rAtittit'liireAßTiturt - t4Alz-,4) '!rim, the: Genera Parmet. • Twenty:One Xpres of taild. TOY WILLIAM GARBUTT. !MESSRS. EDITORS - :----Many of the cultiva tors of the soil, who occupy large POssesSioas,, do not realize the amount of la 'bar that on be profitably employed in cult} a c tion ; and f+ farm-laborers are aware hOw small. a • piece of 'ground will afford full exiployment tO anindastrious map, and yield litnself and ,fa the comforts-of life, and make them an independent home. iln illuslmtion of these facts, I will _ give an accoutit of fanner B. , His farm consists `ef twenty-one acres : one acre of: it is °co :. pied,..witlz .Ifaildings, Yards and garden, and • tYenty acres are for cultivation;—all ; made ph), ditetive by thorough draining tindhounti fut.' manuring. A good substantial fence all ronyid it, but no division fences. lie lias 57 •: leas of 'patent fence, which is easily reirioved —ivitli • which be encloses one-fourth Of the ground far pasture. • -....:,.P0 - farm is divided into four equal parts —ts acres in each part. •First season, No. 1 is in grass, clover and timothy, for pasture; -- .10.. 2 in hoe crop—one acre in wurtzels, op potatoe, and three in corn ; No. 3, bar , - , ley ; and No. 4in Nylicatz With these crops he; kept a regular rotation each year.' See ond season, No. 1 is manured in the fall with ' all' the manure that he has collected the past year, and plowed for next season's Roe crop ; N0..2 is plowed in the fall for barley next spring; No. .3 (barley stubble) is SOlila with timothy and clover for next season's pasture -- . -iwhieh rotation he uniformly pursues.._ Itelleeps a yoke of oxen, two cows, twenty ' gopd.ewes and a breeding sow, for Yhieli 5' acres of fresh clover on a rich soil will afford plenty . of pasture, provided that lie does not. .., turn into it too soon in the Spring. • The wheat and barley Straw, corn stalks, and rows, 'will be ample forage for them in wthter. He is industrious, economical and Prudent. Every thing is well done, and i, sea Son. The ground is kept clean, no weeds .. .being allowed to grow, not even around the fence ;.it is made richby plentiful applications - .of manure, which renders it very productive. His wheat averages 30 bushels per acre.-- • - 'lt will take 24 bushels to bread the family the year, (which consists of himself, wife , and/our - little ones,) and it will take 7 bushe t--: for ,seed, which will.leave 119 to sell ; this, `Eit, $1 per bushel, will make $llO. His bar - lqt yields 40 bushels per acre : it will take 8 of it for seed, and 102 bushels to market. . et 50 cts. per bu.„ will be $9O. The corn averages 60 bushels per acre; the three acres produce 189 bushels : it will take 80 bushels to the pigs, fat the pork, and use of - the - fatally, (for they eat Johnny cake and mush.) which leaves him 100 bushels to market, at • 50 cts. per bu is $5O. The potatoes and beets are all ' used at home. The wool.of the -,, 20 ewes averaging $1 per fleece, will -be $2O. They reise 20 lambs, which he sells in July or August for $2O. By taking the lambs from the ewes early, the latter will get, fat - 'bp fall: 15‘of them are sold fur s3o4witli win& :he purchases 20 ewes for next season's keeping—and he has 5, fat sheep left for the use of the family. The sows have 6 pigs the last of March or early in April : 5 of -• them, with the snow, are fatted, anti a young soy kept for next spring. The 5 pigs and oldsow when fatted will make 1,100 lbs. of I,pork ; .500 will do the family, with the 5 fat sheep, and leave him 600 lbs - to sell, which at 5 cts. a pound is $3O. The two calves are fatted and sold for $5. This makes $340 worth sold from the products' of the " - 2ei; acres, and the family have had their farm living the past year. i i .l lt may be thought that this calcul ation is too large for an average production, batl. assure you that if the operation is in dastrious,_ lleouomical 1 d jodicious, lie will r' ,aeldiim fall Ishort of the quantity stated.— ' Bnt it is asked, how ea an industrious man be , constantly employed on 20 acres ofl erthand cultivated for fa ming purposes l - 1 Look at it His groan for spring crops is alll plowed in the fall. n the first of April =h commences operati for the season.— lie first sows the-grass eed on the wheat; . then 10 cwt. of plaster' n the -hoe ground ;. and as soon as the gro dis sufficiently dry •-•-ke harrows it and sows e barley; then Lai.- ' • ros and, cross harrows mntili it is thoroughly 1) verized, and-then rolls it. By that time th planting ground is ready to harrow, u .. . ,Nelfich- operation is continued until the ground is well pulyetised i and time nearer it eau be -, -..mado.to &garden - tit the better. ' ' • But if he is ahead of the season with his • ' work he can always have full employment ' makinginl the manure heap. He collects ~... . i every thing that will make manure that his !_. time and means permit; he puts on it at - --least one ton of plaster at different tithes.— ' hed ashes, swamp muck, marl, dirty salt, • an old brine, are all collected and mixed ae„ • ' h the, barn yard dung, so 'as to increase ,the'inanur'e heap to it least 200 loads. , ...,-.. . aground being n good' order andi the , • n favorable, he commences planting the . ..itt - of May, and t -eS time and does it WWI 1 - '- *Aare is morelest by careless plantirte •••:: - :,,,*ould - pay fo four times the labor' '.....7f -- :41 agitiVell. He first plants the wurflr.els, th the potatoes and coin. Planting 1 . don, e,lhe wheat is to be wed; and as soon' • -as!the wurtzels are 'up he begins hoeing, whi.4l,ldfords' Minn employment until the first, ,: i 1: ''''s Joeriaps fifth, bly, He, then has 7: ix? „ , Jeanie, and ' is a neighbor in hay -• I ~-to procure help hauling in the gram. li. v • i•', commenses ' h vest as soon as the ..'.-' ;.'", will answer, it barley' will de to eat' \-1 - 1 1 ,4 1 ' 4 P - '' If 4ik4t staleleroY.,ll to e - , ' 'an, lot - it lie two or gime days in swa ~- 3 liiirwest.. beguile m 4 work as faithfullias l' - ' - lic l aitioei4nitil: the - riiti is - all secureo— . " 'tin ti iii;lns harrows, cultivates, or ploWs - ' ['lt Nil 'e"birley stubble, So as ta iiniverise 'it 4komighlY feu inches deep, : 4 - SOWS on itliiirliOn of plester.,. The CO* is' now '7 -- " 4.. . -. loil'tiut. Up ",.thatdone - 10.illWs the' . efltabbledeep and cell and somas Mme_ 44tly :.. wheat.l The summer crops are now ready .. „ , gather, winch . employs Wit- a while. z ,, ,When all are secured, Ihe:takes out the me , : rhttre, Spreads ikevenly Over the surface; and Plows, it Under. The ground is also to be ploWed . foribarley next spring, winch keeps him busy until it is time; to prepare forwinter. In winter he, takes Ood rare of the stock - , thrashes the grain, and proVides fuel—having none on his farm. The orchard is planted by the fence, around the" farm and door yard. Now, my. Young Friends, be industrious and . saving, - . and ;you will soon be able to purchase 21 here;s of land. And you who have large possessions, and sons you wish to settle near you, divide your possessions with them; and teach them to realize that industry and economy :11.01w sources of wealth—and that a neat conffortable and independent home, though it is small, will afford more rational enjoyment in ,old age, than large possessions, with a princely mansion, even if it is not encumbered with debt. Wheatland N.Y,.: 4849. Devon Cattle. Amcmo the improved breeds of - cattle in this country, the 4,)EVOXB are held in high estimation, and probably-the most generally admired. As a distinct breed of neat cattle they pos.sess several features peculiar to themselves, of which they are very tenacious —retaining them, in a great degree, even though their distant crosses with other breeds, and particularly - our native stock. The color of pure Devons is always red, varying to a dark mahogany. The dark color is generally most admired,.fdthoueh the light shales are equally profitable. There is occasionally a little white on the belly, which is more com mon with the heifers and the steers, and the cows udders areirequently white. The hairs which farm the brush of the tail are very remarkable ; on calves_ they, are a darker jhade than the other parts of the body, but always turn white before the animals are three years old. The hide is then, soft and mellow to the hand—the hair - silky, and fre quently curled. The horns are long. fine and smooth, and frequently yellow at the rout when young; the. muzzle and round the eve yellow, with a bright, keen and active coun tenance. . . . . The Devons are fine boned,_ clean limbed and very active,—resembling in cattle wh a t, is called blood in horses More than any - urnei Kteictv. • Ttic-i , -oz t.,-ookt fr - cacil•, and make as much beef in proportion to the f wl- con stuned-asan; other cattle. Their be..f is also of the best duality, 1,1:1.4 what fieshers call marbled (or well mixed- with alternate fat and lean :) and they always prove. ivell whin . dressed—weigl xi n.,if heavy to their appearance. In size they are about the medium of, meat stock. When dressed the tows w. -- ;:r1; frojn G to 800, and oxen from 10 to 15,009 lbs., grass fed. - The bull: of this booed are nsuallv inferior, in size and beauty, to the oxen ; but his stock is the best proof of the value of a sire, and not his ; ppearanee.. Fur labor we believe the Devons.a-0 not excelled by any other 1 breed—and their uniformity of color and build renders them easily matched. They I are very active, docile and tractable, as well as touch and hardy, •ain.l when carefully used will preform much DNA. from four to `eight years of age, without diminishing their size or aptness to fatten. As milkers the De:i,ons are similar to our native cows, but the quality of their milk is always-rich. ' On this point Mr. AL:LEN, au thor of " Domestic Animals," (published in 1848,) . remarks :—" The cows invariably yield milk of great . richness, and when appropriately bred: none surpass them for the quantity of butter . and cheee it yields. 'Mr. Bloomfield, the Manager of Lord Lei cester's estate at Holkliam, has, by careful attention, Somewhat increased the size, with out it:Tailing the beauty of their form, and so sitecessfuthas be been in developing their milking pr o perties, that, his average product of butter from each cow, is .t lbs. per week for the whole year. lie has challenged agbind - to. milk an equal number of cows of 'any breed, against 40 Pure Devons, to be selected out of his own herd, without as yet Bring found a competitor."- We believe the Devons were fist intro duced into Western New York about twenty five years ago, by I\'sl. (i A 11BUTT, , EST, Of Wheatland. In 1,835 or 'G, Mr. 6-. stocked his farm in Sheldon (in eliarge of Mr. BzcK,• an experienced Scotd; farmer,) with II portion of his home stock. In 4838 or 0, Mr. -Yin- NOX, of Roanoke, Geraisee county, imported a bull and two heifers fOom the best stock in Devonshier, England. Messrs, GARI3I:7, 13Kcs anal others, bred from the Vernon Bull (now known as the Dibble Bull,) and pro-.I duce& many valuable animals.: Tiii - stock is now scattered over match of -Western New- York, and some of if in Michigan and Can ada, so that purchasers ) can be adcomodated with thorough bred Devons, not, inferior to any, at much less expense and trouble than to import them from England. To - PriEsmiv - E 114 K.-11 milk be intro- . tweed into bottles, then well corked and put i*o a pan of cold wafer and gradually raised th the boiling "point, and after being allowed 6 'Cool, be taken out land put away in a 4)01 place, the milk may be - kept perfectly skeet for. half ."a year..,.; Or it; May be evap led to 4ryness, by' a gentle heat, and - der -constant stirring.'A dry mass will thus k S a 'i 'obtained . which- -v en &solved in hot .stater,.is.said to, poss* , , all the. qualities of the best IniLiio , ' .i 1 ,- Weiv Goods rial New Prices. , i BURRIIT Mali* reeeived his general Fur!- : ,• , plies of ilpring aridgumner . Ci pods; corapn tan' g a -lirge and rich assortment of. Pints, printed iiiWns, gingluuns, charigre. linenlustres,tuad oth di ladies' dress goods. Lich priOhld cach e -were '4O other sinner slut bi, Men's simmer "wear, . ,• , cloths, 'fancy esitsbn . eres; Kentucky jeans, . - linens, oke., aid alsO, his usual large Nariety , .geodis fee -almost every brunch of trade in .the eiintntry, to Which he ivoaa intite like attention, of nosh purchasen, in partie*, and' will be 'sold. as Iholli or less than the-cleapi* form*, produce * or,' pprorod croft* ' -Ne w Milford, 113 4 2. KlTEand Yellow. lieetSeed.,"for sale by the i l t' . ' Bound or etherwisd, at the ARCADE. t To Fanners and Dbirymea. THE ErubscOet havinimcluised the -right of manufacturing and vending Crowell's Patent Thermometer Churn, would cordially recommend them to every; fanner and dairyman as the best Churn ever introduced to - the- public. The prittei .pal advantagesithis churn has -over all others, are these: Ist, it is constructed in quell a manner that the top can- be taken off so as tugivei free•ae eRS to the interior, which makes it perfectly convenient to put in the cream and take out the batter-=the pad dles can be taken out, making it still, more conve nient to clean. Ind, a thermometer is attached to. the churn so as to show the exact temperature of the cream, whicih experience shows should be from GU to 62, degrer: a cluunber or space is ar ranged around the bottom of the' churn for the ptiriutse of :Ida - allay, cold or warm water so as tp bring the cream to the right teroperatuie without mixing the water with the cream. It is veil known to nil butter Makers that cream too cold when churned, takes much longer tittle in Cherning titan when at the proper temperature—besiaes, a por tion of the butter Is left m the buttermilk. It is also well known that warm water mixed with cream is tilwayt injurious and very oftea spoils the butter, The thermometer churn effectually reme dies-all these evils. It churns equally well in warm or cold weather. There is'no suds thing having the cream too cold or too warm is this churn if it is properly managed. An examilation mid trial of this churn is alone deemed sufficient to re mammal it to public favor. It has been fairly tes ted in this and ni other places. and rherever it has been used it has never failed of giving the most entire sati4faction. ..blontrose, m 5. WM. K. HATCH. _ First Arrtval. Spriv cad Su/11010^r Goods for 1840.. A EL who are de4rous of purchasing new goods are invited to call and examine the large and splendid lot of plain, atmelion and stripe silks; plain alpaems, and plitin and figared de hums, a large variety of ginghams and lawns of alNiescriptions, a large stock of ' , hosiery, linens, handkerchiefs and shoes, diapers, eounterwins, Laces and edgings, white goods, blue and green gauze veils, barieges, fine muslins and Irish linens, a large variety of cal icoes and furniture prints, battings, cotton yarns, carpet warps and table spreads, some beautiful goods for ladies' , Facks, cambric, white, colored and bin& kid gloved, gent's kid gloves, linen and pocket handkis and cravats, summer cloths, ink, steel pens, holders and wafers, 'l5 p.s. cloths, cassi: tams, tweeds and satinetts, satin, silk; worsted and velvet vestings, Napoleon cord, suspenders, hoots and - shoes, brown linens, checks, flannels' anti bleach ed muslins: A large supply of summer goods, bonnet satins, and tatf.tta ribbons, a beautiful stork ?:sties and misses bonnets, spring and summer fash ions of every style, uno:matly low, g ood mol a sses for 3s per gzllon, spgars 16 pounds for ? 1 1, Fall River nail; fur 5 scuts, clover and timothy !Zeds, lgood heavy sheetings for 6 cents Sweeds iron, nail rods, spraigsteel, bawl iron, tire iron, round Anal souare bars, the cheapest and best teas in town:lnort':.r wheat flour, e. dish and c,lfiec,;, white sugars, sperm and tallow candles, window sash and glass, axes, SteA shovels and thing forks, etc. etc. All of which will be sold at a small advance for ca-h, produce .ur approved credit, at Springville or Montrose. LATIIROI' <t SALISBURY. G oid this side. of California' TO RE SAVED 111 - TRADING CHEAP. O r o,- Ty, rsmifertionly . o and Ogstrr Saloon. . I till? .... other cotinties before whom this preparation as been laid luiVe best wed upon it unqualified raise as an artkile ofrare excellence antic= better al Mated to code-till forms of Puhuonstry disease hat any other rinuedy known. I ( r .a . lt i l: s f o t t A i l i lli s n , ,g av t ro es u th o i f na t i 4 y e aprolrijtoidfge Boston, cltrei Ull • from it-it is from men of known respect:l -y, niliifrom persons of whom you have never A.. ire heard. • - • - Sa s-" Itg-i'es;•-)ne pleasure to speak with appro.. bai on of sucji a rite<hcine as Ls here offered to the pul lic. if any eparation can subdue diseases of j the , lung,s, Cherry Pectoral can do it:" spt : l k ie , ll ,... d ti i k m ci. r n o -itt4 th e'i r i6o L° :r do i; in, fAl tri7isle l.sa ni ) 4i : t. We can ji, ) , ,r c , aPtr(Ziltelgi,s,tlern considersr r al)! it, ;, P l r co es- i i i d i en pi t o i f iw t.:ard of j n et t o r 7 e t ex •Ilence for the most formidable type of disease in , ur ref elind l i e u r e eias4 C(' m e s f un ii m e t w i,: i n , .. iiii college. writes :- I have witnessed, the effects of your Cherry Facto ral'in my own family, and that °tiny friends, and it I as given grea t,patisfaction in e"s"s of both adults _am children. _ i ~ ,-,--,--- --- 1. , ar,. _a, 'P../ ~:" .C4r;....r.u..: tree' Yo - k C'it.a, saysz-4-It gives me pleasure to certify in avor of this beautiful and truly invaluable rear ad in diseases of the Lungs. .. I ietrete Comte-, M. D., P. R. S. Phoician Extras or ;nary to the ; floor of Scotland, writes :-This .ne • Medico Chemical adds another proof that the ~ se i use= l ,e t t il e a , rs ii,o ar r e il il rapidly iop tifi f •ati l e , Lig i p rt b A n n it i d e f r e ic. ; ;L a, u-rtes in a letter, to his friend, who was fast sink in .4 under the 'affection of the Lungs . :-Try the 14' rr y Pectoral and if any medicine Vali give you ruLef with the blessing of God that will.- " .77e.-. Ca/obi/an .Journal of .11cdical Sciiiirecr states that - the prevailing Asthma of this Melva-t -en • climate hasytelded - trali surprising rapidity th A:ker's Cherry Pectoral, and we mnnot ton strongly re immend thL4 skillful preparation to . the Profes siot and publiejgenerallv. - - I ... atsatr w o.-li.l rnif. Harp, a *Lc Amorkuul Co ege of Medicine, says, in the lecture before his cla •s:'“ This elegant compound by an eminent di mist of New England affords you an invaluable :et tedy in treating the varioui di;easesa the lungs. li its skillful use tits you i rely upon curing, and rt aiiroadVreighraud C0311113i5411 0 , n with sue icing rapel.y, the most violent and LiNt: 111.051 iliNtill.l.lMlN, - w.f . di igerous attat.'ics of pulmonary disease." rr HE subscribers having, completed their arrange- f there is nay value in the judnment of the wise. 1. nientt are now ready to receive all kinds of he eis a remedy w ry oft the Limbic cm .depend. ll 'rep red by J. C. AYER, Lot produce at the railroad - depot in Bingluunton and . v e , ~. NI. a 5 , ... , and by ABED, TIM R ELL, Druggist &c., Mont forward it to New york and nude sale of the so] IMI. i 1-0.- , Pa. Cat. Willi:ma Clark (who has haul a number of Aril , 6, 11.0. years experience in the sale of produce in the New York market) Will attend to the sale of all prop- , Dairton Clark arTit - 0., Rillroad Frciglit and (Wolin LvdoteLinefront Crilut erty entrusted tip our care, which will enable per- Bratd. , sons forwarding Ipy this company always to recover t. , r , • ..„ pHr. stmscriocr3 having completed their ar. the highest market price for their produce. - rangencehts, arc -now ready to receive all ar- Qur charges-over the regular freight will be a . small commission for sales. - . kit ds of produce at the railroad depot in Great , .. rt to New York and make sale The' returns will be paid at the store of IS. M. Be d,,and forward Stowers in Binghamton, or in New York if requi- or the sathe• i red. U. M. STOWERS, . apt. Wm. •• Clark who has had a nuraber -of NI3L CLAIM, y rs experiencOih the sale of proeluea in the New - H. K JU DSON. Yt rk markety will attend to [Le rule of all prop -2 ---tim el : entrusted to our care, v. - liieh will enable per -- -- sots forwarding by this company always to receiye th highest Market price for their pro ,luce. )ur charge: Over the regular freight will be 11 mi . troad Isein4 completed, I now have, and keep e ge:iCial a , s 41111)1(1A of groceries cheap —..u:ch sugars, molazse , , rice, coffee and teas, of prices and quality such a 4 will please. Also, nuts. raisin:. candy and all kinds of fruit the market can furnish in buyers to suit. Also, fresh clams and oysters re•:feived in the shell, fresh fish too, this weather—they keep very well—l shall gef by the railroad a weekly , apply—to plea:e all my custo mers' tat. te.i I shall try. Good oysters on itand.h.v the keg or the & i—served up either raw or cook ed. as you wish.' All needed refreshments prepa red at a in, all ye hungry, and plank down the r.s;nk. Bit A D LgY. Great Bend, Feb. 13. Binghanitnn, Jan. 18-f9. • —.V irure: mAsimarros co. INSURANCE COMPANY AT GRANVILLE:, Y Over Tcn JCcllions n eed, and a largeaer,unnlating • Cosh Yon/ HE undersigned, having been duly appointed T an Agent of the above Company, would re spectfully call the attention of the public to the numerous adv'antages this Company have over all other institutions of the kind. They insure none but the safest kinds of propeity, (being a Farfner:s . Company,) and. take mi .risks over 'their policie s are made on fair awl equi pr:nciples, givingthe insured an equal' chance with the Com pany, being entitled tq the full amount of damages not exc-mding the amount inured, without deduct ing one third, a - is customary with 'owe other com panies. They are prohibited by their liy-Laws in suring. in` blocks, or exposed parts of villages, or from taking risk , upon any kind of 3/ilia, Shop, or itarh;nrrr, thatare considered hazardous; are responsible for the correctness of all :.itrvcya made by th e ir Agents —ileum to arbitrate al[ initters of ditrereoce in the county where the loss' L liapixots and give the insu rcd privilege 'of withdrawing at :my time by paying his proportion •of the loss while lug policy lis In force. Every loi)s sustitined by its members, has been settled to the satisfaction of the claimant and paid beforo it wa4 dug; and the rigid increase of blisinoss is the strongest evidence to prove that the Directors hi makhig this a mutual benelit,have been fully appreciated. . All business entrusted to me will be promptly attended to. E. PATRICK, Agent , for Susquelumat County. — Adit4ttiiitvitor's Notice. A LL persons interg ! tted in the estate of Joseph. IL Mattoon, Lite a Jackson, deceased - , arc. re quested to make inun'etli i ate payment, and all those having demands against—stud estate to present. them duly atte4ted for settlement. PFI f ATTAR GUNNISON, Adm'r. Jackson, al .1 • Far* for Sale, Situated near the forks of Snake Creek containing 104 acres, 30 of which is improved land, together with a framed iliouse,' framed barn and saw mill, with evaellent ;water poWer. roe further piirtien kali, apply to ' WILLIAM W.IMN. Montrose, all, 1 Plogiglimi. AFULL alitiortment of PlonglLs of the most ap. proved patterns of Montrose and Binghamton raanufimtnre,luld castings, just received and for Bah, at redulid prates by- H. BURRITT. ew Milford,' Aprlllo, 1849. OCErWa %no County PLOWS for only $4 25, of • . • I•VRRELL'S ToIOTHY and 'Cloier Seed, fur ale by alO B. Slartg. 1 . C.1.11:1 , • g p a& sengeral;to reach New York the sameeve 7 ii g. • 6 ieturning, leo - e .Great Bend on the arrival oft j i ea n k ,froin Nev Yhrk. areful and accolurnodating driver.?.and first rate! I ti e: is are cinple .. eti, en this route—and the prr.pri-. A s pledge ..the isehies to use every exertion t , 9' LIU -e their line 1 ea4nt and expeditious. 'or seats app. • at b:citrie's Hotel, in Montrop.e. ' 29 ' • A...NIGH:IAN h.' PO, . • *'or 'the Care of COUGHS, COLDS, •HOARSENESS, BRON. CHITIS,, CROUP, ASTH MA, AND CONSUMPTION. n itt eonuni<vion sa!e. he return{ mfill be paid at the store of Win. •-tun in t;rtax ficnd w iti New 'lurk if required, WM. i)AvruN, WM. ('LARK, H. F. J U DSON. ;feat Bend, .09 1 . . .. Vil.l4.ae 4,0114 ;'..);:-• .:4.iva.3e. riiHE sub ::.:Tihpr 01:, , r.; lot, 1,,,r :-.; , .,1 k : in the to-yi,-n -_lll shlp of Grilat Bend in tlie Village of G, en riro-, and dire-Ftly oppoi.o OA villa.;o of Grieal Be id, loeated.od the Depot, of the New York ailk Er e railroad, and the(4l.:d Bomi, and Coe/p..40i To vapike, in 1.1 , ...6•a11ev of the 54 . 1- . quehatna riVel- The raHraild wii , ..ires ale ,aid tamp:x . o, thence inn fling in a .euri-ed, line nearly parallel wi ill the F:inlq at the di •tarre of a - few hundred feet, lei:111'10 r raids grantally rhnig above railroad AO tgrn pit e, tiverlookin4:the ricer and the h.,:intiful title le:, , compareil with its healthy climate, rent:et - 1:: it a i 10 :1 de.,iritdeeteation f,,r latildiug pILITKIFt4.--- The depot pionnil of the railroad company . ' IKling loc lied: in thii. centre of a rich. and extetvive aril cultural ilistrh;t,iurrounding it on every Side Nit h itBmany roads dt.bineri:r4 in, and asll other advan 1 .) ta ge. ConlliHC4, 4c:o : every advantage to Irrhusioe sB pr nation. , f' i, .471. EXtellAi VC Water Poutcr . , be brouLitt trcan• the Susquehanna river, ad ding the iliTol, ground:4 of the said rail road.. ;if 1 , 4 for the .erection of all numufacturing, eshib meats, or; any machinery required. ' ! .rent 13470, 42,0 . • ' :4, 'Notice. 1 . J. GREEt.. ___________, • - 1 - 1 - ' • HE Anutorsiittled would respectfully inlbrin their r. 4-- ' ' the public that they halve o .04 in the Tankag, CurrYingland 1:1 . -11 -They flatter themseiVes th. t b' to limitless to merit a 7.h.*e of pal Wll. T, VAITDRICIV„ a 2 • this opportunity to say to l Ty T, requird an irronnyute time of partner hip. I' opo Id the first of Ifay. WM. 13. B.AllikllC4 i ONNE :: , :.new assortment of .spring el 1 . of, bo , e : including a full stock of plain y straw Fl. puce, French lace, lawn ;d , - ti ribbons,; _flowers,. ruches iko, ex: .1' eildiclle •ch and ' common parasols, II be to at ' ;IT low prices by New, ' rd,lai2 , •- -- IL BURR, ,ski: RA for i 3016 Over A. Is. .eler's IfOld. ttage and twiny- flag'seat 4udin, • CHAS. 11.TESSENDg.N. 1 ‘ ebste4 tin 819 p, . two anon aboye 6-4 int • G. C. V.IUGH.N 3 R Lithontriptic Mixture. ; . razuctly is constantly lagreasing its any cures it is tanking , NER TDB WORLD. • s the.ratkrzekcise Is family use, and; :nunctlthl fur DROPSY: Vereia mitlS,ceh b 'it hall 4w, I Cs partioula plaint Immediately relieved. no Mat ifnug Se*.Pausrlard for ;Mal, as Otoi.sitA, arid. the slow and the malady, bloat tat; tko system to a r:s The patient utterly atnablo to sane, t distressing features. UTO cireatlfub pr gyms degree M•hi Ii sent, forth s otie . -Kama) 1 111 TIT T i Air it now . del, a to th a remedy—and ghyg-icians use tt Pub licly am pr yam's , ' vith perfect :Success. Let any one who has eve h. 4 a s tuptont of Dropsy, of any character, keep tit" a "ele.b them mitt if they would ayoiddhe an- A Plt lON OP TILL' KNIFE, to ierfa ate the: ey tent and let the CteeltilltartiC,t water flow away, ly •MI p again, riwitinally end ix a dreadful death, I t I • I :In s use this neiledy in season. anti a re covery i su . Le them try it many stage of ibis it are, and a cure . certa n, if they ivill give it a fair trial., • i GitsvEL, 'end altdise .., of the urinary organs ; for these distress ing complat its it etarat alone r•no other article can relieve you; and tle cures testified to will convince the most skeptical ; t itnntphist. How ma. sutler trout MD painful complaint, anti fan cy there is x o cure: You in:tv }birth ,you have gravel when Mere is onl infinnungtion—there nny be calenli—and yet it may be artily formed—it may even Ito stone in the bladder, ye you are !tumor a cure in all but the last named dt- , and if stone in the bladder does exist, by the aid .1 this medicine all inflammation caused by it will subsidt, and unless the formation is of yearn stand ing, the c till is dissolved, anti brought away ill tine particles. II Sthges of this disease has been cured by'this mixture_ a of the first 3fedical men in the State of 'Nets Fork , art, cured of gravel by this medicine. See ..,. Pamphlet. LINER conpLAINTS, gee, Bilious Diseases—To the Great Wes• n4t wherever thepe Complaints_ prevail this offered. Fever and *!specially, medicine 10 MINERAL AGENT, 'compound is a part of this mixture, it cures tes with certainty and celerity, anti does not stem torpid. See. Pamphlet. Illy tides this mixture act in thii disease, that to curd is made. Al) other remedies are now this great vegetable preparation, safe, (for it poisonous mineral, which is the basis of all Ague and remedies.) these 4i r leave the s So thoro an irnmedi set a side. contains n. other Feve SDI AND EFFECTUAL, , • 1 14 healing utOicine, and is daily . mirirtg its The secret of its re-building the ear ire eon that it is compounded of 1.1 distinct vegetable '!aetk root a mmedy distinct by itself. ' . Pi IL EH, . , of frt.urni,,-"Winfa, character, Is 4 11EDIATELVItE r bliffvzrp, —r-' • .81 11 it the gr. , thottctrirls. oritution properties, InNers by a few days use of this article: it is i sy alhetpreoaratiba for tAis ei4cate, or for any originating then impure blood. See Pam- and a core far before • other dye, Wee. • ;age is purely one or the blood the action pt. le, Is so specify that the Piles, whether inter ; nal, will he cured.by its use in a. feW weeks.— ' terhaps we can say thousands have been per idyllic use of two or three bottles of this mix : this cure is produced from the action of this Lin the blood, it is more likely to he permanent 1 1, re prOduced front external remedies. TI is di - J this tnedici ll nal of este .1 Hundreds, featly cure(' tore. and a! panacea at! Wan any c DE weak bac: I lion of sat , this sisdici' stands as t ILITY OF THE SYSTEM, ereakaessuf the Kidneys, &c., dr itiflatiamt , is istatediately rdiered by a few days tut' 0.1 e, and a cute is always a result of its , use. it I A; CERTAIN REALEtIY plaints, and also for derangementior the re- for ouch e male tram , TI 'RE • patnfal me ....pr thi. It may be did we fe e l i. A ULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS, . struations. No article Imo ever been offered ioh woohi tattrei this kind of elcronrawas. lied upon as a sure and etrecUve remedy, and I permitted, to do so could give - A. THOUSAND NAMES as proof of See pampl , iron, thckt this arttel. era !Mated cures in this distressing CAILS9 of complaints.— • et. ' All broken dorm, debilitated anislilatines ect of mercury, will find the bracing power al o act immediately, and the poisonous mineral from the system. . .. • . Theta manifest 11 efarnpound head this the north o CE which in obstruefiol effected a .1 found in stands nu), In the pre ever given) tea. wid istinct properties which compose this article, cmselucs'particularly in the application of the for the distressing class of complaints svidelt aragraph.- For centuries there has bee* used in Europe, a AIN BOTANICAL AGENT, li diseases or derancements of the female imam, difficuities, pandit/ preastructions, &c. tins !ure. This root is indigenous to oursod, and l• se quantities, and •as it medicinal property outfit equal; it forms one of the compounds ration, tvhich - as a whole is the best remedy Ito a debilitated female ; it is sure, snd the Sys i restored to bealtk b_• its use. . ERUPTIVE: DISEASES alterative properties of this article I PURIFY THE MOWS. 1:13Mr! Hach iiiseales from the SPiteffl. See pamphle y of cure in nil discapes, which the limit o anent will not permit to be named here' tliem early; they contain 32 pages, and certifi Character, and n stronger and drive Gar testimo i -an advetti Aftcnisgi pates of hi I ARRAY OF PROOF lies of a medicine, never appeared. it is one icr.r features of Mix ortiele that it never fails any case, and if bone and ingrate are left la le; the cote:doled and lingering invalifL . HOPE Cor,. • : • 1 - itig the Medicine as long-as there is an. int ! The proprietor would of the in I of the Peru betzeja i build ton! nr.,l keep G I provemen I %UTION THE PUBLIC woes of articles which come out under the :miner a head of A;PARI'4.LAS, SYRUPS. &C. kn r (-tires r. tr.?, atul riroirsy. Cnvel, &c. They arc gong for stotk .tiogetezi t 9 gat', the unwary ; TOUCII THEM NOT. ntqrs never,thought uteurinr, sileh thseases tit 1 1110 Zone it: A particular study of Pig pant ,r4,74t1y ' tall who Felt the article Are C.1..A.53 TO CIRCVLATE 11,r•ir iuv, this artlr! pldrl ra ta ,r. l Put up in 30 oz. bottles, at 62; i 2 oz. do. a w larger. holding 6 oz. more than two . smalf i oak out and not get iinpoUcti *pan" Every bot i Vile.ghn's Vegetable . I..ithoatriptie Mixture," th n ;the glass, e or:WA signature of • ., G: C. I n the dire tons, and "C.. C. Vaitelm, Buffalo,". IMe cork. None other are genuine. Prepared -• Valleini, and sold at the Principal Ofitee; 207 t, Pu...elc. at wholesale and retail. No mien.. o letters uniers Rost paid.- Orders from reit!, 1 (ult. . 1 - Azrcota orvied. Pan paid letter'.:., or el inication dohciting ',advice. Promptly 'fa' , niti.. Fir role by all tcolpectable Druggists 10. _ Stl'ars and Canada. • I t11:.11 3 e It.. 1 Vr..4" Vl.ll ei" I do vett r, Ir. f: 11'111 qtrt, ti,n..•sen larl co r a eo , t , the iit:ite" Alm, by (Whole' 127 11 AF,e Irk • e and Retail) Olcott, McKesson d Co; i.en lane, New York city. ts tin this ge i y ol k Read, liontrw;e,' tt,.NeW Milford F. •Bradicly, Great Bend el Prid6 S C'o,„ Harford, E. Railroad Freight Liii)e4 ; a id Thompson's Forwardingline from, ; cat Bcnd—Capt. J. 11'., Thoineau. ENS ez TIiOMPSON will forward freight 'rent Bend to New YOrk ; by Railroad Tuesday and Thurlilay egular freight line. which leaves Great florning at 8 o'clock and 30 Minutes; . Stephens will 'remain at Great Bend . all produce entrusted; to this COMpany returns for the same at the-Tann:o J.W.pt - ThbulPs°4,i4, l4 ts* ve his persorial •attention . to 'rho 'Wes r • turns 'AS soon as produce' is clisix•-: company flat* themselves b,y'hav -1";.=,. 41.1.1e* YOrk kiholias been in' 1. 'DM for witamtier of lyelt:m3 from Or,-' ;thitf:tl4lgive as sood'snagne - - - • 'the A' liberal advancawill, • • • freight delivered at the depot if de , A l ; 7- 80. At:STEREOS, Great BenC J. WZTX:IOifPSON, New York: - I•2 f ,9; N. Y. Steph S " from by the Bend eve Georg& and form z and pay 1 office, C York and and make sod of ' ing a WI frieghtin sage con tion as zu be made red: y sd rich *telt at 14 cents. pc! poUntl,for Wel* J.,LYONS4, MEE , . , • 412 - '4.it ; ', - 401:4411[15. CO/1 2AMaar r • jetrjila *am; tows ‘ Tetinrenftfittrsepar . 4ll.; ad rirhnd, This yea.'Mdiesiu e send line expended itrei-.1400:00 n ni!vertia.ini laiatitakreeltadil,lo.'whick • attar , and rejlnietioa. , thtetiehtiat the . gieatetpart ef . alsoVere vale itpidiejotectlain tutprileiplid week ' hmktmtilitedittphddqatt, :Ohio@ umber Be are .. wets Ma - tre,OPION" Ilkop ha uninbet:erateit to .01.1lus use - of his :hose' to PaCip ider ng at 4il s ,l 4. Imre ;Wei Val Ruanul car !rimer as as iadrempari others APO* .i !,,.• -,- :- Tits • ...- mid: tan erol*Dir4ilijacnlO' fats h oo d . Iw o , To Us t ed• %mei cad be i g taarc mot . as Old mac. l c pa {kitties* ,ter a iii Scot) Townies get eragloysieur, a il Dr. ToOkuseoll'a Si Lot eight /Mtn; ' , Fe, Ca ‘. as tbe the It eidateed- a cha . - - his excited the ,au oar+ had •eCtge ' to , mberk...is the to harks" irh uci , fo 01 0 TI 1 an F' win ai l . I' 01 N Is e for au ingot) not Cr TO WAI SW NIPS* OUNU orrst4cr.or. " DR. IA P Alt 1 , 14.G4 . ,_ 'ordinary !II idinary Medicine fettle ,World t it tit. Quart Bottles : ills sis testa lifer, end warranted iorteriaris IIS eetrealeitiont vineittag, ig, sickening or. ataM he great beau l y and superiority /i... _ 4ine I s k : P rlo °4 rity t.lila le tiiti Senn p i , ' rills over all ; 'tail t medicines_ is, that while it..ersili. cues the disease,- t invigorates' the WO. I It is oos I d the very best - 1 • .. SPRING A j ItiDSUMMER MEDICINES ' eve: knolea; it aoi• only purities the 'Utile glee* AltS i De most env I Extract is p alisargr, pleas oak, 5014. 1 eurgi e person, but it erostes'-new, pure wirer possessed by no other meill4, lies the ;rend secret of Ili itemise! and strengthen t and rich blood ; a chi,. And In thi . - • pertbrineti within the last sty44,aq Qume of wirere pose*. of disease: ati eonsittsseti bug:usable: It, has stse4 tol neeesi. It h too •e them. 1.00,0001 lee t 15.000 re ere', .. ... . . the lives ..of more hen 10,000 chil.lreit the rid two seed soft in the City o New Yolk alone. i lUOO' istoon 'e lf General "De — bililly omit worn, f Morrow' Ignorwily. :, r. To or *Bond's arsaparilla invigorates the whole op; to permanently. To those who have Will' their mail col r energy by , tl e effects of Ulaiiieille or iottioetstiatt cot mined to yout 1 or the- excessive foduleitteo of the pie ~ Mils, -end Iwo Ict on Icy physical. proottitios of 114 nor ons system. I hulk,. want of otobittnit, (pingo; seu talons, preura ure decay and dahlias , bastentag to arils tkot rawdiscaseCowomption. curios: entirety tee nred .by this pleasant tensely. rhial Bessaparill 4 l ip Is .t Imperial' to ny „ Isicisiornstsss Cordial , 's It renews i to ttpli i ptirigat,top.ttistkrosiosi.t.wetlinlyity the qo be imitatilhte VOA” is I nittot satiturtliokry dives. • • : ~ . . ..., _ . ... „.„...i. , ~ - • ." - A - : - v' - '.? , P..0 - &- , 7*- - -- 7 / - --- - - - e- -02,1 r4-- • .4 0 •ttittption Cored. L . 0 tenet end ...So. 1p t4./t. C.00•1.110U/4 Cala 48 Clint fri, „.thif ji. C . •••• milli' ~, Liver - Cohy Pet litint, e; i C.turrb, Coop i, Asthma, .Spettisig !!(sled, mi tted, Setes is the Chest, I fetie rilid., triptis Sriart,tlfijiertirr ofo . tre Ig titre eratton. ?rust in tie Side, ire., ins fen anti can b cured • 1 : sit: ll. has T i:e w e r" st " Ilis fi steh l tts, we t r ) i tr iY o;'sgl i : e l l ' i r e n t ,l.l: l i ! s ‘ti n ; 74t 'I :4:i; - in lire. I lance r sore rl t„ Cough." l be ewe worse HI worie: At 'lest '1,,, raised ~, illfp 1 i l l 'a a . 'i .r .lit: o "t u iti l e y bd - l o*'l Us : e lh l i n 'u t c l i F. :ll in lft' ; ' : " lt til i l ot dc t io i l l e le d:sul' a liije e 3 l 4l :n e. ; l : lBgi ti o m r e irv , la set 47l i,. r i I " ::: 111 e . te: .. .1 ! ; . : 1 , 4 1 . e „ i. tic re lane .. et(6l change been wrought In Ise. I u+ now atilt+ to ~, .ik all oyes the city. , 1 . raise ea coach has left ma. Yee eaie leeit.i.,.. cc ate that t Atli LhIII.IIIISUI .6.11 these result A.... raw OW di ut seer Cut, W 41: It UN ELL, U. d,ithulis ZiM I=l {! of isiorl than four-thenraed ywef at )r. ol tera SaraaparMa has earel. a 00.144 name* are areekti eradicated 7 thine& ta. lone of the aselitiinta In th, hr. is only on R I r 1111 111ti$111 Old i . 4! nunt assess si: 1 , I V . 4, "xtrsnr•linn nines cititlllllll it [Ol .tie A0)411114 ! fp hen of in t h e r, . r...q., . _ „. .he asailu., .. .41 L H Itlackwelfs I,.latali. is 1110. gertletuu o. hie letter.' ~,'" Intimlisten'. fettital;' , ,Palte 11, - 'Ol4. • ear Sir.: . 1 have sulfas*, .terribh ) k the)t.l.earliatiete ; relitsittritialle Oils , ..leep-_or walk. I - kial ftlth istratule 1 . i i, my limbs etre tetrilityliireltea. f . tlei. of yea rAtuanyarilla, mill they had a thaluatid dollars- worth. ettowd , Ira] I aired 1 tun els tirely. relieseil. Tea su 'll - wfor 11- ( l...nelit of the atlltited. • ' l a reopectpally,"-JA111,111.:8 Flabill111:03 r TO.llieu.l for nine year} , ViAi till . I entatt not e': tee slue Mains, an, fin •e used, GAT ho, / 1 dole me ntorellts ' in much hett.,—..j •t I bertl , ito ttrAv't You'' . . I - - 4 - 7 1- ` F- • / • mote Sar.oparilla is a 4oreridgit iad No pieta COoefooptioa, , flairainaras, FM. nilior of the Womb, Cosiiritnasa, PiVo, obstroctea or alfeastro of Urine: or iutoitinterif• disrbano general prottratiou of this systeta ' tin rastift of inlier;mt eduee. or rano Ri 1), r,..e.rinr: cure for iur lapel,. Mori or I. I.eoreorloom. or o tinO. Incourinene thgreoc and for noimottor ofictim predocnd l isi irre nitarity. illness 'or accident. Iliothiej exit he 4inrn.terpthing than its iuvigoratin, effects opal the hantan frantel Pomona Vali weaknes 414 lassinds freer tekin.l it et nee bec.,to, Minna an MI of enemy Uloo , lils. hdleetice. It I s inutiediately counteracts the nerrclesineiis of the ; female fropie, whiell ye the sten cense of erre. ~es. 'it t will not be expected of alt in cases tirifo del elite es . nature: to exhibit' certificates at cities: performoiti - nirt We eon asinsre ttie l afflicted, that hiindreds ,of east have liens reported tc : UL Ties saints of Calms hewn - tirlt!iliee have beep without del , ilri.n. after tieing Taw bottles pf this: in•Sioloshie ono eine. Itaveliecu I essed ariiiti'fine. heieltity.oirsPtioi. 11 has been exprese . prepared - in reference_ to fetal& car pfiiiiits. No eculikis *liu, 10ut.e12304 .to iliPticle ll''' . i approaching the • ciitiini period: !"The tarn of life shOtild $0,34.et t_ take it, as it Is a •etitkt* ptaveri,jo to! ?By . of •Ole o‘ , llleioos taut itorti4lodisisoseo to *ha females nroreuhifiet at this 'time orlire; This perisi to i y • - he ylelayedi for seessiset years 'l3l weiarikii Ink e' e r ~N or ii_tt Its vainehlt. for throe whpi art approach' '.n wattUs t- bhoo4. p a ti is .milegiatia ,tte:aileisit vulture. 4 qmicketritie (he b 'Ocir mud .invirerstiiii .1:11,11, syststs. in deed, thicomal no ' is Ini.eluelle Air till - ilia' .delta e diaesses to whin women are aubiect• - --;if- --- . . - V I , ,i Opisiviebittie • l'+e , Oette." ik* V maev jell,f ; reeelvilifogikere kr Pfly.idene is riot Oils', in r.e lily, iltet eta - itte Pll O4 don. of l:it of ;41liatirl Is liOlseraus pris.scribeit Or. tisvosatid'o 'Sarliailsoll4;j ',Rd believe 14 lie one_of the uitioveallia:l•lelirsipafiettepe in.themar ~ .. ~.. _ . . _ ~ - st,n,, 1- 1,..--- ; -voiimoNj - -u.D.,. R. l ‘ '•J F.', ElailiNPOSt r, AC tr.- :,,- , '.• , - :I , i iplaLliy,Aprit, I 1. /, • !: 1 4.41114 : /Ortii • L.- - •, ~ . . . .., raid Rticeas 1111311, JMNieriftllall . et, DI nporill., it nithitter.pr ip1i b .. , .. 1 06 4." m a % I . ovo 4:0111141411C. 1 .0 Silkillt San* I*2lhtirs. Bitters; . g44racta., ,or ofelrof 11 getwatll3? pile it up iii . Altili tare +b .l' immi tit tlitolf loiisi Ocilito lioi.V.vitual Is• they *iitiniky. wtiribpake' ini,1t..6 00 iikled. -- -Ni.ijiaitrauiiiiiititYlo sigtal if .-. , ''' 1 ''',-,;;.-' 7 ' , ••• 7?-::;.: :, ---..,"-- ' " 1"1' Fii)l4 l )i ' . - 40.i ' 1i", - . Si! 141. - H. OHLIN SHAGus;m4.u., itaAhe • T. n.nu I'r der fr e morly , our p e.tructs Inie) hiltico; mud . :our edeieitleomee 'aPeeild be or B.'l".'rewu.eutt , • Priorit.i. I Oniel 'll‘, Y Ani, N. ...- Re4 lime' Jk.' (1.0. 7 :. - E, &ale :, esee,:-7160 11 ;- _ D.#ott k' ,ione..l: ,ortb_ Seeimil:ialimetil Phileidiiipi 4 ' 8: 8, 'fence, - lis >gilif,ltal, - Ciskitih: I" " "Wrigh,. & ',At.. 'lstipireetifie -, 8'644; Milk : 1 4 ~, si 8 silli kliiiiirfi• HO ' 40141 ;,-..M14. 4 Al. the ptimit 4 -, D uggiei e , end - iebetiee' igeuetiiilly - thioughoiet - liiiii i , II ;Stales, -41,eii .p . iitiee: Mi 4: die Clii"Mtee.. ' l . ' ~.,.,,.. ..... , .„..., : loriefp Ciajlittrosi.:4 : 4„, , i I. ' - 'Y....T 611 ! 60,1!1.1-1 I)laiB,lr,',-; 1 111luire al, Nemo is i i i, few - loivitioit',l Wit . I'l' 4 clIld!S hirta.S•s-torel . .I .1.11 . 11e4444.4..by the at ollitui:7oissileitt r!ildi! _ i s I y - Willierloo.l 4 iieit iieven.ljeirle . .k.VO:sinsii Imr, II 11 0 loss 11 041.0' :- is took 1400(11 11 1V4 1 .:Irbich I 41'1 .. lOU 11117.'.'grial cililige,l,o, 4, -- :- e i ~,,' .. - - ;;,:. „ if•,.l', - ~..` ..i i ,, : . s-V014111:411111114 1 INUrr'7';" ' 4 0, tliA4Ort.,`^cPt4 ) ?..P l S . W .4o,° _ li,EA'.l) Aien,tif fur . * UK ,) ,4 I - .; • ' 04111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers