,*O.- . ;*.ootioi..Tint* • 1:.'41. ?XAVIER AID TOWN, EIMMti, PAONTROSE, PA.- . • Morniug,-Juse 1,1814. , - WHIG STATE TWEET... Governor - , .- NAMES POLLOCK, otNort.humlxrland. • - Canal .Commissionerr GEORGE DARSIE, of Aiegherty. 'Aids/ of Supren.te \ \Coy.rl: DANIEL M . SMYSER, of Moritgomeri. WOOD • Witted on anbeOption at this' office, pruneffintely. PALMER, the -.American Newspaper Agentlat the ottly'authorized Agent for We piper in the ales Of Boston., New York and ' • elphis. "it irodeteovernot!"; , - Governor Bigler is a candidate for re-elee .. tion.:;- There is one great question now be fore the people, a question that in magnitude_ overshadows, all otheri, and involves, as is thought by many, theNery existence of the Republic: . Gn this' _question many of the Free States have etmsed' their opinion aMan' ner not to be misunderstood. Pen Sylvania, "the keystone of the arch," of vi Inch it-is said, \"as_ goes PennsylVania, so goes the Union," had the - same opportunity as. the oth, eri to throW her influence, against the .Ne-• braskit bill. But 'What has Pennsylvania done The voice of the people has _been 'slighted. While the , people, were holdi meetings' , and expressing•everY where their in dignant. condemnation of the measure, our • "model Governor," if the organ of the party at the State'eapital may be believed, *ea si2. lently throwing his influence in its favor, and the Legislature refused to instruct Out repro- Congress to vote against Was not the inference plain:that pennsylva ' 61114 was in favor of the bill But perhaps it 3011. be said that .G'ov. Bigler 'was ',not called upon, as a public officer; to express an opin, • ion on. the subject When it was publicly asserted that he was in fitvor of 'the bill, and that the National Administration. relied on Pennsylvania to carry ' ti it through, would. he not have.been justifie d using his influence - against - the outrage r 9 -It is one of the duties - of the Executive to recommend \ measures to i the'Legislature. Is a commendation is favOr ; •of freedom more to be deprecated"than one in favOr of Slavery 1 . .. Why might he not• as properly have suggested to. the LegiSlaturi„ hi view of_ the great danger that threatened, the country, to instruct our-rdpresentatives in efrOpgress, anainst the.. Nebraska iniquity, as to, recommend an enactment greater privileges ,to*slaVe4iolders in PenrisylVanial If he is so PopOlara man as some • - of his friends represent.;his opinion pint have great weight among waxeriigPemocrats, aziorthere • shout seine means , of finding. if, out. If an ,4:133) reszioit of Ow views of , the- , people Penniylvania kid been properly mallehy the Atate government, `we • should not-have seen eleven Vemoerais voting for- the Nebraska bill !,iii the House; mid only, the 'against it, two - of the. five vnted for: proceedings that - ensured ,its passage. Bennsylvanui, has -• not-done,her, duty r. yet, in this matter—it re uisins to* seen if he will attempt to'do it. For readers of newspapers it is diteult to tell : ..how many advocates tht Nebraska bill . -I!sit - among 'the De mocrats of the 5tat,,,.7.- Probably where - one Democratic paper haa . - opposed the bill, a dozen have supported it. -c... • But we believe.this Is no criterion of the gen farm:tits of the party::' The northern presses that, advocate such a measure may , be , safely . set:dovin as.undez the control of • politicians easy virtue, ready t o , lend their suppog . • to any thing for hire. The_word porn / irnaiir had only : to be issued to them from : Wsebigton , and they obey. And net on if we:.these ; sheets/so Aebaised as to - advocate the infamous measiiri themselves, but ,they . would have it believed. that the pirt7 gepor . ally are &lien. as low as thPingPlve The Pertrisitrasitn (Philadelpkia)'disres to libel the freemen PewsylyaA in language like the knowing . - - • • - "We are glad;to see the Venrkoerado press. of Pennsylvania a bold and almost unbreken front nixra the Nebraska suestion. We find in onr'exciuu*% a nuinher of in-ti des of frest ab lity, maintaining true doc trines With a ze.al and fervorthat loathe true ill% of ihe old . times. The pagic•Which the niachinations of a few aboli6onists origirt:• ally Prodwied is , reoing with powerful ef :fectiand- before long it-Will be difficult toffixi • Inistr'ciod old State an anti - Nebraska -•lidiratitissit is riowicolnui in our ranks artiid. irotate or!s -United States ittifik,'Or of.a high 'The ro4c'tion Mint be_ owerful indeed to produce a result such as the Pesru4ivnitian preaiettifir'at *present it IS rarely that i•Ne -:30164 be found in thie'sec */5--.410 imag* , thatthe. Luau* editor . - j2l46*niir;se Democrai will faidisome dif;• frinilti in uniting thepanty Biter, as Icing ritniutaini present suspiciptin Silence j al.#.*•bra*t4uestiol!- ''r- . ..'4•lst•ilket.etpreeeier4otiai'n-Sueitioniabout 1 • 'llgilltiPtiii: - 0 6 5 1 7 161 * - 44Vit** AN 'thec*P*3 .6 f 0- *erso 6 #4,. banks during ' lest se** 444 ** 41 )" 664 i 1 40*n 461 * 4 erf1Y 4 '; of 6ash'-**Are litista;• .0**::40414P!:,•4 other •' -- ;*# o. o 6 * - i* e i la rk t 411.00,0#110'06,* feffeet4 hintr,rin: .he not 4.36ne • • . . WAIN . - o tw • • - -" ••• .5 . - 1004.5r#I:41#re . awhe - -fi t Dif-porr:•;4., - .7. • • „ • • , re . . : ••- •-• • : rirsirs.& • ,-. Viiicur;,4' •1- - '.- • , • ~_ -_ di - nrit4n , . e . e 4) nn -' ' ''' : the-10: 4161 4 10 e ili:l4eW i r Of a ni - iiitmi.:ixlagi - ai.e ..t6;` aove titl The firstliemher Po , , "address' . te readOi,"'whlelt set 4 tip ' the 1 - ~,, views of A 4 e4ite audgii. •Ed . !,. i!. these Defter, -d S. d., War** , arcs ffteient)Y.startling.; - fnsttinee t /e ot they bell ve that 'no: such thing as. - miracle evt , ha nedl; Ana d6ith is ut a-step in human existence, la ease , fro fe train= teak that bind us! to • planet, leaving; us free to loam : 4thefi . 'aPeee,. l o: to choose ut i ns our abiding . place-#lotre our mOrateondition shall designate; t' the.' AlVe is the - resul t . o f . spiritual inte aria) like aat which they rt w are experiencing , exiled by the same laws, .and to be judrd t f in the. sameway ; that it was by living, - not by dying,. that Jesus of Nazareth redeemed us, theChe-wasteer SaY' iour by his teachings; that it, is lo‘ir t o be h i revealed - to man - what • is ".t : state land condi dm of •exiitenl,i , into-which e is to • be usher ea after thui bfe,bitherto 1 1 sealed book to us; and that it is hy meiul ofrwhat is called spiritualism ;that . this AO* reimlatiou frima above is to be made . IVV: " ver , wishes to see this modern myste:iyi i ; ._ its 136st \ piissible . 0 4 l oe light, can do so; we , stipp ' 14 perusing . the "Sacred ame." - . . - • „ 1 ~ li . ; r • 14T . The Pe nsylvatn in the . House voted on the ti al passiige of'`; the Nebraska bill as follows.: Yeas=t *dges, Dawson, I f-110pm, Jon 7, Kurtz:, McNair; Packer, 'bobbins, 'traii 1, Wittey Wright--11, all t Dtirioents!; N',.Y-cka i n ICI', Pick, Ever - ' hart,. Mester, I owe . $. ' oek, :Middles- . warth, Ritchie, i 43,,u554,11—W j ugs ; And ,Curtis,' bypu, Oan:ible,,' • crow, an !Trout, petno-‘ erats-----lf. -. • • 1 . ~ - JatikeS GanNe . d 3 +1 C. Trout, though_ igninsilth , bill oul Its final passage, 1 b i l 1.1::. L yet Were among ih _e who,l the preceding Monday;'_vOted Ifo Melo i ' it's motion to suspend; - the rUles, Lir. iiiielt- purpose , a, eon tuT,Tenee of In o-th s ofd` die 1 members vot ing -is .r e aiuir ,y , thOi'enable them to postpone the pee o rderlfor Wednesday, close_ the. de to in . the, Nebraska - biil, and i d render, further resi. nose _rrukless, • I 1 One hund li,e4loci , lit* ad , 13 Whigs voted': for th bill i but ni Northern Whig , . , 4. . ~ I , noted 'for it; an, uine $ 1 Sout h ern members voted : against iit;', NiZ : - Bugg, 9illutn, - Itho "ridge, Taylirr-+W , ig s of ,T.ennessee; pury '..i v. : I Tr- rs, enton, ear and La.; •andjil . immr.i.. l ' are Indebted utlictn. G. A. dim r a. copy Ibf is` on e Nebraska ill, r •Ap. abstrat oftwhich 7, pu fished some t me _since. It; i a powerful • eloquent. rt, at and does' nch credit hidem..to th z inanly - . dente, as w , 11 as. ability' of its' author. 'Mr. Grow's course, on, this qUestion, prenti. a striking ntrast to that of most 'f the Tyr °era ic.B., Ptsentatives from this . e. He alt ;,in has' ood i fain , amid 'a ; band of itors. A Niir ring setter; writer; says tSa Grow and Druin a ;the on: Penn i syfvfinia Democrats. 4 ~ . 7 who .act thro out in O position to the measure.l 4 ".. , i • , ,zl grsunf..ta sititAxcE.. fe*,. days past n - tire phenol red in. Mon •-• The old left ink Uncle . t foundation, towards .14e - • Milfori, so question of irgnoral.ol may be co der' weal sliall'empo rarA 7Bibl • iiation has sat: ' droned lw Noa. identical chat. en intO the ark, pliedrith,he - p. to thunder with .it's Ong to be A: clerplittim and a doctor.hat pared into iniriner. , * p in the niemultil l nesa, a wag that it'was 'a v - _'cement ,arrangetnent, for while - one,' e oth er eolith! rt •• i t ' 1 - 'lFoi.tie : - •.. : Me.. Etirro .:—Sir i; allow:. me ' ' say a, 1 , . few worav 1 , , .ugh the pedium of y ur.pa 7 per to the' ... ; it Directors in the ico nty.-+ I hope eyerY School birect4 in' . the nti i will 'make.it the busi, 438 s of the e; day on next Monday t 4 be l ay M. , trpsc in his 'own prop erperson,'lo attend • the elietiOn Of a Conti ty Superintemlerit. . i . e of** i a resPonsi- Ige one, mid to fin i 1 .peiily requires not only -a.mati,of;ednea "o hut,:a an of great i iiat energy ant i acesiiion if will make; ,his : _.le bfisjness i , and, put., it ..# sirai ht " . , , h ',4 right sira , At ' , ,h. /The 4 come oftli tI4 Qne liih. 41;41 tile of thO 10 ' for years, it:l .Tl.• 34.06 .-, 001(k•• the ; .0 now ,'' ; 6 4 i ' I 'per 1 liiitt.- for ;., reii Y4p-ais; . the ~. k ana gio*:k ifliheif J go: at it" end or 04 iitits the laiill a i r as - --: : at th 1 ;in*: ITSudr, DoJ • teed tin - . - • e l i n tun 1 1 . 8 , liel*IY"301 • ~ . ,r,.;.• _ ` or CiA.8.,.177..' or ' ex, xis* -L.14 - :'uric; Tw i! ar i' - ea: ? ...- • - .r. . . 6, -) be deri -, rd #is sUpPot2(l...,zll.ln' Obi . ',', Oars °!" 7 - u 'el JOIN °- 8' 0 .T.:, __- • m , ~ - • .:.-.t of 1 - t h e ausielF,,p. - ? e 00. • the F - h Ail' ;boinfolc,l4:,i .'.; .-' ii:... MI. --77..nr' oVin`''.ol - '':: tiile' 41- ril?- rz. , . -.-,_ 1140,1: 4‘...-.4 -,,....e* p in.4r itii ss - i - . .: , '-' 417,,ri0—f! ,iv_-...,-.• f on :the . "1 susx.-4,-pwk-! '.'' ..-i 4. 1 .'"~•-; :::61'4:ne-' "7 ;- -,-.... :.'iii"..il ,_ana: ~, a k tin, ...,, ,- ~ t .... ;411**•, i. ' 1; shi * it; . copied q t: s ° Pg' „. ikeliff*e'l3°l"- -t4 : ~ a : ~., 1..• ,, e otil r zil ... - Oa f° elan title SUM OT frOnl the 1 424 , 81 , ci , 91 . : YIP : that the: TeroMt *'.. EIMM= ihigsi.N..C . • I Hunt, Whig • -I, , , • 1t oc i to. 1, :7 .. i .Ai Rhin,. a feiv I", -neon 489 occur ourt i Hotise has . and latarted. off the vexed 'he county seat as setppd. " Birnam• Dklnsitkinie. t nt 811 m a..eareful exa €43 th4t ifethusleh was s floed, and that he was the asked the 3attei to Ibetak " • N Web reqn*knot being 'conk. Mis r iciphiattiiiWelaimed,- yner old . ark ; I dun', think , 1413 6f a alpAref." : .. ion itiaw,to ...decide -. the • ~.'•• , ir the • With ;tiler -1.. in& st l !stian ii=i•sill! 10 „ ' - 'tly, be as I'd ar law., . - 1) ..., .' t=" ' ' - - i .. ~. ..---„...-4,-,....-.. , ..--.- - 7 -.. feta .4 na y .l 4044. . . ~.._....,,,,_ .., iii , ..: -,,.. - • —To I he a - great .it 19 neceasruT - to turn i .to account all op , i es. ••• . —An 'mime: number f new'' buildings• are going rip in - Pldlsdelphia: - ,----- . -41M lituisouri "St . says, pithily; 4 Matt. F. Ward has 'tted, and Ken tricky found -guilty.r manufactured. •• l e •-- , ln New?York,.fiirni ' new, on, purpose to be 90 , having belong ed to ram* ot the first fir ilies. - —lt is stated in,. so e of the jeurnais of Madrid that a number of Turks of Consi,anti nciple lard - taken armoires to transport their hareths to Spain. ~- " i • • . . . . • -;-Aii: Engl . ish . jury in a criminal case, is said /o have brought in the fiAlowirig verdict: "Gullty, with ram" little doubt as•to wheth er he is thew :au." - 7 1 The Star ova that the Hon: Milo M. I;)inthek, of Pa., will probably bi'ipi•ointe . d to an official position in one of the new terri tOriek. - . ILieutenant Strain, returned - frOni his ex-- p t lorittion, says it: is no more . possible to build a railroad across the Isthmus of Darien than ito the Moon. notice by the: Deseret News, of Feb. ruary 16th, amt *ate great wall which is to surround the .Mormon Great Salt Imke city, is about five-sixths completed. - • . New-York 'editor, finding a cabbage seejliu a letter received from a brother quill, wactta, to knew if his correspondent is iu the: habit, of scratching his head while writing. Senor Jose Berrandia, the first minister to our country from Liondurns, is shortly ex pected at, Washington, IA railroad from ,the Atlantic to the Pacific, across Honduras, is said to - be among the o jeets of his mission. i ... . - `--Jlon.. Moulton C. ogers, formerly one; of the instisies of die Supreme Court of:Perm sylvani.4,ban ' tendered, by Governor hs Bigler, thel appointment 'Of -Associate Law "Judge of 't Lancaster tistriet. - . 7 -The ladies of Dfays 11e, y., e centty presented ii pair of pantaldons to Miss Lucy Stone, in due form. Lucy act3eotOd the pants, but said she would have done so with a much .better'wid if they had 4 man in 'ern. .• . I 1 • , —A late Parisi letter, say'S that a man in the Gironde, who under i took to lye five years without money, recently died two months be fore. the expirntion of the /ive years, during all whichlim he wasi never known to be in possession ot a single son.., f—Col. Sai nt el Medary, e." pie Ohio States- , I man. I lvho ree ived nine th,,msand dollirs as the .outfit fort the. Chiliaielnbassy, to which he was appoi ted, but npOn - Which he never-. went, has.refu ded the money . to the t easnry , department: . . .--* - '•• . ••.r . —By a letter from a M i ssion* ormon in the SandWich Islands,wr'tten tO the escret. 1 News, it semi . that on th Island of I main lu; four hundred personsb ve Veen co verted to Mormonism ; a like n =heron anwai, and - two hundred 'in Hu% aii, in. The space of two months. .. _ --- • . —The Free Deraoerati StatiConyention, 1 which met. at Pittsburg, y 24th„iknninat-, ed; on the first ballot, David Pitts, of Ches.. ter for Glocernor,iGeo.. It: Riddle of Alleghe ny ,•for Canal (..*nmissioner; and WM. 4. Steilhenson of I.ll'encer for Soprano Court ".• ' - 1 I '; ~ —The RA . noies, Will now be taken out of circulatice toret4 iapidly,,an amendment to 'the npptopriatidnbill laving been adopt ed by the- House 'requiring the cancellation of all "those notes hereafter paid intollie Tre.as wry,' ant i prohibiting their 'being 'again paid . . —A is arble n§onument, tO, the memory of , Sir, Bo sl er. O is be erected by the; citizens of LOuisir te, to be illicedin such'spiiblic plaqi. " that.' : en will read its inseAptioneveryday;" and his widow ia:to be prorided for so as' to' _make h ..i. comfortably independent, aid. to 'enable her to edutzte her children. , . 1. - ---Intine-in - nab', on Monday; ti man named Wm:- Hail; inni-mad, 'attempted to 't ire himself! froth a windoW. lie was - ca ,it e legs , bytwo l :tromen,.. bpfrejd him .. 1 an . . : l in hi up,: h b e y :e a d ti i m died from assistance , htma ca rush he m f e h l . ..1N the head. , - '', : .- . , - , --rAn awf .-steamboitidisast - , red - on the : ississipp,:k . river,: at, *ll isoi Landing,' 100 miles frinn St. Loui' t •ht the steam-p, et Pik3,Nrith ;180 :( on board, bou id for struck sn and - mink itri ..lately : Some forty fit pu l e persons were dro‘wned. ' ' • .. , --We i ~. ...from Wash ington t ,- t State Des . ~. ~. to has clevatelmatuin a . i ", that : England *lll take...poisestion o Sit and other ' ,-* ,*, porta_on thAm rie Pacific coast. It is also : repOrteot,. , t t laic dftipatch , - received froni Spain = : oi I very :warlike ebaracter.l. - •,, • . --pie I, 7 , , Ai,* most ably, cdi ed ligious paper, says of the Nebraska - bil , " Senator DOii ! as belengs the infamy o min ducing•this - . , sure; but the - - it . - . passing in o a lawi attaches Pierce, and, 'lllload thejme , - minigratiow ith execration ng en- e_bui• co time." --The A.l4any . .Evening trk that 4he extriordinary spectie) atW hingt43, at-the present reset, alive govertiment.ftwcinj on e people which' none of for; w of the. People appro% . jorit . of: the people have, from t is -stead y . ' condemned." , ft ' . political ' c complexion'. of IP . Pie o i h :ifit mow clearly defined. Julius yi 'andJulius is a shrewd lad --that'Pi 'I - to- the Ask Nothings.: As* 1 this ' teinent, it is, only necessary st t i that-. re i k: edri 4isk el4!, 4 I noes las t on ii is ae m 1 poli of the Ad mi n istr ation: . F State Demooratic Con vention f Ii )te; endorsing the liebraska bill, ' - 4 k They als o_endorsed. the ad nisi iiiomplimentea Settatot-pouglas;" d la i 1, re. _ ' it is *as _necessary, and_ the Vat're!4ined per pudiatediihe Prohibitoiy Lupor aw. ,.fi ct ii. swe i t although CO itantly,.exPosed tO pleasant 4). •Trit iv# ll cordsidefi fY.- cn r!„ 1 , 1 ! 1:1 . -th c p atmosphere and sun. , They,_were opligi w le. _ --' : - .I' - -; -- - i - 'to mo t fresh water'wi h - the brine - to tit& -.the Year 35 43, th: Sultan.laelint U.,. vent the meat becoming' 00. salt. for ' pteSent 'request of Francis - -sent a large a r t.. , .:- ..:... at e - - the - ~ 0 -,, ~,__, use. _i -, -[ • ,- m fleet : under co -I . tuulo oti !AM 1 vel_e- - •' 1 e ~ personal. 'diffioillty - -between "Ur. k brai. Turkish A4mirld- : " -* wiP 'lc - * un am l - m r , crai g i has : not been adjusted. „eupied the town -and' po or Toulon, -from kAA Kr.' I. wishes to crualOngolaibotbisfrituifi Isepeaber; 4543,10' the' ''' ' 4.-Ma r ' eh / Y- - -"" . &xi, -.. 'that' Mr. C:ougipt ' tsichttlieqge ' h im, . :01f-the ...last. of March 1::' a French. army And here "the affair rests. • -114 ockt , 'ot.k Iliw - lailed_, fro " the . 14: T e e t r zi l! fir:" • ."tiirOut neithei-4; willing to allow tis k risilim, to ' -. `..' - . 41 - 1 - 1 " s : .-_--- iitit 7 '..tbe2eltoiCei oriNeellip..:-!Aeyilmoitik.:: -:fan S eijn iin - hs di l t ." l*: ' '' -r. ,'___„___- _ W.:: • iltikts better hi,:rait*:' Titeo 004, 1 - t- , i Tte l i on; asY r ifrolif C01i.. ,, _ O , i ' ln g 4 ' ,* „P'su - clnusg rimei_sec, .sorie n . .wifo . i.i : toivo to - tic araixt I ,plit .o... ) r tiii g.‘tkl e sr iol gi.i .4 i - *. iailit - iim arnioaaLind '- . intikeeint-to to i - 4 ', - ' :Fla soon 1494ted t - tii, pillifsottotrg; bi - th, - ' rafter . -- ‘ ' . C0nmdf.. 13 . 114 ,_ i r , of t : - ..: - „iolii#,, -- fili*.th'iiiithi: at* bor: vi44!;iii feted for at :'' of 41,1 "4°* : ' i ia iss'reWierill*ldieloloo*.eak* lain •-f'*, tad*',lli f ',, .".`hl!ellag;,., , Can d r , '41 . , , , ; 4i . O,lts'ecOjita tilratr,iiadtartri‘ii' tall „Ariel* lie:iitill*otaskaartimain-susge li-,: ; ,' f: - ,-. ; - ii - t hil l igny-:i4iiiii t io e - . :;_wii-, , , , 1 mectiloid -'.- en +i,thit,Maiparliti ' -- -i - -Setioi ii c r :T . ' -- "iiio 14eri, iTere liaent, 40 1 014 iiAty a ire r w istinxittekliiC Ivcomilicidixl )4.1;f : .' Anglinit ißen'tlo. thiiiiire **lt, . :'_ iirg - , - ' --I ' l .l . - '3 : ‘"4 :::.'''''..:,-•;;;.' -:::'--,;''''./,'''!-:', - 7,, i : , ;11F .- ~..' -.1•,:'-'''-gikkik.-. in g el , l *X .9 *.;,- ' : - . 4l4 . o *i* 6ni i - I i VE- ' ;14 0 114‘ t i4 7: -4-P i 1 Aesv* mi rk* iy._,,..xf., 1 4#, ~,,"101. 4 -V1 5 #4 1 ;9 1 14 1 , . ~,4,4_,.„ ~...,, e .f.: ~._ , 'II , i . Arkplif I, ri enyusu.Ae wi _Tl:t t il l . l4o lll7 W,s -f l / 4 4 - I 9 : i - 4 . ' :'-' )X 47 4.2 ,- : k:. ::' ' : :10,0—fit1113‘—ill,fap '"" : 841 ,,t,--l i #9.lM ll—. 6 0 140 * . .-{, , _ - !ter 4 -.i, _-,,,-- A --',..- •-rn_-: zYttt''' - - - .._.'" ,:' ~..- --,-. :-,,..::. .. , , ;.,----.5-.1,,,:..,, , .- . :-..,,,,,,,,. - ....,-,i,..', t - A-0, , ,,:-.4. 11 5.,, -.A.-A.t.,-,,4 -, :&..-4-- - z , 3. - ,;-- ..•4;.,4i'--- - -:.. :z:_,,;ie4:r6,6,..,w,,_z%.,,05.z..,z,,,.......,,,.,cZi,%a.d•—._., MIA 4 CO)Uti V) I 1 1 . , - - - 14,02 - *ere-White - 141&08treelniej i'and of . t the idiotic 14,257 were white, and:1,530 401, ore& . Maryland . had:s4o insane-' , ,and 891 idiotic; 'Virginia, 970insihe, and : X,lB2;:idi: otle ; and the , DLstriet of ColurnbiaM insane, and 18 idiotie. - ` 4 .. - ''. II - —The Steamship. higher his artiVed-..it Cltarleston, bringiiig intelligence from Hava- . na that a French friitrate; two small French steamers, and-an English brig;orwar had kr rived -there.. The Captain-General and the officers . ; of the fleet announce that they have come to 'protect the Spanish plan of e.manCi-, patio% Great uneasiness is. said to b e felt theraia.consequenee. • - . ' - ' , . . . -.:- —The Martha Washington rhapirators, Charged iiithprocuring the destruction of that . Vessel to obtain the i urance,who hive been under,examination t Helena, Arh. i lutv'e been "held to bail in two outind dollars, e.l - Capt. Cummings, w *4 -discharged al together.; The small-bai required is lookexl upon as a virtual aequitt . :Unless thi de fendants _have lx.en great y belied this , is al most another . Ward case.. -- - - —:11Y the neWs brought ' m San Juan. by the Steamer Northern Li it appears that Capt.--Sinith,efotie bf the ricer steamers, com mitted' what looks very like a mast wanton murder, for which theauthoritles of Grey town sought to arrest him.- Mr. Irdrland, our Min ister, interpoSed his authority-and prevented the arrest, after which he came very. near be ing, arrested himself., . . —The United . Liberal Societies of New- York, composed:of German, Italian and-oth er foreign refugees, arealready moVing in the . matter of emigration to- Nebraska. •At'a meeting on Wednesdily evening,' correspond: ore- on the suqeet from . a branch society in Boston Was read. They- propose ,`to-scud taren.ty thousand emigrants, with all necessary materials for building up a Free . State; such as mills, sehootteachers and :a neWspaper.-;-- SO says the New 'York - E-vening P'Ost. '-, —Pickles is a warm advocate 'of the pres ent , style of bare-faeed bonnets. :Ire says that; they are the greStest inStitntioa for kis sing - exer invented—no : straw, no lace, no ribbons, no nothing in the way—all plain mil -ing 11 to the haven of. bliss; , The graceless scainp l and-.the . llollidaysbirg. Standard Is no abetter` for ppblishing stEl a horrid' libel a on the fiiir sex. • - - • - I , . .. ~ . • - n 'r' nee: and `means of helairv-D The New! York 'Post sta es that the Hui - l-. et i - • . ' • - • it ' soti . River . RailiOad.'Gimpain :Made a' trial Oli Sth Jotted a pas:. !_re throtighthe - v:, Wedndav - .. - Of •runtling .sat e of its engines: 93e\ oor and .by the: a de• witidoWs, with coke,. made from Clllllkiitind Coll,:111. lige e ‘ , llll .e 4 : o 7 3 f U t l e P . i iit St -L l l, l e rni M ; fli da e h d ie l . . a c ti_ t . - ,.cr, stead ef• weixl,:•antl .whitii reved very sue- . ccieful.: The . rise .of coke Zvi I: efreet.a•saving: - 't the"tinie the me beat down tit,. i ' Weak , erlY dcair.of:the Court-Hon* severe men, of two-thirds: the'.present ex mses Of Wbrking the: engines, and it is 'of greatinipertanee to em °M.:as . Unifed i States,bfficers,- 11. 17 e in Railroad - Companies... ";•. -- - ,;- . . they asSage-way,_ tiling. their etideiviO to., • • . .. , pre entlhaitigroS. of the'erOwd, and - ong 7 --An Indian agent named Vauglin, i whb - hai the uMber vas .Mr.. James liatehii . 'er, a traiilled. extensively in , ;.4 Nerthwet; states '.iihylitriti, in the einfoloy - ofCol. Pet, I Thin; that \i one. rtkion of country nortli.of' i lotto ; ..tbar,l; : who alMoSt it ,the instant of the . i t- ireini everything is inclined to petrifac ion. Large i (Alt, ' e doer,--received'a pistol - ,shot,,-;( rden logs of wood , - limbs,' vegetables and once•liv-• I y - 1 very heavy charge) hi the' abdotrie' :Mr irtg : : animals, might be secn ti med . to solid Bti helder: - 'uttered- the exclamation i• :•.t. Pm rock. `1713,e. saw tortoises by . . t e - SOOTe t th* stal lied‘:- and falling back Ward into I e itrins weiddl . ' : .weigh 'over 400 pound ; also birds of 'ratelintini Isaae Jenes c , „ expired ;alMoSt.' fishesrtind animals. ..ye brow lit with him im ''' lady. _i. The - iinfortunate than .resided severthr eagle - quills,. p°trified coinplet.e am 3. in 3harisisivn, where•lie. leaii4 a -,Wrifej to' . p . erfect,• also the head of a bird and.sente cu.. Mo rn , his UntiMelY "death. ~ ---- :1 ''• ' -. rio specimens of. Wood:and r Ptiles: . ' - ...C.I - t thetune . 'f tilling' the.' doer and .- ji'ist :. .. - ThAv as i l i t i gt o n s lath i e i i i i nsn p..• fts fob. as he *al shot was fired, One:of,th rioters, ; ncliniontheuonersteti - *a claimed lou- . • thetta/kiv Which las la.: it.done on the ..,,. *l ' ,_' *a l . _, sta . , -_,L ;. --:,.,..; ---, • will •''• j_„...i. Neb 'ka ,Bill ':—SPeeeheS .fo the Principle !.:'°. it!' ,' . , r ' ) `V`•' . it'u.! - 7 - ' wa t' - ' 5 ; Y• • doer'' i I c I s i . Patchelder, ',PM .;tabbed . r, \ Sl'lli6id. i . - -- - ian - the rioters retreated to -the op it,e'side -- 5 •-• • S i''' kt -.this Moment the: .ex tithatiotic of e„s• t i. e esen l•l;i t li in ",,Sentite, - 17 ; iii the I-louse,-1 . ‘ 48 - '" . 2' 4 total, 6•2. -, . Speeches aga nSt. the bill in 1 u-'. ' l7 ' . ~,,k .1 the . ISenate i 11 ; iit. the.-Iloilse r5--totai; 66. -Besi les the spieeeht. actually del vered,3fess4. Bliaa, Cook, Eitrhart,'Sage - ,11:! xle,.Stuart, cif Ohio, and .other. gentlemen (at east twelve in all) -obtained . permission to . pnblish ',their' speeches, not having been successful in . .their efforts to obtain the floor to.tieliver\lherit. —There is a rumor at *Washington•that ex-Vice PriideT l t Dathus-rand ex-GoT: Novi al Cobb hate been - appointed speciarilmvoys AO - Spain to help'Mr. - Soule keep-the,peace. If tins last mission, Oa Melisehikoff, bhouid fan, wary, it- is suppo4ed, inust ensue. Gen. Quitman is the'reputed chief of the fillibuit. rw era, - wbo.. boasts that ten thousand then are waiting a signal attNew Prleansi to sail for a „ Cuba: Most sensible people believe this to id : be :humbug; but there are others who are to , calling on the Nreaident to ititue a proeaina- lion for theisuppression'tOf pr. The annual productions a coa are said i i's, to comprisesl3,3oo;oooworth l _ofsugar,sls,. -i re 000,000 worth of tehame; $42,310,000 worth- Ts . of coffee' $2,000,000 , werth of corn,. and $7,-_ . i ag 000,000 worth of other agricultural produCc„, i ty The grSnd. tqtal of i produetionS, including i ;) _dairy and . domestic a nimals, 'averages $5), ,h e 000,000 per annum .,' The population 'of the Iv island in 1841 was 'l l 7;624, including 4,18,- t 1 tka• 391 whites, 4ii,495 laves, and 101;838 free i ll' colored . people. rite rears 'subsequently, the the A•bite population had increased 7,536; . c a While the: blacks de4easell 107,872*, Making . im:agtregate .popttl4ion then of bitt, 1,89 i- 3 - se. 754.... , Jkc,,,,.. the city and suburbs-of Ilaiianaou To 1844, the entire porklation was 169450: I - tro- One ; of these days we shall get the of truth about Santa Alma. At preient. it is at further out of sight than if hidden. in the bot- Ld- tom of a well. It .seems by one story, which of is well -vouched for, that'he was 13eatetilni -Alvarez: at Acapulco, and next we ;hear- that i ts he enters_ the Capitol in triumph ascompier ed ,or. ' -This ;contradiction can now oUly be plaints:ll4 conjecturet, slid a very' probable p. 45ne is that hisspeedy return to Mexico and . his triumphal ;entry were but 'the, means of preventi m n an outbreak there 4Which ; would on have bO r ,, Atal to his dictatorship. His 03 . - sition at' any rate cannot be. a Very secure F one... ° . le di s •-•-.• ; -:—..Experitnenta have beeninade upon ithe be properties, of the water'of Salt Lake, Utah, of for . prelervitig - meat by Mr. Stansbury and sto his associates.: - 2i lsrge - piece. of 'fregh beef led. was sispended film a cord and. immersed . it the lake', for over fivdlVe hours,.Whoh it di.: was found Ito 'be tolelibly dl cured. . Alter , this all the meat they Wis ed to be; 11 eras packed intoharrels wi hont, any Italtosfiat ever, . and'. the vessels w then filled• With Lake . water;.„ 'No further Ire Orin-90:0On =EDI iriett l iiilltaiiittiiideit t ia ;;; .1. L. ,;:7 . 1 ''. -_,-,. ',,'': ' .Ikgrro lc, ifity. In . . -'. _ ' iio 4 ,4:._ wariint hialle4, hi' tehsel i . - -r :Lerhig;'-' 6 aitf. S. : 4 1fantbskl r ... - . , yestenigi • ,:,...44k' .- fi iitive slava pealed . Ai: y 2 •• •.13 -„ --: ositiii . tion wits _c4inrq'en ,- : , il k isiscl ma - ' A:9; s i ° l when 63 :Court room.' was: Pliktially ' ed :by 8. ,_ irs. 01**ra-bail_ pima attilte. 'dears l ie Ptreat - a - mob. . The 'Cowie.% 'Am the e i onapliintint prOdliced the - necestatiy. Irk'. pers I ffom• the Circuit;Court , of . Virginia; , set. ting f rift the - claim of - Charles EiSnttl 'of Al .. is•;-Ya., to the fugitive. :-. { Wit h ,were examined,, testifying td the ideni V. exg hl I, At , .stage of the proceedinOillichttni :R:' [ il : i : and - Charles ISII; Fallisoxtuasel -. for' the alleg , fugitive, ,asked for-a patitotiem t ter, : '63 3 , t0 -, y, which was grunted. •The pr - jags:are-re eeeducted quietly, .. atia there was . no,sigtis of disorder. _ It is said that :.the fu-' : giti-i - 4 in 'an inteivlew with 10 nester, • cont. acute to go back. [ - -.... • - - - '-. ' .. -• . - - Bosioa,"kv A 11 28. .. as issued this morning-for a nteet.. i ing a Fanieul Hall to-night, to-considerre -.., s m arms ,of Barnes , re _alleged fugitive al, Ile.' intCo 1) DESPAied. . - • Boar*, May , . - - There is an im ense excitement th is Ve-, ming, xt account o the arrest or -Burn ihl alleged fugitive lave. - The , call -fo i the Tliting in l'aniei Hill .attracted hu :reds m'oret than could atn an entianee. '' , l•„' - . i , e principal Speakers were Wedde Phil: ft pe lter ec a h n m d - w F orr ran:i f s a W . B iy ird in ,.. rnmatory e aeter, denouncing t e fugi iti.-I.seilneac:vroeorlfe:whPie.. as one which eh° 1 'net be o eyed and counselling open resis . n 1 - -• Ahout 914 i)'clock, a motion - a a o 1 t adjourn toTtl e Court lOu - se at 9`• o'clock' t o. morrew morning, when the exa ilatlon is 'take( place. - Th, , e_inotiOn l was lied hy a lainution. Immediately ui)imitlie Ounce 1e , n i o f t hi s determination'; a 'pc n rnshed hito l'the illall,.exclairning-i Ther'sal, crew ornekroes in Court Square, attacking thenrt o I.to* where Burns is colifined.l This announcement caused -an ;rani , iate rirshil9f. toto 2000 to 3000 excited le',to V IduAlt, Sluare.; ' An. attempt ATM' a i once ' b to;:foree open the. Court 4puseld. r, but; ,i i tirtekthe strong fastening fitiled: 11 e leadingrioters then mint to . tv - teitt-- of- h e street. it the meantime a white matt- ....Ished Tinto' t3te 61 r \theGcroil and distribred:several n t il.at- . aes, I ,will the blades enveloped :in th riginal 'brown paper.: . Two or tkee of i -, axes were subseque - tlY,piekediir ply the goers, and were -dep sited in *te Center , Vatch- - liduse-p' ' • ,-- ' - i ;_,r - - , . e :Centre watch-houSe being-in-the-im m diate vicinit . aposse of Sate& in . n dashed f and su . . ed in r . resting P l .l* 1 (ten of e I dm,g.noters, .r• ;a des eThtte° `conflict. Thi - prompt arres, 40f - the ri gleaders sup r , further violen . The in reused poll iforce-soen after ar red-up -on The groun , and stationed at . • .several enrances-of th Court Hopse, and o •ef win prrbably - --be p . rvarduring then' hi.' . . - Barns is co fined in theapper I ,rt,lof the b ilding. Th officers ..ini.'harge o hiin are vi• II armed,. 'd, had theinob gain •-I act.'.ais to the room; it is doubtful if they ‘'s • d have ea led hina oft. • • . : L • e Col. ,suttle.„l who claimed 13 '• r ted '63., the Charge of attempting' I I itizeii of Massachusetti' and is h bjil. , : I s . ~ '', - The"'examhl t tatiott of Burns tad* , ) o'clock . -te-mot4ow morning. it d, that, if the decision is against i will'be forcibly . rescued. tr . 11 o'elock.,LLThere are.frarn h rsons • still gathered in - Court 'il I -further: violence is anticipated . il SATURDAY'S',. PaactaaiNpi.---Til ., P. brought in; at 9 o'clock. on .1 ' orning, hand cuffed, in the charg s ut looking individuals. , lle up I:, downcast and anxious. , On applica counsel, Commissione.r I.Aningg ti uande of the hearingtill.Monday a .11 'o'cloc* : sib;ine persons, s n ght • before; l'aire- brought pp in demt, to anwer a- charge Of Inn 1., y li n• James I:atebekler. - . They we till Tue.. for a futher hea • 'rheum . ason all day Monda d ~withou being te.imipated. ent confin id l' to be yery •gr chiele-Ifondayt afternoon,lt 'was t not laM "than ten thousand p T.puttiled the Pitirt. House. Tho • Imined on atity.l. - . . . . - . Governor Biglex. - - ~. Th. e.. pop arty :: of.. our Gove - ~r is , not , • fone•eoufin: :to this:State: : .The, meinnati,. .mmoielal :•:3:,: " ; Gov.;.Biglei reitkaYl , last ,w 19 - rewed 01.4 bank Ale.: 119, ' • ,ts Gov: • owel:1, of Kentuclqi.'ainl; in r 4 i tosban - appear tO r tiO trea. 'ng in, the ..tatepa , of. qteat. oldSinton Sn 41p,r,7 ~'i .... :Thia Ow , inirnio* pull' ,is . t a .ed. Up_ by I. /),,ntybrpfi g n; rt may mik , Obw : Big.. er po p pla a rout7ea ;but.will, ; : e .. ! tibrn otos next fall utrenl ills .vetoed krliinayisu.t.lg4 ilqWi iliends ' 1111/ ". 48 lIL.c 1)* 0/ 11A., that... minds . ti 'o -'3'71.21" ''. VI nit .I ', I - ' -'' I" • ' 1"; -' : .y 4 ;, , "ti: , ''''-' ItrAt'mv - ',.daily.rieeivinglepirs'Ego_reating thilieet44. - abbb*bee of the - ,l'o4doed' ''' eanaiiiii" 4l ,4-1 4 )4 - Washig i exk' ' 'f#4i, .:" '':-. *l34:thit ' ~ c an do in the 0*( 0 4' 1- ?‘ ~, 'z„..W. ..tep"l7, • there as: endniN° • ' -,' i •"' Dut7 , /e'siY °lan and; ail, - *dPA an4at:idr , -wariloiilxk __mewing and etigsierth . 3le4i ?. .. ~T untewijrou readY`and . wilnoitwiefokif r- by iso'< -41 ° 1 / 1 I°U may thro* , bettei Mali* , of; posts ' hail ,y, _would gladly •peetipy: ,Bntrlf gu ita ara T ie 4 Y in earn*, whY begin, and fit's*: • - blish'nommittees, association*. i4,00,- in ev'ery county, town slid school..f -. in: the fret-Stites, to rota* -Vui 94: Priai , r ........„3,.......„.,...,.,...kr41 hiStablii . k; iiiiii - fiilaiiiiik 7 ot freedore'Athe'7, l first' grent:'e b i eet ‘'nii‘i bathe.. i . k''_ . -- '":: •• 1'; ''i s :' , secooltizik . :il l ,. t i r iAm er ; - ,-, , i ite x - os th- i tt 1 'Ain l e ilkt nieli - fibT ii i 4t g aw Atiresk * ,‘ , k4lbt=l ti IA gii:otevqr candidate *at he will'iaiPfl porKilie:ineasure of ReAorattp l l - 41fIrst, la 4 aid - alWayif. - . After thii, itOst.. l ?Pen - tve Oth.; ertrk•;quWtO and-let the:rest go. - ' Get At4if who :have: ave :bone, and - - :Who: Who we:ti'feiielltt - i The :ditribuii - - with • the'reeentr:ConoSeiS i \r that a - g!;eat,.._*stake. has been mnde2 .. ,_ln - its co#ipeiition.. . *se _bay° been sentip Asit: ington who iron intended for•the penitentia -'lThirdly i Prepare torece ive the IR bers 'Who- bave sold' put, ii a, morning miner rT IN, when they ehall-return home. Their Tact ha; - • been Signifieant,let their temp - oil be 's‘foiiifi cent- --., - • _ • .' . • ' -.._ 8 . - - • Fourthly : Unite in. a s y ste m.' erortto. tt \ throW seven& thPusandi 'of fieeti*n i to. Ne braska and. Kansas; as soon ai iiessib • and thuksecure 'a, rnajority l pf anti-slayeryCie s. thire,:and an early adtniniOrr Of those tbrrit ries into the Union" - as free States, 1 , Aneh'a plan his- lready 1 peen • organized' ift•TMaSse ei,msetts; nd-r. an 'Act of- incorporation Wits granted b th%. Legislatorof-thaestate,l at its last - scission, estabtisliin an` "'Emigraitt.s Aid society, ,, with a awit I of five, Million' i ce of dolhirs.i. This society si , the passage , the Nebraska gone an-.asktip throughou the North, in •ea ryipg out its ;o jec ._ tS. ' \ ,- .- -.' '-vl - /,- We here present. ample pe'for activit and' energy of every man; nd - suggest fiel s Of operation, in which all y profitably' - gage..:--rTrikt!fie. - ..° _ , .. I_ . , • rtl4ive.z:V,..S.'"•t` • ArTft, k and els a j r , Modern Demoaa.cy wii,ll.l)esgibed: The. Pottstown Ledger; hose eibtor.pr t ,fesses, tdbe a Democrat, :and i$ a _17 0 4' nerit niember of the se i called '.lO - ternocracy of Montgomery cotnty,. corriplains - hi 'a . zoiist. piteous tone . tbat the so-called)ernOermcy-of the' county. is not what it, wak.,in the day:sOf i Jefferson , aud Madison; .and.whatAo be:tine, '.to its name, it now:ought' id; he . ..._ -lie. is + : posed 'to the. A _NebraAliiiniiinity; and : : says that if any onalihouldhai-ethitigedthelYerri deratie Members of penniyiviinia,. five:years *lio!, - With faithlessiteSs -tolthe - Missouri - Cgre rproniise Or 'favor of its 'repeal, theY.:woidd hive retorted in indignant tortes-4- 11 it' 'is: 0 lie." But ,in 1854 the thin -Y to l' lie reirrvt-S deeply that thet so- lied' De mocraey, do not adhere' td .i ltrte - D Mbe4Titie Principll'rnd frankly and '.henesti `Confe§S:' el es that: - Id a_vOte been taken for bi again - A the of the: Missouri COrrip4rniSe, b6.'.. fore it wa sprunguperi'`COfili . ress-L-before it whi r r - did an ' Administration - and: a ' fiartyt :measure, nofone Denim - at:Orli i>ffr;w 6 ut,l::;in Mcdtgo ery, - Berks or ,CheSter; would haVe voted ' t ."instruct their •• RepreSentativeS to support ameasure t ", - i ~...•••. ".'Sneh re the:honest, stioken_SentimentS: of. one Whose Democracy- we presurne, Will not be'dohbted byshis'partyluOldMoutgo4ery; but he truly , remarts in 'the- artielerefer.ro _to that the old fashioned way - Of dOing‘bitsi-- ness, has been abandoned_ hy. the sham :De.: rnoeracy of ' the Presentday: - : - Thel...people are`not. *suited. , 'Politicians. now origi bate measures 'and , cram them down the' 'threats Of Party:people; and:they roustj - sWal-, loW; timid 'body' and breeches he, tail arid allj r f without, it murmur,' qadcrr-iain: or ex-.. Corminniealion from the ranof the ' fitith k\ fu1447. t rieesage. - cif th e If ebisaka - Bill by . .. :Beni •` 1. Ttie - ..jgebiliiika Bill . .kissed the . geeetf.:yi.t; 'out amendment 'on the 25t.h,..35Aii..1 : ... 2'.: -. 4' . iiferiill;9 7 *llk Free States - *oting..foi....it -. • iliatiiii7:•. , ::-• •*- : • -.. : .-: ..--•:. ~.•,•: • N .-- s*.sr.oiliPc--..gep.o...,Xliriiii, Jr. ; - .J . ... .ii . " l-I Y.- . . - IWiniiiiiiik:....' ... • ....:.-...;'.......-:'...........-..: ... 1 ..:.-::.-.' ' ,. ..4 .1 4 41 :01iiteee te: - • (...,:,. T1.01: . 4*tx4-4 1 911*.% - ~ Wi n;'‘iiiiii , ' , '.riistiL . i . :•". i . - : . .:.•.<i:'::.:::•••. - .•.:.•:. •..:;,...- • ::•!:..:..,. :Raiiiiii*liii-iti. Lima, It ic;a6iiik'Jr: -. ..A.lindiiiiltaiii. i'44t . 7 • ' .:'••••,. 1 • .:- ..'n Wir.Ofir . Sieplielif;A: 1 i iiiiils,•••.: Jain : - : ...Shied' . 41i:'... 1 ;: - .:' . . .....•••. .1,.1 .. . 3 i:': . ''' -.- • 1 : - .- 17: 1: •.'. - :MlCHieew - ...Le*le te : 4l; Charl es E. .0)1'.. :.:...'.: . ..! ) ,t* . i ... :' • 1% ... •'•:. :' ..: :1••-:,..:1 . 1 . -....:: ..- Weller - 04.iiyil)ta*:.., •?..b‘tie;‘lehit li Weile.:*.--:' - ' .. ...••••'"': ."'''!••• •-.....:.•:.`...• . 1 .. • : • • : -. 2 1' - .--•••• ;liilir*.7iierge .. ' .)Tir .l: -de a, ,'' Total 14 1 . - • •-. rat*suu naP d;inder s: .14 11 0 openly **gni t -44 warty; or sitOW ed ipite l o i k ofhi ss . 't the ,In kit- Oominit- * 1 .14/ . 1 1 6 - 4 . re is nethi": : I "tile . P tio\Vs be ftelm TioiNaper...edi , a nd co 11, 1 (#t9rs Ashi#4iiipreTreludi. , the iiitter;ifian for:` feilner.to-.Aqi -; -. `:p lainly ' th at, the litt*sit*Ttiut ever : ,9 . Avithoulgib, ne9 vy bi.:itOrelaiiritesiit, .11 in it , - - SeOenek: 'Lei 1 iheioii;pittklnd t'n ' ' - ':teget", 'au of the ; editir's their' of ideas, Iproviding:id4- *ors Sit diere be' such i chnhijiihif ho Will enterinto the spirit of it, and 'pralitolirOgni he.able refute the editor` iiiiinienti::4. .rtskinin'llid qtherWiSe lie It fii : fiftitii ik):;i'ds one at tine, as be cost's elmto tat*iald lusY, his rilind kin, 1 9iliethilliOs&. Thige:ii nothing like batoiittinlisOkip:Vii,l s trit_s. \ oil*e compositors in' the ' e44e*-rorVeir 'loll cornbativencw, and iite : ft)iglii:txi. acT their own editing 'itheintisi establish newspapers o n the i r "in:h°c't r i ---t 161 . 014 1 70 iiiinore wriAing sithooli.--Buffa/o Voik.ai t ion& t ai des e excite • At 5 . skons,*- litary re- - G6txt DeP§icaps . .- T: ' . { 4 1 / 4 1114 11 1e.exist on ttni'yiiititni 'ji ver .a'.. , , - * a one bun 4tid 00 11- 0 4 iitlio 0 ' . oi.iiNie:ColtunbiiN ja wi, 14 a rit*lliihibife'd lii *dip* itto likelier iiiia' %= 0 their Ala tvifbit*.id ' prey ilk**• - :" Piciite titini: -t .tiaii,, ZiL If iiai }4 1 0 ,: : - ‘ - * 4 4.1 1 4 - " Wss. ' .:tlierg, A na Atetwi: _ 41 0***,' • , .#440 ' ili c tiltAtag: 'alt..' jatiq - . " . lila*, whl "14 lig;o4.7*hif * . a. 'ietV'A' Is 'NW; liiriviir eiii 7 . 4 i ..r it We i k c ve tr a i t :level. tl..ii lei it ire - iYkteti?. )1011r 1. 6 - 13;00. F Mean ti - , Benj. X,V ~ •' ' • '...". -'- ---,,, - : ' , rei 'l' ":' 211281 DErrEIMILIq-' , '' P - I4e ut Pierce'4aselimdilid:ibitti4inin, - itieriiiiOn lius,fiir , bY. ; ..frorts to riie4diat Xs. - - ~eCiiir Celitita z aid to-`4et "tip A*l`3l yam - Sin 1 ir4e . ii . erpie*-ls evidentitin the, lipids of Aida-, . men--of men who canna- ftSisellail ' - i. ~ ',Aides er agreat Republic i 1 4 1 4 ' t his, who r an d trige . :with tli. - greatest arid - gravea (1 est oafs:, r'n& recent course -ef the Preeidea 1 0 1 argtatli the niore;Jrnarkz;bli when e ember ` thee fol.. lowing eli v iisin, ad, veJa " ' * la t4,lnettgaral *ddress: -'' . -: '- -- ''-. , t , .%; 41 1• 1 =--'- - ; ", . ~ ,,‘,4 l We havelip#lit!gr*-Oni, histori . pr,* . " . i. iviit4 invite: %lt : -t eretriung to .'beckon us tO.cultivatlon, o,4elations of `pee and am ty With 01 nation& PU PPosesi theiefore; at- nee; , Alt eadiateMp;ivill be 4 nifieantly iiia tie& in the eo*tiet of mirror. eign affairs. II inendibidikyadmitiiitm on , [ shall I leave *o' blot on our ifik tewfd, ati& tfaitil may iafelt,..grvo* assurance, that no! act: ithin the.legititfiate seiVe_id on t he`, t u tio na t contr o l 'will be ' toterateai the Pin , - of•co - ur citizens, Whi4t. catnic*tualinge it resi: ay j , stification befoiethe triheast ofthe eiyi - , it -, wrld An f - ailininikifatiOti Would bt I tntiv ahlt o 'confideno,ol4 haideil.9r ./.esief i ah ~ . 1 4,0 d it, tease's litritificienceoll the feonViet that- --- "- - t i d i an - J IR ' -i r ! i Pr ren . , can be air ^ NI at aslince ack mat,. as that f national iddiOivonor ;,greatp igets ‘ aie . ,best t...., tamed ehnsisted= with ' Of the:iest of - l'ho Jourr , . .„ . ... r.,,. _ , . r,.. , „ 4:1,1 . _ light which show . 1 t fdesigtvis , ..A.liihrl hy , the Piesi. del"- , 'hinge tho &mark alto. - a: War . With "ainf. 1 2 4.Y il •}I9W- - br -, s i t •,. - a . , ao , , .ve zeen i , ' . e nil , U Navy i t U. "..: :at:the-..; permitting •Era, froal b lteved, _VI " a t , is jurietai ess..will 1 ; ' at of. suj War at the n chiled i th 4 - from ƒ on ...- Bat'. - . dependence will not =.lli' leAr'lAi t. Anttioi., 114 at pilis_ je 'tants. ' in, 1 hewed .the erease,thi 10,000, bt.. , Nebraska fever; Whichl.lalipw.;;agitlg mr,alli parts of the northern Slates -*411,14. - trtt 401 1-t slderably r: front this Abtar.'-'- : N:OW:: - tilatl, alone is organizing : an §mica4oFif: 42o : 6oo peri,ons: for Neoaskaana' - artids r Aila kw; , Nyili, - it, is sta - , spiid thither.fultp2ooo en , ,, ikrtlnt-s• -: .Fl' 6 . 'Pent . .,s.. 3 Iva.kiia, ii ll l4' 6l-1 , d New , York, raa'nk h taros aro.alteady.iontairefite, I - and these: t ir e great- .._ y, ciki "forth I,iiii h larger humbera --- enough.la - L ._, 11 -CtO giVe - aiOlitiOtl. Oii,e, to the.ifer_ritoiiei: - • Ogirm ,fro present;:ppeaii4etki:Nebraska. d ' ieulzaS- will , lol - Nl' taodiY: settled, a 3 1 el: feel iags of the :t.tv great f :ti.c,tiiis . ..orthe' !tbpublic ine.2 warnity . ,;=:•eit'ed' -• -•* - -.to‘vliqiiii lavery shall:sor shall no be recognized and 1 pkOvall tliere - as ti - ficini , tie itititutiop.. ( * pill" 1 ,p6ratiely, littl'6, semigation ‘ . - other 'ter rltories may thero - foro,-be,loo) for several years tocome.,--Worik Ire.• :' 4 1 ° 1 1T A14,•3 'is,. iii - aSthO:Vi* iiiiitiOtikt various ..k el.gin:jisitiiit'tKi . thk.iiiiiiin#4 . *:beig. - ota., f6ni . shed .V.- iitlvii,*.liii*.ii:Okivoi:lstiiid.. One . tteoc4Fit:ksi-04;ilifi:',.*41t,Lia..40iiti.#1, the , reeetit. ...depto" . , 4fi(oo„Cattat-qoietil fl relation` tosslairipl7l4e.:Aiiii. tiiide7;tiie.ekii - , -tion .: cif ~. the . 'condition' of the glavc;iia.idfi.* bhieks, • ete,; i ii:e9itsequertee of NV hich, :. tle..; . ireitpst..co*ipiitico 4 - .p : viiib.Akrougho% th e , 2:. 10 iii•-.wid.*i0...ne,...-:..:t...'h..,7 'ib.,.....:......,:'5'ft11.i.P5.:..n; ieso•- tf.he-. i t l 7! . 010404'44 , j1ii [- Ai*tienl. i.ik: . gratiton.; • :. , ; - U tonent occi :*ioiiniliifw". l 4 4 i -. t'loo, .oa.theion*Allib" :::i.ii:i*pois - I t . iiiridio:.• ,, ;?. •l oo.l4tocroNatiif , j , ed..4 . •,,i :760fpoodoti - -Tto3 iotbitiegot ..o**liogiikiiitti tspki , -ionbie;iapFthiy , iAloo4llpon the bte - -6fAijp*4o of 444talill,'In4ser . 1 1 4the0 8 ef0:' '.''''' :' iq4.0it 1 40 4 4 fentiiiittca AVthiti :''T . .. . .. ... ..... .. . '-.•:..: T - Poet-MASTER ' GE - •- kf or. 4 :_: ,.. ..p.......:_114. 77, ....,,, Galena JiffertotiO.oelutit, : - .l . et4i::iii4.lol4.paper74.. nvillipois, , Te . . ~_. 1 ..... -.. ':i*tbit**!*lnt*it' ., tiglioe!!':for 3 .' .: . §iinali!rdes*ifullii*.;li,;;.l... , - ' 2 . ,,.t d s: ; . :1; . ::,.! : :11iii Atti,li t . *.- 1f444 1 ,, . ....; .- • • fli.•:g1"-iiiiiii ivisi4illi***i t ' ilia * .4044. I.*: he..*. , t 'llk , ,0;:. 7 .i .- 4-s4tiff - 4004 12 7 . #o:Vii .... ._.*:.: : 2 " • ' . ' elt,_***** -- j ll .l . dOeititat.o 3 o44ot#o o :olo4b ittiiii:l I t i-' - liti .olll6 o l e i OteliVruily f oo ia,:a: ;f irelt. . rAirOiSildiiiiif.oo446lo.r:Oe4ral; ba t *ii,3cri•jii;iiiiiitlie 7 w l oei'to. -0 : 0; 'i**..,•:the...iiffitilethis*y , - exte4 : hi! : :* . oli*Offer l ..:thi.r4holifi : : . 9)*A.stirfee ' .1!6iiiiiDit;04 . ....:*44 - :r . 4lsiii9d I fir: The ; I '. .mOO ite.Y ' of,Petttiteifitipa:'...oli.e! : : -13 , ) i pact -toy 3E. ,044. a . .tii:in6riti0i . 0,:._ , *4.11 . ...r.:41144,Pa ~tia *into: - 4 - a.. )vishes of itclAirOjiiiilii.• 741i1.'. a: \ . :.liqliOU . ; Ais:Nfiki***ol. tel !.. ..,...-- - 3-,;-- , r.: , 1 -PSY; t ad he '...t_. ~,,,,' -,::;..ke . ,,... ,, : .h .. - anion, •i.iition, .. * • of I tiatik.7tre : : . . -- ..: . :1: . ''.' . 7.. . . 7. • .-... if - Miiiiiitioateifioltiikthef . 164' figeiiiio'.. , i 'Weidal. 00 1 .---: : -•-• • '- '' • :titatiik . the. ilietttliefit- , -. z - -. 77 .:11.7•.. ,4.6414 '''',', it , { ,+;:: !'":'.l l '. ' : ll . Boiiiiitliairt. 105?...- . 4 . 10 , Ailt '".0004 - 400J'000: iatii. :' :::'....1 7 ..i . , - '. .:.. - **l,:ioOk:*O.kL, 'OO :- li ::.;', :, t.......****ltti' [..-.. ..?:.'tlf ', " . '"th s el.tiliiii . .rudofWti‘ ,. i 4 oo. lo p ~....:.-..: -. ., - *:iiipi.:**ol4o.oi6 - n . .oi l :litiii:: , ‘011. 1 0. - .g040 :, i.C*Aliitik i ir* .• .:iiiii . 4 :1: libli.. 7; ':';;:::t 1 litliall: iiti* 1 , 11:, if.e4ipiiiiiiitg.: . ,l, - ; -"rs i tAiiikori: atiori :ha1144 1 041404itioor iiria . a 6 .qtie. - Th !itite..t*iiiiziltAliliiWsi, eetidifiryi,: . i.,.. • . ,r,*,-,..,tiw. , el of c. .. :: ; . 1.:0 sni;lithick- ;14,Stiliii And' a" i l's''')id - ' . _;.40471040/I' . '4oifPt . OF prom fAiilir'lo) :.,WO&N f y.-' ,. , •.iP .'• ' 1 :f ' 'I 0-.:tr'Akot. 4i:i ' 4. .. - • .' L'Y.t. . - 101 l .3. •-.i f ' .. ' P .-'-40.... Sts. - c- - _ Pirq-*P4 l 9ingi,*o o . 4l 4 C , i .i l ;4 i 00,c*fRsi*I*: ..- ~ oa4oof . , .i,., - 074:l. .04. ':. . - i; 66 ;. -4,. ;1 , -;44 . -.'eq 7; ''''''. 4 ' l " :.; • (- •- " 9se iii ifor tezta A t ...-- , . - 4-:- f .4;,6 fike ft:. 0 1, •...:4,.... alt;6l . the of gay 24- ..,.... - t . ..1 4 ::%1.,.."Vt. . ..7. , ...:-.:' . , -,...7.::•:: ..,.:),..:::,..:•.?...v. ti l z..!‘ ..., ~.0 ..,,„ Ut , , MIF-4 c}y '3;.i ,la:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers