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( .H• ... ~.... .... ..,, ~ . . ._,.....,.. , ......p..1,..,....,1,,.:,...:..„,...:.;......,.. ~-.,..,..... „..) .. • it . -(....._. ... , . • _ ~. .....,,„ ... 't• i: „...,..... , ... .• .... ......,..,.„,,,.....„ •• . .... • • , i • ~„ ..,,,,•..., ~....„......:,;,..„...„ • . „..........„..„..„......,.,„...„.............„...: . ... ...•, • ............• . . ...,,„, . . • • . .. .._ __. ..__ .... .• ... ... BY. HAWLEY ALL THINGS PERISH - SAirE VIRTUE. sweet morn—so cool, so calm, so bright, The bridal of the earth and skv,, The dew shall weep thy fall to-night; For thou must die. ' Sweet, rose—mhose fragrance now 1 crave, To glad my sense and joy mine eye, Thy root is ever in its grave, And thou must • sweet Spring—so fbil of shine and showers, It makes the weary spirit nigh, To think s with all thy herbs and floiers, • That thOu.mustidie. Sweet music—e'en, the lo velyi song Which from my harp in window nig't Is floating on .the breeze aldng; E'en then must die. And all the bright and glistening train Of stars that 'stud the deep blue sky Must they all perish—none remain To glad' the ey e ? • And vales, and fields, and rushing stream, And mountains that invade the sky,. Are: they as baseless as our dreams Aud must they die ? And all that's beautiful and fair • On Nature's face:--love's melody, That makes sweet music of the air, All—all must die ! And man, frail form of senseless clay, Tho' now his glance is'proud and high, Perchance upon this passing day • Fie too may die ! But the bright soul ? that, enshrined within • The quenchless light in mortal form Tho' dimmed by misery and sin, • • Defies the morm . = When all the stars shall facie away,. And suns in their own blaze expire, And trackless comets cease to stay With wand'ring fire. ' The soul shall ever live, nor twiny , The lapse , of time, but dwell mrhigh, And share—in endless joy or woe—' 1 Eternity. DISENCHANTED, NARY REED CROWELL: “BROKEN your engag Madge Amory echoed ;the : ; words with such genuine surprise that Edith smiled amusedly—fair,-stately Edith Grosysnor, with her lily face lighted with such grand black eyes, soft, as velvet. - "Broken my engagement, Madge ; and I can assure. you Dr. Belmont is pst as well satisfied as am." • Madge flung a. navy blues veliet band impatiently on the dreising case, her ehteks flushed. her blue ey4 looking un uterahle reproach and vexation. "I do declare, Edith, . I've nopatience With you ! What on earth could have liokessed you to throw Leslie Belmont over, such -a perfectly splendid fellow 49 he is, and the handsomest man in the world, I do believe,. and such a gOod rep= station as he is gaining in his profession, and the fortune he is sure to make, and the way he worships yon, you heartless flat." Madge's mingled indignation at Miffs Grosvemor's course of action,, and her upholding of Dr.. Belmotitlii flag, • were certainly ,very grateful Nand pretty; and Edith parted her handsOme lips in an in dignant ewile.„ ' „ • - "Child. lam hot. to blatne; „for all. ` I b:oke the engagenient; Dr. 'Belmont is entirely to blame ; insists on my on op my pet views 'and opinion' on' clinic' subjects.. You kn6w l what, I think about women's rights, 'dear ; and of course I told. 'my handsome doctor that either he nor any other man ueed, expect to obtain such absolute control over me that my most cherished sopin ihs should yield to him and Hi opinions Of course a rupture natuAlly foll Owed ho. animated discussioo, and--the -rest Sou know. , Edith's countenance Was as calm . at;. a * slimmer sky : but Madge buzzed like ail enraged: fire fly.. "YT's 'Yes I know the rest, disgraceful 'twit I think you are the most egregious —well, the most foolish girl . it ever has been my luck to -. name acrosi, Edie."L- And the bright blue eyes came to a sud den prolonged stare on. Miss arositen 7 or's statesque face. , • _ "Elie, do yOU - know Whatbelieve ? !solemnly believe ';` Horace Aylmer is at the bottom of this.” A swift tinge fled over Madge's face, like a rosy sunrise shadow overa snowy landscap e . • "Yea. Why do you think so ?" She asked it very quietly. I. &cause Mr. Aylmer and you are in 6 uch sympathy on this nasty sufferage pest ion—because Mr. Aylmer . is just tta I.4aluu s of Dr. Belmont as he knows how tU4) " — because you are< an heiress and fortune of a 'hundred oousatid,dOi• I'oB would not come amias to hiti—be. tause." * Edith lifted a jiv4ll.ll' forefinger im . "No more, please, Make. , Ayl tit its , as yoa ea as . zynothymith 'me. liore, he is n my 'estimation, `. a !gentle- .:4...:,, - ,:c-Rus.E.R..r . , mamwho des more than al as my betrcit Her nostri a thoroughb tip with the Madge—Ma .1. "Oh, 'Edit will Dr. I3e it r' ‘ Edith - lc Mirror, and brows aide; • Sudctenly, :.• , • • "Chili-lie,' that is she—the lady in back . velvet and iii k. Isn't She magnifi&nt ?" His face !I s not as enthusiastic in ex pressfon lts is words, and Mr. Carlie 100 4d half arcastically over his paper. "Really it s too much trouble to move, Aylther, or I would be happy •to endorse your estima ion of your betrothed.. I dare say you are in duty bound to call l i er magnifie p i t, seeing that she .has been fonct—and, ooliih—enough to bequeath her fortune unqualifiedly to you, as a proof, you s 7, -of , her implicit confidence in' you." , - Aylmer et "giag ar sible you confess, con ' her taste in Belmont., " to Me, 11.5 1113 I can, tell yo \rawest idea': • ',Oahe told "And .1,41 chequer need money' will that a wotha as she, has least, some r And I\ know one, but tha ii . even - pore \ Aylmer fr ,"Never m to me, unle suicide. , It I try and. for, her blue eyes into 'mine :" ment !" "Pleasant Carlie stro grace, l not I Aylmer coal Then Cam hotel messen who opened "Thk.re is He gave tl down in a ell .."14cn Ed th. - A telegram was hand- ed her ama ent after she paSsed here bidding her ;10 at once to Virginia, where a friend is d 'lug. She-, bids me - adieil for a few days." - 'Ttis eves re' shining as lover's never iihitie at \th .prospect of a separation from their a eethearts. Carlie -laughed. "Old fella , as if I can't read' vow' like a book-1 Yo ‘are going to enjoy her ab senCe'viith little blue-eyed - Etta- T -to for get, whom is Ithe one Herculean' task of your-life. Aylmer, you'ie a rogue." "Granted--but only for a few, days, re member.", I • :" i s Miss _Giro venor's voice -was low, and very sweet, f r all the undertot ! e of phys 7 ical pain in he one name she called,that . was a . iswt-re in a flash by the trim maid who ippeared from a distant window. • "The bathing, Annette. And tell me what time it is. I feel ever so much bet ter to-day., Don't I look as if I would be around in a - day or so ?" . - ' Annette virsls deftly bathing a big' ugly bruise on MiSs Grovenor's white forehead. ."You look a hundredfold better, Miss Edith. No' 49 e WouldThelieve to see you today that Yita were picked. up for dead the day of tl e . collision—actually left to , Ourself, bee' use those wonderful 'smart ,doctors said he .living, needed care. It Makes my blood - curdle when I think of. it." _ .. A r shiver; then , "There is seems strangl agine bow 44 wheni return telegrarn you killed;" \ "The tears Edith's-I0 ing of Horac ing ; ineturit light, and-- 2 her `woman's Bdiniint ton ken; -Boni front the hob i - ses fortune-hunting ; and, , : 1-..ist night I - accepted him )41:1 husband." . _. s were dilated like those of ed, and she held her hand defiant grace of a . stag,. and ge collapsed pitiably. ! It is iinpoasible, ' what ont think when he•hears of ked up her silver,backed xarrijned her pretty archirg My. • Belmont ,thinks hag ceased of -interest to me. Madge, eon, like a good child, and Orive-afterOard." "What Dr to-be a matt stay i tO.ltirte welj.have,a, 2 1 =Mr:' Hu ra the 'Alberni. the . Crowds , doWo Broad' toward a spe quietly read' the news. 1: Aylmer sat in his room at !rle Hotel, looking down on that were passing up and' •ay,-and occasionally turned: tacled young man who was g . an afternoon edition of A.llmer sprapg from his okec; his dark, curling beard. osvenor is a remarkably, Sen . - . oarlie,‘ for must den tially,..l can't approve of urning the cold-ihoulder . to iss -Grosvenor is a GodOend x` pectell as necessary, for,.as , old boy, had not the re ;he'd have me." 1• $ his piper lazily. re say, as usual,' your ex : repleniabini and your wife's o it. Only it strikes me so generous and tasting shown herself, deserves, at •turn• of affection from you. you do not , love ber, or any little blue-eyed angel who than yourself." ‘v,necl and flushed. !ntin EU& Einerson's name you want me to commit 1, the one task of my life to et her. Forget her! as if will not be forever looking or Miss Grovenor,' that." tclied himself' with a lazy liking notice of the', pallor ,not banish from his face. 'a rap on' the door, and a r.er handed a L note 'to Aylmer t 'half apprehensively. o answer." e fellow a quartet, then sat ,air beside the bed. ' :"Arnkte 1?, cr9ollB tremor mide ldith she smiled. no. ,use .thinking it. It to me: wnen, - "try - im'. lighted. ‘ tbey will , be at, boinie . safP. and. Sound; after the. sent Them,* saying I was -ere heneiffghlEV ileva;•drops pg lashes. • She :7as Oink- . e.Aylmet,:and .their_ meet g bid keen, - ,repturoui. de down in ti*.4lPpt4si of. heart, - tvonderitig-Lhe* .. ~ 0 6- d ietidful. heist .16. - ..,..zirie. - . piaamocied ,. .. Ail net te ' till..4;ol6.6iii.;;;liildl ; ten '.-ixtin Li tei: liosi'Tßo,s, ps.; AUGUST, ::23,: .1.•576., . later,,she came rushing back ? . beaming with delight. ."Miss Editb—Miss_ Edithl what do; you think ? If Dr. Belmonthasn't come all the way from New York ; expecting tohaye tbe mournful satisfactionol;ses corting your remains home—and—he's that pale and trembly since he heard yon're alive that he cane hardly stand. Do let him come, do-i-dO, Missmore shame to Mr. Aylmer that he - didutt • come." Edith flushed - hotly. "Annette—be careful ! You inAy show Dr. Belmont up. Ilis.prnfessional knowl edge will be of service, at least.': Afid,.° grave, paler than tlie:,woman Among the pillows of the lounge, Leslie Belmont bowed over the one love::!:' his life—but made no sign ; then, troOn the after days, when, by. short, eaay /stages the homeward journey was perfofmed ; ivhen his skill ful,tend-r care made strange breaks in Edith's calmful, peace ; when his grave, handsome face was a qtudy to her that never failed to disturb'4 , r. It was just dusk when the coach rolled up to the door- of Edith's hotne,., where lights brightly gleamed in the drawing room window seemed to -flake a welcome fiti: her. ' "I .know what it means," she: said; turning her eyes to Dr. Behnont's face.— "I can seethrongh the window-410race is there—" , She, ftitrned the latch-key softly, motioning Leslie to follow her; and side by side they crossed ; the velvet- - carpeted hall toilie parlori,Where sounds of voices suddenly name to their ears— Mr. Aylmer's first. "I tell you.there is not. the Slightest use of prating to me about the looks 'of it, Mr. Ashley. You are the lawyer and drew up Miss Grosvenor's will, and you know she left evetything, most: unquali fiedly,,to nie. I choose - to take posseis. ion at once—and that's the end of` it." Edith's fingers suddenly tightened on Belmont's wrist—a touch that terri fied hiin through and through. "But such - haste is- indecent, *tr. Ayl mer—outrageously indecent. Without a doubt you are ,owner of this . mansion and all it contains, and the remainder of Miss Grosvenor's estate—but - in the name of decency and humanity, for the sake of the lady yon loved—" Aylmer's laugh: interrupted `the earnest appeal of the old family lawyer. "Come ! now; Ashley, that's rich ! An old fellow like, you prating Of love. Do you suppose for a moment I earpd for Edith ? . No, sir . ! It was her money— and I've got it,. safe Wand soundoVithout any encumbrance. Ashley, transfer the bonds and stocks to my name, and giVe me whatever loose cash there is in the bank. Pm going to furnish afresh at once=consulting lilies Emerson's: taste . '; and in less than a month you'll See the happiest married folks you ever came across." . • His gay, bantering tone was peculiarly repellant, under the circumstances, and Edith drew her figure' proudly "rip iu wrath and disgust. Then, with a little sudden moac she dropped her hold of • .Leslie's hand "Dr. Belmont ! how you must pity and despise_ me !" Her complaint was! hardly off her lips when he bad caught her hands in his. "Edith . It is only love—great, undy ill; love I feel ! Can you j let all the miserable past three months fiass—k and let me begin where I left off that September night ? Edith, tell me that you love me I" \ ' One second of pride battling with the true love that lia,d only been sleeping and Edith lifted her, lips, to his... • . "LesliE! oh; thank God for this! Les lie my own, own darling And then she threw open the drawing room door, radiant, 'flushing, smiling. "1 am too sorry to interfereln yoUr delightful little plani, Mr. Aylmer, but, really, lam obliged to! Ur. Ashley dear old friend—tell me , how 'glad yott'areit was all ~a hideous mistake.: about my be ing killed." Then, turning to ;Aylmer again, who stood like a petrified; corpse, she bestowed One of her Mostbewitching smiles on him. "I mean a fortunate mis take. Leslie, wilLyou ring for Jonas to show. Mr. Aylmer out.? Mr.,i Ashley, you shall remain for dinner and a pleas ant evening, for , I want yotfand \ my fu ture husband to arrange several, matters for me to-night. ;Jonas—the door !don't be terrified ; it-is really I—Mr. Aylmer, I wish you a veryzood evening 1". ' And' with a' sweeping bow,. the very quintessence of mockingly elaborate courtesy, she dismissed the, speechless, crestfallen man from bet house, from her` life forever. - "Well, my boy," said a NeW - York fath. ‘ er to his eight-year-old son, the, other night, "what have 'you done to-day that !my be set down as a good deed ?' I `Gave a boy five cents," replied the hOpeful.-- ah ! that was charity, and charity is alwas right. He was an orphan bcY, was he ?" !‘I didn't stop to, see, I gave 'Ciin the money fori,ickinga,h9risvho set my dinner haatilt." Fire flies be . in to twinkle at LOST LILLY. 41 117. E WILL have it out, now, if, you TV pleas, madam I" said Mark Ark ,wright• to his wife, .Augusta. - And they haVe it out with a;ven gence. Both were high tempered; nei ther had learned self-control ; and before this scene between.them was ended, both had spoken words -suchas no ,two, p,eople who love eadli other should ever speak•=-- If two indiffe.rint persons quarreled, it doee not amount. to much generally ; but when cWo who love each other in dulge in theidangerous pastime,,it is fre. : quently fatal to happiness. They had'been married but a year, and the sweet glamour of romance had hard ly worn off. I- This, was the tirst dissagree ment and it began in a secret. Perhaps Mr. Arkwright bad ample ,cause to be angry with his wife. lam siire that ev ery man will. think so, though a woman's judgment might be different. • On the ,afternoon of the quarrel he had asked his Wife to drive with him,and she had declined on that plea--the,head ache. He had petted her,. and kissed her hot forehead, - .aid' smoothed her soft blonde hair ' and established:her on the longue in her room, with a pillow under her head and a shawl over her feet, be : lure he went out for his ; afternoon drive. Two. hours later, he °had decasio,n to cross Hydei Park, and there, walking' slowly down one of the must ..weluded paths, he so* a purple velvet skirt, be side a blackicoat. Augustia had a poi.- ple,velvet skirt and lookel like an' angel, her husband had ft.( ottently told 'her, all unmindful ;of the historical fact that' angels universally wear white, and are supposed to, be above the weakness of purple velvet skirts, The airs and linanners of the man were decidedly fOreign ; he was handsone,and had an easy : appearance' generally—in deed, he seemed to be constantly looking over his shoulder. - Arkwright liaised in the shadow of a cluirip of trees, and watched the pair. I suppose "wl,itohed" is the proper word, though Arkwrignt prided himself on be ing an extremely honorable Alan; and would doubtless have knoCke,d anybody down who pad insinuated anything to the contrary. There was ho mistaking the grace of the lady, the .Wave of her golden hair, the tutu of her snowy neckl---yes, the very wreath of purlile panises on her hat —all were Angustia's ; and in a mo; meta moreter husband heard her , voice. "Dear Aiithur," she was saying, "every moment for you here is fr.tught with peril. Loorie no time in getting. out of London." j• "Sukdarling," returned the man, "no thing save 10 love for you. has brought me here ; and it is bard that I cannot have just this little comfort." . - They. moved away down the walk, and Arkwright heard no* more.' 'But he had heard quiteenough. He was in a white heat of passion. He dated not folio* them•and trust. himself to speak., There was murder, in - his heart. He must wait alittle till his temper cooled. He went to , n stable - Aired a fast horse, and rode him till the animal -was ready to drop.— Then he vient home and accused his wif& o matter in what words—they were harsh and bitter enough, heave'n knows, and the Vile epithets he applied ta lier at the outset roused all the haughty pride and resistance to arms. • She heard him through..i • She attempt ed no defense ; she made no denials;' but , when he Paused from sheer want of breath, she' buried the hour in which 'she bid married Then she left *the room. , 1 • - • • - He had all night to subdue himself; and if she Jhad come to him in the morn-. lug with' filly reasonable explanatiOn, he would have listened to her.''But she did not come.- 1 • • • • '• • • : • After a ' 1 'while be sought her : in her room ; bpt she was gone. She had ta ken with her only , a baie change of rain men t, and ,left - no' message "to tell Where; she hal' One.' • • "Fled with her parainotif Arkwright said, bitteilyii.and then;'and there he vowed to give himself no rest -until he had found them and killed them both.— He tried - hard to put - his venv into execu tion. For; three years' 'he was a wanderer seeking always ;his wife and her sedu cer, and finding them never. , At last he - quitted wandering, and Went .home.- He was a - very wealthy . man how. Lands that he had owned , ' had increased prodigiouilv is value, and there was no need of his applying himself to business. 'He built .a mansion, and lived alone 'in it With hi 3 jbooks and thoughts for com-, pang. IV had a .retinue of servants to anticipateJus every wish he sat at a costly table and drank wine, as old as the' hills • he drove' horses worth a fortune he had everything that wealth could-pur chase, and yet he, was never at peaue.-- Though-f or the world he , Would - hot have owned. to nything of, the kind. . One day be was riding in the • suburbs of Londo u , and came upon a child sit. ling by the wayside, sobbingbitterly . .—'. She . had'her Ootoh lull 'a prienroies and . violets, an l 4'a black and 10hite - kitteh wait VO:Li . .':',.-3pNCot. - -34 cuddled up in her arricip. Msived,by some. impulse which he could not have explain ed, he stopped' his horse, and accosted -. She sobbed out her-little story with all e . child's ingenuousness. - Her mamma - had-gone somewuere to carry .work, and saii*Spot had gone -to walk by them- selves, and they..had walked, 0h,,50 far ! and now they , - were, lost.. • Her name was Lily, and the kitten's - name Witt Spotty and that was.. all she could tell to prove her identity. Sur prised at himself for doing . so, Ark wright took herin to the carriage—kitten and. all—and carried . her to his o*.n Bone.- He advertised her, and for the first 'two or three daytimade some effort to discover her relatives. Afterthat he did not want to discover them. Into his colkclosed heart.Lify had crept, and made her home there: and the desolate, cynical man found himeelf loving her as a little be ,fore he - had not' dreamed of loving any th:ng again. After the lapse of a fort- ' night theidea, of Lily leaving,' him be-:, came absolutely, unbearable. He- got so nervous that' he started at every- pund of the bell—fearful that some one was coming to' Claim her. She and the kitten had Wall their own way in: Ark wright = House. They strayed in the library, and upset thebooks and:papers to their mutual Satasfaction. Lily sat on' Arkwright's knee a great deal of the time- amnstng herself with braiding and curling his -hair into the most gro tesque shapes-; and 'Spot, with feline audacity mcunted on his shoulder and nibbled - the top of his pen, or thrust her inquisitive little nose into his face 'all un rebuked. But 'one day, just as Ark wright was beginning •to feel •sure of the child, lady came for her. This, lady was tall mid slight, and woke black, and bad her face covered with a thick vail. Something in her low, Eveet voice - stirred . the innermost depths of Mark Arkwright's natnre, but a fierce pang pilot through him when he saw with what earnestOess Lily flew toward her. "Mamma r darling mamma 1" she cri ed, covering her with kiises. "I 80 dad on turn 1 Now•oo and I, and epots and papa are all togedder 1" • Arkwright reddened.He had been weak.enough to teach this child to call_ him . papa. He Wondered - : what the lady thought. of his presumption ; but she -. seemed unwilling . to linger. She thank ed him for the care he bad given Lily— offered to pay.him for his trouble from a very slender-lpoking purse ; and, being indignantly refused, she turned to -go.— Lily was in herarms.' ,Arkwright; took a step toward them, and Lily threw her arms around his neck, driwing him up close, and face to , face with the lady.-- Through the thick folds of her veil their eyes met. He started back, pale and trembling. • "Augusta !" he faltered, in a choked voice. ',lir. Ark wright - - She was the calmer of the two. A wo man al9ays is in eases ,of emergency.— All the old love, fierce and ungovernable, rose np-within him. . ."This child l- Whose is it'?" he ask .ed. "Mine and yours," she answered quiet lys.' "She: was born four months after bur separation.: I wish- you 'good morn - • " 'caught her arm .in.an- iron,grasp. my child! Mite l" .he cried, dreamingly asit it was an effort for him to,reallie it. - ' , . ' "'No, not yours now," she said steadily. "Youlorfeited the right. to claim her when you drove her mother from ber home.-- Mirk, at:this, time—the last time .I shall see you in this world-4 will tell you the 'truth. •' You were jealims of my brother." "Your brother 1'\ I never-' knew you had brother .". . • !`There is where I, erred. Arthur was two years niv junior, and a oruel mifor tune placed 'him in a - position where he 'was suspected -of forgery.. was tin- Able to prove his innocenoe, and be fled from mistaken :Piet* , I was too proud to tell you that t mtg . the 4iitater of one who the world looked, upon aa &felon. In thati Sinned.' I 'bad a secret from you,. and ution ihat rock our happmeis was wrecked.: -Thank Heaven I Arthur is free now—the , guilty party has oonfes ied, and my brother is a man once more.", Aikwright snatched ner to,his breast, and would WO let het go. She tried* her hest 'to escape,:but he held her fast. suppose he ,won her pardon in some may, for she remained ut Arkwright's rhOuse, and tilYand,Spot stayed ,likewise. anl 'you will see the liappkat ficaiiy" this - side of Paradise. 'An Irish officer; upon seeing a beauti-, Jul picture sketched upon a wall, 4x. , claimed, "it is a fine painting, but it was never done in Aterica." "Oh, sir," says his-friend, "don't you lee it is on a solid wall, and therefore must have been done in.this country ?" "Ab," replied he, "I see 'that plajn enough, but only mean that the man Oho did' it, way never is America"- '?` ~ a The early risers nowadays are the there t , r , nionott and twi'hoing-tly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers