Sutrtiseneth, The *New ear's tree 3iig . •. j u stDg AND PATRONI3:-4— , At,ipther - F- in g es iolie has beep_ reached on the lourney ' life— ano ther degree imis•been marked on the, of tie o r t i me ....another)ink tuts been severed; (rein • the chain of the ftfture=ranother me. hal-beep widen in the greet - volume. of the; past—Mind spin we stand at the opening of-it New ,Year.. Ind at its early dawn we meet you, And witkaappy New Year" greet Anii now, as you 'review the year just departed, . • pad in memory dwell upon da,joya and scirrows-- its privileges enjoyed; and its duties' neglected o nere l l mce some of you. are reminded that you I r c n eglected to cal*il the Artist, remin ded. one . digs _-; • - ; • 'Blliltdows." Winch Light abd Art; with magical st;ell, ivorkiug,t wther, can catch so well. • • • But the, past pay yet be refleeined:'-' As • you your plans for the advancing year,let this or cupyan early and prominent place on the pro •gmutme olyourfuture 'intentions* - • • Would you leave a tasrtao tarawsana behind _you Cbn e to - the Deguerrean:Galiery • 4 Would you see yoursclimas °there 'Pee you I" .Coma d ieri paguerrean Gallery -Would , you make an appropriate ,present to a And friend t Mine to-the.ricture Rooms! And beside all this,wwild - yon encourage Art, and make glad the Ards - 0 • . Then let it'appear, by-promising here, ' That duiing the year•PiftY-Four,- - You will, nue and ell, endekVor . . - At "Odd' Fel lows" lia)l,'"ls.econd fl oor . " Monti:we, ,tatitrary. 1, • - MBE firm as new existing between' MACK J: • 1 LAttutor - will 'he diiiMlved on the first Of. Diarrh, - 185 . 4. All . Orions haying unsettled ,ae ozmots with the above firm tult requested to call,' and _they will find us xuAiot and 'ultimo' tAaettle the, tame. • - MACK LA.TIIROP; .Igontrose, January 4, 1854. , • Flour I Flour ! ! A IstlV lot fresh ground - Wheatitsißueltir West. 21. Floc* just received., • January 4, MONTROSE DEPOT AREID I THE atttiittioti of ;tile public 14 respectfully in to.iltertisiirtment of. Goolls juitteceir ..od -Liic's New Store; r. eoiiiisting:- OrGroceries, Dreg 4. Nails; Bhirtin i gg. Prints Defames; CassiinereB,' Jerar, raititfortecs, cravat*, Gloyek Hole, Window Paper, Staaikiery, \ . Yaiikee . Notion - 8; Fancy Harduarr, Wood 'are Tin• Ware, (te 411 c ell "of whielt - will be sold • ctiesp for ..c4;)k..or barter, Please call and - ex ath. iiic for , yourselTeB. . • ' -.. 3fontrose-Depet, January f.',.185 t . - "Ar ' XllOl corn " :tiid:«~; iettc retie i!'Y . . UST received furEoe, by * J4l/re. 28111„,''5,3) • GEORGE FT/ LEIt. • .' ' . , .... . .. .-• .s , ---, , - i.stray. r , '' . - • Came hdp.the enclosure of. the- slibseriir, a Mark brow n mate, with "one white hind fuot' a ti . Sii..iin the forehead: left eye -blind; sniiposed. - 15 -be a dozen years old'or'more; , The i)witer is ' re : vested to proye - property, pa y - eltatges,' and : Jake her away, - • AuburieDee. 22,11853. GrOcert the . Hon. kite ..Taciiita of the Court of -Quiirter Sr,sioni ef the .eeaie in and for the County of - . ,:. . . : . Te.l4e2tit ion of Benjamin • Palmer of :be Borough . of -Sus Twit:nu - 1a Depot, in-paid county; re,pectfufly - . reprebents, that- he is pro . cided with suitable con. , veniencelt to -keep a GJOcery in the: Dorongli- of BUFquelianna Depot aforfraid, and that'll ii - : his in- . -,74.ntion to apply to,. th6l next - Court •or _Quarter Sessions, to be holden in and for said couitiy . en - the third Monday of January . tieit, for a license to keep a Grocery. and td ...fell: sfrOng beer,- ale, or :Other . malt Tiquors,•aerording to'the act of :Aasent-. : :bly in such cases made - and prov• Wed..• '. 2:• B.ENJ.&II:IX PAL4ER. Si?squeltanna Depot.j.)accanbpi'.ll, Grocery -License. Tp thelfoit. the Tudeea •?f the Cour! Quc'riT sessions of the Pelee of the County - of Sitz9ne, • - ' r' 1I . petit tun of Benj Gli hien .of Fri endsville, in said amity, respectfully represents, that he ip prorided . with suitable' conveniences .to keep a Gro= cery: in the .said Bortiugh, and that it is his amen . tiontoripply to the next Court of Quarter Bessions, to he holden in and for said - county. on the' third , Itunday of "Tannery next; for .a license- lokeep Grocery: and to Fe i I 4tiong, beer. ale, and other malt liquors, iecoscling to the Act of 14th April; 1$51:- k:„ . BENJA_MIN' GLIDDEN. Dtk, --1 27;, lEss. Notice ta.the : \ T_I . Aym.G jest ret•urned- fronl \ew York I tritsb 11 to . 411 - the attention of} my old customers -iind ofe public in general, tell my .• ; • , "•.: NE T 1 7." STOCK OF GOODS, ' which being bought with rah. at' the lowest pri " ces_and within; to sell principally, for the same, Will offer em at greatly reduced prices. I, them Prints, warranted fas t color.; for oply 8 • & yard; ,Good Brown Sugar, 18 pounds fur • one.dol/ar.v Boonton Nails, acknowledged by all to be the Best - Nail in use, ..i.'75,50 per keg. Hat . and Caps; Boots and Shoes, Hutfalo-Ilobei . of all ttli wool DI.-aines. Cashmeres, Pantinettas, ! Dress 'Velvet, Silk Velvet,' Monilit; DeLaines \ `l. .per earl, satin boated 31ole-aitt Hata, Broche Shawls, • •Duuble Thibet do.. selling,' s atrineonceirti.blyAow , prites: can safely _ warrant perttct satidactiou to all•who will give call. ,:` • S. A.I.X . ONS. Lanesboicv'Deocanber 2.2,1858. , • lA*KS— gocici. one dikHF •vi i ttidi• • • • S'A • ;;.4 1 bor - tan .. - . XV/41 4 74.D-t/01.i0 liideß , for Math the high , •IV 4 : ist • • .B'..A:LtOSLS. • Iznt;iboi'u,.Thicerpber 23„, • - C I OUNTKY\ PROI)UC4 taken in exchange fur .Ooude at my store. • - S. :A.. LYONS. . - Lantstioro,Decemberil.:l 4 3i • • Oithans' ;Court Sale.'• , OTIOE is hereby gitlen "that in - pursitibee ; . - . an Order of. Sale *tied from tlieOrP of cans oOurt Sustplehanni.eourity,t4re will be'sii-t pis d to sale 'at publie-vendue, ott Saturday the' 21se day , ,of Jsumary . , 1854, at one o'clock r: thr; des ersE-:41 lot,JAcce;or Oarc,Fl land. fate the 'estate ;TOM Cliuniberrtu, deem: A certalk:_ilitustmage, farm, situate:in 'the _ towxydaii:L•of -New: laillot d „Ando I,ounded • ris fiat-• I lowria,:y)kt ' ,33egimutingat a carrier by the im the _line or Charles Years land ; thence :. by the smut i!curtit 2i• degrees east,B6/ perches to is arse heap 1 thence 40 14- 87 1 : derfea, PS?, _ 4 2 ; PIT ' to a atone he:ap. pear thaldo:—ldegidelJ by Daniel Crowfues let South-el degree. sierist It-pert:flee to a(post.and atones corner;: thence south Idiagree. -sruit•sl. perches to a corner on , WiL! VaabbtOira line : thence •by thesigne•corth 89 * depot' . ssstlk p . perches ;. thence south 1 + :Align* west 1114-perehea; toe atone heap ,Silence-north 119-degrees rillifilV and 8-1 Oths perches :to a posd. *a tea gifoyitt:lo;- : thence by'the same *wax 1 degree west 8; perch es to a corner - ;.-.tbence north 88 degrees east . 8 perebea to ti'cor4r; thence 1 clegreilisitAtt+ perches- to a chestnut . stamp; thenceisputh 80de - greet - 00 perches,'Ao' ii*e tostp4:'ll34oß path one degree we 4 pargyjrsa the lake .. 64:11:9 4 ri emi ") • Der thereon, - about 88 - petal's/cr .t 104 f 1 Wl* co-- degrees east 11 I 9 perches to theplacet4beiiirks : containnig IU9 acres and 'lO , "!'l • perchea:lthict: rneas ure, be Le more or leFs. . • .:,, ,..: , \ • ..- - Sale-to be lie3tl at.iiieCourt.SBUse_inntiP9tmo,, -,and terms of.payment. rha s t e known tin the ,121,174 _sale- ' WM. J.TURILELL, I ) A ~...,. , ,Z - Dec. 26, '83:1 D. D. 9' A RICER • • --4.- 3 . 16 . •_.. . • Ciliiillillf; 18C 01/linit-:!..,.' - : . .i --. 1400.11S.Toya. and. Fanty Goode fur he Hay- . - .11-1 days juet, being rweiyed. ." - - . .•% iiihawili—it newt ot. jud. opene4 iyal 'Hint . at reduced - wives' by J.. 13 - 0:4,4r- IIsDIV- ' :' A . - Ladiatit 'ubberGaiten4 Ad;Aufki!"- - fliiiiii* if Lions 4 Sot t - •\- -•- IT. : 0111Liki - ilhaiireling ' s, ssachela,ind-Wil, low Dallier Bit:heti, Tuba, . ailit, Itroonis,'Ballii 'Ladles aud: - Stamps, Clati,ci Pins, iie, (t.t.', a :new „,,,,,,,prtine4 f it tiie cheapE4Rieilof J. LYONS li .$92(:,:- braw l * s. nackera...t-A fresh lot.of-*a - !tap, So Akitt BUtte! Crackeia at bons 4i.SoF'a. . , CalicArea--i. 1# coto i lic hit at 6d.a.yard...- , 3161 issellea 'Pei-aims as low as tai cent'. and other . i° 0 4;16 i(inal/Y cheap sold by j. T.YON.4 e' ON: , 4_ ... - Igrint, Pet. - 8:1 21, i, ..: -- . -• . ..-:, • ... -- IVOTIOE ig- heriblAYets 1 t %grebe . • of 1, It an Order of Bee ensued from a, , •Is.: Court, of ? , Stistpialnity there4lll7bi : - i- 4"ed to We 41 , iiNie - i i eli.l 4 / 4 1 6 4 7 447 itia,l di' chti 3 Of JentratY:4Bs4", id i),ne . 01 0 eli'v- u-; the] 0 1:' lowing describent 10t5,4 , .parcels of • • laaa, l a t e ti e fetati..4t Gefi. L. - th , dimmed. 4Z _ yi • Two catainpiecei or me of land,' sittutO in the'township of Diesiocktind ear Elk LaittOnsts; :piece, thereof described &stone e, !s, wit:: ; .810 n , rung at a post: the nathwest cerner hereof, atithir southwest corner of l'incy M. itabcocklsi.curb r jurd 4 in the line of 0.. Lathrop's land ; thence sduth 88 degrees east i f j along . th e li eof Lucy li. b cock's Farm,i2 perches to a ~t in the D ' ker line; thence by, the Drinker me south 2 d ism; i ma west 60 and eight tenths perchesk apple:, , , ee .cornsr; thence along Bard and Wells land - tit 51 degrees west - eight and four tenths rate a post and "shines; thence north 82 d es w4 6 t , 6 and 4-10 tis perches to a post ; thence nth .111 de-. grees west 21, perches ; 'belle° north 13 d ' west. 4 perches to a pol,J; 124 I? west 12 perches; AhT,south 83 *it 15 perches tow' ri jj et"; th nee fiord' 128 • I ce"- 15 perches to "s post; a 4 thence n -„()V 3 elt 27 - and 6-1 Oths li perahes ,ti. ). , ginnmg. - . taming 25 sterol, al improve ith house, Ittn-, and orchard th ereon, • 1, 4. 4 ' 1 . The other piece or el of land4beini 'wood land) hounded and ribrd Pis flai,"wi Ite' 15 „;„ g . nt , „ bei n i o , roCr the northeaq c er 0 . o f. g an di t i g , i n. ..ate West litte 7 of John B j ard's I"' ; thence nor B ,d'"gri lve`o, aloig the ,111. 'or L em -6w p's land; 1 8S perches to an elmit p ; thttseelb.T•iald or Elsrenetttall smith 2 d ees „Ire.4t. 20 and B.loths- perchts to a ust 1 tab ' south 88 .degrees east, 11 - 48 I . oeltes Co&a pc(4 4 ; stones emu& ; arscl 'thence' north '2 (*ees, et I rand eight tombs perches - to thibernuing, to n' -ing 11 acres. i j I; - . tastle to be held at Pie Co nit II win in l'tontll and terms of psyment mudt kno'•ttjon the (14 sale. ' CHARLEtra 4 ERY, 4titnl Sluntrmae, Dec 20, 1653, 11: ' j j j I ,fs • . Sheriff's ito-alg. fIY - virtue of sutidry writs ussuk d oto the . -EA „Court of Coi4uon. 114 s of . Susqbeh na iti cotinty, and tcl - me directed, II will ex p ose, top ic sale at the Court Ilnitse in Montrose, on Saito ay the 14th day of January next, at one o'clock 'm. all that certain piecelor parcel of land situat ly ing and being in thelewaship of ,Clitford, . : ne hanna county, bounds rind described as foU w to wit: On th^ north by 'the public highway r the east by the Caleihler farm, and on a V :mil west by lands fortneirly„of / I ,lolur Baler, ;mining one half acrdA more or leitt it together the appurtenances , ohe framed house and •ba Also one o&Cr piece lor.porcel ofjand, nitwit the township nud county . aforesaid, bnunded described as follows, io v a t : 0n the northern, lands of I. Knickabteker, on the i putheas el l lands of Chauncey Iluker, 'on therriortltiv lands, of DrVw Youngs, and Id:Cox, - and- o 1 1 southwest by, lands of Jolm Virnllan, coma .almut b 0 acres. more i„,r less. togctluir with Ar, purtenances, one • barn; and abont thirty ;cif , proved.. - I 1 . Taken in execution' at the suit Chittenden against JAW Baker, 0 and S. .N.a-tkerl - - 4. Also - : - . ~. - , All that certain cc_ or? parcel f land sit) lying...ttnd being in the townships :of 13rul. 1 B. ford, and Lenox, - Susquehanna unty, bo ed a d 4k-scribed as fOIIO.W.S, ft, .U . tti On the by. la ds of William , Peckins Sala p.nici o. on tho fiest by landi hf Erastus Brewster, 0 lal Carpenter and Obedieh loliwio4;an - the 0 by obetliah Jobrisonlud m liauel pr right, and the west- by.isinds of wise Wriflg., mnlltil about_ 416 rcres. more• or less, toiStlter with appurtenances, two framed dwelling Itoutm. ` woodshed, four barns,' two sheds, nfirt cider ht. one orchard, and about 11,5 acres id proved. _ Taken-in execution at the suit of' Niles L. potter, ti the use af other parties holders for ue received, against Aron S. Merrill and Jot W. Holley. ~ I .. - „,_ 1- . ;- . I ' ' \ ,' ' " ALSO, I • All‘that certain Aioec..ex pared et lam, ....... t nate, liing. and being itt 'the; town4hip V Lathroil in the count,F`of Susquehanna, and State -of .11Cnti sylvania, and bounded and- Ascribed as folloWs, to 4t ant: On the north bv land of William Stakes, I on the east by land bjlori,,,, , *ring to the heirs of John I Dupev and on the -south' nutl west by 'mink of IDaniel Searle,"Contaimag 50 da-'es. troth an allow once - of six per cent: for . roads, together -trtith• the apptirtenanres, one fraried house, one Iran:6llmm. and ab0ut...15 'acres improved, Into the -estate of Elisha L. Lathrop:.". ; . 'l'. ' - Taken in executiontat the suit of Daniel Searle against •Elisha L. Lathrcp. : ... -, ' : . • I 0.11. IiLDRED,SIitti Sheriff's office, Monii . oke, Dec. trl,-1,53. i . - - F. 33. CHANDLER IL W.: Burch . - PT oclamation.• .. ''usquihanna Couß.ty as, — - . ~ , ' li 1 il a.thin .1.1.- Bell In the COurt of Common Pleas vs. ' . Of i said county, No. l, August' Elizaheth C. Bell, Term. 1853_ " • i •. • - i ,To. Elizidoctka e 11: Whereas a Subocensi of Divorce was issu to A 1106 t. . Term, ,I.S, which Was JJarly_ retu rn , non eat; iivvergtex.; and thereon an alias Subixeni ;as issie,d. in said 'case returua able to_;s4.ireinkier 'art, ISSII ;Upoti the rkturn_4,4 which, proof was said - court that Pre raid 'Elizabeth C. Bell could nut be lound in' niv Barli ts not i c e 111 thereforec requtre yr;r Th . '' r V ' 11 to ap' • 1:1 heffirei the JuOl,lts of vs* gnat, on the tbi , cfri . - dayok January #44, tri immver =-' id equip iriant fie. '.: . , . i DJ B. E ILED, elf. Sheriff's office, Moat '.I Dec., 2 , i 55.3. I cill' i al, o.i ----- f , Prod : aton,. i Suntrehaktia'ertrnlv t s. • ' ,'- . , - .Minim IWanl,l ', ,=) In t Court by ler neat •frienti,•David :Phelps, lof nnm • - - - • i.s. •• • .-, 1 .• P ilorsaid .. - Sanders- li. Wzr4 , - . I -1 eicDro- rt s . .- , " •'• .. : ~•• ' j'Alig.T.lEitis.• •-• To Sanders D. Word ::i Whereas a Siihinetut' of ed .14minit Divorce wan lean •to Term , ,1853, ' Which , . . VAS duly. retunted non est zarelags. and ' thiireozi .. an alias Stibineal. Inui lain in said cilse_rethma • hie to Noragt . iq:Couit,l:S • 3 ; upon the retijrn of +which, proof -sal; made to II Coutt.that the raid Sanders D. Worel could 130 be. fOund iu my Roll wick:: - '-, 'II ' --' •• .':' ' . - 7- • ••1 , .. ''. •. , , ... This: initie - els tliereforc iyelitlie Yon tb a "pixisi t r .i;efore the J•udges - iifitaid '• t,, - ,oti" the third Mon day of lintlarynekt,l.nim rrer said complainant,. '44. -. . \ .. . ~. --: Ci ` Et. 811D1i,ED, ShIF. ' - Shekiff's•cffice,-SI. trine Dec. Lin, vain • rracl ~. atzon. - - , .. , SiCi g Bii4 ' 24 4 C e 10 1 4( r . B •.: . . 1 - Diann .4L-Denissin. , bylier next friend, Thns.:l7: c Wilhant D. DinisOo ' '' Tri TOdliosi DPo:Lison 4 Wh - et ha Dirpreeiras . issue'd .iorAigusi . Nias. - diry returdo isOis est tliereati retuntalk to Nbventtier tuni of . 'sideti, prod iras m (kik sai , the said William.p.:Deuis4'.eutild ay car • This not is.therefore to ieiluire_' before the: f ltidos:lffithe said:Court, Idouday of 4rmitts.l4l4l,, anis*, tut, - B. Bail . r al: , , + - oelitiziation. 2 .. .. c , PlI , • . ,sicolitiehrinria -.•-• -.-• :Our°4--(lie' COart of Cozi C v or r i 1 . ''. ' ouuoly Ho 38.- ?di& IL Cat, '1 ~. j .itat • --- lb Sasaki!: .1 ..-11[1serestiii , tixena of Di i t eto l io. f.Ai i, irony a id i ,o - -i ' l: 1053. wh,ch *as - atiti-olinicul'*ii - ' 'tge '`artd- _ an alias Su '' • : As, ; am, rotoo ilgol'Ao;//twao . ( 8 4.144144 1 - l the * u 01 - . 4 kick'i*Of , : 0 alkol ' . dud 1 , , aiiiiiSana.a.: ' liathin be Alia potice.iii , a :i l eil"oloi_ro Pa LO 11 1 ) 'Llefore thi.Judga of 914 t Itl_*.tbii_d_Mon•- do.- o ,f ,Iguitiary n x.t,-to or; iisiototOp Luoant, de. - -- ---4. - 1 -. G. B.'ELDX-ED,•Shlt -- Sherifr* ** * 6141 °4 /.? I °-, ri1: 1853 - • . , i A . ... e . . . . .x . - ,71:4FAingft, - . ,:;• 'Ai ; 41 8 , the& - 41 . ., Vfario• : , cariditi of M 4 lPeilfe P 4P.PI - ,V - 4 6,11 100i11 0i - " , /.44amout: -. :'," I. ''l.-.`,: i • - '••4 . ..• ', ''. ,- THE 3Nitition4) , Piert oil ' 411 ); '. in , oOootT.n°l ) °°ff / l ik ,ol .tkithet is proviJed with ouitsbkorooreoloooss - .I.lcorti,!' ai'nerit!o• Cl* Asit o 6 - 0904w4iad * -- -tit is f ilfoiog tiFt t. l e his intention to 1y 1Y : to ' `Sossioos;lo Aiello 10, ' ; '4 111 1,0 , 1m4r. ok tiii,thirif ,I*,7O'Of.' keeriOroeeq., sod toi '' , '' Ti - , 2 sLii, - iid a ,ef Maqt'liquon - , accord , Abe 'et 414 t it ' ' l , 1#41'.14' , .''..r-,.-is". ,-7 -'a :ii I.olqt ' Atitftftl3l4l .'," Illoiiiirte, Dec.lo, 18 4 ,14- ~-. ~- ..F.' . , --.,:.'1 '''.e.".'': .' u . . . ... .. . . , OrPaalle, - *Ot Saki Ts °TICE iisheiAkly fat:misname of - ..en Order -of. Sale issued from t the Orphan's dourtoof Suialttithannaijiquityvithere : es. - posed_ to:44w atpublic trinitice oriVtiday,oollth day"' JanuarroilwAto l 4 etdOek*Xithe !awing dektrikeld - Jetiriieeet‘i or; — ll'4 WA; 1144 the estete.*l- 1. ; - Rialartia,* rfis(' :TAR that ' — eitiiliait 3 eietteKtissetee4: ' liter land, situate • Degintinuit the esiertel: 4 1 414 95 ste on the north 800 oPthe p :plot 'Of said BoT thence line of the said lio• 'rough plan..or plot. an the said hot number 93, 'nerth , lss degreek,w .24 perches to the east etw ner of 14 nun $ 3 ; Thence *twig the lte, lots numb:Fend 84, south 35 degrees wont-sev en an d t bi tondredilts pesitat to 111 , ` COTher, Of • D en i m:t ot ayre's land; thence along the north li ne /the same sotto 55 degrees east 24 perches tette public highway leading towards- New Mil fbrd ; thence along said highway north 33 degrees east even and thirteen hundredths perches nithe place of beginning, containing one acre and-eleven and one-eighth perches, more or less, with the op And also that, certain track.piece, or parcel- of, land situate in. Bridgewater township, in, the. county aforesaid, bounded as to w foliews, tit t. - BO ginuing on the north -eiiitesiy side-of the Wilford I* Owego turnpike ma l l at the comer of land eon tnteted- Jimes , Dani s; thence running hy the sarne north : -38 dogrrest=--- 138 perches to, time ner ; thence along. the same, .north. 511 depees west„ GO' mulles tatbeiine'of Jesse &sell . *id; thenea by the same nife:th '3B degrees east 19 perches to the comer of. land contnieted to John Pickering; thencikbY:the sairm south 53 degreoi, east About 90,perchets to the corner of lauircoti trieted to Henry E. Shipman; thence by the Same. st)titli 38 dep. west 26 and 3-10ths perclie:s to the ,corner of a lot of land conveyed to 54ttin L. Dom . .; thence by the same somh.2sldegs. west 59 perches to corner off ritn . d conve}od to. John Stewait; thence by _ his land north, .deltrce4,west tic his north west earner; thence by said Stewart's land south 22 degrees west 0 ' .rehes to the said. turn. pike mid; and then alisig the said road the sev eral courses thereof to he place of begiuning;eon tabling 36 acres, more or less; with the appurte- um ud .121 . . . - All that 'certain lot , piece. - arpantel or land ilk ir,afti itt : said township of Bridgewater. anti : bound; ed as follows, to wit t• Beginning at the Milford: it cO.wegoVunipike Road at. the' rat mar ''of , 'Jamie Coon's farm;: thence 'by the same north . -22' de grees east 65;perches . to a pas' . tiii . raid•CooTh's lino ; • thence north- 68 degrees ' west 21 perelies .to - a. ~stone heap; •thenee -south 22 degrees west .62 and :seren tenths. perchea - to the 'said. turnpike -road ;. thence along the said road south S 9. degrees- emit_ ,19 -arid fire tenths rerches.; 'thence north 40 tk-:. grecs east 7 and. eightleinths perches; and south ~62degiees 'east to the:place %of beginning. contain-. jag S acres. And 100 perches ; more or less. - • t• • " • And also all tlie intereA of the aid is: - FerT. Jticheitl. decea.c4-. in Ilia life 'tite: and, at the t i m of his decease; all that certni, lot, piece, n! .. Pai*, cel of lend Situate - in the towns ip of Spritsgrilli-;' i in . said county of Sustinehatiiia, .known -and - des ! crib'ed on a'-inup kir resurvey of 'Henry Drinker** 4 11eclioppen 'trtie.t." its .lot No..7B,'.coutaining 19.4 sieves and 130 prclm , s; with the rippurtenalces..• _-.. - ' s hold at. he COurt -Rouse • in•Montroae,l . • 'payment made known on the day of • . MOMER:FL. FRAZIER, -Adna'r„ • -Dec,. 1. 6 `. 3 T- -...' -; - - " - : : -3w Johnfmn en Thu irate, n, na- Ortiz ,nth mih liir - the 11(klidayo , MAS'a . . nd NEW. T.EAll.' '4' are corning, is a large variety of Eincy. micro!. urns beautiful goods outnitia fr0tn..1.4-Ybrk, t:pest to harp on hand in Feason, so': i younx, .9 i ttl e folks and big folks" tuayl with .Paneyßooka, Annuals, Port to '• ronies ; .. China; if "other and Tin. Toys, . Statinnery . and F-nyelOpoi, a ir ,. lamps, V Sltudes,..Cloclo , ,-Bintee. Brushes;&c.-t , c., • . I, - /Zia, inid . Beautiful B.pnbroi.leity.' nclk r . aeradefs, Collari;. Lantti,. Cuffs. Sleeves:, ' . .and Infertions, Stamped Collars - and, Ba r -ds, in great .variet v. - - .• _ . • - i• . . . . F A lArgc adddifin . to my god; of liri-tloods. suita.' I ble to the season. I'laid Silk,. ti ock and"Debrine I tr.oods+_; Shaills. a' splen.fil stock and Cheap ; .. I.ln*deloths and Ca4sinteres, a large . askirtmeat ; Lutes Cloak etoth, Satin and 'Fancy • Vesting*, I. Ake. -- • . 1 • -ALSO; t Such 'an additibn tn, nty 6tocli•of ckdiiitlg' . a..; will. I ntal,e it to .. the advantageof those wanting, to call i aroll.t:.-zantine. A -great v.inety of tither good. all. 1 1 of , villa' Will be Sold it -the lotreat reitei• for ready 1 , Pav . - - • F.B. CTIANDLEIt. " [ '.-"S1 on lino 'the, 'one, ar= kph - ----------- New Firm at..Springville.. • 11k SHERMAN, hivin g it • • • purchased - the inieresrof Anson Routin the ,firm of Scott. and Root; take et_ an non Icing that they maybe found at the old stand of Mr. Scutt in Snringvillei where they haVe.a large. mitt carat - Air selected asset-talent of ri,su4 - k r irbicli. 'wilt iie stilirchcapcx,thin ever. • . • Our risitOrtruont, corroisfs of . . the largest selection of Dry Otiodl,..Gruecris,-0.e., ever offered in , this place. il . Ye are '.detertriined.that thein who give thall'net Lo iiway wanting. . Retniviing our tisanks.biihe public rue past lib: era! patri,aut',;eoie• flatter onrselves that we shill not be furgotten,,Or passed by, now that we can of . . fer greater_induttsAlut ever to turr old friends. Give aescall.. SCOTT, jpIINSON it CO,. 18, 1853i_• • Gw • t . m . tro-4,-Der; 20,185$ {- Buffo Robe*. CHOICE loi jiist- received. and offered low .2 1. by - • S COTT, JOHNSTON tfi gpringvilie.Decethber - 1 _ • INEW lut - WOol Loos Shiwie. very cheap .11L.' by JOHNSTON . lc CO: Slit ngrjlle, Deccifiber 3. : - . . : Auditor's Notice. -- - . - - - -.- ...- r . ~... . , 6iinikehanna . Colinly ax., • r I 1.11 . - plidetaigited havi tg been appoirited•by. • -.1. the Court et Conitrom - Pleas of said countr,_ an Aeditorlo male 'slistrifintiou ,of. the assets , rn-, the hands-of Janics If. - Green, aftsignae for thebeit• efit of creditors ci. W. Eager will attend to the ties of his appointment at his office in *lcintroln cn Tuesday. lbw 10th day of -- January- next; it one 'llotiiock in the afternoon," at which timet . rid platei'fill persona interested, will present thei9 nets or : he forever barred from comit.g in' for a nire Of 1;a1C1 nss.o.•ts. FRANKLIN. FRASER,' • . I Decl2, 103. 4w ' . Auditor. 1 . . . • • -• ' ; indliar l S . NOtice. . '-', turqucka*ng i Colugy, es.'. .-- • . . -. MI E• finds:34'4=cl . having bcen Appointed :101 I. thilicoo. the Orphans' C ourt of saidcomity; ,ti, Andr,-: tn audit' doe..accounts of Iforace, yer, of theAdininistratpOi of'. the.. estate p e , f Este Thayer deed., On . exceptions :,4list to . the de .of 'the Register on I said - accounts; Will.attenduties d to the of his . al:op:ointment at hia. of in 3 tontePlle, lab Wedoesidsly,•the I ltli day' of January exit:, at ciiiii o'clock' in ...the afternoon. at, , which time and place :ill :persona 'interested. may attend if they thinkprover. : . - • . ••;- Der.:l2w, ~ l FRANKLIN FRASER, Apirt.'. In the Caort 1 oreorn,Plevri }-oteeod J 174 'August J . Terra, 1:853, is, :C . ' Subixe‘ . Term, 1833. Ifitentua. and: Said cue, gpolf 'e• "4 - Cotirt that . , rota toapreestr on tim9trird ". toniplisin 12);Shlf. I ' p u rsuipcii of an Order of the Orphan's, Court . .of '- . Busqtreharnia - . county,: will be. exposed to public iale on 34 ednesdity the 28th day of De. etonternext; at one o'clocki P.' IL' the following described imerniscs. - situateJiying and being-in the township of Lenox .11. tbe.k.punty *foretold ; said premiss bourriied and desiXtbed as , follow.s: . On I theta:. th by land of Hugh Mend, an the mit. and south east by 'taints of Aaron Ryuesreon. William Pratt'and 'Alain Tiffany; _and on the west bi find of - Amos Carptkiteri containing 77 and One, third' acres orlandthereabou4, be- the'same more or less; about GO acted improved; "a large orchard of graftethreer; franted - hi , % . , , bun,' and eimatikuse thoinio6--liitii; . a efili4a otj ffmuee ' Cartientid,:de gill c.siied. . . -- '•! ' - . 1 . : 1 j ; • - - : 7 ' . 5 :Terms of AA a :aiiiia.kPown-on the day of AO°, which will tithe jilasi'im the premises. - - - : .. - A. O. ALLEY. - '. • • . -.. i ' ,:„..., .... •,, till 'ANO,Eti;CAR:PMER„i '''''', l """" , ' 044:1 1 2, 1843: ''' -'. - . ' :', - "- _.tir " • . . ~. . _ 1 11353;'-' °on Pleas of `4ust"renn. Farm- or 'lts - rritE aaiberiat Parap;iii-.Diamck to i bk , - P*l' . .PS:‘iis . ras*s* isr either 4o .r" `,..ausu a tago ,ar, urn- *ha' raa 7 ,either with Or iiifbeilfguiell4beri6l4. Goratt, tanas :will be gi*eiind 0 2 ;ibsiensitY Oqubei Poi lermsnl4 pal Oeulant . enquire of,the =az - • CEO OAM-Ageit. Dimocic; Derr I ; lent' -= • .4 a..' vaturratarEanzq 0 RE ',KW FM:if:Wind )09 sailaiitPueinnlfult: *heat d)tu. fut-aireV /LA I.7Fllligf 14 4 2861 " 0 , IDS3: _ Q I:LINGLE ACIIIKE see.,* g now, for'sale b if.11..V11544;,'09.r:T. Laritakioni; ect ft:l6;i. AilminLitritees Sale. ilidibegA r atkeiA In the natter of the Set. 't In the Orphans' VAmt m tied oflbh,Fetete a( f 13minetanua cow- Lydia Thinie oon deed.; t ty.e. titcepiions filed calebilibirmait MO. II &a I The thridendped arties_in terested in theilmr4 rant* that he' ;WM knead to the ilt heaftritt PO r l or., the sewl • aT T . .!g w al Ay. thel6'l . th fi y MOnt/rißeez.iit metieleek .P3L at hie of- Ontral;DOC. .41,1 • indifaekliitieee:7 . i . ' -: - ' - Susquehanna Cotityi ‘c• - • ' NHE undersigued 4 bainng ted ; by the Pg. ginntie o .o44 tf mitt Ckinntii An&i• for to distribute the midi he. 'hinging to Ise' estate of James Oakley deed., in the binds oflifilbourne and Jai...4. Oakle,y, adtn ra , will attend to ibe 4u ties bf his aptiointmenti'ki his.offiee in Montrose, 'on tiondaythe 9th darOf:Jiumary next, - at. len o'clpcit in the forenoon, at whkb time and.placi, all pint-es interested will iinsient their - claims or be forever barred for coming in for a share of said fund.. F4A.NgLIN FRASEIt; Auditor. Dec. 1 0 1853. , .1 • 1 . .- .4w s ...11611dar Gift 4.. 11 - , C.tORDILA3I, has on tuunl a few beautiful • a Env - nein* la gilt;Franies! A , bu:go Aix* of Gilt and - Ttase Wand Pi cture . ' Frames : . Also;_ one Mahogany IhTssitni Ihneau and Wash Stand, witl3 Italian lilaTble m o p ;above will bp sold - at, New York prices. ,t ldnutnne, Dec. 15. 1654, . - i • E t Get Afoul; Wlthwit OI . .. . . TEMPERANCV,,- tROCERL Proptietore - of the raiuperanci." °meet) , • L tcnulJ call the attention Orthe public to then. stock Or;Groceri&,' which 'etinii4A 4011 everything k . 41 gioery , with :the exception of which Con/he. 'pnrchaaeo.l for • cask a .- .little above cost : • COnlt4inds try for yourselves; load you 'groceries fur us little money as the next: ilur . mock cons . its. of Sugar, laohisse7). Fik, Coffee, Starch, "Pc ppei. Spice, Solerutn.iAi, ." Div:11 . 1853, F: f 011:1:,''ti'S by tha lb. or barrel..l•Oysterib7 : 'the . keg or. quart. .Nitti , wholdiale or re-_ Figs 'and Yankee Notioas of alidestriptkina. . . • WAN+EII'L excluinge fur goods at the loweat 'rash: pri• • 500 Bushels TV' heat, d • . . , 1000 Rye, . . 1000 Corn, 4 • • "2009 ' Oats, • - .. • 1.000. ..Backirheat, - - .500 13cas3,r 500 Dozett .4.11 . Dec: 1411 x, 185 Z. • •G. it 11A.Virt: • .•1 1 ,• - • • • ItEM. •• - ftoTeli 2 St9yeg.: S!9*-; Yr lIE Sub...tiiber wishes - - to call the altteatinn. of 11 his friends and tlie'public . fo • his very !aria assortment . - . STOVES At-liis new Store Room in-Lodersville, next to , L.. Lonlivicies itcm:itrul near the Great Bend Depot hisiu additiini told* fernier: large VitrietY of ooititifig,nnd Parte 'Start* many '144.w Pamirs, some of which are— • • ; L, 15t:4Vichoias- Peoek :Branch.l Fire Modern Trool • • 1 Medallion, Which.tor„ether with his foimer stock.will be per.; 'Lips the most extensive and var ed assort . ment of nrll eeleetea Stoies in the Counts.; . . . . " • 4nd ' riot to". lie . furg . otten. ii .the' CI...INTPN g b ll,tlrt, of greaterweght and better-. Material titan those hawked about ;110 country by =neer - '. Prices .for largest.aize, with large: .furniture led beit meteriall- ' '-'' ' . - . . .s2s' With sorb trimtuinga : lis l'edlirs furnish, ..-:.. 23 Small size well trimmed, . 20 Th . ese Stoves are not made srith idd iron aS rep resented • by: Pedlars. and; pone that. have beep sold by me have -failed.: .. '-. • • -i • re`All articles in his- line kept on hand and 'made to oider as tonal, nrolprders received at: his 'old stand in Great HentL - •. JOHN COLSTEN. •- I.odenvilir k. Great Bend. Njv. , 1853.-4. ~_ • • J. COLSTEN, dealer in Sinus, - Tin, , Copper and Sleet Iron Ware, Loderavllle, near Great Bend Depot. Dec.o4, 1853; • ! 44 Some things eau be done as well •- • . • . .as othets." . rrizE Snlscriber, having purchased the Cilair flanufactory of A. W. Greenwood, in Efarkird, is prepared to manufacture all kinds Of Chairs at redeem' prices, of pod ninterials,.and in a superior stytelof workmanship. Among the different kinds, 1 Iv ll l mCntiou Bc!siore - Rock'ers, (improved style,) all kinis ( Fancy .ain.l Winds or chuirs, Flag= . - Seats, Settees. - • g.V. - .All ;Ivi.,rk warranted to give satisfaction fur ) vars. : _ . , * . ii l .llenliantabla Produce will be 'taken in .e=• change for .work, bet-NO CREDIT I - • - - -flirford, Dec. 1103. JAS. JOIINSTON. - Belmont, aO4l Oghquago 'Turnpike - Company. • MAE annual election Of .rnesident, ten mina, 1 gers, Treaiurr and Secietary 'with ruckuther .officers as may Le' necessary for •raid 'Company will be held at the house of J.... Mumford its - Belmont on Thursday, lus'y, Zal4. 1854; • • .3w l MI lIAEL MEYEERT, Seey. Auditor's Notice. TIIE mulersigned,.an Auditor appointed by - ' , ..Court to distraint& the assetsin the halal of the Adininultrators of the estate of John' Simpson, dce will attend to: the ii,lune at hii office on Sat- Wrday i the ith 'day of January. pest. All persons interested ale incited to appear. or forever be de barred - - N. - NEWTON, Auditor. • Moo trose,..Dcc. IQ, 0153. • • - • Going;!: Going ! Almost:6lonel , talianee of my stock of goeds-will be sold' tegard to profit, and baying.. been! ,botight \rhea gouda' were- front tea to fifteen per, cent lower,in Neer Yoit than the now are : lot t fer neustml iuduetMeilts to-all w ho • wish to' rev .( 1:10ds awl). Call, and see -for yoUrselres. :anal will fi nd von can buy almost at rout own pra-1 - 1. d. LITTLE. .NiFltiltcsid,-Dicember 13, 1851 3w' •• Notice. • , rs . I Pim entl6l eleetion for manage of the Latex and Ifni-mon)! Turniiike Roatl - Corortny, will be `held st the hong e,a Joel Stec:that* in Gibson 'fOrnihip oti the fist Ifotoleyin inntiary" 1854. at ten o'clock' A. M.' C93IY,ORT, SWy, UTANTRD, 50 Journ4oten Boot and Shoe molten.* the lublerilxn; at Sussluehaluni Pepot. ALSO, two Journeymen 'ration. - • ' Gtuirdian's .Sale. ... , D T -vi rtue, of an qfder of the Orphan'i Court in!, JI-) and , for the . SukitY of Susquelirma, the'sub , , scribers, Guardians of George it, Sarah L. and; Charles II: Weill, minor children of Charlei .114 Wells, demised, will exprise -to public at: the Public: House of A. Coleman,- .in -the berough of= ; Pundliff; on Wednesday - the 11th dal of. January, next; at Iwo Veltcli-in • the afternoon, the undiiitt.', ed three sixth part of one half of all those two sec-I tain pieeekor parcels land and the appurtenan-I eel. the first of which is situate in the township of Herrick and istounded and described as follows,i to Wit t Beginning *tube eer.neret When% Churchj ill's hul,thence north - 45 degrees east 102 perches.' thence south 04 perches to a . stake and stones -;- • thence south 10 degrees Test 80 perches to a stake. and. stones ; thence west '22 perches to, a stake -,1 • thence Worth 45, degrees west 104 perches to the placepf b • eginnin' g,containing '46 acres more or 1,0;1' 'velar& g't water power thereon and' a dryitig and,4l#4l , house for a' powder mil), dte„ : .;The n ee, -Qua piece situate in , the township sane •saW is :bounded and deiciiheftas tullinr*to wit:, heigin4 :ding a ►t . the neirthicat corner of lands formerly Oil. coined bp.chankey litrecdruffv . thenen south :321 deghtesvait'aiong theiraid land 20.pesc .'n' lumr; thence' ninth, 88. dearre!t. west ;7 perchni -to stake_' not stonegi; thence ----- 23 degree& east 15 perches to. ***4 and stones: thence n o rth 1 2 degrees * lB l itpertites to-,the forks of the lead s :nod thence ..loitifft - Or:Perch to.;tbe place of beginning, con. '*ing 'etw. - ,lenti t' then', l Peeti , with illeisPlmrtil : *sixes we . folk : Innee, him •tglf - Wilitalnaider . ..iWrt ,in the day ciflale.. - , ; __--`- 4iti RA. V. 'VI OLL/1, 1,, '- ' - ' efts JA3I - 44 #. MIELE'S ) uYaril! . . Ir . I re Ar '1 fel -,-.'13 It A Mer iii MA '1 .11 !:, 'il ~ 7•1- -...,A•vr," -' ......-„iivi, HAD OF .N.lllrlr.A'l4l?-,1 full ustortmef2t P f -l er T. AS on hand i aims. 4. ---id• I. Pen'intates, lall ma ler 'Ehisk -- ail= Irxs - 'black awl cared andn.Tsuciode:amax ulk 'VW's , Comforters , . -471 **Pf Ds .47 11, time SilAwill/4 PUINTS' "17 i ' rid Glom Lso Cloths, CajaMerdlo ,Westiagi tatirietts._ 1 Also--Bernu) R"2ll* . Deeemb•r '4.HW i . k Winter - trot, of - GoOds. I LASTIN December . 8,185 k BENTLEY: &- READ. Tr ANE, the - pleasure of angel:inch* to their ' ■ customers, and the public;' in general: Abet the) are now - opening a desirahlf:t stock 1 Winter Gocids. - 6.hich, added to their present so pplY. renders their assortnient full' and cofnplete" i and they are now ready talon at avers swim Apr - knit' inictw. We consider i t entirely itnnecesAntry enumerate every article, satisfied, as we ero,'lbitt - if an opportunity w afforded, we Can give convinc ing proofs, that our. stock, in point of Vaaiwri, ges , rnrr,i;o:airrv, er pluck is fully Neat to any Other stuck of goods in this_ . - , , - WANTED, Wheat, Rye, Oitts, Corn, Beckwheat s - Flannel; . .Woolen:Bricks, Tillow,lard,, Dried AD thiltXh at the vowlerrlcosa meta, and csin`aut refused- . BENTLEY k READ. .. , Petelamation. *. 1 -- I YI.IEjIf:AS the lion. DaVid ,Wiliriont - ,•Presi..: " ,dent of thil Court of Oyer and Terminer, ,iintl'Oeneral JailfkliverviCourt of -Quarter , Sea- !. , t : ions ot, the Pelted.' and court of Cowmen Pleas And Orphans Cot(rt. in. the Thirteenth Judicial.) inistriet, composed of the , counties of Susquehan• tia, Bradford„ and S ullivan;. and the Hone. .John !Boyle and Davis D. Warner, Associate Judges in, 1 usquehanna eoitv. 'bare issued their pirpt, : lbetiring 'dste th el2.7th 'day' of Noveraber,..iti e the fyear.of our Lord.Jne thOusand eight hundred and. .fifty three, and to Inc. directed, for . holding a Cburt cif Oyet 'nod Terunner and • Gendial Jail Delivery, in- the 'Borough oi Mntrose,. and county of Sat..; quchanna, on the t hird Iclonday, of January , nest; , l (it being the i6thray:) .. - NCYYIOE iT !Mak Y OIVEN to the Coroner,.,JUS- I ) ices of - the Peact•and constables of said county*" f Susquehanna , that th ey be then and 'there, •ni heir' prcper perstns, w sit to o'clock' in - the after ''noon of said clay. , ith their records;•inquisithini, ib i and other remenancei. to do thcre thitigi, which , to their ogees apiwrtain to bedone:: And thttie 1, who are.bound byp• j ecor„nizancei against the pits. l',"oners that are or . all he in the-jail of said noun l; ty of Sancti:l4ll3mi, are to ~be then ;and there, to proseCute a A t g , ainst them as Will be:ju st- - _ " • - IL Dated liiixit ase, the.ith clay. of December : lin the year of our' Lord one 'thousand eight bun . . . , . ~ d resi and fifty-three. - . : ' ,•• -,- G.-B.- ELDRED, Sheriff. ,!...._, ''• Regfster's . Notice. • 131;BLIC "node 'is hereby . given all'persona : etnieeined it the *464'd :fuel 1lortle,• deed. ri that the. Atintini rStor...s. H.. Slarie, lots 'settled his aicOunt - in th . Regilter's cake in.and fur the . I r . county of Susquehanna, end the! the muse twill he' presented to the , udges of the , Orphan's Court of said county„in ntroite,.on ednesilatthe 18th" 414. of January .6t, fur eunfimation• and allow ance. J T LANI DON 'Regieter -, Register's •Ofile Alontroe, Dee.,2l. 1853' • .. , . . ~. . .. • -. . • . Agrltultitral .•iiotiee: ---'' . I Those • intenklil to compete for: preminms on 1 ;rainof whatever., - in4, are hereby notified to leave specimens of tbei• re:victim irops with - Mr.lGen. Fiiller, of • Mont ;on or: before the 'third .Wed : ru i e nestlay - of Januar • next at 1•2 o'clock; (nwn.) atter which time none "• adMitted to competition. Thep will - alo gi e . statiities of their crops in Wrt ting, stating the nnum ber of buShels anir the weight' per bti+lit.l, with t IC certificate 6f.those Who rtgA. istl ed in measurink tie krocmtl andlcrop-; nls*o the kind of grtiund, 'w heti , . t*s:l or otinirwis4.the quantity •of manure .or ,p ,:terotc„ uSed, and boa applied,.. to6retlier :With tbo Prneral treattnent of time soil and, crop. : Mich prop 'etor Will NorAign his statement. - ; but will !Care hi name with' 3lr. Fuller itrconfi-'. denrei;onle to be , .wore_tij , •the jttdgea after. they - hire 'nitre their ectsion.: 111 Jude.Fs s',, A... ICewton..P. Wells. and Sinn. 'l4ggart, will mee at &Ir. Fuller it Store Abe third cdneAlay of Ja 'uary next, at 12 o'clock, to ex amine the apecinieus of .grain and make their de= IlExar Datxxca;.,... l /1. L. CArutir,•. Coin. Jbmt I'. De.txx, 'lll- 06 ' 000 • t • GRE : ntr ATTRACTIONS.: OF NEWGOODS. Great rush A the ..M4 .Goods:at :Eatoals _ ONE PRICE STORE: THE greatest and largest. stock or: Taney. Po-* rnestic and , :tnplel4oods ever brought: into Sttscpiehatina ctal ty: One littndred cases - Dry . qcotiti.',.cornpriSin. in part as folio vs: Rich Ohang,able Silks,., - :Fashionahle rilk & satin " :stripe • " - [Bonnets, " ' plaid "; t . " . French tn Plnes, ", .‘hiaok " - 200 piccoil3ottnet Olosa Bonnet •" • • ' . -[botits., Bonnets Siitiroi 100 mg. fancy dm:is do. All wool ,DeLaioett, Velvet dress Buttons, - Parisian d r 0...- colr'd Velvets, Plaid do Corota, • . - -50 Ray Stata Clouded de • • - do, English Meriooes; . Brachia. . - do. • Paminattep: • Silk, do Lyouette Clotba, Moves, Hosiery;'etc, •' Cobury'A, s • Ca.4impits. • Freneh cluable di naive, Vestirrii, ;. - Embroidered Robe*. • Dorms& •• • „ Gisightrolt nod Prints, ••Wool Blank-eti. • Scotch'. • '• . • Whitfe Gods, Tickmg,e, Wrought. Ciiiroizeiti, • = D.,arnark apreada, • • Collarn; . „Linen 4o • • lifsll Linen., do ;• Cambric ' do, Litnat . do. Etc. etc: • • . • - =EATON di; CO. - Ilarturd, Octutier,. 1653. ' • Fraiklin Fraser . - A I LTORNEY o 6 SSFLLOH AT LAW, —Montrose, Pa,; • • • TA TILL' *timid faithfully to all husi - nosa entrust- V V ;et( to bun county of Sos.queliatina.- Conveyineingoild writing of :al kinds t 4 Anne' neatly; and charges mo d erate: l:to 'a -attend - to the pneeetitioniot claitui of solAieiS, their - witlowa • mid heirs, - agains.t the United States goveninteut, for - Botany Land, PeM tifotiN de. . • ":- • Dial be founii at all hours at this - ofEce formerly oieuptod 4.41,; north or the Court .11Mtae. .• .* - ;14923,1' Steam Grist lc Saw, mill - • VOST B!lo:lllERShaving'purcluntedtheaboie estaPtahment, win k.eop constantly ou haud Svet:firse aitafine SuPeripi .Qtiality:. " Chop and.Bra*; atibe luwe 4 t caph prices. Cust om ; work will I.* dope with 'despatch; and ip all_cases .316tit.rose; July, 18.11: . 1381tr - -' , - . (ZoTILA.:Sk •C TTERS. -The Yankee Feed Cur ;teV, every-fail:nee alight .te.have, to! sale by: 1 •• ' ' B.R.LYONS&CO:- .--ne*t;orlY.Der.. , 1, 1853. ' ' ' rLotin. - QUPERr I INE FLOUR fur, isle by • ' GEO. FULLER: COWS,: 41tC11-= . Washing b 4 ottafited et • - • - --`' Lyolts:ir • • . SO u t4; 11 i)po I.eatb* of tbe bast kindr, cotr fiitsale cbeip; Ur_ • - , --DENI'LEY Oct. 26. r iBBER °Vi a' 61 / 4 14 M a gOOClMPOrtingilt.fOr. LIONS 4t SON. cash gold for guifip-P-01004ifi__<- Api • p. R. L4u,,,gop't.,at,),-, ='4.: .... I ...kk: f t , 4 •,- .41. ,11,4' - , 4 - flOirft . --4 7 32 , ...i, ; -... ~:,- _--- _ ,‘ ;-,. - 1 ' - t 'JI.• :- 4114„Pietlfreller." i f he2` . F,. Wecee:mili3Ourfiree so ag And. de i*i t'.: , - , -: - ..., ~.,r. rm 4 0 1 41 41 b" - ° llll- Z=4 , ej-2 7. E. ,--?- . ', : .Pieturer,lielkiiil 'huitieowerAm44.,,,, -- -". ' . :linnet:in:: ` AukTuulks im-:eurother,••:-.-- , ! •;'1..1 ,-`•• rldallkit iser 'RAN iMienv . inai n .:,l„, ? 1 , '2 , ,,.. ' • Same gyekarnieMkweiWorn Imitluit; -'..r.,-: - -''' Fbut 0 104 w*! tent vill- - ii - i'-friet‘ "uteid;teing7' iiyhi lit ii‘i PP4ditigire oar readers the benefit -1 Or ii, bepingilieritheyetill• hied the wise sugstinpf:, tion Mid liicienditt lonia more jog like .'-em:' - 4 - :,,', stock, ed 'i l mism:lodkeli f kori• iiii*At.', li' 'varied, ana completei ithtt we ake..anzioui to set, Them alt with annierar , iiietormi end get' the ter . .': :Our motto is:l 4 , t good w-o 4 end fair-prices"- • --;"'-,`. ~, - ! :, • ; 4.-'- 1 / 4 ,,, , , ~,,--,‘ :• •" F ; Mr... Bin,kNs,- 5 , - .. , ' Odd,FelloWelfalt; seeinutilufMlionlnie, Pa.•"-- .. neduckY halm 4 it 4 • - I ELODZONS • INCE & Co' P I weed Pat niPr ent Blelodeo ---For sweetness. purity. an power, t teal. these wen we nett 31 - 'ed. 'Prices ntngiiig from 443 to Persons wishing to obtain one, of these beautiful pop alas instruments,Tin be neeommoilited by apply big to • a ; .1. LYONS SON,' Agetita Miinfrose. Woven:liter 1853. =EI Kr •vr.roskular usio just w meed, - / 4 1. 0".1J , • J".IYONS'i SONZ A r A Orr's I Rol/ Oed Syrup for,salet by Nov. I. I LYO'4B SON: . -'• -- Auditor's Notl e - - ,n - T IL:tusilniilirizrisr,riVh.,:iiid'i4-1,1:lue , ;-A.-d!3 coin stetter:AXlL e!tate of Asellitylor; tlecearetl,' im .g fflte ereditnra of the : ilCc'eAetit, wilt attend i i thereto it, heienee to Atontreae„ oo Satellls,f the' itltli' tlii Of ,ii - Oreinlier next, at, four o'cloac P..11J when nII pars hitereited eiti afteitit - sif 'they? 'think OroPer ,- ni he debaite4 frOtn coming - tit upon seht fend:.,„ - , 1 1 W3I.J.TIT,RRELL;Aiditor..- - ,: Montroie, Oct. 31, ~ 1 853. - . ~ .. -_. ~s 1 958 171,47 ...., .., , ..... , -- -. , ? ! ~ !.. .. .. -......- .',c.4 . 0.- - .E.PArmr,-*--:lir : - T :irtoitriior County thtiiii ins.urance . .Fns 7 i.-1 iiy.:' , ' Often *tnitron'a lira Itinesboto. - :- 1 -- , - '- , Z _ : , j-13,. ft;" LYONS; Agetit: -•- • „ : ' , j . rot' Sirtquehanna Coupty.-, • -'f $ •' o - REWARD :. r' -- t: .., , - 4 plltitiotre` re*aid 1 will'lntpaid i , fot.tit'ii,nti•Cit 'i. itia eonvidibi,--orthe tie.isop, prpeit=o., who net fire to.tho Preihrerian Church rin thintlitatt-, on - tha night c4:Satitriliv; the Bth' of Octobik:,—,z' -,- • ..• , •: -- 3.115.114) CU3li Barges._; p . .011;4:if, Ott. 10 - 11 . 86 - 3. t -'. - -: -: ~, —.= - ( * 41 P,7, IfF j r!IER HAS just'ioci,ire4 hi ! 4111:andirulter-atock • - -Iteady - b - embracing Over Coitt of; a, - gradeig. Froad.:7Sacivi and vests, NVoc•len Under:shirts' .And vranfera, -- Irtne-,Vhite shirts, Pitney- Odrts. Colars. Over'Alli; shirts; - ' - A ioial asisattnent orf,i4ionabla .7 - HA' 113 0,, T C ~ - - APS Stens, IVumen!.....Visse,s. Bova and Childrens'Bn(;ta and Shaes. • Itniabor"ltOuts, Shotti *fia - San • A neS , ' Curtaiepiper;' Barr-. der; 1t4..... , i8i;0ka mad .Statiwiery.:- • • Attio,Trunka; 4ups.: Travelling Bags. - 311;eril,-* Codfish; Sugars.:liias;iCuffee, ttc., , and a variety ~ .'4l( Fancy . articles., • 13i8-system ivady pay . and ani.pricit,. Cash or : 'rirS,toreopposit!. 'Sealy* Hotel:jet ••kontitrie, Oct; 4. , 1853: • i1:: -‘-, ,- 5',. ' 2 :. •::::':: FALL-i:GOODS:: -.,,,,-; -,:,.,,.-....11,1i' . 5UTP111 4 N ; . " ' . ; .- ...-3;:;:..'1,2 . - ....:.:-: .. .;,I.?rrf . ..s atte n tion ' to - Iha, ro nese - ally'. 4 - 4, -- anii. i. 47 coni - plete iist.ertment of . '- i,..." ...1 . -".:.- :-.., ~,_-_,.,., • NEWT GOODS FOR ,V4 - .. Lb SA t,F - r..:_ ,1. he Is'ne•sir reea!4b4 . -, 10 hd4ithiikto ktis:Otinallnp - Of of Staple'', - , ikt•s ; ''Grae - eiies;ll - ardeli:r,e :Stott% 'I he; he eflure to the'.l..ache i .4 a:Tricissittoek.,Ol.! ,::•;-...•-••'•,, „ . _ __ .._, , .. . 1- 1 , 7 Ai r ..1.1 , AN IY'W I NTEIt :GOQDS; :, ..:,,'... . . Satin ':: and' .:Veliet-• 13tninet*,' : Shi;xle; F.- itibbon ana - Helife6i;-Ladie.4 'and 31i#ies. fine' - 'hot46' , :.'avlif,. 1 odi, - .Le. 4 ~.l'o.tiic , gentlemen he offers; a; . stock bait quality -, •:-.1. ':.--- ‘ - "-'''' '`-' -=';'-,_TP:.- : "., -...•-,' • ' . • '''': .-.8..g - Atit - MAD E ' . .OLOTH ißG':':::"..f. - ' , " - :'. , . ~, . CUitlii, - : - 01iiit4.0,:'Iriiiietis, Jenni;': ':VlT*thirje; - ; t . ... Hats. clari3;l3oo 'i'aint'.sttoei,.4.i -: .' ... - :.i . . : . f. - ...:-, - !..' , :' 1110lock:eni. races a: incire'extenFi:iii - . and ",i.e,'-', tied `a i.ortikiri, , lhaAfheip!efote; - pre: pared - 444444 on ''•"kii;ne;4-txtiecii',.i:).t'Asn Pilic;uipt.r.s'T, -',.,',15 . '" , .' .- .. T.' ' ~•- •, ..:.:::'•'?::••'•._. ' - He' re,4 4 )e.etfulti• - .selieite .an .early..:Tcnil. froth 14 .hiesni.. s ,. anda-all' l ,4her l 3..ileilring -,coti...onolis,.:,hat are worth the 18'Flee: - ..; . .:,.: : :....,11,::' . fr - f.: _ .., . - j 2000 Pill . q.b.:s. WALL :PAPER:.. all . stY . lei antl,yre(*the .'t'n,..%„sortinent ever-, of . - freed in thisi-TenuntyjiLifre4eired itt '- .. 1 -'1::::.'- .:',' 7 t •:.' :-:• "1: • .-- 2::1 .• - ' 'I, ..T. H. I.l,TritltNe.„ - , ptinin . *o4.l44, 5..0:1 tli . t.sp:4, ..,---,:; .-.: .1 - '., fl'l-: .. , .. . „.. , . New Fail and 'Winter Goods.. •' F.' 13: - CHMID L ER. Hs war on lianil'onit.9f Abe larged stock of Goods in this nisi* . t.„ 'l4 alert t 9 his eifs-' tante:l, ind the Ottilielett rallir;:t gr•eak'kaTiati„,,,...-Pi: t o Wool, Silk, Lklortind:W Illaids.l44l..m*.;* lainca G ingtranfs Piint4linid*P"?*44:4'.. l : - ~ -:- :':; SHAWLS, KAt 1.0 %li'S ANIYI:II3SIXCL: ilekild Olotltiostill Queshnircss-ii iery.shirstLisi.l4: Si:Maed V a, W: ;cans and weed gocm1:400411 - 14 . Sboeli.elfoMittrea of Rubber Sbeee k4 ,9l942 B i li i S .C OW ° r4 l r: Triln ) l6 ` Bll 4!! l 3/4 arni r d 8 0 . this hc: &al. , . ', • ‘.. '• .. ...' •. .: -' - ..".•::!. I t b tM. tpErcixertitxG . . • , .. . . . a large, and sVell.seleet4 steiek:, • :,o4sigis frottit3, to 825.004 , Choke ./ot of . giretitg• ; - /lardYnit*P. Crockeq, Tinwireanli Stilwell- '., • :......-.• -. \•• : F . . aiN - CY: . f. GOODS. -. .: . 4 -- i.."l*. Clocks. d'art niohilis: ItublAr Cowl* Ibittieilusa Gum bittert4 l34:01:Cliitla• .' *; Nail; Tootts'atid • H a i r b r.tif ' , thaf."44,e,;:jitz. _-. : ~.. , . ~--,.., .:. •.• 7 - A large addirsuri:ACtiiiptiiet tsisan, slid St a gal lion:try; 'Aleritaiintsanct 'Olialfs be 1854, Piany cards, and "tinieliitiqioV. ' Wafers, Ink, i te,z‘... Please call andlieeo4iill 'ion eau't get as nu* for your roomy! as Sat; 1 . titer shop, don't bui;!4 Oct. adt 181s8. ' --.r. • •,• . • - -- , QULN, C met struCKlii ilAtither, Floui and Salt, skip" • - si.iuciiprings, filechew. ' , 1 F. R • • - 1 .....-:. iFA MS Flit SALE - - ''THE subsetikers will 'act nit sigents for buying 2..* itid.‘ellit* Rent Eaiiitto--Earns; llorelt -and tots—lottiol lin Stitiquelisinna county. Pa.; of in, Bron4jegisnt l fNi , :iff.;;;thid alt.o Virgbija Lind-. Womilotir.l.f 41 . .jleio' *bilk- to ofrotr thaw pnweift :for eigk-cijilpf . e. p.i nitate. description. of .tbiar: gar tlitiblasSiliiiiti ..:ICpailxr of ge:regii : **. 2 tnany•tmptfenred; midAnkii•watered; buWdoge*., 'o 4lll #' . ii'ret.'6o*Moin fruit ; ot Ler 'fruit tnley . , .i 64 1 - . : - tailr - from:Great Bout - and -tbetieitroii .plitik,slii t ' pa..,a, w, it. it,.. au' ~ 4 : 1 .1r; &M. 11... 6. :, *po* . lifiliftk a paynkso= , : virani*Nc,kl iiimmiiir iir.4l. Ri i 4.E.,tate:- Tin recei*Otriltit attejittio' 0, by eallingtkOr ;id.' "ilromin eioiii of e 3 sal Gicia. nero; su - Nitet.u.- siii . eitunty,lNJ .•?..gromoo.opea, from,' Great Bend to th,o_ pre ro • '40., ____,„ .• fry.° of'dmi4es:' - I' 1 . imummoir *Dretin street. in the diieldinic Itootl iifferatfiCittiiie: lately oepupied 13, N.1.r.. Carpen tipr.. - ' ,'' 1 , - .' , Pit - ,rhtt. DECKEIt.. _,i - ! i _. j - R. n.• CHASE. Great Bend. Octo ber 4,163 1- . ...,- . - 1 4 % 5 Y1 • , .... . , - ''' 7 4 I. . ' r siON E8,114T0 ,8= ~. ...,,, • - I tFFr K . st-----..i ....,' 5.1..4-4: ',...-•,.. : f5:•. riffs, • Alities- , ;.- k, .Nli 1.. zl , = v t . t , •4 . - . • . 4 , r., _rte - . • , .4 „ l '' t l.l.. I P t: , Mitt • ' r ni ,IS .1111 R RESTORER - 1 kw!FL,e,P.etAINI AV , • irdk • - • — uule 4 t* - -- . T.:, - ; • :i=41.;i14.: - 'Di< but nut•tr. - iiitti:44.:ii;itan. the 11,._.,..,1!""mili,Ivnriovibitidifrz4W, ki044‘A.i*,:t24...2.4b4, ItAlkituo i iIISKERS 'o.oWErg • t- - 01LAY \-.-'1 • r vV! • / • 4°1115 , 4:s.l?,:q:4kkk.T..kNatfis i fifibi4i . : life coldr. ' ';;; ; VV`':,..L•:‘, : ..-E . ::.•:: . •: f t•• , ? I.T - s r, .-T,4L5;11,‘"•••., 1 .. 4 .=;_.,;&<,.. , ......4:., ...trug - r4<:fi f Toeing* . .i- 1. . --- :. . J:Ly058,; 4 4450 . 10...' : ' 0'?-1'Puk÷1.4.M.'416.1:44,.,- . ; . ' , .K . Nfte. - 1. /foir 17/ - 1S •i4. , :p1 , . I ,e, -. ,--'.. . ..,. -.-:,;,,.: :-. .., -7...;: . ~. _ ~ t , dhp.1.16,,,Aa5t„...;aia......-w,,,v..). ~ a fsii. ••:. •• rj;:•. , ,, .., .z i e f i ro .., .'• e . . 1 ! ,--•!* z . il, .f. -7,"1•41 ; ,, r 5.%. .. -Lc. •Pl e ::"..r..EVat,74..; :.•i•-• I • • ^-•4 1 - i ~, i• 4 ''' I_2l'. ~. ,:xf.L...•44 ••"" -,-^- • b ~; q , ; ‘, ) ,..:,-..- , ::-.-,‘.,...:ti.tD.Xlelik : I .. ". i 1 ' t•L' , 'A •-- e a rAt-,T,MitZA4kli o- ' VIP i :,' ~„ - ; --‘ 2 '''.. .1.: 1 r 4tit z. :;:iP ^..,AU -* 4 : Ir, ) if .. s ~-;- 5 3t2.7! ~,. .a...,, ,,, .:•?....: ii . ..,,,. c._.. -,...fT.-?4, - ; - - :•:, 1 W„--11 - at ax.,...:z -, itil - .l4i.c . 'A C goli ,' . 1,- :_.:._-:.: ..*::: , .--•sz: 4 :.-" - _ - . -":: • _ ,- f.: , -s , :•mit---,„ Net e_.„. 0 - :or . : '`.. :4 ' r:s - ,• - • `'-- .p . :;it .• • ... 1 , 1 44 1 /424,.. 4 . - I „v • • ..• - •:. ';:,.. •': 1- . ..(--•:', .4. 4 . -stifdiko . : ' ' ,4 , , •,•'W, ~ e; .. , '''' . "` CY • s t - • 1- 7.;;;.'4 iik t - .' ...,,,,-'. ... . ••-•. 4 , , . 66 , • c:- .., ...1 4 #.! 4 1': ,z - t'. : . .., ',---. =:,;.,'' . 4b ... a i r; - ~ 2 . F . .1 C , ... 4 ~t 2 '.--='.:- -• '?%:.-, t , 77. - .;.7 . • - P.:4"; : ... - ,..; . fr,. =• .•.•: . ': ..i . ..., I llitg _, • . 1 Llri f tidnistrato alio ce. INATittv.iiiqieotnuetvgp kotpmem. : 46- stiAskiistator ikow94ltio.. .*o ci - cao.-iiiur kiffictits**l .4W . 54: ni.A....s - Fiesma..4l4#o , 3olWlrt sent gom #9 01!!ii ifititiOtim ivinu ml io o pc : „..„vi • •jAIIIPIP.iI,g r trr , M.;‘ 1 ' Arirlerirr. IC 1 1 )66 Dgi:•. , ....- - fipkyfft.4:l„..-‘. ,'i - , , • it.:i . c . ::::),:::. , •:-.. - -,..::::1.. ...--.A..: .- -. . -•- .7 4.1..,,,...- - ,,,, .-...- , - ileiFeeM ;ir,iiii*...lllwlo - IKtAisiOdOidAliiititet-., isr:'otie'illieiiiii 'flieibiol(ifieifoOtiireiciiiii- ;; :c._ 1..;,•:.-;... - - . :::::42,--iiPars„, .„,y,::, _ „,, i1.., , ,A..,4; , ,z ,- ..0t , -.- $ :::.,70 'iiiit6ioo'.igilli 1 0*.t.Wt ifloi*tilitaikle t it.-?;:. i •iiiid: .. ..okiirilloiliiii. , etiifit , • 7 - 7. ---- Wo*.t4::7; 1 ciniiimil*foliiiif.'itrieir Tatie -,, isots - -'- -..:t -scm.T4l-,xhionie.ahiiti ithinii - Ma /401.141.0.00 Z. artllT/OX OTY3:Agett4*ilcil l Gi:: : litie:DO4d#o: bf , :ilitH,, e' . ' - ' , :.; 4 .fii'i' - ' 4 '.', l 9F.''',ft":' l ' - i - W lT '4:•:'''''4- . .'"; : l''. zc '. ,';,-/.. ,r.igliwer.s . grfg..D:lT3,-;: , '.. . titti.i:iiiir.444*4! Vififit*t*i:*llo: - .*;#4iCg'r. ': , o l o7:taii4i4iiiiitke4 wt. -. ' .440trooltidlift4:11 . -..i; ; :..4iy.idiikgreattprify i''.6f ; tio.liii*iiiiitiO4i44t4W--',;..:. ':' i - ~.„ 4 ..T.,..•,,.,,„,„m„5iiii,,...„,,„,„,...a„,.,,,.„,„,„„ ot4erp;•eiftkb4 - ?hiiii $11: - iiikilig*t;thii - ,*ikillif--- --- .`;', this Teme-0 , ;- 1 t; 0 , psi; Nit Itili'iitiroa - iitiii : , - ''.:-: - :,. 14 ; - tii - 4:4in4 4 04;' . 0 '''''* .-*ltify_o - .:erf ., thii..tili*Wt -. 2 - '....' , and lei Vtir: iitl.. iiiin'iCniitiiitiiiit - Tthii. - .7. - .. ,. .. : . A i liii i iii 4,,,::: ‘ ,. i . isinial4 ., tiiiiik - Aiii.43**44,l* . ii - 4 : :? 15,-.:yi114,, , :iq ,, i.,::;!• - 4'::::`;' ,. ..-' r r..:i-WAff44 -. :l' .- :;,=.: - .....,: , ..- - rz:i..::::: ,: pr. - I.4(oite". 7 ..ttsAiitt - 0 1 1r,"ie.VO:r f ;f : ':', ." - :-,•:it )i , e*trY,4l4.W.. ~:...„..: s:„' 'lo,l,giri,'..; - ..:eisallY" 7 ecinfoirlekigedq: te. 14e7-nons,, , : Igit- , i=-:.i . - . . - .-1 , . • used.. and - oectr,lttr...v. Ili-:,poott!elyi, -0, - -.-11101K13c'i' , ..--;-; • 4111 4k)i 3 O_A - rie4o* - ;fltig ' '''' l l,'Q,. 410 " . piiiii,/,,- . " .,.1 - ',' _)" 41 4:7,, „ A'r - -i -; '' . . 1 pliiiiii%**illik.asth . 4.**o,;4t: . 40ii..i.... tind,:all.d".orpr . :Oic - p4.fini#.4rx*Oo 7 lo4 o ltAV.7- - - !,troto. co ld. - f -.E "' : 7'... • '''''... ''' '-','':,,, '''•.;ll l 7.tY t , ' , l, , l . ' , :;' : itl: , iV. -et , '; ' •.;:. ;'' : -/t A - 1 91 . 0 P. t !k tl Y.:010050;: l q it t il OgOnril : **e• - . 7 02i;!; 1 ; 1111 4,1 1 ): :, ; ;Ii gh(140e.! --' 7 *o4so:in.iiifiji#4o.,4i.iikii*,, s.liii4ur g Ac,4iipl ithoe,And . ,,iiii(res: ire(4Otelp!Atki(pg , f4 . - '.4*- - -.llOki.:THO'...dOijel.ll !iiiiiill'Ztkkiii. 404 giiioiv. - . z:' , i. l s'.'? - :-' , ttiat*liffilie4,Viti"aiiiii.ooifa ii''. -. %l44;*.brikAtLF '7: .:;. "' !iiiii,no.'ii"itig- faciiilfei'frev*O,;ii,446ita-i..71-. ~Ftejipi. i :ct'aili4l. o teaieloilltc o (o.l, # l Sr; -, : - .*::. : ;. , , 4,,teitiinoiiii.i.,'.;:eatsontputoeic.i.oo,:- . 4 , :., , ,. litil : Fiiioind. , :iadti:::'bottio - Alia' , Di;..ll:ol:ei'l4liimi,r': ,":',•!': ii t iiik,,- ji , i.o4o,',;4oitilitify;toJ4loll4tit of 4,4liXSitit, the'0 . 440..4"*a,"": , ..g . . 11 4.4:1:1' . iik4i407*06.0. : ::11r, 41-: ,- :,! -.66 tt i.: , .:- .. ._....-:-,- - (:..;:.„1- i . . ,,, • , .- i :..' r. '??...N.wrz ,, .....; , :•:-• , •‘: - 7 4 -,;' ,, .. - ,.: -..-- - - . :,-.. -.. , -= ,,- ,• , . - ' ,4 • ~..:- t .,- - - , ) , .•4 .- ; - .4 , .1. - --•4 . vu , ..,.. , .. -.--,....- ' Di . -Keg ' i - laegintatio Zottos. — :\.e , '' --- - '-'-'-" ' 4 '''' ..',,,,- -, -..-.:- - •• .. 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I I9W‘AL.I/4.ViiitC l oi-OnlieWela !_ri, :_thAll. C3k lMge a . .seiiittnerit 'of . stitple'guid kney ttiteac,,..'?::. Grove ' Cmckeirj - ,. Ilardiftte: Iron, Nai) B , 4 i 6 4 l ,l4Z:Q' Bt,llot , befitlioad_ “andittlrir; Hats and Ow, it... . :: A c,u.o...;puntitdiwiltutelx.,s4.4.lra' Paper, '. P `i4 6 .o l j - HPI 6 ; 4 - e,;#.:Yttifiiiikki-Ektie assortment ex I 4niktict4ausl;:cippOlftAt , anOt i glig" had -(M.- , ,#ti ~• 11141 rA t ogrgd.terrOraibt Inoittind B rfw* -- dt(e*..ors ; '"timt. !!!.. 1 1 . 111 8 0 111 4;94W'masti. -Inekt--- 1164._iissaLt cooldineftd hand. 'imPetu'i,"s3., or Sate, ma ,Lot. litti" ; ilotresiderm4)l J. W at: deaiiiiiiigathate ttkis 136: ute.7 'Fiirj ter** : sale, apply : to at OwStfoli:EV6o.° oet. - RarPfarta--,7•..; '3:l • F. Rzipuforit • • - _ ufgalo off * l; • taHO,KA-ktit, WWI will be eL4* . 'l' /kw , - 1 ,.11'441, _ ?ft. v. l l'', l *. ' SV ••-•=kmtiz-'• • . • ' . t 44: ; r 7. sr stile , . . ..,
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