72211$1111141")ri' 3' • The Jo:triad, oft- - e9aiMet*ltiatta ihtt digatiCtif-1.10.0f the See. g reTtirter# l , Tielliary4 ' The t ipt efthe tacttapir Year* 'tat` tin 30tli"Junalinsiiilivere customs 1 . 558,931,865, ; 1;ind5;;5.1i667,04; 473 S 624 tat $611j7 574 laneous,- , , Expplidiftfirbs, -- ectie , ;Bl9. -- IN'tiess - C;f` receipts 7,310,756. Which. added the balamee-on hand at the begjiming' of the 1. :year, makes a balance on hand at the cud ofthe year, Jutte 30, 18:;3, of • $21,342,- 1 SU_ - - - During the first quarter iendiug -30th •Seirtimater,) ofthepreiteet fiscal year, the redeipti from customs Wire 519.718,822 ; from :lands $1,489,A62 miScellan'eous, tt Romps: - '''Totili; - M356:889. &Wet( Mut otniod",*-31.5,081,334.,:-Bat net. the Treasury 30th Sept. last, 28,- 217,868:: large encroacluniint has been mad& awning the_year,r:upou the public debt; whigehlltaa - ,heen reduced to $56;336,157,- -1 52. :Alia - inn:holt of debt redeemed and lottratiaid -fitteit 4th - last 'to 3d. Dec. * ' e-- ob. Secretary:stateathai the. condition and • 14:K - eitimetsof tim -, Ti:easttrijoatWY‘ the aP' t plicatien,vf 814,00,0000 more towards ' the pi-wells:le of the remaining porti, l 7 of. the'debt. The premiums paid by cle i Sam, havevaried from 82,- to 21 per cent, accordinglo the periods which the stock iv Ezports.—The value of imports ,during the fiscal year coiling June 30th..1.853; is $267,978,647, and of mip0rtii5230,452,250. Excess ofimports - . '--;537,526,317. This is the largestexcess of imports that has .occuixed in any year since 1536: Xut, says the Secretary, a fair. eitimate- for. profits on our exports' andithe frieght brow. vessels, would cast the balauce of,this ,account in-our favor, without Otimating the money brought in by emigrants, of which no account is ta • The Tarif—lt is proposed to remove thieiduties entirely from certain articles • ofimport, which' now yield a revenue' about $8,000,000. Also'to arrange the articles which still continue to pay duty, into two classes, the• one class to pay 100 per cent- day, and• the other class 25 Per cent.: , his calculated that these media cations of tho:Tariff s to go into effect-Ist January 1855, will , reauce the nnattee le about 845,000,000 from Custmos s "belftw, Which it is not prOposed to so until the , publicdcbt iapaid. Among, tret-aititika - -:, recommended to be throwu intolbafree, list, are the raw materials -usiii4 tuanufsctures. Also salt —on , Id* the averaarevenue for the last, amounted to only 3232.,284, wl,ial the an ruin! fishing bounties,. for which the salt duty is made a pretext, 'amount to $289,- 40: With the duty on , salt it is proposed tf,l atSO the fishing bounties. ~.;. -T pLlhe total tonnage of, the United States novitiamounia to 4,407,010 tons, being.an , increase upon the last year, of 268,000 tons -.The Mint.- -The entire coinage at the United Slates Iliut from its origin to 31st of ' October - last, iraS 3;170,008,192 SO. Thu gold coinage horn ,Ist Jantiary last- Ur Ist of October, was $46,998,94.5 G 0; and thesilver coinage '88,996,225. - IVith in-four seat's, $135,872,095.73 hai been added to the gold and silver coin of the cennover, and above' what I ‘.litis been ex ported; without including what has , been brought- by innigrants: A Branch Mint • its been:contracted 'for at San Francisco and,will be in working order by the Ist of Feb. next.. It will be.capable of coin wiAil lag 330,000,000_per annum. °ital. ak "ally late(' that the property in Wall be 3 street, adjoining the Custom Rouse, and I.lt lato/y Occupied try the Bank of Corn- Merce,bas been leased bytbe evern rra . .tent for an , a.ssay. Office at $53,000 per- Nit!, aggtillit far two years, with the priviego of :a l l purchasing witbiti two Years at 1453 °A" _ ; with interest, from the date of , the lease; theplaymCnts try , be deduetad from the Sc m cant. Itgart of the Secretary of War - , *fie authorized ate curb of the Army is 13,9121, but the actual strength is only 10,417; 8,378 are = employed on the fron t emor are en rout el bither,,nd the meas 'A A Urea for pretecting Ate frontiers are be -7s fi l l coming : . more tsuccessfal. Ex tin' Cal i a4 11. ?41 ,ia mid Oregon, Indian depredations tdo..l_iiikbecomiugless frequent, and new posts, tg4: fct&better pmtection are lobe established. sArts:', - The &predations in 'Texas have been 1 'v met e y a Lamb ftom Mem It unL snostly i . 0 "tt d h r N . Id" • ' [l . Efpl 40114 A hie the intention of the Depart- OntS , Cinerit , to strengthen the force en the Rio ----- g thitnile;-fur although a peace , has been WOlgtiiiied There, no assurance of itslcoutinu 1g Anett , eau belted, except by the presence pT ect , an-large force. With an army three nes, d: eintes as /asp as oars, it would be im- E p 4 3, 411 . ,„ tea* to protect the frontiers, and the : 2 17" artesent'autends to concentrate large Sind'; 'eget troops on important points, and hre t Jur* it - less- number of small detach e.; its. ~ _ ,-Illatins adequate 'appropriations for for cations: are urged, and arratigemets for .I"eitas and the Pacific are immediately -saacessaiy. Better means for conveying public stores are also needed, and 4,600 recruits are. required-_, ' t 'The Secretary thinks Met the soldiers Abould be better paid, and more inpro- IntiitiOit tawlnit they can earn in civil em- i ploituentit. In an army of= 10,00 men, owlepliis about the actual, strength of our I,pilittal establisluettur. _.us` at present or. „ssuuttecl, there 14 be annually, under 4 ; 11 47" c irmsta P eell & pay and • c ;/4 2 9 0 - inbargesil 613 Leini t i°D pf enlist nieit ; 725 disCharget tor di.;ability; &C.; 330 derail, aid 1465 cleiiertions ; or 3,- 10,1slicuseles unnuelly, of which only 219 ire filled by're-ettriatmenta. The actual stnitualloss toth i e - rzy to- be )30pp lied -cite inlistmento ne men will ...there : b* 3 1 622. "'- Orin - other ',Words, more tekliriethlra nrlitie Arm ,L must every •be recrnited In 4 irattaferred from 4!! ).1110 :theli 're - Oxiatai• ;1-d: Yiew 1 `s; lie4l°M , the *i'etar)%rec - Itlta Italian Pr such measures I tt Piiient-delettions' and keep the ranks fall 4ninnzauch liesuggests:— 4. An iricrease — Or—Per , 4 l 4,4,4 l epres j '''': ll6 4 t ,P.4 alba' Settees.. i J ' PI final iiiirease for each sue lieV/At:4l4of five:yers, se) !Ong as'be , f-Aaii* hil in lhe l ifirl. ~ - 4 1:140i.isiqn fur liOnTstion to the low-1 ` ' sl i # A. rm 4 earemxt‘issi"*L'ltlicer?a,.. l 27, l _ ,ittuty - *Win befisun4 /vilified on ...Jr 41 viiiiitonauit; chantestim atiiigionices, - .ontitud &Gnarl at em . 4 , .• also, recommends_:that,honorably , 4 414 4 #ll o o.Saliat:labill -P r ' 4116010 ker•e_lYO $ 2. 0!" 00*iiall -jis,lfYlor 4 4.: , 0'esrt, )40 1 440 4 oti;;cWaiammatidotui 6i, Algatat4nrke, igrAgrft4l . the Wail ;ark, "ikert. ale„en ` -t---- Term ~regularlyand i at - -,:-------'' - . fe. ded - ed theyw"4l" 'Halt is-recommended , re!cim , gib ' boo - .. corps- Oil°, divided" I" • k ;:t&I < shotadille P , *.t,cOisMl " i',,!, : I“Tkehr,9.l.,em-di---tiii, Dem.- reif'jl,--,,,eb - Lineccea ' , , - w! ._. sc. ,-, j ' f'Sihe-D4/111/1" .. ,-,'-' 't -r-, Report 6 , tido'. : r4-jettii.7.l: - 1 : 1 1 .. ::: ii - , fal . tk- We take the following synopsis of ; he .romtof this,4eparttnent, fronithe,: N. Y. During the-year thii stirkey..Orthe ri b lic lands has been steadily Prosecu ed, , larie bodies - of new - lands - brought' to market, the wants of the emigrant f lly met. and choice' selections-offered, to be hardy pioneer. --- - • ' - - The lirmd- Syriteckis nearly pa •-in. , rreei principle:. .„.Its-/details, need _Abut li tle modification.. During the year 6:8 i 9,411 acres have been- surveyed, 10,365,891 acres brtughtlinto triacket, and 1,083,05 acres sold. -;'The numb er of: land'-irar rantaissued uptd. the 30th . eptemher last. wet 266,048:, of 'whielt tl re _*ere, then otiVeividing-64,941. . . ..- ,' "Thnentire-area of the-public dornaiis i i eitinnit_ii_dat 1,583,000,000 - , to Of. acres. ' pia rchase isiis efecte'il 'at . 'the rata" Of .14- - 41,' cent. per - acre, amcitnitinig to $6-1,999;- 700. • Add the Indian. Riseivation, val ued at $4,250,906,_and: -adding the co s t f of selling lands:aold pre'Vious to June,last. , the ' entire. cosr; excluding . E:urvqisig, amounts to, .887.994,015. ..The whole amount accruing froin sales up •to June 30,.185,5, was $l - 42,283,478, , being $53.- 299,365 more than the cost of the: vvliole. It is estimated that the amount which will have been realized for themis the sum of $331,181,369: . • ' 1 The policy of bringing the' : lands limo market at the earn, t ' possible.' t.l4y is urged... :- ' . 1 • - t Early attention is. calledto the'dihf posi tion of the _mineral lands . of!'California, the unsettled business of the, Pension Of fice;and the fraudi 'llion the saine. The ... clerical (gyve ofthe Bureau :of Patents needs to' be increased ' Mei ea ia ns have been 'unusally peaceful through. the year. Their present numher in. thelinited Statesis estimated, at : ' 400,000-1.8,000 East-of the 14ississir0. - " State Teseierg° Immtiat ion. The first strimal meeting of e:Ossoci `alien. vviirbe held in Lailicaster,:' Pa., cern , 'mencing Tueisday„ Dec. '27, 1 5;.)... The - :sessions will , be continued for three or four diijit: ' The :acti v e friends of general .toincotion threnghtini- the State will be present iiid tell wit° feel themselves in-' terestod iii tbil eouie are respeetfuly and urgently Tecittestuil to attend, and tluke a part in the discussions and. deli eititions. The great ,C.ihjett proposed ! to'b gained . li is to,lead to , more liberal and en ightene action_tipc;ii the part of 'every corninnit - in snp,portingscho6ls for the -prop r:e f ,l ucation ofibeyouth of the State, f( rith duties Of citizenship ; :to secure Sll . 'b F ad ditional legislation as may be twee ry ; l a to infuse into. minds of theteachers love for theirPiefession itild a desire t hon or it by the highest attainments i -the performance of their ' responsible t uSt ; and to give the cause of general e um-- tion such and sits _ place in the ppblie mi .1 high importlince demands. Hum nit;y, 1 patriotism, religion—every high andholy 1 motive leads to the • fostering - and bild -1 ing up of s tuck an assecintion ; , . al) in view of this we ask of the Pulpit anck‘be Press, the PeOple and their •p,epresenta tires, their i continned and v i tgor.ous , siip port. The cause is one; the action ought to be harmonious ;libe cause is univer -1 sal emancipaion from the thialcloM c i f ig T uorance ; the action must be spontaneous cheerful and untiring.--L-Beitool. Journal. We,/eaiiishat 70e - Canal Commissiutif I crs and vailroad compan ies lave ,. agreed . . ~ , to carry delegates to_ this Convention . a • half price. ' . - - Euro04111410: , By the arrival of- the '.Asia at tie'. 'York, we hate three days later .'adtice:x. than previously _ received.. A heivy de- cliiie in the Liverpool grain market is rq ported; Fleur has gope down - . two chit,' libgs:per liarrel. ; There had also been a deeibie in Cattails. • Fromille seat of' war weliave nil ve or important news. Winter hiving fairly commenced, the bad • weather 'had rrea vented any extended movement i - in eith- - er arMY. In Asia - !the success' . - of the Turk; has lietea--as yet uninterniPted, - ana it is .stated .that-they bare : capt tired aev 7 eral important-fortresses..'llostihriesby sea hidocommencedrand several vessels are - reperted'to, have chXitgeti'llumili. ' ~ . It 'is statdpositivelY from aris, - , that a new conference will '. be hel - . et-i.on don; Paris or Vientia, 'for -the i ttleifient of dif6culties: It is alio' rep ed:that the Czar has positively retused to - aeOpt any arrangement, and thathenceforth the fate of arms must - decide the; matte 1, The opinion is gaining . strength} in: - E eand that - there ishost very little Chancre !of''.an adjustment ' of affairs - by the ' airti" blo ref-, forts of England and France. F the'}i "whole,- we' dn'tiottiiitik tile new,4,* -tlii.4l' steamer to be, so fatorable - to t} t-. Tails' as the previous fidvices.4Dailit . 'togister, 16th: ' ' _}' ', - - _ - - l '-..- : 1 . .. . . . Xisa or. ii . CoitrtoEszw.". EirrtEß6.--. 111 - .a,roring upon - this subgect l. .thie AL S. Cirou!t Ptitirt: - yetierdai i toora -g i J udge Sprague -deCided - Oat a person atc. ilit lug to another a Uttar ttuirkad'oon • a tiar +if otherwise using its Osa.o...s . iii - - ,: b.ticl* lathe injury ofthie-tionii, it . .siperty';._ Wal_guilty4.-giosi , -..tii/latio - . `' , c firiyil : . edgeran*lght•bo 4 o . L': , .., . 3.: iii?"l.6 frlr • the..4otittete:poijokin 4 7,' , Oms. -.: ch., b reach .ofooofidonce. - This legal - c, t i.tik , ef Opt term . 4 1Cpitrilietitiaini:4 i ipi ~ a 6t, 'ac cordaiLet *itii-Ethtv - .4ifitotiaii.of . ; • : , :•ar.iii4 a.., - gitieitt2,l4.-WeVator,.l4z . : .I. Pia :;which - li to lbe :treatatr or - - ketit in 'Oa:, donee ; -, 1 Olio te,: tufaiittattliitiA*ei.al coo .= : .. I '-• .:#94:.is BO _olait4-a coon Oa .:. -•..zievr.o , l- the - mattes thetitieentiatriao ..!;f i sbon , „arable ;piano*shOold.!.sai . atiato ;, -1 I .:tioo &lj deatialletteri ex it - Oirough#l , . ght44-.. 1364 s and inadiettiutea.—;-(BtOia 1 Tratti- - : . eriit. ,:. . ~,- .• -. --•' ' : . 1 ' - -.•_•• - • • . - The fiilitilit.' .:--,--. .78r 00titi,1114•01i.1',440 : :1 .4t4 , 1*-li f ietiiorpaiOsiti ,- 0011.: , . I:4•l4.o.te•Ylfilt.aii.:.liatlilifilf . 4 • .lie. ' jOcitei*Vat.)##Aitiald drink ; -` iiielic,E'*Oegbf,i6s. :Of liiii ilik -.: : : . !,, d' in le,iii;s444**i , liiiiiiiiiii - :liiiilk . I *ooll ) o 4 o4o;i*O.OstfigliHilti 1 :e01;41:0:#: . . ii*,'''(h4,V.:,:cio.l i *****4l*44-S 4 -.** 1 04 r* 1 - ..iii***0464.1 . 0000010f40 4 .4f.':-: i j*,* iiiiiimr id il674liiitlekiliiiteiir 4 4 l : -- .:: . iii . ...- _ l b_ , . iiMr.#1t0000: , ... , ,i. iii*!.oo , Fo w *e . ":41aiiii3OW:4*-"idifiwe:- 4-4 ---- t h t tiggiOnn"Aljrfrr. U. PitletllM,.gDlTOA. nioNpaci*FENNIA: Thuisday Morning, Dee.' 22, 1853. .' r ....-• ' 1 "VER.11 , 111; • ; ,•". T:L. , :•,-. • lar ' 'fifty vents ' ' annum eash : Kei l* e.. ; One ally. in 11 7 arm.- ' i ii ' ' lIVT taro re if, pai within the year. TirQ, taraaed rti;cetitelf . net paht entil..if r i an ' the - - *` - ti •of 1 .- i' -' ' .'• .. '-' ter nra en tae4 ea l': . . . virlie subseriptiea it dtbkpert*lfted-to remain! ge ettled lonr than two year • L.: .-•- , . : Diieentinuunets eptienalwAth the puhlisher, till ailAtr,ggage/Fi l Pn'a• i - :- 1 .- - -- : ..,;;; 1 ..ttalgr.s o .trovr t vatistlNTO. ! i 0;3 Klan. ne4 wee , .....1. .. . . '.: . .‘.... $0,50 ~u3s Vacli Falk.: tvichr xreek-,.... ,-... 0.25 Businesa Card* per annum, vlitti paper, • ..-3 :. too •A'. l iberal, dieconnt made . tiyietilradvertisent. • . • . t- - -Oak District- chools' ', - -- ~c. •• , 1 ItiwOuld . _be i‘:ell' if *l - sq. Vilio aspire it 1.1)e n .rtesi of patriots..a nel. phila nt h ro, l pishi; welitd . , instead of 4.leVut ina. all their ti nci ancrpoWera t the alaviy qnestion, union-saving. A:c r ,. try what lthey s can ne i 1 . h :townl ' ' - 6 co np . :.-cprortng. our C orn mon Schohls. :, If the chief hopes , of the Ilepurc rest npon popur- r education; a . \ i . prim object °flour Legisi _tors Aould be t' make adequate provisir ri..for such el. ucOiotr. That the school system efl'enrc-;" . syli•ani. is either' defective or inefficient ly i:arned out in many, itiitances; is Most certain. - .ln..'some cases the money ap - propriated by law fin-, _the!. support of Common Schools in the primary school district:4 is little better thin thrervin' away. Ince7.'peteut iettehers in ill-arrang dinn cernfirrtable school houses, keep tithe sel: ance of a ; 'school for three • r four m c jr: nt s in a year, Just long enough to ab sob hn “public money ;" and during , th -long interim: the brown, weather-beaten. old schoolhouse, with its' 'broken `wi n dews and ( T on doer ~t.clial4tig • only -4./2 beggarly account of etnpty" benches, pre- Serifs a seri' , spectiele to ilot passer bY. We hear much concerning the igno rance pievalent among our Ge man Pop; . iliation,land the in competeuc of teach-; ers the semetiritei employ ; b t we are inclined fp believethat instances can be I .found in -this contity, of as gross ignerarice or Terve •nuess in parents, au ulv;raupe tent° . in' taehers,, as exilit.anywhere in the State l . s '''';• - - -- '• - a , In (pie school n t far oft - `a ` teachtlr is employ , d, and .has been 'fro: years, 'who 1 I not onl spfa6 wi h a rich. 1640i-ogee,. is a 117 - reader' ati a:miserable penman, I ' ~- • but a so uses pr hue language in-Address -iTt thscholars in the school room. - The t. inhabi i ants. of this school' district are near ly . or quite nlf I ri:ihrten,.. and a large ma; jority- are willing .-0-entrust Abe - One& tion:Of their children`losuchhands; while :a ' jew are di;sailAeili : a'nd . ivoniti employ a i different- io4ructlr.- if *yr -Cmild.= Theie latter de not .patrunize :the school at all. Sotne,-wbi: have thelneans, send their children to dis 4 ant !schools for'; in struction ; "ut these in bumbler' cireuro stenees are ebliged. to let their- offspring Jr . _ . . ~, . . grow up: 1 tgnorance at borne. : A his : 13" nb quarrel -about abouf• religion. ••for' almest: or 4itn , all - i the. vtiters in,the i iistrief ',ere of ..t. he iaine - yeligio4faitl i t., But . ; a, part,de sire that their cbildieni should bEtrightly educated, While the e rest seem quite ' in diffe4nt about the 'matter.-- ::" .• :: ;Sehraol .directn - rs vr he; 'll:rOugh feir! or . favor, eannt4 righteents)ly:exercethe 'ln , portaut duties. of, their: office,- Tisheehl- et Illinee- resign. - The State. Suptiinintid nt has deide 1 that'schoo directois have 'he 1 11 ioviei. - and it is : their duty - " t . . - ilir;t: hi :g , , .1 teacher, a.any thne, rfqr ,in mpetene - y, ' - ' . - - cruelty,..ne ligence, or inamoraikkr ; : and "they, are 41tvais liable to:indict:hest for Misdemeanor, for' negleeting or refusing o comply ,7, , vii11,.t e. , reqnisitiOns . 'nf •:the If We may Te ' ri t is'aubject again.- - • _. ... __ •. • . - _. • 14soluiloa4 1- - - i orivta. PR sulliiiiir, , Or,No. 1 xtOsE oh - Tps -: LitiVoit ;ThAirr cc:. .. . 2 _ i , 'l .. = .% be` , ..rt ! &Object of a law -prolib -1 ith tile isahr is4,i beverage 'of all in.: - t . . I tOr i ca!e4lsfre eeP .., ef' '' . 'g _ . .. I Poial interests Cif!' our feilßvr- ine - P , ,, 11 ! 1 d ima y be eppeallo us, in, )coinsnoni with all ''lle farina or-butnataity,c -to '. do *Oat ive ean f if a , ladrance ,, tb lb ia i •_ n '_ ' ..,ihet., ten 7 •-., . . 1 g ir t' 4 , t MU P . D "t ir rel° 7 . , so6gred. ;1., that ,• the.: P.,reabytery i bighlyiapprove: the .passage -,etvanicbt a iiivii abd*to - nit:need' 'to *-the elitirehett t iticl ,': • r ,a ', • •:. ~7. - , %,.. f • -..,,t ineephilre oder our care. to exert their Intitenie , ;:o .secnie suitible legi - statiylsxc• c 4 1 94 4,t Nect-,- , :, -. _f , i.., ...0- b te 1 2::: •'7., thelnuistcrs.of.4.lActgOslir ;46 blir.,, nested :et in' earbteppcit*tani= '''ts;":l --- : '..t'tboilinbjea tAtti - .. oterAi i, ~, 4 f , r .. 4; ,- - -,.“ . r- ~ -,, 04 1 1. l,':A•ltito4o , PYgil cll:k.' . .- • lioJii i iikiTtli*iViiiiii(*. - = 444 te,i Aar:erplritililsqop.ll.-wmo , eirqfed br, "theW a =county :Cligrt.‘tßL. , itti Tit . - liefaijoiti'! Tbi'datigtr . - of the Ilitititliito- . 0 to ii .. ,' • kilefrl:edg4l - dngtr'ili'e - e4tnnitt.' *ii -;''*,; ( s ! . .1"- 4 -f- I : ii ii :.: l f i r i : 1 11: ' 1 ::`-.) Led !la • ) 03 . i T e Ank 143 4un-0: 11, 5k iet;: s e ason ., 'fie to ;delivered on T cida r , hie'. Aittri - Air G - zik'i;.-Eq:i. cif'` iine Tri Y 4 ,. ~ , iiil .' ;,l r :"f;;.„,i'..v4A , 'lt if0, 1 13,-V-ir,"°et:::„ iielild,ie *reei l t.:.Ari• qyap5,0,404,. py i , anie4iiiii-4' . . irt./04.. - Ei; 011.4. iiirok. Itltizi4i*Atli Sin • *14. 1- 4Ari..14,* : ,Ai I••,i,': W - iiikVii• • - ilarielo iliiiii*iriiiik 6 ;a Sue it - l''.: , fliffihAiri , 4 , - 4. - fi,p- 44,10.y.1i ,:- 4 , q !lig, APAPPE!...,- 1 ,-.!!:,xf: sictie tgr, , 4 /arithtl-TrOlg. - - s l e n° e Pa -4C 'I ATA I r - 1-rosp , cTcr-V‘ i :ai :Well'. ' EN= 2'iy 14 allu: =MMNii .. -1 KAt .4 Sa ti F i lf i Y- Erelgi Va,,X aL—V (..," iterliiiefere tip the first nurnioei of a new -- - a a iii 4.. ~., - 1.. , . r i above 'iveek.l 'lie% p r 1 erns ,Ote 4. 7 .. - r - . i -- i ....% title,{ ' lied lily Geoo.ll. Grat#l l a, EsilO 4 ifii i4ll):no;idediforieftErraliaiut 14147. e-aine. L The*diterrannotreeetal,us deter-. iiiii iatioir to MOO hone cit.lbe hiiiikisomT. - est . farnily newspiiperi that,bas ever come ' from the Americati press ; and the ap peartinee,and. contents of ; tfie,finat ,num- - . bey induce us to believe that he will suc- - ceed. Tfise proapectus - says, ~ . 1.1: short, 64 - 0 - iic:l 7 ol scope! and .teridetiey',.of the paper-will bo to sustain and urge ou the :progressive,: tondencios,of-, the :age,:_and, 11!1T!')jtY• by. j!F."Tliz•iiT fury itlla• rap idly, developingimliralpetiver of the , pee.. pie ispxially oarTaNierance .7- The Moil, though'-riat :'exclutively: deroted to- the TeMperance :eaqS9 p :will . i4,...a - firre ilve-: cab of a Prohibitory Law: _ Tel-ma-OM, 'copy; $3 ; four 'copies, $5 ; ele.ven copies, $IO: Address Riehard , ll. Lecylo6 Chest . nut . street, Pfitlidelphia: '. '' - ''', '. The.llluatrated Weekly Record.—iVes. 15, IG, 17, an d 1$ of this splendid Serial, are just recuived„ The idea of , this for:- ming a permanent Record of the Cristo] Pithice Exhibitienrives tifi excellent one, aid; is lii us currzed out by 316.45r5, Put nam: Co,. ti must superb. style. Its . uumeieue - film ongtasn ugs and the charac ter 'of les letter pr'e'ss; nukes tbo ineeordi boa useful and oftiainenful.. Terms 12i emits a. nunilit.r,,,or,t3 fur t'lia selies. - \ O.- P. Putuadi Co. ; 10 Park, Place, New bark. ;The Peoples . Journal - 7 -11 e Second - 1 (December)' number of :tliis . new Candi date or popular favor is : hckore .us. It centaina a large a MOUIlt : of valeable read ,., itig, is 'print ed. on. fine . , paper and eMbel leshed and illustrated with 72 Engraving.§. Farmers and nechanic s . will find in its pa gesii ankh to int rest and instruct; theca. el a year, or 50 ceute a vol.. -. Alfred :E.•13 act], No 5.6, ' Ntssnit' St.. New York: • ': ' ' • : • .- la 'The Tir.y phig Democrat has llcen disposed of to,SenatorPiatt. : Tee Tem perance men vho voted for him, Wili,now expect to filurtfie.Dcinocrat a strong ad vocate 4I he )I.:si i ii- Law. , it, — S. S.: Winchester, Esq.,. tl e former ocrat, t m ed itor of the. Democrat, reliased-ati • interest .in the LitzergeU 'on,' acd has • 4ecome a .co-adit or, of that aper with .J M. Aleander, its: forrner ed tor. 3rltuts an 31)0tintiJr. --- - . . —'hef salary: of the biord I ietitensudof Ireland,. is 6100,000,; 'land he..spends":l3o,. 000: t , ' - .. ' - ,-;-,.. - : : Satan came also.. 'The New -Yarkil-Terf' ald' is out fur the Maine Latv.—.lnerera' Timperance Adrwate; police'utficer'4°after • thing you can du i. to locx thu d oor an d Lao vourAelf. —The Mexitit A' writer P shot within —ln European a half tnillions o millions ofgolto anny's 13,821; Teal for tailed for frontie .. "---Mr. t. P. Pula( reroperett $lO,OOO damagei rignir..tt Bomeif, tliu'Editar of the New Yorklterald,' fur libet • - ::The report:.that the man ,n7ho couldn't contain .himself is..about to issue. n supple ineut; is - outradieNd. • are -sa t a iankiug insticati ons iii New: York City, 20 oFwltietth are in .Wall S!reerf their t e ignregiite.eapital is $50,000, —Cafson Leiguel are springing up, all user tlte Stated The Mainetaw went into :operation` in that, State 'on the 2nd inst. . ACcorffing to the renort of th 3 Treasurer of Phil'adelphia,.:,t ‘ here is in that city , one grog-shop to every fortY four taxable inhab ttanta. f .:: - ,-. : - . - ~ : -., . • —l-iivate - adviees' iiiiier :been received frointOndon to the effeet that .Kossetir . is 'earn astlY . pre l ' :_ring: for eventualities of gen - erai:Eilfdok 'l"de.. -- ' -.. ' . •-• " ' : .' —The - ' -' - ' ~ e ehusetts leoal-teld covers an area- of ,sorne - veliundred square ini,les il and lias lie:en 'wr g,htil; 5 fieen ter twenty differ ent ,locilities . i ":- . a l ' —.. Appre pl7alt eirlegr'es on the lain - ilea President King,,*ere deli veried in both lion .ses of etigrets; on; Thursday Isst, and there - spin both . houses adjourned until . Monday: . - . Po p e Pro Nonti,l,delivered a - sermon On Sunday'. - Nov.'6,' fOni - - t hellopi of the ChiirOFofSita 91i*.00 ' del 'Faltrnsi 'at - Rote -Thi,'iri , - raie6iid'iermiiti in six L .- I - dais 'fled was - exactly 1. - .tairtirtier:lorrii. - --': n ho u -I'2 I' il 1 1 4 : i " . 1 : 1 1 next : rC.. •- • l 44ll e 'laejt i ibr :r 4f e s i-irltris4: : :ll : nu' it ill- :: .11f t i .°4: :? 1;. it h e. 1-... e s n:::1:. ; S:C" : 1241:1 ).01 !ii 'J.1;13:1)1 l i gri it ' '.. aiT.: it t.l7i:3l?4,ll -til li::2l. i6l l.9;:(.:lla th in'ls:te s l:l° 4 l-f l from ithe people- df'AVC:FiniAitioh... ISldeds Pray' 't %Flu aiiiiiisitiOnef thoser-litands in- slry to -- die. Union. .- - . : ~ ,- fi-/**iql.rircill!C4,,if°,ll4olll4lllint. the 'tz*elikalo : 49 ll 'iti# - ,-leic - Icinc4. 1 3'etlfr• -. t4an. 'ici \je r.;anti in .a.'"-4P:ll*Cr .!., t ri v _Mt! 0 . -04 . weighing, .qgPAttiMP4;!lgi.nefu d i sco' flzedl:;,g,:; ;11. 1 ,.; , . ! ~,.., • i , ~? "irz....` , .. , ' , A .c. 4 i ltinerirldkiga s administee4 i Cher. oath to ‘Spe, • r Boyd ; ..f.Siznatoe reitill . asked- Girl t' : *din 'i. he iwk;ike?, Beitt ittf4tiwi I 614:Wings, stOi - -- t. 13(44mswa,iiiio:,Axv14, OA 4:1 Abet iiiiitlNdu: 1414: c., i..., t - , •el ,-. -:;11:4 , .. ,, .. - •-; .t -- ':.:' -- i!Yeillitt ll 44-0 1 e *Wstrolir ix#st ' Th' 4l 'P'diled'Onunuibtai*r` ! diitt iiiW searellitirea;:ilrliei the ens drugs with *IAA all writeriatifer. priii4 - to " 11 4 Y *lie it,b.lineentlyi,driaert. - )41. '1 , .; I 'W.• - • ,: ti l l --4 4 - 1:P4 .4,4 -t -4 - f !"-""4Pillt9fk g l h l 4A r dtatril fia r lng 1 ut : fP,A ; iiis ' fll4 ;P:, r iK-.9lr r _!,!' : ) !"4,;;y0Pk '... : e ij,icof. i t kftiireo4,_ . . ar,,e,".44-; , .. l'agtftlP. It ~f,r ':3 . ' *f,- ' "' IL li . " ' " il : 3'B ' :41;1.40.111V4.14 ~ .e..., ,„ 1 , .tr , .- .i. ~,,_ ,„ .. ,_ -- laurtisin . time - net efr-- P9 ll ceuli 141 • Ja U • Are. very diseoutented.- - - esiderit -Santa Anna.issure is mouths. . urkey there are eley .. exi and Greek. Christians, to 'four ,ntuediurs.' upOsititinus strength 1:3 - ,10. 417 ;, 8,378 are aporiii(Oat Great":lnt- Y ain no longer draws its principal supplies of fond froarthe Upiteds-States and tlmritnitic,: but from the-fertile Ilistriets 'alone fine riier*ofEa.tern Iturnpe, Which furnish an al- Mest ineNlittustabltapply„:' , . nikmber bond' withu "one im its is' estimated itti!.soo,6ob: :About 18,000 lYnger iu the statts - east.l s of the, 'Miisissippi; in Kew lork', Micigan, and Wisconsin;he remainder :tie Cherokees,, .phoctaws, and - Seminole:, in Nertl 'Carolina, Nississ ppl'and Florida: I • •if . • -:—Wre are informed by the .41c7ora do prizes that the clay ,which a Mr.. Herwick is sing for the manifacttire of Bricks. contains considerable, Oti . 4 day a miner took a wheelbarrow. and conveyed the dirt some dis take, and made threci - dollart-and a imlf a dayout of this , • - • - -There is a ro' in'Mexico,'' called the' .Chign7;:t v'ery fine wood=, iliatacco' te writer NatiOnal Intelligeneer,- betomeif petrified after bemg a very', feWveara, whether left in the open. air orl buried ,Yront this tirube.r, houseS could bit, built that wouldla a few years,A)eionle fire =proof," and would lastt as long as? those built of stone—' - -Thick.eray. 'in answer 'te" ihe _charge: . that ho insidted the. Memory of Washing ton' and ilia. where" Mien. hy calling' the Father'of his 'country, 'Mr, Washington.' - in one 'of his re outworks, says, in tho .f.aniden Tim -.1 thiut; the eatise' for. milieb Wash ington fought .entirely just and •Tight,.aild the champion the verY noblest, finest.i and. .heit of G..4l's men. , ' - corrikpondent says: r Douglass ?jar - void; who Las been-invited tn ii. t America a lecturer, 114 declined, I:int out Lops of going over in 18,54.1 If , you expect. afashionable, ori even , - a well looking man ; you will be disappointed. Ile k under.the . • common size, stoops sil-much • as - to appear almost gimp-backed,' has - goggling green eyes, sat d colored hair, and-a nose like that of Puna:. - • th CarOlipais * not the 'only State in, the Union whose laws tolerate the scourging of 'woolen by .the lash, The little State of. ._l_)elsware'idso has that Donor. - We 'obStive 1. by . the .preceediao of Court,lhatßets s y,'Staf-' ford, eel) v .OfhWeehy, was publiely.;triiir red by' the' SheritfoTtm. Castle, - last neck, 1 With -twelve -lashes—Shame en sea lawspaiid . the people who tolerate them. ..'• 1 • --The expeadite resS Of tile Po - St _ partnieut duritmi the last fiscal year, -were: 1 . 7,982,755: gross . rc:Venoit in. .fro all, 1 - sources vas-, pi:44,724; . the !reenue .for I the year eadi iJune :,0,.116'53,. ; thus falling . l'Ehort,of the es pianditurs by the,. sum of $2, 042,631.. Qf this sum . $1,571.000 is suit: balsOce Wu the. Auditor's hooks :onJilly and by, the., appi.Z) pristiou'O' J supplf:diGieneies 4 arpountitkzto $1,000,000, baking $555,006 to be pr o viil44 by . aigresia fur the serVico of the yOtir f -din°. Juno • - ••-. • . , • , 1 ••••. i Politicali , --., ~ . ...The NVeshin.fttnit triion, comment , .ngH on the result_ of -the 'election for Printer 'co' ii the Senate,- skti - : ~;.•.' .:.;: ;.' • i : . -.... ThetTniatthas Stook] faithfully. by the . present•DemOctatie '..A.dmini4 ration; and. the failure of a Democratic. Senate to hakeits:ln'Op:rietor, the printer of that body• rill prOduce iio other.chanie•in our , critic than to l lneite tis to ''renewed - .and I,•incres ed efforts ici mtiintain the ascenden cy' off ernoctafic principles by stistaining l a Dc_ oerar.iciAdministratioa.' .. : 7 : ) It a tributes the result -Id no - other :Cm . tire . than 'oppi4bitioit to the foliey of the :ad mini - strailon and say:: ~ H• .. - ••• 1 :-- ....Hal'iii e .'rr-hei:et Of)re.sustained that OOl, . ily n..9.ainscull,.:assubS,' whether from - t*higs; ebujittonists,Ur feet ionii - democrat.-1; tic shall' neither_ abate our zeal nor tuna - ify-nur . energies 1 under .1 he' , present . elr .l crmitenees: - ' . . =~.--. Tar.GlCArl'!te FLATi...7- , --The - English papers reef id the fullotiing . remarkable t . .`legraphie'll3its , as. : itistanees. ..eft be per 7. dciion*, wi/k4 . 4 o use ofelectriciq, as fmedient of reemaiotticatioti, hitSitttaiti -0 : . In tile sydcuham Palace, a block of • tbarble was wauted:.. The . Tele graph was•set..t o **Ork:- • and - • a. message' . sent to. CairO, r.sking if they' had a -biock that would 14, suitable. Almost 'direCtly. en answer; was returned:that a block Was (hen. lying'itt tinnily-at Cairit '; -.and ship ;harbor about, tolsail for Rug . Intinedintely.another me-=: Inge was-sent... ermg the marble; and it . Ca me do Entilatici • hy that, ship. • The.otherin4ance WO:quite as milieus.' When the': (..ineen went to Ireland,- iffwas arranged - she .d.io•uld• land at - Tantwarthi but it • .Wai dis:erered there.wns noPlatn at hand..; :They,wanted to herrow;it frntri • Sir Robert -prayton 111aticni but 'Sir Rehert - lhad. , .igoto .to 1 - Sivitze r !am4 Then came the trestion; -;whether.'.ltheY • '..shoulti send to Birminghark•and getSoni • • plate there, .or, sdud to 'Qeneval 6.+ th electric teleOtplij..;.-They did• the anti. al Most Inimeditttely- a measage : back trim" Str Robert' Peel, 'placing •:p raY ton Monet-. "co tit ts he se r -yicet Of.the :---'" • : . t , Thy.- NI leral3l '` off cits l fire , .. hundred d, .d \ and ne ciuelions asked -to 111 ho will - furn lab •it with an'at__ ,p y - ." of a certain let. : . ti / t, ter, seitl , to have been.writien in 18 1 8 by Franklin:Tierce,' of New Hampshi ,in reply to 813`invittqi911 to a tiend t bi 9 nfib 10,1Freo Snit Convention Or , that y ea r or "16:bc theit 4 Candidate for the . kest 'bey: Ala° liandatime . : reward for a Copy fean Ant i r -Slaveey speech of said Gi;O. Frank ! • ') -tin Pierce, delivered in: istgor 1 /IBM shire', a few years egos,' '. 1 , . .;..:':. ~- ~: ..,.. , '-'• :Here iiiii(finechance. 'fitr soma-braked 'iloWn palitieiap to make a apocaltitia . .,itt* lhower . er, , aecordiktol! the. 114iiiti4 Gi n;. e 'Pierc-condescended tor rnakeo tnotierby :peddlinihi'EtOrliaiet 4 ' ', 4 0 4 141 b 6413 1 4 Y 41 1 tO ler him- heti° ihii , firm ilaisce at these e - fi*ef iiiqdred 'tit/Mirk i : ' , 4"f`• ' li' I '-' . ! ''': 4 s - ); r' `l.' ' - : :'.. c .! le, ~.' • ' -- I , J , -,-.1 . 1 •t, t ,..: ( 0, 'l , 1 iirrioiii;l iiii , "Pei:al.-Me 'NrlOl4 'Humbert fielir'ehes in' the *nietllialelt i ) 25 is',.lti.6'6l:l-Ibe value :ail) "eiiitrati iiielt. r er fraplsil4gli;sol:: ''lTliciti,C urayalVkap I ‘iill':iii.akaiiiikid4ta'. 14444, .tiaiiiiim, Vt,sliar,cl;yiVAUffallia`!'ol ttly -:tl64*-is 1 ..ilit. - ,ciali*le•tliiii / is itoiiiatihp thtinact; - :t ir-' iil+.4iii\liiii'iiiiiilljsicitaitiia L." L'flielK i:-' 'espotei'lii6 r ebiliefeikeeein' Viiikt , iiitYk r' i3;556,0 ' rigs; `_ thin Ourthig • . - n-' 1 Ott - .. V • l r .bkiii ir e'l"' ' 7 , . 13, i. , .., puo afa stk - t la- 1 )y:foi:;' - ' li:100011.11 ~il , - .4 i4eibilut , 131 1 11# lilei l ogioth 2.4 itY:ciii, - 01_10 , „ ~. ra . l td. i.,,,tb , Idiii i ii, .- or , rf i c h - lit 'ma ''' iitr - liiiiA* al. •TiVN, ea . - 7-- e .. el f.- ;i .7 -,; • . 1 ' - l itr, ' aii 'W 3 ift , ;lfi r or 'nib i' i t like `. iCitaeiT / ' n WI) cirdtieism 01'31* '"i' et!iicoi - .Alan the Cat4bli ' .>_, -.- -y _ ij- 1 , _....! 1 1 • 4:: ' , - • ... -- •• - -• , 'l I - , 1.-- ..1.t.:,-;-r-:.4- -, ,,,,:•=. ..!,-.?‘ GO The NewAroile-Tinteilitiyit: 'The Harpers have open ed'a business oi at so'; 65-,Beeknetntitteret„ cOrier-Of Gold, : fruthe litiildiNf iiicqp'4l4 - 11sit:tiipO fowl- Ail._ by I lobittl.!lhite. ''' - rhint . Safe Wait taken, there yesterdtiyilantlitei account books, . polid e!j ef ' insurance, : AC. '.i l icc...; fituna‘to.be perfectly sf& Wlate (011E1. thy Ofibooki,,• - ;-rescuidfrtint...,,the , building during the fire';l , l , l4s alSo re moved "thither, and although insignificant compard .w ith t their . aggregate stock,- preVeslo be: a nger' than was.supposedi ~ -i," , - '•-. .: - for thitt their arrangem;ents for the iliture 'prOsetution of theirt _busi ness, are latrendy far ticivanced, slid that. Very few days - will .elapse before they c will) be able to . give es,ployment; again:l4' many of the most ofcessitous of theivop- : erattreS; and . ii - 3 - 4 - et :" fiAeiti -Oitii;iouty„.., 1 • press4agaiti,at - werk ;upon 'seine' 'ci(the . ,valuable works. - of which the sternetvp4 , plate were' saved; 'llia - liktgaziac rfor januaiy: will be at once made. up enewi• . and they.will,":probably be - able tti deliver a large part of the, edition on the day4t is' due. ' i .:. •- L- , =• , • -" , '-'3-. -., - , c... = .., '•- • - * -- 7 -- . - - ' 4 .71 .., • . ..Ifk• ••!.,.. _tin , It is ,fieltrem,wo ftnd,,thiLi prss of New .York•souninunOus - itt sentialialt• as they arc in their approval`, of the_ recent .in the . ..libel case Fri: Vs Bennet. Not-one appears to expret•lsAlieleast ti t ytnt , pathy' for the proprietor tit. the Herald,: -The-..Eveuing Posttliinks,:k verdict 0(2,0,- 000 dollars would not have been too niuth. , I It says: rlndeed, ifthey.could have united 1 with it a detree oficaprisofiment it would not. have- been .;too severe a.. punishment I fin , this .. - Calibin of,- -the .press,, Nilo,. ' for years, has outraged 'decetteratufimor, als, almost with imptinity.' - , The, _editor of the Mirror tells Mr;l3eneett—.Appeal- . . I ing'in 'such • eases is an _expensive luxury:: • I Better pay up and done with it.'-. ~j..._, . :, 30atitig., ":\ . , . . .• :: ...-: - . Slitt-,§ates.:„. -. • .-:.,,,- . .. The Slips-in.the - PrOSl;yteriati•ehnscii,.,in,,• this place, will berrentbd fur they : ear, 1,85:4 - ,- -: on. Sattinl,4t:lie:3.l.st4ist, at - half iiiiii'''Otio . o'clock P. M. • .*,- 1 , ..,- :- .. :- :,... ' • 4ontros.e Dec, 21'st, 1853 - . , . _......_ A mecting,for the 7. nlrpoSe- of.. i't - irniing a; cnunt . .Trachers As .ligeipir: 01 - bi.,.. hot 4 at the C ourt ilouXo-in M o ritron,tiii',;Sittiii.,, lo tlai..ba. 31St,.at 1, 0..4 1 .10c' 1 . P. XL , .:-.'l*.':,:telless. ihronghnut the.coti . 4 . ~ an,kl,., tho friends : of. Education gunerally are earns . -.4!)1reque.: 4 40. , to attepti. ,• • -, - ; . . , - c', „,.. ~.-...-.. .•.;, ,:. , ~, An adj.ounied . tneeping, Imbjectof Free ,Alission,s,- Prtsvidetier Imenkitt, be held lAni)tist ineetitig bonze, on. On tirst X rednesday-. in 4,Tinti4ry next, ecnutner.eing 1.1, n' c luck, 1, A;" iirba feel atiliite Ft . troll - the invited . to ettend-. 1 - ' Deer 10th• 1953: 1 ' • Chair Donaficia 011 . 64 r. 0!4:: 1 horn at his hbuse day Dee. aftereoon and, 414,vnit g .. ~ •. As no slleeial invitations will' he given,' hi friend's, and "the public ginotally, Are hereby resp'ectfully_inited to - attend.' • Young people in the evening' l . •?' New .Milford, Dee., 21, 1853; • • Medical Society. The 'annual ineeking of the Siiquelianna County Medie4l.Sonieti, will be 6.144.iti1.-Ne* Milford on Wednesclay, the 4 tii.:day :pf 4 anz, uary next, at tetioielbek'N...V...:• • , OfEeerS.fur the ensuing,yein: elect eti and orifricialesidvi • willi 'be retid.' r .G.' 7 lltipVO.i. Seel.' .The!illo'n'tkae•Liituain " Will meet 0 the'CAltjrt. Fritl4 evening- nextot Question for.tliSenssion qvnulti it for the tiover i umetit the Iroited Stite.4 t 6 annex thie Isla4rof Cu La to our te7ritory! .r, • .I.he .Lyeenm raper, the Olto r wal be rcaa by EditorjoisPrn.' I.- „ The iublicgenerallp ; arcs ink tte n 1: *- -; • a-- . ...... r - " l 3lartint2 • In this placooti ' l .llntlav'the sth by lic E. A., Riley.'JtocivP.•-Fat.t.Ows Jr., of :icrs . CW3 , ,,•' to" Miss Mit.litost: Bnow:;', of this"glace: ~" ' At,Great Bend, on thee] 6th of March last. Mns. S - ItAtt J. iviifi:tif Mr.-'William Green; ', and daughter of!' Deacon • Titus' SMith;`-'6f Franklikti in the - 3 1 0th year of her ligi:' • 1 1 •; ,- A tsO, on the 29ilt - of:itygnstlast,iZS ' S i only daughter of William Greea;in ,tle,: -. oili month ofh ' erafro r !‘k, ‘,- ' . -,•: , ;.. . ''' ~ • --" • Drowned, nt G; 'lint Bend; .• on the'Sth -just', Jells, youngest SO. of William (4reen, aged • 3 .years'-and Wmontli:- - -, - , •;--.. -,-, -'. .1 Thilanaddlt tbi"viofi4,l3 , hud darknCsi-tlint `sometimes surround thutmaitincri of di iitie •PrOVittencs,'• has 'all iffeetionato clushanit, and Father been bereft 4 , :iiin•corniannioni•andl.wo', `of his:motherlesseelti dreti,:and in a +vr. fleet- i ing - months consign il to ,, their kindied'idast; one half of = ll inter, Jog family l learitig-411e; remaining' half ttO ourn - over ft IciSNAttliieh" can ,never be• -- ftpairS iin -4,lsiscralti:ef- tears. illear - xo'•tot;beronv , onoe.;' , unitiio vices in the spirit world 'sin 114 , -,•: t 's t't 't . •:'',,-) - 'll.t 4 ~.. I • i •- 1 , ' '. ''Come t f liblihtiiiiii laid, iriaitckatan 4 irtO'r,'' >,. why *Mil douNilg stand;vl4 , still dilii2lll : ~•zr -. .., lix =-,'• J;:. vt 1 ..,,-„--, i '': i .. ' i'VicVin: , l' 1 3ltarra 1 -- lbel 1 - e , : 4 el 14. nEiR.IsT*ASA:odi -: • •,,,., : . Ira are con • tikitee -? . . a J a . '-' - okr ' f • • ..!neftxtcnrOel men • War ° ' ' !,,,,,e(tin . l6. t; • which' ''.we.i. l: •• i ' Tilt.* ops t soa, s o , that, old lid •y buts e4g4litatsan4 o' l r '' ' be Sup: -. vial Fe*4Beeki . ; Atnn -, lPell zre" . .. I t I r . lint, . cities. 0" :' &P‘M" 7.4l l4,..TiigroYe s G ames , , '' :Oman* _, - -- udt:Etivelotkal. Lanips, v as ' ; .st Cl:' Boltesißiuslntir*,ke:- ..--- . ,/lieViiiitl- Bi ' tifitt Embreiltryf , ‘ undlierehiets, ,Co rty . Binds, qua,. Simms ' : Ed 4 0, 78 -AnCinseili llt - - Stamped Pollars :laud . Bar.tLOa great varlet -;„ .-.' '.-- •T.- 2- 1 t • ' -.`, , -• • ALSO, - • f ' A large addilipo4o tnly stock of DrY_GOOdyjisitay • ble i •to the 'se.t.son. - Plaid. Sill, Wool I=l D.el*ingf goods . ; Slinivls:* SPlOndid - ritmk aria ehilat - Thruditellit,litid ;Cassinlijes r a, larrveilitlMtir LrAdielt Doak -0,( 04-: SallnAn4 Plinb.Y ,el l „ 4l ll 3 ll - '. ''''''' t i_l l , 4— .' _. • • - Such an addition to viii,lockor - cloak as hill ftekerit - tekilleAdennAwerlo 01.411011 P'‘WithigeitVgilltac *and examine :- ; 'A grist vioilY, of clqher goal% all 'i:dT, , hich will - 4,0,84d it i ty,the Joire4l rites. fti'r read] , p a. . „ -,, ~',4;,-;•ir...-:. - kr;lt 0.11,0 D ER.': - lontro",•Dee..2o, 1,853. - ,- :• ' .•• ' 1 - --• ••,_. ,io aniA 4 i . ..:-,,- - - tr i. CI NATII ERE - AS 'I he - on: - David Wilmont, Prost. ; VI dent'-ot-the: Curt`tif 'Oyer iital"Terniinai..; and General Jait*l4very,"-Ctiourt:Of Quarter - lions of the Pence and_pourt of - ,C s ommon-Pl a,- and Orphans' Orpha L Ptiuri;- in thel-Thirteenth Audiel 'District, con) 06.* of !the "Chittitlea Of " - Stiaiiiieli , • lift; 'Brallford;-- - iinit Sulfivini ; . --nral the.'Hotte.'":l46a. Boyle-and ..Daviii.D...-yorarper,- , Airw . iate - -jodges in ' Suslueliariria : county : , - issued ' - filch; precetti bearing [late- , the: 27,th dati-of November, in t year of our Lordi Outs t thuniand eight littoillyttandi fifty three, nail lO,ine, directed, for liolding'itburt; -- of Oyit and l'erniineVafid 'General hittlOivery- - Jr ] the 4, l3OrOugh of - :-2iliitro46,".- and zeotmtr of .S . tail, Auelia;ita, on the. thiTtl" Idouticy- of , January - . nent, Ot bei n g the IGth day:)--- ',- - : - i . :' - nyktca rt . uittiOv k:icy iti. the' C oro ner,o Jtts- - ' - tices of the,-Peack and dintnbles of: saki county ' ' - - '." a '.• be then, '"' d'llii ' ' ird Susquehaluitt, - 411 - 1 ~ an -- ye, In their - ,proper, per Fons, a 'two O'clock- in the 'alter of s aid " dray , : with • lieiii - icciirchiOnqufiitions, Ind - Other retnembraisceii i to-do thoon,thing*mhich . jo ;then., oMiett.appOnin . to be c10p.,-;,401.1-„ r tpose 4 ,wlii7Littebo ialby J-1..cwn,., uznacei - agaiolseihe Orli- Oners,that re ov.q)ol . .bi-iri - e‘laWatitsifitcxain-: c ty- , 4" , ,5ii. ehnotut:iiire, to -b 'then :and there, to priAecate, .iiluil. diem'-as bi-"jeite: ll ;;'' 7 "74 ,--: Dtited at, - 316rutottt, , thelt -dsrao(Deteniber" le - the year; of °Ur Lord one„thotaitty4,, eight bun-- dred anti fifty-th ree:: -- , l,-: - : Sheriffillit6;' :----.---- --..--,-,•' ---- r -- ' 4 ' , . : 4- .4 - 1. - , -4. - . " .. s i. Proolamati( . . . . . . Sus qzt f qiniql f;oun l f iISA; :• ...t _; , . . 011aticcy. Curln r,. o.iu'i't.'of - kiiiiiniani . rits . er • xs. ; • :sai(Notattf Ne:ls4'; ] Athiuft - tVirni.. ".:;"arrilk 11. Coe, .1553:.• -•-•.•-',. - ; ,. ..: - .•!4 - ., - ;-. 7 ....6 i . ,'14-: - . , ..i-2...C- - .f - To Sol t a4,l/..toc';,-„....,W1te : re . g.,4, §ttbwe ita. ,voicegrDi , w c isstiea r - tc±, ..-4: 6 )Nst:Terl4i l ± Bs 4;'. l khich' ,c: is ' duly 'rat urit&l' iicfrii . eit:iiibektsii,' - itiuli tifeieory :an tz?ins Subpcnti:Ntrti4i iissttel , ini . *s.aitl-caike . ; icturn : i l , 'ablfi, Isl .to, evetnber ;Court, 1 '53 ; upqn te return. - .of which:: iiriSktitig 'tahrta o , 'said' Caurt. - ihsie the -said Sarah. P...' 7 e - 4)** CUlllittNi L Tumuli Incay naili :wick. .. • . -,:;.,-;•,.-,..' .-,.',.'...:',,,,,:•,....,,. 'llls notice i.4therefOrela iScitiWe you hi itppe;te• -.before the 3 ± i e: ;tire ; ow tho third Mott ....clay of 'ltil l tiari next,:to-alvitv4r - 4' aietiomplahiant',. 4 1 :e. •.•-.'",'' ' ' -4LB.F-444. 1 t4 18 ,h'it.. 4 Sherittofiice -1.1 - entrese, Dee..2o 1 t 353. - ' Will s _. ,- 4 .!.. ~; ~.i i • - .• ' /Pro° atioiv,44-::: - ......4. - 1 .. ~ .: ~, • -: , • ,L. .- .. 1.. ,Sustiiielia?iga• Ca: tnty ... - it -i t ~..3.,1g. ' :,if -1. ; D j ana 4: Wilksoll ,.. -,.., 1 -', , ,, lln t4l. Court! . .-i;s• Iter next - fripiitl;7l, l 9s. V - Alciii'Ver . 1 0 re:np . :Tlea 3 j .: , vK ,... • ~... 1., ' 4.6fkint-co.No ;. ~ • .. N'illitiut 15:::DiniiiOn ",-"..- •`• i - , i . il'il°43;'..August -J ' . ° ,„ .• . : •'•• .1 - ..) Tenn, 185 S. I • To 11 7 illiam D:Dt: tei*c;ii :;) Vi? Wows . a: ,, Stit)pce-, Ili of . Diyotte siti., issue* to. A._tgu.. it TiirmAtP33.! ' which was d u ly .:.returni.... , il,, , 72?11.1 . cAt:-lArOtfita; and. thereon an..olfas .t i4ii,cilid'iiiyi . iYstieif iis ini4,4tasec reformable to..l\rily:'eutber'eurt",lBs i Siniioti the ie. i turn of which: i)riaiit - ;i:ekorel . **O4.ll43' onort: that . . the t.a id -I'illitirn.:4,-.•.l3*ihiri'o,4.4,l,.Eit4, , „wjmuut, its my Bailiwick. . - '.- - -. .., . - Thiri trotte.'e ..i therefore; ti , r e quire. you to 4 4ve!ti before the .1 tnigea „ . nf,„ the . .st,tld ;.$. 1 04,.r.t.1 .lau „tb.,‘,.. third Ilivichte of January, ne xt ito are*er, iania.. , iinkilittil- ant:A...C. - . G ; - '' - :-;''' '":11.1'..." 'I...DitEDI 'lSh'ff. ~ I . , Sgeiilrs ofiiec,:lintitrose,;'Pe :. 1 ,2 , 4,-- ; .185., 1 - A.... .• ', _,... 7:. '..,, , .... . 3 _.... ...".} L., 4 . 7.:!0rt ; ..:: .1 I . -. : :.. :: : - P Xoc l ar Ittign . i , : Ssits:queloiinsi. Oorraty' I sl. . :.. 1 - . _ .-, • - • . : Alinir4 Wuret, • . the Cour t by suctiext fcieo4,-1).100c,-Pliv)rii.i 1 iii•:go*n ..,---,, • - : - 1 t. I, ktftletassotaaiii ' • BanaersiD. Wortl ' 1 ea.; No. 145, ! Ta Sanilers -D. -.]Wesel.: .,,*,J/giTas a :übisitena lif l'ivuree wa isittioti'fik - Saf Term, 1853, 'which. NN'tt (I tilY . retAqir - sl ; $lOB :.M..i#t .c.tti,t4s; -and .tliereou, WY alias. Subixena WM ' 1 , ;1 4 qt d if ;siil Ae return ble to liuveather . Court s 15 55 ; , ' upum 4 F ur4 o f ivbitictproo( wa.klmaditce,oaol.oalrltliit. o.te..uis l . 4ander3 1),-Wl.Ttlip,) , all - •,ueit,l , rtiapii , : iu ilii4ll wick. - - .;." , . , . 1 ,: . . 1- t . ::: 'r ,:- 1. 71.:"1 . ....17::: f!...: - Thfi nut ieol,s there ire l id require yoii!itittiifieli bt•for&tlie Jades, amid Oiairtitnvtlie: ihild *art dai.of.Januar Y .,lrt,'-‘744-iviPt'A gOtrvirugllahlarki,i .4te. • r . • c:. , . -1: i?"-••!i . SI : B. ELpA tu,,gtid. t, fieriii,'i.: MO "ireittias - .„'"Dee: 1 10, ittt .:. ' -2-'l-) - -/-Giro . cery_ iceril3B., 7; 2 1/ti ./fon. IhCrticlfeAt' - ',thi• Court t • seisi q tiiet)ii4vae"cit the tvotiof,Suzquig Ibirt ljerripian-of lloniroAe, , , : cputith ii re pvtl . 4lly 7 rsprOents,Oal. hsi pit-4100 tllle.lstqfTemetict`ii @§ke4i3l it)!the -J ;tto iAlit.str6l-6 . aiit... • fuic; 1 . .1114 It• iiitstitiori s nii - tot next -Court" of Q tiarte'r Sessitim;, to be: hal for•ttaid 'cauoty ; • flit:ibis:it-11004,6 4:ailuary Rk 191: la 16.4 th e. to .4e5Z11 CkroCV,l:,, 1140 otti vr Ito 13'3 . " '!'*; 11,f, ~I ~ S 1 1( - 4.1:12 . 0 .Sae ir4 . 1 . -.,' ~ . . ~ii , -. • . .. .11,6 'V i- 'lii6 - . or-'sutiTu . 'mite ': _ asst= t ;the , lik/Cci' r• at. ~ Ot;tipiou aleilir I:4 , :**) . , nth etiaiitn 6 it.lakiii4l!;.eg . ol4l•:**lf4 ( , o A. . 34.0.44!-: ' t .- sale'ratllie\:e.;,puyLlitta4q,jir.:3l6l4-m6016 :51411 . 14/1!,., . 16 : 14 . ty day . a liit - wiYLi,:, it 6nifo'cicidy.t.*i... ' - lliti'it 44-iiiiiii'ltg6-k,T.'pittell:?if.'laiid• - fitinite. . iili• • ;iui&boift - 444t4d. - piwn•4l 3- 3 3 f - ctiff_sr i svr: itLiia'.'cotint, ', ki6ii4lekiutt ,46*, ribectf-:l4, l lnki; 0).:0,i ; :i:1,4, ki iwit - 1 44 i •gi41 , 01; Vick:W.lX,, le, 1 Abe .:e.iii,.bi: tei;;Pare.o44l,fiiim, ii 4 -?rt - ibe re iiiidit:lsl, litnUAlitifitq'W..Zif ' .1.041 ,Ifikit," iithilieeil . ': 1 1t, t.#o.lo 6 i; i43 o 6 KleeM ee Il ti ,'.• - - - . - ' --- r•aixted 4intit;-ia.. **err 41 ) .0 0iPP 4 !1. 0 fir -I CP 3I :-` ' -I 1 lte fn t: tAl , *.o*.oth6i, , piego - ',. 0 3,c,004- 1 . .. (1 i-,44!!k l it',- i i ti d . L. - .:tte;,t - ,ty;i41iii..,04.:04,q,-.4c0 1 , ..;_ , T1f 4 F-f.i i ' e i --Ileac; lied-iva.'itilliii;ii Aci,.*iG OW - 6 &I : 60 ~ y.. l i todi - -ou. I. Ku Bit i e kulh-t -, b... y '.'Nuai 4irCtioni 3 .4 . l*6 *: - thi',Dor . o l3 w* .;', 3 :' 441adi 'a Dieiliiil7ooo,r,xiti44lco,liii, - ;; ( 4;•9 4 .• I ‘4t ,t4i...14.i i. 1 04:9 1 _ . .4P1ia:•: -. 44‘ 1 1 4 .i. , -- t w „. a ' 404106,-Anor6-4, 10.*:tbie.thoF,;,+, 4 ~,,..!...„.27 - • 1 r 1.4. e, ' . 4 11 ;' 1 41 7 9 '1 4 ' e . : 4 bal'o -.1 . 1 4 1 5i i1 / 4 . 4 111 t i, 111cees ,r: • • ,.. ,•,..,„ 1 ,,,,,,,,, i .1 w ..0,,,., ~-, , f1 :,,-_, -,---/,-- ~,„,-,:. -..y•-. • ran c, , ...,-- ~.- ~ , •.•• --• ~ • , ,-, ..• ~:. „•,,„. 5 .„.,..,, g i n a )• !.,Tii,dift,ArvA‘e4tit;c: at the s. l 4w , (4 ! o `=' --- elsittviftliiiii4giiqt,-,,,,*40,• qtkly f1 . 51,1.r! r. . 4- • - $441.r ,.-. 'i,- - iii , ;.3-i' - '..-1•'.1 , :.. , .,. , ,.:431 . .40 - n: - . ,- 4..r '' ''. 4 '?.tiiiCkatiatt.-eit4e oFipitc;el: °tuna . ~,. . ~ t .i•iio,: ;• - iiikiglien*litc.thol* - iviiwpr :. 4_t- - : . 1 .... - 3 1 ,1 rinal.ar*.,4* - 44**Tm n FAx'n d AIW ,••• 1 iii440.44 - 140-4?!.‘19.'F, 4 137,..Te ' ..,• i l lY.' . . 11 4,-gt•• .!.. - .. -11 : 0 1t I? r eZeitiviran.- -' I tyilan 0 4 ii t . _ . • ' -',Orgn.. , 1 - • -;, ,,--- o,l4ooitti • . 1 r ;1 0 - 13401W - rib A h r t "` u kiito4:4ln ir t i r . ti t - - • •iitag i tiooooo,4 l o,ow3uw9c .. .. i w . Mitii• 4144ig r * , 4.4 14 1,iM41•• to Attu ! , 1.44.0i 1 4141 i 1 - 1 0 1: - ,..„,I e s s i.,1U 7 tiaa? -1 ,1 , ilrea ti 4 !fpp Oenaw.Vt‘r.9-7:ft iv ;:^f oospio t . -. 17 .; . ..: :vet) 41O r iltiAii , bliffliittlir . 9):0 1 21 c'n!L.,- 6 ,2•.1,, t t . ' "74°:ft411. : ' '-' - NA 1 14,9 0. 00 . 00000 . *44:04.. * *0#4. 0 6,i- , li r , .:**440)10#0.34.44 - Offt - Tt li kfa - ja i tki, '424 ol ,t• m t it *OVl.C,Off?„ * *T• 3 7 -, :y .3,t .. .•: r .;i ,f43,64 k 4 i i-ii,,, t0 . 4 -f : •,_,•,,,,,:...4-ctiol fr f • --- -.N---i,-,,,,„,,,,•,-- , -.. te risivititrict.ii4oo B ' 0 "MAO, .f.!4--..-. : .•:-- '4, . , i ,, , ,:,, , . cidi r iai k iti 1 ~,,,..h.i , *0 61 ;7 : -..' : U T ilicki n t I T I L .. . 1 4 74 i. un .taAtii ' '.4 l ::4S , # -44 . tigs Lfplzvoig, AE. „wit '111:4,01 11. ~: ... -- , • qatui i ,s iiil i witkb . P l, i.,.- ,ir i i..-,l* 4 sitoi.: o l: * 4 11 1 7 3c*4*.", 40,4 •t - il -•-- ,----• *- L .-, • - ... - , ,. ...V . ,-Ivernilf. .. _., 3... , -. , • ..,., L - - ---- L-4: - tie.tftdii tsKRAW.::„ •-.! •- I t TF P, liiiiiffy* •• • - 'l' t t.. ',..11 i weivoiovoilkt,:of ,• , ir k •,,i; ..o.k• . -.. 4,., ~s..;, . #osightifol. ! ...• :...- :' ,...***-0: - •-• - Z - •' 3 ' - ii , =iiitivoilmkox '` . 4ooa:V4o l / 4 &f.9410!;10 - bilt ' AIVIVI' ff,....,.. 7... 5 ....,r , i),t,t:n.F..: , :; , , % --, '-':.:Of. , ';' :" : • . -000114116 A, 3t4i4t - 1 *'• mvs , F.. ;1 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers