FRAZIER .A1'513, ' e NNE , - MONTROSE I , PA.= Thimiday, Aisgti6lt . iv, 1111 • MUG STATE TICKET. , Governor, ... ; c,TAMES POLLOCK; of :ISTortinimb , ' Cani'xi-`'C l Oin,nti..4,iitnr E°lt9t AtSity Alleghc Jii4e el:Supreme Court. DANEEL 531YSE11, of Afoutpl lartr. B. IPALMF;I3., the American N, trspaper A icetki is: the op auttforizni Agent for this paper- in the 'eities•of B4OOE - tic York and Philad • Iphia. , I; - . . - . • - rose non-paying subscribe { whose - ,- - odaki . erices and . pockets WE` have hithtTtO - fail- , 'iiii . ; tO reaeli, ;mill . sl:l‘. please. consicSr them-. . , ~pelves especially . ;chinned. , 'Of Claut4e,,it is Just as.unnecßss ary : to - rethin4 theni fat ; they. ti lAiati. 'isend 'of 'bring; the money :to eo l rrt[neit: - weele; or' send'it . bY, Mail„as to hint tluiti edit ,• .• - - •.. , , . , - orishave"the same ;right as other folkik to use , : .the strong arm of the law for shakin : put of reluctant debtors' pockets ,;:'';. . JUDGE Wg4BIOT'S 1E173 .., Judge -- .lViimot'§- Letter to! , - the -. .meeting has at ' f lit ap_peared,.and . '.found od-the first pa , Te of this paper. : anticipated,, it. -is an excellent cloenn , , . .. .. ,lireathes--the spirit' cif an earnest and ! -friend of .freedom:: • NO wonder',.th i4lO-'rounsels the support of, a dun, • 1 . 'atite. for 6•Overnorj:and - censiders bin • - , • - enough,. ililtinNebritAa num. dislikei ~ - • - • ' --' iOl it: •he *feared' its etreets amon f g , ' laboring so- hard 'to deceiN-c. ' Thot ,the truth plainlY,and forcibly spoker -, • • -el l ery .sentence: contains a„ rebuke .dpintion . 6f the ;course the. ! ,Muntro ~ - • ";otrat 'sees fit to pirrsue. Let every,i • is! opposed • to the !Nebraska bill L—re hondstly-opposed .. toritL--read that ld inily,andieompare!!'its sentiments u! -put forth._ by what chinos to be thc th . .. DemperaeY of'Sasquelianna co he fail to .pe.rec:•ive and.appr , , I .... ififferenee'between.thehonest frien ~ dent and a - time-serving liypoerite ;v 1 ), pt is'iaboring earriestiv•in:the g i le.has so much •at heart, did advoca 1 oriiv . nteans: for its success, the eilL ' ildavoring, with a']l•the•deceptive . sli• • • ••, • •• 1 • master opt() turn the enthusia_• • ••lll 011 , pie for freedom,into runnels that mil, - ~ . ] • re4tly to :the 'Support nunincrease of ~ . ),Ve area; rejoice.] that the...Tudge ",thOugh, too long delayed, ha; , , -atlast 'k.ented to .the readers of the Dein. i - joiced,that with • the bane they can 1 • • antldnte.: •11f any of , the readers of t li,•e'bet l . l "misled by its sophistries Ser'xvill be apt to, Undeceive them. !' aslit 4oes froth .a Stanneh•Dent • , whom .they luivd ! delightecl to hone , have they v sent to represdnt them in t • ancl•hrive4inee. - elevated - to the. higf - ..: "'he4nowoectipies,• , and, more than all been lOrtr• knoitn: as a fearless and c :opponent of slave tyranny--corm • sneh a man; 4t such time a , 5 this. r. • - , must- have gTeat,weight with ever - earnest aliti-Nebr aska .Denioerat, '.. especial I ..when_ a • :i. within -, ; • voice Nvniwers, as it must, ,atl. those. , 1:, wfirds are true. " ... . may be ,worik while to-call attention to , s'ifew' 'vital "point's on whiCh Judg i 4.lyiliftt .'bas the honor to disagree with i3itil4's friend , •i• • : ,...Tuqge Wilinot • thinks that v, - e s °old re= ,quire froin candidates for all respon. ible ()file.' es-=Governor, Member of Congr; s , , Itepre. .. sentativec guaranties of fidelity to freedom; Chase thinks,We slionldrriOt:. . - ' -•.-' . , :I - Wilmot thinks, that the men of the NOtitt., regardless of forrUer party ties or di titictioil, should unite•iU ore grliat piirty, rnaliiig Free - otri or . lovery theiSiiiie.; - Chase thitiks 'they • •s, Ould'ipt. 7 - - ; ::: ;• " : --` -,. • ' d ill Vilthot thiUks thate- a - eaudiilateriliii :Tre-. 0: r. ;.-. , tiencb. to condeng n F:- ' the :Nebraska 'bill, ' and, yet •, holds . hiniself ini c alliance. frith • theA F Adininis : :' ':- tiation, - cannot te trzieted, iond ie . ) .s)rie 4s _he . • ts - triteted. - so sure will the people hand ,their,. : : '-4 • ' ':,- ; • L - ^ - i` • rights. 66 again )6etrayed ; Chase 1-alls upon Shp-peopie;to ;elect Ptler, a man who, is hi a lliance.:. with the.•.iidthinistration, acid who , 'does not .even pretend' to eondetn i' the die- . . hfa§ka - 1411-lie is willing the peorle shluld . again ...b e , 'be t trust andagain . ... e, t-'aiaye . i: -• ". - •-- Wilinot ;deelareS that .the man' who will rlot- openly resist the aggressions.op . Slat-err to-4ay. ethitiot . .he relied on far the future - , .is. hopelessly rotten—uusound to the „ 'sill. SaCrinC6 h ebuntry'S highe; • land glor . for .some paltry partisan 1, -tion ; white the very matt here po William Bigler, represents jg - idea of "an honest maul" andfr support• • Wilmot_eornmends Horace G - sacrificing the spirit of piirty in the cause of fr l 'eedoni and hinnanity, and declares 'that iiii ) ltls the people .iio likewise there is no hope for our country's' liberties ; while Chase reins to fear nothing Iso much' as a. union , of ant.i -' Nebraska men,; on -that issue, !and 'would sooner support ',Bigler and Nebraska," than e an anti-Nebraska man who hasfor : erly . vot : . ed -With theWhi . lln short, Wilmot 'goes. for Fr' oin; and Chase goes,fOr party - . It is not to be expect ed-that they Should agree, and in fact they diger as, widely Si, the North and f the South - , - uld <ALB a - is College, ())1 'was" in- Oil, / 853 i IV of Phil p year, 'IE Ustrial COI - students 014 Cl.v 'POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE We w ! t 4 1144111i..t.4 the, Advertibemeht th :Folittun. The fmtitut (isl*rat.44 LegislatUre. in a ins' regularly 'f3pened in ` the .e adelphia in..Noetn ber 441 of the's= • ihe &trot the I, s.?f Continentil 'Euro - ''Faietine what they learn. It , is • 'tie kind in this faintly. • •,. ; J. . ii: 1 : Laesit:Af4lti- ~,: i 5.,1 , .k,.:. -_-_, , -.. i5......--- ,,, .5.:-.,-;,....7....„, , -,. , , t i o 4iiiii,,- iii4 ; .i . 2,9; 485'14' permit ., . . • vat ., -,- . • •;1 ~.` ../Eilitat.. - of • : lien-were-oc' Utiiidtal:4 ' --- -1! ; . :•,... ':...Virfll 4.0 a.i . i,ern.t,:i . Oct a firan '-cif GoV, .13 _ler : . to 'offer ! tiorxres ; ie*planatititt;it‘f What Voii style the' hiker ' ' bill'i . . ' holt by ';the .1 ' ..f.egislOttre,l4Kl, ',4 1 . justi ,-- tit , * of th ,. .Ovet.*ri in tat '' ; 1 4.40this.slitnar titre from' he bill as pa*ed.:;i : ' 1. , :' , ;I : 5 ...' -- . The origilial draft of, the poOsedlaw Was . _ from .3ny -Own.-pen; so;:_tliat..l'iriay ;be presum ed to kna* what was - reallylin,tet4o.; ,tol be efreett•xl by if;! and alSo tti hiiVelkept sueh '4,le of the p : edings el the legisliifure; upon: it, as• would liable! ibe , to upderOand some of ' - ile reakiii that irnay have'indketi the iov- ernor i te , 'w thhold his-apprOya)ii,...l,_. , _ . __L .. ,-.. , „ iiS' The bill iiilginallylraiiiedTitas,:sis y,iiis have,eiirr ly'fitiit4d; intended `#o applica= Me alone; the countyof Sehulkill. - • Ia this couniy, i li nies to•keepbeer half* are grant-- ed .- by r the ...county ' treigureir..jti.y -- ittiST-' tMilI - efery'pertgion-who maheilipPlimition : tandpOs the ;license! faitthe- - eoinnionivitilth--atit *5 per -year, L'slelli.spirituou;lig i) -tiorA by the-qua t Mid later measure . are Al, sic granted time . onsly,, sirup intlik.rithinat!ely by -the county-to any•joiie.: Who Will' pay , '4lle. customary limn fee'; - or'it, I Merehant -of the fourteenth or 16% est elitsi,t , w ;, ith , ..pritllen..e ., !l . to, sell liquors. T iii:-cOsts .aixiiit '510,54- :Per . year. . 31:iny persi - its'ih thie-voinityl take out two _licenses frlim . -ilic" treasurer's Ofileei•• .one :to sell beer. d 'other inalt .11qtiOrs, the other•eal hid a groc ;Ty ,It i elise; • to; sell whisky by : the . quart. , sere are probably! jat least; five I;tin , dred place -in the coal: regitU l i where beer .'and ,whisky, ar thilS iiolth ~-Illelpersons ' keeping these • hous s - hay e no Store* of :Merchandize; nor int . ythiu.? else, week ; infox*.ine liquors Of course. ;lie ,I aw against; selling- 'spirituaus liquors. by less Measure thaii -a- quart is :ien tinualtY violated' ;by: unmy . lof ',.;hese . peOPle ; .and theserittpling . .-lioutie.s4or hey are I Op print* ,liiruses 4 b oll the .'Worstrdcs ript --4-ion,are 1 prolific •sonrci4s lot drunkennes . pauperism, vice aid crime. Our PriSon, and alms house statisticS,tell'theVearfiiltale of - t,tie pernicious etreets!of this system, and oUr er de li initial coOrtS. -- , I have shown :the same thing sr°. ly that:sew -eral,sUccessive grand .jikries•- e' • hay. alluded td the necessity, f;, lttrislative - action - for the sup . - press-ion of. the 1 nuisance,. jiu ;he strongest terms.; - - j : • , - - To breakup this , system Was the objet of the 'act:in question: ; - It' took awity ,froi the ' county treasurer :the itONVerlot:ghttiting . beer house Ilieenses, and rested it lnithe - Court of quarttir sessions! '', ;alder. thi sanke rules; and cetpdations:that jarenoW \::IPpliell by laW to i thek l 'epers Of liet:sise i l • inns . iind - taverns: . This would .enable ;the cotir to idii l kiiiinlinite, j bet Ween proper mid iraprope persons, ,to 1 1 limit pie niiiiilier:Ofliciqises," ant • in its Time j tiCal operation - would probably, ave:coutined 1 ;,the sale of malt liquors to tic li-ensed. hotel i lieepek• It • - alSo 1 atiolislied i tie systemof rgrantii'ig grocery lieens?.S.' to -•StIl spirituous liquors by the quart tii Fie Tuns - whose only stoekln trade was-4 harrel Of ladisky; and re , - I . t.riettiti thelifttior liceigetol ail ipte keeperse i, : stbre keepers aboye t4 t .i itliiiteei l th ela.s.s,lwho i had been regiiliirly clUeed,g.ppraised and, re- I ttirned at: such by the - appri iserlof mercantile I taxes. 1 . . -If was not iiiteridet.ll as a prohibitory . law, : but, it was tilt - night! that tak ruin .connec-; i ! i tion/With the law [lizioWn as .111:-. Buckalew*s. Bill; it. 's - ould-worki a-Salutary . ard needful re lorni, !an , . 1,, - ti ... • - 1- perhaps!gp as fini as public opinion in PeiinsP i vania wa:'at : ' pres'enfi prepared to sustain legislation :ul - .i! . tlie!Sultieet. --- :,, • - If the bill had pasSed the, legiliiiiire hi the shape ,lit which it' Was, originally presented. by 'the representatives irom..tlitscointy, I . • have' reason to 'believe that it WOtild - ave received. :the executive? approval ; and it s further; my confident belief, that it 'w+iild -lave 'worke d DIT OHS riand. money It Jarford. INI ill be As we ent..and ft . :•arles b canal- &good to .pub hope he 'Th . I , almost] EMI !ME Lain who 113• at mima th - ECM And MEN [of free ivlOeithe MIIMI iicg the • is en- the peo lead di- HEE s letter, EEO Tat—re- lhave the . . . well, tinil. If ft , .ded' to other counties. pdrhaps I Philadelphia, to wind!' it is' not :der existing laws, . • i 1 ' . , , - The bill, oniits fllial, passage through' both ,braitches,• was altered fronts its original local Character, acid' inade, to. 'apply -0 . the - Whole state.-, In the haute attendant upon its 'conSiil-• Cration, during. the last days.of a protracted sci-sion,. it was -ii;rgoticii -or - o y Elrl °Liked, ,that the' license system oil l'hiladelpi is is d'iffe'rent , from' the other countieS .Nif Pennsylvania. There..the courts of 4narteriesslons - grant, no. licenses, either to 'beer ,libileS i . ,r hotels; but _all- licenses are granted by, ;the treasurer, on the applicant giving: the titicessap-' bond, and' paying thelicensefde:J aceording,to the legal, .graduation, The laiv-iiiitte'stilni; as:passed V.tlielegislature, tools away th t tx)wer Irony the 'treasurer, except in case.° retailers of mereh.andize. without vesting , it in and ,other _ : person or .1..)0dy of persons,l so t s ar as :regards the licensing.of hotels and..pablie,:. taverns . in Philadelphia. The cifeet'Of thi, would prob. ably' hit'Ve been to. 41-.)se.. g rery; hotel- in: the city and county of Philadelylial; intikitig: that an exception to .eVery Other'eonty: in. Petra . t .sylvania., Which evidhntly .. 'was lot the inten tion of the legislatur, : vett,iends of ti i pruhibltory law ,woUld'ii 3t asiii j Gov. Bigler 1 1 to sign a bill ; which wati thus, p rtial : (and Un- 1 eqinil iii-itsopc,ratioli,.a, 'par ienlarly 'when the inequality in its.fwor ...i - tg w s clearly not i contemplated nor tbres.eenl, as I I nehide front s. . the whole sive and; object of til el la* itself,: as first 'explained. ' . l ..'.;, -.. i -• ~ J, .•- ; .11tus have I. endeavored to jiistify th e er ia-' 1 inal, .and. objcet Id*. the frinds ol the hill j and-44113e same :.;:titne f - tO.;:sh.4v . one reason J •I whygthe govrt - or found himself ci;tripelled tAI refue it his sanction.; il-4n lnly hppe that 1 the next, legislature 'may be able to 'I . -remove ", the -difficulty-, and that . so far at least as this. ! c.ouitty is cot eerned,- the Proposed enactment !I lor sfnnething 'similar aid ;frecuai tn'the .re.-:' i inOcial.of the t evils 'under Whit!! We' are . pow ,' I sufftiring, may become ja - law,;' 1 MEI this let- Coming I ,t, a 3nan whom SEEM - • 1t 1 On rho-has Jusitetit a • from is words . R. 1U P. 1 l' • . 1 • 1 'e clipy the al)ovei letter 1 rom the Har- Un . risburg _Democratic ioi. A. colniiarison . 1 of the facts therein giy . e.ii - itivitli F , tate it leA ts , r/;- 1 eently made in the ; ifoutfoße IDemoclrat will:: show. Teraperanee inentoiwbat ntisrkpresett i tl' ation and-deteptiOn*.E,...B. Mtge resorts in - i his attempt to ja.op the tottering . eans e' of his friend,- It -is acessary t 4 exPose these die -1 .. I linqueneies of l!he !ex-Speaker ! , and . to ,pr,ove tha his assertirs.are notltrutl,for otherwise the faet that. lre has oeccPied' a high i)4silion 1. h, ' - -, m0nw1..) . 1 1 eure . i awl .t interest ofiSidera traved - to , st Chase's elves . - I, eelby ;tor ie .Coiriploiicv liing the tritth, iErht with those i rea 4....haraeter. of tilk i . hr ing able. to (!,X0 ei , f "a Detnoerat 1 ler " as thereby , he 1 means of eseape i ing thewhole arras "Whig lies," ".the jiai.s.,;' . Ik,e. . ' , . The ex-Siieutier Baer bill cotild.'nOt puling oae way be disastrow4y, fp er of granting 'leen gives it to another; 130 plainly "that Lt a fool, tuavnoCe4 Bill, by trap* to r, tribunal . that proper ak,44') it the.. nwub,r..aj.l been exten all; except, pp: icattle un- 'ai; m 0 has the means - of itiight*ivelhis statements' , , iho are i not aware !,t" the e man 61 and Ai-e are:happy ,ose ri thr(.ngli the :igen. land a 'frien i d, ()(6oc jis de riv '9f his usual (1/1 a iI SIA lace , by Offirg f' .wets gainst him as: 4 fabrieati licensed 1 i tells eis " that the I.ageri l atreet r theube of Tet ni i. the other, niess it iiiko Yid' it sirrply takes the pow. 3es froin o e tribenal and i -.ta ' - The lettcir writer 'shows, e wayfitriril mixt, thoegh 1 rherein," that the etteet ot : . ~ . Ting '!iet . I s censing power would di .. iminate be oprok s,a4d But.' K*.suieili wqglil be,. is 4.hcl ;hundred pliei; TulaWhip#l - Be - 4-.1 f lisat f itr, tit the ert*heeill#ll). hick :Jell leei and liquor that l would !be I kind, df use f Tempek: would vrnit Mr. Sikilear! 4 - • "liwertigr "- B . i haS signed - the Aett. ' 3 ) po o iiii ;. . p rlioie refOrip thai, ha N: - beeti'Presettled-t ini,l says ilia ex-Spe#kerl i the iettilemnit•vvi o dre'w :the bin , under °m i.. - -- liderat ion. tells us I v t.bovla t i wAsin,tr - 140 'to - gt!Cali.'u" - i . Pl' 14 . '1; c ti4A4 di 4, til z etorafdd - -1 p ip i ~, c. 1 ~ :it.eriPtic . itt—the p rolific soirees Ordiunkettnem3, 1 . ,• ••• ,pauperism,.vio,akt,d eoritrli• Oia lit l , shb vt e l t is ith , perfect t.l6itiites: Oat! itwoutd lt:ve tiii. weiciyirtre'-adieiii(4-Wiiiii*Tin7a 7 it., is.': • Mk:Cho...Se 'says furtlnii,! "If vi-e Were . lii t hjs !(the ',9oVernOr'S) ., place!'‘7, - op. n ii i i ~v - qtg, : . it, r cuid wd haie voted , iti t e. Lrg*ture forge'. iery Bilk:that:has ever • - n *fere it •to sop. •presit•:in anyMannei • tile? evils'' a intettirie-- ' ' ':" • Mere "a (iniei'siOitet ':1) . 11 ' , ra * .e • • - , ... iii` . ,i ...:.,.. -..,,, • traditllen .- 'Ate, . - 1;6 er r, bill is utques- - ..), ..,.? - •:: ; . ::•••4: •,••'....• .., -• • •••• • • • Aionably. 4 MP : to.sppprOss :lidA,,v;its o f intern iierance,-„aud • if • ' arse:,voted for it, then:•we . 'are to : Understand that be would"vt ,, ;to; . :a - bill . •Ifor Whielt:lte'Voteill -- - tiliii;; dt*p - crate .- em.;iis to make the •Woi sej-ap ,'ear the better.catise,. he says s•oute.vesy ; ..Wil , . aiu.l,,tbolish things. Such nonsense 'a ll, t not ig4. do IR, with r sensi ble Men; oveti'frdth 'mi . %i•Spe i tiite . '"i•,' 4 • Again .thit T •c : ',A g iit,NA•icaier says that: . !the Bill "would, .perat ..;,. to giVelicense. : to &./ 'class of traders mere t attes),who hoVe 'not '% itha iiglit Of. tell itig o und ' i Our -preietit . iiciense 1 , laws." Now , what:, is 1' e:ira tli'' - ;iiititipitint? I lEvery bed k, exee )0 th • i Speaker, Icuows that • -• • • • 'under our existi i g li e use laws,•;nerehants . ', . ) , • - - I :have the Tight to•sell, • d- do tiell•: - Spirituous i f liqu - : ors' by . the qu - ti,i, or . eater:quantity ; and ji 4 .. , .•nothin‘ , in the 'bill' in - ili!°.Goriprmir's pocket 11 t:, 1 ; rextends this priVilege,. t• .t ito he privilege f .dr . •., • •:- .•. Al , • 1,, a , less quantity; ,-t0... in* that 0 not. .11431 ti i! 4.oSSe:sti it, but .oti the c 'attrariots the writer il l L'of the aboVe letter sit 1 ,.5, I' " it'iabolishei . -I,lke 1 11.syste: , m- yf granting . • 1, ) °e ry. licens es . abo lishes'- ;the e to ,sell i. 1 1 :spirituous liquors :by . ltdquart •to person s [!, w hose: only stock. in t . dei l is a l bariel of %Otis ifkey, and restricts the I 4t':)r' lieenseSto'hOtel lte It.pers•"Otid store lc ft . +, aboN•e the four • Lteenth rids's." that 'it., the file'lty a less . (pan, • • titv • than 'one quart woi3l), Under -this bill•-be ' ' . col'itined . to licensed intt'lke t cpers, and no ;tier- ii !.chant could sell by. theltiart oh - greater-titian-1 : . • - 1.1 . : I t 1 tity; • except these : whote 1 I sales ; ,eielitiiee ofl the sale.of .spirititauS li*u'prs, entitle them, tc. i' t: rank . as high as the fourteenth class. ' . •I l' • Will Mr. Clutse intiiii! his what '' - , u ,•croic' the provisions of .th t Prohibitory Law! r i aptittkt . Which lie tell:‘ - i-ttisthe, Whigs•voteil sol i . :,utiatiiinotisly ?•- I eve {lo 'Jloi illistalie, itwash -a bill cooked up lb.Y that doss ofTemperance . 'melt to: Which,- helm s, which was! h g• and • ' 'l' quite ti' nsat: iSfacto,r) N --to iie o .al Tem . peratice. nicn.l The apology whichila_. ,, - ol','ifiop ..ticorrixttal-i ant inakes for . the: GovOrtii3r's i,pocketitig . the, ~,Bill, maY pass f u r - Wlntii• is,,i.vorth: - Tent,- - -•. i• ). i !polar. -r.ten - will . - . ltardly!conS ick.i.liat .the' .possibility cf dilriyin* he .'nu -keepqs ofi 1 , - Philadelphia of ieens • dite t i,-sell liquOri4,l:ll-1, i islies 'sufficient • {ca , oni; fqr • Withholding thi!.:,' i .1 - b'li ' k - 1 ld '' "' .' benefits that tai l s , i ; .,%yu ic.onter on the !.State at large. If therl?- Was any mistake in l i the _pas...-sa,„- )Te - of 'the bill,' lA* it be rectified ' t I - !'the nest I..4slaft are : if tii is a -c of that kind 1 , • ' 11, could hardly cfred n.)o.cit - e.:Cii in the Mean time. -'.Besides. we arrs'itot sun.) of the pro 1 piety of permit! fie Pet4r . nor-ita dc vide tlfta t at wa.' If he what wns.'or the Legislature. to the Bill ttiati. some 'mistake a to sign It. The good reason to 1 the law -bad beet ty, the 6overno that would have islatiort, as was t • I Ci • 1 nsoti etivar, . fur .Ches ga; Sand :what - local and partial "A.,Nor : that has a better : titan .al; like Chase's; hi reasoitiwhy 'the_ Tetapentace nia of du? Bcer,sho this bill. : + . 1 f. legisi laumf dozen it Mil Govt. and s, sh , ,-. 4 tidge:l ' ihno . ! intS recentlyaddres' s ed large audien es in Bradrorxtrivi, Pote and, Sull i %tn. ' nt i t.. 4.., :in thiS - I State; and . .. ii Owego, N. y. ; . 0 4 titt iNebralka swindle:. He is to addle .r an an;9-.l`:e.braSko meeting i Rush tow 11 -hip; lift this?, 4,7111,1t41, un-Saturda '' next.. lie' will' firiV , it* clkixr,O'Filthits . ias J i . l,f Co. )1 , the - cause . of frleed ;HI ie ' ding all' - arti I_, . • ir /1 A li i ' P • here as elseNylr, jrnfortnnately, t4e."- st ealled Deniocratie . 1 Per's'. CIO iot;'gctier.tlll c en t_ ,I•, 1 . - ,- ' • , - speak - t au sentiment.: - t,:ttut IJ i lypl oci-atm ran. : , f es in Penns I •attia :it this' i titne, and ihei' tone cannot - be retie 10 ' n:, a. 4 :fin indii4ition: - t t I the state of itl lie ciPiiiiion. •'il . pnly tteeeg r i sari` to, go - iout (1 .. amoig the' to learn; hover. , tleep-Sea+l ; and 1 geneo , is :the • ailti-, slarery feel: '''' ' ' 4 1 - - We to • t 6 ' pro , ; e il graititne -air ...t•pu... __..,the' c •seedn Address cif the I lletriO l e,;•atie'stafe:Cotittilitt .:', was 'to .:treat of the pt i . JOeiple,'Of ',Copular sot; : ± ereigt.t.yl contait:ied.itt it .h .N'ebraska bill. : . B , lilavery. is a difficult 4hitet, .s(..tittich:so:th . .. Gl)Vi•nor liig,l4. eanii(?t I express ati --- Opitiioi ; ' upon it i even by Orli:X3i where there .. is' . 0 , chanee to .. titke . l.)Othi.iidtjs . .; and therefOretil Nebraika ,Popalar. SsVereigoty .Address,' f 011 t; had heen.*ritten,'vilas - suppressed..: - IN t: , - • I. :, • - - • matter. Biglersopinion, is - et no eopseilienc tiow.- Hp..iuts - eltinglti, Oie:Skiiti 'Of the,:.4.t14 otitiisti l ation so 'll'at, her.,'toholtio.i, or to Jet go Nvil pro‘e le4ualli fatal. ; ; - • . ,1 - Par The NN *Ain, 01" Unioe continues . tb 6 1 spLiculate on atha it I, cr,fµtAkre destiny; 1 The editor, says that fth . island. will be ' tli ceived into our , sis "oeStates svith.t 1 e4of'ttll the di' full and ripe sympat I ,sou metuberS of the iteOcracv apd she . Wi i soon,dise9ver tur hetsCi is that , die iti to;100 :, to die eonam eNial and maritime States of , North fur that ( ready i mid efficient aisistan -; , which she may, in the Varied , course of' h man.afrairs, ha' e to require tu enable her to maintain her ndepeufhince • lsfaiost,' the as. mutts of some ilindictiie maritime enemy;' 1 . _ .—Tbe elect' .at übile resulte' in triumph of the lino • ' , , ni)t..the..ititelitticin of . . no, e ther object •; - ibli . exisiiiin that: the're i 4 ; TIT .• ikre hold that he Iriter, says he haS, thiit if the operatiou 141 1 ,it0 Sally!kill coin r . have i<lb letl it. BU's !6%.=a1,. and, partiallegJ Po‘ yt 60% 1°11; and, parts of Ti I . e,:to precept' ir that' iliOne,": aaci nn - Oftout 'dation t • - fabrication iwe e see. o goo o'r, if i lr were arets,l l j ut filiitig.for the NULL 4 ill& ino ' i lIBVe signet 1 I ~ .1 I-4 IMI=I !!!=!='. SPM - siavrtiak, August 140_f35411 - - - , , 4,.t .- ....- od i s .. Rlni. Enz :4lo3: 1 fiftq , ;the mem . ~ es oul imitieader iiiit t li last nainbeiliin . : horrithlittof the diestolut,ion 'UT the 'old w artiei3 aii,4iie 'forminirtifl.'.new out of the wreck ..irkittnightihavii - beeli l expend, hi , ' is 'opposkd to any, such mottr: --. And so; be ought to be,. Itlis.‘ Only throtigh a party high ly drilled. .a par(y,ivhose po..luid 4k know, rMillinglitit '"ilki.tiarty; right or wrong;' that " Delir Dizm:7 . ands any The most remote apr ot chance of= ~ j i i 0 1 .4 pyel.7. sonuo.' i Ther r e are 'good" reasotia for a . gelleyalrealt . up I: m_ ; 1;041 '.;,' 'itiijiieli . ii;ciai to . - !ii - g contrary nat , l With Standing.. "tint, they, lave' liecinn - e: so 'rotten Amil corrupt, that' (Ivory., honest , man desires to see them purge4.t , the hOttom!.--- Secondly, there' is a , wor k '6do•which eau - ' .- I 1 1 . .ncit be done' unless';ull "014 i ' I flirty difrcrences 0 41 - di op t . O. '.) 'k i.) - 't!he'llsiebraska iniiiiii, "Kill not and • ia; . inof b•,'.iiii . )'ed out , Witiriit ism*. amAilgamation: ‘llieriti* one, thing„ : l have made up:imvi mind :io.fuliv;,:whiefi ilt, t every Northernlnnin who lidiix.atesoldUtibli [ties - Ind old link eiires nviro l for the 064 of party and : for : Offiell i . than, , rili , the good of his I, ooinitry and tli, , stiec-eaq' of right ' prineip es. - . - i . t Ile:winds.,up most doh:lnd-It by saying; 'il 1 you must unite unite, .but It T for me, ',I Fill .Istny Where' r atn.* l s And I let ' him stare - hUo i y s ill UT pEmgeßATir : • Eiciienieht ia , Newiimishire. Bohibardintoaf c 9- Witshing`ton Proposed, 7 r ' , Ye learn that a! public '.:rtieetiqg wasla;bl ut Lunlberville,l 11., - on 'the Oth inst., to • • C. • • , expriss the indlgnation of ~the people at 114, , insult olreivil toithe favorite . 411 of that State, the President. at. Witshinoton, -on' Salur(lav last, by an, egg Ming froni-the Lind of a elitv alrous- CarO-liu!an, ,WhOse'llatne is Jefrards l — Xmrrespondeut hal favored xis with a report of the proeeetliv,!from whi4.4l it appears that the principal sjoech of ihe',o4easiOn Ai-as made b Jothann Eli, (no relative of I)Lt rS - G6fiera, since his name is,t•pelled differelnt l) anti that its 'elbquenee Nins reeived with rapt attention aralthundenanS applause. give herewith the principal 'Points of this te r narkable sp Ii• . .•., • i . •• .. ' , , .• -.`'Ati en•<i. felloW,eitizenS' has been east Up: 'on the ; hat of our'; hoporeilPresident l : ' By this ba. , 4! act the: . i''aluable'-Jrat of Ilis.Em•el. 'reties- has betin' ' - stirionsly .04Matred. but this insult hai.a :tiNppeii` - tueaning:UtiS ' witler ra4ge 1 •- 7 -.-the'GoVerument itself is'lnsulted, and iby 1 iA.hom 7 1 a,k, :.r, by . NVIUUn I •,`Will ,i l .,u I tell the the wreteh.. who thre* the egg is: .he party / of-..„whom redres'S . sl4iiild be sought ?; 1 seorn'thel....onel4iOn. l'lciwi wouldtsuchpi•o eeedings,be•reg:trded by. eui•eigli.potentates ? ! W hat.woOld . 'the !I;:niperttriNiaOlas . say of i it? - The city ofWashington, sir,' is then e rr L -i sponsible. for thii insult.'; :per inhabita Its are. gidity of thel . .ei•inie; and shall flier ese: pc deserved puttiAtinOit '? .'''..'4ii.. NV ashi ig ton, like . Or.eyt,;.Wii, be blOtted- out. [bit: - meitse ..-liiidquviji Let . Bit; iWorld know•Atat * ... our Governmentln . thelqwest to the ds. . 'est of its ohichil.,s‘,lis - ,net-to lu: insulted with i . impunity., 'lt at; he . . 4. 'Lid:that shine of . he i people, of Wa'shington - tirt. Atnerieun eitiz .ns - and .innoeetit of the eritne.'. 1 8•J • were they of . I.t.lreytown. Is thiire an •il l'' ,; ' .the 4• - • • .) ,lu n , in t, I, ter , the'eity . - Whit+ ealisfir. mercy ? It was 1 .., Lsani.ot. 're l yto%Q.ll'ihat IndSt4.uf its uthalunints !, were peeulfors,_ (lis!oillertypersons 'and tiig genz. - CM tlrt 4 denied rOf -Washingt(ln.? I tisk;why.shoulOreytOwit,he destroyed :nk.l W ash :ugton , FlNiro4 :' •Is t!*..lllP!,c Dr an 'oh :..-t"lire ekip'.llle , '*, rWid if; higher • national . impart:Mee' than the OldAltt of, Our ip - mored. . -- i'l-c;44;..titi Pati toirer -the'f t, )llowina• rem du: -• - ,- - - tion : . . -•--: ' - - ' • - • - , • •• -' . I . ‘.Resolre(l. Itt view or di. enor ity of the -1 • ~ . .., .. . . I ..ontrztge offered; tt? , Presideut I , T re, by the . ' A ..ity of 'il ashintriOn- that; - Seeretary DoWiin ..should be direet,ed to Int:trite!. Commander • llellins to . proe etid . WitlOhe slokp'of. War °Vane to that eit ‘ t, and td•jpen iiiit it with. - ;all his gutis for 1%1.0 hourS t - without intrtnis sion ; and in ease : i anythiug,'should then re main st:tuding, to!land, a par i ty of Marines and burn and destrOy;•;ithe:resithie,and,remaiuder, unless the authorities, shall ''lttiiiil.4.beg par deli of Ate Presidi . .nt, and4)iirehase - for Win a new' hat of such ;iptality .and eost, as ho shall. s'el ciet and aPprOVe.' .i;' `2' '' -' : : 1- - ~ Other speeellesi were . Made in support' of this: resolut iott,.l,r -which it: was ttnattimotis -1 lyAdoptc..d.'and,the en' Jw - d'il)spt:!rsed to their • tomes.—.A. 1•: . t'riblthe.. the Pittiot A Indian,. lndia ...The St.' Alekpli l s ValleY.P.egisler publishes 4 the followiiiii:liStlof- papers`liithe./tti_i•,•De!ino m 1 eratie or entrall which , now advo(4te ! tiii!. eleeiion !ofthe-Atate .tieket, the - I Fre' edoin-CotiV•ant inn' of 411 i v ! - 13th :- '.- • - - ,•;, ..i. - 1! • New Clis:tre 'lit:Oilier,' Ntidi !P Son:Courier, l • Fayette Courier,f!WabaS a.zetie,Ti:ni . anee Cilion,Valiktraiso Oh:set: eri:TTerre I -11 ! 1i Prairie City, 1.6-',Eiv'ette -- Oraie•tte ' \\ ii !!-Vaflev Oho (Peru) Chapnyni s Chantie , il Fountain COuntVlDenioerai, Lawreneebiirg id . independent Pritir...,..,- _ !.. ~,F; • J - The .11e4ister!! I ta4n! giVed thls intereit h er . --. , - '1 piece crinformatlon,whieh.we hope,WilLp ea'se -',, the Douglas' tin*: -• !!! rt !!' '.The Ne.bra.skins . ' at. tatlivettt ' indi mart l ~ . , , g d , at - the Cpurier fiir not ghltig in its adhesion !!t to the Iniquity, :I,' ! pped .•:.1 . 4!;of their..,subseriP .!l tious to it; arid i',aslted . I%ti.' ! ,gilis,! tii'ptiblish l l.i the thiisive• -niit!4, whie . kqeorripa n ied. their •!• 1 tA,•ithdin. Will. '11.4. did tio,•;! rind the 'neNt.Week ?•1 he priblisheil thelranies of ! ' rio gentletlic,ltWho I had stepped tip,.i, fill the,places &if the back ' sliders.'!-- . • `•!!,;1,•• "! ,4-. - - ' The Pctutsylvini l ian coPi -T— es an article from the Pittsburg P4t; intended to denfeni trate the impossibilitki of the 'repeal of the 'pro 'slavery portions if the Nebraska *Will. The reastinitio may' ! tlitis lbe- annulled :up: I The preitent ZongreskwhiCh cOniii,ues uutil March 4,1855, will not:'repeal. The next Co' it l !ress will not meet tnii,il lice-lifter, 1855,anc 'elm i not pass'au act to repeat until January 1856. But even:then, the SenateVoll not mineur,and Wit 'should, Preiiident Plet'ee will haNle the: Veto power iintil' March* 1857, at which i time the Thirty4Ourth VOngress eta* -So that no repeat isliossibletintit 1858.: The . . The answer ti - ,?;,' { all this is easy. Admitting • a tu ir arguci is itke. , all that , is said op the score oldie persi l stance . o Pierce, the Senate and Congress,lhe duty of i.esistance remains in MI -tbiee... • The great I Object 'now of all, true RepUbliamil should - be, ,to 'prevent _the. adnussiou.of Nebraska alid Kansas as lave Statei. - .11' - r;1 ij • ~, - !it. ... .the Presidclik it is true has the whole ' nmehinery . of TO-ritorral 'Otivernment n his handkinnuhuggMolelte lieah the cry o pop. Oar auvereigntybut thf . people can clect:a republican Cougress to Meet in "December 1855. In tbat`taise, ?howl _will the tntimoue conspiracy of theialaveloilers be carried out'? ! . How wilt Cube;lie annexe' AS a slave State? I . flow will:the Aliima slay trade be relo pol 1, 'ld I how will i'leree geCappropriatiOtts to rA enable him nykeep the American Army and i Navy at the dittywork Of,tatching runaway I • ..• 1 .:...- ; ,i;ki.- , _..-._•! t, . . , -‘1 .... • .1- ,1 .r )48 - -- , -..;-i•• ,-: -.- ';%.: •''• • I - . . A I , ellos el) OTOYl$.•'. • . ... ..dt'''F i riiMfl .I' 1 liniiie " hid : 'his - ,17 it i o . pnk . I , ~ an, ~ son t till_ aining tikild ' ate ' said 'lO hejt,ilee b ~•- .4 t ••• , ~ ..4k . ,- . ,=•:, . . ._ .., • •• Th e Know libthingehaveleariio 0140 f .the' ,- tPAY coUntle*: . oPllgaite tineitultiti -by - i't 'iajority. . -• ; ; • '•g.t. I overnor Keut, of 34.4 ine, u4d 1000' otht ~.. ha) , ; isstied l a 08 , fir an, an,tii.N. ir ;9 *Tas .-; , ka: 4iii•Yetitt. n, - to'l - i ci .- held at 'nave!, . sti Thu ' ay. • • 1 ; : ' - . . . enes Of Ireland, :, . igibeen - fr - ngt*C 4: full. 7 I ' Anti 1 •Nrehrasia . passed. by the Baptist; . 110, and Ctinneetietii..: .1 ,411 TY i'• ven ion of R:.1. , '-. . -: ! ';'l l'heliarrishitig ' . 4rii tan. ''pea 'IliV }Yee:, l ors Won't be so m f1,.11,•.:b as. , ..throW . away i votes' On PollOckl, while' 1 0 .6 ' 's is it!el j. .: -, i Disinterested itd‘leel ".. -•! ''' ... '''''''. ' * "l ~.. , ri04... ittitte,S..l 2 'olloe',. - , :t he: \V big .- id idatt.4 ti )r 'G, '•yernor,:- we -lea fr . d an ' the liar •'. 'lin ril :ffera/a, has . been serit isly indisposed to -..- •v era dabs, ailis residlnee. in, Milton. ;- ' ;I. 1 .. The' vOte 'for Bragg, the' Deinoeratie can •' to for - Governor •••••• if • North '6o . olina, .is 00 .;: that_ for' Dotter y,, ,, the Whig' ennui:. - 4.0.009 -, , 'Bragg.'si majority ,600. Mr. Burt i has not .. )..-,et imiilled..the Presi-l tif- his at•eeptatteel of thegtivertiOrShip, Of .4,3(4. •It is thOup,ht., he Y l Fill 'decline : the intment. • • • 1:. .• i • ; . ' .... • . The ,:notes of all ibut Totit.of.the Indiana Banks were ..refred . • by i the • • Batiks iri. tinati - . Monday list,Whielt; eausdkonsid4 d. exeittiment. ;1 .. -. • - -V".;• - . • :- '• ' ; Soi the', rid did: 48.1, dat4, den Net ~IPP Cinc crab t, . , he . llialsoti'S 130. y. Clinp . any ifre . eliarg ih having the Indians to ninrl . - z• . IQ white settlersin•Washingion Territo. ... •• . iin the States,. The story as ilfoutzlit -tO, ' invention of the Indiansl ._ . '• - ne 1 loagest, Rayroatt iri.the., world.' is. II) be. - the • Illinois Central, extending. a . ii • - ! • re of seven diundred. and thirty-one and. is now_ railid v approaelfincr coin , • a ftl. . ! . "• . . . 1 '' ' ed der, ry f he fttl, said 1 , dicta' *bide.. pletii 1 . , Ii• to ti?ti. tiolia pt. , op , than amp: the ek, !t % 1,. -tts stated be, . ~ t itud at;: i lndiannpolisi eon tutihn of Itidianat a! M - iliodist Ininistcill ti i 4 viiingitiiiiisters ?', are tbiii , i for the Ne ThelintOligi:4o of It 1 ci-Britili wo- . . 3 _• i . . to of the GreytoWti affiir is lihe . - lie:alost dkastrimis to the AthriiiiiArai s• i It Was a inakith of Narileorr,.llllElllf:`4-, )12i Well fo.uileot, • that the hatred of the e was less. Ana efous tO,•a goyernment. its epntempt. .'' his pusillan ituous said Lily ;outrag,c hQa • tlO _ . ltill .. 'oiler r ...a, him, tgarcd martial law at-,Greytown, is fully con l • firmed by the reeeif4 at Newt York of 'ifs of fteial notification "to.tpat. effect; ..So also the sei4i re of the Punta Ide Arenas by Coinnianl ? - der IJanc,Ltek, of thel British war ship Espie'i• gle : lS•eonfirtned in the same !Wanner. ~ • . i - II: I ' • I , ThelSpringfield [State Jounial, the eini,, tral Whi -, paper of Illinois, has adopted :for, 1 . . 7 ~ . , . from i its fr lotto an extract Oa 'S " specclies—'' I never eau,. .atid never: 10 1 11 and !no varthly „ ! coyer can make me,vote to s iread, slavery soiver territory: where it dOes not I exist.' : . - ..F • . =--Tlie, election foe-Congrefistuan in the St. i., - ,.. District of 34:50 n uri haS resulted in, at of : Th(4.llas." 1 Benton,and the, election ,other - M. Ke' tam t,Wilig. ;. The local,con. 1 ., in' the City Nsu red in the. success of the le 'AMerican tie -'et, .and tie defeat of tw ti ? i, .ticiikt, ,chid `is identi fi ed with thefor r: popplation - espeCially. . -The:. eostniaste i,hai been inter jtd suppress the .42' Clipper, Weal lim. 1 The Clipp ' has . ,rbeen pros' 'his deputies. tp . ti N -h( Bog, •••,..• ; -in,an oration Edward Evi, c, wetil&,vather oft le mountaikth the VII& wolf- and 1.- . • nea9est neighbors, w kep , at the: bottom a . p: lidige of .fertili e , II ) il . ren'in lazy. 'l4 n I rtinte." '• • ~. . 7 ,---IGov. Bigler se ' ift‘sing a l'. - ?,(4uest.- .1 iflg r i ! pwcr is growl k to keiety. John ) ger, is out again., • ) What u kree . eo r speethes, and judge. T ! tentihriee,are, witeril., uudt4 all Iheir•worli.jv pe n '.l . . . .• • !I -HlVe have-receiV c l ular sofieiting subs titet4 - fugitt.v,es - Ttil 'are.evtittinuttlly firri this pap..r we leattn yearl rto leers than live4, i liaVe . thus fled thattllol . number ] . ratejOf 2000,per•ant • annexation of Cada tion illoth for that! : • Sttuei. 1 , I- ' • . • • !, i • ' . 1 - . ',Bei/. John - Ulan hers made a. speech at Bedf4d, l the otiti! 'day, • in!whieit he'made knoWn that.:he bail i letter in-biSPocke,t.frMn (.'xovr•kligle.r'wide! showed ißigler to be ..` sound ,on the ten perance questiou:' l'his .gr..'.(iinitnberS is': • ' great. tAtco Foco, and is • trying tie pull thil Itvool over the eye S -of . V - ters•in the 'saute ay, as. Was attempted in t. 1144; when that e .ar neighbor' of:Mr. Polk deelarpd him to ti la 'better tariff man than !leery ClaY.7 - 1 ~ 1 Chambers has. been- call ed- on .ti.r -the lette ' but.ithas not been forth- . .conting.— illas/tln ,ton Cokononwea/th _ . .., ' . . , _ -i .t i -+A,. eorresoplnt of The Independent, Writing from l o rein nt rount . 3.,-.loWa*, stays that• on the,4tli 'of Jtdyi a Atortnoti.preacher 4ith • his;faMily and sfx ii3laves, frt - im the State . 4.if• SiisSisSippi, on t.)l+ . way; to Salt Lake, en camped in that, neighborhood, 'and_ the next morningsfive 0f' . ,t114 1 ... six slaves' were inisitig.- i r Does..not the 1 . 0.. t, hat a Mormon preaCher emigr,ttes with h)4 loves to'•• Utah; render it prettyi certain that . hoauthorities.or Utah are fitvOrable,to the int eduction . of slavery into that :iiriitoty ? ;., ~ ow `long - betbre - We Shall • be calfed-upen tO, a nut a-new State into the Union, euttibinii4 i le beauties of Slaveri and Poligainy :1 . • - : i - 1 • : • - , , : . -- 7 - le.,trovertim nt seem :to..,he more care- . f • fill ofi‘lr, Berl und''s . honor than itii,eredit. Whet Mi,,,Borland‘ made his. detuanstration in Set 4 nail, he oranized: a! foree . of, return , jag 'caiitbrail i alti ..- ti protect,! ies h o . said, the . propefrty 'of the tr t ransit . COtitp,any. , Mr:Ya . - I F , 1 bens, she cOutin4re`a) - Agent tort,i)%i-e4 • . nn.... , ney'2, - ,9 the peOtol,f.'San, Juan - to. • pay . these men. or .4 . 1% .- *, •• he 'WiTt.i*ed $lOOO, giviil a draft oni't e Governinerit - at-Wask ingion for the anitO, nt.. Thii draft, w44,pio- - sento",at Washig' an- nti,Tnasdtty.. 'and pro-. te'o 4 "'the - V 1 01 1414 "i'ertigni -Ito PaY, , / , - , 1 . -.. - • 1 , ,• 1 • • • La per- lute , eer. ---' As t the' i' r kirli;iOn Morning Journal, hovi'ev..,l k er, only. givm cent to the :Indignation - - ofltri - : j ••i ' i ' . I;lividual. editor, old jibSsihty otilv, y.) ; the .. ri i ikrspenklng c' , , f the nil*: 1 pOA;4! sentinientlit, its . iin) - itcduttil ~yleatulls-4,i;. vs :1 -‘ Herieup of . tniservl ire' doi , ..t. antleiriati, , the incituedliturflyttl.4 l lrifO*itieWidlii - tf 6 e - S . *li * VnriliesTYVOnlli:iftii.lit,:4. - .. - Whit w:ti . -i . • .f, - TT •! do exptal;' : = ll44 iever; . hl:"an' - iitiiieriair 'grrti‘:.l %iv' I'' , .rietitlieqiiiosAilinikyreaely - Ablutions``,have: been; ' (rim -John B!li; iiveri,tions of Milne, • tondOhi! but ie. e_ann.t. eolift!Se to'ultYottitl6.- -. Epi, co p a i se km . 'War appreliensionlbr sui,t 4 s.. , I --- rv'gult4; - 4:4-' theii: e . . • - I -urged brt VG telligerenf•edit4 s .axl titz k or i . : -I . .. - 1 . ;••• . 1 , A.-tittle time will ; see . :di tbing r i g h t - E.,-/hi, excited fhe contempt of . : • lOre asseMbled . at the Blepublioin Stan; ,by Rev. G. B. Jocelyn, that out'of Lice hundred - State n that . only -three . . oraska s‘6ollle. : !that coMmander Jolly; 4)01 Berinuda, had IT At EinitAbtirg, Maiy!- ; (Ting , . with and: attempt cireulatieti of tilt! -BaltiL -e K ow: N, r 'not the only paper gribed by 14r. Caiiipix-11 . . .The Tea 3tillion bill The . Iloinesti'lul . bill fu •- , - braska. •. • . . College, l llittsii: • . The bill extendingthe . 7ett.cinee: said: - 1 tem . . ' • • .„ . ni - xtifY the bleakest :The. to give elect tc !i,t, towers above us, WATTproi•ity treaty. ,the rattlesnake for • nea - late Alas 441r0y -ill; If-, g e nglinh -adonial journals,f- KW rs on; lill ICB,' utterance to thOriewa:nf the British Gc9rAtnment, in the matter of tle desti,irtionytfirey town, We migbtApeet'to up :some fine morningi by- dlrot andhel.l*an Epglish squadron,.sifit to 1:#11- anee.teeditnts jhe diseieditat4 pe4 T -. nidnees of th - e - Admmistration and the Admin istration's pet,, 'Captain Hollins, at Grey town. in this busine — 6 , , ss i 'an . -rnflied•'44 our:-.English friends-to lheir - w:onted-O.' „ i - j, ! aure. ! hp, itit&hy that ,Ilieree.-11.farey-Bortflund-liollin4!;aehievOin6j N. has bten reveired.'withi g hiss 'all- sekions of-thu and-a liss in whieh everyliody joirok save ittnnediate pensiotter. or - the '• 'White Ilouse.; - 'They sc*.• that Abe': ao,' itself,.;as.well. as th4 , Ardininistration•that anth orized. it, is li r eartity r eotide:tnne4 ,Now; hay _usstk such,ranci.4 a.s,thege,' : our Extglish iporaries lir,e, - expeeted.',- to see";otte,,.thing and. tha is,-.the unfairness and tbity- of. Bing the Atnerienit,:peopleat,,large,f o r Indy. prieediq,rs of one ;pan, 9,r: ,one set of 111e11: , w e All thre • Nr up coin. united Ouinting: )I1- or sung to.! peans ieree and .seeretary' harsh thi ags . might be said : of petitnes do thit4rs which )o•-inean; to hold, a great generous . pepple of these little .• of Grey . tOwn,'... our 7 eap. prtises to to r prcsiilo then, Nyhatev, us .we should b. Gl )v ern in cuts are too small; naticl, anda brave. ,sponsibfri ;'things, is this anaihila • ' - The Whig F%rty . . - 'Dead-for iTdueatl . - The ern polities did all --tkei.- wt. -Whigs a triumph: , .;lk yid& thoughtWou Id prevent the aide! . , :rtsolviA . on'by-the northern W. out 'hopes of gainitig'sortiethiug by . linti.--Southerti Democratic eaders,t, Ones, ' were Anxious to be . beaten,' -41 -mond' :Enquirer.- intimated its •iitisire pi I! ie v. Bat. the peopre' were Ioo" straigi ward:, 'They... voted .. getierally . • as they . Brifgg waselectk.ii because'lthe State . - has Ix ciane deniazttie. (44neral Scott had a mit, juritY„ . bea ting Pierce agaiast heavy- odds of position as he had dune theMe),,- - ica''irl. Sitice that time,: however, a- -gulf .has•been`ri - ened hetWecn • northern and southern -Whi a hideous chasm not to-be crossed.. : , -Not a s - 4 9/S.:aurfliera Whig . voted fur - Me. .iYeln wilt , f Bill; There is nothing statthern•-politicians , • ?dread so uluch,as,au,is.-.-is on Nlavi r iry at the , presidential election ;. - there is, -nothing they hope for so much a that liEe•Whigs Will keep i up an alliance with : the wrtched- fragment -of • their party 'left in the Soot They -coo,•ca-• , ress and flatter to gain the : point.. Jf gained,.'. the W - higs - ivould hardly h ye n.-single, „State 4 1,. at the next,pre: , -Ideatial elet r tion. :Tia,ly could not N*,, with the. Dentucrat6 in ticielit...til the slaveh•iding,titclion and iv ada :have.n i -.-- i f 1 owin g: •.-1 0 ;,- ; . () nil,. 0 WM , ... . . . . . greiii deal to, • say al; a. to ,4.4, , Minend:thein,to , the people : of, the, frce. Wflig candidate. for Canal States'-• Between two s tads, they would ~ - • • i ~ . - . .. ~.. I . tug i toretg,ner, • W 01; iv -tome to the-ground: ... . ~. ..•.,- , As tfOll . iisseuri,the t.ll e is-irretrieVabl-v : d fPrgil°%---belicl-giAL-s('‘• I eotiik to this f otinty, until he w PernOeratie, Cot, Biitte is defeat . is owing -0141..1 . 11 that be an• objection lit to di••sensiOns in- the, dOmit ant party, and in it to Whiff strength. At a presidential elec.— ari-,Y :tine, "4' 6 6 14.; 11 iist ( -him . ; , i thin; the democratic C:indi ate 'would be sure- 11 ' . that 'll et t. rl . P 1 7.4511 00: 1 :S.- ~ , - ••t ..uceess. ,', thretgo ,prejild l ices . strong - enialtihtO fit., . - • -- - r - - .A,I .• „. a 08*k...rears citizen: - • fits experience in • ~, - CORM S.. ' : iou m atters;*evioil4 ' 1 - 6 • his • arrival lii 1 . Tr iAlowi il a are •it titottlf , the . motit - s impor- .suge age of si:1: ipimths,' pi tist - , have- been t-, ) 1 taut tl s passed by Conioress .durin: - .. its last . itedl .? But /4,tnocrutie editOrs' f3twerk at t, • s, .a M•si.g . ri,.p• .; l;how . • beaMiltil eotiaisteni thou ;,.and rather. weaken. the force of.• call . op, the Members o(their party - to away,froni- 4. Kiai'iv Nothings...- 1 : The rigtijiir ~3 i .pprpriat Thiz,Ransas.anti .I\vbr4ti ThcO)ill provicliti.' for tir . !•ers • , • week: • - . . The trouble. is, those vito ..sustatio. a bad cause a,re.geuerally, morti active and zealous,. than tLto a si•ho sustain, a . #ood eatise,'ivhieh is a -eouiplitneut:over the left to the mends'. of i progress . .. an*. reforul_.- leondempoil ; Jour. not th l '' ~ • • • - i •' 'ln relation' to exPe.etation - of the. ;- • • Administritt ion .leaders to 'control ti, peopip, the New lurk Eretting.osktlie - iilde4 and ablest 'derimeratie paper in eXistence, liti§ 'the t following 1 • I :We know 'that the 1 ..„ ..Ivitz.hitgtoti that the 1i1e..0 any - :doetritie Wilili the in Veal. leaders. and make it .l i t , . have to do,'-say- the politi 'trot the,tvro'llouseS, 'is t it re. that it .4- itu • Ad mitt i,t I the party will, Sooner or . less trouble, : . but ;,finally brought. ever , to its taipp -some truth in this rule i. . - ment,. We d'o,uot, pretem • been frequently- illustriM oitr.eettutry.;:llll parties ',thi....tpitiiiitts-of their let N9v 1 1 1 4. 1 94nr.0 shOws, 1 `off pa! v . 0* :! a pptication. fiat.ey is t equal to all des 'IVO. it; there :nay . he in ..lous. for its kiipaeity of su -tticenee." -- ' - arornitn. I 0 14. The OW - t it 1 a ► th Church; of tju plac, w *nude out, on sut urtfity,ioll3.,lo thC—tuoup. NSWIOnn. In (* . le ': PIALVS,_ thq; T uzitccs Co.thplip Chuffy pru,nerty .I,rivP'retusedtp tusv,r (14:A. likbhup,:tprlkhrch,thtptig4t et .ip *tbdraitpit,ittn EA# ll O i ; bcca:ex- Struggle in.ltansas. 40110 .- Gobteia . eitizen, of ; Wayne county, 01410o ' -Tis' - Territivy; !outi '144. Res.:writes-tack to the -Canton-Trans,Shive-holding Junto e detenkitied. not to" perinit anti-slavery *pie toAttlehi that Territory, sa shis ail ~ the gvertiment; fnnaionaries - are ail slaveholderA,' or 'devoted to its-extension:-- Mr. Vandei - sliee, Indian agent athong the 10. , wa and Kiekapoos, about thirty . miles'*estof j.St. Jot-eph;luul heard thatan agent for - al r ee Soir&unpany was in St;',,Tosepb who integij. locate a..whole lawns-hip !if Vree Nit ers •Kak.-44-, iwere'froutbh:i3suillPentiyi: :xa A i As ' imk 4 Aliatt ,„ .t l iorot•Atie.w . tweuty;.th qussact 7eznig-rap4 Nrassfidiki - sclitts. Tlieref ore , thiMejlOV:l)ld hi4tanougered the out of the Territ4,,ry, under the penqlty of, l y ing, but -the man feat;lessly !finished his bus. nes.4. Mr. Grabie that A'alidersliqt o r , demi-him out. of :Kanig . ;with' Pree Soil --erwand Abolitionisbe *-mostindignant manner 4 not -Withstanding tour-fitilraof alt that i arc nettled the,Zerrittiry..are-...ti00r peOple (htinti tvote Itgainst';s64elt: ,He tays ,that every ethigrunt is ekrsely sentiment*,-andiierwl y t • tea viith the vengeauke , of thelnyrtni -7..4oos:4A:slavery' if he is .tinctured with :Free •f - - f t:jf C •WcutHris. - 4 ~„ recent tion ,iti.,,one of the. llArrisbUig 13emotratie per,.s .- I'rW.4, a l amentaVe„dinainution of the ,receiptsfor -tlls on. the.%tate. works, during thd,lic•t six iaonths. ' Just about :the same wC• . are int allied 'that : no bids•fot the the . Main Line Iniv4beenrep e i x ,... d; ,fi the'perioxed• by layi .r io thaOle net pa - 5.. - ed by the last Legisla are K 1 sproved dit-astrf ;us failure in, Conscsittente of the ira pc.,rtitieut interferei,lee the Catud , t,'"orocal s . sioners ' and the hig hpiices t rixed. There is . :soniething in thew filets 'Which ought to corn-, mud the attention of the !people-of:Pennsyl vania, cow that an julportatit election is ap. .• preaching, in. Nvilich one, 'party .. has,deelareaA the sale ,of the public works one of its psrdi-'''' nal Principles, and the, Othei has Shiiked question , entirely. is evident that, these eanalSr and railroads are- beethuing tio,re and infirtl Of an incubus niain the State treasury, and'thae it is to expect - better things of theta! - as Jong . as they remain undei.the con. trol r nd management bfmere partizan poli tielat it is to' be hope d that the next Leg. • isititnie will act - lecisively upon :1111i ques. t . o) th Anterwa». e South. nagers of south to, tleeure the, 'there, they holAtrig truelL irewd 1 ! Call.; ;t iiIIAN 'pi:l. Nt - class xvitr stcaD►- haCTadbd L 1 treaty.,i Kihsas and ; ~Varehuusing. sys .j the CansOinn reel d of the f,llq~~ ing . Ippiniop pievails., at pie will take attaii-t iutlai. of their. fieliti4 heir owe . , .. "All we teians wlay,n6W cim- o Fay •of any ratiOn-meamtrei aitd later,- with more or: and -'certainly,. be That there its to - .deny.. It has the history' of like eonfornt to •, • i .Party,;oubserven- Out,itre.maiie . mires too-outruectt and Bail News. _cane i,tgainfor got , I,llgleis• er:on the , Prohiliitory-.Liquor . Law to the ' din Cha - mbersi the.Govem. - .hls:pro - 416e to sanction a I:tightof-Searell buiarj iqui Law, 'declaring: it consti; all 'voters'. ti 7 knosiit,.-•- it he. 1. - ..suid - that he we sant_lion aproper or . law, .we A - 2 it:another:letter what--ha - ,means b • :a.pioper, and ;cal laW. ,Is it, 'file- fie! Temper.. walitll in is - it tale of ie. ,- !t• at lirarrii , burg. :Let 'is 'intro tapalng - beforeTtlie. - cleetio • alldN: -yel afterwards., the Right Search. NV, as .qd !'. 'iveruor ,Blgler do ag . . ) , clear, an r swer and no - 4ter.„ . L!r e4l a der uii ive.snAil not lock «•iil.s:wctj hil;rlo6- pe'r:4tee men . ; n !tail Letl -Express has leen' I t -- 101iiig.tin eNatfittfitttott the operation. of,. the . fiutltryeind the . tT,...tilt is , ilfittr . ifi every . 4hlye i ,..t.ate, exitept fief tti.4. re • any • toJtii*intia,. tJte.,eo.A,'Of pfirtitig the: Titan escei ds, tfie re ipts for post f ever2i e;f4t ate . excOt ' Out - land Cat if rrifht;:ilitS -- re'enip - . f.§ - ekeeededthe • . . he ina l gustitiltifiaal to iai-I.Yirgiula to hal hi.ritrivniffng. in.4hich -Virginia'cofl4nefeb iirii'?iiiAed."Why 'should it • be - lona to pay . for 'a)ails yarfied in 'Viriziaia . , Neu.= York plys tiiGoveralhentall the'eipn• ses hot tmti - ti multi and inoie:beshle-1 -The -Wl! Nel,krasl:a,.llle Free,Soil pitr 111: 1%74)0d,..11 1 rertiser,,t4)r.l. This intliea - te: C9'1101445. . igs,..„;,l.loll.lll,DeplocnAts,..Antl , ' .1. ()fall shades, Teinperancvand: haVp• 11;31 inatgd,Mr: Jahn 11dg, , t Port ladd. (.Me..Ad longress-,11. fi vote Vf..,135,t0 . the action, of; the State , in' tht . ..tanaidatiotpg.. . .. .. .. .. .... [lit, , Ter .114S.'pArilcineti , the= ' . men 1 winter lit, Pittsburg ora - 'con ,t, n.. . .ii ri lig the pa , : suge- sill Al no,' otes tlieliiFil* .4f. - 4-.. y 3111" lil Alit Al:- ' n i ::':',,.-;''.''. f 1. ..: :':',', • s)iiriteyin=pi•Yi po:hy nil nil the Veni Somilienelng Au. gust 21st, 1854:: Jury List fol, GRAND 'JklitOliS; in Lattfrop s '. IS. R. Roberts--BatDeF- Fi2Blill;liirini C. Gu:nisei4llßoot• Acnrn.n—Jo FXTER: Ihirvini . 1 Riveithatigh,li onailian lititOes,:fitatoeit : Jiirsto ' ~Blakeslee; Tilisha Farr,o--FOir,*.tatti.: .Tutisint Burr , 1 Timeinii di;lMMis - - I 'Morse'--rna - ks : 'George otiiir,ii;: John Berson-- 1 Gr. BK.Ne: Willhite Smith.--Itiitaicav : .S. 111: , itlyno - 1 — ll .kßioß': • dii , i o * Leeol:'4lgui'l..)Tiffluty, C. ,§. , Johnaem,*' Inmea, fireenwocki,* 1,..1*M7. an Tingle:l . " - ~fleinterci -11: 'IL 'Ellie,*lieniy -Ly4ns,* John )iiihe IT --JES"Wi; - 'l+ illaistlek* - Jere elieliam • -• JAeks6N - 413eii,j4niin Doeghtv *Roirmio leivhl, 4l4-- • • ward ltio*ley*-+Lveinite .i•tiele4 • Tiava4; Nathaniel . . limiter, *JaebblettailteriLLiiiti: ibial:Churcijiill, 1 John C:Deeliell; Avqa -. Feiiik; - .4,:,t.i6, t' :. Reuben ,i Te.,wksbuey, -. loin, Jobusao---Riuuirro;pl, r C., D. Cobb * Joseph' ..ittneilloNviieiii RakielaaSearle ••--Nicw'StiLvott: : RobertGiliespie.i.tOttiiistiop , F. .F. flatig,ev,* ' A:a' ilantuumd,*' :Tared 'Tyler*-- 6 . 11 !: trio : W.. 5.: pimock; Getiriei,Fitizier*—.lirsa : N. .. J. Sherwood ; o!orge IL': Tepper; Levi Miyarie• sPRetteitt.t.a. - : 4ainet-11 7 :111efloii,:litvid,Lati!iNk. P . Lyman;! itoileritlimaihia*-;-*liiisti - Liit : Elietiese 14 . 11101., liteit4 Murphy lv.- , -Tittitismt : beorlia Bl al4 ' lee Nutlet: itreghter titery t iiihiinei • ' ) -.. . .. - NoWiziarke,d , !ktkikS;( * ) , *rik for sy/CC441"411 • .0 editors h ate .a \ii' ,Daysie (the n i ssil nier) he; \it that he is lid did not 'ix 'months inion of stiikes hdri re. to suet! 'V in tleir 'et?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers