The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, June 14, 1876, Image 6

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    Town, Cowaty, a4(3. Vari9ty,
=The Woman's Temperance Prayer Meet
ing will be held this (Wldnes t i day) atternopn,,at
3 o'clock p. m.. at the resi &ice of Mrs. A. M.
see by the - TkinkitinnocliPapnis that
the Triton Hose Company of
. that place la.s ac
cepted the invitation to spend the "Fourth" in
Rough 4 Ready Band have just received
several new , pieces, written expressly for them
by the well-known composer, Thomas Coates,
Qt Eastop. , .;„ . 1 .,. , , i, „, .. _
, ~ .
..,..f , t
~ rv,.., , .' , ..
.t)',4-4-T-4. ating pat ,Of'Biegbaratoniane-con- - :
i t
i re' iiet 1 - . 6 ' ti-b - .i
ate mr - ', entenn a y' Wa er.--
They go to Deposit by rail, th n dowu the Del-.
aware river. ; 1 . .
—The Centennial 1 Choru , organized for
the purpose of Jurnisking. v
.oral ,music . for the
Fourth of July celebration in Montrose, meets
Monday, and Friday evenings for rehearsal.
—The Baptist Sabbath School will! hold
their in the
-4*'r,imusday, June 424., Proceeds lei the .bene
lit of 'the library. Ic4rn rea and strawberries
will be served. ' t ,
—We are pleased to announce that the
Telford Guards, of Susquehanna Dgpot,. have
accepted an invitation. , to be at theCoupty cel
ebration on the Fourth.. whic will \ add very
greatly to the interestlof the o ccasion.
--Theladies , ,of the M. E: chttrel will furn
ish' au Pe-cream and Strawberry entertainment
under a tent on. the "Gmen," Thursday, (tu;
'morrow) evening. No pains will be
.nisice it enjoyable. All are invited.p
-„±—The committee on Officers of the Day
for 'the County' Centeritlal Celebration have
completed their duties, by appuintingpol.
H. Telford, of Susquehanna Depot, Marshal,
Ihdose b;- 'aids' F. P"
with full power to chdose his .aids'an-
Grow, 'of Olenwood, President. , ; Each town
ship to present a Vice President, of its uwn • se.
The corner stone of "The Chtffch of the
Holy Spirit," a new Episcopal, chuich, was :
laid at Friendsville on Wednesday last. \ A.
number of our citizens were present and report
that the exercises were very impressive and in-.
teresting.A.. free mid sumptuous dinner was
served to all those croin a distance at the res
idence of J. E. Cternitilt,iesq.l The few C,hurch
men who are projecting this worthy enterprise,
deserve great credit for their energy and - sitc:
e.:ss. •
1 ,
~-,--r - , Mr. -Jewett,,,Presiaent of. the Erie . RR.',
has issued an order stating that, in view of the .
condition of the business :of . the Company, the :
following reduction in \ trate of compensation.
is: necessary, anit i ill take, effect on and
after June Ist. In, all cites where the rateof
compensation is $lO,OOO, and upward, per an-,
num, a reduction of twenty
.. Fier cent ; over'
$5,000, and under $lO,OOO, fifteen per cent ; av- \
er sl,ro and under $5,000; ten per cent. This
order applies .to All the. General Officers. the
Saperintentlent of Transportation and his as
aistant, the Division finperintendent of Motive
rower, the'Btatioif Agents ; aid the entire cleri
vet force sif the company.
—Butter made in May and June can be
kept sweet and good until lie ensuing-Pall and
Winter, if one has 43 . eel in ' 4): fice' tor storage ;
otherwise it is somewhat difficult Rolt!butter
may be packed in tight ca4cs or tubs, and nov-
ered with strong brine. Tlis will .exclude the
air, and kePp the' butter sweet, in a cool reoni oi
, Orange county dairymen use the fol
slowinimixture irrpr4iarinl buttee:whieh is to
be kept for some time : To ten ounces of fine
salt, add two ounces,of saltpetre and tWo oun
ces of briiWn sugar. The-different ingredients
are mixed together, iind an 'ounce of this mix
ture is well worked . into every pound 'w 'i tof
) 11
butter. Williard, in his "Butterßoo
1 , . s ays
that butter so treated, if close packed i and stor
ed In a 11001, well ventilated place, wi l l keep
sound for several years.'
. .
—To gain obedience you muitlrirst'set
yourself to deserve it. Whatever you Promise_
your little one, however mall the" thing seems '
to you, and whatever trouble , at ijole sts ipui per
form it. Never let the doubt ?be,
ycin Say enter that
innocent mind that yott do not
meanotir will not act np tO what you say:. Make
as few prohibitOry laws las o bi possibly can,
but once made keep them. n/what is i grantd
as in what is denied, Compe ourself, however
weary or worried or imps •nt, to / adotinister
always even handed justic:. This is a system
much more likely to recur: • our chiyra , real at
fection tban all the 'pett' , and„humoring
g9erally indulged in, to e pleasure or save
trouble, not to ydur little*nes, tnit to yourself.
—Miss Mulock.
—The Harristi t urg Psi
ay 'Park note), and inqUij
entrance to Camp Curtin
Sheriff Davis, was
to where the main Otrani
s Survey the point was it
informatitM linparted" to
stranger took from hisl p‘
alter locating hiniseif
northwest, and Just - awl
*lgor Anthony proceede ,
ground.of, the locality.'
with a goOd sized stick, the
a cigar box, which Upon
- found to contain - $6OO i
stranger had but a few
'his treasure away without
Be proceeded to Sheriff
number of folks that were
atm:lotion of the park to
informed the curious tha
had 'taken a bouutY, and •
in 1864, he concluded to b
er than to have it stole ,
marked out:: - by the gentle...
eoropuo, and it' was io
turned after 'many years
t ore. There may be ill.
Camp Curtin grotinde, bu I
would pay in seeking site
that neightforhOtxL
---Regular meeting ofliontrose Fire' Com
- • ,
pang, No. 2, on Friday' evening next;Amport
ant business. --
,Hahn, proprietor of the Avenue
meat market, employed JO. Abel Patrick, a'
known. Ottile:buiiii of this borough, to go
to Diffalo and purchase a car-load of beef-cat
tle. He purehased nineteen head. The meat
ot some of these steers which hangs up in Mr.
wOrtli'looliing at as it is the
finest of any j that has been offered in market
here for a long time.
Benj. Glidden, who. tor a time was
a clerklii Win4.4Jultp#l's t itto:lll,4:l4 . rnoreqe,
bt t l o:late tip rfte44.i:tlicirkh.eith, 'ol3tieit
Beict, is about„to engage in business in Forest
Lake, this county, and is building a store there
ftir that purpose. Mr. Glidden is a young man
who,by industrious application to business and
the maintenance of ood character, has the
confidente of the people where he . is known,
and his praCtical business abilitycwe are cer-
taio, will snake his enterprise a success. •.He
start,* ont,-lokliiiiself , in -A sect op here he's
well-known arid -we .shtill.;be.'-'gliidlto bete hts
—The corner stone of•St.John's new Cath
olic church ftt, Susquehanna, was laid last Sun•
day afternoon The cerernooies
„were witness
ed by a large assemblage of, people. They were
performed by Bishop O'Hara, of Scranton, as
sisted by Father Slattery, the pastor, and four
other priests whose names we did not learn.—
About 70 Members of -St. John's T. A. & B. So
-ciety, and 80 members of St. John's . Cadets .all
in regalia: were in attendanee. Bishop O'Hara
'delivered a most learned and eloquent sermon.
The,dily was extremely warm; which undOubt
edlyinevente&many • froM' being present.=
'Quite a nurnber from Binghamton were in,at
tendanee: The foundation is now finished,and
-3lr. Williams, the contractor,eXpects. to he in
the brick work at once. Ile intends to have it
enclosed as' early as November., The wrirk
do 4 so farrefleets great credit upon him. ,The
etuirch will east about $35,000, and when-fin
ished will•be an ornament - to the village,a cred
it to the congregation, and a lasting monument
of - thenobie work of the present and late pas
tOr.--Bingiynnton, Times
The'Montrose atorney, who writes for
the Great Bend RepOrter, is in the flig as to an
exprersionih'e finds in the reference we made
to the act kf Congres.which Mr. Powell intro
duced - regard to a cannon for 'our County
Soldiers' monument, and asks what we meant.
We meant that "it will be the flrst substantial
recognition the \ brave boys. of Susquehanna
countyhave ever received 'n the way of Con
gressional foots: and is one, more . than merited;"
but in making up the form a comma got mis
placed which made us sai,'"it will be the first
Pubstantiai recognition the -brave boys of Sus
,county haw ever received in the
wart:if-Congressional favors, and is one more
than ment i ed.". There was no- reason for any
one to hiT" been misled as `to our meaning,"if
the ambiguous sentence was. taken with the,
whole artiele. But the preacher could not fore- 1
goithe opportunity of taking -a text WithOu
'giving his readers the coritext,fo air out
triotism in a short sermon. Our views iof the!
soldiers of \ Susquehanna county have long ago'
beemsidunittpd and passed upon by them.
Saturday afternoon last, about-.four,
O'clock, the. news of the escape of some prisen-:
ers from the jail caused: great - excitement on
ink streets, and still greater when, it bedame
known that Wm. o.sMattice, the famous burgi
lar and jail breaker was among them. Th 4
prisoners were in tile v,estibule surrounding the
cells, which was built for a day prison, and heti
always been used for that purpose by all formi.
er sheriffs, and which has heretofore been cone
sidered as secure as the cells, theinselveg. The
sheriff was down, town at the time. The , fami
ly heard i a little noise down stairs, and thn
housekeeper unlocked the hall - door that lea&
to the 'cellar - and went part way down th'e
steps, but saw no one and she went down still
farther When one of the prisoners,who had con
cealed himself, sprang past her and placed him
self in front of her on the stairway and kept
her there while four others, (Mattice among
them) paged by her up the stairs and secured
the key to the outer door and evidently intend
ed to lock the woman in but finding that therie
weretwO doors' they all . fled, (five in number)
without ; attempting it, going out the baqi
kitchen door and over the hill in thodtrection
of the fair Ground,into a thick piece of wand s near byri The sheriff ands a number of citizens
started in pursuit of the fugitives and in a
short time all were secured, except Mattice,(bn
ing four in number,) who at this writing is still
at large., On Monday last we went' to the kill
with Deputy relferdo gain the facts - as to the
manner of their escape. We found that the
paramotint cause was in a defect - in the jall that
made it iiossible for the Men to hoist 'with tligir
'band's an upright, iron bar (some ten _feet;long
and two inches', in diameter,) about four incl4s,
slip it out of the socket at the bottom and,with
a piece-of board from One 4:,1 the cell bungs,
bend it On side so as to make room for them 'to
pasisOut into the hall . where they Avere whin
the housekeeper_ unlocked the hall door. This
hail is,the only entrance the family have to the
cellar Where they keep their provisions aitd
they...are obliged•tu pass through several, thics
a dairiiatid it is' ':more a piivate hall than a. piirt
<lf the jail proper. it is evident to us from
what we saw that a mutiny had been concoet these prisoners with Menke as captAin
and that they had planned to way-lay thesh&r
wheit lie came" down - to put :them in thnir
eellsfor, the night. But , being ,discovereill)yr
the housekeeper they took . their chance then,-
The bunks on Which the prisoners sleep 4re
'covered with heavy canvas.:. One of these was
found .*ken in pieces and the legs and si4eo
fixed for clubi and the canvas torn into strips
andtrolled in forin of, cords and wound,'with
ravelings for ropes, which were evidently inn
teiaded for the sheriff. These were found lin
Matti ; ,- cell. It is to be greatly regretted
that Mattice is at liberty , agaM, for with des
perate 'a character es he' la,E,the chances ire
that her may this time make iood• his escapel,--;
- ig says a. person 45f
fled at the Klittatin—
(l, where ''the main
as. The proprietor,
uncertain in regard
had been,but after
d;and the desired
e gentletnan. The 1
ki3t a compass, and
Deeded ' , about, - due
: the 'residence of
to inyestigate the
ter digging awhile
stranger unearthed
being ?ripened was
1, greenbacks. The
Ids to say, and took
aying many. words.
avis' and invited a
looking at the eon
re a lemonade. Re
durin* `. the war he
ile in Camp Curtin,
` y his tr s easure tub
-1 The ground was
at that time with
ly yenterday he re.
snd found his trim
,'43' treasures around
we dOn't think 'it
wealth top) arc,ituid
,':•'' T11E::.1)E)1.0(114.A.T.,'!---:;_:.;4f-i14,,,,1.:',1.8110,
13h [ t the sheriff will use his utmost vigilance to:
rejapture hini and NirO•hope that his may be
• rgtq--.-Ttie4day, at :.2 in., &dispatch from
P liceman . Ferguspn, of Great Bend, was 'le
ce ved by. Sbeiiff White, That Mattice bad been ;
144 that morning and also • Monday evening
soinewherenear that Place...
-=4-- . lt was mypiivilege to spend gUrd4,the :
2Eith, at Thoiiiiiisbn, flourishing' Iktt
ori 'thec'eleffersen Branch' sortie tWenty 2 tWO
. in,ileAnorth of Carbondale. ''Beforethe openi
of, the RR., ILI WAS simply A i9*Usliip. cent
-fii i ut - 'corners. The building and openin "
Jcffinibn Branch railiOad e; the
troWth of that little center, till it `b come r
Itilneat little' yillttie' of' several litnidre I iliabj
' The thernberA and friends of if e k
t - urea 'have] refitted iheir ' bonie of wors p,
'sliding to it a beautiful tower Aid bell.,.`at'it
cost of some twelve hundred Oahus. The
Baptists hive' juit coinpleted a beSV
ful litVe church, which was dedicated, t be,'
neve, on Sunday, the 4th insf. These t w 4
gregations are deserving much credit, fer,the
thanner in Which they have carried _forward
these:enterprises in: these hard tidies: It, sup
ports four stores and a drug Store, a tin shop,
‘figorrshopihaniess shop and blacksmith , shop:
The, people Are as tasty, intelligent'nud whole
liouled as you will find in any part of our coun
ty.---Cor. • ,
.--The Milford (Penn) Herald reports that
an unusually large den of raitleinakes was
covered a few days since, by,a party of quarry
nen, near Red Ridge, in Dingman : township,
about five miles from Milford. The quarrymen
consisting Of the Quick Bros. and Mestirs. Das ,
id D. Anglesnd Geo: R. Bosler, were tramping
hrough the, woods in search of a stone quarry,
when their 'attention was suddenly attracted to
by. a peculiar buzzing noise. Knowing that
They -were :in the vicinfty-of a. den of rattle
snakes, but ' not knowing its exact locality,they
4eterminedto follow up the sound and " \ have
some fun" 'with the reptil es . • After proceeding
!a short distance they found themselves on the
verge of a huge mass of loose ,flat rock, upon
the top of Which the "rattlers"were :lying,bask
ing their scaly ,lengths in the warm sun. In
some instance; a fiat rock three or four feet
across, would
,be literally heaped up with ,the
loathsome ; creatures. Procuring, each a. good
stout stick about eight feet in length the qiiar
rymen began to belabor the reptiles in a Irian
ner not agreeable to them, judging. by ,A,,he hor
rible, deatening din made by their rattles. i rhe
snakes seemed loth to leave thewarra, sun And
would not crawl away until compelle4 to do so
by . t he blurs of their assailants. John. Qujek t
.tall powerful fellew,by , striking a terrific blow
across the top of a large rock with Ails heaix
club, killed fifteen of the filthy, wriggling crea
tures, completely severing some cif their bodies.
After a halt hour's lively work they succeeded
in, killing nearly three -hundred of the, reptiles
and driving the remainder into the creyices of
the rocks.
HiatFoio.—D. M. Farrar has )ust put a very
tine new stage on the Buford stage route It
is one of W. OnSterhout's matte. Mr. 0. is
turning out a large number of very fine *v
olts L. Stearns met with a sad accident
while sawing lath / The block caught the s9.w
and•was hprled against. his head, injuring him
very serionsly. Mr. S. hPs the sympathy of the
communify, as he is a hard working poor man.
...... D. Tiffany, late of Jackson, bas Moved
in town, tad bath at once begun the improve
ment of his premises. This is ,a good exaMple,
'Let othe follow'.
• •
Dowx . LUZERNE.—A.binston -township is
makine ; aoangeMents to celebrate the ktouth
centenni4y The rite - of :confirmation was
administered to three hundred children at St.
Vin Cent's cathedral, by Bishop O'Hara, on Sat
urday man named Thornis Judge,
was run Over by the passenger train on the L.
& S. R. R., near Mill Creek, on. Tuesday morn
ing, cutting off one f00t... .The miners are
hording Meethnoto discuisithe labor question,
and see i some means cannot be devisdd to
save theniselves and fat:allies from'starvation.:—
There are very, many among them whohave
donelihie or no work for rrionths,and the mat
ter is one of vital importance to them....UP
to last Saturday the-D,. L. &W.R. R. Co. had
shipped '682,933 tons of coal this year, a de
crease of 733,898 tons from the stiiptnOit Of
la s st yea.r. During the same period this year
the Delaivare & Hudson C. Co. have shipped
816,'771 tnns of coal, a decrease of 499,423 tons
from the amount• shipped last year The
mines have been idle throughout this region
during the present week, under , the arranger
ment adopted by the coalnombination to! mine'
'coal only each alternate week during the beat
two months..: This eniorced idleness half the
time' on the part of a large portion of nti , l citi
zeno has; a depressing effect upon'business in;,
teresti...`...A.t the annual Meeting of the Second
Presbytdrian church of this 'city, on Monday.
evenhig,! Rev. Mr., Partridge, the pastor, ten
dered his resignation, ,on account of failing
health.' IThe congregation was taken by sur
prise at ;this prOspect of losing their beloved
pastor,+l the meeting after appointing a eitnn
mittee of three to confer with the pastor, ad
journed ltor blie week.'
THE . 6oLD'iing MdlitTitENT !—To'iluf Cadens
of Stesqnna,Cottlttli.: -, The corner stone of
the Soldiers' Monument will be laid On the 4th
day of 4tily: . '-' ' - , •
The Committee propOse to place in the corn
er stm*a list of all the soldiers of the late war
, ,
'who, at !the time of their enlistment, we:re citi
zens! ofusquehanna County,
1 •
The bats will be, by ; townships, arid in order
to have f
;: the 'lists" unfform, please observe the
following directions : .st, - Use loolscap or legal
cap ps,ip. 2d;" For heading write "Lisf ; Ot the
Soldierl of the late war from -- toWnship,
who - were killed, died' .ia service, or hay's , died
since tbS.war."' 3d. Under this write '!names
of eurviving eoldiers of late , war." '
. All 101 famished i:o the committee on or be
fore S. y 4th, , will be placed in tlie !Corner
stone. - _ . ,
Let the citizens of the, several boroughs and
townships ,attend .to 'this donee. ,A.II comma
uications may , he addrewsed tcceither of the, fol
io:vying, como“ttee. -,. , ; _
,E. P.: HAWLEY,= , ; “
',D. IW::l3liiitLE.
STONE -The hndersigned,
qiiinittee'aripointea bi tie itonninent *so
don to arrange and' pelf* ti,,progratime for
be laying.' or ihe corner of said; Vona
'mut, on `the'llth*dak iiriuli;re'pnit, the foilOw
hig :
The corner stone will be laid at 4 o'clock P.
ni.c by the PreSident of the ;Association ,
The order of exercises Will be as follows :
1. 'DirgebY the Band.
Prayer' by Rev., J. 0: Miller.
3. limn by Centenniat Chorus.
4: Address by Capt . . J. R , Lyons. ,
5. Mimic by the .
6. Poem by Capt.' EL F. Beardsley.
'l. Music by 'Band: '
8. Doxology. -
9. Benediction.
the undersigned: committee on Order of the
Day, do report the following 'order of exercises
to be observed on the coming Centennial 4th
of July :
1. Ringing•of bells, at sunrise.
2. :Forming • proceisiOn -at 10 o'clock a.- m.,
and marching-to the Fair Ground. -
3. Opening hymn, to Old Hundred, Doxolo'-
gy, sung by all. ' •
4, Salutatory by the ,Presidente, .F.'P. Grow.
5. M usic by the Band. '" '
6. Prayer
7. Centennial .Hymn by .Chorus •
-8. Reading of beclaration of Independence
by Wm. M. Post, mi.
:9. America. Sung by the Chorus.
'lB. Oration by (31n. Wm. H. Jessup.
11. ,Musie by the Band. - 1 ..
12. Poem by E r L. Blakeslee, esq. ' ,
13. Star Spangled Banner by the Chorus. •
14. Refreshments. • • ' •
15. Hail Columbia by the Chorus. - 1
16. Historical Address by Hon. Benj.'Parke.
1.7. Auld Lang Syne, : ' , '
18., Amusements:, ' ! .'
19. Laying the corner stone at 4 o'clock p.
m., by the Monumental Asiociation. -
20. Pyrotechnics and illumination at 8%
'o'clock -p. m. -1 j ' - . '
, .
H. A. Maws, '}rn
. ,DAVID Summits.
PicKEurNo—Smira-:--ln Frankiin, June 70,
by ReV. J. H. Doremus, Edson H.iPiekerink, of
Bridgewater, to Lavina M. Smith, of Franklin.
McICmix—DAYToN=--In Jessup, June 7th, at
the house ot the bride's father,eby Eld. W. O.
Tilden, C. B. McKean, of Zion, Centre co., Pa.,
and Miss Urania E. Dayton.
tRAVIi-STERI;ING —At the residence of the
bride's parents, May 11th, by Rey. C. S. Alex
ander, George N.iTravis, of Franklin, and Ida .
I. Sterling, ot Great Bend Village Borough.
MooNEY- . --IsnELL--At, the M. E. parsonage
in *Montrose, June 9tb, bY Rev. W. L. Tborpe,
Pary S. Mooney, of Montrose, to Forma Isbell,
of Bridgewater.
BARREtT--In New Milford. June 3d, Levi
Barrett aged 80 years and 7 months.-
STracKLAND—in Springvilk, June dd, Geo.
Strickland, aged 78 years, 7 months and 6 days.
LATHROP—In Orange, .N. J., June 4th, 1876.
Georgiana S.' daughter of Edwin and Cornelia
Lathrop, aged 26 years:
POPE—In . Gibion, May 29th, Mrs. Mary N.
Pope, wife Md. Wm. H. Pepe, and daughter
of Pea. E. Witter, aged 62 years: •
Barrios, Blanding & Co.,
Pa ind Volt%
26 Prriange St., Neir Depot,
March 8.1876..81NG RAMT . O N. N. Y
must be gaining renewed confidence in -the Specifics
which he prepares. • Ail the articles of Materia Medics
which he now offers for sale,is on the principal of NO
CURE NO PAY. Foremost mon thee° valuable arts
cles, la TAYLOR'S CELEBRATED OIL, for Pain,
Lameness„. Wounds or Sores. in Man or Beast. • •
Taylor's Condition . Powders for. Horses Cattle,
Hogs. Shtep and Poultry. •
For renovati, g the blood and system. of all kinds of
Stock to the Spring, nothing Can be better:
Taylor's Cough Syrup for all throat or.lung diseases.
Any ene trying it will be cow/lined df its merits.
Re also manufactures the . celebrated Indian Vegeta
ble sticking Salse,Which can be obtained of any of his
agents - •
A.. B. Bums. M. A, Lyon, and I. .N. Bnilardvare
agents for. Montrose.
Any' one buying arty ot the above tuttiled articles) and
not being satisfied, can return'the empty bottle orpaca-,
age and get their money back. '[march , 2!1,'761
P A. ROPN INS ez.SONS, T!uoirwrons,
No. 41 Cloud, Street, 2d Floor, Binghamton, N. Y.
AT 4sittiortAßLE, PRICES.
tingtuttatC4l, MAY 84,1879.—VP,"_
JOB' ?RINTINq-1- . - -, : : : i . , .'':-.:•:.
E. B. HAwLiiir,'
D. W. SEARLE, Com'
lainALT MICI9I •
[ltsviapsmsp IN 18401
k. - -1
nits; T 11111:.11.
c, r tlittc:;*xLVrO•iste.
CASI I I O. CALPITAL . $100,100:
TiL3933lCco - 473EaT3 -
To Olelr new- :ilia': ionimodinue Itank Building oo
, , • iiPuhlte Avenue. . , .
i Transictstlio business of
-. -:!:1,-Alld-Ottiere.
New York Piiii National Bank l Phtladelphia,
delphia National 'Bank,
N. L. LENMEIM, CAstriza. -
Montrose. March 55.1876.
No. 21 Court Street.
We would respectfully announce to the , public that
we have removed to our . new and spaciune store. No.-
21, c,4smer of, Court and Water streets. and are' filling it
with a new tom. ef goods that have just arnved. Our
stock of Dress Goods. Shawls, ctc., are of the.very let.
est Spring patterns and styles and purchased for cash
when the tnarketwas most depressed.
In the line of Fancy Goods, - Hosiery, Gloves, Dalt
Gonds, Ribbons, etc., our stock is unsurpassed. We
have also opened a Department of Merchant Tailoring,
and have just purchased a large stock of the latest
styles in the line of Cloths, Cassimeres, etc.. and of the
very best qua:ity. We hays employed to take charge
of, this Department. MR. T. D. TAYLOR, long the
leading and most successful cutter in tk,is city; and who
always guarantees a perfect fit. Mr. Taylor did the se
lecting of the cloths, cassimere', trimmings, etc.. for
this dep •rtment, which should satisfy all that we have
the latest and most fashionable styles.
We cordially' thank our patrons for past favors, and
promise them and the public generally that we are bet.
ter prepared than ever to supply anything in our line.
Wp solicit your patronage.
Binghamton, Atorill9, 1876.
• . .
~,, : y9- . 2v,TR,QSE,: PA.
Dealer in all kinds of .
Pure Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Dye `Woods, Dye
Stuffs, Paiuts..:olls„ Varnishes.
Pocket Booki, Combs. dewelry, Perfumery.
Totlet Soaps; Brushes. Violin and Violin String*,
Yankee Notions, Fancy Goode.
Cigars, Tobacco. Table Cuttiery. Fine Solid Silver,
Spoons, Plated Spoons. Hrlves and Yorks, Guns,
tole, Amunition, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, Medial
Instruments. Dental Materials, , Lamps and Lamp
Chimneys. Teas, Spices; Baking Powder, Sea Mots
Farine, Gelatine. Tapioca, etc., vtc.
Daly's Pale Ale for Invalids.
Those who wish to buy Paints and Oils. would do well
to examine our stock of White Lead, White Zinc, and
Mixed Chemical Paints, before purchasing elsewhere,
All kinds of colored paints In cane of from one to fat
Pounds each, on hand. -
Montrose Feb. 2.1876.
to the building tour doors above the First Nations'
Bauk, Pnbltc. Avenue, (formerly , occupied by E. P.
Stamp,) where I have enlarged my stock of
Groceries; Provisions, &c..
I Invite eonipetition both in qualliy and price. Ples4
give me a call and be convinced that I can do you good.
Montrose ( April 26.1876.—y1.
To the heirs and legal representatives of Ezekiel
Babcock, deed.. late of Montrose; Susquehanna CCU'
Take notice, that an inquest will be held at the late
dwelling-house of Ezekiel Babcock. dec'd, in the Bur .
ough of Montrose. in the County of , Susquehanna led
Stai eof Pennsylvania. on Monday, the 10th day of
July. A.D. 18111„at 9 o'clock,in lite forenoon of thstder
for the I urpose of making partition of the real eetsie of
said deceased. to and among his children and repro
entatives, If the same can be done without prejud!,cc
to or spoiling of the whole. otherwise to value aad*D•
praise the same according to law—at which time and
place yottare requited to attend if you think proper.
- WM. 'WHITE, Sheriff.
Sherire Office, Montrone; May 24th. 1576.-8 w
. It:Is a conceded fad. and Intuit be kept before the
people. tits X. ME. Can:Luis beats they
all lu the manufacture-of the above goods.
• ; . Who is the roan of such renown
' On whom, all othershoe-makers frown,
Because he keeps hlgh prices down.
_ 11..COSIIii•
P. S. RVaitin
4deiion, Pa
Bort rorkrket prim,. paid in cash, for
at the Matitrolo Steam Mill.
- ' D. A. MAN. Superintendent
Billiard outfit for nate cheap. Two tables with the
necessary. fixtura. S. S. WARNER.
May lid 1876 tf • Mostrow..fs
Tbettgbesi, aairkat price, will ba pald 'for NV.;
Lambe. etc., etc. WE.BITY BY TB E POUND. %to' .
be ili ting -Moatrose ev e a y r r iTaesda dung the tessoe,cos
1":11117 i771191111:4.1* 4 '. SLATER a ROE.
I have removed my
dour neatly'.
ay 24.1876y1.