`~.- i 1 ' VOLU Die. 4 1 41 BATTLE Oi T*. to' the Alma. , on rmi , s; • , Tuesday, Sept, 19 1854. ere givm by Lord Mg aehoulit 'strike ;tits at all tents •shonbrl',be. sent the fleet. :Our advanee upon, amd= it, ytas under , light. (Avalry luul--been of. all suPplies up .to a ur lines tvio-grove rifle,' throw a large-solid conical ball, with foree;at 1 'and 800 ,iards","' as the .French. leirnedio the . ' Cost. Therincipal 'bitter) , 'cisnsiited or'' p an h-' r *oik of the fohli ickr two sides` of • a tri ' le,, *hit the apex pointed toward 'the brid '," mid ;du; sides covering both- sides of :the st fun, 4sA g* l respondiditlithe bend in the rive le' be low it at the dlitalfee of 1,000 pods, wi!ile at, '. 4 ii Or 'elesiaticai,the'32 , poundera tlinew; tis ?We' l i iaier,,veryloftee jiOytitid the houses or the sjl-, la - gi , ' to the distancn of 1,400 and 1,500 Earda.,l ITlOS'a:dottste,seted on the brim Or a hill a-,' jGo . i ii'MWre,efiLOolie the river,: but ''-thc-,'hilli roae' — belhid it Tor ' anOth er 50'fee t be' it ' . dipped a ay ltard the read. The , lethe hat wai i 4nfihided-by the fire Of ithree', ; ;another sin on the' right, d bi l ', r'aricither 'iin th 4 let and 'thesp-tifitteries .kvent, ' . #44)iitty inpitbV:pt , covering the: rills ' ain't i; rStreallldinfi.#4 l , Q6o3'whieh ledtp - ,th ' hilt tOtheitlOiltick , rtY.the first battery isFe Ifi l / 824tiounder 100 ilitik‘orOc , (ollllth YACd . illanl ~„..; - ,:' !,, 7, i • tfi In - t), 0 44, -* ad!: 'P.uo -, :non - hie' : er%. • 0 •11 ,IE I'M:CB EX Or Gt VERMEENT." [06611813 ~,t1 •.. ' d ... some: . -.: ; ..,' ' a 11.. , V. . '.. L. r: .:,..; miles ,we t re , guns Jn it w.as sem thelguits. had' 1i `. gtitisiiit - the'' Mile' iffit 40,00 eri -- 00%b Unhand of infantry 1,0t)o strip* ' , tif:the - 6 th, 81st, 82d.and_ , C(2B reglme4 •) - 1 I'AV. - ..*.ere 'oPPllied .PfinCiPalit: v f to th Old '' I regiments, indging_hy r the ninnher 41 Idea . iii - &ait' of" 1 Us."—;-hai'e mif I 'iienl'able to aseertain ' . .by 'lt Whoin'etey wel.e nalbmandedut there is . a{ Oberst re'. pc:0.0144 Meiteike ctinittuttehd!the: army in ehlef,and,that thellefkwas under,,Groe.haloff,, ti.ipativeafiliediplematist, andithat,the right was unde' It;:idahUff the Militlity - Governor oil% , §tope •' `l,t' titilso` affirmed -that the - *rive lof Nenehikoir virus ! talien, - and - .'„iia: it was al 4d aitopi of 611114,844 k ,fid4Msse4 Ao.: the. - E m ! • ._(,_ , fru whi„(..*,,the Prince stated. that. 40 1 600 i, en tnigt talce.SeiastOpol; but that" 80,000 Men -coil dbe held in check for'*eekS - lil by the*iisition of the Alma.,.• •:Lerge 'masses of'cataltyairinCiPally lancers antl heavy dra goen+,llninehve ed On the hills.ion ; the right r of,the - ussian and at last-, descended , the . Iti4, . ekor t ed t he:,; stream, and' threatened mir leftan4f. '.- '`s we rime :near the tiv erlOtir left Wince was throwO :back; - in' order; tn, supOrt 14ur triad force of e4valry, • and . a ptirtiou. f our rtillery was ,pushed forward blithe s, meidir thin. Our danget in this,re inreet W dete ted by the quid: eye of - Sir f s G t eorge Bilwti 'and I heard him give the or th!tir for' he mo t ement of the, artillery almost, aSsooit l as "lie mega sight of:the enemy's cav-, alry, and jiiSt as we were corning.to the +vil lage. .A.s .fve already said, bur plan of op erations-ova'sl in t t the "French should establish h ia theselveshn er the lireof" the guns on the higtts on the extreme of theenemy's left.:--,. NY hen i thatiatock was sutficieutly developed; (Ma luul met With success, , the; ,British .army ., was to forep the right and part, of the eenter, of the Russian position,, and the daY - was gain is 'When We were about three-miles troth tile villtve4 the •Frenely steamers 'ran as close .24 they cotild 'to .the bluff of the shore at „the sOuth side:Of he-Alm a, and pre§ently we. saw, them ihellitig the bights ia splendid style, - the shellS buritin ' over the enemy's squares and batteries, 'a'nd finally driving them from their position oti, the right, within 84000, ,yards. of tlieSea. ..ji • ; - , 'I The .Freoc4.practiee • crime:iced W)oiit.l2'- 1 . 4 o'-elpelti mid lasted forateeit ail, 'hour and sAndf: We 'could see the, shells falling over the: batteries of the eneiny, , and bilesting, right into them 4 -find then the black masses inside -*el werks;brake into little specks, which flew about inallifrections, and. :When the snioke, 1 eiefri)-4_ wire there were some to 'bo' seen fi"O.sled. of the grnund:' . .The Russians an sWered the ships trom tho'hights, but - without 44:4 AipOwder tumbril was blown np,by . al FrOch shell ; another -shell fell .f;y acci-' dent-into an iiinbu.seade whieh the lliissians i I 'i • *'' l' ' ;lid korepat:ed t .sr the athaneing, trench, and at, last they . ew off frinn the ' - sea-side: and. 1. einifined diet efforts to the' efense ofthe gul.-- les and high s;beyond the fire of the heavy. I: i :of the.s earners.. .A,,t, : 1, o'clock we saw_ the ; er!4 'wins struggiing,up the ,hills;, Covert.. . • a cloud 'of SkirbitSllo:3, 'thoie fir e mended m'e , tleadlY. - - . onee,.: - 'at sight" . of a threatetiing il ~..•'. - o - t' f Russian infantry; , in -a, eomthataityg position, above them, who fired rapid volleyslapeng them, the French panted but itwasi only.to collect their skirmisherS, - crifftB soon ' they tl3 n - - br ntd'thcv ran iii,', the kill itt the Pas .de ihar.n., and broke the Rusa t hans at o 'ee, who fled.; in dis o rder ; with, loss, iiifi the ' h 11. W e could, see men drop-' al pingion both 'di* and the; wounded rolling' down the stee . ,At '1,50, our line' of, skir mishersget'N ithie.range of the battery oh' ,-.) tlte:l4ll,.and - i ' mediately the Russiaai open edl::o. fiie at 1,2 yards withelfect, ..the shot plOWing_throu h the open , lines of 'the Rifle men, and failing into the advaicing coluns hohind. .ShOttly ei.e thisl time dense col '.limes of smoke`-rose frdin the river, - and drift od alcing to the eastward; rather ihterfering, Wiili. the view of the enemy on the left of.our. position.:The Russians had set the village; en fire. .It was a fair -ekereise of 'military skilr—wai we l executed--4-tookTplace iit' the t . tight-time, and • sticteeded . in ' occasioning a good - deal ofamiernee. -troops - trtiops halted ?rhea they nearel .. l this village, -their; left' ek- tending beyond it hy the ierge of the stream; ourright behind , the-, burning cottagss, and Within range if the batteries. It is: said the : ItusSians had aken "the 'ranger& all the prin. Opal points iit their front,t and placed ' 'twigs turl!sticks to inark them. 1 In this they: were' assisted by the post sifm-boards . on the road. The Russitinropenet a i furiousifire , on. the 'whole of our line,-. hut the French had not ; yet, made progrts' enough to jhstify_ n`S in , tidvtincin . g.. The , round shot whirzedlii • every direction &Sting hi? the dirt , and x sand into the faces of the stet'' of - Loixl• Raglen, ivhO were al shelled Sevterely,,taid attracted Much of the- emy's fire,. Still toiltßag lau waited yatiently .fo'r,tlat. development *of the t French - attack'. At length . '. an Aide de- Panip,came - io him aid, .:reported that, the ,Prettelt hadossed the alma, but they had n ei o establish dhemSelie's,snf fi ciently to jus tify. us in ii.,; t attack; !The intinnry were ;therefore, ordered to lie 4 evrTl;lthd the twiny. font short tirite was qiiitelpassivo; only-.that . . i.)ur artillery, ~iotireti lurch an unceasing fire' . , of shell, rockets and roniid shot, - which plot - I ed through the Russians :land 'caused then great!!foss. They did ,n4t- waver,' however,! ihndreplied tb our' artilh!ry manfully; their ' t shot frilling among our. Men as they lay,-and carrying WI , egs and arnis at -every round. , Lerd fß b eglan ) at last hathone.iveary tor this ;inaetLyity-4fillia:epirit;wesi u,--he•' looked at ~:p;iut,sll and : saiw men oil,„ *Wu, he knew. he ; might stake the honor : ,and ilite t of Great trie r 'aim, b r y liii aid, aiid. `intieipating a little in !the Military itit of vie* the eriSiatc;fitetiLi the ga- 1 e ordelrs for our'. whole, line to itd' %mo. Up rose thesciserried 11111.405, and passing thro i a &initial shilver. of riiiiiid, shotand shel4 Ithey,dashed - writo;the AVMs; ii.tul, `floundered! through itsowaters; whieh! Were. :literally ;torn . IntObam byl the deadly laaii4 - .1' 1 - .. , ..: : ,-' .; • , :Ati, theother side a rho - firer were sr!iistu. bfr d i f•Vineylardi, -..tai Mi t. t surprise-. they weret--tscupleid by 1; , • &ism= , rifharmen. - -- . Three of the itiff were here shot down, kit led 1.14 : Lbrd. .I*lan." in perkon,,l` they: advaeced, ' - eteetiteg. eae ittft-1 . .,411d rictw innne: Abe ; titrmug poll) of the hattleon-wbkLh,orß d a tilan, by .his-t tgiii:ity arul#lilitary rlcilt, limb:: ibis-aeeuredithervictory.at a smallersaerifiee • Om Iwouldilavii - beew otherWilie...the .-ettse.--- Me' dished . tive;tife bridgiylsllewed;:hy , his staff. l i From; the rilipl-over lt,sunditt , the Hild shirr guns, he saw the sfata-of the uetion.—t The pritish - line whiCh lie , hador9ored-le ad-' 'vatted`,- , 'saw - 41414041g !thrnugh the.river and . 143 tit:3'641410 fottittikte;? firm indeed;' hitt hioVek4d doWli' by i the ! toordOiotiti fit& ot . the, 'hititei* -iiiid, , ,twiirapfr i kioand ,4ltet,. , shell; canister, ews4 shot,,atitVintialtetryifkini Saiito -orth+. - ginis . ttf !tie - onititv'brateiy, 't . akrt - roha , alfintmerise mo'conipativinalmorittiosiattio. .-,ti ?V'':- ' ...AI \,:i..t 4.11'-.4.3e1,-::‘:; t-; ,s ~ :k t . .it -1 . 14 I , : • i , 7t,f.3 sa' tr. Shivwhieltonlya • , too-well: Ititheothet bitt fantry.„' Then ~. , ii,tl•, - miq, of the most bloody . and d ainutied—strugglis in the an nals of 4:4iia. ,:t i`o44 , l3ivitironiletl ,. 2byllitD. 'tial!e, in the '.; ' - st - tysliingfManner;--7eiossed. : the stream on ahe 'rigtitreThe ith FusilerN led-by.. Cell Y. *fere swept , down- by fifties. 1 The 65* 30th and.ettith; ledyiky-,B6goXertiW.] titht r, witaiiras a the thickest of therielt;iht er't • ing mrilis.men again again. were checked indeed, Itet- a . ,a' zcigowdoek•kn.their : _opward l • ,' , -,-,,- 3T140. IT,,rnar•44 ilvfl ' ' OW°. roll of- -I i`i , ief,r4l.4 eiry;',and lir*. Miips, with 'the • teria47th .114 40iN'tiri:slelYblititgeil ute:, the I#ll, a.' , •ii it4-pielli'lii the' battle. ' Slid bill,; • , -Gedrke - . wti reogipielious on wgrartorge.÷ . rodiki _ lit . • his 'Light. Divisi!in,, urging,: them •Aviiiik4h.ii i .w v4ce•san4 f. g4st.ure. , GatlaA 4 - , follow_ they ~ ere, worthy of .such, s . gallant chief. ,' The S!•erith, diminished * 6y - knip•billi;' feu back to re a im'theii coluitiii lost . fot t h e : tithe :`the-23d :;*ith' eight °Meets: di kdsl -aed - il tour visaimacsi,,WOV:StiErushing to the:l l . o n; aided - by the Ilith, 334-1744 and n ...88 4771a Down * , cat S r George in. :. . cloud-of ; 44st in front df tke'lvttery., .He was 'Soon up, and StoUXeac ” Twieniy-third; I'M all . right. : Be sure 111 remember this day ." 'and led. them in the_~h~xlc pinduce& by :the-: iul the gathlnt reghpent stder : :: paralyied .fur. a ntOpaent. ghards on the 'right `of Ilia - Light ,the Brigade of Itighlailders, the hights un the Their, - • the the, on again, -I)ut fall of their el ed.: terribly, %. 'Meantime the Divi's'ion, -, and were stotmitn w' air tine ,teas. . Int, , ,ltts-Te.gular as lough, they . Nve.re iniHyd Perk. Suddenly a tornado of is round and or. pe :rushed ,through front the ter-„ ribte battery, and , a roar of tmisketry. 1 . t.661 behind think d their front ranks by dozens: It vas eviden thaewe Were just - able to con.= tend against i lle li.llSSialla, fit,tored , as they Wile by ragreat.p sition. ,At this. very, "Bute, au. inuncusdlnas :of dt,nssian. infantry - we.re scen moVing dow - toward the battery. They halt-, ed.' It'-was , fie crisis Of the day. . Sharp i an: giilar, and-So id, they lOoked ai if they were cut out of the solid.rnek., .1t was,beiond all doubt tlint - ,ifour infantry,harrassed andthin nor, a$ they,.vere, got into, the battery, they wiinid.haVe- o"enconnter again a . formidable fire: which - th y sic=re but ill calf ulated to bear. 'Lord Ra4.7,lan saw the, difficulties of the tittle tion, He aked if it would be posAibie tagct a couple of = m3 4 .te lwar-on tlioso masaw...--;-. .The o reply -w s,"Nes," , ;to au artillery' qtri i, eel- whoSe nme do IRA knOw, brought Up twO guna. to 16e --, ' in the `Russian - squares.' The first' si it -m ssed, but the twit, and the next.; and th n t t uti through .the -rauks,so 14: keenly, that a cl , ar lane could be .seen, for a moment thu„ -- - the_7.sqiiire. - - after a few rounds tlitc litnms ofthe square. became bii=o ken, wavers to and 11:o, broke and fled over. the - brow o r he hill, leaving 'behind therti Six f !, -*rseeir dis ticOlues of dead, Iyingus cloth its POAble - to each other, marking="iliepes sage f of the atal messengers. This our intui rot - a deadly incubus, and they continued .t 1 eir.magnifieent, and ,fearful pro gress up thhill. ' The Mike. encouraged 'his . , men by voi 'find eXaniple;" and.proVed hint-..] self NS orthypfliii proud command 'and:of-the' ro,Y-all race from. whickhe coni. , " : Highland: , ers," . said ; , -it C Campbell, .ere they came to the char,e, A I, aril going_ to ask "a favor ;of ycu ; it-is 'sat yOu will' att so as to ju.-tif3i. me in a . 4kin: perrnilitin ofiheQtieen foeyou "to wear a bonnet" •Don't pull• atriager':till,/ you're with ay:n.(l oftliellussiaiis I : TheY charged ant we li• l ttiey.obey ; pl 'their ehiertalti's wish; Sir 0 liiii"had hiStorse simtuader v 6, but his toe teolthe InitterY at li„bolind.L- Thellussia s rushed out. anti left multitudes olden() 'bet) ad them: ' The Guard had storm ed the irigh =.of-tbe battery are,t the i l-lighland 7 ers, got into the eft,, and. it is said the. Scots FusileeF;G 'ids, were. the - trit/to enter. L.- The 'SeConellitil'pght`',frivi.:siti crowned tlia-i height - S. Th 'French turned the gimsOntheitill against the. • ying - mnsses, Widelt.;the - ;:c%valry. in vain pie it ,to, toyer: 'A few:faint struggles from. thc s ttcred - infittitry,, , a feWcepUnds of cannon an . ransketrv/and the enemy fled tU - ,, thd•south-e st leirini, three'generals,,t drums' thmte -- guns; l 7oo'fitlsotteria and 4.o6'ivonndett behind the .. illiiii battle Of- the Alma was viou: ,At w - wOn with - a loSi of nearly 3,00 Ct killed and, • ounded on oar side.- - Then.list will apptia 'n altew. days. The litts.siatt rp7 treat was ver id by their cayalry;but i(we had had e ari tidemite forc..e we could liiive cap:. tured man ., gut land' multitudes - of, prison ers. /.,. • -I ~- ._ . ... ' • ../ , ~ Every itt? Wit bwpLawiet. Lawyer-Self 1 4 ./Ofenue . - tiiumpitant '''' • ' ' : :'• ':.'At tfle hl r st te' e 4 ethe Orange Co. '(N. Y. Ceurt the. f;illewitigtiti:e WaS tiled; upon whiCh the jurY yr! 9 addrmed by the defendant, who' ei. had conelu ed' to appear in his - i own defence :.1 The .P plc , - vs. James' ..4/kTkin,-.—This was 1 a very int resiiii,g,ease, rendered , s6from tlu. fact that the defendant acted as ' his dwii law-- yer '`.? . .:in the tria With.nit havifig the advatt- tage of 1 , .4(i g on e C fthe, legal fraternity. His . ' samlnieg up,' .)f.whieh N we are able to_giv,e nearly ilt v, riruttie. report, with ..the, exec of the i act. tigvas decidedly rieh, and afror. i l - atia much musernent fbr the legal gentlemah preset - if. e' defendant;`` who is a small red haired, thi ,speciinen el a. - Yaukee, Vas -IW. dieted for. n as4aultaed -.battery...,ou .ens .-. Mr. pedder. ,:The liets, , as ,divulged npoti .trial. are lirii.lly as follows : - The defendent is . " is the ein ple ~, - of ibe'NfOniatip ! V:tileY, roireit. burg and Port. Jervis Plank Road ConiPany. as a. tail', thir2e, and .resides' upeit•lhe readi some rail :ab:OveTurt..Jorii ► ! Tip ;fwd. ,0e emnplalpa it t ,r_, P94de„r,,,uru, near_ 1141 i; hors. ~ .- _ 'On a Sunda r in'Telinitti•Y'ligt; the' defen dant saw the complainarit, in . the act, of beat-. leg'histd fee dent's] . rotes' along thd - highkvay • ittid'as'ani huintement for him to quit; hUfled l a few ato ei , a-i.hini, °Imo( Witich,its the min= pi:4114;4., stith#l;;atru4 Itin ou i tim 1.1a0; of t l PultP,Oit , _ „1 1 ~"...•.: ' The to - i lotiy: being , :einieli4ol, the defee daiit- Air -eel the jury' iii:tbilhirs :-' ' :'-' ' ,", - -1-. 11 : GiliiiTt. 34101'6P - 110114nRY I...ftiliOn't:inOw. iitttelt',abt it 111.%,1itt/d.:nino thOriAl.'.l)l46-th4ol *big On havulellue.l4.4 that ;ought tp k niW a lii,thp„.ll - 4 Tr-4.aight,t6 applOgi,, , ?, perhaps .. t.*O'r iippearin ' 'in 'my' own defence, and `Wilt iliro liy;inlifii. yol' thit 'I Th4'1 . 6006 . -lawyer, t tifid I l ln.