L . 34 -4if - l oft Si ~."---.--,---7,- • , i . , 6 -.,....The • poptilation of - :%Vaslungton titnated,i at 63000. • . • n ew - e 5 ' 1 ; --__Nlkke-hae 2:000 miles Of railwa:, t - n C e i„ atui.V20,0907000 invested - in ,It is stated that the ;Authorities of • -- states of clrManv are - begint riou, , . , •• , • . • b e alarlifea' at theWM:tense emigratto t. .• 1 •;', • -, k ' . ! 1 rillteu ~.., tail,- . . 1 • - • , —"Mr. P! M tiirtintri has resigned the of ;,,,e of President of the, Crystal Palace AsSo- Cirgion ille 1 0 . 4tibition will ter closed f o lly on the 31st, 4 October nest. I • - . • ,' ' _lately.. the Mammoth Cave im i , in. JOel Britt S alid his: rife and ..r.s ir. company,. Were killed. 'by ati.-e) k o o . prt.xluck.4.l4 - a • pipe in. the tni . Sirs, - flritts. --.--The Supreme court of ;Holland deeided• a laW stilt respecting the be of two o o tmotul si—atter 'a litigation'. hundredland•thirly - f,oar years / .. ---Proressof th 2 114.0f . New York .1 ;- (laced:l-016'On light of extniordinai • shy . and "pheapuesS, snitable:to the: p of a light house..l . i • _ - _:.A. telegraphil 4 ispatch to the iN; hatie from N 1( iv-11410°n ,says; -"thel p terGoka, thinkl; that.none but IN beP )'•tri ' "' - I • .Ites`•;lioltld •.(,, • nocrs • • --Thel.l3. S. Mini under - instrucilo e, the B,eotary ;of : thelTreasury, "lia,s.. ataining.:t.pute; cotinterfeit coin in eti and a motigothers, they found Mex l i ‘ f,cces worthl- 109 ents, . There; is ett.t.i w(lrth of gold lin each. . I - ,—The liard Shell democrats of ,N - ii et in Convention ht.!: Syracuse, f lit , endorsed the 'NetraL - -ka fraud; as iin .vice with the true too trine of. the - ci• of , that Stat cL, !mid \ tomi nutedlO 1 c fpronson foi. Governor, - but he decl n omintiti,on. - - ; k • , . , • -An Maine; - the Ilion. Warren II has been noinintAca as the Free-So ante til . Congress;ti l .jt. ct, to t 1 4 4;; •i , the committee_ of('(,lit'fence •of ; the: -and ",Ntorrill Democrat:4. , ; - • • 1 :. • ... • e. The Verllloilt St:ite: Tem niTlir ce Con . • • , reriti , ln witich.tnet -at . Ikloutpc..lier„ Stilv 151 th., , tecciv'ed ; cdm ruunieations front . both the - "tVl;:g'afal Petnetraticicaildidatesc, in which iliev ;fully endOrse the' 'paw iSionA of the ....T. 31alue-L1(olor-Lityr„-• _ - • \ --enat'br Dk;;litss"rif Illinois; t; of, the ,Nebratlili itlic,uity, is the -( • - a. plantai.on ;in 111.-si:ippi," on works enci.liund.retiAtild'f ,, rt v Fates reprLentative; te.lof a fret' State. • ..-; . i Lyister . jock' EN Irt4• , "S‘ ,11:11i ti , 61-awn by thel c ipe 1.. I hicaell, 7 it, t i the New - Yori' " hriho p uil. ran tint • Syracuse to Rc dit:tarce: of eiftliti7-one iniles;. in minutes', int I . riday. - Thisis the ft nir.?„ , on record, -Jrt so Brett a di-ta . - : -- 1 X imr:inchO,l3l - riot ha-i ocetirrt : rent-"..1;155.,• in " Cz eOn - seque_ , :ice of so , , 1- Ooas having IntiSed an America' ; aka:hie& i- . a cros . - A. mob - of A '' rara La, dr - o've•theqi. , - away, and' bum 41"w‘;. hugs:- .- ~ ; • • , , -The artal - ii, t "LT 10c . foreigners' in organiiing, them it:to discipline I. - I is said- ithe if.rogressing at a fe ;the contlti , .:oa is announeed•thi luLewarm Mtielt bingo''. it ....:4, .I.to m g 'our : ,- 01...• . ty.. -., a - rui;in : lis.is ' sent ittlit:s rt-:l , _ i 'tleut i.if tlie. N. )7. cry,t.iti , .t),F J‘. and this .1 , ,, J t .eri_tr,hid ai - it-i t ' . ,ha,Ctv...,-;:l; .6.,1in , illitrill)lvil.w....:_ , na24.ii., , , eX 23 i ~!..F. I'a . y . 1111 . ) , • • ....: arZ. to 1-,..51t.', - t1e , .1. u,ris not yi LT h e Y v. rill ~ .',41.. U: n i ~.)— t in v.ent I..ltily .1311tjat )1,.,.1.: 1 ., zlier.,tuid•- 'p. E. I'. W:ilf , ):1- fur -Govertt(cr, tile re- , :dlit'l,. l .:* a.. - 4.;allie'd for, ttc.. naLe of I It:. .1';'...., , , - Athlicatt• party. '! Di1tn0 . ....rat . ,..e . and tinperanee C4)trs' :itill , d the noi.iinz'Al , 4l 01' tin; I.:Ilion k..t , . '! • JL'ilie , S . l:o* .I..)entoeraev in i Eistrlet . -112.. yil. i.ll..nourteed Sir. 1 .- "1 . i put 1.1,,pr0-,,,..11int.i‘1e for his oi to.T+e - ...'. of.. 111t.:..1‘11i.i - ouri (..',Oin' he Pi key I ski. ' ( 11 / 4 74 - hig) F. i- 1 - alie hill - 111.e eatidiclate of allot ~ 111',Celiri.-,lca sl:r,4l'.:e and nobly , us' -. 'Kiiriess ° l . l' is& a&« - ', 1 —We ,utidor:,tand that the •tv lieepers 41:.ack" . :Y l ville.. have' volun Oope(.1 the. I i qu9r t ruffle. . One A!. , nok keptai a l'outperarie 110, 1,)Iir: Av.f Loiit - 4,' is entirely " el 6 1 '' i • ' 1 says Vlore i-u*a t v virtue in t le sk We w0n . 0(..t. svh t .lit father ilunt 'atiout . tf. , ' ' I ' ble Gs j l ,1 OFFICE,' ATIIENS. p . I . IADFCIRD COUNTY.; PA. ', : 'CAPITAL; 1t200,000 • -.. _, • . ..; •:: • - L . &cured byhopd and . .Ilor i tga& Hon the real Estate ---- . . of the Sto4hoZders. ~. • , ~ .F - 4' - *The. Anirreriary Exeren es of Susq a:. t Insures r..galnstlOß; be Fire, -Of, llonscis, Stores; an, A A c i t( t e , rn v. . : ' 1 , 1 611 I ttt k e . I ,l ace s : f o i ows : : .4 nn i_ other buildings, Goods, ,Ware.s, and -31eTchandise,,tal . versary• addre.s;:si• by 11.. H.-Jess p, on Thers- . prempth , adjusted and p a i l . ; , . . clay serenink•r ! ! .1,:ilv ! - 20. • Yduki Rientleinen's. - Dinreivits.—Flon:TlOraea Wllliitton, tlifns: Fit:-. ' • ! •-- I .-. , .• - . ; . . ,- , , -„tl.liibaion, en 1 1;' may eyening J. ly 2t. 1 . Ex- cis Trier. do.: George A. P,erkan - s do. : J T, D. Beyer, . frci.tes each eY6iing to coinme ea preiisely 1 Shipmw dei. ; CZE, Welles. Jr: dt 8 _o'clock: !! ' ' • ! '.l 1 Ca::tield do.:; flon..lohO,tapoete,' Tow da; .Gen. B. • ~ • / . ... . I 'Wakel:lan ! LacerviilekfGe l p.l4. liollen3ack, Wilk'ft.- •. ' - 4, -----4- ,I . , !. I Barre ; Alieltiel Bey/64, Laporte, Pa.. . ;. - Iti.krii.altniral Soci ty. 1 -- • . 4- i• ... fi FEICERS. 7 ;44isatt: HOTAC'WOLD:tOII., resident ; C.' 1 1 '-:, Pres and Tteas.:;. J - B. Canfield, _ ~,, A , regular ,76. tin g. of the Stquehauntii ... Wel l ß; jr -: ,T . ', Setretary, ~ ,_;i i ' r„ - • 1 ; ‘v l i d ! .. , County.,Agrienitiur;il Soeict - ivili . be held-. at' ..., . .agent, ...,,.; .0.. vATLO27.D, , . y using, •a. the. Courty.4oli4• on - Tue*lday. Cuing, Aug ( - : : ' ,/ ' ! , ! 22, IS:s4,,_heiti(T . ' the fir , V'wee of August !,Court. ,- :i., !I * ! WAI. ~)! ' up,-see. -; N'OTICEs. I Notice. The cotter, gone of the Co it be laid On: MOUdnv rtext. at 2 It that: the tion.i and tlid. BOl:!:!Wn,,•josstip ie .andispe.A. ott the occasion. .0 Iv are' iutited to attend. taad will Vein attendamle VIN: IL LIM FLUNK; 14.A.RWIED _LMaY 22 , Is" 4, />y Rev. Mr. knpArrarovn t ,tilradfuni 7er W. Stevens; of Steveriiivt:l( Fir E. Itirrhari of the forrrin. p ADyE RTISE,II.I - WOOL CASH paitl. for WOOL at N.) 131:1y 154 1854.1. CLERK wAptir Anaive tind Intelligent young ei4eati or eighteen years of a a g in store. To one disposed to mai fallftre thft buiirwss, and 'rail ricer coarsgemea t vii,t 13s even, and if !ace Will 4 t,e I) . „l t . rred.. New Milford, July, , DISSOLUTION' rrHE copartnership lieretofore _/. ~name and firm of Newo.llA B re Blind .and Doci t r •lii`i.siness. is this (1 1 sent and agreement diisolre_d. - , GILIIERT NEWELL, ' . Lanestioro ; 1 July "11, '54. B. `i. SIEWELL. . . ` "The_aubscrilier would respectfoll i -cull the attention • of thoso. Whoiwiali to purchase anyithjg in his line of business, such us -• ' ' ' 1 • !Sash., D 'ors, Sbutter. and . iginds, \ . . , Cabinn 'Ware .of various kiMs, .''' - \ B.urea ,ITables, and Sennitarie.s. . . ..Endst6ad r , l, 'Stands. Chairs end Settees.. Also, nvadlr-made Coffins. PaiMing• and lung required. Country Produce anLumber taken 111 . itzelUmge. Terms, ready pay- • __, Lueabo . rb; July 15, lifis4. • GIL RT NEWELL. 13 ~ .';'i ' ,:--, . • - CARD. .r ) - , • ViTHEßEAH•certain reports are in Ore tion,.aa V V .*e are!informed; injurious !to Ike - c snider of D. IL Wide of Lenox, in 'relation to the la ' drairing of his property in said township ; . .!,gioV•w , the sub scribers, a 'committee selected seri ittipohi d by the ticketobOlders fOr the supervision it k rild . wing, do herebycertify that so far,as we' knotivor ve any reason to believe ! the conduct of D. H. Wad thirmalt out the,tehok 6u - sine:as teas tair, intnest and orwrable, and that we 'saw nothing in hint during . he *bole business tri'warrant any report . against ' ..- _And further that ' we supposed we were acting atilegiti- - mate. ! and lawful businem and tfiet - itii, di not-. Pali. pose that either we or Mr. Wade ` wets 'en in an ' improper act, Ili that could be ctintstrued• nfo *nal, _ and that to - farts we know everything w as' dose/air , 4, -and ho testy' both by Mr. Wade and rselvog,46 the sellfrig of the tickets, in thesdrawing tbcox; and d in - the allotment of the gifts. . 2' . - .1.. ' - ••Geoige McKenzie, - L. M. MN. met- ; .Tohn A..Targee, 6 3 ,,11:111 Bailey:.:. Willard M. Whitney, - l iedothrin Kiekerson, Warren C. Toiver, , . ''C. 'C. The , - I Peuington ead R. Tower, ~... -; L ' S. Ken , t Hugh M, !!•!` 'J.B.Wa er ,! - Humphrey Marty, ' , : James C. arAing, • L, M. Hardy, •' . rm D; B . . A, , P. Millrr,` • " Holloway Stevens, C. B. MOW, . ,Orville Ti any, I S, Dimock, - • t • Ethan is, :, • C, D. Wilson, :-1 'Ale Kni t jr., ' I M. C. Stewarti`..... - • • D. Y. B ! dage,l. - .. John Baker, ' • - . - ." !,' S, P. Ch. dler, ,Hiiem Stevens, • !'-, !Georgel ' ward,- • ' __ • . - J. „. c). Ballard:' , l` i 1 - - EZI in the them. ng to to the f Wis ix oth ploiiotr uth of as just , undary of tour 1 . 10 pro inter' urposes Y: Tri ostmas- .braska-: THRESHING •MACIMES. • , PRE undersigned desire - titi call ;the aoentionl of sl.. ; the Public to the article of IThieshimi, .ffachipcs/ manufantured by the Well knoWn lestab' en of Witeeler- ifilick & Co. , lbany N.I,Ti ' 'Ai i , These Machines have been so Icing, in •111 this county, and so , universally approved, that ive feeiany effort at / recommendation would bil vai . Suffice it, toisay that all the improvements is ested by ;ex perime'ilt. and approved by test, 1 e beim adoPted by theXatnifacturers in their Ilachhies fort the trade of 1.854. B fi iiles *this, all machines sold: by us I are warranted to _ i ve good sittisfaetion; or thy may ' be, returned Oter a Lair trial. // • ; I ' • • • ; , • 1 • J.. PRIG ,S. ! • • - l' •i• 1 DDouble-Poser, with , Combined Thresher ' • • I• • 1` and WinnOwer, including belts, .1 • ; I , wrenches,&c., ~1 , ;t -1 $245,00 Combined Threser and Win ower,alone,--; 125,0 ; 0 -For two horse power, Thies ert Separa- , - 1 - •-• 1 - .. -tor, including Ilelts, 1 senelies,tc.,' 16f1,00 , Double'Poweralone includi g belt .. lAO,\OOl Win I • 'Do . without belt-1 115 1 , ,00' ' Double Tlit•-her, and Sepailitor, gene, 4Q, 0 0. Single ; * one Horse power,•Thresher and I I , I i . ' Separator, includhig beim, 'oil tans 1 1 ; • , 1 _ and wrenches, completel• I • • 1 4 2.:8,00 Single power, alone, including belt; • ' ii . , 0,00. . .. •••••• 1, Do. , ' without belt ; 85,00 1 4 Single Thresher and Separator; alone. • , 38,00 i 'To the oboe_ prices will be athied the freight, of 1 course. ,To !chose Crishir.g yo plutliase we specially I offer -our gest-lees, assining th , gulthat they canlpur. 1 chase;no FliCape.r at the Manutictory, thim of us. 1 ' Tha attation of Farmers is! pariicularly invitil to I, t ho,..ie 11ne1 ! ..1.f - si , :s'e 111e:tines.. The teat 14 but a. hiflci,i'" Al' 1 t .! ~`"- ) ''. l i. .1i ? 1..!!.e Al'l*-••• io attlett. to either I Feed or. Straw Cutter, or, wood Sa:w Cannot b.: over:: ~_ the New I estimated. / No f.triner can invest his money to better nly .en _ 1 a a dyantaggthan.in the ,purchlas.e ;of one, those ma., -, , crimes. 1 ' ' I ' • Gen ra' t For further maim:Airs, apply to L. R. PECK Dar litit•ter, ti t ford, cir Cl. l o - . livafestr.An, Br klyn.. 1 i . intity-six 1 July, 18, 1854:- 1. -25t£ \; • . , ..... ' 1 ''stet run- s yov.irFl_l:l—nen• sl_gplv inst arr e l t " ' e i p - at _ ~_.., L 'I . I= - ri:RnELt..B. 1 Ifontrese,Tjuly 13, 18.54.1 - 1 . ; . __—_...... is from .ex, I n dollar twelve w yortt - 12th, accord- mocra eene C. ned the. Vintoiv I. cand act ion of e uuthor 1%:11C: . r, of - hich he A. fine ME2II • Gertnah Chemical ] Et sine ri, 4 7OR WASIIING with butl.t7LE. t..tron- and es. , rv.ssE. In pound bars for aishilllng eaeh4 Try it. Warriaiated: to give . pelfeet satisfactiop: Fqr Sale • . Jv LYONS& SON; MOntrose, July' 13, 113.54. • - I. nag t=ur -7110-lean*: ed their nr mi(rst C. 4' FULL ASSORTMENT Of Tin„ She Ittn. ,4.fr.l..;and Copper Ware of my own Manufacture and thade -of heavy plate, for .s.aTh: by r ' • ' • r J. DICKEIIMAN. jr. New Milford, .Tulv 12, Id cm . pa- Ilrful rate, it " if we 11 . 1)e too TULL .a.:Aorttnert of, liarilU•are, Carpenter mid ilLitiOn as .4r,.1 fixtures at . :.• _Co m- ! July, - 1531.1 IDII,IEI - 131 final - 4 tlid. - LASII _AND BLINDS of the hest quality, Me time, cheap • PICKER . 4,i S'S. 7. IjOIiK,FLOUR AND SALT !the . barrel or nift at the leti-est Prices it ~Yi KEBSI » rioctriEs, cheaper thrtif th•. ielichtbest at 'CX [New 11P111r , l, Joly, IDICKERMAN'S. ict knoird. i fl'a se - 'lo:llinafet ;• - •2•NOIrIeE. Thor.. • TO ALL -CONCERNED, •:11' party 'the' i. fY notc9i arld accounts may be found at the store Ihe e free- Ai_ o f J. Dii:kerMan .(my Winer Place:of buai I , e nti on rat, i nes)until.the I 3tll of JUly.,;afteir [3 hie - time thoae remaining unpaid: wilVbe inthe hands. of: a ;on vention. proper - officerfor cbilectinn. work/ to the vrife:is sufficient. : July 7), 1f , 54!., L S. LITTLE.! f ' - ipositio4 to ;-' • , • •• - - , , • • Aew : Books.. . I . • 1 ,protpise,.. I 4L T IFE and savings of Mrs, ..artitigton and other. 1, Toposes tlyi . Aof the Ffcnily"--1 . -"11111sj takes:, and Forest osed. to the,.': Streams," (a very ititeresting,b*i . } 7 ="Thoug - ,hts and .ain . f, i ,,, :e _i,-; Things avlioine and Abroad," bi Elihu Burritt, with i''/ A.. 1 hinny other fancy 'and interesting; books, kir sale by . 1 . J.u1,12, 15541 -F''.. ; -'. B.- CIIAS - DLEIL: ,_ '•• „o- Tavern-,1 . - - -. •- . aarily aban,': - - - Perfumery'. and lExtiacti... ,' .reeFived, a laige sopplv of Ilarrison's CPer• Ile houst;s is.:l 31-F and' Flavoring Exqacts, griod fOr Pie's,. ltd. • and. ihe i C a k e (itn dl'” sea. __ .....0 .. j an . ce , C:tam. : For !gale,l,3ty NN ti 1 - , lily 11, 1854:]- -..' .',,8. C L '.. I " -.FHANDLER • fp..; -of meu "? i • FAR St l Eits, UNION INSURAIIiCE _COMPANY, would . • "11F f GlISTER's NOTIFII. - rnuc NOTICE . is hereby given to sill' peredns .1. , concerned in the 'following, Esutti4; to wit : Estate of Timoth y D. ellayi leteas % Benj. 2 ~ , 1 Admintstratur-- . ~ .; ' - ' Estate of Zeras tarpemer, deceased'; Eduard t- Mick, Admitigtrator:—! 1 1 I I Estate of Horace Carpenterd dee'd ; A. G. Bailey 8; Emaimel Carpenter; Administrators-- I . , Estate or James Willson, deceased; Jeremiah Wat-, sma k, David Watson, tztautors— 1 •,- Estate of William Baker, jr.„; deeeas' ; Ira Xiebols, i. Administrator. • • . 1 ." 1 , ; : 'Estate of Jasper Lonmis, dedeased; '1 A. Loofa is' one of di: , EteentMs4 ~ 1 ' I . i rE-state of Thomas Blirdick, ;deceased; Ave) "" B dick, Admiliztor— . - 4 ur eta Estate of Ani;• Babcock, deci.',:ithed; E. A. Neit'ton & L. H. Nl7Oodruff,.Execut:,',4.. i.-. . - .1 ; - That the aeroin.`.tantS have ' Wed th iracconnts In the Register's office' in and f ' the -eo my of SO:cue -1 1 hanna, and that the same., ow be ented -to, the 1, Judges .nf' the. Orphan's Con* of sal county; to be 15etei in Monmose on Wednead,' arthe 8d day of,A.u. .gust nest..for confirmation arid alloint t ce . # ; J T:I,4ANGDCIN,2egistOr. • I Itegister's ;ace ; Itont'pase,!July 12, 11344.. ; . !'ef6ek P. 1.1. avid Wilmot . 1 . be , , present. izen; genera l: 'Montrozie I Davison, in Pa., Mr. ON. I, fo Su ! ace.. • NTS,: suTratrt S.H. and D. Sayre hate. reCtived a lot of Superfme Western Flour, w.hich they Arerfor sale by the barrel or satk. , 1.. June 27. 1854. 1, , ' Of about sew *anted as clerk , e bitngelf userul,, mended; good en ith aome=experi 11. BURRITT, Justreceived snd for side rele/ S. H . a o . sire. ne 27. AINPUMP Chain ard CH - sale & 11A:eilkirttkii4lestkjietei' S. .Tune 27. 4 nuwn under the 'iera r lti the Sash, i y by mutual con• CRYSTAL 4- AMP!. TICKETS • SES. ' . - , • " CI , SEELEY, ProprietOe ..or giel , ivAimvitz,- kA : HOTEL, No. 5.-Coutinuttio win* (one door from prondway,) New Yone L gnitefid for the Berri patronage he has receivCd Yir the hint fomieeruears i t heshas kept *public HOW Wads chr, has dete:min i ed, until the Ist of, August *est, to';resen4 a I Free Tieket iv' the; Crystal Palace ! lvticto all persons who may stop lathis Hetet tie : priee board will ranah2 as hereto:4re. IG:'I3ELLEY.• x , ork, Msi 2, 1854. I.' ' IL " ilint rew • woof: * CASH paki fiir Wool by • • ID.P.E. L./ co. \ FLOUR. DUBS : tit t: ' QBA -, Mantillas, Bonnitr, Trimmings, ike.-r• KJ neyr - -;supply bought:, itt, present tote prices, and will be sold ieheap at the store of Gibson, Jinie 24,1864. 1. BURROWS & CO. , ; • Blonize . . • I ADM'S! who hai-e I not .sui;p ied tbetnselies with new Bonnets this son, can afford to buy' iheni now. We are .reeelOg al:larg3 supply, and a great variety of styl6, f‘trlAdiei an Misses, which' we oi ler. at oar 'third less 4aKeprirg pricer. Jei6Ont, No werf, & Oaf Other Trimmings, proportionably cheap. : — Oillsea4utte.e4c IL,BURROWS4. CO. i .. _ ..11. --- Economy in Food. .. . :II lUE, Elver:, and J.,4folassea aPe - cheap, 41(1: tacky ill/ be aaeg• both' lii:ofttably. aa - pleasanth to coni4 • eiatei , eite l it as a subatitate -fOr flour:- We are :e.eivb#, a. ' e taiiipl?„.in;rl el! M . . ee of g ' qualita 41.404} cents pert .ibe, Good .N . Orleita:Sojar a $4,874, per 00 lbs.- 44 - . " - , I 3lofcsseit at 36 et .per gal. . Gibsen; ant 24, '44.] r . .- V. BUR P OWS ie°. • Mitt . A LARGE asortnient of Ri - extremely 19w Gibson; • - •- • ever` ig nearly eve atliele nee-1 N cairn assortment, just,retaivingl and seUin6 l ‘. cost at, the RettdY .Payl .Store of 1/ Tl'll ll • lIE3iPSTELD, Brooklyn, June 2i •, ; - 7 ALT Sby, the barro or in leSs quantities. • - • 4 1 itne,'"1. \ . SMI7H &'IIE.MPSTEAD..,: • ew ,vrelirp , an, Silver Ware., CST r Oci_at . I',urreirs, q new supply of Ladie4 t/ and'Crentle'meifs Gold Btleast Pins, - and laulies'l - Gold -Ear Drops ; ccanprising la good assortment desirable .tvh...s. Alamo GoldFinger RingS, Carnelian Rings, Ladies ;: Gol4l Chains, IGentlenten's Gold Fo and : Vest. Chains, Geld Watch Pens, an Gold Pen4 - ith Extetisidn Cnaes and 'Sitwet Spoons, Silver Butter and Fruit Kiiivesl, - Silver Thitni blew, pencils, Spectacles, b 6 Call aalsee• at the variety store of. - - I 7 • • A: TITRIIRLL. - Montro'4e, Jae 29, 'W U. 4 ,:•lilt _ Sena l titr - -tifolie4 - bicat liVokk. BOW BEADY: . . . 1 fr lIE undersygned basin . been appointet! sol - I.- air,e4 in Susgitehatuta ounty, for ,the sale of Hon. Thos: . IT: Hinton's, " T irty Years filch'," or a "History iof the Working; of the AnteriCan Govern inent for , thirtY 'yeitrs. from I'B2A , t 1 ltbti, is now ready 'to „ , eeite sttbseriptio ,s therefor.l The wo* is issued in two vOltimei, to be sold separatoly, or to - - ~e er a thsidesireil. 1 • I.:' 1 - . to ~,,. ' Vol. 111., contains a historly 'of ststeeit %••ears. of the thne, in 739 royall ortnvo- . , pages, neatly. printed,. in doubtcolO innis; a,n.l \ l td. _rd, of same size cot eN the ickniainder OT the titue to 1.. c s_('. . l'riee V2,5,'0 - per volume, hound itt' librar)l style. Those who de - , sire to be serAd early 'till] semi their rames 'to. the siubceriberimlite - tilately. - IL F. TENYKSI3tRY. d i Hrociktn Jane l'st, 1854. " .'! w i . . , L9lok fo,r . 4 Good Tailor ; -) JOLIN 80171"11E)1 reSpectiall informL the• Pahl i lte that . lle has opened.a place of intiness hi t rose ' wlre he is carrying oh fashionably r. Souther. has heen engaged for five yara o e Ytheb4l shops ip the cityltifliew•Yod's., and learn ed his trade in the priticiod cities of Germityllt and _France. 'Every Artich• . i warranted to fit well,' as Mr. ; Souther i,s.in.possessioti of a neW and prfect method of taking', the measure; •for an.ything ;that can expected! of a 'good tailpr tali 'on. ' ! • • JOAN SOUTrIEB,I• • ,liontrose,_June 1-I. c CippoAte i• - I:ST ILECEIVED, 4 large ,o addition to my stock of Dry Goods AIM: Groceeits. A. large -stock lot LpAcns, Berag,e Delains, and BerageS. selling - cheap , • ' l / 2 .Tune i 5. = tic F: B. CHANDLER .j: I I Attj l by theor . 4 ;tek e • . . -• • - , a little inore lea of the best sugai. in. tl matel, 2.0 fen. orkidollar, at , F. B. .it.All . l, La " r, M e t t D! ek C ci 'L n o h. l: i : l l d M an llr' d a wi nd ll b S:m .o ze a r t :t m u m adVanpefk, F. B. CHANDLER Jane dr,, 185 fe 11 • 9 , 11 E undersigned has linappo;ntt•dby.,the Co of Common ; Flea.:.Of. Su§quehantut eouritY amo!• the prop r lien erCiliors the fin in ihe hand§ of thecStierilitninde on the Sale of% real estate of Jo'fiph W. Holly. Taken in exeent l a, at the slit of Cupenter to tlie use of Others:, againit said Hawk* and Amp§ B. Merrill ..Noitee thereibre given 4 ,to . 9aid Cieditors to appear at T his office Saturday khe - Sth day of July next at one o'etock in.theaftetnoOn . NNltert .aid-ditztrilnition 1111 be ma&. - : 11N. NEWTON, Audito4. Montiose, Junc 10th, 1 554. • -1- • 1. . • .SAIL.T, . Rll. and IVIIEAT 116nr . 1 I DJ 11. LITITAOP. ~ . —_. l _... . ‘ i TirATS. 7 —A nes lot of ISoultner flats and- Cloths 1..1.. - fcir summer.irear jus.,t rcc.'eiveil awl; for sale cheap . . It*lN of all 'lands, Ippg.i; Tied Butter, wanttil lit•cmcbang,C -for goods at cash priiceS by • , , P. R. L. S . , CO,. ---.,---..--,- -,--- - • ~ . New" '..iloocbi: , Wll are now reeeivinga sneondsuriply of SPRISt; IAND SUMMER dOODS, - which we. intend to sell ver.V - low.. 1 , 1 , - BENTLEY it READ. , . Montrose; June .1,. I t 3 51 .. . P. SI Ve trust ottr .W:orthy competitors will u_ of t 4 lieeo eieik i d over 'thisannounceuient. 1 . , I TO TILE PITBLIC. ,1 .) ' • 111 - 111. be founlat:thetpre of A.. Turrell, Mont 1T / roie Rt., a ,first rate assortment df Dt 4 ons, Medicii r eS; Druggist's Glass-ware, Punta, Oils, Dle Groe.::..rie.;, Yankee Notioni, - Some . Dry Goods; Musical instruments and - Strings; Muteri uls for i lightS, PoeketiKtdies,-Spoqns, Jewelry, Per m !:-y,l-I:c., tic. • I • - . Pert. i ons Wanting any thinit, in the aforesaid , de , pdrtments, - (and also some others not named,) are re spettfOly Invited ttrcall and '.examine before_ they I. purchase. By so doing their interests. may.be pro nitstedt ineWhen iyou:conie to Montrose, do not forTet'to call at . TURRELL'S: QMO ' INGand Tobacco; w the pound 17 or paper, Plug l'obiieco, Scotch Anil Maccaboy Snuff, (Fire Crackers; , Pistolg, POirder, Firlt Hooks, I fish. Lines, 'Candy, At., tit i TURRELL'S. Junel4thi 18 . 54. . = • -7 - SILKS:i! SILKS !I , 'tit tnd . Ifaud,eitutie- Ittstirtment of Ladies Dre r im .11 4. frlks plaid aucir griped. beautiful stirleA, cheap' at • V. 11. FULLERS.' [1532rn3 FOL 7 II AND SLT jut; received and for va)e by ..;'• Juno.B,' 18G4. • II G. A; W.ll. rULLEBS: I/AE.IEXE STORE REVIVED. - vt - lk. the undersignoul hal-in.' , entered into !art. ; •T i t ;iership 'in the ,lu ' ercaritire business at Mont: rose,. this mei - ll'od to inform our fiiends and the public that we harejtist opener' an reFi3rtment of . - DRY 00 . 0118 1 ,,1,VD GROCERIES at tl•Er obi stand occnpied. by Mills 4'Sltermizorhere we 'hall be happit to wait upon all win; may &cot us!' with- ft call. • Our pods art alt neir , and lurre been tele:Cie(' with g r eatj and wefiatter ouriielriiii that we can suit the most particular: We invite all to call and exam ine our kook. Our motto is, ready pity, honorable trade, and irteridfast ft hardship. WARREN'. Mtontrose, May 21, 1.5.1, 1` NEvy, Goons.'- JJo. LEE, AT ,MONTROsg 6Epot Ij us j us t rt .. ,ceived a new aupPly iif; Spring; aful Sumner which'will be sold very low for cash or fartn produce. I 18POtNpS iOd New 04 - e - ans Sugar for,ondol- ! lar at •--- 'l' J. C.-LEE'#!New Store. 'TA' Coffee,,Molaarr, Fish, Bice, and'qtoccriea I of all kinds, lery,cbeap At I. C . LEES. . - 1 -- —7 7 Wantc4; --- 7:: 7 7 7 'll44'Y.quantity of,fires at 12 centa-lPdr duke; in exchange fog d. at J. C. LEES Stine. , . • ' • I Also, , 4 A [NY quantity of Butter at !6 Cents per pound, in .till exeharge for GOOds ;at J r ,C. LICS'4 New Store. ____:—, t__z...._._._.___ rIikHOSE *AI% to •pnrchase for F . ' , - pr in ex- Chang for barteil, w i ill find it to,tfieir bitcireet to caul and examine :tny,:stoclt of Goods iindlniees for thernseives.l ' For tarter Of all kinds tli,elligbeat pric e* may at all timei bilrelled on at J. C. LF.El'Store, Montrose Dipot. I • ;' ' • . , 4s: D. Siyre: .D. ,Sayre. DRIINiSTRATOII'S 111,0T1 E. LL persons i*lebted to the estate! of E. * . Grp / decant,, late 'pi" fittsguehanna , Depot, dee'd, are herby notifiedto Melee immediate payment, and those harng claims against isaicl estate piesent tbeni.du tianthentleated Or settlement. = V 4:113. 'ELDRED, AdmlnisOatot. ifootrotle, 25;11854. I Iler oAnted. A N anise and intelligent boy of years of age; wanted La clerk b tato d spcW&to nsa*gimself useful 4 butlinensogoodulixnagsmsnt will b *dation soon to I • - N. New Itilford, NH4. . .. . .. _. I - HAWLEIr & !LOTT. 1 1 T-TAVE just received their second stock of Spiing 'ALL and Summer -goo& this • 74ason, ant! they ;are ;now prepared to show all who May favor them With jcall- • _%, , ' , I , 1 „,.. - r I . , . - .Dltn g GOCCIYA 1 i• , , lof all the different Wilds; such :hs Black Plaid and Changeable Dress Silks and Maiiillas, 'Crape and Silk i Shawls, also Lawns,..l3o4tes, 're page De Snipes, Challid, Gingbanur, t.e.l ~.: • . ; WIIITE *GOODS, . . i sif t Brown and Blom he,d thee . ting Sind d ,Sh tn• - g In fact ever thmg in this Erie'. , ' ~: ' . - $:l3 M MAR STCFPg.. - ‘, , il . ever 'reey . large 'arocii„ which ;' wi" offer, Very, low; all grades of cotton goo 4 in: thiii . btanch•.nd,brownkuul Yellow t i inenland DuckfOr c oals. I , invite atten tion t 6 our Stock of Illak; Drown; Phi Green and Mulberry B ro adcloths alio Blz# and ,Fancy Cassi meres, Tweedii, and Kentnck Jeans J.kc., &c. ' Ladies call' and exami t ne our stock. of Suminer Shawls; Cashmere, anMinted. De Dairies, Shawls, ""also-Barege Shawls, very cheap, BonOts and "Bon net Ribbons, a! good assortments 'Rosieyfy . and Gloves of all kinds, also, Parasols a *pry large amOrtMent which we 'will sell very:cheap. 4193 • linthrellas, Trav eling' Bags; Satchels. i • - 1 , • -': LADIES' SIIOES.: • . ; Gaiters, Black and ColOred Gaiters, Ib t Ainti,Bootees, a good assortment of all kindswhich we offer ati our usual low 'rates. - ; " ' -; r . Crockery and Glass Ware, Fluid Lamps and Fluid, 11 rood Pails, Tubs, Brooms, Bed Cords, Large ran eeits, &c. .k.c. l _.:,1.., l. .. \ Gal)cErttEs: 1 , •1 A ve y large itOck WlliCh we *III sell it a "very Junta' advaice, also, Ashton I Salt aid our usual variety which we are selling very low;:: Call and examine. Montrose, June 1. 1854. • 1 ., , Angola Nati a ROWS & CO , . '‘,TOTWITHSTANDING THE GREAT RtTSII 1.1 of customers and; the m:My hours spent in Serv ing them, yet we min,always•"find time to write oar min mircrtisements, a cid--but", just •now allow us to call your attention to Ourge lijt of . ' Plain and l'an4 Lawns,. . i which we hale just opened and are- selliti7 at aTpric,- es Rom eider 'cents- 'l4).- In:, the way of r ' DEL i tNES. CASONIIES, POPLINS, DEIINGES, &c., we •• are "pirated_ 1 up.":i ,Try us. •• -, (J. LTO:S§.6; sqN,... ' e ftt u Avn:a M ade ar6ngetni!its - with the great tuu IL JL sic put?li4linfi - ihemse of . 41. 'Waters, we shall be constantly rqceiving , ,arto music ?-Boon as publfsheil, and be able tcl.supply neaifyawy thing wanted in that line. N. B. Musirsent by mail 1) ostage free. - slay IS. ' 1 • -' F . J. LYONS & 'SON. ' - • -7 - • Melodeons . , ,• f AO.NSTANtLY 0... i, HAND or furniThed to•iviler, ..) on .tliiit.notie - e. . -: t . J. - LYONS Sr..SON. • 1 NEW ... ~, , , : N SPRING - GOODS:' .-' ' IA . --B ol i ,l t p i r ili m, g . ; :i f:l l 7i r s e lZi vi ;Fll li b is e"l7 u un i tl s l p it i s es u ally atirnctive,. - ipcbiltiog 'atigilpoilor as..zoiiiiieitt of •Ladi.4'• Drirs G(x):.f3i; . in Sit :2,l'cragrt, ikragti..l)c - - 2 1 . lates,..l . .a4ri'ire, I'nk!iin7, eltaltiek, Ginghams, fke.l&c. „itantillar, Sill: Slc , :iids,-Siirc, Straw, and Fri•nel: Lars Ifonnkft, 11c , :: rt., p... 1 ., ~,,,t.,., tfc. dc., "to , z,ther witka Ilrge vnri..ty 1.;.f nzii,::: a r ty a::ti,S•mple Goods, il;clutling Cloge; Or',.siiiirrr° 116nts and Sitars, Ir,ted Paper, Ca,l . rtina, • Orocerie„, Crock:iv, Ilardligre, Iran and .Nails,:Dryias, ()ill onSPainis,.o:aking d- Parlor Star, iiliio!'irind . lonere,../"loughst; dc. ;iv., all which will be sold' on tern)k to suit the closest buy ,ena, for cash or apprcivcdtreilit New Milford, "Way iB, 113541 i . • OFFICIAL ANWIMPOStIP.AIiT. lIT being manifest that thal.tailoiing' business. isistill . ! . carrying bn - Jolni . Groiekin Moutrose-- 7 no, John is Carrying on the Tailorinfl; they! are both "carrying on" together—at a place where two ways meet, being. in the very • building where sana gousinn 'was nominated 'lo7l'restaent, to wit; is Searles Itolel, in the Basenient thereof.--and the gen erous inan . r-pocketed pubk being .uppoSed to be in terested in knowing:. where They can make an intiesf ment, (yea, and an ifizcOatlaudtPantaloons - _=mot) Most advantageously, to th4iappearaneC of the outer man' in r.rten.to ; therefore John, t " Who'is not, like vittuons woman willing I To live unhea4of 7 -jutt to save a-shilling," hereby nominates himself a c v Tailor-General for 'this community, an4..ille4S good citizens to call at •his place. of bm-ine,,,, 'l:bore:mentioned; t- enable him to perform .the clut)es pf Said Witness rmy hand at' Montrose the • • nialli".daV of May A. P., 15154. - • JOl6l GROWE'.' At r. tl. i ,(;3 the i. t on NEW GOODS. • BURROWS & CO. are now, receiving a; ) • large asiortinent of heir and seasonable gds at their store in Ginsos. • . GOODS. • A good amortm(int at low prices; also, al rge -{ as sorttnent or good P/?1,N.D4 at 61 cents per yard 4 i npNOTs. Bonnets . and Banat ilityboO, a clthke asitirtmEnt at low priteB. I : • : sCu) , i,RS. - '.1.1"ood New Orlzalis at ift,..L814-imir 100 Ibi" Prime' — do dQ 605 " too " • • Prime Portal ied - G' t B74* . 100 .: 1 • I L ; , • • - ' • Atilo, Clarified, .Coffel, PowdOred,.and Lift& Sugankl at veil' low prices. '• . BCRROWS . April 2s, ] 859. , I• NEW;GOODS. 1C MIL EN , & pARN, return their grateful ie acknowledgements t a b theTublie, and invite at: tention to the yelp• large fs,toek of s,Pfinq and ,Sum-- nier Goods they ate pow receiving and tifhlr torliude at very low pried: In tidaltitin tti their usual asSort ment of staple Drt-GoodS, Groceries, Hardware ; Cipek ery, Paints and Oils,. S c.7-kc., they are prepared to exhitait a Ltrge asjorttnentjof Ladies}' Dress Goods of every deseription—Figiired; Plaid and Plain Silks, Bonnets, Shawl?, ißibbont Gloves ' Hosiery—Ladies and Misses Shoes! of' 'all kinds--also a large stock of READY-MADE CLO.r.HING, Cloths, CASEIIII6I`CS, Tweeds, Jeans, Shmmer qoths, Vestings r ilats, Caps, Boots,and Shoes,kc. , - 1 • They respeetfuty solicit; an early call -from 'those who wish to puriitase ;rod, Bonds at low prices. .1 . 1114.11, Me3IIIIEN.k PARK. , R. '7IIiIER .. ital. the SPRING GOODS.. • JUST reeeiveka rery large: stock of Spring and Summer God& at J. SUTPHIN'S. Good Sete o;•feastiSte§ar or 61 cents per 11anizl other goods eqinilly taa af, .1. H. SUTPHIN's. I - The CLIEAPXST MOLASSES, Tema, and {other Groceries to be round, inlitist; or any other town in this county, at •• • J. H. SUTPTIIN's. Sumnierarifte,.; April, Vii 1351: I • • TREIGIEIfIgRALiFINDINGISTOIII.E' • IN FULL BLAST.. .NEW GOODO comiSG IX Ffift. 'PRE SPRING TRADE.-+Gro de Mine, Plaid Lawn, Delains, Prints, ;1;.e.; Blakk Silk, Sniped Silk, .Keeille Work Collars, e.hemisett4 Thread Lace, Velvet I Rib bons &e. ; a genbrArmortuent of Crockery Gritieerieg, and Hardware, ;Carpente4 inneer, Blake Door Pulls, Carri••• , e Bolt= Plumb Bobs, kale Clips, Dash Frames, German Saw Setts. Ameriein and Klglitih Sad Irons,. ke-; a general two, tmetft of Shoe Kit and Tritionincja always on handiand for Side by 31. S. .Montrose,'Nwil 4, 185,4, , . cLEREMANTED: . ylTANTEDlmtgediatily : a good actiye'CletlK--one:: ,1 V who has tad experience,,writes a fqr hand, : and Is competent to taki charge of a set of Dooks—N \ must be terp-tair and to devot,.. , his tine A nd attention to the interest . of .his -etnylnyers. !To.,one that can answer M . the above , a liberal sala4 will lie given. None ot6rs aPPIs GPO' , l recOnrierld ations required. 'r B. F.. * IL IL EATON. ' • Ilatforil, 314, igsd. • . , • NSW 0001)81NIffi — GOr • ODSt Asugvtiscr:ivrA\WEElL At 13. It. • LATIIRE CO'94 lATIVERE *ill be found oneNf the largest assbrt; menu Hof goods in the country, whicdi *ill be cold a little dieaper than ever . : Call and ezimini our "goods and priOs. ' 1 • . A large assortment of Summer Shawls of beautiful patterns atD. 13. LATIIROF TIROCEItIP a firkis that ecii,w4loe,hiat at t -,1); R. LATHROP* CO's. 1. ARit IN fti; TOOLS every descriptions kept c ittantlyon hand by D. R. LATHROP A: co. . iTo niEliliteltni, clmor: . , iIIiCIAL Ainincnuan.. ~ , VOTWITMSTANDIfia the passage of the Nebrtil-• -3ta bill,:_the high .price of provisions, the eclipse s , Mormonism, Mbit rappings, and other national ca 4 hunitics, present and imminent, the good people of Montrose and elsewber4(such of them Os w,eati -. may stiU hale their chins reaped and - widsk rs hair dressed,la la mod i at the usual rates; b 7 c all on the undeisigned,.atfiis old stand in - the bem of Searle's Motel. - • CHABLEVI:I4 A l .ii . Montrose , -.:ifay 2-3, - 1854. • • . , I - GOODS. FALLING:I SHILLINGlicqfoi Sots, Su m m er CI Oki any p b Ibs tits for One itellarj June IS. J. LYONS Woe' CamUNE. - • At ibe odd - iiind of A. 0. Reynolds, &sw se! wool en dairnY thil rah. A. G. REYN I enXidry, IFUEIM lath/8“; - • Hef p - It Before 'the - Pieoplo. Whtle 1 3Ierchiutti.ieitbeir Callebieti And heap up 'lots o' money • Lawyers fight their clien'telbe t , And feed on golden honey ; , • • •‘. While Doctors, by the power of riilli t. • Surround .thetnselves witty richc's;,• While Tailorz, give You fits 'and And thrive'bytakirig stitches; ' Whilk Farmers by their honest' sweat. s. • • ..irftpai4 such eitra prices; • ' While everybody seems to get I - f-GOott living in laige The Artist, too, would like , to lice ' . • By takingpeopiq's faces; • ' • So; if ypu ple'ase, attention give* r ‘,. To my ileac stock; of Ca s. . Cumming of late style.sanil fancy pattern's; among which' twit the Crystal•Psilice, Union, Kcissuth, - and many litherg, which, 'althbugh. none 'the better fori their.veri fine niniett, will. be found to be. none . the -worse.- ; • • ' • • - Al,o, a. most beautiful asiortment ofveric fine Gold Locketi,'Phis, Keys, &c. • . •• • • Pictures taken in clear. 'or'elondy weather. Prices from 75 cents to $15,00. Dusiness hours from E 4 to 41 o'clock. . W, B: DEANS. Montroee; say, 1854. • . . • • i ... . . A- SELECT STOCK Of • . 1 .. • ' .•• SV ITEMERI GOOlllll4l - ' A A' - ' 1 •'. 1 • L,POST & CO: 'l. • .. ; • WE now offer to the public the Most choide•and., the LiTESI . STVLFA If • Goods itoj he had any where in . the country, and ,or the.vervlowest prices," without variation. i • . r .3_ .. .. - i READ) ILI p.,-1 , ..7!L0ri,E.v.0.. , . 4,ZUM3fER STYLES: 11. L. Post 4: Co. have - just : kJ ma4e a large .addition to their stock of clothing, 1 . consisting now of everything desirable for. the buyer at such :prices as are sti;' , e .to stilt IThe goods are . made first rate, and We 3varrant the Work to, be equal I. if not suPerior to any evr before allied, in "this mar- : ket. Our stock comprises Coats, fine black french ' Sacks ' . ErOcks ar,d Business; Tweed, Cassimere rfad Jean Stinks and Frocks; also brown i and white Sum mer plain and twilled. - i VEs - rs—White and 'colored .Ifarsailles, Valentia, Lagting, figured' Parathea, figur ed silk and'S'atia, and every variety, good and cheap. PANrs-'4Fine' black Cat4imere, dee4cin; pal. tweed,. I Summer. stuff, 'linen drill,. cottonade, stripe, plain, - check and plaids, so cbeap as, to be - sure of sale .to 1 all who des i re to bur. 1 ~,•, -• : - - >e, LAVES D white and colored tylvarrinted. A large brimir acid state hose, a' coi.ton, Y,isle, thread. 13 and co 104; a.large rss Iffits, long and sluirt. CIO.TS'A,ND hoots, Ladies fin: a - full assortment of Cli es Shoes and BoOtees, ut ' • • . THiTE GQODS,. I V led, Shirtinpz. 1' Swig? and B 13ishoFi8 and'Victoria. lIINGLi:S ANI) • to' f. truEs-of or. tuebf Sugars su !, S Co'4:, I_3/4:N7BH-the mo!' tl'y, at Very low . rl '; 3 i:f il e e i. l c aP r; i t ' is iD ira ej3 li rc! Co'. 1 . ----1- ------- 7 - 7 --- • [ ...ick of Sprilig l'yints. . I . • . ~_ _._ .. ...___, .. ::., _.- • ....j.! 11- ._/ P(a l' r-° zi_ 1 1 iZZ.TA,PLE Gomls_at the Icitri.it price. ,/.' , . : I 0 '1 .'., - 1 • 1. - L. IXIST&Cu.I f - 1 A . USTIIS , • Ca.3sinires, ' Twe)itls; X cntuckv ,Jean , _l_ andSatinetts, v ry cheap at I. L. P. .5: : . 1 Co's.' I 1 si W 0 0..D1; .' :V 11:4/4E—Ilatent: rails; - Cedar . Pail ,F and Wash •T,Ubs, Corea Nut s .D \ ippers, Ilatiol Ladles,,lhiuts, .Willhkf litsk i j etzt, I° . toi)c\llalter's Be CuriL, Manilla Itopej,, Ilrobatiz, a god Ica at thil , ..tor of - 4L • ' I .1.1 L: POET & 10. ri 0 D-,VISII • A..YD: .117,101:XF.)?.."..T; - of= the lies V.; quality at 'the foisVst.; possible rates. ". -- \ • April 5;,1,57:. - -i . 1,. L. POST S\ C\: &. --' '7--- TAltr.S.'S Gpubs-- •ge.4, _Ginahaws A 4ARGE:and spl 9LELEATIIAR, very Iclicao; at • • I'OST & Cd's„ IiCOCKEIZ i k" lot O. low 'prid4s. • i POST Cairt, Raoul papet sad iltjindow Sbades. • • . I-, • POST S. CO Cif l>'. /I:l3s,Tpring -. . -- itYle--ibes..t quality. - salty I , ,,i'lltate; ' ' , I . I 1 'POST 4t.'CU. ,F 1 -----__.... . ...: , - - `" ---4 . . .;, -- 7 - --- f.' - 11.VY41 -1 /: r'... and Bonnet td/bons l of an kinds, Pa - XI a . 3,01.3, large- and small it,..t ery 107- prices. 2 , 1 I ! i I'OST S. .0 . — 1" - -" TARL'SS TRLILITINV,!..4—=er4iy style desi 'b.'e. 11 and veil - elleap . I 1 : POST •Z: o C 0 R A /.1\ - BAGS—lof thelbesit iinalitv. am: , . ; i POST ac . I C2.V:i - _ , ~T, Lime and Plaster 'at — I , .. • .1 0 - • , 4 POST Z; Ce.. , . AWES' L'OLLABS-- - i I 1 latest, styles; Book Env Meelin and liimiton-imitatini E3dBPIDERED and L rabbi styles ; also, wo' anti Inseitings,and Floutici T' ACE Edgings and Inse .1.:4 kind, almost as good alsO pure linen-wrought La, ritAinp 'And I* -4111) . , C1.3131ER TlNTS—Panama, fiiie l i and coarse tr in 1. -- ..." nied and f...na'y bound, Pedal and •fo bOys - andiinen, sold very cheap..; I. L.P. & CO. T i ,Alll4:B' and Children Flatt2i,,a good variety, al. . i.J so a new lot of the lat st styles of Boennts 0 tie stiire of ': J ' I. L. P. i CO PITOICE and . fanevarti les of' soap and Hair, 01, Vi -- tdso, sorne,of the finest PtirfOnery at theStm of , • . t • N ' ILI,. POST& CC, ARD ana TALLOW ; alst,,Farniers tools in oral at. li t. POST & CO' . . .CIPA /IV or all tids-1 UI lorV, Butter; teeswa. fdr wjlich we will exiliang • April, 5. LATEST 'mu Nt:illtASKl . , Qcorr, JOHNSTON ; isi Co.; arc now recCiWm from New fork rigeriend assortment of S .iul geld Summer . goeds; and . i-e cordially . ' invite all' Oil 11to to buy goods cheap to give i 0 a call, tisouris or'. .4 large; and wii tire willing-to sell for. qtaall • profi s.t You can find here almost everyi &tide _Warted, an We are willing to .coinparelgeoda Anil prices - will an Store in the:.county- - . - ive Wye LAO special pai s i find trice goods to Wale the Latilek , such as ael Figw-ed and . Fanhv Sliks !Silk l'isstres; Borages an perapi Deldrielj Plsia and F4riey Lawns, Silk, F ne 3: and .Doinestic - Ginghams,' Figured and .Plain Mu lid, EmbroidereirCiirtains and Pitpet - de.; Ladies C lar Underhandkerciiiefs and Sleeves, Mantillas, - Patatio .• rid Gloves, Straw' arid IFancy Belnets, also triii • ink to match; . A large{ steel!. \of Goods for 11 . isi i Bois, also ;Iron, Steel, Nails, gorse 'Shoes, nx 1110 -t3 'Rails, Ploughs, Salt; • Risk, Crockery; I Grii Stiin.'S; and Stoneware, Stove pipe, - Tin, GlasS, i ll ' 4,e z tli • ~ - ri, - 5. i. • kc., lie. . Please give us ;chance of showing you` our steck hefore•von I) v.i 1 . -Yours truly, ScOTT, JOHNSON & Co; l '' Springville; April, 18, 1854.1 • - . ...Jr NEW STO'REI .NEW 000Dt3t-' , . Is Nnut 3114tonn. TE subscriber having lensed tlie Store .1 t • Vessis. Pratt, fortnerlyl occUpied by 1. tie, inten d s to locate pentutnently in New Milk . :Ind' hq, would .take. this. m!e,thod o 1 inforrnit gtl ~. inifabitants of NeW Milford, and adjacent, town ,th on ho has just returned trent Nivi Tor* •vrit a lar . a splendid stock, of fresh and entirely new Good ~et —' g 0 gating of PRY 000 of almost every co ceii btu xariety,-GROCEDIES as low as the lowest; Hai tet4T; Crockery, Roots! and 4hoes, Hats an, 04 ) Bonnets of every style; kc; kc., which he of TRH saloon the most reasonble terms, for cash; ~uni ppduee, or reliable cred t. ff„e would also say in 'tl a l -connection, that, be has added to the estahlis un 4 „.,, thal : manufiteturing 'of Din, /Meet-iron,. and o " 1 wart in all its varicties tn which he is prep.' .tnd •••• execute All kinds of jobs, bpi the very best.w irk ' n s: Intl iin the most.reitsonible tprins. . Dealers aupilljed' at the lowesi prices.. Pa' cal In relatitin to 4tibves - ie., at 71 . 11 . egiachirratvie.timL ,jr Nei Milford, May 15 1854. ' 1- 11 I . 041 Wanted.. The aueseribms willpay the highest mark .. tar WooVeither In GoMs or Cash. !; Bropklyn o Tatte 7. SMITH &11E1MT: of f1i4421 AND TIM Montrose; Feb 1 )S/E.R . Y—z-Tadi - es. and kalifs, N.id . Gloves. of the hast quel l isortmeut of all kinds of blue j id hose • gent:4 and ladies 'llia and silk Gloves, Black rtnient of black silk and.lace . POST & CO'S. w floe Bools. Coarse Gaitrs, Bootees - and Buskins ap Shoes, and 3lLis r , • dies flue silk-linen Slippers, • - -t. P. & All styles attd(ittalltio.bleselt`-' How Cotton; 4ack and Cambrib 43k yusliriS, :Bitted urns, A:a„ ;tig,x; nrd sand ,dott. 1 . ,- P. 8: Co's. RINDSTONIiS at • I. L :POST 4t. CO'S. 1 Ile best and ellealiest kind. 4 t. rtsunriv cheap . at I. L: POST . - bh stock in-the L. P. & CO. • .xlks. Mt L.IIN•11S Lndid st , I very eh - nice kit (A r t broidered Lymerie, La ns. I. L. P. & CO. cc I.Tiersleeres, all ked and embr'd. Ems imitations of ew gennine - and very elle , 1 c. I. L. P. 01 arpfoisale at 4.•PPST Sz can; Dried Apples,' I all i•ociol sock; Egg; . goods atca'sh prices I. L. POST & C BILL! UNSETTLED. !, BY OW for Ws 1 wll4O NEWESTAIBILI4IOIIIIOIrrio ,,,, ;-. i --', THE ONE PRICE : - : -.. 1 1 001)8 AT LOW PO,IOES, 'AND' TORIREADT *AT.- 'WE undensirnOilavingasadOated themselies to - gethel% in the "Mercantile 11Siness, are ItOiy :pre-' 'ea tO oiler .to the ;public a very desirable.stOck of 1:415,. consisting It 'main of Dry Goods and Ready".. , dgotitios, Hpli, Caps,,anei Strom. Goode,. Bociktki Stationery, Boole and Shoes,l Groceries, Yankee rtior, (f,.,..a1l of whlch'hivelbeen purchased with 1 ise at eare, and u+, tire satisfied _cannot fail :to suit ei 'who inay.fatOti us with a ' 1.- , 1. " -- ' i The Dry Goods 'department will : be found very oom-- I te, consisting of all the le.aditi styles of:. - . LADLES DIi',ESSI GOODS. . i k, rich brocade, plaid' and strined, black, dreis and ntilla Silks, very rich, high ;lustre, and . it cheap , Striped Detanes, plaid Barage said : tripe Cbidlis, inted LaWns, ropli i ns,.Deßage l , and printed conets, in great vrieties - , 'irbie.h we 'aro bound to 11 at a low- figure. I ,' • ,- ; - , tinghams—a hand-some assor tment —PrintS, all the, *ding styles, Merrimac:, Cochries, Allen, Sprague tC... _very pretty. atyles. - • • ... t ••-• ' • liress Trimmings, Of the o:4llritblq..ityles and shades. lack Silk Lace, Dress Buttonaikblack rilyet Ribbons; k and worsted. Braids, in ' graistl variety, 4 . . ~" - White Goode.--Syrisl, Jaconnt,llansook,Cambrick . ishop Lawns, and. , Book Muslina, ,dotted Swiss. Mug- I . ! rs, Corded Skirts, 'lrish Linen, Cambrick, Handker 7 defs, kc. ,kc. • French Needle*ork, Swisaand Jaeo - ' - • 4. tet .edging s and Insertings, Cotton Linen and Thread Lace do.,"'Flouneing, Ladies' fashionable ChemisetteS, ' ..leeves, Collars, &C.,. the largest assortnient in town,. ind at very low pricek Burma; for Veils ( nt green; blue and _brown, Stick Lace 'Veils, ko.: ' .. i Kid Cy' lores—LWies' and gent's—a large ,assort ment,of.the best quality. i i - - . • ..ifitts:—long and.ithort, black, mohair, and silk.' Silk Gloves-41=1r, white, tind colors.. ' Lisle thread a nd cotton dd. • ; ,-; .. I, I . : . -- - a; AN I g ' th f .11osicry—a,,,fine, assort;,nenF fpr ladies, •ig - nts and Children. , I. ,' : ,' 1 -kb/oat:a—a fine assortmentlfor Bonnets; also, Sat- . in and Lustring, inall widths tad every cr; I I Domestic' Goo4- 7 --Slteetings. bleachc i and, un- ; ct "blea c hed, Muslins, Ticking, Oast' rs i , Diape • able Cov- , p, the erg and Napkins, and in fact, clesirable styles in this department. ' •• 1 . , • 1-- Strains--Printed Delane, French Plinted Wool, printed Cashmere,l &oche, Ifiack • Silk,,,tc., a fine tock of them. l ' 1 ; 1 ' 'T: • : • i , Ladies' Shoes, of every description, at low prices. -=1 PoYs', Misses', and children's (Shoes, in great variety. Gent Boots, coarse and fine.] ' 1• . 2 ' II 47t3 C 4 I> g • A ..VD 't TR A W COO DS. . [. 2 ‘l . We have a .ve.ryi fine stock of Hats and Caps, Cana-1., da Straws, Palmleif, Curacoa; lfamcobo,,Round Can: ton, Leghorn, Cas.4imere &c., ;for t summer rear', which are very deAirable;! and selling cheap: . A.A.ttod - assort;., mentof Ladies' Bonnet% llii t esl and childre3''s-2 , Flat.s, Hats, &c. - I ! - ' 1 • ' READY-MADE C 7 1::077.11.:VG. 1 ' In this branch of our bull:less we, cane ot fail td suit. Otir - stock of Clothing lis ',very extensive, and 1.3. 1 1 Well matle.up, in late and iletlrable etyles.: ' 'We Wonkl 1 NOw Line of Tlft.:l 4 ! St*gea l , especially invite. our friends desiring any thing in tili. ... .. 1 ...s . . iTr,.,0..._ , . .- .: • , .. line, to give us a call. Gentlemen's furnishitt g 064.14: la Illtii.WOOLio TO "liffOrriTlif.ipSE ., :: - of every description. P\ 1 . .>•• .. ' QT4l.r. will leave. Kirkwood, paa."ing thr0ugb.4.17..,:! - - .. 1 A. large stock . ,?rig arid Borihning. . ( k.... 7 bettSville, Liberty, &a., e CVo..rV.YlOrniDg r!Aex * : L-' , • 1.;.4 Books, Static '"k i . c-'-' N o tio 4 s 'in great 1 arrival' of the 31ailTrains of.cars, botltEaat and ;,"."..:71: . Vatiety., . .. 1 I - ' 1 . :' 1 1. ieaehing liontr.dsc.• at - I r.; M. iketurninif • !• , -;,?-;------ 1. Groceries:- 'ld Black, very 'Choice and l mof t t roßo Lail , : (Sundays excepted) nt. `2-•r. -N., .rf 1, 15...' . . 1 1 • 1 4 • • . fresh, at low pi • i • • ''' .'• 1 - :I- Mg Kirkwood in time to take the Mail trains- tif:A-'t; , •'.,-: . 1 C'nfees.--St Aiiito and -Rio. '1 A Leah- both E.FA ;maWeEt, being the nearest and truii , •::.f.= , . .. _ tiful article ofd. b r own An d Oilte Sugitrsycherop. lild,- Oale , r4,itie •to reaa the Noo..rork and Etle;‘Raii:' ,- ~..1 - las'ses, Bpi s, Soap,. rundle,: t a i n s ? OH, rpod, 4e.- 7 - , •.. rui.,4 liti •• interscet4 a lii-s.v eel:ly line for Dirr. ! ..J . 5 A very upcnorar article of . c . .av i r..di.ish Tobace - , at ‘ 28 i § r0 3 0 ,,i,‘-ii,!.. , 'Tunkinninoeic, --Vvemintr/and Wi':-. - '-- . . , Ce'kr pound. ! • - I I' - - ; ... i ham, wili •ti lexvx.i; 3iontrose at .7 ~,.... u, every i 1 .4-'nsi 'arc in-he-store fortmirlysnecupled• by Lathrop 1 d,r, 'Wed esday.and Friday. .AISo, a eto trier..:..• 4/.7. lisbury, aud more ivectitlyj by (eoree*Fuller, op- 1 , , ; ilj,, , L„. l -, L - s i-iii e , s,-,.., :; .. 7t. • „. ,'• . • : .-• • '. roiife - Searle's Betel. Airinivoitdd be very happy in . - 1 Gcm:el t c lika end conifortal.ii , earriege are pi 't . ... : deed to s•ee. our Triendyat 'the ONE Putts '.titre, 1 . 111(1 . 1 ded, and tle ir , . - spriett . N)3 will: .spare- xt6 ,PairiS =,tr.... t . ..-; hope to meth our share of itluL public patronage, by f c ii, ann oas:'' il l , pl l bli6.-, 'W. R., HAVI-1, -.: . . . good - attention and lor. - pritts. , .. •.. • .. ' .- - l'slORGA:'.: 'Ai VEST.. • '' • G. &-. W: li. FET . ILEIt' . 1 A pr a f. lontro . se, Ain : ,il . 1 . 0, , :1834 . -- . -. NE.W 40061110 S: i - • D: R. LATIERQP & CO. • • 1 . then . , ... . i RE 'now receiving' stud: of qoOtla for 'Spring 1 IS- 'and . Suiruner trade., {chi b they offer at . /owe/. prices than ever.,otTered in this uarket before. 'Thank -1 ful for the liberal patrenag4 they have received, they will endeavor by stt let attentun tO,.basiness, and by inaliv w-ir(ndulenif:tfr, to imerit et-en a larger share I of . the Niro Ilfl pt a of thOse [who wish` to buy GOODS i CILE.zi P.: • Call and example for yenirgelyet, and see if cur good; and pica; will- n t bear us : out in all we I itave• said. . . I. . .- ' •- . .- LADIES' _D/i!E S GOODS ... . '- • ,of every stYle; Thirty• Pie.es Figured Plaid and. \\ eltanseable. Dress Silks, ,s4nie as low an 15 - cents. i `ptick Silts, all widths anti •ualiies,• a 4eia nrticie 'clic_ $l. Lannit, iterag' e. 4 i) lanes' and Ginihaiiili, t , good and'cheap.• Fine White Goeds.of eve 'descrip, tion;\ Brown and Bleached Sllirtings; Linen Goods of every. kind; limbrdciitleriesimi* Lace Goode; Bonnet *Silks andFrin.est , 1 . - .• '. . • • \ ' ' D r CLOD: S - ' ;.. • . .., . of every gritile.i. 'Black,. brows, and Lillie Brixidcloths,. an of whicirbOng bought at bargains, we will sell very cheap. ,d , - . „'\. . .L. , • - s. • • • • 11 * •,,,, 1 \CASSIVE ES, 1 . : . '. c - of everY, stele;- c4uallY k i ly. .Call and .examine our 1 stock of t ' thesegood...4.,„ as 1-e c ti and wilt sell them at I the very lowest priceix• f' : , ;:• .' • . -., -. :1 LL EN D VCE,• -, ' ' • : a new article for Summer * ear. Soarer Cloths, Tick- Trigs, Striped Shiitings, Blue and BroWn Drill, Ken-, tuekyJettne, and Theelisita complete. asicritm'ent:. • •• - HATS, CAPS,-4ND,BOIFN-XTS'i : : a largq,assortenent, and -ofstyles tolsuit & all. Boots Shoes; Upper!and Sole !leather. ..',...-•-•:', ..: ..• '; . • . ,CR 0 CICE RY A ~TD C: L ASH - WA R. 4 -- - The most complete andicitmsive •14ortnient •ever brought into Montrose. • Full setts of ',White Granite and Blue„Ware for a veri little 'moneY. - -2tHrrors of. ' all sizes , and Of durOlc plate Blass. • --- . • , ' • . ' HARDWARE, LflOjr, '1! . ..V./) NAILS. 1 - , I - Call 'and extiiiiine our liriceit before you buy. , . Wil -1 low,- Wooden and Tin Blare tept constantly On hand. • . ..: •'' GR 0 ;:YERIES, . ' , - . • ' :,-: . • of 'al kinds. Sugar, 310 asse's„Teits, /cc., at less,than, I; Piitphainton prices. ;Anoton barrel and :Table Salt. tr Flour* by the I barrel ; sail( r pound. Codfish and Mackerel, Pork, Farmine-Too s of every kind Ploughs i and Cultivato4s. ...* • t - '. -- ' • * • ''. , . 1 - - G if -4 :'ji ' . .• • ~.. _ The grenteit fertilizer an the worSOn'quantitiei to ?ult. • . i . • 'BUTTER PlP4.l:\'‘, . 2 ,-. 4• • ,011,_, , a.;'• :: S. • '• , Produce of all - kindaliikeriliii :.•;,1,.;777::'e".:f0r - 9 . ootis, at - caslt prices: .. -. . . :*, • . • - Hurrah for it:i4Cio l kti . axitire" e Ter i ritorY !. • . I ' .Yebraskii andlEar sax, .Voletks-nolslaLe laws. • • Yaang iI mcrie a faATer and fr - "ee. 11`0 the Hon. Judges.tf to Court.of Susquehanna .1 county—foreign Amba. odors, Attorneys, Grand Jurymen, Crier, and other Officials --Clergymen ..tMd Churchmen, t Merchantsi, 3lechanies young gents'and,Old Fogies,l"citizens. and Serfingers,i'l l'the rest. of mankind,' t and the ladies besides—all bail: Just shut off thlli ,, bininr a half a triinute, if Ll'you please; J•want to ; eak to you. You doubtless' recollect whit old BlilliOn to 44d the House, in Commit tee orthe that lie W4;uld 416, in' a single tionr, o with the Nebraska bill iind, its ahthor, v ant. Well, I - supposelts done it. All right.-, L. And let the ; loud eiumfinad of indignant Freedom. It thunder oivgainst thel bkxid-eetnetited breastworks nti\ •of oppression and outrage !the World over; shaking eh the empire Of 'Tyranny with, earthquakes, shattering in feces the red altar* where holy Freedom bleeds, ,i and the red hand that hinds the fetteic and the Scourge, and . hurling Bespots;itoppling froth their thrones, down, bellowing after - , to--mhere Bullion in f ~1 did . §alll.—Excuse rite, fellow elnot.intend•to . nd 'go off in this rhapsody -On Oberty;and human rightv, to • when I began, but sbhply lb lay before you a little A . muter, of business, find as-I am by •Itofessich neither s orator nor statavinan, tint only that ,sort of "neecavary 'evil," a' Dentist. I will drop thy patriotism for the , present, which most a ominously for these days got the better, for a momoht, oqf 4 :'`i . s e interest, and \ con- . elude by sating that I (have ri dmy residence in . Montrose, and may belfonnti• aVdatavne, two doors ' ; south of Seth lilitcheliSq., oppoSito the . Baptist lfiChurch. l• will wait'on 71;pii at your residence, (in e town;) if desired.. Those living at a distanee, dealt ing plate ieetli, can boa rd with me free of charge, •, while the work is be ing done. My charges are so I e 3 tow that I make thenifsfri ly confidential. - bud , J Yours Ord& 'oniilly, L n a ! C. D. VIRGIL, . - "- • Montavne, April, 1854.) Resident Datiat: va- r trdA 4 i" NEW 'GOODS. . • for rrif F 1 slibieribars ire not" weiving an untamilly try . large and desirable stock of `.'= his . - Spring and S nsiwer Goods, nt, tilich they ore prep i led,t o ff er to `their - enatorce . ,ri ant the ptvle of tit' e,du tyzenerally,nt exceedi • it, l$ low prices. Theytwera bought for Cash - aft " a ,e 4 considerable deelin4 in rnarliet, and will be ld at correspOnding prlues. *ant of time renders it nee: emery 'hat we should, rcter our customers to" th • act: • vertisements et our tieighbora, fora, sontiapertga. of i r, . • the variety kept by &Alec! ft to say, coo - ult. 7tf . meat WWI 1 neva bet nor snore axtensive , t. . . 1 lizFrtsTacritritr9 , Clover and Timotliv•Seed also !.- Butter Firkitate..... rice DENTLEr& READ. - - Dams and Shontilers. Ircukfile by BENTLEY , . Sot?, Lup 4 'b: —6 , _ 1144',C4 •a lead Ali* lkio, and - Wsl, last::: b? bY , - • y r_. i ~ ~'~ ~ 7' - - - .TVE arenOw'prepareti to furnish thecA irt:r-;:ntr i r,f . • Atirir_i`etindt,imltrier . GOOdS r itt; s : ot fail to uttopete witlx the ;very. lowest tuyo,-i.: losest buyOrt Our' assmintent of - Dress • Oosr: • :complete, ento.p:iisitt very iftvleyrof • laCest EtAltiOns-:-Baragke, Baie r e s Dehtfri, • Gii . ights*.f&e. - &Mot _ call; &D. HONWS.-•-We have. received:lu goo its'V: 2 - - went at extremely low CLOTHS.-- - -Broad Cloths, Cas.sitnere, - .Tw6C.u.. - 7'7' - Jeans, and a first rate assortment of Srintner : Ste.. &c.• ' 'S. & fcc. • READY:MAIIS OLOTHLIVO.:r-A. swr ble assortment , & D.• &IN ' 'WALL .PAPER:--4 large lot, which onn.'.iirr; to sell low, bides giving r itn OplX)fllglity_CO,llWk' ter selection , -„ , S. H. 441).SAN-itl.. .eISHTO 'IALT, Butter . Firkins; Tin Wry-s. Lc. &c. - S. IL & 0 .E.l4E.s,4llaving bougi,t yery !pot an cinnOttie 'S. 11:.zt D; Montroie Mav - • • • • )11INti GOODS. - • • ' (In of. be 14rgest, and. best •aelected stacks !‘../, Goods: in the county; isr - noci'(co be Rawl, at 0 4 , 4 t store_of -, - • : • - F. B. CRA141)1•,1-...r3.. OPEICES Of. Priati,'eYery variety ki 2114 piecgs of Lawns,lains;and too pieces of Poplins, . Ginghams, and Plaids,,Lu-pi•-• ces of Lined,. Deßage And. Gingham - awns,• , 4l - La many other pattert;s.Blll:„ParanaciiniAlpae-a. lin,- Cambric variety suit any t..;•sti and will:be 'sold at the lowest ratei;,- • . T. CirIANDIXE - '.• • .#l, ~. Orillreerrire.';# , ' ~ .. , • IT XV E. beeti, mid will continne',to be soli. 10n•rf.... -1J- than at any nther house in .Towtt. 4. lit t"fn more - of that 'excellent Tv ,t, ibr•zr;nts.;iyouud,\ a I.'-ii?r ;1 , article •ot sugar, 20 peuntis for 1.•,. , ,.'i at! .... • -- • --. . - -- - • '. CiTA:Citlif,i4l 4,tERY lioperior 'lot shoes, lieu's vuroOs, i r. alfd foridle-by ' • ;."-, - - . 4„;: 4 21.i ALL STOCT.--,:considerabl4 more droekti. , .;:q Glais ware: Nails and Gi;rs:Pienty. Few and ware:- Ploughs, Drag Tke.th; Sprout's Spf - 1 - ! : :'-; Thimble Wagon Boxee; iron _ 114moli Cliain.q.,Tledprdi.f.Darn sliovels - and will be sold cheap hp 1 Readk :Matte clotEidn.q CIL:ANTI - a and quality r o t surpassed in N. 16 ket, and-us,:allJ a.s - k i t that the „ I want will 1;6 groc:d enough to call and see at( ' 111 • il,ookm and .Str, - ;tlola.)t , • Cii9OT. BOolis of rt.tido:4,cvcrylciod;'Blailc - F.?: - •:•t Misccilkiteotl . s -Books., Fancy and Toy .cr, Cap, Nfotc,`Wrapping c hiotitig Poti - er ztr. • -. • , rISS4. New firfiods and. New Arrangente;“:l „At IT.ettcll' Pair-Store: . -1 - rrHE undersigned Would - restice.tfully annour.c-- 4 the'public that they 116 Tc-entered into cocarteF: , :.- Ship in tb l n . 31ercantile business at the 9 - lead gation,"sand that the busincA will hereafter he dieted milder the name- of 'Hawley cite our 414 friend§ . anti the public g-mdrally to . ibeiore. parClutsir.g el...lewhore, and- see cheap . elOds can I:aught efi.,11. - ' We „haw received in • good a.ssmnannai. of 6;carlx; makes (Mr stock complete, which we. pledize-fm: to sell asi - cluip as"the ' -. . G. R. HAWT..EY. - • C. W MOTT - liontrMe. Apt. I. •••• Chau",leel. DELAWARE,'IACKAWANNA. AND.. • • 11.1.1 I LROAD. 'SPIIING":ARRANGiIiF.NTI . (AN and after- atonday, May Bth, 1854.•:{16 Pasenger Train Will depart Lora - S?rar;to; 9. 10A.1 31, ..itvive at Great,Bena at A: Connecting with the day express trains East r2.L..1 West on thd N. Y. E RA. Rettn - -4 will leave -Great Bend on the arrival eC Day ExPress trains from New York and Dunkirk . , riving at- Scranton,., at 4.1.0 • The treim c •ht Accornmc'idation Train with Passe-..-- _ Car attached Will leave Scranton at 1.25 r. jog, at Meat Bend at 6 P. Y. I Bettninirig, will leave Great Bend ill A.- sr,' er arrive at Scranton - 11.-10, a. u. -- Stages valyte in waiting on the arrival passs:",- ger trains at Scranton,=to convey passengers,to Eittstbn, Wilkesbarre;Philadelphia Readino . Railroad Eaton and all other- -interniei:l -, ,-, 1- . _ places. 1• , , The rains we connect' with' arils . ° and'ckplair ft ci-... New York And Dunkirk as Tollows : ~ • ' • Day txprewarrives at' NOV' Yoric. a 1.1.32 r. M. rr,_, departs] from dik at 0 A. M., SaMe train ll.TriV.: , : , - '..1 Dunkirk 1( .4 9 P. x ., and dep a rts fro.o dtk.:tit 7.gf.: 7,1 m. Night Express arrives at .\ - ew Y0rk".10.02 A.....,1 and departs from do. at G ri. it. Same train' artivi -, '..f. Dunkirk , l2.l2, P. it., and departs at - 3.3t1.. P. M. iii . .: Train N0.:1, bound west, arrives at Dunkirk 6:08.1.- .Thosie wishing to avail themseWeg attic Night:, press. Moth East and West, or the liailitraintwest.. the".'. Y. it, Erieltoad" will tatut ur Aecomnaoda ... 'tr ; which leaves Scranton at 1. ' 25. e.'3l. Tri.:... wishing lo go la the Day. Express - e thbr east:of wet , _: .Will.take the Mail Passenger Ti- • , wlficiidepary: :1 ) 9.10 Ai m.. -• " , !. Dr (' ~ . H: DOTTEIiEII t Su erititende.: ?... I . . Scranton, Maj. 6,85:2. 1 ‘, t ' ' 4 T '' ' IW: • AR. ANG,......E11i 185, . 1 I'L9 if... .a . e.m.t.k.LEA S Rail Road - -Rei g .i.- t 5 .. Line between. ..11(mirote 1)tpo1 ' cin4 , 1. . T . . ,Neut •Veyk r ever,i/ eav, Sun- ', -- .1 1' . 4aqs erewptell . ' • 1 - . • ITINDS' . 4,- MCMILLEN, having . n.a.4e arrarigame,•••••,6 for forwarding freight' o New-York-*b.l.the e . • b of Capt. IL'R. CADWFLL; of -- . Orane- Coontr, -- -•41.. be in attendance at the Iclontro D•'.:l-o - tAc•:%. ert--- i'," .thel,w,ek, to take. charge of such freig'et anu pro .;. •i. airaay be entrusted to them. 'Returns for the a.-:.: f ?. ( ,wll be paid, at the Store of WillitrinlteMillen. - • : E - GrOeries in general; - I our,- Pork, Fish, Ssit; fr ' .- , ..te.., constantly on hand, for sale. at the lowest . C.:..). Friees, or in esolutilge f F country produce. . 1 • •L. 11. Titsni. • --, '.- Wtt.t,t.tu 11C3f.i.r.lz. 4 .- -- Aptit 18; 1884: '. . ' -..-• -' - ''' i • • , . N HL • • • Abel grureelli, . ' • • - jrEEPS constantly ,on hand a first rate assortr... , -nt Drug., of best go, to supply 'Physic - I:xi.% • • and -customers -gencrallS , T . 'Also a • great rariety Patent Jfedieinee, embracing nearly all of that b3s7-- kinds in market. .•; - • '- Chi:laicals, a full supply.. •. ' • -Druggista..Glase-ware, a general- asstirtmnt. '-.1,19u0r5, a choice vanety -for 'thedieitial Tfyiii;v; ,SuipTiater* rind ghtadder Braces: Zidints and Oils,' a first- rate issornnent 'of qualities. - . , • •- - • file 'Biwa, of all kinds Stonccteare &C. / - Groceries, a full assortment. - •- . • / Dr/ Goods allthe,lending -and:staple ay tieleic A, - •.1". this department ; and 'will bo sold cheap. - - "Hartf-reareot small assortment of. it7kinde mai" used. I • •-' • Pticket Knives; the rnaket, Yotions rke fnlyits,tirtutent, liteeiry, a gene variety: Ppfumerg aft soil). *mica inetrumenta; and Ft ' tariff; etattriteirig aorta. of strings-for inetrumenti. / • Hatpriale for Light. y taarP_ Carupite4z.. liming Fluid, Candles., pmps; te. i . gteitilnerm;Mtrror4, S,peeniel;fs,, Spoons,..l3rasher, Shoes, -Wall Paper, UilibrOlso, Whips : 4, tke.ri and'neAr- - eee mantell'irOhis inirkm., win t*lhurtdas,.. the tore of / . ABEb-TURitElet:. • AUDITOR'S NOTICE " . HE understr - ed, . Auditor nppointa - byl ti 1 Hon. the nrplfan'er Court of Setiquebintia entx ty. to make diaiributicin of the fund row in ,aid Cot'; of the eatate of Japer Loonk lata.of.said count...y de• ceieed," 41 ettetul te•tbn dittlei - of his tpriniuttavoiq ;hi !ditjeci in kiutrole onlatuiday the e, ilit ighth*v jiily next; at one - o'clock in-the a ft ernoon s ; time and.plate it persons interested In the nald furti ern 'required to present_ their elninic or hi fore haiired fintn.eoining in upon the Pahl fund. Nay fly rRINELIN PRA 4t.-. . - 1:1,,TY bars a eopt tho Sim; Of Zapifirt:,.. wog Ac diMPS• - irlgepowo.4oYo4 Zarb brefirs.;.l*lrree.:* iialfloo and 00 tiddler N*Yrl6 , lo.. 195, "xec,_elvee. Anti' 14- • ! 1 1r,;,,N1 si ' - 11l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers