.oi - 'ft.oo.4#l - , ,- ,).?4.. - .: lAN It. •FRAZIBIL AND VIIEO; ` B !U TH; AP,M0,41. • , 14 MONTH E, PA. Thirsdai itiorning, Mai 262411164.- -inatet ' - - ci-Erf4B ...... rncir,...u. tithbaiand! - - ' :- • P . LLOM6f'N"-""-- ' 410,0*1!./-13„,„ii .6;n6ii'liii he 4:, .: ,•-, ~, .., Canal Iv .. • rt.. AfAlleg. : . • • - • .'-' otORGEJI9.A -,744'' --, Court. r . . _ . iturii,.. eitswerelte _,...._ , 4-opiery . -, -- SMYSER, or 1"- 9-6 i iiAikirgLlki. - • REKOVAI. The'Revs" ter Printing, office ht removed to _the 2un cling on -- Chestnut street, I:am eet, between the Odd ? . I' lall arid the residence of Janies W. Chapman. .: • PALYER, the. Amerosn-Newspeper Agent is the way ootkorizet Agent for this *per io thetities.of Boston,; New York . sad Philadelphia. MILL •• - It is said to be'iwell understood 'at Wish- . ington that the poi summation itif the, Nehru.: ka ftuud is to he - immediately f0110Wed...4 ' 4 ,mesailreS hiving 'O r their object: the acquisil °Hon of Cuba. A. Washington,correspondent of the North American says that a War.'nies- , . at this moment .. 'sage is probably awaiting the subsidenee. of the Nebraska. tempest' to •he . - • transmitted - to, tbe n House. . The pretended aggression of Spain in: seizing" the Black Warrior; is to be made a pretext for robbing tier of Iter princiPal colony. , Another alleg ed 44fen'te is a Com Pact the Spanish govern , ment is said' kg have *de with gngland for . the• emanemafion of the • Cuban slaves--as though \giving liberty to the;-oppressed.were• a crime,.aol we-'the Quixotic champions & - traniVi; F!\ut .the captain-General of .Cuba has lately. iisued a manifesto, denying in the • most Solemn : Manner, in the name •of the Queeiii'the existence of any such Compact- - . ne'Osn' i iTemulifttes, in the same document, more'stringent regulations for the . suppres-, • Sion - of the canslaVe trade, that infanimis traffic, which, tyones declared to bepiracy by ths:nations'bf\ Christendom, Some of the southern ne*spaOrs Still advocate and . de; , . . .fend, and exprlA a , hope . to` see again estab, il fished;fished; if the slave iterest can m su ted . in oh tamingfull control in the '••ciin 'nls of ~ the •. .nation: ‘ . • -' - .' .•. - . • The ' addition of Cuba, with / :it§! 600,000 'Slaves, to our ,Union, by, fair means - or foul a ,. - seems to be " - foregone conclusion:" " **l. -. `.1 : Benton, in. his speech, ton Frida'y lait, said . - "It,is repbrteil 'that Mr. Soule, has been aol' tlanized to offer V 50,000,000 tor_ Cnbit„ and if he can'tg et 1, to kick up a muss." -- Mr •: 4 ,,, 1 • - A ‘Bentoii alluded to the recent , effe. ofltir. 44 4 0,A; ) ,,, $i L... e .;..i. ...t..... q . i 0u..0 of A ,:co, ;1111C1 to his return to that country with a rta Ntikl iter prospect of accomplishing his purpose - Athan Before, by reason of the present perilous tisinta mof Santa Anna.. He commented' on tare Neel' of Mr. Seward of Georgia, saying , - the whole of Kansas_ is adapted.to. sleve.la-• . - bor, to the great staples, heMp and tobacco, . and . . that within two hours ride there :is a larger altivebolder than Roanoke ever saw. , --7 :,Weil might he add, tgat "in his opinion there / , 'vas' a great movement pending." - The aim 1 of this great movement is but too evident.: 7 = -' • It ist 4 enlarge and strengthen the sive pow- . ille-of 'Oil Union to Sikh a degree as to ren der its supremacy complete, while "the psalm singing Tankeei" are to become "hewers` of 'wood: and-drawers of - water" for the . aristo eratic ,naliobs of the South, who will Conch safe to them, in general, the same treatment that the black 'slaves receive, except that they , .-. Will • be more liahle to.be shot down, ocea a s iinudly,beeinse. cif their lower market value. ' Though President „Pierce does not Okule • acend to give .the public any inforniation as ' . to the result ofiMr.,Soule's negotiation with - . Spain in the difficulty. that has arisen between the two governments, the tone of the Wash .. 'beton Union, Of late; leads us to suppose that the slavery plotters do not consider it sails-, - 1 :. isenny. The Washington UniOn is fierce in : 2 its denunciatiOn of the. Captain-General and the home government, and commis the - it:n. 7 . xnedlte adoptionoffo reiblet means for bring ing her to terMs. Spain does not . fail ttper .- eeive the danger that threatens Jii. 1119 st val. eable ,Cis-Atlantie possension, and is.making prepatstions to meet the crisis as best; she • - . may ' Ten thousand additional' troopic. are, said to be 'on their wiy , to Cabs from S ; .' . the artillery companies have been sent tithe . - MOTO castle, while guns have been mounted in the different:fortificatiens around Havana; . . and the Goirernoi has decided upon arming a large - body of blacks. A; corrapondent of Picayune, . the - New Orleans Writing .from . , has: the • -Havana, states that the has: . Captain - Gene ra l -.. the royal decree authornang• • him .to declare the immediate abolition of slavery cs.tbe . declaration of war by;the United States; and., Cain on the issuing or letters of:marque hy Wsipsinit Spain, it be should deem it pa•ciphr: • ,to do So." JUR Exe s eller4, Will , a/so -ptiblish - :'- a. decree, declaringithat. the civil and social . condition:of the *vim is , eq: , with that of , -- :theuidie, :. If th4i-lufdnnation ,- , ccaiseat," - lie - - - lignig I) ' lava. tn ~ ,:, -. ' and induce . -. ....,- - - -- - i:o ':. iery,..iniiiii*Otisands ' *es, blankr t lially , the c intentinns of the idk: • 'exieetijon! . . :.-ilds ' can - lre-iao..ied mit. -'W -1 `:there Span lards are - a lantyt*Onapeciple, to he !tire, end . - live - are the'pinlia - ntnivaiiiition iiildfchiiii4 . , ian.ilY;', : ' - -.." 'i - ....- - .... We ask aumid aorthentmen to erlvell *0"e" P 6463114 air 'floe :Ptt o#4l r e outgene ra l gor*l'moot' 4i41014,10t, t,AMA toe Cotwas dO4 - 41it , in4c; # B 7Praienoessiglo and W- liat is it A* to -dottlle' rat Pacific Railro ad th toss_ to mike tiro poeans, and join lb Nada of - Ina tbeolistaidifiets of thiiva* ionfed. Bracy, is lkele w ~ if-not &moues,. The 11610 0 fkr ' /U4 ; ,,16 / 1 : 11 ,„gfir'De*Pratio b t .ii -' Irke en 44 l* "di* the. *lap that'ini2ws„no.walting? One t. 11 1-1 1 1 013 10 1 4! 4 . 4tecm - 7 9 5 46b : .. ...• 1 ' eitR OF seen it.:;* lavet ~.." ,I ) zthvf sufficient -nit cou y. , ., lhe'genellit ioN'rnaletts' . ' are exceedingli_bu l er---Congror l / 2 1.President, Cabinet, all. The f ade, lintfoieaft_et r *, 44. et i ministration and majority liii : 0n . 4 11444 7 1 seems to be the. d ing : and titiOgtheniii -:i t t t "th i t ititution-- e citjl no longer call iit'.. 'l)i—KnAll!q - - inst i u .k ° , li 4 .- t Y , I 4 -. 3 F..• I . - " lce tl l o' are endeavoring tcs c47illtif i tl K !„., . 1 64 i latitii.fe—;:lo'*o f.l*r:..°*::! '? fi' l r •tida . porPose , evi 4 ,ot,liliii4;° 4 or, , VT gantie Beale: ~ -Material for.ihalf a , doaet'l,4l ve . States'itrigebrsisita an Kanaas, , :faitthree - oi four in'Cuba; and an unknown tplantity' o . MeifeOi : are ai4diii::o o 'initriti44.‘pTstitti ). towar4tiulfilling4q manifest f4in.ir''nflthe re polin.. l .',When'their- purposes are accann i pliOed i wli - thisPOWer of parknetiletret&- . ed its cordo along did missouii.toits. gome, and .southw - d throngh what,is- now . ,•. , to theist sof Darien ; ;when Pnh a forn, - . sties her'ci ota of fi re 7 eating Swat' oifkluid' her' !Alive ' *puletion' is represeptelfzitt the P°ngresa , 0 , , the - United States :, 'ben: t ithe ttilked-of all ' ce -with brazil ker the perPetu l L al ,establish era' of slavery through. tropical 'Aitterieli,' the' restoration of .tiii, African slave trade ia - consuinniated,4hen Wilt it in dee he time - for 16 North" (if- ther s lie' a NOrth), to '‘lithaniNF. from the . 4iagrar: 4 4 l confederacy, and, returning- to-the' . pure and sacred principles of 'the founders of the:Re public, at Nit preietit,te the world the rare spectacle of a peoPlelfh4se"Praetiee doie not belie theirsprofession.i--4 , 1 . . ... - , , - other On Art'effortii makil . . . .. - it Pennsylvania's interests, by r epe a lin g , l the duty*. on : Railroad iron. . :.This question has id ready been agitated, in Congress; and the. in terest that originated the' scheme is too pow.: _ erful to let it die out,. without ` : iv dcsperate effort towards its aCiomplishmeiiit...: Should: it be , brought tothe test of tr.vote,..we dotilit not that a number of our self-sacrificing Penn- Ylvariiiins in. rigreis would be found'voi ing for it, for' 'hough. most of , the:del ticin t v e korn this Sta :shots little talent..in ge er_al, in the matter f etting on the wrong si i eof every 'questioi ;' hey. are decided geniuses..., The . New k Evening Post 'brings - to ir light a doCu ,e t that gives us some insight into - what is going on, and s'hows :what for midable influences are brought to bear upon ' the questioii. ', Ncominittee composed of ex- COngre.Ssnien and gentle ••,- . lailely interest "ed in the lailmads of . . 4 ,Coinitry, are acting as systeniatie bore at ' ashingten in &Vol' 1 o f the propo,sed m-. •• , the former being . 1 doubtlees incited, thereto by the prothjse of so much cash. in hand ..for'their services, and n tbe latter by the hope ofteniching then:is - elves by the ruin of others and ie prostration or destrOction of a large and.llourishilw branch of industry. It is the circular recently issued by this committee to the different railr6ad Companies,. to which we would_ call attention. ~The circular asks their eo.operation in carry. )nt the'scheme., and isiiscompaaied by a which, as it explains_ the plan of , note.here at length: ' . ' - this company _will to ,tee. appointed by the `es, held in the 2f February, f t n • resolul - operations, operate with the comp meeting of railroad comi., city of New York .on . - the 1854, consisting of SamizelS.! L. Wilson t -John ,Stryker, George _ and Henry V. Poor, in their efibrts to ot4A., a remission and 'repaid or the duty on rail road iron heretofore, or to be; imported, or a'suspension for " a limited time ; of,said duty.; end that the Prident remit said committee one hundred dollars ;.- and that in the event of the repeal or suspension or the existing du ty, or of a remission of the dutyloa theiTou heretofore imported, this compaPy. :hereby -obligates itself to. pay to said-cOmmittee,'or its treasurer, on demand; in dash, five per cent. tiOxi the amount of duty so remitted; 'and also five per cent. on the ammint, saved to the company by said repeal or stiOensicfn, on such iron as the company shill inzliort or contract for prior to• July- 1.4'1855 ; and tizat a certified copy of 'this resolution be forthwith fOrwarded to said committee." Even ni these days ofoutrage and .venali iy in -legislation, stieh.:a plan. : as iihereei- Posed must--appear' Monstrons, aid . almost incredible: But after- slavery is admitted in; to NeOraska, and: Cuba annexed to the Unit-. ed - States,- - tve shall expect -to see a bill'pasr t ed sueb...s these honeikgentlemen lisk for, pro vided the ;railroads sidieeribe one hundred dollars apiece; Xs regnested, to buy up Con-, grtmnierf with = It,* true .' some little' injury might follow; - bat *hat, of that Jersey, and Masiia `ehuietts; are sixteen rolling mills, which:it is supposed hill tarn 'Cont. - 10,000 tons of 'rail . road iron, requiting Oppog top* :of pig iron, I_.. 840 , 000:tons:Off'eoal; , and . 13 _ ions -of h me" stone for its manu facture, employing, in :al4 . '4 510,090,00(4 . q.cit4 a nd supporting pop I nlation . .'92,500 • Peris,' wlio;::eensnms, I 4 :l;o2s,ooo*Uttli breadsfra per Stiii4n;- 'kesidesinere : :m4 Prnpertyland :contributing 6i - the prosperity _of it large tir 'ele-of population aroOn4l . thent; but 'ilia - q that t + Would : it nut bePStrintkindrdein: sratic to destroy all these establishments---to ruin all, who pat!** instead the iirori4ops of. England Yes 'this . strikes. tie asjinit such a measure sa 4Mitiy of our Pennsylvan ia itinild'*-iikely.tO!*ote,for. • : 'innuni4 Susquehanna i i . °4l # 7 L ' lll , llll, to 10) tnel+ been **V Plr 11 .1 ) -'," - the Dentoirai, 'l,l ) P ssi/ 4-• Liar Lowl' "43:s' is i cing MEMNS e inether-bler in, Noih -,un, Mr.:Stephensi: - e • the quieting, • „1, do tho p-cut off sill Videnilth nd tti bfliiiiPta4d4 l 4 the . selind 1 31461 ' !Tr- • [Sensation and _and expressions of surprise.) In defense_of - this position words_l quote 4.lll4rulet (.* utu To a motion to w cuu,‘ sadifimatiedshall be-coashisrest equivalent - to* eawr re jo • the cOnmaittee strike,out the en acting clause Of thhilhill, 'And let it, ilins - ..te 're ftc4* to - thOMO 4 4gl:°4 * .o- int o further amendments. 'When we' get into ihe'llouSe the r qu*.ion faljthe on agreeing to thorslimt. The friptideid the. biA. yote„-,dewa themotion, then ._we will ,liive i the bill ..to vote • on. ; [VoiO6s.: jr; go ahead l] It will then be he' order der the Chairman.of the,CoMmitteeoalferritories to' move his substitil6.l; os. an -amendment whi c h we want to vote on. The friends of the bill standing together.„ill be brought to vote di rectly, on the measere we.will get rid of the continuous motions .to: amend. tnahe this motion because-iv-is-time ye#ere voting on the bill ; friendS an d , eneinies h ave , di s c uss a the e.rsate," Houses-and threugheet the benntry ; the-mind ,of .e,very -man, .I doubt--not," is made alit*dy •we have had_ niotions, to Juneud the important features.: - . . 'Mr, Giddings (Ohio), interrupted the gen:- tleineh; , raising the question tbit-.hig:.ionitioti Was tiOt it.,eirder;• because they .could.riat tack to the, enacting clause' of 'the bill. f ' -•-. _ • 7'he: Chair Mao overruled: his point,. -*say' the:rule hvas.sfiecially :adapted for. •thai: pun . . . - pose.. - .... • .Mr: liibbard - •(Nit) No doulit'Zf• thail Does the geittleintio.Cooternplitte;.that.if ',his motion-prevail; the.. gentleman .from Illinois, • Mr. llichardson: shall more' : and. the Houk order. the' previous Auestion to he , Pet. ' : *--...` .• . • -Mi.., Stephenit is .to. bring the Houge to vote ; direOly. on lkfr. Richards:o6'S siibStitufe i died itis. the Object 'of 'the frimds i tof ihe bill : At; have a Vote .initnediately,:and then go on: 'and attendloother bizsines.§... - 1 - ' - .. ',••!.., i-,'. ':! :. Mr:- Chondier.(p*),-This is hire ofs.those: .- 1 motions. which all .W five -minutes:. tbr -de fense.- -:. .-',•• The Chairriian-i- t . .is: - • --, -: - • .., 1 . • Mr. Chinidler=4 apress niy.regref et-this 'wicked , - 1 --. 7 - - • . ; .: .' - ' :,-- ' :;•.• •': ' ' ' • ''' Mr. Dan interrupted with'. a point efor- . der Which;.the Chairman .overruled: - :..! ~ • •.. - :gr. Chandler - reSOmed7.--I merely rose -.to. protest Solemnly:against this:, extraordinary. gag to beapplied.tO:tbe passage .of . this bill; audio say: while it' is - .posAble .- a' inajority . Mar-thus.ride rough-shod •oVer --;7:--- :: 1 •• Mr.' Preston (Ky.) interropting-exceed ingly dislike, -bet', must rise to a questionFof. 'order:. The proposition is not debatable: -- , .: [Midi: eicitementand , .confusion'. duriug these-proceedings.] - ' - •' 111'r. -,Chandler r' satisfied-that •any. One of the majority miiit dislike to.raise such a question }_it Must. be: painful ,-' to . start. - a poiot, - of this kind here, • whatever riding ' -may bemede bn the question of , order The minority have stood betore the ilouse'OnAlte COnstitption of the! coetitiy; • andythe roles which the . Vinisehas solemnly fulopted for its ,regulation and-government. _::While they have 'stood up, - against theeltirts. of those 'ho have proved a growing Majority ;- While, - they' have read day-by 'day: in the organs' of this Administration,. not merely invitations to. come over against -us, but intimations that while they wire in the opposition they were lesing their influence in the -Eictutive De partment; - and While': we . liavegthiri - seen ourselves threatened.; if not wasted .by,insid ions attacks, we; the:Minority . have not re . sorted to . may mode of defeating: the - bill Which is not recognised • by' .the Constitution of the &awry and by-the rules-of the-itouSe. Bat the-on:ler§ are, -violated. ••- ~. -.: ''' -. Mr.' Ori ( S. C.) rose 'and • said • sortiething, est. in vociferous cries of " - order." . - -- appeal I Dir. Washburn--No ! but I wished to show *hat the:prurtiee of the L lionse is.- •. Mr. Rogers N. C.) I desire to stlitte to the funi.those - with whom 1 have 'been act ing—l-desire to introduce an umendment to ths bill. • Chainnim--Will the' Ccunmittee per mit the gentleman tomake a stateinent ? ; Deafening eries—" !" lir. Rogers-41s not only sine its" myself but to my constituents, who expect me to in troduee.an amendment---I mean that which. is known 'as the Clayton amendment. in the Senate Bill. • - Mr. Diekinsen (May.) likewise Wished .to \ Offer an amendment;but both requests were objeeted to. - Mr. Dean moved the Cominittee Negatived...-82 Ayes, 104 Nays; The affirmative vote. on . Striking 'out , th e . enacting-clause of the- bill was .taken amid` great.excitement, ;which Mr.: Dean. siaid—" Lk the:Minority refuse to vote, and 41;81e:eve the house : without ii . quonna. Op. pose iyriany.by revolution. 7-. Messrs. Farley (Me.) and- Sage, (N. 1%) leiendly cried out id :the. Panic ~etfeet;. and ...were loudly - called-to-order. ' • .;. - The Chairman declared the question ried the_minority' not having Voted. 'Cries; of 'Cotint tho , other- QUel3- 16 !"°;u Question!" ..• • The Chairman- . aild—Those in the nega l-ti*e will now Pas te between the = Tellers. Mr Campbell (Ohio y...Abstsni: , pass thiOngh; - and he isanted his' actien-tnti.'4 words. However} 21 - others followed his • '7 - '! _ . The irate was announced 103 .• against 22. So the enacting clause wiaatricken - Out..- -: Oa Motion of Mr. RichardiOni- the Coxn: initee ~r*e---Yeafi '101; N;64-only ; 2-:-the mini)* :generally * reftising: to . vote: - The - et* resumed he Clair whin ' '' nti ar, ' IR; ds . reported to the Housethesetion of the' Oath Mittee;: ,, ' , : • --, - . i, •-; • .j.:l-- ,:tt -- ' - ,Mf.' WishbUni(Me..)-maitiofttuit 6 the bill slid atoOttaukentigt•lieligid bathe table. , ~ i .: ., _. . -Mr. 'peall'rideed a reitibn, that:tem- thar. a quimim off the ixinmnttee' could not raise and .1'064 as In this 'ease. -= ' ..-.,':,• .:- -'The Speaker said : he . hasino owl hi:ay l . eag.o)f the:het' ': -4 . '-,' -;- ~ .,v- -3 : ;:-„*,- ~, • Mr. , Dean Moved =that the House adjourn,. :and; demanded ' the': : ` eau : ilitt_ati'y'..-;4•- , - - , 1 - ;- -• ~• Mir. -Thutillitin= Agy.raiseit a litolni of or ir, der, - saying'..thit 44 Dean slid .n it , moire ibi Abtitrpo,r'S*4 - -_that 0r ',4„4.,;• ~ -.1,:-„ 2 ..- ~ 7,l_me istihi.,„ .. j-_,76ll ed ixi i -If ig i l y kon 61 ,- e i,' , .:-;:4-14- -, ... ; , ..,,a.iA.., , „ .. , - t kvl i , t , . „ i, , ,, _. 1 'lliki 8052.1WF , - - - , - ,',7, aim efitittiguilbat $1111991e : : UM4B; May . ; 0=74 ofthe de A • heitTid - c. - .•;.. -MiVeiliiihii tot : : 'lr'• -, - ,-, - ' 4 , -de- - -, - lio . - . nirniti.... '''. l The "1 , , .1 -. .. ic S ..-, •.,... decided '' . i.dingito' . r'. 119tti Mg • . 1if.._,14,,, .:.Otti)ilkse_ .O. - .privilege, in effect , th at they. bad a - :roniittelpiedielr'on arnendnar from AVIA theflO °e 9 ° lt powering Ynajorty. - - • - The Speaker said he.cotd l gx liT e l 'r V li f ee, , e wI W The ...40.44- 11 /4.4q444 4 944; -",„. Mr. 'IC. leachaM—Hafing been deptx. ____ Oil' right hi toitirnittiie, - wel should; .10 and determine'fine : right.[ - ' ' ' •. - , \. *"....' --;- Mr: RiehardsOn-4-limlieti;_iPtevious4uati tiOn On the . report:freati ',the' 'Coninii#ce`§ti -the-Whole on the'State Of the ITnitui.' - '"..' .;...' l' lir.' lir.ailtburne (Vie,) ;res um ed his Ina. : thin to lay the bill - and 'amendment cat'the fable: . -.-- •-• -- ` . ' - . 1 '...* .- ,I - .• ' : . ',y.'';_ "..?•-lkfr Pringle (N.'ll%).ittoNed that.the'lloito adjourn tall' Wridittiadat. ' Negatived,- 68 a; gain' 136. - --- • - . m :MOr g an - (N. Y.) moved unsuccessfully to adjourn till- ThUrsday. . Mr. Catnphell'Wished to luive,a resOlution, . read 'for inforthatien. ,-. ' : . : Mr. Richardson and; others objecte d. d ' •-- • - Mr. Campbell moved a snspension.of the rules that he Might offer a mautlein. - - 'The . Speaker . ' ruled' -the motion ()lit Of* aei. ...... .. ‘,. . .. - mi.' Walsh (N: Y.) raisiid. a qUestiort7fof Order, that the rides of the House 'are -'eStali , .• Bawd for the ytirpose.-of facilitating not re- .larding the bitspeas... • : , . Various other motions Were.made, to,ad journ, &e:,•and voted do,,,..fiy.yeas and'h4yg - .. • :- r. Walsh reiien - d the point of order Sub mitted tif , hilii befo .as follows : - . . . That the•rules of this paw, and of all other . legis , lative bodies, are - enact for 'the exit* pinix4e, of facilitating and not ie ' tiiithe public businesli ; and, that all motionirmide, such as the Present; arid stni dry:Pei:Mousmotionet, have evidently Web Made with the sole and. unconcealed object:Of entbarittisntg and', preventing, " the legislative action of the 'loupe; and , are dearlylna unqueitionably out of 'Order'' ;'altd for 1 thesie reNtsens," that the whole theory; of our gciverrt. I Meat. is based upon•the vikht of the Majgrity toigov ern, &irly and aof despetleally,....4lFe. 1 t.,' , r ....1., ,g - t ; - .116. CamPbell--4 object to the of any argument. . . `, ~,.. • ? ~ • ..- I hire Walsh-1 withdraw the argument,' as , the gentleman. can't stand it. • [Laughte9 !.. -. , The conclusion of the point of order was as follows.:-. • . • That the majority, during , the *hole ,discussi 'ofJ the question now at issue, have aireadfacted , 'the, , liberality and forbearance unpiralieled, and that any - f.urther extension of ii,' while subversive of the pub-. lie interest, would tend to establish a:precedmit Which' 'would enable any captious minority to entirely eon..! trot the legislation of_the country. • . - ; -. 1 , - Additional, 'motions to adjourn,. anpealsl _from thedteision ofthe chair, &e., were sei - i erally voted on by yeas and nays--time rid-1 nority thus fighting thelnajority, - 1 .;., - .. .1 Seven otclock.—The qtiestion was t aken oni ~ Mr. Washburn's (Maine) motion to lay; the bill on the table. Negatived: Yeas 92;1 - The question . recurring on s econd ingthe demand for the previous 'qiiestion,..- -- . - . 1 Mr Perinigton (N. J.) . 'moted that the' , Howe adjourn. Negatived:. .. ''- 1 1 Impatient cries of "Question," `.,` Qnestion."ll 1 Mr. Cbmpbell-1 appeal to the gentlerruml . Irom Illinois to withdraw his demand. tl.r. they , previous. quihm - until 1 can make a . .stigg&J tion ' relative to: this bill- [Cries of "- Nil r "No," ." "Question;" by. the' friends , of -t I measure.] - - : ' .11`r..Itielisrdson- -- ..i The appeal is in vain ; . decline to withdraw.- - .. . _ 'l . Voices-=" That's - right,'' . " Hold on." 1 The demand for the trevious question•waS seconded, • and .the main`,question.iirdered td be put—Yeas 117 1 Nays 94.. • ''' '-, -- 1 1 "Eight oWock.]-11r. Sage motive that - the House adjourn. .Negatived, 85 against 121! The question was tokett on'agrceleg to the report from the , Cinfiraittee of the Whole, striking out the enacting elausd of•the bill., Negatived, - Yeas 97 pay& 117. . Eight and a haljo'clock.-:-.1.1r. Richardson: moved his substitute for the bill,. (being the same -as the Senate , bill- with: the exception of Mr. Clayton's. amendment) 'and moved the 'previous question. Vociferous cries of 4, 'Quesiiiin, '_ a Question:7' ' - - - • ~ i - Mr.. Dean called for the reading ofthe sub stitiite, saying that neither this nor the HouSe bill has yet been. read. -, '- - The Clerk commenced reading, when, , - Mr.4ones (Tenn.) said; the gentleman whO "called, for the reading being without the bar; 1 move that the further reading be dispensed With. ' '• _ Mr. Dean [jurvilig within t?e bad rcyliO, to---yeas 115; nays 96. • . Tile queition — was stated on ordering the bill to be engrossed for a third reading. Mr. Millson (Va.) moved to lay the bill on the , table.' Negatived---yeas4oo, nays 104. At Aalf post 10 o'clock Mr. Meson _ made an Unsuccessful motion to adjourn. " - • The bill was ordered to be engrosse4 for a third reading. Yeas 112, Nays 99. • `[While this vote. was being taken Lord El gin 'was holdine b a recepstion/ in the lobby, many members being introduCed.lto litrir.) - .- The. bill- Was read athird time, and at. 11 \o'cloek was pissed by a "vote of Yess 113, Nays'- .100; . [Applause in the galleries and on the floor, set.ompanied by hissing:y ' ' ',. . Yeas= - Messrs . " Abercrombie C.'Al: len, Willis Allen, Aslie, Bailey, Bayly, Barks dale; 'Barry, - Bell,- &cock, Boyce;;Brockt.o: ledge, Bridges, Brooks, Caruthers, 'Chastain, Chrisman, elniramell, Clark, Ciin,gmart; Cobb, Colipitt, Coif, .Craige, enjoining, Clitting, Da: vis . (Inc.,), Dawson; Insley, Dunbar„ Dun, b4ru;• `Eddy, Edinunson, Elicott (Ky.,) - big ! . lish, . Faulkner, , Florence, .. Goode; ' Green; Gr&iiiwcind,. Grey, Harnilton,,HArris - (Ala.,) Hendricks, Illenn ' Hibbaia,', Hill; - Hillyer, 1-lOustOn c *rsoil, Jones of Toni:, Joneirof Pa.,-.KeiT, Kidwell, Kurtz.,, Lamb; Lane, Li: , tham, - Leta* ,t Lilly, - Lindleyi•Mactronaldi McDOugall, -, McNim, 'idixwell;'l4v , Miller , t er. Mo.,- Miller if lid.; Olds; Oltirei OW:, 'Packer, .• Perkins, Phelp, Phillips' Tihmt,l - Pfektk, ItliditiliOuli'dio . 4BidaVilbt'bins, Rowe,Ruffin, Seward, Elhahn*lilliii;:Flhilw2- er;Singleton; Smith of Teriti4•l4Anitif of Ala., ~ Smyth,'-Snodgrass; Stan` on Tenn.iStamtorr of Ky., Reese, Straub; Stimit Of Mich Tay lei 4fNrY: - Tweed; Vak - yliogiiit, , wiaridge, Walker; Walsh, Warrett,W,eitbrgokeMitti;: WriOt':' , of lliss,;,' Wright of Pa.i'Zillikiifree.' .1 '. ays....;=:Mesirs. Ball; -131MILVBeltheY,' Ben., "tie '' .- Bsen - ' Bentenlltigg,. eanititell; CtiZ nen er, Chandler C rocker , eullOre Cuititi; t : r iCli' is Of al. , , , flsean, Deullit, 1)104 Dickluv son, DrumoEastmau - Edgertuo,•,EdnondS Rll4 of *Ass4l„Elhi3kstbeillidirhartlr Farley, Feriton,,Fhigler, Fidlui — ,GMAte;Gide dhigs, Goodrich - -trtiiiie Hiiiiiiii - 00fikg 110.1 1•- . . i' . . . .. •'.• • ' • 4. 14 : ~..,':,.. no - ' - "., Aka, .‘•:. 1 . ei • 4Mitted: . , .....:;''...._ --, oftel ; - .7. , tst o * I .. _. ;... ~ a .., 4 ,• ' ,.. c , i Mgr .ditilabll 7 :: ' Adli trantUt i_ConventsOniff_em-, ten Mad but. to _cast odium in adiranceuimi tzki . , , f ilovegient in the free" Sta t',?a to rid, the National Government Ottheintol *sable dominati nof the ilar.e•Petier ;,, though_ Ili'belie.VO` The ortiand.z.l4tegtirtis fa"‘ ~ ,, L ,, , 1 , itiitylatiti ' Matidoruild's - Aistrl 1 ~.,3, k .. 6,i), .. ~..- litittliiitilrintift a -476 , .ne vet ,- telfuteritt4ii Ilie - Mitidiitishltte , . ..pi tii 1 liahte :o 4.*, ._. - ' . inthelast wir;:,teatimet . , . the' emeriti' and tO s 'griiiih lead '44fet . die. trod: „ .. • . . . , . 41 i - ill .re;7 annleonecieted ire thellistfonl,COlrtrentlat arti_er - But Abu i .- fa 'i . the , °dirt - ,lii,or vOthig ftiCthe: 1 -vi.if.” Nebraska bill;' scr'unitii'itretohelthan: ' of littgnahig. tad natifori;=conTO.b., - :: - -it i 141731aederia., hi able to eoriceivileolso Ai, turibeYonitt next election andtief . ike, (MY' of judgin t, he *Mild laaaomeivhat , .+ l palledtcpeati ate the'obloq - 'Vick. don ! ng' ~... allthat inter ac will aCcu,ni teruptin the _ -: 1 headi'- of sue. of his.compani . na in tlie , Ne.' , . - . -.. . . . _ ,,, , : . brasaniniquit as have sutuidettandifigor , _ . A :WORD' ON A VERY MR :1 : :, .- talenti , t9 ma eit worth - . ?iiok - , ,idn i .epw We have laid More serious, duties on .":"..; ,thetn--- , ,- °:- -.-- ,' '• ..' - .. i';.-.. - I.; ;._ than' tO- nOtiCa' the antics' of all'iheindiVi i nal. • Mr:liaedo ad )40es it aihiSOPinini that snc os_ ati d .tr i t i t - c -i i.w ho-hai. e 'a at i me d . tn . .the North g ' rally, linden East cif-the Mild. ,Selielrko' g ofer infami than is their pat Cal 6eni excepting the three worthies ;(or - Whoin' right by their .speethed and - votes in fait'... of he- is - „one,)-- 2 .gn against the . Nebraska;l:ol h i be." the ebraska ; bill- ' But as, the struggl :in t'all" "fitey - e nevfrforgiven the San 1 for - COTIgrOSS . 01 - this mothenteue and far.re I eh- been ,q' '-the,. 6 4' - Place et' Thomai iteferits 4 gl.' ? h , ! log:question hoe tioli' at i leiiiticarched a bi, : 'th.. ,A , Moittiiiina ' ral quarrel, certoinly'alid.no mg , lace,' we: May,, perhaps,'-; be alio , '; ' _ , to way tw help 'it.% 'The South - enn't`ndt4 that :turn ' *de to Vorrie t of the inorediitingui 'ed *ht . -allY lA*. The bi rt h - Pleee eenhhet he - One g this ' . l4seratle classi'4,persons, Ond 'ehanged ' now, I could it, . 4 .Y .act of' Coniiim 1 siino, t, *it'd, to -one Moses Medonald, vh4") - - Perhal . we Plight .Proverin 86nie: GjUrt.of its law,. the Irishman's allegation with regard-to hails frointhe ''.State'Of Maine, and libel intel igedce as' ' ranch as he'betrais . its.l te r : : himself~ - that . l her got 'Swapped in infanet i --- ests. llt "seems that:this indiViatu4 has' p fiat :. There .is something: odd, tot,, in Thomas-jet. ed a 1 speech; wherein 'he CoMCO.Ont ho and ferionrslieing born at. the South-4hii author fierc 4 ',for. the abolishment' Of t h e .Mi . , a im .; _ of- that-declaratiyi, " that ail i n e ala r e ~ i e r e a t, . Coin 'roinise.„' in foolish defiance of the veil. ed equal"- 7 -4 declaration which infinitely kno - I ii convictions of his constituents an. the pettptexed t 4 settlement of the Slaver . ques 7 pepp e of Maine. , .It might be tboukht that tien — n;n 4 rer Ana enth°r .. ctres°htt i l°Tri 4 n ' .the the - .'entleineri. of the. South-would hair as , old :PCooverition"E that WoUld have settled the sum d'thework of arguing the Nebrask bill, Tiede 'P' f ,Property in. the- Territories,f, and .reqii firing of- the'P'Oor 'northerh toOls "s hiCI Stat4"ltew.),.. a quarter of a.centuri ago,_ but its . ~f or''the. leek of a single vote-4Writetiof the they have:purchased onlY a ;silent vote' , Faro , When the faneition came "n 1) for. - Ile ion •,,,f., -reinar*Ale . ,Sentimetit„ ~w hich our :- member. but, lhaVirig . found a flunkey, of the p 'rest. from.gaiO 3 'T I I have - heard:hisome of the' , typ ;they "determined tb:'F.4t, him throu • .h all. Abolition 'meetings " he sometimes , fre4nerits the' ' eriage of ' servility. ' Hence this s , oh. fo r his emesemeet!' the Almighty -Ans . ; n9*:: wit what seoli' . stich high.:minded sou here tribute , An:- can 'lake sides the ituilk4." against the attempt of the' slave to iebtireshis rep -.tativea as Cullom, and Hunt and Ben- . ton' ' ust r haie. listened to this pettifo:ger; ernme 3 Pntiim - h.Y- ?r*ee• "-The fact is, just 00. urgi al thchUndred times *fated sophi tries ...the North ' is in no mood t°l*it'ab°jA*G' Being accountable . .tg,P-Pesterity . 'ofre:• as arguments why all the terri :Cries - Pie's birth h-Pinees - the ‘-E.aist of thfIRO&O'll" `of- e. Uoion should begh , en ;op to the ; ruel enieeia ll ir ' US- . of . SlaVery; in the teeth' ; of a .cone 4 ,.. ion. f° . r. hav i n g furnished with . hirth- PY aees E l le r h - en ma , 4... - -by the slave poWer athird of a c %ti t :: A: :Dotiglas and FrkiiPtit _Pierce; not i tOsy 6 go - :'. MOses' . Macdonald; . ..If the' Devil himaelf had e speech is readable on amount- ,f the been . hOrn in the South the North would. ` be cop (nig extracts It contains from the wr tings,, disereet enough not te mention it. :,- -1,. "` - of .r icri Of , some talent, and. ability - ;* b t the ..! We are further informe • d- . by- this for par i supplied by it's, anther „is suffici -ntly that The"Nete. , rork . Tribune -opposes t,he'l3lll, poo ; and the ;vulgar comment which he -ceps lea ds the opposition against it; and that one up i pen. his. texts sufficiently disgusting. Pol. 4 its . conductors, .‘..‘ does not , heliel i ni the itie :ins of his stamp haVethe best r , on :to doctrine of ti ture . rewards and punish mis t ." We are una le to see .why any siispicion - the tin k conteMptuously of the people- I Md. Editor of T" e Tribune. may•thave of.!lthe ei -trig. all the sneaking, mock humility, t e di ,, p er , istence or when he r' should. in 4, 'Av. 'lap& indirect bribery, studied and i tiro to arts, - leathiome . to 'all - henorabl :,- feel., this jonrnal froin" an Y foilli- of 'entistiOtientd 1 r•- in tby - which, under the tyranny of, a fatal- °Ppositid° to the sending i'f' BELL'. iYi t'q 'N l e : ' -hrailm., We decidedly object tO any attempt Opal and ,puerilepartYism, and the i'ation or t . liLo eitoos, sy,teio,. offices' of distinc on or ., tO counteract our legitimatepo Ptieinflu" ring 11,1, any religions - creed; but 1 "pr fit';: Must, now be ebtained, to hay ::been e- nee ' h Y eee l su tc! , ..sful in their particular uses, the 'ha , - ,if it is perm ssable tii compromise-in matters sem, reason to,, think. the people are asily' th . e° °g , ' ,` wellas:.: in matters : go meal, ti:pi the sake of accommodating we Wl, 11.COn-• 4llloed. - But ; . t-the clap-trap; ;which fork s the hod> of- t hi s , speech, assumes in the sales Sent' that t ere shorild .be . a .mild ~. jrarrn, `cif coriztituents .a . greater lack Of intell enee; 4 aTilati l3ja ' r northern representatis 4 ei that even than what was indicated by sendi j ilArn . ..tray ' thei I constituents, .and- . :Deracieratie te . 10ortgress., Mr: 'Macdonald first . ' naktA statesmen t. t deliberately curse with:alai-b.. prOelamationthat he is one of the tbree,Men. -rY the in*. yof an empire.' Millen cari dO bers of the House "east of the Hudsonn, that - I 'o , erirneS in spite of ' lll6 . fear of "fueure voted against referring' the Nebraska bill to inmishnient,' that fear might as well - babaii. : the Committee' of the Whole llouse—O vote, iloned. as a j motive to influence ' hunanii - Can he 7- 1- ye, sigai fi caq of 'WS adhesion - to the bill. - li tle t • .- ' ':1 1 -I ' -.. !:' ' Is.this, then, an act of such great self-deilotiori? .1 In: comAon with the. great masa.** :p At home it may draw (lONA upon I' . 'line olavery Pnocrata,, Mr.Mocdonalill ,i 4 very Oa re, contempt _from those - who des) ..,, t trensitivi - what he' terms "the violent de, , be ore ;. hilt in Washington' , - Whei sinnejations of the northern elerttij." 2 He is i the,ascendant,-it is garld for thinks all litieal action en th e p,a . lef inin' , of stilar,y, and any grade of o ffi ce l i isterslnnwarrintaWe, though` they idid Very . ,ed by - the Presidept to buy up : good office in 1850, iii preaching acqui6ocence to midable . . and More respectablein Fngitive Slave Law , ' and subjeetion , to 1!e .'recites the 'resolutions of the towers that be, as the Ordinance of God: _ 4 _ lature passed .by nearly Even sio* it they Woold.interfere-ni-Olitica t . .yo e„, only a handful,of - ecifentrie . ;upon, the other side, their assistance would be received with the :Warmest- ireleeHMe; % and D Mocrats dissenting, and declint they. themselVes . covered' with trilsothe 'ailri:. th :1; beeause -the Legislature w 4 _ . • - lations., .It IS hard to : •s'ee , Why: adies in pr orily, with reference to the_ TI if perance. it teas not a legit Morals 1 andieligion, and lives spe n t :in the_ application of the " : principlesof.justice and- ti tit. . The people hod not speck to the permanent, - , normal, Mid rectitug a human condue s t, should anymore. ti ikons of Whig and Deineerat, incapaeiate men from the,,pursuits.ofpolities, of politicians so important to .-than the trade of.making justices' writs' and fighting.the low squabbles of coun4Courts,n TI ey actually.took it into• their . tlitiWly- upon "some-matters, trade which haelonglad almost the.nonop • - 1 el ild understand, and Which had 1 oly of the business o f thenationallepislation.. i „ e ee to their own interests—a most The American clergy have now in act quite j 7..! and perilous abnse i t • redeenied their - reputation . and occiipi, as, they el .tion, fiital to all the aspirations _have not before since the Revolution, .ir-Po o 1 the -Macdonald ; species ! ,_ NI sition of commanding influence' and: moral i ores-the existence of sucha 7 power.' ” The rage with- whiCh such inertas Si' Leicester Dedlock's appr 'Douglas resent their simpiti,imanly,christit t_l_le flOodlates of society could protest' against the gigantic villainy of:i e l Oi° 're lively thm`..werenilthe , .. . ___ _ _ - Nebraska' bill, shows how Intipb their 'prier I is . felt:- It -is.' the. same language Which the Very,:prttsence of goodness and truth always wrung., from .the tertered covisOe:nes: :of wick edness. ". What have /to do With thee thou &In of - god r -Ail thOU. torte hithei :to tor -mint us before the 'tiatifin . ...i. - ..- '' • ,- •:-- , • But, Mrs. Stoitssweirs terribly; in Uncle Tom's . Ca in,—worse than " o prir :army: in. Flanders. 7 An exl;_ra: et, howeyer; is, hpre ;re lnired to '• 0 our Dogtierry justice : ...... k ',Evil' . mtnunications corrupt goOd xi in-. pen:. and in:: this : . cooneetionTninst-rernark - ,that ,I. ha,, e: beeti , surprised ailhe allenc ij of . seer ' t i]tinaeed ttf •ii'Me vete lby wtdchthe bill was •pissed; tolay 'that niotion , 4 the tshie..{lo"- - ; hirt that 'when the iikittie'ldjeatirt adiotirtfteWednetstay next: ,Thec'tpcsiet . ilecidedihemotioti out o r d. 1 7 s ; 114fr.!Letelmi , ;' 4 -' • / r l3 ,c l fair ;ffia OttstAined(Ye4 99 ; 1111 3 15 WI gr. 1 Richardson'aiiaitloh= tiecoasider tolitt tibtion' ott•the table was tigiced to ; a at 11 1-2 o'clock ,the (douse adjoor , iiend "more cotton to our leans, N I Wliv: not spay 100;000,00W for: alba , 631 , bei ` if afiej.. -*Ante' . it? • . She *ill furnish ;more freights filli-oar. ship* ~." Why- not•ieitTen•the .Afriew slave' trade *hen Anshan retipresitit. Will she not, buy mfire.of our shoes;intr„*.agr . onN,zaint 'Oar lihipal% - , •In.' , ,,Onni'- - *by, :ild - Olie' alate4ltivera;ta any ;etnnpact or non) . xottilie they have - made, .since; ::drUnk *I . ' , tin:Aunt of power i lind:ihe - rancor of teen t i e; they .repudiate.;taAty , vibiethey:lOnnd: te,lut• yeateiday;i•and- prescribe as the ail , ..teati. of nafe• statesmanship the. eit 'entitki i - oln. - their - Insulting! . wiiikiiit .-!-::., i...:. •--- ..,,, ,::,-, *,,•:-• H. , :: . - -4:, ,1 The : ., seetiatidiste . (thiaia-tbe - ! Owkord) - . .. desiring ~.to rid a, elniatien T go - _, 1 tient of , replieity':,,*.ith thenionairena: . eiiin . - ,.:•0ff . , :1 &r. ... -•,- • ; :litfir4': . , Mie4 - 304144hitikaerigi - 11 - . ; w ith , .. L . •:• -. ord conyentiOn4lall ". ....pert. . -.'. . -,. •r3tentkiro*ini•,tattniforte:•;.tn xitgso* . ;i:'„ ! unite thnpablie:seliniciat:pf theiie:peritti 1 ,. a•Atbei :Ainescareol,ltnen,4Ot intiiinitediti - :- i .-: slave I.o:.4liii*.4nd :`it' hitatatialthe.,*elal 1 00:Of 1 .111 . 13. 0 36 i) .1 031 . 1 . 1 446.11U1 10i - I er'avd 6 1 - i-4't its fUllik**iii :;-!.411a . .1ite..._ . .' - - .444 1 *Ai ii4OI: - '.' ;:tedititinahtiti,ttie - :so4 froni,]tioliiiiiiiiiii i sliiiia4ol,4ll,,oo44, ftt.*iitiatinhling,4tegetheeind - 4airilnitba.. atta r iisei.o4theiikii,e,:l4l:,:iArThiik': :.4114,.*; s6ilat hitaliaileitanlti4Mtilo.- , lt ' - .lea* . 0f...60_14164 of eeneerteitinititi4•4*, elti,-34.; '..- • ' l,4i ....****ionii.-:::, =and . - - - 41 4 1 • 1 4 1 0 4 '.:9: 1 ► o#oo. : : ~..; , • tit-:eteeit,p,i,the feetnetionotwt! :-„,. . ...... • • • ' 1 l .: ' •ai n i y , - t i viyiat i iiim ititlOX,oll4l. .' , st mr i a4liession f=try plyVvirlise , .- 4 7' A-• •'' '• ta t ittn4 ' 1 er , kitteAarkater" l . 4 —. " s; 'ti: A '• Vent. )o oi ll4: - 110 - : '9141 5 /'a p d grap t an , ay. , , -.. t.„, t . .-: i., : : its Aram *. l portraYek, whuum,,,krt7, -, Aix' , turns: -- ~„,,,,.„..taentad ayeellmin. air - . ' 5.11.‘7?"'; - ,_..- ...- ._[ ) 1, `."' ,-g 1 . aria: litiOlgtLl S'l ''' ."7: . ___ ., .,/tA '' ..1.,..! "' : I{ . . andiclailtOtt*.W t#7l".l* 1,;t11,1 j . `' Via l ' . ,01 A, k ITi 114, ' hit immsuot, .4 , .... , . ;', ,/, -,4",-, "21_, intemkelidOleqg: If I .T t 4 71111 ` • ' ,'- 32MINIMeZiSta= M=== 'ltut tterg r* vexlitlo4. - ,to 'ye attendedto st, known thaklieniberii rear` , they never fiAt l th!'farne l4 m, ' % 'en*7 levet , A.,nor * P°chet Tor:their . - l ePds 033 ' ,/ # 6 l Perigfisc, „,, gui• jackottniies, _an ' Ihef pia speculate in ratlr granta, Gov: ernnknt , uns , and penrqc!nere_i warrant s) the Y z•lreVer sell • their votelLtOrrAt ?Telhieut. • ' for consulships and - colleto _rdfle:•'-hi * - iiii, 1871bildt. of me* ' ,''. mg* beet styles 6f vhttie reirexteellieleegr**titeie Atied s eit"lrdivantletrbit , 'ln ' in this matter,ocreAmerA! - ,''. -# ' inside- .ously diffuselthrono air 8 : .', z ...lilt., , i i t t a r o ,:, lt, 'would he a capital: ' .l 'm the.clerical renionsrtitter, at, which ', getk• • tlemen have been so onfiliniWY:nettled, to put Moses Muedonald i at die head of aCon. ‘ gressiond Committee to, ippeiii,beroie the _. next. General{ Assembly, or ataisi.g. or whitevereligions bodrtikei-StollS4i i _. lfliw in the prerti* • d snbrattt i 'Vrl_m7l. - , hale, again t Afr'sl - tow end tfii. 3. ':,..1 Ill?? ft's ~ic i pro e and iirr e irrev erent irft. ttz i ..,-.; $ • . i 1,1 I,zire allud to ' t „. 1 joints a! Ree!' men i of tile stuff_ Vl w' ' • - thialiPeeeh ts. composted..l i Azythi 't. Mo i lkiii,Poßtaind. ed of seeming Pr atun las been 0146(14 so many tinket , that,' wlielt - d iligent leaven: en \ \l4 ger collects iigain the shlYei .1011'4* and SirWStheni heaped together' iiikhlttsket Wr, Only notice hOw completel t hey bare 1 .041 been demolished, ,datnaied,' and ' den-in. the dirt ; a nd yet this ; lelleiv . 'deelmlunself 'with these' 1 shreds end i tels , ” and° stints . forth upon the Conigregseio Platform airrulK- - nificently as i i thinc , * indiatrlcith !Alf oflr sailor's shirt abo'uthi; : jeins. Decidedly the more r.idable and original ofthe s , peech are those we have&mmunedfupon. Lisa& - a weak and watel•Y` ,B4Uid *..,\Mited 4 tald has chosen to bOttleimseltup for futare preser. vation. No st k iipoger antiseptic wills be re quired for so sniall a/specie:6 0f,411-14,1inial , NaturaliSts : and *is i' 'c . tirrlons _ in- 11 ' if , - nature aingeidily iscein hts`parfin ; th ar . , . N ,e acteristies T throu ~ the thtu A4l , secreted ', l by his 41 44; e i be i n g -,.... . k ee p . 'i bottle - stoppedilo prevent i r ostke. .4' , We do not wish to " ~ ' ,te *flit , 3 ,4ed01t• ' aid ' what speecthea; •.'ihall r,ri - ake',' 9F )rinit o P iniens he s , l is avrow r i or nramitn 4 r-----Ike to his constituents' what_ao . C . ,:.f.0uat'419 , :414, ,-, be rePr tted: ' gigerenvel.Y. , sPeakmg, . 4 10 isf.country,: and .=a man:has 1111' 1. 6 Di . ;, a r ... A _ _. ~,x . ed right tc, advocate the breaking (,),. r ni,x_i . oniu_c:i aith, or tW intrOthictiou of ShivegAsheeP4 'stealing-in6 die Teriitor; irkersircilitly)o practices. IN hen a limber , ,ef , ri ' ' • ' `with,uncomfortable, -foamed elo. l welin3g - A m " io:' , ,.rLS ,quenee , gets a chance for arr, ut L ,_. • a it into the patient ears ofjkoacomee, WI 'the people 'general ly,= he has the liestlightta[. t e oppertunity,.. and to whAteVer wipfs the! m re mail furnish to give 4,y0141: aii . ring , I LI 's folly. ;And on this ground thuk i naumere.l seutative of Mame .1 hay hold lumse ~i,i for his Speech:==-Tribune- - -• v 4 .... In Both Houses of. Con gress -have .passed bill providing for .4.4nerenr of the• Present high 6lariu. of clerk; "and other employees in the Exeeutive Departmsit'igtice . gmern* meat. Last Year a- large - :?crase„ Ina ab° made, extending to all the leriti'an„43A diplo. ' ted under the new : administrat i on.. Inats'aPP(ln . , ,• ~ , offices: v itt, Together'with tne \ creation ofnew fat, salaries, and increasing 'the payq old Rad ! 'the 'powers that be,' are making mote taurds-effeeting an econoMield,,O#istra. tion of thegovernment: - A hOstt 4 : - deft; :On sal4riesi 0r5906, 4a," 43 3 1 ; 50 ° , and 2 ' °°°, or more; are to receive additiollar PI , a " mountingito several himdred' deo m llaraeach a Government must h o w pay itrogin C. 3-4-, deal more, for. doing less -.work owsr tlasses of employee 3 get.' This.ts ref°rm• — Xot \ -only l i the cjass Of clerks with'the salaries are' to get more, but tho--- Pa • Pered.ifficiale in therecciPt of their:. . sands Perraninn , .ste 16 ' c a me la• for an. Is: ce of pay : , _llet the Tressa 7 h i -fa h' m the victors-belong the Spoils: , ---rmaried - i not the and AbolitionisteimaiinedAt they.are nd - to be met this contest, ~ ett :every- OA State and National. • Our etk • ididate ke Gov. erne'. is iii-skulking comma, afraid', tu:rinet justresponsibilities: lie iiialikeiruitirfffightd forhis ‘ribility and hie e-tergy. et character; And if it'shall become - ii-ory l ibeyjj &at only - bat,tling.rotienlyi!fil.;:the'cAd. doctrines of; the party against - Wilel aid fitition-of„everyitind, hat thei ibeti find the Weight; of his, talent: and 'l.' n • er erted in ,favor of the principles - 1 rtorrater vention hy - Cougrisli. and the save of the . People in thelerritories, - Weedy and efficiently as inlBsl, and-we doubt soi l With-egatd succese.--Dentoera&..ijnieri: We shall have : light, Shall Ai I - the Union is in soher earnest - and ,telle . truth The Governor may he; no **wig oward, afraid . to meet just Avorrail?ilitiese- No .Whig that welnovr of ' timputed to him any 'stick coartaice„ bet there -*to :many:. folks who tt,4l;;` :that ; the diriiiienfok ovhicb \hiur . y , Ona from placing Ifin j a the Ikaig4S- . Nebisk* - ICiteas "); We sluth'ilow.::PatketiF waif to seethe iiredktiett's'ofthe -FTlO O 44 l ` filled.: Time Will show whOiet the; nor has trurt*toivqw - ,100 a the Isiehrialta - rukuity, as thep e IV • i? it. • - t • -fieMomtouxisittuniiim*Thi ason, of Ne*:York, - , tatati - '- topiat o reada':theatr eat; artideaws _ .. ain -- isid:lo.4duk• ': • -- - Coininr- --31.13 t temi...Zif 4116`. el - r — T do . 'Tuts -- .1 - t , , , sir.- rmg inC .8 .; .' :r. : tWitilk -, l . 'hat. sal um n r : i t s t ;act gospe r '..:-‘ is..„eirt . about, -Ilk wh at um ... 110 W 7 sl • Ar. Harm; wy,___A, „ L. , ..T o tt r ,, v , • ... , - - .41.,4r. - - - oleijyman ..4444rreu .- - - .. The'tevelnd kt* SN'T eeedi i • - in mar VY in'' tlifirw , ,n Aw'n - ificike . , it q -- ' -:-'- °''' Dwight's 4QtPI?-, .-is of Dr . ;.D wight's r. , tip titko f. r. ' Mt.r.ra * 4 P '-'"' -- 1 - n r . tiiiie imrk'wld , , ws, lx ‘ sr, t filiglit44 l ,M, 0 10 . fl u ; n : aya,i., ye ne e d .; to Tne4,--.l°- your:.: e,i,,,-.4. q .see,'weY ....,......paiii6n... 2• 7 - --,••• . ,,jr, , "...,.... f r i an d l ! 4 i544::,1 a r itj; 4)4d-his . , ~40...,4- `Jrasaii-kik-,..1e 44/77-7,-4';.=',,„ ciai,'• 'l . "- ' :,-' '*u"%i . }% , 'ER,'" j - ' '4L.I filtegl 'ciltr'' •ieUin' "Rg•Pg lig : rivr is t e r , r. 44 ' . ''• '? ''. 4511,1!' • ' t, 6 tair4 to .' W ' -'--- for 4,xno - .titniii —„;,.ir Mall, de;tia - Iii . IPS : -,„?,- =3Liiiii te111..., --dFerlifi'-DiVer,tt%#.o 11/,_ _06..,.4...- iein'OranalYTY' c .• ''' ' 1 ;"PLIL.7I”I-litliiiii.,4le,:i•litrie_:2, - Pr-!1*-`,71-1,4iit be moit:*.Silyiltron _ it04*9,11_1.,n1,-A,Y-4,iii- tritikties*,,..ol.tt,' , O f t i,-_,l l— e ....,;,....,,,,,,-; , •- 1 ,',..A,-.i. 2 80;.4... ;.4... uttrx,rwt . ....- 4 k .., - - the -,- -Aska.);°"aesuil- Whore 4 Ouli : Ik resi4 !*W o ,_ f: ,. - ., 4 4, li t,-*•o*..- --- iii444_,...,.-tio-q,4 „ . .1 , ' , -74..--''' , ::4>;;•"= , , , . _,- -- :', f , - - ;.,,-..,.. .?.-- - ,4, - ri.::' -,, `,”, , , : ?: 48 - 11 raittAll# 6 10 1 4 0 07 001 # 14 41 115 . 1=- : ;I:i0 • 4-, 14 , C4RAF , „7'; , -;4: , i,i 7 ,7tKWE'P'' : ',"'" . ; ~.1 11 . 4 4r: ( %:1 - _-: r, 4 '-' ",-,(,+ ''';'- 4. :, ''''' l :-''' , ' - •if _." : % .- `,.. . , IMM4EJaI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers