%h . . 1. It.ogilOtTtitt::•Agi.u. I , _, Amu AAA) ._sllEo.,,A3Mrrii, rsdny Moruing, JulY 279 • . IiVIEIG STATE -TICKET: , • • Governor, IESPOLLOC Northumbg. Commisgioirer, EORGrE - DARSIE, of ' fridge S'tfir6ne fourt. SikiliSKß, of IVlonton - D4llk inet v. 11. PALME4, the ..Aotericatt Nevi Agent trtl e 'only 4wnt for 'this . pi s '.the eitAgs of Bosoh, irk and rldladelp ' - IVI PRO~I'ECTUS. . ._ 4N . flit, ( 1, ' . i ipireto4 - 10 tilk) a.Joettilief? '1 1 -:: - • ~—,- . - :• The it:Tort:ince a tho questions to be de , • th'e n4t elections; the doings of Congress ; itistration, Wars in Europe, Asia, and A dalkquarters of th ioko lti nag be expected to render the Newspapers u i - • interesting for. . s me months to come.: Eve . • i n•Oribs.the none, cf an American citizn o .rnitlic hirnself acqt tinted with th e political q ' - 'of th day, that h ttt e be prepared ;• t int &Iy'Citt elpineto sli • - thc future de:ztfni _of try. - e l l ; -To bring these questions before our /' !and to tidrocnte. the MORT on every pest; aris ,will be the ndeavor of ' the he ka n- Regi r ter. The. - g t 1 battle between Free Slavery prt4snts a question parainount to . ers at Alt time, 'an o rqste.take - our:With . cided ofposition •to the wicked: scheme . Slareriy extensionists.- 1 . .. , Thejlegister ' will beTurnished for.six mdn - July lat at the follouing rates: ' • - , tjtieviry six months Frre copies r - . `*!. I -- - - - st-- rt copies !,fr 1 „.),Nt. B. The ferm i s of the abilvevill.be.e.i,tl emntnenee at any sulit--equentdate, that, eta ;fiatit prefer., , • • A• SECTIONAL- PARTY. • • ° The.i . oft repeated, cry of ‘t thi?..f t sdai Seeekional parties,'' has .. beeu late -1 1 . i A et , rtan.elass of 'papers, in crack' to An eff ectivo. onion; among the. ,opp4i ery7iktgression:. • But is an anti ;‘• Ls erasion party necessarily "aseetiol r I •t We think not. Stich a part, doubtless find many friends and di i 1 6,, the honest People of till', Sou _ tie Slay . cry patty has found nun - • • repo a• • ,tooh• arnowi the politician iio h. Freedom party w•ould 1 • • - • 119 al Trty; t. i certain - 1y a Slaver civally, so, and . 11'Si:1:s - cry • :lirea4 forTed.firrnly united, • al\-posverful. e • formation of :a fur. Freedom • 4 -, t4un4"that it would be geetional,ai endanger the! Union. has " alrea/ ,•:4.yr,,iated 'by: Our, c opporl en ts. If • (1.1 . • ,111'e, Unon_ foil °sr, the :t‘ause. Must b for,in. the forreatiOn of the Slavery-E paitT; and' tot its :the subsequent :an partyL •W e . think the exi4Q and t • - part . whie.ll tl orth, lii topeated:coll(!eszilo. EMC ed. at least in 'part, by a ftw of the flrniaticci ,_ cif ,sectional *lia,rties.. have, permitt (1 to in '' • i - 11 ' - - — ll ., , _rc sein power n: , .(l'rn tteLee ,till it 1..0‘N . tu 3.. .z i o ' tt6ls.tlie,Nati4.sualrG cv,erii men t—f what are 'its objects and ;iris? These have ;cell, in a ie t -,ilekree; hitherto eorteeale4' 4.frofil t e' public .1 eye, but DONT, &Ad in the' streng,tl .resent Position, they have -rummer , -1„-ieS, of acts vcliic.fi plainly_ fOresha& i tale destinies of the Reptiblie, if oil l .1 , r 4 Iheir. guidance. .;The Nebraska at - )11)s have been passedond ineasur :eni with 'the (..onnivatice 'and aid of i . 4.itt, for the exilusive settlement lrs slave-holders ;-another slice of IA ~ hen purchased, for TiO other purpo in ease slave territory; proposi he l p made by the Administration dians of the Indian Territory, so ' , to give them a tenitorial and ,represeintaticin in Congress, , A - in conicction with tie facts that th areslave-holdcrs . ..rad . there is alr Lefore Cengress !to make the v.-I 4liied Indiansidtizens, as well a tltem to sell_pardels of their rand , -settlers, elearly-indieates it design fi • , . one or more Slave States-out of tl 1 41 -a fixed determination is show , . blr_ purchase' or 'robbery. , the . Isla • ..v. 4 lth all its. Slaves and amalgarnat i ' . 1 ' 1 . ' ' It' ation; -and;aeordlng to a des "I'lew . York Trjbune, a, .. treaty is 1 4ost coneluded 1 with the Ring an '-the Sandwich lilatids, - for the ant . those- Islands td the - United Stat - ., , ,,,the, wishes of the native inhabits s't - paiittof disaigeement between t " g powers being the question 1 l i lands shall mune into the Unim 1, 7 rbe annexed 'asa Territory, fo - 1 - tt a tnent is, of Knirse, determine 4 I I. firm a Territory at pres Slavery 'may lie introduced, an matey admitted as a Slave S M ,J. easures , hate ?ctupied ' pretty i pipe and attention of the Admin 4 6 - • egress fora lon g time past, so ~, . . tionat txovernnicut of our boas -Would seem to have beeu cony(' ihinerv,for the propagation of SI •ist every eii4d mind to consi hat are patent to all the WO ' 1 - hether we make - the charge N ea , son., And if the charge is . Ive ask whether such aeourse . ape= Government, Would not I n-r.ii the execi.itions .aa . 11decid —; • . - • .1 I tp.4„„ not only of , the people , of ._ .but,'of all the World. Mad as it ' iiithem,r in ibis ".land of the me of the brave," it is still , I,kto i i tis 33 l . ii': ll2 . l ,, l obr-tke gr . I,lof q edom, s sexforth in the l',i II delindeneet‘f our ithers l a b IroOckerriecrall the earth: ' 'tly , . . . . ou.tse of our Governi#ent, we 11 ! ' 1 Ilidijer blow. 4the cause 4.1 n ixitio i: , - tk *oda -ever. 4d,runic...-: -. ite - PubreViiitte -difirit•iii4, ~. -nstiout l / 2 as wial, m our .ow. At isuchit poipt;lthen, t a:ve . this ewer hey it is joi Ttti. - 3 'what shall fte d done. '-` . Thei . _ tits 44.6e5:0f the tutors #o yoier; and . it_ is for thetet;fp TO dy.. The party of 'llberti i the stronger;: And has only t con triA ihe doVernment.': 1 safety, the good of the Southet selves, as ' - e ll as of all thaitkii AA it itiliotf. ..-t' . --- - ', - ** - 114 Tenn a iiit, -. ; • - lintiy. • of '' the" '-'opponents WOulddOul4les§ . :he:-glirpr ; , , 1 -' • - ! T. Prohibitory Liquor La* *xis e(I in Penusylyania„ 'and mit •• but; from the, peculiar : thin ;case, finally ‘'bente. "obs4.llc_, patei . is Wl*prOteSt so earn ~ den r vationr of their liberti i) sort. would result :froth -the such a' law, would; be eqtml learnithat that. liberty-I(4in: just man, William Penn,* 'of . Welk - Li law . in this; State, Assembly: to enact It, ..N . 4 'filet : S: , The ...eircitinstanee§ w: r i ,lietnek - enwhbti, pne .of t Shaw anal' Ind iith§,' appeared, ernor, at Philad4phiii,- in the and :complained ' that •ylvei, brottlit to the settlement o ''their nation,several . anchor quantity Of ;bout 140 011 i induce them to receive its an, he -pretended' th:lt.he Wa4.s envoi, and wive one : Cask a i: . - • , • • I.lllm, upon - ,i - hiei, being • scut they were afteeln - Luch abuse . it Wa..§ ordered,...' that thiS be 1 into4'.• (: • 2 1 ' 4 . • - i • . da at ,nd the merica, globe, iusnally r) man gilt to lestions lligent -Ij. iy coun aders, on that I I- of the lom and all oth in.dc-• • a fortiiightlater,t Proprietor belui about to t‘ for ,Eikand 'the Sachet's a., • na and Shawauah Indiatiki% came to' take-leave' tOrmed thtztii, that it was to witlithem, at .-leasth , that he had' ever loved , and b . -• • and Should ever-contiriue s sired them in his abseee slit!) . :With those lie wOuldie thority; ;who be, hoped 'woul them,. The Gcivernor alsc that the Assembly was.TIOW hs from $ 0 ,15 3,00 5 04) , nded to (scribers !ME MEM cuts of a% ery al par- would herents h, even y according to their desire. to' ing abng,64.by the selling of Or-curt - I;2K, one of the SaCh of the rest s !expressed .gran desireid that that law night in execntiOn, and not . only formerlFlt .had been ; they by the :practice, but now and that they should have plain Ino inqrc. • of the 1 eases party is n-iingly to 'the I oti. the d there- I' ly :been 'Ter , _to ' And for the more eff:Ct‘ good .a ; design,. the, Gavel wheneVer any trabsgressed eaMe; contrary to, agreetn 1 they would forthwith : ink I care to. Ig4-e- .r i formation thi•reof .to .. the goverprunti, that : the offenders - might. .be duly prosei.iutcd•; .. : ls. llyi they :promised to id Sep-e, arid' that 'if l'anv more weie hronght. th- - v would Ina huV i I it, but..Fenil the person ; Who I.i . rouglii i - ( back • , • • 1 With it.ag,aiii. • .Aticrilirtiar kind wordS-frotn.. 1: the Governor; and the ePtion.., of 1 solne presents, they withdrew:: - . - - :.: -,1/ -• 1 . --- ..• .1, ' On the next - day.but on • follewl , lg. b'erg 0 Octobe r 90701; the A sernbly.s;t; a . 11 - I',l I against selling. rune to the ndians to Gov 1- —, • 1 1 . or Penn fur 'his apPfoy'a I. ~. - After considering 1 I the bill, the, Governor desi that th6l,Wou i ld I i admit of the .cvldenee .61ihe lii : diatis,. -I mlithout, i . .:::. 1 1 s 1 f N,hieirth'des - -imi of the ac would It eluded, i ' . - , '' - - ' • 1 . ..- i. - ... 1 • The bill was_,fivally pas_ , under tt title of "An act acrainSt -sellin : w It in . or 2 Othr.troni i t d Liquors ,to thelndians"lnd receli the aS• sOut of:the : Governer Octbliki.'2§thl.ol. •' 1 . - The above ; Lets, are. '. - ,olleic' ted.Jrcini l the. "COlonial 'Reeords,". Pub i,shed itl l 038 1 :in 'Pursuance of an Act . ssembly of P,nn . sylvania. - : . - .' ,- - ' • ..! - ... .. - 1 Farnier's Unio4 Ittit*lci 'Cow 1 1 looked I xtelkion r ation of ,anger al- ,p6ople luau . e- i : of thein• ' t eed a se- 1 l iw the.fu-, rusted tok 1 ,0 Kansas .s ate.tak-• „,, - ,:. k.vivern-, f •,Kan:: : is exieo has' Fe than to' ions have. 440 the he r th : .of Kan -1,, vernment . . We intended iast 'welt to el - 11 ti on of our re.'l.. to tl a ,adver the : " Fanners: Union: inkurance which Will be ,found) in ! another TherCtre'eettainly greattadvanta In . a company iicar'hotne, , then, is in this ca.Hse;-,the known . .:wealth • re of the stockholders a . . , !lake "assurance doubly; sure" .'t running fan extra risicof barn ey by insuring. rich, taken se Indians, ady a bill' lele of .tili -,it, enable Ite white i to . secure ' at Territo r to obtain, Id of I Cuba, - 1. (1 free PPP ' thin the, already al . Chiefs of exation of against is --the on le:contract- Thetier the as a State r our Gov- I"that they , la, so that,l they- ulti-, te. These uch al! the stration and that the Nia ed Republie • ied ittO'ma :Very. , 'We er the facts ld,. and say ithout plod - 01-foundedd in any ,Ett justly call ecidelPluiti li . iis country,' ould - atipear ee "and. the ....—,-% 4.,:txr,s; ` cv 71 4. ; t 151'111014es Cllaratiol; f -.Niord,aild A th , Prefoent ire etrikine a knnuity;ti u itt The "mO4 Nsro - :believe:thitt •tnati t y persoi inehiding•o . u.rsOyes,lhave th insured hy.this.conipany, thus" eopfidenee •t'llne ANTI-REP UHL leAtit Wil !S. ", y Democratic -State • Cam ' 'ittee; i ' their, ' ad 7 dress„ Say, "It is idle o tliskuke`lhe t r fact 41ot the Whig party 6 i the N6 i rth ?las be -1%_.L,1.1 tonle swallowed up, d ,ahsorbedi hi. its amalgamation ;with di ant:and anti-rePub licini elements."' . ' ppose that b ' 'Y 'anti- republican" they mean t "anti-slavery 4 and that, the amalgamation took idaee. mi'coraing • • 1 ~ i.. •i- 9, to. the apprelmslon or these • publtcr . ui, . , When. 6 , c r ry -Northern Vitig,y ted , againit the - ,Nehraska bill. if. t ere been i few more. Northern Whigs n Congre4S - br la few More such . ‘!anti..repUblicans" among the NorthernDemoerais,tuldn't it h4r et been a.l.l%sed thing for the ' untry? -We heave honest men, of all Partids,. 'to - answerl. • _ Wurraar's Lem rer.s.—We.Would call at tent on to the notiee4ifithe celebrated or'ato- Yial Profit'harlls 'Whitney, of Binghainton, which ‘"yill- be found . in, another column, The. Leetur4':a name inuat. he fa naijiar.,to our;readers, - as an unrivaled toe,of -.the ,nnunier of Iliatinguisnedi.orators. lio lectatreiti here several l yeius ago , A4tii much sins::-.. _I. 4 . • . • • , x NFlif w . ut4c...-L-We Babe received fr om 3. Lyons 6r, Satilaeveria pi 3ms of Neiv Mink., lk ,atiloag;a•hieb tare "Sri olityariationiod tbe favorite Saratoga Sabot iieb"' by: /Jae,. Ballak, "Tile' Table - iapviiig '•hOttie3t,r - by ' 0 E. - 1 1 ,4illet ar,". and 4 TbelMer'frigh Boy," a Bal. lad, - ihe ioards by Alizik.. - 000 '4l Music ' by John • Frazer, - ' i f i#,As e , 1 '0144 , . ,t I • I ° 3 :. Ire arrive44ldi te°l4 0 iitYi „,,,, e ~, eti ... , , , on! ; d „ e) !, , 1 4 1 ..) Ir a ti'PletOt' /' el i really y ;Eli lx . l!init di to grK;aut) ' tit”' rt staei i4m al d, al po L nt to tis .! 'build m. this day Quite - r 46 - 6110. t9;arlt4ll nt,l;i4 pi; -.Hon. bavis: sociate Jiidge• of t untk, and...-othe'ri3l . .El4er Dhnoek rave soul interestiug rem. ini.,:eettees q the chavgo that have . tak,6 '.placer ; in the eoun y since:llle toruer-itone ID4 thevohl Court .11945 e was laid, and iexpresied a iloik• tiraijP4ik:f iniot;:b6_4 l 9-Tillistered in the Welk C6urt I-Jouse,. as it has been in lie old *ot,ie, by daubiessiOn iii' able ails!. upright Juagiis. 'I- '' 1 ' k ' --1 ' ' I ,ii,i s -7. 1 4 ....r: . i . H EIVIOD I ~.; i Of'' PSilibi ki - 00 1 ,! i .1: 1 ' -,- , 1 to.leara ihat a. long since. s' : . I :,:a-its.re..ix , aledi stances- of ::the ..' - Aind 'these .- .I • •-: ,41Y. again t 4.,h ti - • i*hielt th yi, a*, i e*reem it, of stiriprisk: ti." : and ..tn, - 641 i, r ; pose?- the pr 'se.?, fpd,.iii4ue d, the t ',.: sOeh ere l the re like thM4 ::'.' licssrsS B. Si als in sonie,.lappy inark. The insp•itinb Band ,added Inue`,l occasion. 'The following ‘ i : 111:1 Court Hot . for tlith structure i l, der ffie - direction! ' • e 'chiefs pfl the . 1 , befor , the Gov, • um= of 1 01, i ,or Garland had • Lahaii Cakon, missiOners. C4l Cust;abotii, fB,O The present 4th, y. 854, under lianeuek, Amos penter,toinmiss .July ;24th„ 1834. Naaejl.. Pokt, J., Boyd mil Avery Philaqelphia. the of of • rtini,thi and i i hat - trade with 14111 i,, nt bithOOmi . l *present • from ented to., Oink, W. 'IL I36'•d. - - five litindred del Wht.:treopoo iirther eriquireo Jet :dges of the Wit riiut; Preside Boy ISM, .Associate ie Goverlor nod ke hiS'Aepatture . • han ith'some‘ofiheir f hint reoilnty!o.lfirel A. Ward; . Prot) Regi4er a , 4143 Ref Trcquitircr,; - ' Frail tie3: - .;:iTiir othy 13 A.. eteSSrflpil; e< 1 . - .3fOnbei-i . of t ? sup, 13i'lYtmin'S tle, E.. It Clins!, .to. F. A; Case,l F. Fkaset, A. .01 O'ciiitolits. of T Trib4neiif .1 iil3 YorVEvPhig 1 ' July IBth, Derti l of t.ilu.,llatinti the Old Court 1 4 his lagt inte rurr • , I pis tail -; 'ell 'kind t to 1,6; id. de tuitivafei•lftlend: lye behim i . n a 1-1 also .be illd to infurnied ihem • I preparingla,w, - • I. pre'vent- trr be . , nm : Arm w „ awa Ins, in the name safistltetion, a d Trite folloivin ~ - .. • ing — under sonic { 1 toxmititig drink „ . tint; 'Of our Lvgi tti . theearefulT I thoselVilfi(! (11l 'lliSitti', nOtiee.• in 1 ' I knoivii..at,d nek • a ,• i (rrenthr arnoturt -. , ... ig'triieeable . dir 'tang drinks, iutd give ylieeiEe: no in- titt , ir regpeyt efre.etitOlybe p ) . t . .1 14ditgris ulr • aped.. for 4.eci re l -Q.. rc;un tore'o aily answ u i erin I I I. ior desird tfi. the. said, nts.airion l)% this act and follow" i'lp that notice. law 1$ xiolatid.Xy alpro - seeution of the t -:, 1 - 1 "" 1 - ers, thevT would ilr. ,pity be doing a . .. F Irviee. to the tax-pfiyerla t a much 'gre4tei ; • ..; • .- of . . - • stair` . e.l , . , ' , ervire to the ttic ii 'lli - rite, airal i q i nei . drunkard chin ~ ~, 4 , , '- S..m , l ims . , a'i‘V iS more :,,lirt . ll4 _,, . 1 . • . 1. . ; , -' . grut i iin its proy:!:l4,El-... atpc•severe in - it.. , . p . 4 . altios tam 84. wel ha e s ever had, Ind l; ilitithfullf exct.tted - . would lie 'almost a -4 , - (.. A .. 6. . , Lti _ , Can; . ' i - - - , • el. - I•as the ,Iyfaine w.- i we execute tillii1411( 1,-,. W1 . -1 . 1/ ire I. 1 0• It I •II fiat w4fer i e ia the gailraat . i that ;thelstaina Law wmild •be. of any seri . e I• l - i . '', • 1 • Temperance . mien..read the !a*, and act ! • , 1 1 AN ACT to protect eerfiliiildomestic and ' i i • , .. • ..''.: 1 sate rights, and it° pet cut alise, 'int, I 1. . sale cif into. icatilig drinlcS., ... ' , • I i 1 „ SO:, i. .13e .it, enacte4::ky silte Sena e, 43i I.forese,O)! Reiro , eritatizies of 'the ~ Co . nm l pi izetaftft of Fenilryleanra,lin,.Generalil i seitiln nletft.• it ii.heeby 4nacredb i i the . aitthdri t y (~ 1 the #.nth.! Tha t . '41011)-1 1 furnishing: intoxel l ting dri Is, by gitt,sal el oil ot lierwi 4iltol any LperSion 9f knoWn intemperate habits, to a Itni . norlor to an insane 'pert:Oril for use as a.lit { - ; • • 1 i . erag( . .,sll:Lil. b?eld and ileTeined B.,,mis 'en et. I or,• and .upidt ..onvictioni,thereol, the, fiend; I shall be . fine4 - not less titan ten noray re 't it fillyAollois, . e nd underga an imprisbn ni4it f . 1 ,_ not le_ than .en nor' D4yre tnan - , aixt • dap and' : the i Wilful urnisling Of intoxicating , Ord as 41.)evertige l ., to any ifersan when cl unt, c intOdeated, shall .be Cle4'ned a - tnisdet - wane) punis 'ble as afuresaidii ht . • SEC.. ' TIVIt •it shalt ba lawful ineinb' r of the family,or . blood rel - I an intetnperate perniy o;}'- any .ove3 ~e' , I .thei,p9or., m or magistrateaf the district In w tic such iniepe i r ate. persah reSides, - or lacs i galseltleipent, or...thr-cilanniitteeof a,lii habilt halrdr. 7 Mkarill •to give aldistitiet neticei,lver. b. , or written, la any'inn e . , inerelr nt,llgi -It ee eeri diSt Hier, !brewer, dr other perso 1 t tin • lactating sellitm or I .laivir intoii far li , ~. , [4 ! - I I . r'' uors, forbidding him! ordthem from furcd i in Suelt intemperate persgins.lor habitailid n ant witkinta, , ciOting4rinks or liquo .. . 1 and 1 .if, Witiiinthree . .montle.:'lafter such no ice', af *one toiwlmtin thes4inetis giVen, shall fu tit l • ,i or, „elf.) , e furniShe , intoxicating lii nal ; , ; , to Ouch inten partite per on or habitual, d,, un. , ard;.to be used ..as a )' - i iellerage, lielslii i deemed "gaily. of km,lsdemeauor , and ip ixntvietion thereaf,shalt! be pun,ishe ' d as p a dad inl i th9.-first settionl'of ibis. act. . 1. -- = 1 • • ,l I . • - • . ac'i 3. •That anyipean furnish:l.lljg it toi, - •:.- -• ~ .-, i • i • other' , .. eattng antilop to any person in via; sii of any existing law; a a the pray sic?, s 1 1 , , _, .0. . thip act, slial be ',lie respansibl . M. 1 any - , : i,4'ury. ,c 9 persoll hr property- i i i praise ( 1 chine of such furnishing, and any one. ag 7 I grieved, may ; rea?.ver jfuli dairaigc,. aiiist I such person : so furnishing, by ' acticin 91 die al I.'p..* instituted, in anieohrt .having u jui ie. -. 1,.. . fo r m. 1 ,.. p ~,- ,:- .. 1 tui#l,ol.blletl of action.in this tm n -; IA • 1 • • . wealth. :,.., - ; - H i .. • 1 .. ; - • • ,-., - Ti cr . 4.. 4..Vint imy, jtiAg l , j4stiec;, or el ;, y, man, Iwho ',all period ii the inarring elm ItJ •,i i , Jay netween partiesi tv.iicli either of ! - .,ai ill ties, i$ ini9xicated r shall e deemed gaty,,, , a misdemeanor, and uPo . conviction. tienif 'shall PaY a 6ne oflifttdallars - and, belinp,' . ; .• 7 I onell . 'at theZ a seretion, ofi the euurt,..l ot• t, ecCAing sixt, days.l . L • -'. '-. ' ' -Bic. 5. .That t; -any 1r,1,111 . 11 . 1. - 114 ulterati ' .c'• . corruption ?f .apiriiniqu4 - icioits.p . r 14. t - ,up -14,, manuf*turcd or , i4teutit..4 as, al er; 1 ageiWlterehy the saMai aro .4% duti a illy *id 1 ed unyi4oteantne. fkniipio .and • injaribas haidt)!,l)r any !Alai or,at.4l:h 1141,06,,.fi1r st., , .aPeyerage, with knowega that ti saadultera ed_ . and. ci4 rnyted, steal . b the offende , for the,fit'st.offenea to a n ,nne hundreds dollars,..Scal irripris9citne4 TOeseeditaffilxty. days,i'• '_.,.' -.• ,i -- . , , I .. -- ,;Szc. 6. -.Pay=„Paraok Proso,4ltiag for an I:anc.a..indiat4dale,,undix thia'aot, 4411, -91 .. - 1 1 - • 1 .11 Tffay. tllo...altoP senlent of 7 , 4 111 4 4 ) 11 Y , 13010 ;es !r1 Insu artieularly ,rnliityl and such aL , at yoi Yo9r L s' it rOa iwlug 01lt f erty their :,''.'s'' . ; ;; ''L'''-'l'"' -*Mit l e of then, , w Coartl-taus,- I .': . 'will, ky l as laid si4 Moil-, • ---.,- I - the l iar; njiinber of4Arsons Ie : I iremony, , .y„,-.Ne!.t.lier ! .?...1 - xidge.r . " l ,essup. - i4i71. 4 ii . rs... I-.,. 1 - , , • remarlr werOrnacle s .2y ~. -.... • -• • . .k for in ny. years an, s ' - le Courts of Susgneban 4 0 1 0)1: address•' lough )111 B. 'd the liss'ern bl pre(neditated • i utskl oi!th Loth& Montrose 13) • • enjoy inept of ,du" *ere rend %13fenioraz EMOTIAN'D Led to make r• in 1812-13, s: Bartlett Flit ,Brownson„ C liver ~e, remo' WaS: 141 of Nfei7sl -nd Isa4AH racy -Ir, the d)recti 1 Vi Oners—th Von tifa vi B.' G 4 I Eh*: .Inmenced n of Af essit•i.-J land :Amherst I Is corner stone tors NIT: L. isey, i% illian itraitrci, .1. SI t7ery Frink ‘ighteen, Oiou uililers loniracq, i• —Hun. Warnei• -and • , eveial qo ; Mir EIME honOtarv; t lin,lot; 1) eq:ku /Amllissic)4 J.. T, Lang) Lath; Dr,trict.Al, Suryeyoi.; C!erk. loh. William Sessul;. ti: jaz*er, L I. .11 • tie lia r—>. :Bentley; ; , Wint."l4 lId1:1. 'li,:ts handwrliiii i Tin to.r 7 -4!; Ist, dol ostiof .1n I in erat - of d'l,' E ' Aeadevi, ouse by :IL I• I— * ' 3 . ", a e*Miqiior ILaT, „: I 11m:, i•ei;i l pdinc , ' and pre r t. 1 {eir - eutos - threqs the ,sale r Fz.., was pitT. ii at`the los Mature, itpd l we conone H.u.:3:il • ani. prompt • ati( il 1 . • " a :y 10S InO4.le;to rive tile der. thisllaci.• . It is :a .1!: zowlodge.lft that I,\' . f.! 1 I - ,!! ~. • . . ofpaoperiso in our-eot . i: .- - x:tly! or itiditleetly to inti if o;ver.i•ers i ilf the poor 1 - • ice tothe venders, of li . ive t i ul,Vril a§l is• provid. _ AV: J. Turrel z,r eeley;s Alm: of Jul. I.sth,e Iv 41h, Regist C:ital Pencil..Sket, H. Jessup. • The .. - . Alforsiftito Tim liTl It -- -- -. , MITER ~, The .. *ate 1 , - 0 0 ni Mitteeappo intcepy the Whig Convention dee& it theft.' citizenit Of...R.e*- dutY . l,te, state to ths4..t e ll e ** , , . h are invOlst ed" in sylvatihi;the principles- 1 4 14 . the approaching contest, htio. by Whickit will in their - opinion,. be . mainirdectidestlf Thep mean-to speak earnestly:aid -.e..tt o ii e tib. i . , an d .very . , Ow words are needed to' is e : their_ YieWs.' l l Never in the history of Perityl A i i - ..• nia t :iwas there a clearer. and Strorirr ,1114q draWn:.,—nerer a more- distitiet definition or, print.ifile.. Questions of kio9il and SOeitsire sponsibility,r - of . 1111inito rit6inet it to lus and, to oiirjjpri)SterityOuh - e ariseii„and the oppo nents Of the National and State -Ad4inistmt tions its Pennsylvania are '.united :.on . the coin 'lion gryino ot -resolute 0.., position, tct seetion-* al strife,. ittit.sitiraged anif,"Stiiiiillated as it, his been by' the policy mid condUct of ille admin. - , istratiOn at:\Valhingebt, to the interference Cif the Government in controlling tho . L4slation, &Congress . to this . end,,iind to : the. fliture ex.. ten.4iots - ef the institution *of .iroine.slisl slavery,. in the:territcirial *domain of thetiation. . • ...• Ii• On 'the suithatal quest i i i r , s ;; t ije• . AN . i bi g :, ,eal i..ji i ,j ~ „.! WAIIO7II A ifFIPT RBB ENEMY..-: i . .: didates appeal to the'PeOPle cif I.'entisylVanitil ~• .. ~ . : TriliOndou.,T*tory,,. : .. . ,• . , with 'confidence.—=Their opinions. it!re .thoSe j - The V. S. ship ,of war Opine; commanded I , whichl s ennsylvania..at4rted in atittienttinies b j Cup f.• .Hollins :arrivedi at San Juan • •del . .......=--_-_,--.2..=:_....z.L..1 t...L.,_--Jl.-: tl4-.-= . .i..-..,-..-.......-__, - ..- and' which: still .h re in 'the , hearts ofd her PCs)... lj I i rte. on the,ll 11th inst.; ' 1 :days frons Nest ; • . -Gai - azzi i 4 coining bick tp New,York• in. plc; -"!Those opinions have never beta' often-., 1 - .)ik,- commissio ned to• se tie ' - certain.• - diffieub. , - .- ' ' A.'llo.llSt { '.wel t' expressed. find the public itiind been , ti .s -between 'the'. Americo; citizens, and the .-, 2 l"fie nearer b'ells.are hung ti) the ground, allOtred t o enjoy --thci. repose which,. ess . an . I al authorities ;II : also to-demancl.a.••ftill and. 'I ' th• 'I . . the farther off they clan belie*.d. j • 1 . "t wo years ago, - existed through. out lie laud; 1!..s tisfactory apology for -0, insult given . a.' —lle distl rbances in. Chinti ire driving Sol - B I •' or had a spirit of tbrhearanee been .I manifes...l s o r t time since t o the .I-1 . (n., on% or and, ... the Chinese a rtty : to; Ctdiforriia, tit.ster thaii. tid. by those 4rho have the most rets.-Sert to in -I o A r•Minister to Oaist-,l4,.4.therica. IThe :au , • ' ' i ' • • it, - the contest .which now agitates the 1 t orities and itiliabitantS of.the town :refused ever.. ... 1. ~ • - ;! ; ; • • t yoke ' i . . -LEight girlS%irelsaid to by regularly-i . ctrl i country would'htireliecti averted., i lhe pas- ti make the slighte s t apolegy... After giving ' • • L ployed .as (-01111) . 6i:dors tu;tlid . Cificitimiti Gra, sage Of the. . bill by* Contrress a•t.- a j le - time in :no' oou - - Vitt ee . t Nebraska, ~• . t he, p , , d., ap I ~y hti g.b 11 rt,... zette office; and flit titune number in the Pitts -I . institute cif the Admini.stration, and through t .t.'-iyesl; Capt . Hotline, onsithe 12th iss ued a 1 ; , i i.: In, . ournat. - : j i Ili -u 1 ' :" ' e, and the. repeal inex..i.p oclaination; to the autho;ities and r esidents di I- ' i Wit .. ' - - ' • 1 I its ini . sgu sed nflu . I - _Th e - Hin s d a l e • (AfT e l L ) it' an d,i r d sa ,,, rs presti tei•ins of •an ancient stattite,•lplighting:l that, unles s " . an apology sr,ss made .by 9A, 1 that it - is infOrme'illthat.4tpon a usieful.e.an-t- , t lie' iitition's word of honor that 'tlatiWesterill: M on the 13th, he should • proCeed , i toshoni viiss of the county; it is aiscertiined that there territory was to-be foreyer exeinpt i fions slam-;I bard the town . NO iipol4gy-ie.' time:, .11e.'in are: nine ktlministrition mew ; - 1 •• i ery j and the domesti e slave trade,-. • eiimpel the II the meantime - -took pasSelkon of the Transit ... The .editor of tW.:f,aeltsiin:(Nlisst)*True WWl*. _party oftlitiNorth„and. espeetally thel CO.'s .steamers and sent them'.te thatown, of.' . . . J Witness, silt's h e i la. ..i n otst.,ol64irltukoi man 'Whig piirty, of Pentitylrattiii, to break the si.ji flting protection ;to all th ose who chose. to-ac., in°Jacksjon since thelLegislature...adjourne(l.l . lenit.. they might otherwise hate; kep t, and to jI eipt ; and:within one rnilnite - olihe tunic des , • --ITlte. Sisters Of 'Charity. bekniging to the spenk.olft again in itinguage - not•ti le inisuit li mated by Captl -11. the l cann'onading • corn- Mobile nottpital. bare been obliged Jto letiVe derstood, their ancient mid fixed'-opinions, ..ji . tieneed,and cOntinited,-,jwitirbrief intermission it,.in cOnseipiezteeLot their - atteMpts to profits- To he doetrines,of the hot of 1780; whiehlit •:3 .1 1- . .N. During the interval no diSposiZ • - I relieved - us by. constitutional mean l 4 • from all ton waS manifested on,thO ; part of the inliab u ite sestarianism. ! . f' ' j : ' '• - is' . :_l ~- • - -Jt . .—ln tt3. 7 ttited StateS the nunibei• of pOrts' . . grievimis social e vil--to the, great,. proinatieel l i ants to come titerms fOr: the sating: of the. of entry and dOix - ery are .i t * of Which 28 of 1787 ) in its full scope and' all its lienefi-1; 1 roperty. At 4P. N . : a i pariy landed, corn. hate. custom lionses COmpletecT; and 11_ in rent. principles—to a resolute determinationll tiatided by - alienttrunit, who burnt thetown:. progress. ; j• ' ; .1 j j •,. •,, .... , ' I to efleit the absolute find entire repeal of thelj . ' , in juan,_or Oreytown, on'tsie rat', .was en-, , . 1 • Airitierease 'Of Military is ileinanded On aggressive portion of the Nitbra,:k: •I,ill-.--toi; frets- destroyed'; one or ,Ku ssisidlJwildings . tile Texan 'frontier, in coi l isj( l iisetice of 'the ISt- the prdtdOiiin of . the personalrights-oteeveryl i i i i thesnbnrhs remain tOthark the spot... ..Nd (11.111 troubles'excited by . .)Vi it Oat, theSein. . hurt tin being • under the Constit Whin of Penn-1, r'ves were lost ~.Mr.- .Seint,hgent of the At.- , inole Chief:.- -1.. •j • .tj: • ; • ~ • sylyania an d Constitution of, the luittill I essory Transit- Cu. ,l tendttred a* free passltge ...,-The New Or i lea j ns nuactin'Nlys thtitlo. .States, by maintaining inviolafe -the "trial. I,yj ! iv the : Protilethenti ,to isit• who Wi`Ahi•dto , Dent remark contenting Mr. Pettit (tliiit Jury anal the`'.writ of liabelts-korptts—ti the . ' Jaye. A.li•sr. liceented the _ is t ier. TlWCvitne t , : : • * - ' ' . • • I , 1 . the hitter- was'"a hgritat liar ittidia dirty do g 'l),. as.sertion of the due rights of:the States of the • tins tor Hoskin ,on the h.-- - M • . ale aes , 1. /. - J F .is a coarse one, and has nothing to redeem it, _North as welfas of the South, : and: to •the int k'isheits, ourconiniereiall'Merehatit ho inc.:-;---, .: . r except its truth! I ' . . i tegrity . :of the Union;• never 'o nitielsetidttn. Officers Mid ereSr all well.• • k + T - —the NS. ashinuton Comuuniwealth Icarus geredaS when a wanton wrong is inflicted-J- 1 I . The 11. NI: B. tieli . ,,,,,n t cr i Berniuda;,, and j -c 1 steamer - c,...,frA,lllPhiladelplii4 that Gus (+we Bigler i t' ' ' . to_tbese prin c iples the_Wiiig par6;•• - of Ppm; I Wtirst--Indlait.so,'S Ma il ~ Dee, .z Brit- I 1 )f . plied for.admissiOn into the societ y- 01 M 1 (4: sylranhs and its candidates are solemnly pled!! Sh merchant mai:, were slitnesses of the seem! 1 - Nothiegs,,lnit was rejected. j The greatest; re-: ged..: On thit4 - strong ground they are content I .wing in the barber at the time.. - . . _ i. (.., - • •J -, 1 ,-.- jection, however,lis yet to etd:sise I ' ..• to stand, and to the support of tilese • prinel. i ! 'Gres. res. tow n consisted 4.4.abont-eiUtity hems.. —Ohio his two colleges for W-0111C11, Ober. - ple.stive invite the co-uperation of eyery free- 1 .s.: nearly all of then) bstilt lof.woOd, and! by ••.; - ~,.. t _ ; lin and, Antioch:l 'llierels oide-, at Westinin- to* in Pennsylrania.* • lf II ; • 1 i ar we • rrOttVi proportio}vo _Atm eons_rtut_• : , s• r, Law ream. tioulity, .Pa.; i iiiiil- there' are 'te • - ' The Cmgress_of the United. States, soon 1 d in. the United States i•anil taken there • On. 1- tw•o - 'reinale NlOieal 'CialieWesj in ; Philadel.. about to'di j .SFirse-and the administration of ! Isi bi ard "'0 ' of tUlie----Lyon's Itotel— , p ) . „ ne ; plea, one in -.. eel 7i ork, and one in Boston. •j. • the general government litire, in the passage j cost $15,000. ;Not itioie than one-foUrth of it J • The editor -Of the Butli4.4epublie •says of the Nebraska lull (the only metis j ure of the ( thehonses in the neW part; of the town,Whlch 41- that he ltifely.sairc at the oftWelof the United., pree llll, - sea-ion,) and•Aeir Crirniiial neglect j has - been 'bOilt i i .5.n..tek.54), Were Occupied ; but 'St aii:;•s Exert-s 0)111pany. ti • ce-t- l i mi t t.,,i n i e . , ,,'4 le the groat int re-=ts of the nation ; :and es - pecl- I were . deserted frOin, Int4ine l s. s• consideratiOns i- - . is :1,1:- IL-, le.4..ais. 11:rels Barli t - ,; mye lit (• 1, II nil of PelllllV:loiiii: ' iitil(l Allis siegle.issitit, tjoine,tinie previ - 'to 'to tpis auitllr. -JAW .1)0•)- 1 T ,: ill !14,7::1:,,.7n Wiiii!,7l 110:7,1 . 4A . all jt.i•ed., o f f reig i it .,, ;,..ntl; on ii. 1; 1 .1 111{.. wi.!! ot tliOTeopie Shall 1..i1!- ,ltiatit,tt 4.01" o-town ,eonstr4to,ot zdiout oOti IC • w ,.: a-.i-,,,n.id 4...i.1.-..:(.7 . m -It' cae. trut h - Sant 5t.,,1 t':(l ,- V (. .- it: W :ire . .!I')f,Cnt to r lll6't UK'S/I,: It' l;') tWr,:&011-; alt.S.Yget.b4.l; Ofd il'lllleh Ili/tuber . 411 . n . , ,-.. Nitirie. and is ilek,itted toAVilliesbarr,•, Pa. !J Ilia . :01 i-Si/..7'tlUit W.: hniVe ii!a.lo.. It . i.,. ft.weed t svo t lre Wero trolls the It:tinted State_,.- :;bout • ,_ . ----A nteng th 4 passengers 11-4- the s t- eame rlJ.tipou us.-tind weineet it ettintly.alia resolute- . twenty.tive were Engli4inien, and tsrelVtL', ;. 7 , ~. ... , il 1 . 4 1 i 1: l'illltilln were twelvenuns ,sroin•italY, nine;i iy- :, • - • . • -: . • • ,.! ..Frenchrnoti and lien - stank .IThe remainder of I _ . J J- I ! belonging - to tiiii order of .4suits :ma three;' . we arrnig-n the Nationta ..•larnipi,trafic,t, j the poptilation.were•Jiiinah:.a.negroeS and na- '' jto • that of the. ISaered Heart; . They haye4 tiidedand abetts‘d.by the present State Ex,ll , j fives. The .Atnericatia,iEtneish, French- and j 1 ' 1. been taken carp •of at the,lManhattativille eutive- , --tbr in opiniOn and.tiction they are in- I Dutch were engaged in hetet keeping ,arlill - • • Ntumery, near. Ne.W.York...l, ; . „-- 7 : I dentified--,betbre the people of Pentisylrat+ r: 1 trade. '.;r : : . - . 1 - - . -- 1 —Tilt., Deanot:ratie" • Union!, dhoolle,s - . the ~ ;.,,IV. holdthetn.reSponsible for the.reviral. yfj ' The . !looses occupii.4 hr file. nitiies .and . Itiut'r beer bill jai "ailr•urd. ;And. ridiculous," I; ,ection - al. agitati ng. .They hare. by the abrof tiegriiis Were . prilicipall4.fratilelAuiMings.illi „. , 101 ,1 i , i o s ( a ( it, lA. tit c,a5i...... . . • - • J.:u7d ,e•deulated jto :injure ..rat'he': . r than b e n e fit jj4,,,estion of the Nlissanrillint...lir whiff -b . 1 41 'Jr )f - cf tlet 1- I • 0 . 1 : - E t 1--ts • : •- " the temperanee katuse. .11 ,it 114 "absurd and;,of ti certain parallel of latitiae,. slavery 55 - 'l' ',l'. -- "Whnle tilt Cyline wasl-eittinsatadinf„a . note' . •- ridicitous,"••yri,i..lii Gov_ Bilder sign bills of ibrever prohibited, aron,,ed a spirit of rests.... !was reiteived by Caintliollins from the,Capl a. similar tli t iyavitr for Chester county; nedll : tatice to aggreSsion whieh it •may be ditlieult taut of ,the British sehtltimer Bermuda: statinu I . ol' one town ;wit', four townships in Tic-graj: to appease. Tile r . have cla n:' tills isnitoi4,. i tliat lie -a !regretted that be had i - lot a British county ? . i t..-. i , , , ~ 0 I 11.. and on thefts -rests. the re.spousibility. - We :is - set of war there or 'the slize of the .c Cavane; . -.The Stiii FranciscanS arti ffirtifyinu theirrikfrOct sipon our frieeds throntffiont the Sta,:j t e l ! --lie 'Would eompel ].iii tO desist ..'Captain J..- , r; _ . ,! . . 0 • . -' , . Illollins. / irs reldr W = •14gretteil that t , • . .. ~..0 • -.--,- II kittiettia 4-7±lllPaireti4o,, •,e - suc h" .• , lialiblibi• - eNienSes, sprvices :and, tint: petaled, :as mat ye flireefed by the court; o`exceeding twenty dollart.4toj be taxedtaxed ans . **l - as 'a:part of The :Costijit I*cat#, su,., owazi,ce to ,b 6 oidineive.laf corpfieneatlat t:co e ch. prosecutor as a l i witile4s — iOlder::e4.isti I; ws . : iPrOvided, iThat each all4wanee she t of be ;Made . in more one Than ease' ' ''•et th zi e term to one•tograon.- :` • -.3, '..1 1' •-i '-.SEc . ::% That rib diction shall . ientaintaine • o r recovery barilniaay. care ilk: 'he value 0 . quors;sold in_NiOlatien- el thilf. ! . .or 'anY i. other I et.; and .defend in:lSr be taken lin a m ease (railisf; such '-icrcooterv' - ivitholout,hkda.' plea Or' otiee.' ' . --.'" l'i. `,.; ' •''i ! .- !. _ • 1 I , ' Sc e: Ei. l : 4 That -. it. r shal t .he .'l4.*ful [for - the ~ eitrtscif. , , quarter' 13:eSsions to, keieoke••-uny. ': l'i 1- - , i•ences : t (ley may ntivp, granted i for the sale-of iquorti, :whenever Pie. party . hollding a license •Sliall be provcd-tiAliavt :-',•vielnied.any law,- of bis Ont r intOttweahhi, relating- to:: the sale of iqulrs ' or 'whenever - the •prettilses. !of. such Tarty shall beCome the_ resort:of idle a4d - . diii. • irderly persons sui,4 to:',disto - thei general. )eace, el fli6'neiglobotheod,'iipcv notice given .to the per:-.? - ofia lieensi.d... ' ~V.!.. ifetps 1 , Y (11 112 ttOr- Vi . ,A lit , ~ _ city. • The delettee_4will consist of •twi, line.si of Batteries.. The stone fur theJ walls is gran-; ; ) RC. brought from . I ,4ontereYla)id Puerta,del los 1 ey hus. l& is thouolit the- ivork, of forti fyingt 1 • the port. and city will Ost . two millioits.! • • l• at, least.. . . i . _ .I°4 - I * - —Col,unel Genrge:Wathingtnn, furnierly a! Itßepresentative in crigresg*: *Om Maryland, died. in Georgetown, D. C. *here he has re-: t id, sided for Stt 17 e i a I ' - curs, oil Monday, July; 'li - 17th, in the--65fh year . of hi 4 tige.:. The de-i tyi ceased t was . a relative of Gi:he.ral 'Wti-4hing-1 4 . 1 ' tun -.and a - tnanh:gitly•esteehted for his eleJ I vats l• d' f character,ipublie spirit, in social - and • 1 • I wmprous qualities. I • • • - . • . . - .---The Southern (MissisipPi) Journal give AL a description - of • a . barbecue - `'given by ;1111. . t • iv Striekland thel agent • -ind bV•nrseer of the, . , , .7 -4 (i-- plantation efidie I.on. S:A.4l.i.otiglas ' oft-thn t:i Pearl nivef-.....,The r e are 140 itdult slaves.pti f the plantatioh,,behinging to itni Sumter frUni lihnoiS and about - 40 littledhrkies greeted the eyes . of " the editor, rollhig about "on the old cabin flooni." ;- Jn54.1411.1V, 11fincr,JH;, - .ef the W4esbarrc Ittieord of the! Wimes, has sold ty out hiS interest,: tb:his assoeintO, Afi f wito will !icrcalter conduCt.thu 1 f• Joseph returns to a fartnitizilife, his health L. requiring a clnlge, - We wish both the:couS-- - all suceess.i': They are. both- good-fellowS • and their,-papo ';!- • • • —,_,Joseph Ibi s tilregton, candidate 'for .Judgf the Supreme Court-of Pennsyl.- . . . . , a . s vania,-on . the, Whig tieket,--h. been recotn- Mended .to the= Governor; by' the United voice of the-Bar in the.tancaster district, for PreS-' .:- Alit Judgc of-, that,districti , and it is nudely d stood that Ie will- accept, if: electc.d. • The iy j President vappOinted, _hint -Piief Justice .if ••, u Utah, tmi he declined the orfine.•• i _I 1i I- —Lk . the geliate i . july - 1p.o!„ Mr.' Pettit, I I.,froin .thneoin'tnittee:to.whOni were referred' ti s he I the . iketitiolis for the repeal of :the Fugitii-ii n I Slave laW' ref,xirteAregainst, the policy of - sin •i- doing, and .the coininittee. wai:discharged. G What different report eouldibe - expected front ici-1 -the man - who 3n Senatorial debate dared to pl:I`, denonneelhe great truth of.. tb'q. PechiratiOtt Itif of • Independence, - "that. 'alf : nien • are created ir, free . and . egivil,". as "a selflei.ident lie?"' jt - - must be only in a - Spirit.of nnickery that such petitions . nre referred . to:.'smili inen , - -. • —4t is elaioed !Altai gold has been- discOv , ei-sain--12khlatid ('..iiiity, Ohio:. The - quanti- I. ties taken out are. small, lbat two persons gathered 'near i ßelleVille Cr:4in One day.. New, "I placers. are heing . . discovered everrilay - ..---: The ore is..trd.xed.with. fine' Week sand, frOm ).- which - it is sipiirated..hy ti 3 Oeking, in . erifd - e i... as' in' ( - ..altfurilia. ~....Iluch(94.iiiiiciit is Said !to n i* .i;re v;;;'; . ;;I f t ii4i iii.ilifilgirhOul).Of tiic "dimritik." at; I ti:l%. .I - - ilidiontl one riunkired men engziged, is; in diggig 4 eti,.., ,hii,in g •p w rtio,s, while o ii.. , !.x- ers are.:4.oll;4initV prospe4ing" the hills laid sire:tins. ! -.- 1.. 1_ ~,-.. '.. . . ' = Some itinnan calliollis„%,under the . con trol of ...theP.refect ofl Laillaute, Viennain. Fratiee, haviiig .recently 4en converted and _changed theincreed;-were.ti l lit;iteut,froin*ir pliiees.of - witship' by , a deer . ce of the Prefect closing ~.thetii.. - But . with. inextingnialuthle hive of fr4doin,.vi' i liich religious pe.rsecution _engenders, iii lTrencli pebri , le have - reSol4. 4 ed to meet tqketl . ier;.fOr 'worship in,the Wild ;re ,cceses: or the.lwOl4., anitniinintains,:as-neither . the civil : nor the religious anthorities will p ir, of ; -Mit thent . toiyfOrsbip . in . iini 4onan - .c.if - their in oWn. ;. I . --.r -. . i ;, • - - , , tlll il ia- 'e t 1 ' of lot MEE . , m. every minty .ano Lownstup,•Lo, and; -waiving all minor ,ilitr:renees, to . cle i ct such a legislature.and representation in Con-- gress 'at will give a decisive rebuke to those, who have anew involved us in agitation.: Sliorildsnch arepre:entatioubesecnred, and. Pollock be elected, (as' we _doubt iiOt he ►cill be,) to the Chief Magistracy of. "tie ::State, we may Eva forward to the time when Pciir.Syllvania,her interestA" and cherished_ ceo imtnieal pOlicy,_will be no longer sacriticed.Or il•n4tponed; or made dependant on Abc,a wra-,-, tions - men alien teller in heart,l*-fetlinEr,, wheil,' -- - improvement -- - improvecit Of, her navigable i istieatnt and defence of her harbops and* pro-. teetiOn,of her industrial resources will be kw longer ,denied, 'and when. at no very remote peried,lt6 administration of the general gOv ,ernment will be intrusted to those who,frovii ing down all useless agitation, will- maintain the suliremacy of the law, the integrity of the Union,l,ktukhe • true_ interests and,. honor .;- I natioo. That.period is elose,at hand: Therammittee do not pause to. refer i. . . . detail ,to questions of local interest -now :b1 foi.e,the.people of Pennsylvania,-to exectitivi :and Jeliislatiace refotin.—the sale of the pulifie li ustrated w,c by.: imperfect legis latiou land cxe - ctitt i vt. indisposition,--the trenclimiint of expOses, and the ultitnatp tinguisiment of the public debt,, a grieVnii burthen with its incidental taxation on n th - energ 4!..3 of the-people: They Are well uncle stood nint appretiqed: national govertt meat, ;with its overflowing treasury, is noll• Inisy robbing the people of Penttsytyania Lby wasting.the publindianain, and is content li) leave tis.tmaided to bear the burthen of debt and taxation. This, too, the . tax , payerS4 Pennsylvania will do well tct.thiiik - 01.. Tihi means of redress are in their hands:. - i ;. . ~ At the next .State election, 1 coineidently_ with the choice 'of public . officer's, the people, sylv of Pennania' will be called- nn to decide a , gnestitin of vast niOral influence and intere+ On that .tiution, affecting . every home ttral ;fireside, the..COmmittee are ca r ed on. tt:t say no more than it, .tO3; has beenforced : on' the 1 people by the abuSe and ,prostitution of eti r ting laws and, systems by . 4ieli for years - te -- 1 enue has been : derived from crime and reisp : 1 ry - , from the tearS 'of the wiveS'and 'eltildrrit. of the jattd, and the desolath nof the homes ind'ustr'y---and Ihy a'7progr ss of demorali.... zation which has at last - sta fled the: pfibt e i . Mind.: and aroused it to the teees. shy' of 6 = ~, . • , trerne remedies.: Laws, palli ttiVe . at•leart , r thiS aril, and desi , ed to••sta . this pro,gr s of eritne, are at tl is moment in the hands ' f the eeeutive., -- and will not ree ivellis" 40 ..7. v;it.: I.The question is !tow fintllyhefore , t 1 !! e . 9 4 1e,_ and the , Ni‘l !tip:, eat ( lid 4 !'i . 4)i .. g9N,41.'m r hits ftankly ,-;I - ; I Hitto. ti,i,ii.'det,i,i,il t tli. ). tkirfrepry;ioltAti es h = will niladly .give. ' tl .- feet.. 1 ' .. - I 1 ' 1:. 1 To one ,other Matter Only de the _enninuit tee.thinic-it,"right to :allude;_ oSpetti 4,10 r relation te :the a )proaehing ele4lon forthet 1- herS "of theW I tore., Itlis 'pne Of .vaist J u.-_ 1 1 tress as eottneete with the intiral. and 'int I leetual training o . the .ehildren of the land .. tiho,F, *it thiseneration etiniett shall' 4 .6 li Passed 'away; !ill sareed . to pu4li..and imici. ftl 4aik . The ii:k vor4 of the Om - ninon geh ,ol Flifll is, suppos ;to - be: in danger... That Sn Id ihitt is, the , tegato . of the,coutribittioni of 111 the eitiiene;ttudw‘hieh.hy . itii- aggnati ri etre*" its chieS iood; , ,is...tbreatenq4 by t *Oa; wioerdplo.Bo).le F ite** b:i; ill‘, de: ‘,7 ii . "74 - 4rituntdElirdico - Fun . _So let it alwayS be, imd.rtpresenting e - do, tlisf park iin 'the ICeintnowerealth .whith*veihas * sympathy 'with such , tad has,pitser coMiterianced tbein, we iwa v9pOirof the State 'of the :"..danger . ,. andicalf i them to'an tint: • ted iid:resblute effiirt to ave i rt - conclusion, the. Cdininittee - urge" their fell, w citizens, who unite with them on these fire t questions of public policy, to organise at r .syste4ii and, energy in ever toy nship of the State.. Agiiinst .us are..ar rhyefl the 'power and patronage of the: tivo Ad II i4iistrations, direeted - iil eine of itsdepatti iiie 11 ts, that of the Post ofrice; -: by ittilFvid le se,rupulowk - theiruse; But peiteiund. never ret have piMriiiied over th', nest sentiments Of IN.4.pedpliikf Peinnsylsa , and:warning frie*do o f d an g ers , an d the neeo.ssity of exertich4 va.look f o rw a r the result With !sure confidenetw, -• A. G.euRTIN -- , Jons Soeretriry. tollins..irt reply- to. t4. t tiOte, •retgyettet. .da. Capt. dolly had: not Iw9. just .sneh, as. he be ! lieved that the United States, could: get pos !ession of them on. thelsamo terms,as Alley !,got the Lynne.' • There iWas pod 401 of. 'larix.ious looking for thei British . mail Steamer Dee; then hourly expected, and reMarks were made .thatswhen she atiliVed hostilitips would. immediately he Susperidell. Just as'the foul) Was to be tired the, expkted mail steamer much_totlie I surprisel of alllthe Eugl ishinenohe woiie Of pillaging and setting lire to. the toveji went Oward. When•it was. all 'over, .the, British' swim - ter kir some other port., lnivag the Bermudas' in tow. • ; li .. • . The burning and? pillaging party were .on 11 . shore nearly half tl4 day; and,palssed i the ij tune iii great 4 1 41 any of them were- siy • Much intoxicated thati )t--:.teas not an easy' job to'get thein - on board agaifi. 'l • • - FOREIGN NEWS. The I% S. S teamship. Pocifie,. Oipt:.. Nye, -1 ' New 'York on frorn Liverpbol,` Non day lastre2Ath. , . . Cotton and Ineacist - ihfs I had _further. deciin, ed. ' • - • • • 1 There has heen do liigiiiing'of any, inifiort - 7 , . • " -"' -; Austria is Strongly suspected fof thia game of Olthough the: latter, ex presse,s great. liudiguatioti at. Ole nterferetice of Austria. ' . . The" Austri ens have net entered Wallachia, nor will. ...they enter.the !Principalities unless 'the Russians evactiatelthent; but the Russians have not evaenat ed th..neirthern . part of Wal lachia, and' ave not even left Bucharest '.As to Moldavia, i :tbeY declare that. they will-in: no vase give up: the into * - .lf . the. s iereth. ._The fleets have _not dope 4 u thin g .except the ex change ota . few: I..iliet.i: before Sevestopol- and in the-Baltic. i A few! .batteries•have:bcen si. leneed .:it. Butuersuiidx on. the Aland isles,. but' . he fortress that protects -thent. is .still in., the lands of the Czar: n (-the:repulse._ .of the• arkish forces btfor ItT A iurgheti f .ip . - a, ,the luSsians. lost more Ni l o .the' Turks, - w co . re inainea after the atilt,'r in their .previous.,sposi tion. - The losses . of lte Russians before silis tria are put. down at 41,000, but this is Prob-. :ably an exaggeration!. . 1; _ . . ''. Y , • The - ,4eurnot A.R..rtkia.a e'er' r'espeiride si t [Vit. ciipil contains,thefOlciwing:....`‘QUrthe 81.11; u r ger a long struggle4heTyrit - s.: got.poise'ishi4 Ot 'the , ishpifl6 of :Nrollan alai Qincikti,and.Sub.. • segnentlY•Of Orinigevto l. I Ike, Ritista,4•• were totallydefel+d'Optlie W, allitehialiterriterir.7',. Telegraphic dcSia4clies..frota'Dtitifzic state . that Adtoiritl . Xlipi.ei;-: 11i returned with . the. 4, t fleet to the :Baru §Oliti ,-... The cholera ~. -as k - giilg at:crenstatli4ind : tlfe Adinifal Was . ak wftlit* tO keep:ll* theniiiititioowily . iiil e . fieighhothooa,. , , 1 - . - 1 1 i: :..-: ~... s . : ;rho - hisureeetl66.i f Greece may;. be said. to Ike ,brought to, tin 'etf , Acts. Of,picaey,ffro lie"- corniog i iiss Tree' tienti.itt. the . -4it hip- An e .S. t. Veterburg...on c h 4 lea prevails !Ithe. lat . oflgly t4erei ware ' 4 09.1Vi65." . .... " • lii the Italian. stati..the: aittliiiiifies arc. Lip.. preheusiye - 91 iliOr,rtOqria4 . .oo t tireitki;-:;-• hi Spifin,' the ititlrgeiits are marching : too , viallfs . Estreinighiriforid a ecilnrint,:cOmmatia ed„ by 2 t . lte. Minister .of ; Wari : is in, putfoit; of them. , Utdrid . au d the PrtiYl4e.e4. are: trans. Atuit ..tialawf,i* said ',.'10, hikyipeel4retrht . ; fa vor.of the iriwree49 . l);2. -_ . ~..'-',-....,..:,,-,. The likii#l.l., - ..gotnilig *.i.44 -- . states :thiit - " I arrived, from Washington on his way to Mad: rid, - -empiwered to offer fur the purchase o f. Kossuth has been ':making some pOwerfi t i speechei in' Scot] and, on the true policy of the western powers in the xresent, THLr WHIG ADDRESS .. As. we : tnight. perhaps be susp eeto of eoin=. sf l ;rne.lyhig . gi . sh praising eharaetvr of the . addr'esi of the Whig State Committee, We." will ilve,:ourreaders the ben e a of lhe,c;4 . tiniens. -of the ni,Pg Register, an . nutepen4at per of niuc}t ability turd influence That iape= This:document may be. found •in another: ' 1 -colunni.i • l.tS' short.land . Speaks. „pithily 'anrc ' I to' tlfepeirif: - • Addi.eaSed•tO 'all the. opponents.,' of the` National and State A.dministiatioas ; it ereets'a 4llatforrn. on whichit is- . thoueit An,' ti- Nebraska- men, 'temperance. men and - Na. -e-'' Americans -illay, 'starid..lnkibralily lid' vrithout jostling. Ile Whig - ;party; - and. - its. .. .. • eandidates,,are•stiletrmly pledged to (loc.- ' • tikf t es of the aet, - .of 111§0; - Which freedthe State from .•;thivery;and . Of -the. ordinance..sof '787 •,.._'‘ .mitcl iflade. slavery illegal.in the .Northwest-, • ertlTerrit4 y ;,. tis the, repeal .of the .pro-sla-, i - yery -- Orti(:.int of, the Neliraska::Billob . the . nialutenanc ii . .every case of the Constitution:, al rights o; . .4o as corpus" and trial.' by j ury this•We interPret trimtr!•Fiee Soil. -.who.. • ever the Federal ... o.' ‘ - erntxe.nt, - ';haS jurisdie..• I ,tion, -and the ; repeal .oN„,the , Fugitiye'Sla,re. • 'Act. .. - -;, • "- --•- • : •% - .... ' - , .•, Thu - 4 does the Whig, .party,ol. Penasyitl. ifia clear its skirts'Of the. ltalifid compromise Oil 8 - 56 ; 'unit rnoge itself abt•pas..tith,the re-- ptibtivans - of. Ohio; Ifaliatfa.; • Mielfigait, •Ver,.. -' mont, 'Owe ; Wiscottein, arid Wife: iThe:tru, - • eSt'ifarCof the dot:qui:lent is:that: wilii.:lf.sliad.: ows forth the ' trowillifigness - with whiii k t h e , Whigs - .4ccept the . agitation . .Iyrod.:up9il the • country by the Adialtilstratioll. . It mustgive, taffy - a:terrible pttng to the Whig leriders try: - pi lnounee the separation betWeen,thelyiselyei . ,and their . slavellUtding allies. 'We can well; .p a them someL,regrets: - But - the sfavei. itit;Cre,s( is slepligs,..ir.lefatigahl-e, utisenit A t.•• . lou4.tiasl'renfOrst less. Its.eii - stence depend's _ on colltinu.ed encro'achmen't .6liveit li - ansao. 1 and:lt longs for piha hati4 'Nebraska ,te it, - j for a ..iivey and it . ftsf - s - for• -Africa. •We ait -- l • • ['pleased . to_ see :that ' Anti -Nebraska melt: . throughout the State are encouraged to waive all minor differences and join in 'Owing a. ' proper Legislature..! -. .- ....... • , .- • - The' tliends or a Proi I tibithry Liquor Lau. , ~„, . receive.the ff , :i. , nrancel.frat. NY Illir.pallN - .erol , ?t- ' , ses'tlie:propiise...lllitilk, by .tiiiigc..Ptilfueli- 7 -th sanction a Prohibitors-; bre; :which fluty be. pa a s: , Cil• at the nest ;,- - (..5, -, losi. of i the Legislature- . . -..,11e roalliwrapee -,61; 04.-. integrity of ,t 4.., - C'onitr4esclko4il - Wand.*is-rnaSie il p;11:i . Or tila -- igatform i ...• .' . -.- . • .; . .... ' .• • In - -a zsho'r.t adtlicis touching litany_-tiestioil§ . sotorptpres.34)p.svague in .their generalit,: - . are almost unavoidable... We notice - 4 fete of these in :the. ,document . before uS•.-. Mit . a, Whole we must • pronounce. it deehlet.llrtie, best -ftflittc;•;:, - .: which has ever - beeli isiiietl;kl• . the AV liig party . of PetittsyhFatlia. ••• -• : ; ' . . . , „ . ~.. - I . . . -=•—,I....ATII(iILiC .I'S,FLUTICCE' . PREtOMMAICT.-!- 1 7.11iC' , ; -reason Why the Wriet Attorntysip . fiir Ille -_- S:O6 fhr.yra I)ist riet ,i,f 'New 17(44, - . •.was•,refi , Lsed • to AVestb . n.l4.k, .affer 11(....Thad it by rot in:,, for the Nebr.:Ain' W.!, was that another . more p9tenf ehtimant deniatideti it•-•-irnf.S.. : lll:tt• : Pr'•:4do.rit PiereL-:4Nrst-• rif..,t.. refu-e. •-. The - Was•hin4on c..'i'rre.4lontlictit - of th•:......N. - e.ro' .1 - -W- • t. , 1 4i 4'.ipress' expaupi r.. , matter tuni•• . -: ~ " The ar. pin t un•nt .of J.1.10:e . 0n,' a. (tau), ' ii 4-, WAKasaile . ehiefl- ill-, thi . fitirp(r-::e tif 6in-, ',,, k.itiati rr the,..for:l,l - 4n vop,?.. for fliture slner4en,-, t . tiv.;•,.. le A Me . riez.lari v i from:l:rest-1.1( i- ! .. , 4:liefllion,s, wilt Le, t0...m4,14 with. unrelntinft hp,',tility lir tiiii Aduijai.Aht.titpa:- - It will . t • . ' -- 1 -• I t its i' ,. :(7 1 ("1- . ' I- d •'.. 1 a ev.4:r 4urg.ive .. I 1,.. :a ..) ~- . It) s:, tjtj,. l in :11iieli v and. Pinlatlelphia. •.. - - .. .• , , e who have , ite.ret )t ,) re tt fit. DcMA)era uiitiesac tie" iittd ttio I)(lthodr4tie jut-t - the (.4. , urse "the". rpreH'llta• itriten t A cor . rer:ou'ilepi`t!fatie" Fays: : 1 " • becit a tithe - withio the nt e.t . a rt: I i .when - such. a g,einerii J,olitic l; disgtist has ureNiaded the k..,oluttry Asitt -presentEveninfr. sere tiles ; pray. search ,thern.• and -di-iCo•, - ,7r )er trii•V 'former period . ..this'•,kinki p(d4iF , al •nansiit baS , ht ;ivy line. ~liti pOiticat siCkncs:i ,is• be coming rapidly Oitlemic, cannot be traced - I(Y_ ',V•4ILr or ,dcmocratic•.-cletnents.its such.- -In, fart, mere ativenturcri4 ; o ice hull se4.ers, • are - singtilarly • exenilit from it. 'Meanwhile it• . spreadsTthe...• rtitt.".ti•of the- peOple witlt mitt infection; . _ KNow-.NorinGs.t-,—The prOiablp origin of t4is - party - is t.llita - theorited upon in the . tersburg .(Va.) . }?pre,4s.:•- : "Po not these gen.. tleMen date simply 113 - o n. flies:appearance el • "Bleak Pouse,"..and isnotoell :Of Aim; tory their. great j fotinder and - prophet ? will. be, remembered that Joe was.al ways . 'a movin on;" lOW ther-Knoff,Notlings - eindoulte -„ Idly hare been - doinfitfis for aorite. time pit Then Joe NVAs it uysteriou4.. and obscure in = dividual, of unktioWn oritim•. and -undiscvVer: • ed . pidee - the•=seeonti point of sot - Mave is p1ain..... - LastlY, the only : reply, could ever lie . extracted - tscan Jae; was ■ dolOrous . repetition,9f phrase; 9 don't know - nothink; r thereiathe eonelusive . . f* -- I — The'llidinitS . Of Texas nre actin givipg v 'e ry.. seri onstrfiSitle •-to the . Teian frontier •:80.- - - tlenlen'ts.,lt •Is:4tqtedin the lnitneemmtstkii . Wild' Cat,* the: noted Seminole. Chief, is !t to spienonsehitraeter in this . 'outbreak, and deayoting to OrAranize.a . gcnernLivw! against .the.'whites, in which.oll• the Texan - tribes sh,e • unite.' iiiitnt~ bperitiOns are ..going •.g. • brisk,iy in_that region milder the. direction 01.:,• Gen4ral Sinitli;;and the National adrninistrs. tion has directed the calling in of rtingeL•s to: 'Aid' the opciations. quiet' inns - for to `tithe; but no peace "Ciln be Yerfti4netit until they are properly rrovidell I We. try all .princes mid secular Powers bl t ieir relations to t te spiritual- or4i, andeare nOr a.. fig for nay of them further thanlhey serve it.. The titurchia'all in all to us, and she is to us ottli' through the sovereign po tiff. Oar Lord founded his ChurelkoaPetell and iver'are snlyrnissiie'tO'her only us we•sxe submissivole Peter in - the_ person at st ?!..k.asOs. The sorere . ignPontilis*de r the founmist of old' at4th s - ority" 'we respect 00 : A . , TutIATT wan tr:eaty, tw ring vii ; tlld Unitvd States- and .Russia, s the -neutrality .of the hitter `in-.the Elston question, and _ ackittiwledging the :.prineip l a 1111 . 1 t a.neutraf.tlag protects ves-4el and tit* een was ratified a Washiagton• on' Tue'sdav .la=4: . . . Cliiyidelivemd am oration at - Chieagti. - oil' the 4th at -the ok);30 ti =N hic4 thp`tktyliettee'gai-i , ..tiitte eht4e.m - tbr thp' orate' rind'three gioans'fae.erteittglte4„ • • Ta4ua. - t—So Inebotly aavirsrt'° to eit . .up with the si4 at $1 50 per :ittghq `ileliriunt tremens,' double is, estjr4ted„th4t . not less than - 10, PC4le_are.,ilQ4l-movini:towards the Terri . .1-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers