..i,t.yiri 110,.4.ity:410..4.',11.cg.i z .C.N.l3' (irit4 Mil *thczet--••••••. , - . .ts - rmr•vi.• - • tiONTROSE -PA fi;" • I. ,• rirlinrsday,' 10, _ - 13;TATO:TICKET.' S POLLOCIi, ;qt' .N:oithiul. Cana GEtIIIQE DARSIE, .of i 'Jitrile of SupPente AL I ONITSER — of' Mon • .""" PAL I gkR, the' ii 7 the 91'i7tiitlettiorizr4..4tp4it forth' Boston, New - York, ;Phil. P=o I r Act Iu W several dc l'101111111•Ittli"4 • •••'‘,,• :1 1 - • -• ' - • • 5 Al( >I; . have anpe:tre.L. til.s •• IZegir,ter, afe, ►:ece=•airy. dQI - -Nye art. eive - tst-vtL4oil. 7 .lk.olills NV.higi was pt' 11(.14 Ilie firiif. W,,et - i cif .AtittyrA C -- • ,• Lft.ll' l .lti till - tl; , : ,.. .`ecotltt wc'4 - : - - ihn .---41(1(: . tv , i'who s , igt.vqlh , ‘. • 01r,i,:l i to Inztk,oomtt,t,nrainations. ti riikriNl. ib -, girnb;6 by ti. I:tric - Ili :;411-:Ntrlffaskzij.Klniiiitr... - ;ts 4). ' th Another Doppler:l Pocket Wit) • ua re • 7_‘lcct,ll4.ll::‘il itl Ii:qlon.1 Oit4.td .in E. letftl.4l-afif'ytiki f.mblie.faiinchithi3 f hay; it the light. :- Fr( wQt-tz.. to . toritaKe at ell aS VOrt I'l % ill I)re port:4 .==. ko - soilnip ii)l in rttlie _w:brjs , • G '--11)0.41 to the NA.bro.skti .l ii • .. - :haselffinsOf a: 4 1.1 1.14 • 111:1t_ „for z .. -artyl;!.riotiee 0' the - na . ta)y au! that hat e !at el y- hel( !cP. im,,vltania-? t'W frecdoin s prwper : -. :,11,411 tli Zl:lpart.4 es are ,triatty the St,at 011 Nebrzi's ,:-. is. , ftay;?:: -We look 10r the that lie his 6p. to 1 . 1;e . measure., WA! r‘,: - ..:,111 - ; 114, , pe lie., Will find ro, arlagiw it ill ..ry good kazti-ti el.;ra,k re:i ni..t . " dcririved: trtvi r ,... i t ? Aerial ee,ring :itand; ~H'~. , t'ftl,, iasst Ili , ' • 1.41 I L C coui,trv.l feet LT,llt nfr. ti4 - ttl •it ;be taken doNN-n: it staiad‘, l latiotit: enc.! and ~ 1.k.-t.hiA g lh. or;t2 1 7 1•i 0 1?Ve grl , tilv 3 - there s' I.:::iy.atiah l e lc., ), \ler •111: -, h.a s;rilleriy pat , 4set.l,-fOr t had f171,1-a!I -will] the . lull,in' tels- it' lye , :Ile .ohjekf.. with' of r ..patrk4tie ns to raise', a tiag on-the) pol.t; ancl ; ,(mlr • ;.e.eicavi:friend; Alfred f ---.11erto(11. tO 'pass a:cord over stl e.jlajlil .- puri..ot-e, tinailyor4 tok,-aits toti ointained the -; .110'v• tiext. to otie,•ella 01 this 't - ali -,ta i s,ttu, 'whiCii WC: *Lio- 16 :Is :In ::.;he:it.ll. `lrrall ( r. ; . • • frau . ii5.A4., - .ork that it . ~r cords attacitedi r to thi: kouid be kept-. itt This, ap.paratuiwtts EMI . a lilt; till it was filicertaibed....y.-lelcans of Tspy gla-s that ..the l.tuint of tkiitt-row was the pulley-itick.k Itb . oVe t AT; another • C ct attach of, fhe arroNt withlt! the „sheath tkiTitsfront, erh,i). - : the side of ,''..ltirr4:Av.i3 , .-veicit.4 - 1 from the-111( 1 - the vFliettiti, af , .41 33 1.4 tI 1 ing ! a rrt , .ls - thrOWII h - • I OIL the 7.'or4,l,llfitr.el; . y.f;inllSil t• At31,11.1e svik, . . el.i T orid . frYkilvitr . ; V.: , a ifteeept vote .. ' 1 ED11 : OR OF a,k,oroat) Ahr,c.i-.-.-Sta -:,--1,- - ast • ~,,;: , ..e k . 4 . 1 nAtt i oit f,, vas ,i nak l e -iil CA ,hgee , ,i.,t . 4) tiiii. -r'ell4l ail; rules, for- the pitqx;:e of -ofivring a 17 . --iil ,10,rep(qt1 the Filgitive , Slavii:Law.. I n0..--4:e ..--4:e - that our liteiTet,etlttitil e. lira Ga0w,,,..v0. • ... - ed hgailm th , .tinotioli.- , l t.tte.teli lute that ..l'iis,,vote - uk.eds ;ill-.:,.Vu alittio:t..; ioi• is : ifis.op im.--itioti to tliekpred!of I, ,, ,layery; of - tfie,Sug. kiatilanaa ;..Aug. a. 1F i 4. • : ~ -. REPUBLICAN, ;:• .. Aelzoni in g. tO '1 Ire test : Of - `6 trriih"fo rrn at - i On. - Mr. Grow 1 , , not of the rba,e ,trlpb ..J - - 7-iiti, ...S r in,i-ery oleo, a t oll probzibiy h•:.• , e..4he-sillsji7r,thk lifit!.', to the sat,';i4zieti-Op .of..h.6,4oiiitste4t.s. it inuat-• be -bank) -kg ..ihinci- tPit: the iit, , ople'. of 41. 1 e Witictot aitiet i;x6 f.oiontiy ill .e - a - nie,A . in - tl:,:ir .- c44k,stiori . to tii...' - si.,"\ - d 1 -) 0(..i. aila z- - __ . , , ; ,... 4 it -, .- . 1 1 . .... i , ii - .. :• 1. - al I.‘.....!;ttLer i t liv . i t .. c•oti , utt o Li Us. \, lAtr.Vitil "' lbt the--publie:with-aimtious• eye. The lumber of tilt. Northern Itraitors *to yowl ,R.i . ith..tr Ntbriv ' sitil. bill- justify 'their ' dolhir,-so. ' : "S (.'would. hot 6e taldersioo4.l 'as: ;Agit 4 Ily itOpytations: on . 15,4.. - GrOw. or. :.the ~ a ,thly firnmeas,aiih. which , h, 3 ~,-,pr osed t h„ 1 . ,51,1i,r-a4tv hillilie;iF vilOn golaeo , opioiot7if4ln ' - - :fen rt " vir• at h, h at • lilt*ourt* pe.. -- e AT not t .be -'s ,l jll."`irejeCted'.o.ribe's eti. ot),. 0.4',,,t0 i Is-......ye1), o - heit, OZEfI tliii. , .:: ') ,:4 '-'-' '''. -ii(iiira6le. \ii.e.. F.74l ) 94,sW 4 ft'liiva, ' And: weesprtite.will Our hijt-auti 41,031, 1 -.4 .." .i ' • s Y ../ A:: i : BIER, ~ # 1 A • "HO P! -I * . e .1... i It , ':e ono , . stiff 1 t r yo i i -; : ~?: ,-; ,„; -•: -. ';,4ke ea •: iii; inta f; /.- .! it ,h ', raiShlatfit -ti etk Of 1, A- ig 'pc : •;( ,• on a sla o•• ov -1.... ,; 11l z; .tit =i ,--''.,:- • ; I.: -ior - .r.ot c„: P.,81 e Sti • TWO , :.:41 17 , • 1 , f 1 kii:r hi h • -‘. zeal ; his f ii .v4etroesio 4p; • ~:e- ; •-,--.' .......--• - ;..-:s. 4•40 siii; friat; if rVes2were it 6 Governor he •,,; rott id -e e id -die- hill - .lie% hii - s:- • in: his ' pocket, - , t. i i i, n i e l t ia, 110 douth, that Siltrlir'ph ? asserffen . ,; .... • trial _so sound a TemperanCe-maii as hims6lf, ;• . _ must: lii:‘, perfeetly; siitlsfitetory and.convineing *litte"• I ft/wls Of the cause., nut to refresh ts:Allitiaftlar , - - • mAlla4 9 , etinTile our readers qe era% to a(1 - roire,. ilk. ...:••1;.--,2- , ---. , ..;•;•-•;-;-•;!-; •—•., . - ; go,vertioT,',s; eonsist4ey ,Old' ntiwaverincr de, Votiou to.Ttemperatiee inteinta,-)kelay.e tho:.t "Best •ttquitilisli lt 'iv: pocket oil -Beer bill; t0r44.1i -4t!..itttit 'Aevei'ttFook,ziztejli!li;'‘i•hi6t'ilie Gist . -- I. - 4 - I T "' •' I • II '' ti - 1 . -;'• *I-I .''S , T6 - '1 I n •li .• erati.r p 5t,,,, ,, ii. -.- ere le\ .iie, ; ,-A .. K. .ig -; • ;.• ..,-,,,, ..--- •.1,.. . 0 •.• - .1, ' " , I_ , 0 p ...I.C. • -.. ' , ..; the one 14111,1414 he G,1,,rgy.10" 45 ,- eollStitilt/01- 1. al sera phisAliout, Fignioo t,,,< :),„.. ~ „ , _,‘. , .-_-., T - - r--;.---••ga. , -I;Airli.at.fai%fh-be,tter RtVdtttionlalthelren - - I ,-,V7 ..;,,, :skin 0 4,414ri(49440.1 ; 34154,iqvir?. - ~ . ~-. 1 . SFC:' 1 Beit I.:trete& liv the Scn•ite• "iiid , -' ; ;,-,;- .1 ct i -, „,t. , ..., , ,1,. . , - ;_....,,,• -' .' `. .1 _/1 . 0P , i-t . ,ilf.;ti,r.prv,e.}?piti;weis. - ot.the..v.;onitnon . ' - elilt it of PehtlAyKimitil fit (;e114'41- 4 iise•;llt4.Y. tiler, and •i4,,ia liereliyieusetied.l;k:the,..aut l vrity I -( 1 1"••- the -,z1 8 1)-‘0),.:.P ' .1 1 4fil:Im .1 ;4 11 d'i•ifI•q- 111 P, I.!4*ge I .O * ;A •t!t-tt Alcex. ,o , l :cF. - -o=y,t,4iis,.sliall-_:.-eti„ . or vfxrese lo Eat - 4 41iy . ,-I•cer,alc,,,, v,rte.,r,or ; • •• other malt. hquqrs, .with 4,4., liWn§f.: ter that pupuse fir.;thar.Latid oh - t - aiti - 3 fipihila:'rhirt of ()mar- I •••• •s•.. ‘t •'•••, it• ‘'• ' s (vis i t; ;• - •essiok...?f tio... i l isi•pi; : t ,91..t,.v. y ..c..4,imi... 1 Wit v.,;ind - .su) , JiiOtj v .ihi , - ;Nutre- rules .;po.i,ieg9- I tltt)lls ai; X cgtird s: tilis I:il i 4 Aviiillatml fieepit;.:l)l . 11.(...er11i0u5,•-.s,i l 4ll(l'titt.,ll4):llic.i)i . Of...,,the. - it,;‘l.vtise l'fee: : 9.,-;i_ice 'i..,Ai'liirouv: - e.a,l't h;-!as,, a t:e. - 1 1 l; : i •••th• -• k- . • ' ••- .0 . ... r e. •• ; -; P. -C-l- ?)4"-.. ?.... ---...; ! PVi .: ; .,1 $;l; 1_ II - 8..r...6. 1 ‘.1. • { lh:l. • 'i 1.,1,ii :ilia after i t4e T . ); , Inis 1.411,n9 1i!: .:1 1 . 1 ..e•ti1n . :11 h , i-,,..1,1711itte( 1 ire . .4rert:i.:t! y.,,c+itinl'. ti.)ll2.ll.y:pqsc sc.iii i ito :•:;41. s 1 ri:vt , ,,;:l l ,htittor:sility, tjie lila; 0 4' 'sviS-e,i l Pleis talc.Ut::l*:-01i.'orylier:i(»Is :Li "nlirl l'i - rr ;:tiehTo,4l-t.••,l';:ill . l.);•refitiers of .I J :• 1 .. igri yr. d0n),.....t tc ,_,gt,u,li. •.t.arei ;:-.l' d mori dize.;•other 00an Isi - Orilit.'lits liquor•, - eiititlt -6..•'clas'sed 4, - i n - id:with the fliurtee ; ith el:is? have •1••oc:iIi'lliii•-: Ii rezr - illarl V t'.!:.l-51.41 - tA % th 1 - srflir ,, erS.A 1 Inc r&d.titil e r:.:Xt - 25,.. I:: :, 1 . - .. Sr. :3. ''l . l , .rtt rlll' 1....- . 0.,:00,' 0, 7 , p i , rsons 1 , ing , •Tirite•••::- et—mait • li.illor.i' . .tith,,ilt; cen--e• 1",,r 'thi:t. iitirpi,i•-:t1r1•1111:(1,T...1,, obi: 1..ii1:7 to.iiik. , , , provi-,.i,,i1 , ;,14t! , .1i lietr , re zntll any l' i)er,oti i;r . ..por;sor,i. r ;, 0 1, '.llltl pi 2 ovi-;;•o•iisof tiii.4,- n'k. slhill • I•>;:•. the. sivilie; Ta•ilaltie• - _ , :that are uril,•• .4. vid:•;;;I:11111s;• 14 /,, -.. : cc;ipi-1 , - - i -, f • tii?! 1 4 111L1'r . 11' , Ii-l:: , : : '.Pei}'; , .:! 7 4 r:: That till 1 ••• ' . • ~. ••• .„. .• :iit..l)4 V, Ciqh , trli . ,Ll It) 0,1i0,i ., r ! , I th eit : Irla l ll . l:+i o, t;'S I , r tht.' .!:.I' . !llf;;;'ilirt.'l l 'S -4 Ir 17S . '6 r i 41 .1,1 '::(111 .% V.S 11 , 111' ll . f:; 1 -for Who! osale •:•;;:• Pivo•fle . ii. Tlial.isho.an!)licatit-• for iiiii;•!. t - hi:- ac-t-st - ,a ) :1 pitlhe.r...quir.Ato it•etlierf Vad verti . 'ii( - _ , hi the new-:- 1 1 1,,. (! . pi., Te r .: - .'....niti ;. .- 7.' i :'!...'id still eottrts. .''.t ' , 0 ,, , ,.. 1 -:•• to• , srftlit 1.4:ii4 .!;,,-..one;''ai : my i , vhic.!: )ii. - 4itiOn.!-; ' , ..i';l:i.'ll.e.' pr 4 ., , - 11:teci : c . i.:l! L : ''fir.ll: f,otl;:iig Ihl ' , 11 3 .F4 •; •t. e-cm i. A L chacri:v n the . olas.4.l.lthtion of 't' : ven .l-siritro,tfN..ar,.l Ma o ., I,Ticr...; in tilt. city. I . or - e_outit v of . Phil:l,3oi , -h' ,. .zi.,: or •r ed tee the i41.r,..01,mt ot: the lice-t iise tt-cs theree<l. -. 1 -. .E., g..(III-A.E...FslicaVtis H oi the TT - Ouse. ; • - M. !.I'OA - ,`1.11N •S'ic•akerZfilie Senate. ;..._:............_ 1 1 - 1 • , I . - N c o. 2: toEir4t.t.f, , l:ll limi,tkplitot . 'lacr, f(yr 1 - $5-1: • 1 1 •• .11:v4e ittla '.:l -* .• ' • r _ . 1 :.!'sc: 2. That al i . 81,0;e:441i: iiir lif.sense \ : , , ; f4.,r - the sale .of:cilium: • aMi :- I ftirittmus liquors Ili- stor.- and f t .ir iyrewer . l+2.4 and t!cer.h.,ll:ies- in 1 t he said eoma .of (111”-fcr. shalt -he , . mad , ... to; i,s ,- i the court ; ,•flliiarter. ,;:c;•••: - .14-?isl; in-teal of to the! I , cohtitV tro• :surer, by i. , ct It toii ;of.tlie applicatt.- 1 l‘ - \'': i• • . 1 ...va,.' , .--on; I be r.:e011tine.i..e.,.4. l' i y- twelve yespec-: iiii. l --citly.,;;:s-:.lll 3 .lciowtahip.(irlic•lolla.clj Where: I ,uelt.ftlißlieratt..r.esitre-i, 1:-.,::t ps:r64 - m. ta ;.r.: iod re-,: 040 I till' hi /11%-i. - , In i,l . i l •ilq.,.'r;inef,...: 'awl who: i shalt !curt ifY I hat. , ..suehill'.......ase; .t.i.lteees--ary I, ik•: • • i 1114 i I l iicoinitiotptilonOf ili t •; puloiie. and; Fuld ; , . , i court:s;l3mi' mr, - 6 tlisert..t ;ot titr,,; power to grant 1 4... fr renls,o Saidlfrtll,oi.. • : i , .1- .. ~..• ~ , E. B. CITA 5F....5p....0'4er, - of the Houso: I ' .' •.: M.:Ni:,CA t '.;.l.l-.N.lis) , cllktir of the Seuate. I ..X1 , 1•20 E. n . -- . -L r l Ea.. tri it 1 tidy . t•f--.Marvit. one' ; thousand eig , lit Ihuix4r ;1. atid li2r-11)iir, .. .. I f :-, . ~!,1 ''‘ViiN.i . ..-131GLE1.:. , ! trkt),uf r erlaud. . I v."PaP. ( s.r, .:paper .in MEM SMEIIII tiong mber rred till thdt * Viti / I:iltilt tie Mesa it . i$ r. I Ijori t y Ot eoutztN !lot. tothc ul lETIE ElEtna MESE • i Iroom lor ,it tti:rtt r, d •13eiit~~ It )I(T7, lAt L•at t};aci: Bi4l;q It Mr, that ~i:;.,ii 1i v to.UIII L' (uTht 2 tter, ntir Nelira,ka in Niirth -iv let 'hi,. i a t;ts of :, n ivr the o=lllllll I ot: , tits 'of I leis ..of the horizontal ;kris -;slbirh, luth, or f ront `on 'this i";rard - ;tie pull(:y-- -er the '1:&•11- e. - ;; 2 ";,:,f4 neei Vitied '.;IV j( r, vr, Fir! tl‘•Zr.,L • • :• . : - E,:i.tt:n:; u Liv.en.scs in certain toirc i l ,Lips, thie!i.A.:::i.:g4 Tioc.l • I .• lit: thei anti the Gniirttotv, • the autilori Trial 11 ii::tter it , 41111 not Ist 4 • Hotts6 . . : of '‘vi , a I pf Pent tnet, - ;inq it is t v the t-;:inic j ffiwlt . ll for any' ii,.- - roiY.•o:o,i'llit. ;r, , trularlY lic:eill s'ed • innf-!;e7q , .. 't• ) . 's•4,:•l 1,. •Nr i t 1/5 a tliii, tio unklit ri ei , of the: hhtitt:a- of " [La Nc i t'On..in-iili , . :. :nr-' . iil the tt i.i - iislii 1: , 4 - o11:1 1 ay.' •1' , 64 - ii - v- fii , t4, - .42hat'lest4.rtaiti , r - • ' .'..\- Rehnar. hrh ifi.-6)utitv of Ti&:vt, .any' yitital:. ,I. ill:lilt di Ffitl / IA 'illA 1411111 S 4ltlitti , he, - . , . , ,he, of they ,'hail k i k. !• first I , , l,Ltii)ell it 1 . 14.,er”.e. thert.4 - . ~ • . ft)r. froia tilt+, ou rt 4 1 11 - (ill art ei SkI:S . Zii;TIS o f NO: T) efit'e. iii • iit, cOanty ..Fr,Orl +..il. That nothitti, itt stills; ad Aia 1 ,extta:a 47 : i' . - y 'l . .. illi:r Vf said li , ii: 020 r , ,, tipolf: i).;tnietiag`r a! . -J.ierrti : • , , as ai1)t..... , aid,. 1 ?rotli'llie'liafi l'iflli 6r; 1 1 - 11:'' It :ihrUilt He ta, tit' I ih ! ?Coilltnot.r. ~ alt 11,• 4:.. , - 1,-; 1 iv..]do.l by exi-.. titig . hit,i , -..• - --' •. n i..l •i: - 1 : ..1 • . 1 i - SIC c: 2 . Tit t ativ i')(.-r-01l vit,latittcr the prtn, !,. ~, A - • _ - i , 1.. ."' 1 ... , : visio.no ()I' this att In.4y ~(.. i>--retttei ity in., 1 dietmeut,iii tl c• coart._<,f , .oai•ter . seg44)!ls (:)1 tlie pe:kii \ iit:s: tit] , i4 - it.in 2 1,.'.6!: ). Orion 1 eiltlvic•tioii' i I.ke 5 - 01tVig. , :ii, 1 t illifri'iThin l i lt iii: the ini 1' iii . 1 1 . ' . ' ' . l. 'Ti . -i'.: i . !4 - 11,1 Ctittty, _1 ,r. a '.• ter:111,211( . 41 exiver ner ir. i . I invi l ti.iti.-inid 11, 1 , al.-, 11.66 - of-41).e - ittlndred ILA:: 1 .lacs attite fliki•ettort' of . • ilid Court, 01te.410. 3 4- I,f said Erie' t( , !iiie •tiri.. ,4 of -111)-• 6 ..itro 4 e - eutt.r. - allii . thc; other. half I,) . thi.-.. t;(,),Avitsbiri;• . r)r • bcprovolli • , , 1 :wp..ivitt ''t.te . i i III•Ii, - .- - e Avaz , eottif4ittfiq. - . ' : .V.; - 1 i E. B. CliA ".... E. - Si :0 i.itir!iif , ihe • ITottse.:, ,•,!. I - • .111. •M'CttS'lLlN,Spit`iiki t ,Tpf the. S.i..rtitte. .. inTovft,j4l'ile- . ;.'On.i . :ty L'i,4"gittil -Aakr . (it . A rit."6o--thi'ai. , _.:iiiii Ifileat' iii.lhrlfk , d --att(i'fiffy. !liar. , ! -, IA - 211. BICLER \ i: \o: 4. An Act itelatiVto Timen4Licervgett in c 1.14; . 1 • .1 'on County.. r.' . ..- 1 Esc. 1. Bel it-- .f.s mord' _ 'IA% 'the; „Svnate and Lit,u...e - o f J4pre,eTatiyes t rest tic.. Common- IvrAith a Peim.yiv4nla r ..1:2 i (10.4:ral it.. - scia- 1 qv in ei. and it ,I ? . ..11e.relo 0 . %tvl bv the. tAttiv , ritv .61:file .sauie, r . 114 t.ll,so*?ntri sec- I ii(.ln ur ai, ac i t * it). it;l4o i ;ill; it_li a stliplement, I 1:e and liie - stii i l,, ' i B' ii;. : r - ei) . 1 vi . . afed , lind„ tlie 1 , ,l • - •4?, • i •9i 4 • tulit, luta On: DV A 1ip. , ,,...4. tuf...actm t., than tat ,;7,;ill 311r; 1: ;*relit'; pr(,bil!itedilin tikel (fount) , i id'Claril )n ; and t.114 - 0, - t.)y,is.o.of the act of 1 1 . 141314.te,tit,1i 0r..A.1.,n-11, Ann 4 VOLquint one ulnas- i Aid eig4 hundred aild = firtYL: l me. are, "bereb]y - I rpyived. so iar al resirecy: filo' said' eciatrty of I Piat4'on. Pycl;ri_tifcl, It 141,311',...'•e, siiffiOent if it iziijority., 44,..tiudi. siLf.ii.i.q...;:, I'4 lieeiise. appear Ito ~ ...00.r0o, tesitty,as prc',64, , " for-in said Kg 11.ivn, - ' ..., ASE. 1_... E. B;;CliSpeWi • :di' the lion' e.,'..". M. !sitA . S , Li ti,.Spqa e ` : of the Senate s' • . •APPRO *t)-- - T1 le eighth s4y pf Mar, ppe 'i i th0t . t.:14.e.111,14 Jiinlarib . 4 a lift;y:fijim ',.1. - : 1 I - •, 31. 1 13ir s t,ER: ! . Nevl,-Als ;I:f.r.- - Citasek-hei 1 •e*...74esker Oil Spokesman tor the (.s.'orti i i knows all. abOut theige ihifigsi we 'wish ‘' . .14 , , s e wi n , a iit. tie eoneerni*tlie atiiive - 8,6: ' ..' ," ' ~. /4 ; )30 . 140 ( 414i:ti1ts fo i,, 4 . l)v.e.tii;r l 64il * - iitt * af4o thti 941.000:;:li fr.vu 1", iwice , diAaster -- i *' ' - Alas ' ..., out/yesta3+ - Asa -Ow one ,-; asen. ponk. et wcvl . 44F irlin.li.4en 1 1 -9-'s Li' -.v,' !t'''• - 2titil•Uu'U.V thitiiikllOntWevie: the aS - : tortue - iaoi ,; 4: : T - 4. -.7-4 . - -..• ~ -: .....„ -;',..715777fr. ' . .;-. ... .' 1 , .. - E , -- • . • ~. I • Jreer3,,,.....r. , 1 .... r . `l4O youll us, " this mise4le, dir 4114 kit t: uld beeOmo a ,w, wipuTl theatohfritir with" -, its indiierim; lietilp.., 'Siatwidthethe effect oftifeethei theAkfr of Oestikit Clarion, andlioga, tied ?' -1 1 4th. W y our as friend,: the ;Governor , / , oelaitilS,teube strpngly opposed VA Apegial islation, in duced to , make exeeptii thi4 en , e and to approve of_these throe, which- are 10(11 t awiliaititititi theirlipor.:, 0 r ff.94l.4ratiP-4Plittighs. • . 1,6,41,41444 ... .. 1.4 4.. onty 0- ,40frt,Instead of tho whole of t illosPhere, and would le.ivo him agoodi sorge - air to retire tis in C!oartiold I? I tith. May tire' iiot- ']..,l;stinably - infer, tl - 14 nature - of tho iirguiu'ep s i you tulduce : i . cfr of Gov. Bigler, thitt : yon.tupport hi expect vt hero to. support. hi ini for the nes , , vit r tue of not d oing as m u ch eVil as he -,--as, fiir'inshmee, that he, only: signol ii i l liVerlilk..',. - ( 11;tyel: 1;11 - 5, 1 ; ;`(ieutittii' cril t ti I ) ,a!n localities,' \Oll2ll ho might _ .tatitirtated the whole State ; and - tliztt 11, , '. wit wir',oeate the Nobrallat iniquity ' its -1 ly'lts trio. Natiowd "EierUti 0. did : but g4vc it ItisTtaeitraist,e'lit aild secret aid .1 . 1 , r 5,6111. )Vas it as a DoMixrut or a to nix , r- I t lance 1 , 114. that the 6 ' ' .. 1 ed - 1 - , , . , trreyllol appror aw ' tha* di.Jr . • t - 1 t tl rich dth r , illffilit t".. , t; ween to An e 1 , pi , .or ot'Clariort county; Iby permitting the ''.-.,:tie Of beer to the inan , N l ylici is able to buy , , v kl ilgallons at once awl prohibiting its sulehy the les, quantity 1. '' ' • •,' I ! ' 7tir.'2lll the aaino ofy,otir eonstitikn 11:are tin interest in tho,eitiatieN n , and ~.. to under,taud them. NI e would a..,1; IN y.O II voted for ring of the fabpve Bills; so, for l% hich., aud for what ren4on ? 1 1 4 , - yr or )re .ll' , . ......-.-....-......, •-.4,../.... + ; ~...a ........,,.. ....1... . . 'The - Nebraska Bill &I Test of Dtont. That the .N.ehrasla hill., with all its ;le) .. 4eS, Wildly ett'dorsed as ;It th.,toocratie , Ore, :intl. - that it.s..snPpirt, is ittade.a .1L party allegiance, is so* Olt known . to ~ . . mtelltue ptHain who - hai4 access.tO the I t)entOcratic journals that:it r :its lost' like . - a W:l;te sof tit Ift.• :mil 'lalpir to addt: , 1:li.:1; I,l.'!Ad of litp.f.ict. ; Mitlis 8 ti-A1" p ( - xi - asters lit this vicinit y .still haye.the .; ....-:- :1 , -..ttratee.to.a..terti Ihe !cl:itttrtry . . ittta a. , .ifliav tit'', somo liolicsi4-17t •ti who.ti" ), -..' pathw:ty..is: only illumlaiitqi , 4l lid' `stir It tights .:ts the Moitir,,i'e:. Democrat. 11:i) i yoliNetf , ll,7itly ... an :(orit . S: - lio..ticlotttilly ~c, siiivic,e f.)i tilt troth, NT h tho NTT ha lig ii :. . , . , .... nlctri - .: - than charitable tp!tritt:sipit to t' tfiglited !,..ear,cll;..rs !aftci• ;the true I)ct tra,..lL an oecasioi:al gleltin 'fromtlie l lights. a• the partyl. flcre is a. ray. ti. Iroxhingto)i. U,itivtr. tit:it eentral 'sun' .. ~.. )‘itielt the st.t - :Werliitil'inittle - s If the p 1 r. vlve. slid from which ithey dcrive.the; ISltys tile.-rllisml: 1- pro tillu, -wt.- n at.t -77,e .:17e1wr....ka a text af Deii i)rthento.ry, alt, r have Sri ?(Ptilit lq s ✓ mn.4t be.obt. 11(.62, , •••a i ry that t,n) f j titit; titi tit) . I,i)t u ntial in in to lifiat 14 a in :inaking p 1 fink} that I ni • Deu'ioN•iitic 4•rectl.7.' 66 .Invs it ti t e I,vrrt. hon.; the dark „ • t I? ,, ht ut truth fails t tip4,11t14 , .. i y to . l“...Thatlit4eitipti it in inn tt to t hat it tuav :the inure r r eltg ttimn i4t; hl ‘i•ttied questiu t,1,1 utatig toii i.xt ,}tarn' that the. cot Altittated Bi.iler, retraincd t Nebiaskit! ;vit. liecati 4);,c.,1 to It. , %,9111•4.itu prol,al,l; ti, facilitate such dl is trvitig iiractice- 011:th, this ion.; is We qu . spC,ecit:(.4 . Senator Brir 1. : , .- ~ z lie,,tvait t 511: Ins reit fur ilatre is a great in Alt.a- I ict • • ht . : Nub test. i :that I Chase o ;from a r lon th.e, I M lal me:tumg I,el:at~a2 . .I),eni.(4.j,•atit: Co •1.1% Oak it&tl a re..-iuLtaiiii; :it or of,tli o,;ine specie's In ints,ir ti.essd ithe„clilestiou . 14 tl:e i rnore',.; t vetitO'a rbaj(prit - frO,r);i pwising. r . in favor yf 114. thsfrf was a large Id Os, CoUvetitiou . proper to expre pPiviou Na,e .I)eifore r' t,llollld nut t(0 aribt.fier of ut,p4rtaliee 111 :fKVe of :But 1 !eel cured .that. r rtl gui e ..01;:n ther i .Cotiventic.m. fore the peoP I J2 16r (j'rqvertivi- will , u( 1 • • I'ol4l 1.1 proper ,su i ppqt: one of tue Of the, Pemo.:rat.N. Prirty,. NehraskEi in Oullivan laA Sullivan it'd.).Dentociit I 'a eat] 11;r 1 Masti Afe&ting; t 4, 1)0 Forks of-tin...l.fri -1 411-14Uck, in that' 631 , ga i t lEi n,'t - q the s'enti then In oplti I,he.NOlr.4ka Judg and 6thers .I)6nperat talrcis`'ii bold f..ititit aon-r4.siOn d t l ioir (if sundry . d - o - ui.4l4itet.4.and,ont_ ••• •• i• • • 14•••• Toc>;.*-11k... Lvtnity. - ; 1 „ •••••11..1•41e!...iitig Was :hod iu Elklatzkll .1111.y - 4tb, for. the • plirp,.;;;e: 'OrgH in .ulli;;111 1 at winct the folloWinir atilorim • ' • • • • • lions* sea adopted . • ; ~ •i• • - That i•stippb fur ',o•ffice . ' , , in the -- t•tsitb-: . ot: llivOri (K 'ridding:ld) obir i4topOitAtti'etr., atiit tfiliFiit . the 1. ; ••• •••••:iHrj • ''' Jr act BLACK Axi?iiire bstmiki4ot,=-4., is ilifiiii'titekiil suing tirtk - Owclelplitipap_rri, ) tiiikt Judge - Dila diU ernocrutin lc4nditile foi4-udge of the .soi)te fie Court vfi r Penn Yl ti vania, ebnsiiieh- a. Kfo bitdrit. Liqu taw !lin: iistitiitioinii. -- INttit - 'it ii,4 ,- -V6itiiiiimblii eir ilieVeiilienitic4 iki 1 , 14:1 1 !4t1i . '.14i: yli'wa 4 6 i s tetY i ). ii.4s .'t# l- i 4 1 . 31 I .,)et * LlTe lecti u i Itmill be in vain , 001: Prohibito4 laws : me int..pea; •4f Atli - iill4. e' :Ouurt r pteli flitimunebratitntiO4at rid "tileiefo tight L 'mite LIM US tit 1 t, Wil ttal All !hem i MIMI IMESE e •froverm [ions" 'to - j ve power . • l v. • . , •v. , • -------- - gsg, — :r . .... a - .-c*,l,. ~- l a - .'-,-- * teem, n-th r onT t on 4 ,,,,,,D r . R EGIS , lry 141! i)ernm an •,,..!„. 1- Tan 0 ~ , ,,orr Ite/ietint.-.,")y britski m ` P co!,oceup 44S,Pace liklyon4 l- fr d ai4 see '', of 4• Ur •i-eptlti 1' a 4 •-, •:. s z 1 = _ ,i- : ~ vt. ? ' VVll#er haV f4otbreb ifern - 411. ru ; led. Denuolltit, Vr if liig,ArAliie tiisi;"-' 4 ,•or wlitt e oliklunquenchifitle , Inot t is a' atter, japp , si.taiii(ilof - viry little urnsALbrightiy&i. . 3 012 'consequence; but now I ant ;the of tlm.se who 1 try true American. V I .l' l' nit have become alarmed ma •4 u loniat the I from foes • at a'distance ' '. r' rapid .enet oarfintunts of sllt , vety„,and : Who be--1 qtidAvo.lpreparei,lll; Base it to be the. duty of air true friends of I great vi•Or to do. and ~ • , ;'t freeporii in the Northern ntalps to uni(e. tor 4 tvect• 0 Fltan . ),s,t.o i •••t _l*l- •,, , t - i I , ' .4.• ,I•A 111 - 10'ilyryhlri tit ill tIIPSe, ji)owthey2 pro,,-, 1 et ack,l Thcre %le, - •, .. ~ • • - Le•-•-.1-4/eartatrAaatillitif - ---------:r,- -,-, -4 -- -- - r- - T- Irl'ivenlentti-goittg,on il, otltpr States, and . itt I Is, bet P i a? ,4t) torte th •,foe; and.,aitst. 401 other counties of . teeth Stattglio. e ff ect, so.dv*i- Ihe beatiof•theiday:co , s, wer•pity.and • Wavle arty t 1 1 l' d' •41 •I'' h ' it' `'' , '&iuc' t - iabla ,:m•end.' Vartv ttanii!s• and p , lez4 r .ie lin .-• to;. eNI tr, WWI% our. . -e• o , have been held \subordiinqi;in view. of . the'i e• iii.4, yet front the in p'e 'of •eNvijr,l, yr all . 1) Igreat 'aiiii Itiiily purplise foi: willieb deli : union i •r inetives, joiii with on - oPponents, W.O .- ,41;all'l , , was to - ,Le formed ; ,and ineniot, all political i ioldly and , gladly meet quite willing tv-trust ,'' l' i i:reed4, including those w ~ `t have •tbr years On what still - remains of lie love of justice iind • Il tu stood ahl,f from pOlities, :i..i..c • ,given heart 1 'virtue in' the 'Atiferic. 'people." I hraVe e- ta,t ; tlnd'hatt r d to the Bair he feelit' that a crisis in 1 time to write titore 1 ' Iteittf,. , of okfit . touto'ry hatilarrived, in 'Wth'.ll I; ;'Fri.iquen of Susile lam r do yr.iur tint , •) • ,„ •, :,. •., • , ,•••,:•• 1 ~ , „,_ ~ , , , -., . , , . • .41441qt:we and mactivit);:yottiu kw a•nw • i fearlesniy.-unu lest-nt rest -,wttr i t•••irrovt- 1 , 1 , erimin 11 and - unsafe. Ye.4 - 0v..) well believe I (I,.,•nce ; or, nivel-ding e the goilp old Puri--; ' that -I .lutes- 10r gime titite,2beeh antionsly I,fan tnetlo." "Trust n 'god, ain r i ,t keep'' t'ou 1 . • Pi 1 fj • - • • - '' ' " .1 lookin - F. for t similn Jim i•ecoene . hi (Ids comi- 1 powder dry. • ' Ai . ,A , niiiFys ?? „ Ism ; ts., ty,• I i know, iny , nelgliinii- I ;;iii : e right On this ' - i-,-.7---,.--,--- ~------- - •• , • 1 question;..l have heard- 'flloiii declare- that. ' Stilitling -14 **ir,"7,. #l4go,*ar4 §B,ll. , : . 1 lowly or no party, the vii. rolAelin lents of skivil- I JPhn A• Vill'her,,t *-Thlumeratl of:Virgin ': ry mast eeas:e •;'• and th a t Ketk v forth ar tt l f or . !ila. , •recently rdnioy(td t*rout office at •Iyashing ever their voice and theiriott- shoulti . bc.gi;•,;• I Mil. is'l-Oranitalt'S' . llll :ant; - o f selitiol, blie it 011111 en incendt , iiniatiOn of 41,41.' • and 'its•ii -; rs r''';'tbk l ilillowil'''' eli s,4 ;: ' '4l ' i'''' ' porters. , 1311t,doubtle„ss Vtlnirs hare Alt, as I i - -)6..:04:v4. ii i i: b .1' . 11 ,"' , inallY', , ,ft-frs'zt-.1 1 : • • E , I • t,i e p•ii v r , ou L ye? , I, • warm l'riend of .Ifi. Ili 111iiiitn. .:Soitle,t3ple . Retie; while *violin v., f .: ;c--r f , . , . i rat,, , d •,.- vi -r u Ai r , ‘ ,..; ,.. l i n , pf , eff.if i e . „ • tore (Too and ' (Jur Lit% ii he" , •aiti to uneetrAing • l af i t? . le A lt : 111() ;!: 1 1 .' "' -- ,I• 1 1 4")-till.it, r (T. ellen.% ~,, rite , tat nig appointi. IA ,:.1.? •'t .ii itterinst this (treat ivilorer flit our in- 1 4; ;\t , i••• 1 t\l 713 I"- 11' id' I ~.. ~in tins 0 . I. lel o.m to ( 4 ice it 4 lir tliViduac - etrort,,, imp evcr SVt•II !mended, i.•otild 1 that Ctimplicll 11;n1 ~,,,,cie appoilled to- the .i not •flecompli-11 intich•-•-tl' I one,)` -in nuien 1 r.).,t , (qv: , ti , ; : yartilie i nt illr' - 'agit•Nr• Liaellial• 1 - - ' 9 • 2: Ilan'. rev, Ili i intsidiithhil Ids ea inphell denied i there is strength.", ... AuldE yeti may s l uppose , I , ,4 d-e•-••rtlt1 t .'t . • i t !rib ' I it %An. with (*relit satistactlati I learned:fn' , nr a ''' u y" *;'',,% t t 7 11 ! '% rain t.evoll "•( • fen i r• • 71likte , it'f wren ',rinse( 0 set Gets. It/erect/lore near neighbor of mine, aril m I know tO lie 7,4 ch (Prin. by rirtitt '.f i lliCII: 11 Er 4 , _to :eri , re Itrue- it,- steel Oil- this quet,tipn: that a iiii . )% 4 , - fre ,G e 11. P.;eree ‘he (at, % 4 1;.c .vole if r leitrull 1 i me r it had already been. lifuide towards.bring- ' rank flisl rire;ee 4ri !if .m(l4 in i/ii• • f'niii- .I„,et!' Thi, I st afeme it f CaiiiplA•ll, llarki‘r • 1 - 1 . 'ft -ri t 'il ' this I lie* the _oes i., \ : lIIIN oak' ier in , ils coin!. ~• ~• .• ~,. • , • ~ , , , • - • , r . ” ,• (lei-etre...nine-ell reini, t i comn.iii ov ms atli• I‘.. lle showed me st "'Call" ll,e• 1 eountv ,1 1 '•, •• . i e r • : ' , ~ • l, O.IN it, it It I,e Will tct 111 :tn ) , qtti; e Lloll.--i 1 nieetnig. for' the purpos(or tan:Jill, over the Irr t rAZ;n s it9 o Crint ) ll() (fr (T 1 ith . ' I ' . 1 4 , ' 1 , 1• ' I L t• 1 . ~1 ' i . subject and deciding 1% Int 1% . best tO lie done: • • Ilere le a '. l -tIo•-lvre• 1.l 'lir", 1 . 1 i• crlle, t ime , • ,-- ' - r 1 and when I saw the Hamra l3f tlw paper. and L "id' Ili" bi- -1 "r! ''' l ! IC e'lml'ali7..4l l " 1 -I .s:a 1 I read the nanies of my feierods •tind ileighbors ! st . ri ' l ." 4 ') . • ''' )rl' "!''' r ` tr ''''' ) l''''''''" t s ;" 13 . 111 ''''""" • • .. I 01 duett I,,,r•rani and sa e. ou Aiie vat t ol Mali 1 that had si t 2,-ned vi; I i 1 L! litotid- t. 4 . 5, proud ' ~,,r,„„. 1„ ,,,, (21 . 1 1 1 ; ; „ „,, t i i ., -,-„ „„f ,' I ~,I,,fi„,fi. ' „l . „,7 1 ._ 1 Ilit 1 t t - I I F i • ' • ' • • ' -=' ' • am. ...a, 0p i ill% name .1t Ili li•Y 1 lent. - i)r II hi1 .„,,, 111 ,1,,r 11 ., 50 peci1,,,, e on s i d era i l , {3; ~ i ii , ,, 1 I saw that the name.; there, Were not those of I Ifere i-' etiouuh to jii-tify tlic clairse, of the iitlinigs in 11 1`!1' a•satilts iq yii tliii for_-, men who make ptiittit- it trade and are_will- hilul‘ '') I ei gn ( 'a:hol „ ie s . A hat W hi r i i S t hem? lt ho I u.i z to au arn u h e Of a d 4:1)1se anyeauseo will lint 11:0 lII . S (1 , • , (t- tire with iiiilruationf ! t at tlik., can iiiike -.lloli i feal 4•iipital" li , r w- li „ a,,, , 1 i 0t r ,,,„,.„hi.ti1t;.1,,„.`i„„,,i1it 1 thein , elves by -oiloilg; itut they were , the made upon ,tho patr et 4s•f-iitt—ilic bra', e de: 1 \ I wanes of :-ober, hitellii:4ll. Morkjiiii , men; feuder`Of• his count] t. at all thials-Lthe'c Hl' • c- ; -, . meti w 11,.•5e quiet eonimuiiings, with conscience Vero!' "I . --Mexieo --1 lie wall Nl' 1 .4) has. Aled, I , !fury than an y livin p l g in the.Atork- skin and the il•ld had tendered [ n '''''' g i " r Y I V”! l''' C , .'' 1,• -••• It,. did- 1 or -oh the i'_:he -1. if who kg 1 m /Aiticlt uhcflt:•h it I.se he th&iri firni mid tearless in4j u-.t eithsereativ always til brave the eti_nii.ix . pieitees,ots‘ doinh right. , 14.Vc tttet our tiaitio. that paper,. turd we liave:beiii bitterly ch:nitiuteed for ithe3iet. liN• Nvt.o.nt ? l'i'y iiii• opc•i i iijriendof slavery, -and advoeate. of the, infitriii?' s Netza-i!ca bill' . ,• . ...; '. • • • . • ' NO: i‘v (fint w-al.)cia;L;(o'tt) lye as liole•11•0p7 , 1 .,,,,41 •ttk hoth as we, I'll4;lv : hi', has, Leekall atop;*. diN-laring ;that - the* bold encroaol - of .sjaveryi Must 4it.ifinal - Nvould "he Fel sit-tell by : the Nortli.andlhat the. time NO 6111 Y et„.tiii • e,Whoi ithe' • pti...4.44(„. •slit.itilti arise- in -their might. and 'say - tot Sqivery,; -Thus. I shalt ,thouo g. and no -thrther..• l\o soontm hal=e we' 11.J:whim-in the iii[l'aritv'of our iwur poze. attempted tit-effedt'4he Vt..ry eli t l `tlait h. liiin::lf r•eet.tinint - ..ndU,t[thati tlii, yoag Irian sets himself - tip ittj4idge..,. , yer 1.1.., tio,l I atlinns;that either througl . . tine dishonorable inotiVe or a dufli•imey 4,:sf.:fiinderstanding. we liitycl deae. ii i 2 ,• - •6'-irilitiop'eii" and 111 0 1i...11 tiling. 1 ...The whole 'sehe . ine,.• liti if l ,l'is tts, -iti a.tit - 111. , 1 and tli t -honet political,tl4,ll .• •I•rittn what'. 1 I•knoWi of the •origin (Xi, this movement, am. from what I believe •to 11ti,his object iti - op . 1 -Po;:a ig: it;l•'itin noW satyited as 'to the. ti lelakriteter , tsf th,..•••.ditor;ofrtlie 1 - ontro. , elYtitil r oe,rat.. 1 hill etnivineed {l ,l all his ittinteasul',- ed and'etnpliatie-:dettuaniAtlon of 'the Nehru+ ilka villainy is Mere sounii til:titri, - sig,tiilyin," nothingi! that. lie 'only- foined •iii -[flit t.ry ag• ails • , - , ; ;•-, • it • because. the sentiment t 4•• the ,people,. her 2 . rwas' too strong :to be 11‘...tlited;.l i and that, h r holds himsetf reinty . - tioV. did ati , all• tulles t . iaerifiee - 'the ri.A.tu,:e- of fo.4.,i'yikettt foithe trintop l'of party; '; ' I believe. this;likiaitse, fhough reit. ... . t, , • _. 'ti,. I dyenouglt.!to t.alk, he 411%1;111111g . to aet, (i t to let :Others :sit ; i atui,..k , ii - all know- 7 -e'ver • - - ; -,....: those 'Whose AtOderittanditt.zs. are weak :14t. , 1 mine=—host. can tire[.? be, ftectoniPliAe l t. I • : • . cO • t i - - t. bv t a king.the nrs•e laiiliimselic ; .Tht. pi: - --- 'i ,•,, i: - . . i • ! rus-a t l of the ,last. Dekei,ertit • has opened In' i• • . • • • .• . .•:. ' I eyes i the disguise islieeOming too transpa t ''' i ent.• I prtmounk tinit .iiiini 'a traiti,r to,t I t (lingo . of freedotil. tie hits' iiiined'our ran • I'l • 1 '.- • betrayifs' • 1 - `• tin; 1 - I. •X• I l• ,• 1 . 9 11. y to ni... ?. ,,,,„„ N , ( tie e.IC r t h lily, „;leadheres, and lis.ki4:the.fteorkle t o 8 0 , I here. to the degetijrztt!_i , Teits.'n•rs, of the li nu ten Ley of ... the ~'• prr..4... , t . s, iii tile, tlikt..l.glit Oil! . 44 1 leaderadvocate!rrinc.4Pl4 the:Tito-At un-Det 1 4: 1 ocratT.e and can woult • still .contne. . - th • t),e911P;'? 1 ,.4 - 01 41)LIrtY ) 111 .i: though he .titti , r, KnoW (hitt nothiTr . moll., i• • tteeessars' • to viuilite the sisinith to ~;, a inalt he] f . ' 1 V I i . 1 .. " - f - ',ourd '• i etids atid . "_ti - give _ i t evonro o e [intr, ioto s the iw.nd4 (fri f lt I . 4ii ppoWei..f6reVer . . - , . . Such is ti;eiilai;-,Vi t olii;:idare.4 . iMPUgn :<iiii motives and ; &ha,. !out our alt.. • Shalt wi 1 1 swerve-front otiree titellirhiskleuuneiatiOnSl ; No: ..',3) 7 . , elSi_ii.rit his iritli4itatiotn4: Of ' insineeri-• r t dr't rt'iii . '• ' - ''i . " ''.f .1 . •••• 1;= ty, a i t:. ii i t-a; tipoß i atilst.i m telt. I..t.re. f arc . ;;;an,y - ... :irei u nnstae,ltiti . support the charge., We, know - t hat .0 upli4it yil.3 apart of his (li:i rf aeter: ::We have not ) . 'i'ilLnt ten- i la , time -when : ~ t, ~. he was rtinniiig' Itis dtlil - .4. a -''St.in of "trettiie --- 24,til • •• •' - ; -iirl,l • - .• ,• railces - among "Pcnio..Cr nee - Men, and ittri tit toy- '. •'• .t . ~ • ,-.4 .. , .. ~among,: , ±- , rivnituo; .!;,y . itn a,. sarr,eptilit a 4. it IV L obtuitiett ,1441- ut .. Nittiodraygal front he , • "Sons" in • his pocket: ! •'NV , et,ean see - . itoW he iS helping:Gevilrnor Pgfr . to plify.a sitlidar gaine . .nOw; On ' ile ; Nelltlfrka, - huestiOn; 'Will i this,elairacter-ihoir : *elt,:sustained.•!—the ex. Speaker must - i i iiit..eSp :e;t : to eonie; - back. anti. make_ laws.' for- the p, s tole Of.!tinslttelltinna ,(1 - :t'll • 1 iii th •' . ''''''- • r ' i ' .cuntV . We ~ i ~ a , a . . e p i rerogative o. freemen„ 'ail inherfiefl - ..l;tiorn ' °fir fathers,' of ' acting : : :in ~ p oliiical .. nii filers aS..to us •'ol:iali I seem hest.; . t.We,taie 'tif. -vet thade'ini father', dont' siOrcer slave-dr)v. A our cx)nseienee keet . :- er.l - '- is! Utr.itrtie *e: y 4. 4inii...4: tribt asitin it'd of 'the Yankee iiatue a i erne fuider s •hielt c)itr fao-rs..fought itn4ti:ered ;in, the Rev In n ' tion;-.lmtv!hichlntanit. il ouropponents low , use as a ,e.rto. of w iltMely and ietirtt. '• iLet ear iiiliti'be*ibtri*" liiir ihrtiateried;iiiker • -,• . 1 41. ,• ' - .. 17 . rOkinit_t; 94', ,9'ir fiiit Whiritals*•sli,aie ng -*-: • ' ... - - - :l . ' ''•. • - • ~ . rt y ri kiiig i t invipls 11eiuti- MEM I u t 'OM C - c the - al'k;' deal 12551211 I- Mi politic If Ina I e utaiwki 'le) pi l e ...,otutithr ' tevoe/ thoug d tool eonsi,J • 1.; e d astin aced tie A sliriu • • - contaiirs Id at t . ti nts;. ti 'of h ii EME2 u~k}r : I , I. oViIISIIIN I st 1111Z.111 - ' ll . . - CULL! Ye :tio'rpati to is pot --it)otlat , v It ;.• cp._ I Mi:)it , ,),- zu , sitt; Nya".l t . .I),ettit'!o;itiv ...‘Aiiiitt Nt . tv:ir? ; Ai,: t' vct Nle :1 Clitirill_ i' . .tii:.ft lit: pr., witir;; Ilt , :sii.Qil"frt . ti . l 's r;q.t.;.l * . tigair.; I:iiiii . `wlt PK.I - ,4lW•iii•v`.' i,%; - . - '11';,C4 4, Itic)r ! .• illialltriAt.thilti 7st.rviii!i' - th.• fittiat I,:ii,t: 1 pii_. t : AV lizii 11,1•;11(11 . ;11 itri` , ,,titutivilail'tl.l4;.i. 114)\V• lbw , Ivill'illi , 14 1 ' sail., -it' a - nit Ft i v ro k us ; It'A Are a1141W(.41 : 1',. si.q. it . . ;titrat.t, tiic p o w,:; Vv:trnitig at Itii., (11 . ;;410• i pici , xii . 14 , 4itt tilt : , .IA it po . litit,)..rviiit'ats pr I .• heet). that llivv. Lott' L. .ei;tititry...l)ol,l•.• it '':• . ~.. : tli•it ,41;e11K-:. ;In!' 4,•ri deiiei c c?iiit •TT'llig...l- Attack on the itoniediatoly attq. i i Senate. this'. atenol ii irront Pierce. Vas I a northern door; un ct Was! f; illowed - out ID Jetrards. of ;4.:l):iiitlsti ecinidera'ols. into'xi i V.:r inEeoinpany;:with ii and ::Wig an.-. kid' - been d milk iitcl Ina 4 vit.li him, at d icletit to taLle.a ciri 114 willed to c . etiter.iii. igi l • tel,ltis•hat.: %vas - :t t l y 4.l.l.ief_rctc. ..Jkliitrds t saying tholl 4 resid it , LTlge Prc4sident - .p( asl' - dng. it-iti had'rit th (...aptaiii I)tinigingt=al lydaftvr gd.i.csteif - .3 di itig- &4 egg. , ;'Ats e •Pgre Cgiptaiii I:4'11i •ig tciditieti - that.4 , :snw )h hand '.,:i 11. - wi.ggling I satlit ; angdh=;rtestitii I m the diivetion 'Mitt e 'that ho . sliw .hit9,' tit :the Pres.i.jent.: -Ie: .retliti4l4 tti bid!: • 4 Tti ; 'llie . P'resitield iii.(l:'. titiais 'erigaged hg ' a=4 k=:•hieh trigy' i lgi .. gr. , • = :,„ . • g anct Dettern tett e i -;'f • I - t i The t`hieiigO. T • ft fII lintnii" lire .i ipi i ; illations the coati free tight. from ti . lire. ? - The 'Janes i' . cf hiest ' eonsery it s'i;rtliAVes't) 'rel nr, i 1.,-• neelaration ..... _,.., : ...., 1 - ' It livi:s eery trittel r- ritti*:•o l , though: .itlie Whi ,, t4 of Illinois would . Tiot•lnt'clone.ili slit ,• .t^ • • hetiini.:. There- s 'erns, tii,:bel. ft: Jelliiellq`: tr. . itiOSt of the Fret' Suu t-ti.)let Tilt I i otherlissus. li-main . quie , eent tilt itAteeisitni:is•hatixiired i t, 4 . . i , si ' r 4 , y from the !icor e, whether -blitvery•?tigg l. ISkiii is to be l'on er 4olernteti , --or. nut :: ;$ U 4 Ii t the .issuer'prei , ittxl tiy, the Iliiilit.zitti;r s istll 1- t i • tions,, arid if tlie . • iike spiritreintiltietS - 4e (nil - I-: tut* •titut.t.linivi ten 9l tile .': del iberiitiot - rii -if that eintiention, ye letxt -..ni Cliiiir tint' resit ' The pt_Xiiile Sit! thii itighly:. inrOnseil :;it? , tits ~ .1 inutter,Aind thei : 'sir .ii,gth-ouls net - i4'Ecioneen•- • frating to insure ther:.triunitilt;i',, , , ..,',... - '1(.4--The PitiAlitir," . 6a.tel 1,..• :;,..;;;;,•• ~I ,i 'i: 1 .;;'i-r'i • JUDGE POLL() ..itiy i •l' '; • ,' '.' Ilipo iiiilaki bv,-t c Attat: tqc, Ai) finis. tli = ii i ilk ! We littVC:jii,i'l of this,. lira, rcp)i cid 'getitt . Cfp'ail . ‘,Vl ciiiion,:a . nd whi'l/l tiOti - ..t.. - : 'lip - i.e . ii. 1 1 t'iilit.iik . '"u‘ 'ell; -- iii 9 1 or Its, pli,iiiimk a G - 1 4 (4 - ;niii., - 'ihs'it, ( ilip l .logT . 4t!i-4.1 4 i,, iiii4 i siohitn- As iii 144 rfts../i - 6 i 4 . 1 a t e _DitiviOc ti it o; this. t, ; . . . - ...... .IV 4. II 7.: !_ i c-;..,:t'.i s p dnict,o k b t . o tl' i: t.lyotthei-hqr lri.edMaii ..1 / 4 4 rylttk :Pi Obc"vl . 1 e expe : a t • pposition ' it'd ii. - 4: hi i434.'. - in'itis ..l f, 1 1, 1 . .... tiicet Itic.,ilKe Lea '} i vo 11:t.11- i_lo' it . - iv . I ! . - . - e- tit rlow and; Alan .not • I i ~ - - ._i • ' 12•1111 , r OIT_ elliNc . Is ' i, . - ..,... ILlc..t ,_...," (. urt. ~, , (4 ~., A ~...ted 0 d 4) 1), , jilt. r;.11(t11 t II:Li :wzitti.:.l* -i lie . ir .-t(.1,1 ,tllitt tie -ec:•6- ,teett :3 l, tlici t . :.'11'i:, , 1ez , ,. 01 I .;It -1;':111(1- iiit!ogei. .4 - ai.: to ,' ii, ~ , ri, . .ii iv:, il.f. - 'lll%. , ;:nr.:,• - i1n4.1 ,iii.; ',..))..N..1., Lli!-- , 1. - \VII;11- iI.•.;N ; de.' •••• i , f.the , tpertean, pc i t - : . %ti' the akiliats (11 p.c.ditie-, .;(41e . 45 F icli lie I+ r; ~ d t i(! t 4.l :I , r . tiC:7; 4 . 4 - t lit 'cow l try . 1!4 iil , o*.rtcll Telitil ! iiist'vt . t..i : vc,t--..-: iillif'..uppi)rt tp 1 1..,ei thelpenple . .tick . ' ),- , .1 re. :I:idP 1 ',61; wl.lll !jlis- Cie:) , 111. - -,ve . iilviits 4. this 1- - At... 1 it:l 1 will tab.e • I 4*.t tie: illie s; rtle..4cCn oy t Hointe 10: c( ! uliteti;tet ii»k:th•lr 4-,(,‘‘.-er:—.inJ, •iaent of the IT 8 .- taltiicitinirtioit. tii't • - (Aitiitlstis.) :v.: Pres, ,v • m2. - (ialtitoi. r " ctis43 ryai 141 1101in-cis wa4 nt the One, and Vas.' St,' A )f .'ew.Yorlc t all of #&.m. le President shot* J afAedlttit. , P.re4 2..i!£' deetine:"nd ar be *l.;:litik •ked.titi 14. .hrd.boilf , ened iutt• the eitrirt ioll,- : A 'as a datnii.4 !t) one tl e f.. thepoti-e'e . ; nri.e . •••:tl. !a id tdiecr ij s , who letrie4 't roWl. ce: tiailatiOn . ‘vtis • had. tic). oh; .41ii.kink , ifEiftl9 iwithan e'gra' nt Fs - ' the t 1. vc that - hes:ll him thriiN' .I.'re.;itVent I and -. - :i.l c-ize. atict ri t.tti"ce .. . - Citteifirltto 11.41 . ;tidily:l:l4Th was diint ; • 114. •thilf.'iti!fealter. sbGcr Fight Ai .6 n !kt,fall;;gld..* . " • 0-kre . st-ti,..(tit; 114k1Nii=1) (114zatd.(coit.' leiligren in al ~.. .-- .''.'. ...i::" : 1 . ...: t . '7: "I, ) ot J ilaiß . !. 1 4 "1.) Ii is . R3.sevin it 4.filliiind tty ,r;er „ ).: ixiii ‘si_ire;:eiL i kii• - ;*:iiiii Jiii.ii.i !..v'eli, nriiitirael', lii itlii;tritil ! . i. lit* pi:l44).y by elderly: (; i. 1ity;fi. , ,,f , ,,t,i4 pi i Id4 t ,C i tikly, ; - e ii, ilivfpy,i,A;(,)tetl#it.peliiiiilii . iir'ke4 . l.liti: :114 .1 li i t iViv TM it ti j ,:t ..',t;•:. „• i.t.,:ort;:i4Yr,,:t: i Utli s ,: ti ff,, tvi-ff,,llMP4, l l tior,:Y, illfieiitieiii'vtlir tli:e. lidllee, iiA lie, c lifid fiii);jiiiiidrAt' '.e,, ' ! i ltv&Tlii ! ni'dtii: - . Til l ,iti'll Pt . it , t i itii,t - gkkgys j i l lip. r iv..l4 , , kw co,i thii.4iii l il!ro l itiii . i(6t:iiilleiDrite . edtio es, , . ..,..p o 2,..54 -...,-iti - t L ; t• • f irk - • ..1: . .itrriyeti herbll. rfiiit 11"*.:)._" 011111 g, ' 's er. ip.!'lyery, rapiti Os*, pp - : it ''' al ifeatt _ ,:,' 't' the four ilq,y,s l - .tirsvoy,.l- 1 v . 'flgs,.;? Europe . is the ttrit . t Ili ct„),, . ti h • 7 :... ' l iiti l ' )' at M adrid , an e - it 't Q-'.. it titt her ; !It - Hilt:l, spe-e t- ' - tri ii . . , . .... .11C ' nyl., rtugal. •., 4 1, '_ , titsittelliti: ill 1 ,4 1 , - taitis the thrUne; tutu I there ; are -no ;ittaieit 7 otriv , ofii - direct r!lttve4tltitit to - tierto , iiellier.=-=,.. ',L T , fu fifer,. pottsters stt trer. fruit' - the ig,pu. r tii4)l,eakil.e, ivhit.it 'eroi goes 'l6 :tit.rtvi to - ,;..k.-41 1 4 - e-ihot t sos litttl 4 ,the Queen-is. not - af t.^keil any • .ntre ;t, , ,x•ploti;y thin itt l tijittAirsyr ' Ma.ralitv andthe ciiiistiititlin,'Ailhitit:li shotittal he the tiintnnliiint nntg,ses. in gnnio.r.i. , . —The Net- tedford _Mercury all d - 2 t o the Grey to NN 1 an'air,fmtvs that - t 4- he. - A u ‘d i l l iii n i s . litatiettfldts s owe. rnitiei*aiiiinitfav\" li n ' 4ainliflitivele6r ex vet s 46 ' ' ' - '-' t ' --- ' tiveri, . „IA . r , , nil mtt- aid,init - tit WI .11 : 7 71 . 44:i progifiTigy ft7i- theinotnellti ellitim : :f r Mi `•' to Wliiii, t ote'adn.uototititute e d Ili' or. and It bee t4l‘,.enupeilf its size r ' - , nee, w '...sOthen4Aqinitbiniitiov or Initi4. - ter4. --T , l- ' e-- -tYri v tirt" -19 0 docrut of --I;7laltst 4,, :and a new ~.,,t if 0 ., . , ,t r .. , L.. , .. 4 _ ( ~, . sayg that diet umor - of the failure itf r 'th t , 1N1, t , 11 11. - 1 "' - t; z ‘. p n,k). 1.• ply i LiSt..- I t9141- . 11.4)14 Yilrli - .44ol•Arithifikti f 1 ' - 'where a list at the cAditt,,e nar e,4 l , n e l yyd r the ~ ... , outp. ;mon 61 , ,i that the rette ; al , to take - the tiote.s of - the ban. . ~.. Insurgents had e:trri6tltte cii'ytot•Mild'rid.hut i ville.Barik frAnn'iireliP 6f itshilitre 's s' i , - . ; it:cording to later adviees.,sotho of Ithem bad ' "e'eliiii4l,'lng if._ ii 4.ffitiilt - td suve l 'o se 'tha tidit:ujou.s.• :, Avcoroittg . to tiie , D,, x ;,,,, a " , ; " ,i 1 , 1 , 1 ,a . , ~ i , o r t t it i„. ,„,.i . itc, v b„idt t u e l gvtt h, 4 ~ i th, „. . i the Atittitotsr eortipiitytztta - thbAittlik are in ti - tilit'ea', tlii , re`i, le gretit pilthithflitl' a - ..- f • ' 1 of li re _ 1 isourtl-ning condition.. ' - ""'-' '' - - 'gill iii) AZ; iiiti , u#o.l `flet*Vefi 'the ditfere' n t 1 - -__ll res id ynt Fe - - it 'I . .."'"..,% ,: r ; ter , ee 'las ,:velotat • tileAdi'er f - ti*' , l4.ei , -ho'Ait i ve so . li ., ii , ' l ti".:;:kitin . laid's,ntricientrl -1 - 1 6.; Ital. - bor . bill. •• 'l% heti in Wield -' v i• - d tlnaW•ffie• retolution now achieved. and Of ia, ,i nq t h e lz• v • , , - 1 i P " t . ... 1 1 . . 1, - - ra aez:-,on approve - u, nuu . now "he vo . . A t 4; Its*ninittiti ti& ni4re.6lTiliiteered . 'ehtr'seteil'l d - 1 3 I - ti. aft ` • 11 , 3 0." r ., - - 1414, • t wilitik _ • bun ii•.fms 'yet iilatiffe*tiql: ::The Citrlists, the i toes just, . 1 (.; i -it ,4 Our m tOei - eut 6, to iepuilliqap.i;:theitOrititutibrialists, 06 intrti- , 1 Inix- tletzel ' il4 1 1 ; I ‘i''' s e tii r T e tii 4 . v i- • •il I.` 11,7 f i t. - litts' of it! titlig'in 'Nkith Portsfgal„ , in firm; all the 1 tifieat ions . ' ati a ;1 1. ., ( 1n . , 11 , - ;;,, " i 'i l -,17 ...,, 41. t ' ''' -11 ,''' 'Jur itetiOt into `l4hie h'tile eimritry imay be `oliVi- 1 , but to icy oz„tt t o ,'! / ---.' "" °- ' ‘ls 11.1,Y _attic ' IN 8 I T, noprovetour flyers and bur -4thd,yl(!‘ d', - t i r1 ..,44.,,1 nt 1,t- die the tceeasion to I hors the .P ll l 4.4 idetittiudsconstitutional' objil'i .. ) vl, net a tams.; .• - • ' , ..1 assert their re4siteetix 4i pretensions 4 f 1• i I • • prolonged ;ids it War earrliardiv till to pros t i l . A••••.'• ''. 'i ' -- -' ' ' .i _ ' . se] y, ionest chap, w his iwi s i ii .,.-;• 4 to se ll l 'ii'6ii 1 ''' if t ...: 4' 1 4 1 r ' ' i' ;. '.l i ills I .1 (nee. .., t' 1 , 1 , ettl'il II ono enn in( ge o horse. advertiseqa .- • fyii m•..,,. - - with any vont - At:tat, wint't - 'ASl•tOine ont of '?" ic. L i . r L... -. 1',... t . % , , .L -Or , •ine., :1 nrown.nora ,,- with ii Ile nit tii6',ol,ting• '6'n'ti(iii,-inif,lii the event itt , 4 , 04 . i• p I t i -1 .' '.' • ' _ u fitti•hi It teivir Ac•it i l / 4 toit4l4 , e6ltlil `4 , 4-rreelv 'he Is' - tt l ' l '' l- ' ' t" !l -. "lll44t r Al ' t IFI ' .i ' l. Y"' 1494• of., • - - ' ~ , , ••r:l5 - e.dir" atiLVI fr ruts aw 4 - font'- • • fiikainett • "Piattoe 'shit' 'England. haVe de ..1 i n ~ ‘, 7 . • r ''' , 3 tulles with- - Aired their intentions not to interfere. o'3'll I - • —G6V ' V•7l. ••• ' . • ' • ' ' , . „ iserning the wit= there'. i ni'itliiiin- of 'interest. , . • '-- , ,,. 4 rr Is no,w . tic' at. the Is , bedforo Sprit,4 , • $ Ye Ch . ." - • eik.l)t it'be tint Ansi li4 eltibits, a 'Lrl'l'ater i v . , k 4 1 v - -, '• "-;) a _ lel • 1 u , ,tleu Aii.Ainiditiieti ,-- nt4 - art 'against 11 - usSitt, ald, the I c' t . ' - lit.iCe " II" ! " li g e " )113111 /t ) /itl Gm. Kitift•iif , 1 , - ) ftl , l..iti',:(l (2 ett , l ‘ it . re•4 . t he . en , ll . l%evi . .- . 1-: w,1.1.;ye ara,erornao4l ifther 12.,,,r,,e0 ;I('lftder.4. Th e ! pkognotitne thr `the: tainpaiatt xt;•ill no douLt war on his`, 146 r ) liai b otner-m-taw. lite 1. 1 „, d ,• „„ ~,,,,i „ nd. , e, • -", - German -V;)i i li•di •r ill - jot I .lave 64114:4-bd ,to - i h," I „ 1 T... ' s `'''!''''' "- a g... -r t- e " - ' l l 4 -. 41 ! l‘t;i, then' ta , • hile AtisfrOPriti4iiii ti-eaft. 'A rei-olt lia4 to 4.:.n 1 ---.e. - ittietYttt:P4frtita - i..! but it eutinoHnnotnit'loo ;in v- I , _,, --.--- r A- • • Br " . 1 1: (srr,dlad `'i- ' =W IIBIII2, ill t h‘ f ., ~...x i / c )zth vi . . i . it t;,i, c , , : i iip „i : 6l. Av e iv .4 . r e . :111 I IL leftel: „ to tile CCTIIII,!iQttit Mir i sck l att.nt, up,' ~,. 4:4 )) -'''' 4-2-7'::"..... , 21.).....-.0..)).=, - ' 4 ."), in An t ; troops iii chit 1 - reeltv' anti - indeed Sri at! Ti a iv. ilk' fillowing -trier but ~,uppestl v e r, al:irks' 'l.' he .Atu , trtan idagnlrte are s - nbseriNng lar..e. , t ?" llll , l gr , ,,slikv-ci1 11 , 4 ?,ur.: '• `, :With cotton- and 1.,,„i„ 0 17 _ c tiw il i i. , 111 . • *h e .1. - s i i n i, e 0r , ; .. a y.. 4 , I nee, tile ......ti';ulTiern , titplet.:, etnoe‘. a z ...„ ( 4,,, wc i the shiver - questitm. In tin: , eu-titatio - a of glves ti'lltililni)f tioritr4,itlid- the ;Aber-mein- I ners of the! iiiii*rtal - nttnil'v are eottriteil on !"'‘ lltv ' t iA:' ../1 ; "-P Y B,1)./i/41 4 - • i *, 4 .. 1111,1 t: 11,,- ras.4- fur 11111eteen,inifijore4 awrts. :.. r i re ,,, ;(ii . , ~, ht . - 1 e..., slave 4.t00r i.t hot , t;tl prontaille. it: . th e SolitikPriks'itt\-E , holder- reali26:4 Iltiy/tl'ufit at L'iekl 55 1131 , an: pkwantn initi. Il liticlle elivss wiil :lA. it 'l•4 in a col ton and ri;:e elint.tte ex. : l l : r . , sively-.-11 latitt c 4 foWelkj4l‘'ltit:llt's' —1 It tlct tri Wily . relay U lib ()rent Brit ain, rilating (? Izon, in•i•reitn interrour , e, I, t twi•en the l:nitylSt;ttes _lint! • Canada.•Ls ll'een 'rardiell' its- 11 •q- te . .1 i K. ~..,...11,t , ttzttletitlt4 ay ~ , ,t. iii f'ongre.4s., and i-; in riv the law of li l t ni.l.,T. :rt., N. , - Y. Trihnue, sie - s-the advawit• 14 ,-; , 01,,':i rs". 1 l' ) ) ir. ; . ...i - ,,,1e b 3-11 thl•4 tr.: it v :v.: Inn 4ory 01: trivial ; awl hut tiler. I', 414) rt..4:- itt`4,l, .:.t :.41 ti44.4..e , ..-Itt 1 , 4.4: the t s t.itti: 6 . 1 . 1.tt,-..!1 4 It:: li: . - .....ii 1' , ..., I t. ~., :..44:4:i • irtui exeitauge n heitt, eora, tiniber, lite:its, 4.1:c.., with va , :ll idler. wii.-n all the-e thing.; }win.' tifett i K.r . n1.,(2.111ada tianr in tip; United Szate: - , the: % , •1:1 ncit.,, tri'v !I 1 15 '44r114:,- utr,...tl‘nt. got:. . - • •. . , . 1110 grttittit;trvrls uti the voliti i netit Trove bOtter thAtl Xpekted.; and:tile prices. 4,f .11:13jt;•tiveiitelL =fetuttins •• . • A 7ree Democratic, View of ttte, r,411111.1, 14) • LA Wre, ;i , 5 . 1 1 " 1 party tv , /11u.a411)Nvilig and unlv- urns: .•. •:• .:i - • ;- •• .. 1. -, ....: . . i -r-..'!r0 ,- ,t!ii.,: eci4'lrine, 1 I fit ^1! "11 0 iiris: ;aid . of right - '6•11047,: toLbe. fi.i.i , i-iis , ,,k,rtett in' the - Act of nso whieh4bi)tiAii.-,3 slavt;ryiti' Ilentesl. ..tittii:'• ' 'lt - - .H.i': "----.- --- ‘." ''- .' 2.1' To the''dOetflif!? that SAlaveriN,..., shitil ':"lie i .. - . 1,1.451 bited in et - er‘ t...rr;tor,yht.bii: ,, iii(r ttj the i . .. . .' •• .---,-- --.---:------ ',•---:-,:-•-‘, ~ I."4.4leritl'Gi , ve rliilittit• 'alit] wher - et.;i: tilit''Ytd.. I ....,,Rotnatieltlie.4o.:s ga tr, d ,ow' totbings.. eral - 3tAeitimeiit h a . .. Ju l' .. (1 - to ion. tnah -t Ito ~ - • .litt, t-,•,-.'. t -i• li are- ad td..t.. iit:Narioui slave •4 bp' tallith ted irtfo:tiaz rillion 1 r , r!its. to thr.: . hti4tility - betvk •ti 1tii;:r..4... ,- t mro , - . - - , ~1 - . -. a. two, J""te" , ri!ct) al t /.4611 ill (00 1 ,:flil Ina:we ', tyf i t e!' . •;='!ti' '; aut! • ,, h4l: - ,ie ju.tiee. =41::3:11'1 ° t1f , 111.Yill Ind, 1 1 - 0 e; whit ° 11 . prt i .thibit., , d-.slitvi.l.itt in the North ' , ,rhA titct r...iti t . z.r. , ,it td,s - ,ll4.l:e.(.l;iisett;:ioti , 4-hould ‘VL;litertil territi:r tultil • r t.' I 111• t .' - slue, i , i. - 1 '. I - '", ,- 1-: -4 - . 1 - -.' ' . pril4 el ut Ito - , . •,... St a,to •,•11 , 7:1114i ', 14 1 . 4..1 4 i - tied there; • , --.! .: -_,. . . I '. , ,Nt'w.-Titi, , er ,. 4.1 . variotr-i. eilassi.. , ,," .-it'ili tl lir i • 3,.^ T4;tl).(l' I4(`/411 . e , :0ff-2tbo,nli••Zplute repeal..l ilie. Nati(ALil' Intel - ligette4r 11U4i others .iti dill: I '4 (14.1%:.. h i w. F oidi i 44;:!. t o • l egi ,li z i, E .:l a y , r , ;,. . , ,,, i ll t eret. , ..t parts 0 . 1.: Ihe „cur . /1 1 11'r, i L t ve, ~i.a%it.e.:tf2 . ,,1. • KatisawOr'Nobrask:a„...... , ... •7,.- 1 .., .-: I . .:lgitiost : the Krtow,-Notitiattii ifi-tiviatie..l.: e , le - .; 1.. ...,..: i . • 1 .. 14. 7. 4.1-z i ...th e 1 ..,., ,r , e3 1 . - .r i i i _ c ,•l . 7if i tifii,,, si a‘ ,•e A( . fi • :et i i le: iii r i 1::... 1.1 1 .. - Illial 1 4...:1t iit %I K.: I eligion. 'tut I whi4.-rt 'the 'Pi atforri , 'Of.. l-f1..)2 ;sift S. 1111,1• A L.. 1) : :` i K I" '" -S;; , tiiiilis.,, itil ' 1410' .C 2 ii:ll,eary„, hai - e r , ,, , .. . i tratitithimit and "stri •ity . en'tlire,Al -- ,'.tra k Nt 1 1 ,-, - . 1 .I'''at 6 .: ll ' . cliN,Ivt)w( 4 . 1131,401111 104 . 111 s 1,1 4 11 ,• - ' ei‘atr' Net is - tirt. rrientiOnt tl - .li'v. uniffe. bUt it tv,, t il i t '; I ht'` ,.4l t) Ilut-;•{.'1)1. , / 8 .-! twy'rellgior , co• pnit'li,' , e' \i - hat . t.l. - k , r,.k.. , 1 it quite - the oppoKite, - wtrtif.iitli:•: be -- e t tv Why , oh the t rtlitith r,arl 4: It hair, to.•'. I I rt..._qi . , ,ls . lan .. 41 ; pt.e.teet,ork 4 , 1 - 'religions' tree-- j prettinOthilt its' Topittl is riot . thtakly . i n ,11,.. : i t ,,,,1 . 1 fit . it) the pit .• to - maititain - iitviti,iate - :•the , tfi l ,c, ' lo ' l . l i.4Alt.-in tile' ~ ;4.4- V e'of Bir-,ltor) I - tagitif., but i - • 1,”; jur4,'.' aud the-'wilt of ' 111(6(•11 ' ..i ' Col;pils.. f u t. ; .1(.1 its; Mei' (.I:ti 11(::11, ( • )11111101i ' i-i,ll',iiiii.llllllll.-- . . i, But, th4-y. say. wiatt they 91 - ,!-.9.42 1-. , Rotor. 1 tin. proteetiott.of th ~ .- p pi.,..mal'rhzhts of es;..rv. . iiiiin , lll , litite ,.„ ~. 1 . -.„ ~,, . ..., . .. „ ! Cii . l4l.ic . pditic ? . , Ndlieh 6-fie:l, asstiiiies the t_ .. I ~..,5 . ,T, ) , :01, -. 1 ,. te. ,.. ,ertici1l i' it .: t i le .. .. •. e .,.. C. old 1, name of ti le JZ t , , , i aii ezitholie..relivl,th, iyat i. , ,ii, ( xis! tt .', tfue: . rightl , :: - & tiLr .Norilr: alliert. is 'i N4.irtli,' ; w.I'PliY - .' lll ''''''' 11 Ling , 1114 • adlllili - %OIL:- 1 1 - IA the .. sp i l .i t pt .,.. t h- em m i . e. ,.,... .• • .:.. - , •,,, . i ii.ze 141 . 41 iii - tabu : the: right hilatly ai , ..1 *till tvii - ry . 1' The..itthlts§- - tth IttOons, the licit:l-arra:lll(6 i "/""'''L,' tc ; ••\v / itr" . ilit'• - ill 0 1 `-! - "Ittilliall ' . .Qatholie 1 tlielst•y- of 1 tl:it.i. - 1 . 1 1 1 411-. tiirowi llt ry, the t , 42,.:,p;m5i bit: ; cittliTta::‘, tio , I“!',..it.ve•thid ia.tife4.. NV hat- th7v. its. of•the:.reptlwai. tor . priititriovi : iapon.the Ad- i tutus( oil rOig..tou - ; - ••buf they,„will '4144 at:lath' ,_ 1- ministration. 4eeel' ts it and ~ o„ ,;t hisi ,s ..: t0 . d4 0 nor,:sabriztt tit any orte who ittt. , :imti . t4,ll..it it-- ditty. : - ‘lll•tliti.;:e ti.illtiii,, Ail, not• eo n - ,itit l itii i:d(iwii - Ity,itlub lam ; feee.dehate,..or {'rail preatif ,reviiarepuiliAtion /if the l l ) littil inn i . )f .t $:')..."2 1 , , iiig i ... , in tig:-:.holisg , .or in the,,,tipett ttir,Llity-f..1. , we. eannot-s.el,wh4. ~ .- f ,u1..1., .11's,pt•feriOci..vii i..10w it f;)-Foigii.intluenee to intet•fere with. ele,.• . . . ituaht . dernand Itit4.lraht . .i.rat - Are-fiOthil ;* finat- : t!'"' ; ' , " - ' l "•rai'e i'r thrv"telt' . rn" l d" . " , "r to . icis‘ili - miiiht.clillitt d i7:•`• ruine ' deMineiitt4 l 4 . • I tbreareit •eitiAlis' with . the con::fequci:tees iftlaey • E, , ~-, !. . - - • . . . stihstitate.the.canon I;'\% of Lulus for. arrottattec might " - e..aiiii 'thiii it''l,laild-lie'fte;. do.uot etsinpaaitid 'with , hathiliatingl- cqa T i s ion . , i _:,,fj:Ille•SIII•L': laws .4. the .Ct)i,,ii.....:Ek:vn thi44ll: . .-, , , ,AC11 SU 1 ," Vt . r.Si Ve .ilttellltitS may - .be ; .ratale:o- .Pa4l-rerror ;- hiit Nii!"-verifut-e 40 - pi-ejfiiitliliat•itli Judge pollo c k _i , (01 . 1*.4; .h)rwahf I )( ,di v ,;. alo ft (mr Alai hatae.'-!ifrf.l.ligtitai;tittir, cppos e i.elaiip • elobealti .elocitten - hatpin' ire tlii•-ditetr'ille::, I if‘ ' N , I 4! ' !le' LI)! 1 .." '-r•di•*l4'i;l'ilill/14', laid are fully eon; , t valet...4J, ,thlit, - .-in, : ' , opposing tht.Mf i hey .otipose• ljeially 'iguietiOtted .fi-ivir - to-t hem Iteir.fulltiave. t . and grandeur.! he ill e i. i t iT t iiv e -tho-..iote of t , , ve -_. F i 11`i , thati4-religioit=i but witat•fAptii•elyi:politie4l, yy - t rue ;hearted f l eeluitti of the'Sttite.--Lilitt LOU at Oa!, t.itate tinitvw - reutt. 'iti-Artterit-air: ' • adethi l ia. , Regis - ierj,... 7.- ,-_,• ~...., ~.i.. ,: -.. -. 1 .., 0 , ti tad iiito/t.:nitile, ..-. -. • '-' ;:,., • '•-.._:_:1.-.:.%... -,I • Now. Nyiiether.'-this: .grotniti, iv, 'or 1 - S' :not,. , 1 ''' - '• -' ITU' 3,211 ii: i laiii&itly•Atiken•iind,-,inailit:iiya..d-hv.Abe Karig . , ; . t - - Nothing- A i• •thitiat, iiresa tit :(l'ar....ol,iiik l f, tp i • The ambitious i : , .how. :I‘.. r e old •Wisti 'to state' 'elearlN- '`- 1 •'; '..wlio alt[;; at iti. re i 1 it rOmnii they proft,iss .to have' ta k ell. -- il tit - 41 . ' and hoiit , thitt II • -.1 i IVIIO4, 1(1111 '1'60;4; the tittcst iv* in\ iti!..rea, frotn hitlleiloW,i.i. I light. .• .\\ - e , ,taive, litilierzstood .. tho3e.to be . l4 i opittiOirs i . ,n't eia,•ll • I V illI Of •tlic Now. itAii-ty, , w.Li:::h ha; .......4i. - tiddeu: I,TIOW :ho Nilli'ing , . . ly ',riser!, 10 dis.tirc.' tii.ii ;: : if . we. , ,ttre litistalieu. ! Autitp„ . -to liriniett we. may. -I , e - easily ~.s.et, r4,4it.eo - : : ' l the: riliht'l) - lia : l ,e, rt . dpezt; hOtiiiah'agt.; I- li;ito:t , i . he W 41 - a- : • 1 - ` . 'Wit - tqlktV,e . ili ..,_ tlie . - 1* ip , le.oii 'wit '..i . st . it:.ii•i'r lAA tl l tt \ : II , Ti.:iripet t tuee i r. (fit -!- 'h..irtiCtiiiiie.. "ita i titiitiiitair' 44 4 the :f.l,.,ievlti: . , aii4t: 0 ) 111t,i; i 7 .i 1 , 4-Aii t t*li'( : i_lril til jt • i ~..; of leaning! tti t '1 liOa . yliatiliti 'kit' , ! ',•-i 1-,.. ~ Ji i ,,,..„ ..„ ~,1 I. re.tch Jitosy l. ,:sl)ol, w:ritiFs c. 4',Tutu:4, ..w,*:)...!\ , iiig„ia . ,7,i 1,- .. 1 ver,iilc i e : 10 IS 11 i . 11 ' I (Ali ' .. qutoft;;" ili. '4 ~ ' ..,r:. l .. 1 biti . fai - but tIII 'oil It 1 i ,Is 11 /11 1•• r I .' ',, I l ' t( .f i ISI Air Clit,u4yJ, Niatirati4'tlilltilti , i nutit ilhg , vt•t)tu,.t . 1 . ktiving tlik... ~11h ' lutter: Tu i)!, su : it l list ot..f ' illucll-.0.e4} (1 41 1 1N4v•t4 tti.9, 6 4 .0 , 1 or tlik! 11QUSti,;uku ,1 .-, i Titerv, is- simui Biglgf sit,tli. , i boin . ing, ditstardly at I!, 1 . ),I:oli Wit to_ find , ', o..speolt tti.it lip . ilvirkNlts 'to f I • Wlift.tetAlbStli ' 1 1 tro harm •to ,lay r\aliethgr,df ihk, ' ,ivilVfinclltir 'self -,-.. atutwitl.bil‘le l ilt 1 : ' oldlottltlituk: ( - 4 NV hkilif . _ 1 \ , 0.i1,4)f-biAilg `--IP • 11 'Ga • - , # l . l .,Ptra,q-- 1 i r i ' , ,/ :es et Vt 00.4. I*s :s-faced . Candidate: ' .. ,' . _. individliat at...liaiTi.bitro.' ole4.;tion.:t(. 'th." 1114 ) , vi ! iirlfiii, lia= no ipinifni,:;:to.ioni*:ll ti7ens;iippe;w:4fit;tliitvi,, 4teat.mtret . . Of i pnbt,e cone 0.0;•'—: nag(.,: NI : 1)01 :ilk. : gets bi'ilie: uttlkki 1 . -.10 4 -o r il i fitn, ilf in a quit-ins t t; te . - -:.'i , viiiblii,i(h his slic;c.i,l l ;s - hi.:tter . ,l'han . hi,. il'e, t soli.r . '' . wiwk . 4 it: ..:.. - 1:.,;! 'is no so lij'•et li.'o‘f Irefl)re, j. 1441 h t .: 1 1 i ) et . ii tl! ( q:eiiii'y lit)ti - i- i it est. .s44!i:itilott:Of : , lii; - atlillir.i rt I‘Ot - 1 - 111,,. liis' :,(tit.,. , .i?,: i , i)," \ itiel. 4tilio. '''ll iz '''li. - .ttilr . - ..t0.:: t iik::. I (; 6 ) .l,.tiiiii.illii•ll,3 - ''':i'W - iNiIZ :* .ykii . pli4q.ll - 'il::lii‘l,•llllt,lrtitt:il 1. ~f igh:.; in'fc 4(14 fo - • 4,t ini'.llliit; -, , . ~ , :fhiv,..,'nfifnifak:ll)te'. , ii.,l(";iW:l. 0 . , her - gf,:it: li 0 . ,ii,,,(.1:iii,:i . rl:'. l )i,,lii tiitl,.,tit,4 lc :6i,y '...;:i;,it,. I li it' : !. k.' a ii-,...iiliti* . \'-', - ith;o,‘ ; •,; I 1 ! . 0 ter , io .2 l;;:v:'''.l4ifiii'CNiiii:.'ll ~.,,,-,' ie..kird'i'.l.,;i ',— li - , iit'T, 1 411 - 1! „. -• . ;,• ; - • - • . i,.,. is, ti, ko Ali iN'vo ..i.i:O toil. 4. - oi 7 d - C i tp.iy . nit i't; 11.1!'•O'lls"..Of j ili.t ilk ilii-' i . :0..v Dull to .ie ,111:1(.e ill it: c!•Atilit6 l ll l 4Sld i j• ''. •1 '.74l(;,:c)i*.k;l:kigly;.)-vizi:ilt)f,c;l. 111{1 lAk."ll:l);, , ,ritint;u;•ipgil,l(.Stait 0. in1e1: . :1),1Nieh(L;4 i 1 . 4,41.)1i0y.... iold - ruk a , ‘7,:,}1 • ,wi) i at,ijie. priy . iite', rA 11074 . ,10.(,:q.4.::1r: . ; gull itiA,T,t; ~ a i!icakt i?re.loP4rs, f L a el;O:s.s-A 4 , 4 ?.. 4y..,,11:1'0 ..4.9 . ,tterui7,,, tip t', A- 10.11 t. of Pf.tliti6;fsolo tl4 ,444:: : ,!tt'' t ! JIPIk ( •' 4 4 'On :right...: .; .: . lxing;:iii'filik:etn i tr*, of GOvi, 1 - ,1,111o. : :1.0 aulitli+ly,, o ile - lik.; d contein'ptibte, l thAt -it. 6.lto votilikAtaticivotly, opilishi , e Jperly.,•.. i; ~ lt ,eo;ta 1)0110,13(411r, 4.8,94 10wptiltrYi:', , tri'ekst4t, , ohykylnvtiB.llir4sl9tilikiriki: , • 1 ili.-k nave. wi t t li , Otani :J li'i kel ( vett hYlx4eritiett kowevoilio • 44 ue,mii ty.Auotti • ittithe ,rtitri • .opptlituttityi-of Aleeil,ing,tho , ;nt.ir. i. - ,..F., - 4-Y.',;.-..,„ - :, ,i'...q.i,•i:'o' . r itio - ,plesitiwt4is ii R :gieito ~, ~: 1 ' tifeatg4llo4,o44wit. l ,' ic:t-2 . , ~. t...,,- , -,, ~,,,_,,,,,,,.:= , ~,,,,,-,...•,,•-•.1.,..,,,,, :777 COMlR.l749oli.liclis '.l tet La t N 011—tqc't 10.8,4410Unb44404,0k, -- - -- ..7-tirgrawford i of Georgia, says in a eout toitioOto ihe, Conmaissio.n9r,9r Patepts, !„, i t,io etry' upon earth keeps anci feed s , any - 0 ugh beasts„, horses and inules, I l i I ' eotto4rowing regions oi'the South I aitt 04—.... 1L The bibuwe, says the doingsof - thiseo n . ...ois s nia4e pretty agettrafely, .SUITIMed. up. . thus :—.• The : wished to do but -, little gorbd , I. and • that 'hi - e ' the l i rt..ident - Wouldn't let • ' thetn.'' , Itiry - List :for the-Term eomiaivaing , Aii• gust 21st, 1854. • • , •G 1 ND 4L - R0105.- - WA.T.F.I%; Marvin C.•PitryseY—Bnoor= LYN:-`ikn~:lnnn Sulittr -Ct .- mew:re": fraiiikk , flanagatl7-4R;Clikimi Harry lityrtiti•--1.i1i.-sbx'il John licnuett «d Luihcr 11191,ani Jain rt Perl4l SI. Ltitterr John C. ti'644ltipin.ticiii : i ., :*W:! : Get. Noith, - - • A cykto: .Sannel, • i; ; 171,cp •6? q t garfite.:- 7 Bitiparwartlit 31;J-- C 3 1 .4 04) DA:clubs . Itiv.:9l)au.gb 1140 10 ‘. • Tlt amt . *. fi t Gathey Imeol'utifr Nogg. Gr.lSsy~u,.ll: Hero, George Liie4,,•:Ju'itt4c• -s ' • •• Jolpsoli;*f:,;u4o4,Sirg:64,l!j:Putuiai! Titiglryl— lbquetpk4 .b .XlRst,lleoreq . sni,%* Joku i 1 e .. 1 4 ( iK# 6 $1; 1, 0 6,-* El :w*ii , g o4 ,!py=" % 4 4 , u m t r u, :;. 4 . 4l* •th5pkvr,.r4. 1 ) ,( 31 1 4 1 40 * .^: 4 4 4 0 1. John • eiDedier, Pkti4;.P.o4l.+LArtutor Tewluibuth . 'Jam 401OfitrOvipin,„1.rows c; P. Cobto;'. l *Pl.k.TiiitWy!t-4Mta . • , --N Rivroaia:i Robert qilloOie, t,fkostbkAishoN. l; ' Tyltir , 7 o-( 4 1 " . DiutO4wlfieorgo_;Fr* 'AJA§44.1P,494,. •4 1 4 11 14419.4i•ek04' Pawl& IfiliVolN 44 1 1 4,41 ' .= ~ , • 'Nliao - uvAittiitv) th . sifiel'se 4 i , i'9i 6 0°0" ; , .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers