*114241 - wlio had ludo- very , fixed the ellitlicteid Nebestska its 7... - 7 4.‘1ikt4.0114et314* t; if .t-I ; -; a _..., 7 ; -:' , ./.1.. 4.; ; -;•:-; (1., • ~ r:An4 'lie*: bear, ; s. l4 l l) l o a 9liv.iNtoiei isii4 itioan , viimiiooPg**KiPr9o4 4 :;if . :4o! i- q..Atc. ;-i. a l ll etit.:losl,;; .1,: :.ii k*iein'peeiengeht)etietiifok vlooo4iroPelw:delg l! ? f, 9 * -t i * , letki,toaletttew States Odor foreign t - i itlii etf,'itrteeit iiii bi - mid at fliersg,- nieoieiiiknkp;;OrlitlfotherAiserablagt.of in= : dile pviebk.4 -, bt.firerwsitibrcolvierk.ead,*Tot , ' Ita!**9llenntak ghat Vognfeltenbl.be - .Foc.taq. r ,r. slave tertitory — beisud-whi(tbiriblihirteeo stat 4 liedatiliii tinia of *. ,fetinStien'ettte trigi?ll-. l ' ore i t ie:.,tr.it.,..,,, .., -.--,1. :5...3 ..e. -..-.. zi Lt f: •t. .t . : 4 Tbitieles Arnett iiisiflei este ti(abitaud tax he isms piovii - tbitl:ever• departed' frith thstrtiPettstbe• • 2 4 31c044*14._0r0i.,t Oa_ ~ 11. 7n7, or 4tirs . a 1.0...m.vt.it' !Y,91t., I.P. apostate • . *4O iitketi . D„,„,w,iretistir_ Itsi - bowie. r -.Bet ' hiliecWis via& to - be ihye•et*.ititted e f*sifter4 .. ' eoiiircßis - li,„- wei, forced .. . upo n -the. 'al* - OtilOi-Stittes and upon theliiOn4lave.: fold 1" 'States' as' a . - ritnttial • - exChaitge: of :Eltint a ' lila: , Tbe, , equiiileita , were awn- . real 'defined, and carefully scrutinized -and .:Wet 4 by the respective parties ; = through a . . Peri -kir - eight .4061itbi - `-- - The .- . - equivalents . of .fit,red- tirthe.- nen:itivelioldi4 States :were : - -Fir*** ildniiselnni of .California 'llBoo ,l d ' • . the-abolition - of the'publieslive - tradnia the Districtibf Columbia. ' -These,' and keit on- . ' ly; - - - vil the !loons Offered to them • ind the, otily4.3ofiees' which:the sliveholdingStutes 4 welttiqtired . to Make. - I.; The waiver . of I the _ -Wilmot pir . triiiii in rthe iit*Wppo' teas )11efkin inallitthoin& a , .ne* . re laii; Wei 4, the -- (Oily - - boons pre fe . • altiveholding c Stittecand !the ,es . . - - etableadt the non-slaveholdinp go . other q u estions between theta A . . extept,these :which -were • in' le - gain- ' or loss of more or iosi of 7 • or ° Of stare ter r itory in the , *. of the *tweet:lT-tans 'and New Nei , . ice; by a - line , that . Was .at Rest . stibithirilk , Made; etpresslysavntgiev.en jtt ith'esc ~ Torii ..:. . toriiii to the respective par tiethatheir respec t • -.. • irashares,of , free• suit. and silks", soil .1i007.. ding to the articles of annexation of. the Re t;- I)4bl:icor Texas. -,, ..,.., .• i ....--' .. , •L, ' ~..,, .._‘-'. ', ..-- .1 ',- . . ...Again,: there were illegoa ' to ) 3 0 th4- o P . fil, bleeding , Wohridi in-the .Federal- syitem,: and • tar snore`, which Surizerpatlto - wh"ch iiiiicatripiereiso of 3150. was 19, be , • a:ea ' Ts; htsni:: • Wean know , what they were : 0 li . "uvula:without - a constitution ; - New Iger. ci in: the" grasp of ntilitary : •power; • Utah .n e ", • . lected ;: ths. District of, Colunibia disheu r edi and' tto •TiOdiliOa: of figitiiot denied. -, -Nebraska- was not even. thought of . in . IA t: ' catalogue of nationaFills. ' - And.:now, sir . k .• . ' the NaShcille cOuventiOn of SeCeSilonistair. deratand; that, besides , the entnnerated booni offered . to the :elareholding States, they were • • t9::hOwo alio the ob literation . 9r . ihe . Missouri ' - "compromise line of 18201 If thei*d„ why. ' i xa_thikr. ...4 - ,r—f. ;......! --c.;,. , ..- ...A' - "'"'" - 4 ' - 4 4 1- - - coreprotaiseof:/3 . 50.1.:,Did the (Legislatures '..-. 01.41 floYic essedibliegi, of the ii - OWslayebel4- . int, §, dates, who **de yoar table groan with `1 :their, tutnotistran*endersttuld t hat 'sehrae . • .., \lia.irttaitit additional wot!o4to b.O.lteOled - .'. 44.conwriimise - . O TIOQ fr,"' If•*heY. did, Why.. ; - . did they, einit. l to . remonstrate . egaieet . tb-e -* . 'fielding: of, that,loo., '. as 7ivelt. of: the other five 7-W:the Cataplastri, the - applicati o n .of Willa they. resisted :so long ,f'''.• ~. .', . •-_ . - l li Again ; Had it been then known that the • - 51.400"fi 'Obkititii)iiiiie . *wits' to - be abolished, dificAry - or indireetly, liy he.; compromise ;of -1850; what representative fn . :kn . * non-slave= . . • bi:44lni:Stite.'wenla;ik. that any,!rive vo-' fed. for it f ' Not 'Ono: So,' entirely. ..whe it \ " then tinthettglit of that the new eomroniise . . Wis.te repeattha'lliSsauii Con.tpr ' isi . line f q • . corra4:, pli:irsilino . diaV region "' 4. ' , Nit France; that one halq Of that tong de= bite . iiin spent - on :triOpoeitiOns ' mad . by • the ... representatives from .I.l#eholilleg States, to extend Alie line:further . on tiirCsugti • the new territory 'we tad - :acquired so - recently ,frit . on . --. Meinco,until kehcinld. Cliitifipear in-the - wave . % - of ,ibii.Pitoik:tio4ii, , : 110`iis•to: secure actual teleration of slatiery in ill 'of :dile tipir. terri, •.toil."l„l4it tas . Ould be Bondi Of that' lina; and , . . that, propositions were resisted" - strenuously - . and , auccefally to the • laSt; by the ' reOre eenteiiicii.gi the ion4liiireholdink Stitei,in . :!-- order, if it were .., , possible , to save : the whole efihoitciegions for the : theater of free labor. jiiiiinit that these are only negative PrOsie - iiii69oil! - i 0 41., are filikoatltb-9**victi°°- ' . , But here is Ooe'w - buA ii, not opt)? Ormailve, tu.k:Po sl 4'Yel SildikiiffitOre . pijeitive then,Ccfi l . 1 litthe fifth section; f TexaShciunditrybill; 4i).l**-(.l..Ae..aCts constitu ting_, *O.T . zegafrs. , ' .Dike. 4050, are these" . .iordi : : ,* : --? 1.4 7 • . i 4 Psn i itili, that Oohing-ben:le • coot:hod Shall ' .. loseonstruedto impair, or qualify: tug :thiog , ion **a i io the third &rude - or - 41! second eectien of • the Net 'resolution lei sioneamg "Teitia,iii• the 11. =ore& Mardi I ::11145, either' as : titter& the -of States, -that may hereafter be • formed' • oat : of Abe State, of,Tezaa,. or otberwtse.' . ''' . :Vi r lset war;that : third article of the. second section of the joint .resolution for annexing .• Texas!: Here \ it;is :- --.. .... ...‘ --- - . - -i'.,.....- -• , - • - l'i Thiel:naves, °fir/Oro/client: esza,;nik exceeding !aerie number, its"addition, to slid State of :Texas • hiving auflicient - peptdatiots:may hereafter; by-the consent of.taid State. . be *med. out ofthe-tersiti. ry.therioC . .,. which tbettle - entitled to adsubeissu ... .under Ilia pkiiiiini Of : the Federal tonstitition'. • --. Auden& Statue - atuuty formed out Or that riot . . :that of 4 aid ton itory-tyluesoutk.: of: Ita deg... an ' minuses north latitude.- assuitoisli- :known Aa. the , • liilleeetui compromise line.. - iludi be,admitted into '_the Union - Tither without slairOy, as ' ' :people of each State. seltiegraduisseion. roaydet Ali fire. - - And . isi Rich State or Ststetaskihall- be foritat 7csui Of said territoryoorth 'of ttEd:Xisseeri --, - isle • . line, slavery or ikerohiniity - senritiale(except for • .crime)ahall.be prohibited: .' • • .. • . ~ Ihtsarttele Mind ak:cc:premise-Of ISi 0:: - , in-4044mi 'terms,. OvereoiniutfAtay lin plieli... .- - rioniolits shrogatipu,..which:iuigbt,- by alici . • . 'dent orOtheturis -,- have crept - OW the Caul ., promise, .of low 4:: 40'= soy._ infer '. -to .• : tharefiest,.. th at Ought be, drairn , *ern. any : . . Niel circumstance as, that : of 'dialing,: the boundary line of. Utah iko. . 11 !ito - iris 'OO - she OfNebras)tao:dwitit. y o u t he ' Senator front illittois... ,, ~ . :1: ..1- • --,- ....:. The-Proposition :to abrogate :' M . tui li • conspnmose, being thus : stripped of II pre toosethat: it , -ikltoly; iiieitezittio :o r . 2 rear • , firoititiots4tfiiiiisilett *bioistjoi' '-theiliwil ; ` It promise's:if 3.840,40i -, ilSittletneary'l -- tient* . of AO, oteaanie;.etat At:before . ; .tiorr. .. ' **wa Inelitni - ellataiertf the) ,: ' y "be. ,-,.....ggit:.4* -- the Sousitor...fri,iit:ii blots - ; ;.. • . 1 0** tienr•Wit il anin ;4'l theatir;.b* I‘. - oiarih _ .. ,g4ollo".;that: Ain' : were alUppponsiiti, of Vie . ~.441101 1 1 * Soti 1 0 5 03'• Sod • even liii of, 4t ."1 .;5 2°4 : . bi:' - it . b. - n ot mY O lir P° 4o.l4 ; - ' . answer ibis' &an** , fists, the:eiedentiala filed 's office settles that qucition. las broad and as firmly fixed fleet I and jag , *Salty oad . or ail the thirtye ono Beoulitteis, - -presented iiite. , ", .1 ~ : t.:, ~,, Iv ',....,. • BUL I- . 11., ei.lodre.toaay. that alkergll., MOM :; , ,renotrain seldom "Mount* to guiltli g ~. In ihansti argumentag Op + istiders:, , t... 4 ... (approval of compromises and devonott`. . nut, Only enhances .the obliptionlai . i fu t y . .to.fulfill thein t o A life' h otchmliproba ,', j ot the policy - IA: compro- Mises,.oely r data one,more eatnestin.4-• acting thetful ri liming of themoibeir,good, 'and cherish%; li ntereg s,- ins,f,:secered, , ity: tkeill. v .1 ' -; ~- :--. -, ~:- i,l, .--,t.., 1 , .. 1 illanaMlA fo and for . the We - ,4 1 the tmtliz4 .-.- and.fer. Atift;P9oiii?ns . of, the Perth* *Age 44. A maelisnrci so ' ,,b0.4, sOjinkpoke,d,i , , syqiii,Tigoindyo so, JPFeg liapts,..th* ck id have,sotne,..plea Of7necus sity. , IS Mier. a y,such necessity!, „Ott the Crentrary r it is ti t necessary now, , even if it te), altegithei W , r to .estahlish territorial governments,'... ebraske.l Not , lent :thaw eigbteen tri -,, 'lndiaas occupy , tl;tit eaii , trac4:ittirie t e o !Which, i 1;lil infortniil, bare ; been : re or '' t iire Wnr:f il . V • ll : ll F i .f. 04 in - :i fcit , F,a,o. l a 1 ,1001, , ,0 it, l lo a s'ec'i r k: and ""pe r 1 litine.,safe trOtn ,the intrusion and th e anon •aieee„ and even ri• - oip - the 'pres : . 'itce of ' eiv ~l e:rilatvtanit,nnder 0, Pater'. l e nal'eare` Of i. e evernintitit, - aed: with the instruction 0, i , teacheri and mechanics. "to acquire arts e_fiTh'iliiatioip,t:e#d th e habits of, w c iiit lit . ....l i l i t . i‘win not " s4s , •;tl;it: .445 vi done to rt l vetit?thet territor,y,,lreansti denied .tolsively, from being occupied" -liy, free'mliiie me i, end,Oltiviited*itli fiee.,ivitite 1 , inhei : • hut will 'say It,hat': this' removal' of the. Indians theo,, .undel:ucli circumstances his"harlithat. egret, Th territory cannot be oecupied'uow,any - ninie than lieretofefe, by savages and iwhite na;, with or Witliont Shires; tegether. - - Out' . perVenevi`-and''our Indian:policy alike' ilenioveall dispUte froM this point. :`Either ille 1 p reserved rangta, ihipvatill he preserved '' the Indians here after,-4 - the Indian's' ' hateiei temporary 'I rest ante' iigainst reinov they; `may ' male, , mime ietfre. 'Where Shill thek,go'l ' Will MOT bring, •fhem - bacli 'again semis, the Misilisip , pi!-- , ! There' is' - nOrnotti for 'lndiana - here. Will' Yoif , iiend themnorth*erd, beYOUd your Ter- , liter-Yr 'of Nebraska, tewards the. British bor-' der . `! • 'That: isalreadY ciecepiell IYlndians : taere iino`i..mtherej: Will you turn tbern ''s !rose 'Open - '"tits and'liewllexico! Thera ; is no room tl ere. Will you drive them over i tbe Rocky- ountains! They will .meet a tide;of ittlMi ration there flowing into Cali fernia 'from' ; orope and from Min.:. Whitt .e ;then, 'shill they, the dispossessed, ;mold heirs of ia iast elontlnent,tgo ? The an j. 1 b mita, of *at-uscare -your eivartrirs, 1 0 1 b er et 18 1:ar 4 7. ' .. e t " tv ". e at ifi tss -th on eY ri -re co uul trpT in om ill is:i Nebraska, in, at case I Whom doth it op, Fels tNo one. • • . 1 ' 1 'Who;l , . eed, dernands territorial iorgani izat. on in ebraskiat, all t The Inclianti 1 No. - It' is -to them the consumm a ti on of•a lung t apprehended' doom.-- Practically; no °Belden:lands - it. • 1-am told that the! whole white 'population; scattered here An there, - ..thrOtighouttheie broad' regions, 'e xceeding in otent.the;Wholifortheinbribitfd !part .of the'Utrited Stites at 'the time - Of the revolu - - tion, is - 'lc 4s than' fifteen hundred, 'and that thileare chiefly trappers, missitinari a: and A . few - mechanics. and agents emote ed by the'Gorettincnkiti; connection - - with the ad- ministration of Indian Wain, and ether per sona, temporarily di:awn around the' post of • Fort•Lesivenwioth:i, It is clear,- 'thee, that abrogation_t i his of the Missouri compromise is not necessary for ilie purpose of 'establish ing territorial sovernmetits in Nebraska, but thati .on the contrary, these bills, establiih itetuch goveriitnentsi are Only a vehicle for carrying,..or a ipretekt for carrying, that act orabi`ogation., - .. ; ~ . . • . I li :is alleged that the noni-slarelvolding. Stags have forfeited their righti-inNebtas ,, nder the Ilissduri rcomprOmise, by first "ng . that 6amproniiiketheinselim. - `The' ent is, that the Missourijeompromise •31 . 30 deg. 30` min, in the region ae q find from France; althouglfcorresponding that region which was our . westernmost ' *vision, was, nevertheleas, understood - as t" ten ded to be proipeetively : applied - also to , the, 'territory reaching! theece westward te I tie Pacific ocean, which we Should after-. wards aequire from Mexico ; , and that when' afterwards having acquired thiErelerriterlea,' i4ei4aingcartryenie. New Mexico, and U tiff, we re we lenaaged m 1848 in attending goy eriirkerits over them, the free I,stateairefulted .t.c.',eitend thee - Tule; elp a proPOciticin to that Wed Made by the :honorable *Senator' froth - Illinhiii. 1- , ' '. s ' ' -1 -:"-- ' ' ''' ' . _ I.t! need only be stated, in 'refutation of this' argurneist,that the . Misstrt com . piik rinse law, like any other status : its limited by the‘iplietit'of the subject ofg *hick it treat: - edi. l'airts stibjeet' Wei the teintory of Ltrui - iiitinS; dequir ed from Fraticel'7whethey `the', seine W ere More or less; then In litir'le*fui : and•pe.leefel possession. Thellength of tha' linel off 6 deg. do min., established br the Missouri '.efinliweriee,"ivas' thil distitiee be ts44ll 04 1 p:wall Is of I°oo4 :which were the "oi,ders . - of ► that" possessikte. Young - America. l 41 mean iaggrandiiin, conquering A tn4ricii—Lhad not, et been born ,': nor was the s tate s a then' in' being lelio dreamed thitt,;- - with u .thirty years , if' rriarda, *e. .ho*IF- a pushed-our aditiguturoui. Wily' to. trop(pnly , the Rocky ititintains, - but alsokaossithe Snowy Mountaitis. Mir did any aielAtien imagine ;that tee if We slibuld - hazel ;done -So ' Within Ile -period I, have natutd.4 i* e were then progc rely carving up a d'tdivicling; not' 'only - the'' ountsin pas ses, bittlthe'ldexican* empire the Pacific -coast, between freedom and s err. If such ainivdei, dna Waimea made" tr, sad per- ; siiited id, Ire know enOugh Of time of I.B2o*know-this; viz : that I issoun ' and' Arkinisks would bare stood 'e of :thee Unien -*raj evert this piortente . ,day.- -:,--, .',. The time foratightl ktiori. may - not be' thirty yes awl's,. when . the ' nrulsioos of the ,- Cedesti --. :rmOrir i , " and - it* . dicline 'of' British ii,,is ;in /midis, - sh . 14:lave opined' [VW Iwo!) the ' kiwi* a' the Ptak' w i l it c ' estn * . 1 I. arsir.• . now.: dbe - fully . ter; °1 ...1 " . Wail -t of the laysn'',' 4 r•siFe #9l o ;piimr . aw- tiia ' there ' may be.' no. iniltote hereafter sallatview complained 43 ChigtoL . t i VVltarevaiLecin log 44 Abyritt44: ' at 4012.t0n* the power to legislate Am eh- Inc, .6, th 6 beam . .-- "tY• . Are 0 0 T ell ltOnes ~4 ) 'e' ' a' ' • Kansas alonet.*ithin the, pnitieir of - these ' . .siets_VV - i, 70 they reach to 68 PAW; CaiSt • ti t 111340/o*4 also 0 4 0 n. i d" - '''' i ' eon I: ;Do !itleyitop_ there. or do . tIT O nliGhi -3112i• kat AnTuk, .and. Affgl3 ' ,i' ti :to :the ig‘olol:snie of the.rlim la ' ' in% ;. Wm' is i t tDo they . i p here, or. on •- 'n r - 1111111tr,‘ do' %eilliiio - the muth. and, e** qk 443 . • tint on - ,thiAt sunWtoait, e.mbraee — the is - W.nds *of Iceland and Greenland, and cabinet them- rea of Ileavacen thitanikanata . 4 : 4 PmenhuMisad. letb7l4Ot i „....... ..,..„.„ ._,,.-; .:. .-i - c —r• ~,,, 4Y- BW.' et 3 / 4 1 tfiesolitk toil "nee; 4tAther ' ' - - ' lai tie initespitit ' ...b ....1 e .; r j! extended the line of se . e g reas 16 sette e , ; b eyond the - thew confines of -.Louis:apt: 4,y , Ond the then' confines of the Unifici a (err the: terms are equivalent, then it as n o violation , Eatirriiiiiiirniiiiiii ' . i lt . . , . to-extend c t It) Inesuen, yacquirea pots ! Tem* Nei,' ell ' Sessions t.,- i- , :31 .AS GAO' nia.: , -...: 4. : d., tot - ;i .-i -...1!C- .F.-::., .... p- Butner , irrit , did ter AO "_extetel. it ; howdid, ' . refusal:work:A rfeituveofoill vested rig lc uuderitli I:41l., ' to know; that. tsse ;0 Again .difthis forfeiture: of Nebraska , or.- curredioB4B: as ,tbs -50tatotAilrges. how does it ba pucu that he ,uot.nuty.failed ie i 8 titl. When fie.Partitistwere ,in court hera-ad-i jesting thcitrututualeleirns; le denten& :. judg; tent againilti thebfreeStates, but onellidian triii evl i nrged that the same okiJklissoti,- ,„ • , j ricompriseline.yetlield validaudaaeisd; shaul4, bell - extended through ttr the :r - 0cean1. ,, ...1 ' , -:, , J . .;• ... : ~.,.... ...:• ,:, - L- I come ;now to the thief grountldf the tie i felled of this extraordinary : measure, ~ v ihich , is; .that i abolishes &geographical line ,of dii vision be - .een tha_pruper fields of free labor,- t., and slave bor, and refers the claim betvieen them to epeOploof the:Territories..:.: Even' if this greSt change of,' polky was; actually wise and .11am:essay.. khave shown that it is not nectar:air' ,to Make. it ' now, --in regerd to the*Territary of Nebraska.. '.-.lf it, ` wat ikt bejust eliewhere, it wouldbe unjust iniegard to the Territory ofriebraskaonmply beeatise for impleand -adequate equivalenta„-fullyre ceiVerl,yenliinie contracted ineffene.' not .. to - abolishthat line there.: i• !. -... ' ~.%.',... I3ut-:why is this change of policy• wise=; or necteiiiryl 1 it must be bemuse either that the eitenaien: of , .slavery is: no great., evil, orhecanioyoOliave not the power tespre vent it t st all,, or heetttise-tha maintenance of "ai treographiail .line ;is no - ; longer prac 7 doable: • ..- - ... .: - . ..- :: • - . - . r .., , =I know:that theepinhin is sometimes Lad vineed, here and- elsewhere, that.the exten sion of slavery, abstractly considered, is net art evil ?left: our laws..prohibiting the African slave tnitde are still standing! en. -the statue boOk,..and-express the contrary ; . .judgment of theA,m erican Congress, and of the Amer lean. people. : .1 pass on, tl erefore,:from that Sir,-.1 . t .d0 not-like, mor ' than. others,' a geographical lice betwee frvdeinand sla i very. „Butit is because I w,ould have, if it were possible; all, our t tory free. Since that cannor m be, a line of& vision is.indlipen- Bible ;, and, any line is a geographical line. - Some Senators have revived the argu ment that the ; Missouri 'compromise-Ims unconstitutional. -.Put it is one of.the pe culiarities of,comproinises, that constitu tional objections, like , aft otheni, are bur- ; ied_nnder-thern by those who make and . ratify them, for the obvious : .: reason that the-parties at - onceVVwaive . theta, and . re ceive equivalents.' CertainlY, the slave holdiug States, which waived ~their c:o6- ;lir otionsi At l jectlons stainst. thA Anmoro mise of 1820,;and" accepted equivalents therefor, 'cannot- be - allowed to 'revive an roffer them now as a reason for re:,- fusing to the tem-slaveholdiue States their rights_ under . the. compromise,. without first reooring . the equivelents which they received tie condition of -.surrendering their constitutional objections. '.For argumentts sake: however, let this reply he waived, and let. es .look at this constitutional objection. You say . that the:exclusion of slavery hy the Missouri compromise reaches through and beyond the existenceof 'the region organized as a Territory. and probibiti .slavery forevl er,even in - the states to be - .organized out of such territory, while, on the een-': trary, the Statee, when adriiitted, will be t sovereign, and must _have exClusive joris- ), diction over slavery for themselves. Let ' this, too, be grted.' But 'Congress, ac cording • . C onstitution , - to the . 4 may admit - nevi. States.' • if Congress may' admit, then .Congress may also , refuse to admit --4-hat is to say,' may reject new :.States. The greater includes the less ; therefore Congress may t dmit, on condition that . the States shall exclude slavery. If such a : condition should be:accepted, Would it not be 'bindingl' ' . _ . .. ` Itis by ,no means necesiary. on this occasion, to foll+vi.the argument further to the question. Whether such a condition is in conflict with the constitutional pro vision, that the ipew States received shall be aamitted on n equal fueling with the original States, cause; in this case, and at present, the. est icm relates not to the: admission of a ate but , to the organize tiaii nta TerriteirY and the :exclusion of slavery *thin the - Territory.. while: ts. .stature as aTerritoryiihall - Cent blue, •' and rt , ~..., no further . ' C gress h‘it power to et elude slavery in TeFritorie.s, if they:have any . povVer to create, contiol„'or govern Territories at all,. for this simple reason :. that find the authority'of -Congress' over the : To.ol67l'es wherever ' you may,, there - yeu find no eiception front tliat general authority in favor of ;slavery. i If •• Con ' irress has. no authority .over slavery in the Teirritinies, it has none in the District of , Celumble. lf.then, you aboliih a law ofl freedom in. Nebraska, in, order to estab- ' fish a new, policy of .abnegation, then true consistency requires that you stall also abolish theslavery laws of the District of Columbia,,and submit the qiiestienrof the toleration of Slavery within the .District j - to its inhabitants.. ' , •-•-- , If. - ynn reply; that the District of Colum bia hat no local" or Territorial: Legisla ture; 'thee 1 rejoinso also his n t N bruits,' and so also Las not . , - Kansas. Legislature `into ' , .You sin II - telling -. Ter ri torial. Ligislature ini a existence in Nebraska, and another . in Kansas, to aeseme.the " jurisdiction Oti the subject of alavery,which jou r enoucne. Then' cniniftency, - demands that'' You call into existence a Territorial Legisla tete hr the District of Columbia to as= 'some the .jurisdiction ' here, - Which you musfaisir reneunce: . Will ; `you do.this f We Shall See; :" - • ' : ' 2'Tri ecimeeloser to the'quest ion '.:. What is this:principle of abnegating, .national - adthOtity on the. stibSect o - . : slavery, in 'favor of the I- Do you "abnegate ..all ' :authority; ' srhaterer, till he'rerritd taill.-`.'Nrit.- at ' ell 1 'Yoe_ eithi4 - ti only itiitheritYtivei,.slaveri- thee: pp: you • abnegate evert hat:l 'No; you de not,' * a ca nnot,'' In the eery taf , rif abriegiil' sing:,you:'leitiolati4 - ",itild enact iiiii'ltte: Stites, to be - heie4flek'iiiiiiiiiiid 'iaiiiii comer io,"er slave•or -- ee, an t en.- inhabitant; shall cheese. 1 Is, not this le 8- iiilling no on yt — TirthreliPr i xy. in the Territories , bit on the' subject • of Weeterienlitglierfuttir ...... ey-I itr i th4veryactlittao . ntgitting l op all 'up r , ~,„,„......„,_.,..._„,.. ~ "51 41 a `thy 101:1',Orittlirtnek you ritrUp , ClOg. . Ili Yien iot . otilt_e':*s4- , ge -nu,. - or4fin ti(4 . t,i net; t con. ' ei r cioan , s bitr t . l xxi -k o de 4 . 4 0. .: . ' to* ien 1 - 4-1 l attire - et Owe* . to . t tioo t tha aubjeit.--' bloie . .thtin -this In 3 11 a. very act ;of calling tlgtk i r.OtTitcial. :Peili4Wure into exist ettee t zotk,exerciso- tut ority . in iiiiierTh i niiitiiihothstif bliif4l l 4 'hO ft as : l ..~ be elected::: Yon eve n ; reserv e a„Your - Selves - iiiiiite *pen - orrery act t r ay they ' `4 o- Paiff” a , `body,ltXitliaova °t " ?DV! nitskotlier eulleetif-biit 4411'6 the trublz i ject of slavely,.ittself... Nor can osi relin- A 1 . lalfsitteN. rfferrfor it'4*-1. _ 0:VIT t , t yunicatt treat 4-tt.t.iagOutit alit' 4 13 Pri!te' . 1 to trim the -legislative authorit of the; , ie, j i United St4tes,,whicht;:agetat. y,..ntcannnt I it. inui own. P 14.i.irre_falaPYPOI wlicos.P: acts= yes ' cannet: et i yonr- -41 .plcitanta.. l tlistmovrautl repudiate, ..,The, „ ..t.r.ritoril- 1, it al'Legislature.,ta litur-ageit,- Its , nett "arCl9urAwn-1; 4ttch issOn Tr* „4:4 0 .44. is .to AM pplant Om aPc.ient, Pulicliii--It Pith cipleifull ,ef , Anorditia4and• CPfrl‘lic, * o *s ~:...ri17.11, 0 3,- . ;1, 1,/.:,,, ..,,i!, ! I: J. .-.-Awiht:,:;l7oll 5111/WlllO. thifk..PO?93Vir aboegationA,bakeit *pen, a t=d oprt!tie pripci . pletl.t at dem ,t eeratic, t pri yiple,ii..a prrucaple opposed:Jo some. oth .1., tthat iv despotic oriristocratic..; •le Ittim and. exercise; the pewertto instit ute tid.iPaigi tainigovetnment -itt tart T rri i eties. b this comprehensive : Tim isocratic: err 0 1 despot lel i You retain :au ortty: ~ to .ap point Goveroonsorrithout.s ho l e .consent - nalaws can . be made on . an Aibject, and judges without ~ whose, cot sideration sno laws can be executed, and: oulretain the power to: thange ;them. . .7 . , ...p1ea5nre.,-,-.- Are4these powers, alio,: rt- ,- .cratie= or 'llest4tic 'I '.lf they are:no ; then Ithe• ex:, erciseut legislative power by; .. 'Curnislvigt . is:not. • :If they are ; then 'svii . hot-Ire,. uouneethein also I "No, tax ,Thisiarrfar.. fetched.exeusts:. Demticritey ii aiiimple; thliforrni logical systenr, -not.iileystenW ,of arbitrary, contradictory, and .condicting principles 1 1 - -1 Bit you must nevertheles -renounce ~ ~ national atfthoritylever'slaveryin the ter, ritories," while you retain all cit her .; pow , - ers. . What is this butO mere • evaston :of tsoleihn. respoesibilitieil r.The • fgeneral authority of Congress over this Ti#rito. ries is: one, wisely eenfided =..t) tha , Na. 'Lionel Legislature : , to save young. and growing commitnities from the idangeki which - beset them in their stato erpupil age,.and•to preietit them from Adopting any policy that shall be at wartWith.their own last inginterests cm with thelgetnetal welfare - of the whole republic, . The au thority over the.subjeet of slaverY Is that -which ought to be "renounced lal3t jet all, • in favor of Territorial Legislatures, be- cause, from theyery cireumsian4es of the Territories; those Legislatures . are: likely to yield teo=readily to ephetiteraltorluen-' COS and interested effers•of favCr and pat ronage. They. see neitheithe great fu ture of 04 Tertitories, tier : the - - cornisre lionsiye'avid eltimateintereits 1 of the • • whole Republic as clearly. as yengee them or. ought to see thew, -. •=1 1 ~ :. . . I have heard sectional'excuses given for, not supporting this tneaaure. i I have heard Senators trem :the •eaveholding StatetsaV -that they• - onght no t - to be ex pected 'to stand. by ;the ison-slaveltelding Stites . ..when they' refuse -to stand - - by . themselves; that theY, ought!: not to be expeacil to refuse; the b.oon offered to the ilaveholding States.since it is bered by the ncit-slaveholding• States t hems Ives:.' I not only center's the plaUSibility 0 these fi l . exces4. - but I: feel the-justice I of the re proach which they imply against the Horn slareholding States as fur as thelastitimp tion is true. . Nevertheltvi Senator's front the slaytholding-States , meat - .;consider well whether-that assurfiptioh . if,• in any consideiablesle,,oree, teunded iti,fact.,- If one or . more Senators fromithe 'North. decline to stand bYthe nen4laVeholding Stateieroffer a boon in their; name, beh- - era from that region do; , -neverthelesi; Stand firmly dn . heir i ights,' and protest against clic, giv rig or -the :acceptance of the - b00n... It- hag been 'said that the . North does not speak out so tis to enable you to decide between -the conflicting voices of her epresentativea. :,;(Ire you _ quite sire you :ave given hett timely vii tics I Have y u not on the contrary hur ried this measu forward .10 1 anticipate_ her awaking- f in the slumber of con= scions security ute which AO 'bag been lulled by your I ' • Compretnisert Have st youlmt: atrial . hear .) the •quiek, sharp protest of the.. egislature Cot thesmallest of this -uon-slaveholding StateS, - . Rho& Is land I- Haie yitu not alreadi- heatd the doertoned and earnest '_ proteit of the greatest Olthos,e States, slei , York ? Have you not already heitrd' remonstran ces from the. Metropow and from The rural diitrictril , Do youdoubt that this is' only the rising'of the aghatibuithafyou profess trilelieve is at-rest feievet - T •Do you -. forget t hat, 'in all Such - ''iratiiactietil as theiethe tieo.re have a 're4ervecl right to revieiv:;the acts .of theii'lepresenta.; thei, and a right .. to demttud-a reConsid ntion ; that . there -is in curlegislative a practice, a form ntt-xttsCTM . L NT, as welt. as an actbl'reread and there Ile irt tier po - !ideal syStem:provision nut only fire aro.' gad= het for ttersrintsvtror.l .. '.'' ' • . Seuitterti from the slavehtilditig States: You arts politicians as well a.'statesmen; Let me .remind you,- thereto ~•- t hat . po:-' lilies) mbvenientaiti this cou r t r,y,,as,iit all rs 'othe, basetheirlimet of ac ion and, re; ; &diem '.: The."pendulum Moved ; up the side of Freedom inlB.46,indiviring back again:" in 184.4 on .the side f I Slavery, traversed-the dial in. 1848. 'a d ' touched even the 'mark of the. WilmCtr:Proviio; and returned again -in -Issp • ' i reaching Oven the height of -thee Bolan:it:ire -Plat: , 'form. - fudge for yourselves! whether it is yet aicending, and'witethir, it will at= -titin thrOteight of the abrogaiien of the .Missouri Cotnprornise That is the mark ' you are 'Axing-fop it..., For r o se tt e ' . may claim td , -know something ofr t die Nortli: I ste.in : 'the Changes of the tunes Only 'the Vibratiens'of the needletrerrOiri ' . • • g.on , us ; _pivot. I ,knont that in= . 11neitime it will ,settUllind whet) it shall _have i Settled. it urtypoin ,as it. must point to ter, to the clime cinulant: polar • -star,- thew:Sheds clown-f±!liornAipsdly, wite iiei• it piirs &tilt it mild:butiirrigortitint light.. , ; - --t. - - bit - sXortleilleir,ll: , have do r dog:re:do; lune or i ehresiliere, ivith,•perieetil be par;. ty nicitiiiis.:. - Put;Lentoe to ' ` nsider the ;motive which iiiiddielraisl iredfor•this to transsetion . :It istiodesini To sieettre f rier= menent peace end: tarmetir Oh.the silsi ljeet "torSlaveity,t-by jimmying= alkloocasioii 'foe cite fitursVigitaticitslitt4ll'F'ederal tegislattirei Mee ther*".n4 4iiettee. rib' , ,readly- - bore t: ? %Vie t hil*l'''llipi tliannimi . as perfect as is ever i possible in .th e Otte; ticr Santa a' month -*tot li, ,, . , thirivitati hilt: ' "at 00 ,1into:1- ',: ihe iti catlon toinpr4ol C 1 ,43r ; 0 " ie wal ti l lnrickt, quii.k; anj-e; itizi k o i dia ll dugOut;kiivuitilithr, tinu,rivttrianicartli= most raptiroun'enthusituti F ipctiv o enlargetnentof-`1 qui, the 'East, and of our politic", ~.v ca - tbircitilliodatliii - 44rti ?I - CM*: - " t i we noel here but the - obliviirni - covering, the - .very2:lnemork - 1 ' 41.; vet gmor ii takkerprizsepitk au pro . 6044..t5ti Senatota from ' the .non-Ithe , - . ottiter , . , beseech „you,befynk, YoU 41e19,1- , nowt' dFuT5eOleY 9 O,,.- f44. .17*'1. treteSlayeri., . agitation ,. . ,-;::?,Irf? 'oe; ice gin_ li,viitaictik ) tigitatle t t similar PaCrifiCe.,"„* litti"Pellf,(Pikl itiiiiri , '; ran4- ' O , 14:144t;1410) tik:o9 ,PAat! , ,Yi! l . l .4..elili . p.r,i ) t,cli4 itii4p.*Pit); - !!!P Pile ii P.s.P o o.: l obtained., at,, such .coat, _ e ver,' peace s '-!-- ''' ~,, s , . , . f nLiS ii ti[n i li . es - kliV*4l l 9 ll l6, LN I SkA . - V,iitt: t . aA 1 21 41 . 5 . 4 ,0!). 1 -Y.9 4 1 41.e „- , i'SFR I :T; peace pa well as victory Ininta- !rsntrF-• dolt-,- 1 -teli- , Ypu,0.,” vr , -•, 1.40 1 :-.Y.fi. 14 .-18$0;tlilit:ii, is,anril:pr, 10 Alis*cPapg error, ii t Siipposo..tbat'bicaose-yl:* e',. elude liVery ,from these "lial R t . plhty that it will ; nor „re-visit them tetinerrovvk -You litiriedilieWilmut Psovise . irro Olel'it and cle..b - led: its here it ta nem to-day,' 1 0 stalking z t 4 ugh these hallS, el d,iit,Tro-, plete, steel'. ai., liefore.:,? Even , if.4l9Se - whom You. denounce as facitunists :41 ,the North would let ir . rest,;lyne„yotireetves, trust-evokefit frOnkita grave thez.i'ea 7 gonz,t4-Pbrious!.....SaY,,. .:44 t 7 Y . 91 1, -1 4 ',illi) di? w4tityYoll 047 liPrei - ,14i3.1 !Crests Pf ilia uou l alaraholding States..! main, just : the same,-,until you cease tecl erishand„ 4e... i s 'end slivery .or-we ahall . c pie to honor. and love freedom I - ,Y-eq w ill nots,ease to chorii-b alaviiii, - , -DP:Y9 II : ',e9.PPy,,.OgP-1 that, , . . . . • - we are becommg,;inchfierent to,free dom 'I .On the- contrary that;'old tridie 1 ion al, -hereditary . sentimeUtefthe'North is .more,.- profound - and mere ; ; eniset•aal now than it ever .-was: befere. i Ihe ',sla very agitation you depfecate sp , mech,, Is au eternal, struggle between conservatism ankprogress, betiseen, truth end ] ,eri-or, between ..right and i wrong. !You may sooner, by act of congress, Compel-the sea to suppress ita - inpheavings; and the round , earth to extinguish its internal Ifires,-tliam. oblige the it:Oman heart tedesist from, Pit throbbings. ' ' - .iJ ; ...,1,, : -.. I Supposet.then, fOr . a'mentent; ‘ ,that 414 agitatten . must geon.hereafterlaa heroin- I fore. , Tben;. -hereafter, .'.its beretefer, - e, there will be need, on both ,sides. 'of !aim" - creams, and. to . iecure moderation there 1 'will : he need of mediiiii:on!.. l , ,, Nitheo.9 you have secured .moderation hr Imeans . of compromises; by tendering . Which the great-mediator, now, u11.,_ rnOre, divided the poeple of the, north..- Ant:then. those in thci,North'irl4 - ,did..not.sympathiae With you in yonr.ctimplaintsof aggrepsion from that. ciearter, its.well. as ,9tose, ,who ' did,. agregl that.% compromiies shneld be, et fected they would , be oltivalrouSly Itept on your part.. I Cheerfully admin that, they have been so kept until now. 1 .I.int bete. after, :when having taken advantage, : which in the NOrth will be. cplled,fradtt ! lent—of the - last i of those -comprereises, to become, cis you will be call'Cd, the ag„i , gressors, by .breaking the ot 4r, as will" be alleged, in violation of plighted faith: and honor.while. the slavery. agitation is rising higher-than ever befere,lnna while w ~ your ancient friends' end:those! . ;whom you I persist in iegarding.as'your enemiep.Shall have. been - driven ,t eget bet, hy la al tit aim; 1 and' Universal . sense of your injustice, what=new, mode= of restoring- Peace.; - and,l harmony' will you..then"propoiol.': What I ' 'statesman will there be in the !South whit can - bear the flag of truce 1: ::,:whafstatint- ; Man lifthe North who pan Mediate thei accePtaece of your new"prerclials 1:-_'..- _ .' - If, however , I-err , in _al thssilet us stip- , pose that Yea-succeed in ise . o Pressing pit !ideal agitation, of Slaveri in-national af- ' fairs.. Nevertheless, agitation of Slavery.- must go on -in Botha _form ; in all. ' the World , around you is engaged : it. • ;It is,t then, high time fir you to con4ider where', You .may expect .to: meet It- next: 1 much mistake if, in that , 4ase,lyou donot meet it there where we, who t once . were 1 slavpholding States, as yoti - Pov.ate:have; met,..and .happily" for. us, suCcembed , he, fore it, namely an the-Legislative halls, in! the churches and schools, and tat the fire-I aide,' within the. States. themselves: It is an angel with which, sooner Or later, ev ery slaveholding State:- Mint Wrest le,a t d - by which it must be nverceme,. Evenif ; by- reason of- this measure,. it. 'should t et', Sooner come to that point. ;, and - althue 1 lam _sure that you will • nut over et Freedom, but 'that"Freedorn wilr o . * r-1 -coma you, yet I. ao :not, batik„;-evtin-then' 1 for disastrous `or. unhappy -, reau1t5...,.. , ..11he', ‘institutions of,eur count ry/Prein.framed. that t he...inevitable conflict of :iiliniori-flott! Slavery, airon - eVery-other suhject",:_can , ' ,not 'be othenvise-.., than !I peaceful , initsi course and beneficent lefts - termination. 1 .'- Nor shall I .'hater Que.:jot Of-.lleartApi hope,' in _maintaining a- just, etjuilibrinm of the non;slavebolding Stet ';:;.even if , I biaill-st erred measure shall . .1 adeptcl.l The-toin-slaveholding Statga , teemi ig: With, in increase of linemen . e.intateil,l vigorous, ; enlightened, enter rising -free- men ,': Belch - five - men as tieithe ':;England,. nor RoMe, , nor eion Athens's er irearisi.i' lialfn million 'of 'freemen . - fr m .Europel annually augMent:thatincrea " ';.' and ten. years heeCe, halfiqiiillion,.t tinty.s.yearsi hence, a million of freemen from Asia will ;augment it :stilt mow- -yen _ may, Obstruct, - and . so -turn the 'i irectiou of those peaceful armies away c, niNebras kn.', So long as you shall Icatm the "venal, on-hill-or. prairie f by riiet-s , e or. in - the - mountitie Taattiesser,. they - wilk dispose-Of themselves pedeefully and-laWfully:tu thb; places you shall have lirt oven .- to: them id ' a nd.there thei will cruet - newisStitint , upe, ' On free soil; o 4e foreverintaintainedend , :defended- by free, aims; and' 'aiiirritiidized'i . by'freelabor..; American'SlaSery„.l.lnuiss; has a'largo and , •evii'llo ng - r ipnngvbi!r it cannot phur''fortbita aik ed thiein; '.volumes like %that +l , bave..fd .. ritied , :"Af - you-ire ‘iiirises , ,: thesetidei et iiitentetkned', Of Olio; wilt , atiterr , tieeri feki - they - will pot iolintarily:cointainglitt linr'if,i VIM; erthe;essi 1 through '3folit7o ... i tivif:•"errotteolut_ etolieY. , the'repulsive-. cuirremis t riinic bra, directed "agitine t - each-Otb ;r, Ni that they ions!" meet, ' then it is ~ oitio;vin in. itiSC - Whithletietti;will` . - elite; . eas i siittlitieei4l-414 other, and hiilektrifien4" tlis'etirpb#ehsd;iill nil hitektiedie*k: thesubites triChietivitlo : ff;',. 2:: ..-z! f ..i • Man proposes 'and God , isiveses.' Yon, T4rAt*it .. -. t e, is - 0 ..- , ~ ~- ~,- ~ •; • r•-`•Orie'Deilbilliiiid' fitly centalieraniturn Cash &an: iellfrin-adv**2• - • ', - 4 • • •, , ~ 1 •! :, , : iTwoapillirtifimild wttbin the Tear. ," . , , Tvollolloo sgal fdty cents if nut paid# ' '4l',, ter ilietesOiratio of the leer, ~ : 1 ; ...., '17:: . rir , ms glib:it : rip t ion will tie:permitted to .' )1 tirosettW loogerlWi'itro .. felini:?•:':' - '' l. l•ltt', .1., Dise9iititinancia*tioaalstiiitt i ii. all turfailkgeaare4 4 *- •:;•'''.lloics:•::';i's. - ZAi...4 1 •• I •• RAII4I ..,5 1, 4P17. 1 v,r. . 1 1 11 . 6 1 . •; i 3.:r11. ~‘i ttn:C square, one:refri;*•. ~•-••• - - - k - F,:,;4 1 .....::,..!;;C: ptp 1... •IK : ', .....• we t • ' '"- '''ili jiiiiii . •': vo Busine9s Cants peY'Sionu - iiir.l . 3 4,.. . • * A liberal' di:mount . *sae tsi`• i• iilivetti - Tolidelansbl-T 1) ••• .• Wsolutioos instrietits; ur ( itt pesgreui to vote %aiast _the tif osererissote tans since the tore. ties, In this lketriiii cetSiktet"wooldi r iejoitiito: the resitiedieis'ittiopted,' In 4 the : ui tram ii obejed Bat - Cllsai 7:7ltes'hanii*tO!!S thato4 „liOnt: - . to /#4o lit l i t e l 51*.i.411WAi ,Zs this , then; thp Democritite. intdict o f , . , vast}, Trine;prevade4: whxn.,amecli --!$ P) • itilis own views, but yo..itatet oPticticoot. of the State{ . ! triikedOtsites Seitate, fordo ' Ali:W . oo to comply witch his'll ' t ' ' I •doeidqd itfaittl ` 1 1 1 . 111t1.,14 1 .d . Ong S' -.. ' -- itid l 4.. - 9P l l.corkif4iealr4Ftlikt' kofore•hiewconsittesedAbe site .iikiStiociple...,•lla4t:Jiietits that nu*, -dWeiiief -tke"FTressil .10Am' •democrocy—le not to het *II - Sd:FOLP - 30:- - -precedentsi. - Ite4 , Num:Talc doctrine of the:eighi 'nod! plumply. den ied. •.- 1".zi . '" 2 1 • - . -.... ~.. ' oar-principle in Dernoerneyzcantietr'-2: ciisd anion the Many wild agariai •to -Qv , - 411 1 r9lificlinc!t°'F Ate ", . .., F,' Jm°. m!.. likfdeib4ifsat • ttf:Of-iftliicTl" , to time l iil l flbi • • •.. • .. ... 1 1 ) ;Ste Is re:ll:et:alb*" ilisl7- , , ii4ltivirs:, 'lie is only helping '> iiii Tit :l * .0 411 0'i • gi b Oiiivernor Meer; i?!. 'whiiiiiii V! iiiiii r tiii4, ITh - delinqueucy Of:Abifi. State -' ' .(dre' titi"the 1 Ne britsta queition:;:iiiiiiir.. e 4 .„....- tr .• •... ‘O , E4 5. .' ~i t.i e _, .Ers 811.4 thii ' 1311 0 1:0 4. 0 :# 1 4 ,1 40 117 ,g1ipc0..7. {IL bb: that : COOltriitaiitiiitaiiett464,,Thi: , ..". lied *lb:tad writes.. ' , ...: A ; :- - ..i. .• ...„... • • • • • . .. :..: 4. ; • r v.•..2.'.. , z • ..: 1 - ; ! :- mpitioice of PenogylPulla,IIIII9„:„*.,1911 ..." ' • u 9 States thatbare protesta. against tliiir ismititi, would . be sure to tell p1i1i*.71141t . ., ...;.:, Zi4 Of: th e questan of ; Ere ••S -, .r • I • -- -111 M1!•••-•-•• -•-•••• ' • T E FAit9-ri.es- • rFtsidelAlltr - 11 1 9, -Fe ' *- .4•4u!.*!7•14. -the Viiii4fogl, _ 11.444iiid man ftiallrlltiltdinii , iiitriii•tir!'eaYi 01 1 3'.. committed- , .ilkii.Tes of-lb4 r ggehraskn bi 1 ansloiktkit.oci such imixittm . •;should be fo4ittaidlititi . Eil?tte; and it is tusioubtedly'; . wi l ts rep ot te d 4t. Washington some time si 44 tic e he 001104 to Governor Iligler ;to have our _. • Wore endorse Douglas's sch e me, or, at least,.. n‘ thing agiiinst -d. If, they. c ould L :hare •-. birght to endorse it prohithl '*e'nerer shoal hare Iliv.:Clutse denying the • .of:ins .•'' 'I - Siti•ibitr ItAtislature evaded i sielisitio'bilitiJl t . any extalaion fur either Fit ',. *cif Sbillit 1 and i i#4 l ...tber eclme'nP 24 I * , i*F.sioiS 6l 4 l ;; k ' I copitakikto be made'lia'•Pennaylelid . Kfaiiii.•6 At repeal Oi the Ifissoiiii:v** ' -. 7' . "ctiktiiitil . reify ire learn that 4 liiiitiii.iiiiiiiiiii,6o_. F . atillst7iiftft by the silitiji : 6146 - roi-. to: intip,se ;Int / with whit ' ' . 7 ,1; lt " i • 'Abinitriiilxin report ui its proceed' ''. *III' oie . : - ' l , . - I : . • '''' ‘. • Danis , February 24,11361. A large town meeting assembled Imre to nigh upon a adl by the State administration to ind Sena tor . Douglas's Nebraska bill- A relative the Governor was put intp•tbe choir, and the Ina flog was hddressed by 'oiricelioldeis of. the Ad - istration' Attiriliscossioo,-strong raidifonss sat PRE9AI VIC I OF TII Alitlitlia CE 131 Plttlii'lii4lNik . '.. ' Tilt. lissossia . orts k i • 4 COLOried*Ain: 0 sybeiniiilk Inaic":4l-k1 ..CtheA,kotigilletore;ol4 meeting put to route :;' •' okiit,,y suppectecti s p • the proposed iniquity . As ~•• .' ; . 'liiill:',lled ; WO the people ..' Pennsylitias :41 he'beird, and ihst 17. speedilyi upon the basilllttititi .. ..Orthii s Litile Oi :tun to defraudirrealoOkeiflißrightio. t• -.-: I. r t ...:4*.15"1 is 'it s q ur /77-4 a' ; ' PanY.o.9dr: ;. ; ikliatigas iwa - 04 4 tAtAtemett; N. ..ytt•beheve. 4 0 p ut4h4 thil.mi. 0, litinqnktitidi.hilt,;:tita, .. all /OWNS 01105111 , . 1* - 01181i'ibii.New,Niiik 0411 • aliblink ''J • iiatOr t at'' Oilte - - .. att-..._ y; OM . 1 .. i;'2; r -par 144. ailicibisii*liillitiiiiliel4eknr*Ne4 t h r . he i r i e t, i iii d i,. ;o6 .o* iiiiiiii i4 4 ,,,...% si; ;;;41isii.s*ohiciaesiiiiioutd -.brie*. Mppene.di 'and ire *OF, lie tote*ht,ik ! owrect-...i5. iiigirdst.orial*iiietitlidi*, ftit ie . '' • • do nalaio - 01 .- .Y11:.-Ati:r.ii;•:i'4 4 .. - 0 :% ., 1...1 ~. f . . 1 . ''.%: - 4.1 - . : : • •.:' :-... r : t4.;:%iP'... i 2,04; gi: - WitalitiAgilpieliffAirraW Strllle. . •eßik.blieglitt:ol444lKtik stuneffitaii.:itin !ill drink rtepoma p.tatavi6 fiaiklidliiiiii)aSifitieal 'eoltespoptifieee. c l jo s obicrho omt - . .! .- %. •.. 4witit ; d:ietoiicente of the bight of , the' &Id kiiaiialeiltiaiii ' a - a:stain' Hob. Son ot 14iiiit i ftig0:4**k 4`iiil i tteate, or of - -. l6otAtelma !:11*Widia - aiaitis'atio, thal (o,o4fisilitiv e 1. • • ...- : ~;,•' iy . c. : .4 .. . , :p , ;(1 -IA f,,...i.ri::. •••: , 7!:-... .--:-........-,' ' t‘.. • - :r'_:„ Ootinr hent . ...,pr i TOmman Smith of ' ' tin bis* ;pooch to the United Statile • *We; 441 1 finr Midair bill, Saki : `q_ wi,iar —'- iiii;iiii: - : r , eletruigogue, and I hate Tit . demagogue I think mea l )? A ' 110 : 1 1 0 .1 nn 'P l ikil !We- for ‘ ....: . . .: * :'l l . ) l4 lile e. .uf.rtie ti i .Os, 0 4 . • - o ,l q _ • ' I think a mid ' . i iii_r io iliar. lio vavadi .tottic!Acespest.....oi4,,if.,.iiizo , ....,-. , 54.....:..,„ ...,,,,:-:. c ".2 3 g: ':%::';'--:.”; wv. 7l — " ; ' ..,,,.:. -7 •41IP. 1 : . : 4 1 14k:P.ANU', ...: ...-"-.: :". . ..- I F l ii• - • JAPAi r ililit*** kiii,. ''.- k itioo)::** be bon talvk x vpitigookropOsau4. 77. , i •;. ...• , _.... , ..... , :..„.11-.:*.ii yr. :,...„...:.." 'llrhamo Oktakr;:f§ .ewe..Alte4j. . 040 1D 1 . ; :.,t ditilP ,~ ~t . Vel; m uch right .'.Pennsylvania the housci, as . we .. • trpqe.:4if tp-day: ir • ";:iriffeiept • ,* Ms bi- i9M;vg!, _ teikpF-#. 1 51 4141141,,-,•He -- .s?r44 lol **fit.!' ATMer 4 ;9lO O .• inte !alive*" berei — bed democrat. Tennt Kalegiant":'o eitraiiied by en _ the establieled of iltsthigtiiik IKEZZiI - • 1/41fIre4 t pwrec . . • , . roiai. iti .. .. 10.. ... to marry a Is* Avi t 0 . - 1 listA-te heintiediviil4'iiiiO4- . Ik*:- ... '' 1 ,„. ~......r . , ; .„, ! ..p.;.:,- 49.3: ...„ ...r ...%.•;.- - ' "" s • " 211 mIn zwornilnPi sr- ' attesiLll76 leansi was. btiutts*sletiikr l' dn4inetlY her c , ,thets telt:4o4 iiiiiii,rii?"• LeilOtk... :, ,•• • ''. : '''''.' '''•'." ''' . ;(4l O LA - nelf< l7- ." : (Pil l 'ljka l iti m , - , Vk.t-,!- 1 497,0:. P.::' ....,•. • ' w a s - ~_., . ' ' WfirtFts 070ei . ..Woflia; Thil k ii .A . ,**,‘1444 , %: '-' loatikiidottii iiii-06 letieittstta in the tteries...::..:-,:::;:: , ,,ta:e4j.,,,.... 7 .-7!!.".. - ..- ie. vh , :k , ...:.- .. .?• ,,,, ,:4.4 , . .:71)14 4.. • -, " ~ 4/titer in-, .... LatlOWlSmiglAtionicit?....s. fear _that.Ruse**teisdilifikatottstihttatiiretC:': gold-freighted meisseki, : _ - . .....• . Russiansweets4(lkt itfeK s• a ' n :w aters ~...: . .L ..1 1 -:. 7. 1;; fe ,.- il . ,ia..,..1:! .. *. . v ......* A 4f 4, e rne • ' . Theieil fr*f l f such i-ion'otifiiihO:#l 404 YourAt " men 1e..0 grLto nen eri „,...7-1 1 ., _., ji g ri iiiti i. - ii i . /ssi sPiPo*. s .l4 -- #Afff:, 4 o',o4.,'-'4 , r-V....:': ::.::-: ..t.'• 1 7.!!„91.4. ::??*l..:s . 01 . ..*0 . 1 3,0 ~::,, Of skit ' eilf:thar feilitie. - `l&:.irsirthit, ill; T -' • '414 1 ..4:. - Isqler : l3 lo l ll oiW7gnkuiligiVinnflOWis atheserfeeiinr4initNitiddle,liit***lfieel :": ' i f .'. ''%•,,,'. i' • -•••• '' ' .• k ' ,-S k - - il * .1" • AC•11 - it . i. lifi t t; ? l". ... t. .. '::'' .;::: .' .' . ::::::: :';!.. 7. -'t • '' ' ...7 .;.• '. l ;:::.*:prigajtoo:l4*.iiw, 4i. passed pi:*...'::: *AA ''r.eil4iiiiiiii.' , .iv.aiotaiiii•ellt:theJleiti t s lairmictiat*: l 4o l . l fwe - 4 6: tiiht' 4 4-lie4ich and ileStrt(o4 7 .olef PIPS* ' /t lize - r= l :t9 be 1 9' • I 1.1 ) : 144 , 4cia , ihe..4 ,.. 4 , , 14,. ...„. ~. e. r . • - •El . 'Alii*t*n**9!. l °?r` a:the !oh' in • 4;Ni . : ...t t'dkei: I nCenniOntiMlnf the bale 12 a - : the litchi) qii; 101:4 ireilii.7 . 444Jscison ha le riti , s4llliiii war stiiiiill tot his ea Ilant soldie t -- .......1::::141sere is a rumor curiesit - that' r. putheri; 'an siill'OitiVn home sonn y rii4istiti wW-his,tr`rat itiiitui hi 'the. English. Leiria' is, in the matt er of 'hie re.,, ... .... , . . ~ fusplicsstipw ist . s.on rt cost utne: ::.- . L • - •-, ..... iootrSetit:Stiti* spiritual medhinisiii Short ly, t'ohe heil at iiirisitiilgtoia.:; . _24 , .k4:4 Joiji 4 there, and many members 1: - .11,Asigkii have : tote to cc netilt her, see king- infaimailielt,4liiii:the 'Other. .tort ti. as Mr. Walsh - Orr; otlbiiiiii*Wtlii4S , ' L tune. : : ..!.:,- to a :Pli t .'..-:.•ifita 14P,' 1- IV Weethirio greed .r 1 t:ha. . t.."'.i: and adinitibleereetklifXr: DaWfi*of.pel: . 4•• iIi•OiNgo. O I I A:T*PIIO : 3 I :4444 4 WP . .. - .A 4 :i iii f ikv !g 4 :tgel . l ,4 *K : . ta . ll o l / 4 4iit ;..'.. measure . ..: .-.,-...':%.'''i 7 4' ; 1 r? -7 '7 5 -T-: . . ~:;. 7 -,...- ... •••• i' .- - . ''lei f itie;isiniliic4 of AWthitrikiaitirre 4 . # 3 #1,T44.1!ith thefe**tiiHro4:4s , T •kepegik4..9.ooePen and never "earthly iasvrsxviil nutk4 rtie4ninto4o . o4.oloo# ' ts ' - . 9 eor.ritqr 1tt1.:5..._ .,-. ..:1 ti,s•-• ::WritiraigitioititiatePtihikeirittsyti*Vili '.. *, 'Waele.er..** --. L ow ftigfilieliaidiiiik4 Oilid;t4testie4 . 4 - 37.iork::. i nii . AilijOme :4l6 -*4 4 *i4iiii . ** 6lll oo. - i;'i : &Se* 4464 Gio . viniiii.A:o,.:4, M.,:t4P):05;: . ~: .'.i.rlk:;; ;:,W : asinideivistgiiiigi4oo. ....*rif:-...: AO 14444 a 3 4" 4 10,1 4 P.W' s*4iiie:fron:fei4loo§i: - tik' oesiood bteeeta~ Plait iigitho4*siwiiilio . f , ii!"*iiff@utiiii, ..' l . ..',...-.. . lirser ' it iii iii . i t i lt lll oo llo ,! - ''.i . tiz i pviii+ntiar - )iiiiipli . #ot* . llipititi. l e y ..:- us , this iii iii atit , :i ir tik u ta k i , : ,, .•.. •...x, ;: . :. :Oilitho-1i cot itilriOi• L ''Or':inTO4s4e . ~,...: „ limn . 01110 . f :iiii "ii .. iietlier'its . ininntee' kin fir ; irekitiiti;`!.'. i;:itilier-dthil..y.4'_,-..'.--.,y-'0t,..:::-...,-:-,.... ~...,. ,; ; lii:4Liii. sin east editor '.4:liii.'.l!itlidetinit."4?-:.... 1 10 .AY-4):• - • . .41i4a r y:Pliiis:.4 , i*:14e::dP#, ' iiiifilitiii ,:76:h1=.it044:16iuf:r.1e8:10.°6qi4;..-- l e. -„..1-1,: , . : 7:,.., , --• il. - ;: , .•, t ......zz,1.,:,-.... 4 ;-,e j .al e.. . ... re "_ .. ff.:•V!-.. 1 „, -r r! • { ills . — pg. .7,7.4' • . -4404 i iiti . Joel , . !Trf t lf, ,l ,_ ol ,olt i ßTy'ittirO, -• 1 - llaa i toriti.4,lB.clilef-rP7, ; ,T.Ort ; - :iit*.' : ji l eiiotta : Vt*:. : , .. , .. -: ‘ , .." - ;4 1 -- '..;i r t:''' '' ''- , :;' ' ' - :‘;: 15; : :!.• 4 1 4 i. .NO, ...OrreiP.o4o4K-.4****°* Tunes, neuppg . :Ot4er.:itettite or ine IligesSlOsie,_, - -7 'l4} ( Rmigrlik is.oe,POn_ , ' s e e n ~ot#_ $6O - C-, 4 01*, .(.-. tete& by; ! Soutar:the Elikth.:-. -;Thiiiiii*-Wol4*-:2: adorned-with' a vignette of the handw rit ing table4theleg-writing of his. tatiee1404,4...':.: :;' •*.:.. ::' Air detect - cntton . in silk'or : ,• _... ....., 4Riesi,pnAexit cf • the Seientitle-4 1 , ,.. :14,. ,.. , plan Is toidraiv Out W thread art4;l iiiiietiiii*l'; hts teeth by whititlhe paterielii, , Arters* , ... A I eB, iilk;s;ol.4tiiifillai:eiiaitii': ir to tinier fix - to the teti, - Whir:l4;iiitl'itliV ale Ppickige ? ,ca.n 'ealil9 1 4 , detected . -..:. ' . '._ . ; . i ': - . - : - Atit Ainitner; on the t.4oi, inafia . • ..p...% , - , , J:. - , .v. (-:i '-'I i --• to the "Sebetellie rernoretranee of , . .: ~,,,,,,,, iwedir. 13eecher Stowe and 1100 women .., A , - :•:...r...,..... 4 „ ... . 7.: ..agairrst. the repeal o f th e 1ft71111%11,17.A.:.-. • Mrs; Stotie La s else issued a ciieulerAothe , 1 ,., .....,. .. Ite of Ikinerica,,calltrig ipon 1100041p ` JtK a... .. .• ,• e l :?cF- a11ni**149 1 9 111 ,..t . 1 4 1 -i'N' , :fv!t.i-..-fl : • 7 7 .111.0 0*.***04 1 01 0 ..,, ,;: I br .Y lll;e' *P er7 .., , il;* l .lo-0 4 .44JA r°-..../ °Pet!chiP t4iti t tkii*Alf, l ) l Itt... */# l !.*_, _•lt-r". ' ':The term , 4144.**Mirck1001;10040* ±.- . in iepieso;iii****, 01 tiOscfcciakilita VW ..... 440 loiAo:9 4 vetokrotT this -Tratiaikiiiisbe4itiatP . . .:. I.liiark.f*, itt, , indeed,' no, abolitionist=-91 Mang ) ::: :.ii.ithiitiliiellessir,, an iboliticinietve 2 . corr , i . ' - 14. 1.. ; ...-..A. Washitigtocr - ; el f-!... 4 the : 1 1814' elEttis that-both . Thitigiik anti ' Brie' *l''. i'. ; ere puppets to tie . 1 til9iiiiiiiia,..,krio L ltrini r '. 66 .,. 4e ,... * :) . -.' • I' . iGaiii iiwiifiiiiiitkitthesehemicer'r , itiCrela 4 Flir ve • ,-, i-.....:.. ~ , -...;.-1.. '' ihrtigating ilielitist4ti:!...quitotr!eWitik Itirpa-; ti:,iiiiiiiSaiiitaer#liii4tiildaNi fiery, iiitii6i;iiii;r4kiMifehi . :iaz . 4et - st:ll4 - .*., ,_ ~,..•:. --;••• 3.-....:,. , • -6-i , 1"•,” . h it; l ' lttlittittea *at; fit:hint:Ay - carrying out 104:01141141.„1,P.f• ' X ing all P 9-1 ttcai : slid TeLhaiiiiiliVpiaiidinet - in Slavery ,' end ititeing- - , 41,1 . 4 ,o4ditt- • the l eetre yrotech,ofi, : * 1 1 1)040i.04P. th ... 0 P s7 * 4 lo . o g Pltl e !t [- i1tiitg.t . 0.., , ,,,..... :,,.T , ltit!• hi 1...:, -,.. si,... s ..i. 2 .;;/ - .:: hi.----iiiipi Nee in .:' 11 :- ( i‘i 6 ' . riii* ,, ... .":... St i SpC 9 sA i k l •ftP 76l4 * ;.'. , quql, - liiii-444 :: 464 1 404 1 ,!40)1 1 0 - #.1 . ;.: 1 enhilf. :.. ,_ 1. ', •.:, ji..:-.',: . . :,1:1,;...•..-iiA4. i., • •-• • In d444;0 2 4411 1 4 1 .00t"-!kt lift tettneliiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiol4.o4genkil* ••••• pim-ttt iteT4% slag: according to u b t.. ' ........ =. - ---- :: 441 7 J :: , territory newly,seqourltdr.Wbe treasure, hat is, carefu4 - 41,igi!kei#00r I ty. hilitiol). i4,hani2<mk„ anal.:#o -1 000 . .. "tr i t!f j .s : . within ita - tunelent: - airt ~, . 4. .,„. ? ...,-;...,.- fi 1:::. the Witmet prothoo. ! bt-:; . ..7ftesk.--irreftakiielmr.f4;:. , 74if,-,:•! forced Lon every 'vide; hi . ell - the rayslilto 444 rtj*, i ii.. , ..,... : i., Beaserabie*thieliAtihi-tai.71.4? ; io that, in . al awir iii diw i tifo lo,o 4. 7 w ...: to , moss ittio these mI,M, ~,,.. , .- .. Ike‘lithar slaves. = - •Thiti Ituaris i tot' - _ .....- iiiniti:the slave-holdinir.:doitite 'of ' ~. • ~,, _ . 7 .,, .• 'Aloein'thit - c6tnititi:fii!"l - tittiiiisHXe we ikiritrica aEtiume this hatetttl chi,tospiii4.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers