. . -"Proagidi•' ifatkeianigeneer. Witt 'fro* Ifider . :Jack:.lW4ing. -. .. .Frivitebeepatai to Glacial Piercs.-* Dennstsnynolx,State of Maine, t ' ' - \ ' - ' :Noietntier 8;4853. . I beet! \, 9lSerat„.; . 1 got ' beck ` ; from my tower tp 4Suropo - Yesterdays-and t found - Arnett*'Joel:tell, and rklet-Kesialt, and Cousin Sargent, Joel ill welfr'ind I hope these-03W libel will find .you enjoying the sartioAdeesing. - Tin glad:of one thing, and thatii4l-that. you slut troubled so much abont ;organs as you was. when I was away. -- There -wasn't -any organ then.' only ; the Nies, and that. ) WaS,O. disputed one ;', so I bad /CO send my•lasi despatch'. to my old friendi; Mr:Gales and Seaton, an4.get...4o.4 l4 l. l orvialli,it telenLthe Oelt. wa ,citey . could. But I understand now that organs itqgetting ;ohe as plenty as blackberries.; and that seems \ to be lucky about this tbine, for, if what Uncle Joshua tells nio iti all true- e it .will need, a good maFiy'ef 'eta to play. tunes to suit all par-- ties . : If s yoit could inapage \to have an, organ for each member of the Cabinet, it wouldbenit great help.;-'for then each One eituld play his own tune, and no jarring; end - iarrnbny is what we need all round. ni ctlEr.: Marcy needs an .organ all to himself, 0 ,tafire off his 44-pounders at Austria and "1. the - rest of 'Europe; to keep ,:matters' straight over there. And Mr. duthrie,,l r ti • ani sure, needs an organ all to himself.to ::itt manage his New York correspondence. And there's Gineral Cushing, he ought to r Tbave a nice , organ- : all to himself 'that , would plaY Military tunes, so that every ?,body,'aasoon as they beard it, would feel i . as if they wanted to march. And Gitlin. lal - Davis ought to have a military organ '-‘ too ; but some saylie and Gineral Cush jug : mighrget along very well With one --organhetween 'em, and that Gineral liaz o r Tus dould play Ins-variations on Mr. Guth . view :, rga, l3 `. -, - " . : 1 t_l ...-_ And then the different usections" or the "partyneecia, different organs toh. I - , never believed ;the - same-tune .would.sat.: it , A l isfy.lhe 4.tittrds"hand the ..Softs” i nf New . - ''York i. and from What-Uncle Joshua tells i s l e le me,it'a jest 'so, " lie - says the organ has .-' -been pouring out delightful strains of bar , its i - „ AI _ al r oo ny all-ante:tier, but the more pour.:. ,--- 6 d ; 'etn obi the greater was -the. discord • i,---oe etween tbe Herds - and the Soft . ; till fi-, s 1 all ally it' worked 'Cm :to n ; pitch o phien le ii• - ! hand he EaYS . they are now fightin and c ttri., pullin caps like mail :" , That shows clear.: 0 =. 1 ; ly to my mind that_the differeet isections' i,..0 ought to have 'their own 'organs: and I is, I dote_t think there'll be any peace till they _WATll'have.. - . And that's- why.rm glad, to find '; ".'°'' that organs is growing more . plefity. ' offit B ut a nt, my tower in urope. ye _, • I got' agood , deal' to say, more than I can t t ; 3 4 get into this despatch, and 'sothe of it I rcat think would work wellinto your Message it=s'! to Ciingress, next-month, if I can . get time ' 1 • to bring it , or send it to youin ttine Ye l i n ,i , _see,as I had your commission of Minister, L.. e.ive Gineral tii.go on my'ciwn hook Wherever asatg „...i pleased. and look .after matters,jest as r t I 4 thought best, it gin me' a capital chance : do a to work to advantage. And Mr. Marcy's us , 4 -rules,• too, about dresa, : worked first rate ; men 'far -wheat thought it best to go , it a little :4 1 ,4 en the sly, I cciuld just - put "on my drab ax i i suitcntrand broad brim hat and sagaciate ',Wli rotted among 'the whole biling of 'emy Pit and they wouldu't mistrust who I wss.— ..: SO whenl folund out n7bich _way the cat was going to jump, and thought it was --- best to, bead 'ern and bring it to a pint, I -, A T t had' nothing to _do but pull my commis- 1 '.' n 'aion out of my pocket and , show it to 'em, . 4 and that: did : the business. -The fact is, atet ,i; Europe's afraid of As. I -think we are g er i fast getting the Upper hand. There aint Grok ancithermattoti id all creation, without 'tis rig 'ca IttnAt, that -hardly dare Say her ,sonl's mile, her own, for fear Washall down upon-her !Ste and take; her soul away frorn her. ~ Ana even Russia feels a little ticklish for, fear, a ,T n that, When she gets into her high-falutin 1 sindal with Turkey, aud the rest of Europe goes ; 5 9 A:3 le:taka,sides, we shall turn to and lick . ..77 - the, whole .iscrtipe;and itenex'em . to . our ti,ii) modern Rome. I see somebody has pia' tat Ser out a book that proves as,clear as Preach s'..4l. 10 .in .thai t.lns,T.Triited Staiea is modern Rome; so• when Gineral bushing said in his speech we mustonarch, march; march, and do: skald Roine did; he was talking by the book: ./ - ' . - - About this war.., business in Europe, if there'aanything - .to be larnt in diplomat-' .is eireles, - end rya sifted the whole of !em i lleere's to be a tightscratch all "round - before Nis over. : -. .-The truth is;Russia is, \in real evilest after Tniky, as ever a hear was, to get into a cornfield.. She clam . hired -over into the field, , like a great , beakas she is A . jest for the purpose of - ` tali' hpr way through _from one end to ;he other, But she intended to do it all in a , peaceable...friendly way, marching cooly te. .. and slowly along, step , by step, till she got 1 . ' down . .to the lower end of the field, and I thenlll6,woul4 swallow Constantinople / ( 'jesias quick as . "a cat could lick her ear, , -aid poor Ttirkey never would know What become ofc_her. ;The Czar intended to 'do this all iii, a friendly, quiet 'way, nib -4 bling along\ at his leisure, and not' have I:: ;nvT, fuss at ill about it. Ent the foolish, .. - Sul tan got frightened; and worked him eelfr into . , a tantrum, and told Mr, Bear . 'to clear out of. hiscornfield in fifteen days , ot• *Vita the:. dogs . arier. him. Well, that. - midis, lbs, Czar_ mad ; , and now,he liays, clear. The track, \ for be'E. going down _ to Consuniticiople Whether or no, let who srill, stand:m the , way, and there shant*. is,.Tark i s heed left anywhere from. Dan' to Beeisluilia, that is if the other nations Will f)rlt ti ring and . see fair play' and not interfire.'. 4 . ' Ent the Czar riat , it good deal - *triad, E' gland - and France - -will be 'for . berm' / ~tiiriger in the pie,: so 'be' has *greed. I th Austria and Pruiiia, who ,are 'on ,. is Side, to keep quiet ati‘tdeclare themselves asutrat.and net stir an inch sialOng, 'Englandand 'France will keep Out ft; - !But If they begin to meddie, - tben al 14bsitle •, "to call .too, and have a' regular : Vitifit -- ihied pellieg caps ellround, _ .-, F' ell, England and Trance don't. , to keep 4tdeli.:.' TheY 'are watch= I,,jest-aa_nitriow, as ever it 'cat ~, ' :afmousei and before. Russia I __Alf, way Aim, to - ". Constantinople At be n tuteirib)rAt.u. The . Trer.leb rooster -1011..ero r ir ~. and :the British' lion willirrowi aid ebalieWineue; arid_ ie the Risigaii kerr.4.:*'i liei Ticked: 4 4:: , :icaYed' . s *0 4um-taillii and.rail;l.*.hOdif onand . •11,tnnftpnn,end - ,,ofTtitkey;then.England - titd Frazee. will - eltip their Saadi tegetb - , eras eat' pi tother endjuat fp 'keepli, - Irani iil4 l 4t_ - " -* .. e? Nti* i # . ' ;illythin--r umpus: : l'eMPee- gets - .t9 i ita Melia '"iiifig ' , ii -Europl-end,4lll", the. et -Olt Oen 41.1.04 i t' ll be - jest - the dieele4eseeto l oi•juid go to annex -- he, iod*kiiootif - iitirmiiiiifest destiny ill a -kinto#W#liiiiiii .-- ,- Vi r *ikee , -the; ine. , K - _ 4,b0a.e. - aloolpt izoodUffirnear '.l .-,.-, sea asiness47ansell' patabev.iterial . . 7 :,..- 3. -. , :,, • 4 43 . /t i vo n; owl l ittle --; ,'-' - - - '• • rr. ;1 : : Al'': '-.:- 1 11 I B 3 GE, rir_j IT. IS It. 1 ' Ybk e not 1 ‘ Ali C "8- Oft' of Mexico, when we Might jest as well branch out _and dosOtilething tipletidid soniethintbitt..old Itritne cOtildn't.holdrit' cithlle ib; itittlinthing• that ,Vrioeo4 l , Cush ing biniSelttould say was qiiitelup tO thisi occasioao Who-went - a 4. to wait- for _oil manifest tali one-half* present generation his died,Offt . IXtty,..d6;, now% the tithe; 'we:inust..itcrike wheothe irciti' het. ' So when the Czar arid alibis tvorili t ' i i are away down south pepperin.Turkey 4 let us whip around ; into the Baltic - an annex Si. Petersharg„'ind . put a, nay Y .ar4an .army:there that will - catinirtaild all- Northern_ Europe. .- By that _time 'Eng land and. France will get. to.. quarrelling, With each otherto'see which shall have -Constantinople, and that.will be the time for us to be down upon them like a thou.: 4fid otinfet trilre'Londori - and Aligiv. We shall have - Joint Bull by 'the . hortitt ; ;eke Paris and thee' give. us all the jining- Countries. - . . ; Then sail •up thelMediterii! glean, 'drive the English and Frenclille is all' afore us ; fOrce our way ''tlirongli 1 e -Darnitr-needles, -and get rpohsession bf that ..grilden horn' they tell about:: Th ii.' lif I understand-geography right, we a 4 411 have full sweep : oil over Creation.' .- il Whets try- be done on tot hcir side, o er the Pacific vvay, ain't mud . . Coin I n-' dore Perry liars fai,rly . got:lii. wedge i ivl - the oyster shell of,Japitn, an that's .iff the battle: Just send word to him . to. !ii nex China on hisway.round,\ and on his route home pick up the islands' Omi t , tint: the Pacific, which will be jest. as as .iis to pick up so manyliird'sreggs.l 'An. _rtf ter we get through our manifest, - des TV. I. don't see tvhat there - need he to hi cr our enjoying peace - and quie tness at the And - having a. good time of it. We • 411 certhinlyliave enough foi• all handi , 4 tui no \rnistalurs offices, enough for all., ein that wants offices, and 'spoils eaougl for all them that's hungry ; for sphils. . rid then let every man of us *.set his'fac 4 ike a flint as well -against, right 7 handed i'4k- Blicling.s as against left-handed defect 4 es, 'which may prejudice or .. embarrass the onward.progress of the Repuhlic." • Thn there neeatt'A be , no more quariellietr 'be tween the Herds had . Sons about vti c hioh, gets the most, for there'll be enough for Ate Whole' bilirigslut;of 'eta: 4 , ''''t..c. - -- . l'-' We ought to be going ahead: withlt is (business as ,fast_. as possible, for :th, e `joshaUsayi the party has got lett) hit r , 4) rible , snarl, arid'nothing but U.grand c ii- -- 4-tat can get erif out of it.. HO - 'bays'. -qollector Bropson of New Yorli-bnatiost his head,-owing to a, little inisunder , stan, ding between him and.. Mr. Gutitrie.H \ They both tried to see which could stalnd '.`tip tilll':nratOttn. --CITT-I,:yre-Detc4tri...4....r14..",i.., form, and they both agreed that the ptt , form Was'the role, and everyt hing mit t to be rquarettup to it. Mr..B on r a quite impartial, and. Mr, Guthrie "..lwas a .. good deal more so. When !41 r..-Bi.on son took. his ;;eat at the head - of the pustifm lloiLse'table, and air sections_of the party o cme, ' Crowdin47 and 441141011 g 'around _ to get the best places iii the table ani . l along side thC hest d ishes.lre_ ,t red t 0 give them all a fair ebance, 'hut arnehow. he I 11..0411i it was no more than rigln- fp help' 4rst therri - that- had alWays -stood fair nd' square on the .platfOrm• and if sore ' of . them that used to 44 on it had t o tyait a . little it might :AIO 'em good. But !she spitters mlide a terrible fuss about it, and kept up rich ndin in Mr. Guthrie's ears that be turned round and . told Mr. 'Be , oir.:, son 'right uP and down that he mesn't show no partiality. If a, glitter wasiii „Cached spitting on the pluiform, ninv, g ive him his regular mehl.: This touched' Mr. Bronson a little,...and he-said. he was able :tie do the honors 'Of hii. owii table, and he worild.atteed to the duties of his office it' nr. Guthrie would °his( Mr. Guthrie sai'4l that was rebelliaa.; .so he .11,-ciiiglit him to the block hutichopßed his Owed off. . -.- , .. :-' I Uncle Joshua says - it is.very misforth [ nate business, and - has`thrownthe Whole party iriton high fever. • The fever rages the hardeit: in the section" of the' New York. Fla rds, - and looks as thougb. it might proVe fatal. But Gineral, Cushing, :who , is Very skillful in such Matters, has:,ut a blister plaster on to _the : Massachusetts . Sufis, in ' ibe hopes Of drawing'out the- ip- Carnation from the. New. York Hat 3.— t But Uncle Joshua says he don't thin the party is out of:danger Yet. Brit. as' long i t as there's life there's hope ; .so let 'all -keep a stiff upper lip and : go ahead. • . Your fuithfill friend and *minister Gin ' eral. -:- MAJOR JACK DOWNI NG. : _ _ :. ' ' The War between Russia and: nr-_ key. ! .. i i '1• 4 - The Emperor. of . Russia must be., most •, religious man, fair he commences ei n his declaration of war with thel:" G . ', e 'or God?' The plait . English of the Whole matter is this,,and no less: IThe• 4ultan i of Turkey had two tractsofl coUnt i Ye; ly-• itig on and near 'the -Darinbe, adj 4 ising, .1 . in part at. least, the Emperot of R Bga's dominions : ---confessecily'lwithout a y i pate, tbe:Purte's,, but sDhicit the ror wanted—we 'dop't 4y needed. , . 1 'Emperor-the -Porte trYiegiall. tit 't 1 toward off by - condession, the med t t attempt of his adyereary,7sends his . r c ''into;these .territories and r a kes: ci silati of them.. .The Porte,.fiailing t 'at.,_ corccessions, at all . consisteut withaa e. reignty, would: induce his. neigh '' air. - go,outonakes up hismied t corn Illi When he begins - operatici to r ,C, .E 4 -his .ciwii'. -territory; tha t , ' peror . ' s ." Russia is prot4ed ;19_ thrlCOMba ,;!' &... :To compare large thins Jwith:•rstii Bet ones, that, We may the bettei:coinprel ibtl i them, it remirids us Ottivo l 'ileighbOiing,i . farmers; one - desires part of Iheriither'S! -frirns, and finding he can get it jn tin nth : 4 t. er . way;males up hi,s. Mind to -take:it* hyl . violence—the sufferer :'nreanWhile tr .. yii . gl :by .. all' peaceb m le eani - to. liersluede . hist neighbor, to_ ; blare . it, :for i. while l i'hoW means are - eingiried 'he bhs takeri. - poi-1 SeirintiOf it l , ißittAziding..begit "it lift 9 1 1 uhiailing he *pita to "goner rigainsti . 1 nie,from his; neighbors. pr. andrtiliihi .6 . 'ii r:rig .l 7i'll i : d h 6e tt iv r'. li : i ' l . e * , h is :i ti lP yh ib t e h se ti . t. 8 .1: 4 1:::: o ie - 7i - ml u a t ri tP d :::;'', s iw i l 'i r b t e h t e ‘ h:ing- rob bing-thy r b e l : r k . : 114 [ :Mt tmii e r'or. ahowit 1144 liglity he ret gat the opininp* of iieti; 'fir tie tliinici t q catch them by' such; almost •inipalpal ble cliiiit' N4 - jol.mip:ai) - hil t iiiio - 4 wilieli,or these sides he iiiiheirsucCeki.' Lrreashii.--The - Pristathater doliiii-inites'ilsiiiiiii , eont tinnui - c to a subscriber there, ' win) Riot tiejithe fedi lei& amisscriPtitin, gone the .o+-1 - ! •' ,_ We likt*e - 4 4 it, ;11iii'-oid -- - chap itiways . :*: such felloym,SoOner ,. or.• later, liii:diiii' - '.lf;ive' AO . '.oot.`,.ciuri.: -,„)---::t , „, 3 , 6 z i li , ....„:_4 - .... , :,.... ,oadely-tort:***lgrisinc:_:-:-. - ::•:_.;: v,,, .--.-. - ...: - :: . ...i.--,::.•..:.- ~.: ornhig, Dee. 1, , 1853. Thunda TIER, \ . One poll r *and fifty 'ten ally ia'ad, 1163. • 7'svo , Dol ant if . paid %nth! ' TwO'Dol, ais.and fifty ce I ter. tbt(exp ration of±et V , -!1 VrtNo bseriptic sill' { .l. unsettled It tiger thin ty,o ' Di4Ontit uariees op ional all areal ! . • are pat • . i ' t A+ES OF AD ' One sciner -. One *eel; .....- -• J vielt'subseque Busine*s C vitt per annum, A fiber% di - Scotia 'bade 1 . _ iero is a newsphper, whose char. note or less lei:hiller to our rem" editor il_anadkenturer, who de - Cer..mine to make himself known, though Ile con] become so, only , - hi heComing I infamous t - A disregai d for truth h a s be -- , come a chronic disease of .his mind, so that , whet{ .be m akes an assertion,' his readers are q. once, warranted - in pronouncing it false.' Hisitettrt is the home of malignity, which often; by 'means, of' biscibald pen; bursts fnrt.h. upon those. witli who4n he COMC9 -10 contact. He is amilitious, but his is not an honorable ambiupn, for that prompts men, to rise by woilby actions, while' l he,:plots and plens, by 1 , w and dis henorable meani, reptile r like; o crawl up-, warde , to tl:ti point- of bli am 'hien. i To , blacken the!character it ()their is a 'favor , itd arnusemlent, to which 'he resorts when he has no ;more important business on hand. ,;But especiallylvhen bepproses ; that he ea*, thereby flit ther , his ii ends, he-enters- upon ;the work •of defalaation, as t t . i!l a,. t_t . t . 7 4 ;e zei reht .. : in p fi ec • ip it f liar r,t de n f n ig ir lt ne iTh m , b en o s ands. in his: why: Wliornanev he may .....1 0 1 1 lit h uaeoh o irrron e ate i t i e relayti hci: a t :a:L. 0 ;11 ;n :: %;yri.; ni t ee:i t r a ntci, C , ,i .6 tim.t k e:itte)saui -m fift.t.irm:(i n e:ni s ai,jopgl t ni it ,lio i cit e dui,atni x ettiacie l ,l i o i in.anhs c ,sfe t i.cai ; :s h ni I,ece o oal: w %ipnvi :p e r ifi....b : t,teni e taelledc r rrf. e is', of Four. e, an egfitist, cowl ually en eltt n a 2,- . ri g ' i i i - l e g a great h t togs; p.ll ilice w it h i t- i g h , - d a n c n c e au r i' i i s o a r bli zil u e t 1110 do. Bu Aliese siateinents, , hen ex.; mined, pro eto be mere' ;en] y boasts, vithout an :foundation in fact Such a -ter: on need only . to be known obe des ?ised. - lie naturally at war -ith eVery 'thing "good ud pure. .. I Hence wherever his real - - ch . a cterlo-1Inown; hi no cetintena ce from the virtu( carx actor. is erA. ommunity. :Do our ;r• some. hae. : lll - 114 . • pr4'bably edifOr cif 4 - netit: of the I ,tai . ' , 'FL . On Mon+ ne . v Cnngr to 1.) ,-Inr a P. tracted T e featn, C ty-Thir4: Can: ss.. day next,. days the Tribune, a e.ss will egnvepe. u 'Washing casion which will 2rpbably be through six - or t months. zs which Atli' chara etize this ,ogress e-1. A qushingrpreponder ce inc• - eiiher branch of , thoie".whO call 1 t -Democrats and 22tmsc.ves ( y , • . r at leas normnal 4upporters of the ex"- .13g liatkonal AdMinistration; 2. An involute' Majority of. strictly new view rs, for the first tiMe'(we believe) since 41; 3. 'A house Olt to the last seat, save as i temporary vacancies may be cre ated by illness or inattention ; 4. A Sen atie- ex ibitini the de&tdence or disorgani- ' Of the old parties in the appear ; no less 11=4 four vacancies in' its !embers thrMigh the absolUte itia-. sf -the late or ;present . Legislatures' ne,.Verinont,Northr Carolina and • .tppt, to effect= new electtons ; oempt. to remise - and generally ie., TO-ifrof Deties . ot Imports; and earnest effort to pikovide foithelo and construction of a great Nati - Mt . -. L road across tbe Continent, connect 1. 'Atlantic witl the Pacific. There Ouhiless be - '2ther'intable features ped in the c.purse"iir the - Sessippi • ser„ that•Povr present. tberd tielves - • • - •'• A- _ • •, 1- , EMI L s. Et! Ce -I , e _ li tof be ability " e of 31a 1 • , Missis fresh • duce.t 6. An .to cation Rai er , • 8 1 tpg..tb 4evele. but tb Commissioners appointed by. The y ol k , to locate the 1 er " r , of We ? s th em Jul A " h Shi o r f e s to t r u n , ; the . o . t , Ai; 1. 1 - ai hp nits and.a c t oU c n o t rn i, ii h n a; ; elocatlea. a- c unity but oave - " : l l i . et::lr:t r e:t d . 4 7 _ . !::::nefit ib! s i t i=i s fl lll;lll ,RPDI Cou r ie r * :remarks twat', " Addison Stag " d 116 Tak en the beak and , ~,, s, • caged, t h e Oird." , - file GI 1, 4 1 air Dist aisde o have ,'er, a — g a i , t_. liri a;C nsc i e itioua neigh- • Vol' of-the',.:bemdcri,a,-wbd, Lea! sides with -„tbe -New: York 0 Sofia' before tile electien :in - tint §tticii hen heen OlePtl the'grave prt 'the oubjecr, since tbit (lien Rayrill likrobOlY- W# l 4 710, "see-which - ‘Tar the cat juiT4 lB 7• l3 -0 4 r!P'e° 8 imi tt !,g:'_ his a ielf • .be t e: ' r .:afteri . ' - Windiitilt be liktito be;:f.abli touts -write that Wolf ealtorfal an 40 -- Teinerril Of ', coflector X. 1. 01 R , i:i - - :,' at Rs des' es - fo I - Ste r . 7"3,- bold: F ;~'~ :: • .- • . -: ;' .- .: ,,C i '.. ';i ,, :;';'l':- . ` .- gtt FRAZIER, EDITOR. 09E4 ..r/Mrs. porarinup 'o'4l acts thO Fear.. ' -- isif not paid until at be permitted to remain earn.• . trith the pith - Usher, till EATISING. -• • $0,50 nt week, 0,25 with paper , ..... 3,00 yearly advertisers. tiers recbgetze. th wbose: -. pirariinent . °tithed' • upon • ply into Pennet, tb l Arew.l'ar4 Herald, ly it xo ountry piess, for .g 'similarity betty . - fAirt-troceelings. coannonweilthlrepros Josiah Bennett. Sate i of ihkteaci, &c. •Ditenclant ref:- 4an c ly 1 imrtri .14 Vpind to be discharged , iil:ii: CHitiii . irefelc,inileiiii cnrcomn_lis °NM poor take.' Ortt'iler of irins:'l He;is evidently insane. r- Commonwealth versus Orlando Kelly thotisaililelly, and Esec Kelly. Indict. 'pen! for Larceny. On closing the evi ' den for ComMonsrealth, Orlando Kelly :and Thomas Kelly -were discharged - by t the ourt. . Esec Kelly found, guil i ty of petty larceny. Sentenced .to restore the property or,pay the valiie #leitofi . (fifty siic lents4 to pay's like sum to the coun ty, ardio, undergo =lmprisonment intim comty jail for silt months , and pay costs of p rosecution. . . . - - _ _ .COrnnion wealth - is; Jeremiah Vosburg and lothera. Indictment fOr assault and Ina ry. Bill ignored, and the' prosecu tor, Coe Wells,to-pay the costs. ommimwealth.vs. George Bryant and oth rs.: Indictment for .Riot. Verdict, not:ilty--county tO pay the costs.:: c fru ounty of Susquehanna vs: The New d: rie Railroad Company. Opinion of the 1 Court ,filedo on the ' question : of tilica tiorl of_ property or defendant, - at. Susque hanna Depot. , Court decide that Engine .hOulses, ivoodsheds, - water tanks, and threp aenks of hind occupied by side track's, , lre exeinparom taxation. the other proper; ty tipeCified . to be, liable id taxation. Commonwealth vs. Ephraim Ras-cr. In dictmept - ror keeping disorderly house.— VediCt. not. guilty—Prosecutor, David Morgan, to Pay the costs. . - - CornrnOtisyealth vs. Tho's. Moran, Pat rick Dogan, and L. T. Bloom.' , Indict ment for Riot and Assault. Verdict guiltY of ; ,assault and battery. Thomas Moran sentenced too 60 days imprisonment in jail and fined $lO and _costs;:- Patrick Dogan fined $5 and- costs, and committed till son tone° complied with ; and L: T . . Mciore to pay $2O fine and coats: - Phoebe Heald .vs. Benjmin Heald.— Libel for - Divotc.e.- Divorce decreed by Commonwealth vs. Jeremiah Vosburgh. Surety' of the peace. Defendant held .to give bonds. y in $300.10r his, good behavior until In-wry --vC inaxt. 'towards all' the godd citizens of this Common- wealth, and especially towards Cue Wells, the prosecutor,-and also for the safety - of Coc propertyiu his possession. Bethnel Suiherland Vs. D.- L. Taylor, Action of-Debt., Verdict for Plaintiff for 5328 1 62. 1 . . • 'Samuel H. Dayton vs. The Lacka*an, . .na'az -Western Railroad Company. Ari:. peal. No*on trial. Ignorance the. Mother Of : . Devotion. , • The Shepherd of the Valley, ofOctober • 22d, 1853,1 s edited by RObett A. Eake with-'i the ' #fficial eenc tion . Arraouirlos.--The. Shepherd of the Valley is published with my approbation, and I recommend it to- the support of th a.tholics-of this diocese. tPETER IttcuAttu Archbishop of St. Louis.- receives us part of inaivian pOicits we . July 7,18:13., Mr. Bakewell is, we believe, a - Penn. sylvaniim,i (soya:. the Philadelphia Regis. ter,)wbo in his boyhood was taught Meth. odism, in his youth, studied the Episco. • palian i theology, and, n his manhood, became a Catholic - from conviction. He is a "man. of strongly marked: character,; and of that peculiar intellect which ap . plies every abstract . principle it enabra 7 tea to social life,' without regard to time, place .or. popularity; Bolder than any . [ other Catholic - editor in this conutry. he better embodiesithe spirit of Catholic ism..._ Imbued with the false idea that . . .. . tie intellect, and"Consciefice of thernany . should bow to the welled "and. consci ence of one a few, he denounces pop-, -ular edtu*tion as follows: t - We ary not thefriend of popular ed ucation-as at present understood:. The "popularity of a hum bug shall never, we trust, lrad us to su pport it. We do not believe that the " Masses,!' as our mod ern reformers iasultingly ' Call - -the labor ing.-Clasit, are'one whit more"happy, more respettable, or. better informed for know ing bow to read:' •* • - . , , ._,, . We think that the n r masses ' "were never las happy, less respectable, and 'less re spected'? than they have been ' ` since . the Reformation, ind'particularly Within'the last fifty. or one. hundred years----sinee Lord - Brougham caught ,the mania of teachinethem toread, and communicat ed the;disease to a large proportion of the English nation. • • • - The idea that - ' teachingpeople to read furnishesthem -with innocent ainnsement is entirely false: /It furnishes the major ity of those Whit' seek, amusem r tnt f r o .ii With thdrnost dangerous rec reation in' • which they Cati i adulge. . ; .1' • - -- In view Of these.-and other" fctsove,;, on our 'own privntp itecount, 'an not as 'a CatholiC, but as i'prndent m n and as a good 'Citizen unbesitatingl dechire that 'we ftard the invention o printing ea the'reverse*i blessing, andur mod ern ideas of eaueation a entirel errone- '4')ime , mn infamous theßen i ere s cer- n the two irs be w of Givd. - lar"Ceint ' t oekr llas•bre 6 o-- ________ 4 great quaniitiesiof mud, areal number of new subscribers to the' It ' stet; and .., very. - ... , , _ from , some acceptable, paymenta old on e s . :11 3 (x, ,etill. in.= arretiva, Who were kept-'..at. borne' by the inclemency of thee weather, or other cause', will ,please re... tr!it througli Pie i'..osofce: -;:.Fourteen imits lAave 'been entered at Elttabnrg against. the Farmer's Deposite Dank of that city, for alkized viOlations the milli note lasr; , .. - - The clerk add directors are necn:sed otpayhkg out notea elder the e isontinationelSkat the eounteri. ,-,114 pen alty for infringement of the lai 4 ; i n fo the case Banks is v . el ,beavy, Icing -for ever- - pteteett tested .-1.--' The 116 — , 4 1 Oregon is inc ' in:. t - - ! --The Ss. wic i tingthe questi "ti ofl States- '', ' —:- , The doverdor of Loticiana haiappoint. ed Thursday, the 224/ of Decein*, - to be observed as a day, of thanksgiving: , • , i . ! - —A testimonial ! isi Shout to he- Preset* d to Capt. Ingraliani, by some of t)le peop el t i of England. - 1 '.. ' • f - 1 —Father. Gitrizzi .. utill deliver his last course of lectures in America at the Musical" ! Hall, Boston, this i reek. , ; • —The Louiivills aciurpal; edited and pub-: dished by:Prenticei 'the poet, hai ibeen des 7 troyed, paper and'all, by! fire; \ - —lt is_ esti:noted that there aro_ eiglity, thousand Jews 'IO - NewiTork, where they have, thirteen S \ ynagOgues., - - —A. min ciune l int° a printing office to beg papers, 'because said he,' we dike to read the newspapers Very much, but ourricighbors dont take none.' . I , - , ' , —A petition Of sun aiy females, Of Bmttle borough, Vt., for 'r the • privilege of being, :il lowed to vote, has , been presented 6 the - Yer moat Leg islature: l, ' 4 A. lady in the south' of-France,'"who wore_ : cap rbounted on wirea, was recently. struck' by lightning, which, in the opinion of the doctors, mi.% attracted by the .mqal. ---The total'Of,the'cotributio res in of the Washington Monutnent, ieceived at the Crystal Palace, iTew York:amounts' to tbi mini of t 6, 266,41. *: • ' 1/ . . .•; . . . .. --theseCond t rial foi the election of.Rep r , , resentativea : in .fass.ochusetts, ou Menday last, established. Ir yond doubt the-Whig su premacy-in that State-for the next year. - . --.An exchang l e.saysOatthe Hon. Henry-I A. Wise has recer,itlx,m'arried. - • To any dear bachelor friend sql_thalimg..between. two op, .1 nionsi lie . says. It . g!Go a nd do, like: Wise.' . . : . —The railroadbe twee' n.Alton ittnd ,Chi f• - go is, now in goo runn ; no! mder,rso- that- o now have an enihterrupte'd rail . rdad commu nication betweenl•Nework ,and. $L...t..e% s, in leas than fifty hours running time, • •.. ; .. , • —The magnetit Telegraph is now cornpl ed and in constatt. eperation, beiween S Francisco and I.llarysville, through-San Ji Stockton and Biicramento. . .otffer lititii in-course of contructiOn. . - . --N , avig,ation is closed at Baiwor,:'Ate., by fe 4 1 - , ...;ee.• the anchor , ice with_ th; surfac, ice, making an obiarttcsten•4—.rill e t in thick ness,-and extetviingalinut five miles. - litr,.. aro, from sixty r,to eighty vessels, with i - full cargoes. enclosed p iece of in the ice. - i _ —The pof chalk that rell'from D ver Cliffs, in England, was fifty feet long, rty, , feet stride, and sixty feet. deep, and is esti a-, ted to weigh twb - thousand tons. The ex- Tiressiott ' as big, as a piece of chalk' is to be considered somewhat indefinite :hereafte I . . • - . .1 Col ' ' ° .1 . . —Cleveland .., no, is, a real in .city • One - thousart' d families take on an avera' r ge, ten publivttion.s i each, including anilis, week lies and. mCinthlies, ;One thousand .families five publicationo each:Qne th?usand thiee each, and - te,'.o thousand 'one in . ch, - • S ' ' i• • r• —A writer in an attics° on smoking, takes the grotind. tlitd, if the fumes Of the weed were necessary'-or mires or' 'welfare, the Crea t tiould have given hiM a longer Peck to se • . ra a better draft, ptit the sritok'ng, apPar atus a littleigerer dovrn, and place.d a Patent arrangement oh the 1 top cf his tend to cirry, off the '6 - woke:l . 1 - FIRST ' I . '1) " IN W AR, 'fIRST X.. E ACE, A' FIRST IX T,IIEEAIt, 9 OF 1139 COUNTRY MIX."—NIre learn from an article in . the National i tntelligeneer, that Chief ,Jitstice Marshall', who was • a Representative in Congress ficina Virginia, in 1799.- is enti tled' to the intmortal honor Of the author. ship of the celebyated compliment Paid to WashingtOn, as I first in war, .first it peace, and first - in the. heart 4 of his coun trymen." ': - f This is not generally knows or remembered. The resolutions of the House Of Representatives, drawn . np h: hina on the occasion of General Arashlng ton's death, are in ill& follovOng worts ; - • •I - THURSDAt; Dec.l9, 1799. .. The itousii of Representatives of United . tStates, having rec."eived intelli , genre o 4 dui death oftheir highly valur, fellow-Citizeti, George Washington, Gen , era] of the ArmieSer the TYpited 'State's, and sharing the universal. grief ihisltlis t ressinglevent must produce, -unaniniorts ly resolo-1 • .1. , That this House ivilL wait n the President ofithe :United States, in tondo-, 'knee ofithisinationalcalamity. - • i 2. That the Speaker's - chair be sbrinid ed with bl o ck, mill:that the 'meinbers and `officers Co, f the House %Veer mourning during the Session. :. 1 ' a - That' i a jeint cornmittee_ef both Houses he appointed' to :report mernmies suitable to the occasion, , and expressive of the profoind sorrow -- with vlhich Pon- Areas is penOrafedia the. loss of it citi; zen first an war, first peaCe, and first in the hearts °this ebuntrymeti. . • '', - Tit!. Ns-x4lLECitaLATtlite of Pe nnsylva nia.is. aske by the liarriShurg :Demo-. cnttic Union .to make pro Vision di pen •sing,4nd-foOver, with the iniquitou sjrs-• 'tern of ornnihus-bills., In'this profit). [Lion • the people ilsrthe i Cotnaionwealth,. ; ith- Out :distinction• of , party,i,,coincid ~, A ~ practice' nilire ridiculous- 'or fruit ul :of, evit than thni of , crowding .dozens f in congruous - iitibjects into a single: bi 1 ' can hardly -_-be . imagined2l-,_While :it -1 ts:ii. .- 1 1 ..eITIS 911110ci t t iMpoStliblQ , t(') tpreven the. assage of any measure,_hi wever_o nox ius to objection Or Censure In dh mut, t plitity :of' business cortiitig:bOrtor the egislat lire v at eery sessthi - , nu ' cni ' can , .. - .i i. i. _ fell what : is' palming And what i4ont ; bile 1 these bills ft to,d everything and fo oth-. er,pnrposete'..are beiog crowded air ' gb. Hithertows be, eithus been enacted in 1 such: betenigenen sitnones as to occa sion great confnsion.; - .Who. would tbirkof looking foil an i portant general I w in., the raidatof *an omnibuS to % pay ;John piva! e I claim , to; regal - al !bogs in Duckvil e,` to Iterlhe Otirno, - of - rynch street, &c. =Au yet,those are jut , , the pplacei where hal of our important' , pub- lie regulaton's , a Via' be 'II found, _ • Thee . - „, measures ealitiOt ; l be duly con sider . and acted up uponon' their irsents, for. 59 ,, pinny inaongruous, Wag thitie ~ate ticked: - ._to g ether: that io :vote ! age utOeSi,rible inias7' .ure may jrivardiasl . 4e success Of Ooth-- ir !Mick 4.d0 i4 1 ) 1 0.1. , I4Ws ' 1 1409' -14 6 7 ' 4044takalY Ike I . 4l ,PaCte4:l ll :ll l43 P#T- 1 4 44 14 18 3; 'end 140r.1 1 IP' 04 • if ar t l C l Al a k I * , , t_ be - •urgist Pit t Aii l liCcPlajaijob!).)a.l --,1 , - 1 1 , - ". ''.. •- - t i _ 1 - -li.' uia have. :::-ii..4 , =_ , , - ,1,t,. 1i.:...: . 11) glat Atha- • -- . 4 ettbtt;ofCaltro ntttlind enOrmoui are ingita arweiattintktn tiiti United -17-o.t ., wimi-.._.:10*:O! 1 • Tile ,- IWriillia. 0116, - - The War !on . , Lie` Da he ,--' ae : War - is 1 • • ..014-. Battle-I'd Olt . itlii4lllkatle at: _::' Flaitek Dei*+-11efecaiit,14fitil*arns— gi4hIsettire4 iil4:4 ant - It. -•' • . I , The neitre.brong4 by, lb tliV. - sbington 1 trel and Canada ; iii - Fejotoe to dio,liffairs of the Dintis •cOnfirrifitOry iit :the ImPres-i 51 66 'pre4ailinilviben i the kid,,littleft Liv-, . ..erPool, •tlitit the' orders , dmitpatche ,by the Sultan for a pcistpoetnent of hoitili ties..Would arti4o tnoitttatO prevent irdli- tapy. °PerlicifTs`-* 4kglft: ' 1." 1" ' Aceor4ingly, we; learn by a telegratt- ic despatch frOm constantinorile, of the .I . 25th ultinito,.ihn . t hest lutes had in ..,reali 7 rn trcomanced tn.A.Sin. I A spedial steam er- with [despatches [ from Selitif Pi- . nha reached Ote. 7 4'itf t[e, on the_,,,pd Alit.: Their - Celt tents were nowohy l vegan re-, min only. • 1:,; -• .1 1 :1_ „.., , -;,:,, ~- ;,..-- , 7 It was, said that On the: Of Pcita-• bar, nastar Bey having sentout a recon noitering pirti3t..in:fl ~.irectitatio,f Vlo.r ick Dere; itWati suipr s , d and l atteckeden Its march by the Res ' i ns.—Selim Pnsha ; i fi 'attracted by the noise ~, ' the skiratisk;o34l -- with- reinfoice ' ents, and enenun tereci a c,orpn- 'of-.fiftee . -thuusand Ras 'slins ; an engagernen took place i the Aunsians weraderciate r , and. Selim•Pashe entablished itis!botid.en rters at . Orelly,:a distance of '.sin leagu es inadvance. I'lie: scene of this encounter : . appears' •to :tave been near Abe .sencoao, somewhere-be tween BaittOuni '' and:.ROdoat'-'..IC-,a106. These.-plitce.s are perna; sixty miles apart;' the intervening cotint ry is- yet) , indist inct ' ly known. ,-'rhe,l3 undary Of the Turkish : and Circisniart ter *tories is nearly ! mid-, way Batentn indj t Redoet •Kaleh., - The retreating Rossi nsd aria between' two fires—tbe ,;Cireassians v on one , side,[ ,and the-Turks on the Other. -: •-, ._ - i l • _f The opinions inl laval. of the': matnt-4 n- ance of. peace :and apeaCeable..settle-, Merit of. the • questionw were hardlydo strong as at the dale of our last accOuntS, as it was, feared tha t.[ the" hostilitiem oc curring both on tleDzinut4 and in Asia; would airibitter the - quapei-. and ol4truct: diplomatic' action.! .- i 1 ,:s --- [., :;-2 . 111 ---_, .-', A knit.' from ',Vicn an,. of the Ist , "cfNa.. 7 __, VC mber., l in ,-.the IN Ovemberg Corr t *pen dent, st ates tbat 1 - putrOn Meyendoi had. formally; declared ;that A - ltaic= . will not .accept- any - arrOngentent,zo- [ atter , by wit-obi it should; be. prOpose ~and that the proposnls, Which' :His-M jesty lately stibmitted - to , the Ebropean, pow ers, are kite; last 1 words of peace; vbich shall issue from.lkin !mouth- [.TI) . per emptor) declaration i ivas of cours 'fatal .to Lord ißedeciiffe'S proposals. .1 • i. The' Movements of the. Rus sian and- Turkishi forces • an the Danube w 're en-; veloped'in great ;uncartainty. . I .A. erious. ' eittsi.e.l4)ant• WAS reported by ..t e last" i i steamer to have akOn.place between the towns of Kalefat and. Krajowa-j Two thousand -Turks ; appeared -at Gturjoro and fired• into the, town. An' engagement was alsenaid te, have taken place* near Dam, wbere the Terkswere defeated, l .and retreated up; the river. '- r • - Another despatch . st at es that Na.nil: Pa sha' and General [Primltad a serial's con flict. and; !that tite - i. Russians, retilred:to: wards Slat ina. • Ilte Turks begin" the passage of the patkbe on the 2d I,:overn her From Rittaltik io Gialiovie, un der a heavy cannonade from the Rus,- ,siaus, but ,succeedtl in effecting , tUeir oh ject ; so that they have crossed the rivet, in_two places. I •! • ~ I. • 1 „-[ . • - ! - p . 1 _ . The Declaration V Neutrality by iAustria. I The Paris corre pondent_of-the-Lendon - Times, N ‘rriting on November 701,-says : : —I have already 'mentioned' that - the . Austrian governmorit issued' on Ilse 17th tilt.* circular tote ministers at, foreign . courts, giving aSsnranCes of its neutrality. ' 1 Attitude o .. Louis eon lt was said the , ,•Xttpoleon had } recently.freely; e pressed his. thought s , on the Easterb Q lestion - : Alirfil l ed' in his , ~ repeated - attempt , incopianctieu, with. . England, to put an .,end to the dispute,he 1 han made up hii „mind to‘ a more deter-. a . mined policy. :One efthoftrkt , steps will 1 _ be - the immediatalrecallof _all : _the diPlo-_ r i matic agents wholhave ,heen ..copeernod . re In - the “nOles,!' and I military : en'. . ; Tile despatch cf Gpneral r 3 a , -1 i ' c i i r • .- Baragu-y . H t ers te , ens an . inop ets ; the iirst:step - 'pt Ifbiadirection:i. Should - the present negotiations . ,now understood _ •to be pending. faiOn-rtheir Object,_ sotne 'everydeeidee steps - on -the part- of the d'French EmpeAr t nay be -fnlly eXpeeteil., - i . t . - - , Additional if Austria:..-- -: , 1 , Austria is keeping strict watch on the ' . movement sift' Se r via, and is - Concept rat ing - O force , onthat•fronter, -. .b'ut .otherwise :remains 'neutral.. :IA _ - Sereian govern=,- merit 'meantime Was oi•derod' its pimnla : tion . te arra: . •arid has the- Porte that neither Atustria. nor Russia ,will be' -permitted• tb decuPytervia. . ~ ' . - - kvachid-Pithha'hus inforined ,AuStria - thatlTUrkey . grill` expect . th. e' Atistrian government toiirohibit theitusaians . front supplying the . Islentenegrittse- 4itli'arms, through the'poste_ of - Cattitiv. : • It:wtts said that Auitiitt - cifrers , troretitain entire ly neutral, if 4e[Porto will refrain , from employing Austr ian refugees in the amity As. Hungarian 's old high coMmandt in the Tiirkish td y; the Porte Wlll likely refuse, : to acctiie -to: the terinsii although .noti, employing t ern in Europe,: -•.-- ''. \_ Theigt t' D - al 'A' . ' - . e vIENNA:Nifr. 7, - .,184.3. - ,--..The-, goverut merit. , Gazett4-,:aimennees -.that Prince, Geiks; liospodar of Noteavia, - -_rosigu.s his regency to a cancil of administ ration,. andis, on his wa , ito Vimina:::ria-Czornez i Wits. . The us au Genera).- trsuroff, it is said, will t ke, ;on : himselfthexgoveru -1 merit of the prinaipality.- - - , „/ ~ ---; , Thoßuchairest; Zeituv,-, Print,ed „tinder the eyes of the Russian military . authori ties, at ateo . the Mumber - of -:' SOltliercsick• and. i .4` , !lospit f t 4, I‘.tyirOlvo. OcNsanti• -- ,-- :Vigrmt. N0v.iD1T,...,8,-/. l .3s,4;&,Tho;‘Onastal efFrance at . 13.uCharest writes as 'follows to -1 1 / 4 1- 1 t dO SotiMi?Faey, under:date theOth ef.NOYetnhPr i ,47-7,.: ,, -; ._-,% 1 ..,' -.1-1-; . : ', , '...i: OOthe 2d Nund '2d; of tcOvemhiribe, Turks.crossedthe Pituuhe frorw,.,'Tortu_k ui to Otteltitia - ,.ito tjle . :.:ntin*ei',nr; 41346 t 18,0004na. 1 'll-,. ::.;;iL . - ::','7 -, .."-, ,-.-:- - OR the Ath. MPnatar rOiat . ;" l . tt 4 4 0 114;with-404JaliiPi44P1Cert *lSM °''ilsolorat; co mbat .with-Itlie bayonet took place - 4 1 . 400)(Ow t -vicilki.:040. - ...:. The.To l 4*l 6l ifiniiLJhe,*-4) 0 0 1 9 1 k 3 at- 0 4, iiitia,; - .4. 1 4=4vet441,01 1 :;heat , 6.,:. -1 .. -T4° , combatl l6 sll4.** 44(1 ' i1. , >• , :.-: - \ ,Itii# ! e , aftalaa:ktioCO.Sie r fat . ;iiitc.o.o l ` and *.!e! , l) 904;i94 : 41t0Y4).**414.?51' ' ki1194:40 1 * - 4 1 0. 1 4#0 ) Tot*"1 1 00P!'f soboiterna:atouthundretl and enverity- Awe imvsat,.. .i.i.,nuinfef&;;;;*-1.4:; ,- -- - -. '--_,. i'' - -, ei ~ 4 Mut,liihif ,00:1: 1 4 101145-,,!:Side is.-„n9t - - • kno` ..isit - ii ~- -!- f.:-.A(WA1 10 11 11 44 'P ;'tt 4 Vlll74-- a 9 ,- * - - - t' 'amliii . * tof° :- "Ailk vikflutel* * ol --, - 4 , ...'-, ‘: ---% - ~, '..„,,,-,-, -, ':!Ii - :._ ..- --- F'•:.=-,-,,,:t,:.:,-,--,..,:=,v,-,---gpiz,:-%,,_-,-,----_--::.7.--,, the ;'; - . - :lSellotrielsl ti , ',hi rent . -of Gouii -1 goo, and we've th. fad a in Lesser . Walla4iit.—. 4 '. . -.,........ •i VIESS4t!:rlisiPlOY iiPeptaii - IF-04 , em the •Ith \ tolhe.-4tk . th • Uri CiciOliiid - the - , - iihuid.neti - Olt.onitz .;iru : crossiO'd iiiiiob, '' _served - 11 . 0 i„4 - ,W4,.,114h -.. ;.lo,tidawn;' - i - When. seen,- a battle enstie(, i0," . 14ch laide,t . t.;p e i o i treig4ll6:iirs.- ...-Th :: result is 'tiisknown 1 . It is•rfpekteti th. t (;ii U:lova :has been i taken by, sterni.., ~. ''.i . , (• - Turttilkai.atid9lt :nicia aiiirtfilWni on' I' and_ left b nk:s of 'the Danube, . .between Rusjtchnk .ed ..silistria,- on the - direct route. to B chate4t. Higher up`''' -theriier, and Op(p..he tolauitchuk, lies -I,GitujeVo.)frent:Wh h i another'roads: leti f is I ,: `to Buc4areit. -.' Sti l' aliei.iditigtheiiver, we come co Batton; a town thWright: 'boaki: P oPlmaiti - ' t°': 111 4 N lre - irilai:ticliCT' at tha . janatiT ). 9f t e. - scilY.l. and Danube.. ~ . The troop in Leii - t-WallaCiiii are those which,cros ea . fro,. Widie,,which forms -the, extreme 'eft u the Turkish fine: . -• 'The conibieedil etkef - Great. Britairk. and Frai44Will ta e iv : their.: positionil hear' Constantipop ( le,. at he entrance ofl the Dardanelles, at Gallipoli, and at Rei . ' loos, in tho'Bes.Phrirens'eff-Therania l ~ . •''Lit( t . b h "Cs - el , ' ' • Th e : reiy es yl e n . • . The ((Mewing is - a .private. account- o the battle, received from Vienna..: - - : Another eugagefnent 1 0)1 -taken pla i c4 . in which feurteen '-iiiperiorl - Russiano .. 6ers &Ile:. TheiTUrlis remained toast s - r , of the field, indiheßusiians Were retrea - B- la est; -t ' --'-• ' ' • - L,l, 73‘ ati uc sr .., .-- • Preiiouste the hattie: the.' Turks ' be" r -constructed' a : building and to %le pent, Xalefat; which served is the basis of their ' 1 operations. -;- - ItipplarCthat. OmerPashe crossed it at .three ' pints-iwith 18,000 it Oltenitza,' 4,opq at ItiaiSelko, and- 2,00.: .. at Giurgeve..... - : - ,. , .. ,: 7'. - .• , , .Skirrnisties eentinnallt occurred at the outposts I ' ' .- 1 :.Five . Russian , of§cers had `arri ved at - Constantinople - -a.4prisoners of Wile:,, . l'. !: -Before the ;Cross n o- Of - the Danube i a body. of. Oossache c nte,to theriver'S batik • and made signs efi": i ns ult io the Egyptiatr,_ who rushed to thei _boats,: rowed. across .. the river in_t;he face of the Coss a pfe s fire .. . . 'aid having punished : them Weil; and eh; • ed r t hem some distance,_inland, return .iu triuniph to.; the catopi: - • . . A There are : : rumors` icif ,several otbir- • . - movements of the Turks at different _points along the Danube, and ‘ . if the destructton of a Russians ife'atner at; ilervosa, - but these. reports; though probable,7,do . not rest .ow. - -sufficient•authority,,to state:as facts. ,, . 4, .... Admirals Medal and liatnelon - . are 2 t Constantinople, and the fieets.are,ene4r-; ed in the Bospherits - .. - 1 - ' There isa Tett ) ti!-'Puchafeit': l ),al. " been m . stormed: ..:TI is.ls;peihdps; - Prenia 4 . The'son •of Ara - .Pacha is named Min; ister of - War, and ' resh 'levies ate - raising: _-' t Tlie-Ausiian fol hick ro Bucharest Russians--node and. 30;060 to '4o,t The policy of it' to be to draw-th'e ent advantageous to 'a -battle that shs -The inreutiOn orb. ise, to drve ibel -cipalitieS, and to -at Bucharest:.• -Di plo'rnacy la' the - fighting:, iii matters; ir l but - :not shall have been fl that to' savetheiC tiat ions sh . all tibt 1 any engagetnerir are Worsted... TyPhus'feVer i ranks,and. has. fightirof. men to '_l weeks'before ie front . Bessarabia: : .. . _ - - i• The CY.ar'has requested. the lilonten . eg- rani to bnerate against the Turks. - j.: The Porte ;.has ":' ; decided:{ that . foreig# , refugees shall atit be employed in Europel, but Mayserve in Asia.. ,_ ..:,„1 - , 4 Ahdi-P,usha is to_ be rertioVed from the . . Asiatic corini4 --.- . -'' `. .- - ' Constantinople remains qniet.- ' ..., VIENNA--"-Evenini'Of 10th. Nov. --The follovVing are, the :conditions' insisted on by Omar Pashaiitt',a note forwarded to' • Prince filortschalcoff:- -: ...: J _ .' • .. All the: siyougliUl4 in the princpali ties- to, be . ...irrithediately - given into tike handset tbeTorks; -- ~,. ~_, . ' - ' . • ': - .•Thecomplete'erictiation of the Prin. ... . cipalities as speedily' as possible, and a . . guarantee .. from thepoWers against a Sim- . . ilar invasion,. ' - ,-. ,'.' Pituu-7-Evening- of the llth Nov. The t 'BOUrse- closed os :follows :-r-Th,ruci . per cents, 73.50;;tear ithd a half per cents • 99.85 . - bank 9 8 45: - - ' - - ' „ , Accortting t& the latest acconnts re 7 ceivecl from Constantinople, the Sultan has positively' rejected all proposals which ‘ the tliploiriatistihaVeatibmitted - to him:.t it isTreely reported, that 25,000 Freich ' troops will:be sent to :Tnrkey, but or -dens are'not to;-be given .to-the-Minister of Wat-tintil the receipt .of:despatches ' t from Gentrai d'Hillers, et. Cunssalitino- If all_ the above: be' true, the ilows can be summed ;uthuS:, :,,.: -,,- .._ ' ' :The .Turks have beaten theaussianain Asia. - TheTOrkish'left. ,wing in Europe 'has beaten theß4Siautright, comprising their'prinCipal forcel . while the Turkish centre has, vihfkied :dine.' thousand WS-, skins nt,TUrkitkaii44 is ',OW pressing in upon .Btlaiitict,eit'i--pnlithat both the;czar and .Sultitn -refuse negotia• . ~ tionS., --The..Tolido'BladOlelli a story of aferl •J•r•": son itt - ll etitiiit,:: aPhe.lbittla building on 1 laud. :; sold to tlie4olialiiptaPlitrai Rsilroad:: , ,:lliii ~ Sui)6 l , l tiwtekifi,.w i ll .0: 4 0.0 8 a very ;bad. ha* ..,. sent a sbert andvery peremptory tetbr : T . :.t: daring hiat. to, move the building at onie::—... Lobkin • pier, thiiiieraml , he - coolly :pat: it-in hi& ' ' 464.bilt4tidag was heard* done* , .. re f 4oti ithaitiilditiffs..triaiSuperintendent mote— inrBl, neeitnorithNifter, began to upbraid him iiii.latiatiiiiiii:-the . nuisance. and eallittgliiii:attaki : - :iio:ii4 - writtqt•fitl9o- -- r hi l ica. 1100416e' hard - : .trs'ejiiiii#4 40 7 0,;4 , .. fiom yo4.aalisk .:' .I!*o6ll44oo§iriOdisg :: 7 'o*.tharailati F;a4iptiiiipallictflOdigit.: . *:. purling but* . i ._vilOilrailiiiii" , :ilitil4 l ;::' tli fo ra very diffenjorparpose. ::',-. , • --#: • - '; • ' Wkllltilik. P- -- . 7 :fri!e r4ll4,i.. (( Manna) 44.4 1 :00:451 - xii' „ : 1 4 I . ) oo ) fttfl e t t viTls - ' I'9*. .::pros rg tt ) Maeh o4- 1 4 4!" -a - the !ilk ititrik: f•t h e co u rt . ,tlieo4rits ar, carted uj'i , ,ol,ll Jr: of iiiolves;,*fill_paa k te4.. ;;IlernselY4 o 4- AIM r o ad. - - likt,o o 4.:l i r , horse atiajii, 0 1 a*ii:Y.-Irern ibgsPit . ,? llo * ( o ' lk/ their linear lailftills: The Let 01,190 ,3 ... Jo - tirald says t it tri:finitaal .of AA - Cou' $ ' ralkiliolo iioii(iii iNtis beiii..4v.ii 1 PI-404mbokiAPoorcp lot - ''i-i.'s.: t.':'-- ' ..., , 4 s: .>.,:•'::...,••_-- - • ''defeated and &hien \ 'l ... bail* was t telnain o y i n General Dattenb9rg,- 1 06' sirOtig. _ " ' 6 - Russians is Sll ppriOd ) Turks front their pies- . A oatiiiiia; tol bring tliem i il'deCide the campaign' ar is:to.keep his pro ikaaittns from .the; iir 1e- 6 - h • d a ts‘ ea -itta era ttelesaly in - the rear of ve _Siet -hopes to adjust after decisive ibattl4": - . ught A condi top, at•iti- cunt, r-propre. ucgo be,,recornatenced after ' int wlricts, the Russiana -caging. in . the-Rusaian‘,- edoced the number - :of- 54609, and it will be. si 4 c \' I f6reetnent ' 's can active
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