Ca!l tiVois .qC3 tifmtetiooo434%frgm this C r qall - nevi steainSlap Kati Frazici *t co„ *pt. „at ins, w a a abou t 60 0 . per • somenAmerLo2,,lefe::thee 500. wei t4Flatesifaspsri their fank tkifel the hlaill laVo-ehui ilde g nunlike of the occurrences- on board th SarPitarWCW , MieV.:WinilErMatrip by e •of tb rescued passangers7irho arrived yeste . ivificrao - #PIFot , ilYjoaer as. follows : `While Now YOri:- onVbe 21st - of DE ciiiilif Aviii - `iiiiist,7arOable weather.— Oilryfaye _., ro ba to b an ta nnu u I pregi4or collo, `for ive. bad! a , ship:whose qsAttei iiNkrii of:Alib l fir4 , nide r, earii-: nitiiitiOl i r otters 'the . inos4 able Araid` 16 , _., 9 _ ~ri , k ,-; _ „ i , , , , _ t f , h ,.. ‹ .. „ at , ,O,e oc ` 00 t le .moromg 0 t 9, secetaltdey.a tremendous gale sprang up, 4jchanc. rimed to:abuiTicatie patid about 1 24A:4 , at: night ofirepgines gave,oat. a9C t soint.after our4oretnast was can ied away. Thti'aiktiteard wheel-house2was, stpleketkin b„7 ! o r tremendous'sea, and a rtrtout.', g4-the 14fltr:cabity . NYO,B stoye. 1 ettAretonied ear y to ,bay state-roinil ,vf , r.y., aick,,;but i the ayeter,coming, Auto it freely, 1:,5140 11 4e 4- 6Pt it;,‘Tim)d .die better: : , to le‘llo-,:t,itti.--Tooln-,W04 situated' upon the'. ' tle ft ,, 111 7 Toein -and, went oploti,,t.o:Oe tipper saloon.. The lirstthing \ 'AIM wki-ftif.,9 l. 41 - 9 wa lets .hOhlieg ti mdf m r# °f' the- 8 09 9 A to tirQv'ent their,' - 1 ;:*g 43Mit.; open , hi, 'the .wind. I - Went. dpwo dinte the ,fii•wer,cabin i arid, fot) na 'a.'„ M 9 P -4 F er O ns s,'i tt ing tiPo. ll maltraSsei near d the, 00t,..0r the staws, keep thern-_' eeheq.ONt.,PEthe,,,Water , Whiol l Was wash - . tug ; about,the„cabiai..' I laid dowo npii n n, '°-• 1 1 0 ,94).?P P?tttira'ssis , °foil . l eia mx 1 6 h bitiAlskeo,, , tii . 1ie0.. , -myccir front. _being ' diefiell talent. _the , savour' : I :soon fell ' ' ' - `I - I -- ' NI I ' ' Illaciffkiliml i t , MT', jteePm so oat.lnot 1 tell, -but I;hink it:was,not tong.' It: wai tykai r ktiligtii.,rben.l'was oWakened by a 1 tremendous ;C:resli,tolleWeti. immediately 1 \ bit' large body ofl;;Wateriiisfiiiig' in `a 1 1 4 0 4 , 41 0 - 1411- tbaiesitopanion=tiay° I; fell taptri',ffie,„and.evy,ept _lnti twice across the Sib!' 4i1d../iach i t,4eith.lvith stutinjoi vi: o t4to-. e, ..-Wi . illtdisPerite eflbri I stleee4 : • egi ilk-Cetigqittiiit_APT.fe'et."`and ,spiv some' Retit* climbing op the steps `and folion'-' 1 5 1 1,..1th0nt• Ott .reading:tbesdeck the first si r t - -\v - i4ch met my, eSgS*)i - aS the bOdieS' 0 eviil men, Who had been killed by the " I drualiteg in of the Opper cabin. I cruivl ertorer one of these bodfei,end managed *4=o illy l vai across the deek, holding 4 oo i to,ma i riens parts the wreck. 1 - got ' tcr#o ll l the ftori, and two 4r tiFee 0 Cers iiia took;nglanee at tl e'ai ' pcq 0, .40r.4,,, Is ever ,shall I forget the . I tfik#lo 3 ig,rsPect ' ,a el e spectacle;..; the lireicided ,the APRSatalse of a - vital wrei:g.. I was un-' der i tbe„ampreasion. that she'lvas full Of water, afid had . Setila &war, tri the l'evel of_,thok.o,l,t. , The .surface 0 7 1 the Water Air it 'forge spice around Was cove red 'with the debris altll.o:'FFlcreT *oils, Alla hold ts?.. fg .e . ;n,t l3 -1 thesg , _ ?le, stntigglin'g. a miS We re° 4l- br tiatttlr , re man} men, I Eup-' Vosee 1150. a 'ting to sase theruselves In„o-. l iiiiiiievege .hk catching bt the biokee - ,timberi., The wind_WaS blowing aktiaett'hiartiialie and it Was with the 'Ag96ei4iitteult.Y.ihe I Itebl-011 and pre- Te ntsid 4! - P elt ErO,T being blown ever. ocanit,l. „ . ,7toto,souill Was heard froin the ilir,- I :4 o g,,lnet;,tis they , strove, with all t t klllt i Wß f 4SPoiro to s 4 ve ill emsetres• Thexe.liteY wire, 150 huinan being . .., be-'. ruiT l i a! lle V- se l i b ili kY Pr- POcoor, anal soon as . t one eink` to, rise no more. 'On lifolt;it . lt.area,nd fsiW,Lied. ;Murray 'of ti !fIeAf!TY , stlnaing. ‘ at the mizzen mast, 4 , 4 1 6. 4 0 f Int it to iioi. i'llel4 on thereThr , ,ketlelft, titan :the first !info 'came aft' for ehpose,.,# f cattir4' it Way, bOt:', the Bea - and the hurricane would-not' - ad a of kir "d?ingim. I_ than• returned lo toy and posatura„,sinere were , three .jotber afficekt, one 184y:ilia a child—Maj. - Wise, wifekisind child,- - together _with Lieuts. GiandierAtisd Voorst - and _Drs. Sat , ier3tierigi4.3l7irter, ,Wo sat -recninatii),,,a diellrrofirtect , - .atid no of. pi ban!.the slikittest ifope of escape. , At iiistbthe •tereralnegroi waiters Snag life,preseivets, anda Ilaidiert gave 'we one; but. the tirenther, miniiscr,.antensely;cOld; and-..the ; . prospect dariatise y.' would unnecess7 . . itayirphifiggiVicieteked 00 , apparenti ,that: : ; law ataidetadque-ar , them'. , The , sea wits initkieg ii brew-hoover-us .at -everi rOll, and . the. exposure was icy benumbin4 that' - tie "cluorabout :111 1 '101' 0 0tkelter. - :-.Fe: ' dis-, , *limed; thavrtheivi- were tritny: p rsoni ftethe4civetTeshiti;ipritieipalli the-ladies - tor Act eicterk,:•:' We west *low, alods if ''‘riti,ards' isautia 11, 1 j . ni /Wise- io •Ibring' tiggowifeliind4thild Aowei also. e is t he:ship -Suakiaet iti;itadi 'belletaiditien 'as . -w l e:had illitielpated. ..',Vire,filutut, there , were some - . at Ithelli4haVtagether : A vilh.a nittn ber:of , We.,N: .4)1'0 - Andrea; tiOlicied .at-:theaf .--- iofira-theettlereo_ ,:4 -ra t e: latt, the'ciint . i , :titi. Ciptifortothed in hy the , -titioraitte'ireisettaiios see - already alio- Aid 10 ;'' '4l aedh iolf-Of the . ship large bod ifaaiit waier'-isiteriid-'!the I =thin , at Ate Ictlailled - iTOPtitt ;10Prothe4 • eett..: We voier ' ed ourselves - "vial 'dere iblitritits;. for we. • en; s em vearjrf . ._ , f irti er t - o - , !: T sb i kt rtayi:g:an7i -1117- 'o' WWI% nu 'great - 1 - -, trif'at . tr;;.. ..„,_ 4 ,,, , : A. iii,iiitia.-11) , \, . reifitl6o:l4-4!- . 77 17 - '' it would not ;--wiacoritio.,, ~..4 , ...ii sitt i i i*- 1 . lienasink: .:50i!"`-1 tit tilt. -,--.---7-.......„,,, .bili-taiiiwoi.. ger ' rtzik:4l.o'*ga b n .. B , wilt riiiiiatt4 'fiffitiiiile!it!'t6'tt-T-Z I ga tint Y` - l' 1 . ' s - iiip.finiti - viiiaiiiisietttokeetil ie., .. ~ , ft" ' - " -'"'''''' it .it =a Anne,- and u - ee - - 'lll,r6`6lficeil went-° the engine room the men to . bziOnkout f,en , e sail n" :one . na - ItIT $ ,, , i) .--I Th 1) 11,an 7 7 1. - 2 "...... ; I#..„„riovr relays to :_ w ork ; . ~ ..flavito,l,,'lirrjtr;WiAr"::lllsi#4l2-t•- ,Plll if Iva )Yekc ''ile. 't , -,...-.- -ic ,is !,eil, A A ' 7. 4 sr our mon at On, ~ , i ' ', litlitilitik 1 103' 4 ' .; I'46' on ps,:ltil. ' ---".thiC4Wor,*#,Wg-' P- 'Tr iiiil 7,,, ~.„, • 4 1 , 1 7.'" , d • \ -11;.,,* 82044' 1e , ... ', is,7flll,7filoi-!:oreiiii-':4l,s'l: -..vs -r-pr7.13 .ii - ifitiii r- :iii - o - %110 - Te..ricop , - Ingii*alitin44 I C. , - i i a . ,wo.,,the ,..r.grit eitekrbs P 44'id-- ,i =sitWiitittafietie*A.V4, ~ ~ ~„ P m.,_ :,.c...,,r, im&cwaier---7 i - - --her, riv-4,:it- t .... -., - .--,' k o'-ainai ' d- Ph ' "je t caPtain 413 ';' '' -t t - of' die - wer# -'-reemerfiom4)4ooi-'"Atln°, t h eend- Lgidmi.r.41114,10.11001044PC,.*1 ..IL__.., - .- - w,:17-,„ .4t" :-. ,a, ,•1010465 - 4 - 00.41 1 0 11 :1, 9' .....L....1„, ~; ----. . ,[findluu - ; iloriirily --•:.gjeliWrint, -r1)*;;i: 4- ~ o f Attee4rr x -% l ' ~p icts i t 'a c i t A l id 0 the ..!, ~,_,.• , - ----• . • - ' fro* coming te , 4 l "uur ' - . ' - int the water -I "lheneilite iiiniii l l,b -ii "nn'reCallai: tafiiiiikit,'ind ill hotif rifi" ' 1 [ . ties . / of clates k `fud.. Ane , r ~.kisa hope. hitnieletiot for 'me, as he, this ar Ipii.4.n'itt.;;,tll.l_ cord. ' = neßts--te •, out jas, runil anCitscertained tie were 4 , ~.=. - .111 - 1 tor° -. ..:k ge , '," .7 4as,- ao r Soon_ after Iw' i c ir the,maebiutibrtelv 108 g i ii el' 'A. to t"... c d - " iti ife that her. haS at . pprarylOriag a to '0" -- erect. c hi ld ole:rd ad. I litid.herb' gh) "'if/ 411 04teliiPti la:q1 e . _ la _ • nil ship 11W: i Abe eitilm -put . into estate L. der ivrA t ZF i to ,:ts - ite ~. theTh l iainan r, her e lificiidistster. During . 4 4411ing 4 lnes il • :51dtirlfugok. the . „thedaas found dead, a 11 , 4 tinge log , npon the oCean„;., A ft er one .or.. 'fZdlow6d6oon after by ihnothe chi ..,—, ywo Jeyalptions : et the wlicelh the • lira. The sistdr still survives.- Many cases ea rhinery OVa latit;i4Etittpiiheiatianipi eitTed;4ed - -manrrobrist peksoos were:: vas: proounced hoptai,4Aburttfre.,...x . teed a i;..c.p,itileur t lind-ze64 o#4,n i _e4:,-, , hopes hi red:- :As nothing further could abUilr t Ittiperiblis;WiAlltiotitlie Tillie be lona - han..:itcileeilip thilmnipt in 'ope • -;.: .Bella-- - , .-1 -- ---- -,---- --• :i7- -.=•-' ---- - • ~ 1- . • - :'," ' • , vat on, ve followed this•tip with the most This thip . brolight 'home 135 mei,' as t !'s'e r r pul na, •ahaidaity for'i sereral days, fullowi i Company tl,. ?j 442511 • when t o vessels hove insight, and again 1‘.19; ya, 14 ; It 1,2 fit 12 c1t,',13; au Li ~..,, , ...m i . 4 1," pa cm,....„.4) . s.,„:ninticlans._,,jko Antarctic carried of d .'-iir?„4tirliPii" ''''W :e, n,, eatie"...iltiiii: :Lients.-0.7-Stidell-=7.11r011,? aot sida.-,-,1193 ; to; : erdilfeni ighxenini ~ O ilfiri. togetti4 . with -175-tnOn4anniasiOned of,' .iis,:mucbillo p .p.OsS,,igt6; yi tf,iiowin4 l ,lver -"ficer 'omen; musicians anct , p(iintek. ~ .Orovisions tonr haaj , '", rticlea:; The N'ti r :*- - I cannot accord too much praite,qo ' pr .! , enn .. proinis . :4o:36_,st y. t hy, i till,'Weittfor — Captain • Creighton i and bia:.oflicerii 'rut pic ui pg. up„ 4 • ipp , 1 4 . 0. 53 ,010 p , -iii- .1 ,16 ,.. their bravery.autt.uniform kindiessta ins!' " .v 6 p,t6di left, us_difOritOle pil i t,? . .. - 2 * . ':,7 , 1 7 t : . ;' -Imnd:di-tuna as. Therara indeed One Sal • `.- •We foutidlhat tin2l4); ! p,via it., 4 ' 4 , i o ' . ii,e,c. YioiePliind! nothing e au , p o i s ibiy . i epa y„- af v„ ii,. , : i ik a ,1 „, g „,, 1 ~ , Q .01, : e zje1 , : ,,,,.. , i',„ r 4 -. ... diem 'tor 'their - telf;strcrifiiiing ..bnmanity' Or Timi personal c;m2fort4h4eire r tirit....., * tt e ' . ..„,,,,,, l, '",'L l ' arm ' 041v.4 * *Ikatisfatt5"°nlirar ' stances, Would; ad pf,, in 'Oinliii,yr.ntiii,..*,,,,..e.r.,y accompanies - conduct s o,on l i t i ining idry..cloth i, A ... : luid iirove i ,fo4 l,-__ , l-neittly hunitine and `, " . - • , 1-lope:logain.„l4o . k , ;,,, ; d4 vn . uppn :: f r , When' We arriied7u3.'parti -we ' l na : j us t ' - proiipactei nottr, lkstanding (thg: extre - roughness •of' •,th iweatlier:,.., . The. neit. conti nucinee - of yesterday's folcAvould. have c ;a half days alkiwancetof water, and the risiter to . elieer4u ~ ivlis, the hai'lt . KilbY,Of - "P l b•csd ;us i u a' Ala,,,Pera!' 3. •bi t 4o.9 lo . , ,gor la several Jaya' previonis we Were planed iiii •SostUu. . Capt. . Vtit kini , Went .01/ toard shoat alloWanee of wafer; to that .you see and lied la - -ContraCtfor.tite_ Conveinnen 1 we escaped .tine peril, 'oat,eanie neareuf, o :ail( the pnssqpi . 8 • to the netiiii i st port : 1 ! who eminently distinguished himsalfrou, h -- then:.cohla,ili .4pitiritecirs - - ..:6,stay by L. fering - iniither , not less•appalling. -,,;‘,...„ 14 ,;atile,i . nr.tb ii 4 . ‘o 2;ti-ak one, mor e ii i : l: - 1 watilif.desire :to speak ;in tarmac(' ie. pi. th - saie . h 6 ship: -, l i l le . n .. , , i , hit i te i fitting - commendation of it wortby man - he .ihad..t,weuty_ ,ineurthe, uninhar, by i•e -9 airedi yv b•u ••koluntee,red Le stay, „by him b oa t tbaSan , :!"rancisco ;-• 1 "'teen :Serge- - ant -13rOwn,wlie fo r five nights; diming the asslnicl.intboatteppti, We seni,an - 01E7 r e1,. 50 .. 110 twlltuy-. l eqn'tiel-PT i g t 3 .. tit ji . i ‘. -• 1 , , ~,, , - •< ~, -, ~' most terrific period. Of . the-storm 'inhered unceasingly iii' l lteeping.the ship ' . clear. of Kill) , -\•,, thri'lw ever-:her c.";,..---`- Baa FYI-: ----„, ,kf k. . ..,, ~,,,. ' - .•"4.01pr." - ; k,,,, , = .....$ • • p : rft. I . t i W1N0 31 .. ' V '„t „,- s, aitissit9e / Tif U•VV . *" . N -.oltr' il c 4.vt ,thrils# , icivr- , ,,herca go,#nk., I . i . gt, 't.) ;boy r . thilreoqo,iou_pf- Ow. tern tngseii - 4ssf-Tgeti, , ' AbiApi. ...o'clp'ck'T, mi l -*-- - ' " In - i''s . wrinnftPed7;q4!OPlPg •,-t 134 c . ii',n 7nbildiciiiin 419 :sm . all .bo.ats and :by 1 night . .hti ,; aAbou,,loo en,- women ltiltiWei* transferretljeher, intitittiiig to:, ' voinPlete the transhipment .ili-the torus ink...,About,7 or 4n!nlosit we were a.tin-- &by* thenew Alitignr afire •' '‘Ve r f and' theship 16 ho oniftKe:near itlie Coolii,s_go-., ) ter : after same consider:llde. exert inn_ w,p.succeetled in: extitignishing,' it. .1 - _,.. 1 ring-!he•ttight--- a; bea,vx4ile In:Atiig tip,,i ' aCcompanied hy„ibe...wort eretts\, sea . we, -had be n subjected, tn.duiing ,the'iv,in t le : ', voyage , 0ur.,.1,,:k..ge1:, eentrnetico leldag r i d batily,_ ad th6,ganga, of, boilers i t yoe.set, [to `wi,, , ; -ati f h - efone.:-q f.,lii*:.vqa r atack. in& i ~by the giyip - out.ofihe,ppinp,4; . 4 / , we, et . tit!'d tohaii,. s rith :i4cionsetYivig-, 1 n - e. u tit the ,aligrhoott of . the - ne-*.t da y , / I..wb th ensinot;:wefe.agaiii got 'to -,vFOr , I 1 and lir e.-4.l"austed:thee,were:ll,voi:Cath 1 / 1 a.sli tt respiiee-frotn_ihi!ir toil; The,men ) hail `rent 'so _much: exhaust •d :::that.. we had, rent iiiitulty,•in keeping thetn 16_ theif - work ,:, In the: inernino W 6 "icoultl diic4vei n, ;sign, of ; thg harktKiihy.,p.n4 stipptretl ielnade - ror the aparestp . e i rt,„l l'as i she eenicl . not' have. safelyyelpatird , 1:16 king, , in' the:,.-hiiaYy - ATMI 6 . a,. -wi ,prez.iieri: 'On: the bark Vips,i ti 1 tlt ee.iv . iv', echo t - 59, men ,A ; 4 ? ,..,,i*Apy, 0... 17Atr:Gt ' ge:As inwalki o triinerg,4ll?.7 . l„, , i ofNeW 7 prk, ' apt,...4artlrter Of,i)iiiJira-1-' croons' coll. 'tales and. farnity,.Anj: . .Ne'r,- chant r ahtl-fatuillY.,:etol.:Barke,, Drs. Sat ' tbrlr ,analNi ta„...Capt. lead': anp,:ifdy, - tie L. , litnsier: !Id-Iday ! and their, miter,: Lieett: Frefriot 4 2 1.444..itid , ti: v.44.' vast.- Wiien he'loll# left; stie,h&i.lni.t: ~. a lit •quanti y: of_ pr- an& _:water;, *Gr , t ,doub s re ' s:ed •of her- safe:: . - 1 : 1- . ±- , l'PAsi the - ilby, , ; 0 4.....:493Ect1i: : !.1VP ,.. .. 'e ni . . 'to: her for that p rptctsd. iy..4,s . ..tlitalitti-itd re -• Nt / tar o ing• 9The reagiseess,cf; the vira . I that!. ittehlen Intyre while ed ort . boarbee a him; return-Toward daylight, on this g, the- aspect.; of ,affairs. Was - the • tli1: most4isheartt, , ning,, - that 2We urine thaf„day the pumps were d aseless.;, We kept /inlet, beWev.- o ladies beiiii out of ;Abe Way, We inewliat reliiired., To. lighten' the, i.e cut - holes,lbrough the deck, and niced throwing the:fuel andi,otbei -1 artielesieTe4KWo-.. , ; * l_ `', - 1 . . 'tit tiito days -after this, the; Three -lapt.:Creightoti, tamp :in t4' 14;—: -,saw , his lights, duriOg th , nig h t, signal ; mitts . for assistati4' . He : 1 1 , for us 1u Abet morning, _the . I, ,ip.b.igh.that,,,. / we 'OOl4 on . • corP mu niptiteNby. means. f , Writing. q e swops and ails - 1 ' with. chillk .in. large let ters, ~ up n u. .a. boar& n..Api7 t0.1,94 1 * iii(ll. l e* ko,lay by us, he- d - . 1.110 wuseiworfP.r.o ; nisi, i and leaking: ' dly. ,11 . Tw ,reshi ~ 1/ wers\\takhkdi - and; tifiiid,us ; as - be `. 'il.,:so, hitO _ if an d irenrigiace- u - .threelliepAy cbee . r .as ; an . -lie: re. rep li ed. to - these, croon litrantuts ; 111 : -1 t heartily. ~. ;11. -.drew, , ahead and t * bia.vessel to axid - K rr,aingd. bey tts -I ditri g the tLiiglit,-, ,Qu. -t ,e„next, ass ay un4 th 4 o e sea c(ii iii lle Ve - ry wf"44 big,b l9 ::::`.. t' liai f7"- og l no beats' ti d he tmly , tiwbf iir,t ll 7 jig i:vv9 - 1 raft s -dfor. for.: nire - .Ving Abe. : passei -l et..s . on t board:.hij.siiip;'htitSinind that iji - i,,auld ! II ti bi o ti t-l . is: , e o . in . i t hit he; f s ou ea o th:_: y i4 , :.*6 - 0,4 , n i l t. ,;: p g . ., ' on, :.the 'thirtlittightowt feini,e F40.10g to tl,O - ...ri,iindwP141 , 54 -44 tt :..I).Y Film} Three •.Bills;,.and * ,k,t149.4, gnittled I her.' Both ' , bore down for-us. I, ire 'sec iship.p.reced, to he thelAntarii , bound filrfj4iver.-P l O,l-' , - 4900141 b y u* ihat 1 .nikht - ,,a5,:kkva5:tc0.:13(4114.9 4 0 ‘ 11 nYi4.--Pi shorn them .‘ttiitg o ff ,Alevy. of be. Men. Orville fift h - 403'; bei.t. 1 09P , .. , PAI 4 PP4 - . 1 A i -'ed. - 411 the , efficiritepoesengeril. crews , ivitlttle e4cekiiin Of.,.,the.thifi i ,4 - lfzeefis; , engineers: arid, firetnen e ohnalierl',g 'soup 4 11 q:(rzit.TPti thee. ;. 1 1kretixistiJAuc4.4:AP. vatting ~. 44346 , itrutisieWt. Pt# w1Kr... , ..1 0 : 1 P . "Ye a lf ja . .b 1 74.0 . 4be 5e 1 : ,14*A. 3. 1. 1 , 1 !'?. 1 , ..1 1 X4' kept•jbe 'men zat2. , tbelinattai.44 l 7!)&-:., ,i-, 1 ? 0 t day , and might,- Ind dincovercd. 4nsl . - stOp peel the - Jtext,e3c97l4.4.rSgPt .Doff- the r i nliiiiflet DEia4 4 o* - o***Pd -hi*,4 , l iisinriA*ll4And;3l4:4l , innit' _ for New York, and . tbeArtAiFtis t .e,7,lll4 . Ifor :dive ,poo!.- .-': ..,- ,-..-:.:- 1 ;.•, - 1 - ---1- , - . 11- :t''iiltiliiii4'2 l .o if; i 406 - -Aititi:Tniziweit, lieliip a .e ,:i4i r r afi " ; 4 6 68 0 . , 4 e i Z s iiiiithea'b r4i , ke I '4'l l i4igiini: - !lit - i i ii, ' '. ll `* l o . 5b90 . 43 -' xihe Sin P eis - 44 1 hrlift ::eititilitini tii`wiallibil i p t c Ptes*arktik ' 1 4 1- utßnie":"" l / 4 431 "- . 1 1 tie , i O,$,W hoes ;;" I:elded -eabbile #4,1 IttiiCti t :- - ' ' :' '''-bt'iliiii-eaSei-. - d 1 414 1 .4, I ttreVll; l ' -1 - ititlr 1 . 141411 4 . 1 1 4 . ) COP**. Smitlii 0 -Compen, Getiiitei-to lime tind . .-tmd In cl 114 was titck i tbe dee: iar Aue t ,* mo ir d 0 "hadA , -. declar -or . ; th A% so Alp,- v &mom 'hoary . AR Bellf.,=( ,lare firsl tinefirei boro,or 'sea. rani ma 4 rd 4..meidaeholyi ielthis,,coneestien. wasotre:issary sedr,geai4ili,[e : earned off, ijr iisjwife .and tyre board !be! : :tina:ope of, reri died, op, e 0 seeoed . .eireCitt,le fry ef thypeieirS, has' mi -the. saddler's, whe 'teed, ,th pate nal •alteci. , .t. solicitude..? , . -•7.1 . : hi water, and brius otiergy:'aud uo -sacr, lic-, ing,.dorotion•dird more It'ileop bis know: to-thqir duty thud almost:tidy-oth er man on board.. ~. •; ' - - iffera our motes , close ritherlibruptly, owing to theinteifere:tice of AI jor , Wyse whtrcominatided liont-Witider. , to desist froth - giving us further htforthatiotrl. - ... ; '"•1 ' - _ STAT . EN , E ; IFC . 0';.?0 45 - Pflili, t 4):V ilthßt) ; .: '' t ' .. The,paiVeitgers:. - frtini the:-Three-BillS were . a' 'lauded "iii state 'of, great`exhaiii. tie') ; . ,thaily of thein Ira& had -no:it:thud' - sleepfer a fortnight: : : . '`'': :'- ' . ' The' Bltif - Prunclico ' was', overloaded; and had a . bad'Ait. She cthild - not beibric: polled`; `over Ci,glit'..knois; . ' :Her: 'engine' proed*t i o'bd_inad:equate, "and filially `kttye` 'out in 'the . ' air : pimp; 'at a nibs; ••criticel` The conduct of Can't. Watkins is-ever:p *6'6l'e extwia to 'tiie ' di inest.":- lie Aveut tekifilatid . : iti)he - Ant [trifle, - with 'abOlit '- 225 " btlfer.4:, . 'rho ''Antaretie'l'irasyr`ell l .plfcivid . ed- 4 With water tiair PioviSiQlls: ''' '' The'inost of the women and children; with a itti,nibar"of soldiers, -were puelin • heatd ..the'Rilby'. - , This vessel' had it'very - scanty ;stipply of' % - iTater . "ind storeS;', and • was ,Orderdd.`to`traceed, to the neatest" port for relief.-- "-'Blte 'probably" - went: into'-; .I.leersinda:'` . ...: ' -,.' '• ' -",.."- ; ' ''' -' ', Fire nor six days'after the . dilaster 'the cholera .broke"oat 'on . bearal the i i Tlit'ee i Bells„' 'All ;Were febdioi:tipotir,liard'hread - atid • Water;`and suffering' from cold; '6xpos: I uke "and , eihanstiCti:' Few or' liciinedii' cnea'were at 'hand, tin . d . ,:'-the'cases:or lilt tI at were `attacked' epeedit y" closed•-With eidtliiiie and', death: ' The'` physician 'in-. charge .. astimates that between -6:5 and 70 . die,frothlhis cliseise. -' ' , i he whole neniherl'Onboarit 'the; San Fri4isso When - she' left was 1'50:-. '.:Abouf -225, i•' put' bii board the itii!aiilie.43o . virile here in. the - rate - es Bells, :tibCin - 100 atel, 'on _hoard the 'f(lll4,' rind near '200: iil;ete 'nit hibeing.Wasted - Overboard, or- To DRIVE: AWAt has jostinf rayed 10._ota plan hel adopted to: f His p_rcmises 'swaitned' with th in. He'took a- Small fish-1100k; attach "to .a •;fiite. - and sksalitinded on 'it .a )ieee:. of- checise,letting it 1 - hang ahemt foot';freittiv the; ground :One of:. the "ae`lettOed at it: and was booked. and sa .np hortiOo squeal; niaise, and-rat le,:that thev forsnokintn and fled: Nut - a A remained on therPreinis.: 'IA , 1 few. a s iSftivrartis his neighbor declared that b ivastistell vrith a Plaglie'vrtirse than t we' of EtT,Tpttitai - the 'rat* timid, Stirely: at hiin ttp, houset anti elf. Our frieitd tijoyed the - ji...)1.e.• but kept eliaaj-- This its not. philantbrOpie" Or him,- so, roi= t ai benefit Of: his %'neighbor,*ll6, we hope tikes' onr-:paper, aud=. , the rest of mfintiiiitl,.. 'we-. tliselcise - tht3 disel4scire,' I . rit4ont enjoining speroey„or charging , the dcilir...-Riirrit'A r eteerper.‘'. r '::- ' .. ' - - AJG on . A izEencrre.;--A. - eorrespondent *inn_ I diune sends Ats the following with" , . app - lite: you ehinga fur the troth.,: , At' the br aktg of .groubd for the conimence-- I *lent : f.t e Lynehburg and Tennessee railr i o d t if t - Lynchburg, the ,Jient J. E,, by a, tottnent,:leted aschapliiu - oniihe occasion. c" Ai . the:l.tiroce‘ . appointed., ;for prayer the chaplain raised his haiids, and sa i d, i Let;- us Pray.' in - hn , 'Osten t s all, hats yrere,deffed, , and theihaplain. cam , •meneed,i'vlowly'nud sulentkily,.!.o read a -ierystiplirOpriate:.•thannscrtpt pfayer;.,he bad ' , previously , -prepared'. ,•puring ~-, the ' readingidthe prayer, an old negro) Aran,. who had i been•engaged: with his_vp - ade,, was reititig with one fdot„ on, the.apade and his arms on the handle,,looking ( very" intently" i'rt- tlio : ,:chsplitin!s ' face. ,:, lk‘k the ..eouclusitin of iberprityci, the ohl,,,nagro oreightianing: !himself .up, Aetna rked: 8 4 - 1 dil.;l,t, PWell, i reckon does deluet ,time - 'de Lord has ever been wr,ittkin to 4ni the 1 subiA Of railroads l'—;Ca!holic,•Tcl, •,; , I J r -t s' '..-- • . ..- k ,":.;:.." "4...-"4". -: .1 ,` 1 I Bitxttick—A MeAican . 4 Tonn3al-L4he. , Siita,Piee9; Nue.ver,foe 44. 11 !: DMI . ! repteaenta the ,JUdi4 l2l , l ~ .0 10 1 1 C!--;11 0, ,-t44 111 frontier psi ,beiOg , YerY. , -,tra4 l ,;,*Pfne -- 7 01 7 tacking and •pluadermx,o4at.e.q,:and, Sit iienseuta. 7;414 opinlomik WiAenP.l ) o° 6ll 7 tion is made, or When their ferocious d i v. .Positions pronipt them to shed. by)ciii. - = ;.f he ,Mexican=PcNien4r, says' :./4e -Sr. 4ii*liinventeila lc ind-ef C2 4 4:90 1 1 1 ,ej! , ‘ L ),,ch. tw4l , stop.-Attharmwsl a ja. 141 1 . 1 ,L 0 4 1 f# 41 _ 3 2 13 ' ra lan 0%3 '-raisit Mikof-**l (04t de maqa) , is - madejn't .ilev,therirr. l 9*.hid.p' :iinfiA4.-,- -. We hope:it will be fonnA,,..i.iivi**7::#!e , . Pufir s l - a 4 erePfei r ,b l 4.,4:lit 1 1,98;....„ 4 eiiry good sign when such Iklige,n4frOAPP l -iri t ui aiter!ed 'up* , i 43 44gr i Ti.' liii*ould bei. :trii iv IMInFAI suldoilleAu lo . 3 .--, _ I,t7ded by sitiant baiidZilif - ' act " f' ' 69'41,939usqlttubk-- iii' ) . 71) --- --,.„.f -- Tl'S.•._ 1 ail-COUilllAbat3/41-4.4.ADCnAib„,q three, ceitiliipkik,iose44l 0, 1 1.410 i fOri; aliftiviljzoilf=ao4.l*grix. ..f> l3 A-fli : .:. - :44' yet: able to proteet it.l4fialt, : - ( 1 !.:;- . i ;vg rikat orlbe iosciwy aut - - ailbeaPirt****iitit.Or lxl iilf...i , ~`.,....'- 7 4.1. - Li lattr 4 : l4 Blineelhl AB "-e*s" I , ' wistiqi.di Santa Anna; about ?'-:iiititi 4 1. /'.., ) * - . illtllll - 11 - 1$ . 1;i • • 7 ~: N.' Th 'Morelursday 1 , 1.13" n ' . 7 19, 185s' _ %maxis.; . • ' One Dollar and IS!ticentitrikrannuni 'cash actu ally in advance. , - . • - 'Taw Milani and tiny catilsiC , Rut, paidji ' - ter the azOni4ou . uf the ykar , i. - L rlrito iotdrOtip unaettfect lai r ri tko *vire) ,Dittitititin — wilicepkilitil'ilal with, Ille pntlialicte till 'all - altreivagasitiepeid"o,;'.; . 7; i •=.l, RATE s OF; ADVARIIBIIIG-71;' One - fq4ar"...onoweek • • • • eaCii ,suLlequent ; 4 0,24 .Busin6s..Ciirds - Oer annum: with 3,00 A )itkivi discount made teyearty advertiser*. ~...New T Ire' Peeples Journat..--i-The Febritary , number of this new and ;: very ttttractive -monthly, has alreadi icaclied iis - ; Much , surprisohas been manifested that Acklaige, handsorriC, -and elejantly`illustrated, a work ,could be -fernishe ifor one dollar. ie'ciaitrisfp . be -"an Illu rated;Record of 1.!-- Mechaeic.i;•.'Science, an' :, 'Useful lti..ndwl-:-.. •edge,".. a claim-.which isl welllsupported by its conients: - ' SpeciMen' numbers can besee:u; and subscriptionspaid; by apply- Jug .at I,liis.effiee.' ' 1 - :-, ` --.;,.. -_- . ~Illustrated flowd of 14e Stidusiry of all ' iNra . 4ap.s:;'--We have, again received. ibur nuMbers in encilnumtierlef ibis -Splendid Piblieation.,' • Tvio theuSancl!lnllars, the . 04) 116 . 11. in* inforni,us,lMiave been ex - ri o! n aeq o_ the ,engravitigi : of., , the, present issue: I: atone--Another -narnber . ,will: he issued. • t o i ' fp ediately; which , will i corn plet e - the se-, rieS.l.,' The whole Will firm nit iiiveluable an a i niPeri shablo I. mco ril vie the-v -6i ;:. hibit len , at the New.,:klrk Cr.istal' - 'l",al-.. ate.' The ,price' of the - work :is 63, but. after iiicempletioit the price will be rais-: , 1 ed .. 16 - 84,59... -- 06org - e ir:Piii:lliini - & Co.; l i i4blitific . I's,. 10, liailt.V ace, New Cork: - The - Ploirgit, tle , Loonii and (14 - cabicfl• We- 'don't 'know how ) . , extensiv.ely this 1 *Ork - is read in S''squelisrma 'countY, but Ave Fan, asiiiro . „o farmers that -it: is-one of' the very bes,( +I iniatit int eresting- puh lications,•haviito., ference to their busi • - .ness;'ivitliwhiel • we are' tt nequainte-- l ire Nov, at the . conunenceinent ';'A . the-Year, is the time; tp.4beribe. -- . Published, by. Myron .17-inch', - _N4. 9,..SiTritte.istreet, New, -York. ,-. Te: in,,s :. sinkle!copyi i t4;•42 eiip-: jes, l e2;59: each;:k.ii enP : 1 .1. iOs, - each ; 10 copies., „A1,, ei: , - - • - i , Laaiee- ...Tlrreir A.- r -T-he January. ram i tier ofithislituldsme irionth ty , is rOceiveil. - t Itach nu itibei'l SIC cialerelf flower, be . tabor 'Ciigi - a.Vings . .:1 1 'ebliShecl by Burclicit, Read-St Co . i .NO. 6 Spruce- st.,' Nevf . kork-LetAedollarl(year.,( „.,,, WeeklecoiNs ilreitileft Cirbinet.-- , -- - We have been in i the l receipt of tbis'ptetkY lit , tie niontilli- for a. year past, arid ~tim egh we have not: I : ol44. e nnu g li to Torpia.juSt estimate of its strierits, ,a little friend of ours,' who oppelirs,:irrY anahnis ei;ery month; to learn - :" - if the the; Caliinet" has.. - . come,"_ assurei us thati it is a mest_ charth: iniwork ; and we "would. as„'semi -trust-, his judgment - as our iiwn.hseeh is case: 1I says it.can't he beat forltood stories. Be he wonders Winitilia.s b i fioine : of the 3 . . D pember . number, which:-Oither he nor . welbtive seen.. , D. A4.WOo4worth, Pub lisher;:l:lB. Nassau street, *eiv-York, at $t 'a vettr. - r ' " -1 =” 1 , ' - . 1:- 00.111,E - :MONTROSi: 'AND" lIARFOILD :PLA,ICK ioAtk :The Company heTe gruded 12 of lloadk 11 .of which ire laitl-A‘vith niank \ -- t . • . . *kind ; togetber 7 with the = rig ht of- way, toll -, . , lietises, - gates, and the "eurrent expenses, Ilave:'costr .. ',, -1., 1 : 826,881 07 Axnount - .of stock subscriied,and - ••t - tolls paid, prior tO 'AiaY Ist, •.- - ~ .1853, --. :-: ~:, . - •1'• , •. 1 . 20,435 67 Amount:of itclek pnid,and tolls -_,- received prior to *ay Ist, '53,19,660;84 Amoubi. otions - reteivegisinc#:, - - -. . 1 -14nyIst, 1653, , .;-i.i,- •-• ,a:.=;: 1,010 23; Atisount .of stock not. 6 -paidin; :: :1;239.07 [ ' - • - . 'I - Vitole coat . 54: ;'. -,. : , "•-• 26,881'09 Slack , Ttaid and t ila L : '.j.7 - : --- : ' .... received pri g : to -, . i'. . - -.... _ 1 • ' - May:lo, 1853 ..19,666, i37, - -- ' • -:. Tolls' received sin ce ,: . .= -'. ,- - , la May - I .. st, 185 •-. f 11,01 d, 23-20,671 10' .. , • ~. - .1, ... _ Balance gainst the! Cotnpariy, ( $6,209-:97 Ifiej ,r ad , has 'beet; well constructed, land atea p ortions t oe . it- aiide ' over very rugged `. tP•Tecity.plaCes: , aud 'included alio in • t traboi,:e Leostsitir canst ruction, arc abau $1;500 - 1OrIbe - ,fight of way. and costs con eted therewith; in , e.' asi4 'that li , tis bee a tiled tint] contesteiL - Three :good: , tot houses,- and i gates ',have , _been erected, and -,the - road is - doingll fair bui= ideas;; ' About tlitio tritei'kayebeen Co 1- ; pieta', t)in' .pisi lehion, upou' yodel a toll , will nowt° received. - ..:; , I , . • , t‘! By - order of the -Board., .1 , . '. .- -, TUOSTAit N/CROLSON, Sec ' s:.:- -jerl344; Ilitst''or'tli# - Ten#syl7Ani!t 2 ,tvicKelAiroA4 : Monday taitraing Itat ei and el:eded ioseph 1314kerk.9f `Fetryto:cl3tatilr' 80-_,Totp.c.out. ';iff2l • ji• It;tr-1 ' 'L+2 i z • • titkiliC4l , Y6uir,4 ' offtfleftviri ..;., ‘;•-71:kt-; JAW) Raikir ) . 94 /11444 P I gi!irq ur lY, 1 ;7, 5-I ni1 eb franilf4l ll rork -, e4; 1 00 mo-Ping4PYS, * 61 ' , V 4 i 6 0 1 7 : fit'i 44 44.*4 Igt )1664 [01441,t P ert4lls ': •F - • , - • , - • Statement • .for eating ; and_ beer - i 714,70 ti • foi. - . l- ,tl .4.„... : ....5.. . • -a-.-....,.•ent nioOne PO : et** - ;,,,.. .. ' -: I'l4. amount' ' . Of Elix i r oa r tviits; l llJe r its /.1 kc., wan 4403,70 ; of-.--collaterik - rtii 2 e,i.) tax, Vi-11 - -......,, ,:- , - - 4 The'lliiite'3iiiiirepriatiOn 1.0 t; C.1m7 14 - , , Schools -in ' the county, was- $2,40 . „73 - ..!... , --... ,, , , •.7-...-.---1 , .------y.-zi....x...0.....) , ..„-,....17:-..i..z-is:4rmow „ - r. . • ~..,1 --`'..,. AnsitOWLEDGIIItI'4T...--111ris 4ifil , Traori.. .A..Tfiley idesiieto . expfeii their , grateful' acknowl4ginentS Ito ticeir ,ifiiiiiiffrien'aii who, not} it hstandinithn,seyerit:_-,Ottir, '.stoma_ , of Thursday; last;-,fo fore i; them, :with their presence- on .that - , - y, _ au .a .... 'sir iikiliollic`Wli6;inlO - iidiiitiiiibliiii4eiufed - E' frOiii.olectina• With trim, hUike sinCe iiilili,. ..ed , their 'generoul .coutlibUtiOna z tn 7 ,. the eery liberal:and nabst. - acce able &ring. ; . .. - , of that, oeciision,''' f -- . f:.-'.!! - - ;`, i ' . mat - ein - se -Or'#eis , niet:=, , eY may W : 114'6 1 1. 0 3'1 illetel9 t;,,i!!09 tIiPIP; a • • rich-recompense Of sp it it ua I, blssings ? ,ix, I t liti i c'arnest rirayer 'and !irbidiregesire.f:. . 4 W - • re are under obligetititi i t o Iron) J.PaA more. 'Of t he 1:lonSe ,:af:4o'presen,, tatives of Pennsylvania for valitililii . Ouli= lir. d'oc nients.. .1' ----:‘ '..' -4,4* -, .1. , . Jii.tilri - :.:44t0;1ti.i.P:. — . Counterfeit ost Olt= eu veto eireylaticul ..,-.Thi sreightl9t, the new IAI:ro York City Hail Cower i5.21,0;1T • —Tionaliarie is iunting - it.'4'en , 1 He will 'get . n, shoti one of these d - -=:A , "tonirh beet' ` Steak anc : i Alai' ions for supper ma •e exceirent (Oil' . night *late r ' ' ', - . . . —The, .Manual ..",exPeatlitoreA l ciovernment Of tho 'pitil of: N4wi'Y -4? 14 i4,590;00.0, , '2. 1 1,, j . - :., .-2 :• 1., ,-:. ',,. :-....,:: —Tlai Etnperoe of all' t O it.o as; hies re tartretlselomn -theilk4:to ,te Alio . -of .Lords_ .. for.. hist !naval ..ziiritiitioipi--, 4 :..Slgai ► -;;.'._ .4,! .......- 4 ,/,, . ' .4 ' ‘l 1 . t, 'ai l • "i' ' r . , ••-. r, .+, u OD l i li co.r. - k.eplqt•c . il , cgl 9.... :.from" r etinsyl.vani.4....oied m Watiltincrtoii .-ott tut* day aj:ist -week7 j- c i .. .',...,-- : , ..I ' ...: ...•, ' 1 ' :—The Howe Journal is inure! report of the , falling. Off in, titki.qu4l fly Lincrs voice, I: is.unfuizrzaed,' 'Hot 1)0 it h itg author,' lot P oLiti , on' the t sciin of *6,000. the keient peat., wig be litty r threti( , §peklays,, a the tivelve•inontlai will hatt',e' fi each'. " - ..; 'ten eouitiie, retinsyl ar05..203 iron ticisrl s tqa orettli fi eel, caHlital ettipl6yeti in' , the- _ —The .ferry-n Lister De!.rdit least nine -:hundredi fivitli'a sed ;.hat Cniladi; Past Yeq• I ; . —The California pipers adopt ] cus.t offi - pfputilishingtarthsi and. American or *Yankee,':., peculiariti 1 the weight of the .young citizen; --The In -11 . 6 W York ar he fact.that boOressi has 'Note: ingrahanf a . swcir - tfied inetlal, , i , i ed condua in tt'e Me.iterrakleau - -:-Eighteen ou of nineteen vita Massuebsetts ~ nate,' hare bet Whigs::: The Senate now static 8 Coalition, 1 Dein. --:Thel ‘Th 1 - €*, Sin' e Conicenti 1 - nateal tndida les for Governor,. - C g 1 "stoner", and J dg.e of the Suiare , to tneet, ail - tilisl blikm, on the I' - next. . ; . , ll - ~ -. t, _ ..". p ~ T he I n , pendetit, begins , with an en) • gentont, to sante( size of theT. "biine, being prat) gest- Religio is:iewspliper7in tia l' Fredti , n Bremer says She much ofl,lte beauty of the Ant An Cubing , says, that neither women = nor Men- think much Brenter. --1 I ' . '' , 7 -413,1789, there - y ere 259- olie griests ,in England.; now .w itir_6l2 Chu rebe.s and, chapel ter, rto,less - t* 7 '274' hivebeen the last 40 3r#ars - 0 , -, ' —Newspapers throughciut i t itebotiritof :the high:price of la ery . - thi gelawarnfraiiingirratei thew pifees:, The 4timet.l l 7l lowing)anneuricernent..2:.,, - • After the I ft iSt ofilatturtir `charge for the,,Wh g 141;5131. stead of $ t as hero ofok.'2"Vr to ta4e , ,this comrse in - conseqn 'M . lutt4; labor, an 'the 'rave ionti:46:' -''' '.- - 1 - . ' .. . ~ . r—npn,.. J.I. rittendem., the" Uaite! - .l,States.Settatii 14 , of. Ne4Looki ;The.. beo 2 9e (.4kiv• 'Howell, ''..:The; vote i'licl 78, 114weltt 5 .1..:- :f :•: ~ z • ' P. .r;.- Tittritum'hat zivevi POielltisit4it firm witir g:4:1v; for"iiroknothildreri picked ii 'af'bresirYork. Ginitr&fati!q :ftnotii6 4 l r thoiiimj, , \. :. —.t7. z - ' -: TetrloO ,, a3k7 iii.thq hot ittoilth 612.4iig4gtV at Agg'lsi - A , 9, 1 .!:. The . „re f of ;04( CitY" , eft Aly T o' tea Peeeniher .. 3 0: -,' '-, i -''' .--There ate 233,000; 4factured id Al beity; yea4i time:min miatitin of: 606,006 . . worth •35'etsr. a, p cyan - eons' eniployedeis about: IA -,-Cept; .CL. 1 4 11 , Qui lf 1 4 9-041 ,41 1 rf4P* l4 4o l Abepeeile . oi;,2o , VrPriot*W l o 6l k;iiiPV drew 66 '44. robber in &bail et er day,wite forted kneeqtf. .room Orn 1 :09 - sidetr; *briteiritiVii(kfi . otysieol td be itititleptedZl:g'ltor i is this ao-ititititratidl4 - . • was, r ablicly burn_ .3 tilt,,, , .. Atiii:.4o/1194ktratiOln of the . iii, ...iy)ed, t iot:tlis:,lXrnan datholieAi 'elied4 l .*lmmediii4dohiafre t ...wli advice ; he_fulleive . ........; ..,...,...„....; Ei - ,,,,F--,-..e., ! .7.=.,....- The lonian Ishinaliire re .reed to be in into/it depiontb eng i n, in, ,-,., -4.luence • f:Xhe 4110119(16e currant crop 4 . . ) ti . ape-?: 1 A.V _yvit ' i 8 s bein• the 'neurce_litit 44tiii i trtaACtiWiVil • p - oi"'U - ltltlialkiiM r.aiifid t a : , Teiini;initlue4 ne, ii, of Con iieverestat' tgong - din lattetl4: ). . -;1:1 5 .--: ::•-, ti : ,:il.,,, ..:-=The Filt, ustdAtialici'rtie : , iy --- ittiii ed,'. •UllYeiCtli.. l 9rAii,!'flh#,~e" roliiiiiii* filliiiltirridin:'State*ruitti la: ~ iiii .- 611i i iko t iiii s aike c iF s tA t e iii i c i : L; i r t reintwileOeiifi baelitteiytiite 'Ai* fdig t v . ~. ... , ,,,0-.6 ft.... , 1+ 1 ..f-a.••••.3T s• ' --*. Fiiiiiiscd;iainFiewti Kr* : zocu by _ ; w a ke ofti - 2'tiae l jhoiiranktiticaikriihicli.oisatiih-bl.."`i :.,c4.i. tt i,.......4 11 1.4c , t' •,-...,. - .. • ..1.1 Iptsl,-.. - 161 . ?; AtAvr, Mmre • - • i'AficOhe. rliciliOiti,Prpp9m,d •-st Oto.i;*o4:kVii.e*, I .14(1, AlivstOtated;co74oo,l444 i tcsootiaic,lisitwity..siti4o cwt.' ki:Ot.ct con*PFgriki 01*.mticoulkonc-iliti roPoqi.)T.4 throngh _onaurat: L A; . .VT' kmtAi .satneigitinatiori 1n P. kwiq ALA . or. :chi :sutriproy"..-p '4ok4o4etteii!•44l....olll*.ir • • V, - . „ . ... .... .; .. c. ....": -... • I' •f ,. f.. }1 - 4 iii Isiiiriiiiii4:,.' ..- .X 3 044 . 4.if.;'-r. Ilk :.t.;!eii'...F/ft :il4ligt .;1 .. i - . 14.: byit'. fa ilibeol se - . ‘iiiite eliiiiiirik ..i iie4vOtiViii . ; ; toniCiOce . o.lit.4,...: . * - o,Htit:4 !, tiefitit.itii4ollt. Fliilittesi*oivil , )iir , :iii•Olit • • '.:_, fititti_idal . 1 . ' . 1 '-i - ... fit ' e' toi day ; ,iv iiiiiiic s j 14.1 pvi, s_ . , ,Tig ~..:.pu -. Cliiiva: for ' . . , yiio:y I:.T4%,:dity;!.-:, , iiitio...e_ifibes; presented ..t.k44) ii,::!..imite-K,' . .9t!ii4eost:i,' •for , .. 'con si 4erilti* f v _•. liue. , tif.• , l . liiiii, - ?:ftirille : *OA . 'it ti blt) s Intl fit, iiCe . ., 7. o-. , Tielit jail; ,iiiit, 1 1 ilittO that's • b ave 011tiii.iii6a . -..i06e,the ; 41.1. 7 .-. itit it 'tif the la -• ;*:'sekiati..l:r::::- . ag ~,- , Ii;.:: 1. Theit telekivi -*I 1 l' . .4iivre, i'iti - ptitieil... - ti, oit f: ,. iriliari•;liii Vie- tiefs itet.itten . .%ifitiirt ; s4Ctifl'.iiiiii..-.."Liiheris'i l ::iylili z .pr .eiritetAinto Ili2-i* . eiit4l. , ; ef...qtri6le . b4.',:, xiiiiikirfioa.. ,- • t jtojinbia.:',hia.i - .0.,.w - o.+;, 'oeo i nix . tiiii , 'etiOi;tiiiiio7.:o7l.4ttik : 4 that the t: Unter i fi e.47t** .0614441.444: . (11144 - the : tivhcil....prOeeecAi '' O r ß i ity.',.lo; 1 le . tod.'t :li,io;ts'.l - . 'lit' . ppre . 7iiiia. ......itb . .., ;.:if this `could ''..:lhe .., ctiihelkfr - ,...ft1i0ck.,,, tkiii Owe iv itivio , ?:. even ?by4 o osi.l4.iii.o4.] .0 cordwify.. q: .. ..i) , acw.t.pooqt.elr;;:tii4 . iiV i • wake i o lll4 t: 41 11 .44,,,, :1 „,_44..t . iitii*fitici ..: .x.i - 4 ..broitii..l*ii i5kmwgezi:741;401.4.:::::f.i4.: TN'Ovv.iliii4itfriiiii 3 44 ,. .?o ( .4 . :c.i 4 c.iii4 . 9 , _ )foiv:inktiPPurflroitdoolo49 l) 4ol:. . cy, *of .otti .bei•i-. O:iefii4iierittei#l grii . •,- . it/Air.."l4o .B44 ::**ftfiigftti/1 1 *.F;0 1 : questiciii i: ; Aiori.A . ' f Ai - 0040 14, `,ititi , itoe*iiiii-. , . a § ,t.tie . ' y .:: iiiii4oitx- 0 .4.,44-..: ' mOiiii" ii t* oo' I io A.:' -- :tti*Sf;;, t.ll4t.li4cjr.' - , iii04744405t eTi i:sie . re ~:'. d urit led US - sei4 I . - 444.:iii i tOt..iiii k t.i:l76 - i siii4. efittier:, t.S . p . itikai. of ;tie ; , 14tiuse:;.iiitti:s , hiim, ,: : b3ii i !. tII e i i %Tottyll._litiOuirifedala "Qi i ,Ao . lli 144p041 .:...Whyt' 'Ainiety-4 h it, 'it bat if . i erty3 . llt3lo)l.o4,tilf. '' ."'riiih!:bil4'oier . :estee .64 ille,4leoter : iti -1 isl:o4 l oiffils ::such, 4 -; .ei:l: . t . i4kil'oi,*l,d; ,i .iiw;a4o#loer;; l'iti? o 3 '•!k***PV l !)'' 4lt :111(iii:ii146 . - . 1112t64:: . o ' ;?l . l Ct*AkAiii; .not ••.. 0) . *Pit:liert.aaileideii '-i, ~Aa. e t i Oin:aliptp-: '..-ftiii* , lo . ifieat:i bat lit: .. •etll,44 . oljOit fi .'fftculo,.... l .an4-aq,4o l te i!ii • iili ii; :l o l ol 6 4 , lleeniti:**iiiii -, .*ixdil*:!.. -.-- • ' , b . *ltitsi•fhi4,btit - .:,•silii:..filiggii: • *;: 'etilittliti 01 - 00.4,41* ‘ •• ••4:40 1 4;-,firaoi •:. !iet. l4l. oo‘. * * l6 ..*.ii*..'' l 6,iitifiAii*t ' ifi:4,iitiii:its:4Ctii*hdt:, • ;cii11001 f- ..***i.. 14 # 1. 4ihe t lithiakWs.44; .0 4 4 4 010 AM ii: thOti....v.ioli . iiitili,taaae.4is ::qii: - Abtoo f ji.pio , ; iiitikiii m itciiiti. j iii.! - - i voikoilitaipil, 4c rs; and 'ape: i.4 . 06'..iiii*, •. t . .:-iiii:te:4li_ibieliii.j r a iiiii,ottliok ic;iiio !iiiiidF Afi... 4034iiiii;44z :Ciiiiit:: , :ioAv.c4tiilit . e . itiodt; - . .,bik:.ii*olitiddi : iabli: for :the -',etiife4l - - : • :::(lilitltp:pfiiiiP tio;f:infl'itgiiiiistO t hii:; •:. ~• : : . 1 3.; • ::::*.t.!9 . 49f1 . tiiii:wilkii.lititt•ii ...Vt.4: -•• ii,94;...it4§04.i.04. Ite . , , .:ditiow. illit. 7 ifitit l / 4 . ' ' ..p . 0010.0sOi: iiiipiiii . :ilOginlitiliq;'' . ' : :tiiliiii4E.Wfi•ii. CO'ltiltioets` , .6o . :4;t44l l iiiii: ' ••liiitiAiti l io.fti - ..i lutiiia. 2; Oh I. c'onsiStene . ii. : • - 410i.-101 1 :.:. bl :of which- - tIAly : - 10.60f - ,piiiiiripteo *he's ; price.: , -, :lair. .Siippoxr:: iTo4.': 4 4lllCfiare'o,3ol . his. own attorpey;yas - -, ref:ilia:Fiero:o**ml to' lite kl:3l , .'sift tem e id. sh`owipxthe'reaiilni.: , i it why iitif kitie_ t)eiitia*wils 7 presented ; fur; •ppos caltjaitfi:e - - ;ii*:.4liir i ..-riitiag'.. it pt t 4, iord(iii tini .. attgrettiter4ll* iiei' l potlllol ing ; • ii!.Wsit;r ct:iplifiti i .eOiiii . )4 , 440 l aodrol•:• • Ihd - .flau sa';'.A.' ; : ! I ' : • '.. f, r .. t' 4l :::' N 'i: : S io : i i`. ; '! . k- 341.: T ic '..:: in i-Oferitietlii't .. !il . iii•j: ..o.oiir, 1 ' l Ostik • :iqiiil.:tiioi4 . fiffiliiiir z fsigi; iiiiikiia . si ili . itticli F ! .I.ol4:•may. set:aoWltittP tg1if4.41.1 .. • !..-- s• Ittikka*iiiicii.4oldog,4o . ranee t*liid:t4, - ;.th et Jo iieatei . oiiii:AgiFiii — 4liy,ih .4 jcot..§;, *lire;:i*AiiiiiiiiiNiiii '''!4 , 110".. 100 . ..3t "tiiiiiii.Atho.iieooooP"4:ol44.ii* .104 ot• itifidoidil.thiy.:l - ii*y.l**sl#l . 4 0, - ..'itoy . i i i ,;iitlitf-tO offer ' ; The ' 64 * ' tkiiktoti . ',411044.)-: . .',lrliiiiirdo;•iiit'iiyai'xtiO . k*Ait t*SfAtiii' 'Ot'S;;;liiii manner - of e4teli :t*Otte.i j:!iiit , iloii44V4llo:; , * : , '4' .!Oiegici :00,, 0.-: - ... I: kilii!gtn:qes AZZ4sc:OOO44 :10:iii!iL',: :. l*. 04* , lois iiiligoi fi bigiettilkiif. jitirffiiii - : . '.:04. - -ii:ls . , ".ikekiittakOfitit.;:Aiteili aid ''ihifr liiil4liii ~pkiiy:i _ i, if4iiiiNtle l ;;:l4 : : iiiC. ;Ie.?) osailias . i ••••*tislb**fit'llitilleitiie:7::::.. - 4?;,Y2i-. ',.:':': - :1:, - •-•'._,!-. :`-4, - ..1 . 1 . 10&i tile}',feiitika e- ,‘liiiiiiiie . 1::;11y; , -.•th: `Opliiitiriii 'this 7 'liiiaiti l f;sat : 4l . 4 at.:104:: . aaiilcf s afforato. - .be - honest in; the.rdichiti:kii:. - / gi ;:tiglijOittilleifiti`tiad•whilg;;ttckti iife4tiqt ' tlitii . fail force •a ii4iii":oll**. 1* 111 ;40: iit.:i.iiib t .A i, ii',4ll .,. tiitiiiii , oloo:t:*o 4i4Airi* -iiiiber.i'pq: , .iaiiir:jtili.s3u4Wa • - siOisit ::00 : iiiit„ii. - thil - whose yi* , :dr.T.: ~,„ t i riOlf..l . o'iiiPitiioo3tiiltife*o il Aiiiiii;l•l4.: i°o4 l lilt l 4:Al?'*c4Pii ,: '! o :Alo4 .., #ftl' ;s . 1 :: - ;:;.goAtfiiii . Aii:(' 2 44iii,,.'. ..701.03.. ;:y4i 4:: toot _hti,r . ,5440.. 14. .405'4' ; V: pi' • t. -.. , ' 14 4 ;.? , i tioilomorkfligkii.itOolddi ~.., . ..ititiiei; sulajt:: : 6ll l 4Yi - Oratoiiiiiit4tiOW ' litifigi . ?: .. ;i 9 , 4 ,4 o ß9krYiL'A i iii]* ) .o. 4l W .. .-..,:' , *Oir .Pj9lo#; i fFo l ; :- " : ' : lV ,7 olf ` . .'. talOro z 04.4..1 13 .10,_,.;147-A,. s k_, . .r.)s,'_ iPVlr k 4g7r 4 i, ii.et7 l: l 4.. -. :. - rFr,:. 1 4 ‘ ill to . 0. 40,-414 ,- ! . o . ; . !iloirthitilii: Lo#:' , „tofz,; . 1 3. 1 .041*.v . 7, 7 0 1 ? : - . 44v ._104: _Tg'..( ll -9%. • itti'll i c ) ! l gifol4 ,3 orA ' . 0 0 - . 44 . -10 *'' - ....;, ii# 9 fil. It. , Willlo lo ' i • 440( ~. Pt `i# I.t • :me ,x} -,- ciii%iii • tlii lts' - - 7 littfai • • : 4:boi , ;: t . tr. Al , i , ::- ANgrf',.o >llO O 4 t o ,',; Akri l i i iit • — ::it d; .F,i..,.!;:: - .*t7..P.'t .. 1 ....giA1 . . ' 1. .. , :,._.4.-'-':.-''..:..i..'!:•.'ef . .. , 0.t-t - r - dy...:!. .iiti6ii.: .4. r ~; . $4, , _ i;I : w40:::47.11.1 f , '.. , ! 1 .: , ,,:1.g.. t 5z -- ,.. •: - .ig..:•:' . 1.41111if" . • . ' ...ilwAi . . .k.0..T . :y . ) . .g... ( 5 - ,ity,;-.,, - •.•7:tiv,..4. , • , •.4;•::• - -,,i,: f ,p , .i,. 4). 0,;,,,r,, '.:•,: l **MTi•olL.. vtiia:o - :1•44 . f.i-Sk:! 74 TA:;•;''' ' 100#1 4 05 1 1Mtt l i'l,R7 A 1: -. L' F:- !:- -" ''. • 1 -' ll :. *olwit i rt .14 ' ,O -I,t iil: • !,.--,.• ..•:-... ~...,1 • .Ii.OICV* S •, - . , ...1% 4, s . ...„...,. - ' l 4 - iip:'*!TP - ii-',-ag-:' . ...:.*:::;;:if:ia..:;;;•::;;:g':?.i.;f1;'ll-7'...:::4,-i.;.:::.....F.::411. tice-Neiv units. rot Ale( : • of ;:11 k, ; ; t el, the' its of Jen- .4id, ' tkette4 54, .JAher 6 - . bf e Stindays •ama.there. , 000 : 00 " 0 : PC - : siys tint, "ft, have , 0.9.- clurin I tile thitEli lisb add It - ai r . 1 - brO ipg 'gait eiu!ti fot, .i,.h1 1 31 wit : ~.,.• ~ ..r.1., , , , ,-.J. , ... 6e1eiii0,411.6 - • ; "'-til l ed.: , ; •l4: r .- 24 . :•Whilt4 '' ~ •;:• •-„,_ • .. ~ • sr• C4urk_ is_ -1 he n.e.w•s'ear keg kve.,r the ,ly • Oid-lar7 •Foild. toes riot thin . k. iCaniwdrrsep. liesmerican . f that cilViss ' ‘ni Ot/ . a o - iti iere itr4'p';s, ot di l e 44- redted—iithin l , conntry, on' per- and -ea 7 :; d of reducing' .hns the fol-. vAtteeisiel•• are Compelled ece of . the rise *fat previa- as:?,eTectia. -47 1 ; ats,,yotid lot "•:-,Crittentleh /, o(Rtt..-kiwiirdi Ravi fors hofne 1 , iit'tbeJstre' ts Ifs ItAttei, ,gies s . ' 1... - cri ,cl 4 serex:es . ...tiatia,4 l :nd I I icti4o4* ti ttie446.l it , ;.,,, is. r, 11. e/a.( , ,. ate ~e,, './ .ll C'TeCtiltros_ I )ol ina 4 V 'PO * 41 umbei 'of per. l tc44 h f.ri"-L,,,,, i , ' - : l.43 e j _lsi ' - OW 14/40:: 14 1-KAM!'lititPa. '- ii . 1 0 ioq.*" WA' i ..2.41440;tee illi',= - , ,,, ,......., ,,, " ,, ,,0... ,,, , - E. ,, v--tifa,.. , . 1-o ,iiie: , 1 - iitTgasontoi i.iititz,_*4 . cov 'red I Oa' beggeal ut4 - c. , 40,01i , lii , lii tik tuireeii,. '44# 1 -,.. :11' , c L.: ' . .t._ 1- ..., --..,‘ ',.-. 1 ~-..-1- MEE , gi*4 l . l .ne .. ". t h4: 4 44/ - ale city;: 9444x 225 0.111--• frp4i IftAttlr.A.. trauo. tet :cii , e 6)Tpa, hve , for Ape: ;;;.The*coxti :•es -4'. .L Viteileel)/ 1 1(11c. Dal t u s: 1.411 Min BINSIE INIIIM by two- ,or more comEetent:i'- nines' no wei• - er anaill' nits tie diet ieln if oustsF property bequeathed, tbilieeeseitiiale ceust•xisi, or thik wilfil--Wi*Akiife6f r °r; T ie " t TP-# 1 7 5 1?.;:.. I ' l if.itf. l l l # ll-1 :-. *.O last ;s ickness • Iminit be mad e et the t ~did at.,.. s leilt ietisThait iiiiiii'q - i f fj . .*• - l i t lo tile matT r riffo r itint sk*,_ 0. Lprised -' by ;:elekeeAe-eway,.. . .reibit bane, - 1 arid dies beforiOteilettirc4' . l4lfj4l:44i4 sr . Reif thetpromoirksts*liiii44P ritive %ill - W.eeds •.44#,4inekb.fin [tared dollaiir, :*iteOweiNtiit4 43 44ii t s o rie of' tho , Piitii#Wise_n., i 4: itir-46t: Lim that li. 46:4414-wAiNefi IffAct. i t rr wp tvitnesselyiistAaatittire*gi*l- 1/t ' matt ' P'r° l ',..s i 4OitalitailiiNikAg.:irg A , A uf aii4to.l4 l9 *MA*4:4" . ' • 4, fli'l.l;q:fikilUfftilrl..li4:. '!I. .la rft , ancilkfiliciir . jo f, ..0 7 . 4i .( 06 8 : It is a gir.Sl,‘ricotiii inrilis4' 41,thisk' ; tibe ,Teturnidjf r iilisVo"o4 l l; .. j u k .: ,, ,• :411 .. • _I - rii. 1 i,5.z.149/9fttleliCeMirS j it 9 T4" y, ' endseentitulathl4l,l-Ai 1 :c a ll !trolin4 , hirn. thnsirtO#bAkfi l i f 7-7 kali ...::,..:.. u p e .4hall 04 ana1iie.43414_46!61401i1d .fti ' t :itsellier - t.O4lft::' )04 la.,*:iiit!int-Ithis' .l .i.liiiiclie4' ol `.4he fi9o:.-.:1 - ThetiAite..:44- ';',A .-,not , bosi ivitri :, Yilitiroir44ifi;4l!#, .i.f •:::, i tbciil is! ••a; in lttiilltWOlttl e. .l3 '- i .-'; presefitihif‘,taii•iiiti iir:lfni ' -;• i ; •.- :1 -.. , .. 4 ...:.‘". i',.VI '' . -: : • .--; ' T r i c --.1 : e.e144 f 1, ! ) f t, ' • •,,A ;4 9 1 ? 4 ," d ':' ', 0 . 1 a j".o"rtni)hcl."- 1 44 . 1 4ortilaMs0o 3 v • , .i . ...4iei4., iiCi-44itili:Atiitilf.Alis- -i: E 'posit iiC:l!V'isli . liser, l iiistii'igtfietbe - . '.1 climb . . - si;olilil-'" _be- Oeit nt.etiiokeo . 46l; of l'•(;. :iift• i . 400. 1 ii marl' ecilli*.rhim. '..t: r pnd Im.....oo'.*ifitenfi't - i. ....: pomp'etee,, : rdre.iiting4 . ktigrill , V., ;jai* - 1'::: of tlie•Alinte „Cteit:targskiitisoita: - ti,' if. •:' it is in e , cpaiditkiii% cfriAks*Ortey' or e 4 , iialit--4.411Y0r !,.:-..` 6 l***Aki.notT ?.r O it c • iiiiiliito • ;itfiiii:o4:i_4Ait.a...i. vrit, Will,viiiiii . '1 ' '-.. ti rs ' . -*itt f itieerjltflki : " :"' . iti? at. . : t ot 01,0 th,e"i.t.l,ol.loe. tititli, r An.srlfiese;itiles two' -04ti,-.4.4ecc.y,i,txo)-04-:t,t , ,: to' otbei4t pniNl4,fgaoC .',.' - 61 11 . mi . ' es, Acihisreittwiij*eltrii re .atuls .- atin the ';iiiiti§e.iitliliitatiOf in r- inn, thgtigUir- ( 14. di t ifK:,';..:','J u n' -.. . lie' ;:t. • iionsaiAgiia ( litTifill.: Ittior nil; -ii3-.Aq linigliii : 4lgdofr4l B4l . l6 4 — • —r a ntei l ifilistatillittitiittitplittisir/if ffri!na. I..SOZilythrOOYttikejlatlliAif bAI fc,oy to 1 . 11 1 1- . P e 9. , 44 ,3 7-17, 1 W9,6 1 . 1 44V. t ,i7it,t 1 ' .4 1 0 e = met) of *laro-Orlpti ity have ni)t.., Sought .. of ii, that _-tiiefe-sbite bet beefi r eat dis sit ion-Ci O -011 f N d ' fdiige' ~'., ~ . of - -sliticTiecil s iee tee§ the collaceralF96o:- .itant . e - .:.i.adticslito Abe, Camino:* pat ina; 11)1.2. it . ik l o l 'cli*Tiatuft . b l thfsi .. .1141 . , t hese Oa hykfitiii4/40ftp'..t xi - :v ii ' l • , ` t lt !. .Ttio; lifigidif 'e s .'::"4 l oi l3 3l l-, elCit S.I iii...: 1 tendon: to thii Buirjetv,!:r , refne Ws : * :cowiiiifgnC in itieflivi• ' ib k:t bit cliii pootion of t e_ProPcrY-: 'I -PS- .-,llFf ,° death, and temt)vell*4 4 atOestAatler° r fraud u pon;,4i I* iatik.pfie,.v a s ionk-, of: ues 1 :to the Stati,444l4gralfritericcaf - diitibri: S. I Gazetle t ::: : •;::.; . ;.::''.: ' ' '' . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers