116ksk4 11991e4 NBBRAIINA IN VEX OUS. -- . In the . Hou.4e, Bre d ()float Wadi, Mr. Richarddon*offered a resolutiiiii teoiating the, debate on the -Nebiasia - :Kansas .bill In Friday at 12 . o'clOdic, and moved, the pre vious questiOn„ ,After some debate, a mo tion was,made to.lax the' 'resolution '- , on- -the table, , Which was negatived amid much eon iictifit'sion: Efforts the Procure a call 'of the "House..requests` to:he excused... f ro m , : voting„, aloha 1 ,1 lair "5n :Oki *Me, Zze-, ecklilligd I:4'p liouse for,tiumy su*eocrikhour&. ~,-,- -,-, fAt four O'clock P. MI; the - Speaker was ialieved by Mr. lOrr o 4 &Oath. Carolintii 'Sem afterwards,. a . vote of Yeas 64111#8. be lag taken,' on - a. motion tti adjourn, Ueveloped the ,fiiet that there was ""no 'quorum Arent, thetnaj+rity of the members having slipd_ . off to ditirker.' A call of the House was r dered„- an in d - consumed itch' time -in hearing excuse* &c. Near seven:o'clock the Speak er...returned from dinner, and: took the chair. Ridieulouk iiiggestions f inotione to adjourn, votes - by:y p as_and nayS on trifling motions, - debates; ofi.poipts of order; die., then- contin ued to - consume time through the rest of the; night.' All tfie . proceed - jugs well, Aerie- . *fixed , by . great confusion and noise niem fiers Stretching Themselves out on' elLirs- and benches to sleep; - eating' their Meals in the - lobbiek talking and *laughing. 'Saituidtiy; May 13.L1ti Con,gress,. yester ! day, the Senate could, not raise\ a quorum, „and therefore was obliged to :adjourn :until MOnday next. In the House -Of Represents tines ihq disorderly- session commenced on ...Thursday,- was continued all night without ad jean'►iment,;and 'all day. At three o'clOck ' rYiis. tr..3ay,..inorning, - Itir. Richardson-made an eflbrt to satisfy the opposition by 'a new pro-. rosal to,pentinue the debate - on th e Nebras - a bill until l'humlay next and to p6stfirme . for one week the Spitial order of . Tuesday I nekt,, which is the, Paeifie Railroad- bilk . It I was no - go," lioWever. - The ; offers' of the, - - opposition having . been . pievionslt A rejected by .the . ' majority; , they were now . evidently determined to agree to .fiothing. The diOr derly proceedings :continued. After - day . lightbaskets of _breakfast were brought...into the How for- varions f members.. A call of the House was then ordered, which corithum- . ed melt time. At noon the usual daily hour' of meeting' having arrived, Mi. Dean raisal the point that.the journal should be re:ill. = The Chaplain was pre.sent to 'Make the usual prayer, but the Speaker overruled it, es there = had b nno adjournment, and .this was the bontirm tion of the le..„frislative day- corninene ed on Thu - ay.; Subsequently a vain effort was made to goiinto committee on .the .pri . . vete Calender t ( t 'At half 'past foilr o'clock, P. M., on a motion to. adjourn. the yeas weyk‘ 65, And. the Keys 6Clc,; A, shave so close *as!to cause some discussion 'about a'name ;Ouch was wrongly . reCorded. In, the course of the aftertiotinieveral abortive attempt - I; to effect kin arrangement. for the continuance:iei the debate \SVTC made by the-friends Of the bill. - At half-pgst ekven o'clock,Mr. Richardson. announcecrthet the Nebraskaite-s yielded, and '...:. moved an adjoirminent. IntenSe ekeitement innnediatelv ' eusile4l - Mr 4 Hunt of Louisi ,imic rappeared earnestly Air an adjournment - 1 untilitendayl,,'to allow thrie7fareficeilcin-atid ' pacifimtion.l Mr. Cullom of Tenne - sseo, elo2 quently.ad vomted the proposition. -Mr lith -- - Itullson.f:epresed mosteencilia.toientiments. - : Mr: 'Stephens of Georgia, .41d Mr„ Hunt ,cOuld giNv no guarentee for the good - faitlk:of die faction opposed - to business, and went on to denounce with severity,' the Ne W-Y ork call for a m eeting. ' Me. Gi d dings said, with v . he m enee, that if stump-spy .eking was tango op,. • be v. ould take a hand in it; and his remarks -:.- lidded greatly to the excitement, Mr.; Sew Ara ' of Georgia,-?,moved an "adjournment un til Monday , to which 'Mr. Campbeltof Ohio, pro c great .ci emelt • of mire ter, ' test -41 ' with \.x - t. t and:said that he would resist it to. the bitter - end. r Mr: Edmondson of Virginia tlinad n Va - ced 'upon lair.: CaMptell,attempting to thron- off . his coat, and fiercely 'declared 'he would have the ,fight now. Mr. Campbell\ stood -prepared, for the confliet. - Loud crie . 4 " - Order, • '" Sergeant-at-ArMs," arose 4;6 all parts of the 1:1011SC: GGeV:"Allan Col _ . liett; Mr. - -Dean, and Many more interfered, apd.some seized•Edtnqnson and.ionietCamp. hell., Tlie Sergeant rushed forward Av,ith his mace, *aka hundred voieci exclaim ; 'hag 4.order," '"Fighi,outofdoors" &e... - - Ed -1 Inondticar , was ivididralirn • •by.!hisl.frie.n . ds. Oidge'Peitiglas was in the: midst ifte the fray. - . 'Ailength afterthe restoration of.eonipatztive ' viitsti; - the adjoimunent was carved with wild shOits, stamping-and-rapping of deep. '.. ~ 'Edmondson bad _preiionsly-a very serious ' :difficulty.' with- Mr. Wentworth ; who_,IVAS t - fi)ii4 . 3lV to retire from the hall. 4 i i :.', ~._'. , - -,.,: • 1 Special Dispa ckto The N .Y,.1 itne. 4 : 1 -.. " .-WAtissusorow; Saturday,:24-111% It. .• '' '; House inSession: - : . -,- . ,' '.- ‘. -' Our friends-of all sections' n,goolljspitits. 146,:flitichiugall working well. :, No battle . :trier fought better, ' Majority .wavering.• ' , ' .. '-': • kgew recklesa,NebraSkaites =recommend . - tibia nn of.,1,11! rules' and immediate "vote ori k - ' , :fris -. qiiestion. ''.'Speaker I', 'r! is to be in= . . , torn - iptible. : ' ' .. - ' 'f..! ; • ',. '.gliet:ial . .Diip - 4 . xtek. to Tile )kr 3.'rrib l irii: :: ; lit. lo 1 ~r , -.W MilliNGTOlL,:as..sy A. 4 ...854.4-19PAL • ,-, \ The, 4ouse, . atter an-irritated Seall4ol3, 10r .. ' • Atboui 2twti.`"hOurs, finally adjourned.at.about. The - ...liebraskeites , are sorely discomfited.' The vpponents of Oie..bill am unsbrinhiv nit'confulent. - --. , i - " ;: =_: - 7 --, -.. ~. • • Poneaii - was-inthihoiise. directing .his Col- 1 : krclrere, and-with the exception of ittew hours, ' w as there.. dining all the : struggle: s -They , ellirg 42 1 0 ra .1 0 tat counseljag.revolation - 'and , *Wein* iworder to iiixy.nfiplishi his Tirspose.., ;k is charged - that he att..r.nPted to „tamper irlthtlie'ipealier,. end l t.o, .get, hint . , . to -over *joe the r ! lilt .. * SVai: ir:'' repeAtid his 1 ~..aiNigegtPlak,, Then It P.,Aari; that he ,ed , A ;,p).„.IOA I P,a Pan to ove rrule thi;.#!Nikei_'a ile - ' ~.40)1 2, :*bicia tiailt Aided I Thife is no - doubt Douglas 1/..,e.***.4it. - :-; ,1:. ~. i - : 04, contest has bhown the, tree , i,ripi.,=- 7 -. ithe.lfiewjiiiirk.Whigs,„viere all true as - 'Uteel,, Mapnae, Oliver, , and JOhn: Wheeler i.e,,,i,r1/eoi4:l4 4 .*iiliel ire,.filorj: on the: St -84 .-1 0 , 1 *4-' , ;:-Ite;W;a - A clan 41; of Ohio , *or \ - ali teen t he -man . tleie virig most. credits-for his vigilant: Undn:Aete -- i ti l ed' :.-.eortise till:Oita', ig : the-..blebraskir,' , outn(ge. - --,- flbeWhiga ind , opipi,inenti ortliffai- foritoraiiiia limlitiller 'oriziwfiere /sr*: inder; the gree*t, *-, hinii"t: . : !nor ~iunfillteling, t indi enneliiteiii!-'eciarser of .-fliattileei.Y , Wheeler;' Grow; and s fewiother i *:derikx;ritu,''ht, ...Veen in.stron ifitlib ixast lwit iixieillation ' and _ _ Z 1 74 N=144444 ingfir l l994**;;46-. 1 ;:Rouge s iA r it , ..p r ik:** 4 :44 o64 tult•-': watikee*NtißDitiaripilal prof toosel*" iotiOeethe4 6. l4i.o4lie:***, 4flitiWzind.o** lo ( l ltbeAtuss* .ilext Staub:ll94* g - , 4olWAhoulif ftied#o4o to Ptkthet:Wk, PlingeAbe-4404 , 4141C theAkixot)'` undoubtedly be resiewed:-=—VP' •-#olitirlee 6 1 4 1111 140"tl, * er to 4 01 mmit 4 4 1 4.1 0 90 1 4 , *if1: bitter, trinwhin vondneVaision 4*.the- - leadingthe onsok-; ,, TOtietteris 4.n ty4o;tint , nitinAcs tnade,br*Otell -,pgainst, Ntiwy in the Cnizen. *itsPanna EnU=MO MO I ROSE P.A. Thursday Ilion") ills 1854 . 1 , Govertior,,. J P94oCli,',liif . N9Ftiiunibeilini?.- - Canal,Compaisioneii GEORGE DARSIE, of Apegheny. Judge o f Supreine 0101. ;DANIEL SitlYSlt, liontiq - REMOVAL ' The Regiiter Prioting office is. remoyed' to "building.on Che. nut istreet„ hettreen the (Aid Anon Ball and•the reAdenee of Janes W. Chapman. • . , rALliEli; the Ainerican Newspaper Agent is the only4etetlierize4.4gent for this paper in the - cititoi Boston, 'New..Yorit and,raladelphia. Plactmid(:a .'' The Trench. soldiers, - . .thoitgli: tietive".and *trite 1. are' vaii i l l .- incr . ,in itature, on ..... (....p ... i P 3..5m. an-. -li*ltg ' e, .th - an . :rll6.3Cpil any other eivilized nation. - ; - :The - st - nall size of the . tiVesent-..raec' . it. Of-Ffenehmen is a natitra 1 03115011 e) 1 `of lie - . piaetiee in • I ranee,- during:the wars f Napo. leo - Ili - in selecting conscripts' fbr the .rniy, - The lergOt - and - fine s t - youths - 'Fere. alivays.- --ehesen - .for the .ranks.; and Wil‘ti.v e .rein . pin •ber • that .the . eiiiilription:tidlewed each Other.in - quick suevessiori:Tor I many: Years, till some - provinces.were „iihnb , d 4 e populated - f .. • ... - ; • - 1 ,o .young Men; only e; - Finny .ijtfeeble be in .?, left,' - the-eause f the..-s - üblie, ulent, deterio ' - ration of the. p, le iis evident. ' . .-- - • • - i. Mere is pipSented,to„vieW - one of ;the - evil cOnsequetice.s of..war, pe.rhaps- not generally I tilongl eo.c . 1f the members, of - our race are i • le i/ noble,,•:physieally, - . than -in lilie days of . i t, ol `f ur there. were 4 -oiants -in 'those days," 7 - - • •• - •:;.• --: !- ~. - - 1:,. 111 ' ...- -, • -who On say bu c th e 'ars in wine mankin d . have een . ahnost (xi itiiinallY engaged, may_ hive been - # chief eau ~ of their degeneracy,? We enlY throw, out- t to- suggestion. -.. If .the. Peace SoeietY cai Make:- ail:V - capital out of. . - .1t,, (her are .w - elcoMe.', And. if. it '.-Tiould -in t du4e - the - Czar p d the Sultan ? Qoeen Ticto- . iin / and -11,oUli IC- poleon to patchlop a peace, .posteilty—Fatrope*pOsteiity--w-Onld. owe -ii4.a delit tieioniald never repay:. - -•--/ - :, • '' I'' '. Il I* - c...* ' '- " We4are, ; , iappy to l state, for the . beneflt, of the• lagers of the t ! ..eleti • in• this sev..' tion; that 1.1 J. Lyins- 4 Son are I . e ''duly appointed 7: agents of iidiare, Wai ,of New York, for _the .sale of Ids iiitisleat üblieations,. and will Hereafter rec4i e. front him, weekly, :•ill .the• beir , pi issued 'frog , his Istablishme.ut:=-- The fol owing pieces lave heo . I laid on - our, f 'table fo ethisitieration . - I - ./' Is sAFri c At'S - P.9 . LR BURI:ESQV.T. v+ f a ir t - olk- a—j u- td . fficult enough, we should jud g e, : to call fiir a little- ractim from the sOmeihat.-experieneed,lAnd not tot) difficult foi' an atienapt at- iti perfor .'nee by :t........ 5 _he.1eks i Ski:llful..:: .03 . ' m ... .iy lillarra ged for the Pit-404c: by c.. 5... encolas. . . ~ . . pl A womn or Lovt;. sr noliz• ---: : - .. This ,l ieee would :be f excellent. for. a young lady to (Mg tOan old bachelor' friend - rapidly „approaching the slimy: Ode of fOrty i or 'to a wayward brO l ther-4a' the the hito#nding his: evenings away' front' the domestie hearth, and alWays delaying i bis return till the "small • 1 liOurie i ls.' , ..The ;sentiment -of : the SOng, if - not , Abe sprightliness of its . nlcivOnent, would at once commulitself to the. "inner man," and perhaps•harc a happy effect: . Roinposed and arranged by atirl - ie:le. Converse.: . EVA roll*tt4.PA. 1- - : ' • : -.. - . i ThiS ioneWas. 4 written . - f rlittle Cordelia ,Howard in heroEigitial c ter of the gen tle Eva its Uncle Tom's Cabir y her father, d,riw 'Geo C.'lloward .- ?An g yr. ea young 1 - 1 - 64- : e, - e' iinligille lit/ . 4ict - ri,td be' charm - Goon -tits. - . ' New wine in An old ~ - t proOtay have a""fini" 0mar).1%4 and arrange 63" J. rari3efore the adjouijon;te*pf tiie.Legis Wore, unialiotoi4s NoieS'of Ihaiik4 wereten d'cied SO*Er 34.X*Iin - of dr Seilite, and j to the erks of botti-Fionsehut Speaker Ch4,se . d.eleveltiOttrteotided agaipsttini; 'Dint U . 011 Lixots !UM, rg, LC 111 ed ly e eibtetisti43eMoi,istrations'in kn ; of. l 4.,i l c to .d.tat r 4adenidt **l2s:) , -,ipanifestelt ; a . waat. of ~ - . ll#a .11:their *to% fr.,!" itef believed to ;be r91 141 ) i . 1: r .9r , ~f?; have °!6. hint-11.'61d style after:', gtell lir: tv o )1 ' ' 4120111 aFAXii - relathefulit 0 1 'the .; ;rill eonmieneo, not, far froth • gin'lbir" aftrzi*,ixnatine( The dyer: oooll de of 26th i : of t. 7 - *a . -- t , tNic#,, , ,. would:conimell. noon; rip:mud; it-icsaia, in , ?bbd )antzenoment , q , p ,,- s - tst44*.4 - "ips ti4abbrei. lbine , • been a., R4Tor. • -•-• • .13 •45.51-. 1 , 4 1: - /vi . istiittrovs . or • • - o f - • 441 ,1 1 , 1 : 0 4* - 1 4; , `AA for; F. 2 7:1 4eacei - 4,44244-.l4rosigiej exe;--tinnetly - *sea -bj , the -Englis u . h infantry. - • "` s :E ebsier. . ,6 3 A i re 1 Send 10i-0) ennieotonr-linh . scriber& in th 6 • ,I. • . . . , Ti ' , TI O. ;i3MITH, ED/TOkS.. ~ . 7 ............... 11. eryi ie... Pis song.lFill qnal. t the old ate as solo, and chnruis e 41 7 . ,P l / 1 44 0 ° °t " Wa l k iiklitkad i rg 30e fof,"o / . 44;a1 itikOviafiton f°{, I to. . 2 1,0 have ' omitt/d mid -“ee . 1 - s - . :-lirl'abliatittotis.' • .771i'Ven4 iris SchoolJourna/A-Thpm 110,13turw ,cdttor of School Sotikal, uch for the catilite geni end 4auattiptt inAis State. liia',cpaijodicat 10 - iet - allY, we belie. aMOng teatiinfused- 6 ' ertq an rt w rr e ant energ) into their -efiiirts for Improving - themselves and ~ their schpolt.4„.. ff the riew- whooL ;law shall prove as befeficial . as its friends antici pate a large share of credit is due. to Mr. Biirrowes for his zeal in aVtakeninglaiblie4i „the, necessity. , of. unproymg .-tnodd ofpubiie,education.. The JOurnal will ,be N eoliarly . osefol- to Teat • tiers and 's e opt .Pireetors, at. this time,. to enable them to comprehend: and to the Modificatins f i t:47: the school system: • "Publislaxl at Lancas ter, Pa., atone dbll ar a year. , Pcqnsylveuzia..rartri _Journa has grown to be otiCjof the largest and best ,Agrieullu ral periodical's nt . the conntry. i ilts artivles are mostly bf= a practical. character, and treat of alraost'everY thing connected with the cul tivation of the earth, The fartnerS - oc Penn- Sylvania should girl: it a 'generous 'support. 'Published. by J. M. Meredith & West • Chester -P at one dollar a year. _ - the I+B' Easton :.ouipirit'qy •, The trit -of the parties eluirged with a ton spir.iey t s extort.luoneyfrom old : man :: named- 6:train Greenov-hich.. has been pro- - - gressing at EastOn i lla.; for, -sev i eral4s,• was_concluded on - , )l% . reiittesday evening by a .verdict.. To give our retlders a clear idea. of the . eaSe; we append an extract from thL i t. charge - of. Judge Itteeartney,.delivere4.l - a . • . '• . GENTLEMEN OF TILE jtRY---Thig is ...all 11;- , . dietment. against- Cridland . 1)41;4 Lanchener / Aaron. S. Deck .Taiiies .T. Steven son aid. Jsaac. Parker for a conspiracy tti cheat ,Benjamiti Green., To. this-indictment JaMeS T. Stevenson. bas pleaded guilt=; : the Jury.. :have alread,V aequitted' Parker, and reinairis for y=ou to dispose-of the oth er three defendants ..bra Verdift of acquittal or 'coMiction.. The first •count of ,the•indict: •ment charges a conspiracy.generally 'to cheat • Benjamin Green. z The'. seeorl: s count . . has. been; withdrawn. •The third Count charges a. conspiracy .to• - •prOetire Benjanin Greeli .to • borrow of Peck $5OO at usurious interest.— The fourth count chargeS• a conspiracy to pro .eure Benjamin Green .to -- make to - Aaron S. Pea a•judgnicni-note tbr $3,1072 in - coa sideration, td 00 advanced I.ifiDkk':to Benjamin Green.. • The.. and . seventh \ counts charge ai conspiracy to accuse Benja min Green .of havin.t begotten a, bastard child. oti the hody.cif one .Catharine Lee,- and, by meansoVsnch, aceusation,-and by threats of expoS* - .atid criminal prosecution therefor, to procure froM Benjamin Green the'.s.4uns of tSOG and - -$2,000. Each of these counts, af tel the - , first . •alleoes - that the tiOns . piracv was' ,chrried:into . effect. • ; . - I. Oiie'.'kuOilred • and ninety-th Tee Witness es were zexaMitied during the trial. .The . jury • re atatihilf-paSt fit-e.T ; - i).: ; on Wednesday, 1 and ,retiirne4-4 eight. o'clock, - with n re did jegu' ilt•V against Fichl :and'Derh. aSeharTed • . [ inrn indicitneat i , and not guiltyagaaist Ipaniel Dafichenor. as regards the third and sixth 'conntsbut• guilty . . as • the. rest. • -••-: .••'• - On-Thursday morning, reasons for I.:ne-w trial : were presented ,the fris,oners'-ooup- - sel, .which were held . ruder. aavisement . until the next.morning, wiu.:n the Court disinissed them, and pas -Ned sentence, as follows,lviz; -Daniel LafiehoTior; $2,500 fino and :three'_ monthsimprisomnent in eounty jail. .• Dr. C. C. Field; $2,000 fine and one year in they Eastern Penitentiary. - . AaronS. Deeh;.sl,ooo. : fine, and -one year in the Eastern F'enilentia ' rY. - Stephesion,4l, fino and one year at hard labor in the Eastern Penitentiary., Xi. Pollock atHome. The editor of the Idilten Democrat, aware of Mr. Pollock's well deserved popularity at he 6 is fearful 'that be will receive a toe lib, , In pfthtoh dii l :rt.i ' oe s :ii,f a iec. p ka po rtj;_nuo r ivi t iteoart7m n ptc h n c i. ~.f itD r riome r nfoi net..e nathnr a d4 7 ; n Dip. o o _e tf t niro.: o crar,9 , nl : 71 h r:et - . berland c oun ty. Ile thFrefore mils upon f • ' Tics Colima Et.xerlos,,We have , thus - fa4,refrained from Sayinganything norithan to express our decided approval'ofthendinin ations made \ hy the late DemeeratioConven tio The time,- believer, has 'arrivcd when it becomeinea,.\i, - -sary. to call the attention, oft the party in _thii\partieular: locality -to the 1 1 importance of cone - CM:rated notion:: , This be 1 ing the home of the highly • respeirable - Call• didate of-the: Whig ; party, it:, betximes . the more important that we should call thi..ati .• -, tion of the Democracy :to - the. necessity of maintaining the principles of -.the parfy/Can dor compeisus to say that Judge Po ock has great personal popularity; tind that is private iclutriater is Without -reproach •• • tat' all : this forms no reason why he she a he- elected by the aid of Demeeratie - VO • - - mhos & . Simi • Pies Ore- 4t - verienee .wi ~. hia:l _ 1. , <- ".... e l' If Must be lecollectea I. fJuilg,e -l'ollchit , is i nottiow .the.local ,'-• *4 idate of his. neighb'ors fora seat in A ke - :v lature..or ...in theciCen giestiof thi-U •' -. tattaii-where ho: viould. ' be hurtheir„ • prbsentative in; local - matters, 144ir par ' aspires, ,tl4.roosfk--. his Terroacti :icily - 44:i ,to the vonfrot of theOffsirs o f Dian perar ' ensusgOania 1 . This is ithe,main ob ject ith the whig party, ! andlet . Mr.: Poll . be; . elected, - and we may: boast of, hie • elsmacter of our neighbor rho: has t been' elevated to Abe Executive:Chair, but: A -the Sallie 'time/4e *frill „be emnpolled to deplore, Abe derstnietion ofottrvarty, itad the tetetiftee:, -oronr tptinciples:- .-, . - -. ... . • *. • „ , '-‘ In the'above, we have endeavored to place thilkomingigeetion.fairly before the Den - Oe-; •rac offthia obunty, without any_ desire 34) do ht . _ 'en to Judge Pollock.. o.,gentleinin for 4ti to- y,-,,....,.8incere *4'k 191 ''. 6 ee'lt‘ • - ",:sreautve every kbully A:alb:lg, but .duty tatitinue4o - trintqls throngheut: the. • lea ves Writ° JOl f eourse,!. ~-1, 4 Y. , thort - Iroves 'veils 'that; Kr. PO •oClC:iiiiti - r*par iit., - *.nie . is'-ii* , 'hidi f it ..;,...:.a.: , iliuj,,fi r , :_:4 l , l 4 , _ -- 1 . 006, , , , , , k,; c i t 5i: so .7.,. :iirizit ; ihe i;;; , .. ,a .3 ii;thiii: 'l4eH,l3,l*ixail ,t)P.-:,- ---, -''''-' - ~r : '' l! 3...*'''-W : .. ' t , : ".:.: ; 11 ' .i ; larT4 "4 116 bql.pikietorir6r ti:Ki .. ..eri f orit l uiiiidgm ;r it =,, iie 6i i i i o - , 43 . fit y f , iinl, 706 r ,' '!! . ~ :`%ll^ - ti 't .-- k'''' ' ••••:t:-..*e ~* $ _ -; • • '-' T..*blitilk3lP'- .1 4 60. 'ettlif neiv •Okhanel A 4 * - 14 1 A 41 104 .- „bezZionnd in snot* fol: umilL 7 tbat-It becomes theirlduty tkitiees of Af,rl4Pme - '0 641 / 6 : fir 8 t14 0 4 411 -1 14 4,114 4, iieiti: ~-7, , , , , . ikj ouiAlli i .., p 4. n . ,;, , „, Aji: , tloor,furooe or :lc tY .1 3 uP e i '', intenderit Id: Pg e110494.S lko * ‘'i.: ' ' --. . `-Thet 1 : • ' , c - . onv 1 , ..',.,-., 'firt - 4osatioii-you.-bimici is Men-ina persuade a woman: /almit :I)l4)tre The Feats :;„ ', Law- 4)=4 Buie/intend- t - ', - 4ent th - e iv, io:jtea.raiee,',l.fayil. - - ' ' 1 ''ThrNleviriink ' ,-.-..." - ant .!..;. h": 4,.. .., 'i ' !, , :. Or a Ibitdat •We copy th followinOsectionsl ofouv * 1., ~... i .., - ..„.,.., 4 ,_ . , t i , ~ ~,-.. . , ou iislatiol.- He. 14 ''4,'. ' - '-.--If , . School Lew frporittly adopted by t i: . ..Legitiii,;- riors • i . 01a .: re , , ,., 4., r. ~ t ,,, 2. , miwila . ,-, ~.-•• tk-relatiYo4.4 the:electiOn of aa' , tyOit- ' d f .) ,T re lia . ' .75' ..*: --#' ' perintendent arid his dailies. .iThe-Splux) Dl- declin , to trilb - rd_ irkintirt reptAttin .for; reetori; of-the ilite.rent'tbwruiiips lilt Twit& iiro committed . i! HamOr* e *, o pth F _lT I S tes. In the 11 -tan& ofthe Black ' that they Will be requ i re d to meet in the qd ~ . course,of li fc.weeks for the pur,pose of elec- ! I T * * The . ,I n l lll ' n __ .., ee ' - ' . f `r m-tl i t b..ltat.'t ., - -.- ,,• it is e,,tsjust.y- rpouoingia; a i l l ty t ting a County' Superintendent-. ' -.'• ' . . ' tion t :Ounhoutthe nion '. The peri4lBT SE:c.- 31. That there shrill be ehOseri in the 'plomi: izing at a distance, of four thou manner hpreinafter directed ikofficer tilr r9iles i f , s.)r- redress or.pnprovoked,flagran pit'elt. eounty,,ito Imi`eilled tha.Coimty Sup t' ; eta f ind irijurie idstained h 3 cow inteudent.- ...It she'll be his duty , 40,vissit,..ai, !at-t4oliana% 444-1!! ingoloutrAumi, ' i i often- as . practicable, It il lie:s4 veral ,gtools - ofliii arc, ti,: esponsible nu, County and to note ti, 't , mime and method -of Hasa ha4l at le igth passed 6 3''' instniction and branehes taught, fondle giCe ' oirra.lives'require t hit w-c-Sliquld such direction's in the art' of teaching and the settlirig upon the '- .t, , there . the: fru:4ll°4ll. thereof - in each khool tip to him, to- trke4;tbe ofrs:li -. . 1 fb - our 6 O o ' frether with the directors or controllers, shall rights; TmAct:Med - edient anti neees.sary, so that W each - school shall he• equal' to the grade for .4;._ en' which it was established, arid that, thoi,3- ' may, no m be.as far lis practicable, unifortnity , lit the tion - course 4;l* stud's in schools of the' several of th grades revecertely. • /- . -, '.- ireme Sae. :IS, It shall be the - duty or each' _Colin- ,fice li ty superinti.4ident to `pee that hi every dig-,Home tries there shall' be taught orth AV, writ- isitt ing,. English gratin:ter, geograi y and with-, rage . :-; metie, _as well ag such other I) whys as the: l * ; ' board of directors or centrollersmayrequire. and In ,case the board - of directorl4s II fail to pro- 's" l ,-dital .vide. competent . teachers to t•• h„the seyer- them' c,i al Ibratiches i above specitied, it s 11 b' the du- d.ici° l i ty, of, the county superintendent fo n tify the . 1 . P 1 1.); board of directors or controllers iin iting of I l?'"' 'their neglect; atal in case prOvls' n is not made. forthwith tot: teaching, the I:trattehes - ' aforesaid VI report such itiet to the Superin tendent of Common Schools,whose duty it shall 'lie to withhold any warrant for the quo ta_ of :mei; district - of the annuallState appro. 1 priation until the county superintendeutshall notify lilm .that- competant teachers er the 1 branches atbrid have been employe4l -,. and in' ease, of the neglecter refusal of the Luard 1 - of directors tw controllers to employ such MU petent teachers .as aforesaid = for one ,month' i after suelt notification : by the county superin- 1 .tendent that such teachers have not been pro- sided, such district shall forfeit,absolutely its I Whole' quota of the State aPPrP.PriatiOn. for I that year. - ' . • . ' Sac. 19, That the schoel director.i of the several counties of the Commonwealth shall Meet in convention at the sea of justice of the - proper 'counts on the.firs Monday of 4n no - ;text, • and _ou.the.firsi 3ionday . of May, ill each third year- thereafter, ad elect viva-, ifoce by a majority offie wh lenurriber of 1 directors -present one person o literar anci, Sd entifie • acquirentents and of s -ill and' eirpe- 1 ( 1 ) riene in the art of teaching as unty!sitper, into tilent firr three succeed ingsch of ye:trig...and the school directors or 'a majority of ihem in such _convention,- shall determine the amount - 1 of c o mpensation tbr the county siperinten- i dent, which :mid coniiiensationt Shall be paid 1 by the Superintthilent of Common Schools by 1 . his warrant drawn upon the Strite'Treasurer in half ! yearly iistalments it desired, and shall I be deducted *cm the amount ofthe Strite aP- ' propriation to - Vepaid the, sever,al school di*, 'tracts for said aiunty. • ; : - -- ; . . , Sse..4o„ That it shall be the dty Cif the president tuid secretary Of the, trirmia i leori, tuition of.directors to certify tt.) the Btipeilii-. 1 tendon:Of. Common' Schools t he name and post oflieciad.lress of the person elected eimn ty superintendent, in purstutuce l of the provis ions. of: this rid, and thouci or a I other , candi tiatt)s who received votes., :fiy , ,,,tther with the , -amount of compensation fi xed, upon by. said •convention. Upon the receiptef.such.4riertifi- Cate, if no, yalid objections `be .ilade i lhe'Sn- • perintemlent of Common Schools may require s-ueh evid;pee riuler oaik or affirmation_ in regard to the ehetion or qualifications of the 1 persons 'Clectacounty superintendent as he i l shall deent trece4ary . and shall is,suehis coni-I . mission tei, the Orson properlykuslifi44, who I shall have• receied the high est nurnbo ofl > - . SEc . ., , lf, Thati it shall be thedlitivf the; ;County Sirperi ndeiit' - to eXiunine all the t:lndidatcs- 'for ; t -p rofession thxiciref Ili the preseriee, 4? f . the:: . l an d of - iiiree rs (*.Control lers, should they e.sim_tehe'preserie,"and`to ziVQ, caeli . persot und..qualified,'n Certificate i setting_ forth tit b randies of learning be Or she is- capable o caching, and such examinit don and, certifi • shall be re' elked AS 'often as any such teielic shall beerhployectitileae umg any branch learning, otlher than th--,.,e. enurnerat4 in - hi of her Ortificate; : ai i no teacher 41 he tinployed in any ' ,I to teach ( )the lam- es. than. those' i Teith in sus co il , , 4 1 id 'teacher , .Pioriderl, That the -:-.• .idy 'o, rintendeit ,gray - tomtit any such eertifica given b ' . hinf or hii, ine. items-50r in office en he •ill tliint preper s gi-ing at leastie iays revieninotice*.tfiep: of in writing ,to t 41er hlding*.it,anit to i . the directors or',: trellers 9 the.distriet4n :which he or she' sbe errirliyed. ' - ' Sr.e. 42- • , V, it , unty'ps , aux ntenclentesludi annually. , .. . ~.... or re , th e. .. . U ptia : y -fi f dune for -4wd to ~ ,uperint- dent et C9ei- ' ri st mon • ails the torts, or:tii seypr4s6opi .diet eta of their •speetive eiiimt,ies 141001 . , them- mice; = e anext4l4;4l4,c g t..o" f, he 'condition oft s, school 'under their dare suggesting such 1 proveinents in the school system as theyri j deekn,,nieftil Arta giving' such:, ,informatiol a regard. to the p,ractical ( iPeratOzi .of ('' ll if iPb6els aiia ll the' lairs relating thereio as ~ at he d 4 ' - 'iml , It'll - of i - . intcm....§t. ' , . --..- . '. ..• "1 1 - - ' . rl4'. 4 .3:That . til I k4r th . o l4 iiiiii'e'tit° kOutitir superintiii ; ~t itioVl4l.4 fiiiin i thiiet, If i tthall , .* the tut 4f..the,ukiiiiiiitiOilt.of IPTD! i k"R i '§44l, ' Imibricatiemail‘ait thr'ee tC ife..e .:#. 3 ,.. t46; .' ,1 -9" 4. P. , 04 61461 `:ii . " manirlri.iif 1 ,. '"the'reflk: btit ititiiiiielre ,f 00.414 in i s 1 nPiY' ilial. bir"P.** l6 -* tic es sp*';yAisii 't9 lie f , OrptairriST itiVeb bqiirit,,*'4ljrnotor's te4.,i3Ctioov•distittt'iti 'thecloinits 'or thi: ''' . l - iiia riliegiiir wai-ng die'. triennial cony if(* .6tAir4l*Viiii itoo4. shial, thezi iliette; itillibid did - self' i% O g slajll g 2 '.. , 15 4 44 dieiPlniinikrt ; 1 and, th''. ,diiiclo 2 4 t d iiis k i tt * i ii i . i ., 'lO Ole eleaiatigit :` VOilikAiliArageii4 *reilitiOr."i)fo:,i.i.l‘ . , The:•otl4‘.*3l:4l t ll it - er . kli , Joe4 : 41 ' 4 '1 i4tl - 4 a 40'mmid 'thaw ... eats " `‘hau: b e , bill ie : ose ... ec,#ty;,snikerinfen4, Ireili inkinet itti6, :pros id 'All ;:='. of,4viiiiiiotkiii'ai- - I*4l by !Si :560m '.,' , 11 Oki okitiitihe iliuji,i , funds •a§_ time' . .. .Y . 9t. - e`b { iiiiiekliiiei- f 1 Inteoint: ~ -• l ' I ;,,- : -. • ' Sae. , 44'' That fir .:,' .1 - ' In the ' iii4 :. f county ,Trpo.ll4* , .sa l': b e fillM,Vi:Vrie mpOintineo( bt".4 F.4l:iii 'tilleffreiraini- R rn,miiios.44iiiih oit*finiip'filif-.....: tion - ,or direitiotii3Ul iit l / 4 '`'..4"; '. shall 'I be filled bra 'l4niii'iTiiiblatu.; ~. krlet I°s 0,:f0 1 -t0.4 ri - -ii. - par& --1 truting''ti Ottl's - • 1 1 . 40, thii colleUr; testi.-vore • it:•• ''Fvf" . are quite pliatic and siiiterptefaii , 's nut atloNi ;fee' to' state _* iitieiluivoeltr.hri 'o4,tliat it ameit-- fOr,the'pira rtot.,.' . ivil,f;•lloll. e of fli . e.'isinii(l rir,itri'ltpjie.4l Of lip!' ,cattioli 'n• us n* to.! to'.! tion, - 4ffeetlitg 4 311 t; tlColltniihtti diStinet • that'll , left...to ~ us for ' refine. ner IS the' elierg4tie _Ur:, nt (if 'Such resonreeS•tis: iSpiisiil. 4 . Tlie sitruitiot to'l onger ' udn 1 it often :• ' Qiii ~ eiiniplainirq, , : ': : uffieientli' lim* ' , we i.,........ ( ihe t rresStOus Telf.' c , i'ehenient . langunige .of Toinehi '' the in-gei'l4 ., ral 'o! - Cillia;. aS ecititairiedii lt il *-- lizette. ilgthiSti the Exeeutive, ': I .tit: A - .States., bieUtise. Of: the' Sentiniet t 01 7 ed in the* in t e i ssuge -to. Congres- cot cern. he 1310ek . IN urrKkinffair . , renders . t. .linicliit Of gx od-telution . s . iyith kOir Llky` intereou -e :with 'her 1_)055( . :".46 , im'possible - viiile . thaf . ftinetionary„ (1. Eyery : ru....hearted.4niericari s it ekeeedingly insulth4,fo the rep i , would' - reSeAt it'us'iliathnnty,i if r n offered, n'A.did:i i p;in" acting .eonsitl: dam!. The nlost...'ori! ktloira, l eiV iii tie“el.l.l,liii e shoidd' lie , punished 'vgiotii: of orfiee.. ' • 111iiek 1L to hieli we tern' gorOpunen peratiy6:"ul upon this u, re • or- iri't•c4' patpabl , 'ln:tuner That titan' '• 103" • 11l "-at., - pur ne: - too (max negotiation wen hcard: itti im 121,11iT, has ntya- capt ME(' rill prc. inn mos faint and cam( Con rep Quel Qtie nonore d for in . t.671. 1 iinp6rt int‘n( n: «itlici~ri I it . , I-I:tfribttr i est little Ai wn . y) has the Wry tic..ount le Lei,rislutur •stelrildy,'lvr te-Legisluttir atul bnrers l- . . •to ;-.Heaven; we: Susi i inehanna - ft.fl I•Theiti: was A ~s 4 jbers l l . iitil.old; fatl that gl)t, i . the; Old 'nnd .r,J (r • .he bet ; were olirnix ;earl!y.-iiour yestt t ers I could : be: set frith ; the Capi• (inat l ly., tflat on t[ i fy - liancled-,.1?.ut. c ! had soniethimr, t :I a gel:, ',N rapi.44 . wit a red tatie,. of 1 inlnbersl: 0 i Wit , 1 , alieelbarri. net !with • Ilan. • an •senlitigwa7s hidhurdle bf.sund hillktowards•Jh godcls .li•ere 1 -..eari)et :;bag Ain, ~ 'Tie.., hoin'e by-t 1 1- . . , eseene;in }1 - -i fifer sling. an . 1 1 i' itiid upon tl 1 fic . and riey, rin ent.:, ...Ai, t . mode L 'o. i ,.. ~ • fuu...: tile- rmolut 27 iolis ..;-Souk of eauseds-etensidt :en I o'clack, n ' Eni die l :Achieh, 4peisolv: •- - , :he -• karolieeding,i'of7tll4, _,.,ttoyria,L , ::- , -1: , t ' •,.. Mansfield, offered a J•tz-4.uti • 1 I d Vote o f, tanks to 4olranei for dull ' noiiii:andlloaeit . theiy_ ha , ditehatged: their-, t.s.'. ...flAu , laughter; and not ...n.r.llittan ~offered A reSolutic Ibluse do . tak -a recess until a 4 fol i ll:. 11 0 7 C10e -, 6.4 day, and 1 moautimo,.ihe uttemberapoceed Boi t ' and•tuke a. ' smile' afthe 51 .Prilse. - TRoa of. laughter 'and titan, fe9t.r. '. Ur.' Ilitai frdin Chester , • 14 ) ha 1, o , al ing the Dori laughter.l f.r.:Dininin il: oft.ha k i t mouniingtg IL ;dead;: airy n.:: -[Great„ ... Po 11 of 1, II I in I L itil I sis fOt TIT r.. The '%9AielP94,} - -) .s with !it' 4o- thotY. I ;c:9 l '4 l 4*S' vania - and'lS dud . , ion 'y 4 Ma Aftw !.;fedi ag teafixt and.,o . 1 4 t#44r4l i A ac e e it Ill' t sti ; F , , ,_.„ ~.. .. P tl g b t__ -, , t 4i. i rdity:, i lied Wekii a , : Ifir; l 2s4 l. -1 . i rl ' 4 1 .40 0 . 1 # "I iil l ikC . r; 111 - 44 . i triitt,eie o .. :„ -,49(1,441 44 41 bihittneit tlpere, but we I tl_ nc:l 4.r . , Mt t Mity i digii,tioti -.., , = r t N , lff4t l i t S *3 menimen IE ' *time oti il ,tunv-iiv,wi , 111 l ikftiVi • • • . :,,tpat 9i rrkit oviiioi s.and. ell . I,: ft:' ,01 i 4 ilk 11 1 i '434 - • 4 411 c toi , 4 • ~.4 ,• . • Ogil '. : :. , 1 •: , to . Aht Thi li-?9* la:iit s;i 4 jr . &VIA. „ • ' 1 8001; '4watt-ea' Day otth6 SeasOn: bßorough. Item; (one ets on our exc,!hange 1 following , ruther unec of the'lB4 day's pro-ce4 The .L: P - :tholast 411.7. 'of Ilie/s . i 'aial nearly 41 ofitbe, i.li.are lett lOvin, - Tiiir. , . i ifikjoy the 'pore air' tiiii. pext eight.moni Cvere fug, bett'veett- the 'Ler -Time, .frial. We. for a I fellow wotild-haN'e. to )cant of.iyinj, - - hut the illeo- to yield.-at- last. 1134!inoriiiiii,. thela, eit s :ireitilipg their *ay il, ~,, T he taint, .- N%s*4ll' I e - .WP ir 'way up, they' I . . Ming. timkn,..f.hey in , • t‘i.kice.ui , p.e : ".:te r .itrhi: r ,ol.7 : ert.,o . c, - lis.f : ice: ' , S .fotx_cisuti ti lritu i li...k fi t:a,is r li: g oie ' isiviar l it..ii i i7 t l.. ; . .ariii colored gent* ielwe.iii§tagy , various,:hoti Ifpacked in' drr4Txxis' d played that the gi (supposed to be Mr. e tolstand tin his. her .13tuAr.7 i[Voeift9 tread ati ) on, •tc645 u it' Musa :of RepreseataiioDO r the;tnetnliep who'lr not. hkelyrto r turn. oxrinieht.] • ' airy Liglit 044:4 '. • .' l l / 34 ' bveAuP4ttsing,tli - 9 1 ,t ;tbaol li:it/59199b, ' 13 (44 I . l tOc i ff l :stall P I. : 9thre t e, nteorm,- . fl:ctry#,. '61.11.91 i penn, w Jersey f ipoviii al, 1 ,(,? 1 : 1 ! 7 ~S ,04 11 C1 ) / 111 / 1 01 410 a, '' 4 1311. ' - e COloriel aua LI.TiOi ' 'C'c'l thgm, w..er.R to bO'' : y i'iiitlio anct most AtitruiMe.'ir..i.ingLti .son and F i l } izpbettitp, ~‘ Mir IPFTEsUr&-,:pcp#Y i'Ailliapi! i 'kfteßc,aliNt- Ci .. .f• e , r )-r 414 *rsi r ei Zt= ' V , 1 . ,e .i - i ; e4ii2 r 6llolCeika4' .r 1 3 , 4.ii , • 1t e w cOf,l4•,Nigt.andeOurtiandt , „ torriuTio i),Y.i.1 1 4 glatil Ilrkfisv . ai l t,ttigAt, 34 ligkli ,I 1P Qicoe , the l Y f .!, re )tiitti4 .'ii ‘li It , 1 ~ . :V ..,,i. , ve..ttif P Tyj irl, ) 4" Ku, 1 1 ' - : tf ti ktf t 1 *4l i t a y il k V 0 1 ;110 . 4 iiio r a th4r4ll. ei o So,l l ,4Rtr* frisi„, vortho e yes oti.o‘.. #t :ivi!tlf4?,lY}rlurii tti l ' - -:i i i 9 l i -i:s o a.9 l, - / .. Ad * *IMeld? " , 1 1 ) 'r4a -* 1 13 anAti'fi i t t)d, . Ste - 41,6• , 1'• vil it wi .1 'O on NO/ 4151 Y '- - A11? - lli,- the W' of - lloni ~ 4 buse i ofiePieS4iiati4i''' Nebrasiti billaiiii•W:''' . ..' pally Globe-t olfi• , . and -wltch pr. -•--- ~; i4eportsCeOn, •., ....- This . wie helleVe-Is,theif - utterance . ; of our itepresen i tative,l,onithk u •-, • io fr ri.t l iii4 has been underldise;" -- lio . Nye arc tnir. it must be N'gry iinperfectl ' ~ porti-*l - , and. hop& Mr - Gtio, : t4ll; ITT If . eogstatuents a Torrect copy: "''When= a, - . - de'—' 4 slitfliilfttrflill - , ~ io , tlYrl4o4 - honestly,, ,, viildesir&ici - -giv Ali NI) &OW:kir .. *:.l I ......,/ ,;; , , • . ', r,-;- ; ;_-_:,- . .. -- ;1;1 1 .,. , ., i;'' Mi . .' 01 . 6Ye ; Watr'tlutt the bill bodir;e. its;: -eia"tiiii fii;zovol4, ll it'Atiorganiiitiottli 'C . ' i territorial ,gosillunentsir 4-t t e Ole& Dr 1:;" Ictir,',..iiad IliatIls• - , .r6itirt!,gii:lig - ;_ . viiettiei - 4 1, ?c , htindied and': sixth thentund: ac t ita ntlies , an urea," twiee as itt* . as ili&;?ehrr:ii thtrteen Colonies:;; atidA s nail% h4onl-!r• , Mb' Ito the 13ritish - c..-sions, 'and '4' ili . ‘res . . fern lintitS of Afintfreseta rid thelStas. to; 1 tlia Territori Of Washington itd . Ctict • and "Containing'toitr . handred 'and IttY,,,ih millitipsOf itlfri'S "of. land-,—, More thti `:font oil 'nit theptiblie doMaiii now omitted; ,ir i oOverninent:; Thiprovisionsofthelnl *, those, itinally inserted t,billS. to orgitni c t ritortal governments, tth the eception ot ,the,fourteenth section Wll I ell prpROSCA to --‘. .I:lqat, k inriett of the - liiskouri'vomproit lie as -ttlave4; in the territory. pur hi' '_.tl of ,•Vrance lying _north ,r tile line of 3.;a ig, 30'ni l iinitc . s. ' ' ',.. '''' ‘'' - _, l ''' - ''' ' ''- ' - -.. ~:. i- Hu .tlieji S:ateditis tobjections to , th I. Cl • ten amendment : It' laving ;I)ecri. the. pot lor:t6i PovetTnitent heretofore t&-fie . nit _persons residing ;Ina T6Titory - WhO ad dared , 'their infebtion to become 'ektii .r i) irti'cifite, hi .-thei:irganization of its." ment, whist f cake Wa..4'Jth4c for' heir sign in the'l resent insittrik.e. I' ' 'The fa they'iwereresidit'ts of the Territory - Ay; et'.. idenec that they hail setftled 'there. AT slittentiOn ` al making it their borne; r _oath; in • ,tliel i r declaration ;Of intetitioi ei,:nite citizeni - absolved them fronpall• to 'P POweri, and 'clothed thinni ._gettalifs: ~ ter Clayton' 'prOxise 'Ai * 'l pstent,, - he . i; aintainZd, withi the great t,, ie •ifielf goix=ernthent elainicd to be tt. led'in the bilj by its - special advo&dte. i - [ Itaving"rued tha the Organiza tor tese 'rqrriciries Was u necesSatry; he epl tb Ith&:arigt, nu . nts of t e unconstitutirafi Of the-Missouri vittPro lase of isqo. it, not considera;,lneonstitutional a.t.lthe nine 1 its'adtiption b - 'ketttleen- front the S, 6'' i no such; objection : was lade to - itihens;l- ! 'lle_ 'claimed! fin: it no'.morehindit4 0411.0 . the eireitunstatices Which ttiter&'' ,`adoption; ;than- attached., tci.thiy o t . tiv - e act of Congress, and denied t had ' ever abandoned - iti ''' He . .41dveri i...ap - ii p 1 -. eitist hrou; 'Ulatitin; and '9_noted. frani, ern ai.*ll'al o -':(.4.lthern' Ilbsittont- -''. ,l' sok. .rid IR Ju -1 hap jilts nust C aTid Is al- s eoi n !n oc;. an Mary ;,:that I.N. the f the by dings J SQ aygl, .1:rn, S1 _1110 *eci.si6ns:6l •Qiirt:§ to gust f r 9 1114 - 17 - ' q 4 Cv.c, . 1 : 11" utem kh.lxt .)f the whilp Hock meta mak. an 4 by ,foreign N ews . :t . , adddinnia tbreignsrnw ; by 4114: j.A.,tritish Steno - re _eut Annt . 'nlex(iinnt.sT l l l :4 l 4r All Pirt n 4 harbor' otast: s opg, wl4lr : WaS 11V. .Y 1 ,e a.lu r .. - tearner I nd two u heini,ehased, Nl - 1;18 - obliged ,v 1 1 Inkt wi ze .a rite and esca)v; - KRu i" wn _ k . tuner : 4S nehieyed the feat of run ',11,1 rbrn / 1.3 he, Archipelago to, the. Blatk Sea th .- ,u,g '.the. DardiViell, - the-§en 9t * Mnrlnnr,n , and * ; 5 - " e .s. Ihnnis, " - P i lig AP th. fortifwatinni' n( 1 Ira teries,l in i-,snfety.,' ' . 1: ur thousand , ..., .1:1* -trP43215 hnd...reflis.ed ,— Ao m ,te, U e<seat,ut. f war on neenunt . ,of not.: • ying, their pay. InireaSsia,2 ' l theinsurreeti 2 ,i)st Rusin:yl , ,l3 ~ Daming*nprill aitio: - .'ihe ;warlike Irib-si ;and= SOunn , Y l , it.n.,:ii an' IttOi (-. ..)4f444hti soon , 'e. laid • ,to. 'attneli _the 1, ih9A ( 1 1 .,14.4174-4,Mili: , V; The:x'i*P*-.0 . : 1 1, 1 ,0 gils' N 1 ,§inny,sel,onptirrea, 4 the British 1- 0., : ply- - ed:, in Englai4 arid ie - liberat . •d n P nle - , i . 4. \ ..' h.. , , ngt • tiit ~,...9-i- N ‘:n, %TOW th:gt4i`c§,„ Tit.,,p itio ~pAililp. s pt f#4.ssgEralic.. - A,:iii00:11 4: 1 : 1 ' de ! rhate on the burning laff the linsShniifO - r, - on 104- ..Aielc 'S 0. 1 .; IF% ~ Sonlo'i ooriii .; iid - *"' ' t'l tt k" ''' h = '- `` iV'' t the_: qCe9l? .. , .,..CILP?Pis_ ,gcn , ff.')Pfn IkA ,; aita, W,47:lor i esjr;is g1Ye,4,0 sulk i 1 !:! - the. .3facir r id i C,orri.siiia l adeq4C - ' of .„, ~,,::,don ..,, Times.l, , ~,,,._ : ~, ~_. 7 „, , . . 16'11w - first note ..If.r.:Sp.,, Ai r , .#4.41 tir4 i 4i i evnplaint rtAitthe..re . paintilin..6l,l.3o; 1 Lu4LX:CV I ,,i . 1 74,_ lall;14 1 FP. t9,,r).YFC!.,,,, „ t ' .uR, I , ',,trF.4.A.L.,V,,.-oplyish;,g , ztv pn‘e i .nti‘replie -; ~..tot. .wa§urotle.,to lin-SM .- es 61, ulf Zr#o.atibds - Quid. ei n ~I? ,i.•.qeiy,lo ftuArk:ciii),.....:4o - - thilestll9:,_*i3t :another note taxhig .the-Spiinish glii•eitrnent '-11.4 1 L'ifffki.,ng,i1P-P,°s . 4 0 11 P 1 1.1 .,elnlattery - :;:...idLiii - Tipmating,that, t • .-gnxerrneent had re ~i.irt.sl ,a nia rttei* i rp f - ~,sl4,ikilPl64)Pt,b ad .: : sup ireas : '7.A 4l '' . '-''• the: g9r.eiirT .' i,.: E 0 tze ci, 114-pn gj y - tuai,,it,iO4 049.41 - ,- p - ltr:. :, t ,Glotde vioitld :dernftml his pass rts :3 itln-' stead;of doing:snare entpnoth r,r,io e, !nch , fld in milder:terms.l nie Eiiiperoy.:R \ .. .Ans.. .IlifV,. halt. t l ll, AlTri 4- cl-. Xrm P‘ A wa . lorp.,tigit Pkinie...Viniter'6aa .s i r,vil; - in a,,. ; spe h' to the hiArtLro 4 - t a ....- ,u, to I pg i u g , ", 4 ' ,M O 4 NYk. Aii044.44t `0„,1 - lies.: : et t .. Teß.mii :2r.g1441 ing*:ptijo ....s..110: 1 ...UR 41=44 449094 , ,. ..Ovntl4 , ,O(i - I i :1 41. 3 ' .)As sus and the eont*,l) ",i B 'i4c+l)*(V-,.. ~,...tligri •Th*IIY, iik;roixOpitixwn**id t *. tirks , f.r9pn .4 1 :ti.tOsivet AtfinaPka+44 .;11-n -_front, India .the re rt of - 1345.5 t-, ii 0i04, , : 1 -,_44 3 g.. rAq 14 11 4P0e . .0 11 ;4 1 ,* 1 0.(. 1 : A *. ~.T, * -, '191 , Yey9 1 9#9 1 1 ,1 § reporgil i tAi_ 1i...% IF,. : in Ava,: i the Pri4Cis liit . s oi poi ) 9..‘ 4, 1 1 ii :j rother and seized_npoA the • roe' ; i;, : ,= t l 3l-)47 - sOiT i __° E- , 4 , l 6 :ft n ikiltclX. '1:: Qate4 - ' TrY.4 , ~.tFtYg-4t etfOnf felfll 2 ;...-ito ,l, 1,*1. , 4 4 1 1 '4P a;9 4:0 ! .: 'IA 4 . _ l _ t i h4 • I ' Off, ° YIPriI .. P II , k 2 i. e .ii • 4 1 . • P!-•• s itk:: W e 4)10., AA • W* l 9*a 10 ' i t -21 - -i t. • - . - , k, --V* i tkii4 1 ' eiW4ivtr- -' - it.:" ; j[wAth i r i n aki l P ? i * l- 4 4 46;P1' Pi : 0 1 00 * t ra # t Stit ll PP 4 §, 4 . j. im. t " 1, 0 - ail P il l'.l/1, 4 ii ., „ L i t A 3 „.„ ,r-" , ;; — ' wt,q19 , 0,, ;that , ....:011441 4 , 414 . 4 .. - OF' ! .. ' krit . ' , .tilftl.lrt.. l ,o. A 10; _,‘.:-' * - i:Ani: kwitk,(4l- 1 , 0* - :r . ,, -SW ;.... , , i ,-,„ otv., ,4 1 1 ~ ! Ltel , 99MTtlrpv9„ : a , ~' 1 -,.#. ,i a 1- ' .. s -, ,417,A. , ? e t ,. ....:,t , h14.01-....12'2,-* fit l i .W , S:ll9k. ?%:..t. ~ 1- 1 51t o ri l illi . L . t -,7't , . __•'..,, Sul , IFY y . I ., , ,Vtreluive scpa , thit-.steatne c' ..igit., - -a 1 Ras • inrce,:of miler'a er,V frigid/ Ikr/ ,aeli titxl lrins 4pe,! rithi the i the' tho mown ! 43rgt g* oft; -roars t r- ' 'haE fl'e boptit rAtiset.- were at MMBMN z i . ..a...mmit9zi.ornizilmi --;., , ~. umeritt!tatives, :.States ti ,;%. ..beli_fir 7s c oted,' May- ' Ulf te, tuif'' iiik :thin : ausaurAo'braska billwi al viewtekurge 1 ;# fled! .'Fol6B!%of vii ~_.; I `- - - 1 - h i ores meD ona l , ' ' _ - - Ow-II 'ri•- hire—Haiti libbard. --Itaasachniett.4:—None. ,i : " -_, 1 1 oes ti — -'`,- - 'Mid Ila - 01 Arne 1 .'' - -*'' -1 -A.- ' . 1 ' Cofini..kticalln. M. Ifigersoll, .' - Vermont--r None. , Neiv Nork-11). W. Cuinthings i , Hiram NirtibriagetiVike NVll l4 4Wiiliain M. Tweed, T j aw nVilliinvA„Walker; hiitje. Ttli." s:' 91 Na 4 ersY = l:trun '' 1,4 1 -(4-- ‘ . rge'Vail '. , ;.z.2.7 --• f * -- ! - --,-.'r...' -- ,:' --- - --.. ..Y . ''''''?.'.,' 7. - 44 ,5e; - Penusylvaniti-r• B; , glor:ortee„ John- Rohbios3, Jr. Will` 1 11; Aria% 4hn Me. IsTair,"SanntefA:Bridges,.ChritstianM.Str an k Treildriek ft. W..iiillt i AL,:al s ll9ke ,r William Jr Kurti,Jelm. L Divion;:'3l,4o"q , Trout - 7 - " 1 . ig; " 2 :;: ',:: - - ' Ohio—Da -id ;14 - Disuefr,..Fiid-lY4G t rft u, • a.s Edson .If. f Oldi--3. /Indian ' mith Miller,-,Wm..= :...eEngdish, Cyrus' L. , iirham 4as. App r niifisA. .1/endriek4 John :,,'G:;' -till : - Ed: Ilinois-i--las.' a All "Willi?Alrei, Win. AL Itiekki(L3R-.44 i nt 11 ;‘ , . : 1 )ffiihigart a yid. Stuart l: l) 4 AiiNOtle a , r Satnl. Clark-4. • l,-z.ct,,,,,, _ ~.1. .. „k. kma—Bernlutrat He nn . - ;,„ ii, t , , ..2 Califurnia---Millon 'il. - Latham, -Ja,i. A.l 1, 4 v - e p ough l.,.. • - .- - ( • Totalf,rii.one from Free;States.,;to'ilonv add J:. Glancy tones of,Pa.,'whci` ,. pairaig ) in .1:14r of the- lull Lwiiiela was--the, Kline as vi',.,ting for a '- , 1., 1 , ' ';.• ••- - i • iso l ' Ins.' Napoleon and titd 2 stataa , Deicenaea I from Ammicaa Aniestors. •-•. •- ' [Fmln. l'e 111181 !u i ; -P o st- ] : `The p4e, history bf the. Itipilie* of Louis Napole6ll and 'the r Sititu 'of --Turke ~ y is full ofintefrestig and marve'kous itipdeuts `:somas of whilelt a e„probal.dy, riot gen; lly no n. to our teadert.4. , These two•TmOrgoha, ini , ted in the itruggle to pa' of the Ottoman erripire, Ameriftre ladies. Tit . e; raised in tlie:samen, of Marpnigne,, o They were l i ofF and- i,lit i itivate ' They were, S.-1,. The V knav 1 A' 1~ tt, b 5 0 ( . 101 ' 6 41Y ani• ; tarn th 2. integrrity - ' e`Oth.i..r4lrdsena of t'• e Ad l 4. l reroh4ru and: J Ighlsoll ' W ixiiht' is] J'e --of the:;-, Vent h C"nehAirkin,llnd eoml . riendsindhildid and j ) 1 osePhine , le P.agerie',. anfl. . n. ory of Jo ephtne um. gf 's i t ' ' . She not AO 13rance, and vi, 1 ~ to M. de , BPilhaillois, hi 71 ad one son; Eugene, and a daughter e: S'.om time after the dwth of 131 .k nois, .I.osephino was ,Married . ,to,, , ' Bonaparte, l and became Empreskt . Her daughter Flortenw + - was 70 ed sej.h Bonaparte;then King of-116 1 the pre-sent Ein . iKzior of Flince..'is' .- 1 . that inarri4e. ... --, ' .Miss S.I quitted the Island of Mai f-onie thvd before her friend. /4t . - the that was carrying her to. France' w§s.!' ' 1 ... - and taken i ll - the Aigerine Cursaim, Ts erew and teKsengers made ,pri , . this Corsair' ship Was .in turri pfu'red and pillaged *Twits riratq , , 4 111 C-II!! 5 S. ',÷" *at; carri e d by them;to: „Cons4n InOple, aid offered ,for sale us a, sla-ve.l , -.11 r sextraordi.• nary beauty and accoinplislirden found her, a i purchaser', in the Sultart hitnsel4-and , she stk n became the l ehler lady ot the Seraghoand Sul tacss °f • l TurkeY• Mahmond 11. was her six. Land the present Sultan, Abdul *.edjidiia i 4 th. Son of-Atahini_Uid - : ~ ' . : ;"-- ~,..,, , r- , ' 1 ' Thus the,twtt sovereigns whoi l4sl v=rt C'Pel l ll - large a- spatv.in the world's. eyerasegrand ns a two American creole girla t ,'Whor were plapuateS in their youth,. and wereasYeniark.* ' able for their beau t y and , excellent - - divasi. tions: as for their varied i angi AT,tilar fop tunvs. 1 - -'' ',.. , , 4 , ;.: *7- ,,. 7 ' Both qiese women ill thel:lielg,l44ilivir,Pow cr, remembered all - the Irienda of their youth, and provided - minifieettqf fir: theW-welfitre. ...f Il l ii Many of the relatives° 41314 Sultarieis . l” e :Island ."cif Martin'qnd, ' Cst . ttled ~. tin*le i where I Tyr. d - cendants still reside, 1 andPenjoy'the f' or of hb Sultan'. ' ' '' r "),_ i The. Stiltanek. - ied hi 18)1, ,, tlie:gnip - 1 Josephinein I s l4 4ialtli:ekgr4nascilis l 1 rule over two Widett; '.6,W0 - P - owerrulelliP ' 7 'I Suennteringoasand allivs i : . , Sue oft the` nio - SV roomentoo 'at& gatritrAry struggleS jih:v ll o-PuroV<PAlis '0 'er . !#sm- - volved. - i. - . , e.x s r"' I nd to 1 gla ith ! ree l I its. iirth . nat• , eg thlsl I t o a g r e : .. Wheneverlvirev-Ork - eisiwish to IWat . :49 l 'inittlinajWiai 4 V 4 fthitTOW rate patriotism which . is - iover*:ihOte,. i bT' sound than- by Seniet a hue - rind err itrika . se;'l about in " British inflifetiee." :':-Thrl7-4rst is tuT - luld'over the lei s ;jui.je / *9l`4ye.r:tyl . meas l 4re 'of d04 41,- Potr. olf4Kstritie -t - t eel alitl:TsdidA - t c .'ili-d&r q ua ' eons u , • , •.1 • =l,l = '.ed.for -116PurP(.* of 'e_qTPllt'itlr-ft.lfgrit ludi•lcb l .4 Vict:4 4 4Y4lSPlleltt= nd .AVe .hayt •hieeoMe" . .iip#ol,,,Okgu*stikd_ ie.'vitti all'ifA,t l l l l *4 ;. 1 0** 1 :ilfol4 "as. 4 thd,Aiiffe , *ll4 " tried to frig,hten. s rii to tirirket fOr i SiaC es tina - t6 h*AO,OIK VIAP.S‘ 'al "power trl4. l : l P,%Pg, 41 44 11 ,119' 11 9Tr i : 11 VI VI PV.7'.fn " t6- 4 : 4 l4*Ateeth'" - 6 f.giftir-Rg i sAr 014 .° 4i, t0f,P 3 g100%,r414;: ItraletiploAT4o,' Y!ltc! coy ,lect t) Ifoald4rhe di en for le *P#oititi)Nll, s atriedriliv-/Oveittit tha P t-he. 4144;41i' t fft."4 r- a k -L W r l Ei t j-4T ' t!S " I NrariPpaktl , t 4 l 4 ,-1' * .4 0•10 4 OAP r* 4 , l4*outrit , . 4,, -*OW • •.' •' . • ' :', ~ . 5 , it, .., f . " &C . . . ~• ' • .+ 2641. ..• ' Ir 1 ' AMOWNAterOi :- : -Ai __4ooMr.. lIMAWCI4) * * 14,f .. von V iip1;•.:: - . :"A.::.4.;;•X''::;•34: - •:-1'..- , !,.., , z ,-7 ., .-:.;.- .....,,,,..--.." f: ;;',} . ~;t ~':~ Kr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers