The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, February 16, 1854, Image 1

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..koloitold Words.
Lifie'and Death.
"'What is life father?"
' - -u4 battle iny ,
14 here ; ilia strongest: lance rimy fail: •
'Where the warlest.eyes maybe beguiled • ,
And. the stoutest hearts 4niy quad,
the foes are zathered on every hand'
And resi. not .day'nor night, • *- -
And the feeble little ones must stand_ -
In the thickest of the fight."• . - Death, father I" ir: • •
• • - • • • :!'.The rest my child, ,•.
• .. .'..The.
the toil - and:strife- are o'er, •- •
And the angel Of Goa, who:calm:and;
.. Says•we need fight nn more
Who - driveth away the demon liAnd,. t* •
-% • Bids . the Ain of did battle cease ;.. • .
• Takes the baritier'an4 spear froni kini Itiunl,
And'ppoefaims an•eterifril peace." . • • "
Let me die father, I treiible. I fear .
To yield in that terrible strife 1"4,-
"The crosvrt m ust be won for Heaven, dear,
-hi the battle field of lie ; .
Ily .child thosigh thy foes are "strong and tried,
H. loveth the xvenk and'srnall; .. . •
Angels: of heaven are on thy side!
- And god is over all." 7 ,
.1 •.-,'.
f'rqn; the Knicl:e4.bocke.r.
Ilow.paiting fait' is, the . seagori nryontli ! •' :
The spring time n iinnneenee, love, and truth:
When the head .. t• ree ana the heart .i light, . :.
• Andjoys are .put Arid hriPes are bright: 1 ''..
, When : a .f4low 'isn't baltl,:and his hair isn't irky,
: . And he hasn't an.Y. taxes . era eta. in pay. . :(
that ;lids .earth . t ao fair. as 'ti ‘ happy !.•
With itajnyntis 'l ugh; and its spirits wild
With its ready tear, and its readier smile, -
And - its, sintple heart so free. from guile ; I.
-11 it didn't sot - heti - tiles neglect its nose, • •
And - tear large holes in its- hofiday clolhes. •
The : Youth heeds' them tait-; . .
Little reeks Ite•nf niortid. l o t. . _
- Foy - are the 0 - _ , ortotrs that vex his heart
.- Short finte stifileeilftri heal the smart, ..
; When_ he. cuts his finger, or . binniishiS head,
Or, spanked and. supperless gOeS_ to bed. .
. • .
11' right are. the :%ini . 's in . the" wintry Skies,r , • f,..
Bur brighter Far a fair maiden's eyes :..• -..-. - ...•
And her clierk.dotlf Olathe. the tale's bloom,. - .
And lier . lireath the violet's perfnrce- - --.
. - Oh !_how chanuinglS "sweet sesteen;' • _
Wheis:its hair isn't musseil e inti its liau.ds are dein,
• • .
And, .who' but admires•a Wit - brave. boy, . • '
mother"S pride and his father's joy, 1 . • •
With - his open brow and his fearless 'eye, • •.-
And his manly step, and his hearing high :- • • ,
When the scamp has just come home from college,
Witli..manitigars. and but little tunwledget
. .
Who but bath sighed, fultwutny artime . • , .
For the-haPpy•daysof his youthful prime, • -•
Ere the_whirh•wind oViir•his hopes had 510Wn,".. , •
When grief 'and tare .were alike unknown: . -
- .And gaily and proudly he flew o'er the course
With a'vers loud" vest, and
. a very fast horse!
Q Twth! 0 Tooth; who would not be . young
Well hive thelpoetsithv praisr sung
al! may ire i . sigh :for the days that are pot; •
Well may we,sigh that they fled so fa st,:., 4 -
When our .heads are bald, and our hairs ire gray,
• And we vt yo many taxes and rents'to pay ! ,
-*. •
Omit:the last twolines of each serge if! 'pinging
31115Trilfinto . ils.:51titlitika: . ;
- 7 -- / ,
.. .. .''Fro ne !h e Pennsylvania Register.
• -
• Tille' Exiles of Geor,oa.
_ '.,1 iir ..0,..J0n117.1 n:CIDDINVi.
The rst. of the course of independent•
lecture was deliveied in Sansom Street
'Hall, a above, on Satu I'd a y evening. The
audience was not large, although corn
. •
prised 'of Some of the most intelligent of
our `citizens: • - The lecture 'was _one Of
!unusual interest, vontaiiiing some of the
;most thrilling incidents of . our count ry's
• ' He commenced by saying that there
--,-yrere in.cidents in the. history of the Seen
inole war and the occurrences 'that led
'to it - ,.that had7nevcrbeen written, and he
thought the time had arrived wh en It .
tilild be properly stated Jo the world.
He, hen wept on to state that during and
prior to the Revolutionary war,' the Butt
ject of liberty and the, right . to;:selcgov
- - ettment was nowhere ; more thoroughly
and freely diactis:sed - thari in 'Georgia and
the, arolinis. 't It was discussed in pub . - .
lic meeting, in Social circles, in har,rooms
and - in the „sti eets. ReSolutions w re
passed containing all, the principles Of he .
'Declaration of'; Independence, in regard .
to man's rights to libeety and self-govp!ln.-
tnent,a w en.. he Declaration was '
.rally made, the. Slaves, many , ` of w. 0
had taken part in the discussion • euppos d
themselves inelndedin this broad dernan d
for.thectightiOatura.l to, all raes . ./ With
thiiNietv: many •of, , theta entered the bae,
• tie field,"Where 'they fought and died for
liberty:. i . d
It-wasi a claire and warm- - contest, and
for two-et-three years the - vthigs and fo-
. ries Were nearly equally.-divided..-It was
diring these scenes of stritelhat many of ,
the slaves of Gein-gia - left their `masters ,
and took up their residence among
Creek Indians.' - Owing to -seme,dieerea-,• ,
_ :ce, a portion o 1 the nation. left the oirgt-.
nal. tribe.tisd.tOplt up their rtandence in
Florida, :wherel their 'settlenienti "
' known-as the reek Towns. The NEU-.
ass designated em as Stsminole& mean
jug runaway& It was fir this band &the'
entinntelt that the fugitives Red - for pro-,
tection. They intermarricil'and became
l a part of the n,at' - n.Here , .con in-
' l v Iheir
''•,, ned - . till the • year 1782, when an littenipt
. Was-made to•reeapture them. by eittzeps
- of Greorgia. There was no' Conititutip!<,
or Federal - GOvernmentat that tune" and
\ , the slaveholders had to go with their'oirn
:I force and Power. The fugitives hid tas-:
,ed the sweets of liberty and -resisteir the
. attempt'. -The slaveholders appealed to
. , the Seminoles. These sons of , the feieat
had not lettrn‘d 'to. conquer their Prejit;•
. . dices,' and refused to beernne the'sltive
hunterifor, the masters.* The ""Governor
of Georgia Santa Commission to take them
but Ile, -also
,-were repulsed: '
..He them
appealed 10 . the Creeksto seize and return
...., them ; 13.04::savages ; _though - they were
they retuied to do the work.., '••i'
- , Theu'itireitt• Was asked - 4iiii the Indi.
ans. To this the,y l cOttic
treaty itl l was stipulp.pd
Shouldreturniall pro -,
tbeir territoey. Irr•- -
ofiheir part t)f 001 cm
ered together:aft :ch - e.s.
shee,p, and hots .40
t o w h i t e ,peoplejAnit . dy
They-were - told ( that, the
they'waAted-that, Mori
drop wi4. the
_ltipil 'Y o f
manded.un - der_tho treat'
amazement; at Sucli_a,O r r
. fused .to , comply or gtr•
preration to the
.terms .
_ In 178:5, - thetreaty It
- pltin treaty , was formed
by the Galphin whose
notorious i'dt- peoulati
„treasury.. i ' Mr: 'G. Br
that this c aim of G-a At
more as a compeas- i .
than, for !anything cls
st ip to: I t ion • was.m ad tit
tive itegroes. In c m
pr( 411
.the: grofks se
to hrinW the eitiies t
therain.arms ready
and .the Semin les. r
`Agaiit.,the ; er eks 're
a 4
.could not•carr) out. the
:treaty. 1
. In 1886
I by Ihe Ga
islave holds
that had e
To them, t
1 cede, and
! all hone oa co,
ft i,
i i Hurnan pro erty..,
it he poor exi!es rep
this time the' fe('
fotltned and a Pre
.izens of Georgia . ,
merit for a- treats
clreturn of their pr
by the 15.•:* . G0v. ,
anot tresty
rernor of Greurtiii.
dernande 'pafo
Feipetl into t ere.
rrtns thejud psoref
niasters )ttaren
I~lrt'tl3iiii, ti,
For thte,e 41
.Sted in,!) C!.O
feral tionstit .
ident tleetei
called up'
that slaw
day orAugi ! st; : 1700, ratifii
Senate, remiiring the Cree
slaves and othr roper i 1
and; giving, t e . an. flat
hundred dolla '-.; ;=Air.'
to this first ! ,:t - a y as', is
repeated ass ‘rt n tha !
nothing to ' do 'v i h Slav ••
was then paid it s comp'
ing fligitives. r , crc •
that war Whic ic, t; the
fifty millions . f altars
livei, besidesbe lt g,. fo
of hell histofyil, be. C
fort tb carry, i o t, the
- Pagans as .the 3 wen
ivork.lWhich. filch i4tian
required thetrt t• do.
.attem p i t. , . II _ 1 2,
DUrint the ‘ licit
Knox - propt3.lo . dint'
she - aid pay for thegicil.
tion:was received and p
ted Upon. • - It:11790, WI
from office, and the eld i .
ded to the Presidency.
was fortied; but 310 at tt i mpt cv .
regain 'the EXiles, and utin,tr
istration, as well-as that of
thpy were horldisturhed.- Jet]
bocn and-rearedit: the midst of
ers, and one nf them,. never .
a 'demand ,fUr Ithe return of tl:
or •cempensatiiin for them .l'
. i
to•have hope that now • they v,
and wOuld bo . longer he disterl
had their - plan!tations: and co'
i find; and ivere qUietly en
homes:,; . 1 . .l
' The war ofi' 1512'cl:tie on. Gen. Ses
ISup coniniancled,the 'sotithern divisionof,
she artny,andlin 1811, the art v caPt :red.
I nuratrous sholes andsold-to a t e people of.
Georgia. In i ISIS, Gen. G-a Mes sent a
counnuniCaiirm to the Pm:si. •
pt; •
him _that the futiqves Ai
, d possession
e nfl a fi+i
i, knlivn, as. Binniltrs:Fortiand
were makin it a hap r`- tlfur fugitive
-slives.l The '.resider
rected•the . reta7 of - 'W. -11r to issue or;
dors to;; the otnmander Of,j'-the 'South;
ern Military: . l) js rid of the 'United Snitei
ttlsend a Jet: . a inent:Uftrocips to destroy
.13h:un i t's'.Fort;' and to ;..sefre tho.ce thho
,it a i return thernf, to their wins
l(cr's-' - 1 - ,.. - -
.-: G'eni Tacks n, et that time; cora:ma:oer ,
at, the South -rn Military *Astrict, alive
teA the,
I oil.' 'Clinch t•perform the
.barbaroust., . . Mr. G. sai d he was at
one time 'a . as rited %via...C01.-Clinch,'
and• knew the63o:lses ofdristgeneroa s.
Jure,' and cots . readily account for'.' the;
IfailiEreor; h . expedition. He Marched
to the -ricinit , of Ithel•ort, ;Made the.nee
essary recon i isance,.and returned Mak
ing report th the fortification was 'not
accessible by lan i d. -• • • ' . c.c ;
Orders we then issued if) comModore
Patterson... : . Ciinelim'• carry ;,,out
the direction- of*, the Secretary of War. -
He at tbavti L . e norrimandep .theArneri • -•
:can flotilla 1 L.
nein Mobile Bay, and in
stantly:mu - . all !Order ;to Lieut.' Loomis l
to' ascend' , ' -Appalbehie lit rivet With
,tviii. guu-b ;,,, o seize he people iii_
Olount's }7,0 . r .' darer the ;to their own;:
era, and den .y. 'be Tort: . : -:, --.:
t I
On Ile , In ..rui g, of the 1741 Sentem-`
ber,1816,-a speratnr
ht . have seen
several inin jii, Ids, stanch g
.upfini the'
Wills of. tha .11: - . ress, *ate ing with in.-
Leese - inter • • the -a roar :of
~two small?
.vesselitbat, , .ere, 510w1y . .,,
iii k o .ceeding
'river p unde ... Itil i:pread, I, ' /Mlle 'by the.
'aid_ of 4.1 i .t. seuthern: - ibi*e. , They;
~were in si . •it etir)id,n . ti; but it Was
. 'olnek 1- hen - they fin], d their
• ;sails
andkr-,. ~ er opposite a; pr ~ a nd,
nom!" nik.z,4l -fiye,,buntrrna .y - di distant
it. . A; :' ..LL::_._:____—• '
- li: " bi x it la' ,11 %teetiedi)th -le
iibiP - ral±" a ' "-tlieNkttuee' ere
making for .; be -- -.1101:0T ' y
at•at the water sedge iiyi , s4tie-.14' ,
vf . the pi , 'inilisne4, in the
their erratid.demngdo4 .• --: .:.
•- , ~,,, ce
They:mpg - ern.
~ r i :told_ ..the
sent to Make dea#ed .efitbe V.
inmates were to,..!xt Oren tiii t . .. 0
taL OF
i% ), .. : ,..4
inteu, apu in
Ithu,;-the hp
i i , fUund vy
'onest fulfil_
tract rthil kith -
my , cattle,' anti
1 , 1 ' Bing
stray,: Impt
Co - them h me.
.c Were net 'eat
women) apt) phi"?
rnlicily the de- .
StraCk with
1 o , .ositien;thefy re:
- aftY such titer=:
If the treaty
o‘vn as the Gal-
with the Ceeeks,
lame is new so
demand was
gun -brats, •
of the anativi~
As the 001
they - related ]
mind "that '1
,the constern
'iniks , and.
sex appear_ e
apatijaith, w
of servitude
the visible rn
the brand of
er.. He saw
Spoke cheerl
them that -t
shot of the
men enaugl
tlieir Fort,
?pliatiC decl
"ire nit dect
ed by many
ers on that
• A cannon
Fort but, f
.was produc
bank of dit
Fort. , Th.
more effect
these fatal
and a fei%
shrieks' oft
dying wer
, fortress.
n on tlac
ached: tub
n i s"Wai . all
•for , that
In this tre
- return tli
Hance - wit
i; their yv
gy . • They
efend them.
, ist
r (mud that
f the
d for
s the
ye up
r lost
le cit-
e G
n 1.!
e the
he 1;4
ed Liy th 6 'U.S.
ks to re i durn all
-thew cquntry,
ij of Ififtee
alle attention
provtug the o.
he - orth hild
1 1
v te n : " : r e r: t id ns le tde h rm e n a l cit ' a e atf :da p a at a : . :n il : ecv tli . 1 1 lir:1
'i' . 6 pp ti
'• 1 t
1 a tl.l
; I blot o
reaty I
, revol
hey g
, fit
at not a -
I ongres
es. T
er Ada
I ::knot
- reiired
Cr 4 treaT.y,
i S made (6
is adlnir
ouid seed
icy began
ere secure
red: • they
Irdto' tbe
ying their
-*- 9bSeri.e a
.11111 an -
were Me t
1 7( k r , l i , end
i.f0N,T:40 : 5..F4 - i..:tP* l. _.pluo;,ky:;, - .,i. : t'_;4 . 13p . ,
1 n;:futtitiVe slaresi The
instantly rejected, and the
and his men returned to the
nd inforined Lieyt. toonlis
r be had. received. •
red men entered:ibe Fart,
to their companiOns the de
ad: been made.: 'Great" was
tion manifested' by the , fe
en a partion of the sterner
•te diitiessed at their
Ilia , - Was'ob - Seri-ed 65,''' ttrixlti.
o, had_ drunk. the- bitter,: :eu,ri. -
one ,who;hore,iiti'.his - person
arks.of. : the thong, as, well as
his master • itpunliis shatildf.
hisfrientl; falteredi- -.and lye
[ oily[ - tO ; them: ' ITe - assured
r e . y were safe from the cannon
l i nemythat -there were not •
1.0 ,r- n board the„ . ‘'es - Sel to storm
ft finalliclosed with the ern
atidn.: ! Gire - me, ibely or
~h , ii. This saying was retwat-:
- agonized . fathers andineth -
.body day.; . •
.. , : --..
ding - was commeneed7olf.the
• r_twn hours, _very little effect
d, the ballsA)enetrating• the
without - inkling those in• the
I• • •
-y then c ommenced throWing
e bursting alba shells: had
I theie was - . no shelter trolt
1, -- e l ssengers: •-.13y these- setiplO
,! Were occasionally wounded
1 ‘.loiled,•• , until,. at _length 'the
ie wOundediaud- groans - of-the
beard in i•ariMis . parts of the
ask - why thp - se 'rn - Others and
ere this-ii butchered in aiiki.
lq.r. G; .LansWer -they ' were
iering. to _the doctrine that 'all
. Creator With
bie. o frifilg to enj;)" .- life and lib-
.Do: you .
blond ? sai
slain forad
men are of
eitS-,' •
. .
The bom arilment Was 'continued some
hours' with but little effect,. sh "tar as the:
assailants could .discover_` They.- mani
Tested no dispOsition to surrender.- The
day was passing away. LoOmis_
called - a . ' council of africcrj,, • •and Put .to
the 'question; what furiher shall be ?wise?,
Att derr. - ,OffiCer . s egg:est ed . l the .proprie
ty of - firtng .hot 'shot at thh Magazine.'
The • proposition was: agreed. to. The
furnaces were heated, balls! were itrepae
ed, and the cannonade was respmed.
Suddenly a -startling phenomenon pre-,
, sented..• itself to : their astOniShed view..
The heavy atebankment anal-tinibers prof,
teCtinir the magazine apPeared :to rise
from 410 earth; ana-Itte-nvzi..iirstent.the
dreadful; explosion overwhelmed them,
at d:the next found
eats pare.nts-and 'children in.theimixted"
ate presence of Gq.d,..inaldris, - Oleir -
peal.for retributive jiistice 'unon.the,
ernroeut who had - murdered Aber
. the freemen of the North
such. unutterable crimes.-.
Maity were crushed by : thi
and timbers; Amity. were
in the ruins. Seine: Wer
by the fragments;
.ezploSion•of Charge/
the tringaiine.: • J.,y
. the bodies to whiff
2ed. . l others.r
othei, .wra tip)
no waking/
light of
some. sT
; • ; . -ai,(l .
stable - J.
ailing earth •
irely buried,
. horribly In an?
_., the
'shel . tll , ibe 'vyere
. bs ere-torn..froiri
.11 . they bacl i been
d-I)abes lay i'_hshre cacti
(1 in that sleep. ii• kim'w
end •
:ening - was closing round, when
:ty .sailors, Under th officer sec-
A command,. landed,and witlarut
Arbition entered the. Fort. The -veter
/4ai lors t , accustomed to :blood and' car
nag, were horror-stvicken_as they viewed
tbescepe before thent.They were 'ne
comnanierl, however, byi i slaveholders. all
attxious.for their prey. These paid little
attention to the:dead and. dying, but anx
iously seized, upon Hie . 4ing, and fasten 7
ing the fetters,upon tbeit limbs, hurried
from the Fort, and instantly crimmenced
their 'returned towards the frontier of
Georgia. -Spine fifteen poisons in the Vert
survived the, terrible explosion,. and -whey
now sleep ill servile graces, or moan or
weep in bondage. 1, . . -.-•
_The dead'rertiained unburied ; nit& the
next day the vultures,w4re feeding upon
the_ carcasses of young tnen . and young
women,- whose hearts on ' tbe previous
morning had beaten bighltvith expectation .
Their hones have been leaching " : iii the
sub for lhirty-seven yea., and may yet
.t 3
be seen:scattered among the ruins of that.
ancient fortification. ' 1 :: . ... ...
But, a feature of tbisi horrid transac- -
. tion, which bas steadily ',been kept from'
pliblief ' - viesttr, -.remains to be told. The
lecturer said-be had alviitys before avoid
ed public'alliisipn tn it. but . . the relevial
ofthei attempt :to spread ..:slavery over : a'
new' and vast territory, F constrained ltimt
to . utter iti as disgraceful as it is to a
christian -nation.:'After they /bad cap
tured,tbe fevi who reniainedAlive from
the destruction of the FOrt, two men Were
'Rye; up. assr b je ta on ch: e 7 Indi a n bar:
IWI aritislon ld be ezereised, and they , wer
put to the most horrible torture within the
Of the Fort, by the
.savage warriors!
The record'ef this. fact may be found in
the official -Import of the capture 'of the
Fort, now to the alcoves of the Congres
sional lab !try. ,,
:Mrt oft exiles left ht 1773 and had
!been away:' ore. Chan forty years. Many
of them were. dead;; but .the,Geoigiana
claimed the descendants.. : - .
•, goto r the'firealthe revenge were kin , -
aka. and, ;theybattle cry *us: 'lrevenge
for the mat i dera i 13leutat's
.. 'Mr. U. toieed , inutely the awful" scene .
Alai foltoived an ;the terrible reienge t 0...
ken by ibet.Setraeles. Majorbadetsi)l 7
fated t fell, al. victim, to tbis - revengei.
When retire: ing ihreugh thocOutitry, h,S.'
matiatladi )YourrOui4Mand t hnnei n .9 4/
. tiering t hin li int Tinny as. the Slaughtered
at ille et! - Fort; tbe Indians under; the
command' f the' Slave- of AntU'nici:Posa
-c-cbii:iiii'h_ i Peiriall - SPssuP, "NM . was -a ;
'man of g eat % intellect): ` and , , virofe..and
ipoke=four ,l i dite4. - tit languakes:,) and . VVild
Cat, delitiertieli'ilitit. 'doWn'ltivery Man;
jwbite-th - e_ t :Cried; !creat ember` Sloane&
Rid!' lii traced Ail Varranali'elsef
Congress f ish'iitreatiea with 'these Indiariii
and finally , to the lig exile of the Semi
notes in 1850; ' ThiSl)same Slave-Wholid
fought the battle nflibertv and reyeage.
.Volunteered to stati#: by Wild-Cat, and.
lead him and his peoee lieyond - the reach
of the 'Fugitive Slasilavi of18:4. _'The • •
started with their wtsesand‘ children an
What litt.l6 ' proileriyithey could take, an .
keeping spies inlemi 4 . and rear, .rook thei
'departure into exilet : • ,
.. • ;
'-- . On . the -third -daylpf their, exodus; tb •
spies from the `reatf f ,cainoup, and state.
that the hostile: Crelts—who wire, to. .-
"iv! ti 'reward for . .. pturing fugitives
were coming' -opyt or four hundre
strong. The wive. rand . children wer •
placed in a ravine. wiv e _
as to - ti e secure fro
balls; All the Men, pt Oiiity . negroe:
were _concealed. lie enmev came up
iand rent &demand a surrender,,,_ Th ..
!answer they receive the sharp crac
tof two hundd a.n• liirty: rifles, and fn
i re
more than an lieu they received sue.
answer ; _until . over _ wo hundred' of ill
- slave catchers were ft on the grounds an , .
. the others fled and • • inl-said'l*.,G.,'i
is 'the, only 'answer that ever. Should,b..
. - . .1
given to .a map wlio tries to capture
slave:.' - • ..:- 'r' . , - -:.. _ I
. . . .. . . .
• • Midi - this bettle,ttio Serninoleesprotoed I
*pa- op their rnareh;cr*ed the RiO Grande
and-settled in Meiliiii. When our co •
missioners were . on,ibere; tiliy were'esp
.- I
tured by Pessaeld:,.:, , Wild,cat, and th i l
i li
.Fierty,- - taken to thetite.amp, . m ila told.t a
-they w 9.6 . geing . , pi iii. killed:They
.w. r .-
kept .two_dey.s . ,',undithen•given n•stor
breed. - end prov,isiotbi; and told to deli s,
in - peace; as they only wanted to let thl
people .of the _linit*d. States
.they Were.:Btill elive::end free. , ,
regiet that weieannetgive tke
reittuee detail.ortbeet Ctien . of out gover,
meat and other impctixanlfmatie . rtcol4aiy
eyi in the lectur fte
- - -The,. Daily
- .very valuable,
iress of the .4.• - a
s everybnclyl
11790 -Virginia
'tinned to hold.
kran - to decline,
-10, - third in 'lf
-. hich position
1859.. Ne'W.l ..
. . .
Ali- in
aey. as the, fth- , popUltition.;: In t,
• years. : Oh • ..beentno ' the third, in' twen
years .t e Secotni. and in IthirtyyparSAl.
first- - .he, holds this posit ion yet, ult hou • I
Olii •
.talkiol .-4' Cirlw4ing; the, tnou s rae
a,.an'early day . . r•-: :, -.-- . . •
~ i •
• The:decline of;•some.of the States it •2.
been - as rapid, and - marked as. the adVan c
of ethers.. :Thus New. Ila mpshiro stn
ing tenth in 1799, telly) ;the eleventh r
1800, to the -fifteenth:in 1816, :and:- he t]
that position ten rears,. when . :2she - aga n
fell to the eighteenth in 1830, to the take
ty4tecotid•inlB-16,..and held thatin ie• 0
Ohio, on the tither. hand t ! -which „enter '
upon the course .in 18.06 as the Seye.•
.teenth,.rose to be . thirteentli in 1519, -1 c
be fifthin.lB2o, fourth - in 1830,..and tlii ci
in 1849—•, tire i)usiiiiin Whlch . slte.holai . • t
.. .
present- - Others-of the States have be n
marked by: curibu . s,Aalteraticiiii .Th 2
11liksissippi beginning niiieteentliin - :1810,
- had that. :place ten years ; in ,180.0 - i e
had' fallen ter the tweney-first, and ixt 18 1. 0
,tohe. o t twenty-second, when- she began . 21
rise,- and in .1840•,.5t00d seventeenth; a 4
fifteenth cp 185% - Arkatisas - 41.thQ 0, y
State.whith.held the s#lc.. relative 'rails
•lat the -end . of the cburse - ,as she t c
.beginning, -and her pOSitiOn,..l2o . he n
changed - everyften_Years, l 4o4 l her exit,
ence... „ l Thikteen Of.the dates stood liii,h ;
.. . .- . ,
er, an .
. fifteen lower in 1850, than - wh n
they' started.. -. Those which - have: ria n
' and fallen; f with their ranlCat the begin
ning and .. .end-Of the .peitOd.einbraced,
~ r
i All ef, folio w i tig : •
. i• - FALLEN.
Virginia, font I.t.
Mass. . . . .. 2 t
N. Carolina, - 4 to 1
Maryland,. 6 to . 1'
S. Carolina, : . 7 to L
Contierticat, S to
New Jersei, 9 to 11
N. H., - ' 7 . 10 td 21
Vertmont, ' 11 to 2:
R. 1., - - - 14'to f.
Delaviare, 1.4 . td 3t
Maine, - 12 to 11
Louisiana, 17 to If
a of- Col., IS. to 3:
Florida;:- - 26 to 31
Mexico, California:mit- Or e gon, Ore, Ift b
New exico, and innetota Territo es
Are, of course. toc4C , anig to enter:into hi
entriparison: There is material for .g of
deal of interesting •:ittid profitable stud ii
the facts so vividly presentedin this tai lc
If *gives, in`a very small eomitass, -- but ii
a very clear manner. the' history'-of hi
States of theTUniort, front the beginn ni
off their career' Until. the; present '.,
Dettbamt. •'- •.- - .
Amit.., i c. o
irEtt .I.lionElTA TIC.—It now Ip
' pears that the;- Vefiniont era claim to live
in Me ‘.‘ model S ale." The i ßritl nd
Herald makes . out a clear case : .
~ There is . but ne city in the St to
and not one . soldie . -.• We have no. t . ea
-4 eres nor nicks., kre have no police. • a
-sot a.mvrder ,/tia l : een : committal in hii
State irithite the la t_ `ten years. ,We -11. vc
no mos_eunts,• ctie - Houses , nor cry la
halaces,. "hitt we ' have' bornes;•;gen .in
omes, that are th • centre of the worli t
.their inmates, forThich the father wo
.votes ankttillts--- - here the mother .ot
trors, ed_ucges, laors and loves- 7 ,w er
Ifi o
she rears men id lans and patriots.
Penn„lioin 3 fo:2_
New Yorjc, 5
Gedrgiti, 12 . t. 09
Kentucky, 1:3 to 8
Tent3essee,'l6 to,, ;"
Ohio, 17 to; 3
Miss:,- 19'to 15
Alibarna, 10 to 12
Indiana,' - 20 to' 7
Missouri, 22 to,ll
Illinois, - io
Michigan;24 to 20
Wisconsin;3o t 024
. •
.. . _
NEW , , , ,
- - Tili Poir Gs 13:14..=- - -The pre e •
._4 - - _
for oangieg.!.lip .. :tes i of postage In d:
this' governments 'ported- by Mr.:ol , s -
few days since fro .the'House -con i i
tee tin-post Office and:pOit - roadi, ,
teinplates Makin ie:ltildigatory to:. ir
--pay-all letteissen -in the m2115,1'114 sr
poseSittiwto`fer the , rates of poste , •
'three 'cents per bidtoutice for lan dis a
cest4ip to three thousinCtnih*: f ind
.cents (or - all greater distance - iv:. - "r.:,.:. .
16, 1854;
The Childle'•giairden.
•:. : Beneath 1 bsOcling lilac ~
L ,
-- I._ - A little snaidin stlit•e(V2'
The` first Bower in.her garden:
• . . . That very inern had -Wed.:.
.„: :1 A primrose . -*aft, tratiWarkted;
1.. And: eat every day
.-?'' °
-t 1- One yellosibndliad opene4„7:'
:- _ . Aunt
114honalht a* ch*eentro',w ~.
1.• Rose wail: T 4 in thiantr, • ,
• '
~ - 1_ '
31y• bear l i, .e.fprth firgeho,' -!
imiti k sim
' . i - i# l (alike the%s'. . --,
. • i s,,Z a _..,
• ' For dkigh tane . brinir , s neva 4 47, - .
• - ; - And -gokielts fruits beside;, - N ;
-!. We've all seine dem; garden: -
- '- ' Whette lifei's first printruse ified-1 ,-- \
[: - .The 861'6 . 01.610 _Wr.ecii.
" was a lonaly sort 'at . a - bacbelor t . andi
id - qtr Iv' •
'Wed no longer. f was Veil Young; strong.
in l i mb, and I think - stout in heart !and 1
was possessed of a rental of some - than;
1 83 / 111!8-yer annum. 'What bar was there
to my enjoyment of the goods- of
.life 14
. No bar, indeed, but-1 felt sorely he lack
- of means of enjoyment: 1" was , sailor
.- in-every. sense . ' My education - 8 tol
erable, and 1 had read some bob s ;
,• my Itastes were nautical, and I p nI on
shore. You wili•easily.understa il then,
why it was l built a sachte d spent
. must of my time On her. She .w s a fine
craft, suited to niy taste-in every respect,
and I remember :with -a sigh ilia hapPy.
days I-have spent in the Fciaiii..l,tised
3, to read considerably • m ,my , ca b in;_ and, '
-I oc c asiona ll y, ' indeed weekly, inviked Pa':"
n ties 1,. . i
el orgentlethen to cruise with trie. 13 t.
r,: the foot of a lady bad neierbeen, on' th
, i deck of my boat, and •1 began to have a
Old bachelors pride in 'that fact. , L
-! Yei, I.
„.' confess to you seeret longing it son e'
i sort of affectiondifferent - friim ; ally Ili d,
heretofore known,and a restlessness %Ph n
, men talked of beautiful : women in i
presence. • • - , , , , . ..,
- " Ono summer. evening 1, was at t e
_Olil hall in which 'toy uncle bad died,: n d•
was entirely. alene. .. Towards 'Sunset I,
i was. surprised when loo king g o
•')'-er ,
, books, by the ;entrance of a gentleres ,
hastily announcedend giving indicatio s..
1 of no 'little excitement.
11: 1 - ,'
"ll , our pardon, sir, for My.uncerem;-
nions -entrance. my. horses : halve r n
away with ir'iy !carriage, and dashed it o,
-pieles, near your park. gate:- My faili r
was badly injured, and my . sister is no v - -
'watching him.; I have' taken; the: liberty .
to ask your permission to bring. him 10
I your residence." , , •-:- ; ~, ~-
1 *Of course niv e.onsMit was instantly ;
; 1 gN4ii, and my own carriage was despatc 1-
,; ectlto the pack gate. . ; !'. • ' • f
- i
i •
. Mr. Sinclair was-a gentleman •of.for-,
. 4 "
. ; :tune; residing about forty miles:from me,'
; I andlis fat het, un • invalid,: fifty
,yeirs of
1 - age, was on. his way .in cOmpany with
~. his; son to that 1 son's _b °Use; therci ; to , fii e .
and be buried.. They were: strangers ; ;
e me but
,1 made them i welcome to .my
house ns•if it were their owii, and insisted
• ontheir using it. - • - ~ • 'I
l'. Miss Sinclair was the first one. 49,1
s' hcrossed. my door-stone, slam I had
D - b e n the possesior of theball. And well_ '
7 ini ht.she have been loved by better men
n I.• She -was very - small : and very
1, :be a t ir a l— a f the. size . of Veilus,which all.
9 - m n iworship is ,the perfection ,, of *email- .
2 ly I.4auty,•• but ,having - a soft Wee - eYet
3 strangely ahaded-by jet blaelc-brows. Her'
B face presented-the coutrait.• of purity or
o ' whiteness in - the complexion, 'set .-off by
6 - rt4-en hair, and yet.that hair hanging in
. 8 , chistering curls unbound,by eomb or fil
3 le , and the whole face-fit.up.With an ex?
11 , • pression of gentle,trtist and cattipleteeon*
1, fidence, either in all around.,lier, Or•el.4o'
s , - in her own indomitable deterinination.- 7
le: For Sinclair had a mind Cof her ovili
, nin e
,d and .a far, seeing one tow ! . She. was -.
'teen then.... , . - . --, . .- f,-;:-. . •;,:
"Her father . ilied iu my h ouse land I
altended• the solemn procession thac.bore,*
hi remains, over bill and valley-to4he old'
• c hurch
-in which his ancestors Were. laid.'',CYce after that' 1' called on ;the family, :1
to d then avoided _ them: .I cannot tell :I
y., ii whit:witethe cause•of the; slier i on:
L ad to enttridg that•houpe dr appr eh
i cti
i . g -the inflii nee. of
,that,,!matchiess. l 'il.•
I believe _that - I feared the magi, I. or
h, and was impressed wit , 'my_
own unwort inesa tolove:her:•or be ''be. !
loved by 'h ' A knew her associates :,ere..
1. of the nobl ; theeducated, tie re nod' s !
g and that I.. was none df theie:•`‘ , , hate
a iilen could expectlut misery4l yield-i
a e
I , to the charmsOf that exOsitebetuiy;,,
le - or graces loch I- knew :were la ;-.hee:
Eo' .60 1 .111 .'.l
.. t •
As , "A - ,y ear used, and I we4:,a,Tp • rylibot
2 - . iii. my coon me 4 thoughts of, her ; J. Teri .
7e , shaded ; my If a thousand times t)ilit IT
.-- -_ - 4} . 4 not iov - 4ervatld: - ct•iir44o , ; ‘O 2 " ,
i l ,
- determined to-prove-lit by, entering ber:,
:t. presence. - t length I thr e w myself , rto •
u.. dm vortex: f 'Louden _coney ? .and
. { was
a I in the iiirlpool, —.. . 'l, ' i' -,- ;1 1
t-, - ,..•." , 0ne evening at:a - cr9w • Itas:0 1 01.1?i . "
i'-': I wiLf'standing, netir.lfia; indow.- . T; 0.,
r , recess, - talking with a tad y',-S ben I: felt a
0- - a rarige Arai. 11, - cannot lif ilici, , , , i, It6' .-
t f yoM-,ba,t its - effect : Aras , visible to" .Ty
.., :(‘lrlpiiinti,.whp instantly iiiid: , A . yoti are
unwell Mi Stewart, are you ricitl , :
'll.lVatlltilkituddialy fiiishid,ialayi
d trembled 81 Its,ts) Ottke Owe,
1 le.;Wlls. inOttliiabii , t° inYsPl
- staqiid at the" aimiiiinterieli
i - MiartSintiair..,l :turuid.7*
iii '.was - . 7 e Wt eri n - l' b Il
g on; pr. to it
'more; beautiful , than - ever. - - How.
edl-tic,..tini litio'ir,.but I did PO:
a •Thriee aftertsfards- /7 Wei wa
het presence In the same myst ors
till -1 belieVed• there.' wasl4otrier 1
i f ivettet us iss, , lo, 'of unknown - but
-03 1 0 4 tei• - •;J * liite - sin`Pe 16iened
JOYAT.Ole.**li4isii - of ii)ir4.'wji
• soMetimes without . material 4 ,
tion. '.'•,- 4; -, • ,•:- . A...
_.....- ..`: ~
_ ,r 3 h 41 - rd 'eflier '' nos ` as long ,
. o.
t..a a ti ! g.
icllll was t ',
e l , i a e ,
j ;i r
it a l
oe m i
id ac,ant
p g o
t.: , 1
of s I supposed, very satisgictory.:
ihe truth - Of the rumor, I left '
and met them , tit,/ more.`. The
'rri r follewed me -in letters,:ari
S mad eMough, to, dream. o ',ICI
cl ir,_untit,inontlis after. I tqisdk:
2,;3, iiik•iv,hat,' alf*l 1 bed beet
vi veil - of dile; TwenC on board
I s
'a ut'.tintisurnmer, and for •fou
e vet set lea on shore: - - -..' ..
" One sultt4 day when pitch'
inoi the 'deck itt•the hot •sun, s
li avit y in the • tayi of Biscay an
e the aftermicin•undera sail-+64
' ira tinatletrdeck• Towaid
fa ded a storm was : brewing; an
ni de all Tqatty for,it, - - smoked On
r: it till MidnlghLand thin turned
Yin - believe me: T r . Telt' that -sera
rough Veins,. as I 14- iii..
.. . cic,:and:Awoise with l it_ fifteen
. ,liire the.watCh on dick ciplei,
1 - to ihan at ihe , 4 wheel, .-.?
y our helm ra'iail on the lee boW:
1 "-I!Was-on deck :in an instant
ti at a stiff'_ breeze was ,blowin
s all schooner' ,Showit!g• no li:
.C, tisif'clOu'r f.4re-foot vvithin a pi
a d'wati. now ' bearing up '`to;: ti
' • esr. ` The sly'Svas cloudy and'
e breeze Was very steady ',ant
b IoW again, anti after endeavo
Ito.expresithe emotion .1 had
asonahle.i,Viky. I .at - length - fe 1
and t.rc tit 0 my Nesse , a
it to . k . g f r
before..the wind, gave'ust motin
to :my hammock'- to lull me into
slumber; ' But ~1 4 ii4nigal all
.11 1 1;rvi.fnataii.. I,drett`itifl of li' ,
as in miiileasaitt dreams. ' I
• indineon the deck if the Ftia
s l ,
I Would iov.44ice ti.4ards - her,
of . Waller Would, , ,
fan - 4'i( tiniii lluirrnyl
. iffmrift ,
her, and her' form was r,esting. na
• side, idol her head lay on, Friy_
and'_ then. •• bythe, strange 'tnu
dreams, it was not i l. but Walle
holding her, and Lwas 'chained
looking at,tbem ; and she - Woh
'and again the kiss wmild; he ,b
My HO: ' - ,The• morning fond
awake reasoning , mySelf ant ; ' n
ciek !Bytinon,ttlad enough t .
;ocean MS roused A -- tempes
.on tbe sea, and the Foam went
~, "Night, .came -down„glooM
very bidokO l oss of' dlPlPoss.' w
ivater ai we flew liefoie the terl
was on deck. lashed to'-the
which 1 o*M,*i tlis. a kr k i fdi. ' w
. .
t 9 cut thilashnig, ifnecessary..
Mit . - a ~ .y4g of . aail ou „het', and y,tl
ed - more like - )t bird Jhan a
Wave... to . Wave.. Again and . ag
Wait, went -over , us, but She Ca
e duck; a n d , shook .
ed .04.- NOw'sh
ivas,: on„-,t4,''ai4ar f' -bikw= t
save, stayed', a' man . -of-wiy, - ,bu.
gallantly' on; , and now• itie', re)
y and ,;loWly; butbiit never abate•
light.loWardsi . tho--,,shorn:". • It
Wit ~,when ; th e wind .was trig'
..Tow,aacreant.,-rivf a shriek, n,
and now ilaugli 'of Mocking
Sir on' wa &W.. Ildblied iip;'
ed nqy'Atiarainni•the::boriiant'
'.es no akjro.',TlO sea, , no '.49 1 14.
140coti!_s! . 1, 1 *i.,,,ttiat s Amunetit.,l
hat„stratiOthrilj;.atid it i 66 i - e
i iii
ii i:L : d i :ti i,: 'd ite : i ii ,n, s ii, e i ; :i. - lih b t.: l : 'it. m 'C l 'k e, ti hti l e - i to i r : :: : : :: s : i il .,,
ext, 2 vinh' a crash ana.plungii;
as'goite l'?i Down:vieq. my g
~ u 4 ; With he Anotber ,vesselp
ad; beer' litsjild,liad. `biollen]
bidy34 ofia' i eiiinit away;'l
ii,ipar, want
own is 'the
in boat.
-'. I A I caimin t4;t
. a hand gra9)ol my, bpat.
I ai
-4/ thrilL4fg9nY.=B ll ,Rt 3 b l 4 ll .;
pogn!zed i
. 11'4;1 0 aticate finger,. o
I Aieiv . liet; ii , tne'ind lashed'
Spar bi'MY, Ode. and so, in the
tweiwcialMni'ficiataa !iway.':or
raT , '; ocedn., dƒ 2,t
"1 44 9';-FcoWanion.: , lF•eP
r,k O6 W• de4d-, \A thn
tintr . o44,l ihrmigh` initia
ate: unitos:y. Who'ivin nif '1
On die - sinio waslhe
sunkt W t ins I,witittho 44i'Atql
man eing; , . -,,;nr* erp ;,:41
7 an`d now could I din it)
1 ) 43 4 imtieY
than 0014(iiviiii -' ai, iit i us'Alo,
erldie.etlibit 'et , and-aiaajr 1 -',-
. • ..,I chafed her trds. ileFftil
.ihoulde* iII tile deasa- dark '
not, see ai:eaurP qt 1 1 ,1. Al Ff'
'Ai liver 4; 614 or. IPtin*•=scli'
or'idiitikfr Titti - iftenCe:"'cii f i
resi:tut. - 4 - § O , lone!, - ita f/ ? iiiiii , i
deekl:trilli bqat• thel* lo 4 ,l ivhi
- 1110- : rPr*: 4 o.Rmunt) Ake *p4.
a ~Pat,Nitf,iecii94. l :4 ) tlrW•ji
. 1
'Xng 1 1 #t',...q.!,, '''.?ccaßitinal " 0 019 ,
40!',11'ir'-i,#l4oaah'.tif-17. ettn":'e
:bey,* =sotipd'ret tit, wi ' d' p
- 0411 !- 1, -' , . ,1,4i-f:;T,lsff..-i i; -;A:;..,i
, . ..f d At leifoli alke melte , 141 , -
in' intaa. , '4Hort. my - 4,,1 111- ...Jd
Otodig4ta'iiiebllitiaft Afi;iiii
the *Hit tiCetia:' - -'-: - F4aaiiiiiii _
Ilona . ; -, •IrPttaoo - one,other a;
17 ecle.itlileelei)11-1 11 *df ihe l 4i .
`elsaf4tiiii;kkgift4iiir ivitli'bi l
- -:. -.
_ _
.' i~,~~..',i
1 i/gty
"- ', -
.....:... . - i
I ifelrthe clai. of that arm tighten. r *P&L
bOvred'my . , ihotol towards himt.lSheArr
Matinee tt4iiettalitflaird. her cheek aitihuit
itilii;?l'let iti r rest there,`it.migtlt:Arirp
hers and help me to gi - v& t heirlif,el.—.tf:;,ifit,
Then she 'tie:hied -close . to, , mri bpaoßkB;:ef .. :
and whiniered, .. Thank - do lls:,.' oul:,.' , Wtli , difig 4 :'-: f .i1 . .:
Mr. brOR eel, ldly tbrisliziin -mrhea,4,4t. ; 1 4 . - .:1
e l
iliaticiirkisp' ' d setitiiiiiiiii She cknevr .l ,::: .
10tfivbere'the was, that wiesile4ii!"--, ; t e,f:f.: ,,
ialiiikl - iiiie,iviiiide ri mg.", A Aliiifiitistatiri . tZ.:•';`l
the apar•iiteutlx - some heijirobjettp,,aniii` , ? o ;:c.
we retiOkdOlect by a: hugke:trairravarit:,,.k
a nd to my joY s iVere leftoma floating dech:T . " -.-
I cut the lashings from the spit, aticisfaXt
ened mv companion and myself totalparF
of the pew raft.or '.ii-recilk - IC:Attie*/ not
kr . !cli,(iind • "al :::itiiii: time,: th'it.tarna,lirin
•iet and my , Iciend rigid:44j *tibia.
cNow - canie • ifi ', low wild wail:tt4itipeo
.4,Ce4... theilire king of the s t orm. q-,T116
aft . seemed l' lied-with view ss spiccts
Tek i h
' ' - and - 10 -, r n ear
mournfully at gitivsi la ~,,,. - - n r......
thought *of he' #psi . ahrhin " . aalia -7,..-,7
~.ofilf.being - 7 -: t.'4,as ibak , ,biiiiiii . itijOF.iiMf.f - ' •;•'...
' Oeir . likener4= • fMb t havegiliiina4lo/0 6
00 . , - .,..Yw01ip ' , MT arm arolinatiblit;i4id ' 1
drew ter 'cl 'tomi s hea rt, iMd-flbia,Vnlsci
!-lititead over her, and . ii.'thOwildaisaiaf
the - -mopent. I pressed trio#44iliija is -
a long passioate kisititefini!eitili:gvet:arid
agony.' Tha - kiss lat iiii:.l, - ,g4i.iieki42-the
I, d.'in
p rison of he Niitiir;::o4- I galy . iiiit s .ribi'et,
ri .
anurinp Ifeeiteria- , Paiateg:iitirtiticar-
'meet, l ivilTid both - her artiVii9Aiiid!!:vily'
1 neck , , and lily tit liiiithCitid• ativ*yritiO , Vid ,
er,vithl er , airelieo4:preasid ligiihiliii
' cheek , fell .! to ii+eilm i'alfituber'.; That-
I kiss burns ;in itt.Y-litis'iltiOintir: ' Nelft . a
century oft , ja:cntd - kitite4lof*thef . .woil_d
t have nor u;, 'ti'lly . e:lii!l7.i inthietict: ki - -1-1t
ihrills mo 110% - ii;ldielil - , 1 iitiatirifiAh e4s.
,Withld& -*:.i ' hip of Ihtii.f Titii4iftiliave
'itf l ili 'tho' . !in: k of bitriselfi r*hiCifiriitilat
`Hour I's re e
as"ekilfiGll4l rfOel the un-
'ifiriblYl i ?. .a'' in `d=elay, Jiffs reinernb&- ..
r.:this:clasp of o .Ostir.wilitiowtiiirtits.and`the ,
I 'll6i},pr Urfa iit lhlit' 4'6 refietiV-'4, Aniw 1/:. -
l a
'fiat; rat :..1 -: t;if.slic w th ciffitalinalitir , •
A gatiii;*.? ail
..0. in 4 fair :` I' 1 1 •6i11:7 1 f!-ktf&vr -
03# itta `O. Atli joy 'untold liiitAitt i iv'tlus
huii i iiinfin4 t 1, of niv' _own 'tin - by-Ibn
it r bie t '
gre t at r ,
...vac race. - - -... c .4', •
... it Oi'ili, ..iitteiirihoilglitirediiiib.,
tin ' thiat iitiisiiiittat neCirliiiiiibircle- ,
s tl.: r . '• ruing flawned,g i raSlif-t- - -Tfie
fir)? • . fain - gl
,am ~of light .- alLikiiii Wiiiiiitil a
'dr! ng cioit 'll'6oo tray if # llclii. 4if - w 1-
co cd Witti'' , :ekidder: -I' teirlig V ',I
ea teita
mra te to at on, on orer - t `t.' Aeavnig
) (lc n, with hat 'forizeclhigingo;m'e;- lad,
.m arms ar Mid: iiViiiiiitiafilips'exenaal
anon Esews 'ic . iilitii .. ..pitailaii tiii4or n i f '
an intim
,er - onMytioiniW nd-P',wou ~ •- • -..Ye.
e her
.ft: 0 - hir -6 4itn'aar-71 ): %tte c iggi:: - :•,,':
$u .14: . .-1 . 4#.A 6'60 for ifiridi t iep l aiii : ? l: : :.
gragial .... ti4lo3•fielii;sttiti*Vtiiii
!tvi # l ii, , i ii iii iii .... ..i i. iy ...t. 4 . )ne s.
a r.
jtc.,4l. ir. e ; -,:
6 ill':.' , .,th° fe`POireit: s . l o l llel66Ah4.xiiii , !
41 4 4. A: tiAitia.tilf?tyly”iitAiiiliikP.'.:
Ailliio; X.: 44tWeillite,u - d i lisjity ,ast i ol , " 23 l.
63* ' - iiii'litli'l4-4Viiitt"'' 4 .:Airtqii:
- Mi . ry .0 . c.iiiir. ..,
.•-;:,r'.. , 7 .'" . ,z-.. 1 . 1 ..„._eetrr.,..,, •::: ::.i=t:
..f Vl:ii'liii • viliekiiiiedeiii' : ;4*7 l ...'. o 7 o .cii:tf. : .:';:: . :
!Wk. - 11 - 4 kie L tilliitr i7Cidif°l°.. l 5 ;;
. ....,,. ~ .. _. .... ...,.„ .I.,sfi
e s
an .at rola n ght fig ' t he, iiextliz ..% ,rhitivi". - :
ed' 'sliip'..iip theitakitsiftf! .4 4 14ent t i:'--.
I l i , ii :\ tke'r' '6 - '
thell4 - '''''' . i'' ..-•
and o r vessel was
as e with one exception '"'Ttie I ' -
ve set Wei t e FairY, a • sChixiiiii fne . t.:4::
bi,, iigirigt ' •n friend Lot - 'l4ll4:S i irqNi..':::
rii kwtiorr s he • Mid - her' to iiiit r --F
---,- -,. - .• - r f mr,.4.1 1 1( 1 0 ., ,....).
P 4 - tx4irla ikkEiii444l.lll,iniin-14 - giwi.-
- ...q4 4fit;:i.tka' - aff.,:rieilivisgliiWatii-gßef:t;
r..b i t iate:;'.l s ii 'i l l' iitieYiell l :',Yaujkit
~. li
!0 ' A4lll;ii i tjiAiiiiiliiiigili.tiliii i iirop
#it - .*:itiiiir: Wi.Cthifigithfligtirre:4,lleliSi..!•:l
Ilk . ii;:iidl iiicliil.;tott. l lii'ireitit;:giiiL,l:3i
7 1 1 4 Ulf ti iio" " .i i iiti -‘lil
rr iF t i l..... '
:it s i 10kb 4:oo • l6: 4l• ViriYai illili ' ... I
0. v*-• ~ zrt t ok., , . ~J . i.... ....•
I r° ' ; ' 4 •‘ xitt - i Ungistilit.:v . :LJt--: - '-•:`t"44.
I:!...fiigirt :lmilenaitif 4 (littN' '': . A.
l a
••• • iti - ;1.1 a: a. 4 ° : .." .4•53e;e:".:11 S' . 'lti4 is-- 111 t .•
M .AOT 1 . 1 . 11 ty. : ,: ears - ipueriorg t i; ' f k,t..
. .' "iiiiiit4 pie,pile:iilaf r il 0 44 7..,ir'' . - r - '4 - .:
i.". , 2 . 11 :J.; -." ... • , Tat ' frttl to 2..6 ' ...1.-zA
t • Pv ZliqiirAPTl, CIZFR.R.2II.Ifee•-• 01 c . Ntli P.V .
+ . 1 4t0: - F . . ihiiiii‘teigttlygiit .
~....7.,...; „..: LI h ,
... a , : . -„,
,but 1.
:,..4 a.,
f m .mr,
; 45 ''
rik be
tly fat
irit ,
1 vicie'fizce
• me ru-
‘..: Fi; l f -. o:l'i.i .
6,y6, yr:„l*l4.
I ;'..- weeks
I -
hi:4iPii .
it WiII
e theiil
r pii rt.l
S ; - ead y !
arid saw.
, sad;
.tol stint
ii ik . ic; : li!ii;
t,,lo: . any
ii `;.asleep;
' , sound
night , of
sArr het
and ii
tile' form
..-t-f1041 , 1:
- i i ter
ain3t ply. ,
1i4 11 4-r;.'
aii,itia tie
ib Was
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kiL . bin)
rnlng (agi
, witre .
ry Tan- .
' ll , ll 'e .
4u o
lig I
4 i 0. ; , ,
‘ 1) i.. 141:i4
- l!re 1 14 if.
oat fro rn
and , dajh-
he z .)6ept
e;i'v -
esp., -T4
4 erzeni,tig . k irtdriiii'iii . :Pcifaiii
.' l .
..,...,, w...,,,,iii. ~1 t..x.:,41' ' - :;''!,•
A t 4IIT C .r . ;II I 4 : - ;l:! :: 7 l O4 " LeN4PPAffirO4 l l 2 /: ' ' '
;:, i tt i Al i d t A l 4 l l4 V 4 !1i4...v..41i0tT1:. i*?, - !: .7.thomtookoe,:i;:i .
14i1101*** ,. . lififinkiwithissiabivticidarei -, -
,i'ir;' ; iiiii) : '..t !I 6tiiiiiiii;' l llliitfr•Ot.i. - 1")1 patties -:-..i..
, .......cip .!: .... . ~e; remota was un- ~..,...
" an C*VV. Wski f itihat- s P t r: .
e t : e i'd .P • •-. • • t 4. G is , ivi3 6 3 .. .. 1 • togi t; •Ait'twir -.
:•5,7,),:"M.1.1.,7.v,1 24- 4. , .. , -'.° .• : ..,i .....pielt..... • .•_.. ~. - - ' !
1 ( 01 1 0 1 - t t i gi l . 11 ...- - ;%-e i: i i ---- 4th . v. : - :W AO: , I F : :!ti
„.,,„ .. ._ . • _ .Thak.,, . et. Airmrirok,.
I:iiiiht;';ta - .7 ; iii .t.Oe.11101: : :0404* 7 - itti - mio '.'.:.-:
i l
its. pre-emi , puce in tylgri4art.44 . 4ryood ..,,,..
44:•2,'i1ig.01i sly hi ' l ' ...ik 411 t - litii`iiiiiiVid - 1".....
triiiiiil:•?liidC'. ' iii:.. - : int' • I . )tYythiiool.Fiti4,*:',.. - : .*:::;,.
Aitoinii.,4lies.'. ,ilikitriiiit . . 1 11- .4M(.44jfitiiiiiiiiri'i',:t'.l . ::
t i le.
statesmen ho :eit6e .; 4)itiiiittVibit . 1. . t.!- -. .fi i i
414 . iigiii11' .. *4!....."" 'Air...lV . . 44 ': , ,'''c4;5.' , : . 1.:: .
;lit4lti'' . itiiii , litiiiiis - -. ts ;iiiinit'' . .:''. 4 :01
..-.' '::4!] .
!irifiiiry, :rai',liiii4Sij i :.,:. ofiatiii: r . i3 , '-; ,. .: : -.
iiiihtic..t l :"iii!iyiiti ;. iiii4iiiMithiii4i!ii;,..
- r r ''''. tiiiiviioiii*olf: 7,liEit.iii - fii:trieiV:*''.3:
. i4is of :: :4itiAtto:oo; . :* '" 1 i',Wit4t Affilif!Veit. f . :,:q
itii'.6t.ziiiiv:Sriiiiiikhli,.* - iiroidltot4•6o,i r ::::i.:
greater . t hate the value bf- Itlonjarrtherfy•-,..,
ttid , 'A tneili.-aii'honpr; '.- '''-' ' :-. .P 1.,- •vio . itti t ,
.. ' Res& vel,- •T li-at i (Ole ThSiiiiktik,iiii - Oss- . ii,
1:1r:li Bill iatiptild ''evti- -- . b66114610 . liiViti i d;,l••
, - • -.-, ..... -•- • • •.: t: at ~ ! - : .z:
shrmitl‘,Bv` into potortif4 iini c ..l , :;;.
Which' we chiabt.; it*piihNi lki '''' tilit:Z'•
, -
riciini2e the heart or ifiotr. : .- A...
_can‘... er
set) ntiite e t, Arid aiiidattifoomi: ilwa - .1:
,tjte:Ationtic frooAblerreVlS '- ''
tit - a-'.` : '
Pacific hy CO)tikii*f i '' liCluit ; t,'' ", J. 7 - : -' - r;,
init..:ooetiv#l63l,474o ; eiiiiii4 k e 2 litieYieii:O ..,
!Wit s ittilik4 l 4 - 4iitiNeWt.lai 1,14' - - 1;-" . .:A
- - . i '...:71.•pz ta, .p.:.• A I , iIV,,
dheito *by . pgi.':witeli , !intitutt.:Jt*Oki:-12.
3 e.
and lini . ." ie a tliairf j :tiell4*n o . ; , V:.i':
the:S6iiiiil *.jilta :i t akiie.lioAtdi.:-.
-nary- ,, •." ~,:..• 4,,
iiii •- .4 .. •,---,-..... f.-iir-' - .. i EV ' ' ......5.
. _ ...: 7 `+';g.a'in'ti , V. :.' ... • 'OA.'
s f_l)., t',.. ,
..‘ • f. ',,'
-Tim liiiiiitiiiiVok •
jrt -...• a _ Allct•----
"f t
i g! / "Y 01 ) - 110!#.0.. ........ji;:- .'' - 4 '' ''3 l, 1 .7 -."
*: l so6ol649llaitili - `Tvi#,. `C ab , .4. ,Ati'
U - 240iiiii : 04;htta W.%fitt., or ,
ilit4iiiii***ii i tliOi'.ilet*riOligiollitiii', r'
4.04 11 ii: k'i- . ofo*oo) 6o3 d,W„' - fliVi„Air7A,kilfe. , ii
, gye e ttl 41.WWf5 . t.,,,..- ?kttollt .-. :.tiTleYt4o7 , ,ois,-, 4
•lili . i C ." *E l l :#*:o4*el l er'iiiiat' - aild- ilk*:4
.. -Ti . i.
**,/titilliltitett. , * liiik: , ti t itiicfl_Wii c iVi , !
4itli.*o-1 - 4: -, T«.;;
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stav;:fdli- 1 ,
thi) , fda rh[
11fiitt boiii
:flAge0+ 111 :"
e - wbicli . ,ll
• = - r. 1.4 i?: • r
. lonse and,:
, , ' - iiilk`.• , le '
1 1
‘ sl i t. ':: t i t; o 'e 1 ; 11 rt i; ! .
i zed it, alli c
1 ~ . #:*l r r. i` ; ,
- #. - .l V 3 ° * ii :i, 1
!416 the I
lean gI4 i
I riliesi6o,
...' ,ti I
:61,eis4/6 . ,
, 4iiii- if ''',-} '
iiii4il it:
, , ro, Ort:
-•'' :el flid,
C.'ir.tai .:
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~.' ii, -- fltii,Jet:
..oi- - :ii.--iinkr,, : ,
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i ,e.134 oup
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.0 #!!'
ColYivltite , ,
Kieg i l(i4..
ling A thii)' i ;,l I
:bitimlatr ,
litieit i*i•
li.'"kiV l Atiii,
i-•-e.....F zi . 1. ,:. ~ - -- 5, . ..... ,
al! ASAA 4I 74
i 'tfcctar-O .
lo ,..,,,v1i.
i, .., , , --v... •
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