4 , 46: 471 deg, iffc' I in. AI i , 11 id.' , li the, 10, •-:, ' ' . .. 4. '. Inv/Pirate the nsteni,-- chit ai , rort s 1 1: ximniiii.' and cure yoursaves of Cis nic -Plekirisry, I.itcr Complaint, z Skitf•-•distia"ses.; etter, - Stilt: ltheinn,- Setoftslii, Chronic' Itlieurnatilin. White Swelling,, it t i • HiciJuint Cuttiplaisit, Nercurriltifectierat, Sy "hi 1 litic.Diserders,ky us - • _ - • -- •'• - • - 7- I Dr,,,Kecter!B-Isarfaparilla;c,` , . in 1 , Ladies 11affering- witliol ons istruels, nt aellstie 1 plexiiitutijamtdice,lnervotisnisoe,iire Spestißi 1# i Le _by,rhis,great.purifvet'ef. the limits titery,-- .-,, • , 4 • , 'Testimonials frcnt.Phyrichihs, and hmdred of i 1 0 °Pim; ciutbeshown,4ll spit:skin; of the cabs 'o{l us: t,l this remedy, - ;:3t`is just what it iii -mists:settle to 1 14, , tbe -greatest, cheapest . Parifyer of the blUnd 1 anti" iny i gorater of - th elsystem time i t . efore the 15pblic. Dose small, -bottle- Inige.• , "l l mce el; or talfdouti."., „'.• 7 4 --". ;, r. ! 4 , ••,,," - - f- - ' 7-. -1 -Di2kfiler % t ...Cyrup - ~ 1 -1 i s 'The biatity,,,and.elneacy of !his tymeiLiy i f . n bits tl ? vernally ac:knbiviedged - by every ~ one' who „ C kit used' and seen it . ` It will positively core brow ' ,ellitis, boar-semis, cnug,hs, cohls . , pains in . the chest, I 'Rol I plurisy, catarriis,listinna; Wlrooinirt 'cough, croup, , . ..titx and all diseases of 'tbe:pulmonery-orgattoitiong 1 p ..L. ' -1 1 1 i from cold: , ..., -, : • : -_-, „--,-,- t,,- •• ,:, ,- ..; -,, • ; I 7, 'Unction ins peedy;positive and salataxy.' • • busing : in a high degree expecting-sun, sedative:,%4,l I aphoretiolmul tonic,•and wilt carerboatitenessiini 1.1 .. *i ; fetal , ,Iniitro." The dose ..ii,smll4 taste )so pavan -, 4t4,1 ' thatehildren wilt desire it, and is '.just ;w -let ?him:- ,- e t icians . said familia-1s ;.require,, aif,sWidy-} 4kilikilif I , "iiieparl.Nl and kited:tinnily effective remediv.;.; i. - ,,.-. , Z1 am: • _ ,For tettimqrsials, real'gennine unes.seti .circu- 1 Net -:tars around. (itch bottle and Dr. Keeler's Alms. 1 ..,- QM nacos. It is isi'srantity, : to say-nothing Of quality„: VA:lii" the cheapest remedy extants"-•Priie 50 cents , pty liti'ilst --i.• -e' •••.„ --4 :L 4 '..' 5%. : tat.4 - At. `, ~,Dr. hreYer sli, h.eyinatie .r.:(410%-,! -4' ' 'on 10 , , tni..."_ ___ Is,iVi slier& &ilk the tivise:salutari, Alia paii*li& ., i_ cr Old s excitant, sellattve; tebelinsient remedy Yet diiiiiir-4".; - 7 --- , ered,,asid wi ll be found. an ni inValuaille fentedy'fo;''':: - ..'lllstitiVtiele Arrsingienltents. .., '2 rbeinitatism, stiffness' of joints, brUi;sys, paina ir a4l- . '; b, the head, ihesraciele,ltli4, vx.treiuktlpt. - - . - I ,- -.., .„,, ~ , • , ~' . . , ' ' iJiiiiit#' ' Liektifanaii " and Western - - This ttlitablenieilicine'Cambineithe most pow - 1 - -. , • '' It lii OA D erful-., , Daif4 li,illing.rernetlies known -. T is„.,,lto t t t , , ...,, - •. , . , ,C, 14 4‘,24 told does' miiStair, ' . 7 4, 11.11 , ,1 , ...' , ..t 4.45,14K 4 ' 0 0 t ' 7'4 1 4 a tte r ninthly, Nt., ;kl, 195,_the Alit pessetrtitstr.viratliii*L,Mid licating,lt limilit_4in*"; ' Ameager Train ssill leave.Seranton at 10.15 -action its then aWi , ant y4m.sels, - Itri.intiOt.,',:,, t al rs- -- ' - -", .- •, ' _ •," ',! '• : , 16 # 1 -!T- it4 " ;lll l iii &16-44 I nerIli V It rel l tic ""• i i•tok '.: At red at Great Betid at 1.10 - 1.: .4. 1 iniwin si short time,- It corisbit: '*ustif , ,Vlllll&'' '''. • Cki siecting. With the day capress„trajus„ East them:any Manta remekly befprei er)rshile, - and, an - t f ,7' e i ; e tt ;the,,Nl Y. .{,•',E. U. 7 , ; • -.'-', _,"' will cure reor,e ; i 16111 1""bt„ _,,•,.... i l-1 14 11a n 7 _l`lle brit, will leaveGreist llentfontlit.arrivtil 4 1 1137 -' 9 u -}e 'e ar l 'hje eC' i l in g - irDimiejl lc ttio.., ti•---- i • - tlie - DaytExprelittro New Yesiiiiiitl Dunkirk, and' . 7 1 _triv•itle e fi bee'd . 4 - allit. tfilt - - alytiti iratli... 'etrfre at ScrantCn at 0.15 r. sr. 'e s . -/t if igigui4-ael i to, rtlie_ _r!kOr Ad n o rt,e'Y'irill, A. Preto's Tratmeldrrassengerilar attichea, 1 - be - •. Pciee oatfii 3 4 4 telot , I: - te-1 \- ' will-leave . Scranton at ,5,45 ',K. Arrive at Great Di - : Keacr's:Lirer and San;74 re as- , i `:.:B en ii - i t i , •- _e,al) A. 31,, 631MCCi . withithe.Mail Pass- Are 1- gniihiiilly .4 sopPlantiitz, all otherk.in Tie 'esti , etizerlcsin c'•••" 1 ' 1 4 1 !"'" ""'" ' l ' l ' l7 ' ' 4ll ' lll ' 11 ;: 1 martial of the r .44.7_. ert.,4-. iss4s: .L.,s' - _tool ''.l R oa d„ . • • ... rrra 1 -. . I putivekno wn.rnd always :' , atore„conif pation; _ Iter imh n•,will leave Great I3end: at 1.20 r. sr. ..udition,•jauudicE4, liver .- : ;z :•:int-, fou l.. . andarrive at d Scranton . ss.as. I Paoserr-er talag =ls, headaches,•billinusr4.- 4 ' , , ;Ind for.lll ills this train ill ari'“.o-1:11-;tieW, Turk can; •Ist the • orders where assiule I:- t-tjnrsi - 4".7.ift•05,,te1*61, eveni n g •- . ,',...- • , s'.-- to change diseasei."; A - - . ;.. 3- !.• .., ..- it -',ll -, 1.64,4 -be in" waiTing on' 06 i:Frival of pass- • Females, studet , ti :-- _ltss'i ,, raPtre*lnd.til biii•••l. 64 , 41r:di:1s - at Scranton, to convey passengers to era who lead. a ''•,-- limmi?l,- life. vs - ho tirel'liiiditried 1 Carbonthile. Pittston, Wilke:bane, Philadefisliiii with 'const.inti•'" ''t• indigestion i fromtitmetrigty, cis ihe fle'.isling Railroad,' Eiston,and,all,,ottier _ will full diet :I‘.. the most. eln..!ct pit; Litgisrmediate races. •-, i ant of wry - 1,4,: - 4tisecivereit "'Their , 7 . ,i.st's t 1 , e trains' we connect with arrive anadifiail:• lin past ti tise liy,..r. moving- Lump' el, thAt - 1- fro New - Yink"snlistljatillirk as SaltOW o 1 •,-, ~ - - art' i Allid 1 slutrigish ergs, iti,- ailaptic i g its •SeCietialt , tit molie I , TE.tpreso anives st ,, New- • Ydidr ar-10.56 - -r. 1 bealthy•purp, susd- mtrying aWay unibid 14i- .nee departs fronktba. at 6 4. ; 41, ..,i,.4 7 r,4-1,1 r-• - i , n i - ors , Th ey gi f t! , t otie t o th e s . pisnissch, otreiigthks - Sone inutt arrives at Duuk4,10,41,44 6 .i.,:inid ", 'l' instead of ,weakening, c„-casiort sin pain ih - theiree- ' dotatts-fstan to, At. 6 S.-3L. ~,,,,,-i,4,.;;..7 - --- ' "4: 7 :"1:, _,- - -_,-•`s.,' 4 tiOn, and •by their,spiative influence 'mile :Liver ail l'is:-" se nger train arriveiratplyVer3l:l.sZ,J ', and secretinns lea -,, 1 / 4 s the tamels'relakerlilorrg'nfier r.A., and,departifrorndo.V ft..1:5,,E?t, ,144foi•' - i''''''""'l i their of havepi7-2sol away. For. pills • su a ,.#3111? train arrives at Dunk~ r.x,i7.; ii t t,hl.,. :-bas and-ais a gelltaitt rtliktTio,tii•laA'det-e. ;Made pinta from d0.. - .s. - A: 31. , . -.•= 42 -• : - & , ,AO.- . ,Av ;, „v-, froin„,%4 l :rettslile tti;tract"s prepared in riche; There ir 11. DO RE A s ;supeiiri,t6rukt - (7.: . ~... ais no illiarill ingredient to their comr ositi4n. . - Scranton Gabber 1, 1',553 - 4 " - - ;# 7 4.1 , -..4 , • ... 9 , ___________ ............_ 1 JOHN filisAT-ri c i " r , - . it ,„.„ , • I Counfry nierclaate and trailers will fisizi - tliese -----...-; -,•. --.. 7 ----i l - --..,---= -2 --.-7-' • 19. •‘-- - -. 4 -'— . - trAku T .1.4 a, r asttioname kaliar l 1, pills tet'eilly to . giVe'.gCltfizt satisfaction, bttsale-ii • : .15/0 1 MOYEY! ' ' Sh°l" urmi ' ir .-gekr ` ie.s 4:171 ? e - lizii ' s ' l-P. " - 11 :` , . ,--- ', 4We li i i N u g hnul all-ft. C,' , 1 1°17. !- ° -li' l lf 44111 ! 17 "1.t • Re ', s 11 - 4)"1 C.3. - N,L'E SAVED by - lin:chasing :Of r°3 %P i tlili•:' s ''' ,'-_ "; " " ',, - ,i; 4' : 5, -I,' 4 tail Ilriff t'f4 Frlit . s PO' bpl• ,• - ~. .1., ' 1 I. trirnpnialt 4.- Cu,"t Binghamton, who keep clO smalls se at-. ..--,;,-,-_-:----;:,---. i */),,„ Keeltr7s, Coedf4 Ccirbiini/43-.. . ,t .e iargegt n.5..-iortinent between •N,ew York and '')s, 5,, , ,, 4. 9 ti, blISB• slisirs ,‘,.'i Tl:e , :Ka _this' Ultra or mediestl. drseovers- Ant, itleilltittiti 111 .- Drti.t4, Medicines Pitints , Oils.,•Threi 0 1 `3 7 .-ever'.4... klaithriafs names!. Ebel), 'llarnpi, l / 4 - e the most certain and 15 riec4 - ',£:116..A7 fori.diArauta stuffs, Vernii-hes, Matti; 13-ushes, Chensicals, liat - *trent. • • • • - -' i dyseuterY,;ellolciutinsrbos,eliblerst Infontsini;sholic eat Medicines, : l'erfumery; rabey Goceie,;:te:' .' • - ---* , griping' pains? datiikn(ty and f•-r derangt.n*TOl'Abe, WieduryGiasai l ef ail sizes ; Wont .7 by 9 • i the stomach cud barreluatiting frena teethini,tood • :,..:. 1 . -- • - • • nat.A • Susquenania 4"v' 'a i ter '"'' iiy.lidaea "rieaas utifu edt t font. trittzzaccr•tr everal new-and shinitiEc -•1011 litil7RS:4o-11/VAlc td ot"--='• .+ru othak-s9 executeemY " no PrePa* go. saiiPT ~; FAryrrAtat stick - •rl:..,.iv•Kr.rt,Asi: • • ..• 41 : =l-:;t • i4r7 "g Ai MA ILS, /tat : P'--P-052743, CJ rl)s, A? :7 -. 0.11 -- HcKs)--te7' d with des" atclL,j tair-priresilt.n - • tie thmug": its 4 at, f i ew • matep hisw,•the iiibreint_age • • - atimx, fident!7ll,l%. %.44 tisfaction a - • • . othose favoring Ili theii pitionage. _ Bchool Tickes" - tf6ads etc., mill tre printed on-short nottee, on 'good 1 41t - di'Of Panka iiiinaVaillild'for, eon . ..411 . 4 . 4141!,a4, 11 . 1 . V . 1 goy ve Job PI - toting to do :fi d it 10 tiiik*Oiis ei4l.,fit. 1 1 / 4 . I;EGIST4II OF. luoittro Cub. .~. n _ r BIIi4 I EII4.t.OWLEIt Attorueys and Counsellors at Law. and soliuttors:iii eluineert;', .I)llltaiirti. - 44 - ClarlreSts.. - Claieago, 111,' Joni o,3datterr,' OnAntrs4.Torn:Ert.:•: ..11,eynoi si •. 1 - 2.- -, T__uLpßS, S,hop in the room offer 'Cr. 1e ,s - Store,. pear ,thit - ,Frankila 11,001, :.41LICOLTIa`.' - .l3oTral, (ISREititfirieirSTßEETOca r 1..:11 1 " .- 3 7 cia."- - A. F. Salisfzurc etbzp riciyiy - br the pritic_ii*l;;!=il.,' . .. bAtlandiagie - ' ' " 4001CWELL VTINTON..& Co N :;. AUFACTURIF:4S mad . Denien in ,S:r4m /144.0aps„,..Pr;rs, Viabrellas; Paip- • Ribbons,' . 20' courii4ntit treirt,, 3 rSW-To4.,(ap.staini:) - - .125.14.1 TALL: - 4-1101 . T.A.T.1!)«.. TriNT.O7. :Ti HI liIGSTRUADater in Dry CriXiterv, Boots and Shoes, ite..,Suirtatfrizna 1; 1 1,01; Pa. RENTLEIA'IITCH 'Attonitys at • inv. - , ritoe fi.g. , BILDWIAT. Manufaeturerj of Satldleilirpesses,.Trun4 On Turnpike St; MoistreiFe.:. • - WILLIAM' SMlTillt CO. - fabild • . . 114 keep eans(antiv on ,hs.od,o Etta,' • • as-'ort aiene , 6l*lT, 0:40 ',.Ciarigt 41.0.11e.f00t, of. loin WM*. JESSUP - L -WM4 11. JESSUP; liontrate,;.:Pa.= l'inetie in Fanner/newt, Err:Altaill, Wayne, Wrxeing -• ALRERT:VIIIMBERLIN;Ait, %.,-- , etc, to A 6 - d7.6 ce of tt and lanqt4 fl.ll in prosnulgatii4 the citP):Li!tc9..', _ ' • ". ~' :-... --- blesring srlah this rernedi affords. nnd theft= .ds ';'. - "• - ..,.Q .., ' - 7 ----'---- uof hearts and'humes havo.beed made -glatt:nud to cg.l4 - , It gEks, :Saddle, Harness , & .re ciao _ that /remedy has been found ~..peedy. i , I Tem* MannEseturei--sbop at; hisdtrelli *akin 1 and powerful in removing-disestse.. It bl'iwkhdaith, 'Dogissionth of. Ilia vi ll age,"nn Main Street, Mont: '1 an d „drives .tliseasp away; iii =pre preeftma td Mettl'a.-- '. -.` ' -',. ~ • - '' '- - i niotbers than -gold or diamontls.- . --_ -A. :: I I .m - Orsti 25 cents p.n. boti4e, eufficieut4o cure 9 out • 410 casett, and it is gnat - Meet] to eune 99 hi every lt',Q rases. ', Think of tin.s,inotheN= fathers • - fgrShip vrrners,, captains of cOeeta,filinterw fanners; 44. 1. , , ifi11'i1. supplied %Whit, and nothing -_••=t-gut...forjt ttitfails to give satiiketion iti every the tiVgaisatten-illVVtetins, and sari __,, Dr Keeler's , Vermfft; or •Wiitp.. This remedy ii a eertkin speeifie t . in destroying all varieties tillVoritut. , :ierh,td#en like it. Ibeklwe is small, and tit — lit'hOttlentitttlins ;font: .time's the Ammtity• of worm medicines- EPTY rePreteati =_ ; tiaa \ taqehinz thew ;nag - tines will be found true.,:;- Mr, it. rrkte 15'2ente. -- --- -' .'' „ I , - ' ,r,,' I.forlestittionislcand certidestes--noth' mfidtif tions- Almatunts Aunt Cirridars in the.-band, lot 1 A Mt*. •t•PrAll4ed Ati , , 1 0 . - 81, Pine street; .lit , Irofk;niefOr sale`- .by mentaiate and 'Drugii'ls,., thrrothm — at'lltetittited States: I For ..tde liy Attn. : Ttintet.N3fontroisi;' - 13,. Bunitto Sew Milted t;'. S. ORrier, Sin* . v: illel-Ginv!, 41 - rothers, - teriiix; - Caipenter it - Stgey, Harfoid;''t Ateittii:Seott2thxint Send; W.Binintrs;Gibsmi; 4C Wickliivn, Friendi• ' vine; B....risti.#,ltrigticiiii ; -• Welle r ; Chiral A Cu., IhPmktirt -13 . 1 1. West,-Sniquehantut vill_age,wad trAnbaritii evevywhentk 7 . , -.. .: .-_--; :.,. , , ..-,.. .--- L. , P0i . 11134M4, -- Mtiretat quebnima, Pa.;. Office ,on one doDr east of tenlaeires:' • - AttirOldt4w*. lufrtbonifjr!i:. 4 1 4 14: COVEDLER,:fteaI .!_ Ci a Wry ' • tifililarßeadY Wade .". n t iw g' 441144:14 . mart sitc. Pr-bile Avenue> 11. - .IIOPILUIERc Ithinierat t 3 as - 36:ifey; : a.Pea Fs Stpre, ffoq - utt t -Public ..kreuue,laccibiise„ Ps — Ms ailkd ireaidence7o;CP*44,',i§-eLL a.; Mention, Pa, 4ST*4O' Deidtts Grodeties,rr,64:ffly: l ,llr.lird ware:Leatbet, Elcistr,Oc.,popwf of Itralialie:latrcet anciTuttlie _ • .-:•!"' bebri silo Sit , a%-sori, 'waters, ( - 414:46116te,CiyekeAy.tr4 14 , 31 % etc 4: ealV wag BOAKBIEDDIG bi11kw.1)1;1".41,1,40,.3re11ue,/icel.rose*,Pti. LlVlsroluv-ecia maw, immionfam: dioak:Laui*medielaea, Paints, 4 34 lealazdwApe;Crockerjrilron, Clockey-Watchtri - lemirtoilifferfipions,,Pitrfamiy,-4e.—Focit 1 , 1 61012% ^ C. D. Vial 4. StAwl and - Diesigpgyhl Ear -I OW:. __ • haw's.Heill. tomer of ..a.kustinli I - ."-'•` 11132„:14.4°,1:4;ytRaR tilt * 1 : • • I.' . 1, face in OIL 11,,,mi,ntro,- :rAt,..-,-Plato ''.'2 , l'. , "--L ,j,, „j• • 1- . f tlio and Turn Pike ' 6,116e ` 6 ' ------ fiiiii - aid' il? .4 l(fi I eti.l) mite it* 416ti ''"' ' -1 , , L id 1 pork done vierttle - bet't /Da' Zvi ' 1 „' ' -.A. - I W und iii*A4tbiii.,tiittis 'a' vle. Charges,f• 1 . -- . c 1) I n a rApai ti most i mPr*v - - ' -° ' !Wile wm. assup atwit t er - 1i ~..a Wy, 1 Bop9pirP eii-all i tap i e m ut finiFy Dj -- / a t - '. . _And COid lONEII. OF , DP.E.,...5., - 1` , .."4116 i larZe?lsso,ria , , Lurcl:..: autip4 ,, ~ 6 ot.slr„.. .---- .A .18 ,,, 8 k w in -attend to, ail l titssinett .1 GrP , :eiieic CrOlet, / _ a: ~-,.. .. 0,1,..., . ii,„,..f..... , , 4.. aldfuleum, i t t g A n e lo ,a o P l-11 ,„ , Nit-ramlb es ,y - 4 4 PapecH c l op4i, 0 ,61,4.1 41 bn with' Prmq t, / , 0 1 - by Lice. Y an* ' ‘.4'4 14101411144 4-1L414"-' iiitli 4 d- . " eAt-*- / Calk ire Publicaquares4" F- - '. , `PILI4 Oilg: 1/at" -1 4 I be 7, 40 .14 en- tiin,„/ , t . -- , 1-- 4-ler _ t o v o.-In i , i . ii - f or - i e t t, " ili - , . ,14: pr) , -1 1 ' ' - ' 'A I mcol,.zkr .uffatt I 41/4 -' , ~. -.-, = -, •-1-. t- I i i WaT giurzywOOD l , Altair , ~ , AC S 04 Ad' . ~ „ - . : , VEtor" . " l"---i ' 4 2, ' l6 c Aim') le -' ;. , :Cigtgrentilook. ' 1-AtVg: 794i11441 4t -a Plt,'", n Illit i :1 1 ; • *, * J rbfluu it ....— tt . 0 A t Lin-pi, yv*turek . - ~ ''. :1 ,:.... xtSeXt Cha i m "h" ,4 T 4, i'priff t 2 , r w milm r d i s9t, - ,4x 1451. . . :,y AffSl' "alkiiand` Vr".sl lo l 3 . -a " X ' fed' t r _- !,,. -4- - , .-,- ~ ,4 - , " mnr„,,,. 47,1,Ar0 1:1 ord INL. Paa•-22, - , ig irs ti v hiltintlis.' .-- , , r . 7 - 7Tv - r - 77-74 i ff f -• ' ... ._-.... -.-- -r ' ar -.--- -- be le i t tu t i- kli,, ',. c --;•.• 1 71 -'--. T 11Y-174 r7Eklittlf* . I A'"''''' ;-, _ 11 - O t/L ' T # 1-...rx--- -- .g,. - ''4• a s f Cast 4 -•., , A 4 , 103 E, alk - 14 Pt' 1 --x.e.ti. A a*.4lareLttAli i ....„P. 0 . it ' '' .- - °I N 4F4171.,i" "14"31411 1414e-ii For Sal f 1-4r644 . / ..On ' t it itiii ."I. ' c ' t,.. '- ' 12$;'' ' ' ii St4reNtlll4 IL' ,r l ol*- : - ' ' ate Is t- tiren-. L lib s • . ~.1 -. ,la aa. ,-' a,, - ;,..f tee . off; 1" nrSinf Cherry* 5,4 ", ' -- - v - TityvEff - I ur A te 4-, l'S . / ....,... .... ._ , yx, yr tili Witt, • - MM. i nr al o w i 111g4- ' Ate. ,i Pipe end llvr r e4 . l " r e,l7,l7rtx ZWAIMPIFT 1 &If/WSW ot 7* _ ~` ~'" ~ ,' ~~lliTF+ Cot* tho mita—) • , . ,-, Ter : i'a e , , - rrag„itkonse aniiipt,lata...theyesidiaca of J....Virc, ifAr:OW..V§ 4 .I. : . dete4 - o. l 4ltliai jklite:lfii-i , rotiiii a "'Sibutit6e.,- Fii, terms pi" 41e. ailigir ito 'ale ,subscritwa. at ,C4r.cgo.,,N. - 1",., tn . t,f t a, 4Fti . • - z i er : ., wakiiii t i*. • ....„ :. .f, - _. • .-_,- - - - , ~ poil i i, .:.'-;, ,-.- ... • ' - - rt, Ati7o4,.', •,.; Aria .SC) 1E1544 - • - ' ~ E . Ra:yissfitriL • , ...: rvou TO4 ~: f:~~; ~> :. OVPCS, 0 inr4IABTREET ' r i IL an :CA ppro led Sitar dies , l ragainct Lim _or Damage by. Pirit: teblsn 113- Broad. street l. Peter O. at. wuce iireet OR* Insure iQ i. terir wa's stre e t;, - i)„. -' a -• ' ' U. ~Finsay :3 #7 West alceot , Cook lin, 11101Greeriliklitrie4-4iiiew/A-Ciisibv, 113 • -Broitilsc:=Chail Lent;',Ximigsbrk `!l.7l`.;:;Lat nibeit O t 1111, Chicago; 111.- e - Ltimit ' , Roth est•Pr.LNA;;Nitlian; 'W. Letatuk '', ;•.• '., i • ter ilt r ,lioas.l4 138, Ikulk:s4o44 , =• ; ; •:- - • ' 1 cornier Westify#4l. .j... ' - • - ' .; 4; . ''"tl- , ► -: _ Waiac.litreet4 :,, '.; , 7 .`''.: - ',118" . •.. , '' yi•iri:i _._totio;#N. Gallo, - _,.!... ...,._ , -mad ilarross;:streetk; ucter ; ll. Fog; , : : .7. , - .4 : ' ,„ ' , % MI ~' W es t : , Re u „,' ' hen Rftks. Jr' . • .- , • t -tine.; • Stephen Crmai.i., I well;-Volittlie .-' " 4•'• VIA& Mrtulleigh, pliii;,- , Deitjtr 1.. Inttlgollit-IV:iter St • ;.. or! Sl'ispliir,! Ms ; . eituik!rogi ;Samuel B. • elefeland,'ll3ll6; — • ' -- tit . "-::: . I.:` ' '- ' r - 4 :1 11put Mri*ignittix, Pr*Lidept., - .. --: bulieti:varelLtitxis, - Seeretawy. - , ' •.' '''' • ' ";'• , '-9114/ti. 11#1,19,1V14,Agant,14ont4o, Pi:. - - - i'', - • --- 1 . ,,J . ..-.'''' '- '.. , :r 1 Ifift---la esOltead. This., . ,„,,,, 1 , t - ... -,,,:-... 15 . E ... ,,r , i , . .-. -.\'‘.,•. 'acisk..atotcon - _ilk ies it o n . ' / : -_, ; . . . - teld:,„siiiniW, toliin Alt- i. •'/-, , . ,-, -,, i':_tit)ser bop!, iiillinity 5'•,,..A 1 .-. -x . • .4ititiratvektivdofompripini yel , .:;.,.../,,,..: ... . I ,- I. "'met,- Satin. Silk and Straw Hatt; • -- , i 1•• '''': '''l !•,.. geinatis;-Siloevea, Undei•hindker- 1 - l' ;•'ilii ,; •:,6-t• -7.-_,:' ,. 'l , e fs;lanil iss* . not kials of .era Ftin:Atli:rigs 1 . .k - Rilil Trittlirlillgit. Dress. Caps - nod vd "rrioug. olhit.littic — h..sltatally.kt•pf in faney elicips. • Montrose;NPF l 1 0 , 1133 .8, '-: • : - , _,.; Rooms' under OldrAifi r o - Ws . Milt f • ' • ' . i i i Ili . i 'l to 28 1;v . i% Putt'., I mat Brudes, °mama Brtt‘h [te . t . , ! Phi;s . bare, -- ,t4ter -thiugs.--to?,uutuerutAlu . il m(ntirn i :this a lice: ~ .. : ; . . , 1. All of •hick. e p!e4e ontselres ti► sell, On.as sd geda 7 t .t: m they 'esi*he hopilit ie the elty:'of li"eis. Turk, or glieulaire. We are *pieparedl.s ' eorisUirtt.'jis; at the law es.) supitty 43::1./en:,its well as'. tt luariiet rates. L 431PM/IS - ettl: • _ 1-128m3 '. - _ Tun 144114 Sleek,. Si ghizatop. , . , • ... - i Thtry g e :By Special Appelittirt at. _ Tr; 'NOW VE'ALL - gEN, that is-Z,tre ride' - slot- - ; IN 'sett aieri Pim*, Charles _Durderr •Theepjto- ; las - tuidf- and Henri Fritz; of:the worts a • s.-.anst_iy.. 'nb& aPpoifir Pro. r -.1.. 'ASi. — SINGL li - rWaite inaker, of Mon .. ;and' WH. SING, TON,, of the afore said plum. to be our Sole -Agents for the State of I Pemnsylininia, rind this said4p:filament to extend ' 1 Stiuth and West. - : : 'll : ; :- . • ---: : , We tiliptiiifirit to he at .„-d o pay 'all Law costs ":instituted ,ti - any, infrwsgement Oli ;this our .erciofratrent, and` thii.tre set our res.:, 'pecticit .in and 'kale i k the' pretence 4of -Cr).a 'nein., 111. DtrysVP: He ' ue:-.' Dated in Switz erland this* firsr av of Jan , 43-;lti*tlie year of our . Lord'orie thtittiand eight hundred ... aid fiftf s wo. 1r .. : .ti - .., ,: :.. ~,- • - i.,=-; JAEN:PIP:WM • '`-' -', OHAIf.I 2.5 . D11P It;'• - 1 -'---: THEADraSDHHIDT; i 3 -, HE.WItt FAIMILIIL,F .' • ',' Effi ,xigairandtgroiCiAiT store. 4- „ , ..-Dourca n' PATRICK ' . : • ' llTid respectfully intii ri n Ms Animerouv old iV - Ir Avillittied fliel4iboth timid out or tbe . '-:- ro,..fesSiou, - aird the Public in n•eueral thit ho _his . ' t embarked intim Sillnlietrbissiness, Mid lba:s onee-oe hand,.and is sti receiving...a' full end . Ir#llohosen assortment of ti ery thmrse the liiie of •:.Pft i gNitediein ~.Grociiiii4; llyea-Pitinti tie.; ..aliof which be will sailor Ciedi or Barter- - upos lu r tvmst !' thKberipest ' :ad vintegeow terms to - tha . rchaser. reference tri his Drugtand SleAticineisi he would • ply state. dint ilieti •ereie - Sehietea bi . -Money f the: ertribli6lunent.of 4II!‘ :Shifferni; Baines d: isse , bf Abe most. reliatilkia - the - Olt"'' 'of Neer I'm —sulk foi 'purity and:exeelletice be - believes lye netervexcelled. it equaled .tif - sinf stock tivw ore beintglif into, Servals:lde Qoent,7:' Bis Stock., Groceries' is full and events:4l.olk Ind ~- . .catisequtetl ean:he: sold cheap, -,.... fa-the .itho - 4 1 few Choke! tie for Medicinal prirposetv.erlilth -he Can sitortlies totrossmore inferier artittle lime Igeneriiiiii. Wit boa& for; Please ,calliiefore pur ,ehasing elieerhre.at the oktirtindralt-Wrii lieu in:tbe - beadier 'formerly known as - 1 he - Fpx; ,- w e t C Su m e r ° P).9 l .l t f' lo 4" .l4 .l. l 4ffice- u . Yrl..?:er'` - 1 ,1 4 40-.-- •: .., -.:?, -; • • - ~. - r.i 001 Socks, , Driest App, 3 V i . lE `' l* -0446 4106 C 11141 =ket lrb*4- -toii9tAinvf - 14 1 *ighs *pout, 330 , i , r , *, l ,tper,6 o . = q ua, 4- - [,foi 0 , doodt al iall!aill,Cast . :7. 1- : :: .. 4if•z:..t.t> - .:1:4;:z3: , ...:' , ' ..ci.3". 444 b t:49 : #tep . 4 , l4- - :-' , l. 0 -,- --- . . rt• r - E RRITT fri iiew:teiiiiing 'isoii ii4ltti& i ma.* J.liii.':` -; , .9ritkoir.htt' ''. - * fiFiphOpal +stir/44 ,- wood or Coid, and in • - ' 'liritik'' bit ' ',:' : 411 ? 4 X - ' 0 .4 taste -. ' - and . toill: plete 44 v , i • *,,_. milost..gebuit: a s i t i 4 1 lit" 1 ' • - 1 P - • lairiWa , sWeiribi l- ;tat 15 1 . 44fittigfOON ..4triFliVeilbletz 7. - ' .;--1 ;; ; •IIISS - AtirtcOlqi*- 44 , 0 4 0 , 3 0 , ~..- 4 . 4.144 ,4 40 4 043h 0 kik w ,git : 4 1, i " - . - 4=1„:) , , , ~..,: ~... ~,.. _ ..,) , ...__, ,16 : 14 , . , - . 4 tee*, yevtAt,7wea krt l ito,i4cre 4 , _ -: — .f' , ..'.:- - .... -,.‘s,' -, :- . ' . .,-.4- , , ,, ...,e , _- 1 -.l 7 Vg.„4.74, 4 k„*" .4 '..g.tigu . wardt: 4 ".ks.**- Gstul k _,„,...... T ',..,'+ V.. , : • ..'l. ~, ,-. , ,. . 2-_,r - „;‘,...- (p . ii*Aptfl, ~ 4 ,ltiliii4.o.)or_fi wiliotiedActoustia 0.-ittru *fretupletio,im . - arefoquoool3.l)caltfta Atolugehlrnate : - 4 : 7 Sri f iekOeffeo4 yoke IsOrgitiatel ' el v ilislic 4 ,tr 0 100 4 4 4 . ;j- - 'w . ,:i - -li3 'al.) l /(111"0/14:-:•1, sairj, . 4349 ** 'W . ' Ofwifffrifclaiffiiiale., .:' Ci ''''' t *''' t ' - hI O WI V I *D - ' 1: If i lcw 2' .- i r .. , ft :: : .Atomprobarsa t _ 0 _...„...... . -1447". ~visik.ir . I.olftvar t fthro-v 1: - t 11 r .5 , 441.15X1r•ar 1 / 2 -, ilotitiri ttEbiiiattos -Awl oath tow✓ fe.P.rgibliratii4mikogliho, . • i ,) •- ' ' - - "-•-- •• A' ti:4E.v.41., 1W 0 444 1 *, ; -, , . . L 73 ,llkl aft it . 11 7.. . ~ .1 . 1.,, , .5.50,Afti;,. t:.., , ,,.- c :, - , ,, : i ..7 1!ge.,.. ..... ~ ..' , -.:f' , ..: ...e-7-: 1 ,4 ( __, 11 ... 1), alk- - 1 - 4, 10,10(Mitip, "pft - 10# 4 21 - . 7 , c 4 f-2, -; ? l t i tY:::,ti... : i ' v . t.;:i f- V , ' , ;)i34-4 . 04-TC:! , 0 , ,, - ': 1 4 11 .4 1 : 1 1,10i 4 , : T - 17 Aidtriti:- .:1 • -, :-'I- '. '- ..' . -'1 -,--t."1:= , , , , ,,, - - v4tr.zha'.*_•4:<;;lli ,- f ,- •.t: : ',_4, - I .i; t i':'' ' - i - 7 4-,. .::::.; :4 - 1•;:. -, _; L:. 1 7; - : -...C.14t: 4;=" ... ,. 'l -A, .- . : , L -- -. .-7 - --:•.• 't, -' - -7, 1' ~„..„...,,_ 7 ~._,...„,,.....:...1...,,;rua1.r ..,,... ;_, - a - 4.1,..-,:.'4:; , :1 , i - -i , ;' , .," , .;i';',.; : i14 5 0.‘4,11.44.4...Vrr... - ...a."0 3 ...%1W . ./,..- :''... 4.4TA.,U4C4 3 , 447' -:;,-----,- -i 1 _- -.-- - .l.Amcc a n d arr r'...t:rt , riel,gl -7 , er • ga t 6, in - i . ‘ ,...';) ,:. 1 .- - . Nt1i4 2 14 I f etiffe,.. ° o.9 '' • -' V - - N-LLIIIPCttiI" l -:' : ,' % ,- ••••-'l , -- , i. o.__i-4: lit a-- - .-$- 1::i - -'---,-* S'l IT.4.Ti7l,alifiTigFikTUS.t/1F..-;--,, ...,-, .. , . 1 ! lit: esrelellyridapted tetlitt:wantitor the:lintne •" • - :.:-,'..)-' . . ''' :', .ORT(.3INAV : T.4.IiES ".:' '"- are of Ithe biahhStinakii'of Merit; litiiatriatittiiin- al, froini-i'lrtitifi'44llt4i Matte V;Ttillit, t .T. S.=jkipintr.-Sirti:Deniettet,, - littlL ; E. V. tattkitnis; and otliers: - .1 - ItS' ' _ J ' ''' 7.,.:" .. - c ''' .' 1111scellaneous, tadk - 1: ,:r OrtisfrOi'Beleia -riol:Deifiriii!*# : - - are under the'zilacitoteliilluparrision. and the steady aim of its evductor , tiv to'furnisie-a:paper for-the famiiy;-_,wh-Wwltile it,.premotes i refined 1 gayety-and wbohiseinechoerfidnew, shall sdisgen- - ligiors.the mind. and -ealinws :the heart.- Theo - gate is :the. ads:Death of-ell the great inlets, of •histnainty4, a filets:lA°- Witienalprogrest, and -pro-, coeds. upon, the istatiple, that ftha;yataili is ths,..! . true nursery of- wetland. virtuet greatness alittglo-' .ry., The temperance coed as.une'uf themeat ins. , Turista and mostweededisf Modern' Worths; tot r mandsthe eerdislsidTeesey. of TAX 011001. - ondraill; important .nsortinietits.",througholit. the count:7;in , this.belutlf.:. are noted..l. In short. Tom Chou ; by employing a vatiety.of brilliant minds, taf' idora its; Si i t ssaus departments., and. aiiio. tomtit:llly tit promote. the eujnytasnt • andit Onteieitts,of thii:FamilY,has extensigo 4-eginlett faittialf iii;O4d welcome in intelligent ' tilii. - oii of lrind - ..OU,,paper neOded - I.te„;bohieitii „ '-'-. Iliveiintan who woUld 4 4. k hi, lige and ibildren, Mt iieoft . 'tillitient aid" - , in 1 triiinim 'u I; his faintly in hi in mss; t'slioultlisabitcribn fur- thelfeir York a_ - WOrgim. 1 Jrc thablu . #49l4,thirips, ire'Odet„.,*_Anail 4t at lbeis : T ogs . Of„, yper" itatileiti itdianei.,, t is. jest Aliflime to subscribe; as we are about to bring out some of the, best tales we ltirro yiet4blishisk-'--_ : ''.- :- ~ - 017 erns ; iff lie: riopl4,Orggtsi . . `'he Orgy) it.published in a Large and beautifhl surto foon; and mailed everpThuntday,iu string wrappers - , tool! parti of the .0/died Slays, at the rgillownlyz eatratirdinary. low prices: - ... - ~ . .. - ~. . One ceatsueryear, - ..,..... • .... „„„ ~E,l„ a l p six cip5e,....... - ..„ , . ... -;.-.... ..7......5 00' . . Thiryiim gopies, . _ .. .... .. 1.. :...10 00 .:'lsw ,enty-oiglit..copi,. ... -... .-', .........;0 OQ E:'PrO Secir e The at the aboye rates, the full 'amoditt niti*Vbepaid us4tdrance. ',Jt,thity-be en closed * h lettor, with name. address,licialtdilie, County and State, to, _HOOVER At CO. 149Gns, : ' - ;01 - Nassuu street, liew - York „ ' „s- lee 4c. 4.pples,l. jiteXthXag. K-44: A SW2Phiti • ".$l4 ,PR - OSPE - CIITS FOR 1'354. • The Saturday Evening Pesti_ - - Z;f - 7'aicts , J „ •• - fiILIE Proprietor of the Post, In ii,phi - coming ; X -before the public, would return thanks for the generous patronage whieli has placed them feria 'advance oTairy other literary weekly iti l Anterica. /And ns the only suitable titan:fen. such aired and hearty support, theircurmigements' furl 83.11 ave leen iirrdo with a degree 'if liberality, probably !-, : imeci led iii - the history- of American necppaper "liters re. . They., have engaged- I ns c ontributors ' for d (twain'. year the followitr , brilliant array of tai iit and gepiu- :•• . - 11 - 391111141171 lEak-ralaZanelt,- -Wm. Dennk itoF, Oroic &ram-woad end Faring Pern !) - . , , In the fi rst - lit Rer 'of , January next, cc'e . dwg,u cerameneing au origlital.:Xoielet;vwritten expres-- ly:for our.coltrams, entitled ,TAr of, the-1171- denies.% by Emerson Ben:tett, anther ciT,..yipla,7 I"Cara Moreland," "The, '''..av-I,4.l_WiliZ etc, ,' Tors'. • Nork'velet. bY- the author of -'!Vhite, l liere4aV we I 'design following by another called , o Ste? Afietl er, by . Mrs: Slay . A. Denikes; anther ;of '"ii.tuit,-! [ ll Pietnree.„"Ctgrtrude ilusgl," 'ere: We "have nib M the -piptnise of a naiebe.r ,uf Sketehes ft,y, = Oraer 1(Ir ernacoOd;wlickse btillOft:tufalVemallle pen -will j ui rbe iliiiiiist. exelliiiieli e played. upop the. poet and herlowit. "Little - fib tu." , Idrif. guathwcirth, 1 whose ffisauatiiig works , now being rePubliae; 1 eil . iii,ltnghwitalaciwill 1 ' tail? licrAld pleasant Icennectim With the Post.- The I ntilty.,, - „...story,from . Iher gifte4 pen will, be entitled, .I!fricits, ffie ; girder rr, or thW-littal`rifie,. by Emma 11.;E, 14 atiuth wortli, a?thur, nt "The par..7e,-of r , CLlftoci„„" ~...Tlu4 L,eOT-geiret 4 ".The 11 - 1 e514 1 .-', l %'te• §te• 1 .- 44._ last 4 - not, tea- —we ore authorized . t announce a [series Eit'Aitl_ frond one,_ bi*:rapidly ruin, til4li It' pular faior. -They, %rd entitled a Aridsei-ifiof 4ffehr#,6r,. w ary Pea, author of. I sTetti-IL44deuheie-td,.i..We expe ct • to Orufiteiiee the I Skitelrei,bylViny'rerd..- - -aiweir as the series. by ! . ..9114ca,13.reetnif*I—in the "early numbers of the 1 Outung' ~,,, . Ikr4 l licri 3 O,;"nreign COires 11 ;56.1 1 Criee .4‘rienitit • o ral„Atiicl",l tho'News, CorGrt4sional:fe rts Lc? Ihilikets,W,64 , ' len.itfTtrbe, te - glittirkgri ii; '' - • I 'etti.iir lii -' ci...---: The ."&tufe.sitt th 'lkist .itr r.ny pert of th - trmia state,:uten - '.. quarter-t ly.tu qvance, s only ...!.ii t eents a. 1 -Trais,—lliktinns of , th'e*Alb- I num, payable _in ad Vance. ;'..-; .} --, - . r 1- 4 entlc' 3 , • - • • !J I . ••• P.•::.• • - • ' •ik fsf o o • 8 ' , 4 &ad ore to the getter; tip of ela )Itlo l ,oli 1 13 " And cue _to the getter ' up of C;ln .) fit k'oo .l "20 - -" (And, one to the getter upbt clu ) e20;00. 'The money . Tyr Clulia must -iilwaySizei et in ad canie: Subscriptwns nuilibe• sent It s tar OA- - When the sum 1-4 large, a . draft should be prOcuil ed. itpossible- 1 -the do t of which may be deduct ed from the amount4l Addreiv, alerays post paid, - . ..pEACON„it ,PETERS4g, . • , No:60 Saudi -Third - s:treet, Philadelphia Y. 11.—Atiy person . desirous of receiii " a copY of therost as a sample , can be accommodated by notifying ' the publislana by. letter, ( post : Judd.) ; .3 1 4Liaraant4usm- LatitittiVittiLt . , STOWERS & THCbtAt •.• -urrouLD -rullY ttnrioribrele the inhabit V V note of Oremßend Ina vicini ty; that -they 'are' noir. receivingnew'supp their, already large. stock ofS/oodS, in their new store recently erected* EfividThonias. The as sortment hi - rxtensimem*aeht every article w'u ally plied for, sad will patively ,soki ctreatren FOS CASlflllan ever beforeWleted in this section of Country, consisting of ' - Dr .Goods; Graersie, Priehirefrms, Steel: Nails; . - • `l3.ists Gad filkoes,-Floter,:fisleand A Salk ; idded to ten tharillind notions not enumerated- The subscribers wish if understoed that:CA.44 . -i! whit they most want, and 'ff*, Case will' ow* .sbutivhirtYpttesperjbattanyother establishment west 6( New York.. • - renientbei QUA Whatwe lett ',Yon &K O, Vatt'stubbnir'fnetareliktfile On and will, demoni. r tfige of our stock --0 a -"" ." 7 Alt - tri!iSe P irlio intik oC;ioing , to irmit.o.44listilp vilraiiis:o64l: ? . :%,lo :1 1 .,:tp thetiovaAtiget:triEaltit'pen STO WEBS /sz, , before `geing,fpithei,rfor we havn what lon all. want. : '`.36tt, Assinkiik- California, , : . Oran. 0 , , , T.40 or the - 0 16 14,:thilw - firitoi, ~,:- „.....„ b., ...., ~ _ 'K BOOT AN! 4St ed-dar4ll!" - - . A&T.YSIME 'STOR — E - 11 ii.4c4-i• nVer , filled,..crith a ,newpui txtem: iv vl so. arpenrtipent of articles in !heir liue, elabriehlig , genend variety o f _ new and-elegint- Sylen of , diojA-.4:ritilif**ol7o t r,- among w Vieb, 4ei;Preock filk.i f totinginnt . Pre., • liiß;_ . to ` .l 31 # 1 0.Palliaar 0 1 l i ai ; .0,4 env Iwfiet, ' L . liiiviiibilvon.YiLitiallititlVPl*ifair Ties; 4* tic a 'qviaa - A90 1 404.0 1 4: ja , 44, t r ic?4, tinned fall ‘b i i: ii th il i i iilloi4Rtoreas -: buuou Ga jr 4 r 4÷. 4 l :9 ll */ 161 , WigOtwit., l34 ?citv. - tolliti • sli mAturw. ' cspilOttell:vpii .. 7, :iii.ocans, #r„ :- ...i. vojc.iii&ilat. - 1 1 4;:irrlii4e:Aiptig, )9;1!4 TIN 'all liiii4t ,4 ?4, ~- -2 44 einchiltv , i!eif.- - idiii t g9k4 ,l ] L.'A ,-- 'f+T.:1:4 141 4%11:45 4 :044 1 t iv.;, - 4feh:fAiiitilt b ..0044 -4 40;C, aki*: s ,.., ', - 1,3 41 / 4 Eki,Pr444 4 ..4 0 1 4 artiAlf.474s , ''o l ll. '. :; ' - A o ek l 4l**:: ,A 44.-00 1 1( iumi. . -A,04: . ' • ' ' 4 l4:l 4 4oex • tikk - ooteliither,.. mir- - - ~.._. 4 ~, r. „..., ~;7:ii. i iikaiiMPOeingni4l4 - c.t..- . .iiit.i.-:A ,• ‘ ~,:ad, ".2 1 P. 1 4, 1 . i .4": . ANIP,/i: 1.4 , --! :11,. 4 - 1- g• — ..... :.,:. 1 , iraOlf , l4. - -::, oi-, , ,:_.: ;;. : .' .-4- . -,-,,i--_, nsuraio. • # 4. 4itle 1'0144 Cenipukies, 0 1 0 i tl4-ii , sr: I eat safe -• • State ,JEtaticarl :ffaii-isburg. $3O,OOtL. • i ! . ; '• • • , ' 1 1 40-0t ' 9#. 4 ; 4 , 4 ! 11 4 e 'g 4. • - •41 t t lAtill # ssoo' 000 4 uteitiAts.. • .....• . 46 . 1e4 " dif r ne. !Theodore Melgiitneo,s4tichardilkelow. 4 WML-hielleM Geo. Blitis.;Asins Weed. Levi P.Stone ileitryiSli Ely.,;dammiLtiw, Charles B r liateli....f. 1 B.Tfinelinsem, Weak- • Lambert, Bulk-, A ley. Lewis tterbouly— ,lr., r Levi- P.'lltorton.''AMOS 1 T. -Dwight; Jahn o.ltelimn, Cha's P,Aildwin; Gem.' C. Collitia,looo. D. Morgan, • -- Lucie. DoeniniT. ! htemenger;;David Banked,: CeplumlL-Nortren.C., .Bly. Stephen! Pauli*B.44% Bull. 'Alfred S. Barnea, Poci. Livekvrood,--Lneinot Hopkhtse Lyman I. IL frothimeilme-74iittalL Swift,- Curt ii ii Ward' A.Vori..Nathint' H. Stock welt, damea-hliephey, Win. T, Huster,Jhuthed' N.,l3arnoy; Heiner Morgan. fieerge rearm. . P. B. cueNeit.R.-• !Ilontivve:Sept. 14;1833 •`. • : I Cade .• . ... ... . . . .. . STOVESI::: . .STOYES'I t ..._. •Grea.t - lteitid "&" todeii:ri - illi' J .: - ;:' STOVE, ' COPPEIr 4. tiril, a ••SHEE T. IRON' ESTABLISHMENT. - ' -.. ' rr 11E•subicriber respectfully inforins thP publi ' AL. that he i bus received a large addition to; his (Saner stoilt nt Sliives n enuststing ot I irarietYpt . the •mostiipproied.iinds; among which. ire' • ~ ...... ,1 - • -,, • aO-IX-i*0X.:44,111:- rigfir,,.; i ~./.-.. Foßeiscr- - Qtr.bmv; --.......--. - . - ,5... -. , ...- ..Snlit . UP. 291.8.11 7 E5P; -- ,- , - . 0 , , .: - ... ~", - • --,IVESTE.RAT•-QUEEN, all elevated.livens. Of square. air tightStivesnre , •,.- • ... ,:•PfIf:PNIX, PARAOOAr .t=7ft-:. .••...-- ':-• ' - • .. 11 7 E5T.611,,P I-AI I F1RE,..,j,-:, -. ,- ::),i. - , ' - • - ORA NGE Ant i 2 . 1011 T, , : '' • - '. '' -- - ' (T,AritED:STA TES, ' :' :,'• - , •-- f - •' „ . FARMERS, UTICA COAL STOVE, A. variety .of l'i:emintna l some of new style; the - ; WA Ll.l C I LL;•AIR, TIO lIT, FA R.VERS.. • A-gond and-various assortment of rarler'and Hall. Stoves fur Wood end Cpal. - Box Stoves of vsnions'sizes and patterns fie is cUntinttelly-reitiV-:, ing,efid Wendt tnkeep . as great a vairilty of the moat populat%istoveices any denlei in the country:" Persons wishing to parchaseisMiel.will find It to the it interest- t:o tall' otlidm; They . n fin d liii i• . , . ••• Sti i*e::Purruture ~.. -. • - .. • . . umdepf the Strongest -find-beat materials and , is cheap its can be .bought in air or _Buninee - ecnirit' y sad much betitlVL than offered by pedlars. ',1.?• - ir4rStoi - elipe 'lt -Thi Ware keA• fur italii : and Made to arder.. - .liarmnie will be suppliect, with Pffinit,_made4stiong materials, at Wfinleaate pri.' et'.5..51 110 4 1 • 14. nii 4 torX . , l ll l ?ls lin& will be thatlk ul' : iy, recoiled antlpuntually attended in:- -- . • ,:-. -•— , - 7 ', 1 „- , %TORN C : OLST9N :: Great IlMid,-July 1, . 1-852. - •_tf.. .. • • "Sq,'QVES 4 STOVE& 4 - . . •,•• • . • isErzsas. - • • rirtHE vete - and) enow kids" retniml us of the ' IL fest pprora of the fro•As Ohl' greil'llriater, when one of th ,seunsUrpassaide„and higlOy appthrtd Shires trona the most titefisive nua.uratorip4 in the iYaion Itleesr.s.Shear aTitei - . I ardltiaCerninfrispeniethle,, to_ crety'"fionliy:" 'lV:e would, r4ic :mama* to the eitilens,OtSias-1 quebanna and adiuinia;t counties that ire.haveliii.t. received and are.reobir - lugthialargest. and fiestas. I sot-tau:et of StOVes-teser,introduced info s Eiliterh 'Penasylvania he cold at the verfloir.-.1 est Cash 'figure. Thole.' -who are in want of.4taves I -wilt find . ); to' theirinierest to call and tisaMine our . -variety lettiriparritasizig elsewhere thev cmapiise m pities' , - ITiliferl Strifes. „Oriental; .Parlor. • I Isaatte a Queeli.E. 0. • ‘• .! Five Fancy. National Awfittit ••=t ~ 111OrningStars , - M 1 ttage 1 ." • FarniersAir-tie , lithe. -'" The tihOre'Stovei are tbo_ceell'ktkowni,to any minute deseriptioliheing afl it approved Stoves in tnarket. •An who c 1 o se J to favor us with-a , wsll.he showif_througlr our sersortment theltrlair , ' --EatOlf4 farlained Ofie,tricettori7 ) . rd; Sept-4853.: r; _ - -• .- VALIIIIIILE LANDS :i • • .FOR . ' :SALEH - u oristiLLE I XONE-110417,: j t * oit-5500 acres r of Lsuol mi . he water& of Spring ,I3rOok,n bianchof the .I.,ac 7vanna tiier, in.Luzerin cow; ty, Rettifi: about midway . hetWeen . the, thtlyint i euretem - tfith ‘4l — lal§,timbci,4liii being :isitnate in,the*Most extensive, mineral;: region -in Pennayl-.. vsuiiit:;—known to contain lion Ore / anti helfered tc, abound in 'coal. and beini , also in, the immediate ' lof - 1 iiiiii.ut •t• d - -- -- warn y s—cern s, mac le an now- m.pro, greaoffer_lto 'the Capitiklist an oppnrtrintty for . the m yciitmentorini)49y that.sieldout occurs: F*, further. * intikniation'apply to N. P;ll6saelt; tsiti No: 11, Wan,isi rellti . New Yerk,iof tiitheiultiitter: at_ 31ont - to*Ci' Swig ichanna:county,TPa.,llm . attat- PeYig fiko , of the owners. _ t._ • . ._ ~ , . -WCH 'REPAIRING, - Aw.. \ TipE AT OLD 'ogrAmp ALCWI3II. He resumed the; idloofe rutmed v btutinens,.under. the Anenagement Alfred Snyre,tevectlialksoliet front theirOldr, customers thatline, a return of their pa ; Mr. SAi --- atii'ekpetienCed and ikiaffit - wa003,6, tuning busineinind foi -inirff..3*4ls; Worked irt , seime oltho'best shOpo irtlretr c York ty," cow*fent to do any k* o Ivork thi 1- rutty - ,le,entrastedito hint. - Prornptacit,_ntoderatisr ge.t. ai d'the;tuaririrtyof all gond Watehett.,,wetnint• "liar seenre Aare of patronsi,";7.. ; , Giddt,ings made iiot:hi of ;Ire ' MOritriie •' : • Pioettatitation. yaw l , TA/1121M &S - C. D. Lathrop ea , A.Alfoodion ; - V V : 7 -hstiel tOrtiteilla "io-par!nerailip, under the mine and - firm C. D. Lathrop &Co., in dealer* In 1:1179V.E5;77.1V.A.124:d•c4, aid whaterrititAit desirable-Ant ttie4ittneraltould be_inade - kndirn flo -the; publja; Tor- the publit pad as Well 'scour or •-• t • 2 Notia isflietriiiirettY'gi!in - tif the Mifiti Pc 4- pleotibinfonier:zeig-the region ieemB abnut,lhat - Irenisty stilt - hi Maud lebotintatotir-yoCaMoka,lo the - old. atat!d:oulltimt Street' uthenime .hapPy, toss oar friendiyand tnauPptyllteirtr - !,A ,to the.beet4 ourabilit*: -!` ,0.0.`14.131 Montier - e..,Feb.-100433.--.'-, S • v:AT, *oti- . ..triefE Ak - ; , ,4wpitaariP ,disooseoirkii.thenedrst, .- :A* lithio:tife p9sl.- caul t nd eFoni„„ F,':".-1"' . _,.. . . AMAN:i .,-- '-o . g itteotf - iiitijt* , -- -- - -i.titifiplir OA -1 1.1?7,. A b 0 • f - , G -, ;aa~! iiiiii"citswiners. .- - . :- . -7-9 . ,'. -" --4 '-'l , Yfri''..-, ',j a i /N.14 , i-e o ........: . ,- .... ....- ... -......:::.:...,.. .„..,. : ..,-.,, ..,..; ,• ..r - i . i ri „ 1 4 ,-- —, - ...:;Z4 1 .7. ''A irao -' . 1 i e t --.lt, .17-7r7ir -. 4.1 . 11...Y,t.t .4-114iihri40:12; 3‘, : ,,1: 4 ;i . 5. ; wilt:101.14 9 05 1 21. -1" ;4.1 -,47444)414,- " .: :bit._ '1 • 4011,..c ..- -- - . P HT•1rf10 .1114134 V3240: .1414141*4 114-74i l lt H ' .= 1114: 0i; , :.., ' ' . 4l o7r+eitigli t .# , tir:,Fic.l. Alt : c li i 1 Iliiiirotrartif 0163Tttiltitilpii-,,,e4 liktelliVie- 4 i leIN* l l l6Ol OP.. t i° ,! ... .!494"iftPr-il * Nilig* . ....,I,o,Kofrote - tir iate - r: - : ~. T .- .:- .•,---.". , i f . A..=-,',.. .r...-•• , ..:-...- ...N. 0.,1 ,, 4 0..„i kc ii ii i . 40: 0 i ,. : i 04. 4 3 ri c.,41. 6 . iii4,. .. InO:: 1 2. : - 110 Y de I ,' - '5ll l ' *. ---- 7-7 . 0- -',. ` ..' no , 3.: - . ., 1 , 00 -.awl , ..,, G 00.3. , :..:7....“... , r,:...5 . „2..7,• , f:- 4 :••t :,-.. riiii - 1 4:: .100' dil':'..-.744 17:i-i'",'•-.•14,7....-,..J,..t,::„1 -no .16. -ivy. Ai.,, ,, ,t0r..-,.;-' , „'' ---d0i.:4.. 7' no . .15. '''-96 ' AO' ''Llt, 1; '' -. t .. - .',, : , -• :::- : . not r - Stoe,Ai r tiriVOut44iiid rtot'-:.: --,.,, '.....'-:4 16:,iicro 'fitlliti 1 f44 4' .4 6 0 'nO. 4 1): , 424: - .‘do"''':.ls iiii4.44 liiiiiis find ber4t,, - • no 10.'• '- It 7 - del l akadir!itniktieuii74i44* - . • :..:):' 41b - 12:: I oo _,:iiiiiio :isir:.'ia‘i iCuset - *ifigiiri ?. 1 •*) .- 1 - t-ste - Ydat 3o0:14 - -..;•-'-:,:a., - ;•=, '-. : t :-,dol- , 1: , - .1 - 14;, .141, , 1. ' • ' fiai . . --- - - '44-' ,-- - : - 1:::' 46 - •:: i 0o - Is - : 1 tat? , -,.• -,-; fai 'Y'....' do :','",• ' t'." ao* no` r it. ) lll):74 , lo - ?"B6'iOifij '' . .,...'''' .2- --- r - :j: -no 100 - do':';'"fOt tin '''''' .:Ati v .:'`.*:.' . "l, .:: .-1 ` 1 4 0 .*',. "no - 18 • 4 212. - - de - ,'"`•"'Sei - ` 1 "1O ' r. '" ' ' 1 . ''..r . t,0 no 10 - 200" : 11O'" ;. ‘00fini" ;....' de' T "-' i f - • '''- i ilib 20 145 'do? . 101 - /Zini - " 'do .1 .... ~ , nu 21 190 . Au‹,.120 'int n0' 1 25.: 90/ 'dol.- .. ."413in • ."... "f t dii: .: - ..- " . ..de! , no - 10 - 40 ' - .46 !.' 34 . 'iine -- ',de ..'' : .:(leif ',;•. f 'AO '44 ',.291 - de aliiilui'' ''4o,. "•.': ."•-•: r , - .: ',: - I,lia_•', 1110-. 4 25 itr -. tlO!' 1 0 0 i iinl ' , ll(;:''' ~ 1 ,.;': - : ll Pf't 141 0 i l V,oll: . :fikil . " 140 im..l :- '''do -'.-• -' i ' .:"",.dier - ;, 1 1 : nilf 11 1 0 :1- . 80 1 Nei - " , :::45~,iiti0: - . : ‘l ....`' `V..-.r ', ,`"..." • ::` [no-..28' 'll . 'in'od iiiii,niill . *&ilo;iillini",_. * '''Y , p 1) 2 1 j 34. nef 4 , lrooi iii."'&o4 - 1 4, -. lniiik,, no . W.. 17 5 ' do'. 'l' l Xk 1-10 " - :: - ';'.ldO ''. 7",... 'lt - - dik. '..4, no Ail ~153 - .. , :dipi - .. - 85:116 .:: - : ;du ', : "2..1 -,,' .: do' : , .. An 04.3 8 .160 .. 'do. ,' 60 'ins •• -do '... '" ' - ..1:16 , • n 6 •34 150. - do . lB O. "jin . . 141q ...,.`1 150 i do. - 0 010 1ei,.. 4 ,' I. ~ I:no .t 6 200'..d0 ,; 17 1 111 . 1 . .2'‘,. -- do . -'' -,"," Ir.: - ' • dO.":" no" 57 190 - VW'' .- .14.01rii . ''.."...::d0 '.... ' •`' " JO:. .no - 88 'll'o . do': 100 :fin ''', - :'_?dti :."'".."' 1 - ,, - 40 .:... ,no 39; 115 do' " 9Q lin ..i -, do ~.. ..-... I. - , do . . 'no; 40 : - SOlidi tfii,s idi ° ' .',,;.-_,-- 1 1 6 41, 212 ! - do , .:•leo ifq"i:: .- : „7;,-. i.: - -.',- .... 7 . f . i no_42. 92. :.do.:: .sA:ifijit.7l , "' - dii'....- !i• ~.44'.:.... ,110-r,. et; :43 • 4 . do. ' All-`' ' .' _" - 4 41.4 ..1 11 7." - i! . r'''r -. : .- 1'' . 7 . " ,. .: - :....'J no •44 128 ao.: ...,. -'... - 1-?-441.4x - ii,,*,..5.:-, , i... ,-, . .110 .45 !.1100 de --IF - t . .i: - .' . : - '.. : 7 4 .. "..' f ;di . p r ..:.,.. , ..,,...;.ir5,i . ,.4 . ., ; , : -. no 46 .110 1 . ..Ai „r!, , t-, ~.. . - -...4-„,-,...- , .-....„...,, Wit'Y"f• - : - .;..4 -- ,..:,,,r,' - t• -1- j 1 no '4B - ./OCldefi .!, :1;" , r-'. ' , - :.5 - ..*'...T r k•! - %-kils - i . " - ;'.4.-•:‘.l , _ do , i no. 4 -0 , 8 1 /1.-‘...1c ; ._'4 . • , • , ;.'‘.7, ~ .- -; '4 ; 41164innibnin .' 4 no. u 0: 83 do ..,..058 ., :', '•;_i.... - TTi•;;'•:?•:': , a6 . .k.v: , : . i do' , n° al '. 9. '' ,1 . dd i''. , 00'*: , :.;.11:14!: . .: -.4 :',:' , :do.1- ~, , -4 - 10.12. - no.. -52;, 26 z vie::.: :..05.bnproved.. ,:". -: '' '' 416.43'1a, -do 'o4isd.:4- . do,-.•.- n0 , .54140 . ! do j - 101k . . -,..dn • OW 001; - . 60 .do:' , 404. ' ;- do :.. no 55: 50-40' i•' " : '. -..- do ,- -. . 40 57 ' 230 :dce * .i:loo. --do -' ;--c. ; el . no - 4'58:,,... 66 , -do ...!: 321 ~-do'l' ._ • ~, .1 .-• . na .59,160. "-do : . - -14cri:itn. fkainilt : hcioielith littn uo .00* rll2 - - do.: - 50.1''da :. , 1' . '' . ilir ': ';-.--: dir:-.` l'riee (r u in 16ir to. dlit•l'yidoOnio...per-ticie.." - ' ''''s • N. 1.1. _ Person.3,ll!:" . .ening-‘lopurclinge • iniit'ef : tho above, by 4 ivinzltiornuntbev.cairatuiii a fell'iles;, . dritt,titio'..., I. '-7' -. -. , .:,f ' 7 l - ALFILEI*SALA)IO , Itr, - • j.,..,..-1. : • 1. •ifF'" ... ." E.'( 1 :1 1. 4) 1 c00K.... - . --- -• Iltinfrose, Pa.. oclciber,. 1830.- ......i ...-....1'.. ?-,. - N. B. Those: tnaikeil llsiq' (*) have been. sold. '1 : ,1N ! .. ,:,7 1. T. . -7 1:1 k ikST4§' -, . . i :Kukivoodielontrose. --7 . -*:..% 1:f::.).4„.1 iig:W , GOODS . ;- ... ;. f t'! " " . !. • ‘..af At *GirlAtivii' T 't . at ivitlibuit - :• 1, _ :- it or 1, '..•1431;*- , T A .-kAreit hnottm-.7,-,...1.1,, is ffE.....40040 ~....., v , A ge I so , * 'Lati ir II cow= ~ • -., , .o t ..: i s t ibl owc; Ig or . ; - ti.a. - ti ot; ' .tin ~- ~' - bete: - at. sat 'kr , ciali . dt tfie Isily . ,o . 41413 f. ' ! I.bet-futle.kft., I fuetbe:*iirig' '' - • . '"1•1 7 . ) ... 4 / ....:;_.r.• t..f.y,„ttlitt .:• hoi,*.tifyito:T.lE, it.'-•• ........ .. •:t A-4 '.-.% : .-T- ......,,.••., am" !Nny t t r .dries,.. ao*. or m4 1 46 ; 1 :1" 442 Ivr!dressitiri:4l:ll v '.3 . -tr;i:t •-• 4 ) , 1.7;"-.7? ..'1' ;, '1• :- , : ::: : : 11 , !,71 . , - --:•,:l:',i:1 , : , ;:::.: --,:d,,...,,..: '7T: •"147 * . 4 • ~f ;; Q,,r4flt'' !.will leave ICirkeiciA passing through ts:7 ; corbettsville, Liper;y,.k.., every looming af ter 'tlio •arriviti::'9.ftlte M...lliad: Night -Expe&is '.rrain.9 of-cars, reiteli'Mg .32on::tike- at !----:`• 11 . - Re i taraiag„ leave 'llontrime'dlilly f.,S'ontlay.ie-. 1 . 1 e 4 , 1 . at -1..i....u., reachß li/rkirobil in time - to take t 6 . Mail tralus.of_caro; both East and Wt,--beingr 0 e easiesf,aull most feasible 'unite - to reaelx the Neu - York & Erie Itailroad; ' ' ..". f 7. ' - . • . - 1 This line inteite'efit - ,a, til-weekly: line 'fiii• Dim oek, ~ppringrille;.Tunkhanuoek,• ..,Vseytiriting,:a . tur Wilkesbarre, winch ItiaresiXontrosi,lq. IA: st.'estr ery .- Mmiday,'Wediteatlay,;l:inif Viidayl.r.: A leo, a line. to .Frituduviileil.eraysvill, ttd. i- - • • ' ' :(F,'ood Teamsitukerffiotibk 0+41,i/ex:ate Pro- Yiiied,itail the I prnpriettirs trill-sr - .1 - no - pains to accommodate Ulm public:.: - • ' -- " - rice. 1i 1 .47 i 85' r. s , tj ) . 1 . l ' ' '. t.. KA . .\ i -, ' MOM '. '.:Facts'fot -die! reo•rilel _TorwroisTAvDo3-ivdi i , ie-aion ori6 :11 ' ..tie.tiembinti.reiiii,r ilot r ..Fuok 4 Ptifeti {Gill ; ,be - elected Presidentl-batitlsS‘the - Trisphi+hiiish says that uihs LaiNllgketh pikatttr'talhe taint,",:it ,IfuniversallyalldiAth,44.4it_the i4sietber, fan and `wilt bell', *. -- :,.."... '.- - ''n '''.." 2 ,'-` -,- '.:. 'l . :' ''' 4 ' ; B;9:o 2 1 49f 1 . 4. 2. igirbi1S -- ': 1 ' r : ' '-'-:_. ClZP4lP.S.lktriairaliy othershskpitri" - tiot e<< ea - excepting the genulhirhaataralklegiorbAolitt town ..7.',25ti , 8,--raly terms are tviali or: . Yilown,tatict 1, fi, Arquitttherero-.hifonn those-sba ar e itidsbied -tn . MertitninAshit‘cli, , that they tn . e t. 'eall aftd pay r epos:- ...--nnipseeti- -.--- • 4.-- It,. E1111131A.N.; ' Montrose, Sept. t 3; 164:1-; ,---‘• -•1- - 1 , , t. 4.• - - r ; I _ -1 SCl'' O I TT . :E. . • : . .„ _... Sr EIRS. - . taistbilliti . _.titifiXlCi: 'abaci of .:tr.' tirrer,:iiilk A ingidiicladltindiutiiied on vader dm me aridiktAtisof.,3l.4lplati & _Park, respectfully b 4 -leave to-itifikutl.the. public 164, ot o rrery description wilrbit orti t icit.'!*sonable lama fortimit ar i lattiattioN) vati.-At is oar . :444ttliaktieternimation. t'a ie - v as clieap. or 'a little i ittaper than Any other liaise - 1u tite country. We ftit'detertabied to beep . a toad . li...lBomi:wilt, and lame ,by atixt attitt*to buaings#:to merit a lib tral 'bare of inadie !patronage: •:-: t...• . , - .., :;::.• .. , , • JAIILESMoIdILLAS - . 1 : * •'` - i',- S P 6P i cal . e * ll 7": ll ... lBll P '' ''' -- ..' k z. 1 S4ISII B - AND DOOR:. 4 FACTORY- Laiiisoier4.ollll4ll 7 / a • THE subsaribera.l4l.llllll6ll Sash, 131 Ind% and Dada atktheir establiskatit on gbort not &e and reasaaable terms. Plialtft and glazing done if• rewired,. Alibaismed:siad - Matthell flooring abdLath. NE,WELI I BROTHERS. • lassesbortr, Mimi; 1;'1853 i f'f - ' - A: '' ..TO N.Y PATII9 I.. S. All`' l ielkisittess . frequent :A., —, mo. to other rFaierifirr sever al - ;, - , - 0 s•" t atone, for the b".meialttliil,.tip.rlts ... . ,iiitikoptAkr t ioti ri . : 04 , `.* ,t0vT.,...,.....,.. .. M.41. 4 4nd is l e - .." - rehatt. I .WP.M3 . 5:,4 tli.N tits) 414.1 be " itUitilAiiri vPig t . 4. . ~ - . 4 . 14, Y01 Mkat: whiciOnio itial ..,_ F/Y 1 , A. .. ........Y,‘ .i t,tp:434lol z i buianisil 4rtn.i.1ir,...!511- - 1,....a... , , i,L_4.-.:;;...,, 1..-,..ii ) : . „ thi t io,s,m,lL, , Ticutakk. .. 4 :sam.i..a. ; ii 1 , , . 4 ,-. , .. '• ' e:1:14, i' GaLertenirop: ' . 4, -77-; . -- 71 -:•'.. I :,,li.z.:".r.lni g5.'" , ..irr.,..: ' . fi a 4. 1 ..; .: „...... ::: . ; ! earie , c4insk.. ..-. I , - ...,.;,.. f. .%-...' *- : - .. , •1 1 ' ' 1 ....,.'• i : th ILPO , 4 1 4Slilues*ki. liii be ;' : leirdle4m ..01' . 4111* . (47100. meatitt47l4 - 1 .14fig 44.1iitriiik.- F .,.;.: .... .... OSitom traik'srlli kir' ..' . 41,,A11ip5t914.111311 is all calms w:trrilitW - ' ' . iii•litiiim.. * I .•''' 41 : 41 .1 . satteit , Llcaals sr) - Apr: lb, 1815.t-kcukir , o • hArliktoyttie , : _ . -______ • ri , . 1 7..•, , ,..!-- ..;,-,..•:,...:, 71.1 . .•• , . • ).,,rii. o 4l _ , ' i dot', iptoyi;lek the resi o h s t ,n a , .. A.q.t7 4 144 ' 4'• 'av , IAPIO dirki" 1 , ---• 9.2111,1411tbir rld , prild-ibte.licoterß. -1 ,art'litilorjttiln -,-, -, Aaotheitfkaentiil,c'Wonder -; Fr tsl., A ~,.., -,z , •: : ...•.- _ps .4-, Aii.ke . . . . ?of ;.iiiii , *_tair idiieetioni of - li . nron...teibitiAtin . ~gret..,.ll4,yiiol' ' imi.•thetnititi- - ):ty .k: fkgoilh iiiiii:3l: :0 4; p) i do:Plii,;Pat,,. ~..i::;:':::1!::/:.1; _''trr i t ',-. l S:ii: - Irit. ',.. '`Ovil..,rFlFie.4,Y.f9l:*:AiiiiiiiinbY. ftniliael wviiioof roan n.ilunifts.,Oinitiveipw- . :.era.-- no:Arc#hot.Bitterit,,,..oe:nttustkpn. 'diAtii.: .- ;::At is . :e ' - '.O - i nokiN g ; 40' ibiltittgitAcV x i m may, beittliti*ty thitimitretgili!inttiitiii . .iiittititt: • not 'eat. tt....iltter crack er ritliliut acuie.dlittettii.-- . - Ikittien'nf., - d(n eil iinitatiott,tr;. , - l i j.Pti is. not i irug... -,-- .:;1 - - f l ;-:;4: '.'-i;T . ' ,. .'' 0- ---- - , - - -i i; i ,- '- - -: .. ',1 , . - -,.,-.oollNilike-tq .. - lindltnt 41.dei,ctiit.sti trnr, et*litry. .gradegi iti.Pg4i , 1 rye.:_.ntnotint of scientific evidi•iiiii - . • 4. 94,, -t-4, slig*;... ,al z•Oteiniistri;- - -ibi.' f - p CotaliWit -X-ilY.4lot_'llt A .- istiOni','.pat,Pereiti:Oliiiiott*n t i - :%$,C;:::14 . ,4. btui , , , k Driipit Of linit!.. : Noik-Unii*nii= , . . ,. !y;44iir- - ,liungl.o l 3il)l4...iiii.logy,';..f . Rrof;',silli n ; 4aleVigkge4 ' , l: 4 i:::.tstrpenter's • NbyiiolcityttlAc.,: .tojoifinr:ivith ...r ports : of: !C tire4tonx, alli- pails roc . Ille . lffu44s(4 l -.-.,,. ..,=-'''''-,,.,.',-..-.,.!,--. i..;..:-- , - -, J4 , '. : , ,Alier;3lll4ll4 - -*;4ii.rOni;*_ll#lo.,sq.e -iiiiill 7;:,:: : _1- . ...: :•'-! y '!';! . .i . " 4: .: 74, , ' , • - ..I`l' + :7-'1 : " 4 " - " , t7.; :. • '4 ,, L tr*" .— !,,,, • ~, .. . ~ ,i .::. tit. ; ~,..-. 7. - -, is 3 . , i '..'' l' , ::.: u:: . 1- - -,:,',:•; :-. : .;' i . 1 ' *4 . ,Y.K/14,, AkiViii G 'O 4 : lA4OlO'O )tiliot *co2;theilit ' .00F,0 Nttitt:iitintnsir:iitil , :itiirfiritt. t t pa OftliKerrottrilii. "ti . ii4t o : , :%iridAtj'itiiiiie-ip!t.iio,4 Hite 4itiv:Valinittit ' 1.0 i... ~ I ' .llll.*.iltat4tiOnitii4 iptillititid...."-5n ,,. ..11.7 , : - . :i.:).•.. , , - .. .._: ! :::. -- i- .... 1 '''•-• .- -. - .. 4,- ..=.'ii . ~ r) i lt r; )'-, -. 4 ,' .. . - 1 , .41 , .- . .- ,. .f , •;. ; , 1 4 -•5‘441f)77. . ...,-,, ~,....; -•:• ...- ' ; Viiiii , : ' 1 • - - 011 1 .(0$ - ,::::.' ..! 6-•.i.: , TWEAS •• - - .r :sli: atiLtilS`." - * 4;c. . _ .. .. . . .... 1 4 r , httintion:;#;ll/i(,) , liiii ' iVii l ' 4r p i Blett.i:/itiii-Mie...l- le 7 ei . closii-o . 111,1.tt to trytitu ,. t * Pßi?cl't . - 111s ane'it_X 4 Y 1 4,ipg' . . 'Tfoii .- . . - .l3"Wiiii'Pla to :' 1. :rely . iC•Ati 14;i . - - ;:lrik.itiiti g . the . fed ruit"itti; earittlizOit; ti-. In a ity,#4o7,:jit . ue i *ltile fes .`• .- ii..:lo,v4.t.ei':,- 1 :•I:; ,, 'i.;};“ ... . .. . , . ... . .. ---4 ,VX II S - R *- V: . ..,- : - '- . v r 01 knit* riltiiii - Aioeiva . iijilrOti4itiif - g*Oeri. epccti'tit4iinosl * *: ..:. 7: 1 ,. - - ,1 ' ,:- Stitilii - En ..iii s t •-! . ooa rbig.s. for.l.ll.tillii.s4l4: ;\ xhieh we" ter lecture el f ed Brad This Pl6l Ikat:4 l es! , ing eee.tl ltrCDgth Arnoniz_l,he ; ,tisvc. :which t - e - ••i•dattufactbre,-ire KE rs TONE, „Cook : - .1? 0 UGY1'4 ,, R.E...i..0 do - . tor burning ardod ••• ao, , •1 1 , • Ada / other L'tidit ' illirtr t a nc.4 coal,. , . ' - . , -"! ! „, e ft 7 W.klat.e_r;TPortor StOriw.-, 1- Uutia"ell'ailor" - •tos. •I . 1 SiAmleyrillefk i siz r esi • add 'a variety Cif other :Tailor Staves; bp 1 hilrood and-coat-Librasm •-••• 'We 'keep 'also 'm hand stone. triditaini* , D4 : Churn trinnikings, and Shdiilan!l.Tiiia,tin • Standi,,!&.c. wcii.done to orthieltn not ice and •atthe - Ord'ardir-orStoic§44rienljdial•linpletnems, /kr., are I . 3licited..frOtnthnse the: trithi;anil II 1* tiled.at . :••l. 4 . - arik r adc w - holesale • - • ' • - ' B:,0 o•Thry - . .Monfron, March 4,.185°. '; ! N;&_ ssr TlLVintig , iItEAL - ESTATE:4OR ~. :N. ' 31 ...? ..: :'ll LEji.. : .-_. -.--, .., . , c)(1 - rztOil• -i4ors.'sgAifeg. yi 4e.se. f i - oult - . i .A./iest.poirl.ipt rid . Witiiii.. iirSusigu na , --ii i isa. 1 lidasee and •Liita.vattim•eitait'huvit .. , mlOl4 the •afin*tijd :M1141.. 1 :41i0i.: . i..*••••• ' ',F.-•i * .:': ~, ••• . ' - ii; : t•'•'•••• • ' ' ? ' • A 7? itiit ii/0g:1 . 3.4 tri: i... ! ...i. i tt *jai, iiii'iitra)r,tpoi*einetoii•Abei.enlaind r heavily, tith*aegl a . iiituity) , ..cittifesfrtimlaid villa e. • .• Suifiia4sanitais thec gyeag,Cetnra/ De tef the, ,N. Y. Jr . -E: Riiiiviti.sittaitel at the foot° thflesT • est grade ea' tite..eotai. milc4lic••'greg wcirk° of Starucca, Ceti'. iilittisAild the eatieade; • - r -- f l - hg.bystrattrylliegbilifeeatexin,g place !ht i ea . ate • i• - - - vet _ sLaeb s hops -rairnejiioachAi,„"'44 Li . . noa.,:shbou g h . •10470 4 , but .ftooo ;labiabittimilitpt bat 4 yams!, :41;•11 'destined iiiiii itirritiike)itokbeltie - ef the iiei GO*" ishiag -a ect•etin Masi to ' ad thq" tine - il thisarral; ihotauglrfve., , , • , '''' ' 4 4 1 .- -HINDS; Alerit .1-' •• lEs • :',-..7Y '.'' 401ficiAin Alitir east pr r. 6 ewe.: .. Sittiqtgebantia , DlOefi hy. 18,-1852. ..tr ,1 ":- ~. . . . • 1111611Wili IL te., 2 -I.tfl 0 • . IiATTERS--- .1111.11G1111 AMMON. - If. r.i'l ~. ,, infortn I the IGeo dnt een v. 'llif Stotitrotie that they die ,provided with a "Hat Confontesture' - -i-a machine for_ 141tig the elttiktif,!:ol'b44, and lilso fatifig„lhe Hat, to the. Aim . eishttila titatilitr, ibite44'fierfeepy easy oegha boiaii,!titid also tpreveniikit".tke bilMfrof,u, behtetitteifq yiui of silitpg: Geatiethici.lfititig , ;belt iiiegiti scan alw4ys order it Itikwin4rwe will walla' ci:frii. .' , •,' • 'I ; The Sprinirmit Paltysishiou.s,rill 'allt , va be futnished several weeki earlier than • tbe.reselai time for intrtitlucirt tbq tetateutiObti y. el . I;. ... A full tworttnen 6t' ftll -- ttiviikensltyle44. quiditl6s of #Ccijkaapp4fan4iipitO u ltif o lt o • thnbrelbsikifiiitteoairgYs . 0011 04 110 °r ' rr i tet -14 4: 1 0 11 4 6 3 1 422 3 ; / 853 ; -. - r ' ; '' .... . . .... .. , 7 -, LO, vir SH ..-.7.. _ . .-- • an 1 XI . ..- , ' N E W Fin' -I. #C - ii - r - 1 *l Z 4 *Ow ili lj inonn . Pzb .l ilargpal4facturing Biai& - . . eT'.l . .AZ0,."n3.0jtfw....,t, T , l eY* 60 keeP cunstui ,M , Pmt ?.- L i %, —g pwomty, wed Idea Plows,' . : • 39 10ilii,ritis**•:1:1* 'Mow, Ski A.. ' .:46o; 4‘ l oReit A4 9 6,' Plow .li ~ . :: PI =• • ••: . .r . : - .. .. - ;;:,--;; Poia t ts -: -: , oriict 4 itetnitilgipimetiius ROineatloo. , WC 1ic*V.: 11 ,t114.4(r4,1*, io.iiii,inese to ricoico,toto:* k2l6Dr ikiLli r eter o 9lae, i Jl.l4l3lfieferl..P 4 Vostl. 11 4:gai ~ - t.69,NE,,X : time' 7 : ig: 0 1 60. • t. Pr) tftigthlgAtOithili it Doilie;,. r .._=- ILL br f . , : 1- 1 4,;:i.4, 4, ihri110'4••• •,••• X gill'AurAl.,-ale:: - ~- ~:, - . 1:: -- - :,1: , ••,• - •- 0 -.l‘.':„. ' • 44 ate/TT •,,,,,, -1 4.11,v. - ti„,,,- ,. ..E....-1 ok•-•.• •••••• :::'• .. - ..- , ••••-.- ...- •• , • --- • '.g,:',..i•TA-......0.-r-ti:A-w , -.....- •;1.-.,3- ....1 ; •- ,. .r:::•;,-!.. :-,-: • ....vomt.ermudnrsitie. ..rlirant,-,-, .171 .• t4t0ic05**14.114,4466.i..,"1.02. n, iw..44, 0 4 4 010.9t. gargyzaro*thl,: !iieuntylostinleure.t- m t °c a t :, CidArre to' 4 luientriltlitglitkielit eyed, to look: up sod. ' 4 i i ne, !, i P. 4406 141 11 KktiOTItich,ta l e liable-tiiitet tillifie r tiblitent ecf j,titipe,w? ttkilkoittp . disputer lostic l 'ad thillettle tWettn•Olui; . Xvert nun who 1 40094:1Etirt* t4t4Ptitvititittitotof Alt kiii ilia f -thrlOtaelktitetittortt sigtolfliOt tiiitin sena] hi 'PrA,rfijitttArcititAlfandlittritiat444; , ,S. ' I EroIgt4TY..4O44ITO.Y . -Atottlittondad . to, kr - - i itt:ii Niti-cutkii.i.: - ' WAliikellbUr 4,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers