1 7 . oS'llg'qittl atoti(litgittt, j . .11.1rfilZIElt" ' - MINTROSE, -PA. - Thursdai duly 23, '11134. .WlllO STATE TICKET.- Gpvernor, .JAMES Pol.locii,of Northurnberlind. Canid Cconmissioner, ' . • =GORGE 130.--RSIE, of Allegheny: . - c iudge of Suprtmebourt. `DANIEL M. S.III!YSEP of :Nrontemery. • WV. B. '.PALREB, ,;the American li*ewspapar .Agentiathe only authbiized.:Agnt fbr this paper hi Ati:idea of Boston,'New York and Philadelphia. , • PROSPECTUS. eti.et? f s. The 'importanCe of the qttestions to he decided at .the ne t. eleeticsas, the :doings of Congress and the tdrainistrationi Wars in Europe, Asia, and America, 40 News, in general front` all quarters, of the, globe, only be expected to render. the NeWspapers unusually 'ateresting fat some Months to come._ ,Every man worthy the !rime of in .-American Citizen ought to :note -himself acquainted with the political questions of.the*y, that he may bo prepared. to act intelligent ly in,he.lping to shape.the future destinies of his coun try. ,To bring these qiiestions before readers, said *ti, advocate the incur on eery question that arises; ; will he the endeavor of the Editors of *the Register: The 'grist, \ battle betty:oml Freedom and Ravi presents question paramount t(f all oth ers at his tithe, cfndliere4ve take, (Mr position in tic hided eppofifieui to =all the Wicked schemes of the laver extensioniste..l • • The; Register will be furiaied folsiz months from .July Ist at the following rates ; , Onecopy.-sim months Fiv i o copies Teri-copies' NeiVnblications.' - • /A:kb—The 41y number of !, . his: model - American ,*magilziiie,whose . , eon ,:intsare 'all original, all - American, and all paid 'for, -, present ' the tfsual.liappy ecumnin- • - • Of grave awl! gay, prose and poetry. all -• s ithe,.best.of their Oud; which has. &o rapid y•raised it to its 'present - high state of 1:4,pu 7 grit . . 4 ` May . iti i ,shadowrpever be •',',."Ublished GeOrge P. Putnam Co., 40" - Park Pface: - .N*IYOrk: nt 3 per annum... ~ Grnlenaii, fi:ir,J . 4l,),-,• was, ,as -ever, promptly re.eelk..ed u•; 'and, zs ever,. is ger up in ale ' .gant l ,'StYle, - and i.eii . lete; with interestlng .read ing,:!•l3.ernice Atherton." bar Caroline Cliese • - •• story 1:6 predict; f. "the 431 : eeeeding portions of it. equal what has;.lalready ) appeared, will -yet, in a - 44 Ore peririanent forni, achieve a wide Olefirily for - - -;ts. gifted • authOies i 'the . Life of Washing- Fleadley. ; ' is c,..nOuned, Irshoit, Whitt' rnarazine :and his and hand sorn,e weel:l - i newspaper, Saturddy .Nr'el - thry Mail; wherk.iu' he abLv .. • dvocates..*the Teniperanee cause, and . - -gives, - • I:la, , riaderi the ei!earn of the o euiren - Cfreimi .:iterlz.tte,.a§ well - a'sthe pews of the puOic wood -rt.ra Stkbliantial rewazid: ,Moth works ate . published H.- .: gA"e &Co , 106 street, Chestni44 1 Phil t+ e • • • 'Ail' the Mioazine•it tea and . the .21taii at V 2 • .1, •, • . per tlntoe .. . 2, . , Gpcle:Of Zady's Book Maintains its\reputa tio4!as': the LadV's 800 .of •the wei7.— nt .1 • ~_ Ilr --- - he 1) 'of Aaving t 1 Jet ter part of creation on his I -ide,iGoiley is safe, of ciurst, and in their I 'nand+ we leave him onty adding that he is thel Most - punctual of mortals. and like the tnoori comes rou,,d,reguiarly once a Month. h. l' 1 1 - Three .dollars, sent ''4o . lurn at Philadelphia; !will secitre Godely fdr - a,'-ear : cheap enough. ".. 27. e Flow, the;Loorn,; n d tli Anvil:—lt is"' ' - ,perhaps Aumeeessary for us to add to the high I : praise me have already rendered to the abili- I ty an'l. charactfr of this \ work. If' fariners 1 and artisans, and, in fact ; persons of all 'class-. 1 • ftt, wbuld. read it carefully. they could then i judge of its quality for themselves, and Kroh-1 ably find as much to admire ~in it es we do. Published by l'‘lyroi Finch, 9 Spruce street, 1 i New York, at fpq a ;ear,. " ' 1 , . ".. . Pennsylvania . Farm journal.—While the i -zpiri4 of competition, or some other cause,. ... lasi reused the price of. many Agricultural 1 monthlies to fifty cents, and, it seems to us. 1 .. :deteriorated their qualities, the Pennsylvania 1 Farm Journal has been enlarged ail 4 greatly improved, Mid is still published at the origi . =1 Oiee, one tlollar a,year. `lt-is decidedly . practical r in its character', and wherever known is th efore 'mush: prized 'by practical farm-. 1 i , ars. iJ. M. Meredith di,-Co., NN't Cheater, I pa.„-inOlithers. - . ', "I C ' ThelPerintylrania School Jouinal.--Thisi • - periodical, that, has been I laboring ably and 1 zealOuslY in the noble:. calm of 'Common 1 1 ,., ' School , Education for the -past tWo .years, I . new shows evident signs of . prosperity- and 1 --, -. 1 _permanency., I 1 as sage .statesmen have af- - firmed, our Common School system is the foundation on which rest the liberties of our , . i .. i, ~ ~ it behoOves all true:Artierionsi-bohl _, - 1 ly to meet'andl'epel an the dpeli'alid secret 1 fo'os- Tf the s.yse.m. Its friends =I its foes I (the Fitholic priesthood) have had 'a hearing I in ptiges_of the. Journal . ; and in our judg. - th , - men the latter have been decidedly worsted •in * - Coidlict—a* 'indeed light nitut alwaT s , eventually, prevail over darkness. Teachevikik . . sad,. friends of cidueation, in general,will find he Journal; a 'Valuable :visitor. - Address' '' 'rho aa.ll.llurrOwe a s.Laneasferilta. terms, Ili one o a ..). ear, in v loc. 4 Ilir .. - - 'ad isi, '' - '` : </. 141‘"e and &yin": of ,)11 . re.Partington. and - .-OtAeil of the lantily : Edited by g.R. Siiii - lal)er A , Of the Bostori-Postl . publiAied by J. ~ C..Derbr i -No. 8 Park - Place r Neu , York . ; One alegaitt 12 mo. Volume, SB4 pages superfine papei.ovith 43 fine engraVingS on WOOdi price - 2 $4171 , =r - ' , 1 615 . /4 111 Pgion is one of ale 'Tam !'., Ow ii . kp l liti . ,plif. " " has,,lihe - -said probably 4Pe' 14 1, ,.t' , t° the PitrPosel 4413144 am, '.. -0 411_ gitlY:a4r Te existed. l/ tbat.' -: evei cxiet4A seiAisiiii of ihought_ are aanui4ne and oil: - lof rd d bode' - I • gin't 0 her- use mu a; : :and: tombna. - = -44,1jouth niter t ed , vitb'pnicOtt gravity ^i ? ,i- I. beThe4,44itara.fi,iit,#-i 4 ? ' tida' , ,,,laughino - 4/ 1 0 11 01 14 :- Plioninoftbor liste4Tti,"si;iiitro: . . ' 3,00 447',A 6 0,41,t 6 i . 04; ibilblt4iutir*4o/ • opin that; bier namkillas* hold wordy t° l4 otid_ She Sndurither riewspaper ri)1141 vat€ her spectacles titer - thaw log that she :is go de to - ,"p book. We advice everybody wit, hemor,:pathos and poetry borrow), this book, and beco (painted with Mrs. y;, an can be obtainiidin Moritrose at • of F. B. Chandler'. I • r • 'l_ They'll-Rim it I',hc round.. • The opponents the NSA' ka and Nan silk bill; especially thoo iit b lition anteee-. : dents, Will soou,'if not . :alrciady run their op-' position hito the ground. I Thqs - harp away upon' this. single string .itiltelo, "Pack-o',= •ninny" 'style; only omitting to Vary the tune. Foi example; we will refer I to !line of our ex changes, namely, • -tii#• ...3fntriase . .kegister, wherein we counted tin . t * o late nutnbecs, filly-one separate anditlistittct edito-' rial and copied ; against...*.ihrisk i a,"even now that it.iS a permanent , e,,,ttlie land.: This, is not only very - sing tlar, IlUtt certaitilyjsaa It-is-done t strengtl en the /Whig, party by .ry an u fhetil rig, a preju dice againstflut bent Tatie ad ninistrations. • - . -•• ... ale Herald. The .perusal of the ithoVe-te t has • ed to us dm heads of a-brii.s! hui: -la. "Enining it hito the : . . , do very tottettllesirei. to- rith principle into the4rlUnd of Ranz4 - 147irkeip,iffhere '... all , ty tO.call upOU Artie Peniovrat .thit, purpoie - ,..iliongh we have expectation of any. 114 p frOin :the:kone sdakoifentl4, - - '..2d.' ' 'Oniitting , to Vary 11 e tut'." No doubt the "Wile 'is I,hecoialn 7 di.qitzreeable 1 and tircscine, both tO-:.1101 rill as. the Her: aid' eflitor i :iiial) , . fai4ri.4l the NAraska NH from the first, and . to! tech a.:- as of the -ifqn t... Irole ,Dentocrid,l - iiho ivas laret etipugli ialtis -1 oppositiontO-it A ioilith or. tit() : ago, bet - has I lately, for,eome Antli4own, re. on., - haillea'l or t -5.: . o r 1,1K14141y that I‘4is l!ecotbeo wothet editor' 1 , . . hail hlin as "tlie rettiriting . 4loitbt they would rider : to tune; •of "Federalism, • "13a f l thus lead ineu'.B, minds from tion Of :the iiiiquitoti acts!" - ' o . mOeraey ; but the inuNiei.,h,t, great . arniy of .Freemen who , • , battle against the. traitprs ti havem'et the foe aiul won the the gratifieation . .of.tlie Iterahl play th i ejune \Vitt' occasional Slave-Trade variations: . - 3d. " Fifty,one ,ail ielez4 t , hi The. raid is '6,vidlentry i.c.-7U extended oppoSitioni and feel! • 11 . .t . t -li , i expres i T its -as onis 1 ntii .. - ro.4l.Denicirral was f ilblishin , " •' - • o'Jiiiinii against the.l.Nebras - I ' 1(1, ,after • its ; 1 - iassage, 'S. that it had -pubii,be as the ,liegistr agains qii4, what ty.toii! ,- 11nlerif it Must the :Herald lave felt! tq..6 . dc i ep fo;•tfttertinee.. rit W ii,iiti,..r .c. itie ex-zNoeiiKei. In to "-i'iatiOnal , Demberaea, - " i :But now the; strify lan& bast to';.the fold,'`ind the i llierold.rn .firy.l . s• his tot ) gile, tt.i den+ - mnc , ,lirai . -it..l-;cif such ~ , I s ic9n thrite 4 . tstir the iSi' . (A)raslA, hill, "even fore fend , thud). r hitt tient: ;law of'tltc , lari4.',7 . 4th. ierter4erit laic believe! it. It "j Intid,"..,(i4.titir skit - nip be it. sj peoplethave dieidc4"that it s. rriatient.." t Li sr. , kaGbngllcssuin, dike G have- y.our --perrnahent"la `~ocePetgß~~ of the! North\ hl d politici Teht.it. .stl; , .4 1. .: Li. " Singular! and susi lar and suspicions .fOr a pap antecedents" to bitose this un-Chi•ktian,-prO l Sravery nit pers and 'people of all sorts. eratq,.. Silver-Gray Whigs, and .DemocratS, , Abolitionis erybOtly,in fret, that does and i.µ not a slathimself, just the fame tliiktg: To more suspicious; t 4 see the cratie-'ilialpers Of 1 Pennsyl , wheeling into line ppo to . surt 1 , S loops . ' asi though [.the Slav( were, Is repa ring ot,figlit 'a d, Pennsylvania, and ware g the toaeofoco pre r.f' n- that wil show who is,rrght. ":Nlanuf4uring a j the emoeratic ailtainistrati4 that is Dimothiiepaper i tiyh etveen tt.t tate and j mini.Arsition on I4e [Nelms welhave no doult fliiis coal oppii - iliion to the ;1(.1 - nitlis.tra ,wades all partieS, is.ot,', in flu, , 1 diee, btitlof the 'sets' 'Of , the themselves. By ma!ting, th the test. of De'ti'vae.rae,,v,. ti theirdoonsh,_' A - V.9 [ i as Iflif I 4 1 1 min and the fricusiTs of hum trt n i liteiwortli eonde' 14 them, ' I-41 hiirl jiietn : fio . the sent • • , ~. 1.1 , .. ' W..pis Naas., 'rails. tnklit i re prevent ed.tye rerteal of' the ?,11.i?.,suri• Coinpromise, so `now.ttt is, probate e : !tht,..1 5 - iasylvaiiti, will tarn ; the mile fdr - cr. again 1 its restoration , ' The -people •of the state; ofi all ?allies, "'pro... -tested -learttestlitigabiA the possge of the Ne ri i i,ska bill, ‘llle l .lt was - [.efore Oatigress i 1 and held indignati l tn 'alf r Ttiags, andpetitibnoi li Congress . ar• id -1.11. - &Ate.. isl..ure against it ;' -hat. their .vibi liras . ... a Kea un l ieet l e a, .Le ,, =. both at Ilairislatrg,:and Ilk , itsltiagt*, )11 1 : - . But: they will total- hif,-e lin mi .. rtitaity Of ' itutk- . L ia,g their t °if* beard; in sl f er that can-- not ha „taistalie4.l - ‘ . .Eleiy..:r.ote eaat s i t the i:oming elfietion!Will. tell • for . ,Or . again4' the cause of hurn4 j ty. ' . No issue wa evil'rceet! ! railii * and 1 ;604 tll j t ;rlit'e ,vieoortl i 14;4 le t.„...t4 *tie (k ,thty .. *4 • wiE - iit., tho - . 7 . overwhelto4 'if . I I _ f„ • The CentrO of PcipOlstidn, - Coalmines, and - ..i. ,- , r I,: , .'..r4Omotion. • • ' • . z.: . - _ - ' Ti*•eers - or populatip . n. in the-. United - Stat4iiciri.. 790; ~ toO in Adams, comity, Penn. - silvenii ; let4, - "ii-:1850 it was .ii,Belii,iont,. eoun:ti, Ohi*' , 'Mits . between 1790 and. 1850 1 (uixty ,yesaii;) tha-ienire - ()f popolation,:l_hai traveled' tin -o hundred and twenty milee . ak most due . West i it jtravels about t thirty-Seveii ~ . inllce decennially; or nearly foUr miles Lpee=. annum: - -In half keentury it will - be in Incli 7 _ ;ens; and it will bei , keentUry, at ,least, before_ _ it crosses- 'the.lifisitiiPpi; • which, indeed,.,it I- , , - •- • - will probably never (SO, if theUnion•contin .ues as at present, for thealiviOus.reasoni that - taitWeeli, the California - p.MiTutains and, the iVest'line of Miss - Ouri, - 1 here is. but a small portion - of fertile, land,.while, eastof the 7.‘ lis sissippi, alive. wcst of t he Alleghenies, alMo.gt, I Avery 'aerecan bemade a ;gardenispot.., ; - - Tile cen tre of Population.is•al«o the. centre . ~ of eonim'erceand locomotiOn; IN'e hear Moat - , t • Alf the imroense commerce of New-York, aiM various assertions - and opiniOna , based upon the idea that „ an important city is 'the centre or gottree.reoinniSive. INutithii - is; in! - fact i - more obs4d than such an! idea. ' NeW•Yorlc, like all iri l iportant eitics,ii• merely an Okeut. t r for : the atifer or fabric's, money, and per -sons, to tbe pince;.of their des.tination i !'and. - ;; make.4 itilliviag,lilio,ft conitnissionnletellant: 'New-Yorl: collectstlie revenue, but. who'Pays . :it ? ; !Ohio! pays :one-tenth ;the the - revenue of the ; • I United States; - •L • ' I. The govi.srnment. infOrmi us it •ils.s.etillect - I • - - ed fifty millions orrevenne. • l'lwii: : Qiiii) Itats . deed fire - nilliTais. l ef it.; •InTliernt,..afidJNen tin,-ky limit paid, five inilik t io,_,iour. ,It. ...is this flict.,•,that Oltio-isiliiiT;§-ntre of ,L eTin",, meree, that- SO - rapidly creat.Js, the wcal4l of I that Sta,tef, developes . ifs: Industry.... and- , ivezt , suer'' , aefilvity to locoinotion. The conhher : •.ail grow! I' - of ~its`chief yT Iris kis nevcrlbqn ' ee l - nailed by the - oowthiOf any , - other part.' of. the \ Work. The ilg:gregate population of Cili e i Tina ti, (,1 cv c land,: S:m lin sli. y, TOI <A o. `l)ay ton, ;Col' libus - ,'in6il Zanesville, has increased from 13, '4l, iii.l'B,2o,l( p 24'4512, in 4t;.'53, ::bc . in l g - ti - , - . cady imirease Of 4-10, per c - eUt.' de , cenniallv4 0r.14 . edit, per "nunual The • -, her. i_ - -. ,oggrfgarq commercial: Nolue i that passed throng!' t i lre -places in, Ib.l2,lwas r o t-far froni 4-2t19,000,00t). W,hcli we consider the in' Meuse I amount` of expUrk iii Iles.l - j, ctiral I ; cheese, - and - hog produi4S, and ! the lnMd red 1 other articles of: : (loms . s.ii." - ; ext-ort, the. vat;t consumption of flee-:e by four Thillions - Otpeo, II plc 'who must also be shprllied!,wlibinipeirts, l and ;tile already - givai, es-icnt - of manufOcture in Cincinnati. D:TYton, - - Zauesville..Colunibuti - I -- • Ponieroy, and other places—the vast:ainiTum of iron; - •i'ltl, stone, and ;either heavy riiliefe„. i'arried on river, Canab,and railroad, - iti is neit diflieult to coniprehend that the internal-Com merce 4 Ohio already: aillounts to thrte bun. Bred milli_onS., of;, • dollars. Compared , • wide that, of the. .tat( S lying•l : in 14. - Ohio Volley the. boasted - milliner ( e Of- the ktlatiticlStat4 1 1 _ , _ superfia hide .so I , the ne*!ipir lar.as thaiigh vf,io6ro, she will' ele• • ver on learn- : •rity" in a ho likes fint, to buy loot 1I e 'better m , Roger: It L he Book=store diseptirse, rouild." , We the .17:ree-Soil . Tebrasl:a, at tti ,1 feel 'at liber to:aid a• _ fiir • UQt the lea t prli papers as prodigal:" no eri4c they did the conicmpl i - a pseudo Der -1 play till the have risen: to I ) . Liberty,. - shalr Blit, for wLe prOnlite to Fillibuster and taco numbers!" miihed -at sli& • comArained io 'after tad assuring its beeiOnleki altuget.4r an ii:furicrf t4i.ng. I-Me:2 fird:conlnierve is I lunch' .14 'Pre. %saki:ll4(i ati ..iniiiortant 'in lESeountry . .timin - fiireign (.or n •-- i - fneree.• I - ". . . .. . i the ivcstweird trlreli (.:(pOriuT.4t.icin • tin •,,, , .1 ~, , e - • • , grovtli )t .. conimeree, c..tri•i. - ..i wan .it tne c. el tratzatilm of lueOnOticlit . .. - 'Already '%'(> sr; 1 ho:1•0 n 4n. 111,. ~I , i' 4,-1 ",..,..- -, - J:-. 1.-...5-vi1;10 . lil ' greistest.Lerossirg place of rail‘s'ays, and' hi-el - ty- railrOads . are "Inade ',. d. maldng . into Ci mativ times as that act of ini: d, holy, liOrro.nr. With fvelihis tatt::-._sed the -de m 11,. :nlent warafcred, back aft inuneAliat:ely [ e• the awful 41e- einiukti .; • (.'en turiesi wi 11. pnls sway belore 'the - cell tr ',:p4.kitniati6n. cc t ininerce.and oz wealt shtill pass gaily', &um, 'this great valley, IL;re itcirtlt and .§Qu l'Etf,t. and West mu. sh4ke btinds... Alappy it lie, if, content fo Buell arnkt.' peace , and - plialty,.and jing awns thKavai.iect and the Passion,s whic : Min:: the `'Slaves i of Aramnuin Afbloell t they live in Itirrnonv 'with GU'd an .• ' , . their oprNKitit - 41 1-. now that it a f the land,!"--- ''7a law the oken,) bnt . the isil not be l e elect 1.. A., Gkow, and 1 .. repealtd. The, ce settled taint, 'ins cannot pre- •,,,!1.,i4i011 . ' iepite,sp.'prA6iee . . , s • 1 •----' • Foi; the Registe r s Xtryritn-- Piit.vraa :—lttu: g iTiin and , I ai d '. mint Molly: hare had i. e . •ti sale since \ e . gOt the last weeksWfial l ocrat. !• You see line et ;Tim,. for all he wed to he wroOst rimktaiike=i ons . Dimoerat. as long ngo as Viemeinher, - 11 s,i stock 4, - forthe. I,ViligHl7.:' geed deal lOf -la ek ~ year:4,, (and aunt 'Molly ! says fie- no OM .to' ( i he ashainea•of e, the name of I .Vhig, - • env •Jiol ,j. lOr his grandfather and horn too. fit flir ind •-!-,i pendence under,that name. when all lb td - Wasn't Whigs was rfiries.) ,Si,. now he tak sl the 'Register, and [took:a notion toS haveiti e:!, piniciiti: t paper;-CallSeirve. noticed ever s l ut e I4got old to take. an interest in 4)(1.1-11 tlOkOlint the -Ditnoerat. ',aril', is n iltosll- *vs tlieirstrOngeSt sideJ i ; and the mune twin I the .inckit .pOplar, 1 - deterinined to 'stick to i . f ; ! for its_the-.only ,way a young Man can get ..,a- . 1! head iflie wants to_ poPulate himself and 1,:,e.1 Some piinii.ins. : Only- think Of Mr: - spealtf.r . (chase, now L-what would he have been ithel hadn't, a come out allathin I)imocrateditdr,l and -made ,ti :blaster : about -Demigtr, ,r y, ail4•l . gone toylnrrupiri -folks ill,. his paper? Moth ii-ii '4ut.•a'l, y schoolinasterior a I petifogin la v- i yet, . - ... - ,- ~ Wel . as we have both papers to read, aid iz .i abinetiiites• have it hot :end heavy about wh t J :they print; and as there waS:soine.things ip ,1 that pice, in- the - IN4 k terat ahOut the " Wh igs '1 Ot'.2rebraska" that raised unele-Tim's dander 'i, • einue,_ lie. wants toe to =Write a . piece fOr hiall to put i'ri.the Register; '-• But, ) want !td mix in a little for myself on 't.'other side '43t . tilt!' I .luestiotilf •I . do '3 write for - l r hiro.; and ac 1 4aye concluded tO pot ,Borne ii l f his ides ti,,d Sotne• of' mine together . ,! if yob ars walla oil 1 i' - gl'm bOthsides,.eauNi in ttikin . Mr. ;,thas 's ;I rpart I - Might want tO•say - ,Sonte thingi that all I til'Odest! man like him ;Wonld-feel kinder d H..' I . .itt.e. , AbOtit printin in his own paper: . ',- h t 1 ':i . Uncl'e. Tim. any's that 'afterlJtidge ' Wilm . t and ,11.,1TH-Orow, : eorne here a :Ifew weeks a o, ti and give Chatio - a piece of their mind,,; ho..ptit II .some pretty good. "piece.s 'in?, his 'paper iagla: the .Nebraska :rascality, and the •.was : rats-.in., ~- hopes he was pin to keep .on :the tight . tack ; - • hat now -he begins to- show Out that he:ear . ' , Mato filr the party , than-any , , thing - else ;- - a id' iewintul..-eausOthe - Whigs hairo*ny - - - -. thing to. ~ .. . _ , say- abOu, tit and watitsilltu to. mind " ir. own hnsine* as-ilie..-Dininerats - .can:lnaba' e their,o4ir'eoneertia•withiiiii any' f their - he ButlUnelO.Titn, Gaye we sh4uldb.e . in: -a 'Hi ' fix' ...otO lioid still and let the ShiV•ory 'Oka:. r Ir* , Over lis,*lth - mot thotiltnocrat papers.iti 1 other Otrts of the :statr. - ..lhelPitt it , on; and o;•• • Body.-bnt . Clusse and, a -.f,e'w ' ethers to fight,' hi. it, if they iire:4ll- rho : - timer-tryier•tiire-el 4 Bigler t - G4eitu*/*id Veit..-such r 4,egislit et as wohat ii:* - winter, thatirould lt • 1 ais ittise a' oies •iagfri . -the . -r-Outra,ge.. -- : .- Why'''sa s' I he,. ;,ita jest tin-his:WA,* 'away-. ut 1 the eo ' ~ ption - on . - thePathairls ' and. pub is ' ii . Orki;Aaad;t4r . yinfilt - 414riiiiisii, tO.:iiiiii :AA - 4it i ie for . itienititinintoi . .rtheari'nt± - or t ;: .1 i• , • :- - .1,. • Sit!gu of ‘..4.l)oliiion un-Derriociatie. lture, when - pa- Hunker De-mo roe-Soil INhigs 1, Neutrals,, .Or- lot own. slaves, been dOing us it lopks far so-callecl Pemo -ania gradually. ii that act;.-for`ii I r:s f;titedsionists Isperite-tattle in .tting-..control of purpose. • Time rejucliceairist us.. " 4 (Note hCre, akes no distinc lie National Ad ka question, and ,ct iu that.) The: ton which per mult of prejtvr aiiministrations Nebraska bill have rcaled 8, ai Free ;ln liberty, have as such they • , . rpitire , iiarrtant .o:pinutylvaniane' rug ~to theiron•- anjuifulHy if give am : *l'4l • . batch. • But, says I, _doutt_yclu se r *hat !i *is" at4;;lt t. l llooeiniPa that tSii:corganiiatioxi.:':iit Mr. kkillockj shOuld lie beilected4 searnpa; atiye Why .thern• fellers _flat . be calla . )eaders, says I.: :11• - *Ys they dint care Titbit' about LN,ebraika;iald are' jest: - .as ..ready to l. glorify. the bill aslo cuss it if, they. can on)ir make ; . votes by it, . . Fudge ! raysitnele Tim. The ~Whigs haint , i gOt-no such leaders, and. if then. had they fwotildn't have any followers... 'Lhere: wasn't sitoigle Whig froth a • free stay that voted ; ;far it in congress, and thete - aintr cinithat,up: telds it in all the northern: statues.. nor-. Ire • linusti-be-thinkin of such kind'ilf-41tdics as he , ie.t.rvin.t4.). be, soya he, for when they notni nitte'd Bigler last_ winter, the Istelirs,ska fully 4+ • Washitigton sent Forney . 41d i , .a:10t inure stich leaders up • to llarrisbnrg to. get '.them. Mc _pass .sorne res olutions itj favor; of .the liseheme.; but Clinte :Lein ttliC coiptuitty; I : and km.i'whi that . ft good rn'tjny Di)noc:rats &gill it to home, he datiisent have , iresolutioni about ii.one way nor t'oi her, and M lead tent' keep dark. 'At' ,o the same. leaders wouldn't haVe the Lepslater .4,:ay any Aldus agin it, and Gov, .Bigler Itedassynt ttvither. ..But now Chase Ints go( hum, - he blazes away >tgin the,Nebrask husindss pret fy sharp some times, seein manyl Ditoo erats go tight it here, While he Wallo to let Bigler keep, mtim, and.make every bddy vote forhim, \rhea any fbormight!se!c.' if they get him elected the folks at • Walltingtqw _will .:Swear he waSa NebraCka-tuan all 'the time, and make,a great Inirta that Pennsylvania i. orit too: Talk - about the Whius . nUt maw* • , fig about Nebraska 'only to get, votoi! Why its all tlitinmery,.and Shows )ost• what such leaders as he cares tor it when they - prate tight it.and rote for tne'n to `uphold when hey get elected. r Rut says . 1, didn't the Whiks , (Gen. Taylor who'was a slave 11, - tkr V'll4 ...1 , f Buren was put 1 up as .a re..., Su l ly r ; 0 ) (1. the Fugitive Slave lqw . .vhen Fiihnt come:into I , owtrj 'ars"( Veil what 'if we , did V o te .'ay' uncle Tim he , wasagilt 4 , atendhtiSlavery any . further',l atld in,favor of. i lettin Calitiwnis , come in all a Free State; tun; ma. wits'etter than to have a northern , - man With .t4outhern : 'Principles - like ; and th cy W4nted he I:Whigs - to ,-yote for Van Btirett TaVlor for. Wag ! 1. 1). that CaS4 eoidd get " fugitiveWl • !lhe law Wati no more a mea than it - Was a. Dintoerat -Measure, says Some DiMocrats and some Whigs rot-. 1r it I _o.l . it 'W - 11 . ula in th I , Tromise bill along with theadmii; T sion l of C i d: ~ torma-as- a free state:, and' cone moerats 41 andnian. Whigs re . ,,ted aglit it, and ' they have been agittit everlsince. , • •But :43 V :; 'didn ' t the .Whi , ;'s that inotninat, ed Gen 'Scott at Baltimore iltdOrse :the ..com promj,.:e with the fugitive; law iuii it and, didn't Judge .l(sstip make speeehl and say. the Whigs would stand by the rights of their , southern brethren ?• - and dill i t the Montros . rai:=e,their bier .thik and have a , treat ~,.. • , - I! pm - IC:awn weu they hear&Seott ..11i51111- 11 dated, ?• Well what of all tlait, stirs he. Didn't the Dintocrats that nominated l'rerce indorse the Compromise still stronger? _And s'pc:sin Judge jt.lssup a Tecelt; and Say - ; what Ch aise says he did- tikut the sttualing by the rights of -the South, (the'. I Tnever heard of it afore,) that Avain't ,savin I they N . vould give up: th , Nlissonri;Cenpro- . noise and let the . South harc territory of the United States to ke•cp, ,s`aYes t hat they ,;;reed thirty odd ,years shOuld im tree - territory forever.- by :a - .Rig, 'full:. Sup portin Southern .rights ;.Sonthvrn • iit -6: lcropps 4 16e a Tiw,itt the •W higs j 'of altiftirose did rejdiee andloist their flag (lave . was notainateOnatead of w..1;,f - ,,,-„.; Fin,,,,.—: 11.- ..---•,;..-_ !•.:.. 1 tn.: .. v' . reason iliat 'Webster alai Eillinore : . wits 'eon- Aitlerell shorty in thvur of - thfr fugitive hiwilian he was, and for that Same .o..asotil all the . e , ,t-. ton \Vhigs helpeti:_tit.Dia, , ,wriits,dect Pierce andbeat rscitt.• • Atta ft.ii;,,....,,,a... ~.•tt.iit Whigo r down about, Philadelphia helped th.,. Dinx:rats beat Goy. Johnston , with Bigler. eath-e -,,lcriLlit;tf 111 went "agill the . li.kitive law and Wottldn't sign the bill' to let :the- slave. holders have-our jails ' to Alit up the run away n,igge,rs ;Lei. while Bigler -went round the.-tale makin speeches ; ill :raver .of, botli, w hi c h ma d e souse of. the .:;bouest, Ditooera'tsl ,vote•agin him. . . Well says I, Chase is:a 4 , laguy.•-'sniart fel; ler any how, and' there is :6, good many ivill. believe what he says about there I>irin .zotn4 Whigs that. aini even i.-0 honest as. Judge "jesl .sup is.—Then Aunt NfollY. thought she nitist put in a word,.und says she ; '&1;i - el,. I :dont think Judge Jessup will 'feel nmeh flattered by any of his complimenq, after all thennan :flings he's printed about him, time and agita • —lever-mind, says I, Chase .knov,• i s . there is round some folks, the cotniti that have got ti • nighty prejudice - Agin Jtsitgc jessuP and oth ers that they call the big ;bugs. of -Montrose_ ; and so- when he wants to i e,arry — :his pints in any thing he jet hits hiM ,a few! digs, and tells them - he is workin aS hard ;_tlie can _ pit t'other side, si.)• as to tr.ake , his, own , obje c t poplar. But see how he gives it to them fel lers that he. says. is wore than •A"e is. ' I le, rays theY.are-ibr the fugitive law and NC-.. braska - or agin - it,•jest as ithey can catch the most Votes • . and if the Whig - IConOlit ionhad ' endorsed Itite 'Nebraska; bill] ihe i Whip of liontrwe would have. di,ne ; .; 1 ; -' .00, an/. rause they want to elect PolloCk, hussy woidtl• rut: for hint jest - as. 'Soon-if lie sea - for Nebraska, -and Bigler- siginit. . Thais' Ull . fluniniery toO, saysiunele-Titn..-- If black . 'ivs• white, i f o ll i ; might : call it - so, but it.ainc.and I eilut- be,- no liow:_, He might jest as•iwell. kll 'what iconic/ be if the - Whig convention had nominated . Bigler . , and.the• Dimocrats Pollock- ';' • 1..' ; • Well Idont 'care, Mys I, ifi'the Whigs are gain to , - steal Our tlnuqler and.- stick them selvestp.agin ;the NebraSkal fraud and . , the extension of Slavery, Oiftse and I Will stick' to Bigler , tgthelast . dog iis-hUng ; :tor ,Chase . says be.haiut got no confidLnCe ; irf these, fel-. hers . , ,professin oppositioni.toiliraska,: .and hints pretty -sharp abOdt;somp folks' bein on , - every side ofjhri- question, andi- ready;', to „prostitute it to.t.heir own- selfish !advani l ae; Dont :ht; hit thent there I Id( nt. know of any body, that he hits closer- ihan. cif iies ' h i mseff, Says uncle Tim.- - If he dpnt get! hls-Tong legs a straddle of this AtieStiota' AS In . did .of the ' Temperance canie.When he - p,sseti for w first -rate sonny to some„ -an g. slyly iihoWed his. i card of withdrawal- to nthers,.iland.l told theta to keep dark till after electitin, I ;shall_ *on ! der,. Says he.- - And I.gu4ss,4nnel folks • haint I got a bit more . confidencn in '1 his,=; professions -than he has ht•theirs zny;,ho -,'.. i .. .. . ' 1 -; - ..", .. - i.Well, we mean to standa' fur. Bigler any how; says I, for Chase, S'ayi•l he iknowg him well and wasintitilatelyiconni...et4d Witk.hint when ! he,wai 'to Ilarriabur. .".Arid.,, when see.bhn abused and .iiattidaiiied, and. the lowest' , and - -"nfeatieSt ,pirso alitiee • directed agin him,''-as , 'Chiselmys . tera is, (Oa; I taint Been any abuse,. only_ t ' Whigs '' twit: tinti him ofheiti . mum on t_ ' e pittts, as .he ha a- right to hei,foriall gees ), ‘! we .- Will do-' h t, : fend Mtn: regardleas -of hoif ,qiiences . 7:,:-iN . o.. ira**. or, na iNahraskal.. • .-, yo? wont line :a ittatt*ortli7 as hatch sti.i. . illiitin 'Bigler :is,. 4 .' viii* hit iliiino 1.4104 ifil OtiMt...hia'.r44,-; tat job hi:6(oll4m of thel - y- slandered . srakd : . , )itial;i6k e Atii 4: by a- sea}. of blasiiii.demygiao, wit*ii I d efending'A Mai ,tal:i theAasst atiliin#7,• of ~ O. rmict . juitice".. faigLi,'lras koinitci i:Pay-,'lte,.: *Obi* snip at ti*rithertthaiihivii-li&_,. L . :.s. .For,-, if he: sholdetbe beat, jest, because he dontOhOose to let Mika' 4ligit'w which. aide of the question heir . on till after OltetiOn, how could . weitstiineit. ' .to h E ivo* peck - y i whi gs. Crowing igver - as 1 It.yrOuld make and 1 as mad . iiii'lfarch sayhares.-4O that 'mattMiley ~ put:in word she ; I; hope ypts wont - vr n higlamyman too;l7 t ekie).. ;But! I pretender noi: to hear her,' and begun tolread w hit Clo s e sa y; i n the paper i; ' • .•:"We .fMterniie. ,in the •advoeaq o:. any I ' principle With a set ot inen-L-of held together by no bond but politicalstittess, Willing to Striker ban& .with the worst foes • o 1 toriStitutionallib4ty and religious „tights, an .imated,.bY but one purpose, and tliSt of. ma. ligriant hatred to eit,:itry principle and every public, them!'F-Let nic see,i says I afore 1 1 ; re.itd- any: further, what ht by filitert4inwith such set of Ficatnps' Aunt:l\lollY, get the, the dictionary: . ! haw ! .says ;Uncle Tim, thats' far ii.nougl —4I guess. he's told the truth thiS - see iu _ to it not , says I :111.1e. ottl: roeittis•,to ask the question-. wiietlfet he'd bot ter klo so or not; eititse I've 'heard' ithilitei that. Chase was tor; haiin both sm4triliers ti the iLeg,islitter eleCted - tbis.countyi this year and if lie, could carry .his :Opts and - be. ori hintself, he'd even. be win] rother:should-li a O, Or a most' any thing. w:u the; register to keep on th pint, 'an jest 'slyly ;let toil:now 'whether an such bit can. he Ink de, 1 I tlut . uncle Tim las gut -ste.e r iyi and will argy any trtor.; to-night: So no 'mire at pre trUni! : E7'.EKIEL. Pir.r.shvax-, • For the Register: Sabbath School - Celebration'at ,Rarfora• .r l l 'Sahhath Sclttrol Celebration ,}`as held ht HtirfOrd July 4th, at-the' new Baptist. Chitreb. The meeting was celled to ordettil,:bY It, i I , (llire .141 A f Eli r A.: Franci-; ;al ,Prefudent. and 3. Eaton.. S.*.e.'c ry. • Prayer, Iva, then ofli•l•, tl€lid Eld: E., I lfraucisi ittlerHyllich soliie tin 1.: ! ;w 1 1,-; o e c upi.. Vt`ry: app:roiiriate and intAitiesting,•re 7 marks .fri!nu Mr. P. K. Williants !turd others, rq,t,o thelsubjecx Of freedom. Aht eloquent and fOreible TeMik!rance addresi; WtIN . tht n deliverer :hy Mr, Irani Smitli. .liter refrtis i nn,imts,'rih,aired, _to the cool groq r and ,we highly entertained by an addresill to the Sa bath School .fr'ot'h Mr. Jacob EatOn, tblKixt Ff byj a cle a r, eloquentraddress; W. U. - After which the folio ing rez;olntions Were unanimously indopted.: I . nt” , olYed, That Ave, citizens . oti -this ire ' republic l i do sincerely depb.kreand regret t present condition ti,f our. co.untry..; illesolYed, That We do openly'iprotest- o hatred to the "institutions" of si4very and.in te!Dperancit, and that we will . p,e'4ll ,mpans.to;rcitnoye-'ithe,,same. float our ..cot . • iißesolYedi Thai tirmly•dis z itp - proye repeal of the Miss'Ouri Comproiniscand titr. •ther, that we nrel not willing tr, peacealli. 0 idbmit - measurei, -that we~i ill • -1 strictly pre i erve unpolluteil-tb: sacred part h -ntetit-s of, otn' Nati'onal Independnee. item . olved. That we choose tO 'obey rather than mah rind, will. therefOre • tie ,chit ill!PLuenee - liberty to the e:•p -1 . succor the itigitiveoTrusittplit 6 . '11 4 him to his 'itiastO. - . spot . or dr , / i l e tichOed with . citeeri that e:irle, r er ,, ibi'.d .' . ' s 1 1 F - hearts.)n re:poit.e. Ito the toads 1 , (rti , r 'lll6 . ~ olThred - 111,(Tti various t . _ , lll)ieet ,. .;, I,X- • 'Wilt : " It 111 ./ • - 101:/eX:d6jitli i 'MIA_ wz; parted,tihe that , the , y - 0 • I Ta ." .sed very pl( ; :isaitqy'*ay.. • crabl° ( 1 0 1 . PyWEitS, r, - t '", -I. - A...keS an , Loin. arrringOnents . :,requisitiou SNI ITU, ) .- .1 l' . • S11110611)14 . . . , 7 tor hater 'r , and sever t 1. , • . in supply q . t . til the I.oo4nici t . N .- . train had heel that the (.11 , ad larae'nunilier town; white -,if eotird.,he (pull; - luitnethatel. aikl in fttti.n , Th 6 groNi 11.1 inn tlplt were ' hTiiting hint dny havingi. i •r - : - 1 . 1 - 1 ; . 1 - : , ' . k• -lc ii()LsoS: W ..).• °ming C0k : a i ..... , HI - .- 1 '-July 10th, 118;4.1. :• ~ : j-Ftukzihs Fii Ai:IER 64 SMIIII.-4YOI ,lit.n • send as , any. paper ;last : week apd I nave •. E ritind tO in liet.an: - epi;-tie upon Y-ou, for' It , .hli.' of. tering :you of it. i l Our hat l 4ll. - hOliday . has ; Lady occur 'd Ode:- 1, cup, t rf fyi,v;,,creiti.. ; it` fire . trir IliVre'4.! a: i the diSE9SIII iOIN .of men. - Occa:ionally . a.. it I : hy-gone cittYs, it . is celcbrated.4 :t martial ,-. ritdcz---a - processi.n of the eitliens is forn e t ] rand, all :march. the sound, of The. file fund Or in to :4otrie: spaciouit—elareh; Pr4yel• • by ht chaplain; opens the exticiscH-the : Jinn .u -:. Declaration of Independence' is .rea4L-• la : then it:erhaps an, anthem, :when Ate: orator -ft the day proceeds to spriad hitu;self upon hi: i glowing theme. he di:sr:hits - upon `:- the title.: ;. • th m atl tried etts',souls,'•• • the vrt • ues of th long line 'of d'oparted:ltero, why gained' . in 1 ' 1 I ral tpel ideitee ;Whiel!: . .!!U i highly idiStinguis ! le , . us among the,nittioas of the - ethikh,.the Ft th erof his eoantry, "first in war, fit•st: in pe.•ce and tirSt in the hearts of his cotintry men' at titrds a prolific topic for eloquence t,ttl 1 tet Cowes the rapidly inereasing gniattiess'of .0 free and-happy land, and, as the orator la:t; reeds _to! unfold iii glowing tern, .'our.fa ar: destiny; (espeCially ifit he r his th4iden-spee :II) lit, Will Le tilitto.st . sure to, soar above th, 6arth, and strike his?head among the starf..— NO more, gl6rious theme for' eloquence t all this omie was, hut how' it!seemsi as thong al the metaphors, hyperboles and ';" hVenas" (a - , in scla.),ldayS. we used to term 1-tartling all itars.ts: Of elowienes) Of Windt: the subjec i i s'llseei it'd )le, had Leo exit:a:lst:ed. - Th - e 'h pi : . i; tf4re:Ulliar l e-, told} it requires a speaker .t.: han- ,- .; Ilan ordittary ability to interest 11,1 t. u (Heller 4 iii.on:ii,. There'inu4 of e ! sirt=e• 1, ..: N. - iti(al. salute fired at shrtrise ; its- Weil as i 0 silo.: of art dl: at late:mats • during -th .) tit-, onl the Star.: and Stripes :xnust : he m t rled Ito .the! breeze. The younger _pat. of 11 . uttlij,- 'Content themselves . with smaller of dmanee and la:, liberal. suppl r. of fire era 'k ‘r: Ovas ever a4th Of July :witiva them :I) • . - il : ln these. hit tefilay s, Sunday '.School vele wt titOits:, and - ii i iio;ic excurAons fare mud i! Yove. : In ;seine localities' there must I e hall, ,and till yoang folks find their plea; Lir in .the .t asi .of the violin and the mazy da cc Tow-oft'o.there art those, who oh'. this •a: iiiibibit larOY,ofthe sfirit of had fiquOr ; im happily thisiiSttot a jirevailingeastom, • a little neighborhoodwas umisually quiet a the 4th, and '':t:a.S. - ingie instanee of litchi'ktt 441 under m• !notice.- Most .of our yo' in; i t .PeoplC were . gone on .exearsons, but .th children•welfellett, and Onthe. day previ ti they'!leterrnined to haVe. a Pie Nie in a b tau :tiful grOvet•d i ti the bank :ofthe creek. :Qn s: el their unpjtelr i ,tl. fairgid of twelve .sUMII. ert (she is name-sake of our lOVed aunt .S ly and I trust Will herselfsome da in like t =ac tier,-Le :aunt! Sal ly: to all who iiiiow Tier,) ,eli deredlMe an-,fihvitation to be :IpreSent a- al honored guesiXand - yon ,ma} be • sore it va • i • .i!y•fully t t ac4ted, But i Came' near lo :inl the -pleasure,ifor . just as we Wero near s e arl ing tbiAlteo.l , oyeiwhoe, ull thingsliad li eel I -made ready} - Lin ilLtinealcall 4rurnoned ei , W. . l a l mile distant, a'c tocouch of ,- siekness. ,:. toing''Nek as soon aS ~ possible,' I room 11 thy sirpriee', the whole company waiting' ,fo the,' has with one consent iigreeit., no,! . t dyniTence the exercises until .nly.' recur..— Thanking thttm foi:their .kindue*sove. pre ei ded after isOngNvith the:teitditig,i3ftbe , I)e4 htration of 10dependeTied- 7 -4 rattrtis . ) . :, . . , and, the diSe4sslort of -the boo*, ii:suppl . Icfreshuten4 . prOybletf,:for' :,the citcp.sil There eras. eneugh arid, to spare; 44 the. hi 'dreg, all Seel4ca. yet. .i.- - tnuett. - tel enjoy - .. e • - 61iresi,•:-!;:• kit . ever. mktieat..to' - w = •.: .Zine*Oif keolnpany cbddrety .',4 :• 11 flimute. to-do liquify . i 'dust i (oniii.iei!a:, ,‘. i 8611 ever : iiicialiViii. s aiiidien*l Po sie,. =it rileasuriibhiciaziotioivi.., .- .. --F. :r , ...!• _ - ,llThp4tli.ir . ,r,,qlik tiiiiityldeivatedlci"ti i - ' - .L 'r 'i . '• ~ ' • .1 1 ' . • . . . sun but it; Ir ut ob:bl' never e ..- i , \ vnt ou ni soe_hearts. - Aug been I made. • , ° It is melafieliolY ' deed read the ~, ant Of fte eidentavon.thatAbily t rough atiel ssness and o'leriNisa. -.-- -,1 , ~ • I visitedthis afterneon the 1 litY a : 4 prospectiVe copp mine in this iemity:'-'— There were. sevel laborers - removing the_ i f i eitrth and Tocic U dd. the supervision of a couple of gentleeni from:- New , Jirork city. They shored - me . a umber of s linens of theittre, and expr sse m eslderabl confidence ttutt they should nd. it in sufficie t • quantity 13 tuvay well for \S oiling. They lave my best A* l °" for their suceess, Out my :hopes are of very: ktu . ?guin . IFor several years I have, yself been sea clung' fol. precious met.als, ~1 ut_ thus far Wirt; rather indifferent success— appen- You .willibe l'iliel.fiko know it, for 1.. .. 'i t ut a .t n i y wo r i a . t e e in 3 s_ h[7 o e d lt l.li st/ u e e k h a a n n y e ' y ;e n ry t dpories ntend to divide with my ricer; , . . As aVer, Yours Truly, ' h 3 .. 8 lailirr ' 111010141:00 L ~ -:- .: Ni- - ,w'Yoß - '.`,lie. Stettin" ship • Chorge La, fritith Aspitri:all iwith.qtlifornia 160, Hein , sixteen days:later edifices: , Tlik Passengers by . ..40 . -have ittiade a • trip from Sa Oienty-thre4' days and Six•hou ...' 'The Geotfp Lau . ; „brit* '44 and $1,150433-1n:gold. .' : Among the. passengers iii -Ca; _ants, U. 5,.1+./., bearer of de. Commodore - Perry's - Japan Ex -I).- IX Porter of tale Steatushi l and Mai Matildi.lleion,thil din de3ftatchee.-,frof4,-coMI*l 'the. Treaty. he made:with' .Japa i The - George : 'Lazo brings . • Mails to the lath, and dates f' to ',the 11th of May.,.' . .`. ._ .' ... Tliti - tiiiforpia-maiketOsia: , and Jdrooping. ..,.• ..: -•'' .. . ', --..: -; The nione,y narket ii un . - Real ..Estate..o generally\ver nititerialViallen in price. . Several neiv, discovenies nf. _g i olide.' . 'The Tunnel aild-Wa na - Front the lt i ---7 r tii' • Oie.Clipp• . tare doing better •than'eVer.: ..' , . . -. . `llle WhOt•and:barley-.crops '. TERR l fliii ip -5 cID: iv heavy. kW FUL CRASH ' , o' T4 . ' St. , S44I , :IIANI;'A RAILROAD. "1 1. :.1 . A -' ' • re- MI ( 40 :Walkctr, ork'illiV 1 One of the mOst terrible railr4ail accidents .:lias-undertali(ixt the.EditorShip that. eve! : irtnfspircd in 1 our • 4nttry - ttiok . :;li t el- i t o f w ip ta i . .- ' • -.- •,- . . . r3lace on the, 1 a f ternoon ofithe , - ,lfourth, on the. ' ' There bait. been .se.yru s l sq . ' altintore and Susquehanna ' iilroad, - by, 1 Safi Francisth.. ; Itevolvtra, a which about thirty persons were killed and ;0 guns-find-were f ree l y .i/ 'much larger number, more or . 1 ss.'wounded tic natne.of George .D. Sna • i some of them bft slightly, *hap . .:the elitent was shot The' riots.Origina and the nature tlf the others arc of a cliarac- Pod rejection i ; of .the!iCity'• to tto rende r . it likely that they, also wil be Land 'Commissfonere. The I called- upon 'to.f,weli the ,fearful eatalogue of papers strongl y urge an iner 4 ItiOrtility..; ' .. i lice- force;,-: . - - -.'' The scene . of the' accident wa4 a' curve -Of • . 7Tlp4..!ltlmell mid at San:,.Franeisco islae„, the ro: dab Out tailway between the Relay:l tivay, engttgedlin . mantilifetfiring blirs,:iffibt s 1 Hottse, ;unit Ilit'ers Grove, at *bits.. latter I . m id c oi n . : - .. . .-.-. , -.-- .. - .-.: .. l: ! spot .t he grant • Ant i erican cda rasioti . took •I, Thoma:i., .Campliell h is - resigned his appoint. pi ace : ;- •, .1•- i \ ' • ' -1- • • 1 ;MIA . it:t . Lliohl Corn,atjasionek. l. ,:' •- • ',' 1 e• •• - . • • Three trains ulltOf . ladies and`,, gentioniert, 1) ; ' 'George Ci' Baker,- Reenrd r : a t: San Fran.. with childritn, .1 .ft 'our city durifia- -the d • av "reificc has been indicted by il e : _Grand Jail: to participate it tl+ it e celebration., ttn•t .1g i for:• 1111.- - iii`nlealipr. In •(.! tee. life-, Cutut of One of the train • left fir Batti m qe - 1 . tx - vot . Sesi:ions,' however, -quashed 116 - indienemt, o'clock, another started at lice; anolle . third 1 : • The (:.rand Jnry in investing the atli f ir ol' - to which life aieitl4nt o e c urr'ed„l.d6,2 about fit: I theexplosion of the, ste,air!ar ,Sivretary,eliart,Q ' leersminutes h ter. i ' '...../ - :::. .' - i (Re owners With . g,rOss- and 'wlful •ctilp.altilitv, ~/ „ . 1 ; ' It Se'elnsth . .il the accommo dation train for , and --recOrnmended the- apitt,nielit lis• th o Y oi•k, withAwo Exfs‘:c n.sicr ,car , ;. ':'ittadiO, un- r.vsident : '4 . 4, Steanibt Inspeatiou..Dl s .. , _ der .the - direct-it.) lof William Scott,•conductor, l t r ia. ,• • -•,.., -. • ..: /- . . '.: ,• • . started on it. s :if 4tortly before.ll;l.e o'cloek .I • E7(-Colleetor Sifunders!. ha' comme n ce d a , t . with if t .troet tot sto lay olrat Rid er.' s' swit elt 1. 6" . yit to recover $-1.8,000, '.!.1ait led, as feeotlaia „ t .until .one.octife exeurSion train, Eiltould .pass , t u Ofliee. - . • '.. ‘' • • ' Thi; beAtt. an I the second return trim pas- 1-. ; Jhe tr i al 'of President'. Walker . has 1 ,14 in • ' rii • - , ~, i. pt . witch ; . al d - ti 1. . . ' ' it - twi ts . 1 . .-- i .• ' ' an e tocret cr a tre ,. . - . 14 .... L:. I ... triv . tp 3vii , m0 1 .. -1 1 • 1 IP; e • , 11 1 .•.-:• •. • !1.,. menu° , a, . • The locomotive attached t(l.-, - the ti•scurp.m 1 .! ,1 • I * - , tr:tm was-bltind,plislitng ~t4l cars ; that at I' • 1-• - , ' ~• - - otrietpoadeuce 'of- die .N.X.Viitane, ~ '. .. • . ~„', . I , Iv El-LS(II7/10. - -n° l' F . . ” t 64t •Pc l 4- " AG, -- , • • WeilM'4l:l*, trtii V*s, 1854.. ' ... tached to the 'other , tr:tin wtts.an front, and tit- .. A •- -.. ,i, union •' -,, 1 ~„ . , .. `i. ,Alas* ' kAlVen or • tne_x news .- el i . svi I „..:::: ii i i:::::. I t . al . t I t 'll ti k: vc al.::::: . n t l e r r ::t o t t i . o . : • t i t i • i a i, i i ii . l l . pi - )*st . l .)11,e .. d until ~ ~...t.n2:. u s. t . ..'l:l . ,te ~:- a e7 7 , s , e . 4 a .,.. 1 .7, Art : _ then ). F tarter?, 'al d dreadful to ,relate, an . excnr- ; i that' the- expctlit ion.„was. to ' -protect S&lota :ion train t orri-t he' 4 4.1'0Ve had also started: 1 from. tl:6 incursions of - tha. - A . ache•lndianr., . above the Reht • I °use it ti turkof an ab:. ! • • '.NORTHERN PRE IS LVANIAL .. '... i . erally ployed- it'll ' ' gray into th e cur;; 16 a4d`i FreedOni.' of all political parties, .ni'as_Theld st . .. •with passe tger-, in front. ' ••-: . • .. ' ' . i 1 La*rcrii.eville. 'll - iiii), Co. .Pa., on.the'4t i k.d. .About .1 air a doi.qii ears were _rushed 'and . 1 Jul .. , 1 11l .'S t... it \ t'l ' ll el: it - Wils-SLINICAO ' from, 1,- shivered t& - atOms,'-, and . a large 'number of i' 1 500 td '2 , .060-.people. assembled: - As theiar lheirnnhappy inmatekleither- killeo 'upon "me I*-- ' -Ir " , 41 itctlie -'. - hula , • I. i 7 ffetv of fife f i , i l, _ eitt_ Illy i itij rt.d.- I Tlicrseen'ois dii , wing to ' t it - e l l:1st drgree. ' sSeA'-'. iill6o . Paid - 7ottuded: m;Tere ' , .,. f;0 i ,wreck of r the • broken' . ear:-.1.,, , .1 nit be .rel6sed for - .a consul- e.- I ' .. ' -.-. ' --• 1. Lrow,bars were .bro ghti nt o .I..tlose alive and unhUrt made liars -for their relief. • The cry athe ; F utieren wa.s. con tinua I, : rsons . were engaged !constantly item.. - It was not, however, in- : lye attached to the excursion : attached to the crippled ma s s,. Imd wounded Were 'got out. A of th ose Who es c a p e d , wail: to hers cam: in whatever. Nelliele led. , . •:- . . , • niant: the authorities at 011, :.ing infornied of the disaste'r, d..a locotnotie and ears tOthe. i . e Ilrecauti(.4 to send a manlier,' lona. 'The train, with the sum' killed, awl wolind6l,.entne in,• weave o'el.ock. :: The seene . .at harroWing -in - tla.:. extreme, An id <,:d'thc:e wh6 had friodsand , Grove . was . af;s'embled,_ and . i rrible.tispense was painful to , es - and nnith'er.s . ,' brothers and and down the . 0 latayrni,. eavrt, a:=! to the killed - and Wounded, reading the reply, wNelt - iniiTht t.... f the melancholy (ILO ,of some i . - z . - dear. ._ 2 '... - rk-, , ,.. Were . taken. out 'of theetirsi. to f tWenty.seven, and laid .ilioti when inquests :werehOld over ~rovers Stevens and G;Adsmith adduced N:VaS as stated, and tin! he rendition oft.heir,v'erdict until lie.V, will meet,`and take further. , • is case.: • "WWI qate, 4 vert Stathlnt b thy di;p:telu 4 Spot, taking OA Of physiehnis Aivors, atilt th, at - 11ailtr,t • the (..le . po' t was iionionPe . i••rom re!atives.i t til l the Mate 4 to behold. lWiv sisters :rift I up, ly tinestionint. unxioui: vet :ti inform them 4 one rienr and " ;The `bucjik".;. the, number tl tF• latf ..ttc pl3tt - 01ln; them by - The C r . • Thi". to thnon~ _ jury defert. , (.l . t to-day when evidpned tl 'The orineir 1.. -.-• • f,ortion of . theufferer;' ion. trains, althoitili ...everal, of ;ended. train were. also ;prided. Several person among itannel Stoekett, Fated -;herifsel 11g the whistle blow, by . leaping to the . ground i : . while.,,going those Who escaped ar.as we could -learn, but . little in the exenr4 t ‘ hose qn the t ( ii killed. itutt . w 1, then]: Mr.' .En : res., on tt,tartr • front . the it'll -speed. \ 1 recce iced, dantage.. The. br i Hof the dead. were all plaeed )i led up. one niter) ititOther,-.. pre: • ! - •tly spectacle. Most of them ntly killed. biy tito `erusii;". wnlle 1101;1114 crushed and- ntutila- Iner - to sicken the 'beholder of in ies l one ear, .anl.ii solved 4 glitt had been inst: of thein bein,_ ted- in a [dal the spe t etacle • .eaSy ; aii possil friends were v niedia - tely rej . • -The ,wounded were Ins& as . le,and,in ; roost of the: eases,their t the depot; and had ;them ink. ov , en .;• , . . - -'•, ' • • ' - • ' mpslure Resolutions. • . of Itepresentatnr of Nei- IY - t(lnesday: of Icis6 week pat,ii i - - • Nei , . The '800 . .. Hairpshire, o ed. resolotions, whit li . were in -o.l4eginning of the session, .and see from! titne.to - time diSeus , i • rt, sed the subjei troduced 3t-ti .have been si sed: : • - Resolved, i'hat the State of New Hemp , shire re-ntlin as . the -principles promulgated by- her liiiusu of Representatives iii 184?0::i, The, people are' bontid, by no compact,,,,ex; Pressed o'r iplied, to ',suffer the introduction of slavery iut a territory snow free- and that n , they are imal erablY oPposed,to the creation of any territery, with Out f i ts, prohibition by. positive laiv,'- \ [Adopted, yeas - 160; nays 18.1 . 1 t - Resolved, z 1; ComproniiSe) pies ;' waS no faith with the [Adopted, irei Resolved, N t orriseni and I, of our ro re* -if : united , ap re r l ~ • shire. do Reseilyed;'' barkt:, Alr4:lse laths, .the:oth , iti_yotiotior to' t', iiisll l treadierottiA if er*,.ol —• !! -•=4;.--. at the repeal of the Ifissuri' 1;48' in' vip f lotion - of those prievi essarity ; a bt:eaell \ North,dotigerous. and. Wrong. s- 155, mils 119.] bat the :eourse of . POrge` Geo: W.. Kittredie, poition intativesjvcolires the heartpand.. al . of the !people of New Hemp tcd, yea - ~156, nays 1101 --- • 'Bt , the . •e_oui•se of flairy N 4.4118,1 and +hired W. * Will.' r"iiieinWq l such re ,was otipoilltlon" = • °°' ll o l PoPre - Ole" `State, ' fr Vellont 4 4 4 l the great** 15% psis , , et ehureti . in:t lie plaee WOW(' - iiot hold:, th e . r4'seilibfy , they met ;in. the orchard :of •••ilmtes 1 -..F6rd ,- Esq., aial- aftei• the 'reading . Of the De. 1 I . a:ration of IndePendenee•„; the tion . .. :Davit }N i boot'f...poke:for ibiint .. threC. houni,- and, arhi as . the dav was,„.tim,large:eongregation !..tave earne-st.ana fixed attention to the . '}}e lion. gentlernatf.slioWed, b%xtilkti,. froth . the- N . ruit ings trtki spegefie. o, the. mot-, . wh6 fo'rip . ed ( - me Pc - Liktitt , GOi-..e - inihent, t'fittt illtey were opp.) , sed to Shivery; and tiat, theif i policy .IVA :to 1 .11 ig :it t liiii - .•enitin this icon- , t..try '; .ibui that..tit- pouts of th G overnment ? I : had lieen (mar • Rhancred. e%-eiy thiar , in it:L -i gao. 4.6-it 110% :being .Tfilmagtid.'wi may l , I to. its extoision 'and - fervil'Attimcx, ;••tbat the; t Q{f..AfissOi: fin iproM it. , e, - wait 'srd •tipiot.the .. 1 North by- the S;ontii, I , y laiitig2 up Nc.toi 1 enolitrit , o nort.lian i 'doulits3ceF , i with, illeir own; to give them a inajorliy•; that after North had. , Sribinitted', - and ' suecumbed • fcr thirqr-four the most unfair and dislanuirable 2 Mann•er filched awav the contemptible boon -- which the's , ' had , pricC•of ',Slayery .11issiitiri - ; that our Governinent a ..nitf:i had :long been- 'under the control c• Slave Arisfoeriicy - of :3 . 00,000 .1)4.5r:40i15, '‘,llk, I with a capital of fifteen 'hundred dollars inve.sted in the - bodiei - emd• •olihiof men, dictat}d, eycry publie:measuro I,absolute 'sway. over, the • t, after electing Pierce On -a. ity'• pt fait , and snaking ernat triic.c,in•regard tiiSlavery;, ; tlieV . had ,fiirmed. progranime► . tic obtain '-iinotler'slke•Trom Mexieo, - annex Cuba; revive the..AfrieniiStaVe 1. trade, restore• Slavery in St. Dorningo•,'enter `into :an aliritnee with Brazil. and Hi_ the Missouri: Compromise - nd: -extend Kfaver,, into all the tel7itors' of th riatiOn• and - t4they had eOrntnentqd 9 !4•e d,witu tw hi the hardest part :t1; . . . :tl - , - undertaking, ywere goin oti.to.ita ac!- . • Ills :speed,' ilirougliout- you. able and - tinnily ; and . toward'. the eli;;0 te - 5, cape to the conclusion Witbirresistible_ fundi tinit.thore'wano alternatiiic for-,the,'North.. I but tos.Ubtn it tlwrirpatiun and,' 'do . . ,niiiiion of a . :Sreie: to now. .tlliow off all 'party , liae,kleljand unite ti their _ ini jesty quid: resist: to the. death :the.aaffrossors; : ;-. - I • -._ - • .. _ . .• ' Irthe S.'nth,' thiiii - . he. :‘ threaten" to tor the . . - Utt ion' to Pt - t ecs;•if they . Catit • haVe • their WaY, let-ikon. 1e4i,...1 say,: ;ad:, the - Slais.loll eat thetn up. Igo for the - piiati 'if I can - havi Liberty, but•itpot,.:- then -D)r:,liii),eiti . tiliiiie r - 'tut -I„cannot give , you Even-a meager out. line of his speech. - . Suffice it ...to say, it . told upon - the, ...vast audience.: At itie;••pnd, the! rose froni.kliiir-seats, and gaVe sic cheers for Liberty . .with nap f eeling, - t tidLthat was, tint 1 , ta.)-nniu Atotild have: their , - ' - ,tiffragcs who it:iti n6 t, as EN.lr....Wilutot had cipreiiedit,-‘a.trio. and well, known t?iend. : iir , i4etioni,.who 1134 " a _heart and: conscience;.legs s f 'ids,. oon to. stand on, 'atu:(a...%back:bonev.,'' to resist every. pre,sSiire.' The•'theCting was' ciOstal by'adop ~ • , .titig.res °luta:ins Wnicti .e.noregs - ed,ty strong .4e.. terriiination . bi - Votefor . no. inan,ichOf - was not .and‘ opposed to the:: N6brOki : oilrigei. and 106 - zionlinending i, St.* - eoliyeiffi@it to be held' in - tlarrisbitri , in Siiiii . ternbei "next. •- • ~. '''-•-' ' --'' ' - --.- iriiiiis'Hl := : •-• ' 1 'W.. NiIOCASKA SETTLILTi., few dliy,s Tina) on officer in the Philadelp l 'a Custom.Helim ‘14:o .was roakintament . ori-on One of the. Delaware - e engagett in an 7. annuated , controversr o - Bill. The, discussion was an • escititk . one,'.. and naturally en( 711 it ,colleoted. quite large crowd- arol the termination ient a Qus: who , iva4 . Aug " dn .1 that; thee .is ht fati "':Yes, ;11 - ain: then not in'thii ern] Orit matt' 1141i-itiliciaVEent -Ibok,innt inunedhai stairs- diteef Gaiett4- • rlfjloll.*9l it ig with war& es, the - 4 , ni , ,e oort*sedl - July 10.: has. arrived; dates to the' ti . rpr ev i ott47 :the: Veoigi Fraheiseo in Passenger; IT.' patches'.,from ition, Capt. P°kfen , Age ; Pass. Amm ig .re Per r i- • Itho CalifOrni a bin,Austialia generally dull iged. aud hu lid had bi ati r Companies are. O'eessive. • tier notoriety 6t the Sil latte.rtoto, at. üblef p arn 4 e d, . A. man tiF of iloChester, , 41 In the. sap - Title, by the Satz Francieeo se of the po. •, the -eilie! 3 ' thee , to lay' Intake, Bill l' - - rue, but is General Gov-, 4 : .d beT o ' iwu lde ., r t, ed ho . . war,:ther : morek .'lttleY.tturn.%
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers