that these were &nes° effee,tually - -t ing was tett but a beap.ofistnOking The soldiers who.SurviVed fener, of their lord:were Permitted ; to ~ retire, - or *enter - the artily against ivihiek they ,lkita so recently fought. ritzalatt was also suffered to depart with the lady Margaret, who was placed on a litter,• And -cbnveyed from the, scene of the recent itrife, and put 'under, the prote4ion of her own fandlY. The. Duke of, Norfoly' did ,not enjoy 'an imint4rrupted triumph; for soon after the dead" .Of Travallyn, Henry '.caused queen, Githerine :Howard; (the Duke's niece) t4Yl34lbeheaded..forat or Suppeised-e6Mns; Her, death was l fellOWed„ibylhat of his,„Son • . the amiable and . **some Earl of Surrey, Who Was brought to,j the block; having been unjustly net...used of plotting against the King. Surrey was a younglnobleman of the•bright est promise . ; he'eicelled in every-- amain plishtnent which adOns thapeholar,.the cour t tier,- and the „soldier ,the encouraged the fine arti by his. patronage and example ;,-• and was the first whObrougbt our - lan g uage in poetry to any degree of refineMent. The dukehim ! ; self did not escape unscathed ;, for ,not only weroLhis 'future- days beelouded and : embit tee!! by these severe domestic calatuitias,but .he himself ,beeatue so .obnoxiou's to the as,: pleasure of the King, that he would have been, brought to the it not been- for -the opportune death of frienry, betbre - ,tife• .trar.taut for his exeent ion' could be signed.: -- Of the countess Of Trevailyqt- wu must say a few words. She had not wituksed the. death of_the Earl, not having recovered from the it of insensibility into war& she had fal len Jin his arms. - But she was told- that he .died as 51. soldier shOuld, his face towarAls and. .that, Norfolk, :whose hate hakt been yal.tlaiiy apPeased , by his had .! - laid hint in "the Iseptilehre of his .fathers.'. Lolg,- king did the remembrkitn.!e of that. hot.- . riblenight.haunt . the dreams of the bereaved countess. Oil. was she awoke from her - un ntiief slumbers bylth fa e ncied din of tups and bray of -battle. She faded. like a.. flower. plueked from . The, Stem which gave it - nourish,. . triOtt. The iron had entered into.her -sett]." Her afketion wasittasttid the `bud.;, and the heart - whielt ha d so often . thrilled . With the •deepest and purest- affection. soon '• ceased -to . vibrate when it .was left ilisolate She died ranrmuring the .14no ltim who 'had been sd rudely- torn -from litr, and imploring Heaven that she tzltight meet hip in that laud where separation Is unknown; and where sor ., rciw is a Arauger .0 woman ! thy. ,loVe-is priceless what oh earth -can be compared unto it tiTis like the..sbestos flee, whieh.when once lighted, rcinains uneonsunied -forever'! .. . • - I ~ RIOT IN NEWARK, li.. J. 1 , ill lAttack on a Pridesta a t .Proce,swion by .Catli- I :.c P ~- . 1 " olics--Catholie . - . 6llo'cit' • Sacked.--Nhe . first i la I • • . • . 11 • • - , annual parade of the. Protestant...:tssoeiation I m ,_,.,1' - ,-- „, . . , I woges .of !Amy ...kersey aet...q3rti,pluiliNt ov tni; - 1 ,-,.. .18dges of New Y_Lirk•- and Brooklyn, in. honor I . an 1 of the first session.of 'the American congress, '. o il took place a t - , NeWark, N. J. Se p t. sth. . The J .t.c..- t . S.soCiati.:n ; is secret and . beneVolent in- its i . 0 _ characte mp r,•is coosed r.imost entirely of for: I u., 1 .i, • • • etgu born citizens, tierinan and Irish,. and- -.; w i unded . entirely on Protes-tant.lgineiPles. ; . T 1 he procession, 'composed • of -some .3000 I w l. - • pers,ons, tnarehedi,throng,h the, streds in the f c i 1. . • inornino'. j antl dined at tniiitary. Hall:. The ,I. •- .''' - • • - - loth:swam account of-the sr bst.‘qtfent occur- i i A r- .. enceS is ti.otri the Newark - -21 i -e-ten - Extra,i,Sri .• i A • '• f the si.h. inst. :...: ' ' . . . •, - Upon re-formit r ia in line, at three O'clot-k, in • • { I n 1 1 Market street, the procession . m . a.rcaeo.. down. • 1 Broad 'street. to William street, and tip I,' if- ' .1 learn -street to High street., When [t i the head .el ,L,f the proceSsioui reached the cornet' or Ship- ', t ,' t Mati . stree erom'iled . wiih 1ti..,11 - eatholieS. but ;"".' 7 the great i body. a the societies passed will ant , ti any intertuotionl beyond any occasional shout • .Of derision, As the end of the procossion i '(2ll' . r in o g w c dain.onnlveitnehlwbe'ecp.on'rn' cifs e t o o r n n .. - . c e .f i S r : f hli i , , i e i n j :t i a t r t st i .s s e t t (j ) r; i f a c r i t ( l ,: . i ‘, - ) t . L li n t - ' . t ,tithe :same tithe. one or two shot. Wctefired. .frorn the ocettpyin[2 . • the space ' betv.ceen Shipman and' High streetS, • . . . . , 'I This was a signal for, it generalriot,,the -en :. t r ite procession breaking its line aud,rushing upon those Who had attacked them, who seat ered-in every direction. Pistols were fired om•the proeession into the eroWd andsorne ree or four were - severelv . wouoltled. The ktaa friim the.Chureh: rendered, that an es lieckki , object ~ of attention,..aild in: less . than minutes frOnt the first ilifficttltY tree. chuich visas completelyl.-riddled, its . doori and . ;Win.: (lows .bmk•en, its seats..torn - up, it altar dis mantled, its orgim.destrOyed,..and the. whole interior a Mass 'of. ruins. . A building Oa the al ,4o =l east s.Ale of Shipman street. was at , 4o' attacked,: ~In'' d the windowS broken: in: puring 'this ~ • time tne'exeitement Was most intense, ,and . the firpg of piStols was 'Mingled: .with- the Shouts .of.excited cOmbatanisi.-ll : atitdreds 'of . ..'leitizens - rushed to the, spot from every three • L. . trra, and great fears were felt that a serious • hissof life would 'ensue. After much difficulty the Marshals °Ole prOcesSion succeeded in ealic • • luginto 'line the mem,berS . of the • - arious . As-. 1 sociations. .It: is, universally allowed that: . great credit iS.:•iitie to the Marslads and Assi st ant .Marshaisi : for -their exertions in : •endeaY.: oring to prevent. an Attacrt upon the. church, , ' though they Were ineffectual. . , ' When the procession was again in Hue it. a 1 arched through high street to the corner I tto ,Afarket street - . and' down Market' street to' e depot of the New , Jersey, Railroad. A..ii , intelligence of the riot sprc.Ai in everi , dirt,e— , -m . . • . • • .. . • tton, thousands of our, cit Fens came out ,frorrl shops and mafitc. iutorie±,:, an'd the tzlifewalks o' 31arket street were crowded as the proces • son passed. , Attlie depot an inoriense crowd, ( as Pe-mbld nu& Some• - •ilifficulty took plaey. al :. • thOugt f .a, not o serion.s.elkir.attle,r—,•:-The g y ofethe'proiessfou ....eft for Jersey:City . in l . .t e 4.1-2 oleloek. trait!. It be ram etto3, • .'. that any clisturhauce ;marred the festiyities of •• the day - but the uni•Versal testimo:iy of thcks. • who' - witnessed the aii.a• it. haptites tile ‘,llkune entirely to the :Irish Ca' tho'.i , •s gathered at the ,earner ofWilliani and SI - :;proun street.. r 1 . A number were slig,htly injured by stones, , and aulrishthan.uaroed John 111kCarthy, re .,.• *wed two - ,balls in the lower part of his ab- - _dome]; from which he will not_ probably,re - corer.. Another Irishman was severely ' cut' livith a knife across the neck, but he ,is not i • .1 tunsidered 41auger6titily injured. ' Some three znembers of 'the prot,T..ssion were seriously in • jured;and taken home by their COtpride. ; The Uncap ,Dernocratk Pros.; once the organ of Mr. Dotigias this moralizes over Lhe defeat of its party in Taws'. . A • This, result is not inieztetl, nor have we eroeodile' tears to sinxi, over it. The ' leaders of the Demoilatie party._ 10 make ~ : ;the repeal of the Coliipromise a test 14luestion, and the people -iirgrred - them for their Whenever our parti to). it almost Ni-Care ireijAY ia : take -04 pat and work t'or. it *lth mind, voice; 'eart!t. * 4 4 surd Pea.: slivit, it pla n t b . it,. • *Of upon great;*rinig; k ; and corrupt !eiders` *ei to-P*** l ;the: rAtik 414 fifyin the an eient lanomlo#4l-)*(iracif - Metz' we think a guard ilittbvni.the: best possible 491 , esatjd lawn for if, Thisis *bat h 2 Pi i ina -1 4w47-14 1 04. 445. 0 0 t ia-Picie , fPr il r? Derttocratic early is totaa' - 'siat&4lreiiii - rie 4 t sf tsmi: M=== „i t , , , ~ _ ~ i kluiqutijattutt, Ittgt tr.:. ;, _ ! 1, _......--...---- 17.--,---- tr li.” vnA 4 7.fttt: Ilt'D Tinto: i-smrte-,:l.orross: j. • .#' MONTRQSE -• •i; Thursday, WHIG STATE Governori POLLOCIi4 ofoithuinberlazid. , ' caiiht Conunivliait(T, - DAIVIIE, 0 Allegheny, f I Judge ,of Suprem Court. DANIEL 111. SAl.YSElt,:;pfliontgotnery. MrV. 11. PA.k5lll, l the ‘Amerh4lll N,e7spOper . Agent is the only' lidloriied A f rent'for this pap±dr . s the cities aßoston, 'Sew 7 ork • - -.: . • ' All theraini,ly. : ;,: . i , romo- tiij,ie siiiei., and Aet !,of AsseMbly Was k:ed. for: - ...tlay:layina ..-'otit.:of a road; front , • --1 In oc.:a t:,)rilers , - to the_, "..4neaawlniin ana I - , i , ..:- • . -! ~ „ : " _. est ern- liinlroad, pat. 1.11, , • f unkhannoek . Ition. which Joad Wa.S . is, absequently laid ; . ; •laist winter -it tli , ‘ instance df Saitte ., kl a bill waS pties4. authorizing 4 re=view he siiid• roid I and ill deeiOed lie ,, i, to ehatige location / ...) -as - it terniniate. :it Uop-Pot i,l instead (X r r i„l,l ii,,au i :k.Station. • ; Whd \ I - 'the: giftting,ep•of the. - .. P ; rojeet Awe do:not • W,' but .that' the lion. ',' Spealer . 1114;111e .1 ;ointment of the yl' j ew (.I.i is . too Oident .to :nit, of a doubt.l The . .rdad, 45.. finally liid the viewers ;'i - alout - ,eight, miles. I long:; 1 I lrad Men Of ex perienee and judgment t ; ing'iii!iir the 'liiie• l of the road, : raftben- • nted. the.costi • w-Oi Id Base :been fr'pni, fie n •to ‘ twellty-five-do l llaN, But in that ease b . fritis of 1114 euterprie. •%‘ - imild have been. ' . . 105t..1 . 46grei l tt Hien. liiiVe :pectlit# W:l3 doing things, 'this road WIN to •bo ah.excep, in to the:general: 'ride, •,• E. Skater, the fa; • ; • r-in-la - W of the Hon. Speaker,, wits - ap- . . inte'4: one of.; the Vi3. - •wit A..J.' Davis, a . ' vyer at Susqiie , hantia Depot. - some' thirty - les fii,inthe.ronl, la-P , riner :.4.tinle nt of; the i.yyt.n.l•crv . • .a-A - la piAti •or 'Ail " - Mirk liti anti. VV t. - mind /0)4/4, Nvas another; and a!; - .;On i... , !Shafer's •zonieWhei/e in his teems ciaistitu-, idthe third iman.l ' To these. was: added . S. B l eehe 'l. - 7!s• • ~ W . ho wa.s.tio, doubt iutlebt 1. for li's .-1 i,p44 .. ciltllitc'llt. t.) tl:l . _faet.iliat t?1"e ‘ i:(: : 1" no tirveypr i in t4e .;:itygiily.,. ' - i ~.. •.. Thusl m anned, the exoniination•Of the 'road i •I -in ' I ins made - in dii,:fiirm, and the tollowinki bill, 1 .I. 1r serrifcs renclered, l presented. foi payntent 1 I I • - • I r r Sh' . Olt .1 '-. 1 . .." :11 . •, ! ...,; 1.43; . !? - 1 . '; • 1.. J. aViS. '24 dayk• befers,.l.,O v, i. - 1." • .: ap, I: • • - '. • -- I • ,- • I •-. Total;--- --. ' -.1- 1 ' I • , . I ..; • : - - - $10" iital, i •• .7 1 ,00 - Isn't 'that Two. hundred anti. ' sev•-•- li dollars for Ilii,yia. oiri. an Ordinary !road_ 'zlit Miles long! . [l-a..eaiy . -xix- dollars. .iier• it; !, •;'Wok lodk- upbci. t 'Oti: whole thin , ' as lit, ielesS than it deliberate sWindle. In - the. firt , ..t plce - iiiirb wr......51 lap ne(-A. , .ssity liii-' the. Act: the People*iatere;ted had - ile-...-ired-1,4 road . . - dri l',/irifts.l;- iC'o.rn'• , :rs to liophOttOm • I Sta, Oil,. I g...y : had h:alt fO . , t., , r,•.... tnt,- their' petit.P 4 • . d the .Court] Would have si-nt :eptopeteist persons, who •ikotildlihav i e, laid the -road ai. olite 'eight . kiwi a the present expense. m a titeii:sto scieetiniethlwrs Of his own faniilv• • tit . llti. o w": 1 : - il tr oi t.,,, l uit ars i :n i,, d ue lli.:2:: 11 e li e r n 4 t-s Id y a: i , s w . a h i e: ,c, x e c :' ii is f et nll d ai l l:i N v:'; ll :e i r il • t . 3 1 :0 11 ;1 1' ef_ 7 1.1 : e ;t e L ri a - t " i la s. d .r ' ar .of e ' l . ) :l •?,e (a eni . -- - 2 , . • ,• • is.translietion shet' i -s the 'honest v of the pi i speaker's - pretn(lo. oppositkop to peei4l . 1, f,• .. •1 -• . • • ,- \.• "! ;;- i legislation: -1: • -. • , .. .' • ....• : :1- - 1 i • -We do ndt.':kuow!` A : N . llO4:r the bill has. yet Breen - - Paid . ; if not;, . 'the! , controiSsiOniirs,• , •is ' eulirclians of the edunty flint - Is. should refuse "-- -• .. ..,• , matter;- . . . • , '.paymext WI I.tie.. is . prope.rly:• - oeter: iz - I. 1,-,,, ..-; 1 , ~ , •. - .. the iiused:; .1a.... if.aircaal paid, I,‘ e.truA that il ax-payers•will look at the.matter„'and apply% he proper reinedy: •-- .- . ' - ' :. -.j .' '• !, 1 Di ! i WI 'Bradford 'County Pplities, A :Whig Ct . nutty Convention assetubltd it ' 'c..Wanda., on ',3l.olid:iy of last *IA, adopted 1 esolutious condeemipg i the Nebraska Bill, I ; nd at praing the ,cour4,e of G. A. Grow Pr, apposingit rid humiliated- the follming tick t : R.epresentnti yes. E. iB. Pars Otis; J:uti r sOn . oleOmb ; Sheriff,. John A. (....4.Adingi Pro- i ble u t i houotary, lti 3.feK•eau; Register; Nathitn N t..;6 - briie.; ~ C ommissioner; .Albert, ewt..ll ; i itottitor,. Wtit, ! .Gorviiue; Coroner, Ezekiel ' ?urry.‘••• , •,:- I ... .. 1 • . , • : i. , . :"Tbe' Detneerati - County Cans met i• 1 '• •- • • .. ••• pn Tuesday Of last/ week tiradetheir itiontina-;1 1 tants and I.depted J,e4otations e*preS•slng un -41itaitisitekt eintticienCeln ,V:Or.' Bigler, 411 d -. pledaing,han became of his "sonnd , Detnocin' -, y, inflE;sibiel' patriotism; and strict integrity,- 1 their hearty I'p:truest- an i d •edrdiar " support ;". also end; riiiii , the r paits tic.rninees fin. Judge of the Supreme Court ! , and quill Commis -sioner, repudiating nil proselptive 'word. PO-, -litical orgt.nil i kritiPits; and the political erilidi date "of any iharty 'ilto Would:court their snf,, ftages -instructing then- nomince.s for the Legislature . fp vote for Vt. S.-AettatOr, known- as a 'fain .fri4nd - torekke,,,. in ," ,-opp ose d - 10 . slavery e?ttension, and npproving tne- - coutse. trp.'A. GrOwlu resisting The Passitge of the :Nebraska acid_ kat s bdls. , . -, •• •,, The Daily Tribune*Taettaay gays that .the from Alaineriuder4 .omiist;:;er, tam that .4,410 n P.Morrdi.the*ti-NebniSksti, Fusinist nth Maine. LiwtfuOidate fur, Ony ernoriht: rii' ., *n*- by the'pecple; d result-410Rn intionited for,`einee there *ere ibur4findilitei in the field._; ... ! Ti e g raphic cgt te e. l" sdys that Morteltnppeare : pn supported b y th e 'Know Nothingo.4elelPstk*:t°' nigiettraa4 ka'bir l ow a,!' tcoo4t**. 'the ems , , ..r -. &duet ao4foieil'itsab g it', the ballot-13k% • : 1 • MMEM .P-- - Clisering *0 - Ilit' - friendi ofrteedm' 2 4 " Th!.`',o.lrectinlisHtit•lit&Ne4 j th; sire thi PS' Sagb ' ,*air - 4 i 'altowinit - tluit,', - the - people. :nt,t - e*ly and jndign aritly diotiderriii. , that, act of iniquity'. ' 1 - )9..wa,-1-=of-4of whiaV. it has been boaSted•that; it never' 'went ',Willa, ha s • - , just - been the scene - of a great ,ari i ii-Nehraska ,rind'antr-.AdininistratiOn victory. t .The-rosult • thernihris bbeti; Called a *big : ttiuniph; but. the I)(idgs'never . could htite,.gainled the State t ;., . . • 1 . ~. • . withO,ut•the aid-' , e f the Independent; frietide,.of' ~ 'freedprt.tof-- - 411..--patties..-- -' .lVore•ttieently, .. 4 u v `elixtihu -Ints,been ; held -in Vertnorit, wifichbas. :rcisultoi 'in ihenleotionrtif the Whig. and . .an-. ! • t i-NebriSka', t.4iididate liii•G Ow eriter, by a 'dil ralitY - Of 'Morel than 'IO,OOC, Over his - Nebras , 'ha, Dpinocratie couipetituri.and in asWeeping , anti-Nebraska , triumph „throughout- .all the iminer offices . In 'Ole. State. t The present -.(..iciv ; - 1. ernetk is n-Ffutiker 'Deincierat. : Such hate been; and - .siteli will contiiitte to 'be -'the fruits 'of Nebraska) . :, I . ;,entisY it titila,-We',are nosttcen `fident will' range herself beside l!ier ,gortitern , sisters, oil. the!sido of frtieil .i in. :chines Pol- I loek, -- tlieThosert standard-bearer of :Freedom --citiit!hy , '' the . ' Wings 41-.• the. State, • : _whos e: cery 'llepresentatito voted against slavery extension, and tliat:‘eliolee'rtififted by • 'the Free ,DetnUeraet. wh o se: prime tilict of • political'. tliitlin , !forbids • ',theta ti i; vote for:any but a -- kriown,tineoinproinisina fire to slavery . ~s • 'll.g,„ , trioti—lia?;.lieeti for' n - Week:l,llst addres ', • '•- ~ • , i :isirg'Oe,, masses of, the .Woitern . counties O ~ .'. 1' .. :the . f ues thins at-. issue.liet,ore -tlie, people PollOult has riiputatioti',of orle.of the most I - - elqgnent 'b.-Pea - kers .in the State, :ma appearing . 1.: 1n does the cliatiipien'Ot FreFfloni, speak ing the feylingS Allot find ; n :reiPonse-in the heitrts of all true nien, no Wiiiidr, the. people flock hi thousands to hear iint. I titid.itive him - every'Whefe a most cwitusi'listier;t.eeption. Th e brief:am - il - it ',of the Pittsburg Meeting, whielt 11 ,aPifuars in this wi..el:4 t 1ttp...1§t.t.4.i1l ...jive sotn. lidealof the,-way he is•-reet, - 'ik . eil liv. th e p eople. ilWeeXpect. hi - 5 . , 'Will :eon.* to i Siisquelianna 'eotinty soon, :when our eitizeiisl can judge of - 'the Man andOlis senti ment ' s for thernselves.-:-- Thcfraiiknes"With %Odell he. IL'is expressed `his OpinionsvOn the NelninSka (lue:Stion,. hotb, in his replies to inquiries front his fellow-cif- ' , Izenis, and in his publie specche's, preSents a striking contrast to - thellialing, jesuitical course of his opponent. . -t .1 , ,-, - . • ,••• . lie, is i nov. by the aetli...,ti of their State I• ,' - - ' • : C'onsention, the-eandidatet of the Free De, worry ~fretirisy I v ania ti'rl_4o 4 t ern or. They have endorsed him , as sopild ' i on the : (Treat • ~ question of &awry, jut. - As tinpliatieally . as they hive -con/31.'4111RA' I3igle.r. - 1:l very consis tent:anti-Slavery'', teen iiiO.e s _ . 4 ,itlite .wil,l give hits'. his earnest support i-doliglifaces will stip - . .port d o clougliface '.einidi'd...ite 4,-Hheitrelatit e number:, wiil appear afterF election. . , $05,00 7.00 10;00 EWEN Bigler and the . Honer cf:the . State. , . The Governor and hi fritinds he boasting of his spirited conduct in '..,the lease q Al-eel-ee l. ry-,ttlie Kidnapper:: " Mark 411.w.a'plain tale :.shall , , , , _, put tnein ociwit." ..j. -. • E - • 1 • . BO:later Pitrker, itfree4orn citizen of Penn i, , , sylv.mia, was kidnapped r ,byeertitiitßaltiiiii)rc slaVe dealers, berried ofi'' to tthat city, and\ thrust into it slave I=t n. i 5t1v. , ..m1 citizens of 1. i • • the'Vicinitv : went into ltiarVlatil in pur - snit Of. . . ., • , • -; . the. s.tolett iziri. and - g.ikytr testi,mony in Balti mere to the:effect that be wa free, and bad bixitt kidnapped ; for ..wlitilt one. ortheir 'num bei, JoSeph Miller, a. rispee . table citizen of Chester etinnty, i - fa:R 'brtltiilli murdered be foreber. kft Maryland. - i Thelit as - 7 MeCreary of 3altintore„ a netoriouti . t .;evandrel who had for .yearse been cot:Omitting depredations on Pennsylvania soil , and - e-xt . pirni into Maryland for! Safety, Was afterivard&indieted by, a Ches , ter county grand juri ; tind this true bill was ' . GOvernor iligle;, 40 be was called - ,:upon:-to do hiSAlutyntollbrini, the wretch to trinl,. but Out thrty wt lirer,discharged. - It I I ' - ','.'sm krne he ade, the refit iibii on the Gov.' , i .amarylatid, which his:Vat? as a publi`e of fieer compelledlam. to - 40.. But Gov. Lowe, , • ! in t defiance of our _eonstitutiotial ,rights, refuw 1 . ,e4 to detiVer •up 'thed,riMitial .. ' Thereupon i GOv.._ Bigler writ , s Groy4 Loti - e , a letter, and there,.theiroatter drops, ;, and ieCrcart, walks abroad uiiptmitdicd for lil4. crimes. ..At this open antl•alinest unpreeeclened• insult, tO,our Stat:e,';.4*, Ole: Governtir'ShOw . a proper • de gree ofst,irit, or dOei be meanly "truckle . to an outside ;, influeifeer, .1 He ftamely : 'pockets the, insult,';and. permits itliis fjealtit, Governor of, gar,Oand to - - tratupie f lOniour:eenstitutiott al rights Without - another Word; .- eveu - of , re trionstr.aliee. on the Subject, I His next - meS -IT. , ~, f .• •- . - . ;i .. : over the sage yitg - y . ,iye'outrage, Ipitss..over. ,sub ject:, in silenee,_ as .tiniv.cirtl4*attention.. . But li4.did mere than .tamekY., ,*r..tibtriit. .As . ' . if to . slO Nl, - . - his 'lll,sirtleiley fp - ,E..l4very, and his dis regard for t be. rights 6f klie COmmonwealtlt.', , . , the Very next I..errislatiire..-Over-floeVin ,,- with , 0 , • 0 1 - Bigler's . *friends, traSsed;it- resolution, inciting this. Same fibetiOr' of eiiticiei this 'Lowe - -and ether State, officers ot A . lary i lartd, to visit liar riSbnri lls !the. herierfAlgui.4;ts of .the . StAtei The bavita l t ion '-xias lit 4tiPt4.4l, audthe,Mary ., i .. - i lUncllslavehelders, who . inity ; , have thoughtj • -I . ' - - , i : , - , - - . hArdTtif Pen nsy Iranians fOr (asking the. sttrrettz, der ..:of a,manias a eritulnal,i*hen he Was.oilly , ~ ~, .alluctnapp(Ari,wereCopollia ;ta - ,t, at itit expense ; ~. , . to ibe.--ta*-payers-tifthi S.t4tti, rof something - - like'. - sii r thott.sciitcl.dollaht'ii That is - a speti- 1 I.Mes,of the - lt - blAt *Gov. Bigler ha• uitainmi tied : the honor and 4)14 Of the State., .IShame,, thyibl4hr -. ._ - - ....... .= 412 r Gay,,ltlk/er hik il 4 t, i vefo c ll 'the: : Laker_ Beer bill—so 'he, 4.0 _his' heareri his,'.; peel at '.Willeel j barie: Here he tiithhik about 2 The7 . .oNeet of the bill i ii `its u!lop4bt.oE.OTtiq',. ivould, 'tie; to .free. Itho of drunkards, emmorqy • Bair *hope ! , places to, w eh"idle t Sys 'often resort to tie: • quirk l iti` that :l44 .Itei„Osei'ltiOsi: tzinie. • What:the' - - ythht 1001 - he' his -aot teep , #t.itti:sll - as, 'Ye/ !Se . 4 . oeB ;one to" justify. h K, An : At .' •-! it Abe one mita, ..1 )4 ,i 6 Y4-1 :t4.#...*9przpgp414,A.,. - goofeltn,ty,'y x4e:gro*:: fcllt Q - fodirs*L#osrigo •• in stronger than ItfiV 6 ltli'd 6 ,44 lo ;4tte!• - ttnai:" ; ve t .viiiii*,rio ri .i ixiced: - Akoft t -oilsigu ßl ;f ß i:4o - 0-i#pcoolfiti* 4010kTiecutterass(4* , 404*4,19aiile. t, POisr. they ,C* Ti •;. IPlazOir . o.* Bigleri p aper; i retatiod . to Goi Vlizler'S fried, *titling freit:t . -lion4 : - 1 , .4 .,..,, eouotyi.tii. a brief liote to r :,), • '' l - -i aril: yer meeting_ as . aell 'was the largpSt by, theeoithty.''. '' •Altd the ia4S . e.f. the same: nieetittg, .plitieht . gatheriii, ,, m eye.r .:}s )f the state, p , e; exceeded ani - :. eam -014 Iliekorg .-, W 4.; A.) - -attl .. ail, o t hers who such riperts from here; t,5 esti - a detegeratie ex- . id Thell . itriisbUrg 114,,the nu4liitri here i trOse Susquehanna alhusiness letter night Was a rquserl odds ever held h Phiiidelphis Aryu • waS : the large se . etioi A • tliastn:of the pagii•.stncVth.(4 rait insure, these e have . reeive4 uny • thilt they haveite-. ' --- - pre 7 ssion, .*ery d •el ev I* • ' • er .iud.'ented • theist than t.ti pub) ish . diet I - , Dinociat,. which ile , t glues,li., farther 'that - I . • - • 1 1, largest 1 assembly 4f eohuty," •and yer •-;,, ; a 'about enthusiism ti 1 411&itions of enthu 77 indl . s . for Wilmot - : ti , ermir had dome. got up wttile the Govern • pcirfeeq evident atidiOoO *ere no I NN e shauld say A /ilatly pre place, to hear Guy There hai,e:bCen here much larger 61'4 fotobably , the , , iwhere 1 ,:..40 little ell 1 thereibre mil tip 1 tor the.predit Of i.t.t tho errors of i Eascpkeluu4li . ‘ Pursuant to in Teapinirs' IV:socia er►7y building ~ in Dime ek; But' few of the. 4 too plOnik' indicati ipg in . the..edut'ati it It is bOt justice i ti that they were pr is l hay.e. put the bins t / cif almost any on ' tiianinn*s.. The c .l preset). Tll4 Prestdviit 1. Vke Presidkilt ' • b;:ingi 0 - orgitlized- ht ` ' Olectiiig L. 1 1 res.:)».o teii‘4' l it t ;I:iug':the diaifidellverecl i tikope.ate rer9A-ks, - after 4.4iiiQ,. , 'inillo upon to ~.• , . • , mil airM; of the I:sso(iation ' N l. ltich they' intended to p.e- 4bsent, the meet ll—Woodruff, E The Pres. upo a few ;happy and' 4 Whit+ B. Tew• state the objects and ilia means b eomplish .their d Then followed Gerrittion. Kenzie,- 0.-C. 4.11 F Tewitsbur jet of tt . , Ttaelier the niost.ettleieit. sire of a rrnijot it tv as, to the but that a (x)rniii itt 'each town. in t , . nurnher 01Yr each an, Institute, and' meeting; i' the ivai theif Atloptet 'affronted Comn `Ararat, Julius 4, !Wheaton; 'Bridgewater, Ge Brooklyn, B. F' D. ReeSei; Choc; °a, 'A. J.Gerri"t: Brundage; 'Fri . i ii est ,Lake and ,3 i , Gibson, S. ,C. I Gilbert ;.-. Han__ Hat4noay and Si Tingley ; Jack On. Austin .13. 4'atlitori b 46. ; Lehoic, P. MeKgnile 14i rt NesV Milford. . twig; ville, Oliver 114 Mumford ; .11 . 4 land, Geo. Brut any of the unable to attend of the Aswcia': in the bands:- nti 'readily perfbr islhe dest, ,teachers *ho 4 institute and thetnselves - -to and alth atteinie socititiim At•wh mined on. A RPr the is business Woodruff, building to the retOrn lie gave 1 and heart-felt in to be able td, iug; on the gOix He erected the torts of ednet understoOd tha pos'ai"Of in cio,v: bored , " wit* that the , people -their.gmd led) thew hospital ► stvtned to bel ta,tionet i'dhaseL i t' I,',repc?rts r ,kow; bytterl • ..The !.tgoitirose - :.tiot..stiek ..-, 8* trifles. , *0 'call . it " the vyer outiveneitt p Oently • says jnothing :.pretty Inueltni) the iu oibte shositt: were in the id. Grow when `the Gov - nil... Ne . braskaites °cm r int ejappiao • 4 . hands . ti. speaking, 10 . 4. was it the . • great Lodi of . the :, vi 11 164 in.sentiinent.— 1,-„ • rd..\VOi3 tiot -nit'ire ; - than ... itt as assOlibleft• in this , i . lohnstOn three :,Wars.ago. trnbet of. pie:Ail . lgs iI this; of Gov. • r.:l3 ! igl ifewo NV.V.S (d before, !I 111:41S1t1 1":1.- 4 . iaI()AVIL : I\ - e . 4 _o, the INi6ltrose .tti4),Tat,' s ticilatina cotintir, to eor- I-- . .... - cpc.64ico cotenworaries. I.'Regiiter : . , '' eac4ers' AssOciation. i )ii ti-k: SustitAnima Co, o I,eoui'etted at 411:_t .Acati el, by :L. ! 11. ]. Woodruti; 411 1'Fi.142; the Stiiiwit. 1 ineinnersAver present, ll* a hick 'or 'vant. of teel . • - till' canse t county. c 11311u:1o, teaclicrs. to 5Zi fit an "iitunber. that tilt:lnt: upon The chjek not ~rtli~ill~- 'deny . his l ool . l)irectors' cif Uit~:oek iii,lt:elt6 hy tht A'res:Ont,l ,k: Sterlingi 'pet).Me- L.; . I L. IL Wooaiipir, j r .— ' ; ,ithen', : introihteo.l the suh-F' . histittite,.tind iiicipost.d a 4 - : • ? . : •.; .. , j titeatlS ot getting:ia true ue i r, I if the Otteher , ,, tf the. eottiii and where cif ilolding.. it I t of WIC *. be akipiutea • rcputity, tO 4.s.i!ertz!in.' CIiV 4Wrliq would, 4ttertii tit-14 ¶pOrt Titlts.• method Lio the f')111-'w1P-(2 Per on - , vierk u a 1, r. W r lo 1 0i D Abrarit Carter f, 341(q:eitiie; Jos; .faratso4 ikksbury ;. Ciiiiord, Thos pt,Jisper Stanley - - - i 4% ; Iffanklin,i by:. E. 14 4% ' Ile . ; Thc6. Thoula.-3 ; IFlni id .-tois - n, F. I...iitoilisfcr ; ar2jijtoi;; • Greti. - I.3eyid;,C. ;-,.."...'. irl;• . 'Willa rd: s:ltiviutr4sp I% i r •, - , 11: , sq'a iDepot, -Pr.. .1 . 1,. A. v.lNeliton • Feeno. ;J i.:4tiri 11 , . ; 41op S ; .. 4 . ,- . t . l w k * 13.T0‘i7c4.;...1.0.) utros:e., . - i.. .-. Dr Adt.liKkii Neikton • ''..W.afker ; it:iis.h.. A. ' B. . Ey 1 - := 11. ,11 I ,G- T• Sr IF' op Thompson, Ai. 1. A. H.Tish ; . 'ive eoinnntteo sho u ld lie thetbusines* it is the viisti 014:: they ,lil.4ce the .trult friend .w,l4', can more 1 ,„- -,-, • ~ 1 * f thg_-I.ssoeiatl6it ttpat tho , ; 1 - the, . establi4hinetit , of a, r lcse tittgittling,, otieirepoct eottitriittee. of t heir l .Tow i n - . I "text tr.eeting of the Ati firn- the:plat* ' 1110, mat ill a:J . ll.lOa btetlly 1)+11 iletii il ,- ,: , t . miaction of ...Kule incidental h h i o :thanks was -Oyer) to 1..,1, i rso' kindly froffering u e ooh As4ociatiOn. .1n na tbe as.surattee of a wari l u ' l nui and said'l he was glad 1 1 , the: Agsoeitt,t,lon iri carry lirklt has so iiobly bet,Trin. ~.i.,,,, .31 , ..I n i noting to promote ; tne in. t , ti arid he desired to have t t e bUilding Witii at he gi - ri 41" , is Whieh had tlit'it ohje .t h Ught? as'the tiiisociotion` I . I• , t.l. . ' . l„ t money . and, ‘ . .y . ,t,thoiit "price, o . I ,,nyery placti iabould iikkoW nga•forledueationi,,birreeeiviiip . f rii i lir" and!without ..'pharg,e: h he4enCiral feeltukof the tow . '..0 nieetiat- 1.11.o:ltro.3 ly of SeOtember 185 , 'The mt4ting Anna, . WOODRUFF, .4,e'e, ..-...-.- Presi. 1 0Kn i tkr/C05...n../iOn• a - 0 . 0 • r f • .41t0:41-Itie re-Oectioi stepreilei#o.lyifiliti: t„, )ty ipie iii : Aiik;su -: tuzemil , district, _ d distriet,iloth Weir ttedi-iliiii 'they'd , r t 4 :Poiierlei, in' . " 6 o g * - theirl l !titfrii: -'. ' --,1.- ...- 1 1 :: ~,,. For the *fill ite 'fia-.R“ ' 'ci.: .1 -•. i ~,- - --,.‘• ---- .TI I , . : 1 .r.,ociLEGISTtR.' *flee that the lb ' • crat .60 week iludert: •'. 4. to4nakii r sOnie•. cop: T ti i i6co l p4Feat eP I4 ? ''' 'Pkgeneli3. - that,.Gbir. N4ioles . Stleitilitd in'.it't inili4i i. f .....:-.,-• ', , t , :.. ~• -1 ,,. ., - '' ( lP!) l Pcitr - PP - :. on:•.'tl3o-',Governor-Ofl 1 a yliind•-fcif* kia„ , „r. , - ir byte name of AjeC i rearY"‘vh' i o ia'd - i4l; en . a l i way 011ie frce cohire 1 girh.:•froi 'this stiwa.. a wilki)-affaiy. it ass',o"ts that (4(.4' i . J.ohnstol t dl . • - took nik, notice. .N 4 41 t;h i ) Deinoiciati preten • •i say. I 1: . ,-, .1- j, 1., I• I , ~ to itnat yOV.,,,opanstpn . was ever I applied tlu fo4 ch• - reiltii§itiLlyOr.eVen. - i"eceved any 1.1 aitini ; lotic-0..44-,:ouy 4uch.4 144:114.41 ,-ocor - i • ... . .xled'NViii'el }-.eali,cd for 'oil interferCnee,:- prod !' oils ti);his e the'leavin 14.',;(oeutive(liiiirt Then I, . . )I"hy. "..thIS • dissineiTuons ntteinptt to t tolstO Goy; 1:31glet• up hy . an pnjust, ..inlP,ottition ti, I. l . , ,ainsi.iiis predei;es•sor`tl 0iie..... 1., - oi•114 . :think the fact lot Iligler's stun ping it in. tavor of the Eugiii'e SlavO Law . aAd . the • lit - . to - make it --... ; ; ....)1;10•".Pelis of iiiir',eottniy-jails 11) the. South. - 'ernei's! to '.hat tvtheircrunowayt ih - ,, both or hich';''Aoltustii.reftisedito endorse, , and by. h filch Idle .1161)k `. • - )r IViii soft hi tid` elpi'la and 1 , the oro ; slaiveityieountie:rwereiiqueed to-heir 1 1iigli4 let'eat Llehlistoiii(while the iatter - rntt , :, • J I,l i otter in the :rest.of• tllie §tateltliati. lie did 4liciioleeteci)o.up,At to L adilloifili the Dciii6;. erat ito offer 'l:v dispatiiitg . i:l4,.ii 'siiiiiitiolis in' favor•i)f Bigler at --the 'enciii-•.e of' , I.;x Gov. I.lOhilst(lnt: on'i that scorn. .. ' I ..i .'! .• ' . [ . 1- . -: 1 .._.4...:.,________ T • _ ~ ; . • 1 i • '..rog;Fs of Kncrw-NotbitiOsm. I The] PointhYlvaniani •as the [orzan of E Ailib:ll ! itf:t.i ' oli, ha'i Ibeeit Ilitici4l, -. no - • •.„ , i . - ---, L , araiit4 the Whig hituiv-iNoipol:! , , , ,i Zylki.a , -same , 1. '• • , • 10,, i tinie•isl stipt ortiog those 11-H. , 01 1 - 7 , li • 1 •-- ~ i ' or, en4{)r s sed by, thisnvsterious .)i•der of i! A. • eorrc,,poadont. •of he hluadirliz.;&,ie \'• ~,- . i ••, • - '--• • !' i virile:., , , . . 1 i , . • '' • • "• i - ~, •1 1 -''l flitve i - upOU aiitholity o . l : those Cje know that aa._zt ti,r y . or 1111:i. , o l l the 1 (r 1 ates -in the late '1) nnocrati4i Convet'p. 'We're inembers.of thin{ Ettow-\l4'qbing ()flier, and that severar-ef' tio.. , - catali,„#:.., uponi the " I)efitoerati}s' ticketo'we their notoinatk )1 to 1 theiaid and cAjrnf U ort:extended i' tliehrby that organization .- • . ii . - .. . I - Theatne jonrindst4esthatith'e. - OnoW '`.sii,th . • - 1 .. le€ , Del:wet:his iti the buronal Of b'erniilie, • • , • 1, f I . -' ',, ~ over ,1 Pa.„,:teoleve,ca very 4. ee1u,,,:41 1..'t,:. y) y ..J.e . Sehretkenszeiten 1'..0c4.'s at , t.tio, , l' . tlide'gate !elec tion. i It: apilears that Mr. 1.44 . nr 11. broo k waY, the candidate - fe• Clerk jocithe I.:._4e.s..liolisj, is ii,lial - With the . ',art). leadt•H, , " fi*.il itf, ticked" ,to ) 6:run 11v the. titittith),Lwhi elt.h • e of -, ., eolretCNpet•tett A , O hive elloseitl witnout •op .P"Autil) ll - (..):I`. count; is the votes ihowLver, 13rOeliwav a l nil his . :cili t ne were - I th'ptalerstirta•j: to iiiiii ti tit .!tlivo of tlal i i,r :nen Were' i defeLted, and the third within an ai.e. of 40ling bthind 'al'4O.l)y . another ,tb'iitit.' which had );(Len I run withqut the Iknowletbly or 4.4_,,,,,,'..nt ot the e1.:4. l', : - . ' . • 1 .. - it. - !first'detc mined to, 4)6:4 - , tJa.:ll tipOn , asecititining.that at least \tita., third whol4.llunosc,r.of deltilates-.wei l :e.'ofit.he : elan, the lea!derri cone used it wa'sdie:tt tej I - I • 1 . 1 - , quiet / i - - ~.. • ' ' i' . " - '..kresalt liirecisely isimiiar tap thapd I ville.'snyii the Pitiladl:lphia N.,W.,', 0.:4-1 .at !, t!ii: I..t.HL-FOCO Lte?ego e Eiiii-t f ioii 'at I' t4l's . ,liqra: , 1 - 41 , niars were deteit;t6l, and b Nothing s 'earried"the Islay—and-4o in se' Whet' bovnihips and l , ial.reult , V .'... 3 tt,' \V of don report - save, theire . was.a.i.tbiriOns`r4 l , . .1 , .1 ~ this tiarty, (;)ceasiiAt,e(ll by the rent:mfg. of ti Ninllinl cle)C7ates. 'The " Order seems I 4 - To!'sgileat farr with tite (Annuli - '.lentnert llte loafing 1 ics r4s faillier, tifat Pautf llungerford, a fuanding ':Bl',;4lid.atee S4l4ekensFiiiten Lolioslu Si„rtieWard,r. withitt fottr*otes. of dein/ . (letl'iai"e4l . last nr4J:f , Y•, by Mr.-Fratiff,lin-'IIII,#IIO is'sniip . tr.l4vit. fie - L.l.,hrough i t out by (10 il OW 7 . 1 1 ` I Ilgt4 • If' i , ; said tliati a tnajcirit,;„ , )f,J)e.niq inl.Sprtaci.. ff:tong -to be orgat4iftion;nd j 11nitgert . or4tcouldrh: vedleen . .tiend.,;'oinel; featild if they had e °sett to .14.11ke the el l : I:litt s.o linf6: a. 4. th.y 4.. show 4 4 '1'11.110r co: 4 4 , -r, -that; they' are, not laines.t., thet kirt. i.llO to lio otlieconsiderltion. . :; I I _A- . Illins,.at their Tee•ntConventionzlit \ SA, f. .killfeounty, -the Tie noeratl4 ih -VelthsA - 1.7,i.ae1y re.-olvcd that Judgel Volleek.i: • ?,Voi l t.hy of -trpport; i,,.cause. ;Its they itiit.l; i- . .supf,osecl `to: be a lk i now-Nodd i ng, and t6 , t3 4 4, , aitit. , - time. txtolioi . to the; st . L - iti. :is . tt 'ljilnoe'iat., Ileory S. Mott. theitt. CaLal co*oto , r, k 'own to birit KtloW ingi. and 4s. reedy , d the. vot4 Of .the 0' it's i..andidajte:, Sued he febuke' 1' . • :•. ;t', , , , 0 .- tacif . as Yr e ii U "t Enidfold lake active of . Know IS failing,: filq!ld Ell(11; irer; I' nOtineing.:t i hern in (! 4:4,:t1, mg. atd and col neit. • . iNVe &al ftNtA• fact. Otte - to thi The sidtr ti , 1 I Ile sa N ebrii ittiry la'W.liintil ti' - e people7hae-clete, tfirriailltini (townto - his...pOs.:itiion i and t iii, : lnn alone - in lii,-glor r y; ..tts :lt w anti 1 eitr,!aniptc, to all ',elitical trirumurs. • le -i, li.t:ii - ii.i.l that ,I.:: 1 er . Beer Wilt q 1 .111‘4 -p i 1 -i I . i):iitii,• Ihe Tan ittriiyns mid .the4 - iv-itti' ii:p i klinlie odious to tll...:tioral tintlitiai.irlotic. l' Ottlour twin, ninitiy .. Be itazt , l.t 6ta lea_ i iitral 3 estiitiSnii i nitii:Anteiii , ;:o.f , , 4t. lea aiet. and repinliitte hint .a '*-tn ici_s; - ; to .I)6'. giori(inS.C,Lapinotiwealtiti . 1 . - NV c t h .0, rileat tint,: his •iivertlirow.. t's: 'tiertaiti. fiqw. fs-it• to . be' qone 7 • , Wel' i rci4y, a 0.'4: - qv N I.) ttr4ll Alt D TIIIIItTY-kIyEi'V.)T.ES . , c6;t7srir., as, tom ,tired ; with; rhel.inheri „.: r t i te . (if . 1851,_ w II 'set it retlie!tleeti•ni o fkolloelc. It tlai .opponents:pfleltras h : &r Beer, Sesuitrism,:pton)4l.tou*Par ~,k- . .; iWan.t.county in•lPerintlyi-tiatuia d le• 1 •. r to do Al*, kind more _that), this,.l tit' ni word 6.1"0,1(1 - , Dauphin;,oreetio , 'ike will;rnalte itii. the delich.itie,,,:s -AV( ..04t,.-Johnston; in...1E5 . 1 jtist , t-Ititt be - -dt. the - liirgelt fnaSrity ,s *vergii:7en tO tz s c:; ri)i. Povell(fe ir this tottntv:. hilt tow 04titie bt.iteren. • latte. - .cOtti,:litdc.4 :to .o.vernor-aigl*...a.tioit-tont titittafisin; 4iiig at I . ' st 500 tor. - .,lndtfti lloloeli, I.`tii3 'se. siaiiilit be onti.--Ilicr i ii*d:i tiOp it. :But it,t no conpty..lbo , siktidi ef ft gain . iit; 1 1.35. ilNifo'ilin not :i• mily i lee p4•ltoek,ilniv.wl_can. jolt - . iliy;jiiudi: *Wiming,nnajoFity,.,cii to.t - ell.tty truC t ) ihit'ery, , ktad - 'for 0 1 t dote: • IHALt._, T -13 k tioliEl- 1 --WliriStiti - -i . -1 !! ' gr aph. 1 .: , - - - ';: i -• !-,. -., _ -...—!, .!• • ! __ _,_,____ M== I , ; eve 1 , re,. ~ 'f' 1, ~ . --, The E! } eti; 1" : 11 98i' 401-# ,home -OFOt, td, 1 4(liti W.l.Tonry„theTgeotlOlatil'ital iigen., Pritily For4ier I),,the rgspinisitihi 64114*0t the All 4 p4hhigtort L li - ,,i? .. n,,,_ , Illieit't too bziti ,11Pea,. ~.,Ftetli*with olne nyerity oui ph....P04!, aro, ~.p , y-New-Yil •kyipers, : ,fot filiihg, thi4jc: . 4..44-, ' Asipms vilth th - partickl**iif ' ;erith 0,21 ii 3 "s 1 retorts : ... ~ , ~:.i,''` . ~ lit 4. trt4q. th delalls4,`,erial'paiv§pinatirnea. ext:replety:4ll9 ustihg: " ' VZ-4 - liellefe tha,t ,the, 41.3 . 4!ifst , thing hat we f pahNiiii4 ii# 9 , 'l, ilgAlfr frolAA All of *honi the #iiit)li':lnaX ; -14e:liel#T , fid rs_ed t 01:(k.0004 4 !4 1 4ert t 9. . , . ( *.liPstO rif!c ,l-11 47,4 1 494 is) inveigle a itertaw L,1.44 - 4 . t .0 tue,roki, coo. viiaity *--while hi li xiiips:to - Wenit , that] hirhaa liposef I ; ll:i2 riloc rat s ail - - in The; s)-(11 led ,and‘ \ollie -0.16 - tlilion. 'in , :y I vacittnl) cct ', : al. . , u li•elitli : - jthey - aJ n flirt frol4 i . thetil t • • • • • • Way td.dolt ) . .defeat . ska int to v attil.the. , criminaLintitpaq with a marrie&l ,-woman—, Xfii;ted'Statestr,:lt, l was this tallianeel that the wifeli)fauoth t e l —Alom the'Aviltdr,#f the- iseeltred te'ther. e ..*'-'ornatt Caiholies a represcata: letter di - Sired to e. troy. .i.• : I ----;.:. .., ,tion iti, Presidknt Piercestabipet,, and in the Whether it is -er to admit the .4'.ernill Stato-govemt4pt, Under Gov -Bigler, And poPt, 'wt.tich ems: e 9 such character:s into:felo n, . it is - .this `alliktice' bvith,ttp.Man - Catholicism, Hi es, . or to *tit the authors of such , :tette ~ -and it s allies fAlte lager lbeer sellers,- upon to ~the, ints_uSPecti 4- coirtidence - of wives ' and; which , Gov Bigler now rekts' all his hopes of f f , daughters, is aziestion not difficult - to:decide; rtreelectium'c i Ati,dlyet yr' th the evident* of and which seems Ito be pretty clearly uuder-!, this f,condus ‘iiiirinee' sta mg diem full in the 1 1 stood by this cothinu t iity. , - frtee,, the presheslini the ertiploy of the ,adniin rmpudeirce to proclaim that -" On onedisgraeful public of we . have istration have Uri; felt tailed to comment at some length,reeent 7 Giw. iligier ' ikurliml.defiqxice stall alliancesl'i I.Y, anti to demand from the, United States -- if the Governor-Aid so,iti was very much like l' H ous:e of IL:Tresentatives sun - Unary `Putir4l-; the' - de4l..reprovii* sin;.:4:Tete g i a p„ If • , i em for the (4fender. We- alltide to the al-' .-waramesrmig h M'' . , teratiOn'otltuf-inTirta tr t land -, bill; in `a;Most` importantl.2partie';ular,l i y .the..clerk, of.,..the House', after the hill Imo , passed. Dicl the LT/4ton smart wider this ? .. JlltGt Pitif f toClC ON TEE . , ittlimti '. Tlielirst of the series of .P011ot! itiagn e e.' t,.. ings,?•waslield hi the yard . of • the .Aniert klin .., lloiel. at Pittsburg; on Tucsday , ,evcning,.W,, inst:L. The attendance - eras" •ver• : : large, ;the Journal says moire than three titnes..itsgreat as ;my : of.the Vt iig rneetiag Inld in •P,itts - burg during the itIA:-. Presidential' campaign, General . Win. .Larlin . er presided,;,and. . llon. Cornelius Darragh introduce Judge' Polloele . tq;the meeting. r 4 udge'P. dcvlitred . himself uneorn pronlisinglyi in faXor -of the sale of the ;State. NVorlis ' 'at the earliestyossiitleiltoutott. Tie 6110g.i . our commolissehool i system,:ind cartte4tly• oppoed any . division...( :the school flint], by PrOtestants or . CathOlies. : • . , . . I -Stand here,. said J udge PolloCk, as the 4-. vovate and defender , of. Civil anal . ..Religions „Li berty,..notwitlistati , lingAlie vile the contfary heaped upon . me.; , but-if .14 . church or any other clideh cliootles. to enter tile political arena and make itself a political engine,.(lown - voith it ! ' (ltnniensi!..applause.) 'The church needs nu aid from' the State J.. it depends upon . the aid of .a: higher and Almiglr. ty power . ; • aud , while the-State •rieds the aid, of ail .good citizens,. it. o Wes. it to. itself to - keeii .itsel fir•eparate Ir s oin aill connectioll.with - relig-', 1 ions popagandism. , . - , . „. . :'1 ~ 1 1 • - Judge Pollock then proceeded ito, dwell•:at 4 - Then lore's soft dew O'er every eye 1 iiincijengtil 'TOR! the Nebraska bill and .ila -... 1 . Shall' she I. its mildest, rays, , ..• • . 1 . ,iie:A.1 , .,1is arising out of it. Ike :I , Ketched. the 1 . ,-. And the i . g silent sled) .. httlit! 1 • - eimrse of thefounders oft he ~s4kol. c rittrietit in l' .:With sliiints'of enclieS.s praise; I , :. a- - • i preventing the• . exteniiono! . Siityc;ry by pas- i. In Dundee, 'Votes 5 e0.,.! ".-Y, Au g ust - ,26th, Liss sing the ordinance of 1 - .7-7, tile, i!ifnetici t ikir ef...t T., 'aged 2.;yr al , , llnontl6, and f; ditf . s t r S!:4i, on the reet.i" of wilwii 'ire iricii'cu i ciiil r• I To . di . ,„1,• 4 .. t i ~lid of Septemb .r; Emii:r k.' :toed' - 5 }-ears, 2 months, - : „ • ..1L • i' -. ' .'',g '. 1`- ' A ' 4- ' 1 and '3 dar , -.--rotingest ehildren Of WiliariardM NV i the departure troin trielioney of that , i.wdi r. liat.rliit,:tort, 06elly:of 13jidgewater:Sustk'a..eo.:P - a . ,. i fiance which.cOultocnved in the tiritlisttion ur.. l . ~ D . .1 .. • -,, . . - I.ouisiand, in." IS .I- 03, in . the iidinision of .I‘lt.s-.. ._ , . eotn . eagle tig,inli 01 . .. yet tne , sound - - .. - .• .0f hiL , fist vn:tt died- w - • • ~, .-- I ;.-ouri as a- Slave.,State, hi reeogniz ing Slavery ' -, Aral at .o r lonels,'• altar. foinid ': -- . , ,• _ , . soul it of ;3 4 ..', -. &k,,z.30 min, ilt the atinexatiOlt of t ' . .A . littlelgladsoiriegiff s at, play. ': : ' Texas, aud 'in the t : illainwis conllproinise . of ' i • " Death opened foi our lovelv child ' F ' . . 1t ;, .‘,50. I le.' drevc , ar . viy id - I:iet ti re )f! the - evils I: - • The:gai Of Ileaven's'tinf,iding ' hOsiers -. -,' .. ,;(...tlavery, the. - existenc‘e or whieli.liedeph . ired i • .•S_lie saw till wona;-o , i ;Joy and, smiled," . , ;. and proceeded to consider_ the beating ofTtlie.,!, -- • Then te r grief thes?.4iearta'of.oinl.,- -,,-.• Nebrzi;,ka bill upon :the exteti-fioii of a.i ,. ysti...nt I. . , .06, blesseft-diaighter' cherub dear, , •• : • sii N•iit.:' and inlittihan. .that bill Ivas attempt. 1 ,.. _ But while'oxir . healts'inesadlY riven, • - -L. -- This th4ghtshall -yteld'us:ionifoi i 'here-- ; ''• ed II) tie thrust down our throdts! upon the.K..l.; - . , : We haVe-two auki - llitiosv in heaven! [Coil:- dieulous pka . of • popular sovere l igntyf •He I ' . i • '.Nt a meets of . linjon : L . iiilge.N_ o. 483, 1..0. of O. was the !lief:li of ' i.optiliir-soveleigitti,„' but I ' F., held at dieltson,:f-Jisifit. co.; Pa., on the ' ) 2d of the pritwiple of the Ne billk a . bill i s va a - 14 ' 1 'v i August, 1:i54, the-foliiiallig p„-eamble,and tesoluti s • m 1 )14y.• It set- liomtlar sovel4ity :a utter,' % - -el-e; tamainilously adOiirri3: :•-,, -. defiance; and in-Lead of giving, th,..ftet,iile the 1 Witi!:-eaiiit kis p1vai , .4.4 tin; Alt--Wie Dis - poser•-ot 1 L mlit .tio i egis i. o.o tipoi, the. su j o i c, 4 ,.,:t • , i ,avel7 , ; ,. .eve i lit:i to rel:ie . - e fc h otil oir-fri . :ternity and front the U. a e h ol i e nni l s 'ne i n , o u t n i t , t r o ; tunan lit .. on . imuch . beloved ant it... 4 tin liielise, it aettittil v. end ri - ,:i i I 1,; - Firt.. , velits,; - 1 N0r.m...0 M. IN Aslittotx who-was til'. l 4 front. PrObii)itiiig..vr .111,0th,Iiit, it. • i f :-‘IA, , ealltA freili his worhir on; the .t , Sith ;of Au:gust; 14354, was a.sitiiple-scitettle for -the eNtetiF.iiiii of.ti-a- i Atli to.'.v hi, 1 , ...0rt1i eszmple relative tO • his:inter , . .• , ~ Yi.'ry ntioer ~ very • flimsy ~ , i .use •;I nil as : .stieh i eour.- - eW1:11 ,th . if wetl:l It: I..r.. i ni have a htstinglmpre..l... it ;1.,, i i,.. v. .,4 :i ll il ly,. ei:i 1: 1 0:111:it i o,i that ,:, • 1 , Aon on the iii‘niiL:ofhislirothers--therefore he it " "L f , t, ' "' • 1 .e,,,.ti1l ed That brothers of Huron Lodge. No.-183 lit ' a P" i i i "P" n ir •:' '-' " 11 P -t Pui lu ck '11 : 111 argt:d l'ul ) : - 1 dee . .ply lament the 11 , ,. - 3.ief ,oilr Wortily-biother, and On thit , FKilut its, much length, ran'l after a gen.: 1 nay we cella. ha•ce an:reitnespantl abitlitig solicitude end si,ir vey_ -Of tile. AV iil Ile slavery [qti,_,ti..ol het 11,i ..the wiA:ll.z.o of lii.f• rel.itivca . M.iti sympathise with . 4 . 011 ,1 11 a t ,d w i t ii all .t ,i,.... R tieri i rt .i- e i. lie , ...... 1 - .. i... Lille:li , in titer afflielloinsiiiii.fl)areavetnents.- , . .. i . . • . .. t. t... lti . ...‘: i-=•' It.'COlVei.l ' Tillt itil tics diTelication'we are called 'l )Fe ' vnt • • c " l " l(Aic ' zi,s nL . -Enr "P` - ' . • whit* he ; uPoi - lio unite -nl ' ore firinliin : thp - bontl3 Of frientiAip, 1 - trystetl.ivonid I,.:•velithitte in the di Vllfail' !4 ,p- ; love ..atttl;trilth, that wo)oiay.,be-ltetter pt:epared.. to t. ,presst On at id ty l raiiity. thure,.andibe folio:Weil jaieet•tital•qiedeas eiiniiiiit by the departure . of sem; ,:n,. / 1 fej4ithi tilt eiy. lielv by I lie bestow Unit tt; ii. iiieinlr r of l yuCoo.l , m' viliri Fuiniitonf.yd to that boUrse If Nturits; with a'fitin reliance ~Air. I cr . ; v ,tiooit• every ittlinid,beit . e.,..istite , ;.‘l l ;ith- 1 feint I "! Pr ' c ' 2." f ' 1" " 1 . . a .. ... •,. _ lin thin - sad cloth all thiniza. welk - - .1' -- - • -• • ..• l.f . tiw • mu . ti/e Imilinds of.tint: 0 tripu . U. 6911. ...•••• -•• 1 • liesolVett That we. welttl •thits , taf• i l . railge- of ma - etttite. , • ~:211(ti- t otv.lieMlithael, -,1 , ..'ci . ., of PhilAalp - iiiii, j . iiig for the 4pzieil i* thli• ;I 0.,".....,... t;i : ...aYs,. ' rent_thai a copy of pSat, col. Cartitin, cl.r..cvntre,' and I litt.:.,.\AliciroW, ibe: - ..e .r..sel..ttiotts • litt, ,pi.e . .... , e1ited....t0 the parent of if.e. lusesl 1 1.-a-li - iit." • of ' '.Vny ette,': a rso .;$1.:(4:e.1-: .. t[hi .,,,... g . i .,.,,,_, .decurs,Ld. 1 - , •., 1, . , . ','..R . i= t olvi..f! - That;t eseireeolutiOns be , enteted on' the r e. o ..j t , :• t l s : ' i e itt s ,:' : ut . ." .ki . ''''' i l . / . 'I7 1 7 :111 . 1 . t . h• . " ) : -1 , ,g,..1.11but• the . )-'- li , '"'`' - ' I ! ' a attp..e.s.of V ie.V . Lot g ~ .4:43 . a copy of. toe same be,sent . I --. • • • - lto toe editor- ion ptl,lieattou or Loth!colutty.papers. I that i.. RV e eolllletise-.t.iti,4 r,..pOrt.•:fioniAlt- Pitt- '1 •., l, • • .., ••- • - • - :•- 1 • - -.• ! -I••.• • t - ..,u.1.. Lt. N5).1...L1A.,,5, .• • Iy l --. d,- . • , .. i lAirg,li (70.:elfr,,wilicii pziper.estinnites the.4ltid.. 1. :. •• - ' -- •• •- a•mr ic - s-q , xp - _ , . 1 . , Coin . ,.. . . ....... 4... • , .... —..,( .._._. .. , . kfort . . ili , iit:e•• at - front liti•cil i.Q.livi.t* .. thoOatitt• - iti Aujp-'1 ...;.:-... i • .1 - - - .,.., .~., 1.E..N1) ,- R Gitniqs, 1 tiiittet ! ber. 7 •-•Phibt.'...4've. ,I?fgestir.; ....•1,,,. . . , i_ 7- .. i,itit:lll I ,• , - I 1 ' 1 wil ) )ele tiun lern lITCI.I .' -• 1 TIM lO N.TERMONT.EtEO : ; ''. . . .. , ..,...' ' • , 1. AV e (~.oliiill'ie ; tront . Tit e. Bo:: /4? ti : r a i ‘..a.y: aua t Ta a l ; our,N er I non t• es.t..lionges .s,o rue further, details -r 1 s 1 -,,, t '._'of the p,lorkt:s...result in the (kreen -2-I\l6lin-1 j ;.4 x, , h e t..aiii State, %Vl?' eti has ' , 46en thorouglity . . rx- I deetned from II nilkerisrii. bv. thittli tilon Of ail.;l 1% •‘• .; • 1 •t , . 1. , , . : tit , .. • ..:', r: : *.- !...."e •t : ..;,..,- 1 , I 1 good ! 11. iI%) . 1,41.4 • 1i...441'!!!:n r,... N ..)eety. l' !Ai aI i 1e,,, oir-. • .(:. 0 , 41 '..\ 1, ty -d I stinetiOns:. , .'i.s he .s!411. terinA . . -- ottefl . .?r ,0..0 - ,, 7 . N ot h_ i'sernot- was Cast, by . Temperance 1 1.,Vbig,,,,,, if r ec-. I Aler as Sailer , -..i awl : tint i-Ne.braslt a,, wilt) did. not.. , ; ilia ••'. I , consider .1 udne. it ;-Nce's: positiOh . as-,.dci e isiv..l to . hey . .•"- ;as they could wish With relt,rtati. to s Prohib- l b e h- mg . l ittl . , • ,uor i J r , 1 .! 4. n t, a ' l .t: at,B at0....,A )..• -, Order c'p's plurality ; in. ISti: towns .is ;_'over. 10;,.000.; ; j Ri c h. al tti When,•the.S.tate is ,fully, hp Id frpin it ..inay r e . de- , reach .1 1;000: i - Last . year. Fairbanka - CA' llig)-; , . .. . i. ‘ „ , re : I had 2,539).?14-ality in the entire : State oi-er • I n ' t h e ..john'S..; ito'bui - ,0n,. (Hunker. D i vot.) arid the LegiAtture s'absequently: ;wale e hoiee of tilt'.; . hitter; xvlio is" tht-.. present (;lver'a7:ll: of Vtir- i . molt. •It will titcrefore - .4 sect that tlte 1h•• I publiean t.rimitpli'l 4 . mOA ejgoal .one.:, truoge . .1 - loyee•was.the tionkinee. of the W11ig,.3, and . IZe VIN 16 tiSf. 1 Tlie.\Tentperat i tcv. candidate: wit laiil4 frotr. the ;colity.'4. '. 1' ; • - -1.. ;.; •, In .the t Ilonse 1? c -itep resentattv e the Whigs, liefia.blietti ts, Tree-S.od era:A? rope r, . and Anti .ad in iiii t.r . ation men s U!: : nititeq ~ _hav e-: .":„1.. e" jority- - Otb.over. a 1iti0.1..,.0,.0r.,00.1e.fL0yttE4 :of }_theh entire 114u5e;...:. The Senate is. Ithig:, wadi I Antirt.Neloaska. .. 'The Nebraslia . .or ..4.4lininis.: tratibn Party : jlitive. itc.ft! ejected 4 single. Seu.a; .ter. . Washhigton,. Orange ...anil., .LagnAlle Counties; thels:trongtiolcis of Stiatil - :l):t,gtinera r ..ey.licretOforc,. -hlive: ,rcplaiiatell. Dottglasiin and •Picret.ii.lientoerttey.. t . -: ; ~li ;,...,,;-; ,?..t, ~:•:,:,-! .. :f'Brattdou.:(tt atlandFc-ounty) tlieatiy PiNim Of . S., ::At.. tipht: D puglU,4 • :.... : ut te, I rly . ,:,repinl iates' .I.).o44sktr i and' tiltleirs ,l3 ...Pa‘lellPPrti . itt• ( 4' 4. : titi et il,`«e. , .Free'-tini I .7.4.,..a...4, ItC_pre.,atakt iv-e. : Itut,,,, land entiiity. ',rolls lip .1,404 tatmtnity,,,fir .; the An ti;Nebraska .candidate. 4ir : Qsl,Biertior.'.. • -. .-:. .09r, Ne%'.m.ska..ev,..haale*Ati o iw - i. hymt I dole fatly : w.ler the .: • re4a It, , • and, soinO,Of,;',thein :grtiy,iogl,y. atlinowiedge.:thei .tefeat of ..their. . • party • Qtlter niagnaninionaly;antioiniCC:-the result, but •;give as , iitwt. details FIS the. - eati help..—.7.ri,blyqel. aiLr a MEM I leave IL; awl Le has. Vt.! he- Sortton to po st. ,stis govern ridore But 41in of . ti E ACII aturial J edge Li -11,11,47— I lit hi t therir, unir gate -en ed. Kliclat • Dem punish by ad and if gan't , with Judge. over- , . ' Go ve rno r l• ~sle „i ~ A -4 --- ~ , Buy l slices. ' The "Phikilelphia IA igl,,Z filluiriii4 re . ' Gail. BigleFs Nficeelf at 'Ati;ritrose, '.i'iri Fiiday„'lai;t, ays, ,' he did itt A - r:l;:ire the, \ hish 'tiOn the .4 . ltb i ," 1 - 2 ‘ r oth l (ny (i./.iieoic ! Piiiithi# hitristir "uri . the . tirist tuticiff tined the ;A'ell•krienvti : iiti oil ' tipte4 of tho party; he s ,' ittriitzri.. - rittsfigditt, lin aqigi t .' The ,',Go'vei.r (i.r.'i',."=-16 - ,,iiing, coiiikicous'iiil %Joe ' i " . i . 4ttdPetil The :Argos : hONVi;vpi'; trade ;amistalfe'iri - ~1 1 '04ritiri,,,ii-. that' hi 4 Exceiteil4 it hutted ikfistrid* - at: WI allian f ': - '&.t.5.' ' : ,Tif&er who heiiid;the etwteh 'vtly ,that '-while•E&l?litills - aehitilti-ed:th-04.rioiv-Nrith...' liielle - V66,,t l t#tioligly iihk: . tihed'ilii)4 'ey'en . , 'hititii4ltiethp;i'cilliarick ' bkm4ii`liiinietr ris: - thei he;iti fit 'the: INnidOlitio ' plii#% iind'ilie: ' RoiiiiiazCatholle4 And" Logeflfeer -I ,iAliit , ,i !I 'lliA=i - videiCoiir bf . A. ,, ita rpiliau'rel Is' t!.;bil'of:tud „ziti i he -- fart - that - th'e:i;iii;ii'll'o'nichi ! - Catlii)lic, a iidb , zgt. .80r iiite.,if' ilckcStati ii l iaiteigt(t,: •- to Mr v Agler 1 463 1 1 1 f ilfrio .. l* 4 2 tlitw 0 4: Ao i bp tbilud his roost talops1::litid•::1604 ;AP, '11(t - 3 :eit t s - f jeiqii tilli r itti4heeE betviiiiiDtiv,' , Ilil'cii 6 Y.iii ItPiii4VCgOitilidOthihiitilithii4(lll 'i,h6 . 'ifittli* Cif - - Plighliailt''-'l)l6._ree'iiiiii 4 :400: :Brgtirli' lol 4' 66 . 610iiiitalVtirOtit:44 -Aktfitj 141:fine46i4tell - tsi l ikii,',Atft)liio '',o4leilibi,,' ihirlit-i:le- the . Stitti:iiiittiliWttieptli tii tc ;'l6 -- 'liiimEtiteh44 l- 'lt'ufitlitiiiiN — fisittinik '4o4:the lets to to ry. Tel- =EMI tinti,cri ~.,t , 1 1 le S . i a 1 ~ ..i *-1 MEI ;~y~~e~er~~e~~~` ~~~~j~~~e: To the Republican PreOnten-of Einsquehaa. CrrizENs,:4ll ace rdance with the inten tion' I attnotmeed 'vereMl cclo - ago, I_ volimiarAy om'r myself as an I ndepende teandidate fOr the office of RE'OISTER cf , REG'OR at tiyi ensuing Gen- • evil Election, and respectfully solicit the :19ipixort of all•INio m a y Idt4m me worthr Mid well qualified py the stai - pit t , for Arhielt I can Andy 'pledge my honest p ertiiins to ti , verve :the,eonfidence reposed me* f- my-fidelity and intgrity.. bonered With a ipajai: ty of Ybur free t. - uar - ttges I shall be proud I vows-. Wink (iu 114 ren;tet,) and happy I ;Our [goet]] derth' for thO Ittating threeyetira- ' . -ItE-4 W.' EAPjfAN. • 1161'itroic, 12; 1854. '' AR - . • "i s !, •g ev . 'H. 4. Riley,. SOSethhet: 4trs, Mr; S. kN.tet , cif New York,. and ,Mis* Mmtrua Wool>. • 31PC . SE, of • - - • . • • _ . • ^ • I D. • .1 • . 11:iiLiberty;9n the 3cl i. stunt, after, only 20101111> painful sickiie4,. ANN DELPI, daUghter.tif Nicholas . L. and A,i,oh r iq t , ;. 4..!cl yts a - t My flesh Oafl rest irt Tht;r4,*he. Nabs. • Oatr Futh .r care :hull keep, . ) Till [the htst l irtinip sly 11 rouse grid break . The low , and drea r • C , _-_,............_..... NEW GOODS. ' - ' • -• . ..4,. - pod; assortment,,: o ant this week, at fey . . 1 8 1 •ptiees. ' . elill 'and eaaniine. t. . l i. -t._ -pricey. 'Sept, .13 . 1 . ,11.A.WLEY & MOTT. - t . • E C .0 DT+ „ ' IsTIV -- 0 Ti+ll6lE' -'. . - -- -7. rrilE - tticiersigned . -A I itlitori appainte d' ,by the - Or- ILIL.. - !pltatA. Court.'to ., distlikute the -*limey. in the, hands cif tine ~.%.,dn.sittiAr tors of the - Estate of Eseik Thayer, (Wease(l, aipo g: the proper creditors, will .4ttend to the SIIITIC . at, h ti 0111c:et on Satfirdayr the 14th' day Of ,oe.if fietobe •;;;ItillY'cloek . iti'tlie . forenoilit.— 4 1'llose - interested . hotitied to ispp6ir , and present ilttieir clairiitt. ,-...-- -; .. N. NEWTONdiuditor.: I I.! ;..119ntros ' Septe., ( f tier 7,"1£+,4 • -„, .• . . , I; ...4VAIiPIIA:I,,F'A .COVIIIrSALE. - i r , 11)Y., rirtee .or. aii . ',*, er of tbe'Qrpliareti Court: of ~.I_l S'usrp 'eliatinit cOut - to-nie direeted,'l -shall ei . . Pose - to pal lie 4ale to ttt, higheit bidder, on tbe preal ' ices in Bar nony`towrslilp . ,,oti Monday the 23d day.of )clobe?,.itti one o'clock i . x., - the forrowi t ig , Tr a t ua bie. l'cal P r 'italf. td wit F-:-, T. ..--;:- '- . I..LoTiiTo„l4, 'sitaatle in the t0w:1 . 15.14 of Ilartinitre is !lie eouigty • of:Susiiiieb. litta;' bounded atilVdeseAgi 1 as folimrs,' , ti") wit: 'Begi ming at the Southirest.corier, t ;thereof °it:lands off:hit:rib Storer ; thenee.nortli44.4e -Igrees n•eit 101+ pertlitis.altait- Jim" of latitls)tif .t!aid 1, Storer to ti' post iir au o t iginal;arrindee-line i 'thence i falotig,tlie•:::luie, ttpith 44 tlegree_S'enst . nil iierehea to 1:a-post ; tht nee South - 4:4 degreeti l eastllo4l . perehesto 1-two: beech saplings. taari:eit, and stone; :thence south 1.0 degrees 11'i...A 394 perches to-,the place of begin uing, contaiiii7 ito) I impgr.r4 ;thitliltir,tyrtni„ne,eirrea, I niore, Or less, , liar ing thelenn, u: *tire. ',Sttiry diellbig `llous6, bar ts,, &beds, orOurd'ic:and* about : SO acres un !der*Ootl iliptovenieUtil.:AL - --ii. ; •-• . :Lo/NO 2, Is fl ing at the we corneri. thence;north 41; th4re6 west lino or siad::de,o4 *puth'4:3lldegreerit,Oiin` l'ilegeril)p(ltioce;llt4r north 22Itlegrees,east tjittnee isoOth_ 42,1 tiegre 1, sapling ;• thence Sktittli t to the filite of hq, , inni or' about-40 i I ' , Mit lads, htsa large. i n, ,S.i4 constitu,tpo:t Joseph Ajistin,th.kt. , ase - - • - . Five pe cent, milt &trot" tWent3'qie the Sale •artd the giving ! be - paidlo tiyit - equal • • honaktionf the - sitAfolli „rvinainingnpaitlanont toorigio‘e tiPonithe pir<A *pt . . 12 tEI64 ' • - , , .. ', 1 rilEl4, , OW.: , ATAX. c fouud,ut.i.,he,,s.l9l*Of F.' Ii:CTIANDVER 411- sla ,e . asiortirfeiit (T . :1741k O r end Titter t161)11s: - Ilii - otsb .- tieftbattglit *tin the docket . '_was' at it:i ;lowest:spit; ha.tchilltvoliiiequetttly "tie Old at the ser. lowest rates , foriPtaiy.Pay. , ~ ,„ _ .. _ Silk,. Wpal,atial gotio - n\xiaids,,tie4m Fidler , raramettat (iitlf4lllwit',ll}i,di tinier si,*&. Trim ill ,gteac yaricti. - '' 1 - ,\ . - ; , '.. - ' CLOTHS . AStreAtiMERES. '' ' ,Tetins dl' 7eeds limit eltery , style, bad ' ' sit ' ' -, eo - a ' iill 11. be Sold at o -- cory Small adviuttiel:- • • \i '_, - --'... - - 2 ''j. I .-• it ':ADY• MA 0../0.-Altiii : .i G. -. ,"'., A-largo adtlititatAtony,stoelt. of tiotlaing, snaking it as : ticsi We, air aoylip this 'rtart:et.\' Coati iwP $:1;50 t o s i rts, 4 O. 'SIM* WniPreNt -' eP I TC i e. ' -' - ' - '''GROOFRI,Eg '.• - , •f A - largo Itaitity.txt ittotk end *ill be gol d ; usual ' /weer an,*othor. shop in tr. ,;-* 5... -- ' \,'. : r'i ''''-- 1 , -. 1- itic.X.ini ;ANL/ ROT:8. ; L . - - /4 4 1 4 ,1 1 0 -, t!, 1 4 .81100 1 % 4, f A eillofi , stapes, tick , I11101",ilin-Ntre,chard!lre, ti,talleil ei*ker,y, fluid, ltbe,s" Relle:_,- edephene, ,&e,---all of thitelf itill 'be saki at the It!‘t . gttlirkes: • Pliai*etilVtdoi - Ooe," 1- ,-;..- - ' .'' ' 1:1 ' ' -1 / 1 ?Oli -8 ANDISTATICiNEIIY. _ F ^ .4, Ivo . supt4Si oup* iiii - heod, of selgell;P i " ~an . .g i b i ce4 l no4" 4 lo 041 344 *05 14,,/eltehn*l wt,PP.II. Pc*fittl*AlatiliOit'r,eß-0 fartAl Pope; _ _lt* girds, tlfg" itadlom,' owe 1 0 ' all kUdill 'Arnokrilia4Ttlii*Wii ink; ,": galiti ilt,-18544.1. - fir: 4PeztaltUtPlOUWA . , .d..afi followq *Co wit • . Ilegir . 1. 141f,tho oPove mentioned tract;, ‘• eao: 47 2 j3o . eli es fialiing the ibeti . triet. .01i' foiti.; thence! atottg tliOlilie , 6f tine wilt - fit:4i Iles tow wtotiecoeherl.thentl" t as: peeehei to arotquecornerj .3 west 190 pektlealo A beech 4 tlegl-ttel4, east lot i>etebes. ' gig; ebntaining-214; ieresr toots. mwis :welt imprOited. , On the die! , Ittw/wabikTine - tiwier. . to ItomeilteaA l fourt of the We ' .. and bilotip. io his estate. aininint-tiici,W .re paid Oh the ' cent: = ottihiti'j onfittnation of , of , thO titied.',!The - residue ; to itnuol payoleote'll ona theOrk* arch ititerest ix! tie whole sow lilli;. tO lie'so . eure4.l)y tiontlind• !Vtiis` ei.. " ' . • '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers