Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, February 02, 1882, Image 1

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HOLCOMB & TRACY, priglairem . -,' - . -
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VOL: VII. 1 -- - . . - , - - -
.......,, 4* - 1404 .,..--;...„. .
. 1.1, Railroad Time.Tableg. - _ -
B rai h i d. R epo licao
_ +- 4
, -., TO TAKE EFFM JAN. Ist, 1882.
. .
Is Pnblished Every The i
y, . 1 :
. ,
81.10 Per Annus*, its Adranee.
Advertising Rates-131z cents Aline for first
insertion, an l flee cents per line for all subf.e.
iuent iniertiens' . Reading notice adverth-Ing
ten cents phi line. Eight lines Constitute a
square. and twelve lines an Innis. Auditor's
notices 112.50 i Administrator's and, Executor's
notices $2.08). Yearly advertising $150.00 per
column. 1
Tax Egrosildast is published Ip the . l racy.
MoOre and Nobles Block, at the corner of Main
and Pine streeti, over J. F. Corsees Boot and
Shoe stereo. Its circulation. ill over 2000, As an
advertising medium it is unezoeUed in its im
mediate Add. _ •
Towanda Easiness Diraciory.
0 over Powell k Co.
CLIFF„ J. N. Office in - Wood's Block, south
First %atonal Bank, up stairs. 1 June 12,18
ELgBBEE at SON (N 0 glares and I. Il ( ebres )
Office in Minnie Block, Park St. j may 14,78
*DECK & OVERTON (Ilen. 1 I I Pest; chid D A Oar- , WESTWARD..
.L ton). . Office Over Hill's Market I 49i79
i •
(NVEIITON & SANDERSON (II Overt.* and John ' STATIONS. .181 30 8 112
‘..1 F &indent:4J Office in Adams Block.julyB' 78
MAXWELL, WM. Office over Dsyton'sStore , ----7
p.m.lA.m. riti.lPad
spru Imo hew York 6.30 .... 7.40 3.40
Philadelphia 8.00 :.... "9.00 4.15
WILT, J. ANDREW. Office in Mean's Block-. 'Easton 9.20 .... 10.15 5.50
. apr 14,76 - . Bethlehem , 9.60 .... 10.45 6.15
Allentown 10.83 ..., 10.54 6.24
DVIES, CARNOCHAN & HALL,IW .2' Darter. - !hutch Chunk. • •.• 11.051 .... 11.55 7.25
wII Corneas's, L I Hoff.) Office in • rear Wilkes-Barre, ,_‘„,,,-., 1.08 7.30 2.03 9.45
of Ward House. Entrance on Poplar St. (1812.75 I. k B Junction - 1,35. 8.01 2.2310.10
i Palls .... 1 8.27 ~.. 10.32
viffERCUR, RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents. (*Grange 8 45... 10.46
LVA Particular :attention paid to business in yunkhannocii 2.15 8.55 3.01 1.52
Orphans' Court and to, the settlement of estates. Meboopany 9.20 . 11.22
Office in, Montanye's Block _ . 19 - 78 deshoppen ~ 9,27 '9.97 11.29
Skinner's Eddy - ... 9.43 . 11.45
AS o PECERSON , & YOUNG. (I. McPherson and u kcerv ul e . ' 9.02 9.50 9 . .i9 11.50
/AU. W. I. Young.) Office south side of Mercues wymusing ' .... 10.14 4.03 12.07
Block. •'i feb 1,78 exenchtown
-:... 10.271 1.... 12.17
Rummerfield • . . , .... 10.37 ... 12.24
ISADILL A KINNEY, Office corner Main and standing a - tone ' • .... 10.44 4._ 12.80
'UM Pine st. Noble's block. second floor front. wyunking , - .
•.. 10.54 ' 12.37
Collections promptly attended tn. - feb 178 r owasda , 3:59 1104 443 12.46
. , ~ •
WILLIAMS, ANGLE & BUFFINGTON. (II N n ite r - ,11.171 4.65 12.57
v v Williams, a' 4 Angle and H D Buffingtun). 111 . 1 / 4 12 •• •• - ".• ....111.26 ..... 1.06
4.301..3 I 5.1 P 1.15
Office west side of Main street, two doors north Sayre ., 1,
of Argus office. .All business entrusted to their "yr,. • 4.40 11.41 5.20 1.23
care will recolve:prompt attention. Oct 26,77 Waverly 4.45 11.50 8.30 1.35
Elmira 6.2612,401 6.15 2.15
lAMES H. AliD JOHN W. CODDD Owego ..... 3.32 .... 6.25 ....IG, Attor. Auburn •
neys and Counsellors.aLinw. Office in the toma 6.lQt ....1 630 ....
rene Block, over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store , Gefieva , .
_. •' • 7,411 ....1 8.14 ..
- J ul, ' 3 . . 8° tf •
IirEENEY, J. P. Attorne)-at•Law. Office in , Rochester - - 9.601 6.10, 9.40.-. .
.L Montanye's Block, Main Street. Buffalo 11.40 1 41 - .1042.03 5.06
Sept. 15, 'Bl-tf. t Niagara Falls . 1 1.031 0.251 1.08 9.40
. - • P.M. P.M. A.M. A. 21
_ ;
T1:1011PROli, 'W. U. and E. A., Attorneys-at
Law, Towanda. Pa. (Mike in Mercer Block,
over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on .Main
street, first stairway north of Post‘oftice. All
business promptly attended to. Special atter'•
tion.given to claims against the United States
for Pernsiot.s, Bounties, Patents, etc., and to
collections and settlement of decedent's es tes.
April 21. ly
, TOHNSON, T. 8., M.D. Office over Dr. H. C
l‘f Porters'sTrug Store. feb 12,78
MENTON. Dn. D. N. &F. G. Ofllee4t Dwelling
• 401 on River Street, corner Weston St. feb 1247
LADD, C. K., M.D. Office Ist door .above old
bank building, on Main street. Special at
tention given to diseases of the throat and
lungs. jn1y19,78
tOODBORN. 8. M., M.D . Mee Ind resi
dance. 11(sIn street. north of M.E.Chnrch.
Medical Examiner for Pension EN 'Partment.
reb 22.78
DAINE, E. D.. M.D. Office over ffilntanye's
Store. Office hours from 10 to 14 a. x. and
from 2 to 4 T. x. Special attention given to
Diseases of the pm, and Diseases of the Ear.
oct 20,77
rpOWNEU, H. L., M._ .D. •
Residence . and once Just north of Dr. Corbon's
Main street Athens. Pa.
imeENIRTHOITSE. Main st.,'next corner south
of Bridge street. New house` and new
furniture throughout. The proprietor has
spared neither, pains or expense in 'asking his
hotel first-class and respectfully solicits a share
of public patronage. Meals st all hours. Terms
seasonable. Large Stable attached. I
mar 877 - WM. =RM.
BRORE? soczErms.
WATKINS POST. NO. 68, G. A. )1. Meets
every Saturday greening. at Military
GEO. V. MYER, Cosinisimier. ,
J. H. Krrramaii. Adjutant teb 7. 79
nRYSTAL LODGE. NO. 57. Meets at K. of. P:
Sell every Monday evening at 7:30. In
surance $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver.
age annual cost. 5 years experience. $ll.
J. R. ILITTRIDGE. Reporter.
Rau Wseenxxx.. Js.. Dictator. OD 23.78
BRADFORD LODGE. 1110.167, I. Q. O. F. Meet
In Odd Fellow's Hall, every liondiy.svenisg
et 7 o'clock. Weiss= Hg.t.. Noble Grand.
Jane 12,75
POST, F. S. No. 32 Second street All orders
will receive prompt attention. June 12.75
The Second Winter Term will begin Monday.
January, 23, 1882. For catalogue or other infor•
nation, address or calron the Principal.
Towanda. Pa.
July 19,78
WILLLUDI. EDWARD. Prsctical Plumber
and Gas Fitter. Plane of business in Mar
cur Block next door to Journal office p site
Public Square. Plumbing. Gas Fitting,
ng Pump of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing
romptly etttended to. AU wanting work In his
Pee should give him a call. July 2771
RUSSELL. C. 8, Geneve Insurance Agency.
Towanda, Pa. Cam in Whitcomb's Book
Store. " July 12,78
BESTbusiness now oefore thepublin. Ton
can mate many faster at work for us
than at anything else. Capitol not
needed. We will start you. 1 7 a day and up
ward. made at hams by the industrious. Men,
women. boys and girls wanted evemdfrie to
work for us. Now is the time. Yon can work in
spare time only or gird your.whole time to the Ton can live at home and do the work
No other business ,will pay you nearly as well
No one can fail tq 'make enormous ay by en
raring at once. ClOtig Outfit and terms free.—
Mosey made feet, easily and bonnrably.
Addrees. Taus a Co.. Augusta, Maine.
Dec Is—lyr
A complete and authentic record of the evi
dence speeches,. addresses. and studied fauns
strings of
The erimo—lts .oanees end Coasequentes-•-Stal
sartiam as explained on the witness Stand by
Ron. James 0. Blaine —Graphio Exciting Somme
in Court—Attempts vpoa the Assassins Life—
sketches of the Prtnc Characters engaged
in this world•tammis Oelaainet Trial-50,000,000
People await in anxietr the Evident* in this
the moat RematimbieTrial inAmerican Ristory.
AGENTS VTANTEZD In every town.
TiiERE ARE MILLIONS 111 IT. Sand SO cents
.for outfit, and same tarritcry at once.'
Addreem, UNION PUBLISHING 00., Phila.
Dec. 22-4 w
111 Sure In its iffedik mild 1n its action as it does
not blister. yet is penetrating and poworfol to
reach every deep seated pain or to remove any
boa] growth or other enlargements, each as
liming. splints curbs, callous. rains, swell
ings and any lameness and all ents of
the joints or limbs. or Au rheumatism to man
and for any purpose for which a liniment is used
for man or beast it is now known to be the
best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and
yet certain in its effects.
Send address for Must:eta Circular which
we think siva positive proof of its virtues. No
remedy has ever met with such unqualified no.
sass to our knowledge, for beset es well • man.
Pelee flper bottle. or six bottles soy P. hp
Druggists bare it or can get it for you, or it will
be sant to any address otoreselpt of price bi n the.
treVrietors. Da. J. Mingiust. it Co., on.
lash Falls. Vt.
Mold by all Druggists.
the, IMAM plated In limbed istyla
of art at Ms Gas teat
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• ~, - P.X. A.X. A.X. P.X.
blagara Falb* 2.05 7.20 7.15
Buftlo . 2.50 8.25 9.20
Booheatar 5.15 10.05 ,
Lyons . 6.30 11.06
Geneva... 6.56 11.30 •
Ithaca 8.33 1 ....-
auburn 5.15 11.05
Owego - 8.60 1.35 . .
Blades i. 0.10 1.45 ilia . F.t6
Waverly I - .. 9.45 2.10 9.40 4'15
Sayre ' 'lO.lO 2.30,10.00 4.30
Athena . 10.15 2.34'10.05 4.34
. _ __
Whir:- .... ...,.............. :...-r. ee. - ...11015 ....
Mater ' . T ... ..... ' 10.25
.rowanda -
Wyasuking . ~, - " ..... VMS 3.001043 SOS
10.54 5.18
Standing &On ' s...-...... 11.03 '.
Etununerilead . - - -
.....11.10 iliil
Prenchtown ..... ~.......... ..... .... 11.19 ....
wish:ming ~. . 8.9011.8 5.43
... •
Lacerville -- 11.42 3.3711.50 6.03
Sldnner's !Addy - 11.53 6.07
Meahoppelr -' 4.1213.10 6.21
Ilehoopany . - . ... 12.16 6.2 S
Tunkhannock,' " 12.= Zs., 1 . 00 Tao
LaGrange ' . 1.10 7.20
,Falla .+. 1.24 7.36
'L. & B Junction .. ... . ..... 1.05 5.10 1.45 8.05
Via. w•Barre.... 1.35 3.30 2.20 8.35
lumen Chunk . ' 3.45 7.35 4.5011.00
Allentown ' 4.44 , 8.29 5.63 12.00
Bethlehem 5.00: 8.45 6.01 2.15
Beaton 5.30. 9.00 6.40 12.55
Philadelphia i - . 8.40 2.20
New York 8.05) 7.15 8.35
. A.M. P.M. PAN . P.M.
No 32 leaVes Wyalusing st6:oo, A: 11., French
town 6.14, Illimmerileld l 6.23, Stand ing,Stone 6.31
Wvaauking :6.40. Towanda 6.63, Water 7.06,
Milan 7:16 Athens 7:25, Sayre 7:40. Waver
ly 7:55. arriving at Elmira 8:50., A. M.
No. 311 eaves Elmira 5:15 P. Al., Waverly 6:00;
Sayre 6:15, Athena 6:20, Man 6 :30. Water 6:40,
Towanda 6:55, Wysauktrig 7:05. Standing Stone
7.14, Rummerneld 7:22, Prenchtown 7:32, arriv
ing at Wyalusing at 7:45., P. M.
Trams 8 and 15--run daily. Sleeping cars on
trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Palls and Phila.
delphia.and_ betireen4yons and New York with
out changea. Parks can on Train. 2 and 9
between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with
out change, and through coach to and from
Rochester via Lyon..
SAVIE, Pa., Jan. 2. 1882. Ds. '& N. Y. IL B.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
. .
4 good, secocd.hand, EsroiNE and. BOILER.
Address, stating condition and price, M. B. M.,
P. O. Box. X. Liberty, 'Flogs Co., Pa.
Oct. 27-2m+.t.t.
21 The Pulishers of the RminsJcas have
2 _ arranged so that they are able to offer
• the popular family paper -I•The •ftran
SPAINGLED BANM—for, one year to every new
subscriber to the REPLIBLICAN who pays $1.31.
The BAsmgrt is a splendid home paper. Specimens
may be seen at this office , or will be sent by ad
dressing, BANNER, Hinsdale, N. H.
Just Published—A Revised Edition of (iiirno
elutes 4. Rose laws and Laws relating to Town
able Officers in Bradford County, -by Sanum.
W. Recs.
For Bale at Treasurer's Office, or at either
-Whitcomb". or Cross's Bookstore, Towanda, Pa.
Muted in Terry Township, miles from
river, where are stores, nost office. church, grist
mill. etc. Three miles from station on L. V. R.
IL, on a well traveled road; contains 62% "mes—
a well improved; good fences, 'good orchard,
grapes, etc.; and an excellent spring of water,
and comfortable buildings.
Also for sale house and lot in lgew Albany bor
ough. Wishing to go west, will sell the abnve
named property cheap for cub; if sold soon.
Apply on the farm to MYRON BABCOCK.
Dec 22d- 1 -St Tarrytown, Pa.
HOTEL - FOW-SALE.---I. offer the
. American Hotel property for sale eta great .
bargain. ' The Hotel - may be seen on•the: corner
of Bridge and Water streets,in Towanda Borough.
It is one of the best and most central locations
in the place.' There is a good barn connected
with the property. The free bridge and new
depot near to it make this Hotel desitable for
any one wishing to engage in the business. A
good Active man wither small captal can pay for
the property in a abort time from the profits.
It was papered and painted new last spring and
is now in excellent condition.
Towanda, Pa:, Sept. 22.1881-U.
A aced and Cheapilanzas Paper.
We are in redpt of the - WE:Jaz Caprrax., an
eight-page,' 48-column weekly paper, published
at Topeka, Kansas, the'Capibil of the State. at
One Dollor per year, to any address. It is brim
full of State news, correspondence, crop notes,
markets, eta.. and is, in every respect, a Journal
worth the money asked for it. Those whom want
to learn about Kansas should send for thei
Topeka DailyVapital Publishing Cbsipang,
4w 'T
-peke XOMcJ.
GOLDGreat chance to make money.—
, Tose who always take advantage
sof the good chances for making
money that are offered,genetallybecome wealthy,
while those who do not =prove such chinas re
main in pover'y We want many men, women.
boys and girls to work for us right in their own
localttfes Any one c.n Act_ the work properly
from the start. The business will pay more than
ten times ordinary wages. Expensive ontdt fur
nished free. No one who engages Milli to make
money rapidly. Yon can devote your whole time
to the woes, or only ydur spare moments. Pull
inforniation and all that Isaac ded sent tree.
Address, drums //Co., Portland, Maine.
Dec 143-11 r
HORSESend 25 ca . In stamps
or currency for these.
vin worms of ...11 Treatise on the Horse and
his Dimmer." It gives the beat treatment for
all diseases, Us B
60 Ana engravings showing
OOK positions aseumsl by sick
horses better than can be
'taught in any other Iwo) table showing doses
of 41 the principal m -Wanes. used for the horse
as well ,as their effects' and antidote. when •
25 ate ogi
AL on. largo collection ei
VTMMLII ascitsre. rules for
telling the age of a boric. with an sogniving
showing teeth of each year and a large amount
of other valuable home information. flutdreds
of horsemen - have pronounced It worth more
than boots costing $5 and, $lO. The feet that
200.000 sold In about one yeti before it was re.
'bed shows hoer popular the book is. The re.
vised edition is man mean arcesurrea, Rain
Kendall * Co.. Eizosburgh Falls. Nerment.
star 11.1 yr. , •
20TH . Y3AZ. Is h Xgrus asi ggo a rag 14117 ' ti p:
per. The STAZ SPAINGLIMIUMUMI, begins its loth
year. January, 1882. Established Theßssr
sms is the oldest and most pepahm paper of its
class. Every number contains 8 large pages. 40
long columns. with many Cloado., Humorous and
attractive Engravings. Uis crowded ton of the
beet Stories; Poetry. Wit. Humor, Faa.—maldng
paper to amuse and instruct old sad yoga,. Is
expose. Frauds. Swindlers and Cheate,and every
line is amusing. bistructve or entertaining. Ev.
*abaft needs it;
,80,009 now read it s and as only
PO cent* a year:. it le by Sri the best. chapesti.
most peaks! paper printed. Aar cues' sin
gee teaspoons are .mma with' the annum
one. Per. FM" other superb pre:Mane. -Send.
tea cents forSaseathe trot trin, with lorn Pm
pastas. or SO coats tot llama a whole ism—
Specimen Mg lead sow: Address, -
don* st short aVim - iiit4 twomtablo Moo
at thoßzetututm Moo.
• _ _
, •
, ,
• • =
ot..v.yot, =
.• • - • -.. •
Hu. IJA-1Mot:,
TOW '.41413A
;yaBRADFO sr:2(lM qty
. "' fl y , •"-• ' - •• • . .
•- - •
4.4fse a
iossidse — s7Nwetreogr /I ;kipiu l T ae g ns..
The &din= =Vita Itid
11,000,000 Reifies
This eye passages Varied Prvertiat.
It SeinenLate, the Ptyalin* in the
Saliva, which ,einaverta:the Stareli and
Sugar of the !bad into (incase.
eten r w z in Ptyalin* Canoes Wind and
Sou of the flied ies_the stmemelk. Ii
the in eine fetishes hamediately altar
eating the fermentation of 'boa is pre.
rented. i cor.
/1 acts Iwo* dee
It Gets upon the Kidneys. ^
It Mg's:stets the Bowels.
M o the Stood. •
.11 tlie Ferrous Spann.
111 Notortatm,itetutt64 lititgeratea
It carries off the Blood and make. neer
It Ow pitm of the skin and Wont
It It Penopiratiott.
It neutralizes the hereditaryorpolaor,
in the blood, which : generates Zr
sipelas, and all manner of skin disease. and
Internal humor&
There are no spirits employed in its mans
facture, and it can be taken by the most deli .
eate bat*. or IT the aged and feeble, careen!.
brag regal to attention to diversions. ,
Daratiorrs SELL IT.
Laborator"i. 77 West ad Bt.,
Aevei faill to
luihiand. fichuyklU co.. Pa.
- Dear 81r:4-This is to certify that your INDIAN
BLOOD BUMP his benefited me more, attar •
short trial, than aU the medicine I have .used
for 15 years'.
, Meese of the Stomach.
Ashland. Schwa:Lß co., pa. ;
Dear Sir:. 2 -1 have used your excellent INDIAN
BLOOD SYBUP for Disease of the Stomach, !lld
it has proved to be a valuable medicine. ,
• Mae. J. AlpiA3,l_"7_
1 , ____ . •
nervous Debility; ' b
Turtle Point, lickeszt co., Pa.
Dear air : —..-I was troubled with Nervous De
bility and partial; Paralysis, for a number of
years, and obtained no relief until I used your
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP,* short trial of which
restored me to health.
For Scram's'.
Turtle Point. McKean co.. Pa.
Dear Siri—kly little girl was cured of Inflani.
Elation of the Face and Eyes, by the use of your
reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. A. physician
bad previously MLA to afford relief and it was
'thought that the child 'could not live. Its neck
and breast was entirely covered with Scrofulous
Sores, which are now entirely gone.
WASS= Siam.
Sure Cure , for Liver Complaint.
Turtle Point, McKean co.. Pa.
Dear Sir:—This is to certify that your INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP has effectually relieved me of
Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia. after the doc.
tore failed. •
Reniedy for the IthenmaUsm.
Turtle Point, McKean co. Ps.
.Dear gir:—l hat% used your excellent MILAN
BLOODRYRUP for Rheumatism and Liver Com.
plaint, and have derived great relief therefrom.
Diana Snows.
-An Agent's Testimony.
; Turtle Point; McKean co.. Ps.
Dear Sirr—l was a life-long sufferer from Liver
Complaint 'until I used your gieat INDIAN;
BLOOD STBUP. from which I soon obtained
permaffent rielleL I also find the Syrup to be a
valuable Bowel Regulator.
:Palo able Medicine. '
• ' B. rlinr Somerset Co.. Pa.
Dear Sit:—Trifl is to certify that your reliable
INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP is the beat medicine
ever used in my Wally. Hoping the public will
be benefited by this great remedy. I take great
pleasure in giving my testimony of its value.
JOUPEI P. Barnum.
Dyspeptila and Indigesttlin.
Berlin. Somerigteo., Pa.
Dear Sir:—l take pleasure in recommending
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP as the best medi
cine made. People who are Dyspeptic should
not .Zsil to give it a trial. For tne Stomach it
has no equal. I have used it and' know it to be
a valuable medicine..
Liver Complaint.
, Berlin. Somerset Co..
Dear Eilr:-1 was trembled with Liver Com•
plainktor long time, and by the persuasion of
your Agent. I commenced taking your excellent
INDIAN BLOOD STlMP,which has - greatly bens.
fitild me. 1 have never found any medicine to
ecual it, and can confidently say it is a safe and
highly valuable remedy,
Pain In the Breast.
Berlin, Somerset Co:. Pa.
Dear Sir:-1 was Meted with a Pain in my
Breast and Side. and when I would De down, I
could scarcely breathe for Pain. I was also very
weak in my Breast and Lungs. I used some of
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP end am now near
ly well. My Lungs are strong once more and I
am very grateful to you . for such a valuable
remedy. - •
Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
Philadelphia, Ps.
Dear 81r:—This is to certify that - yotu , vain•
ble INDIAN !3LOOD SYRUP has cured me of
'Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which I had been
afflicted with for years.
Fpr Kidney Diseases.
Philadelphia; Ps.
Dear was subject to severe Pains in my
Kidneys, Weenies, and - Painful Sick Headsebe,
for years. and Shed to obtain 'relief, until I was
induced to try your reliable INDIAN BLOOD
SYRUP. a short trial of which restored me to
perfect health. •
No. 1525 Bertram Bt.
For Costiveness.
Deer Kr:—l was troubled with Costivenes and
Headache. and the use of your INDIAN BLOOD
ISTRUP Droved Most be:wilds! to-me. It is the
best medicine I ever used.
N 0.817 Federal St
rfor BDHominess.
Philadelphia. Ps.
Deer Sir: —I was afflicted with- Dyspepsia and
Biiliouiness for pers. mid Staid to procure ra
iler until I began using your INDIAN BLOOD
SYRUP, which soma effectually relieved me. I
take greet pkeaure hi recommending its use to
the afflicted.
No. 1035 Locust St.
Disease of the Monad' suid Liver.
BualUdll. Pith Co., PS. ,
Dear Sir :—This is to certify 'that e used
your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP tot Diseaseof th•
Stomach and Lim; and have been much bane.
aced thereby.
Best Irantl a t kui elkine.
Pike 00.. Ps.
Deer RIP ;—I milder jeer TOMO =DIAN
BLOOD SYRUP the bat medicine Ism used is
my Weft. It Is Jost as reamatesided.
Remedy hir,Wermis.
- Dear 81r:-1 Duel used, your great INDIAN
BLOOD SYRUP In my badly for Worm and
Summer Compb►ffit. and it bac proved effectual
In all cases. - -
liererValls to Care.
• BoalitilL Pike ogi.. A.
Dear Su:-41y.daughter INS is • Poor Boiling
sad s 'Dart trial ot:onr DMUS BLOOD SIRUP
milady !nixed lure.
: AG E T em *AVM far the asla
.diai at ILOOD
mart la sHay tows ar la arida lbws
'so spat. . wara gas augglkatloL,
A golden bead anti a pair doyen •
Blue and purr as annamer's skies; -
Dimpled cheeks and a dimpled ehlo,
Where UMW kisses hare tin:silted in 1
nes spindpa's darling! • And where is he?
Enthroned. as usual, on grandpa's knee.
Seerehing pockets in eost and vest.
With inisehlevois lingers never at rest.
!Tht grandpa 'ever dada time to play
With his "troubiesnme comfort"every day;
Never too tired, never too sad
To make the little one merry and glad.
"There are kisses for eiery bruise and tumble,
Kiwi foe even a scowl or a grumble,
Ands host of secrets, I will confess,
Which nobody ever is able to guess.
B odearelagrandpa.. with'silver hair.. -
And Irraltdpa's darling," 'withouta care
To shadow the Joy of his little heart, s
Are rarely each from the other apart.
And e'en when the tivilight comes at lut;'
And the eyea are closing i tatit„
Frew grandpa's ,arms And from grandjta's
breast ' •
Mamma mnit bear her boy t(Trest.
--Rarpees ;Rack.'
11l MENU 01
The old man said, and he spae the truth.
••.t.sorry sight is a spendthrift youth,
Who seeks his ease, and who lever display.
And has no thought of a rainy, day!
He who has never been taught to spare
Will have an old age full of want and care; .
While be who earns and is slow to spend
1, May live in comfort till life shall end.
• e old man said, and his voice was hushed
••Ah 1 many , a one into guilt hiss rushed,
Because with a reckless hand he dared
To spend the gold that he should have spared
''And many a rich man's son I meet, •
In my daily rambles along the street, . -
Who has his dwelling among the poor,
And a hungry wolfe is beside his door,' • •
"The other day I received a call ' '
D. C. Wsssatr
From a prodigal son who'd spent his all;
His days' f frolic and feasting o'er,
Hp begged a pittance from our my store.
"Spend or spare! it is yonri to choose:, -
If its time you waste or money yon lose;
And year future depends very much, in truth',
On how you hre managed in days of youth.
"If you spend as yon go, you may depend
You'll soon have nothing at ah to spend;
But to prudent ways if you give good heed,
You'll never lack in a time of need.,
He,who has never been taught. to spare,
Will have an old age full of want and care; '5
While he who earns and is plow to spend,
May live in comfort until life's end."
'My only daughter, air,' said Colonel
Monteagie. 'And, as I venture to }rope
accomplished in her way. We are mot
much in the way of schools or sonde
mieslere, but I have been her instruct
er myself, and she is a thorough mathe
matician, an excellent musician and a
linguist of no mean capacity. We are
studying Hebrew now every day, she
awl I, and she devotes her evening to
comprehensive reviews of her Latin and
Greek. She will be a scholar, air, if I
live to complete her eduCation!'
Mr. Crofton looked curiously at the
oddly-assorted pair—the silver-haired:
shabbily-attired old gentleman, with his
bald forehead, epee eye and delicately
white bands; and the dark-browed,
sullea-looking girl, with gypsy — skin.
untidy frock and patched boots.
Pretty? Yea, she might be pretty
under some circumstances. The din
"mood itself is not an attractive stone
before the lapidary's art • has polished
its ride - angles into" glittering facets of
white fire. But ebe certainly poaessed
no sweet feminine graces now.
awn" Xiasinsasa.
D. M. Itauk
Grosoa M. Rum
Lutes Russ
Jas. A. BatuwN
Fi I'. Gomm;
: •
ipixama Comaaso.
Mims Oaannurr.
Haut ViuLaramie.
• . • ••• -••• ' • .
"GO = , OP TIM 21101WBFVE4 - .- • - AND-POE , TEE-
In the starlight, when dark shadows
Lie upon eMili's quiet btiasl
- in leafy branches',
Softly sium'bring, seek their rest;
When I hear the wand'ring night wind
Cant its anthem-sad and low,
Longing theughts dct gently lead mo
- To the happy long ago.
When the moonbeams. brightly falling,
Clothe the earth in silver sheen,
And with radiant splendor glowing
Gleam the quivering leaves between,
Thou, with true and fond 'devotion,
. Dreaming, ah 80 'tenderly.
•D ,, I, think with deep emotion .
Of my constant love the. thee;
Dream and think and dream again
Of my love,.mflove for thee. L. 0.
'How old are you, Miss Monteagle?'
he asked, finding it imperatively Ewes
miry to say something.
And Mary Monteagle answered in
Words. .4ileventeen,' while' ber looks
replied, plainly, lione of your busi
'Go, my - child, and gather some
Sewer's to deck our humble boar a,' said
the old gentleman, magnilootiently.
while he conducted the son of his oldest
friend into the tumble-down old atone
house; where the ' carpets were moth
eaten,r the
! furniture mildewed, and
every trace of decayed gentility told
the sad stork of better days.
Mrs.' Monteagle, who hid , beet a
beauty once, and had her portrait en
graved in a 'Gallery of American fkrte ;
was sitting up in state in se
battered boudoir, in a black silk dress
that must have been quite a cleaner of
a century old, with a flower in her
silver-sprinkled hair, and still proem"-
ing thp girlish attitude in whieh the
ehgtaVer's,pencil had immortalized her,
oddly contrasting with the sharpened '
ontlinMi and oti,ggaid abruptness of her
eisty-odd years. 4•
AndAhis was the way in which the
old couple lived, in the dead , past as it
were,' Colonel Monteagle starving Con
tentedly on the recollection of his ;Pad
friandetii, and his Wife fondly farm:Yips
that time had stood-elfin since the days
itt whiCh she wai counted - Worthy til be
one of 'the 'Ames'Amesßosehidah' t,
Mrs.; Monhmigle h sweetly welotfuted
gier guest and touched the little band=
bell at hem . side.,
'We 1111 dine, Berepta i t she Mid to
the maid. " •
Please, meant.' nreathlealy littered
the young pason. 'there ain't nothin'
for dinner. We eat the last of the
cold beef yesterday. and the dog he
tipped over the pan Of • oysters, and—'
'That will d 0,.. Elarepta,' said" Mrs. .
Monteagle, with a red spot mounting to
each of her cheelt.bonee, add—we
will dine"'
And lilareptamithdrew with a jerk . .
The dinner was loaned Anweenttr—an
Whine° of the inagnetio power of will
—bat there us no.. Gold beef. *her
Were there oyster's. Frill,--a- 411 ht•
watery pip el herbs Ind perdeyjaste•
gereiehel baled _ Jetta.* end
anyonneise„ stmt a dish of peaches 'eel!
cream formed the meal.
iald lira. Montagle
with a giggle, •
'And • rerry Arai, - served; secretly
commented Mr. Orottrinl ,to bimseU.
But the sad was nice.'
'Where is iteryr the colonel asked:
'Drinking in the beauties of the sun
set, I presume.' the lady answered.
tiny. 'The dear child has an artist's
soul, and we do not tie her down to any
hours or rules.' '
The colonel-fell asleep in .his chair
after dioner. , Mrs. Monteagle and her
painted tan withdrew themselves into
the bondoir—and Mr. nrotton, inward
ly bewailing himielf that be had prom
ised to slay a week at Monteligleltmor,
sauntered out typo the heights which
overlooked tio t a valley beloir.
AP he stood .theps. a rustling sounded
in 'he bushes, and the dark-browed
gypsy sprang up'the
'You have a. floe place here, Whit
he slid, by way of making
hiniSelf agreeable.
Ilhate it!' said:Mary, darkly.
'r—beg your pardon!' exclaimed Mr.
Crofton, in amazement.
'l,dol' !Imbed out the girf-1 hate jt
all! The learning, and the purity, and
ilia grand pretenses, and the miserable .
makeshifts.' - '
'But— )
'Ab!' said Mary__Montltagie, 'you
don't know it all.' You never beard
the trettesman bowling at the back
doors like a pack of howling wolves;
yOn don't know that the-house ieadver
tilted for sale' for• tax arrears. ' How
should you? How should' Yell be aware
that the very clothes we wear are not
paid for, nor the coal that cook' our
dinner? Papa smokes his cigars and
talks about thelliexican war; and mamma
poses in the great chair, and dreams' of
embro fiery work and tapestry stitches;
and I—l am expected to learn Arabia
and Banserit, and nobody :knows what
else, and ignore Our wretched poverty.
But I can't! `who could?'
Mr. Crofton looked pityingly 'at the
girl's sparkling eyes, and pale, excited
am very sorry to hear this,' said
he. 'Czu nothing be done?'
'Yes,' said Miss Monteagle; brusque-.
ly. .'S imething can be done=And
am doing it, in so far as I can. But
papa and triAmma must not be allowed
to suspect it.. • I am—learning a trade!'
'Your he - echoed. 'A trade!'
'There's a factory near by herg,' she
calmly. 'The country girls earn a
little pocket money there sewio,g, on
shirts. lam to have a machine 18 soon
as I have learned to manage it. Igo
every evening, while papa fancies lam
at the Greek and Latin, to farmer Pel
hem's, whose wife teaches me the use . of
the machine. I am learning housework,
too. I made the mayonnaise for your
valid to-day, and I baked the bread.
Our servant can do nothing of the' sort.
But it would kilt mamma to think that
I stooped, aashe would call it, to menia
'You aro quite right,' said Mr.': Crof
'That is what I wanted to know,' Raid
Mary, hastily. 'Because, living .here
all by myself, in such a strange, un
natural atmosphere, I sometimes get
confused, and scarcely know right from
wrong.' -
13nt - they will have to know it, when
'When I really go into the factory.' ,
.aid Mary. ;Yea, I know that. But
not 1 then,' I would fain spare - them the
pang. lam to have a dollar a day,
Mrs. Pelham says, if. I operate the ma
chine skillfully. And a dollar a day
will buy mamma many a little luxury,
and go far toward paying the grocer
and the baker.'
•:Yon aro a noble girl,' said Mr. (Nor
ton, warmly; and in his eye, at , that
moment, Mary Montiggle was glorified
with rare beauty, as she stood there. the
fresh wind blowing her jetty mirk
about, the'. reflection of orange ennset'
deepening the color on her cheek, and
the grave, tar•away sparkle of her . , eyes
pelt-veiled. beneath the long lashes..
'And if I could be of any assistance to
you In this task---'
'You can,' said the girl,. abruptly.
'You can stay here and amuse papa, so
that he shall not suspect what ocbupies
my time. Yon can divert his attention
from Elanscrit and Arabic, and all these
mysteries.' -
And, • for the first time in his experi
ence of her, Mary Monteagle laughed—
a mellow, bird-like laugh.. , -
said hir. grottos, heartily.
And tio the compact . was sealed-be
tween them.
" Instead of the week h 3 had promised
his father to spend with Ad 'Ckdonel
Pdoiteagle, the aojoura was extended to
three. •
At, the end of that period. he gravely
addressed himself to the dark-eyed
daughter of the house.
: .'Row is the trade ?' said he.
am to have a machine next week, i '
laid Mary. with the conscious pride of
one who has conquered fate; 'and thin/
--only think of it, Mr. CrJfton—l ehall
earn a dollar a day
'Mary,' said Mr. Crofton, seriously,
have been thinking - of another plan
for you. You tell me that t this farmer's
wife. hall made a Bret-class-housekeeper
of yon.' , • -
2I baked mince-pie yesterday I' said
Mary. eanliantiyi 'and I have quilted a
quilt and made soft soap, within the
week r
do not like the Wes of your going
.a feotory,' said 'Mr. Crofton. 'Sup
pose now, by way of satiety, you were
to—marry me r ,
•Bat you are not in love with me l'.
mid Mary, opening her bright blank
eyes. .
But I , am:. said . Mr. croftm, with
great grivity. it time delibinnetetyinuide
up nsp mind that I can nate happy
',Wont- you. - And 'Mit:nigh I do not
pram to be, a sigh believe I can
,makii, ion•las thin an
dollars a_ week, "bib st the NNW WWI
on Wilt not be compelled to work tad • ' Attfusals That Flith.
... h eiiii_litleY f o r it. That is the 1i 48112656. In kaki time otters are nut mitre
like of the question. Now on to quently use d fnr catching flab, which
the mere personal one. De "net rie they bring ashore in their teeth, and
think, ilary„ - that you could hive me ? f or d r i v i ng shoals of fish into the n e in,
8.... 7 I love You verrninelkindeed I' Dr. WIII., Hamilton gives an intenisling
4, o not know 1' whispered Mary. account of a water-dog in Ireland which
ir ini . t try / 1 -- - , .- . had beiome a most . excellent fi sher.
And hen she, blushed charmingly. ' ln r idi n g f rom po r t rus h t o th e Gi an t' s
$O lonellifouteteite's daughter went causeway wish some company, we b a d
to 'the fair Floriliati 'plantation on the occasion to ford the river near the sea,
"bores f the , river 1 13 dohn, and &don- And as the fleheren wore going to.haul
Med every on e thOrq with her thorough the net, we stopped to see their success.
hnosth r ge of housidtioldng in ell its de" As soon as the doir perceived the men
tails. And - the tiro ofd people, wittt to move, he instantly—lran down the
their burden „of insolvenorandjeare Tiveent his owe accord, and took part
lifts:]' oir their live , -4.1 dweil Wiled./ en , in thh middle of it, on some shallows,
in , the ancient, tower-like 119teeN-1 and, where be could oiscasionlY run or 'swim.
talk to everybody who crosses their pal, and in this Pesitiim he,. placed himself
of . the r excellent marriage which my with , all the eagerness and attention so
daughter Huy has contracted.' - 2- latrongly observable in ci.- pointer dog
'A thorough seholare' says Colonel ' which' sets' his game. Weirwere, some
Moeteagle, with — dignity. ' 'A musician., time at'iloss to apprehend his echeme,
a linanitit. a thorough Hebiew stuleuti leit l the event soon satisfied us, and
and a Proficieet in,Latim and Greek. f I amply jtatified the prudence: of the
myself I was her iestructoe. It is not animal, ter the fiat. whin they feel, the'
singular that a girl of- such iotellentnnl net; always endeivorto make direetly
Ferrer should warry welt.'., r
~ onC to sea. • Aetairdingly.' : one of the
Bat Colonel 110111 400, honest man, - salmon. escaping, fruit-the eet. rushed ' ,
never ir l reamed that it was the sewing- down the stream iwith great velOcity
mechine and sett snap; the mayonnaise- toward the ford, wheie the dog stood to
dress;ng and the ve*ement strugele to receive him at an 'advantage. A very
get free from debt, - tibial' conqnered diverting chase now commenced, iti
Mr. Oretton's heart. • 'There are plenty Which ; from the shallowness of the
of who a and poet* a4es in the world— water, we could discern the whole track
but a r al 'womanly • woman—is not hi3r of the; fish. with ill its rapid turnings
price f . r.a
fi r
hove rubies ? - and windings. A,fter a smart pursuit,
' the dog foundthimself left considerably
behind in corisequeuce of the water
deepening, by *Each he bad, been .re
ducted to the necessity of swimming.
But instead of following his despera :.
game any longer, he - readily gave it'
over, and ran with all his speed • direct
ly down the river, till home!' sure of
being again to seaward of the salmon,
where he took post as : before in his
pointer's . attitude. Hera the fish a
second time met him, and a fresh par- ;
'suit ensued, in' i which, after various
attempts, the salmon at last made its
way out to sea. notwithstanding all the
ingenious and vigorous exertions of its
pursuer. Though the dog did not sno
wed at thistimetl i yet I was informed
that it was no miental thing for him to
run down his game; and the fishermen
assured me be was of very great advan
tage to - them by turning the salmon to.
ward the net. During the whole of
the °hese this sagacious an imal seemed
plainly to have two objects in ' view:
one, to seize his game, if possible; and
the other, to drive it toward the net
when the former failed.'
Colder expresses his serene° that the
ichthy ophagi have not trained the seal
to assist them in fishing. The seal
posesies a far higher' degree of intelli
gence than the rodents, and than most
of the ruminants. There is no doubt
that natleh might be done in this way,
for eiaMples are lot wanting to prove
the singulsr docility of the seal.' Dark
mg the time that rumored invasions
by the French caused 11l parts of the
coastof Britian to he fortified, a small
party on one of the little islands in the
Frith of Forth, near Edinburgh, amused
themselveshy taming a seal.. It had ,
all thtt affection and playfulness of a
dog. It fished for itself, and some
times for its masters. It fawned about
them, licked iheir hands, and if it did
not accompany those ' who made _an
excursion in the boat, it was sure to
meet them on their return. It always
came to their but to sleep, and conduct
ed itself as if it was one of the pat ty. , ,
There is no saying how far its training
might have been carried, but it fell out
of bed, and was killed while young.
One of the old domestic sports of the
Earls of Menteith in their ishind home
of Falls was fishing with trained geese.
A line with a baited hook was tied to
the leg , of a goose, which thus accoutred
was made to swim in water of proper
depth. A bold, well filled, escorted
this formidable knight-errant. A •mas
rending pike world take 'off the bait.
and put his mettle to the test; a com
bat ensue], in which both of the con
tending heroes would show much
strength and agility, but at length the
goose invariably dragged him a prison
er. 1 „
• -
Why the •Parson Left /Unlucky.
good wady ye a ago, When a al- ,
taro place in Teias was a very
town, quite a number Of prominent=
citizens went out on a, bunting expedi
tion. One night, when they Were all
gather4d around the camp-fire, !one of
the party suggested ; that eaeh.„niii'n
should,give the time and reason! fEir his
leaving bin native State and coming to
Texas, whereupon :ch one in turn told
his experience; Judge Blank bad killed
a man, in self;detense -in Arkansaw,
Generi4 Bands() had forged another
man's I tignature to a check, while
another came to. Texas on account .Of
his having two:wives. The only man
'who did not make any disclosures was
a sanctimoniocis !Cooking old man, al
though a 'professional gambler, who was
usually called' 'Parson.' .
'Well. Parson, why did you leave
Kentucky ?'
don't care to say anything about
it. Besides it is only a trifle. Notie of
you would anyhow.!
'Out ! with it l' Did you shoot any.:
body ?' . -
'No, gentlemen, I did not. Since
you want to know so bad I'll tell you.
I left Kentucky because I did not build
a church.'
Deep silence fell on the group.. No
such excuse for coming to Teiali.,ever
had been heard of before. There was
evidently an iin;:plained mystery at the
bottom of it. The 'Parson' was called
on to furnish mote light. -
'Well, gentlemen, you see a congre
gation raised $3,000 and turned it over
to me to build a Church—and I didn't
build the church. That's all.'—rexus
SERVED HEn Rionr.—Once- upon a
time, a young lady, who desired to get
up with the lark in 'order to go on an
eloping tour, adopted the English plan,
and the lover was to be on hand at day
break to give the signal. , The string
used for the pedal communication was
a stout cord, and one end •was dropped
out of the third story window into the
back yard, and the other end, of course.
vas attached to the damsels great toe.
And the legend . runs that a healthy goat
of the Wallach pursuasion arose early
the ne xt morning to look for the early
worm, as it waif), and wandered into the
yard. After eating up all , the tomato
cans, barrel staves, and broken crockery
ware, he found the string and look that
as a dessert. As soon as l the cord was
drawn taught, • the goat stood upon his
bind legs and gave the string an impali
ive jerk. The girl awoke. The goat
gave another sudden pull, and the maid
jumped out of bed with a smothered cry
of pain. Then she stooped down to de
tach the cord just as the ridiculous beast
gave another ,violent jerk, and she lost
her equilibrium—and her toe too, al
most, the cord cutting into .the tender
flesh. sprang to the window, and
called out in a hoarse whisper;—
, “Stop pulling, Charles—l'll be down
In a minute."
Then she made another effort to untie
cord, but the persistent goat gave his
bead several angry bobs, and each time
the girl gave a cry of pain. Again' she
shortly Milled out in the darkness,—
"Clarks, yon , don't atop jerking
that wny,l will outcome down at all." '
She was answered by another savage
pull, and the cry of anguish that brake
from her lii:!LL brought her mother into
her room, with a look , of affiight and a
lighted limp. The young lady tainted,
the elopement 'was nipped in the bud,
and the disappointed maidens's big toe
was sore for two weeks. The = goat
Household Science.
Alamo is one of the best additions to
make whitewash of lime that will not
rub off. When powdered chalk is used.
glue Water is also good. but would not
answer, for outside work exposed to
much rain.
The following is recommended - as a
'cure for neuralgic headache: *kiwis
the juice of a lemon into a small cup of
strong coffee. This will usuaby 'afford
immediate relief in neuralgia headache.
Tea increases neuralgia pain,
and ought not to to be mod by persona
affected with it.
Mildew may be removed from linen
by i>iising with soft soap a little
powdered starch, half the quantity of
ailti and the juice of a lemon, and ap
plying it to the mildew stain with a
paint brush on both sides of the linen:
The stained article should then be left
out on the grass day and night until the
spot be removed. .
Angel edge • ought .to be light and
feathery. .It ought to die 'melt too. •
The legend of St. Cuthbert_ and the
Solari geese does not inform no whether
the feathered bipeds were employed to
provide fish although the inference
would be that it formed a part of their
avoclitions in tho Parse Islands. The
saini tamel them by= his miraculous
powers, and- made them as obedient
and docile a, flock as abbot ever ruled.
The geese went before him in regular
plateens, following the word of isom
mand. and doing what ile ordered. •
DuHalde describes the Chinese
method of fishing by means of the
cormorant with great accuracy. In the
morning, when the anti rises, one may
seeOn the rivers a considerable number
of boats, and several of these birds sit
ting on the sides; the 'fishermen turn
their boats titon the river, and at the
signal which they give by striking one
of their oars on the water the cormo
rats* into the water, plunge overhead
and, diving to the very , bottom, seise
the fish by the middle, then coming up
again they 'carry it to the bark, where
the fisherman receiving it takes the
bird, and . holding it ' lege uppermost,
makes it disgorge the small fish which
it had *swallowed, by passing , his hand :
along the neck, on which there is a ring
at the lower part which hinders them
from going directly into the. crop.
When the fishing is quite over.' they
take away the ring, and let them feed;
and when a particular fish is `too largo
for one, they assist, each other, one tak
ing he tail and another the head, and
bring it to their master.
Do yod believe the story that Minis
ter Hamlin, having 'somehow strayed to
a bull! fight at Madrid, and after watch
ing the proceedings fors white, said:
'Those fellosiniaon't know to han
dle b* , Why any farmer's, boy
doim round Singor would know enough
'to- put a ring. in the critter's nose and
hitch a stick , to it Then they could
laid the baud round as handy as could
HistoPica4' Items.
Henry ILI. was the first English King
who wore 'spurs with roirels,
six hundred lions were killed at one
show given by the Roman Pompey.
' Archimedes invented a screw for
facilitating irrigation in Egypt. B. O.
• The flrat altar mentioned in Scripture
wad erected by Noah after the , good.
Gibbon began to write hie “Decline
and Fall of the Boman Empire" in
London in 1772. -
In • fifoselw the plague introduced
by the Turkish army carried off 2%000
victims its month.
During the fourteenth: and fifteenth
centuries in Frew, guilty animals suf
fered death on the gallows.
Peacocks were carefully reared in the
island .of Barnes. and sold at such. high
prima that Vero says -they fetched
yearly 04000:
Grasshoppers were venerated in
Greece both as sacred and musical.
The Athe isms wore gold ones in their
hair:to deno the antiquity of their
For. more than two . centuries the we
- of the potato was vehemently opposed.
At last Louis XV?. wore a bunch of its
flowers in the midst- of, his courtiers,
and thevonsinitlion of the root became
universal in Frince.
In SiPan, in honor of a deity having
the hetid of a dog; the different streets
of each town contribute to the main
tenance of a certain number of dogsi.
they have their lodgings, and persons
;are especially appointed to take care of
,them when sick. . .
.According to several writers; Charles
V. ordered a rehearsal of his own obse
quies. His domestics marched with
black tapers. Charles, folded in his
shroud, was laid in his coffin, and the
service for the dead Was chanted. The'
farce vas followed in a few days by the
real tragedy.
Heal th Hints.
Try popcorn for nausea.
Try a sun•bath for rheumatism.
Try ginger ale for stomach cramps.
Try cranberry poultice for erysipelas.
Iry eating flesh radishes and
: yellow
turnips for gravel.
Try swallowing saliva when troubled
with sour stomach.
Try a wet towel to the -back of -the
neck when sleepless..
, Try buttermilk for removal of freck
les, tan and butternut stains.
Try eating onions and horaeraclish to
relieve dropsical swellings. -
Try to cultivate an equable temper
and don't borrow trouble ahead.
Try taking your codliver oil in to
mato catsup, if yon want to make it
Try breathing - the fumes -of turpen
tine or carbolic acid to relieve whoop=
log cough.
Try taking a nap in the afternoon if
you are going to be out late in the
Try a cloth wrung out frOmccold
water put about the neck at night for
sore throat.
Manes or Sam—Al - nine of veritable
soft soap Was some time since discover;
ed by a clergyman fifty
~mitr e s from
Prescott, Arizona, and is now being
Worked. California also has 'rock
eipap,' but it is not in general use. It is
a capital detergent, and is superior to
ordinary toilet soap in emollient effect
on the akin. The objection is that
it makes little lather. It is found in
stratified rock formation, about the con
sistency of tallow. It hardens on ex
posure, and it has no oleaginous quality.
It is a species of fuller's earth. he
Arizona article, as described, is quite
different. It is found in deposit;
whitish mid soft as dough, and what
adheres to a stick shows, exudation of
oil. On adjacent hill land the same ap
pears in ledge, indtirated as soap, nue- .
tuous to the touch. It makes suds like
'soap. An old felt hat saturated with
bacon grease, was restored to pristine
beauty. It softens the hardest . water,
and rough miners' hands become satiny
as a child's. This unique material is
being preparecl for market by a process
that frees it from grit and all extraneous
Matter, and then, it is said to be highly
saponaceorta. -
A Miabigander who was riding along
the highway near Charlestown, Va.,
some time ago, came to a negro who
was grubbing Out a stump near the
meadow lance, and after a few questions
atiout farm products the Wolverine
'What do you get for • taking • thu
etnmp out r. • •
list fifty cents,' was the reply.
'How long have y - ort been working a
'Wall, nigh 'bout a week, I reckon.'
'And how much longer will it . take ?'
'Wall, I 'sped. I could finish it to:
morrow, but !reckon I won't dolt afore
'Why ?' •
heah am de pint. 'lf I finish
it to-inorrer an' git my money, I'm
bound to drag down to Itilltown an'
bet on a hose race an'' lose it. El
want it Friday, I kin hab de means of
gwine inter de circus at Charlestown. I
knows tny_weakness; -boss, an' so I'M
gwine to Kit hash- an' dig a leetle an'
sleep a !sell% an' chop off de las' root
when I heah de circus bolls blowin' on
top de red aktile-hcnise hilL' .
Sparkling:eyes and saucy rico
Had the pi etly maiden Chime;
Dashing. Chic, with winning way,
ilepreseiling, I must lea% ' •
Just the girlhood of the day.
And, altiough I loved her more -
Than qiy sweethearts heretofore, • _
One thing gave'ma constant pain—
Every day; though I'd copplain,
Ellie!d ba clui*ing 7 gum again.
"Tell mecGrate," at imt I said.
After having often plead,
"MN'S Wip care these chewing spells?"
Archly Mokliag cgi, she tells:
Mots of_ehocidato nommen I" -
-Briton acts.
$1.30 a Tear, is ad,
Rifle practice.:-PockniPicking..-
A, traneelaction--Walking I,ltt!
Bleep. - - .
Thirteen lean people commit' suicide
to one fat one. Flesh up and eave - ionr
life. -
A little Derby hat on the head of a
fat man bears a striking resemblance to
a postisge stamp on a Watermelon:
Pat bays - at work and aeo how they
will play. them to play and see
hoi.they will work. -
-A gentleman said, when a pretty girl
trod on his toes, that he had received
the stamp of beauty.
Why artprintera the greatevt iognes .
in existence ? Because-they daily prat=
tide 'imposition.'
Editors and sand paper both serape
for a living. As also do bid barbers
and chimney . sweeps,
The boy who was kept after school
for bad orthography raid he was spell
It talfel jUst three people to keep a
secret properly, but two of the three
must be dead. -
'llobby, tell Hannah I'm coming,
Yes, tell her to meet me at eight,
The old man is off on a toot, .
And we'll have a great time at the gate."
'I don't like that cat it's gOt
splinters in its feet was the excuse of a
four-year-old for throwing the : kitten .
Ls was but natural that some of the
family of the old women who lived in a
shoe should always have been down at
the heel.
A . . recipe for making , Mmon -; pie
vaguely adds: 'Then eit 'cirt a atoVe and
stir constantly.' Just as if any one t
could sit on a stove without stirring
A Texas juryman snored so loud in
the jury-box that he woke the judge
from a sound nap, 'and was promptly
fined for -contempt of coact.
It does break up the landlord• of a
hotel to have a guest say: .'Landlord,.
I think it would - be an improvement if
this shoe-brush had another hair in it.'
A New York man was imprisoned
thirty days "for stealing - fifty, cents.
Served him right. the rascal. 'He shond
have stolen half a million doUirii and
bought in the court. -
• It is said that in Calcutta a young
lady will rise at an afternoon'visit and
say, 'Excuse me, bat I must 'go holm
for my five o'clock fever.' 7 Kenney in
There isn't any fairness in this life.
If a woman wears a scant bathing dress -
she is accused of making a show of her
self, and if she wears an ample one she
is said to be trying to hide a bad figure.
"When a dog barks at night in Japan,
the owner is arrested and sentenced to
_work a year for the neighbors that were
:disturbed. The dog gets off easier,- be
ing simply killed.
Indignant boarding mistress—'Why,
"what are you there for ?' Boy. on the
table—Wr. Howlett put me here. He
says v t' his •
sbirthday, and he wants to
see something on the table besides
hash.' •
say, Jenkins, can you tell a young,
tender chicken from an old, - tough
one ?' 'Of course I 'cut.
how ?"By tho , teeth.' Chickens
have no teeth." Yes, Lut I hive.'
'Good morning.' 'Good morning.'
There is a Chicago girl who has been
dying for the last two years; living, as
it' were, with one foot in the grave.
Thi physicians have holies, however.
They say she can't get the other foot in
—na room. St. Louis papers please
The Detroit Free Press says that ono
Chicago New Year's calleidrank fifteen
glasses of wino, ten of beer, sir of whis
key, thrie of cider and eight' . clips of
coffee, and the next morning ha didn't
even have a headache. And we believe
it. Nor any, other kind of ache. But
if lie didn't have a cooling•board under
him, it was because the undertaker had
not yet been notified.
Uncle Sam's Big PrinlitigOlice,
Few people have any idea of the ex
tensiveness 'of Uncle Sam's printing.
establishment at Washington, and fewer
still have any conception of the waste
that is made there. England spends
about $2,500,000 per year on ita Print" -
ing, but gets a revenue of at least 81.00,=
000 from the sale of , the printed, books.
Uncle Sam's concern cost last year 82,-
215,939, and'the revenue twin the sale
of printed matter was $8,931, and from _
waste $186,819.93. Of the vast - rem
annually extended for pt blio printing,
fully half a million dollars is squander
ed. Uncle Sam's printing °Moe is run
on free and easy principles,- and they
are becoming freer and easier each sue
ceeding year. Last year 8900,000 was
spent for letterheads, binding blinks
and all other kinds of printing for of—
fice-holders; $217,414 was the coot of '
maps, charts and engravings; nearly
$25,000. was used "in printing eulogies,
which gift into waste-baskets all over the
country; 8206,563. was spent Inv 'Writ
ing \ eccentric old Mr. .Le Dec's' sal- -
cultural essays; 8177,765 , the cost
of printing the - Congressional 4ecord;
last winter's bills presented to Cowes
were printed at an outlay of ~Am
and thousands of sopies throWn swig;
the report of the Paris Exposition was
gotten up in elaborate form and cod
881,018. They were recently knocked.
off at auction by the hundivd copies 4'
two and a half centa "And, to
cap the Climax, it may= be mid .
take over $500,000 to Pay-tor the work
ordered in 1880, but not done until this
year. Uncle Sait's printing office is a
gigantic waste spout. _lt needs • thor
ough overhauling. _ - • .
To care talawayps. take a good bead-,
fatof the common field or Canada
pour two (Flute of boiling . wider on,
and boil down to three pinto; take a
erile-glverul three time a -
.day before -
' ' -V