Town, Cowaty, a4(3. Vari9ty, =The Woman's Temperance Prayer Meet ing will be held this (Wldnes t i day) atternopn,,at 3 o'clock p. m.. at the resi &ice of Mrs. A. M. Richards. see by the - TkinkitinnocliPapnis that the Triton Hose Company of . that place la.s ac cepted the invitation to spend the "Fourth" in Montrose. Rough 4 Ready Band have just received several new , pieces, written expressly for them by the well-known composer, Thomas Coates, Qt Eastop. , .;„ . 1 .,. , , i, „, .. _ , ~ . ..,..f , t ~ rv,.., , .' , .. .t)',4-4-T-4. ating pat ,Of'Biegbaratoniane-con- - : i t i re' iiet 1 - . 6 ' ti-b - .i ate mr - ', entenn a y' Wa er.-- , They go to Deposit by rail, th n dowu the Del-. aware river. ; 1 . . —The Centennial 1 Choru , organized for the purpose of Jurnisking. v .oral ,music . for the Fourth of July celebration in Montrose, meets Monday, and Friday evenings for rehearsal. —The Baptist Sabbath School will! hold their in the -4*'r,imusday, June 424., Proceeds lei the .bene lit of 'the library. Ic4rn rea and strawberries will be served. ' t , —We are pleased to announce that the Telford Guards, of Susquehanna Dgpot,. have accepted an invitation. , to be at theCoupty cel ebration on the Fourth.. whic will \ add very greatly to the interestlof the o ccasion. --Theladies , ,of the M. E: chttrel will furn ish' au Pe-cream and Strawberry entertainment under a tent on. the "Gmen," Thursday, (tu; 'morrow) evening. No pains will be .nisice it enjoyable. All are invited.p -„±—The committee on Officers of the Day for 'the County' Centeritlal Celebration have completed their duties, by appuintingpol. H. Telford, of Susquehanna Depot, Marshal, Ihdose b;- 'aids' F. P" with full power to chdose his .aids'an- Grow, 'of Olenwood, President. , ; Each town ship to present a Vice President, of its uwn • se. The corner stone of "The Chtffch of the Holy Spirit," a new Episcopal, chuich, was : laid at Friendsville on Wednesday last. \ A. number of our citizens were present and report that the exercises were very impressive and in-. teresting.A.. free mid sumptuous dinner was served to all those croin a distance at the res idence of J. E. Cternitilt,iesq.l The few C,hurch men who are projecting this worthy enterprise, deserve great credit for their energy and - sitc: e.:ss. • 1 , ~-,--r - , Mr. -Jewett,,,Presiaent of. the Erie . RR.', has issued an order stating that, in view of the . condition of the business :of . the Company, the : following reduction in \ trate of compensation. is: necessary, anit i ill take, effect on and after June Ist. In, all cites where the rateof compensation is $lO,OOO, and upward, per an-, num, a reduction of twenty .. Fier cent ; over' $5,000, and under $lO,OOO, fifteen per cent ; av- \ er sl,ro and under $5,000; ten per cent. This order applies .to All the. General Officers. the Saperintentlent of Transportation and his as aistant, the Division finperintendent of Motive rower, the'Btatioif Agents ; aid the entire cleri vet force sif the company. ~_..., —Butter made in May and June can be , kept sweet and good until lie ensuing-Pall and Winter, if one has 43 . eel in ' 4): fice' tor storage ; otherwise it is somewhat difficult Rolt!butter may be packed in tight ca4cs or tubs, and nov- ered with strong brine. Tlis will .exclude the air, and kePp the' butter sweet, in a cool reoni oi cellar. , Orange county dairymen use the fol slowinimixture irrpr4iarinl buttee:whieh is to be kept for some time : To ten ounces of fine salt, add two ounces,of saltpetre and tWo oun ces of briiWn sugar. The-different ingredients are mixed together, iind an 'ounce of this mix ture is well worked . into every pound 'w 'i tof ) 11 butter. Williard, in his "Butterßoo 1 , . s ays that butter so treated, if close packed i and stor ed In a 11001, well ventilated place, wi l l keep . sound for several years.' . . —To gain obedience you muitlrirst'set yourself to deserve it. Whatever you Promise_ your little one, however mall the" thing seems ' to you, and whatever trouble , at ijole sts ipui per form it. Never let the doubt ?be, ycin Say enter that innocent mind that yott do not meanotir will not act np tO what you say:. Make as few prohibitOry laws las o bi possibly can, but once made keep them. n/what is i grantd as in what is denied, Compe ourself, however weary or worried or imps •nt, to / adotinister always even handed justic:. This is a system much more likely to recur: • our chiyra , real at fection tban all the 'pett' , and„humoring g9erally indulged in, to e pleasure or save trouble, not to ydur little*nes, tnit to yourself. —Miss Mulock. —The Harristi t urg Psi geotlemanly,tnfee ay 'Park note), and inqUij entrance to Camp Curtin Sheriff Davis, was to where the main Otrani s Survey the point was it informatitM linparted" to stranger took from hisl p‘ alter locating hiniseif northwest, and Just - awl *lgor Anthony proceede , ground.of, the locality.' with a goOd sized stick, the a cigar box, which Upon - found to contain - $6OO i stranger had but a few 'his treasure away without Be proceeded to Sheriff number of folks that were atm:lotion of the park to informed the curious tha had 'taken a bouutY, and • in 1864, he concluded to b er than to have it stole , marked out:: - by the gentle... eoropuo, and it' was io turned after 'many years t ore. There may be ill. Camp Curtin grotinde, bu I would pay in seeking site that neightforhOtxL ---Regular meeting ofliontrose Fire' Com - • , pang, No. 2, on Friday' evening next;Amport ant business. -- —Philip ,Hahn, proprietor of the Avenue meat market, employed JO. Abel Patrick, a' known. Ottile:buiiii of this borough, to go to Diffalo and purchase a car-load of beef-cat tle. He purehased nineteen head. The meat ot some of these steers which hangs up in Mr. wOrtli'looliing at as it is the finest of any j that has been offered in market here for a long time. Benj. Glidden, who. tor a time was a clerklii Win4.4Jultp#l's t itto:lll,4:l4 . rnoreqe, bt t l o:late tip rfte44.i:tlicirkh.eith, 'ol3tieit Beict, is about„to engage in business in Forest Lake, this county, and is building a store there ftir that purpose. Mr. Glidden is a young man who,by industrious application to business and the maintenance of ood character, has the confidente of the people where he . is known, and his praCtical business abilitycwe are cer- taio, will snake his enterprise a success. •.He start,* ont,-lokliiiiself , in -A sect op here he's well-known arid -we .shtill.;be.'-'gliidlto bete hts prosperity. J__ —The corner stone of•St.John's new Cath • olic church ftt, Susquehanna, was laid last Sun• day afternoon The cerernooies „were witness , ed by a large assemblage of, people. They were performed by Bishop O'Hara, of Scranton, as sisted by Father Slattery, the pastor, and four other priests whose names we did not learn.— About 70 Members of -St. John's T. A. & B. So -ciety, and 80 members of St. John's . Cadets .all in regalia: were in attendanee. Bishop O'Hara 'delivered a most learned and eloquent sermon. The,dily was extremely warm; which undOubt edlyinevente&many • froM' being present.= 'Quite a nurnber from Binghamton were in,at tendanee: The foundation is now finished,and -3lr. Williams, the contractor,eXpects. to he in the brick work at once. Ile intends to have it enclosed as' early as November., The wrirk do 4 so farrefleets great credit upon him. ,The etuirch will east about $35,000, and when-fin ished will•be an ornament - to the village,a cred it to the congregation, and a lasting monument of - thenobie work of the present and late pas tOr.--Bingiynnton, Times r The'Montrose atorney, who writes for the Great Bend RepOrter, is in the flig as to an exprersionih'e finds in the reference we made to the act kf Congres.which Mr. Powell intro duced - regard to a cannon for 'our County Soldiers' monument, and asks what we meant. We meant that "it will be the flrst substantial recognition the \ brave boys. of Susquehanna countyhave ever received 'n the way of Con gressional foots: and is one, more . than merited;" but in making up the form a comma got mis placed which made us sai,'"it will be the first Pubstantiai recognition the -brave boys of Sus . quehanna ,county haw ever received in the wart:if-Congressional favors, and is one more than ment i ed.". There was no- reason for any one to hiT" been misled as `to our meaning,"if the ambiguous sentence was. taken with the, whole artiele. But the preacher could not fore- 1 goithe opportunity of taking -a text WithOu 'giving his readers the coritext,fo air out triotism in a short sermon. Our views iof the! soldiers of \ Susquehanna county have long ago' beemsidunittpd and passed upon by them. _ Saturday afternoon last, about-.four, O'clock, the. news of the escape of some prisen-: ers from the jail caused: great - excitement on ink streets, and still greater when, it bedame known that Wm. o.sMattice, the famous burgi lar and jail breaker was among them. Th 4 prisoners were in tile v,estibule surrounding the cells, which was built for a day prison, and heti always been used for that purpose by all formi. er sheriffs, and which has heretofore been cone sidered as secure as the cells, theinselveg. The sheriff was down, town at the time. The , fami ly heard i a little noise down stairs, and thn housekeeper unlocked the hall - door that lea& to the 'cellar - and went part way down th'e steps, but saw no one and she went down still farther When one of the prisoners,who had con cealed himself, sprang past her and placed him self in front of her on the stairway and kept her there while four others, (Mattice among them) paged by her up the stairs and secured the key to the outer door and evidently intend ed to lock the woman in but finding that therie weretwO doors' they all . fled, (five in number) without ; attempting it, going out the baqi kitchen door and over the hill in thodtrection of the fair Ground,into a thick piece of wand s near byri The sheriff ands a number of citizens started in pursuit of the fugitives and in a short time all were secured, except Mattice,(bn ing four in number,) who at this writing is still at large., On Monday last we went' to the kill with Deputy relferdo gain the facts - as to the manner of their escape. We found that the paramotint cause was in a defect - in the jall that made it iiossible for the Men to hoist 'with tligir 'band's an upright, iron bar (some ten _feet;long and two inches', in diameter,) about four incl4s, slip it out of the socket at the bottom and,with a piece-of board from One 4:,1 the cell bungs, bend it On side so as to make room for them 'to pasisOut into the hall . where they Avere whin the housekeeper_ unlocked the hall door. This hail is,the only entrance the family have to the cellar Where they keep their provisions aitd they...are obliged•tu pass through several, thics a dairiiatid it is' ':more a piivate hall than a. piirt