• 11;b1 .y q t'/Irtse MONTEOSE, PA., .M AY - 9,-1877. liuntoroo. AN OP .STORY. Forty yetir.i.agd eire IT boy he streets and all hardy gurdtes quettked the - . tuncof.”l3illy Grimes, the Drover." It has dropped: out of the memory or most people, bin was only the Other tlay that we heard :a ‘'.enerabligen- Conan singing the lines with no small gusto republishei the song, and Sie St. I.:taiis Timer: we eiTy tt for the sake of the memories It will ievive , "TO morrOw, out, I'm sweet, sixteen, And Billy Grimes. the drover,. gas popped _ the iluegtion•to Me, Ma, And wants to be my lover-, To-morrow Morn, be eays, mamina, He's corning here quite early, To take a pleasant walk with me Across the fields of barley." uYou must not go, my gentle Oent.,.. There's no use now of talking; - You almll not go aerosa the field ' With Billy Grimeia walking, . . To think of lila Preetun2tion, too r That dirty, ug•y. drover. I wonder where your pride has gone, To think of such a lover r. "Old grimes is dead, you know, mamma, Awl Billy is so lonely .; Besides, they Say, to Grimes estate, . • That. Billy is, the only. • ' • Surviving heir .tu all that's left ; And that, they say, is nearly • A good :tt..n thousand &liars, . And quite six , hundred yearly.l'i. "I did not hear, my daughter dear, ‘. Your last remaik quite 'cleariy;„! • But Billy is a clever lad, A n 4 no doubt loves you dearly ; Remember, then, to-Morrow morn ) To be up bright and early; To take aiileasant N% a 1 k with him Across thetelds of barley." BOUND FOR DETROIT. CharacterS :—Pint, Clerk and Scene, A. 11.01roul : Ticket Office: i Pitt. Shure, is this the -troo.o to Detroit ? Clerk. Yes ; send you right through on the railroad. • . P. Shure,' it's the rale . road I,inane, an' none thin) chatin' turnpikes.' C. Yon want to g.' by- the Grand Trunk ? P. 'Diva:), hit I I've no clothes for a trunk, let alone money for the buyin' nun. C. Well, you want to . golo Detroit ? • P. Shure,i do. C. Whieh line will you take ? - P. Och ! any line, share ; trout or two, perhaps.. C. No, no ! how Vr,ould you . like to go— which way ? . • t P. how would I like to go ? = ShUte,like • gintli!tnon, an' the earns. way me cousin Mike Dolan wint. • • C. And what way was that ?, P. Shures E and lie sail it was a mighty quick • . , ray' C. Then you want a ticket on the express line. Give me ten dolling. P. Tin dollars !. What wad I give yees tin dollars fur ? C. For your ticket by the express. P. Shure; it's no express I want at arl ; it's . the way to Dethroit. C. I know that ; but there are three "ways" as you call 'ern—Express, Trunk Line, and Central. What fine Will 'you take ? P. (Puzzled.) Ab. eh ? - C.(Leaning over the counter.) come my good lelow. what will you take ? P.. (Glancing at a big ink bottle that stands on the counter.) ribure, I'll take a drop o' whisky, it it's the same to , your honor. Agent. Here you stand aside, please IT find out what the fellow's after. You want to go to Detroit ? P. You may say that. : A. And you want to bay a, ticket ? DiVil a bit. A. What dy you. want,- thenf? P. Shure, 1 want to know the way to De troitl . Well, buy a ticket and that grill show you the way ? • _ • - P. But wouldn't your honor show me the ~way ? • A.' ~But how can you getthere withont the ticket • - • - _ P: Shure, `I to watt LAYING FOR RDL '1 It having conic to United" Stites' officials at this point that Big English, the boot-black, had a handlul of lead nickles in-his possession; the boy was recently intnr;Fiewed orilhe subject : "Yes ; I've got • nineteen Irtd nieklea in my trousers pocket," washispronwPriieo7; ' "And what are yon doing with them ?" "Holding right on to 'em. You needn't think you've got a case agairistyme, for you httvwc, "II()iv did you get those bad-pieces ?" "Rich man who shall he nameless=-black his boots every Morning--luttidi tile out, a lead nickle—thinks iIC I I3 p,ot a 60it thing on rile, but I'm layn' for him." • - "Row -7,, . "Why, he's got a daughter about my age be thinking of marrying, in two or three years more, and I'll shoulder ' a ha; of ;tickles, walk into the,parlor and ientljr" : Mister mail, I love thy lair daughter and= I demand her band in marriage- 7 Behold the proofs or ybur vlic PerflaY,seiteoineti)io ilieradk Orio to the lug ! You just keep still and let him shower out hie bogus coins: I alteklian*trie, but s terror to plan t" FITIIN ITTJRE I 3 ,4t-V.._t7tv'',' rt'. - o:*''' - " -''"''. Etavifig 'moved. from hig - -Old'iQuz . krters;'NO 18::-C1ien4ogq. . ... „ . . . .. _. .. . . .. Is - the - former... eustomers 'of. the lionse and In new - comers. . . . . . • .. eve.ry facility. f . ..r nnt Ong our good at ninderall. prie - es;torthe h , it. of:Work: . , • . ... . . . 88 Wwhitigtoii Strf et - _.: . _ - . piNGHA - KTON. N. y. TUES'DAY, MAY lat, 1877. .pl. ii b' 3rm. x s . s, F 3. 23 ai".‘ 1 11 S s ' ir - 11 , eis ..17,-11* -121 BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM OF THE SOUTHERN 'TIER, BOOT AND SHOE.EMpORIUM OF THE. BOUTHERN TIER, - BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM OF T SOUTHERN- TIER,' . . . . Or. Tuesd4, May Istove shall coven. over One . Hundred Casesof-NeYviCiOodsler Ladies% Gents' and Ciii:Oen'ti :wear, made. , nvin the .. latest , and -.ltost. , :fashiontible Styl-s; for Sprang and Shmtnek, all, of. which will be-offered- at tetait, at' prices , much ihiyer thaiiiiie eathe &as.s.of.gohds have iieretdure,been soil at wholeatiglei . or '‘);y the .. thantiNeturers themselves. . . : . . __. .: We wourci refrieetfullv .call 'the 'attention - of some-•4.w•of the extra • ordinary bargains which we are. offering at 37'Court Street: -• • ''• ... . • . : . . . . Ladie.s l hand-make Serge finsk'ns and Slippers only, 4 , 1 c.. Mc., 60. Fine,K.ld Snap ',es 65e.'. 750.. 85c...',Caepet Slippers 47c. Welt Slippers: 3re tridies' a: 'll Misses' low cut Kid 'baton Shoes - and Tie4.only 35c...51 isQ 1 15,t 25 Ladies' hand-make Glove Kid Lace Shoes. low heels and beriad soles; the s mJst cumf,retabla ' ever worn. only $ll5. Soft Goat shin.4l 50 , , . . .. • . . . . , _ , . . . . • , , • ~ Ladiest•French and American calf sewed.and hinti•pegged Lice shoes, 'single and doahle'sole, $1 5:4 1 75 - and 2.00. •llea vy split lea; her lace shoes, We. and $1 00. - - • . .. ~ .. ~ . • in Ladies - spree shoes we h a ve's'on.. most wonderful - bargains. Serge congress and high cut lace, onlytsc. Serge.but ton and serge Foxed, laced. $1 15 audi 25. .. • • tine new French kid button hoot. for only $1 . 25, i.s justly celebrated foe its elegant dr Ling .beautiful propor tion-. its great durability and perfect finish. - "We have this' shoe in several 'dittgent wit..thi to each size and balf size. . . . . Ladies' and Miss=es' Rah - bees. "Carideo." 45c. and 60e.... i • err" , Ladies' SA uttal. button boots,' Sand a ties anti slippers, in stock and' made to 'order, with plain. French or tonic Quatteze h; els. Ft each.- i pima or box toes. . Ante children's Depart mi n t is stockedwith an immense variety of tine hand-sewed shOeS. Children - 4 tine pebbled grain and pebbl-d goat, lace and button shoes:, 75c., $l - 00, 1 25.1 50: ' . - _ . - . - -. Children's litt - I infants' tine black kid and pearl goat button a r.d lace shoes, heels, uo heels and spring heels, 40c., 5 c., liCc , and upwards. . ...- .1 . ~. Misses and children': elegant pearl button boots. cut from the direst of French goat, $OO. 1- 85 and .3 00; • Itifintefine hand-seiced kid and gust lace and button shoes, 40c.. 61c . and 75c. The mo-t elegant assortment.of men's and boys' low buckled and lace shoes: . . .. Kip louts, $1 15 to 3(0. Cuildren's kip boots. $1 15. : . . . . ', . _ • r . . Men's and boy's heavy cheap lace and buckle shoes. $1.25 to 175. ' -• .- , . Men's flee calf hand-sewed boots, 15 00. GOO and 700. nand pegged calf - boots, $3 253 40 00. • - .'- • - Gents' due French• calf hand-made - low ,? hues . $4 50. Fine American calf ,low buckle shoes, $L 50. 1 75, 200 2 50 and 3 Mr.' . : . . .; • Gents' fine-French calf Alexis hackle and congress gaiters, Trench' toes and box toes, $360.3 , 50, 4 IQ and '4 40. Best American calf and spirt leatcer. sl7t and 200. Bot a' and You. hs' cal' and goat butt n and lace shoes, buckle and . strap shoes, $1 75 to 200. , . Keys, h. acy lace and buckle shoes. $l3O and 1 50. ; .. _. - Gents'. Frenehkip strap shoes, creole •congress. band-sevied.' made up 'very ligl!t,ifor dress and patty Wear - ne.bbiest shoe ever seen bribe Southern Tier. • - . • • Gerrie' t reach and English cloth - over'grtiters,the best in the city, Only 95c. French deer:sing ovl% 9e. a bottle. French blacking 3 , ...and SC. a box. Batton hooks le. " Buttons only . 2c.a dozen: - Long laces from 3c. to Sc. a dozen.; - i7o k soles Sc. A.natr. , • • - -• • r Rubber goods of every I escription at manuract urge' wholesale prieCes. - - . . . . Gents' and Ladies' Boots and Shoes made to, order in•anTstyle:iind of any material detired. • GREAT BARGAINS IN JOB LOTS. CONTINUALLY UN. HAND IN THE wONE CASH PRICE TO ALL, CREDIT TO NONE. No. 37 Ceourt Street. BEST 'JOB PRI , TING ASSIGNEES yOTWE —Notice is hereby aiven that Bartholomew tiahegan, Of Silver Lake township. Sumachaunt County. Ya., by deitd of voluntary assignment, has assigneu all his -es tate and - effects, real, personal knd mixed, to the under el- vied, in-trust, for the benefit of the creditors of trio said B irtholomew Gabegan ; all persons, therefore, in debted to the said Banholomew Gaheghan, will make immediate payment to the assignee, and those having Claiins or demands, will make known the same with out delay.. B. O'NEILL. Montrose, March 28,1877. 13-19„ Assignee. ASSLGNEE'S: NOTlOE. , —Notice is 'hereby given that John F. McDermott. of Au burn township, sttennthanna County, Ps., by deed of vein ntary assignment, has assigned all his, estate and effects. real, personal. and mixed, to the undersigned, in trust, for the benefit of the credhors of the said John , F McDortnote ; all persons. therefore, indebted to the said John P. McDermott, will mike immediate paymint to the assignee. and those !latrine claims or demands, wiliptike known the same without delay. E. O'NEILL,' Assignee.' Montroge,, Apra 4, 1877. DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE: In , the estate. ,of - Jeremlah Foley, late of Jacksiin,• Letters of Administration in 'the said estate having ; been granted to the undersigned.all persons ow fug estate are regoested.th make immediate • pay ment, and altpersons having claims against said estate r.squee".kii to present themf-witliontdelay: • , ..' • CAT/ifs:RINE F.OLEY. Administratrix; De Bon ia , Non. 16-21 Aprll,lBlB'l7. IC33242.ert•ist3x.lxi.g. The undersi Undortvki 3u the._ - 10.1 needing their aeryices will be promptly? - tend to.. Satisfaction guaranteed., _ • P . & B.MAT ral EWS Friendaville. Pit..A , Pril 7.1875. 19-11 PIMPLES. • • rivin mail (Free) the' recipe for , preparine a simple Vegetable Balm . that will remove VAN, FRECKLES, PIMPLES dna ; th.orcure, leaving the skin soft:clear and beautiful t••and altio illetruct lona . for producing a 'luxuriant growth of hair on a bald heed or vmooth.face., Address ticu. Vatidelf & Co„ Box 5121, N 0.5 Wooeter St.,:N. Y.. ' • ' ' 2a 26 • • , lIRO RS 0I? Y OUT LI . GINTLEUAN who suffered for years frt•rn Nerve X one. Premature Decay. and ail the effects of y o torot indlaeration will. for the sake of suffering humanity, send tree to ail who need it. the recipe and ireetioa for making ,the:simpltf, remedy by which he iv i oooni d, ,o l oreegra wishing to profit hy, the advent*. eekexperlenceend du ao by addresking In perfect, cont! does. .-•— AIM JO U*'. S. OGDEN, 69 Cedar at" Ifivw Turk: 941 Stand ofßonesligN„ sa washiimion IBlitAltututon, 37 COURT STREET, iIINGIIAMTON WHOLES.4LE DEPARTIIE-VT. ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS -REPRESENTED. Legal. BE-OPENED - I RE4)I 3, IiNEiI RE- O.IY,ENEDI --GRAND--- -AT TIZ . ATr THE LOWEST RATES AT THIS OFFICE. • • ASSIGNEE'S NOTlOR—Notice is , hereby given that Curtis Tewkesbury, of La throp township, Susquehanna County Pa., by deed of volun•ury assignmen , , has assigned all his erste and effects. real. persenal. and mixed. to the undersigned. in trust. fur the bene It of the creditorb of the said Curtis Tewkesbitryl all versens. therefore, indebted to the said Curtis Tewkesbury, will make immediate payment to the assignee, and those having elaids or demands will make known the same without delay. A. LATHROP, Montrose, April 4,1677. 14-20 Assignee. - A" .SIGaIEE'S • NOtlCE.—Notice is hereby given that !dictum 1 L Griffin, of Forest Lake 'township, Su;quehunint County. Pa.. by deed of voluntary assignment, has assigned all his estate and effects. real j perzonal and mixed, to the undersigned. in trust for the netiefit of the cratitets of the said Michael L. Griffin ; all persons. therefore. indebted to the said Michael Griffin, will make immediate pay ment to the assignee. and•those having claims or de mands: will make known the same without delay. , M. O'NZILL. • Montrose. Yarch :8;1847. 13-19 Assignee. ASSIGNEES' NOTlCE.—Edward -Fallahee, of tkp polacon township,. having assigned to me all has estate, in trust ; for the. 3enelit of creditors ; all persons indebted to said estate, are requested to ,m dee imme diate settlement, and ail having claims . 'agttinst the same to present them to .OEuRGE P. LITTLE. Assigne:c of Edward trallabee. 3foritrosc, April 4,1 77. • - 14-20. 'SSIGNEES . NOTICE.—Jerry Coke of Springville IIL township; having lt igned to me all his . edate, in 'trust. for thebenefit Of creditors ; nil I . ersona indebted to Mld eit sta. are reque.ttud tb make immediate settle ment, and nil having ,claims against the same, to-pre sent them.to GEORGE P. LITTLE. • Assignee , of Jerry Coke Nontro - se, April 4, IEB7. . 14-20 will make Speciality A DM N ISTR ATOR'S the.estatet of Jane Arnistrong. lute of Montrose deed. Lettersof-administration in the-said eitatedmv ing been - grantee to the undersigned. CI ptirsOnS ow ing said e date are requested to make immediate pay- Ment, and all . persons having c al ms'ogainst said estate are requeste d to present them without may. • _ • . . March'2B. !Tr. 13-19 : Administrator. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. A. " Bullard having assigned all his, estate to the undersignet? in trust tor his creditors. all persons indebted by book account or otherwise are requested to make immediate sottlement, and. all . having clahns against the estate Will pleise present them to • . aIcCOLLIJM, Assignee. Montrose, May 2,'1817., 4S-22 FOR SALE-: A house,, barn, and lot, Main, ' rae* ill liar ford Village sow used as a' hotel. ' 1 This property I*Ju centre of.thabusiheimi Dart the town; will be told cheep • °f Us ra,it KUM, W 114441( U°W. RE-MOVAL ERNE Stteet,Ao " - Open from a to 'io. C. F. HOTVILKIPS, • Binghamton, N. Y. Le, al. EMI tr= , ;>t r4z. . - ::::' , d . ;:::e4:ls.. ': . -- :l'..:'__• - ,- -.'6'ULPHUR :SOAP , •,,!-- _L-- , y , --: ..,-. .;i,-;...,3!:,..- , , , :.:. ,,, ,. , , ~,,,:,.,. We ,f.. :,h4ve TUORoOPnLY.Cqr6I3S:DISEAsES OF TUE SKTN, BEAUTIFIES Tilt= PREYPrr; ANti'lttAtEtnts Rll7 vmB:ll.s3t AND * GOtir, • ••F.A - s SORES AllitAgloNS 2 1'11E ` CUTIc:LE, AND COON rERACTS CONTAGION. This Standard Extewnal- Rernedtfor Lions, Sires and „Injuries of the Skin, not - only, • RE.Stov O`U iS FR TIIECoMPLExioN ALLBLEht- IsHES ktigiug- froni. locil Impurities of the blood slid; obstruction . of the pores, but alSo those .. .prodetxd by tlie, sun and. wind, such: as tan and, rreEkles. It renders - the cuffict.E NIAiivEtkWSLY - CLEAR;''sardoru - and PLIANT, and I)eing.a - WHOLESOME - 11EAUTtle/EK is far preferahle to...auy , ,eognetic:„ ; AIL-711K, ADVANTAGES- Q 1? SUL • nATIF insured , BY THE , FEE OF' Gleltitt4' Sertpirtjtr'S'ocip, ;which" in addi tion to its - purifying-efrects,.remediei and PRE vuNts RHEUMATISM and GOUT. ' • lt also. nx.g.tsivitcrs x:LorfttNar and LINEN_ "iIk,EVENTS CothiIUNICATED 1W coNTAC.I- - zivitil‘ theI;ERSO'N. - - • '•.I rz ritit . )l,v - t4 . ; RI ;f* ptivents bald nessoittd eetards gruyass - of• the hetin= speak is high terms.- ir.la 50 Celts p'er. Cake per elkes". GOc. and 81.20. si,:t thlie at PARLOR SUITES, :CHAMBER SUITES, COSTLY & CHEAP FURNITURE, ALL - KINDS OF 'MATTRESSE'S, SPRING BOTTOMS, Bic., ex. larFurniture Repaired, Bottoms;put In Chairs, Upholstering done, Covering Chairs and Lounges, Mattresses • done over. The Subscribers will make Undertaking a sitecialtyln their business. Having one of the most elegant lizausss in ;the State; all needi ,n , * their services will be at- tended to liromptly and at sat= • • isfactory charges. GRAND OPENING ,- • • , - 'Or • - •• FALL AND WINTEIt MILLINERY; HAIR AND FANCY OOUDS FRENCILI bet iv le n t= ru s:O li ci f tTi l lo e d v s Y s g ver c Tu itli tit s li s i e:tl t o a n n o d iro n stagr. d a a n v liti 4 d at troVo i rait trutt n a ß iid l gt e ti with prices to suit ail. 1480 Pr ank Leslie's Cut paper Patterns in !till variety. azarattizt: THE PLACB, 97 BINGHAMTON, I WY Conti St. - - Court St. Binghamton j 2.7, 1%. April 19. I87(1,.-13;.-431 AYLOR'S COUGH. SYRUI'. • bit Persons entering from the eiNets of throat and lung diseases should give Taylor's Cough Syrup or ex peetoran i a trial. it works tho oughly upon the Liver, tc dneys and Leog4, as well as upon the whole system, eleausinvhe mucous, membrane removing soreness and giving tone and strung' h to the diterentiiugans , ".. It is warranted to give _a ttidiactleal 4* HILL"; 1113 E, F, 1 1 , ,„ 13.r•Asta, 53 Centi. i', !`; , f5:1 7 . —. : 7 ;7!,?:: - ...' k'..`'.; 7 i.: 7 Sixtli'L - ;:. NS. MMMIIEW?iSMMIEMI 144 xvt . S •1 1 r • • lmarpetin g , t hi to , k, • • ea.ing an I nrifpng.• ; 1.1 tr • r' 1 `.1.•:"4 tilitrodMiit skin . remarlt . tly, it initairts in•fliadiii ta.th.tiskin,.and forms an , • .1t cures burn, - 4, ? , t1..5., 0 chafing., ruitglitiPss, tan, sunburn, frecii Jiver ,it'ts, ; 411apikPil bands, sort.:4;:ulcorc, 1,5.4er:50n thC hinds and feet. itch, II te • telt lug ltetween the toeC itching baly, piles, tams. Also ndiaves the, itching and irritation of lilting and stinging inurets. As it i.e especially adapted to the Ton.rr, Nonsuor, and, atilt Wind. 3'oll QUI tans n ~,etplitei• Balk at pleasitre. For bal ing Children, it is unequalled. Ladies who use it in their ToAlet Would never do without it. It. peutraliwes • the odor, of perspiratien; and, its an external • remedy, can scarcely be used amiss. . Full directions accompany each package... TRY IT. „ . • - N:o'2s CU. for Can. 3 takes br 60 CU._ cui. By mail 70•Cts. . Mary . DEPOT' A? . Dr. Van DFlco's 'Office, No. 1321 Green St., Philadelphia. - ' Sold by all Drugglsta. USE NO W. SMITH &SON, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of . Plux.rature UNDERTAKING, &C. W. W SMITH & SON . Diontrose,Jan. 10, 1817tf. - .- ` MI standing In-ilea of si tondltioniwordec for an 7 kital of otock or, pother, sheald -SIM Milk* Ctitsi.4— They.are Invested to be tbs' best poisw . -in asrket posit it estfore istlearnies or 04 164pe ass ur t al WAS& Tier ore sold by ail iiskri iw 1.~ . s r i'..' .L OAP r w.i40tti514.,:i.: , ,, - .,-,), , , 42 ° -; 11 , 1C ,"` 331 C F" 11 . 111 1 "2" v `'NEW ti.Oolii), 'PA: Having.located in the' BRICK. STARE nrerly oreePied by H. & .W. T. Diekeinuin,i - SW; ulit sny to tily whir& 'and the lily flint Inin , ll4lW receiving; lilt:vet - hitar - -New York one ,of the (argot 841044 goods ever 41f11 . - " ill hi :Orli 'dounty; - (tted will - be sold at lower prices,) Of *Dim- Go ODS,‘I4 OTI ON S, . HATS, CAPS, - 690 TS; 8110 ES , -WALL-PAPS li r -REAb , • - - -11 A DE:OLOTHING, - !Ete. . These goods were hentglit for. cash; w ith all potAtileAliscount off, anti-are tw be Bold on the suine-,tertns. . • • SPECIALTY-I have . jUst received a $4,000.00 SPECIALTY-Ainkrtipt stack of Clothing,pur -811ECIALTY-chaud at n bond: it price;which SPECIALTY-.will be:sold for about one-half Hi SE'ECIALTY-value, (guaranteed - to.: be, 23; per SPECIALTY - cent. lower than the same good Snell LTY-can be bought in Binghamton.) • Thiaisnot wind, but a htet; and you can be convinced by , examining the pin& 'MY - . Morro ~- ,R EADY-PAY jil In - .the matter over see that • the credit system still con tinuts:to increase its• - vie tints, of, buyers and sellers, While the - re4O.7PAY system' growing in tetVbi.. W i lbert is no other *lty - fir 4 merailitqo sell - &Ode kir ti Small profit than todemand pay whendelivered: It there had been no credit system thete would be no hard'times to coinplalit Of. Tty 'it . fOr a year-and yon • will never go • backward,'but 'be convinced of its benefit.. •-• • • I am agent for Mine. Deinorest's patteraii; Ids°, take orders for finnan & Nadush'b cuSionl shoes.. "The price tells And eyeryhody tells the price. ~rA:p.18;77.1 — O. N. HAWLEY. A N IMPORTANT LOCAL' REFORM A Aiereatter goods ill be sold. at ' K P. , STAMP'S STORE. to Montrpse, for CASH at CASH PRICES: I wilt leep gund .goods and make 'the prices to suit the closest buyers. , - FLOUR, . . .I.bave had sevri► years experience' )n. buyinglitHlselliug El.nutt €0 that I kuoiv: where .to buy. tiud. %% but to buy to suttlhe customers of tn is vicinity. I WILL MAKE A SPECIALT)'.OIr• WHITE WILE C FLQUI • and, warrant, every. barrel .and •sack to put or refund •tile money. MEWING , TOBACCO I have recently nia d t arrangements by which I can sell CittEwi Na TOBACCO - by thepound as cheap as you ean.buyofittly wholesale:Tobaceo Hone by the barrel: I also,keep .Clietking •Tobacco , in -10 cadd'gs for I will make special )rices.,,, , ~1 'x P. rkeepoti handl' liirge•quar.tity•of and keep under corer, shad .will sell it as; loWAS,possible,foribis iarket. cuff. 4., Syrup, Soap, Pork,.. Fish, 'at the uiti,ble six peuce' prices. - • • .I.trust I will receive sitEcient patron.' age from -cash buyers to make the cash system a success. kllespectfully, - . • •E. P. STAMP ' Opposite the Banking House of Wm. IL Cooper & •Co.,and. the Dry Goods House o( Guttenberg; Rokenhaum & Co. • Montrose; Oct. 11.18761 t. 1)61 .(i001)bl Tzteizrclexx flu Just received an RE. NEW, STOCK OF. MEW; BOYS' AND ;YOUTHS' CLOTHING, At prices to agleam hard tines. ENT 00;' SUITS,' ::SITOI2I 1111.W.:&TOMS' -$5T0.5.10 Also* Ere line of DRY:GOODS ..HATS - --`& • CAPS BOOTS AND.,;,'SHOES, -YANOIC! I.'.ZsTOTIONS,-FANCY GOODS; • .4 • Cheapfor csib.' No- Chargia - for allowing" our good': • WM !. .HAYDEN. • NeW'MiltOrif. May BCle7it-ti: COLLEGE. - ,3191;ITItC;Si, PA 1017:64.3WE1W1L 7110,1E1.3%4 of thls institution will commence, Tuesday 3i and sezitionia to beset ,NTICIf. AT VE*AS R E Circulers.ambilalng. fall pf.krtkolstaf:to et ' the or sent fly. trod!. • • - Addreos 8.8. LOSIER; ftnelp4l. Mlty laT. I Prinfan ntTICK} h b g Ng. ; CHEAP, at NM Thigi Ofiles. y 4,1877, daring the ittnimr. NY TIME. :P . f.),N.AiAilt4.E.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers