lintalnlirdaN • 'PjAI 4 II,IAIt ,; riniskt y who borrowe.d s frons . lh* Ore° sererat moots oblige us by; it before it tl 9:r> ane,of the Strquelsa.nnateg years 1631 i and 1836, has been ntie4WhikWotila 'etinfeFis levee :.of dying i dninkgyrl," by /194 i in ibrre aqi.l sentiment, leasi4`j,^4l(l;' i liccent trbiebxniglit Writer to merifying.clitielm , if neva of poets -in maniseript, left sin purporting - to be , lit.arki,"ititougla r signed, • selections, •041 .the quotations to Id indicate!, chow a commendable ided to be itaksed off as, original, - l en* fey nifOtt expose the fame, 'comTitticated tiliqu, to severe censure, Miatako.not, the name person has al .l4by not making i proper discrimina rOetkanfmal_arta:aelecte articles mit to ' in:ratumscriptirhetntnfore. -- _ Special Message.' ive . thispiweek the Pre'sident's Special Nies -1-1110 isuhject •of the admission ,of California 1 tiate, und 'r the lately fOrmed Constibition `Ellav ry.. This was called'out by the is of in nit.' y started by the ultra Slavery aists, who; expected' td detect the Pros - having instigated the hasty formation of a tovernment for that Purpoie; but whililm any interference with' (their domestic eon he franliliand fearlesilY defends the, right PeOple of the new State to regulate such •4iti to eitclutle blavery from their bounds have. _ It'is an able,"alrn, straight-forward' table document, Which we commend to the I ion of our readeta. The last week's Fire. - e briefly mentioned last week, after the paper (made up for !the press, the disastrous fire which i,Mott that (Thursday) morning in the tannery. z„, -William Foster just west of this village, was comtlettly destroyed. The origin of is not known or satisfactorily accounted for, bitt we understand, the foreman of the mt Went to start the fires before day And found) on opening the . door too great a /ready, the interior of the building being all, Iblare at the further end, frmn the ovine, and from any stove. t , It is th9ught by some Annie latent Imark of fire must have got amosig 2 '‘ l . dry bark in that end of the building, during -4 vions day;`Which bad been burning all - night; this ismt4re Col3;ecture. The fire whenlis pre6ed was too far advanced for any hope of its „atiiigaisl:arieht, d the building, was enveloped in flames before j the Fire Engine and Hose could bey pot there. The entire ,establishment, whitlt was re :built only fire or six ytntriaggo , after another olitllburned on the same spot, (fiii we are-told that third dime in all tlltti!it- hiss been destroy by fire,) was.tiestinyed with Facet of its ccuitents, 'tdin,g,csnisidemble stock ortland, and various 'gents and . machinety MO in manufacturing At?iitsiderable porticin of the Steam En spbse, however, we understand s-a s saved from en tine ruin by-the water thrown u upon it after the Fire Engine was brought to hear upon it. We be lieve-Mr. Foster Srasinsured to the amount of $7OO, ;it' this rill probably cover not much more are-third of, the loss. .It is therefore a heavy • to the per evering enterprize of Mr. F, be ts:iris public Calamity, ranch to be deplored unynity at large or a meeting Of our citizens to ef. prompt„ net and tMergetic re-organiia. siaresi9arnment, was responded to by a Nthe the Court House on Friday Vyeffirn#p;:ttkilwi of which will be seen in issocistiou was formed, and a volunteers promptly enrolled their tb; the . future 311141 a it was fur. Thursday lied to delay. and " thwidiv Weliope riltlegir• tt - ~.,, f7. 4 " )'-' 1 `i Par thigOtii* dee, A tile Viiita;atenti#l4 , 7 T* 4 4 4 00.1*41, ' iiientigT.W*if-ir*r.43 4.** , koti,. ~st, a thtsicoth4,* vaiiiiadel;: : , un i 1 #144,.., 4 0414: 5 ,..4 ly TlieLel4i*-4061•41 censuses. — - 04ahr l basinessof ;Monday *t . Is 4 inst. It r..Wa&l!tiseri etl—tlial -WriTiing 14 . 7 n , elvis petitlens, for Bank: charters to be granted Greateraled, a_ irCat priition` ' ofiliera Were prLented lip Locofoco memberifrom constituents, chiefly, of that pretended bud: hating _ 1 i mamay' • I `n-lkiesdarthe 2 1 .2 d itt Ili:Street& --repo-ited from the,ltidiciary sapplerael4to the act for abcitkiling impMmthieat" for debt. 1 Mr. S. ,also read' a pdi in, place, tct ,incorpomte an anstita 414'ealled t h e Hayford IfniFersitir. Both Houses iiielaogelli!kr - on-tluit dayi to . decide on the 'State Printing, and I`., Penn.& to. of the Harrisbtim Tel . l• • €, ...-. • • I : q.rapit; having - lathe lowest for me work ? it was fhem. In the TlMiae of ItePresentatives, Mr. Corrpoeuun t of Luzenri submitted th follown2r, resolution : . ftesolift9dlThiit thee : al! Commissioners , be re qipred iii,foraiili to this , ouse, as soon as in their poivor to dii go, it list of ll the different lots. tracts or piemi - or laud be„Ongi ,to this Conimonweidtli, sitaate, upott the , serer: lines of canal and rail, rbadil,'whieh :are ti)3t at islime used for any ne eeary parpese. s, connectid with such public works. Which was adopted. i , Mr. Powell, the Wr , member"' from sid ford inty, has introduced a ill into the House Of Rep t vy 1850,,e, ier next week:' am ,...asintromn. _ oie nouse "1 provision estiblishing a government in that territo resbntatives:aippiopriatini $300,000 for the North ry, I thought best not to disturb the airang,ement Branch' extension, thismgthe sum which the j made under my predecessor, until Congress shoold ht a4 Governor in his late mei. e estimated might be take some action on that subject. I therefore did spared from: the Treasu , 'His Bill-also rdquired not interfeThe with the - powers of the military coin , mandant, echo continued to exercise the functions the Canal Opm,missione to put the whole tof the of civil governor 'as before ;-but I made no such remaining work. under ntracti and it is thought appointment, conferred no such authority, and trOce this sum will be nearly.enough to complete the allottred no incredsed compensation to the commiiii work to the State line. At ani rate, it will, secure dant for his service. its con6letion at an early day if the Billpasses,l With a view td the faithful execution of the trita tv, so far as laid in the power of the executive, and strong hopeO,of which are expressed from Harris- to enable Congress-te act at thepresent sess;en, burg: Tbwill doubtless loTntnand Ilan able and en- with as full knowledge and us little difficulty as ergetic support of Judge IWaynghttni. in the House, possible on all matters of interest in these territo- In the Senate, on Wednesday thq 23d, quite a I sent the lion. Thomas Butler Kil3g as bear er ofdespatches toCalifornia, tun certain o .eers ries' i' fr contest wall had upon resialutiorut and amendments to California and New Mexico, whose duties are relative tol the proposed alteratiofis in the Consti- particularly defined in the accompanying letters tution. M t licCaslin, thi Locofoco Senator from jof instru d ction addressed to them severally by the Greene, o red some resolntion intended for amend ing the Co satitution in a different shape thin ' the _tho:e territories my desire. that - each territory amend:nen , pttssed Session. This of {course sho4sL if pmpared to comply with the requisitions of the constituthin, and submit the' same to con would del the matter still another year, a'a it is , Proper di r d nut e r h tm e n s e ita n • t te to express to the peole of stress, with a prayer for admission into the union requisite at arn.eßdn'ef, to, the 6 ' n-40 ! nu ' n ns n tottio-risuel_ did. not:Anticip , lo-g °et or i c, shotthi be -seJ by two Tames - sive Legidatnres.— an a tl i a i o n ri o s r e e t x li c e rc e l s n b a b i l l i .,: l i m n i fi c t n ie t ne n e f o a r n e y cn s t u r e d l i a . 7 .e v r e t r i n te - Mr.lring, Whig Senator'. falai notiford, proposed uncut, without the assent of congress, nor did I au no ametidn ent to IleCaslia l a's resolution, submitting thorise any got:et-omen! agent or officer to interfere it to the J diciary committee to loquire into and l el:action of delegate - 1; or over any convention, hi report wht „amendments, if any, it would be expo- making or modifying their domestic institutions, or dient to g a I,e in the Constitution. After mush de- any of the Provision. of their proposed constitution; bate l botn h . 'g,'s amendment and McCat; re slinso- i on the contrary, the instructions given by my ,ors lotion wet negatived, and the proposed amend-der: were, that all tnyasure i of domestic policy ; most originate s ole:; fur themselves—that vddie melt of 1 t session passid a second reading, by a 1 the executive was desirous to protect and defend vote of 28 to 3. s. a ; them ni the formation of any government, ripubli n Thuriday Mr. Cenvngham, Chainnan 'of the I can in its character, to be at the proper time sub- I muted to Congress---yet it wits to be distinctly nn- Csammittei of Ways and Mental, reported a Bill to i deratood that the plan of such a government must, - provide fok the ordinary expenses., and repairs of I at She same time, be the testa of their own dab , meals mad railroads and other appropriations. i crate choice, and originate with themselves, with- Lots oftitions were prespnted agdin from the ! out the interference of the executive. Loco coon has of Northampton, Monroe, Carbon and I passed , lam unable to give any information as to laws by any sgpposed government in California, Lishigh, ; fqr Banks . at Easton and Allentown, tin: or any curios taken in either of the territories men- Thursday land Friday. .., 1 tinned in the resolution, as I have no information On eats y among th e petition.; p resen t e d was ,on these subjects, as already stated. I have nut ,ements which I found existed r one by FittS eter for an inquiry into the tuann,se. disturbed the arran ,, di.r.e d o under my pie ecessor. In endorsing an early ap ment of the usquebanna county Bin*. plication by the people of the territories for ad mission, as stated, I was actuated principally by an earnest desire to afford to the wisdom mid patrioii-m of Congress the opportunity of avoiding any dissensions among the people of the Knited States. Under the constitution every state has the right .;,. evr - ecretary. - Tows-so TIAINEs, Hwi, of Chester county, the able and efficient Secretary of the Commonwealth 014 e under tomer Johnson hithetto, has been ap pointed sgister of the Treasury at Washington, ‘itil .7 , coasequeutly reigned the Gifu*: of Secre t. . ofiState at Harrisburg. . • jiNinge L Rossz , m, Esq., of Bedford county, who ' hitherto filled the pot of Deputy Secre tary utilci•Alr, Hates, has been appointed by the Governer to. e Secretary of the Cotturmarifialth. in his platie." In thislselection, as well as in the form er one tiaf !lir. Haines, Governor Johnston has ex hibitedi hilsttsual sagacity and wise discrimination. We kriewltieral Rural as_Assistant Clerk - of the 1 House i inthesession of 1'347, and can bear testi \ uts*y • to'VS einin t ability, ready business 'tact, 'mut hhuad,, , :iu ` ll:gt4a emanlY deportment . . For all these Iluardies w ..' constitute the true gentle tuna and competent o•• r, We heard'him most highly, , 'CoMpAmented. the' o - day by as' i promi: neat a gentleman of `the Opp4te party as Col. A. Dimock, who knows:him - Ira, antbears unhesita ting testimony to hii merits. , , ' , T Arroryn -- tmer.-- e mulerstp L nd that Ara Dimock, with Was a ; ' rominent candidate ft.*State Treastitlei hitn-'-ielf, 0r,! .: at least: who receiVed.the • port of the Northemben ,of his party for the rumination, feceivedpv telegraphic deTatch while here List li Sim :to return to nay rislitirg, a site Treasurer ..elcet _has. selecte. !rk .of :that .depart merit. W I the Faroe post tta dertwoifor. ^3 and liti-eliiiabni tylor the ild;itted, -, 6:, ,1.41 rar , whch has low b , tr . been -a fat wlio sought,a home there,- Tie recently "enlarged aad linpror' say, 'kr. a veh - e rt euletabre.4 ioT lb its capacity ,and nithorotig,h rettoiatton , of ,its-',inish, fixtures, and furniture.— 'OA ' Wile verl-y; its- prbprietor i is extensively known ttS polite 'and obliging hest ; , and 'there .t l Pf,a,t9„SM,Lth*is riet l oo2'o?!liilluiPo ': I Pf iilii -00-j4.l:BeirrAfger;!:the eidei[Ctiiieri,Y, ;; -. ! - -, , :f , A..irkait'hijii-the s"a"me-of-William Morse-wits found Ifii!lfiiiiiixWithe house ;of his ibeioAliazait:in:tielieli, i lioin Oo.1(.:r.f*:41111e. morning - ..9f t e sth, - A largequalatity o i fopium was foundilia-stomp* 9ci, post ni ortein •#- `sunhraticiii . : . I .' '- "f7:F .. ''•:' ,' ; ' . .t‘ 1:':'""- . •-- z . i ••• : • , , ' 2 :1• : ' ---:.•-•,* -A -- :: ,•-,• ~ • -•-•,:•.!!; •,z •-, - .A teriltii 44.:5#41 I 4-3 ftril4fo- 4 ( 1 #4 ; 0 0 Fill1L . 96 :Sunda 7.lo .i, gii" - '7o4ifeti 6 it4it4iUoi4; - $l. - i4 . 44if ..02034fri - xii4l4tproap4 - e 4*tii**V;seri' oraliivksivetelastiileinaiiiiitwii' fihi:ediiicti.A' : G ifu ~ , ,, r voirloirici inal.-=-Editio: ' Zeriiiai ii.e.utly!' beeti I t Inted'fdishaliostere ''lrifillastille 14 . 4.41Agei9C.4' S. View -. .. -- N-I.• ; -:.:-:',-,-,!-!:'. ...;tl4ii , i4ik.*:. - 6.ii i , i,, i ...:,,i , .., ,...- , ,:!...;.;..,,,,,-. ".fg ,-; "' - • - - -..:1P 14 -4 4 'Pq 64 5 1 1,4 1 ri,1 ..: ' I, l OOrz oli t ell 41 '!ii0 - Pinl o ' o,- E -42 4 .1 0.*3264 - 414 - 1 "flank:olW - - ' - iallti'ortitii*Adol . " . th'' mn e ~.,.. _ .. " ' T4Pilfrt Stritlp lateXl. a _ -_ PA*. . 41 - 1 r.f.f f. . _„ '..-.. -; . .. ; •. - iii:Qiiii , , ' ---- uribiation..ll; -ri, ---' , -3 .1_'.!,,,:,:.-- such a *bat the as'has throw to,-be with head for fire; and ted ef thius' -sarrt oad excited-moie- hree "Pm I Par - --and.thoy of The court exijoumeeert .§l.4olgapr b'brirBy: men- Wiest; *Abe POT,IO4uX - of c6nisenpit; th e b ep t b p k"" 'evenithen.-; 1 :1-4*1 4 :40 1 7 .1 0:4 1 U* .put -Get* .911 tj- S I u t Mr. Codboim hay: reen in, snob 4 'critic it health_lhtely as to `i ~° der pi??*oyery *MeV riiouhtfuL Our neTi7towevee-.1 . 00$ . Iter, abf,ttit again. It has been,iinkoredqbat Gen—tiouision thin week take occas on to' define holl!°sidafil.(it lie Mayery,questinni; which is repFented to`' be iiptition to'the doctrines of the Calhoun school;, rand Probably a sort of a middle ground between and 13enton.i. Gen. Cass luts been delivering himself of a long and prosy of twit) or three ;days length, in opposition to the Wiltnot proviso and opposed also to the sentiments of his own state. It is , Ellipse(' to be a specimen of the long ynrn be would lave span out in his message if he had been elected Pres l . -Mont. Special 'lVlessage oil tie President, on the subject of California. To the Howe of Reiresentatirea of Me Mated State transmit to the louse of Itopresenta tires, in answer to the resolution of that body, gals_ ed on the. 21st of December last, the accompanying reports o heads of Idirrtnients, whichi'eßintan all the official informatiOn m the possession 'of the ex ecutive asked for by the resolution. . On coming into. Office, I found the military corn tnamititut of the department of California exercising the f neat:tug pf a civil governor in that: territory ; andleft as I was, to act under the treat * Oraituil aloupe IDdalgo, without the aid .0 - f any legislative ol establishing, mid from time to time altering its municipal laws and,domestic institutions, indepen dently of every other state, and of the general ,gov eniment, subject only to the propositions and.guar antees expressly set forth in the constitution of the United States. The subject thus left exclusively to the respective states were not designed or ex pected to become topics of national agitation,— Still, as _under the constitution, Congress has, power to make all needful rules and regulations respect ing the territories of the United States, every new acquisition of 'territory , has led to discussions on the question whether the -sys.tein of mvoluntary servi-. tude, which prevails in mane of the states, should, or should not, be prohibited-in that territory ? - The periols of excitement from this cause, which have heretofore occurred, have been safely passed; but diking-the interval of whatever length_ which may elapse before the adini_ssien of the territories ceded J hYMexico,a3 states, it appears probable thatisimilar t ,excitement will prevail to an undue extent. Under 1 these circumstances, I thought, and still think:that 1 it-wa.: my ditty to endeavor to put it in the power 1 of Congress.. by, the admission of California and 1 New : Mei:ice as states, to remove all occasion for the unnecessary agitation of the public_mind. .It is understood. that the people of the western part of California have fops:led-a plan of a state consti tution, and Will soon submit the,same to the judg- meet : of Caress, aad apply for , admission as a daZ. This course op their part, though in aceor- with my wish; was mit adopted exclusively I in-couqueneti _of any expression of my wishes, I inasmud us measures tentling_to this end had been ; promoted 'the officer; sent there by my prede-, t,y fess:sr.:and.. ere already ill active progress of ex- ecution before .—tky Communication from me reached I California. If the roposedeoustinition shall,when submitted toCougre,s,, be found to hem compli twee with the roquisin sof the cons - titution of the - United States,l eamestly recommend that it may receive the-sanction of Congress. The part of California .14 inguded in the pro- . posed ; of that name, is believo to be uninhab ited, exceptin a settlement of our vountrymen in the vicinity of Salt Tinke is claim hes:been advaneed by , the State of Tex as ton sery_ huge portion of the lutist populous dis ,trict of- the, territory, commonly designated by- 09. Oame of .gowillexico; ~ If the people of New Met ieo had formetka plan of state government for that territory, as *ceded _by the treaty= of - GaulialoOrie -Hidalgo, autl i had beeaadmitte - d by,_.Congress as a state,- our. constitution- _could- have affordfd - • the Means of obtaining an:adjii r ltment of the 'lluestito -Of boundary' WI-TM:mt.? a judicial decision.: iAt toresent,rhowever no judicial tribunal ; has the - poi er, of : deciding,,- hat; question; -and : it I remains iffir. Congress to sievi..43 some mode torAta adjusnaent; , i i l isaiMiiiiai r:Antlitilt to; .congress She queistion whether •it: - Amisti , betkpadleat, before such:Anat. meat, to 'establish a. territorial gefernineak which by including the district so ehisofed,:wimidy,*teti-' sally decide the question . adversely to the state of ; Texto' =1444)g:141 - would- fleet& it .in , her - ivor.l - in* . y.;ppipil l i ; such iireArte would - iiot - be - & - podi-. `eht,..eskcially as they people of this territory *till, 06j#31wheneftt , acid proteptioM of 'theft' intanepal. llawsetsrignialliderivlsq.l-IMm ...11.exitto,..; and Fla veza:. -.Military:- force. stationed i tberot to parotid-1 . th6 m ; against - 0 - e , watisp, .Ifis 1-xiadlubteillY - -traiit4t! .Ple : pria,pertfilivO, litieity inctiroligion of tlideo., Iple:_-,of,tfe,TrAf.exieto iire - ,bettei , - -- Fintlsm - OVY eiliOstra . tbefo4_,Alf . ‘ treaty - . - 4.'dieisiiiiiv:t SWIM ititivesiwhifrealifOtilia.,lFeseittli -heMelf: .tot dry; a*poritioalito ilfiTttionil,sinitex a 'emlitioril- to' i x idlidsakaj' si a- tci ikei frit h ernticl in - :siltation%-cont r ary tO tne=7tmes e „ iler people , Ma ,- . . even embpitll -tem ._ , tiocomply-withit, yet, 71 thistate siiiidd chittget ettos4tritko at' a ny time after aihnii# o , l3 ,l l ;iien . itlt 4 Stad S O* . "Pe . Aient _At; iii-ta11ii .4 .44W al Y* tenl iki ta 4eny 44 114 rui)le of *, "ita , t*.rlegjof liegleitint l ega ;Ment,lin mmattet:whiTtch patidiarlY, afßOs pew; fiselve4. : _will Int111:44I, tpti itled:hz them !Akita , ii - na4.4 of their rights; and lupon, the priiiiple l a id i l own incur orin-Deelaratibtiotlndeisdence; they will eertainly be Sustained-in ;their i stance I ag,m ast it by the great triasi oil the 'Ameii an pee f pie. To assert that , they are a conquered: people, and .must submit to the Ntill ofltheir,comptemts in 'this regard, will meet- faith to cordial roll:otiose tunoug American ,-frocinen. .., ~ Great - numbers of then ire (Mr Own couritt i Tinen, not inferior to the rest in intelligence and patriot ism, and no language of menace to restrain them, in the exercise of an undoribted Iright, substantially I guaranteed, to them-by trlpity of ce ss ion itielf, shall t ever be uttered by me, of enconraged and,sustain- I ed by persons acting under my authority..; It is 'to be expected that in therhsidue of theiterritory ce ded to us by 'Mexico, thelpeopleresitlithere will, at the time of their incorporation into the union as a state, settle. all . questioas of domestic policy to suit themselves. • , No material inceiLyenisnce will result from the want, fur a short pM od, !of a.govemiticat 'estab lished by'congress over that part of the ..territory which hes eastward of the new state of California, and the reasons for my Opinion that New Jilexico I will at no very distant-period mil for admission in -1 to the union, are foundedion unollidal information, which, I suppose, is common to all who have cared to make the inquiries on the bullied. - ' f Seeing, then, that the 'question which, now ex- .cites such painful sensations in the country , trill, iu the end, certainly be sett' by the silent e ff ect a causes independent of e action of congress, I again submit to your wisdom, the "policy recom mended in my annual me . --.sage of axraiting the sal utary operation of those eause's•-•-believing that we shall thus avoid the creation of geographical par ties, and secure the harm'ony of feeling su necessa ry to•the beneficial action of our political sys'tem. Connected as the unions, with the remembrance of past happiness, the sense of present blessings", and the hope of future peace and prosperity, every dictate of wisdom, every feeling of duty iihd every emoon of patriotism, tend to inspire' fidelity and deco ion to it, and admoqish us cautiously to avoid any oneeessary controversy which can either en dung r it or impair its sttem,4ll,—the chief element of w hich is to be found in the regard and affection of the people for each •other. (Signed) ZACHARY TA YI_OR. I • ' -Washington, Jan. 21st, 1850. - I I CongreMional. 1 In the Senate on Thurtday, Mr.{;)omens moved ' to lay his resolution of intpdry in regard to the acts of the'present Administration relative to the for mation of a Constitution 'tor Califorpim.on the ta ble. aid= uzulerstood'„thdatialnation sought, 1,,1 been trarismirted to the other 'House ; but finally NV Itkirew his motion at the rcqueSt : of Mr.:Doug lass of Illinois. An auirdnted deltaic: oecurred be tween Messrs. Douglass and Tie:nu:in Stith, ildrieg which the latter stated that Gen. ltihq issued his prockimatinn for • a Con s kitutinhal 'Convention in California, under instructions from, (he late: Loco- Foco Administration; and 'before he had reteived any instructions whatevet from General Taylor.— The resolution of Mr. Clemens was, in the outset, intended to worm out of', the in-chives of the De partments some nefariong liocus•pncus, whereby General Taylor, Mr. Clayton, and Butler King had cm:Tired tictrunscforntAltfonna into a Free Stare. But failing in 'this object,,3lr. C. turned his artillery against his Locnfoco friends of the North, whom he denounced as false to thei South—Worse even than thh Northern Whigs, beOuse ppen silya manly, initheir hostility. To this charge ble-o...Doug lals, Shields, rikc. plemr" not gnilty';" Dodge of !okra, stated that kis State never pissed any' Wil- ' mot Proviso resolutions ;: Mr. Bright of Ina. said ditto for his,' and Messrs. Toote and. Davis of Miss; Downs of La. and King cif Ala.intercedea in behalf of :he Northern Democracy, whom Mr. Clem ens was riding, they thought; too roughly.' Mr, Dick inson, of Y. 1. protested Pat he had alwayi stood up for the Sointli,-aud if the geusTiiin teas to b<tried .by arias, he tcoitid be zeililing to draw a sword in dc fence 0 . / ,te ot ert ffbi ion* rights If 14c _After some. more uninterrupted talk, the questiotkwag taken i4id Mr. Clemenl. resolution adopted : 'lens 4S ; .1. 4 / a ys 3. The Senate then inursday) adjeurned 'to 31enilay In the Senate, on Monday, Mr. Cass occupied the day, with a metaphysical disquisition 'on the Wil mot Proviso, being a part. of the Message which he would•luive delivered lie been elected Presi dent. Its speech was rigt half finished when the Senate adjourned, but he luteuded Ito resume it on Tuesday, In the Senate on the 24th quite an interesting debate—if it can be called ti debate—sprung up on Mr. Elny,'s joint resolution in tavnti of authorizing the Library Committee itO purchase the ctriginal manuscript of Washitighin's Farewell Address, now in the possession of Clayixile'shiA e,•and advertised to be sold at Oldie auctihn nest Month. It origi• pally appeared in the Doily- Advetitiser of this city, a file of which,' containing This yeno,mted document, set up in type Trom the brigilial manuscript,. is of course among, the recurilsof our. establishment.— The order of .the day; the bill prOvitling, for the more effectual, execution of the provisicn of the constitution regulating . ote recapture of fugitive .slaves, was discussed . up, to ,the,.litaur of .adjourn incntL-31r. Bartler, of. SOullt Carolina, having the floor. 1 C B. F. Brown, the cauc44 'of the Lotofocos for Door Beeper, who - fled from 'Wash ington a few dhys ago on accoUnt lot the chmmis sion of enormous fraudson the J. S. Treasury., is-the same gentleman jrio; in 18-18, wrote two Lives of Gen. Cuss, one for the North and another for the South. He held an office; at Washington, and when turned out, 143 prOncinithed by Father Ritchie a martyr. %aid Drowin was also a•sturcly assailant of the. Whigs, imputitina to the litter a constitutional proclivity to all rittinli er of corruption. But time. proves everything. Brown in his descrip tion of the Whigs, drew upon his own innate false hood and dishonesty. fortthc nutteiials. Thepic ture was simply a reflection of his own biro -char acter. . Onto-r-A. Catat.—Thedi;graceful scenes of which the Senate chamber of Cildo has .so long been the theatre !were closed on i:Friday, at least, and we trust, fithlly. HajOstal O. peke, .theiFree Soil Speaker,.wbe had been the target, of I..odefoco denunctation >Fnrl detraction , erei since his election, rebigned.theichaiii in - itordanue with sinew undeystaadiniarufehatles C Conneralf%Thig of Muskingum) was elected Millis steed by twenty-. five-votes to seven blanks andiseattering—lii effect, unanimously.. There :oen:ted; tcr be:a-Ital.' in the storm whicklio.d tageti so fiercely, up to that day, but: thtuts is 3o assuraneci 'that ik.wilLcontintte. Ow Boces Learn.-TWe..have heard nothini for some, weeks; of the letter. from 4he lion; Jame s 'Buchanan, °nib() sulject.ol , Binvery, whith it was 'SWIM lime:iitiCe tumountied-.lm . had: preparptl. pro. posinglcamthOil for. the final add satisfactory ad justment of that excithiglineslion,*nd' WWI. l'as to :belablishedimmethately after A° .organizatioti / of congress. .It is barely po ssible that Ittri:Cas!s 'his tSken- OW v(itld 0444 t Buckll d s,alid that the .letter will never, .appe . al„. , . -7 -The, 9st: li kely plait` Or. 31r.,Ruelanan ;tolpr4o , tise r w - .be 1 that i the i sez . 0 0 :should.giyilimrthemv tgi M 1802, and have their own way in all things e ' .06tilx.,ffews:-- : - ',.,:1 Fro; CNclLlivricl4-4; 4 40 Irtsly-haa:pre4, tafttoillit..l44liitu*of‘lfew4cYork• tl!a*titb- , b Meat 'of Couris of pokahithm,. by- - "no .§.( 4ichopotiosAilop444. kilqult!fielOwient i 4)_,, of diffeaeocesommila - *asHlSlSY•Pripmr-7 -,--, :. ,00,4 be Ingpeeme. of la m. andltediothomibAtt liw. • .- -., : i r • ;:i is 1‘• - - - i t , l - / ••'-z -f ,! I - Sudtj • .4. .- V r - 114 -4, 013 T! m1 4 , 41.10 : !0 .0 **his 4 0 .4 1 , Fehrirarineiii.. kid,4*.- - • day eyetung. the, "r:apers, f •ooriipoiiiiionsity.-thestadenis, examinatier evening there rill be a feet education, by Rev. George' rick, Bradford county. -On natiou.Will,:be concluded. and beheld the gentlemen' s po k be the first - sumiveiaaci - Of th* sizable that its should know, or have heard.hfr, -Lim opportunity; of hetiiiiighinil have not heard 1 him will ~ pains, by Illtening to his el.. of a general and practical s' ' es, aboye named, will beli.! Chapel in Lerayscille . ..,. tation to Ale friends of eduea N. R The next quartet' ' I day the 13th of Ni;eeks. Scholars will finil it tit,, , re to eater at or near the o , IL J. N Leraysvhle A4luleiny, Jan. , Fiie M. • PtiOunnt". to p' bile Com 4 House on Friday eken Ippointing 11„S,BENTI.SY. .)cei Secretary.. le object 'of the meeting the chairman, it proceeded to,. pan,y under the following reii P We, the- undersigned, agr hors of, a Fire COmpany b , under a charter from the do sylrania passed the last scif tution and By-Laws to be tult vote of the whole number of Signed by. abont - 66 rnemb, Ite4red,. That the Compa! ixirarrer e fanization by.eleeti, t'we Assistant Foremen; (me I en 4, a.Sectetary and Tritmsnr.: Under this restantion the tlemcp mire duly chosen: 'Sartmcl IL Sayre, Forcaian IL F. Turrcll,. 4.§sLitarit For :Pipe-man ;S. Ili Mulford, Tre rens, Secretary. Reiolved, That,B. S. Ben• J. B. SalidLinty and I. , draft and report Constitution Resolved, That the ineeti 4 n, aae of an Ordinance by the ring every householder (exce to procure and keep {an hand, a Leather'Firt Bucket. Itesolved._That the Town to Procure, speedily as p‘o'ssi Suction Hose and 100 feet add and also procure the Charter Resolved, That the Forem. men present the above to•thel Rese - lved. To adjourn subj, Foreman. Resolved, That the procee B. ' ham L. Post, See'y EH" 7re c - opy 111 e l'6lloNcil late shocking occurrence near tl4 mentioned last week, from - Deeply' Afiliciing Occurence. Never perhaps did we sit own to record a more painful, a more deeply dist •• -• , and in-this com munity, a more generally an. heartily deplored ac cident, than occurred on Sat ay last,. in Plym outh Township. Miss Ellen, . ged 13 years, eldest daughter . of Hon. George W. ' Oodward, Miss Ann, aged 20' years, daughter. of= illiam IL Baler, and who from her-childhood hid resided irrthe family of Judge. Woodward, and '• Beriner.aged about 17 years; a young Lady from entre-County, a vis iior at Judge Woodwttrd's nt ont for recreation, and while amusing themselv s by sliding on ice, formed upon a pool-on the ; ts4tear JiloWoed ward's residence, the ice - bre kinthey were 'all drowned. A. child who wit, --cd,the sail catas trophe, gave the alarm, and • rsona liitstening to. the spot, found and took fron -the water the dead ,bodies, all luiving sunk titre ;11.oheaperture in the ice. Judge wiis In Wil -barrel at • the time, and on receiving the sad late ligence„ hastened to the place, 'where, the sotto fel ,•-evidenco, of the dread reality only increased, f possible, the agony of his bosotn. . . What a heartrending catasi anclioly spectacle!. Thu boll voung„ females, whohad.,just. douse—allf=prightlinm and 1 in buoyance and cheerfulnes ceutly amusing theinselves the watery element, lifeless F strongly illustrative of the, Si the midst of life we are in tit keen the pang to a -fond par peat could cornmunity,relie would they gladlymiskto't After penning. the*egoin that the young _ladies were excursion by -a Mi:w To* 4.1 g d bters of Judge i Wiitiilwa broke ihrough the ice, and si;„bi,l Miss Totten histe,n breaking in, where the wate cat tail bled to get Out. illiss* in fly sunk, ; Miss -Wood fi g hold of one . of - the,batkrs Sh uliderFZ. In, this Situation body, with. great presence', those On land to. ran : fori-hel she *mid . effitaro. her, positio Soon hoWever she; suulr. , , . 'der;the ocitemen t aketins m eet, begged,togo.and het strained , ty Nils Totten. t-, • l'ivalPT94entlo defer . theird,'.of haie been the, eittalitrOpliee,;:. bOiifici ezCe4 ititlie. < l 4 toco . nSole in itriheir . do,l ~ :•441 1? .90ii-fiPil NISP)VOC Pf4vious seligit.saliatent)i? united ;with ,the.thiirelf:iiic BOO* i 4 r 6 Pr:Clelit°:clf..jike,,: *biott_#:*:)ilp 4in , yoonsio t keo4 `doporiment, aria probiibly-loz , berior4he:C ll o&-Mili*,' if te l k ftllo ::.o l it!it - b o' ":4 , `''' , ii `,40V011,-IVativell,--t •-'. • - r 4 rOqiiiks 9(li:iii*iiii her and - not *Ai - .Ben porte,'Peheie coil - at . ..1) ,i tmonday,t4 rqkiitait fl:4. . '.1 6 0 - ,:wptietieclsiii','l '2. 11 rwd,4441141Ati _ t . ..-, ' ~ .-1 146 .- • ~ r;44 6 4iE ari-ring _ , jiltF el • ..141144 . 4 1 ,1, '.,,i,-;,,,,,,i,z,,, ; 14.,,,r1 -.-L-4 :1' • ' . :;'-, i. - ...AA. , • •-•.: :..,.. • F --- . -Rejpstee.' -'- 1, i .1--:.-- • -.3 • - rii - '. 1.1 ~ t. y. t ~ i , 1 tcl aases contr io sa , , ,TeliondaiLt 6 4 64*. K On' 1111",:' I :tinp4ed_tif csieitiat v . Ina. , Tuesday, and in 11 .. , E:. • ut the. suhjeet et on, A M., of , - 1 1 , ednesday the eni- I 4 1 ..„4. lPAv..eilin g ,..LY.../.q. Ctien. As this will i iiiiiitittion, it is. de- l• precept. - Allywho • on, Will not lose the .• Sin ; and theie who • well paid , for `their i ' ; leat appeals in laver I ation. The eaireis : d at the irettiixiist 1 tcritta iTneral'invi !l• attend. ; , kit otAxitiblft fd ll ith iMh. Self ty ,Ai * n ': - 1 . „ .. ... 11 04'lawrishlti'nf - ' nan.mailuld:•fdy othet a - "diforWir4. - piiii '24-- tY Se i ri : hei }and the : th e ,lo l o4 l /4 0) 1 4 . 00k1 ty - of lhisquehanixi. • - - -AAA SEC,. 'I"; . ': kit. isalitict R 9 1r1 1 .4°# 1-ike- CI rantir-rri - agi*,42.4.40 enagiodb.ilokin4iikt afterili.6,:psii*:-ofi, . toilishirof lewd, ill z are atithertiett.*l. - - 1 - .April,,ii . a, ilicky*.A6 , convenient, minslier of foren, iikinchinan trict a!fakintliorttoif of the amnia of , road , tax district, iindlto - futnishll tricUviitli'lltis beinulit44 of the istaitbrei-Vier s iOP:; of tax ,to;hel piii4l,,tMil ' SEci:2.:': Front:pa : 4.f the 4tutliftectlintereiitt electieti , iif*iiitaliiikell personleiread:Malttei.,* township ,-,.;•fitiil -' the'rtial hold thereat c'ts for one: y in ease , otiatestilor;nei . ters, thoinCLoo*iykrs of.:1 thority-la 0204- the - . shall occur freafany4tii sors shall 111/,sack:vmm the ntattein l iships.Aeiti SEC.'S. Tite - - siiii:t AI at lettitien;:lhyS'tnotice,l duplicate ; of thelima - 0 on said roads;; -, indif A lects or. refrlies`ta Ivor qucnt shall be:retti j may-think-pr.‘ w la' -tcr issue the it for t said aelhi q utilt, It. - they clic. existipg'..4wF,q •.--,. -' • ,. s.c. ~ , The s. 'd roaif : masters arediereby men. red to 'e the rld ..' in their . ibspective ais tlirc tricts tv 4.4,0 n as' ". - tas.may beNafter they re ceive ' „4,011 tes - ..- ntthe supervisors , but not later ta, the, fi -:day .f September, except una voidable'repairs urntt g out of new roads; and! they shall- inn Ily; in - the month of January in ! each, year; rine t rith, th • i said .lupervisers . and sel. 1 tie their reipectiven -. ! t s,;" and any failure on I the Part Of riitlit - ' il-iii ters. to settle or to work i out their.taxls,, abov -stated;shall-subjeet those neglecting tela - S1 eof •-n dollars, to be recov ered as_othei fi e 'of e. mil amount are b j law re covdkahle, befO e ' yisti 6of the Ogee, is the suit I t of the proper-, - user of.the , towrrl4z.pri cote. I plaint, lie su rv,isimi to sitid - trinsurer. 1 SEC. 5. '1316 tuabi of "a-nc road district shal'i I nor be requiitad logo o t ot their respective- dis tricts fOr theipurpose o milking or improving any 1 road in said teat ship bitt'iw catie ef damage Cr ! destruction 4 . att brit! , e ift'said township, the ex-n ' pease (A .repinying or rbuildin,, , r, which would lz.e i too heavy :!ifd bprthe: me, upon.. INe inhabitants ' I _of the &stria in',which said - bridge4,inay be iitt-__l ate, then-"the inhabit.% . of the .district .nears:t -thereto shall aitlln ,reb ng said bridge. SEC. 6. Th t b: dpmpe ilea of said su_ pervi,,ir- 4 shall not eiceed t une d ar pei'day; ad-:the %aid ifsupervisorsl ihall not paid for- more' than five days, each year, fors 'ces rendered . in and about the lausineSsi of affil ds in Emig]. tow.nship; anti. 1 .? the road-masteri of , th se - eritt districts - Shall, to I the arnotin(df their tog - ive road tax, be allow 'ed the'saraii idailjr-pay laboring hand s receive on the high-Wiays; road-masters shall receive no other compeniation as their respective read tal - es.„' I .-, , I . _ SEC. 7. I i shlll be election in eild tOwiiiiiii for each diStrtictdfir the, ' said township Jei - tlepokzi no elector sliall.tote ring master. •" Mien fleetion of shall mtike return of matters to ;the -Clerk truly enter Said teturn ship: . : , SEC. 8. The existin are supplieil!or altered pealed m the aterwaid 1 ” 1 The abovellrn is hay . , -1 of ASseinblyi-asi are a of the tintrii'shipi ef - l3not thin • attention of the:sin arepaiticulaily I plitt - rr tiotOmeneevWednes ,(l continuo oleven well to ilieit• adrui • colog of the terra. _ W Printipitt. f e Citizens met at tho g, nmiorganizcil Lby irnian end Isqic L. aving been stated by .rgtudze a Fiie,Oom ntion : e to. become Mobs hereafter orgaMzed monwealth of Penn. subject to a Consti :ad by, a two-tbird9 lambus." , y proceed to Ix tem o• one Foremsui and iiie•rnati; four Ward- Rowing aimed tgen- Sirnponi and el?; L._,Nriti'sttr , irer, and retetSte- y, (1.20.. F be a committee to Ind By-Lowe. Irecommend the pa.-- Town Council requi t the nctingTiremen) !always in resdinersr onneil be requested le, 8 feet additional tional beading ose, from the -State. ' P and Assistant Fore= 'Council. - et to the call of the ing3 be published. BENTLEY, P,res't. particulars of tke ' Vilkcs Barre, briefly Wilkes Barre Ad- Canino a 'IBM's Notii ha 4134 meet meat ' at 'Nir r aihiWerif • tweerillr.'74WEPOtte at iraiparaikc, a t If ew of LordiP ersto fairs at Chilli re op how to'fidaistiothii, lowing account more .Ameri4n; "On the: 9 4lth - ilf Deoe Potter. with,hi3 ° . Tamil raise sto p ped it Lima steamer should _lieby' der to tiikel!kt suftpl lodgings for, WIDOW lel.. After iltaVtagtalte .10 whfch ke mho ' and; 6e ly during' the - cliaypt walked il7pa vol'age l • tOkki and euriostties. , .': , " Cat Peri . fore the if Itoilalrfir.ll his fiunni<ikooixid-,at walked p thii-Mcast to Cc . i)!Patt6 sessston oftherit, chqdt mit of ~with \ tojw-.63T,;, I,h4rhuibandl }who; otil thiriuteS, but' it *4 fill ty told her cook and iiideii.Ch4 arms;directing a sery for her. - those taken 111 I ***W.Plititge, ,tlie)**it ri- FottiN--ttiCrOistel: Putt' - 4ime rophel—what a mel ies of three amiable ',, before left the same loveliness—and :who of spirit were limo low all take.n from d inanimate:, flow lentturelt,tltlB,l:lr .how iii '. l 'a nt'a heart. W 4 °rwe e that pang„ asoue • pleasiu4 task. i wo wore Informed ecorn i ranied In their . an 076- ymmger. d• "miss .13nner 'first was instantly; out of to, lier,res4lue,faml I was, not so deep 'ler ran to rescite,and ' rani nueeeeded. inigt/ her..elf sinking tovhpr tar holding on tolihe, nand, she directed saying -vile v thought lt nr, 20eptimite & - • :you p.- nger/sisters nn ernation/of gle z ma-- Taliii4but were; re ' ridetithalY, there was still niore:sad..,miglit . tiniiisafetyLlui t • Te/ il iv l!t hi , l493 P9F i t ik i ft i C tic6 s , r -12 4 - I ' V4I it trl ~,d had sometime ' M n firtaTipt,iuid . On.fiartlir, 104. is, .. - heivx. 'fiei.. 6 orie ipl,_ , KAzorkplimv ~ik .. 4 fit°lrkelii' Aj: 0 0 ding hop e in - ,°kiltett• stltteert't o ' r : i t it t r°,,. Peek genk tO . Allri l fOtirPl44 43l ** ir! b„,. ' , '..i.i ',- .-} !,- .144 11 4 1 0. 1 44 - MS° l '' ' Ol O l O . O- 3 g1M 1 4 aliiiiltfikir e -g 4 r */° 4 t. , FW 11 47 1 11 0` 0 1- 11 0 f A r " ,1410-r.IP*4-4e= 3451 Plit'P(4(o`,"' IMMO ~_. for woraug and nigtwAYs.., , _. dotes and, eighth lOetiolla-1 ' .10 - ilter thi road gawp , tistioviiY of sasqu#- eight , . eight _.. "atilt fat' .' as hereby ' L, to a and 4, 0 -1 1 .04 N tt/•4IF , T un ' ~ •:' A. 1),"114)47.r__- yiho - Seziate acid II e 0 4i f '/Vgnct s owl st is. 6 Y feta actote;frh a t froro an d , adithe owderruicaer the e,c oll 4.,,,_%aqutr, ad, before of vide.said.township • • , i , ~ . districtsoot to *tea as to !l air ' , to each dis: 4,li,blic•roada, according; to - • . in the respective , - %., 10 ter in each dig. v_ ,f- , t-, ftet, and'A list , . ether with the amount . Ik t : i =Pof this act, • , may, the .I*;q•nelece: y ballot, one 4 , aelt,n*l district re edit 4irnistefe= so elected 'shall 'ar r e-Piittidedfarther,th a t titf:• - l af the laaid road neas• I• Eadod town*plave au. amc, or it_ans vacancy Lterettuse. tlie Raid snpervi ey by appointment, until . 7 t4stors shall notify, 6v 1h person named in his Irurtrho intends to work ',porton to notified, neg. "ft.s dirOted, such deb. as soots is - the road -master d, siveryisors, who shall ,collection of the tax of are ietjuirett to do under he dsity the officer 3 of J, to of provide a separate box electors of each ii4triet of e ; their i•otes thereib : but t ha.h,one :person for road ', k tS closed, the officers there ,::the election of said roxi• I . road lan-e, so fair as they 1 ,y this act; are thereby it= • township Of .Lenox. 4 4 been' corded *curt the acts ITO quoted; for -- the benefit 1 , k1713 And .Toisnip, to *'.i&, . • • - 2 ra - of said tothehije i pet:trolly Folicifeit ,! _ it Charge d'Affairs. Depart peinunal iiinconier be Abe new !American Cent. y:Stephciii Sullivan, nepb British Charge d'Af ken , i . 'attet• this. The fol • r hirkivin in.the Bath her lastiCieernsi that - Co -being eri route for Valps egemtry that th , at Callao,in or Of - Of!'' Pqtter too. "fiyhtly - atthe French iffs,Toolk_i!killO hotel , Yy. the:haul - Lady npe Igtetll his faaLi the:steamer at-Callao. h=. y 'with a corapag,non d 91sLirart strut it 4 novelt, lonk lett'his loakings, nil Stephen Stalivtm the hotel and • delitienttd. N& had. been assigeet' andmew med Idikkettbi* . tuid Potter b e nigh tceiciiratt . the:return o', 'Tauf• - •: : ‘ , lll.Britishnc • ,0 1 ,1:114:0thittan but..wittiam.....- J ehild le h t . fuld:eiher apartrao. ilio . ,..oeicupled rooms ne• ttp.royal.,appealed to b .titighter;i4a: . .llfiekle, wee: 4141 besought. him, to oil' 0 .- fiat:Oda - appeal was at ; - • , Cdoi, ' '-fo co . 1 lot 4 th itb3inea nearly :2 Seim li rierra WACO* !Wel"Mgt and 1010 St 4, th&pmita id township, who 611111 the records of said tonn• of • A* weiti In 1 reß rep. Ire
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers