Emz . ' THE CZAR AUFD THE 101411U5x...„. lien lia.ve been doing strange things for, the hist five or six thousand 3-cam; '.ilat is ever since Man has been a histotial subject ; and so it - Will be to the end ofthe el,laptc.r ? . ivithout doubt, and until •' - --' :; ' .( I - " Dies ir;i., di (a ilk, ' Raid acerhan, in finiilia." * -. " • which means in plain English, until the day,' of. udgnient; and literally that day of wrath Wh n the - o-orld shall be turned into ashes. ii' . fithe!tra4lo.-thitig-8 \.lately.:; .curveted, v. think the' self' Constituted missied of three estitatible"Friends,"lieSsti. Stltige; Mile = ton aud Pciase, to St. Pe.tersburgh; last:month tbr ,the uiPose of bringing the Czar to i ,rea. e,l son, arid of/inclining him to h ..pheifte course with r rd to the Eastern Question, is abintt .the Strangest: These exeellent; philauthropic and tnosewell meaning mot, tomide rerwesere ting themielves 'and their own views. and wishes, or-the formal areinformal.rePresen tatives of the whole society of Friends jn Etigland-4 very respectable, anO•pietty nu- - merous '..oftel rfhey went, '•they .! saw, they talked; but they did _not conquer, : snit we notch Marvel tklat they should have. thotight . it ' , within the.compass. of '.:humans r:etforts, of logic; or of eloquence, to make any . irnpres- ' &tit on, so inwenetrable and impracticablera subject as , Nicholas, whe is like malig . ners ofoniiiit.L--ithe: Will 'he will I' if he' won't he won't, and there's an end. on't. I-leis-anoth-• er dentirbaili, ns , - the :Turks called Charles Ifl of Sweden—iron head.---and his English • vituperators say that his heart is of the same metal, er, which is, net Much better, f stone. ,The Czar received the Qnaker - plenipaten .; tiaties very courteously, _listened, patiently, j; - and With." kind Attention " an Euglish -jour 1, tial says- to what they: hah.,to , 'say, and then a studied reply Which is one of the b(,t got -174011;p documenti of all thait have been pro-. duced by the Eastern queStion for the last twelve months It folloWs 'this artiele..:l - Autocrat deals a little in historical rec. olleetions, and „regards the Greelt .r igion as . "a link of_cormeetion" -between .himself arid. . - the , Gree subjects of the Porte. • This is ' amnsing to those• who know how the Gre4k religion was \introditeed into Russiawhich . Was done by Vladimir, between ,eight and nine hundred yeaNs ago. ,He had som - .?. of the characteristics of a. grett. man, 'and per ceiving that the gross idolatry, of his Country melt was not even t an apolOgy or religion," ,l he resolved to imporea better e'ne. = Forthis' purpose he appointed ani comission teexam-• ine and report upon the, religion . of.-Moham - med, of the Jews, of the - ,Roman Catholics i,!and of the Greeks. He' divided filially-in - . • favor, of the Greek religion, rejecting Islam isin-because of eiretilneision : which he said was aliominstble-7usageOdie;tx—and because it did not tolerate the.use of strong liquors, which. the Autocrat said , would not suit his ciauntrymen. The Jewish religion .he Con:. temned because the Jews had - been driVeii from their own, country, and were -but'vaga ' bowls on the face-of the awl h. He decided - at once a t ,crainit the Tiernan Cathelie, • because he would not acknowledge Any. - superior on earth; but was ph*sed with the Greek relig : ion 4 -4M account of, the pomp and splendor of t,he 'worship, and because by adopting it he • %mild be the-head of his ownnational Church. The iiiatter being _settled, .and -- the choice made; his next move . was to attack .a. Greek city, which 'Stood near where Seb4topol - iiow stands; : J with no provocation, an -with il object, except to kidnap a Greek -:bishop an pries4Who should inaugurate ltiiyievr relig i ion him, his pride-not 'permitting hiin tc ask t4ie imin:of them from the Gieek Drp& rot' at Constantinople. , Ile suceeeded in-ta .'.. Ittng.thaeity and capturing,; the priests, an( his heitinove wr' ''' - _ : the'daughter of Which deniond w: . being afntid . t,o ( - 14 tiotis - arid i-not • might request. . siti hasbeett-Greet : . And the faith Whie . - lenee and bloodol -0° tbr a Toria- titne' is' foflAnlT • urki. i : lies knot ' siici•eed I Itlie-' r iitterr!y 7 • tit:Alto - 1 of his Ph years; is• - onebf ' '• - eventrithat can '';will soon" bo. Cdssaelt` .. Th - Quaker: depetatkiti ied !:aboat as went; "except that it la" iiiirmSbable' , fli theioodiiiiiiitisitspbetitileiTieti flak cot .• pbsed had : elittle' ,, itivettra:33,ust 'hairs - in , tild,tect itisltattwak - 0* addr , *. 7 and bite- - a' . - falzdetai, *l3Aph was kind'""Od . Aheifit** •tlf ihpress ii her daighto, 'with `whop' 1, O: Po!. :isteott'zifOldal t;ontenup g :sii-afi A ble-gth.; Yiifion``i ef.tsill~`e fine to the - eon* 46:15theie if ifft figiisk veielAkit far - 3.10 1 ;310z: `o•l ? *tistattely artaYllaYntia 'Bifriliatc* hie of AheliiiticOna leaders 011ie' Fre ell itevolui4oii, - ind akat:eatl Y one of the ';(11. Aidi 'ai•oti• of the st i ii - i.:itheriiiiiiietyitz t eV - by Troxii`theLqiaiiqi of yranee..L—Dciity , -'lobe,:' ' "`is , 1- : ff . Dri , ' b f ,‘• • 'r-,' ,, -1 ~i l' , ..,,; 13 ,- , •.. :-. ..Tril' , "*'- ;r: - , ir -1. •=ii'l Y,tii : tbe,4 . in4P9rta4- 4 ' 36-In ehts , P t 'i • publistea in reward;to the piL*kt •ffiffieult,,rl in Europeare.ths.eonfidalcxlialininiksiliiii i'betweenAialitish.7 andApitkniplurts, off 3 , Thi'4 l ;* F ,Vity . -.ettrAlil analysts ,is Ariyen *Oa: . :*r :in :tit elei,ter . ,iiifolle.'9l': - *:67 - 6,!wil - i iivos 41 : to" d . - iiri, In filekt_TdOcuinent 4 s:,it „#, ,49;13,;,*iinstilitedi, p*-(ipi, - .o*,'thei - ,Paz,.141" - that:.fi• L PEEL.o'i - oii t'eciprilits l l r• - tlte, : 4lrafx.,*:* fiklt t :lberare',.PiiiieS r slienehilrOli ~Ivigh +..n' t . f., tiyonStStitkople,,lN ,ditltinei:finri , - ,.pkb,9X.tlieAlitfkri4.,as LiOw...-tO, 4 1!ize''-,u'On .',44 3. ) .ait:lti9jilurkeh*a tY4-74 2 q ihve..of ...ilivtzart*lie c!Rt . }4 .-t o. pitona -** pt ,:naif./ .:Pz,,11;534.::_,..4., Ai.,11.100F14, 1 4 .. 01 .4ve ';Ci ) ii 4al l 4 0 1gi. iu4;49.30 ,:,.. -'* 4 !4s(*lii -- l'A .- , lgerli l ' i !ki ) :94:4'ATlT•D i l .4 :44o part!w,Rf. , ille ppws , F, herstey.4. itptte.- - Oue iiitiqffie pliA`iand *ki - iotikohrnig,.4ie litliwelLtegiYlßJP, 4 4 54A ) Ne , l r,- ,--.4i ts ilvo44 tagul)i.-fir4tWitir - µ: dig. isdfOisAnt4l4 ANIOXA, , : of zAXire,PrMTu*V 6 ,44Pre- , 0 , 4 4 _ - .--- ve c m 9k- p 9QMPI , e4 . 4g4 , 4. 1 .4 tA 0 *13 4 47- 9 4._ 4 * '. :: ' ' O O 4 W —?!‘PO 4 - J :lewitud,l4l3,gior 4 45 :00*- 1 0.ef,. ( 4.4493.4 L, _5 l -9 1 . 1 'Ati'on ever heard - oE . ‘'i: .; 4 ;-,:,,i :... -s„ .l -,,,, r . -' Lord J.ohnßusseillreigyj.9 t‘GSb''' temp ', ,1ff..40j0k.:14 1 44 0 :-4 0 '§:linatillOirner #,, ,r ikf . 4 4 - 4 0041 113 4 1 :1 7, Ae li 4 / I ' Plit/O4 k .1 -1 41,1.0 .- ,city "Imou ,4.4 a gainst ilie . 11fhliWy, - , 4 v t l o , A 33 0 4141 - 4 1,M.OFJP 1 / 4 ., _ u s , th.t344.0 ,, Next An* , pi - owl - Awl hk_p oviii• ; ./?4ltikAa,dq:outf 133 , - tlieze rvaoiltop.,i: A t . e ,FYAMI , wellawarealhe ulteror .- ,fsot - r 3 ' , .4utod4eBgetiS:i ' -, . - -pekteefiii, --,:litiodoattitliitatie-ViraithrtlOSe : - Y A 1e,:114410 41104 , 44110.h,e,y,isav4S*IibittotEeven. ' . .'s culpable eredidity, in indorsing the ppd• in. terttionzani high senstrof honor ot the gtii- t i ''''..H''''''''. ..*.' 1* I '''''''', I "..".''''''''''',..''''' '-.."' .•', per i or t nt th ' • L • Di L m?l4 . - wur tney knew hi r opl v • , : :: : _in, the -WO* 4 i -destroying. la f 46 1 41 , mike. P6vOinr ' lbribis they *ill dou ,t 1 - he hell t,104 - ..„..,:._ necount:— 'Thn . .debate,i; It this inetntinn;':,well its ' the , formal ileel tionpr t i'mr, wi '- , ri: . us by the text s i er. ;' ! ~. I-- *I . ',- ' ' - • • i ff • - - to t . , ;.-. ‘ I-, '. • .1 1) 11WS - 11 . trit, ~ - . ..It may Ve safety. .11..rttumediltwe , !,:supp4 eviie. is inather:llci aet r illoillie,,e.ingi.°., tivtt i.c . u _i_Oi.4fiticacCOr war. etWeen the Czar tici , li Oleg has had; V this. time ..a IL i defini e' lit iolt; 'and war . is• the' Word, no doith • '11,..; ' Nicholas has - been;'nLble to bath .l.4ilOzi liii:M .-‘ eniSts at the eleventh hour; , . , tutd mak : em believe tl', l t,, tifter.4, he.. i.so, inabf o i posed, always has been, and is Aril liug -to eitheuate; the ' principalities, and to nerfiate'uPkin the oft. -equitable ternia:-- X e; attetnits-L - pii - s - 04., and sUceeedsi we -shal nSider 1 as guaranteeing his fins sue-. ,ceSs tiievcrYth ng that he aims at---not 'per- ItaP;.: ,Ilt: the - n tin ihp contemplated at first;. or a. Ipriniipti ;',l ut ,-- 0,41. its. certainly,• - and leo cert. thly.at .ho lye. y remote-period.; • Turkey ._ _ `,'-will 61y. be:r ' ri ved. 'llk a few 1 years, and. until; another tie el - rim be fastened on her, Which - will bed Jost"as'sciert•- as She . may seeni 'to be. . * out. frientla mil:allies to di:kW 'andiprO, t heti. ....And 'WhOthey. will . be the next tin it- is' -difficat .to .. 'say: v The ' chances that. an o, flier •eitteizi,e cordiale betiveen Vir:Mee and E litnk. like ; tha one- at pr_63ent subsistin.7:-'may- take place again aid but f'..m,- .and - that it ; Wil-noti many. - - ,`lhat .thoSe . .two Powers are , iw .- rill es; rho but a year ago 4.1 were almost !tea ' rairel than ii -nuir el; tend.- has -almost the. I *appear! 4co : of_ a . ITrOyalential, inteipo:iition; forthe 6 , Xfire4 purpose, of protecting, Western. Fur . against the tunliallOwed - and - ,imsatis. liable aralatioabethes;Cs:_ii: - -'''.llelancholy it .' ..% 1h i5 0a : 4 : 1... .- t li oo l ir i; ;.)) . ` , , hil .t ee lia l t . ~ r u n t l i d tl it,id O h : :: : ;i ts io l u to ti t l i ws l tar:i‘ i; :coy they law iemie tO - each- ther, es England andil'nua - 'been . ,n-ainst .each - .Other for :a • thou_ • . arrayed I - •- • .cruel,l lood • sand YearS -,-. 1 w many. .). y, an - 41eiraltatini; -3V rs they . haie waged ;- and hol . 11., / tinamiablO hay ~ their relitiopsi•alp - 104. alti:ay • beim,.levert in . ime- of Peace r ithe present • all . .4 . 1 1 I '' t. I' ' 1 epee_ on I ,cort. p.m lt3 .am - re. 41j. not hing. 'Ott/ - astonizhing ; .and . "-rotl intr. less than a pr , lty .large arnount9r far (thil.ir-comtiron 1 . . e-OP Il,' ''-'&4 1.4. - 1 illvi!.Pro4n 41 . this' state of thmn•s; It is . 7elt that even that produced it.. Tin:l7 C .. •; :, in all tinsis but a ' ;Wary; con, id,- ,. . crawl --; . Enghind and .- -Vra eellf , they fi lit; are fig Ming ostensibly. in li r .e• use, but ir tutilly Or . tirerrtselves.;- .-GriVeTitrkey tot ts, I sia an there. Witll net then be ii state, in' it that ' lit9icion and. jealonsy, between the two gov, ernments, with ies , t, to the'ultiinate `, X ielir end 4bjects of each. .Alreedy lie lialkendeav ,ortiditomilike n.... i. ..Napoleon helieve that F.mlanil Was ti 4 - . fot her ow ie nigran'- i n kiLment, and ', ire,. veria. 'lle 'did" Ot Sue -Iceed,l but ii,;4e 2 ,tolerably -clear t .ifi,., that, Ye greatly 'ilil irr4ssed ,and perpl xt;.ll ' thil lico)4M:Vls:.o 112 - titiNGovcrturv.mt*; and, this ( Suppnsitiot unis, in . ere ,'ration iy than nnything4lse the 'delay, the twerainty,, i -land. vacilWttion3SO (long .I: ? hservablii and 'ler I (which the . m§tisteriel explatiatier,s in', the British Perlfarnen lately uutde.do notalto-, I lgetheif emoting:l4 . Gteterily: The! mechina-, I Itioyis 4Ni:01044 , at •any t*el t f :he FOconictikitcA.,: fte:- is the ehleit, es well ! AS th . el laSttit4.l.4" . ; .50Vi3t:Ciii il/ lulut,i4uck, ~. n 4 PIO - 1a: Autocrat of -tliP: l i same. 'Arne, 3Y Cg.e,'i, ll liF:A6100) not - 1 01 3 : 1 1 oi)*i - ;•ka - t.4e , Ps• is as-, exte4Rivi-t fiS tlie1•4 1 0 - ' , 1 - , sian, And-aq. , 11194.04,:j . fOgfr ( )KAisi ug 'isigliV4Mtilizeßi iI44Y - . I ?c*9m-Pz'4 l • tnigre soie , :'F- 1,0 141.1424.,,t. 7 ,;_, ,„ - .1 , ." I INE idAirlyttiMMlßOPS: ' ' " =The . 1 4 : . 0 _ , ;(.., ~. ".•,. f --• - • .: die ,, _. :.,-. .:. - . !,.' - Cll., 4 k Pi . l - 47,' i;ro,4ht,ii?F-0P.,,L. , 4,3,7,: 0 1 PniYcir troz.i: , 1 ,, - .414111Pf."M . ):!' ~u)? .;5'q10# 1163 P 11 ,496-- ' sit 1: 1 -xiclit;'#*• 13 , 1 P' 1 .4 3 -, iksg9v4f.Frit , .. ... 111 :1).46-; I -ih - ' ipt , s ,, Po 4 l'a*?ft !Met -F1u1043 4 4 1 -**- 1 i'' ..elPfk#44o' -: "tali iilP'9ugille,' i irli 3,itece, . Pic*F.,/finfitt :4 l ,. . i• X ' wP.,uttlf)o* 1 ,hpaityitig*, lottflitiri J . , .2 0 - p -3 ) . ,t! Ako;toP! , ithe r 404 ,Ititt pprest4lF..ivnit , IWU ei2Mxtiu- i : ni ens zinc ihe.Pilnee 6;n._ ..irt in, alr.,r,4ie ,i na 4 :t4: 1 14e ; . 94Ati..4 i4v l .9K : -.' '' ...ZYri" e r i ng, .1:0 41 " .- - 4" ' ; 1n11,,, - 4. 1 1 , iv:u.' . ...fllq&. -0 ' ...07 1. 40 1 / 4 444 - . 1 .tut . 7 1, I appear that heilha*.hrst' ipe44l4 - 41. ! --:. i'wc.l,44! -the i radie4 ininni:e, Or 7.. pg : el* ;4* «LAW= ; : ,_*; 4niito*.i` ".ailrfOF•i .- 0) . -ilr deni 4 4 , '44 - :*• I.T goirei" . .ili"P fr•krr.iri, r a that' ~,. , ind" : e-,vr: .: swell ; - iipset4l. - , : . •,. - P4 4•'!...: • -;•'.,' _.. • l4 e f il ! t5 -. 4,"t114 D' a . :` i - 1 , ... Ifr " 1 1VIne 1 Pita -- ,iii-,: . cen' - ce - - hien' t.- -: ' ' -; ATI.. , . :Au ~:14tr4 ar3,..iffesistetine4; it. • . -.1. . v ily '4 y,; iii. 4 Nietiolhs - wil t ( towl*i !, . ,th : , . I riity :*.Thlig '''fer , *ente&ist*lev.eaetiii**l!y , the- advnn.i. , tie, of l fiiii-• Ai* War 4:cOri . espaideoce, il but ifhe tab ' Oicate Prinee4lhort, h e . n it 3 , l . take *1)1* *lenge. arit e tt air i4e4theeatise - efttati& ..Ininesty:tindliFretiukdielitt freedatri r `yes it P' tiffi. T'Omj 'tbrem utu a) ; e l P9 su r4 -of , mi. --. l entsli.of MizinaehY..;,4,o,l.k: :.:‘ , .. PL 4.lm (cal ,la#: Tait raffit..4-.: A itaaamater , pa " that spertalqe-cfm. PletorH -o,n Ad % Rabaul if Wiio -.aro, = quoryiag State, :I ivAlisedl Th yered anew 'Teilkint , at 4 ,h to; b btainvon, ~- • ' from 4 ~ .7 ' - reakinuty , • liker ~J .. tho•thioi4 , , ifir44 ' , allithe ,- .4n . ; 0040 AO *AC WMP/iVir N41;16' talistaat _ 1- - iioq*b - titturt:'lt'tgiO.: -11. wiLitztin; '1 zuriou.. . - MONTROSE, PA. Ti' !urfolay Morning; April u, .185.11, - IFIELG • ficiArt CIOET. , Go per,noi, JAiIES POLLOCK of Nortinonberlaa'ul. ained 'Co;iimissiorter, GEORGE DARSIE,' of AlleghOny.:, . • .fudge Supr Court. • . DANIEL M. SMYSEP ofllontgomery: , - • The RegitUer Printing office is 'removed. to tile . building on Chestnut street, between the• Odd Fellows' Hall, and thesOgidence of Jam W. . Chapman. the 00' 5 ' • . • . Q. a PALMER., the I Am e rican Newspaper is the only authorize it 411 gent for this-paper in the chies of Itoston,•fiew York , And Philadelphia. first, i I2tlt cost tinif at 01 Many have expresl4ed regret for our loss ; and a de; ,ire fur the, prosperity of .the Regiker: ?day welake the liberty oriNggeH4ing a-method by which" they can •ive a tangible dence'of their friendly feeliugs, and nobody be a loser thereby? We think Itlittfe exer tion might furnish.us" fifteen or . ti:euty lotecrib ors in: each township in the county. Will you try it? We till" try to mike the paper ivorth; its price. New ?iiblicaticms. , The Secretary; or, Cireumitantidl Evidence: by. the. authoi 'of Ilea& and Heart.v.L."Readl - and Eblarts,7 a domestic novel of great dramatic poir- r T; had a very large sale both here and in London:: ii 'work, bY the same author, will; We think, attai n . e en , more extensivgpopuLirfty.. It has rdl the 'frrarnith or coloring,. tendernem, : pathos,, and equals .very euliar to this' author, in common with Taber t and Dickens, that Striking ability• of , ladivid certain charaeters, so that meet theta under what die- OM' nweuuly, we always know them, and 'painted; with a master harid, each eacites its emotions of Live 'and fear. But.* seheme- is laid, which makes) up the slim of ".Circumstantial Evidence,", which iabto'l' , to Prove. the.guilt and condemn to a fekei'stleaillithe noble youth who is the hero of the glory. The Inn beeility of the Earl and the sudden suvingthimpaited . to his mind by the terrible 'death' of his erm,ithe" tyranny ot 'his' wite,:he - murderous- intrigues of ithe - Steward Oxley, and hisi`paramorw' Mrs. 'Lerew,ttlie trial,• coodemnation',.tmd resuscitation of. the ; villa', dk. grief of: the noble and affectionate. Fanny ;'.! are all wrought up with grata power; and -wry one on . , with breainterest to the dose of what: • appears ifs tons a tap ' covet' ... -; - 1. . ' . - .- ' ':. ' P . 4 ""'" -If. " *Al Y - "" AP4tPst,n;hi;Plirlitaiim • is ev e n het than usual . Ilds . cannot be • called a e pictur' • boo llice'llomersiffilie rnagazm't f thepresent 1 nainber has not kpleture in ft. .Therois much geese , ing 'as -to the' authorship of some oftbe 'racist '.. remark- I able erticifti, the writers all being , anourtious: ' •The I. ErtMtittiidav,'or gtichantid Isles," Which is. continued iind' : iincreases` in . interest, :Is Mt:Myatt:4l :to !erman ' lielite. "'The" Two' .;Aligehi,"'..'-al'Oein'of winch- ipliitual beauty, • J it ; is.,, 'laid :: Cenid . ' ixdi hive been' :iiiittk ii by Longfelloir, while • u Fire-,Side - Tiniefe' : 19 !, itilitlitt to be by 3:.11: Lowell, . and "The' vision:id*. Iflstieh", bY: liiiuld,; ( faylor: iVo iiiide li ke to. know ,author ofiCCW'Enkland Eirai r life. entitled - it - denim eticat breoii4 i 4fli)cb N . as i „natinal as 16. , 'itielf' ; I#,,Vieiiiiii. ft - vt:e illMeici, all iesi «iilskeimiis;, iit - Oriie and ppee.; g 414 tinu l ibt.Wft-irerii,a. I;iii,.ig,in. iii_ Ad. conlieciklit; . , - "-:,'` - • " - r ut :1 - - , : -. ' il'iN, Xeic:Ti4llflii,y.-Ifekg; diiii;i 1., Fiii... lrortl4lll well )mcrir. ll -:w4tY - # ll i.tv. 6 f,,4;ei ; i 4kv , Y9rki I • * itei,l * Tl 4. 4l 44 l " ; - ; 34 4;roiiiii;A r 14 u4i - 14 die :"2 4 ‘? or ally . "' , ~ -.,_ . 1•••,- .4' ••••.4, ' • •• .. .1: :•,', :. .-- ' • IrT i nr ed #9l:l l,t 9o iri4 v 4.r.# ) r 1 1! jumMtfe4tery i& eafily . dvelnibjeln'titeir Majzine. Ai tverybodyV - - . 7lWi!!Fr9 wth All ith joLali'ilnd-5442911.1iA, all IrFt6, f4o9ii:fg# l lP , TLlV:e.:t* 0 1 , - ,; 11 1c 5 03 . 7A - gFFiit c# I I44 I SIN.A4‘ . :-40Y,Cnclig _ :me1,4;447 people,-.to. .:?095 0 iPrin .iribgttert‘hiolloiAilow':er, Poiltsfoy -9,-Re0,5A9,:45. 8, ilpiidiv,,44.4B. 4;3:W? ' - ,r .. ,: r. bri. , o,444o.!Tiliriqtri-Pgg .4 1 krii4ng. 1 4 4 41;e0 01 .4 - . )PiPrithilOrliOlee!ni t)O410 with much farPrfvltY, I.4kr":gett•thigie."Gtwtl, o 4,l 46 o . i,ritreiv haet 43- ' 4 9i?' 7':l-fi114146 in thii.exkultip and Vie, Aud - r 4 gin".9*: : _neat irritein - ' Ahem have commenced nsing,their -pens Or ler anitl*of bee tittle reader* ,1 `.. p F t , very ~:27/1; Pee ' , n - ,:fowrosUf continues to present a iitractire.:spresan vial' its Snit paper and hand --mote ~ .-iiinstrations, =while- its contents 'are' , of much' spinetieil value to' tie farmer and usethanle.; mid all - ftir . '-Oe fkillat 1 4esi- ''The'llitlnnii '. ll2ll '' 61 * -irwvingo; Stone Orwlicli are - very' ones - •-: - ~ , _ . , . .. . -' .4‘ifeA . l4ailj , . ll6 4 for' lip 4a hell ..lineji ,- 101,4 thr - julkiiiiiit, 4e i ' kke'o . "';iiiik.4Ttiles , t Poets;',` tlfuni, l 4as:thine;Mita vast variety . - of'Diitizli'il• di4isi4s; . ~- Stc", 6 Au'lfiliiis;,lobli4e4;-'0:;14, all ini: aip in - -4.*pileill'll7lE; iidimi kessiAi;s«o, '-"tke'Rooli 6 ,-, -,7-..git I P-P 9 P ~ - o' - - - - , „., .- -. ,:9 rO4q/AGsii4 l, se - 0 - A•Ord Orilaithi iieciignuit; - 100 . n Of.li'iirgeta:illustniied: . Life ; iiiiViu.iiingtivii *ll . irt** .i t if f - !iff il l.4 ) .;; • - •ili iiii tY I * '11 : !' s !!,IV AfTiilit . A l3l o4.t i t#C4V 7 TSF l 4 l "; . ,!i:/ 1 0. 4 / 6 1 g' i f mar Y- , 4•Paollog..l. l o n taijAie;; i,i:i . toesi4 l ;?lfellni, 4Plugtifigf,.l4l PiOeWinrf44 9n ii.elektul 4 *94' . . ' ••1 t _ ;--3 "ir'; i ~f *J o i l- s44 e4 A ield fc..4WG , l.Oric o o7- 47 4i9 !ToevfleY-Vu. l 44 4 44 4 t l ool l 4ngi'9 B .l.4Yclater, fifirl from Europe. There _ ism news from &quest** Neither the :Smarms IMF -the -Tilflill . haie laitOy ittboirit - rajiati!ki• All elii areslolcianto4 tg*Oxit ti4,-Beittcv where A is , eipeeted thatigleiGbaries Nu r ikor trill • , ittotnieneo. the irar ' , otrlhe:piitiof the' aid " 141 -' lo anStoli illlalt* belheditiblxiti illikt - ' 4ihnitftte'iberilat,ttimier hil - etuinnandi-4t is , sild - the i t Iliffliiit fttOn siknibiTtlitrobtitteNDOzia 10 ilt ' To* l iti hi - ilinstiWortett4itirlitiiiiiillo Wilk,' 9* =44 ' - .' ft r i l l ig ie i g * * *** r,„464 - 0;; I - f g,44:104, 1 0,41L-0 - E , : r11.6 - 1 , . 1 ~ f -, ..I , t -- -.-: ' ''. ~- ' l' i t - ell ~,-I T ! . --; 'l**io 400' . ' ' 34 11, 44 4 gigtfrobr maul.* illichlictioada or ' 4moriok 4 1 4 0 4 11 1 8 Ai:i• - , des of Iliut iris' th .litteki•Wiipidniltbel/up- ' r 1 4iik &RAW neriif tOikidaceta:**ingtenilol, : --1- 4 "-•.-.""a• :.' Ptiiadei ' ' isitte tat a kispliset titlfiatisi t 1 64 — fly liittedir . 404trthit)of•-i General Brindle io. E. l B. Chase, who v t. i llcl 4l ( 1 : ` 1 ' ';;; 448/,". and ' ' o "..g re .ififo l o PPOl*OciitriA,4 l ',.',l, 3 o - .. 0 t . his putting his life injt4ardy. la 7 neertgylii - 4. ; dined to set himself up to be shot at. . '' ' Ornediatt EiECtion. - ' ' Counectient.Aiems .no more enthusiastic New, Hamiithire in her adherence to the present tional, admirthitration.l ' The SMte election Of . 'cut ,was held on Miniday last ; and the returnsy, 'ceived are, decisire of - an oppcosition; tri there being no choice of State officers, wh il e ala , gigs* tare is Maine Law Whig bell branches; • more than two to one in .theSeuntet and nearly tone in the „Muse, whiCh - Temlers certain the Soil of wiog , and Maine:Law . State officers, a Free Soil Whig U. S. Senator for Ax years from next Mitch, tii '9o foasaage of the Maine Law. 1 List:Year the State. ate" as composed, of /prig Demoirats to s4lit and Ft e - Soiled, and the, Mouse of RePF stood 164 Deinoerats to 1 17 Whigs'and Call you that backing of theAdmini Vir The 'hest reason .eve have Northern man supporting Douglas' given the other day by a staunc I not fai off. • Said be, "When `of 1850 came up,,l op I - Democratic torethren. " that we were wrong, • Measure, and we ha I ti not going . t • take my - stand • Paimeoi it tration .1 how so - 1 come t . Governm;Scymour,.of New. York, to - vetoed le "baine Law," being the first Executor who has ever taltetytheresmosibflity of - vetoing a brill of the :kind.; a hen ' . for a ,ebraska ' ill, was . Imocnit, lso lives ie Fugitive Slavel ave Law it, as did y 'of my /of, lti turned out iis the end aat it Aas a true DthnOCrOe to come r i Ctuld And supiln; it.-- i lk. catigl,t 1 its that way. gain. 1 . the Nebrasl4. bill./ Then when it, Ana; tor I'm tolo that it is an dminia. lure--AU my good Democratic fti ndi that Aucb .vikuous - indignation now, • hard to er to 'my side e smd ownthatl was'" 'AL" . C.OMMVNICtIA.TI.O - , Letter from . California- . . . ' Sziitasivrata Morivraiss, - Jan. 16, 1833 7 Pear kliz—lt is with:pleagure I atternpt, . in my . bumble way, lo „give you a further description gf Cal; ifornia, by commencing with the BOy of San Franeii co,•tlie beautiful streaius that empty into it, and the bottom lands that border the . rivers. I ' The Sacramento is a Powerful stream, navigable many miles for the.largest clam vessels, which I Men tioned: in.my last letter. There are"three others of cimsiskteabie. size and ,. importance—the . tanisliput, 4 ,Xidumise,. and San Jeatlitint, (pronotinee,,Gantricm kem.) The two former are beautiful, and rise . in the mountains, not far froui my Iciettion. : Upon theie riv ers are immense bottom lands, which with the 'Bay; have undoubtedly; at Some day, formed a l o ng lake, of fresh water, as there are shells of every'escription to•be found' on these hands; by sinking a shaft, mid the present appearance •of the Bei gi es ibUnd ant evidence of the fact.. The entrance t thehity is called the "Golden Gate"-so-narrow, it. . ems. that one: cotdd thrtiwa stone final the vessel's deck toithe ' I shore; still, its width is said to. be thret-iburths of a I rode. At tbelead'Of the !?,:iy there is what seems to have been immense Falls, evidently dire' oudet of 'the 'lake :spoken' of: Accnrding, to_ tradil ion among the oldes.t Indians ? about 150 piers ago die passage called • the '"Golden Gate" was forced thrtlitigh by )art .eaititguak i e, and the waters referred . to,, previous to -. •• i . 1 that, passed-over die fatl4 into th octant.. • ..' I will now give Fos a hasty - des ription of thelsigtL posed largest true in .. thi World, (a- small piecio of which: I . enc los e.) •I . - I I ..• • The tree was taken - do l n w last. ituner r . The'lliark is now exhibited at different Pla , and is designed to ; be sent to the States soon . . .It wion 0 31urPity's Flats," , itome twenty milt" front jiher I . am. .It• is about 38 feet . in diameter; 387 g Ifeet - ii+g, an -Well, u proportioned; is computed (by the num b er of 'ns) te be 3987, Years Old. •I't was bored loWn wil l 1 gars prepared for the 'ptirpose: ' triiioi the. - stump. there is now a colzmiodions House of Entertalill ent 'At the same place there are-a_ number of' treis as large, and some say.. Larger, than this. 'They tire al ' ipecies of cedar. This seens.like 'a Story, but hi ;,.-Ac "Murphy' s n a te-pro tnagnifi , tca A, or .caverns, have been discovered, andare great curl. esitiet. The erg ••one 'has - some fi ft een or enty moat beautiful apartments, resembling works of art, spations andlarge. They.are hid with stslactites, and on all sides are beautifully encrusted ceilings. pile st s sitedl "p, this e're is most splendid. l t' • I'. The second came is- less in , size ; but still hamar - And. here is fofind the remains of huma beings,. l "-nn'p 1 Poitedr be native Indians, of 'much lirger lna 'than ity•now Wing: - The bodies are ir e -agbod i state of preservation, -and are - partially Covered, with aliine 'Or stat.mite. which I presume 'has - had the effect o': embalming.; There - ellstenotbing int4tiott, dr otlif I 'ht. evidence, oil whom they were:or "whence- the'-1 .'', -•• ' .. 1 I will. now siinak. of the native Iridians,,of.wlitinil.' , etid - Something in e l 'termer letter. ' 'tint. are anfn4 . l 'r* rae:e,-ealled f,Diaers, - 't i'Aiiilg ineit4 on rile& and ' 'aeit rit:i,; of. which they 'Make . breed:' I - have I watched' them wiliie:ugtirik,their",brea4; and .- iiiiie 51 eintirriends - qibe.iniereSied in theta' ' main " . 4ri doing it,l - will give it.' tri:e acorn:} 4re 'Eat ere. l ;l ... ....b.oif"}_ , IPaYlar .nr% 24 / on.nlldouf t p!" . :.02 1. 1 'kind PriK 1 5 113 1 120 4.1*4 then placed in aliind - itt ,-- :et I made of 'Willow, end water tight; Aritki 4) , ar,o_ialid-. I.bis.ll.l.V# B4 . lo eiFtes the, -*"._ f! " ,tii ..! pr.. It :4 - Alcu P94o (l 4iTni * .b.Y. , PP4lii chcaf.. , 40!.., is the s _basket; untOlt *Comes Ilke-iiorn PO, :,it 11.141-- 4 1 41 , ..44. bOld'innd , d!iei: tf , canno t , ouch r -tbl ) ag flaviir.,lairintie never. taste . ' thew ; . ‘.:- ::.,, • . '', '' • i . :.Alatie . trike!of slisite - ' are eamping,st i ssi Ate .: . tiec •irosi. 1 undelikcdebtated , TaptAilke..y,r. i .stiitie . - ' and*frienkor the whites. -He 4 . .on:- 1 , 47 ' trtar liar ~wisp, gni* tett hy , ;nii with.: 1 4 °great, ' bee: i; lie.hat three wiring; mart: and Sit lee ' eqtra s tim custom ti , lheir:nhiefa.Hl :fie. :`.' .quendy, 't-hia range, which. Ai e st;:emvs, compß-' matt. old mother is still liting, although seem: ..- loglY l: i Yea" 014 '4eti. it Ile difficult t0:1 41 ,,, ""e of their. ' . from their look&r , ; You would be surprised iki to see s e kindness with which he treat's, his old 'Moth er. Th `old lady-la initelainart, arid . tatter : great pride in ' civilization; : and tsar hinny in say,itairl 115' 1 . die *e!C..r4 ehttier't!f%thiltattei'lihte ' rt."- Itanfef th ere &tiler well; in oar'... ", o t are fora4 .l . lioair; and wilt' g.t drunk every o , ; , ken' . ',' .Thel chief il ' it!ic4 tr!iiii;i* *ll ± 4- ' '' . the i trodii , tikt r tiou '4 tagigri . yot'there are iiiiiitlWild;Win ' . ii ft'io 1:-.*'-deSp6 the !i ' w: ' ', l ' '2 ~11 .'. , ' il l: : 1: ''. The. anew it:three get'deei,iitt the 'aniniitablit;''tind` . *-weithe : r7reu .0( 1 ::: Pn .1( 40 4t 'of 'the told, ~ e ' haie shut the irate Ont tbeeanatiOnin ' water to , the nlnes: rThismiiirkbl now higur lise,, been l !' lni e t,IIO i•PIL.` 9I : O- ' 4 o l ' o" * t i t for building it.,, 'Me hitse..had Scriee,SiwiiiittaK ;nat. i l . ter t ?- Athir weeheo4e tkiht " o4itaiYii*# o 0 1 -.`34- ehanie'a li en." An ` injunethni ens( t i.p l ii44 16 . th e' . 4udge °f'l4 6 oil+oY,C o 4 - L_• , The*Pert . .'l. - o_the. coo to theßetPrePte:P..o%tantl .itt, Court. . 1 1med, ? in htiOnetiOnegobtot , ..4te:-IP O4l O_ . .. .tiC9u4 - [ '#.". 7 7Ss 'l ll _P -' ' pointed tti-try the - case at StoCktCHrt+iii paru,.. ! pic• lag 43 " 00 4 40 e 14. 1 ) 9, 110 00 1 A - 0.0?.„ ... ,;4 1 ;... other , rettt!Okitvhefore tbelthtYltt 10 ( 0 .*r 17..9Mn - • i ene.rtteArt:weeito!the;otoini tititt hoitti. keep P94llo!ei kW. Vithitjre'rtoeh littrokottigo of, tad .theY pot.the work in'ourthinida lilltanch.thne is artrifotoith , .pay,i-; :We then .retnrned to the ..incanitainr: and .rdiet,the 'Teiar'L-,gate thei4it hoot the slam' A' i ot *Do' di* otettdArtued tOthe4tietit; was ..' Taliedi Ottiskiteri to ibiatiliii, .1 - ..it r poitot !'them : laOteit io.retnin,: . -- ' Ito Soitorsor.; The . gr t etiii, mtieeihtf ther. • ot p at the &their lives. '. We i rit theista, • 2 ,' v '.,the osogfertinifiteeirellii naietdidirepei F -4tiYeitAd'en4:enr - pvne4ledhik , an7 oftl i tilkeirpie a , ttittXlhittliatteti - mitten: titidt - Wit' ' "'mita* ex r.fA in .t • ..-- ~ " . ~ • -i ~.. .:,... •-. ~..._ I, • • . .1 1 .K:..°r_ e9Drak '1 ' 11 " ' :P4m 1 461111 :-. 4 _ 45 I'liaiedhie, wag . 44 wh• ere Ithe= - wholuttuaithe ;II • t tli 4144'itoil - 'defend' , efia6egiliCittratiWiti;iie . 1 L ; 141-44 iAili rti l lifi/ 41 0 4116 fPtirli"it - : / : .4.1*i4 , - effe rd Citia ... - mid dielxii*litifile ' ' ' ' '4e.tlie , "itit. '''Tiii Worir.: le-Violet pay aite • 140 , • - si s hiiti att0... 2 . '. ..4i/i-iiiit ikkably iii. . .amiimir . 401-114;410it i ii i6 ,- . " , - ; •r.,:- '•' ' ll 6.labeiii.i dii . dite ''''. i - :iiiriiiii ikkirr star than lost !ss- le it As it xtge 118 up. urt, ittle until' quite recently, to Ite :.em J - I doiutg-well now,:wr is PrntY , however;, m o m ; more time • a living._ 64 9 ne- ' O Y 11 FP •', mining city of - fica4 l 4 this couritcount ry ., rt-rauo 1 p a y. for mining: '.The tidiest r• e atte t s I have not told , that I have miniw. For four or PrZi: lte cka gave niad , pity dolbtra---"orer at: Th w . "stole. the sockets." I len it a turtiecrio my trade.. I have buitt mills.intartfende, which Will be corn, .days, costing . abont $10,000.• . On the first-of'May I erkce . to . lea • home!, satisfied with what ' hire . see one has.a, just Cotumpticiw.of what gene hi a two }von residehue in Cur have nerd bean UM iI came to. shell not be, . if permitted to return h . which Ood grant I may:, • l e tires • ra I Y~~, " . . , , . . . • Letter •iittri. itew-Yo - . - Nsw-Toart, cit.; lla - Ha. Rums—Cowper says that_"; countr,T,'bUt man'made the town,n. an' slight, experience in this great; city,: striking contrasts between =the town which the poet rifers. i ; Yet thase..contaasts . arenot. all .ph, quehanna coautty, ! with itsnndtalating. , stresinn, its nohleforestssand fertile fi t _nothing 'higher and hetter than _:reeds could he spoken' in its praise And if ,this great inetroNlikthis '. of the earth,",.had no grotiseiTeattt ividls;-augean stre , ed Itestilential the model -city Of the earth:. •-• _ • • - Your pure; fresh air, .and clear, s but a type of the pure-and healthful which periades the great part of And - here, the' .sick Ting filth..of,u and thC,miasmaticatmwpere of the t ed districts where dwell th - outcast but the._ faintest- sytabol of the die which i a monstrous and yninceng e i 1 New ork is ,a Sodom. , There are multitudes here, whose only hope . is in est:api., and ho Might- . li4ter die at l once than litmer through a him , death for years, sowing the Seeds of ruin amo '• the youth' and baptising in 'bitter sorrow those who ' tlie World Call their friends. • 1 . ~ _ - . ,',' ~ .. II . . Your readers do u btless often sh dder and 7e e, orer the tales Of. wi and wielterhies. /which cis, like noxious exhalations ; front this'gicat l 'ty, and, wonder . why the sight -of so Much mise throUgh the 50u1.4 and awaken the b evolence of our Wealthy christiart men, and lead to rojects of speedy reformatiOn.' Such sentiments are ure' and.noble.- 7 -I If the country. bad the wealth of .e ititut,' I alonbt t 'not - the milk of amelioration would be -soon.ce l otn-, plished. - The country has a heart, hick throbs in i kindly syinpathy withshe, race, gen i r ons and freleas,. its own mountain air. .:- : . . .. .- , .\: And yet ; New York is not deioi. .of benerblaince. - True _ generosity here rims liai a - pldMi thread thrmigh the Woofof humanity. -:. t , fleneroWnt In-, IZ .eit stitittioris; which have multiplied ' tly'in number and efficiency:'.ibuirtg the past few years, now:em brace in their scope almosfeyet7 +Jett in the.ringe . of hunian sympathy. The mere en toenation Of them, would _occupy more 'grace: than our Colurettai will admit. -• , - • - r •-„, '•i-,- .- - ' '. ' ' I write merely to callthe attend •of.your readers to the't'Cliiltiren's Aid ,-t;telety.'" aving, seen some thing of its practical workings of la : ' Teen commend it with the greater coafidelum.., object Of-the So= ciety it to find 1t home and 'Omni°. ' env in' the cirint try, 'for the poor Children of Ne w a rk: -I send yini 1 the first AnnitaL Report, aindl i - a E - , ular tuitireSso 'tn fiumerta, mechanics, and ri+nullictuOrsln the country, . which • set forth With pelt " istinetne4 the claims of the; Society: 1 will ti secs -Several extracts, which t i - may interest those. who are a ble to read the,roport : , 1 iThe' s- ' 4 - ' charity -11 - ,chic it eau be d ii .-' • greatt 13.4 ), to the poor in a city, is, td At. them, alto, the country . . ' EVerr . oecupition here is tlirbnged,-anit with the poor nothing so-leads to idlen an d Crite.as this over. crowding population. We upccu.eareryMan, tit. the country, who hai.the o rtunity Tor it; raid who' would'do a chriStian chalit , to assist us in I getting these children work.. Tif wo uld be no t. 1.-: in the. charity. -These boys' are., , ; any of them,' haialy: and e active, and would learn, a s common . : trate or labor, and many an intellii;e - t- lad might be:saved • to society from a life of the ft' o :vagran6y. .:- 't- '- '.. -- ' -.l"hC•giris could do the - aa ri kinds of 'house, work. . They ani,the.chil : of. rents coarse: arid very poor, , withimanY had, 44,- but. kixidneWt- his a wonderful efft:ct rin the, ,yong e 14 : sad' of,-*ls' ,-thq saFrant - child in ours at 'city ge ;little; • .1,. ~ - 'The children Whom w e *hal , nd'orraPpli4tipat .). will be sentratuitoinaly. •,_, nr e rprise is not'= orti.; of; gain: If the children:4k . . - sitOsfictim4 the'P can be returned to Oii link ~- .:- , ..... --,- :, t !' I , 4 -Wat-confidetitly call. o n *Se t min& the,country * . ivh6 retogairn "it . As - -ii dui 'her - ' ts . he aiiided, bi help the sufferirti - and `th e;' "• - histe asb&Ptietical-i lyiberreve- in Chrisit's wo aci ds . -,;irig . -s; talaidua ' irilthis.o . ort; - m4l° aid. ' in-t: , twu n t inoAt 'offiation't; bit4bandngtheLtrowded..eity.of .ese.destittate shirk l cteC 4 i 7 '' ,',-.....r : ,_ - If the. &inieri.of gumiT , iniui . - , ..init4f*nnt.boisAn. liic and hib l orNyith thew,' . 'y.' ... fine& b.4t.i4iiii,l 0 aPPIT--ta 14 1 4:i..rtii.0'. ~. ~ , . 0. ~F 1,, r d, ,::. den; . iA. s Pe nt -. l o °ll-,ine ; i i 4 il ie• ! '*-$ tb- 0 4:W._ . 4T •Vfh44), ne w, 13 P4 1 4*ilse) a ,fevr. '. )a s sist 4 i*Ye.. l : end- brighkei,4 I X ) 3i I!ref *ol' !Cit4o4-,Cifit c s iktOle of the room, awaiting the d' ' na, : 4, Sty-) 1 1 3 1 %-r The7:4 4l betittliiicl 6 4 iiii! itl t ll : 0.000 . 1 11 4. '40 14 ;9 -61 * ''Tfithlhe; q(°P1)etil!4?(:. :'sir , i*,.acitt Kw : 4o t *)4 l 4'esti. ' ; Quo little '. . I r. iv ' t - tiktw Alieelits fin the afternoon for, liaine4 - 1! . .. ,i fiartnet.,WKtolidopt *la . !lit'• Swith ; o l cm,efli . • nal' . ill 4000 .8 . Iteat•bois -wh44.hite.hcen, , serd-b): ~ . r t e. j .iii'Ainiicauti hid the) ;teri. tiverileWi : ::!itb. l xPressiOns Of tati taide:ind Ofection. , 5 : - ~ - I ::':!, - `. :f 'LI' -1 t t . 4 It r , ' 't r f , g -...,lhuiti g the past year (thejf ' •of its: eldaftence) , :the 4 Society hai!'s,ent upeindisoyk: — 4s, Os, *of *bola ' twenty wore takeit'frn!nit r ison; irhekthek had heen placed fi r being biinelesi, ' dull stteetet.: , -.- - -k : ' :ti ,;:.. . ...bo .. - .,v, . • this it , klbotiof 104einost; iiiii*tiy . to all the ci' tns of Stititpieltimns t;MtutY. , s i ,- ' '"-1, :-.•:'-' • - -(Comitiiartkaatkins may het adilrissed:- to , phiiilts L' Itinie; , 'C'loldrtinii* Aid aociet347;,..thi . . - .'io ;New- Bible ikaise.) . 1 ,-- -- !.. .-- :.-J •.: 1.!;•; - :L.: ~-'..- :=-li;,'lk.-4,;fir. 1 1 Atmeeting of •Ratigh irid Roddy Mr* &One O mit, .1; 11 eld on g*NlaY; - Alira t ' lB4 't h( q a ° rj t ri !iiistittiotts• weriy 'lliailitiloWit4l, 4kieitll :'," 1,4-r., : Risolioed,- Thai we_sip,erely ,regret*ct‘ kid ... ad- Admit irideti l ikifettur•tordth4r-Flrettlini, paiott gi, a \.iins4ttlit.'firi. '41 . 4 Sunday inbrsl4;llsrett'lldi;• : d - 4(idit idimdioni cwt ibe our ipasidtud- , tell ,1-3nototil sand 11 ", 11 t 1 Q 1 1. .1, ~. .-, , . - RAwak ;rim tile - fidatY,aiutPtomP ir)' 'l ll which Mr.. Avldp`ftharged Idi,d4iel,l 1 tdr a ti. - it' 9 :i g t. inlll,4*- - ,:h64- *- ti;ins ,y, ,• ~ ,i fi i; ."..iii,4 his ivied* In,itiiiis,,w . eie iiild'wiiil l l. ‘tl nrimilaiid'. • , - ieoeive our J 1 ? 1 , r 0- i r Wu r a l i kt?'- : t ;- "i•a 1 k''.. it di ; , Ago‘loqp - tiAtilFO ' Atiret;f; , F i t 4 rt'ftFe till'lf . " iholi otize4 .4 muck .:4 ! o:,:bitiei ; on '-• 64 o , rd-, i era nnd.rdrir,oP4 Wit ,ft F tn !.?r : ft 70--.rrrilri , 4.u5. - 44 ~ :4.o,ll:**o.sca#,lta ii;il,, t,:, 4 ~,,ii ': .:,44111,4 „ - mg.:17404 (4i9rK , Millr'• due' 4 AAPPOs"." ' ! a ( ?)41Y-#T9R4.014, A MfT 4 ; ithP7erOf• 4% , , i.- bled to:o'er Apo .# thimot mho: . genetvusii .' 0; 4;k Ru4rol' _,uP! # 4 l . I H R9Ot r Yi -141 1 lOntobted- bY•4o 3 *er.iipmtlrft9?F;.' ' - ...4Pi i; .2 •Parali 7130 : 114 / 1 =tnio4 - 4 7 # 3 [* 11 .5!' 00 163 i 7,, prwit now. 4064 ikcopy, of '014.0P.AF1L.,! *esolvott That li-04-0 0 1/4 .1 1 A91 1 ' ,0 t 404 . tothimcierfacimnixt4t*?.,..W i ".,, ,:. :e ~....-,., .;„1, . ~1 i: .1 :A.; , ,;7 ~ii• , 4t,r,,,,, :ie.: , f;_, ;IT ail'• 4-, . k.ll -. Oeilitellaia NSW* inlir t iat - t -. 0, l' ;1-xeuiiiniketing tria4 - 441014. , , jfi - . r iiiit,tlatiteMAdiiiBAlliitlMA '7 11 7 4 gr ; ,, ... :941 i iiisnimoilidvadopto i ! ,3 „:_-,,i, i c;',4,.. Get- ./ ii. 1 .4 ''''.__:i t. gi p, 4 , mbliftmtarKf4 • JOP 3 1. 'M u ir. `tOn fiX' eSkielitoot **III . : 36 tfilii ' ` uhili . 11 iw, H. • hid uoigy irrtild ; " :04 i" '..r,PC,P-T, ,ienbi g the m outh of *reiTlVP the 1641461 - .tibittoie a o ; 1,, -1,,, , f 4lOll 'l' N. ; no.aiav ' bkneer ' , 044041 WO iidniii'd' ' ' 5,1:1 ' :!Ori Irk IQ imital i ifg , 4i, 4 : 0 e ithitifititsiti,libeir , ,-. ~ ..- 46 ° 14 oithe iit if ilitAomitiur " %pi, iiii**,,,ik MI6 . f Ire", ON*: siegie . o;"`iwt m* • = ID , 4 Unstidestruinkea and - mghug ,p;ess of, 3d. Xftstans l a befo, a4vocatelot4 "Bt,tiCt nafilinai - • , acted. .4 ' Sciatx, Pres't. t,a , , and; ~f4d /dw e - ... - .lo_ l ?,'ind if the limiest !I 'ilOt . few ' i •-• '1 t . . .this L • l26 ., for : and felt. ! ' u; be-.at scon4 - [Yet; - I I ip - Olititri, and . . tine in'llnfe% . J.,_lft !, .--.. N . P.4Nivs ANOTHER We are paha night last, at itboi discovered ifi the ley ' . and when f itr adyanced—that rq..,proved unc he4tvY,Nerth W the fire • Rte, -a: devouring elmnpi of time, the Ins largelframe dw. as alal the fram ,als A. , Chatikbellitt ,aril .:, t ....ted on i State-St., were A lot flames t and ni s it, was only by the Mot-t i atigtu-4, e ener _ gy and unyielding , persever n i t that.t?4 fi re was ,confined within the lim e ,a bove 4eser[4. ed-"---tbe dwelling house o i . Culp, on-tpe 1 east and the dWellinghou , f J.: E. Geiger' and Mrs. Bull, on the op 'it side Of-tAe and ; : Mrs..: forlo en '` the ; : t street being a nc , 1 i e mos 1 - minent danger:: a ~ , We are not fully informl sustained by , this conflagiAloi - had moved into the house QOM ti the day previous' to the fire ii ! no • insurance on.,his furnitu which was removed in a dant, floss- is quite heavY• • - Mr: understand, has an = insuratie which will partly cover thelo is fully insured on furniture of $450 on his house." , Mr. ' l l was i i . koarding with Mr. Smith sustained• quite a loss, in funii (Col. 13ailty'4 los:s- by the di ltarn is about sloo—ne t insu lOsslof Dr. SeAt,'will pr;obab not being insure& \'*\ r i, Mr. Keuler is the gruttestilsuffe fire - T he having no insuran eon awl haVing, also, lost a valub eTo furniture, : wearing apparel . , e. j ' . with ' l this culam t . y fa ils peen ar Si There a e, as usual, variot ' cot to thi, origin of the fire: As or 0 are satisfied it was thewor4 ofan - Brdiiifor the Ad a those' . errata' (is, . Juld boast ill.icl . but err ; sor!and:u t . tbiln its bricic air, it ; roc' °Chi bo one of inoraiky ;cleaii.ed street,,si tirk-pd cri*4l;. - L'd the poor'; . are dfid imme.n44. • Anti 'Nebriiski3.- ifielitig., it ! Cirlioiidale. . , A :corros!polidoit.:', 'of the: liittsten i ..' ; Gaztte g ives tbe.,follewirig xety..,hi:teres7ting••itetn:4:. '; ' 'Mn.- EDITOR :'="4llteatiti-NehiaAatneeting: h e ld here_ t hiS:;iifterneen-and,':Oe t ting.;,• - 'ekeee, • &Ae most , sanguine - 2ex . tiktiiiils . ;,131,-.tiiii;. friers iil 1' freedbra.: -- 'Our.:, ity!l.,lait;l: late, -and edpaelints - ..aslif..,s;,va.: 1 . 0 to ..laviilii* i j ‘4, ' ' . in g •',with 4 11*ttell 3 tveau, .In .Igen ,- I st . tenee, . Bon. : 11104 AY i n iet-,..thefel ',' Olt .littd,:alije. -advocate - an44: ender'447..the 'F. tS . -nt".,fi.'delcaL , hor , wSs.prOen ite4 ,- 411 7 4* i t Wo.*nehi:ad , .. \ aftsse4,.(44o'ol ,- , ',fyia*vo.oilia-.:_.a*lips,TiOi*, sefore : been :I{oe e :0 ! ; : b-. 7 fipii 4 ilettizet0;:;::itp - en. this kt I) . feet..;. .-.:'.. - ,-..:7...''::: - --.- -, irrf.-.7 , , 'l , ".qh6 , • mfiti;i,, , '.-', was.. .' rglitti# , dii 3 f..-.4llitig-: LEWIS:- r_ll6l 1., esti.,.."-10. - tfie:t.Lheir;:l.Alteid, D 4 it; Homer - ..t ieiniolt;:- . Wiri.; J 1,9 4 1- S. ',SI . ci\\.i Etcilediet; j:-''.701, • •-11101i.han!; .•, .. trick'_ thieftt; g_en.•;ESqtrireii.; i lid ;6thrs.; NO '.. -- ele6teld)ricet.: P4sidentS • and 17 . S -Aosrin ic ';', . • .. 4 'ailid 7.4.4.h -...eii..§ed4Pies.' -- c• - . :.: 1-: ...' ,-,: .: - :- - -:: - 1.; '.. !lli final ' • 1 iitiorifteit4i 4 , f43116 , ,kz:..- . 7 . . •-. - .;' , R.0. 6 / 4 4.d:. , a t with a ets ..04 I o i.pie \ to 44iltsterOi6 04 '4 . V.ir-011.iPiiii;ifilefT(Tm.in 1 4', - ,' 47: *fi r ' Moli0C; 4 . _• . ; .. I X " 7 4 4 l 4.POitC:ii " -g7 l l-. ~ 4 ..',, ' ;.proving' a n d t* ineriditii t .t ill s ... : ,,prehi, kiting slavery in tOilio 74,.::;ivp . ..i;1604'.1t;f..1 . .44, : c afe antic;.)il4#uqc:o4l,, to ;prole * - v.;4wi:._ i - - ii.i . .xliiiitqoyii'iritl:i'fi• - 4..t.ertiO4::::;;';'• ""...;:..-';.. ~ . ~.:.: . e i cpcst,ipilin.,43. - 4.... 1 ~..!, ,_ /. 1 5, rPixrP•Pglit-t4e:.P . Oioei*:y . - , .*, - , is,; _4 1 ,% [ ever-t4 , .vkiPPOa j!kt . O Otc',44PPOt i :l(47,.i. l 4tqTY• 'eS6msic4ll-:,- , - . . 1-...:4:-: - i'-',--1. ,:At; . :-I'':4: - . i.-: 4 4 y 1 i . . : ,Nyw 4 0 11 .see..,',-1-... ,--:,.: f: -' -; . - . 1 :- ...,: '..-• i'":' ... 2 .4;itle:llitilidl ecti •.' T .„,.i ),1,...::. '..' * 4l l':=4=ii 3 ii ,- tin=s*ii.Aritli ,l ;;?':' :::,1i4..i , :-- - : - . In: ;Washin g ton -.-.gu -4 ~, ~ ~QP.p.u.l - (Wb7.) Al* -9!:*0**:40.4;4 5 ;cf4.04.: , FTP4t..; 1 ej,/:.;,..- 1 10P,,,,„ii00(1,;APOTipl„ .r,TPiciy'•'- : ,04.it,5'.4-' • .9 - Ing•I -p4; . 7, - : _;:.<. f. - L ::';'::;'-'-,"., ' , '•:: :,;2:•:--',.,1: , ...=,; , .- . L ::I';L*;i4; . -- -, Kei4 . 'rcs' witi , :•.= s, r ' '--.`:'8,3 • - :I)*liiiii4i 604: .. 1 i,. , ::..,-,_,:. -:::,;,,..:.„,:. -,,.,, .:: ,:,...., ,--; -14 i:.:: .; 1!--,..., ! ;.; , :-.T*.Airikiics:a4:o;6o4K A iii;:(4YSI..I4 - , -- -4ii,.- jsowtei ;17471 . 41g . from o l4l. .74-;:P9--* 1413 "A.': - :,.. ; . : -i - .:_,P. ; ' . . i Jr: he:- . .::t00*; O'lie* tif***3k4l* Y* 7 ,1* . .*:,:-4 . 10 . 4Xq 4oxklikoicii* - or Al-- - g 4 . ,41 - 47..:,::::: ; . , -. ..:1 . ,..:;;-.i of . 16bpi ! i.is k.i'il'. , .c , 4 - ?,''',.. lq.iii4 , 4 tio,o-.' - Ac., - ,t,A,044 -- 00454 wilt ~ - „ fro4:4)"yi:ii. o - , - cve ß os)A.wwvyi ,, , i -i,-,...+..14;•.. , :ti-::_:,- - r:-. - . , ...!... - :_:_. - ~ , ~, {" 7 - , :'' • •.-: Tr- , -, - .'-' A -: 1 -• , - . L.' , - -, .. , P .',,..'• ~ ..J.- •• rc...! . ....L - ,,,,,_21,,,,,,,,, .: 2-I_, ] ... ..••1••. ~I, e , :',',- '6 ..• :- :.`'o . ' .- :• kM *9 • P CUCU; f laecPlqa ; - -4 . ,i;: '•,,-:,:::' :„).11 . 0piii; : )*(0444 -4 .:4,4471.-;.),5;,:,00 1 4''' , ;.' i ,:; . ,,Tj*::, , ,iii*,,c,i=` . 4 . ', ; i'or' i ,'Eri r r . pt•tifi.l• j ..,-. 404 4)..: ':. 00 AINNt. I O),PtO(S9O4 :I 4 - 004• 11 .04:. ' rtioioi , (ri'.6il.) 7ii)Lio.ii'v,s - mgd k.. - ..: :i chi t ** - o§iiipot4 . 4 4o - iii)o4, joo; , ioii . g.k4:: - ti - -. i?0.4. ,- tt•otri . :* - 4•41 , 4P*.01 1 . L .1.0:ii*/* O Y. IO, N% 4 FF-P4 0,7,0 1 .*ii:',01#1 -- Mc. 1 9i' ,. ,.:4..4 . ).7914§q,1q*,0".ipi,14 , 4..)44" . 5*;•:, - _ ,,-- 5 . ..,4. , . -- _ - : io,-T,yir:boiffz,bei:ro.: ,i The;g : 'u s o : V§T;4lo t atil4s . :4oo,i , i2 ,-, , :.I)4iiim 4c...,_•,,.', - ..-T . 7.:11, -, ; : ;::. : f...:-:, -- , , z,;',;, , ::, - -:..„,,:; . ,:, L :l :lfito::AYi New - 104e - oir4Ao - I;*;,Tftoo , ':' 'Fairfield,.. N,okoioiso;mtorleg iiik4i - ,W=44' . .: 1 1iiiii'l'411i o*';Oktifi* ,- Ygqiti:l#'s'4.i*( - 4 .ford,: 44 . „toid, - - 40:01 - 614.7-'1-,1.-:. , .;.: . :_! - :.- .-- ! , 1- • ~:::,-....-:. - i:', r''''.•.'..-:-.': ,1 .0 . f.•!.• ' .:.j.V. - -1.- -.l r 4 • ~• - i .. i , ;.•-: -•• • ,!. 4:,- 1 , : -,-,:z. ,, : V11.411Vi.:-; , ."•••-"L , :lri, , . , :: ,,, '.11. : : - ' 11 I Rein he:seat-4 -71 -, itilhe - Eatic,Litteie.:ls , nothing w:; i . 1 1 .1.eitio , **.0_ OttuAlittilitta4 - 1 AiT!:• 0 - 0, 1,, , E4oo,C*`-•,.. -,7.- - ,-;.-'°.,'4!`94 41 4 11 •••• 4 1 00-14 1 e. O 4l -mq7,oiii:l4:::; , 6**4o:,MV C: ,.o -11** fihli:p44.o.::.:Orci,-T,447kf::::!l*-:**3: :4qo: 114t4,11 - *O*.o:gL'.§APY.'#*'':Y*_, : , L ent,..to• d stray . 0.4 . ptp,`..,ii1F10. ptqcjp/-4y,1,7% Piti;4'.ll l .t . 314 : OA . 'l4o:ilf , ,,O*liiii' of: tlt'',.`l4 l o . .Ni - -t . ..:.. - --;.." -. ' 'Bo.r.Y4, l oo)iiiii.o' the', I :._!tlit4: : oo,s4*44iik;#o.itirkofitli o ,, ':filiiit* -- .. - trot- - igo* -.„ ,A14,1:.J 1 *: - . , 4944=f4§*.'i -.040e4,, fi4,4o,boriolitowtsoiy*lNViiigi.:,l ji=ii;4 .;.119:44:4*;:t.h . W - liiis* *6164404 . et , , - • -••-• - -, - , •z,i_ i c:; 11;-_,-:, _.,• ,iie„. Jr ... ix , A ..-,.4 -0 1 0. 9.4 PYrgi#o,lX.,ll.4lik''',-,11',-,',"-1:, cut tune. op(; tiori;s: - yijtii.ftt.=sppoi . *444.4 i , j , :fir t;, -, ._.!lty,44eilsU ,, ,'*A*4:Aii* , l 3 o... 14 . '_,4)- • 71P)*I PrikTiPo' , .4%,#'. l Cov . '-F-,..-• q ied powers .iiii - 4.0 - (93,441.1**114Yi;i 1 0 ..• 4 :04, stk. *lk.-40 . .=1,400#10-. - ; , .4m.:: ::-- ~,:.:. •. , ,W .950i.01 1 .**40 1 4T00*03. 1 ;;1 ~ . vrf r, tho d0,...)i • : , fr.,4 , ...nc.40":)*:..0404Y , tt5,i,',!::::. I.!`e . etii*lir6 - Akt44:* . : - i- , .:A5)..C.*:4-*I. , ' 4,* 9T;. ,404-4104).*.50t44-c.ioifiif4 6 illtiitm. tikt,',lioPi.*!***. .. A,... !*:.,4.7.4404. 0 14 * .t044,4),144.1k, , ! -.. - „.:5#:!.41:.J,. '..:..,!,; , .i,1#1,0 7 1. I.S. k...:. ' . 4 - 0407:.010:404 1 P**.i.. ~.. ~ .4Orr. 1110 • . '. --, Ott 4i. - #Fit r i4)ot#W - .':-._ 44' ...-h•-.21,46.,....„' --- . ~..=, - .-,..-1.::",.`71..,: , -,,.;; ~ . „-r,-,:.-.: L .: , : f : ..-.7..._:...: - ;.: 5., :,•i!'iL•4 . lA;ll:. , il Cil4;*6 ' Y i', V 4 :lf 4 • r i'S , Zk. - 441 , 4 . 1 4 - 314 : 04: 1- C 4i . 17C'1 te. AkOiteilift-:. 1 . .-, •„•:',Eir: , iolaitipk-sq4,Asoicktu,: ri/0.4.:Att,, r 1:,:..v.. 1 4 • s dkb44 , o;7 - :... ,, ztikligoih -- i t, it. , „.•• , • , ..„...i.:‘ .,,..,_•:.,.„..,..,....•:•:_._ • . -- :_„,..„-,.•,, ,•:_,,,....--,,,,„ e , ,, i •it-,,, i - --..c.9i .- ,*.llletklOiltr:**.f. of' 04....keii t '-v,; ta r , ',, , T.,t,n,:!;'': , ..•:...7 - :,, ,,, i•.. , ,,.1 - !,..; 4 .,,,r,, , .-. . L ..., - ~..- f•f: , ,i,l ,ik. : -f.,.,._0 '‘p.Y, , 1' ,. : ,;101 -- .:-, - •i4k , oi.'ki• - .!:i• ;,......ii.-1tEr.E•?,, ,, ia,. , :i 4.4-14, , ,. , . • '4..i,i; K. , 474-1 liv.ii"..i.4';fa- = , - --:' -'V MIT:#949 ” 3 0 1 A - LlP : q l 94Vl l Mt*' 4 4 . - - .V•_:: , :.- -.::...'.._-:::,-,,,.:..-:,-.:; s•-•.1:-,::,;:-:':',%-..,,.-,-,),,.::„:-::::::f..,.,,.-,:..-_, MMEI Bilks J r:Cliatiiberlin, , , u t)resarSejtad ,a. oitioti / uf st..llis leuxil)le, f!`e, - we r 'l9ll Ofe lion e, t N , ' . / lir: Sitdth ; Ailth-aa insur ', „LI hIW; IVIO 'F .. understand i, re. : - tßfdtion ,Of Illy ,ance.; and thd 150, hd . - : - 71dibireilliflitii i itt'7.f'-'7 - ",'" Therignmer rta a timpm WyomingVal rv: iih, _ i_i_#l ~ thi4- o enilii4fo,Q*l o lis':- N ras sO grell ' " ' m 11. '' ii ` i ' lls'en " 'and: '' neN t r 4 , 0:4-'1thet - = priiioa ran uFir,S6Sisift'us thetp4t - I**Oritim:;;:t.. Yi r e'lurire A tt 4l4 4ll( l'P f- 0 81 #'-'-wi*the - Pit - - we* of 4 -f4t*:6f -ab o ut ,' , 4l O"h4n4Tii . ima sixti , jerest',4!ftWee Psli'rthe4sand''(tellars, which w as _ Pul*hased le". ' t*: :, *, °Yeiri *6, r for rivet ; thou s and' : litt*lYthus .making. : a dear .profit ; of . .twent - thous a few - months.' - `The sii Y o r k Herald W:an intiolea -7 telr'aiYe . - 0; :reeqiiihietiiNAiii nion . eied ineneftlia eitik*elt; tlielti opi _ It . itol tn Ofelandko , cinoi*ja , :alri'arti:. , Ole , was bea4e4the, . • ~ , :4 3 ,4*A7144:tbitec • showing clef4TY:tfißt t4i ill*Aot:til4 r -Wll th tregt_ ,-br.i.:9 l 's; nor ~t 6 heit?tikdgiiirilne,r... , thandize, but : the-il n ., ey . s - , ,!, 1kr ii o iv : _f r adi s - rl ih o ~ resSe their lima' te, eier,sters:"Thet+ , :ii: a ' -0 5(1 deal of *lll m• fit if •.the>ispittitsts Wani;AO 'peke L!goed inVestrueutOftlieirfundi . m let the come to l'Arybriting;:and:: : Pureltis e -: farnis. Hint th6t . inyeste.l4em ten' Years , *they could at , this day, Sell, "it u''..Pri4''that *mild quadruple 'the artietini,infested;-_;.:There' never was a_ better- .tin* than : , 11*. - 1-4a_tl4. - ::- are kiting faster-than - ever::: Finii.,f i. 7 * ll --'- ': Rtill 4 ' -had for tfhhadri444 l * . 'i l tier*, ' - vlth immense" i! InSefeOal lielpiiiii i t t:' . pr-Y... .face - whilst tile grtinUdaliiiio. ( ,o4:l - .till, ,ea; furrushusk„Yeautiful - 1.6144Xf 3; '.'n4lli- k'' \ 'icti'l the ei 6 lis a sabsistneai".sefia*.O : ::: , in* the : miner,dthatlie% buried below, r?-., ! ta, argil= : , rclitils made iljte'et tq either' efillei-eat . '..el.: - -ties, - the:Yiela et ear ee 4 ;fitt(t eiiiii :l ,`:' qIY: , k,e estimated.,- 7 Capitaliits;-"Tex,!i s ..' e-'oat'e ' our m to irrveincestyone.lr• Tim es; "•! , : -.--- 4 ... ~ i 1 • 1,. - .4, .. ' ..; , . , - , i::.- - - -•--- - , 4 ' s l i nit i Isle reli of the ixist has';dfipar_t;O: , Jonathan Harrington, the hist aurthror "of the 'timid :who were engaged. ih the' first eonftiet -of:the -:American Revolutidp; - ' died"at, , :1 ...xingto t y: • ' "Vgassken SOde-Y; fe:- the. 'o6th: - y ea r ofAis age. He was a , ff , r fur the nihmte:reealdiel, aison.hle(l ii, tqxingtoiy Gr - oin :on The `plem.-,_ , • °rabic mereieg et the - ar id ..,,itrli t l ee t n 5-• lie .. was 'at the`, the - time—then en yt Ars . old-pre paring for college, ; "_ bat . thni,events of the day resulting iii• - tlie•-,dwthltetion - of liii s ;. books: ehaeged the * course Cif ': lic - It had . been his fortune tai his cO 444. in 'their opening-struggle for ludepend, f;zgotie 14 one . 1 i l ` passing from the seene, till he a otie.rematnet. A.t leng,th, at:the good old age of i 15,. he has : been gathered to_the land. ; of,_his : fathers. 'May his.reward be .OrtimeUsArttY7*): . thtlie wbille4 of a grateful Country. • -. er, by. hi 4 his h 6 ' tipn o trPon merity. jectures._ rselyes* irieendiar -Atrgus, Our n a tio any ernergt 'reached 29,01 tdost,feurful Gadsden tre: resourceor Free' e • eney of tile , forth by . tf l u of fee"tritill tbm;gaisio6o of the tiA:welliov er it'''' - • - saurPsif icearikr 1 3 2 - tagg**.e: . 4 oo f t3 kl l , ';ectrtis'o 44 : 4n g Pen „twill live,us! - a total 11 ),niaA tOble.tiTnß• ---.._.-'‘.,-..,'• ~1'..1- " . 1 , PNTIOISTASM FOR , otocx--ane-noi . ts . tie , ' td er Fellee”: f(9eter4ertbY Wltio; ef Oda State, gl*te l l4o : 4 l :44lOtetion At ,Vilton,. • hia . plaice, o- -- resider,ick72aintni. were'fire4r;wheu -, -nek *err - 44 11 -9 1 10 1 1atinik reached there,,an•diltev: ult 44*ut an t i enthusiasiii 'Wet;: . ataxtife4colliY - PlP,Tbers off, bath parties,- 71 1 ' 2 . P.rfn e P c i. - -- '° f2 - 111 1::-. - le (41. 0. \aie frikheettikeesi-TOAY- 41 , tes ,:Canal. , PeTtnaisil 6 n." 6 :l' . P3 l W. rrl,P 4k „ _ .. are- se linexPettiOal4. , Pna a ~e meni and t`o \ti their \nOtninations are: ' ed .. wit . *itisfactios 1411 in erciViiirk.of the -S eq . , "- ? . ., 1• cr• .- N.47 , Riate , Mckeizevell.forhied in-, , Nutsy) Nitniallak been *ell"' 1 'witty, - 4 '' an bat 10111)) -the-T.044f. . :Ater,' ! 1 w; Pro . seited 4o7 .thenct;Pitir l i r big 41 ,Y- - me"( all- Fibiltima creed. unit' ' ii It AT ._ ,' and ire; 4011fillatlitloOk i :f°rl'i I :P illin . 4 1 1' Slie44; -'--373:- if)" '. • " L ' I .:1 : t r ~,,t , ,7 ..f w ; 4;'..,..i . -. Nei* Cottraig D.l=-..-Mi 7 :AV* 44.1i4V#reite7Itufalf , ! re'mesie''' .' 1 fi 3 O-41 ..t , .. - , el lady--*liiaud fireila 4 '. 'fin' -' '1 0-7:vl - to 'make , a'Akt9t .kil . h - - - Ye'u n k. Ws ,fathpi. , . t virt angty.,..:-.. 7 1(410 /o *.ksent-- mother litte'reildes = n4l. 4', l ** 'YS liiitYver.Y lidOcheart YOKF.rikti..) ll fix4- - won'tiakit, , iliebstif kielar, t „ garret winflONi opk!4*7 - T9PW4I:. ; --- ~,, posuit--tw later-, r ni_4oip silt.w.kin r 4 , „ 4e-7wote.t,folgivg-,* gk s ~,,_ 2 _ ., _ , oick luau: get!' Alelf.. 4 * , fg1 , 1#1.1 , , 'IA k.t. all rettrwe - all na l ett 4 i AA - " . tAtiA mailkaa,-f+galte.o44 O 0;., rdlo r l 4a ve 410c /k , ,:.= :- -.•,,,,,- , , 4.71-11,-w - : 7 , " egar'l'hilfuleiniAnlitOtAtir i'lllconi* cl'ofgymen4iNa*lft _ J f.. •'• hiiisic* bill ;.1140p)ix - g".1 3 is 4 rliC i Vi" 111 0 Wa411 * " ' MITIC Ogtilytti re t` t tileir,[Mi4 thl t :POPUlai i3rititnentr* La 4 ' ' 'Plain i f i ' lli-- # le4-sl44Wi f. h ., „ enfdixeilke'the"Wmg -4 0 1 '.. - a'betri -with*lTAitielaltebiria;;Tdlip-'l,4iki?" l: 1.1.?A.1,?,k4: i' , , p , . -r- , ,A S ' i , . ...-t., , , , AA <7 . :1 - X".' 3 , 4 _ , i r''Ct i ta i+ 3 1)(114' -0 0 . .. 1 . w.f . 104 g 4 : 1 . 5 ° 1 4 tk I ,Nebrashizbikandouri - 4NYPIA4I S , I %eIf - ' thing it-Ata,40.10L*04m, 41 ei 1 .. 8 , 0 •', ,2,, , kil i . tb ert 06114 n -,3,-40. 4 ;.- iJ4. -4 tot auviurroig a#44434:41#9 : 1 , belP 'P Ir- muiia ed-'-,er-sam . 11 6 le,PnliilX ll 4*l.wPAl*4 44o "" oftr. lofty AOleitw4- `the , ,'-1 .. . , . -:^- ';,.‘ , , 'l•^ ~ .,r, iCAV.tr , ,•CiV ,',,, 1 , 7- ',.. - - ,',.,"' x ' „±s i v .: , --fi... ....:„.. .43 :I'''7 0 ...WkaltßP: , „PI": T. T . -P-T1.,1-wt,,, . 4 t , it is, Pro?fri4 , tej**lVA, eAtsrT 4 4. ial;; reskiiiitakiig:4klO:f4 l , • i4P ' :. '- ' C*4,1' 1 9! round .aor.ValWatlimolg.. ,;k - ',.rt*, ~tp• ffilleC4 - ffik sip-, of:t.*A•rs, eS ...„ ~, 4; itthq,fgepor.3o47„kp 4 , , 0.591 m, it IkeWOrlir ii 1 49X' (110.;1 , -,.e7,mF4,4! t ~ -. ing f il k g;'.llrfe el lt , T. ' 1 24 - 4111' -;•v=w 1• 1 : 4 .,...`- v' litt4 emigTation:.lck •Ikg. ,i, .;- , Ta till Ph , sql4*4 •;il!t..iii 4 6V, hikv%4l_4l.?: Y4= - 4 w i .„ 1 4.44:454 has* A ec gr- l ' - ' - V - L . Ilte-vmsakv t r. ;i li, - -- tfdelltA. ; thei Otbiellk,tz=4-,4ior-tDolt4:l,l-? Thu .- act/1 quarter en( 000,0.60, ani 90,000, MI ad average oils of the of-$76.000, J per 4i .forsptillAule ............ 1: :.• I ' ' ' - Aska.... ~-. t ' Y O i • --...:, .-1 , ,. ....,i„. ,-) . 3 ..x.r,„.....,-tp, f.4 , -, 41, ii • ( -i; i v A'LI i I ::, V-.. 1 . : 7. ' . :: 40 1 ,1 4 # i l lr , f ', ' - ','," 1 ;•t i -,'" : e'...:,..1' ;:t r 4: 1V '''..; " fj ..\ .... ' . ' * '•t! .-• t.tt.'''''..if T..14,*44..41 .., ~•i - " ' ,• ',. . e ...-- '.. -.. ' :;.- ,":"), :, " - f . ....1 ' .. , c,7i • are ,` enough for 4 . 144 ,5 -iliereag,ng iliereag,ng with '.fcnigli. 'or 7 a ''')*.4#eXitable as a Lott7Of means the exig. resen t-t.ll sr tras - as thbirl 'ts'i '`l@Qen ue Ijki i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers