Thank you, dear. For a wife of five years' - experience that is a charming speech.' 'Five years l' Nell thought, as she busied herself about the tea table, 'so :* I And Harry is a lover yet. Per haps if we had chtldren we would aot be so fond of each other, but he is all I' have..,and excepting his sister Jane, he has no one but me. it x gy, hundred dollars now to give him.' By which wish, many times made , during the months just passing away, it will be understood that the Bowens bad not a large bank account. Harry was manager and head clerk in a . hard ware store, the only one in Creyton, the little town where he lived. Ella 'had been the' district; school teacher. until her pretty face had won Hurry's love. They had married on a narrow in come but by economy had saved enough to buy the small house - they called -home, and furnished it very prettily. But it had taken all they could save in those five years. ; • Just one month before this , story opens one of the partners hi the firm where Harry was employed had died, and his widow had moved away from Creyton, taking (Mt the money that had been her husband's share of the business. It was a very desirable op portunity, as the business waa_ settled .and prosperous, but Harry was not wil- hug to sell or mortgage his hardly earn ed home, and the money was not within his reach in any other way. So it came to be the refrain in all Ella's musing, and often spoken. aloud, 'lf we only had 'five hundred dollars !' It seemed to work into the jog of the train, the puff off of the locomotive, the jar of . the steamboat machinery, as, she sped over the road and river to Magno lia. It was ten years at least since Ella had made her last visit .there with her mother. Her life • until then had been a carefully cherished one, although she had never bad possession of money. Her mother had taught music in a large city, spending her summer vacations in Magnolia, and her income had been sufficient to give Ella every advantage of education and to make her childhood and girlhood very happy. She was eighteen when her mother's death—a very sudden one—threw her upon her own resources 'for daily bread, and after teaching music for. a time, taking her mother's pupils, she had ac cepted the district school lit Creyton for the sake of the country air, loving the life in the country better than in the city. Always busy, she had not been to Magnolie since her mother died, al though frequent letters were exchanged with Aunt Maigaret. It was pleasant to recognize all the: landmarks familiar in. her childish memories, when the yearly visit with her mother was, the .most pleasant part of her Me. But when Anne opened the door of the little - cottage home, saying softly 'Oh, Miss Ella, dear; I'm glad yOu've come. Your aunt's fretted sore to see you,' everything else was forgotten in the duty before her. - For the dear old aunt, who had al ways loved tier bright, pretty niece, was ill unto desth with a painful illness that required incesisant care. Anne was nearly worn out by months of faithful nursing, and Ella wrote to Harry. 'lf you can spare me, dear, I am sore ly needed here.; Aunt Margaret's chil dren are (tildes& and her grandchildren are none of them here. I have written Gerald Cooper, the eldest of her son's ipildren, to whom her income will re turn if she dies, but even if he comes on she will still need me.' It was hard nursing, and incessant care, but Ella felt mere than repaid by the invalid's gratitude. Every . service was so fully appreciated and met with ancb warm thanks that it was a pleasure to offer it. 'Dear the old lady ,said one day, 'you will-7-soon- be released, and your good husband will be no worse for an old woman'simost hearty blessing. I cannot pay yon, Ella, nor leave him fortune. I've nothing, dear, but the few chairs and tables in the house, bit God will reward you_ for your lose and care to me.' Days slipped into weeks, weeks into -months, audit was nearly three months latter than the day she left Drayton; whet Ella was free to return there. Gerald Cooper bad been with bis grand wither a week before she died, but no other relative excepting Ella had come to Magnolia. The funeral was over, and Ella was tdonb in the little parlor, when Mr. Leigh, the lawyer who' had been. Mrs. Cooper's friend for years, and had known Ella from her infancy, came In spite of the solemnity of: the occasion there was a twinkle in his eyes, and he said: `Rave you seen Gerald Cooper since we left the • . 'No, he has not come home yet.'' 'Did you know your Aunt; Margaret left a will ?' • 'A will I thought "she had no pro perty `She owned nothing but her clothing, and the furniture of this cottage. She has left all that to yon.' 'So she told me. money valve, is it ?' 'That remains to- be seen. Now, Nell, make me a promise. Promisl; me yon will not accept any proposals of Gerald Cooper's without sending him to me.' 'Do you want to sell the furniture ?' - 'lt would cost a great deal to carry it o Creyton, would it not ?' 'Yes.' 'And-our cottage is furnished.' 'Then you do not care for the old fur niture., Some of it. is very tine ; more than a hundred yeari old.' • 'Ent Ella was-not educated - up to old furniture, and thought her pretty mo dern sofas and tables suited her little cottage far better than Aunt 'l!ilargareys heavy large pieces of mahOgany acid black oak But for Mr. Leigh's call abe would have closed at once with Gerald's care- ess offer 'By the way, Nell, my , wife has rather get her heart upon grandmother's fur• niture, and had no. idea she would will it away. Yon won't want to nao.ve al he stag to Creyton, Supposel I . give you a hundred dollara for the lot, as i stands.' Without- warning, would Dave extl/VL but as it was, she was surprised to see - Gerain laoupez 'a face grow, black, as she said: •Mr, Leigh said he would see about that for, me. You can tell him you want the furniture.' An expression more forcible th— polite escaped Mr. Cooper, as he strdde ont of the room, slamming the door after him Three days later Ella began to under stand the situation. In her quiet coun try home, occupied by ber domestic duties, she had taken little - interest iu the follies or freaks of fashion, seeing nothing, of them and scarcely heeding what she read.. The value, of old fur niture was Unknown to her and the fact that her inheritance Was a choice and rare one was something that had not occurred to her. But Mr. Leigh Fes well aware of the• fact, and having a 'cordial, liking for Ella, had resolved to make the legacy, as valuable as possible, understanding that the furniture itself would be of but little value to her. ' A carefully-worded adVertisement in the ler " as nearest to Ma) letter to some high Coop moth was a agent 'der. can use, pack lend your trunks to the depot, but let all the ole , fashioned stuff go for scosliimes.' ' Magnolia had never seen such a sight as the cottage on the day of the sale: Every train,brought crowds of fashion ably attired ladies and gentlemen, pro= v feasional and amateur collectors, till the, house and garden were packed and the road in front of the house crowded, when the . auctioneer stepped' upon - a table on the porch and opened the sale. Ella and Mr. Leigh *ere at an upper window',' looking through 'closed blinds at the scene.' Gerald Cooper, with face I darkened by frowns,- stood leaning on the fence, ready to make bids for what be bad calculated to possess more easily. It seemed to Ella that she must ; be in a 'dream' . as the bidding grew more animated. Could that old claw-legged table actually be worth fifty dollars ? Was the man who gave. two hundred dol -1 tars for the carved black .oak sideboard a maniac ? ,Had she actually beard a bid of one hundaed liars made for the high-post bed thatilearly tilled the cottage bed room ? kr. Leigh chuckled and rubbed his hands; Gerald Cooper fumed and fret ted; and Ella's eyes grew large and bright as a great possibility shaped • it self to a certainty. - - • The patnerskip ! Already she could count upon her fingers more than doable the sum re quired. She could go back to Crey ton and give Harry the five hundred dollars twice told. It was two giiod to be true.' She must be dreaming. She told Mr.. Leigh about the part nership, as they watched the crowd stream away in the direction of the rail way station, ant. received his hearty 9 - proval and congratulation. , 'I, will see what it realized,' he said. stipulated for a ready money sale. You can get away'this afternoon, Ella, if you wish,' • And Ella did get away, carrying; with her twelve hundred dollars, the result -of . Mr. Leigh's adv.ertisiug. 'All expenses ate paid, and this is your legacy,' the kind old gentleman said to Ella. 'Mr. Cooper has two tables, three chairs and a cabinet, that cost him • double what he offered you for the entire lot.' And Ella did not give one sigh of re gret over the fact that he bud not ripe piece of that 'beautiful old furniture' when she' put the money into Harry's hands, and told him the story. of her legacy ßut . - Mrs. Gerald Cooper heartily 4 A t s 7 echoed her husbsnd's words of Vitupera tion lavished on Mr. Leigh, when he wound up hie story by saying:'- 'Ella knew nothing about old furni ture. Bat for that old lawyer's inter saw I could have bought the entire lot for a hundred dollars, and Ella's life -long gratitude for my generosity.' 'lt's just Ella Bowen's luck.' Mrs.i Gerald said spitefully. it I had had any idea that your, grandmother would 'make a will, I'd have gone to Magnolia and nursed her myself.' Queen Irictoril wears a charmed - life. Her first exposure to assassination was in June, in 1840, when she' had been queen but three -years. A crazy lad, named. Oxford, did the shooting, for which he was incarcerated in an insane asylum, at the pleasure . of the - Queen, the medical-experts disagreeing as to his responsibility. Two years after, in May, John Francis, the son of , a mechanic, made an attempt to shoat the Queen about the same spot thafQxford selected, as she was driving down' Constitution Hill. He was twenty-two years old. He was hoasiful and egotis tical as Gnitean on his trial. Very justly ho was contlemmed to death." . The sentence at, the Queen's request' was commuted- to transportation for life. The clemency of the Queen had no mpre than been made public, Alen a third assassination was attempted by a hunchback youth named Bean: He - was arrzated iu the act of pilling the of to "a pistol pointed at th'e door * of tfie Queen's carriage. -He was con victed as a lunatic and confined. A pistol, charged only with powder, was fired at the Queen May 19, 1816, by -Hamilton, an Irish , brick-lager. He received seven years transportation. February 29, 1872, O'Connor, a lad of seventeen, presented .a pistol at the Queen, as she was entering Buckingham palace. The pistol was not loaded and could -not be used. He held in his hand a Fel:tier' petition. He was not, held to be irresponsible, although his mental condition was unsound. He Was sett.' Fenced to twelve months' imprisonment and to receive a public --whipping. • There was no attack on monarchy or nu antipathy to the peraan of the Queen, on the part of any of her assailants. All were either crazy or actuated by the'mere desire of'- notoriety. To the crazy class Roderick McLean belongs, the.la# to shoot at' the Queen, only the oth'er day. Popular expression and cone--4 , llations have been universal over her sate. America remembers too weli her womanly+syi.., i n ' its hv great bereavement, not to : revolt,. national “God Save the Queen." But it -is of no ~ The ring -room Was in use for training horses and bare-back riders, under the - direction of the famous Melville, who is "kisig" of several branches - of athlet ics. This man and the elephant keep er, Mr. Artingsall, are thought to he .two very tall feathers in Mr.,Barnum's hat. The new horses are generally quite easy to train,..a few weeks per fecting them. The new men, however, _ are embarrassed a good deal by the eonstant fear of falling, which is always likely to happen at first. On , this ac count a skeleton derrick is'set up in the centre of the ring: A rope is put through a pulley. at the end of the derrick-arm. and fastened to the rider's belt. The other end of the.rope is beld'by an as sistant. When the rider goes around the, ring the derrick-arm is pushed i - around after him by mean's of _a lever. Should the rider loose his balance, the man at the other end of the rope holds on for dear life; and the rider is sus pended sprawling in the air, after the fashion of Humpty-Dnmpty in the transformation-scene. The ring-mas- ' ter holds the lariat; and thus it takes three men to teach one to = ride bare back. While this performance was go ing ou one of the riders_ told a story which illustrated' ther hardships of a circus life. Not king ago - a French 1 family of acrobats traveled with. ,Mr. Barnum, it being, by the way, a com mon thing for families to remain to - - gether iu the circus business. One of the daughters, a pretty, girl and the pet of the family, had nightly to' be shot from a cattgatilt thirty or forty feet through the air into a net spread to to catch' her. One evening the:machine :11.18 sprung too soon, and in sonic way the poor girl's neck was hit, the blew paralyzing her.instantly and bringing death in a few hours. Bread must be earned, though it be eaten with , tears, and with their new bad of sorrow the child's family went on with t'teir- work were as n Gerald ie grand- A sale gh sent an $1.50 a Year, In Advance. NO. 43 Esciepc of Otieen Victoria. Training For The Bing. the.rini 122=1 While rummaging through the attic recently Jimmy Tuffboy found an obi fashioned wallet, empty, of course, but its emptiness only caused Jimmy to_ smile, , as he said. 1.11 stick some one a couple o'dollari on this_ or you may size Me up as being to ancient.' The next morning as soon as James, Sr., had gone the following notice appeared on the front gate: !Found, au old-fashioned wallet, containing money and valuable Loaners; inquire within.' Muffling the door-bell JimmY waited for his prey. It soon came, a _honevolent-looking, mild-eyed sort of a man . Jimmy _ opened the door and innocently *. said: 'Good morning. 'gave you lost a wal let?' 'Yes.' Containing $57,- some papers and.your card, Adam Goodsell?' 'Yes; that's mine sure.' 'Well, lire 'tis; I don't claim any reward, but the expense of advertising was s3."Here's_ $5. - You are an honest young man. Good day.' As Jimmy pulled his handkerchief from around the door-bell be soliloquized: 'llia card, Adam Good sell, five dollars; itia! - Unnecessary explanation: :Tontine tor,' nickl6 Lady passenger on the train. pointing over her shoulder to a man who was relat i ng his feet on the window sill behind h;lr. '1 wish you would re quest that brute to take his - feet ,down.' 'I darn't. ma'am,' replied - the polite but cautious tick4t fiend, 'he's a memLer of the Legislature.' _ IEI =1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers