i a wok e 043,. and f ' awo ; ~ a nd - then I,ieried all to .myself,. for it Was only.a dreaM.' . • • - TholaSt Words said very mournfully, • and ~ With a drOoping of Mary's .lids, until the tear gemmed lash lay Close Upon her:heeks. Au- - -other period of deep silence follow.e.d.; :fur the 1 3 . ppi•essed,listenors!gave...noutter anee.to what - "was in.their hearts', 'Feeling was too strong . for speech.. ' Nearly five minutes glidedaway ' and 'theriiMary 'whiSperea the name .of.ber ,' • father, bUt,-Without opening her eyes. Morgan answered and bent "dewu his.ear. .. ' You*ill only have mother left,' she said ;--‘ onlyi Mother: , And . she cries- so • much l . • 1 when -y•qu are awaY:' -- : • . . ! -1 won't. leave her, Mary, only When Igti I • io.work,'.said Mogan whispering back to the I - Chili]; 'and I'll never go out ,at , night ,any •m4c.' ~[ ''Ye.S, 'you , promised. me that.' , • . " 4 And i I'l promise more." . . ‘..What, i sther 1-! ' ' . , . .. Neer to go into a tavern again: - 'Never,l'. , , ' .. - .„, . . ' • Nc4•never. . And .rit promise still More.' :...' FalierT - . ' .:° Ne,-.er to. drink a.dr - op of liquor as long ' as Ili ' .'..H . . - .:f..• . - . . ': . I . 0 Ober ! dear.? 'dear Xatlieir I .' ~..' 1 And with a cry of joy . Mary started up, II • and fling herself upon his beast.'. ' Morgan ;; . drew his arnia tightly around her, and sat [ , with - his lips pressed to-her cheek, whilst 'she 'i lay,aoinst .his-born as :till as death. ,As ; death rlt Yes for when the father unelasped'l , his ar itS the 'spirit of his child was with the .1 - angel ,' of the resarreeliv.—.Arthur'A ten; night in a .I)cip-Nitnca. - . - • • fi : • • . - Importation of Felons. , • Thre- ablindaut_evidetiee that sin-er , ILI. it ?tot most, of, the European monarehio 1 . hrivelrolm:ea tO a -system. the .exportation of their felon to our 'shores. By this, they .ef:l feet ,AS. - ;.) OjeCt3i, 1: . Get' rid of the most dim gerolis aral bunion-7.qm 0 class of their subjects; 2:•Pxcitel or keep , alive prejudieer against Re: pubtes mbong their better disposers tvq,te, whqm they; wish to retain at home Thy nuilti , _plying in crimes in this coml . : '' try, ' and !Soditriisino• the , belief that - Liberty •1 ' i • e, leac's:natrilly to o outrage inia inseeirrity.--- The l;Alinkinu, we are •well assured, is a, -cor ,l yea translation or an official - Circular •wiiicly *ii4einina i ted throwdt Belgium. • ' - -•- • . • IL . '-.. ... . . - , :CnierLAii. • - . 1 • No.l - 1898'..] .`LIEGE,: - (lielgitim,) „March •,/ . 111854. r Ein igran 45 for' the' United Stales ,1 -7--!.t „, i.a.n.sportation : ' ,, . . . OgNTOLItEsr - '::. The transports for emigrants for the •Unitc:i gtates,will -take their &par tOrelroni Autwerp. . 3 1 large number of yes i - sets are I ' , gored , already.to leave at various ! pc*iods o this month. X certain mutrabca• - of liberated prisoners from Nil vorde., and frinp se erad . ptionlio.uses, (dep3t de• mendicite) are . •on the-p4itlt' of 'deptirtitio. • irva price of n . - r • , 9 i line - I eluded, 's 3.80 francs, which sum' should be p4id . .in - a vauee at the bureau-of the Go vern-i -or of. the . Pr6vinee. , . , 1,1 beg of You to Jet.me know as soon' as pos . --L sile •if yOur district has any passetvers to beli Ao .l rworde :. • . , -4., .1 Each i dii. , -Mautl should be sent to the jail!, i - ( 1- naiSon i "atret) of Antwerp, and have in hi 4 .„ . , possessiot stmply.4 'certificate on the tbllow l .!:, - , -. . ma. moai.• :, . • ; ''. - --..Tilt., urgothaster of the. district -of-----J . 13 Provinei. of Liege; ( . 13elgium,) certifies . tlnit ---:---1- (, ire the age, place of birth, parentage), '-' ' l• e d • • unmara .• • ,- N , is . .. 11 The departure: Will take place during 1.19 year. every - 'fortnight, • - , . The Commissary of the...krrondissement I ~• .. • Tu. FLETCHET. 'To - thy . BiirgOinastcrand Council of - !. =We would- sugg.cst to honest: and-re , potable Adopted. Citizens that it :especially behoove.. them to wateh (through their friends remainirri in Europe) and expose every 'atl tempt to flood - our ports with European crita, lii,als am paupers.. - The burden must 1,4., borne . IN:y us all,- but the. adopted Citizens ati.!. - i sub)ectet to an, undue share of being, exposed ItO peculi r reproach and-obloquy because df These ca aoes of iniquity' :ana .mendicancy q, =Worth ly thrust-upon us.' Will they -not act 3-11- :Y. Tribune. . - . • -- ------=--. .. •- - 1 .1 I 'and its. - -supporters----thc": Coni - ention proceed "..r.liit EE N'', l Ew . TEnarnatiEs.--Some,, ,I cd to.buSincss. And di they nominate a we. metidned that the national-au- , :_• . I , . k j t „,,. , ~- ,;. 1 . ,;.,,.. -.. vigi r men. and ':' f • hatrfrtuagtl a 'plan for,organizing 11: ta° l3 g r e . Ile 'IA • I '),, • ‘ i 'f• - r lerritorial governtn‘.:nts in the N--hkr men. NeliniAkaitts nud ant!-Nebraskaites itry.:south of Kanzits; to -consist SO - - liiii . xed 'to.Tether..!in , ..firornitseti,ous conftisi9ii.H • the, ebt:tntriesVA% the Clrukees in i Ti' , fli ..,,.• r ' l . 1 . I .t. - 4; I- 1. • 1 1 1 ' ' • , . ll a 4.1 4..) %nf z . '* t let ; - , IC: •1 \ : .. • ;i i lazy, the (..'ree‘s in another, and the !i.. i.. . , I r . l . i . T ._ A ; 4 1 , . ,6, is'.. Or ....ungrt..l 3 .....,diusua di....Trom, ; .I,,,r.i.i.ep 's-and: I•Citickasaw - s in a third. 1 This 1 .. . . •ii • ,' • ' ' .!... ; as . stated.'on -tit authority of a pelr- •ritatwe NNilliain 3 ' lurrell ~ for• Sheriff , reit., .., . ! • had Just arris. - e4 froM the Citic•kas•tlw " ' P;otho 1, Martin J.' M-UMforti; : fur Itofry . l, , "- I }'. tad been sent °tit: to be, eanrisseti•tiy 11: 1 .1t. 1\ it for .Itegister and Recorder; F.., • - coltoemed, a d who .. , underiit. werel P.4.1011is ter - for CoMmissioner Jas er Stan . istiti.Aed citi •ns Of the Unite 4 States. 1•- • ' - , -' 1 ' • , let.; 'for AUditor, 0, S. liee l be.; for_ ck•roner, '..st sessiuw . of Abe So/ate - t it b i ll. was 1 —. .. ~ . . • i • • : A r k„ n4 ,, , , , 1 teenjamin Di.x. . .... • i . :._..•-,..,- • ~,...• ... i. - :Ij, , .. Lll by ` ` Mr. Mr. Johnson, of : inbodi•ed the' feit tti res •of this Seheme. 1' The ConVentiorirt hen fiiijourned '- :\ViOicnit ~• •,- i. , Bich, though. it tvas not acted up, , Will adopting any .resoltitions.,, . .-- ... , form -1. - subject '-ut discussion :at. 1 !_. atoll nest t, ~i ISo the Nebraskialttue4ion is not :et:lnsider.: winter. ',This bill prOpiii:k.s 1 1 '. • . - • ~- "•, • .. n „, . i5r ,,,.. (.:; ii ed , worthy the' notice of llie , e u •,- f assent or the tribes named ; to extetat .. •• - - .I,i i .• - ,-;"'" g . !r, •. . Susi l ue _. ..,. .11asj . ~. _. , t. hanta county. • he 'promise Ittiltd--.• hem the • constitution . and laws of ..theli" and .to organize three t t xritorie.s: ofl to the Free-Soil c 'men, in the. MOntiOse.lierno .lte Ili( ians are to be recognized ;!S tit -1 1 erat. ben•kel -. 4 ? l. 11 - ''' :• 1 .. . : 1 . 'l] ' THE tape ag ministra three ne Ulan cot. crally 011 e tern (Igo aw plan it 1 son who Bari , ;n, . thci,tribt to be cc i li At the present4l probal.l W a with ti, ova • t 1' which. Osag.cs The 'title of the. first of these will bel itivl will 'include the Cherokee §,l ,Seueeas,,Shawneesi , Quapaws.---I e, of ';the .seeuildlS to be 31uscogree . ,1 will itielude the Creel and . Seminole! The tit and it Criije Tlill .711 It seen layed to alio tribes to t?iis Collar I the third is puled Chaii-ta, 341 •lude.the ellOctal,y and saws:-. s probable: that action was. - pnly .de4 vim. this schentb,j4 Congress in order v titne to.secure he .consent of all. the . desigtuitel3. l. Efforts .are ' now being . tral; and poAbly the next session ,Of s. - g - Will.witfiess the passage of the bill,. %..Ea6tolt Tara . . er (Dent.) of Aug. . . I.las the 'following morsel on the Lath- 1 paroo, : , , ',e 'apologists , of Gov:: Bigler.. in the 40-ur pardon case. sar that the - fine , is i nfltted,.. 'Row is it?. Gov'.. - 8ig,16,r,...in i .ii,l6 - 151,.. 1 5a . y that thisillall: was improper -It. yieted upon the testhliony 'Ofa " 03147 . , as nut 'entitled to . credit.. i In - oilier'. word. ~ he 1 - 4ises . the pardOn upon the - 'ground ' 1 of im ocelii... 'Now' we 'ask, any S..nsible roan.( ;if it ' s reasonable: ,to 'suppose for a, thor4nt 1 that, if Gi-iN.:Bi g ier• believed ,Uchan our innci., 1 ~ emit ; he would release Min . from 12days con ' finetneuti, and leave a line of t2,so6,:reSt4ig upon', hiin ? 1 ,NOt ii bit of it.. 'll6::bas a .-,, fr it and free : ".pardon;" and, although the:: Shetiff • la.S . been prosetuted, for. the flue, .we r wisli Our - i•eadrs;to - niark 'our predietion,. that Laeli:ln • Our will - neyer pay 'it; . The couilty hal be!en' _\ rolbb d--=the robbers .are, Gov. Bigler and the per.s.oilis'N'ili6 iw...iii.ura..i.i.Cie . fi ilia pirklimi. l7 ' ' 4tb, $' Luella not r. the p lv ho I onr neighbor of the Union, must be rnis Iten,lo snying that "so long as the . -0,4r t tole tnendipent - was retained: :the GovemOr; we elieve,'was opposed io the passage of the Net, ' ska bill :"'' We any inuB( he miitykrn, bees sethe-CLArroN amendment is pree \ is!ly M.'s -: at , as a provision in the clinprotili§e ynes of 185(k - relating to the territOries then iirtnipil whieh measures the Govern ;ur or 4nnifornily approved,in ,every ' . :psi - rt, IrosA 'the time of their patsage to the present Inonietit: 7 :- . Keystone. "- - The N. Ys Tribuie - on-iceouk of :the spresure of. the times, the falliug,pfra,s4ver tiiai; and the inerose4 priee -of viper ~14s. relitie_kd it 4 size. . - I - ~-~~, f.'itgiitq . ininct .-Aigio.q. RAZIER AND THEO. SMITI . I, XPITORS MONTROSE,. PA. • ' • . rsday WHIG MEI 'tiEoliTai.: n. ,Judgi , of DANIEL. M SMYgER, V.-R.- PALMER, the • gent is the .only ai#Orized A the cities of Boston, New York ~....._ , j _... . roilock - Endorsed by the Free pemecraby 1, ' . Withdrawal etldr. Potts . ,! ,' ' 1 \ : ! ter. • Our readers .- wlil Irecolleq:that ltiPree Detn-.i ; .; , I • Deratie State Cenvention tissetnliled et ilar,„! O r • • ~,, • rilsbneg, ..August -Otli, Ito pans - icier, the ;hest • • •oitrsi• :to lie lairs-MA . he the friiiids of •free-; ear` i,im in euiS cris . ,s.; , That; 'eni,•ention,- repreP, net eating* the Frecitic.imer: ey of the m:;11ole . 6 -` l. ' s ; tats, j solenn&s , dCkilitred tl at Clovecrnor -Big s •P e . . 1 ite;• ler, from, hisliositien on the Slavery;andTeni.: ;,. • 'l' •' ' ' is . it : f • . 1,,' V cr p.erzinee,.4inestions l l tumor ky o . stupor \ 2 .• anal :that Jainps l'olloek i s pos4ion,on ..hoth thu these Irent ~ itiesOns; Whalisfitetory - : •.1 The! Convention, therefot.e..l:.with ; he . eons' chi 6 i "gr.' Potts; withdre.hiSl,tuttn ;is :t eandidat4 1 for ;coverner, and reeoininet (i l ei.l 'the-. Free I l i). :' • • 40.1 ,1 . -' ii ovosiz•arl. ..,_i, State 1 o support. Polloal il They . beliee Ithud the Nebraska' question 4 It , • an iistre in this election; atnta4 aeeordingl% IThe I;csolution mid' correvon f d i enee - of tl . e I . convention;a . pi‘ear in an .oilli!r t ll olutnti.f . , l -, : I'll ....•, . . . - • . .•- -, - 444er Co' nventi94.: , . . • ..1 „- On 'Monday lust what purOited, to .be- ,# Democratic 0. unity Conentioit was held 'lO Montrose. ' i Nothing that \VC latiVp ' reeentlY witnessed, has inure plainlY qinced.. the.. e *i, • -. isteuce of. that spirit before wliicl• i the taro- pullers are shal.ting'in.their sh o es. .The;Cott- : ' ..(-nti4 . 413.:•%-11s ovictolitl:: , , g,.c.,Cup with attach k'jli i 1 and precaution. . 11l seVeral'of the towns)iips,; • 'Probably in most of them the .f test..questi O - tO• voters at, the delegateelectiOns . .W.*!"Bi let or anti-Bigler." iThe delegates' ref-I:daily .eleeted'for cheeount townsbiP,;were.thr4ii chit of -the quilv,ention i . the 'all'egation„v„aitiSt . one. of `them being. that i he was ''anti-Bigler" and,' in addition, that he' voted for „the Tein .. • - s. • . ii i perinicti - candidate tbr• Representative litSt ,• 1 ' fall;' Which. according to' the stritightlaced Party rrit.i; kvha cUntrolled tie Q.onVerith'iti, ' Was ' arrant. Whi . g.. l et'y. or - titiale: hi Ili; a .:`mitsi-, -7 lii ' i • - 04' tboUgh heldmlared-hitps 1 a Democrat. I,\TC. - sdid not hear •that there vas any objee . --1 1 tien to the other, one. nuless it was tht'a I - Wk .11-116t11_‘the Nebraskaitk had brought ion, to the •polis--juSt as they trice to dO in M - ottt- . rose-was perMitted to voted and sat vitiated \-, • \ • n the 'elt.ction. At anv rate, the.Checout del- Cgates were . tbkowtottt - , the: `pitrity' of the iparti- Was vindicated and 'ittOpetiolenpe ivas rewarded. . Thus -purified - -hut still , retain-, ititg among' its 2 delegates 'rrien Whoiwere streng. 1 Whigs some `6,vo. yeais i age, ttud• whoa chief t , I claim - '-tAi 411 e. name of Democracy n w eon -1 slsts h* - I , Opeti advocacy . .of the''.-iebraaca,bill our Conntry,.Piesen, t aiid•Prcispectiire. We iliVe examined IVith some care., :Gas ,. - tUtt inn] ,Jolins.: . on's' sTew Map of our C4sUntry" just- publiblied, :u.+ .in our opinion it 6 . . the Vev.V -.best ive ; havei:,evet seen. our present boundaries, •Inchiding the lei: . ten raidiou purchase from Mexico—the newly - 4rgatfized territories of 'tenses and Nebras. ,ka—all the railroads completed and coutcm plad—deftites the boundaries of everpeoun ty im each State—and in general anciurie y is Much superior to an other of the itew maps of our country, with w'hich, we have become acquainted. The following reconunendation is from. one qualified to judge : Itaving teen employed for a long, tune as drititglitsman in, the General, tand . Office at'WaSgt hinon. and "having carefully exani-' , bled all the 13iffererit SittpS° of the United I States up tci:the present,date, in tity estinaa• thin there.are none that in point-of aceurluty can cempare with 6aston & Johnson's, New Map orour Country. - . • JAS. P. 31eLEAN t leivit Engiimer. Washin.tton July 21, 1854." 1 Mr. Baldwin,-the agent' propoles to -can vass_this and some of thendjuining bounties to make s,ale, \ of the - . above -Map, and our readers may therefore have an opportunity to ex:ill - tine' it and judge of its merits ' for them - sci yes, - • tar, tkat the report, of the governor''s remarks, on the 'Nebragka 40 Fultomminty, which flppuirild eri gnially in Os -rfille, Spirit, is widelyi copied in papers of all parties in tiState, eon 'ns a - 41%1i statement of Bi,gler's, t position, fir his oton,atoutlk., Woulid.it be t'!•.:)") much ,t 6 ask -4 1 #3toi?grOse;Denwcraf to thl°W l, the 4 eitanaple, or.the Lux : fine anal ..ot her I' staunch Dornocratit , sheepo, and lay; that rep Port;togetter . witfi the Ife#6..tfjne's' attgitt O ts thereon, before, its, rea4ers ? •it - do good more ways than one. ... int GoThelatineAtil) THE SLAVERY 1- • 0,IIIISTION. , '!.: -• .. t Governor Bigler, with all his - Pro-slavery antecolents• after having-reethUmended to the . , State. Legislature the enactment of .lawa - : fa . , r' • , - • Yorii* the iditiNtion -of slitw'ry, after having iusPtl.. hii influence to prevent the voice of , L Penrisylvanialheing:given:thrOugh her Legis -1 lature \against the Nebraska hill, after ...( ving consented to ruts as,th4".candidateo a party fully - committed` .an faVOr . pe.:tha ' bill, and which makes, adhesion 4o it a party test, aftei , ',laving tacitly alsented-ftet; 44, assertion s - xi , mde !hi , .all' the": leading pakr o f his , party that he is in favor, ofiit, after! the Democratic State Committee , have prepiredAirider hii-,supervi slop.- and 1 ' t it he world an adaress' ii.t.fil . vpr, of it, ay, ~finally sitter. he has him ; self decl . ttred; hi: a public speech, as- reported by one . 6f . his - tiwui partisans, J. M. Cooper, F.sq.';'editer lot* - the • Vd,Pey. Spirit, that he:,ap. priivea/the- N,Olorasita bill; and' would dcfeUd ii,'.3S,Afoundeil On the ;rest principle of * self-- government pthernor Bugler, we say, With such an ei..edents; Made'a'SpeecliiimMoritrosei. last well:, Which the editor of the, ifoiLtro'se l)riaocrag, Who'.claim4 th ,i)e. a,strOng ' i nnti- Neliraslia Man,.aißruni " . 11as:, v.aken - away . all - , sonahlt! CauSe,Of complaint from any guar :-.-Afler. Snell Ali assertion;. : from what rptalS. • tt3 he d i le { - 4 , trtyr„gart . 11 . 1 this sty li,' it lis wortli wluile i:tci 'eiaminc;With some. 'coy ,at thelGlivel4lo said .ilire, and see what sort , or.a tiimudation the assertion is 5Ca.: , . tyho'zvve r • reitiii . ' : itio report of :Mi.: !eeli, i can 114Cdly fai) to :ppreeive its .strik siMilarity to addre.' Ss No. 3, of the Dem laic State Committee,..a • document which at 'well-known Delliperatici paper; the Brad-, firrd :I?eiider . ,- justly4aractklizes - in 'the *fob; 1- ~ii.~Gi 1961,? /CM* ri Torthtintb6rland. loner; of A 114,Theny. • cone. of IVllfttgofoOy--. Amen Newspaper, gent fat this paper :iii and Philadelphia/ ;owingt l erins " It etideti'vors with 'a disingenimsliess wor tliy of the ifetighjece .1144 irrpte it, to ciinfound the henie.st indignation :of Freemen tit, the vie: lotion: 41.. a rNiitional i'intiPtiet, with the trea sonable acts 4 abolitionists. ' •It employs the. 'same flirty glime . which those wlei do the dis graceful. work Of 'slatrery 'always use,. ai great pretension IcirqiatriotiStit, li love of the! Union, and on ellFeltension of disunion. :While it earefally skulks the itrue question, and the. iniquity, Of the, outrage perpetrated upon the' North, it has a 'lively .9.7ase of the indisere-• tions of..the _over,-zPalutts opposers .of the measure:" 1s ~ . , . . [ . , .•. .. - : 1 - It: is true there were some things he Gov , 'enter approted in the 'address - bite ded t - or general eire ! tilation, .Whieli he did not deem if. . • ' 1 prtidentito repeat in. sosmany surds in the. locality. For instinee, l the address says, "The 'only matter of inquiry has long been how it (the Institatien C4‘ . shivery) was to be managed to "the greateA advantageOf both i the white. and the bla k IC : raceS. The latter • number Several milliot s- . and -we are forced to, the d Hein in & of licittitiing a large portion 'of them in litintiog,e; or }nuke them our 0%11- pabions and cipittl, and permit them - to share the, honorsof t,he...State, and intermarry with our ditoghters 'mid friends.": lie show ed his discretion bytittif Urging such an argu ment. in tlivor of the perpetuity and extension of humaobondagehefOre the fre e men of Sus , : 1 einehatina:.eounty. Ilie did not say, he, thirst not say.. here, personally,aS he . says, through the State Committep,:it the address, "Lit us, fellow citizens, dise l itrd 'the doctriucs of. 'the • ~ .1 abolitionists and initi.slavery agitators,. and], look .upon .the:opitOons!.whielt.tlici have pro . i ,-. mitigated, 'and are now promulgating, as the;, ftilae lights thrown'eut by the ancient federal-r , ists, during the:ll.isSouri ControcerF,T, to mys-' tifythe people,,and",repiti lost power.' - i= The day of Wild fanaticistu' ; And stolid bigotry. on : the questiOn of slaiery has paSsed by in this State, and lierdemberacy Oud her peOple gen erally haVe planted themselves upon the prin.- .. , ciples of-.the comproinise - Of I'Bso, and there, thiiy will continua to stand, whether victory .or defeat awaits theiti.. They- are willing to see the citizens of the territories detettiiine i • • in : theirPrintary assemblies, the question of ..:: donteStieslavery fur themselves; without the control, or dictatnin !. of the' central govern ment, hi eh -'lur : . t . 'o f w.tie may ,_ iy;tt usurpa, ton power pretend, to definer the lines of :freedoni 'tit'ii . slavery :t degreds of latitude andJongitucle, 43f... by..._ge.ogrupliiCal boundaries." No_r; he had not courage •to iCill the feopie:: quite, so • • . plainly!i . i.s they aqt l. tOld here, that slavery is to. lie More, privM:ged-t.tian, freedom; that ' thOse who- aiOtateifol , :slaveri are Democrats, i ,-=but thosciAvho anitaterfor.freedont, after Shive ry has coniniviteed the agitation, - tire-Feder- - alists,\(4, 'sihnetlii',iiielse equally horrible.-,--- - . But On examiiiation of his speech, tisrepOrted in the I.leniocrat tinder .his sanction, will show. . • 'howclokely - he follov;fed• . the pro-slavcry, ad dress. '.• 1- -: :, 1 - • ' '- • -1- • i• I. . - er - -11 e, tiovernori. assts, both in his' speecli and the;' address.! tlitit...he, organization of the territories . of, Nebraska and Kansas irtis:a subject ?With whiPh . 'he had, ofeially , nothing to do. ' Now, ,we 1(110%S . ' ,he ' he has• interfered • withthe slavery stion, and. with thii;sonte ...-• ipt e .... Nebrisha...,ipiestion . ,: . an4,_ unfortunately, : fur 'him and for the Crimtry,.alwaYs (intim 'wrong . side!' `Being . GOv4knor -certainly: aooi . not . dePrivt.' hint : i:if 'ilii liberty cif speech, arid if, , not as... a . Governer; , .thea as a man, lie waii• l called' you by 4very, principin: of. true pattr- otiSin;; to raise his. Voice in opposition tiithel contemplated., outrage againSt •freedotti and: justicl ••• instead!. of.' which he used his in- . ,fluitincet-offieial,.Or personal, or - whatever .he Pitoosei to Coll it, tp prevent this great Com ttionWealth of. Which he is •so proud,' from speaking Out; as : she:blight to hain done; on the. sidP ,of :freedoM. And; now lie seas \ to . , eapejthe- Zet•ril)iition . iliat on, indigucuit. peo ..ple are obout to', visit:mix:4 him, liy a,subter- 1 fuge,.like that of theguilty king, "Jini cant not-0,4 2 i did it. : , l 'i'‘We'do.stii, and it : --is our 'firni lieliei;'ait.4 - ‘4l - have heard, More ;thin I, .one, hit.elligetit . :arid honest man of his:own 1 party, declare it as their belief,* that Will'unn Biglerthad - -it in' his PoWer,as:.GovernOr, of! .PetinsYlvania, to ilfcat :the Nebraflo'hill.....-- Anil for his reereartey. tit i6t, erisis,' fir his imbaeryieney tat Southern' :poliCh' ire , doubt .nittiltho people 'iril tafteilumat his-word and , -"strike him doWti."l . '•' ': . : -: '. --:.: •' '. .! • --, ' , - 1 1 (4h the: sppeoi.ao the `iaddresS" say .‘ it_. Is; scarcely :pOSslbr that, : the elCT.tiort: of (ifiTeCnor, Whoi..ver': may au' weetg'is: itihai-e -ant' iset'eal Wearing; ' the f*t ' :•p i • . upon ;.,u urelpo icy , ' oftlit4e, territories!" end that "the . repetd•of the it(lsSouti iliinpromiite is hOi'an '.issue in 1 i; • this lquitest, ' ile the people - 0001d li e 'init d ; r ; • • to believe this,it:wonld itli,4 the Genitor's 1 -•--- ._• \i _, ,'' .:" prospee. - very:Materia44,--IpUt they cannot, Thistivesti. hot an issue t\l We had_almoat said! it wt :, ..4 only issu e--it certainly fa exceeds all others ittimPnr:l4mee. The mor4 al' sdn'se and - feelings of the people hive been . 1 g outraed by act of, s i l therr unfaithfalserv .,' : in anti at .Washington,;' attd. its their • prayers, f i I and ; petitions have beep treated with cor, tempt, they ha4 - deteriiiiikid to use the soy °reignpower secured to the re- by ,the conSti . ~ ! i -,. tutton, and \see, if they icanhot make . them selves heard by 'means of 111! ballot box." Thd queStion if; whethei . 'the : ekethen of on. or the other of the candidateiwouid . he un derStml as an!cindorseinent!Or condemnatio of the Nebraoa bill. 1 Th at that; meaSur was 'adopted 4 the Nation al . A.tfininistratio and foreed thrOugh Cone* as a Democra , is measure, and that . its'is4port.iS.declar ' • ; • .. • q _• \1 bylthe . Administration ' press to be a test of party adhesion; no one ic`lt ki deny It It IS •üb ; ways understOod that•the tkiamph, of a party, . . itntnediately niter the adOtion of., a new principle or Measure I!; , yllhat party, must be constrned as an eudorsetnetit of that principle ~ o r imeasure h, the people, while :a defeat, like , that of :the Nt.bras - kaitieS' _ih .lowa,'-most ere- . ,-,, phatically prO pounces lits c ondemnation.-- Then, when We see the', leioers of 'a great , or-. ganization which sic - leA itsOf the Democratic ' I - : • - .:. - i i f , party, openly" accepting the NehriAta bill as a-party nicest , d. aff the same time GOV-, triter Bigler tells its ; I his election would • :: ..: :i , ~, not be an endorsement kr,: that measure, we ..~ naturally atsl4 when did] the Gove r nor nave tlie Democratic party. l? 1. 3o'far from having left it ; he stod up beroreus. ; the 'other- day, and told us how proud' lie: was, to belong to 1;. • - that great, glorious, and„stainli , ss l. party, that; never_ did anithilig ivimilk! Does, that look' like withdraW ) ing truer ; the party, or cotidenth-; ing the Nebraska bill;!.! $o thr front it, let al Mea.mre . .be once: chr;lsiellcil "Democrath.,"; •:::; • - - • and - if , forthwith beeotOs sanctified in his : sight. , The ;party •eano4:„ no wrong. Well, Might he attire that ;Irvin at. he' said here was ; 1 • . ,_ 2, . sybstantialtithe that same . he said in Fulton county, wheiit . be undisinisedly l declared in fawn- of they Nebrtisltal.4ll; twit 'well. might "an old Democrat" fenkhrk, as ••he did on leaving thegivtind aftir the Montrose Spemh, that "the •Gqvernor i'llinfOut-and-out Nebras: ka man.r. \lf,:With ;all these facts: staring theta inrthelface; - thelPtynple can be made to believe - that the Nebraska question is not an issue in thiscontest, tisitithere are tuort.. ver,t itahle ." - I . (nox . v-Nkt.hini4,B"!:in the land than . wiz. . . . , had ever supposed.: 1 - : i .' ; ;•• 11 li , • - • ...• Both the ipeech;tuttlthe ."address" declare' in tisior of "non,interyention"—" popular soV erLfignt yr----,i` the priticiples of the coinprO:: imise - of ;1850"—tlielOoccmor Isaying in hisE speech that;;" he would ;have organized Ne - ; braska and ;lansas, could he hate controlled it, under tl* act of 1850, - withoat disturbing *.i 4 • . the-ifisrurt comproiloso at a11.',2, . What .de they mean '4-applyitiethe principles of.:th4 _,— comproinise of 1850 Ai - i Nebraska and tian, - 1• - sashe . ifollowing l estract from the "adi dress" will explain i F - : • . : , "This leaving. the fpieStion te . .the people Was first adopted by, ctin' greSs in 1850; and was intimded to be Oodral in - its application to all t erritories thereafter to. be organized that it 'vas to be a finality as to the principle to be invoked, but not 4 finality as to its ap4 plicatiol— thu.t. Would imply that no mitre territorie; Were , to lie, - organized, This p(isi tion is sustained zby:thOilet, that in forming r the botindaries of.Utali)and Nev; Mexico, no impeet seems to have been; paid to the act, of I'N.O, hying what is ttirined the Missouri line; nor the act'af-1845 extending that line to the' Rio 1301 Norte. -The larger portion of the !territory . ineluded inithese- acts of ;organize - , tion - w-.S.taken front! the. Melican acquisition, but thiy include alsk a portion of the. Texan . ' territory mirth of 36 og. -30 min., and a Part 1 of the Louisiana pureluise, which was pavered ;by that line. - This !Cetißory Was taken from I under t the ; ; 'act of ,1526, interdicting slavery, 'with of 30 deg..3oMin.,'and sulvetel tq' the action Of the prinCiple_s- of. the;eom , roi mise of 1850, that the territory thus etnbrac: ed should be adrnitte6 into the Union as States; with or withdut slavery. as thee - pe6pisi thereOf -might detertnine. - These facts lare claimed' aSi a preeedent 'for theact organiz4 ink'N'ebrasika and Nansas. - :It is for these reasons; an'd, in this,' sense alSo, claimed ;that the ',principles Of Tilyn-interventiOn as - adopted, in •1850 shbuld be;:reglirded as.' a :finality.: ...' t :5 Ye;, that is it.. ThetGovernor and his Coin; mittee . elann - that.int a 4 territories organized; or to be e i rganized; :since the eompromise of I 1:4501 the people 'efritie. territories are to de. 7 1 ele ivlialier they trill have slav=ery or not; and hat this waskliefintent and Meaning of the eempremise Of' 'lB'so, or, .in other- wordy, i • .1 • ,-, i .• -, that that, pmnprotinse in en , ert repealed the 4.)iis4uri - Jew - I:Tick:o4! It is now easy to understand what; th a„ Governor means When lite saysli would have• - organliAl the teriite. • 1 i . - -', ries . ivitl - tit disturningthe Mis.souri comp'. "O. nuSe; and 01 . the principles of the eetepre 'nisei of Itso. I.)oes)te mean that he wool • haVei excluded Shivery from the territoriet Not }at all. : . .He!,ttleetts.that 'he would ha , l opened. those .territoi,iea to slavery,.and - - le. ! the thud 4ecisioq 44, the question , to the pee -I.oe'; :just, as the Nebraska hill ,does,,but would 044 said - nutting ahent the Missouri .cein .prothiee,:a' S that; -q;, his view; was-unn cesa. .ry.: i To leonciliate the free-Boilers, „he .tells 'thetn•that he metll4have - donethe 'deed that i - • DonglasA and - hiaieoMpeers. did, but would. have culled 'it ibi a different name!: It is .plain; the;reforethat all he said_ hereshout net tot4hingithe :coin Pt.otnise of 1820, atnoititta: to ',just nothing:' tit - tdl.l- Yet E P. Chase,.-Mho , Itasji.ii.ten flirsikntoriths• battling - streanotiftly 1 . against - the very docirines the -GroVernOr pro clams, deelarea himself satisfied !. "Blessed:i ,is ho that expeiitsincithing!or hesluallinot4;e L ~ . ,li disappointed:” '!;. But. what ' must teattettO, of- . . . the;DeiOcrat thirik,:to fmd its virtuous'. ti. or,', who ;has -al Itrtes heretofore asserted that tiq GoVkirior and himself. were opposed to the. Nebraska hi-pet:low -turning short about, pratsing&thispri:k. s rasks speech and t.leehtr -14 that 'it is' !Petie ,, lly.SatiefaCtory ? ' - 1-ciyi , - 1 9 0g . iiiripe hti„Vifttis arguing against' and rid!- - .; v ipg thisidoettitieof tion-intervention- and }lop, 'War ,stivereignty 1 .j.. How:long , since. .110, : in common with almost' every man: in the totin l')!,; denounced 930 714 , tbolq9 - veitiot apptelir and 4)10 iipaWtholtleoplerta - iaias it 4iit , -- -- Wilikt. -.49e4-614: 4 '„Platt.e:lgis.. advocated, the GO4ernor.LdWitoi..in fitVerbri,:' idt declare for rein* tr ,against thee mis i;f any inore'Sl4e:tateg; or'i;'ileti i 'lignin the i i) A- , . • . ,i 1 : .--:- - 8 ti w vLSl th air ei .1 1,8 ,!its iff t. I.ii io , yl4 :l', , 811 p 2r th thl y. fig w ii :h irl . tbe l!_, F , that ro. 8:il men I No ;ii yet to Clia4o Ihis speech ;) `AS path +iisfae.tOrYl; .SO - .the ititt.Sy mask 1 i N t ' dropped, Itrid . . F 4 B I Chuostaiia ,1 .reVealed i : all the_ dfortnit:y f a gemkiiie!itebrask* . . i i .e. -We are tolit. ]y an'opOii'Netraikit toemOchtt, who lints I been..a. good 41 - 1 1 i n • Washington reeently'r.that - when o ur Legibi a . 1 - . .:. : - - - .... thre . aBjourne4, daft qpritig, Chase sent word ' to Col. .Forney, Or die Irashi:Oiron Union, hat be was;,going:Shittle to battik. Or the Ne braska bill! - And iwq belic . :ve,:tb4, for once, he has tried' to ke L. 0 Iris **Ord: In . ' his most. anipant anti-Neb: ska - editpritils i l,he - has al 'nays' i t. had that ctn .. ini vie*. LetiPennsylvjt nia endorsethe N§br[tska bill; by the election sq Bigler, and :sl4iv - e f y is triuniphant. All• * the importancef carrying the old Key. 7. Mono =State for , ih Administra c tion. ..- Th 6 .: i. ;particularlioctri4s l advecatedi by a county' inewspaper fire of .:little conseilUeoce, but eV- - i - ~, _. gle ~ . .r ~. 1 . ei.y tote f or tit c ounts fur; the Adtninis: .Itrationandihe slivery interest. i Chase may . ... dr 'i a -1, 'ltit . • for ti'le •I' • .Itner—ore ...,i v.•a. so tett .. ing , ree- SOilistn - to the Page-oiler::, if he!can therebY Imlieedleliient into - titiPportind Bigler. . 'But !lie iris been driWn from . A" i to . position, posi tot i •. . .: • till non . he com e fort phtitilyAnd } pronetinees . - • . the . ..doverhee.s ritO•Nebraska i.:peeeh .Ritistite- I tory. . Ile; will lii4i.- y attemp i 9 is disguise, but ite4pt og the platf()rin 'the'par.: ty leaders' have. ~(,..,'. l i down, wi)l. iir'Aably set I.( 'lrk to eonflific Vs ownargnificittS as best a.O WO: ii .. ar , I vi ovnt argi,, : ti 1 . 1.4 he may. 1 - i . . • -On the whole; w ‘ are glad i tile . - GOvernor , • g - - - '• • came here. 11 . 1visti fids• before the' peciple us be elioose'sto refireent hilosJlf;' , and. though, . , - he did taut revea h msclf as Undisguiscilly .as elseWheiti ` - a Mat ixarninatiott kows thatos -. . ~~ • . ~.= - he liinise 11 . asserk l dhe said Inirosubstantially . ~ . • - 4 . 1. hesblvcd that.the su-callscinbcrit. whai•lie did in hill On county; ttat he was In is party...by its s'ysteinatic SiibTervieney: ' ti) ,:;; - --. ; ..; furor qt t..(ie .2Y:l'O - mIN Litl„ ,Th•issunisiiim the slave holding' poWvir of the • country, . . fairly niiiile ; bet*een him at4<ftifige Polleeki Manifested Iv i series of inettsitit4i, • the I#•4 of whielt:t lip -N ebraska -K.a in.:ti..s. bill,:involving the antiehnt,la - ciindidate.; ! If Free-Soil. t • ' the repeal of tie Missouri Compromise, has men belio,:e, asltu.'.'y Arm, iWt freedom or ', -. ~ , .- ,• ..„ :. ~• 1 -. given.tue most inunintituie evniptive .ttiat it slavery i 4 the citk...a.t. issue note befOrk; the pee'' . intends to/s'iiiiiiiit to every ueniand of that ple,. - theyi catinc4 haye any 4,.nilit Which' of .powpr, even t)itgh - it iiim 7 .. itivoli - e.thc; 'Mil 'lin! two to• siipliort. The Free Deitiot•raey, cluetioti of slithery ini , i-the .frce 5t:4(...i.' , 111 .i :i. 1 - ;1- thelforeign . slai-e tradei: :Liil..t Who met iii State Oniventitri, at IhirriS- .reN'ir" l (...q . ' 1 4 • ; k . prostration o . f lt tlie p . ppu 17or ht.: melt of bur g , burg, August 3001, Withill'eNV their candidate , . • :T, ; • i ernment, by Liaking:it subservient to from the field, ,:ind repoinmended the frienils i selmi., ilwou...y.li . the ititroduetion ..into t —. Of freedOnito unite on rollot.it i —have settled heal''' iir senitt,y:rs, (tl).t represent atives,of si• the' question ; ii niontheir. deciiinti will be raj- hohling ei'?ustititiencieS, ifisignitleaut in poin . numbers ;) tints settim , :at defianee . ,the., / fled bV 'the people at lari , eoiti October; in a - - of the, people, and constituting the only -ea ntaimer 'that .Will ebrivinceitle_ pr"-sia'".er'' •• to anticipate a dis*dutibli of Idle Union. - I eonspira \ tors that the freenictii4 • Petinsylvania - ss2.. Resolvi. ; TlLif'tlie . present Suite 1 ~ cannot he counted on to aid likvm. in their General AdminiSiration -hare boldly assi unholy Crusade. against Frek;t ; 1 .; nii. -‹ : ill the responSibility of :the , above,poliev, I ; L , - -i ihef Fee DelnocL...y. hold them reSpon4 i ,_ . For the Registi.T.i. . ... . .- for tilir departure trout the polhw.and 1 _,. i . 1 1. 1 • cipher of the hithers of thelliepiibfic., .. . ; Holy Piorror among ilouV)3iits who have • 4, Ilesolved that tin: .Otily•ilueitions • nmtted in the Democratic Party. :', prominently before he people ot this: S ).ou!vrill not supporOPolloc.k, and gicc '''. are, those of litiortN 1 49ins - t slaver Y; Una 1 the triumph to•the'Wlngs_Cti 'is:vs . that once i•perance . aml:intenip .ratio, and ' upOti *i bl ue , a b o ili t i uti i st : b ut now t ..; six mout h.; () id I issues will he it,. Ulm:110 , the... kil 111114) !, berivio r.• I .1 • •'ioi • 1 Bigler-Nebraska .11etnocrit" I - on Won't do 1 g u • ' ' ''' "" t ; -- ' • " 1 1. that Al ' '; ~, . ' Iled J..) , 'ii.ti ,--ti."-st that, Wily Con'?" One world'to You, recreirit friend *Of free dot it. -'. ....il • - . • . , . , • I suppose you hatl•licardi. tell.. they made Con aresSm en and Judges l', at - id . llepresetita -0 . 1. • , tives inlhe DentOeratie*Party, and - you' only • - • [t wished to•be around, whetilliey . wka:e iiiiidt.‘ 7 'I Theref4e the very end ofi!y*r. Democracy would be defeated should Bigler and thin Ne braska Men. lose the coniing , election. , It, 'stands von • in hand,• Bigl4lAbolitiofiist,, to keep •up • the party .orgaa4.ations. Why should, the Democratic party dessert their leaders ust as I had get in [the nest; and like a.litthgry birdling;had my I.llninth wide' open. chirping for a little bit of the.:Meat of office. Thus raasons this foul •bitilvito ha; neAled in the •Dentocratio.Party. i •, 'Yet it may- be with yon ;as was stiggestee ' i , • by afriend, to wit, ~you hadvoted, with the ..old AbOlition 'party' so long; iwhen-theYtiutil eAfron4 one to ,six .yotes iti'ilic. county,, i r hat being Of weak nerves, vOti cannot reconcile - ; • .; - . - -.L- *1! - : • yourself to the thought et 1) - 06 ig with I the. majority, for the bene fit 4f . : ,yo, r nerves, or, in - oth t ir words for the sarite'reason - .yott!oad that .lik spittle...': - 13: E'll*.wit.lt -paTragraphs %lid vile attacks On p ersoliat eharaeter.. . •:'. • Wilmot, and . Grow, and '',llenipstead; and . - 1 i . - Youn4s; and Warner ' are ; fill -Whi , ts . ' says , 1 1 , • , , I!.f , : ..... ..' i that 2i years' 3 Months atid',lB day S old• Dent, f' ocrat•3lbefore that time •It.!W hig .- ' Well . .:aid, . 1 - Mr. 4 years old—when - Aid' von change your .g'i - •• . - .- Vln principles ?--1 years old says, into the Democratic party in 1832 ; I : neVer changed my principles thetteither,•but Isitn. . • i . ~ ply wrote Democrat after -.lilY . name instead of Whig,- ' - I was-a" Web:4er •Wliii , in . -1852. i . : •t • and those .In • - ht; p•ractice in . 1854.. - te :1 • 7 . • ! ' make'ine a Bigler Demo '• ixat. _; . • • :• 1.4,..- . I stand with Badger,. :Whig, of North car olina; and' the great whig party of the Bautli, . VloC,have.coaleseed .with the serlc-alled Dem ,. oeritis of the NOrtli.. Therefore ypii ander; stati i without a change of principle, I tialey. id self without any effort kin I;rny part,, *except ? writing . D \ eJnoerat inStead - of_ g--itti good; • I • -,• . ,-, . 1 ,ve, ,fititll and standing in thei Deimeratie .party. i ot, • ' This Mak'ea . tip the . 40 fott. bird 'who has ',nested in. the • Dererittic .„.party. within ~ 'the 4ilitits of. he boron li of MOntro.'•se..j . „'., iOr.shime.Ye iniserahle'potuie" peal eias.: .Do y ex pect id; deceive! the . People • . , . • „ .., . k 100 1 the cry Of DeMOCraoy ! Dentef.traiiiy!--- Tbiak you the peoPle•W Jo* in _degradation and self respect,' and so di: honest in pr . ' eiple . •as to support' a eandidafe. for ,Gov'. lik . Gov, it iliiiler ',who .reeotrtniendst' the' conversion of ••• ~ jails into: • •;... ,• . i ~_ 1 .. l ...• .. ~,L 4 ..,,i.i , otf. btavt.tf, rens, t wito,.. Ord * oils . the triio and 'convicted Kidaapper,.and.whoaSks that the Slave holder ititia.l). have-the_ right of hoOlng. ; Slaves - In: the 'Vliee' Land: Oft Penn; beZause the :Governor happens to he iabeled an4,bratided'.likethe ;bottle of poino:ipoicii *Heine; : Per4ocx - aciil;il;.-!.: - .. , ,:v. :, ...i ~, -• - .l ' • i . ~- ,- :.• ~ . , 4,Vitt:S,Dsla,o *AT. - • )'' .., L .: ' ,' t• i' - ,- ' ' .‘ .• Mile - 'North - tiitiiiberde . - iipe kinO. Of ' the in completing.. !the . Nnitti Brainth . . C4rial saye t , ~. - . ' ;. i: i . , . , 1 . : ~' , j: -, '', ~ . • . )AS to the timemhe4.this.leng• trettek :iii-' led . a.canal f -will.be iiiii4e!,`u,i substa. - ve:tlietpur-- rodeS of its construction,We , are as much in • the dark its4eVer;•• lharehaVO•been;..itnd are,- great %%Tongs • some thk'ril : .. .and.,wetrust that mother,- winter will not „elapse *boat an in- • ircittigation. - i: . With.a incites to-isuelf,laveatigli. , 4irwtellow•eiti*as;beleilieful 4SoliOnt sotkliend tot the Legislature. i , 1,./ , ;k - : ••!•;:-; ' 4 ' 4 " I V . ' - ' -":. • ‘•- I' r • .. • •-, . .:, ''-, .I_.-.• ~j,ci; ,_,.' \•' ~._.' Or 44 61 4:± 1) ,,a:Vid:r0 ,401 : .- r i lk:9F 6 r ,gle . citizens of Wayne 00404 the COttit- # oPe i ht...llOnesdaleisiliteStiai , the 3d dni,:; , ,nf V.k.' *rl intkiik4o,'Oit'thei4ebrOltai 4 testk*". l .' , " -c ''' ,. ; - 1 , • '• • , ' .!1 - . ' I ' ' . free, j ? d id L he Fol. the Register. , To Trove smut inWhent. It is my opinion , thati ke public the resu their. •• whenetrer there is e. they will benefit their' • iy doing` so. Forrnerly.:l lwc smutty Wheat.if I sowed, gh thc,seed - Was washed 61; , -1 pit for a 'fewyears pas t l EDS." .REntsTE :I Eirmers should' ,successful eXperi l reason, to brother fathers never failed to h smutty seed, thci eZ so i eurefnlly. I lwt entirely to escape till.: this rem edy. First Waa. as clean as you tan; 'an r ; - there'tO every ,bushel .o . I . otinee of : blue .. vitriol, Alis i ;-of Watc..r,.pour, it in and stir 11. I sow :Ai , ` a ' piece, ' wit yi• i • this way, exi, e pt, a sum) wed 'wi thout tilt Vttriol,.beir I'll short. When the wheat r s hardly, .a smutty-head 1-, 1 Where . the vitriol .was used, •t, was full of it—you . coulld . r heads there by l : ha n dfUlrs'y s'.: ate Success otheears.. ' I'. • hai'4 been able al' smut, .. ' using your s ti c ce wheat drain 'of the wi, t i .wheai, take one solve it in a - pint up the wheat wel Seed prepared in part . W•hich was S,I 'CttiS'c keljr seed ripeneq . there,w. , the whole piece • , ‘,. but the other lea gather . the smut I have had the... irother'• ftcrriers derive any ---atid itrn. confident thci , can pay. rile by Poi. of .th it experience, aind sl• ih other •• • • '••• `lf any of niy benefit from thi irthe'y try• .. lishin#:soniethi 1 . 10. 'Ail help . eac. Sprinowillo; the Free Democratic Sta Convenor. Proceedings of . . . . . . , 'locrati6 ,tate .cloily.c!utioll 1 :1 risbuyg, 4 -lu . g. 30th,pr, Rol illndiiinalrresi(kiii",l 7- a44 J 1 Jelphia, , evretary . -iTife f ' l'i'•3 were itdopte.l and order The, Fre . e. De sembled at. Mg ert Di!lin, of . Philac re , olutit: to be publish..•; _. . date of the so-ea. _.„ , entoerlitte par.,... _ , .s,! trie s : 1- - 'l•-1 t" '•- ' --- , Tit. • 11. •:.-1. k--. • • it sAi e 1(...,,,, / I!, 1 .:...1, : k.i, tt 0 1..1 t tter, het ire the people as the jitstifier if -', no., thF ; coact;.s.:-..itit i laud saCritire, consistent with adae ad voeate of the extf.Tllol Oi: S 1 itvery to. ern- - ~,.. of 1 ieu.irtl. C: the;r : priticiples ; and :,with a. tiew tiny now. fide; and up o 1 .l i the- .s.....ubjee s t (the only .ade( o,tt ' t t , to' iiiselid:ari-as i s Vour conlinitteeN'eur ~.6in. .I.'iohibii ory • Li:pioi LieW in i , s,acti:::•ifv"iipon this - Matter,.% fir remedy for t to manifest -evils . of interiqq..r...l i i rl is it l ‘te liM in ividuailV . etilleolied.-1 fullvaathur• ' , r: :Mee) • his F - Is:Rion is Arpsatis:lnctory to ape ize iiiid coi sent r 4 die tVitlidrawk, of my um fritu‘l,4 ofsteinpeni4c., - ~ - .-, . ' ' • "1 • iiiilea - ' -..: 4. kesolv , d, . i iat of 1.41, triell - 1 ertior,. at . :inv. tinie tluit it MAN' 4v deeniedv,.: - - i ettient.toiAlt) SIN •%) all the highest iespeet„, ' • i inati,ni asi a candidate . for. the office of Go . t. seendent itp; lOrtittice of _the clot. now ‘ ~. -i , . ..- Al'• t before the people, .the one` involvingtheft "•1 . arn. trent - denten, very-truly yours, . ' honor and integrity, <toilehing solemn eat I• •;. : ' i '• r • D.tvin ;POTTS, J. - paet3, affeethig:luitnan liberty ; the other. ; . the i .1'o:1V illiam 'D. jrhoincis, - Chairman free 14 : pitiesS, temporal and eternal, .of ini, lion.s.l . - • .I . ; 'yet. unborn, lit heroines the friends'(if liberty i - - • - , -_._, and morality to•disrrgard all Party tie !aiiili, • • . P s ntnam'Olonthly.. - : • . rejudice.s, ,and intite tn . :Me : body •in o?ptiSi... I - Most i'n-,:iniiii2 : iit ainorg the':valnableiitti: lion .to an tadministration whose uit-tsure a s i are so fraught-with evil fo the - huniani raeexl ' 'k *cies in the Septenibt. - T naniber efthisablestuf -„ - :....• resolved, -That withouto expresso: up - - I - , r- : .-:- ... OTI: this oectision;'nity Opinion as to ,0 1:: . ; : o lii.. i intiele on -:. i ... .. and Pei i.. ~ t , Ourl'-rtie% - i - ie." Fs' -'-. i issues : will+ have.heretoti.we divided the Wh.ig cry '..lirt:eriezti ;Otould. read it. *. Snell an ord. ' and 'Democratic par ties,-orsas•to any cella t.''''.! . ele. itpP,': ring. tiot in, a {,arty orgati„,blit iu.a , al or : secondary questions. - witicli: niay ;eXiSt • . ...,• 1 :i ,: . 1 .• : . - ~. ~ l between the.. iii; We cannot till! to recoL , l, ,L, t r,_, ,;\`'- ' ei-eu tiling, popular inagazinr, cant,. ~ - 1! .;," , • issues" 'as;beiri&fairly.iiiiid,npon the , '4WO i.4s : lt• ' 7 l ye--' 1 '11?n In° -Pe. OPiei WA, . 1 S Fat , , 1 4 1 .1 . r". . unite it{ great • (i{ticAiuttsl;•above. flatbed, and .t 1 at the ! but: ,asi f4teerpett, Cu • mute ut ~ defence of free lion. J a mes .Polloek .stand 4 :before the-people-. PritieipleJ, Stkiwil how 'widit7s_p read and dwl of the. State as.the representative t../f . ,. - 1.1 9: .q.'ll- seated is the:pi. : iiitilar indignation, at soiddi -'.tinient of Liberty and: Ttnnperane :,: .litit4 1 ~ '• 1 tomressio i -Anttis.i. Calculated, to make a lasl: :should therefore receive , the support of .:the. i •-. t .. - . ' .- , - . . . Free:Dernocracy of the State:. -- ' ; - • : the: public iniPd .. AVe qui& , i 1.• . • I.impri.!sta.,_ n 011 . . . _ . r 6 • . .' i 6.. Resolved that ;we accept- the 1 reposi- ', its eonelu: ing :pariwraplis: •• , • - - . . tion to. NviAmirtm',;:teudered by our .. vOrthy : We ]lave dWeit upotithe proceeding:4lln i• ... candidates tbrthe, several State ;fitollice.- Or- ;pro-slave y pa ty, su. long,. ]fiat'. we have . der. that an undivided front iiiay. be I resent- .• ourselves littlespaCe ti,r urging upon 'O:W ed in opposition:to the State tan! , ational ii:ii;tics . teire; t lutieS hi -..tliv . ,Crises. / Butyl: Administrations'at the ensuing elect it n.J' , •'''' i lent not st i p eat: to then]. as. parties. , •We el 7. : ltesOlved.that not withstanding, the 'yiith-• I ; :,, t - if tit' t i e i n : :a 'a ;Aia tr ica_as,. a s ..iyeelaw, of drawal of our State. tieket we -deem it I.our. I \(.lristiatis; that the time has arrived wheiik .. .duty to- maintain our distitaitive organization k‘divisiont: and itiiiipostics shindal be 114 , as a.Free Deineeratie. party: ' We, nevertlie- i iti order o•re'Sene :this great, thi s. . bead leas, eXprc.,:ss a •willinyniess to Unite with . ' bur i thiS olori Atli lana.fOti 'a hateful doming!: fellow eitizints of t.ther Parties, .at . - :tic ;time, lAs it ,is; no ipateWll o ( : , X . 1 . r.e. 4 7 170 ue' in' forming : a I . lok. part. ..of ; the pel?ple. to 1, . mo derai, Iv; a free. t!pinion of. the- slave-sYr, , Maintain the rights offreedom, andresist the I tern o f it e: south, is allowed ;ti hold any L - encreachnient-ol•sla*ry.,witeitever iiiii•etfort. , flee 2 ,a irolit': or; tritst, under the, genial 1 • • • • t"' -- ''-' •• t No Min can "be a Presid6, -4,0 that •eitil s : lialf_be made. - .• 1 - .f., .. , „loNciitli 01„ ...., .-_ .. . . . ~ . , )r S. Resolved that - do: t•hairinatt.• . 2of.' the Ino mini :' foreign minist : cr, no. .mail. a tot State 'Coin 'nate& 'be . directed- to pill' fish; Ithe . r: ~Falter: e i .,.41, , or). the' meanest. scallion in ' correspondetiee'hetwecif the (.."Onuni tee.,attil i.fetioral klitehen, :whit hits nut lift botied do. • 1. ' the. Hon. Jones Pollock.' •..... .. , :•. ,, A'. 1 and eaten the dirt -Ufladherenee to. slayer; Roma:T. - MITCHELL, Chai limn. '.l Oh ! :ilk meless ,tiebasement,----tliat ,untlef. :• ELI Thum:, Seerctury. - I . Unit : in f, rnt'eil for the establishment of i l o' ' 1. . t'V 'IIIII ; kite(' --:-untier a, intion horn. ef i' couti.E.sroisbEtta. • •, , I • . t - ' ' ,': • -': • - •' ' : I • - - 1 gii-mitieS mid -cetriented.bv• the; bloOtl, f i!' '.• - ' Letter. lo judge... Pollock. ' •• • ...r ' ,-,- ---i•• • • - . -• •• . . • • ..‘ - .. ' •' . : - •.'',-• ' - ,I pinients,t----a. l.inion._ \chose mission it vii, , V? '.., , Pliilatlelpl4, Ans. Tith, 1b5:1..... , . 1 Jr0N..,1 AND:LS, Pott.oeK.-Pear• Si iit'i aif ex al: ipi e!lo r'' Feint la ican - , freedont, 0, Whig State(!otninittec,in their recen address, ._ , :- ' i '' ' - '"lne-l.e.oi'ilinet'd .it ;tif'`,t he .pantiit e ,ff nations - of ' 1 I ' • frenileti - of ..t.46 - . }bled :St .. • , V.OI (.. ,-Wt.. ,c. . appeal to the people : of Penns) . .lvatiii, `'oirt the :slund .1 I' e s'idielted ' by'ffOliticiiitis into tr .. - . ground •tit%. resolute opposition to :tli t : ' • further' lent itequieseeiteeFlvithdespetism : 'llal extension ' , 11.)f the•institOon:olitiotne lie• : sloYe', , ,Should not dare io utter the .wor4s or! iry in .the territorial : do : Main', of the °a 1 . 11 ‘ ) "..; 1 I the. aspi!rationsOf vat.; ' 'fathers, cir prop ; land tin. " sOKninlY P.llt-Igle r.'1,1(1. ' NV Ili g _their,.'O rt :'s l: prtuteiPltA oti pain, of. osti:i vista and of Pentisylvaliia and :I'S Ointlidattist •)- the doe. t ..-. i I" al ($"a 1 . 111 : just fkaVen..! :int:. 'What lit, Iriffesif the act of 1180V' t# , l "•t tle : gl Yat' ' ( ''':" ref'infitn.i antl•inS - eitsiliilitv liaie we 6 311 ' dinanee- tyV.17 : 87;• in -, . ita , full syppe•a ttl 'all; Ats.l.. w . ,, etfeliettfit priticiples;', to; a resOlute . .4etenni- i•tiPeat;. - that until the 'Sof intent ii b tii• K verylsklrivetilitielt:td.lits origin if hoands nation to etr'ett. the atisolute and 'en ire repeal i .. , ... ~.h• :I • 1 ~.,.. • l u ,„ e iy . : beii* ' r tae 2. , e a r , ~... •' , ~...' • _ L • , i . l ~.,- , ,:x - I {lie , star :to. i . t IL t. Jt. t z „,,tt. • 1 - Id oil 'tigressive portions ~ q 'tile. .1.7,1e01;11.! , ..1.1i i"I 1s ' f ti.,A; \T. . 1 1 ar . - I .:sit s. - . -„ • . . ~. - . one.: pe l pp.t. o , }..wt.. ? ,. 0 . 1 .. , t.. . 1 ~... . ~ a ., t .. bill '.,- to the picifeetion of the:Terse - 1 al -.'t einatitipatiOn - iS practiCable if pot f of eVery . .himum being usllthir the ' , ' s Sit i !'"'• t Tliev liiit.e . iitilY•tii' exitiec a tletertnitftim 7 of ,Pentii, Vaiiitt: mat the Cmistitutiew of the 3,' - -frool twit 1 they' are. Woe. They - atr to --0 g s 1..1,hit04 . :itcs;.:.hy, paiatuital)ginv)olute' . 0FQ...0141u p:lsf:alliaiimt.i(i_ put 11 ,.i; : i e ail. I trial, by jury and writ af : lla*as, Garpu.s7 . . -- ‘,0 ,, t , fe:f i s . ,. tioreild , no..l . utor. .. cual o g ys . . . Desiring to . unititirpoSsibli,. With Our'. fel ,the,:o :ii i;; hqe , ,of. c i• rry i n ,,.. t9 ~S iieedy , A4.° :` , 'l6oli6Piibilearia : :: - 'oc c eVer s . - party' •and'itatifp‘iti a banner Auserilied . with these. aqiil'',r 'OlV 54llOll ' to ani.adniinistration,. - , iwhieh-• has i tht . 'lliiiie'al Of thS.-ku'gitiiieShive. 1-.. : 4) l '‘' - ', 1 4OCklit34Y.l4ind wantonly violated tf e plighted 'l-1 - t.stOr - Ilion Of Ilie . -„MisourifC.oinpr bin • Prl ,,, 1 - -boner:A:4(4*k . filitlit',rs,...Wg•Jrll..e-tfa he a ',. s ', k t - 4u . -No: nu. ro , Slave Stateis- , rNii niore. Slaw /, i , - , eitpresSion,pf your.sP l , l l* l 4.9' ll : . !?' ( ' ' '' . .": v... - rit,ories:,',4lki.lionittstead'ter.Fro.ll'n ingl)oints .' -'• the I,llit. I autl, •': ' First; vont views coif amine,- the - i -. I . ~-:, o 1 .3.''''. ' • provisiOns 4tlie:\NletitnskaAan•hill.whieli 1 . awl sot. theXitfotAti Cumprotni, c,, - ,6t. -the duties:impo : ..se,4yr,,#*,.tikeiis . . e iipon,the: ''frie..iieltidf -freedom I - -i , ! _-: SOand.ri; 04' jriA Nal that the! iielley . - ein - biidi4iiitll6'siith article . 6zi Ur mpaet:,' hi' 'the ' eelel4ed. oral:o'4lw 'et 1187:,- is Iv iiiiatipitrid ,b9metteiont pulley; and ought ,404 . applied:t6 all 4 toqltciTY 40) 1 Ile.lpqg4?g,.,Ao.,oo:, , icillite.d fritlfit - oa l or thr.it,- mi,y ! h , c,'Tccit . igr...)i9, aequiretihy i llietia Thit:diy;' Tin ' you iiii i rtilha 'o' - .650- letittitlifitiiil rig litg'otiTiaia:i'' e . o . rpils'and triiil lir jetty shoo*. ht preaarvedinvio'hite'to. - 4'evr ... ... I gut 1, AARON -TAYLOR OZ. 401114 1854: cry ;person arrested on. or by virtue Of the proposi:9f the federal'judiciary? On behalf of the Free, DeinocratiC state conitnittee. ' 1 . 4 751.13. Thomas, Chairman. . . . ~ . ~ Fudge Pollock' . Reply.. 1 :. , !1- .. .:• ...ISt JO.u.,N, ; Aug. 18th, 1864; -- . Fira :----1 hti-Ve the bonorti..kacknowledge the receipt of'yolir commithicatiort of the' sth : itist4, asking "lan , expression of.. my senti- ~ metits On 'certain points' ; '; therein set ferth..... cordially approving theSeniiments of the ad, , 1 caress of the It3tateeentral Comini ttee to which you! have - referred,: I ( - !thinot .hesitate' to 'reply ' to sour ipteries ; end; in reply to your - .finit . queiltiotwsay, that- ".-tuy . .vieWs concerning the procisiOns . of the .Nebintla-Kansas _bill, - rhi eh re peal'a . the Missou rir.oruproniise, and nd: of the duties imposed by that measure. i upon the filends of freedom;'. have.'been. of.: teri!and rifiblicly..eApres...sed. '..That bill, in ita origin, 'design, prOgressoind final' eenSumta a . tiotils without Merit twrecOrnmetid, or grin. - ciple to sustain it.' Uttasked,lll-timed, and reckless, (1.4 - 41140)1e yielation Ofa sblernn %in: pact-;, Of pligliV4(l- . faith and national henur.--a n utAisguised !at tentpt, to,' introduce Slavery in. • to •it i.!6•itory. now . free,; it deserveS,and should •, ';'e(!eive.the unqualified COndemnation of a free people. `ll-tc dutieS impOsed . by . this measure upon the friend s of-freedom are, '‘' a resolute . -(leterinination, .t.ir cfli:et "'the 'absolute and en. i tire -relic:al' of the Itggri!ssiv . e portions - , of th a t - ,-bi/1"--t.tha re-.61 - actmetit of that'portion of the :Nlisouri C'ornprotnise Whieliprohibits slavery. in: those .territories--their . restoration and preServatidn,.to freedom---and . active oppoiii tion,-now and itereafter, I,y .every 'legal - and - cdtistitutionah means, to.. the .aggressions 'Of sl fiver v, and its extett4on in the.territorial dc' ... .I;main of the nation ' ' - . . . ' St:A:mit:llv; 1 . 110 Id . that the 'policy ekhodied , in the sixthar,tii - le Oreontpr3t in the eelehra. j, . :tedfordlnarc4 of 4757 r, is a- !vise and beaell. ~ . . . 1 (•<;ns pOru:y, and ought to he applied toBliter: .` • ritory now V-14-utgilitrito;tite. c nited -States or .. tivit froiv 'oe ac(juiredi'l l ii then!. - The great , - i. and beneficial . .resuit.l of that volley ,deniutt.• ..:;.trztte its W i t"flolli, allti.•: tilt: wis.l6llf .of th e • ..Sta , A reneti .lly who Mitt Ny'as...intro;thuted and - - so:quitted ; it"ditpiir.tare from it ought nev e i.. til have Been permitted, and is the great er. rori.f:iiiodetn let!ii.;l.ation..:... - . ''' .'llirdi, - ,.1 uilifthat. , the, Constitutional rights. ' of lial.,ei-, co ints .and..i trial iv, jury should W•. - • ,prei,erved in .•iolat and seeured to every per. t. ' I. son.. 'arre.,:ted va or. IV . i - irtue of the process . 1.( r ). iof tile iltil(riti_jtalicizio' . ; -- • .. ' • ,• - T 1 1. Tft(• ,kitilat,i.i'il/ :Of fiwsciebristittitonalrialit s , , o - Ine i I.; h u t th e -- re ) k(piticin. of F..orne..orthe_gentnil,.• ) 1 Y - 1 great and e4tential piineiple,-3' of li-I,tert . and :YA:' ' f• • . a IV 'll - 1 I"rit ' ' ! ._ • - v i . 1t..t, 4 . i + , , .. . I .` l' 1 1 l , iirs 14 speettutly. jAMES; POLLO9‘. • 1..- k ,• / , Ive , '' •Mr. Will?,ato 6,1 loantisi , ; f i •. t_l l -• ~., 1 1 of Frey Deinoeratie . ,State Con. jt 1/ .. atri.t....„l. , ~ . _ Ijt.' i t,'!ktution., 7- ..;_. -.: _: 1 prom I"'''''') • TF, than,.)! it the I . Jtter Air. Pott.4 ' ' .:' ' t 1 . 4 . i : ii.; if‘e fit tiW ithti r'l..W . ortii`4 :. ll•lll7P • I _ i 1 . all .. ) . . n ~ , ~ d ... - l .. IV ! ' • \\ .' ' CirW i lte; I . t•-t.. -- Acr. Jute PI•lr-1‘411, —4 :. •-- • ...f. Im: - . ./).;•;.,-,42.)-,:.": lli , , meat iin . :;(ir!-Liti•:6 s And e.. 17 • -,!: riPd: 11 , :ce s,ity, ‘) . l*,,,riti.? air'f;ilg- the .Vzirious. °pi.? ... 40. ..1e.'t nents eel :Lei misritle. i 'at bokh Wa4fingtort ript. q . r 0). ':, HarriF-tlOrtt I lms bri.e6mo,Ob.itions . to .; S‘V--titui - 1 :Ito' t , t-tit:ii, f il. to _.4-dro a li a.an etrort..“ now li ) '!:' . :i , hein: ,, !nii.le, IYA,-.dn.. ".'nuthorlzed-.eOrntnittt,, ,. .. 4 tc ';" I. to etfcct: if ?lossit4.lan end .....;o - yery dtsirahlo 11 , 111- ! and to pill,. 1.11 iLontitiationf ..suelt ;candidates ft 4 .:, .. 11 e'''oftiee..—iri ..11 . 141,.: at ~the. evrning' e.l4tiun cum. 1: 4 ' 4 'f ,T f- iliatid• {he : , .i l l.,off 14 - I,l,o:entire opposiiiiii,•-: i , trif,!itl to t ,. ..,-,„,,,,, ,„ : ,thi s 4P4tett, F Our r&t:Dvolotral ii anti. • t --, - -- i 1 .1-- le Ihica-eoittrit - did sitkortes 1 2' of;vloite.. that, Ito is l a t tirat-talie r .o i41r.11,44:i11045tpe.,4,4:ih0 rierOT ~.ireat',l;ry. of 1 1 ( e4.ery'i OW 'other itiAtie-1.0140-sti COL a!, Li relltrited tcotb gross - beoust Yr 9V0.010 ttlO bbezitqf S t f, , .01 pai:ts 4re is i.elOtitiO.titt-th6:l3.e.ore "iow.AS titeasures'of, the Der' ,o4t a -1 " - ' - r • '/ " !tar Govvr •Of _pu fist Siren} , etple tb .betnoi. I,N)V% Lti BCate,. upon pity
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers