title:-. In addition -- -to-lhe dilikalteiiitcoOftrelord -. . leg the _- irnlirii f 4g ll' lOUt i f ic g e r s . mass effinntOri*SOeu v eMi k i ll T f l I l imeelffoced** - iieffneiter , , erh4l *kw rei w4ightliii . ' , ki l i °P rata leg: anotbitti Srreallflpprovee,4, Neitheiflei ailleiree with me *in stridraperdince,l4o l ttiOnexidatee 'nfr the ConstittiMi. 'Great , inconirenience also hauler tiffieisitipltioinder: this system, in , , the iisyntent - olffie - etTelliftelif:lat =Open private laws. Itt •bills, such Sas h have alma- 1 ay-described, May be .found : 'a number of • itenKitittietonthle and - otheranoti - arid the - i hiihreilfeetirciiedllider itePmEleire,W#t , .allabal bilfin t t:..iff id * : ' 9 l ,T ill : t r int P* ' ted in - this legislation may pey tiis sliare,Sni otimr*fuetOdeeeretnii.-tbirdefionileg-tbA- sieweetbt the tir.,,eoliclusisist that be can live, eathont theta*, maid aline it:bialieetine nn-, 4 c,ntlent!,Ahil l g for persons 1 : 1. he Cornet fa - .04y tei.„, ei:an,iille h" 11 4.4 tbiih'ilve ee ifitereeti inOr4eileaVail„themeelrea of what ; a Legiii: 14aelial_ditsporisli granted. 'Such a state efiffairali scarcely consistent with the dig nity'ori great State, :in&. ' okrtliiri4;:demands anAtient reined '..' " : : •-, 1 - 1 iAMea.ll27Aire4eenleere have urged the General e ., of to: Change this system, and 4 ines,everal previous _ comniunications : I h#O-ItOggellted the propriety and justice of f , .*lng each fro eeparately;' it least, ,so,, far as ihe,olteets were dissimilar:" But tisevil Stilt . exists, and - I Sin deeply semi blocOfAbdifficultY which the. application of &ir, tOpt and_ affeatuid - relnedy .ince s t always i present; to lhe.tleneral Assembly. After - ranch refleitiori „ ,en the i mageitude of. this evil- its, ceiatibus inroads upon % private. 44, and' its demoralizing tendency upon tiok icktOesii of the *pie; and the:more et: evatedPnrPeOr efleeislattOn, I have deter: minqdta,e6-Operitemth the Geaeral Assem- - 14 - in,;the application Of the, Most efficient rriernia'Which theft vibidoiri iney'devise for iti.4lll4!iii but i 4 6.8 nieelirime; 'aa a re-' straitilix part of ' this .law-making power, I must bit; to be - indulged in claitniug the priv; ilege Or considering each subject:of legtsta . tiOn,.Upartttely , .. plia -wilts own merits;bE celittenplid4 , ,h7.# l SPlrit of ,the Cbristitu .. tv.4. - . 141:161r1 th t *refore, - . bills containing. il*ity of subjects of legislation; diesimilar• in their character:and purposes, cannot' re-- raceme the:sanction of the prosent Executive. • Another breach - of the cril; arid If possible; , i Still 'greater One„ - -nonsista of Special and 1 - 04 legislation: '- It is to:this ~ practice that' -Y we 'tire mainly indebted;for an -annual col nin - . e eif-lairs of most unseemly dimensiena, and for 'separate code for nearly biery 10- , cidityliC the State. ' The remedy for this Must-be foundintliodoption of a few mere -. general lawi,leid the • rigid -tiaministratiOn ertixiiiiiiiresidlin.exiatence.', - Special acts; - yon will agree,with tie, thould in no instiunie hipeased where th? cibject* be. reached! tinder general Wire'. - ' :- c.i: .. :• 'Tlie law of-'ll3l and- its several supple Meats Make " provision for the creation and - tritendment of corporations.: for literary - Charitable; zed religions_ purposes, ~..and to. ciliate beneficiary societies and fire engine axial' hose coireemies, through die instrnmen flNity.. of thbAttorney General and the Su ' ?time Cond.:” The act of the thirteenth of °dater,: 1833;e:tended this power to the if:Aerie:of the several counties. ' The =acts ef . 1138 and IB3B'make ?earn' lots for the assts . -elation of iudividnals-iltough .. the lustre. nientidiV of the Attorne y General and the _ ‘Gevernerifor the purpaselef manufacoaring.l btu from mineral coat „le edditiee te th c. i _ - acts, the law to encourage manufacturin , passedin 18490; and los supplements,' p ` 1 , , vide for associations for this purpose ' if-! uninufaCtnring woollen; cotton, il cotton, - fiat e l silk.goot le; Or - for-making iron, glass, sat, ' 1 ..... pitier, lumber; ': - oil, front rosin ; inine nM paints, artificial:slate, ititl .. for - printing and publishing; and the supplement of 185 1 3 extends its provisions, in .a modified form, to the business of Mining of 'almost every 'description - - 1 • ."- ' On the subject of erecting new 'itoven _ships andl corporating , horoughs,l the' -" Crs have unlimited power; . end irobe • smitesof selling real estate, the propertj - -A . niinons; by . - guardiatis, executors, or others, acting in a fiduciary capacity, the - I act of last session on this subject will; in . -;. 'tsty opinion, reach every imarpable case. los invithrions.should not be infringed, for - the subject: belongs most legitiniately - to leen see no yeast - on-why the power to. designate elerOon houses . should not be • confined to the conirnissioners of the sev eral Counties, These officers are usually. ' . t familiar with this localities, and can radi i ly 'determine what arnangement atonic' . 'best subserve the convenience of-tht telec tens. • -In - ad,dition to the data, whit will ;not be disputed, that this business receives 'but partial consideration in the Legisiv kture it ,is objecanable. hie-anise Of the - greet Space it annually • occupies le the . :journals and laws. lam aware lio4erer, `that it las been suggested that the laws rifthe United States preii'de that pla4es for holding the electirms for Mernbers of . Co ngress shall be fixed by the Legislature of the several States, and that, thetefore, the end in, view. canbc,t be attains I. In :it surer io this objection, it-may be re: ark ed, that , the Legislature having iu thei . 'instances delegated doubtful p owers; such althe right to make paper "-money, it. is "scarcely necessary te r rause the:ques,tiof - the right to' delegate .; a funetiee 'so ex primly conferred. •,., . . A largettninber of the laws of the last -session corona of special, acts to inco p oi rate companies to construct plank r ds. • This - object ` right and proper: in . it c If f might it.iteetati to vie.. be reached by a -general law; authOrimug the association , of any numheT Of, _citizens ; to constrict : these highirays on proper contlitiens. ~ In foririer conamuoications I have held :the doctrine -that ,hut' little legislat'ors of ~ any kind Was essential to the e s .of - mere] ' business nnterprise—to pr te ' -.objects understood by,..rill and withi the . • - retutis of moderate -means, and tha m oat • .AtentnirdY,' whatever might - be deem OX o petbent should be general in its clou'ac \ or; That. .Vie Legt'slowe had no moral „sight to grant special advantages to , one • .., suites and. deny them to another ; and I - .-hare declineotto approve any act on TV' mthrject. where e corporator. mere not • ; made liable iti kids '.individualeataies fur . ' the debtssbf tiii,corporation. - Jet * Staie = : et Ohio Where ' dad- SO= practice also " prevailed rs,.. ' =tire ; aeons. Prohibition bas -been dee ,nee ' INieerY. by, the people , and ,1131ili . , ' ; sub : 41 01 14 4 13 . 1031 X*D0 W- 63 $211401 ' en ,with - -:. :the/wont - of those : affected 'by the Mess lam ~ Th e expe ri ence of,the Stale,iis 1 , • hare /earged, waaalike against the,Pirric . ;. • ,_ :s a ,trine tnelring.#orovemente in - thiis'ay; ,jmidAsat,,in tueiO; it'•becameinefficiind ' ;;;_immoffi Ase - illipmetten of capitalists- and_ ;0 11 ;10 .14 0 ali ) ue liimi . lilunaciPal coy' ;1 1 :• . eteltgni,,f 4) F : f04 3 n 434 1 ., 14:qinistrtl'ctieg ...,,,torPircernfrst I eel decided' c r i -,:ste_41 111 010 1 41 1 :tbat - a isiniilar 'do r: lite *odd Ittarilietild - be 'Made by h' ' - ...,. .... ---,--- rte- .--- ---- -, t.• - ----• —-I t-. --_ pet , t - `State; .-. 4 t . • Ovoroppcir tunry lit Peru - , Id .the : itteen tune,: - this _i, , k no,, a' . Tilanst-Nanociirof rantrii,,.: _ debt: abet*, 4 ~\gusideti i i swank des 7 Ott 4-fii ~: 'I Al 1 iiiiiiall o , ape: at . align/ leP - 1 1 '.tioiii a. le,lati of thilAii ter :• ` ,. .be• re ct' ' , hy th '' getter al fribl •- " * t sf . ..„, , .„ t. A A : 1 . It IS oduty t . ' onarlyeutthat - 35i of th relief issues--of I'itit, 1841, a‘. still in le istence, Lin d continue to pellu e` the 'cite nercat i ralcillatidif. - ti . ar=t 'e Provision' . eftberact -of:April! -11nt9112. r, 8 12 of theao, of a lesiidenciiiiinition tit n five been caricelledouni:t ..whole emount eau undeethis law be - til *- tnately extinguished. But the . proc ss has not been so rapid as was anticipated --4144418114eien113W„t9,,Peek--tllfk-dq; Minds of the pfiblic _wiiiil. rictifereAil-. lY.'#tigitin;theriafpati. that the - latir;be so actiiinded'itite',,- Mak ci it d the uty lif the State Treasurer te.-t emit! from -, tame to thine; is, near iniftretticable, the - implant. in'i,'relitifialiteS,'neceasery to 'meet the in= tire demands ofthesitiking fend. - I - alio; recommend the' tepee' 'Of the Act of April - , *., 10; 11349, detboriltnt the re-issue 'of ibis .I ciirrency. ' 14,8 occurrences 4rthe past year gen era y tit rengthen 'the sitars I expressed' in my last, annual Message; en' the iiiilijeCt• .of the eurrenc.yt,.. -The dangers' , of •an in-. flatedpaper systein have been meat strik-. ingly manifested in the. experience of a number of the Surro titling States. and. nothing iii.,my opinkon, Saved oureirn metropolis..., and- positibly other parts of • the State, from the eonseqeences cifa.se yere contraction of the currency. but our va‘t agricultural and mineral produc ions. 'and the unusually high prices which hese commanded in 'the foreign blackest. • _ . I bare - - always held the doctrin that 'our country; like all others, must b re a - asySteni Of •curren - cy ; end whilst, th fore I have resisted - the excessive incr 'of banking capitao hare dot sougbt„t up , : rust; entirely,,the-ay:stetri we have.' That if is the best that , the-wit. Of man ' uld :deilse, is not.' belieredolor is it -fir ; able; ti- '1. 7 the anthers of this paper sist : , en- JO ing the experience of ', 'he presen, age, sllpiaisesSidi; the vast , amo unt coin isin - tar, an : existence, ' would, - bave entailed t is - evil niacin us.' Bat we' ' have i ;:'and t elteisewit can `do is to mitigate i con. tpieneealwitilst it endures, and brow ,it 4hY degrees: ,libelierethat the, _inn s lraftia system df paper money,. r ting 1 / 4 on:a - Specie hal* 'BMA as it is, atid the iii4ivicidal ;liability ofthe=steckholders,- is t' -cisisafe is itny;othl-tr. - I prefer it vastly to tl ti 43 - loose I plan 'lxitsting, in grime of the a nctiehborhig tato,-or to the- ,scheme: of g free banking dosed in tither auctions of t' a :llthe -Uni0n.... :.: : . '.- .. . -.„. - ' Thatanyeyititin of banking fliat &tab-. F i. orizea the emissi on .of small Paper as a f Medium" of clic lktion; Must entail evil 4 . .- ciausequences ii Oh the .countryi bacre:n : T,440 . clearly de tinitrated by. our ow ex- ' Perienceto:ne elucidation bylargupaent • It is believed, t ereforei that it t a the true - ' policy of this . 4 nfOl,tlio States; ore... ' i strict tile paper circulation to ?dotes ; ofi.a ' large denomination,i• Those Of. a small I .denomin t ;ion _Should bet' grad u ally with- ' drawn f m cii-culat'enii in order to make ' vied' fi s t- the, Vast acaplets-of the pre- ' cibui 111 falsfrom - C iftirnia and Austral, . (1c ia. w ln ain shall seek to disseminate coins th oughout th country, and induce -their ci illation as points remote from the Atlantic cities, tie longsi - small paper is permited`to exist. - If notes of the de iiicimination office diallars Weitt withdraWn 'front the channels of 'circulaton, the ,vac- uum thus created would I lie - rapitilisup- . plied with gold, and silrer,:and so a 150. .. with those of cr kreater nominal value. 1 lint,„se long as;this paper medium is.per. : mined ,fe circulate it. will be impritettca.- 1, ble te induce !the general diffusied of coin The. people inquire why ie is that, ; with the vast increase of.gold, so little is seen. I The answer is that banknotes tilWas :in.. tervene. The trader Merchant and Othl. - , era rain the coin and pay out 'the paper; . • .. ~ . and 4 the only;r,emeey is to be found 'n the recOoral of tlio,loite,r. • There is pe rhaps mo . prpeiple'l applicable to' this question bettO settled than that which proreS that two:kinds of cerrepci,differing in value,' . virill . dot: , circulate', -together. The least valuable wilt constantly • he ehtruded, *bile the more pecions will he-displaced The - . gradual withdrawal of the smaller denominaflon of the -1 paper preitents, to - My mind, the greatest practical reform that can beapplied . tut our ,system of 'ciir rency. The exchange ofone 'paper sys- - teid for another; and the ineorporation of restricioni on this or dna pitint of the one we have,itlthough erten right acid neces ari, can never eradicate the evil. • - I.woulti. not, however, be midarstotati as lavoring *very sudden, alteration in our . system of 4 urren cy.. regarding, as Ido all violengehanges in the policy of OS-- eminent a s unjust and oppressive. All bnsineis, arrangements of the country are, 'based updb our present Plan,.and it is so intervro en with ,the general affairs Orli& •ai to fo bid its rapid withdrawal But ,i. .i.be be inning sheuld be made, and we p) should;' prepare to throw off . a system . Which 'II ill an the future, to a greeter ei fent, pii haps,:than in ,t he past, render our Country tributary tofier male, and make our le'... hewers' of wood and draw ers . of water to otber cations." NO eth er refecim in the political policY of this nation, I sincerely 'believe.: would bare such -a' iyect • tendency to promote all the great is terests o American people. A prac ical safeand efficient mode ofcar 'tying ut this work, is to be foudd in the gra ual - exiingaishment of bank notes of alma 11 denomination, ' -- nhowever, be This r eform, to complete, and. togive the people the full henefitef its . sal utary effects; pon ~ our--commerical!. - commerical! - ,4 l Pnratna.with .other ; , nations; ' must be, i count; nto'llte whole -Country.. Tim eILI fferts or isinglefnetiber Of - the-Confeder-: , ecy'lio‘rever. thorough and , well directed, can aollieve bu t t partial succesi. - .. Erma in a- 1 cal 1;04 of view they can scarce ly exe. cise a controlling influence. For fiuscau e, vacuums . in , the channels - -of paper ir.cuiation in one State are too li able tbe s u pplied iiitlie issfteS of 4thisis;- .r ititerd cied; - thoUgh the cirenlittiod of the latter_iy 3):.1 . , by poiatite iew: Iheie cppsia, rations hayii ..B o B - ge! ti e l - timil f r i po - r _.- fenc of as isimultineone - action bt the ; Stetson the subject, and It too occurred to My Mindy &id a' F ikiiiiatiori of 4 e l eg ir, I tes'ff cia eieb, -appointed 'by the respe - . tire I - 'ski itires;inight bea good mode' for. -dir '. rig Publicifterifiiiii to the aubjeet. end . _ 'curing efficient - ection. • .-- -- , In t - '.- - `State -'''''' tit " . , be mean ,time, our eau ; e iiie le a in I ' Ado winik:.4. 'she, ea f a carefully:testOctOpf , ll4oesciasiq e i Preite4 . lo4*. biiivinz4 We . 11 1 4 tii ; tionk - tOw fi'existence:* make .miio ' = 01 144 sittlemeliti; (Or render more . tenter eystem, . present . con ruing t e - 77-" --- -.--- -..- ...... ---... •,-.--,-,..... paper;issues, to tie icew ' . . 'at, mails tentwitlythe demands ;' . 1. :• .., ~- A m :, - .`jnosi:•-, if ilkellevethei am .. at .- '• ii :". ',have itoonsii*lttcit this istandtred, aner, - ' at the eat niesests of the people tsigehethat; It sliittliOrpt -bet, increased. ~ -4 L.:-4 . - 1 gto *eiteasive energetic4aetthighly i 40 , ~ . , ii, ace beingmadainalkVertsi• l'`of t . • 7; ry to advitten theintereslit oft agriculture, - by the disaemination ' n. of . cor reet.-Anformatioconcerning _Ale. great petit:Ms tintrin Opt. way tetstmr epee kite, 4 1 iiiiiik.Sihiblesibris'of it iciltittific,4i'vrell? . .ati ,gre atly,.refined..:. practical understand-; itigofthe weikin which be Is i. .enitified. - . - . 2 Pennsylvania, so eiminetitly-ateegrusel:' - tiiral State; end this:Aieve deeply- in; tereated, cannot be iedifferent to the tner iitildeettlitiiiiiet-r Her - besrettergios umy, 'Wifely be . exercised. tosece re .its tem eetui.:Already, much has beee.accomplish 4in : the -witY . ef- reili4vinVtrtiudices. ,herettifon..Y.,exteasively ~ch erished agaluat . atil.a.Vateet ot ogrieulturat i edecation, add' •b3r• the exthigaudireent o f doubts: as to ,the utility cir.ereil Oiei-; practicability, ,of: jipplyin g ile t . principles of_ science • to the. business. Of ferming.:; , . , -..-., *-, The belief that these,principles can be . so aPPliftd, Lain gratified to, perceive,' is rapidly gaining; popular : ..favor. ;Indeed, the -experiments Ivinch, bae Imien made 'in this country and in Eur o p e. clearly:4- n tablish the utility of scientific farming, - and-in both, the_necessitrfor such ii sys-. . - ternis manifest. ..' ..' _ , . . . - A proper uuderstanding ofthe. cenatit tient elements of the seil—the - influence Of thise in the productien: of ,vegeta b le malier—the means of, maintaining these elements its - their , eiri peal .strength—the netlike of stimulauts. fur the soil, and their praiier use--the quality ,ef seeds,"and the brer..d i tif animals, make up the main : fea Au of .this system .. .Thesesubjecta will c o atitute. ap .egrecables , and, 1 have -no do" bt, i nhighly. advantageaue 'study for the! s_ farming commueity.i• - ; - "-. . . " . ' 'n niyhist annual message' I suggested thei.prOpriety of aPpOinting pnAgricultit ral cherata7e, to, turpaidetnocleratesabiry. and ivhose !alters ,stiould : he give!) to the. St ate and Ceunty r. secietics.. ,still en tertain the opinion ; that *itch - in officer. surrounded •,- by: preper• :, opportueitiea, eoilld render gi.eat service tethe-!r ause of agil s iculture. ,•„. . ',.- . .., .. -' • . • - ' 'neutility'of establishing , attegricul teraf'college, with ; a tOodel fa i rre attached vherein the principles of a • scientific Cej 7 . iltionof the soil and manual .lahor in h t-.P l Orstlit wetdd be joined to, the iiseal Lc . detnical studies , b as beim i strongly nr p ' upon my attention . ,Such an inst tu io. and system '<seduced - on, it in, - beli, _ ed tr. Id; : at...the: same time , improve the ph eical, and ''motePcoritlition• of the pro f. tonal and isereauti4 elasseei,,Land pro-. 1 iiii . te the snail s and intellectual ett. in..i ni i nta of the griculturist, mechanic, MI In. rer, ineddition to-the vast benefits ,it 1, *, uld ccinfer-upen the pursuit of the far- i te r. These considerations.' and others w . ich" will doubtless be ~ presented by the ad °caws of the proposed institution„ will co ..rtiend.the stibjeul ,to your .favora b le , ce.iklera It is • believed . tion.. that such: an "institution . Can be seccessfilly organ iz rd,uader the auspi ces of the State and co. my societies.' - : . -. -2 • 'hi lily naefill inatitution has recent ly bee organiied at Philadelphia, under 4:. tl e a spices of liberal-and patriotic cit iz • tis that city and vicinity..ie pursu e ce Or an act of the last session, nained '4, 0 helPolyiechnic-College of Pennsylva nia:, in.which the education, of youth is r, . N . . . • a ipractical knowledge Of mining,.maufac tttringl and the t mechanic - . i arts: is united . with he ordinary literary studies.'&ire . t 1 --, Sure ly, as much can be done to Impart a prac tical Understanding .ef the pursuits of the farmer. 1 - . •- • i . ' - , . ,„ , . ~. Wi thin le., few years . -paid ' the getiend . governmeat has expended• a laige sum Of money, in the construction of dry : dock 'at - the Philadelphia i ntrey- yard, with - a railway attached, to : facilitate the. opera- Lieu of raising A nd . repairing 'vessels:. A - survey of the: elaware river, haw- alit) been made, which justifies the opinion that there is a eufficient depth, of water in its channel to admit vesselaief a large class with entire safety. ' The location of this yard on the bank of the Dtfiew,are,in the southern part of the county of Phila delphia acce,ssihle from- all phints,l itur .rounded by. .a vigorous and flourishing - population. and , blessed with a healthy climate,gives it advantagea not surput . sed ~ - by. Omits siirroueding the navy . yards of any otherasectibp of the Union. There is, then,4no reasim Whyit should' not:re-, ceive a full sbar of patronage . from' the .government. by it has not been 'so i lir favored..[-shall et, at this time, attempt td learn; but t at the fact has been the catise.of comp! int and regret among the -• people of Phil. elphia spa . other - pans of ' the State is a circumstance which cannot. be disguised. No Considerations of pub... ' lie interest whieh I-have - been able to dis, .cover, would seem to demand this policy . .. Nothing in my ,opinion, is . gained •by it in &mow, efficiency,.er skill in the con struction of vessels. The materials for this work. can l ber- ai conveniently andH cheaply procured at Philadelphia as/at I tely other point ~in the country; sad her mechanics stand es high as any.ofhers in point of .skill land effi.ciency'.-in all the branches Of this business; anapre-etniuelit in the constru ion of,. steam macbineri. ( feel justified ther efore , in ' entertaining the hope that. 8 mere equal distribution of 'Patronage shill hereafter distinguish .the 1 *Seaton of the departmeet at Washington. .1 ; The consolidation otalie city and coun ty of Philadelphia Into _one .rennitiVal government, is a su' that- will be preiesedeFitm your co ideratinn dutieg .41. theypreient Session.. ' ithout desiring to 41 • express'an opinion , mirth" polici_.or,tho' [peruse. I may July, t /Award it If in la vot ring ' vast ctieside tions , connected vin 'h theleelfare of 0 r - metropolis, : and ci);seoliently to theSt l ate.nt-larget.-and an . an . tt should. as 1 have , nodoutOt :Will, co ..nstul prompt and flz.icnaki:Ostildecti .• -,. have , long belietre.tlhat tha ; lovas athe i [St to ,!thoula becianao idated • i k etti, three I or font elaasesi and be under the-direct co, trot or _lllO treasury ; departinent itt," .11 ririsburg. The books are now keptet .th •Batik of Pintesylvenia,where the loans transferred, re-issued,. and cut n i p in .. eny:shape _to suit the vrishes, the h.lerler - which i servicelli ti - st in is .a'tilting a . hem •-eierly imutpensalitak .., 'would be,: no -440.4y..leleilieyer• I . icalirmi " 4 In - elichiaginitAisig eon -01.1 bottds fort!)_.o certificatill4l o tieti new ,e9teteeding, witlirui:ani,:liverigli.433oe,p. Ilibtiefihennitirity of tits loins, at cast 41:.: ( fitiv.- itiitiisti4, - ideilirs. - .‘.Pideed,i : on 4 1 Y -Mq- aitt - intiieb 42-41 ii that the *tchir CO .14 *sae I L iruiei' orp_fofit telhe,.State . shove ; . 11l L i „irepainetaw . This . itifilnillisile.4 l *.iiia 'the - iiitereet - viii 'be at , mess 'of thit dniutaint mere It elqueeti 4..., the . t i :-' • it'd .11 ~. rri I . . .. its "...' I post.it per, t . itlythe 1 subject tolisasprehend illei, oporitioe, , I 1-W-6lt-tilV"Pri4%.l4 commencing the ts jam` ralllutpestamiAltiritat ,4 .f Pia: cerribers _This : would - bring the Canal, Treitstiry,SchOl and AuditiaglteMartments WIWI* tbotionslOotti l l4ire*ietpeir opif satfolis;soneurrebtran`d - imiplet j 1 15- .. -.. A -'-- - I hack never fidt willing to see I ourfun lithetitidlikeduiingediterlighU-Wltinbtfel• Nano* but•l tinder* „believe - t that, when - the- PrePer Aintetsr.rives, 4 will- be WW I 1 4 3. to astOd LIA Coestitistiou as Ito, require that, each law shill be. passed inlay separateibill,„, and meiveaet -*than rk*SiOrit "4 of-rltee of each _ UOUSO OP . a tadl,Of the yen [anci.nays; be irovidethat,all_ fressOf ,i t ts public nature shalt be generalis _thew character end apply to i the entiretaie i that. niuncipal corpora- Botts. *416'11 thepotirer the Logisla-. _, , . , . tune : could coufe,4 - ehould not have.the, right totbecoine suhlscidoeres to •or i holders • „ofthe *block of otheragsorations ; I to .interdtct.the creation of debt for any purirso exeept. war ; tOlunite souse ot4er lunenonaryr t with the G4vernor, in the exercise of the pardoning . power. • - ..- ..: . I.; 1 • -'ln compliance : wi th \the provisions of.tha 's4th section,of., the: , lastizenerel appropria tiOn law, di 'ng tVe Governor. to . sell aud convey the .S tearsenal property , : in Jeni- Per 'greet, in e-city of Philadelphia," con ditleded that this ,sum of I thirty_ thousand dollars slim] be obtained ;for the same, I: I used notice bagiven, through the Prefa, that . sealed 'proposals would be- received_ for the same. and naming the -minimuns. price and termi:of wile. ,The bighest and only bid receired wai that of the:Pennsylvania railroad compeny, naming the sum of thirty thousand dellstr3..;_elhere-being no other bid der, the property vies accdrdingly conveyed to - that company. '... - I The - 'parch:we cif anothen suitable: lot and the erection: of a nevr building, es prented a service or gripterdifBCultyo the law.'restrain-, ing - the entire cost to, the price, obtained for the old property:, I deemed. it proper that l i military • gentlemen of -Philadelphia should be consulted astie the loostion el the Ow . The building., general wish appeared to be the selectionof..s - central site, and at ; 'the the. same tirne th ' erietion of almilding o.f great - - - er dimension's - and cosstthen the act seemed to contemplate. Recently+, however, nevi, 1 atiensVe been starter* for tbe,:purchas43df a lot of r und,.whieb it. is- believed will.an cl steer the p, rposei,and give general eatisfite lion as to location. I. 1 ,- ~- The Attorney General, as required . by an act approved the 19th eApril last, has made diligent efforts to el . the. claims of the COmmonwealthageinst efauiting agents i e and public officers "The r tat of,his labors will be communicated to yeat an early day. In accordance with the 3 th section'of the appropriation law of last's siotkl aPpoint -1 ed George Blettenbergert q.,. to' superin tend the removal or C,111131 obstructions - out of the "raft - 'mtel in this usquehaariv-. et, at Brubek r's island.l He has caused l i tin the-work to e- cotipteted l in a satisfactory manner, at . a tor 112•Vii0, ( l eaving $lO2, 50 of the ap ropriatioo ;Unexpended in the treasury. - - . ,1 ! • .., ,i i I deem it'proPer_iti remark,iin -this con nectien, that there ar e` o,b4taelesin the way= of 14 descending -navigation, at veriOus pointsi in that stream,. the removal of which, by th State, wOuld be but an act of justice tce tlie interested in the navigation, in view of irh i they have suffer d in _personal com fort a d pecuniary Profit, as a consueuee of the construction of the . public wor k. . Thq numerous accidents that have Occur e4 on the railroads oftb country during the past season-0 8 -consequent destruction of rn hua 1 life - end property the d ifficulties that Have urrounded all eff its .to trace theie easua ties to their true ts cause, and to impose epon , the delinquents. just . responsibilities, !suggested the' rieeessity for more-spe- Ci6e litws on the ettbjectt; and I respectfully iecontmend the measure' to your favorable. lootice. It is believed _that:Much could be - accomplished for the neeuritY - of . railroad travel by additional preCautionary. Measures tinthe direction of pasSenger trains. Our s i 'State; it is true; has not been the ne of t so many of these disasters as some. • thers, 'but this'. may not be the case when 'peed shall be - greatly - increas ed ; ina eas,ed; as. is cont pla ted by seine of our railroad ocim pan's- .- • ' Whatever. related to - the cause of • usu tionto the moral-and social coedit .n the people, or to the tuneliorzition,.of , urn: 7 .sufrering, should =viand delibera • *c( 1 sideration. All, out educational, bene oh I charitable and reformatoty. iastitutio -, therefore, commended to, your special : rt. The State Lunatic Asylum; situate itbitt , it . mile of the capital, is n ow in success ul op 1-eration and a, , itiostllonrishing conditt. n, re alizing to. i the fullestextent the sangu ne ex pectations of its qminble and ben.volent founii'er ; and. it is Ott jUst to its noco plish upetintendent :to say, that Miss lix re gards its present 4arnzation and in • nage went as eminentlyiroper and skillful, - .: Up- I on, this institution 4e*tate, has already be stowed the sum of 821)6,499. aud a small [aunt may still be'eequi*l to Place 'it.hrti condition of perfectlielf-reliance.: By the'act of April .; 1853, was incorpo rated the Tennsyhania training school for idiotic ;and feeble Mieded...nbildreo'- 'hi tilis ku#lane and latnevnlent Purpose tber,,eg ishiture, With thanbeality which has -ever distinghished thestateisince the time of her Musts-ions-and per: relndectleander, has ex tendede helping ancl. •The object of. this institution is to discover . himanity 'in its lewest condition ofmeatal and physical weak '..nest and ehriate # to thadignity of intelli gen* erder end esefolnass.: . Its, - disin te rcs ted ancl'benrii . ialeat ft;tind M haVa . nierited the-thanks . ; Of thi anis '' ratid the patri -4 The House of Scrag° inbiladelphia, may possibly require ' further ' laden . . The to4rd \ of manage/I of that. , y'charitable in atituttoneue nowsrectingantacente and cost ly, building, intoerhicli thv i nttend . to .tratts ler the inmates ofthe old house at aa, early day., Of all sch4m ' for - :flotation of him= . iris' - for ' the:ja aiinfi id/ Mil; \III 'lii one tmeeds itself to christ - than' the House sole aim the reform' &Mont :kir the y' , alit re s ult . . dm.. . intent; who ,in threw-u , ' . K" cep=Pr tkons,; ik; *140..14y ME! fount-an eFPeitir t 9 ypuit* • ,at -mil ex: the cotimo4 .61:1111 0 • • • 0 ( I',, , -; - - '- ••, NyittintiOtilnii lieolVearf4 i6;24Wciii.. dition of the State Library by t&i.officer;ha `iriag charge efit - at this •time. 1 INClleged Twitlxsvidedrreaspn - and truth, that the ms. Inow-itinie iiititoo sraitil for the purpost. that many of the books are stowed away in AlexerouriitvlawlitingiminailefqP their tieourityl.4nd ill l P9si3Og MPtr - ;k s -- iliilitica colithelibrin'ian;:irei4eiter insufficient: !Pa higms'iPtel'cr'iug-ill-P4 useful iTtill-#ol',7lill d9ubtliiirieiveilitAlf.specitil eve, : 1 ,_, , : ~,,. _ If is [prop#.o4l,slietild malkkeeitql F f; to you.the P,riir thlit , 'hia heti) Ind* - On th4' atibjeet'of, the erifetion,OfinicOuno t A l * : dipendence Hall,ie I'hiladeliliiii l oeittee*, tive of the Declaration' oflndeperidenee:' ~,T I ' ill 0041',28 5 i.4 0 ,ecninciii, M' ..-PlOti: d e lnliin i br,:unaniinoes:,raiisk 000 . )in 'ordinsice;4lPdi6iiting."t 6 ,004itir}c-ittr - Pod -- in Indeiiendence`tinare tcrt!ii‘PAll°.ttg and . .sacred national purpese,radyirOposing.ioliv.e possession, of Ole p remises to the ,Tepitisental tives offline or. inoic of the - , Original SlattO. ' BY an acteftilie tegislattee of •Fehrtti . ary last, confirtning thisroiditionel'of.tlie, ,C9en-' cils, the Goyernor wilik.f,Luth°rizO,k° a p point trtisteeto aet,ia conjuration with the trns , tees of the other SCsites, iu the - erection of 04 1 monument, I araciraingly, appeinted *Albert G. Watermen;PA-,. of rhiliidelphiO.he trustee on behalf OfPniinsyltianie.. : ."' ' - The States of New YOrk,lsi . +"ieriey;, - New' Hampshire , and Connectteut, hive adopted liwisirnilar to tboie of this State, and trustees bsiielteen appointedinench. Ceder' tbe !pries Of these laws, no action Can be (Awl by am . trtiStnuS'untii atlei - if nine of the thirteen original States' shill have signified their _willingness to pat'ia: pate in the , etiterprize.- :There, are . 4i - lf four Staten wanting, A'na %.o; diem - ' (. e/" .41 the issue mest.rest for the present. • ° • .i - Jam unwilling , to' ,. believe that, en: oli-' ject se entirely proper - in itselr- r :so 'con genial to the feelings of the' Ame . i.icint Ca tion-7ra significant, - in its historic:. Jit d el moral beating, and setotichiegly, interes'-. ' tiny, - to- every. American ,heart, - On ' even 1- Wy b.e as lo ,t n h g e aP niq ra g Y ic e , a pe i vrt'cif iC i s h s e d ff re e a cl e a d raio i t t: i. of Independence which bound together 'thirteen sparsely pepulated,-:'tait-ridd4 Shit oppressedtrouitiles; anaVreeteik - fti into ,an independent initif•n: ;By it WO first proclaimed to the world the equality_ , of all men, and their' --capacity! fin han d right of telf-goi-ernment. Under the sus : pipes Of i t his great instrument 'Ourliber ties 'were _achieved, 'a nd ;the thirteen fee -1 ble colonies; rating on its benign prieci pies, and guided 113 y an ever-ruling Prov tdenre, have gtown into thirty-one set.- ereign States+all teeming „ with ',the elegy menu, of national wealth—all prosperous " and - Tregressive—niembers of one vast confedeeacy, Whine lionnilariei'aretinarks• ed by the Atiintie anil-Pacific; - aed• en ' _Jel n , in -, com m erce c- co-extensive , - it , civilized w o rld ; hotiored, feared and pat rtnilied by inn. 'natiens; 'already sustain 7 log a population - ofitwenty- - five mi \ llions of inhabitants; rejoiCing in the ; blessings of civil 'and roligiona liberly, and iiiit high . degree of intir4l CO social haPpinesse=i And shall. we not have :o. mobuMent. to perpetuate the 'eve i ts from which these manifold 'blessings dare: sprung 1:=•-stime imperishable memo r ial of our gratitudel-• and everlastingwitrais of the :great things . done 'amongst and for tisi i some,' iitible' sign to per petuate 1 the Oemory of the Declaration - of Independe ratithe Revo lution;• -the heroes rwho participated.'in the mighty struggle and . the Constitution that I crowned and - defined the , prbf:ileges so nobly achieved. ' If theseilde.ierve not ri a menument, then all others' haiebeen erected in vain. ' -' • • -:- ' 1, --' A structure u rata ivith tbe , co mens moral grandeur of the event, its 'World wid e consequences . is not cOttempitited ; bat what Can be a id should be :wrath -pushed, is the ereton 'of,a ttittettire-af ter the plan indica d by -the: committee —a beautiful and elier-enduring einbd'oli , ment of the Nation's gratitude to the - ail'. . thOrs of the Decla lion ; an 'f imperishit hle,personification f.our :fidelity , to its - principles, and; the] r natural offspring, the 'Constitution and•the - UniOn. - 7 ' - Ii- • The location of: this `political Mecca of iwill be most fortunate. -. 'C'etitral -to Ithe, au original- States—eligible to the lounger )n- members of the Ciinfederacii4ed . plant: tut; ellen the soil 4sl* the = old' Keirstone, - whe ire, never has, and by the blessing Of i God. 1 never will falter in her fidelity-to: the Ca tional compact, to all its foriiri - and -ten ditiensat in times pest so - - will she In . the future, shmilit the occasion unhappili ~ arise, trews upon the -first dawn. of dis content against the integrity( of the UniOn, . come whence it may, or hy ivbernsoeirer .instigated. The weightofher vest iniira' I and political power, I kinky belteve,s - will 'be wielded to ,resist 'the tide•of dissention and' dissolution, - and to kee' th ' political - 1 around • PI,. ° '.P;. mu atmosPhere the rrtinttaient,..wlieU ,ierecied rely national. - ''' ':. '' '- ' icrec......., pu. ty , { l'he present ii also, iii Sui& 'ci us.tinie ,in q , `for this work Uf naticitial re lhiikshiti. 'The. entnprounse Measures, recentli'aditted. and ana,f dby the, Irpriy9ial of cl i ay ,Of ii and_ of Webster; have :quieted' the ekrnenti . ofnational'diaebr4 ; - ). 1.6 4 1 :ithr0" long this peace and quio - t, - 4.ia'hut iiiCes gary 'to maintain - theso '.ineitsure) . 'and the. requirements of _tkiii - COnitittit . iin'to i discountenance in fititre•the'-iiiitat On'=of , questions settted hyVti*, fedeil',-,,likfitiet .and'disdairi „the , netinnaiitrur ,-Wini wunidimiard ; lhe., iieseniortiiiili" tin - try '.to gratify' Orejudiee, er`Pi iciiiinfil, ‘ ''the 4 1 14 ends tif perso al tim bi don.; '''. -_%,- ':."' ' , 1 :'` - ' VI . BIGTit . .'t L .- , ' . .. - - - W.. . ~ 1 . .P.Teretipe vibe, :\ ,I,;, • • ' 3 e - f '''''''i . ..' aarrriih ig Jen; l 4, 1i344 L .' , 4' , ' ' 1 - I Douglashailatiodneed bill for the-organikation ot thei Territo orNebraska;whieliprOmisesSo . Oni:ci, ope n ' lof h 4. hl'' d . " - '"*Oiiini i anew severs t Pe ...Al 11ci happily heild in 1840: .Iflifelifit ro- - • pose* to larlitkit earry int 0, 4,1*14,‘,A9ii! .nevisiritory: gle.rincipl!ls:oo_lktorb promise, Of . 1850,, _ll4 it. : 1 : 4 : - :miWtal* on its ftite; - i n iilir9c4ls* A ttair ti. .earefidnnaininetlimproveti ij't4y.:W".4 - Th(s, first eiction,for ,:lastaridOhitt 661'4661e righti f noW'pertitialnif tit-4414r: ImPfs)ita:' , i,4llkiirbV-00 Indians : theivOldkl - sifti6'*ltttyi and • henee`! this' =prniision.l l- 7,l l :Mohig: T : ton letter Writer 4 .*::iiiidsktA''ilif't*ril ‘sehenie- 61 .theiAdOtiniiitlitittfit*aiii , ll44 rod the Adementinee, hi deiiitipettiiiler F. - 11-t -1; _,- , .... t - t -L.- otr 4 " titittiit - iii-';' - :::_'11 - . igt.- --, ' -r•-•,-;• ' 1' 'l ,- ':;` :- . .' -. .• .i: :I' . ''...: .i' - ‘ I . ) 1 ' miasersesi 0.. raxzw.R, Eprron. raorrntosn, , m:w*: ~Tharsday JO. xl2, rie Owing to , the lengtlrref tlio Go unable our usual varsollins'Nveek:tr 40- , %.-t; ' . )11 . tl - n ri .1.:‘:::4 , •.1. - - ,ri:f r . : t.,5;,, ..F;. V. ,,,,- -;,- * - , ‘' .13%:,:11.4.7:14.9 - f1.!itin1.191:.taii..:414417,6 6. 13.":11 done:ieeit)iew,etif,SOittier,;Xiti44t - L - igi: islature.durieg:the.pa4 - wee . :14d , s;:-:;.-,- , -; - ::,:.''-',- _i , r- - 4 -'`;'- ,1 - , : - 1 - 5 , --- -,- - - -- ilftifi:4:l , .-: - ... - ::- - :c • ,:i - '*- ..-i: Chase . ; --44,,- ...•;„' 1":: c;./:- , ?B. - 'Esg-illia .;.14 , 11.11ttrAtieri fr,ein Ole E.ditcio l ? l 2lMr- A cl . ;_lArirgr:4o. l ic i r : bevuicteo:../04rifit09,01 -'t:; a 9us r - vvii.h. him have alWayi:beeeliif ti•iileastiet;;Char:- - actor.' / Aft: - .Alfie.Payli. is.-hils:fteccessori whom We coictairy Wetepii * .6: ; .:thet.- Ira 'tenuity. The- Democrat.ha he l ve - euTarg , ea and iioprove(l ip,.a ppevvi!col. - -3:: - ,--o . .; . .....:..,...--- .... . . - c i , -.;.. -..-: ~. -.:TertibL-sl- fr e..C . o n f : a A {.-- l i* : - : , . -- V --v i4eiscit• 7, On Sunday morning I ; the. -yr .ol NeW. York was visited= bye nother-terri bie firiiiirlict destroyed_ prope_rty: to, the ~,. . -.1 . arnP4rli 9f - Fear1Y.,. 4 ,..,a/f,.! ni PP II P f o°llrB. Thd fire - was first. niscoinTed :..Paput : .114a night In Metropolitan Hall; and tjteltlarm, was irninediately . given;` en 11001150.9n( 1 -, e c l:,T4iil.4 . 04' fire'-bells'. b'eir§ - throughout i id city. ~: T he.flarnea - spread ,I 4 : 2 04 1 i! ' 1 0.5 1 I l n Scion... communicated -* 0 - , On - magnifte tit marble:front buifding . nn.Bi aolway, ab o ut being ripenetl cn'thdPitylid,rus i t heinV d i t 1 - iii;av:li .44 the Lafarge' 1-i*A.... 4-- 7h; :se two buildings` *0 '.e ..p,tirely ' 4estioi d, ana•several surroit udin&:. ones : were in re or-less injured: t. Met ropoiit ad , , HaiLlit 4 die: Life rge .liquie f Wire,: awned - by , 14r. 7 Sohn tiir4rge, 6.l,4:thgy - '1433 r•ingeibe r valqed at about $340,000. ioa wri . t: in 'mired in vario.Comilatalcilk, • 10triap a, li tan "Hull' for $55,000, and ' , the. lit'aigt HOusb fir $117,660: - fheifukuitu 6 , wit insured: .r'_ : ' , , - , 1..". ;-,,, , l i to a consul° ra le anti - Jinni a part of ii *as 'saved id A Aamigea c on tion. , t• ri e. -.,- :,_ -.:-• :i7 , - ::-,..," ,-., --',. ..'. -' The' origin •4f the , . fire ;is Aloubtful,.liut , ./) person., with NO tn - Mr . 7 4 ,:rtelad s IT: d iffictill y, .is sue Cote& of ' i-iiii the bti lc The; ip a amber f . ,tbidreal ii.ithei'o, n, during ••the.;firdas , wontlerfuH to the , innotint cf050,006 - iras Said to' a 7 been stolen: ' ' OF TgE-ipaCIANiTATICiIi tl4 or r SUSCirEAANN.tiCpqNTYT !LC EOS'AiSi it CIATION, itolviense, nee 31 . 1853:- • . .„..: •,. --i.„ -•-• .P ursuant lel n ntic e, a l rge nu:tuber of Teaehers-convned st:<,t eLetinkit House for - the .purposeof 'effect in thelpermsnent . 1 organization IS a Society'io beknewri . by the title ef, t e-siSuisivehirnin. - 03Unty 'FaAers'Asci-:ietit ) e;' , r. - --::,-,., _:,.. ".. k" was _ ..: The meetinns„called.;to or4er by S. T.. Scott of BrifigeWater,*ho, -- onmltion of S. G.' Baikt, *as 'utienimensly'oltinsen : Chairmin.- .i • < . < ~ , 1 On Fnoi9P(if.-E-M(iKeeziefß-F;Trk4 - 1 bury. of - Brooklyn, .was ni-eheien Seorekar,y.<l ;The Seeretiliy-having : taken : his . seat; "I the tieetine - pkiceided ii to ..ielect_oni rnittee to draft ' and present iiConstt. • troth , .Tatn ;.- :' - • 1-,„<;_4,-. • - On motion • fS. "G. Barkei, Mesir..q. , . . W: Deans, E. _76Kenziec - '.Lee aid zi Let George"McK. - ziei were leleeted ns unit • committee,-an4 retired. - , During th i&- sence of .the contruitten<.tbn neo!.in ' was nddiessed. by the.. Chairman: and several Othersiin an able and..slitisfrictery man ner ; and MuChjoOdintinre,interest, end -enthusiastit wore e?thibitedl4 - both speak -era and audience. The i •Coramlttee now •gave .notice that; they WT : eiTettay:te 're pert through their`chair an, d.'W.DeanS. The Constitution =was then read;' as drafieeitY 'the - Coinniitie i e'iind theliiitiet ing _proceeded - - to consider i ._:it;.-,.,4fter a short session of deliberatinnichiringmhich some ntrierijm ents wereltnidei te ' the. ori-I ginal Arai, tho*lfellOwirig Preamble= at . ;_ qenstitutiotwore iipai#,..lY-091)ie4 i *-. 1 - p ßEAmstme -- ,-1 H-J-& -.,-,-- 1 Wheren.r, - , The . 'proper: 'e tication - p *Tclitli ii; 'Oita- ditght.' tri';bectiti. - ', object - r1 prorninefif inier73St ittidltitehlktitnee.,Vriti) I every truezpli4iithitiiii;-ii ; - furnishini - the surest . e.a . fetzukidl . ri6iiiii hirdiiientli.\ I nation' or ;the iiee'di - pr:, , n lfi i rid:the kiii:: tiiatere _gre#tli n't lieiee. 'PrEfetieee - mid aiiiiinctt ; •=isil c ,cotkitw ,- ‘ni tiotw_itieit: - and': women that 'alikli ' ''-a litiiinit's ll l6 the dopieittiarLcirCie;litlit 'in thi4iith'infi vtriue; aria ii'bleiiik:" to 2 hei: 'bed': iindll 'whOfd!is,"-ilie 'Poiiiit*'' 4 -. 111-eachet , `! 1- ).',Priicf4riii - ealuOi'*iltief_ii'hieli 16 ia iaucatfii is *bti'rtiiiisOitell:itilio this, i `Oatiiii.Y;:tieliiiiitiyt,iti'lo.na t i 'iit t iiit-,1 ally.' fliei'Velmv , krialdie , iA ilglititini':] ktivairaemh nl isil•iitunilingX 'in a l_ofictis-, - et!. what ''t - lii*lni 51 4 )1 000 1 'erY - of, - klie ichaM.'Wmck - itit''.,hes 44 :o 4 / 4 1 111 aiihititielti 1 'of the - ftiost:niertilitiaolio 1' ely:foillie citviiideliitioiCi'atiltt*iriii* .ftlint'*4o of_ eoCioiaglitAieptt fro 4 tri ibAlptoOistff - itiootOoo tit thitt4otilaiii i iniii-tiiiii_iliiiati44'.ien. : - iiiiirt 'f iii4 ll 'the'pii)Oet.'pirrOpiiilit' ',iftfkhif[rii.ii.Ol*-',.. 1 ble , thitia - 4•1 ticl 'elirillt it"" i biOderOd' froixoiii ii441*(1,.. flti-loilitt., 004 4 E4 frdteriheoo**eiliglii*. 4l .hiotiliktiy , l otherwise viOildk''' - iniltiii - 44w , '-.06: iiliinolifo - ori - .___ 00iiiiiiiiviskoti4r• tie.; fly 4 eliija,4;ClittiiiVer i*iiii*OerientiO' *aliv e - r obitteetthicitisiiiki lT el ici '-'4 - 0 4 **itlid* '` .***:40 , *i_Y z eit . ;:. , iiifo_i*, , Wliti*,ifinoilii=l74o3trair-atiti Refr *f6idsf,Miirefk,iii -- ... '. - -'- - ;715::. ~ it-4i, 'l7it'#:*atkiko(!§.4 4 Aiiiii: 1 . ::40i,ii - ilei-i* 04, 11 */****4oCitit e**. :4116.1' 'llol 4 *.jel.t.':i'f 44 , - if)ortiy.i*eliii ,titeeb wg'tkil'imnit laiiifiti -- -t•,, ,,,- - .. . -.-- ,-,. •-•.. -..-.. • 1_ - . , 10 a.. ...- LW to preside di rieiitt delibei t iiofeijoit all.motions duly made isad , lesix!udell,llllMl--‘ tion Bs rhe'v a4li t "r• riii -- dedtalnk • p :t int the ieeett!** atiy A ailii;il d Y elAr - - 44:911"i 6 i :; ~ 4 . o,Lth; At sitsiillier,dis dulikot tap - Corresp • ondingfteteriiii . 4'Vliiii i i -,- . Ail; 'pent a ,ia b(tattigitteelin at ordered ti _the .:*iti.:44,llt - cotre c k- '' "'t - . , 141i ' etli fOr: p ;16'100,1: 1 '..*7". '! :; . : 9 5 1 9 `:,, 4 ' -.. ' r " 41•4 1 ,tt!)..`1t iio:a l it_Viiihli'.`e titt' ° ' - 1 1ilf iaOrreiintidingSeteristirfliiir z '72 i'd c orrespondence -iirifii , -/ r!' r , . - .-.1-1 .- .- tp _read .all letterslii:ini. i' --, , ,• . ricar mo* rst stated trieetineiffibei ".''' . *F-?' ` ' lek.heir.recePiicin. *- '''.;''' ' .. , X,'"' 7.,?„!y'-" .1- ''Ail: - ttli:' In - the atilatie'riiri `t i s*,!gretatieNAhe ot her sliiill:7, ; '.'"&•' S . anlres; ' - ''' - i .-''-'---...", - ' 4 .- 4, , 5,- ‘ , -.. , -?.: 1 C -- }.• 'Ar,t: Bth• duties; . ->.; -'14.10-ic--- TreasureAn &lid SiViShiliAs" ~- - ' - •:" ~ sociation tfuif iiiiii _:C r .inie'-- fito -, ll` " '''''' --` f . 4 frein .tl'eAss°oati ' ail.." , ( YE . .. ll 'eYeilkiiret frc :: ! - ' WM' .it tii :bear the', tnci•deiitai.ei '. of= the AsSociatioo;e,r expend it-in AAA mintier Si:the Atisociaticir k miiiiiii4agi 1 He . I : l 4::gi°_ . b*,ttli • iitii , d' -ii . *lfAk* ;;4- aaeb staea'theelir4. 3 o:eliteeltelliein.' i f ltit; , ' • tKiCkflit! es :of the - ligi,•••:#ci - ,lixien,lii* - ,iiiii, , deliver ii-toll'':.6l.l:i.Oeitiut'iiiiiiciiiiiie i all the - sseeinliost fOaSAhili:niq triefit- : - his hands iit- die elepirtitiOiijOfillifteo4 4 4 ' office,- ~' _. , ~.' . :-. - '''.'''': ' 4ll -1,;..,.' -''' . Art ,-911:::' It ''shall &Abe; 4iiii ittbe Et`lceeiiiiVe,CO'+iitee 7.9 have IC &Aria oyersight'cif the affairs ofthe - MjiioeialW -- . - tit ' , cal). allineeiings,eild- to •pi,i4cii.,lat.' .. torers io lecture hefore i tlitt'AiWirsei• -' They are further'requiked . o)liWutl * 'W three eeks! notice riiir eich - 'fruiiikilik. er of all _Meeting:S. of tliki l'il‘ - iniiitiets; '-'‘ ' ' - Art. 10th.'1' .- .tv -toliiiiiiaT: - caaTiiiiiii*i --- Sbalt - be aliPoi4ed bf ihg - fieliderk i :er... [ each me - etieg,t°:tirePire bnAnesi._, , vent e:: g m succeedineeting. , 'l.`,..,Thiaj:-§iritigelin . ihaliconsist or three tri o -. ocbatawia_viat -- f are required .te, gliki ai.leaiet *Ado ilk?... - - notice in' each canni,.4_o4`,qie?.-#l4liii ' such . ab ' i , - ay 'tiitiiiiit.' - s W '- [... sne Propose us,riesll,F4 Ar_t. I,lth; The'ineetingei)figi'lliam: I. '.! qatl..: . .4i . . l L**Lite.e'itiiiiairgitiMlirii:l - much 4orr,,aaltle`Ais 9 4ii4il:olVill a rect.' -; .'' -,-- , '_' `l i'a '::'''''"'''tirt-1 - -.-. -. Art 12th. - `;`An - ,. iairii ' Meinbe , i, v - Of tfiis Assottitiiwillilitriiii • . T \ bi`o - k . her' name 10 the ConAtntilitir.`" 2 a \:- 'Art:l3th. _/The Conatitutioii stiiiirtii ' a ap.,y,time be anfendeff.l4i4 jjt; i e,:,jf*iY_': I. \ them embers present ...ati: twh'inccessein ~, meeting. . - • ~.,,, , 4: .-.;:t. A .4, , , , ,..r . 4, .•:,......4 --- Ayf 7.. i , • ,_:, It. ~ , ~ , , vti.re.,,-;17;,1,,, a Aftei the adoption of , the Constitution. - on;,motion „of Mr. 'Marker, i Wiwi W. - v Haywood, J. Jimeson; sid , '•42;:-.3ll4Cett; • zie,`Vicre - chosen `a iconriciiittee,tcdnilt, and PrCseriti resini'iOiiiiexiiielsiilofiii; sentiPenls'l•o7\•tjle reeling.L'; 09P 4 1 OP Ounce of ibe n,°rorni ( teetheAs*Wsi ie proceeded , to elect ciffierstforttisis iiiiii- - - , ieg Ye'nr, ne provided;' hy the ceiistiteuce: !and thef;;ilowiiiiotiteerS•tiesatiii-iii.; • ' .. . . , :.. ,- ,-,,,,---, --,..<„,,, _ , Samuel T. Scott,, President;; J. jsins• ion, Viceq , Presidenf; a 3. F.--Tewksherii: Recording - Secretary ;- C; - Mr: Desniti , 'Coi.. • ri4t°l 34 i4g ' § ' &3' ; L%:M 6 J4l?aia• TrPa! -. iiirei•--messis.,Wm. yl.skiiii4a, - 41 - ia.• mcKehcie. , 4. , •I'nmesrls';4t7=,,B. , ...i.ollll=oBl and 0. E:' Dittch, - ExecutiviConimittsei -, The President tlieti, appointed L a - Business: • :,,.. ~, „...- ,-,• ~ . ,;... -- `.p.... uomunttee,[consistmg. ot., in a . touoyrnig inombeis i E. Mc enzie,, S. G. - and rA. ll.'Johnaon ;--- and iitlerAbe Aim- . ataion of some unimportant-business; the committee gave:notice thnitterthiii r clieir• Irian, that they were ready tOtketTileeli, ' they-then pros' otea:tiia tonoivia g riiii4itz. tiorts, which w `re unsnimodslYed4iptimft, Mereai.- T ts ageiti*.hieleire„liieds- - _-- 1 ';that - 'I et . ' iltninitfiir of .the.:: i mendsw- e a u ~. : , intellectual physical iiiirartensent• of - oar fae,-- and lievintr s thirtAMl44'ind '- PersevPriag.e . • rin t idlherf' s iiii4 - arrectioti mayfleet so e salutary measures hi its behalf; ' and "- helves, Or citipinS:'hsve - been -too little interest:eciliff,li t ira t iii:of . education in t .. ir ceitsene#lll4iiiiir - Pursuits. timsi ., g the.'aiiitl# i' 4 iiiiiiiii,:ti7 ° :this injudiciou 'couriti. l , , . -4 -1.-.V , rt,' , '"' -. ' Rem/ad. - 1 at in, the opiiiiiintllis .- . A'ssOciatidn tit,. =means n( effect' a 14. 4 ' : ' rough` reform .re 'reach • ' .A.i.lie i d - . and Insiiintio , , , !"-- ,- c i ,:, , ,i 1 1 . • - X l' '0 . :„ .. .-ic7 , 1 , 1 , 7 , itcsaved, :- T; it iNiiiidninitiel4Diiectt , '' ors and others having-:Chiruor .tne , scho4lB, ti; - - , , • if y ' theit'iqvid' iectoihe f pay them - tide' rding to spOtficattots:. ' - itifetkrt 'That. aCeePTY - St'PelOrt i :?+,- - eOt• is grett't 'tiee 4 ted;'-'Whhai:thOlt:i . w - - be to exaini ii te(scherii; t detriet 166.0* ,and visit'llie'ialeOls.' ll '' - ' 4l - - ' 3 .,'""'re', - - 1 , - .lrek th iee‘t'it the'deOetehlkiAitekit district •i4,6 44 , l ll l thlieslh 6 4 444 1- . : i iii:it.tgiiiii . Aii' 0* 0000 1 .0: _- nio*Fii.toiiifi '-''''• f„ - - - • ~, .:::, !- ,-,e. ,,,,,L, - Railtie4,:rhiiiitilt9odoiiii:ailk ,":, iociiiton,:it iiiiiieiir oirosiiiiiecio# -• I; icoiea - ific . iciiohistiiiiied iiiii t iesth 10 1 , *ii4"As - ci4 , tii t i 44 ii ;: iii 'F ii ikeiti ghai gkliii u. nli4i l4 . liiia l n l _ tared ot h-0,. n 3 - thet rv ..- - - - I:Ai iiiiiitinetiliette;riainidiiiiiii;',72—:- -- : 1. . ''' Ridatkivt , ll24l4444)*iii l ql v ia* is- fe tona-Tro=i*Atiie:',4)lWlifus - 'important 'relittiutie l ii:ltii 4. iriigirti: of: aiiiiiiiid: -. ,'f-1 41 • vrt,17.,:,..,, , -:iri... endeavons t9,4l,tAvOrkjiiikittigda. l4 :4`,.. (;ile 4 .. f •;:r"--' , -": 1 `‘:' , l,` - }- n'Tht*ti'W:,'-:: , professl9;LE',, : ,;L ~ , ,t 7 1, --,- ''•• ~ -1' -;,„.:7- 1 , , liegolied, TaltiletfiVßO,iy itigi . :ti_OFTAlt_ iendince and WhiltilitiO et 411',,, * .retca1.,,, era` and friepai - `ateictuAkt.iii iiiiiilefechts , 4i aria *a - wiieit;-! ,- - ,.,,,, --- 4v4., ~ ., r -c ,_ , ..... • ..„.....„ , „, „ I dt, , Aiiiika: --Tbe;-:*4-bp'h.o*t.:,..,...'s.t.:R!xk ;ii*'ii'n'.l't•itl.'o•ol iyateai_to;-t 'pilito.iiiiiii* 'l4, its object; 4nd'ilirik 4 h l 4 7ll-1 77 1 )0.4 . .. 1 0 1 : 4 4 1 4Y4tedta 'where tiet: - VX, -•` iiiit - lii'AhkrOughly 9rgiulo4:, •'. i - -- ;-.;sn -;' ihtx . a' en ',nietieliieclS.44, ' . ' ' _1 1 r... AeseeletieWSAihei":7 7 ;.:; . ff•!..f.,• - ,,,, j,- !- -. -Resalie.-Thitelilli , .; -- , ~T1,..A M ee uut , .... ~ ~..,, , ,n. .. - t -,, --, - -.- 11, r ir 'l' i n :- A'Vnai rrali„,, .. :,:„...-4,-.0 44 ‘. 4 ' Wu. :. :,',...'. ';.r-l'i . .k-.1.,0",,,-.44.. - ..-‘, - tizl.',.i- 4 " z. 0 . f 1 -" -Itiiiiiiiiiii-ihevinOti=ii tkin.... -04 4 :--T!7* - ~,„,,,, „ ;,,,, , ,i,..- 0 ,..7.,__ ~., ....,..,„,....,,,,,..„..,„,„.......,. ... _,..,,..-,,;,,,, _ „,„,... .mv,.kfz:,....',,:,.4.,.,: iv ,_ ..:.--„...,.,„ t , ~.„,„,.0 . 1 .- i• _, • • , .15 fP-TABgAzAle.k. l 4 iltesti'...N . r . '-- St arr r , • -- . . _ 1 , ' ' .` ,l lk .-, 1 =MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers