c glb t --A),, ) ,- i ._ - 1%1 0N ' :1ii.64.4 7 . - P A ..*M AY . '9. - K7` THE WEE A, The Russian war seems -:to . , be, a,inat ter abont'which such conflicting ''reppri are promulgated, that at thiS ! :eird'ef wire but little is definitely known. _,Tpt : usual routine is 'a dispateh;.`4*!‘greit Russian -vietery".: then tit - at the "Turks are victorious" and' finally- that there is tin uncertainty whethei there has heenti battle at all,. or that there_ is even any, warlike demonstrations: It appears 'by the tißws from Washington that•the-cle partment;of state has 'not yet been offii.. , ally informed through the prOper Rug.' eian source of- the existence of war be tweed Russia - and, Turkey* The litter .made known.this tact 'to the department several days ago.. When Ruisia shall be heard front the department may 'frame each reply to each as our position toward the beiltgerents require. Every, proper measure will-be taken to strictly observe our putrid relations, chile yielding nu rights of our citizens under treaties and international law. _There is reason_ to be beve that the It uesian will soon de• road from our wati. , rs. It is not knowst that they have done .anything „contrary to our laws, but on the contrary hay, strictly.respected them. , It was decided at the .cabitiet meeting Friday last, that the extra sesiion or congress, rendered desirable bv the'fail ure'of the last congrtiss to pass the arm) appropriation -bill, is , not to he :called 'meet in Jul* iiext, but on October 15,, This change of the original prograintp , was made 'ippon it Ctin:Ertl COUBideratlut of the general interest's (if the country and in accord:lller wail the almost titian lions desire' of the business cumnaunit . as well as of the members of congress thernselvee as fair as they could he . con stilted, that.there should he no session 01 congress this suminer. Upon•matiire-in qiiiry luta till' the .circumstances of. the cask it was ascertained that -,withcint.tin3 immediate appropriation of money the army could be Clothed and supplied with all ttievecessities, and that until the 15th of 9ctober only one regulart i pay day hat. to lie passed. • WAS also considered that it oongreak• trier in 'October it may remain - in oo tied sessiob and ifiniMa the business befpri• nc:xt summer so OA U. avoid the inconyen lent*. of ~tbe tot season nest year as welt as this.' imiciarnation calling the extra sgs slim on Octo§er 15, was iesued onsatur , l'he attention of the post ol'fitie depart . ' ni&nt 130 been called to the fact that cer-, tain: : publiiliers of periodicals make it a practice to tend out under cover of:then .pnblications advertisements printedsep erittay (sometimes on paper of different size,.and not even attached to -the peri odicals), We eftoct being to save the dii ferenceAtetween, the rate's of postage for tnaggriines and those for Circulars. :I..the postmaster general holds that this . , practice is an evasion of the, postal law and that all inch advertisements must be considered us extraneous !natter, subject the entire periodiva with which it ib time sought to tle incorporated, to pos tage at the rateof printed :natter of the' third-class. The' poatage is • three cents per po L tind, on pertodicals and eight cents per pound . .t'or ciroular4 . •tiatidbilhi and similar ad 4sternsements.' • Then , are no appoavnte of the policy ift'llaye? in Loriiiana and no party but that of the petßocraay. The . ‘ tild 'radical 'politicians are very sill- about reaurrOcting the corpse of the .01d. wing party. . , • On T ' 7 ternoon of last week a irky At robbed Mr. ana Mrs Wm. Qiisi,At a bright little _eon four 8t112111148; . The, child, while playing on the banka of the canal which. ruts along the rear of, the lot on which his parent's hniise stands, in some way lost his bal ance and fell into the water. Apparently 4,0,0i1e !Atm:seed the accident, and there sae none-to save the little life that went , nattvieeath its quiet surface: The moth kr -subsequently inissei her child, and 41. rent in-search of biro. - lookingfor him in- all the. places he , was wont to visit and riot finding him, her feet .iiiettOet ively 'led her toward the canal : bank, which .ehe approached With fear, and trending. She saw the imprinta of M lle festirnade in d the so:t - .tu near the Canal, and* following '' them, her, anxious -eys'.at,iast caught e ight of her darling -Iyititat the bottom of . the. canal, his locks floating upward around the pubic. 'brow:tiow void in death. The alonn WP gawpptill siotted - Marti" Fry cane and removed the child , froth ii 3 witirry gravv. • The fat.ber iza an ei,gineer on th , North:Penn. R. • and he.pame ow.subsyquently, to attkii - u the Inherit). ThOk.plitee ar, daz`et n oa. Su uclay. —Wilkes-Barre,Leader. The Dictionary as nil instructor.. We,notic,'-aSa,niatter,,wel(worth men, 0 - oiii)g, that ktiterecent great era' sate in New York; • the books that .•were most; In -dema.:•d - ''and brAght the tt , st priCes Were Webster's titctionaries, - . 'from the fanious. quarto,t6 the new. and :handy pocket edition. . This fact- is a' uuil inuication of the almost universal : poptilartty - of these books, and Of. the : gro'wll4 . putil&dentandlor then,. Ii iii themes a fact of 'far greater importance; and that .i 8 the._ interest •• the people are taking in the 'study of their own lan- page.. This is .encouraging, as there Is no branch of education that is now and has been . so i rouch, neglected. as the c.,nt mon brandlieti 4 - spelling and defi azng. it is often aStonishing. and -grieyous, to "see how groisly- .ignorant. are Children -. and youth, and even men and women. the orthography,ptofiunciation and mean. ordinary -words and \ phrases. They 'CIAO upt : „express q,heir thOughts :: for. the want of.. Words, and often there:ol*s rhonghts ‘l4y - iiiilerent from what they because 'they .do not understand .the Words they: : employ. And very fre • .qu.ent ly, Llrom the, same. cause,- th.-y :take .! .0 idea, yr. wrong ideas, from whist they read or hear.' • • - • Tne : retutily.for theSe evils isthe prop er training in •the study of, r ordS, by the use of =the Dictionary, arid •t his training stionld begin aS:.sooti as .the child Caii.dts-: tinguish - between one word and .i n 'd continue indilioitely. The iipparitt its for this study Sliould, of course, be. , he most complete and thorough . ti' be - had:and this is. ahundantly . 'suppled in Wihster's•llictionitriegi Which are, justly. It - cognized, mliereVer our language is, ivoliefOis the standard authority in Eng h-h. • Parents and teachtrs cin' in no Aber way ro f-il-ctually or cheaply pro mote the edicathinal interests of their ciildreit, when of - suitable age,as by put ing in their hands .any one of Wetister*e School ,Dictionaries, for. daily .use in con nectiiiii. with the. study of heir It scone, ,and by - plziCing on the family centre or the teacher's, desk as the authoritacive _glide and istanchad, a copy Of the Una oridged. .• . • • The unabridged contains . 3,000 - yations A over 114 000 words in its *vocab . ularies,. and 10,000 words and ineankgs riot in any other Dictionary ; the abridg ed editions Comprise "The Primary," which has the largest sale; and ..vhich has . some capital rules fur spelling. "The. , Common School" . is smaller, but larger, with tables of synonyms, &c. "The High School" still fuller,. with manyusetill m ules ; Pglie l - Acadernic - ' and reounting oouse" for advanced scbOols and.sfor•gen ,ral house and business use. The latter has some Specialty valuable :commercial Arid lianCiakables.. The little "Pocket" pith 'lts bright gilt edges and morocco, binding, is truly au invaluable pocket companion. It -contains more than 18,000 'w(rds., rules for spelling, Many abbreviations, : words and phrases,. proverbs, etc., .ordinarily met with in . the Greek, Latin and . Modern - languages.— . Whether•lt is 'convenient-or - not to have Copies of any ?1 thc.t. other books of the series, series, we • cert ainly recommend that - all Should , possess a copy of the Pocket, )vbett not otherwise . obtainable,• MeV/ behad by mail, by enclosing $l.OO to the - piablishers.llEssua 'l . c/sox, BLAKE.! MAN, TAILOB - 4C0., 138 and .140 Grand Street, w York. Senator Cameron will doubtless think thew sharper, than a serpent's tooth it is to hoe a thankless child," as be reads the report of ..the protest . 'of ex-Senator John. Scott against the Cameron .domina tion in Pennsylvania. 'Cameron once Made Scott Senator to escape a squire contest-that - threatened to shatter if not overthrow bis 3 .6upremaey, and trusted to the gratittie of the newly laureled' states= man for obedience; but there was just enough. obedience to - dwarf Scott, and nut enough to cement ,the bonds'of love' between the . pair, and Cameron ceippell eci his Senatorial -.protege, to:'retire `with out the certificate of an empty caucus ..nomination .from .a minority party. • .Now. thatexl Senator, Scottie a - private. citizen - again he would do what he could have better done 'but didn4, when heiVias .the peer of . the leader 'of. the dynasty he as sails, and, We haVelnivewerds and whole= s9me admonitioni given to the adminis• tration .to shield it from . the Cameron • breake,rs. 'That the sentiment of the Western.. cetinties :much as_:'Mr. Scott. 'represents it, we' dOubt not. The smash down out that way; iii 1874 was under less provocation than there is at,present for a generaLleVeli,.'tind . new *that the . 'political under dogs feel: encouraged to :erect their, bristles afresh and renew.- the hitherto helpless' grapple "with' Cameron, 'there - will be a ...del - 4e of prontiseueus_ snarling and snapping 'from every - side.to greet the :appeals, of the ,Cameron 'heir for the perpetuation of - his power. Scott will •soonlifiye a vast field for.the exercise of his political efforts. a few 'Months aimeroh and Mackey will gather 'afoued them 'what ie oonimonl pallet:l . a `State Convention ;.`will . give .their predetermined candidates certificates of .nomination, and .will call. upon Mr. SOott and other geotlenien who lo.010:up 'Oil the overthrew ..ol7Cameron,,to 'the front.andiupport the:ticket:Or go to the rear : to Waltz:mimed out of .the ranks, Om) tnost.of the*: will -go to the front • and throw-up .their hatd...W44ahe Cana: erbnticket it electedßhir4.2Vines% Mr. 'Richard Teti Bitieek's 'Marriage. Ali vett lii ii t ttctlewj 1414 'Pile Loniavtile - , • . • •ir • • LAI 1 1 / 4 , Zs notti.etba. . erie tar; of A ivt- T Vii ': l3):4 C ; P i ri :611 hetr c h e ;it ß ill h : r m eb a y de g" :":inl ! ti lti piguinea.: , to the th l' , the . latf; thi*LoUi.4 7 or the si,hellof•ltie;-ri:dhio, 10. - 4eriq * hidehtva eaktA4ritlitOvre •sea:litlitt43ll - 11?! , ke Yu' •ine.limme'payc.ctitAnU nil per,rottrvhOoligviatitapagatue4 • tllll, - ttle:E'VOtit t .iqui t ir , : ecnt.ateeo.hio,Attly xeyifleO to , ; • e'• 74:l:;::ttX,A.t4t,'At z ,tigne4..• tjellittt I/0111.SV die S6.ci , tv." The -.• • iflitt 8 litbot . ll Mr. Ten B . roi-;ek - lin(' Mrs. Newcomb, have :lately been • brouglit, : to, AM attention of the, 'Public. by two' very: notable dairy, ; ' were watched wit li.mnch attention in the. `Vests . , :: -'P.. 11., .Istewcomb %%418- married. yearaagO,'lOMiSs Cornelia-RA2d, datighter of a well known I;entuciiy , After theAmth • of several childreriflirs.-Newconib .detelop .ed evidebeei-of and..during the ary absence of her purse; one jay she threw her eaildren onelv•nne :from an. upper. window of her huisbandli, 7••• • . • li . ouse., Two were killed 'outright -and - two escaped Comparattvely. unhurt.: Mrs. 'Newcomb was sent to private insane asylum at SuratilerVill, Mit6B., Where. Bile still remains, her npilada being pronounc ed incurabl .'Sotne . five years...agbXr. 'Newcomb, then being .quite an old'man, :and haying procured -4 divorce,:waS -tied . to Miss. daryljornelia Smith, daugh ter of a. wealthy Louisville banker., and, ;herSeif one of the, most beautiful and•aeoi complished young ladies . iti - 'LOnisVille society. ' T.da : niarriage excited much 'comment in 'Louisville at the tim€l,'At, •Mr.,Newcomb's death, three yeitratigO, he divided his fortune, amounting . .to nearly. $2,000.000, between' _his second wife, two children by 'this marriage and a son by the firstow vicepresident of the Louisville and :Nashville road,--leav-• ing an. 'annuity ;:tO the divoreA wife s.tittlisient for her maintenance. This - sou COntested the will on the ground that the ii , cond 'marriage. wasi invalid. looved in the trial that the.state legisla ture had hurrii dly passe4 a • biil Making insanity a ground for divorce; tha“hort lv afterward Mr: IsTe‘Vcomb procured a divorce under and then that'the h-gis it►ta+e hied repea l the the . The chan cellor held that the divorce : proceedings were informal and that the a coed mar kage, e tas veid; but, "inn 'the - ground of egnity,. that the two children by. this Marriage should not be consideredillegiti mate. The progress 'of 'the case was d by much .social . e•xeitement in Louisville and wherever the parties . were known. the' proceedings being reported very fally..in. the Louisville, ‘ Cincinnati and Nashville papers. interest, as the Courier Journal intimates, has been greatly - intensified by Mrs: Newcomb's— or Miss. Smith's, the court having decreed that she was- not entitled . to the other name=recent marriage. Mr. Ten Brock, Who is a.man- sixty year's Old or more , ,' is best known as one of the two gentlemen who took several American. horses to England a number of' . years ago; While abroad.. he 'married Miss Anderson, a Kentucky heir.ss, and, after _her death in New York, her relatives- contested her. will, by which h she left her forttine to Mr: Ten Broeck, .claintintz that- it, was:obtain ed by fraud and - duress. Mr. Tf n 'Broeck gained his snitphoWever, but is now Under ; stood to be agaiii.a . ' poor." man. His 'sec mid wife received several Alundreit thou sand dollars by a special claUSe in Mi. NewcomlYs will,, the result of " the suit only deprived.her of dower and reducing her share by the. Omer grantedqo thf.. in -Sane wife. • Se.cerai years. •since,. Mr. Ten Broeek. i was shot by a Louisville' lawyer and supposed: to be killed—his'obitnary being published in seyeral eastern journ als--but. he has since- 'entirely recovered from the wound. Enforcing the' Mue LaWs. . A correspondent of. the N. Y.' Sun says, •that within' few..• weeks the authorities of SouthWorwalk Conn., have been,:endeavoring 'to revive the old "Blue Laws," with regard to : the observei:Ceof the Sabbath, which .were enawed 100 years ago,.and have never been repealed. dci Sunday barbers are forbidden to open their hops for; the aecommOdation of their customers, : newsmen :are not per mitted' to. sell the New York papers, and the hotels are obliged .to exercise con siderable :precaution in order.. to . obtain them. Milkmen . cannot serve their ens- . tomers with their: - merning supply of milk, and:thereby great inconvenience is caned. • , •. It is impossible on that day. to hire a carriagefor a pleasure drive, as the stable r men are commanded . .to let their convey ances only to persons wishing to drive to ' church. The street cars also are ordered to stop running on Sunday, but in 'a measure, this order is disobeyed, and a few ears are run during-the day. - • 'Police men patrol , the streets, and whenever a number of boys, who do not appear to be bent orfany partidular business, ale found tOgether ' • they , are iminedialely ordered to `go'- borne, under penalty of being locket, up should they disobey. It is .reported. that in a few inslanva canines have beep questioned as to whether they were going to church. or not. But this kind, of interference has been found to be impracticable, as the answers to such. questions are frequently given , in—a :very emphatic and rforcible man nei. Even the si-xtons of the churches have bren notified ~not to ring the bells, because they were , paid for- doing so, but this order is disobeyed, and the bells are still rung regularly as before. The citizens are very much annoyed by' these interferences with .their rights, and considerable indignation ,bas been shoran. - Many are very outipOken in their expressions of disapprobation at the enforcement of these laws, and it. is not` improbable that steps _Nabs; taken :to do awaywitb a code that universal ly regarded - as a psblia nuisance. 'WIN . 9: 1877 ast(lO,ES,-, - ,Suequelnuont County. 0. .orphanr.'!Coart eaid County. In the matter of JOHN LORD,'HEO'H, in rarlition of 'teal Retate 7 , 7 prca.r . of paqui?tit,... ,To the Heirs and..Legai • t•eptettentatiyas of J.Oad Lord. late of Lathrop.. t.ee'd , , • TAKE that an inquert wi Ihe held on the Janda and at the dwelli . g libure of _the . stdti decedent' in ttie townahip of latthropin the county tifoMsaid. uu Monday, the 11th at. 1 ,tettiotic in:the alter noon 01 that day. fur tne . put pore of making .partition of the ItIsIAL. t.S ritTr. of the raid 'dee. dent; to and among hie :children and- litaf repreeentuttyee, if the same can be dune without p cjuditli to: or ipotting thu who o, other% lsa t.O cattle .and apprpire . the 'Pattie ac cording to law; ut which time ithd place - yott ate requir ed.to attend if pan thirdtptoper. . • - • WM. WITIT.B, itheriff. • .Bhotiff't Office; 'Moutrose. - May 7;1877.-1844. ADM INISTRA TOWS SALE- • OF REAL ESTATE The underiigned„ Adininistritch.' of the,estate of Farrtil deee.ased, will eel:: at pub lic vehdue an-.the premieti, ~on , • Sal urday, the 2iid, !lay of ' roof, 1877, •, - at 1 o'clock. p. tn., the , • following deicribed.real estate,, to wit : All-that lot Of land, Situate in the tOwnship of 'Middletown. in the county of Susquehanna, Slaw of Pennsylvania, bounded as. follows,-to wit .; On . the north by , lands. fortnkly. con tracted 164 Ed ward Grinnell, bit Dr. Riau trus tees, south by, lands Contracted , to. D.:Middle. ton, Wesv:by 'EdWard Oill"n and others, and easterly by. Darnel Farrell, ' containing 53 acres,.tinne - orlesi, with the.appurtenances: TERMS :---C;aslt on day of vale.. .f. TulitAs Mit.baoftp,• , May Atintiniatirator; VW - Established In ACON'S BAZAAIi I ti It BACON'S ; BAZAAR • • The only place in Mont rore.Pa. to buy Springt3oods for THE YOUNG FOLK 11 RrilTl and a uice•tkor, all for *1,5U.) EXPRESS WAGONS,' WHEEL-BART OWS: DRUMS, FIFES, FLAGS, TOY REINS 2171) WB P 9. The largest acid best assortment pif Con , fectionery, Chocolate, and Al 3 r, 0..6d4•in town. • FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, NCO, 3zC.IN, THEIR 'SEASON. - , . I, . • ..- , . , A good hoe of Canned' Gooda,yrna, ' Fob, awl Meats. [- . - - • . ;', ' , orfitiving made fr.itable arrangementel With ipme leading firma m the city, I am prepared tvi Oder , I CHILDREN'S CA.RRIAGES • from lists . thus giving my customers the let st. styles at New York prices. Call and examine eat loguesand lists before purchasing. - E• C. 'BACO N, " S. Main St., Montrose, may sthoon. 11, • TATERENT OF' THE RgeEITITS and- Expenditures •of Jackson iowneitip, furl the year ending April 9tb, 2827. i 4 I . • . i t-POcit r . • • To amount pun) tax duplicate $ " to treasury from •130 90 24 48? By amount exonerationa.... , ...... • ... " Collector's percentage . lOU - -; -• due from Collector. ... . .. : :.. .1 1 76 85 " back orders 1875 paid 4117 ' " Sttpervi-orsevfficial services. 2225 " pnolishingtown statement of 1875 • . 450. ", enDPurt of poor. board;cloth- I lug. etc - ... 46531 " Tretsurer e spercentage 1 430 Auditor's official services.... 1 000 -65624 • II • • ROAD FUND. 1 i; , ro To amount road tax duplicate • $1,38118 " in tre•-teury from 1875 ... ... “ - paid by O. Griffis, Collector... ,2450 " paid A. ti. Bingham ,Colleutor. 1000 " due treasurer, money overpaid :1110 By amount road tax worked 6 6 on collection " exnn erations.... Collectors' percentage:.... ... " .orders paid........ . . • " Trearmr er'• percentage.... .. DOt FUND. To amount dog tax duplicate ...... '• -in trtaeury front 1875.... paid by O. Gra*, Collector.. By amount e.:oneratione " due from A,. 8. Bingham. lector..., 'B2lB orders in favor of .echocil board 75 00 " order In favor of 0. Grails ... 100 " Collector's percentage...: . ... 4 33 Treavurer's " i 131 " balance is Unitary... .... .. 4 566 —47547 W. W. WDBATON, ' - • W. C.!LINTON.. Auditors. GEO. H.,FRENC.M. , B. W. Doughty, Clerk. May 7th. 18T1 MUSIC BOOKS. • GOOD NEWSI * GOODNEWSIi ' A Sabbath School song, book of great-beaUti , ; by it: M. Mcintimh. La undeuiOly one .or the beg. sind already popular. Pr.ce 35 cta. SARONI'S THEORY OF:HARMONY. 25) Just out A tuoroug,h and excellent eork. Is commended torsi! Who wish to , study the science. as the maker has, in a large degree, the talent: of maklng'dit dealt things easy to understand. „ THE SCHOOL SONG BOOS. A new hnd superior Class B-ok for Normal Schools and Female tie winaries, le compyled,by, one Perfectly familiar with the needs of ench schools. By C. Ever. eat. Price, cte; 46 per doz. josgprps,BoNDAG Fj. By J. 31; Chadwick. Just out . la a bright avd attractive short Oratorio or OM tata. Bore to please. fmm the beaury - of the fitory, aa well as the art raetive made ($.l 25Stle.: $t Paper.) Either hook Mailed. poet ' f e for reiall prim. • OLIVER DITSTON 4ic CO.. BoSTON, C. 8. Dillon or. C0.,.T E. Ditson & Co. , 6,53 Broadway, buccreort. to Leo £ Wa fer. i‘ew Yolk. , Philadelphia. - • A SSIGNEE'S . NOTlCE.—Notice l 8 A hereby given that John F. McDermott. of Au burn township,. Susquehanna County, P 4., by , deed of voluntary iseignm, n , has .aseigned all hie estate ,and effects. real, perform), and mixed, to the undersigned_ in trust, for the henotit'of the end' ore of the , seld John - tit Metier ,- • all persons. therefore. indebted to the said Joh+ - ' , °ersnott; niske - intrnedisite payment to the asalgosie, . and .those !having, claims of demands, will awe. *.i.UWE the SIMS without delay, • , 0 1 NNILL, Mosinee, April 4, 1811. 14-10 Assignee, f. i BACON'S BAZAAR! -1,44013 68 • 175 4 3 - 1095 14391 -192 ' i 69 4 1.44073 :56 1734 c 6563 . ' i 75 47* 690 • 19-21. l' . • : 3i`..':' .:,...; • .'.. '• A ' SSI01;1113:8'• • . i.. • 4 41,3 6; _ . -...y... - ,..7: ;:: !,..,-.. A -,_„1.,, .. ..... .. „ .. .. .-. ._ , n - L., ; • . ' l . lEAti . .:';'- PEIrzONAt •.;-- t - 11 ' ESTATE 'G P.. li.o PE ItTY I' . Yiiiii ' ' ,- ;',,: ,, i';.--,':- •:,•:..,•‘-';'.. -. ..b.",-(- - ''..( ~ ' 4:-,•...: ._.. . Pursuant, to an ordEbr of the Conn ni I.'onuttonliiieas of Sq-rinitainta County,. PtansylvAntlt, will no aoltt at, public z‘tle,ult the pr• mtpett,itt the te , ln. elnint of npuldc.on ua Middletowy, tit ltdia o t a tet , y . , „ Ei VVednigiodal thtil3,4, +1)7'04 flit) -'" . D. *sl7 , at 10 o'clock . in lbe fiennon of aaioj tkhy, tht followin g oetstribed real vette' ' , - .Fl RS'I.I PIECE . -- . = , A .I+ - i:tin - able Farm, situate in APolacori and Middletown to humid. e.dou. the south by I Jona B. W - Itron and public high. - way. east by John 13. Wlitnin. Edward Burbeck, and Jereiritab Coughlin,: north by Patrick ‘i Civil, Jett:wild; Coughlin, and , lande of the emate of S t.. varnish, diceur. ii ; find writ. by lauds of John &mum and tont:re, contain;tig 0.1 atria/ of laud. wore or leer.• Tee imp-overuni 6 ciii I nu- place are 4u acres iniprov/ d, two frame i.o qtrs. h.irn. the; fruit treed, valtiable raw mi!i, `and water privaieges,sud i 6 convenilit to place of pap. lie worship. reactor, Storer, and po t-offlce. SECON 1), PlECE;—Situate tn A the iowurbip aforesaid .: Beginhing et i corner of Edward Clark's nand, in the Hue lortuerly di Tte.rnar Junes; thence pal tly by tbe satuedand partly by Patrick Katy, a clout uurtil Ioi , Perth/h. • thence by 1 indent S. P Co. wart's emu., west 1110 perches. iflotilb 100 pt relies to ion( of Edw. rd Cunt. thence by lipid Clark, east, 160 perchci• to, the beginning contsingng:/100 acres of !sod, more or toss. 't he impruvemento toil this piece are, an about 40 acres of_ land improve, fra me barn there. on. i, THIRD PIM* . Th . e 4811g - hoes' in'. rest •111 the following real estate, elititate An Said town. Dbipf, Wooded est. by land of Neviicit Burnout. emu % by lauds of John B we ky land of Jobe B. Wilton, and north bp - hinea of John tioltaud be estate of Samuel F. -Cumuli, deceased', cunt:oiling :no imps of bald; be the same more or less.. linprovenients ea this piece are over two thirds improved.. with frame butte una barn tit ereon, Otehordottid will watered, . ! TERNES i)? The ternio of said of the above described roil emate are as follows ; Two hundred - doildra of the purchase money tin cal/A lot to, be paid on the day ot•rale, two buttered do.lars olPiirchttise money on each Inc on con firmation of sale, one half .ot halm= in one year. in 4 the ealauce iii two years from day of sate, with inte rest on the whole emit unpaid trout date e puisseseion. PERSONAL PROPERTY SALE! Alen, at 'the' same 'time and place; he *aid wigdea offer for ealeitc pub. tic vendue, Use following valuable and 4.. y upcost per.oual property : Two flue cowil, t !psis of extellout tireue; yearlingo, tuntbot wagon, cutter, drag,. a pfolve, cutting box, cons plow, 4 rlitep, st• sioteeet intereti in 16 pileup. 2 eet tet double harmer, wheel rake, rhis,gler. shit file kit. broad ux, b.sring sc tine, 11 syiug and barrobtin,..„4 , toolt. toz chain. mill gesitiugr. ourlor , stove and pipe cook ttove and I unoture. potutoot. lumber, hay, and minty other articles. • - TERMS OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY : All sums tea dollars and undo', clish'i over ten dollars; nine utuuthal. time, with interval ou note with at leant one approved signer - earties purcbailn2 eau. tpirremove property until terms of- sale - are lutly com plied with.; Parties refunoig to accept prupeity at We will be held respon'sib e for any IMP, on secouti sale. BA I.DW %ssiguee of Newell Barnum. 14-21 May 2;1877, TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. It la generally conceded blkvond a questiori of doubt that competition is the life of trade. The ; , IfOLTSE,-. BIN' 4 6 , IIATIITON, N. ,V., is centrally locates just. around the corner at the west; end Of the depot for all , the .Railroads tanning into, Binghamton, and two blocks from the business portion' of our city. This house came . nt , t the possession uf, its pre-ent p!oprietor , about three years ago, and it bss been fast gaining in popniarlty among the traveling, community, owing to the many in ucements h, Id out , by its present public ,•ervant, who now proposes to of fer stilt further inducements. The luxury of a conved• tent bath, especially during the heated",an.: dusty rea son. is recognized' by all travelers :. and fur the comfort of our guest the use of our well appointed BATH ROOMS tt Bebe at their disposal freo ut, ch irge. No , extra charge for Are to guests stopping over Studsy: Baggave delivered free to and f-om ()Ur F•ptelons dim ple- Rooms on Court street, the priticipul buslutte . street of the city. . - • , TERMSS2. PER V, or 110c.'permeal, and boc. for lodging. iI have no desire to go throti....qh the usntl preamble with regard to the luxuries , and substantial's of our tat*. bodice it to vay. thatgwe cannot give perfect Bltliraotioa. we will - take yon, and'yours free of charge, and deliver you to the tender mercies of: any of our gentlemanly CO*. petitors. .1 Respectfully yours, W/i. MANLY, Prop'?. ortipecial Inducements to parties attending Court, April la. - N EW !STYLES GT WALL' PAPER copttantli on_ hand I.).EPOT F, H. ';STEIff EN 319 ntrotie . ..lo 01, with; 387.1. A CONVENIUNT ARTILLE OT FOIII. DAILY US A PE HIM VADE MECtrin tar ' DUrLEX,..GIJBBEZEND WALLIT. elbsed. 1;1(0 Incties.l To COMPACTLY hold bills. papers:. etc..' Os uully ear' tied about. the erson lor re! tal4le use at store, ace and home; wit hvaluable .tablei. postal rates. Suits' tics, calendar. metric (23 ) and 9 inchgaugeP,, E. Capacity for X inch thie.kness of contents—aed 101 cannot work out. 'Needed by every business' and pro fessional man and woman ; In the cot/12410.1' rff - S lll6. fae,tion (:as per above description) guaranteed to all who send 25 cents :fora package—which Will Tender vest convenience and service to several persons for mostly!. W. N. CLAPP. • • .8 Oakland ave., J' rimy City. N. N.J. A Rents will de well to address, e t closing as abevo• Aprit2.s, 1877. • • Ave" ON. . Tlw undersigned, assigneO of Barti °mew Gabegan,' of thlver•Lake, will Oil it auction, on the premises, on Wednesday, May , 8; . 1977, at 10 o'clock'a' m the followlng properiY • ~ • Two horse 3, two yearling; . '` two year old -ttelfer,-plgt, iragons, . plows ' harness. .rboyele, fork.,,and other *dicier too numerous to mention. TBltliff OlußALl:—llivet dollars sad nads_r,Laib t a Ova" 0.44 Troths' milk with Wm:isd m :w e SecOrltY, la° 11117 0, 18T71- AND STORE • 17-1 V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers