The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, November 02, 1854, Image 1

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i 1 '
Die. 4 1 41
to' the Alma.
rmi , s; •
, Tuesday, Sept, 19 1854.
ere givm by Lord Mg
aehoulit 'strike ;tits at
all tents •shonbrl',be. sent
the fleet. :Our advanee
upon, amd= it, ytas under
, light. (Avalry luul--been
of. all suPplies up .to a
ur lines <and outlaying
.c 1411 r 1 r..17 [ 7 7
-: '-' va ts ot j o TITS A
• : L as t natt orders
- tst, that a 1 the trato
day b r e a k, and that
au . board the[ishipi o
lad been detea* . min
stood that.theßusai
wing the, wubt r
'awn disttince IA
At 3 o'clock in t
'1 . 0 04 , `by the rev
- pets Wo ke into
front the ships lined
tents. The eolmtrd i
in vain with the v
disposal tolmeet th
of an army Of 26,
of baggage, ammun
scene, which [ to an
seem one of ;utter.
tinned for! several.
the.steadines.s Ana o
'they paraded previo
The FrOeh, in ag)l
i u p betimes, and the
artnies,leadeacTing fu;
:', and mingling with th
, most anticiiphted th(
'sand-Turkish infantr
moved along i • by the !
ll [lautte the dilasions o
'robert, Forey, and 1
"order of heirch was
;right of, the left wi
'them.. , ,
I - I
1 1 The right'of theallied form was covered
['by the Ifte(a, r which Moved. along with it in
Inagnifice ,ut orde'r, awith,in
earl the - [.. air .
[ numerable columns of smoke, ready,_to shell
lithe enemy, should they. threaten joaattae k
I t lour right, and comManding thlaiuttor ne arly tiro miles from the, share. --...-.., / _
It wss nearly 9 o' clock in the morning ere
'the whole' a our army was prepareS for
',marching. :The daY was warin, and our ad
' waste was; delayedy - the wretched transport
'fiimished for the gage, an, evil which will,
] fear, be
ely felt ti any protract
ttie'e seve
'ed - operata`ckis. Ea fie thine not absolute] y
I iudisvnsahle, was se nton boardishiP. The
naval officers and the sailors worked indefat
, .ably
i aud cleared the beach - as fast • as_ the
g au
;men depasitl their baggage and tents,there.
[I At_ last thei men fell in; and the mar li of the
vi[' campaign *
; began. r ,
_H' The: cou ntry beyond Abe -sa lake ' 'near
which welwere encamped, is perfectly desti
tute of tree or shrtib, and consists of wide
plains,-Marked at iutervals of two or three
miles with -hillocks nd tong irregular 'ridges
I. of hills running dow toward the sea at right
angles to the beach. It Cs but _little cultivat- , • ,
ed, except in the pa r ches of land around the
unfrequerlttiltagcs. built in the recesses of the
-I valleys. ;flares were started , in abundance;
and afforded great sport to the men whenev
', er they Halted, and 'several were fairly hunt,
ed down among the line; of nien. All oxen,
horses and cattle habeen driven off by the
Cossacks. .:The soil was hard and elastic, and
7 was in excellent order for-artillery.
After a March of : n hour a..balt took place
for fifty Itniautes, during which Lord Rag
lan. accoMpanied by a very large 'staff, Mar
shat St. Arnaud, Generals Baavet, Forey,
• _ and a number of French officers; rode along
' . the froat ef t,he col fans, The men sponta-
I' neously dot tip fro 'the-ground, rushed for
I d '
fi an , column fter column rent the air"
-. with three deafenin English - cheers. -It was
_ i a giod oriteiL' As the Alarahal- passed - the
55th regithent he exelaimed, .‘Englialt, I hope
you will fight wellio-day."`': , "Hope4" et
elaimed'a avice,f. the ranks; "sure;Y-°u
know , wei illr he troops presented. ,,a
splendid 1 , ' ppearan .- ~ The ,eflect hf - these,
-grand masses of ery descending the.ridg
f. es of the a tilla,after rank, with the , sun
, . playing Over, for of glittering steel, can
never be forgotte bilhose who-witnessed
ran4 B
it. Onward the tx ti rent of war swept ; wave
-after wave, huge ,:, ately hills, of armed men.
• while: the rumble z:(f artillery and tramp of
cav a lry ieeompan ed their : progress.. [ At
last; tbe.imoke of burning Ivillages and farm
houses announced that the enemy -in front
were awdre% of ohr approach. It was a sad
sight to See the white
_wall; of the houses
blackened with snake—the flames ascending
through the roofs f peamfui: hamesteads
- and the ruined outlines Of I deserted hamlets.
' Manm aiek men fell 'out and , were carried to
1 the rear.:„ It was a painful, sight—a sad con
-4 trust to the Inagtifieent ati - pearance of the .
armym !fronts, to bebold, I litter ' after litter
',borne pint' to the: rte ; with
„the poor salter
ers who !had dro ped- front'illn e ,si • and ,fa-
I tigne; ' . . .
, Presently, from the top of ' a
hill, a wide
plain was - visible, ieyond which rose sr ridge
darkened here a d there 'by masses which
the practiced 'eye ecogniied' as cavalry. - It
was- ourrfirat sigh of 'the enema'. On 'the
leff.of the plain, p . . a're l cess 'fortnecl o hy
the inward swec of the taco ridges, lay a
larae„tillage in fl, naes - i
~,rif,rlit beforf .us was, ,
a neat 4hite house utibtirnedThilagh the out-.
houses kind farm-' : d .-. 1- - - 1 • a 'Das
• , and Acre aurnat a ..
was the imperiaf :p(iat-house of, Bouljanak,
just 20 t i uiles fron Sevastop,Ol. , ; •
•Ii small sir ' ,ran pastars(,. %%11'4 was an
'Aiwa or delight; o onr thirsty soldiers,'Wlto
- had no v march more. than 'eight miles
from oa. camp. I
•The house was (lc:soaked
and gut ed. . Onl- - a picture a saint, bimeh
, of li rbs , in th I kitchen, 'and a few house
,i, (11
[ hold ut asils were left, and a kAitary peOen
stalked sadly about the threshald,livhieh soon
fella victim-to a evolver.
After a-Short i a,
rt 'for men and horses' b [ y ,
- the stream, the a my pushed on.again. - The •
cavalry &aboutmen of:the Eigh th This
sant, the Eleven ,ITusatiri, "and the *Thir
teentlaightlar.,;(4ous. p , sh
1 &I -1 (.4 on La &oat,
and .oh arrivin about a mile :beyond the
posalimse we e early Triade ' ciut: tli - e Cossack
Lancers on the hills in - front. •bird Cardi
gan threw out kirrnisi r , ' line , w ho ..-
, 013 In IN cos.
ered the frout at intervals - of tet - Cr fwelYe
yardsi; front each other. Th e c a k a , a at aa a d.
vatavd. to meet us
.[ ln lik a , •ord - e r , man for
talut, the steel - of .th 'eir, Jong lathaa , .'glittering
in 4 1 1. eun.. They Wet ii ivugh ' luuking' fel
lows, ,mounted on sturdy„littie. horses, but
the regularity o their orlIer: and; the ee!.erity
of.thete movem is showed- thay icere re. 311-
], .
:tars, t . iad by tto ;beaus despieuttlefws: - a 2 t
• Jur, Inishfes valueeti 'Lb CwesimAw 1184
-ea ' ' - • • ' • '
-ati,..the, foot .r the. bill; . 'Their. , ..werAf*s
were in g t.-, •
• \ 1 , w e ll I ns WibtrUlte• fiow :JiMP , )I4
4 ..,
le morning the,cautp was
lille,'and all the 30,000
Active lire., The
the beach to receive the
, ilia' officers struggled
~ deficient means at their
enormous requireinents
I i men, for the traitiOart
tion, and food, and .4:
nprae,ticedt'eye , would
: 'fusion, began and (=-
lours, relieved only .by
1 der of the regiments . ils
s to 'marching. _
. ..
I%ranee on op! 'right, were
canip . tires of thQ allied
1 miles along the . horizon ,
1 e lights of the l shifis, 'al- -
4 ' morning: 1 1 .5ei , en thou 7
, under Sulebnan Pasha,
set-side; next - 4 to them l(Generals Bosfoßiet i Can-
Prince Napoleon: On!
1 about four. ntijp to the
1..., and as. 'natty' behind
e, -
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l u mp- °Fian ces vile aver tho summit:
II . ; raid disamsered:,.. , Lord Car;itritl .
?TN, try , ,dteit strengths mid' peitmts:.,
I giver! f te;, him 'to 'ad Viinee: "sbtnewbge
busEnn he did Poi dnrh.-.wfutians cif.
me into Mew in, the.recesses' of the
`it - became-evident. that-it our men
Op sneh steep` as ~t,' thtiriv)oo ;
ebrO.':' '....4 -- , .014: i 4 y: W.o* tun, a.,
eing:surrounded ntuicut ~to pieecti, by e
(-..threetimes- theiti number. t• Lord
crefore tirdered-,l*eavalry- to lialt,: l
thekr's,llrmishersi and retire slewly.'
f thc,intantry , or, artillery Ivere.:din.
Us,-as.they. luul .not. .yet.topped 'the_
the hill.. When out skirmishers htdt.
s4eks commenced a fire . front their.
itle4C.sov)ii - 0: *4§ . 4uit(i)la:rn?less-; --
the balls.eatne near 'enough to, let Ole
heard. ; .' Tiro •or three. Akers who
idingsbetween - the- !iiuvalry and the
tune a e
of the hi .
in i
Men w
nearer ;
ctat ed
'risk of
Luerii). t
tilher i
'sight o
brew o
ed the
li l
line of;
whiz -,
Were ri
tr:i..Lietit..P6l:Did4 . 6n, capt.
12th• 4. ;
, kingiomity for. ;he . arrival !of
were 1
horse!artillery, when suddenly
the - Rn sians, - embolcened by our halt; caifie
'overthj' Inow:otttt,hill, and;sleivl37 Ascend-
cd; the slope in,threc solid squares.. We ,
10 - .0
-them '.l)attle, and they,lhad lost'
1 4 2,
their C antv i -for o i cavalry•turned rotrjid.,
and 'ro c: . quietly t ward the' troops: Our
skirmi l s ters, Wlio,-1 d replied smartly to, the'
fire. of he Co.ssacks t , but, without effect, retire-
ed end oined the squadrons, - At-every,.fittj':
paces o r eayah7 faded about to receive turd :
Cossacl s if theV,ptepared •te charge.; S.ndl.
dolly ne of .
-.the IRusSian Ctvalry, 's'quareS
opened—a spurt of '4l.tite, smoke rose out of
the !gap, and a rOun 'shot, which pitched erase
.inyitorke, tore ver the columns , of - our
eaValry behind, and n lled away between the.
ranks of the in the rear, jest as they
(k tek
mine in ViOWof 1h 'i cavalry. In anotherlm
strut a second gun- 'wled right through' the
llth husSars, and k ed over 'a horse, tick;
indoff his riders . le,, above the ankle. Anoz.,
tiler and another. I 'lowed, tearing throngh
'iks, so that i was . quite wonderful so
avalry eSca d. .11feantinie Captain
artilier - 3 1 ga loprd over t:Sb„hillq - ek',.
c halted lbyj Lord Raglan's tirder at
e, in tear oflthecavalry on the • left.
This was, d ne, probably, •to entice
.t-sians ~ ,furth down the hill. Mean
a yur cavalr=y ere drawn up as targets
,enemysgu is, and had they been of
,on th ..yttould no have been more solid or
imrno blip. • The Russian 1, 7 , unil e r s fired' ad
-mirabl • ; they were rather slow, but . their,
balls •atne bounding . along quite viSible . as
they p#csed, in right lines from tbe-centreof
the - k , i valry'coltimrs._ Atter some thirty,
round: from the 'enemy, our ititillery op'ned
fire.. ',Their round 'shot ploved up the to::
limns Of the cavalry, villa sp , edil-,- di.ipeis:ed
into br i oken lines ,wheeling round and tOund .
, with, gf•cat adroitness to escape 'the six `and
nine ppund ball 4 -. Our shells were not 'so
,•gliceessfu4 , -but one,' better directed' than the
rest, burg right ill the centre of "a column of
light' infinitry, whoin the llus4iani had' ad
vanced to support jtheir - cavalry: Our fire.
-was So heir, the sertice ofthe guns so quick,
• - . 1,
that th 'enemy retired iniabout fifteen Min
utes lia er •we opened on them:i While this
atlitir w
,s-going on,, the - Frertchlhad -crept up
`on thei, l ight, and surriSed a body of fluian'•
cavairlwith a round from a battery of time
' d rs; which scattered them in all direc
tion. I We could count' six dead horseS on
the eld, near theline of tire. It is not"pos
sible to fOrm a correct •iden:of 'the' effeet of
cur rie,-bUt it must -have caused the Rns:
sians 4 greaterloss than theyinflicted on us.
We lost six horses, and four "men were
Well ded. ' Two men lost their, lev. ;'The
othe s•Up to .yesterday, though - ; injured sb , .•
sere 37, a - d not in danger. One of -the.
CCOU dell lil Tt, a: seir,eant in the 1 lth tins-
Sam; rede ' lly t the rear ' with his'ftiot
dap ling by aPi of Skin to the bone;•and
told, the4doetOr he ad , just come, to .have his
leg dressed! I Anot er Wounded 1 trooper be
hav lxvi d th . equal rtitude, andirefused the
use f alitter to ca ' hits to. thereur,tfiough
his l r was hrOlse into splinters. It- was
stra ge,-in visiting the scenel#here-the!horS
es l - dead, ttatth . first feelnig4wodueed on
peetator, when ,the hOrrer of seciti# the ' , open hil'shells ii from
tb loin, as the gh itwere done by :. a stir
's . iknife, had sObsided i , was ~that Sir E.
Iscler i in his picture of "Warr musehato
one of the animals beforethe;glar
yeamll, the distended not.•••tril . ,,the gnash
our - ra,
but wc!
the la,
the Pm
for the
iron ,h
are all tiu,el6 life.
hen the Russians , had retired`bevond the
. , .
ats, orders were given to halt 'and Invou-.
it'. the night, and our tired ''men. et
_ l to
,„( togat%k. the "weeds fur fuel. As soon'
the, raticnis of rum! and meat were scrved
Out, the casks Were broken up t and the'staxes
sem ed to r make fires''for cooking, aided by
nettles and long grass. At night the watth
fires of the Russians Were'vfsible on. our left.
Orreat numbers of stragglers catfie up 'during
the night,. MoSt them, belonging to the
divi -iion. ".1t was a cold night, and.if f could
intr de the recital:of the sorrowsof a tentless,
ba , daciess man Wanderinft abontiii the dark
ziP 15 o. , A•
from reg,itnent to.reglinent in hope of finding
his inis.sing baggagej might telly a tale:amus
ing enough,to read, but the inidents iii, which
were very distreSiing to the individual' con
cerned. The ntiilat was cold and 'dathp the
' watch-fires were mere flasheS, which gave lit
tle heat, and harely sufficed' to Warm' Ahem-
Ctions ; but &et:amp : of British Soldier: is eV
'.er aninratcd_by the very' Sold: . of hospitality ;
'aiid ttewanderer.was lucky en6iigh't4i get .a
'lodging on thegrOund beSidera . lcindfl',,p7do7
nel;:Who was fortunate endugh, Ito beV,e a Et
tle field tent with him, and q• 7 it . orbiiiiiia.iid
hiscult to spare - after a itittreb;"of :lei? Miles
_:and a fast, 'of - :`tee?' Flours. Alt !night 'a.ralitts.
were err/vino attdldiers who hadr fallen
out or got astray?_; e.up to, the sentries to
find their re,g„ithetiti.; Sir George Brpurii;!ir
.1). Evans, the; Brigadier Get era add . - ;s1
oifieers, - went about" theli'divieliafilt
among iiii,(
brigades; ie thei Men liij , down titii thre e-- to& :ti l r the follOWing day, and -cick,after
dOsk -' the ,regiin' s tit.'s were - :04: the': wild,
lariw,rapped up in' great . ts- and, . e ,to
liiid the best repOSe - th y could after the day's.
e*crtion:: ' 1. i - - - --,..: •-, -2 •
• It was iiiiichir*. ted 'that Mir aictilry
fi..irce was sc.) defiiieut„ rif we ;
h ad hit4a even
two to
• three wco
e iuld.rt..adily have:disPosed
of the vaporing lan otf-the hill, 0 0 1 4 4
. it,Titattd, the taph y7er -..uiehAnth . eit deri
- iVe C4jcs ..Wl4en 4tir 4 , luishers,.4:44•o l -- -It
' wAiii4dtaitt 4 44.oo. B §... OliJitarY tret4liett,lie
advance of ,oirjr,c9Ps iian4,l4c , )449
5..4tr.4.,q h e u:ratery,_ as . we 4 *AA . 4 1 0PWIP .e*9 l :4Re
P-:"TOrY, 44 .11 4 t9i4c. 44 13 034FtyPec19#
04 p
; tlud . 1 4 4 tifui*41. 30 ._ A 1 ?:e ,i'Aiptieti• -4 ' A tF
-P en g li Amt4.l l ojusAtNi : * tlut PluAger# 7 o ol
...40 ,t0,4414,,04m‘_;49.34.;1,40
writer has not ,yet u ' born wh9 kail 4913'
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h tnms and force, ss, as to 'bring
tC`fork:ihe'yeaclei;'- tile events 4 'of
lightestikkirinish.: -
scribe ;¢i
ant the
i '.'-.:, The BOO' o.*:the .AO ll 4. :,, • „
- • CA4 Ai. sna 4saii -Wednesday -eilithaiiie r i. 20
.:by tittle, aid 'exeitedbY the . cients'
of., this ' Oaf •MeMoraisle''day,^l 4 :l&Pall'S..ili''
deakiiif 'Orig. the'faiiiiesteotifeeptionr Of the
terrible; rtflict,4bich:,fitia ..jast.J.beentermi.;.
nate& wi kiheagtea.b.bat..:hOtlor • it! J PP r . arias,
and. I 11* Onfin i a..niYael., for the: . to,
.iiiinple n arrative, o_ ate. incidents of Whiehl
si l
.+078.1 an - e
,e-Wittieis.., . .: . • : • , , •
, 'A 'COM "ittairnipositiOni selietedlvith pelt
• Strategic! WU; and:- de fe nded by 40,000 men
and 31.430• guns, 114 been carried,lader:tt duels ! ,
iVe T .and".blOody, encounter, by . ..the..mcist ac,...
tertnink . and :brilliant Valor of an inferior
fdree' of 'the :allied isrinies.. , In no battle,.an
cient or enoder4Was the 'cool -Courage.: and''
bravery* of, the British soldier: ever ; more fully 1
and 'gib iously dlsplayed. J.,,The..War. is Jtoti
indeed, . ernainated by- , this great vietory,. but
the effee of suelt;' is terrible' blow has destroy:.;
ed the I :t remnant of the iresiige of Ru ssian j
armies, nd,-,has,[fredd Europe:from the dis-j
rind chi nern which: has
. ..pressed - ..tipen 1 -
council; for, the rust. ltlfeentury.: .', - J
We hpve to'd4plore great losses, but Whenj
it is cf.i4idered bow strongly.the enemy: were,
•entrenc ed, ho'4lwell their artillery was han+
died, an . how etairageously they fought, .it..
-Monde i l n t r l' l ' A is ii k i l: o lBP : eh t r4 h a e tt° : l o,, eo t ir l i t, :.) ere daybre ak,
Is almo .
ie of • the British. fore l e uill; .. e u tes •L l'ver Un n d u er tj 1
J hey , weie marshalled silently, no. Int. -
1 rums broke the stillness,) - but. 'the,
hoUsands..Of Veiees rdsc londly froni,l
somkthe watch-fires lighted :up the,
',nr camp, us though
.it were 4 great.
Ji\JVhendawn broke,i it was discovered
t., ilossiants hadleftithe !tights, btit ha l
Lr. watehdres burning. The -troopS laid I
' *nits fur
. abont an hoer, ...while:, the 1
..s were • arranging the order 7 of • our
Lord IR:glan . had made: his dispok 1
sitionsJhe-previOns.evening, . and the Generi.
als of d vision, Sir ,George 'Brown;, Sir De.
Lacy i' - ana, -Sir., 11,. f England, - lad Sir G.
Clithear , - aided by their Brigadiers General,.
went f m 6)lQael to Qolonel of eachrei.timt.
entondt i .r theircOuna id gisling them instruct.
tions with respe4 to ti le, arriingernent of their.
men in the comilig...stivggle. . It was knoWif.
that thl -Russians had ' I been busy fortifying
the higip.s over thevalley
_through which . rune
the little. riverAlina, . and that they had resolved,
to:try : their • strength ;with us in a position
which - vethein vast advantage of ground, •
which t ey !had . :liised lever/ -.means in their.
power , o improye. to.!*,:the • utmost, ' Ike, ad
vance , f the ariisie.s tins was a sight-,
.tist ever.ettnid out like the landmark ,
of the s)lectutor a life.lJ.Early- in the morning,J
the trocps wereiorder t ed to get' in readiness,
and at:balf paSi'. t szs.-they- were in motion... It
WAS a 1
,vely,day; the heat of • the Ban* was
temper . by a Sea breeze. . The fleet was,vi l .,
sible at tlnydistance o f b tour inile, covering:
the: as it ivas, —en between . the hilliv
and we wuld - make, .ouv the:. steamers on, 'oar
right ' .c lose to the short as poS.sible. . ...: i
'l, Th e Arnaud i l3otsquet and.Vor-,
Ont o
the • wit
glee of• 1
hum of
the 'rant
lines of,
that, the,
left thei
on their.
ey r ..attended -theirstaff , -rode, along in.
front of the lineS, with Lord Raglan and .his_
Generals. ieci . .inti kilt, and . were received
'with tremendous cheering. 7 -44 - I.29Ave . sa*
the steamers shore, (Freneh) - conimence
throwiog.shells op to u bight in front, and the
enemy replied liy a ItraVy
. fire; but the
tunce was too great -for aiiyeitictua?
.The action. becante general •at 1t45 •on the
part of the
;Turks, who,
the earned
bights the right, which .werebut weak,
ly protected.: At, 2;30 we advarteed,doWn
the valley of th 4. inh, above which rose - the,
lines - and' redoubtS'of the enemy.: As we- d
vnneed they Set4tire tO . a village at the base of
the. decentto:the valley at our side, and, coV... the'sintke, opened a tremendous fire
of nine and twelve-ponder guns from :their
.earthwork Our artillery replied
with, shot, shell4ind rockets, while the, • men
advanced • throttgh a Shower, of bullets; and
rushed across, the stream—the light divisiOn
on the.right,: the Second' Division next, :the
First DiviSion Itr the, - } Center' andthe • Third
.supporting the*, , Amid a MoStAremendons '
fire the Gtiards'rnshed Uptheltill and stormed
'the Iteaviesfhattery. - I Once .they-,were drtv,
en baCk, but. were by the Duke,, who
led tbern'to the in perkin. Sir George
Brown had a hOrse shot tinder him: Sir De
Lacy Evans led on Ids 'division • in
. the very
thickest of the.lnitrhitle, The'RusSians' threw*
spherical shot marked: with a cross, which in:
flicted terrible l Wounds, and Itheir- practiee
when they got the rang 6, was excellent. At
three the-French, moved up sOlid columns lot
infantry. to the flights orl ouraright, and turned
the guns on
,the; enemy.. Our ;men struggled .
through the flaMes ()tithe village, and theriy
er under a contlituou s roll oflartillery. At
four o'elock, they charged, in three divisiens .
tip the.higitts'.lThe-.-I_,ight : DivisMn suffered
fearfully, particularly(the Ilk,. and . 2.-Id regi
ments., which Sir George Brown led inperson.
The. 55th, 9511 i and 39th also 'suffered severe.
,}j'. • The Rille,-Seeorid , battalion, though the
.firstUnderfire4uffered least of as they
got over: before he enemy caught the range.
• At .five . .O'cloSeit the Russians *ere .flyingl, in
allAirectionS,PleWed l etp,'-bk, the 'splendid fire
of our gins; leaVing iinithe field ritritinnienSe,
number "of dead; .threo: guns,' drums; and-ani
munition. , Thtwanti. prevented
our - *citi tit re e. - pri6oneri'.'
greater' ninnheti of ns..
on tbe'fiel 4 ,*iii too
terribletO -,,rnOitond ,- • •
I• - •
iilo / 01; -ALTlFlilursday Sept„ ' 21, 1854.
'' '. ..The'order it Whielt our advanced
- 'l,A , 4l4 . colitirilm . !:4;fbppades dertloying
taties;u:4 leftliti4ept.o' by - 4 line or skirraish; .
rs .
.*an ‘ ta g e Of the tOmatiodictis, i 4rat.i4 . ,, ; eas,6;Of
a strung attael fromieavalry and infant . ryl on .
the left or reariott,rArmy e 'the
.06 );Ligo)g:(i
the 4eii l l;-;:''.Ygi, - 10 . °4 9 1 ;iC..t . T!a . toit4rPithP
;il g l 4 t,,if the'OOttion,;ttii: that our tittritelcingpar
tieS&uld'be shiAtered:by l'Orti.o,l . 6ri:of
the: 11415.. -,-; • • ,
, atiOng.
1 ak, iii•"ndlrijr- to Aekiyit'
our old basis qf Oprati . orts,. orde.f thS ; vc
Might:get; 'the
wigg4ge•-iiit# btOirgift
tlie,4tlf-Divieltiti;,'aild the' Vo:Ssiek's,' !ivere
'lP4*tip - tweel),ictlC'
~wlss,JsfiorrtinYpi 'orhiciple,
ni '4660; - and,
'tlit -as .
,to 4bepSti thdrinitOiatintid
1104,:' WOl6 riiiiiiittielwtheil#6,'viii*iia
irietfiy seven ! .etiysgrial ?-fr
i~- ~
_. ~,'t ~,
, -
plOy i ed - toinecit 661 , 1 . dfu of hortie,-- and It
was,lieeesktry: , tal i*kit. tOdernotuitratiou - of.
artillery atutinftuitrt. la eitricate our riven
( WO the-Iliffigulti i e lk wiAck theY had '=been
plunged by advatt , ::itoo '4i - in fretitittheir
, t ril
sOperterS t " ,Ilaie ,er thi - enem,Wvradrilli.
en backlii ear ta , • Irma' Made -beauttfill
piltetiee,.cina!! the- ,
grotmd, baying rethildi in Splendid : or.der c .bo-.
fore; :a three, ;_wilittefuSo to Meet . , then!! ,
When they might li , idoneao, by '' a eharie,
down from the ete4ted position' they occw
pied, with a fair chanciii or an encounter - ere °1
our artillery emild., ;coupe' up. ' Our line
of mud) of the 21, 1310 As'i I hav-, said, was 1
toWardathe right Inf-Ouri formtr base, and
brought up in cont4eti with the French left,
under Prince Natioleoh, it, being understoOd
that Sir De Lacy svikrie division ou our -ex
trerfie right, fillouldlOt iti' concert with ,that
of his Imperial Highness ;,.the Prince, which
was of course fiirthafit, from' the
-sea. As
soon as we had a+rtaiited__the position „of
our allies*chratels, the Whole line .eatend
ing itself across the eharnpaign country* for
some five or Shi mllesladvancecl. At - thediss.
stance of twizi miles p'f'.e,lui4ed to obtain a little
time to gather up; ?oar -rear, and then the
troops steadify adv,anted lin grand lines like
the. waves- of the i'')Ceaa, NS! ith our le ft frittered
away as it were , iritOa m fda of skirmishers 'l
under Colonel IlasVretice'snd Major Noreeitt
of the Rifle Brigade', 24 battalion,covered - hy
squadrons of thelftli, and
.Bth 'Hussars, clad , -
portions of• the 4th, ' : l3th Light Dragoons,
and 17th Lafieers.l: This ' was a sight of id
expreSsible grandeilijituid the first. timA
one Was struck with ;thesplendid• appearance
ofour infantry inla lino :in the Astimee.--,
Red is the celor. after -elk, and theiliite slash
~ -,
1 i n . 3 of breast 'nf the lcOat and the Cross-
b3ts, though rendering t man conspicuous e-,
nottgh, -gives -hinii sin''appearance of size
which other anifoilMS del not -produce. ' The
dark French colunina. on our right . . looked,
very small comparl . i.dtoqpr battalions thoug h
we knew they were quite as 'strong'; but the
marching of our etlies, laden as thee were
with all their packs,:,:&e., was wonderful-;:-.'
thepace at Which .th ey went, was really. kill;
jug.' , It . was obsezrvaible, too, that our, staff
was - more conspienous ?sti'd more nuinerouS
than the stafrOr enr brave friends., Nothing
strikes the eye ut Siiiifi a distance. as a cocked
hat an, bunch ofiivhlte Cock's feathers, and'
severe o .ur bestothe' ers very wisely doffed
:the latter adi nrininti, thinking that they were '
quite conspieuo Fen'ough by their, advanced
position on horse; - .k and, by the number Of 1
their staffitionnd :th - . 1
The scheme of ,opera 'ons concerted'. b:
tWeen the generoo,- and chic' suggested ti)
Lord Raglan, it 14:AO Said, by • M. Marsbnl
St,. Arnaud ',and gen.', canrobert, - Was, that
the French and "Ilkirks, on our light ere to
force the passage of the river, -a -rivulet o Abe
Alma, and- estitbli4kiliernselves on 'the high
over the streain at tke opposite'side, so that
they could enfiliule the position to their'riAt
;and opposite to our left and center. The'AV
ma is a tortuous little stream;- which has
worked its* kvay d'owii throe gli a red, clay Soil;
deepening its tin se, alit proceeds seawar!.ls, ,
and'whiehdrainathe l Steppe like lands on its
Fight bank, 'making :ii times pools and eddieek
too deep to be forded; i though it can be crossed -
by Wader.csei....442erarir to Nii e t their knees..
- It need ,not,be said that the high` banks
formed by te accienof the stream in entting
thrqugh the.: soil are Sometimesat one 'side,
sonictimi; at another, according to the sweep.
of the stream. '-' ' < V '", • !
At the place where. the bulk of :the :British
army. crossed, the binks are generally at t4e
right side, end vary Pent two and three, IQ
six I or iVit feet „in depth to the water ;
ti banks are generally formed by the iitira
rites! curve of theltriver. on the left hand sid'is.,-.
Along the ijght Or north bank of ;the ' Aims
are it tunnher -oftirtar houses, at • times !nu
merotts and close enOugh to forin habitatiens
deservina the natne'-i of
,a hamlet„ at ' times
scattered wide apart amid` little 'vineyards,
surroundeirby littlaWalls of mud and stone
of three feet, in hight, The bridge over, which
the post road paSseCfroin BUlganak tOSevas
topal runs,eldse to one of these hamlets -=-a
r village in filet, of ' Some fifty hodsk.: Thia
village is at.prottehh'd from the north by a
toad winding thfrui*h a plain nearly. level
' till it cornea near', to the •village where he
ground dipi, so thakiitthe distance of three
hundred yards a:raith on }parse-back can hard
ly see the tops of tli nearer and more +ra
ted !houses, `and lan only the posi 7
tion ofttw itreant by "the Willows and ierdure,
alongits batiks: :fit the left or south si4 of
tid • ,
' thelthe gou assumes a very differ ,
Alme, • -
eat I. character—liniooth where the bank is -
deeP,,andgreatly „elevated Where the shelve
of the bank occursi, it recedes fir's few yardi
' at a i moderate bight above the stream, pierced
here and there by the cotirce of the white, FS
torrents, so as to 'fnriri small , rat; Ines," clm
irriluided,:howevir; ti y ,the hights above. lit
- A* as; on theile upper.light that the - streht,rth
of the RusSian poaition Consisted. ' '
' - I' - A remarkable ridge of mountain, car ; '
iii bight frOin 500, 04 700 fket, runs along
' th e. lms -
'Aen tbeleft or south side with ' the
. •
course of the street* and assuming the • form
Of cliffs when clOSe to_the sea.; This rideil is
marked all alouojita cour s e by deep gullies,
Which run toward the river it'various ,angles
;ands serve iiti doubt 4,0 . Carry 'offthefleeds pro-,
OpOtiCid Iji thi3 rains end the melting ot the
*ifif4.sPows oh .he hilla and f table-lands a
bbre. At the top of the ridges; between the
gtillies, the ThiSsintili had ', erected -- oarthWork
batteries, mounted With - 12 lb and 241 b rass
gtin.s, sup p orted hylnumerOns ' fi eldpiece and
1 ,,,
hostitzers.': ;'These guns enfiladed 'the-toi of
theiraviin pa_gillette:theih, - "or - swept heih.
to the bast - t; whifo the whole of the side! tip'
1,111(1 an eneiiiyi unable' to stand. 'tlietditt
firil i of the batteries;wOuld be forced"to aseend
4116 fill e.4' wittt reaSks of sitirinishen armed ,
ith arieietfileiii>tvio-grove rifle,' throw a
large-solid conical ball, with foree;at 1 'and
,iards","' as the .French. leirnedio the . ' Cost.
Therincipal 'bitter) , 'cisnsiited or''
p an h-'
r *oik of the fohli ickr two sides` of • a tri ' le,,
*hit the apex pointed toward 'the brid '," mid
;du; sides covering both- sides of :the st fun,
4sA g*
l respondiditlithe bend in the rive le' be
low it at the dlitalfee of 1,000 pods, wi!ile at,
'. 4 ii Or 'elesiaticai,the'32 , poundera tlinew; tis ?We'
l i iaier,,veryloftee jiOytitid the houses or the sjl-,
la - gi , ' to the distancn of 1,400 and 1,500 Earda.,l
ITlOS'a:dottste,seted on the brim Or a hill a-,'
jGo . i ii'MWre,efiLOolie the river,: but ''-thc-,'hilli
roae' — belhid it Tor ' anOth er 50'fee t be' it '
dipped a ay ltard the read. The ,
lethe hat wai i 4nfihided-by the fire Of
ithree', ;
;another sin
on the' right, d bi l ',
r'aricither 'iin th 4 let and 'thesp-tifitteries .kvent,
' . #44)iitty inpitbV:pt , covering the: rills ' ain't
rStreallldinfi.#4 l , Q6o3'whieh ledtp - ,th ' hilt
tOtheitlOiltick , rtY.the first battery isFe Ifi l
/ 824tiounder 100 ilitik‘orOc , (ollllth YACd . illanl
~„..; - ,:' !,, 7, i • tfi
In - t),
0 44,
-* ad!:
-, :non
- hie'
: er%.
• 0
~,t1 •.. ' d ... some: . -.: ; ..,' '
a 11.. , V. . '.. L. r: .:,..;
miles ,we t re , guns Jn it sem
thelguits. had' 1i `. gtitisiiit - the'' Mile' iffit
40,00 eri -- 00%b Unhand of infantry 1,0t)o
strip* ' , tif:the - 6 th, 81st, 82d.and_ , C(2B
reglme4 •) - 1 I'AV. - ..*.ere 'oPPllied .PfinCiPalit:
v f
to th Old '' I regiments, indging_hy r
the ninnher 41 Idea . iii - &ait' of" 1 Us."—;-hai'e
mif I 'iienl'able to aseertain ' . .by 'lt Whoin'etey
wel.e nalbmandedut there is . a{ Oberst re'.
pc:0.0144 Meiteike ctinittuttehd!the: army in
ehlef,and,that thellefkwas under,,Groe.haloff,,
ti.ipativeafiliediplematist, andithat,the right
was unde' It;:idahUff the Militlity - Governor
oil% , §tope •' `l,t' titilso` affirmed -that the
- *rive lof Nenehikoir virus ! talien, - and - .'„iia: it
was al 4d aitopi of 611114,844 k
,fid4Msse4 Ao.:
the. - E m ! •
._(,_ , fru whi„(..*,,the Prince stated. that.
40 1 600 i, en tnigt talce.SeiastOpol; but that"
80,000 Men -coil dbe held in check for'*eekS -
by the*iisition of the Alma.,.• •:Lerge 'masses
of'cataltyairinCiPally lancers antl heavy dra
goen+,llninehve ed On the hills.ion ; the right
of,the - ussian and at last-, descended , the .
Iti4, . ekor t ed t he:,; stream, and' threatened
mir leftan4f. '.- '`s we rime :near the tiv
erlOtir left Wince was throwO :back; - in' order;
tn, supOrt 14ur triad force of e4valry, • and . a
ptirtiou. f our rtillery was ,pushed forward
blithe s, meidir thin. Our danget in this,re
inreet W dete ted by the quid: eye of - Sir
f s
G t eorge Bilwti 'and I heard him give the or
th!tir for' he mo t ement of the, artillery almost,
aSsooit l as "lie mega sight of:the enemy's cav-,
alry, and jiiSt as we were the +vil
lage. .A.s .fve already said, bur plan of op
in t t the "French should establish
h ia
theselveshn er the lireof" the guns on the
higtts on the extreme of theenemy's left.:--,.
NY hen i thatiatock was sutficieutly developed;
(Ma luul met With success, , the; ,British .army .,
was to forep the right and part, of the eenter,
of the Russian position,, and the daY - was gain
is 'When We were about three-miles troth
tile villtve4 the •Frenely steamers 'ran as close
.24 they cotild 'to .the bluff of the shore at „the
sOuth side:Of he-Alm a, and pre§ently we. saw,
them ihellitig the bights ia splendid style, - the
shellS buritin ' over the enemy's squares and
batteries, 'a'nd finally driving them from their
position oti, the right, within 84000, ,yards. of
tlieSea. ..ji • ; -
, 'I The .Freoc4.practiee
• crime:iced W)oiit.l2'-
1 . 4 o'-elpelti mid lasted forateeit ail, 'hour and
sAndf: We 'could see the, shells falling over
the: batteries of the eneiny, , and bilesting, right
into them 4 -find then the black masses inside
-*el werks;brake into little specks, which flew
about inallifrections, and. :When the snioke,
eiefri)-4_ wire there were some to 'bo' seen
fi"O.sled. of the grnund:' . .The Russians an
sWered the ships trom tho'hights, but - without
44:4 AipOwder tumbril was blown np,by .
al FrOch shell ; another -shell fell .f;y acci-'
dent-into an iiinbu.seade whieh the lliissians
i I 'i • *'' l' '
;lid korepat:ed
t .sr the athaneing, trench, and
at, last they . ew off frinn the ' - sea-side: and.
einifined diet efforts to the' efense ofthe gul.--
les and high s;beyond the fire of the heavy.
I: i :of the.s earners.. .A,,t, : 1, o'clock we saw_
the ; er!4 'wins struggiing,up the
Covert.. . • a cloud 'of SkirbitSllo:3, 'thoie fir e
mended m'e , tleadlY. - - . onee,.: - 'at sight" . of a
threatetiing il ~..•'. - o - t' f Russian infantry; , in -a,
eomthataityg position, above them, who fired
rapid volleyslapeng them, the French panted
but itwasi collect their skirmisherS,
- crifftB soon ' they tl3 n - - br ntd'thcv ran iii,',
the kill itt the Pas .de ihar.n., and broke the
Rusa t hans at o 'ee, who fled.; in dis o rder ; with,
loss, iiifi the ' h 11. W e could, see men drop-'
pingion both 'di* and the; wounded rolling'
down the stee . ,At '1,50, our line' of, skir
mishersget'N ithie.range of the battery oh'
tlte:l4ll,.and - i ' mediately the Russiaai open
edl::o. fiie at 1,2 yards withelfect, ..the shot
plOWing_throu h the open , lines of 'the Rifle
men, and failing into the advaicing coluns
hohind. .ShOttly ei.e thisl time dense col
'.limes of smoke`-rose frdin the river, - and drift
od alcing to the eastward; rather ihterfering,
Wiili. the view of the enemy on the left of.our.
position.:The Russians had set the village;
en fire. .It was a fair -ekereise of 'military
skilr—wai we l executed--4-tookTplace iit' the
t .
tight-time, and • sticteeded . in ' occasioning a
good - deal ofamiernee. -troops - trtiops halted
?rhea they nearel ..
l this village, -their; left' ek-
tending beyond it hy the ierge of the stream;
ourright behind , the-, burning cottagss, and
Within range if the batteries. It is: said the :
ItusSians had aken "the 'ranger& all the prin.
Opal points iit their front,t and placed ' 'twigs
turl!sticks to inark them. 1 In this they: were'
assisted by the post sifm-boards . on the road.
The Russitinropenet a i furiousifire , on. the
'whole of our line,-. hut the French had not ;
yet, made progrts' enough to jhstify_ n`S
in , tidvtincin . g.. The , round shot whirzedlii
• every direction &Sting hi? the dirt , and x sand
into the faces of the stet'' of - Loixl• Raglen,
ivhO were al shelled Sevterely,,taid attracted
Much of the- emy's fire,. Still toiltßag
lau waited yatiently .fo'r,tlat. development *of
the t French - attack'. At length . '. an Aide de-
Panip,came - io him aid, .:reported that, the
,Prettelt hadossed the alma, but they had
o establish dhemSelie's,snf fi ciently to jus
tify. us in ii.,; t attack; !The intinnry were
;therefore, ordered to lie 4 evrTl;lthd the twiny.
font short tirite was qiiitelpassivo; only-.that .
. i.)ur artillery, ~iotireti lurch an unceasing fire' . ,
of shell, rockets and roniid shot, - which plot - I
ed through the Russians :land 'caused then
great!!foss. They did ,n4t- waver,' however,!
ihndreplied tb our' artilh!ry manfully; their
' t shot frilling among our. Men as they lay,-and
carrying WI
, egs and arnis at -every round.
, Lerd fß b eglan ) at last hathone.iveary tor this
;inaetLyity-4fillia:epirit;wesi u,--he•' looked at
~:p;iut,sll and : saiw men oil,„ *Wu, he knew. he
; might stake the honor : ,and ilite t of Great trie r
'aim, b r y liii aid, aiid. `intieipating a little in
!the Military itit of vie* the eriSiatc;fitetiLi
the ga- 1 e ordelrs for our'. whole, line to itd' %mo.
Up rose thesciserried 11111.405, and passing thro i
a &initial shilver. of riiiiiid, shotand shel4
Ithey,dashed - writo;the AVMs; ii.tul, `floundered!
through itsowaters; whieh! Were. :literally ;torn
. IntObam byl the deadly laaii4 - .1' 1 - .. , ..: : ,-' .;
• , :Ati, theother side a rho - firer were sr!iistu.
bfr d i f•Vineylardi, -..tai Mi t. t surprise-. they
weret--tscupleid by 1; , • &ism= , rifharmen. - --
. Three of the itiff were here shot down, kit led
1.14 : Lbrd. .I*lan." in perkon,,l` they: advaeced,
' - eteetiteg. eae ittft-1 . .,411d rictw innne: Abe
; titrmug poll) of the hattleon-wbkLh,orß
d a
tilan, by .his-t
tgiii:ity arul#lilitary rlcilt, limb:: a smallersaerifiee •
Om Iwouldilavii - beew otherWilie...the .-ettse.---
Me' dished . tive;tife bridgiylsllewed;:hy , his
staff. l i From; the rilipl-over lt,sunditt , the Hild
shirr guns, he saw the sfata-of the uetion.—t
The pritish - line whiCh lie , hador9ored-le ad-'
'vatted`,- , 'saw - 41414041g !thrnugh the.river and
. 143 tit:3'641410 fottittikte;? firm indeed;' hitt
hioVek4d doWli' by i the ! toordOiotiti fit& ot . the,
'hititei* -iiiid, , ,twiirapfr i kioand
,4ltet,. , shell;
canister, ews4 shot,,atitVintialtetryifkini Saiito
-orth+. - ginis . ttf !tie - onititv'brateiy, 't . akrt - roha ,
alfintmerise mo'conipativinalmorittiosiattio.
.-,ti ?V'':- ' ...AI \,:i..t 4.11'-.4.3e1,-::‘:; t-; ,s ~ :k t . .it -1 . 14
I , : • i
, 7t,f.3 sa'
Shivwhieltonlya • , too-well: Ititheothet bitt
fantry.„' Then
~. , ii,tl•, - miq, of the most
bloody . and d ainutied—strugglis in the an
nals of 4:4iia. ,:t i`o44 , l3ivitironiletl ,. 2byllitD.
'tial!e, in the '.; ' - st - tysliingfManner;--7eiossed. :
the stream on ahe 'rigtitreThe ith FusilerN
led-by.. Cell Y. *fere swept , down- by fifties. 1
The 65* 30th and.ettith; ledyiky-,B6goXertiW.]
titht r, witaiiras a the thickest of therielt;iht er't •
ing again again. were checked
indeed, Itet- a .
,a' zcigowdoek•kn.their : _opward
l • ,' , -,-,,- 3T140. IT,,rnar•44 ilvfl ' ' OW°. roll
of- -I i`i , ief,r4l.4 eiry;',and lir*. Miips, with
'the • teria47th .114 40iN'tiri:slelYblititgeil ute:,
the I#ll, a.' , •ii it4-pielli'lii the' battle. ' Slid
• ,
-Gedrke - . wti reogipielious on wgrartorge.÷ .
rodiki _ lit . • his 'Light. Divisi!in,, urging,:
them •Aviiiik4h.ii i
.w v4ce•san4 f. g4st.ure. , GatlaA 4 -
, follow_ they
~ ere, worthy of
.such, s . gallant
chief. ,' The S!•erith, diminished * 6y - knip•billi;'
feu back to re a im'theii coluitiii lost . fot t h e :
tithe :`the-23d :;*ith' eight °Meets: di kdsl -aed - il
tour visaimacsi,,WOV:StiErushing to the:l l . o n;
aided - by the Ilith, 334-1744 and
n ...88 4771a
Down * , cat S r George in. :. . cloud-of ; 44st in
front df tke'lvttery., .He was 'Soon up, and
StoUXeac ” Twieniy-third; I'M all . right. : Be
sure 111 remember this day ." 'and led. them
in the_~h~xlc pinduce& by :the-:
iul the gathlnt reghpent stder : ::
paralyied .fur. a ntOpaent.
ghards on the 'right `of Ilia - Light
,the Brigade of Itighlailders,
the hights un the Their,
- • the the,
on again, -I)ut
fall of their el
ed.: terribly, %.
'Meantime the
Divi's'ion, -, and
were stotmitn
w' air
,teas. . Int, , ,ltts-Te.gular as lough, they . iniHyd Perk. Suddenly a tornado of
round and or. pe :rushed ,through front the ter-„
ribte battery, and , a roar of tmisketry. 1 . t.661
behind think d their front ranks by dozens:
It vas eviden thaewe Were just - able to con.=
tend against
i lle li.llSSialla, fit,tored , as they Wile
by ragreat.p sition. ,At this. very, "Bute, au.
inuncusdlnas :of dt,nssian. infantry - scen
moVing dow - toward the battery. They halt-,
ed.' It'-was , fie crisis Of the day. . Sharp i an:
giilar, and-So id, they lOoked ai if they were
cut out of the solid.rnek., .1t was,beiond all
doubt tlint - ,ifour infantry,harrassed andthin
nor, a$ they,.vere, got into, the battery, they
wiinid.haVe- o"enconnter again a . formidable
fire: which - th y sic=re but ill calf ulated to bear.
'Lord Ra4.7,lan saw the, difficulties of the tittle
tion, He aked if it would be posAibie tagct
a couple of = m3 4 .te lwar-on tlioso masaw...--;-.
.The o reply -w s,"Nes," , ;to au artillery' qtri
eel- whoSe nme do IRA knOw, brought Up
twO guna. to 16e
' in the `Russian - squares.'
The first' si it -m ssed, but the twit, and the
next.; and th n t t uti through .the -rauks,so
keenly, that a cl , ar lane could be .seen, for a
moment thu„ -- - the_7.sqiiire. - - after a few
rounds tlitc litnms ofthe square. became bii=o
ken, wavers to and 11:o, broke and fled over.
the - brow o r he hill, leaving 'behind therti Six
f !,
-*rseeir dis ticOlues of dead, Iyingus cloth its POAble - to each other, marking="iliepes
sage f of the atal messengers. This
our intui rot - a deadly incubus, and they
continued .t 1 eir.magnifieent, and
,fearful pro
gress up thhill. ' The Mike. encouraged 'his . ,
men by voi 'find eXaniple;" and.proVed hint-..]
self NS orthypfliii proud command 'and:of-the'
ro,Y-all race from. whickhe coni. , " : Highland: ,
ers," . said ; , -it C Campbell, .ere they came
to the char,e, A I, aril going_ to ask "a
favor ;of
ycu ; it-is 'sat yOu will' att so as to ju.-tif3i.
me in a . 4kin: perrnilitin ofiheQtieen foeyou
"to wear a bonnet" •Don't pull• atriager':till,/
you're with ay:n.(l oftliellussiaiis I : TheY
charged ant we li• l ttiey.obey ; pl 'their ehiertalti's
wish; Sir 0 liiii"had hiStorse simtuader v 6,
but his toe teolthe InitterY at li„bolind.L-
Thellussia s rushed out. anti left multitudes
olden() 'bet) ad them: ' The Guard had storm
ed the irigh =.of-tbe battery are,t the i l-lighland 7
ers, got into the eft,, and. it is said the. Scots
FusileeF;G 'ids, were. the - trit/to enter. L.-
The 'SeConellitil'pght`',frivi.:siti crowned tlia-i
height - S. Th 'French turned the gimsOntheitill
against the. • ying - mnsses, Widelt.;the - ;:c%valry.
in vain pie it ,to, toyer: 'A few:faint struggles
from. thc s ttcred - infittitry,, , a feWcepUnds of
cannon an
. ransketrv/and the enemy fled tU - ,,
thd•south-e st leirini, three'generals,,t drums'
thmte -- guns; l 7oo'fitlsotteria and 4.o6'ivonndett
behind the .. illiiii battle Of- the Alma was
viou: ,At w - wOn with - a loSi of nearly 3,00 Ct
killed and, • ounded on oar side.- - Then.list
will apptia 'n altew. days. The litts.siatt rp7
treat was ver id by their cayalry;but i(we
had had e ari tidemite forc..e we could liiive cap:.
tured man ., gut land' multitudes - of, prison
ers. /.,. • -I ~- ._ . ... ' •
../ ,
Every itt?
Wit bwpLawiet. Lawyer-Self 1 4 ./Ofenue .
- tiiumpitant '''' • ' ' : :'•
':.'At tfle hl r st te' e 4 ethe Orange Co. '(N. Y.
Ceurt the. f;illewitigtiti:e WaS tiled; upon whiCh
the jurY yr! 9 addrmed by the defendant, who'
had conelu ed' to appear in his - i own defence :.1
The .P plc , - vs. James' ..4/kTkin,-.—This was 1
a very int resiiii,g,ease, rendered , s6from tlu.
fact that the defendant acted as ' his dwii law--
yer '`.? . .:in the tria With.nit havifig the advatt-
tage of 1 , .4(i g on e C fthe, legal fraternity. His .
' samlnieg up,' .)f.whieh N we are able to_giv,e
nearly ilt v, riruttie. report, with ..the, exec
of the i act. tigvas decidedly rieh, and afror.
i l
- atia much musernent fbr the legal gentlemah
preset - if. e' defendant;`` who is a small red
haired, thi ,speciinen el a. - Yaukee, Vas -IW.
dieted for. n as4aultaed -.battery...,ou .ens .-. Mr.
pedder. ,:The liets, , as ,divulged npoti .trial.
are lirii.lly as follows : - The defendent is . " is
the ein ple ~, - of ibe'NfOniatip ! V:tileY, roireit.
burg and Port. Jervis Plank Road ConiPany.
as a. tail', thir2e, and .resides' upeit•lhe readi
some rail :ab:OveTurt..Jorii ► ! Tip ;fwd. ,0e
emnplalpa it t
,r_, P94de„r,,,uru, near_ 1141
.- _
'On a Sunda r in'Telinitti•Y'ligt; the' defen
dant saw the complainarit, in . the act, of beat-.
leg'histd fee dent's] . rotes' along thd - highkvay •
ittid'as'ani huintement for him to quit; hUfled l
a few ato ei , a-i.hini, °Imo( Witich,its the min=
pi:4114;4., stith#l;;atru4 Itin ou i tim 1.1a0; of
t l
PultP,Oit , _ „1 1 ~"...•.:
' The to - i lotiy: being , :einieli4ol, the defee
daiit- Air -eel the jury' iii:tbilhirs :-' ' :'-' ' ,", - -1-.
11 :
GiliiiTt. 34101'6P - 110114nRY I...ftiliOn't:inOw.
iitttelt',abt it 111.%,1itt/d.:nino thOriAl.'.l)l46-th4ol
*big On havulellue.l4.4 that ;ought tp k niW
a lii,thp„.ll - 4 Tr-4.aight,t6 applOgi,, , ?, perhaps
.. t.*O'r
iippearin ' 'in 'my' own defence, and `Wilt iliro
liy;inlifii. yol' thit 'I Th4'1 . 6006 . -lawyer, t tifid
I l ln.
<hired:rine her, - nrthiseaie, - .hht thii-botheoiiie
•up mis. , iitig when I need thellFAllks.t. fi.IAP••
I I nllght - have secured-the. 'kfrvices of
, guine of.th4se othei:qiiiiba:of the:laav i !,thati
Ace a r o° me s ttutllinVillg*i; l 4 4:114044. , 'tt,Y
Ar'f).'S": +1 gl itv.: o i c'X, '',l ll
itt ! lk l itri heteit . t to, to lt y . olt . gen-
'ifeineb, l l efordirgtip tiii*i
oTartherittitWitlsrnOt my'
&tilt 'Ali i - thi; 1 , 4 Where tititlhtnti, tlatAita4:l
7OfilthiS-vr. *Mini Inenlirt,:ilithinklon Willey()
:tuae.d, l'br v 1 1.44044 'with, Vibto4 tIAY Aii."t
4:941 1 . 4, ..k 4 ‘4!_,49# , triOkiPVl l / 4 41 .- 4 .1•0 141 1
'',ftlie '.1::: ‘eq,dp tre , ltA"be(ylr Aapfat.o_,Mo
- ft 4f.illailaialitit AIM 1 /tfl,l
,&;1 4 ihiat iffieulfrPotliii* -1 111f tifitAkkvattiltu.
' k•..i.1. - .,tliv , .: 4 --.2..•k;V....;,,,:`,31..A ',-is. '
~~~t.w«.1.~ `
- t•:.'tlitt - 1-fr.;74 - 1
• .••• -
lzat c 6-
. to 7-4,;;.:,•
2.: I:
r, y . ',. •., - • . , r , „; ~..•,,,,....1.,,na .. ,‘ r
f Or'' 'l l9. e .# 4,lll §:o# l4l ,C itiade . ;, ba r'''' , .' ' V -' '
il rrf. )
wk. .- Irerthen_char4ed':64.,t, j . ~ ~... ..., ,
Innli-_§. ll ..P.fiYl•sPr 41 4. 1 . h( "4,— , :4 3 —,,
.4. -- / '.` l_tAt. ". .'
ric ol lectcms,;and.ko ,ll o*-8 1 4i1W4„; !"414,,i9r 2 •
at O . :13.4-t4 04fililL:i,41-14-ITaleplifrE,4l
'di "iitell 6 9l4 l qrYtlis: l l.ow°- ~. jar eit
~,a , ; , ,cop-4 - #!ik ,1, 9,44;31N
10,, a1
I_ ,S4,
ti uitc t* C „ tt,d_
~tnat kna reo un._ .1 W4en,jEk 'IS •
. ' • 1 Ip.. ,34 .P. wi n + )-,.. :-.. Y
ea - amble :be 9r4 ,141 e • 5T. 11 4'92. 4 1 afk e4fler b e
ciiiiierPie -, ATUsitei, ItaSiskii/1"0:W•i.W. I re r ' - -
h4d:',wriellready; or It . .*ln i '4l4o/ - Aot#fid tk,',..
it;ll:4o;:tlifi;ie-4hieb it A ve44l : '', , v x ? fr-,- ; ,.: . , .
o .r4tbrile- , i4:50 1 0-*- t4=o4:*** ~ r.: ! NOMA " '
syga Idfe: ll Wi r i4g: 4en s tiftili l: ' 1 ,4 41 1 1 4,1!
,t i -4 Vii, cliiilial huiliatid,:lalie — , iyoptip , :
11 9 t m,.52, ,ggi_ria,._•°r l tby FY.II,,sePF! tYI.fT . :
. 943'..1 - VP . •' , c ourt:. -- i" .1 7.::";-: :-7, ~.4 - ..,. .'• ~ e •
. ar s ;su icnoi , i,fieptiiiinan, that. kami,lll*-I*'
p 14 1. 0 04.e . **!ip_ 11. 4 1 0* 1 4 6 : 40 1 4
' Pbrt :e l •O'Yi l :Pli tak, ii*ftli . :4oo '.• .
keener. '2 Thi,i, - e&ripani, A ;:sge* . 1 41.404,. __
ilwit,Too9.e' . I . ln Y-intOgrit.rzl.. l , ll A 1 0. 1 0" - . •
to:0 1 " 8. 4:4P IA 0/At il3 Porttat , PtPti-tAla ,
even •if 1 1 altiild're9eli..o ;$3OOO and OAT. '
'of it„, ll 4',,Sbekeeniiiiilid . o*§4 . '_a_VlA,rl„fme...i
'iilts•P' s Pd '' . T. l4 ":id'e"' .4 soh/ . * /"ANY; Yak .
the 4 1 04+-atqeselit me 11 P144 4 ?*ffiAkrril&): tolls th)S - DOdder was :Sine- pt.*, „Jul, - .
hbitant i s3 ' founct there; in: i1ii;;Wii 4 4,a 0 4. , ..41 - - '..
will say lor him thatheiSti, 'Veil fair , EiPiel '‘,
men octhe rest of the population.... But thest :
isn't - - -an .Otthetti . .that Soemb§ , 4oo , rate 4 1 :
the ben fits' of this Plank •Roadi.,, , •
~...7 im - •,:- •
It let - civilization i , cliktialigr moult-. ,
ho; eirer. before realized the idea_that.-there.‘„ - •
,0 -as such a thing as . 'civilized:: rifa,..randtiktiT •\, '
' odd er is one of.thern.'-it IS (lAA thAiSOOD.
/after I, Moved there, s'yottn-rivouttui s lievelt-
teen y :i.5..01d, cum down.out at tifer Moon- --
ins on. the -Plankroad, one day,.and said :eh. •_, 4
dneVer been out before., •Shelairly_soem-
ed surprisediO see 4,and atter e...---.
king a few questions went , backintqthe-wOod,.
his. I.Sder.was my - 'nearest• neighbotland h• .
deaf'- nearer, than I .wanted him,Auld, .'. - •
llndia ibeen there long, betlireileard he Ila4i ' _
been lying about me to•one of the Director,.
and I soon found out that,he wanted to gru -, •.:
his son, who was sworn - hererageinit me, - IL, -'
my place.. But he hasn't dons it yet, and if
rvou don't, I reckon hevon't vOr - ;
. •
It Nr,,,n't take long to dispose of Dodder N. • '
- , 4 . Ile testi fi es thaf..he saw, Me throw - , thre..•
isiones at his father. and saw • the '4,411d-mint* ' -
dodge.'On his erase. examination, he say . ..;-:...'
that he was in. his own honse,in'the , q.pos;h, •.' a -
and had,to look over a hill. twenty. .feet
.high: :.-
and also over three slab fences and•tWO.stone• , •
Walls.;, Nell, it he tells , the. truth, all ivi - sl.,
is- tha I : had, young , .I)odder's74o. ~_ lie - , iz•: -
'certainly, a remarkable. boy; and f ca,n't. cools= - -
tently deny his,k'fitther.' „. . •••'. , 4-- - -.,,i •
I:um willing'.,to admit•that .I_49,fliplwrang, -,
to throw :.stones at Dodderond,tapologize tt•
all.•the world and_thiseenntyparticularly,tor• •
it. • ThQ POOtOrS,A,9II us than i 4. 00 ariiii.two,-,
cause-4 . rot all- cliseass. prediSpasitiemandex-•-•
'1 o , l tabitv - g L.think ;it • Was the: atteveattso Oat •
' MoVgd/ofe•to stone.p.odder.,i i l therefore ton
, , _
s . ,
fess Mysellgoilty Of theamtuilti..4mt: the bat-
tery'l den • and if you find megailty of tho
I r Y , ) - -
battery ' , X _win ;appeal from.thdeeition tO tho
Court' of , fligh Ileavenitself before I:will sub..
ktuit- it.r ."••• '., :- : '- ." _. „..._,.1-,,7,.-:?+;; '
No gen,tleraeii,4yon saw -Mr.:Dodder and .
helrdi him swear against' me., :. I asked Win a• - ,
great many que - Stions, as4st'w4ls sorry asked:
$ bear . -
11 him. hswer as he, did'. '4. • might have asked
I him•if he didn't kill my eat;„and if •he didn't
' stone-1 MY...chickens, becanse they trespassed
in• his ,woodsi , where. actually Au, mats ire SO '
rthick thWthe, brakes r ean7t. • find .. their; iirav
• through.thew; 'fait theNl kneNt heAvould 40, \
r , ny • it, would grieve me- toThearliini. -
L-1- l e:a.bilits:tbatbe.WdabiriVir4TO k y::t4AeOoW6
tip the road, and_tliat"ho struck at oue of
buvhe says it was , with a• small, swjtlih.- -I
• . . ...
hkiajprovedAliat•this,switelt was phi-about_
ten long and about three iacheseeroas - the' -.
butt., endiandl-bavealso,pried4l4. who* , ------'
kg Atrtieb;',•tboa-cow-fell. . ) It. z is tri l e-my w ij ile .4, 9
•couldn't.sivear- that the stieklit her*: bo , ..lir*
so fa.,±4buttltakc •the blow ankthe..fali to , ,
gether,.an4.we.esp; guess - that: xest.,;; , py9ll. i
gentlem*shouldSpe me. point a,,giuk. at' a; '.'.
Mall and PUll the trigger, see., : thel,fiask and - ,
htiar, i and at, the simetiniesee the_'
1m sin drop, I,,think you, *Mid say that I, shot .
him,. althou gh TottPlight.iotEleelbe* 044.rilcf; '
him. -.• . - ' '
• .
, Now : the Factis, ge.atic,..tetr, thate,oBlu4aY ) '•
was laying, on; my _lounge-:in,. -10 4 . y:. -44+4 '
when -my, wilb,sahtto nick that-.P.e..,
chasing, tapeows. I jui4ed. - -:up : tulid• idle 'Y-
on my 1 hoots aid ,went out of'd?orsousi, istit ~,
Podder,*t the-cows coming; up th, •mid
It `is true ..ha - says:' he= w-as: 1 : 0 P .4 1.1 ANICA 4 0 1:11 ;
but; says Oka he - and. the , eoWs-werlhoth go:
:iag=tdomg,the road in one 4irectio;:iftryi- thus
was a.smearas,l, ; amid Of hitii3oo43o3oiNi.
or . , the truth; , but it - is pr , oved that cows.
Were , g,Oin g ahead of Mtn; .44 1 .1••he,..wiis folk* :
ing.ifter Ahem, - with thisjittle:Awiteti,,lo feet,
long,: anifthgee inches across the bqtt, 4041 4
reckon :you'lLthtuk he wq.s.‘drit* w,,.thelP.
sung --:
I out to him ' Dodder stopl' bat, he
didn't obey. my order., and ljust threw a stone:r'
in thicdifietiou:ivhiett -,‘ , rent , atifteset
ever - hi - alma ;;ethic aeons timer.goitfg toward ' •
.Ithn f - while - he i was , eommg . , toward-- pioNft:iiio
,Piiid - 1,10 fatettlti4ti, And tlfmtg.Put againt,9; l od:: :
-der, stap,r. t still .beldidn s .t.witki..i.WW** 4 l44o - 2
litist,threwianalier stoaell, l NW4Owkiiik, -
in id oiliAveatv , anal. ; threw... 4. ithke4 • ; •-lit o olifs, '
,4hich he_Says hit him -10.thalit,leit,tof4hit Reelz
but- whiclEL , thlnki.ia,..rittherl fpttiwaKiiiwitWe'
:were gdingtowardgach r ottterosifit4* - 88:swg_
,could gQ. , LBair.Wileviir_slaelreitutowti..
Ahillizatt Aft maie,within ithol4A*4ktet,,j9f '
eauh other,';.l halted and holJorokist**
of ray yoicei-',. D,odder, wht-inl, I:2 ,-,,,,,d01gt -:
you- sti:pl l about, then; he oi4..tltsitax.l
this ten-feet switch, ail if to iitrikgk•_.nke,-tl
sung out : , 1-lfr4 - #l)ctaderdo94 101' f•Y ( )"
•may , wollulk 10 Pow-§i.kUtiff4rgott .101 1 uP t!lo
midi:that:Jodi* .yon i # wa1ik.. 0 & 4141141 _ ,
lhat. 7 ll,itoc.kTl [tiero the .0repr414164401) , ..
propriategestgre (tithe heakaiitlit*Aat,, -
-:hooking i :whitihwastille•weA Wittamitt!..,sta
844anttklutil latighter, , that, coatihoiectipegmi .'
iminntea.i!,-. 4.11 4 , _ ,. `, , . - .; '!.;f4.7.k715:; tt : • :
~.g. , Now, gealeluet;i - I . ( You cotalt..o2t'. '' 'POPII**.
- , ,,CourtAvia:faueme $2BO. ond..Aki:six
imonthNiaati ifAioa jussono
coaviets4l-47.this aosaalt . aikyfttforlimoxi '
fayor,o Je g
'Aire laws,?.Whettiiti_; ity: hi til*•. : .;r001 , 011,4 4 4tikye '
Law the - NOtitilko Bili,' or 40 ilit**.„4 , w 3 .
Iv.wi4-Otskyalt&little Itm, l 4OVigiNfttllntch i
I ' '"
li bo li - 1 Avinl4fili' ' ll l°'
talits-justiieptL a: Q , -_ - :,,.. :,,.- • .;_.
Speaker here picked up a 1aw.114 :. ' A:Y .
as follows4)-- t t Every-msaa hawk r . .. It to , e
,1014 l i t.ms4C-094,-pe. 1A..: .'. 7 ;4 SI °W
t .l. dea fi ktiPatrWl i pt* this 4,1 w - ...;. , k b3it
444-0 inwitts'it! 4 0 14 (4- 1 N - . i.. , - ktiot.'
IticwitiurstAtiPlL : ' ' , l _,___ - "
lagrici4.l4hhim w.tat..-w" . .AF
~.Fe tr - ,.,mw
, iftr 4 - ' IIVI
‘. l f d:;•,1
7 .e ,- _ , .i:1 7- ._.::k.i...e_141 - ,:g•f7. - 1 ,- :,1
tw.1 4 ,..".4. , ..i*, , ,%:-: