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"111:4;: " . 74 17. - - 1 ''.•. •Li ii ..• :: ;•••. •• ' ,,•• ; ; . •-i4 • •," 4 i .• ., - •• o .: c' , ' ! - .4 • • -itt s ,l ..- i•. 4,. : 4ik .• • .''' .•' :4 4 •-' - • •-:;-;,•;)•;'••';''; ''-•••`". ''..... .''•, - .i., • ••• " : "•-, 7:... -r . ' • •'-. l '''.- -441 • 1.• ;4 1 ;, '. - 1 - ',. 1 f: ; 'i - :' '; 1 ' • '),, '!" ;‘`; -; - "...!i. '. 11, • :-. : •, • ' - ; - . '• ~ . •• ,•-• ,-. t :. ;•:;, , , ..:•.•-. r .-..•'! •-•.-,,, ••-,,*; -,-_•- ,'• 1 „-1. --- : • •74t1 1 .,.. ; ..".T1- 44•;•„ •:•.,...,;,' . , ''. •-•;. ,• • '.:‘ , .•,..-.•• '''.; I ,•=li'i -1, - - •." : ' ;i4t -,- -iia . . :•‘,.., A r . , ~., .•:, - .4. ~,,.•.\........, -• ...,..........„.,..,..; ... .. s . ( . . .-- 4 • ,-,::,,- . ,:.4.;,,,.... -, ~' .1 ....,...-. - - ,-.;;,..;...,:.. . 4.72.:: . • ~...E. . i-,;%• • - ' ' 4 'l l'-'''' - " l '. '-',. '':':."'''•--- ''•' '-''•o' ' •• ' " '''''''' r '-..„ ' • : • ;-• . .'' . '-,' '.. • .'1••, ';. ..-: ,: ;1 .'' • s '' . i ‘ •r?:"-' ; :e4 ' '''"..' . 1 ...N ' - ' l. '..' ;' ... - ' 7L ' ''" 4.. •. ! ..: ; , ' - :;' •.. ' -`, ''' , ' .., '•' ' , 1 ' ' ;'' ',- 1 .•. ', 7 , : ~.. t . - .' ) .." t • _ .._'-., . '',,:';‘5:.' , :f. , ,:- _. : -, •-'-'.•-7: • ' '" , l_'-: -,,'. '',.,.. :•-',.,-,'-',.''-- ..'... ' : -', 1'.... - - - ~ k ...., : : ..---.....; , ,-- .: , • -. -1 ,-,,,.-,'.:,..-;-- ,'. ..! ~..:; • --1.• •-..' , T' , i:t . : .N --;: , c... - - '' '.- ''... :- ' -.-• - . .... -....-.,. -.1.• •..:. 1 -,, ...-.. ~..... ~. ~..• . - .- ...1 . ... ... -.1, ~ ~. ~ :. --•,-, ' . , ‘. -..,,. , ~-!..,::-., -.- i •.. --- .•• - . - . .. •- • ' - -..'"-':."•'''....-...."'''',..."‘,'--..-,;....:.'....'',..;-, 1:-: ..... ..,.. ',, . , ... ':...'-- ..• - ... --.: :I.:- . •-•,. - .-:'. -:- .- '- .. , . - , 2 -:. ,- -•- ...,....-... i, i ....-, ~ ..,,- . .,- j , ~:. ...:1 ..:,....,-•,,, ..,:' . ~, •-...., i.,.. , ~,,... ....;: ....... ....,-....,,,.,-;1,..,.,.,:, ~...,-,..., .; , _ ...;.... ...-". .... _ •..... . , • - riiitE."Fi..6lol64:' . -P![,(l'!NeEt:' 11,t WILL WALpketil lIARNity„ ' Stity.;orl ;': for. See I. the shit; ingi MoOn •.' Has drawn apart the braids Or-r• tit; , 11',. r". ' • To loO'c on happy-..fields'Of: grafi', t . . 1 1 ' .1, An&greienott garden: lull 4f jute-r, 1 . .f ~ . The'hilSka. that, told - in .MonoehrOine .;. • -- .. 1 • ; -- Tiie sieetlniall kernel: of our•home.'''' -. Ding vistas of elearatm b .res, . - 1 Like mirrors that repeat, themselves,; -.. •., LoW dirges, as by :edgy shelves ' •,•, 11 , :•.'' • 'l' Of brook-titlls, cOnstant in the!ears;,l '.. '•-. • And palms and pools-Where *its wait , i .Narcissualike, to meditate. • ..- '"' ~ .. .. , \ lintc'elittngedlioncthat black Abaildo .;• • Welooked on first, that seemed to aeOld . . . th lii stivi •pllinOto I , vines.at hold,. I ~. . .. The liVe-bakti; like Lasicoon, I 'But, cleft the r'ough,rilkick Snaded 'pine; • Gives.aronfatic fruitiof. widel... , , • TOelear away. that outer bark, • ' • ... I ' . What - work , '•a ha 1 ' V'i ha t. Make-belieVes , . ' Of' cheerfulness th4e.•tro.uhled.'eyes; • . :.. Akeltildren .whistle-after dark, ' . .. • -,- ':1 f . When progress seemed to fall. the .will, ; ' ': Like a 'blind , horse in ti:'erit§lfing'hailii- , .:'1 :',- -The strayed DX'aiid the hallo team ;, ~, , .H . l : . The cyclone rending - throngli Vie grain ~ • . The wood's fire, like a burning ruin , ~.1; : • That fiewea-oft in a seathini;•streatn— .H We've lead them . all ..sittee first we plaped '2, To. - owin „a-rood of cow-p'.umett hi:4.H 1 ~•' Iti§e.eitine,.iineonst'.ions ' l3 as sleep . •.1 .• , Witen,slept, the boy.EnilitniOn ;,,•;,-,- : • i 'Like tirecr , oven eel:lila : A:na l _ .. ' :'.. By -sheaves a .wlKat and' heals orsheep,, And tailing days, as blossiiins shed' - .. 1, .• Their leaves to keep the Ouit in§tea ... :. • .. . You stnile,_ and - call me pat r i lirell ; . ',- L. . The SOuthern t,un has timde tie man; . ~ , And every year had ink: :trim . . ' Since lishY shipped his Noah s'ark, ', 1 i l :.And 'saw the pearl-cOat.rninnOws•rise .. _ To eall.them pretty water file's. , ,'. , - Like ours,when •btiby the U. Goa !to hear hifn Op and rote, •: • And not a doctor hi4lnrty miles, I • • And:we unSkilled.td know or da .• • .311t,,,551i. God's help 1, He gave • . . - 1 , Around us ebbed and Mowed the hangel /) Of town lot; stOre;\ and,{mill and s hool ;I A•slow tide, fresheolug'Sk :andin p 'ot,* Of fora land eatin.,o up 'the range--.,.- ~. Around,about I.s, little ,witc, ...,4 TheiloW, - sweet liereollting life. • i By that, and by, the timely.stiteh . - I • An, not's railroad taxed And ground s Fr O It the: publie,pursei•it all came coif 111 , In e.'oranke grove, and 4e are rich_ ; ' .. To think ! 'twas jiist six years ago ,• We come-vout of •••Civaldeelove, yott ... • 1 • know: ' • • I , I • 1 Thetis the•cpie. .Sed: 'the intoon,' „ Is down, and, hike a,fuek-eat• 0)01; ' So deep end'sweet,'so dark - „it'd , coo], The night fills pp thp sills , of, 4une. `A.ifkatioit's:ef),l6; tomes like puts Ace tia4 _ A PERILOUS VOYAGE . - • "...;:,".- ',44' . . C.:111 i ~:Nitt,L4 •;i-Fii,,4 1 .ii...i 4. . WE had not, been ten. days 'at sea ,before VV.:-.my.. mind ; misgave. , me, 42 nd ,- I- began. to dread an It tifontnnite : tertliti k tiolti. to . our voyage,' fur. ,matters, bad _pnc wiing, from' ',the 'begititirtie': ., Tnere ' hair; been • tretiblei:Witif itie,:'-crew, who 'seemed . t?, have an idew that perennial drunkenness was the proper state of 'man's !'eistence-i ., and Who, usiliifiraii:;ii - siiiielf ';'-lasted, Obstinately refusedto ~g,, on. u l tra, in many manates,ha*ink . to be hauled . , rorfil thee' wnirl:Ovei4in . the'shiP yice.so noh sill . pended animation 'en".. : When "We had :. been' towed out - into' . tile; river, acid - were lying:: awaiting .. the .captain, .we„; ; Ntind . 1 that - hei•-..Vad: :been; taken suddeuly . ,:atisk.: violer.try • riii.,' . ) tlia:t.:a . ,,we6fe" cielaYAl , ; . .. lowed, ending in a,freSh ;appointment,. and the coining of .. a lie . w . .01ipain . -- .7 Man, : , of:iiiiiet,•:'teii - bil..,asPect;', wh'oe.'. - ii2reience.r. . seemed' •.to . lingtirli ,l i erniint!,tlnn" o i l:. ; . ' . n.T.',', • troubles, - and he wet . weldomed .acCiir- . tingly. . , - : -1 ? f%ll'' .. v-107, ~. • I ; had talcen ; .;:ny „passage. ; tP.'.13.1 . 2e494, Ayres,'..with the full , in‘int,ou , 44,:- rough; ~ it:lg: i ( fi;riOnie.'yearS '.0• 1 •Com 6; 1 0' 4' . Ali ie 7 . fore , I-argued-that 'iti..".•wOttid::be::p,O.„lo4olly.• . ' t-o •turritail . :o: . the , ; 11143t.' 6:0614. th4 . fAl, - ' 'to titi f sPlaie - iliit '':iet.tlity - it vi ta t 'pr'ili g woi lc, in off*O''flie,.4trongep,t,. I 'texpikt, i i • ation. The... sailors-were - ,soon .., n ; -I,tia.- pleat : -..ant state of despon‘riVrti . ,' iritlitit,, uceeeds'a long debaii . eliancl,,itikif 'gii-i • ing the unfortunate. pabsehgerkthe Credit . , ), of being .th'e,&t.:_:''''',,f . 'iheie`stifferings,' lost no opportunity . of visiting the said siifferitigsrUPtiti'it.beit,.. eadE•::::4111i(W - ifirif of - good temper, this . s ail pretty well got over, in tinieii'df-the'''i•Ougli(-.weather we, e 4) 's) II Is 41:4_ t c:114W,i ~i i h ( 4 . 01 0 4„hn 01, : „ 1 :i og l i ' . right aWay,..aerOss.:f.liEl.pay t ol:: - 13 ~4 ~ ;s9ay,'s:, flo wn tly ()fill .iti ebaiiVe' - tt's . 'al T . ,.': arek.arict:' well, belOw . )iitChes, lor' niiiiy., dreary ; ( "if ' 6 f .s iiife. l 4P'e:.4i l 4,.:AO§lllg - ilt4' , :\*lC4.: "ship's timber groanifig o 4nil creaking- to a degregAlAq.*q 2 iec l .4 4 ,44it-'4.014 1 • 11 4 1. ,g to, • •p . •*ef ! , : :•:, ~:, 4 Kr?.:, . .-,;:;; .., 1 c.",i.,.., ~ ..,,,,,.' . - . • -- " --''' - ' ' ' :.....riol:fp), , A it day,s leAlite ; 41ttil0• ;it . , 44 in the,shap . , , _ , Ot fine - weiltherl:and'ilil„tA re ae,ti.i'in 7 _ I)).*.i ueed, ' h'y Be .I)iiiiii.:suu shine, and .-ike t -,tirt4-,„,,ai r ; we ;_brettilyltion . deck,'the trott - hles „of the ,l i ll.t:,st Nyere.for, 1 gotten. , The captin sttll • se -hied all that was get' ial and pleasant ;'l,i if ''there 44 a flushed and heavy look .. .if - ..114cotinWl• wince that 'I did not like, and . before king , I had allot herOpin ton ippo6, the Slibieet fiT o in converttaiO. I fonnd that the second mateliad*it -,tit :.thelsarti4 lehool as Myself ; hurl. together 1 ' we went over the old dayi sand 'Mpared ' ' 4 . 4tei;-",.4:1 walked the deck - with', him , - far =tout, bje watch: -, . ~,...:: . I '. . ' '' ' ''' The - ieather , turbedfunfo once Mnrei but thiaiime, through the mate I. COW . - , ~ .-' - I ‘, I , • MO:=2 SE Ri ' rived tO'''S iv' on'. e — is'w ken • to . my sur•- •, riSe.., - 1 '-ionna ' that -‘ .hti -- :..gteater‘ 'rill , ti! of Ithe. dnty was-shiftedi on the , chief' mate,: it i l . ml t :Captain. se-hAitt . . :'ShOWed himself. on :'i'' 4 iNn, l 'i I. (Wii , t,S . think it's. from cowardice. i OP Course.. this is 'in . ceii fid.ince,"''said .my: frielin't to 14,: as we i' - ' , Wailied tae, deck that 16 night;: wheii , the gi4e litukSonie what Mod • • lerlted," . • •• , ,. , 1 1. .::•, .. - ;.• - ..- - • tiOdded. •-. .-. . ' : • - .. . Welt,' :fie conOnued; . l don't- know., .wlivt - to-tnake•:(if• hint ; Sometimesif think . .he is, - ntak , and' sometirries • thai he is'giii•; . en - t4'..drink: - :i-:Ho . w, 1in, , ,g0t . . appointed-to thl4'Ship,,, I 41 - 't tell. gr. Ray. dotik„,eay.' 1 anything,..bUt . he :is one of those .it en .who think all' the ' tuOte,_ and . or course hell,We• particularly careful, - lest the'Cap: tairi'' should. think, that:; . - i -first :Mate; 'he is. ,j810 . 11:3 ' beda ose :•the, command was not; . 040.1 its 11 S, iati4S." said - •-•,' \ i . •s.- :No ' nic:ki•O. Was then .: hitt .hefi,re • 'many I d 4s . 11611 pa'SsA 'ti e f o und that the initii. 410 shad' linen - entrusted-116th : a• fine vt:Siet, . a -Va 1 Ilea b 10. cargo, , - and; more than :al „the\ ii es Of ‘, passengers and c re w , was iont- i _or: .oi . k;ee U r.fori - i nate . beings;. who' intie OA tent - . .with h — the enjnyment of . the ‘rciod:thiniis of this life - , - are in 2,11,, .hi,.)i 6 of•.,ifaving ,iiiternp,-Tate. ,- outhr,iaki i .when the lopnise to drnik commencing, per , i . haps; wqh thc:;'st-iniphintk. taken. in some tiirie'Of .pk;rii,, grows perfectly opoOntr6l- 4te'and '.6'ilininnt:e's at .ength in One . 01, t those horiiii46 -,tits of. nailla known as • dein i tintremens. • • tr i •.`daS,..glided . slowly. by With • vary- - : . ink. wdittlier: ' 'i'i!.. hat: latitud'es ,were 'reiie lett': We were „Seated one e 'yen ilia wri(cli i rig . the . list„o9 w of the settingsilo . :when. Anderson, the .seand - .Mate', 'made= the remark, that tie thought a Chang e was oontfng••; . and, then our attention was - ta-, - kiql, tip, liS' 31r• Itly fussing cloio •to us, and • - desc.ndin 4. • as if. to' the . capta: ti'l cabin. -.,. ;.,...: .. . .• . ‘.... ow hit-he -been" tO-day -?": ' said,"'aS i- Mr.l.Ray, di'sappeared. ....• ;", . .., ~ , .i• •‘‘'Worset Ilan , ever," was : the-- reply. - -, "If tikei.' s . :".;ll4; I'd ,ni4k - c-. 4,, : PiqSoner of !inn'. `Mid -take . 'sole . COni Oland: - He'd be, ',', , ,jtis_lified .in so doing.'-';'' '-' ':' , • .;. - ..• .. -..-. gurtliex,.cenyersation.'-was . dutistfort by the.lre-appea.ranee of t i he mate," who beck, oiies hastilii . 0 My companion., ~ -:,.... `•..,,,' " airietliiii z kr. wrong r',.lici,exclaiined,.as. he letipi.d tOli is' fe'ef ;',.'litiif • glii it.' - as. quidk-, ly 1-,folloared..liiii toitfie &tchiyaiv'' • -''' • \- .. vGOod •=fieste'tiK AndOt'soti r-' exclaimed Mr' , galv • 't f4V. 44 9 0 to . ,hefdtine..?, - ~Rte's-ray.- 1 ...- ..4,, 1.. , , ~.. . - ,-, ing rnia. • . ~:: 7 ,-,:.: . ~... , l ' ~ g „oil I:o''nikiici•nis,", I asiea,.: l l . 2 , :.. . ' 4 .gediblies - t? 'Yes, but• hOW - ': l 4 - e WOO deal .Witit a,inin-in. his . state'? ISise list:4-' en- p i•- ,:. , „. , .: - HI. )1,... , ... ~.,....,. :,,. i: ~.....\ ; 0; •,•- fi;,,tact i .` as;',4le, '...-asetr: speaking, there . cati)e.lfrop, -bely tilq - , 13,44tU1k of r breaking '- ciiit!kif.i., , enaShing glass,. a . .4oise i a ; s• . , of. soli* One lea:pint froin side to Side. of. tho 'cali;iri;;folloWe& by a 'lien - 16640'S bat e' i. - '• •1 , ..... . •.•,..,.i t • ~. 3 , -7: % , ,i;... i!, In gia , k tilOMlOO. ~', ,`. ' ' •'. . . . ' . 0 1 . 'y,....1p0ied ;111h:it. . init.. 'said: .;Ray, l'forf heii, p ii..t.:, t 4 :ix?. .ottl!»P.; 00 :: - doc.4- - .' 11 ut, to t!; ifvlp;:liiid - we inlist . iecifrs yir,nott4ptritp hirii'ititdif' - e6t . :"'' 'ft' ' ''';''''';' • ' ' I k i iiinit . c . in-nitation'' was her • nil - , , t. z... a• a .....-,' -, , •• , tiieln ifp Wall - :cleefil'ects to' 'oat I . 'on:e•,..' or: • tlie .4atnen s„..attirdygniet,:mati;' aiiii:tb-<l) ,ill`' a5 . .44! : !..ky 1 ic,a 7 102,4v.b!e i sli . -4aiciiat:t4 -it liilAll , til . .T . r,,,, , 5,t., nt, t he, pi - 184 - Itgps, lold , cr!t,'w,; ; , ,:; ;}- ii.r . 1 2 1) - rg , iii 'letel:ed 1 the' old -sailor. who ;tattle' rollitia •iip turninoi ihe'lifinp• of .t - i „'--• ' • 0.. , ~. , , 1)1100(1 3 1 4 0,, 11l 8 '.`ll:itill til I' 'tit tv 7 tronr*Vis. ,11. 1 " nii4k. iit I wasr.ifvident liO,s.'had"tit.eii'lOnligilitl' 1 11 1 1- ; I ; l P(Pl*;!iit,si-n.,..g. orkiliand, ,i 4) ; 4 ': ail ; li f ,: g r q ' 11ec1,,,Ni4 . 4i,i thipg i tji3 1 a, - fi2 , 6"Wiilg6 .oh w4bt..irig:Mroip,9l, ( 1 .1, li turninghOre, ,, r . aiW . gi.) 1 •Z•rj i.' I. kii owed 41ii.S would I * bes•••; the ea' 1)1.0.1;:•. 4 , -i:li,-;:;;-;. .::t 111-, -.- i',... ? .• - -, , ,i 7)1, , p.-,,.,.. ? ci- , , ..` l `.. Don'tpreanh nian'' f ' - saA;,:flop - n - ngril.l - ; 4 - >ii i'cOirne .:4.19.tig• , • N 0.1v.:‘, 194 Aqi,rtr ..,I)P .viiiispoted;rii4" (I''g C'e!ided; lv scion as I. <3040 , 0e . disoi; alt it 4 in: togetgefJ •' lie,' e t I .d40.0-t ' u . s : the, - Atobe - acs' lie"did'.'alt - 'tite'li Wiiile:aFoi'-'-ftit he' canti;gyilly.',; kinkle' , one Man r. pmf : 6'l? „Oak ; yiiiki, , ,• t lie. is ,ng.age4 til6'iitii.;r: ni i nst se t iOn,re, l hitn: 74 : - „,,, , ~, ;• -, b.. ; •W. 'el lid(' '1441$ ' nerved -,O 9 iselyr:s for ur-trick;' and' tht- mate ```was - was boldin g .. liis.-fhlttdaeforis sigt - al iitilie'tin,liticked' the.. 4. 1 ;,),* - 1 - 1.f . 1). , .7.6 ..wiwatageared,by.titi f i.sh ar p report of .',. 4 : 1 . pistn4 ~.firulvi tanttoni• with' i mstiiibli theie - .AVIIS a !hell thud Al(4- iiyi my.., - 4ta ''', , j'atixt'f'Sta , f (ed . - back ,.. i i i,• i ill fli:' lic no ti1:1- ed e:e'4titt t 4 buffe r t e'had'il i i4t ; l'f):l44,r,Viiii?' t ii e , .ot4 ) o ): 4dW , ll , nds . iittristled'.ii . t'ilry'.head'.. Thenleamejt.lotiiii.harsh latigivi-f011oWed:1 ki''y.'a :4! ? . .nplet more' -..piitol:ishotsi..hoth •:ot . which' passed .0 . 1'64 , 0 the.,:panl,49l, i t4e, .dOor. i '',"'''.. '''":::.. , \; ' ,1 „ : L. , 1 - .46d hai•dttifiy l lll- it•P• ere yoit't, "a- 'ire • . .treat 4..4.1i4e4t1S .:* '.-fitn4.'i a "i''' we. gteiod • 'o'n . . Inure on degli tii - Ifirtit,ittraf,lwilied 'the , . pi r, from hi#,ifoNhe4,4, i alt4lo6k 7 ', . 1 / 4 -4 Yi.o)Ti ' (We. ' to,ftne (J:her, as':- much ae4', to I say, , , Out 'will we 0, .... . .. ~ It ,this!itided ;11: :1414 Aftlsit.l'ai);.- and 1'61.2, al : i'e,l , (=, 11 . 19 . 31 e n ts'..nity otte - -'sphk_g- , )- - Their .-tis,•: P i aY. 6Atned,to recover lit - ; acid, ,c l out..s l 4: -- igriipty •ap4...qpielik:. : -.1..,, p -:..:•;•-•• ';....•, IWf• SitMild' only '',be - .a..i3,(ing . '. - 010 iv.. 4wiy'.f i t V4 - `' . *.c, r:e . - tO 'go ft) ti 6W. -. Tl ) e'OnlV' plainJean6.iigg•fist. IS to'..Watch'''l4ln: thro' : : the ski,jiglit and , ; • go.,'ill',' iv ti'eu 13( - 3. Is. Sleep i: 11.1 g, j .. -...-',,:. ;-: "ksipia. i t . , o.i.,4kjw:Pi4- 7 .40 - ,:ony mischief i t i rthiluieEiniznie, Iso.* g444-)80gq:-4i Ilflialiiefr E.aid - the: - cikd -iailOri.,aryli; .-3.IIQNTRQSE;i','I. 3 A. "Wel J, tko:! 1 . 0 at 99 p , ,pping that.rey Plyckt., thing , shall be,b4,ving 3 litillpi;imi:,_arkk9bgSt, We . powdt=r, - And , Pqwderl":l ',Yes.; , s there : powder ;69,1,99rd '4"-?.f iirslied, , ivith . 9 .1.11.9(d.t0 -heavy lot . ,ly ; 4i14 . .as be . Fpo r ki'rifs ;eyes''etifiCol' '197 (LW direction'-pf the, . •i'boatB.., • : • - , : ; - f. ~ •• - Another.shot,niadei, and :now Passengers . and crew tegai.to.oo! 7 , lect, eageily itSktug. - Whae was Wriing.-- - questions; . which, in '' : drOtt ot ti• tn'ililti'at the boats, we forebor6, to Answer. i:'", - ~•,. ':,_ The..peril;' thotigh4, was _indeed 10-0,, for, in .oue,small cabirrie,sis.'ecially strength . -, ened for its reeeptio . h., a large. qUantity Of powder was stored; 'and' if' one Jiiillet• :happened, to -- 'ass:ifthrongh,:,the . e,liti,ileki ;Were that .the. heat .inir,olved• in ;its 'passage would eXo..)de it till,_ . ',And"_in. Ja.,..MOmem, the whole vessel ivouhl. .be blown 'to'at, cows. , . • - • - e a ':•''Xliere".were two r•SeS':'Opert ti . ?\ipt fto file'Z'the: boats at on 'er,.'and .ptii i h . ! off, or. ina,k - i .a -bold. and . nudity ,eftl.)i.t (6, i iitiN.tw' ~ trio .madumn, in. ' tv hOse , , . hands lotir, lip;t3, e _. . - See 11te.1 110 W t011ailg,!:;,- [, , i.- . , ° r he sdrii6'fe:ehng n]UfS lia•-i:f'!iit'liv.ini•etl" all on r '.Yreasts as we e :St - 40d -and loOked at: oae-ituotlir,.and then.t saw, the:Old:Sai-: . lor wet, the palms pfl's ,handS and ritb-. bed them 1 . .together. •: J., _ ' • , •,, ,I , .. .'1„ ':"We must run in 'on hitn, •Nfaste,r.liiy . ",' he said. '•• ' - '. -' ' -'! . - ' - • . • , -, • -"Could. we - wit sh ciothirmili4pMir l gh the §ky.ti,glit'? . "..slid , ,t4 . e chief mate,;- ••nti then, as ir.bhishing; 41. Iri;i . ,i)wn• iirepos: 7 _ 'tion, he'. added h4stq. qNo,. that' . llo,;,,,' would -4e . like tourdei.: .;''ire must dash in on hint ''''at., alk> sit - S;' , Bo t .'whAt'a Alit - ?-' Look out I He' `cumin -on t - leel';l' !:',-,•:,;, ':As he spoke e:,fheard •• the , cal.S.ini,door unlocked, then 1 hi:: - iattlic,!r. of ~14ys and, •the.'pr ash i 6 g of. i . ao§,r - ,Whon' R.v po.utigq,-, . iy, -pee peered do w n ',kneeled there giviiie,OLOwn'T'oouid.'iet. .a_ tremorrtuthing .through his who.lC , .,fiaiiik. ar,4- wii at. lict.;. l )K!.ltkirliel.-',tc.o; MA . 2 voice wnS'..sc.iiiisky is to be ilixii44 tha.447 ible„ - When he'whi'sp.er.W . ;' , '..i ~: ._'. "He's'ixtit in tn'tlik . fysWder''rOtini . i."'•( `';'' • I'shitlVnevtr:foiiii(tigeOi6iteii - aneei. ho.ga2; , d,titi at ..us 'with! h is .teye&_lfixt•ti..--i' - right ti :',a degree.:; .* !),febv- 4 - quient 4 3, 'horror - and dread- 'ificiiiil+eriditilti death see - hien.' - '"f6 '!hiive robbed' ' him' of I'o' his' poWer,',' 'then hesprang': tip;"thil 'waif ,once-more:'. -,' -: ' .11:- c -. -'s . ' l ‘ q - : , --'- , i-. ...' ”Qtlipts. - 3T?; . - u4 _ exolairried .. lOr, 0 you% iiv,es !". .. f:: - - • . . - - ' - ' Then, leading . the - way,',..lie dashedl ,dtikii. - the-cabin ..tairse.•_ fkillot4d -'.liiiii`,. _huktinlyito find •FOtirlitOgrpas' arredteVb`r the.elosed doer,; witth,?resioed lid' f e-011k " .efforts. it:, - - -;.'r . -' t: .; .;-".i; L . :. v. i•.:!. - ..:),i I'll ;.;:i. „i•,I(. "Listen.!", whis.ped.illaY 3 i, and ittiv It he. i con ti4.uol::: ."G9p4,,,tiel,veps,;;„lfclifi i ,were. to .. Ai& iiiii - 1" ), , . . ' -••••:, „, :., The. ' next moment there' - -.isiliAlti sound livhich , 'seeniedito take nerve in;'tliy 4. , ~. , „ , i , „ bOtty,:ta rule 104. L:lrallKty ; oirli ~ h tlt• dad i 'my linibs,obeyed my - mill -I ; sht . ),Olaiiipse iishe4 oii deck,' 'izeil a-coop Orgrating 'Ana leapin'g over`_the , Side, for p . at I f y I kliongh , t6 be. lieaid 63iii`e':';a.":LhilitVli :6rtielcfi I in;•.l- . inlki.: anil itl-wiante r dlnot t.the mate's' L word to,.eiiinfbt.eotus . 411;11A.hiSsed'0ut3 ,- y.: , L . ... , ,lwdr,-..„!:,,, . -..,.,- .1, a ,,,:j ~,,,,..,, .1 ; ',..,, f.,.. 0 ,. i , .'i : , .1,41 , (,..., ; (. 1 11,it1i, , for . Aind',s, sake.;":, ex 7 t hi s iii,.ra' ~ t- , ,, , iii.:4, , ,ii: wto, - ok•' litife.;. -5 We APe:- • furiqiig flif;'"car•to - fli iv:i'y''lif the dtitle. l "? 4 1 ' '' ' - He diagkett, at., it,. i butf. ih . . ciao V.:foi t ai ,; few.iiiiiput,k , s,-.6ll, ; ruhningl.:oA.l4o4...lthie, ' 1 T old sa: or re RiDe tin Int aci w, I 0 'couple of math tie....vikes, _Which. werejti-: lierted liiselkWe once "hose ii'Llara''.'ili'e' eilickityi6tW.iiintah.i ,-. . .'- .-. : l' - .1 ., ? 0 ±1 , ii.i Quickfti,it.'s;fdr•deati.life,'!eriea 1iay....)il And-..t4e, door., f crqsllo,, gave4ay t aind flew: open; to rieS4-.:,t9,--;ti?p:..o4ll4iliCP(PF-, ifedtly up*i.fiovcd`.-bjr . - Qii forciti . e:' . t,..4itty.. the . captain,, fielding saligh - lighted stinAk:' - Pic ' an) irtik;bounitiehest,t, "which'• , wad ;already , hlackenna•and.eharred!-atAhe• etlfte,,, , tli - i3 ri.:, 1. For a fewit!" l o. l ?3eP-tf•ff'fciPl4:initllaq l of ''hs - titir.,.ft . ,see t nied• 4q : -.jf, : fit t.4c 011..g4tergi: imitithi. 61i bur'Part;''(l:o - elieSt;--iithiail . ; afterwards learned 14aS 'filled 'With' 'adi•:- . .tridEres for the - stirpirot - iinb'erVie petty -armies.exigagekl;in'the;l3aragngyan - iwar imuld.. ; F:e.liplod e - ,-.- . follottiitt.-;;byv ttieyotliet .'kegs• piled around.. "Then pole the cap r , itaii -1 8 'IOW; elidelOtig . liiiit;h; - Sala We'heatd him-Aity. i , -.,... ; i:;. 1 (1 , : . .:„.;.. ~5"-:. ..,..,1r1;, ! (:-'01.1..,, . ., ` j `"Tats ‘will,lich'o,you _Ont - i-then:.';'' strong:l •As you *it .';'. . - . l i ~ , .;...-1,:, i :,“ ,-,i .. ,.. - ,1, .f,,, s ,_, $,,, .- , - 1 Tbeh k with: - 43 ge4t.ire-vi.iinpa . ti . etipp, - he, ‘thi‘eti.doWii the - iii'Al . - - (int. - splint' *toot: '•i z fe§l'i 'araftivq* tfie'!tiok 'he 'he:4loola', i .w.ai about to'dtilkd iti . iiiiQn . , T NOith ''Afer.r.: , .that did . not. ,,, sonlidi...litman, , i4mitet t ion,*, lealid\ uPt l l--t) i // 3 . .a.O 4; .W. l O ;.-.Q,ilOrejlieti li-iuii :lb.)ol,4rock liin.l; riov= l )) ti'anlPti kil l " on' him titeTifiikt ' iiia)iiot. as •he` : r aPpiied: his - moist I JO' to: thee' ',=charred 'and' 'Ainlik'• •jtigedgei of the olteo - - ,. : •- . .f. -',-. ', t.•-i ' ' ' I'lie maS:liot;stun tied; tliToligli , I captain. pid,cliTevly . after,a,:fearful, strtiggieJtOok, `place; Atis.l - .'the,Sc -- ;l(qiis, m -Y, part 'being : confined 'to the' senrity. of 'the Atateliiiiii; Whiehl - ; Ore' fiki tit hid . hand;. tie tabling - As' 1. . did' •fici i ,:. lest it' - should i explodei, , '', l ,2ti en ' .. .carne the igu4 - lowtilig..brptsthitig- . 0...00.A. wreoi*::':o#o,...tio n , :,.,4etcliAriirn;. by: -tqir .:strong - . iiitiki -- fie ':' - bOviedlisS body; upagain, and 'AgAI - A with: a ''tiaiiieis - that was' '-'sint4st , . ~ JANUARY -- I 2; ~,;, j ~: ~ an. , • Psi .t:l3 , it t 1!1;%1-•`-;' Stl Out Ott; t w4lrmt; ttbundaii (Ter ..was -now. lassd- . amid: g we dr#ggY,d , 11S own cabin Watl'C'was' ir. - -:.l4yls . 'ktest !Act =wire to' enter tierew up the door. i,n; toteir:ddii.tidi;iito - !-- as every en, saylOctir i st.ae4 tOr - A9w11,94, the ; deolc: race viith: hit; hands ;car the box; tb a way ttlat re. screw yti, hrs sepotlii W i t tint' CUV4I: his rernaiii ---- 1 = ; ... aottr. - -- • ' -Cone+nt atchine' and. binding,with the tts ! 4.,ol'. po ent drngs:.piace.d,_ the cap tain- outiof th reach of m e ans to, place, US 1 , ! i r gai r t lin, erii. But though a biveze ill ..c sprangi : it tie t clay' and 9u -k Well-man aged sh E girt ‘o l iti - i.ilii,ly finished' heV vt.ty-i , p , age,' I n - er Ity down - . to sleep. the - resit ot; the tim wighont, a shudder, and . .nev'ee Once dr 4iped off Withoht Waking with a. etarkttilitt altOrrible diem Of :seeing the captatitillnatch-, , box - in' 'hand,' iipplying a:' light tell the 'edge of the:cartridgel,cheSL' 1,-.1 - ,' ~ ... F.Iti9C.BV, 16:"*Il'itt,IESS - .1, ~ ' nail h Marian WaS' Wane' in the world 1: 41 . i . , ,-rSiiit'46 t ried:' ' ' .',l''' . _' She " his 4\13'f:111.161'61, lii•oitifi,'-haireil ' g irl, with . ih . i, , h . f''es , t,:i of !.viiiiet tidy, Ind . i l i , rosy! ,lii S l i COlrtert4§,d to 11 - "flrert'hess ''tat' : Ipyond I.'er year's,* ' For, aft'er all; she vas s l ciacel - isExe-titeen, and so' Deacon 'Gray was' sel i ling Iher,.-as he . ;sat : bvf. ' , the. 'fire _spreadilh*, Os linge.i!han_da.over tire tardy. ,blav, tip Ont 4, 11§10 -.: ~ ~ ~ ~ . , , -Rut t- tti.e y'ou" goi ot /to do' id earn your brt-iiid 'Mid butter ?" '.- '''--'' :',I 'i : !`Ldp't kn o w-.--I hAven't . thcafgh t;-- 1 , - Nlatnn - ta liad ans,nticle' iti, New Yor4t, who, Ye4 . ,lcs--- 7 ' . l'‘' . 6:ll4id : . b.Jl,ii t tOtil'n'icri—' ii ho Alo lad CatlBe7your 'mother (Nip t 'llutre . rl Ist . exactly,' to' mitt' him; '...*4oh't, he 7 . 71.1 . i i'i , - Atg.iii;li was sileat,-, Deapon,qray wait 7, .ed a reen . n - ?in a tes .11.91) in g. slo woti,ld .1 ; 41 pli., lihn into her stem di ~.''.- 4 1.it- S he did ' iiiit;! iin d - ',lie' Oidon"eirent, WWII V li (i ine to.itell• WO - :wife -that i . ollarlan , gat Was th (.: i veilyAg?terest , Oit.eiof,ll.,liel - had . 4vLik•cone. 4.icy055.71.-!.- ~, ..-,;,., 1 ' :,•,•• J..:,•-:„: it,. th',..i ,,,- . meanwilite "lf.tr . 4in was busy; .. ,_?. _iv her .l.' :l-t ... ' ~ ,•-' 11_.% , i' , ,'. ,. k._l I. .pae!vbg -iew scanty toings into a in,-• tle. ear,oo=bak; by " t Ile'i Wierd r , flick' ring ;light . ..oOhedyilvy,t.woOdiitire.i: - .. , ;.;!p , yi. , •,;i,1.c.: , !.1•%.w,i 1' g0,t4 0 .-Newit: Yiirkl!„sbet,saldi, to: i ierself, • , r! setting, ibex, ,sniall,„ s pvikily,.,,t.e i .i'.tlt firmly . cige tile i';', , - "My. - • mothers „ s ir n •ere shalt beaf'tny eikuie,tilt , aded flietitikli ' ili 3 i' vw ti Ili r o; ..ii:Olv; .fl;.*iisli:'• M y i' heart' iWOUIdA ',not: thion.• - •so Wild iy , :t , , j. am, inn) tluilkor linepli ig.iroliglilsomi, I - gt*,-qp,,spkr , pcllo, l ), , .. ,all a10n . 4, in the ev,01,4f„,-,e,y_h0 . ,: : 113 1.14, 60 t, - life'ilitOlea iiiili 4 14 r, oeiti''spi4liliatiag: -4 ' : . rkitio - I - Biiiti - dwilir L ;':_itt 4 ieireidh'6 4 6,lticki'ti 11107eieliing l'; e Wh'st: a , Babeli.• of,filraatii4ll 'wheelsttu rryt ng , Ilu roAn tty 1, and cOliglo f rii i .p,' ra . ted , ;n ui §pzi - t - sI T ,.AI iph ip t , HarAa .T a, , t sat, ii n f l 00: i ir _ of,,n, effreii Oteeinnter thell4g of gitikheiti tt:Tiiie '1 bi boXeS' 1,,11 tanitiiiiiitiefed"Witietllit'l4Ople -1 "Ve f' wept . erazyiitiftllis perpetsuitl-. dib , a d , iitunanlC.l - 111er, xleofs - ,,:iyas.i very, plaiu l —gray l ', .peptt 0, ' ieeith .4, O . abby ~,cldr l itshio,nf..d., , little pita l eyi ,bonnot !tied with blank ' ribbons, .40" 'a ; *blue veil entitlellr 6ii I.Y ifiie'M bf . iikii . i.iti; - ; . . . Ihe)tlificiet-13agylayl!iti r 'her. , ;latio ..the'ttatt • sat there two hoUrs, :and was very, si.er:r itired. -•*-------- ----.'.-" . • ',. .' ~ . c(1"oby little thing.!" ; tikatight Abe ;401t ,hatred .- : 01:111g: clerk . neiqest...,tilr Piykciiirj - llabAestia i sort of WI.Te eitArg.un(ler, a qll'elet ' .4'gasl,tgfits.7lsiiitt ''.•' then he ' idok"'*rilils -- • ton , , tint plubgod; in tiVallteifeei -Allatifttd , ppesn f.of. , adao aii tit ci+l '.11 , .'" . ..- 1 1 , 1j . ! , , , ,•{1.;' 1' 1 ;0; ::.Ati - -..1044,FAi r a,1380,n0b its - , The 4nr-lc-nalied Amer entergeil •oehind "Nis' air; i.„ • lobedienee :the eektitilugl fi ngativf: ~!1,;1,-„t;::-,ij 40 3 ,;,P(AiRd.:411*139:inbtii,w:9114fLi 19.r i sonle, •c4r i op, " ate ht r' Pt rites:Sea - sir,. rfrbnt trolou -.loliiix4---..ittrivedAti.iiiinfternOtv.!? • As though s poor Minnie ilarlainE • "6 . )risiiiie/AAOr `.*A.n4 ) . vihyliasu!ti .Imcip tip ,to Ap r - 14arrip.Znfi'Cli.011;yess, t.onntify expec t , a i l 41,1 aniivier every. mnin'en •s Odd,r ,t;teiliiii; l taking. , uii /his liewsinitibt.' , l 7., ‘f.Yofi;siri - pither:! ,, ir banr, • " $ Wei . lilittp (s'• Mr —• -/" irl.l • . 4; ‘!.41:013i looked. y , p'Aer. i c4erjc;:stoo 'ltiglitV - ori the • -.•••/ "A. 04 we' regret'to inforifllhti 'that- he far Europe at twelve. o'clock/ this „ A tiudden `. blur 'came O'er. • I.l.inal'a eyea:--4110 • trenaWetl s 'like leaf: In al l her otileulat ion kihe ha4' *made-de - allow.; anee fOr an- exigently - like thief; ”Caii' we 41o.ani/thing,fartlier prithar questiOng4 •. th e ycl ' ly, "Nettling—no one can do;` y in g : ~` ~ ..Vraii . .; k.'Evani ad' '.1 . ).€ , e4, - tiirning :•ihe, -.piteous - -t u nes. of.: In Or voide.'-apPealed - to,e i vily'triaiily,itistißcts • within him. ? 1 .•• • • to any . , other "of. your triencts.?",•.:. I have " PNiiiiiP4 , Loan haVe'y'yont 'things:twit to some r' • giquie r oPetied-lUir tittle - I - leather:parse arid- shbWed him two ten-'cent pleees,with a smile that was almost a tear; , ',This is all the- *coney I, 'have in the world, ,sir r S 6 yo ung,.' so heati Uri& rind . (4 -atel '.Frank EVanfli l ict:been !ii Neti Yorker . - all ltielite, but he' had` never. met with au.exaCtly- parallel .case,.. 'He:bit his) pen holder_in dire perplex ity.. .• , what ;are you, going to do ,know' sir, - 101. there a, work horse; . soine such plaCe I could . go • to, 1 , Until I cauld•findsomething to . do ?" vans cuuhi hardily help stinlingit.;:poor ~‘. . !they are,puttin o crout the . , lighti,and,l .reparingito . c.lo* t j!.e .900e,7,sa r ia : stwrting--nei'vouilv . "I,l_ .'-; ''Miss` Harlan," , saidiFrallk3..4tiietly, .`tmy honie:iS a. very poor bile---t•a l. a five ,hundred clerk—hiit sure,iny pother ;4.rovive. • be• - t• rouf for . 'ad , . Of ..tw6, if • " 1 r ♦S ._' -, , • ot 1 - • '— : . • , " : • !' • ' " 40saiss N 2. VOL . • - O''" ,~ t trust me." . -.- . • •• -Trust' you ?" •MlOn..lia 1 miced at hid". throught-violet oves,obscu:red in .tears.- ,- ----, "Oh, sir, I should be so thankful r; -. ~.„ ~ e ' "flow late ,yon,,aPe, ~Erank. Here— give me your, o i ...ercoat—tt is all powdered ' with snow, said—" , ' ' Rat . Fr:ink *interrupted - his' hustling cherrycheekedlittle mother;-lor She stood' 't on- tip-toe to take .tiff his :outer wroppingsi , t . (J.l.ush, mother; there is a ',young lady,.i dowii. e t airis.',': ' :' ...., - ' . - `"4 yotina'„lady, Frank ""Yesi'M-- Ila they ;.expresed‘ r told iington, [ '.' ' ' the!" He saild for Europe thi;,. s 81. e isJot a:opP t NI PitAgr, , .poarthuiche,aud I kne reJtze liel a 'corner iete find ;souf4thilitto'iliiir , j' j Mrs. Evans went to the c leerfully outr- - -..- - ---1- ' •-`"€I,gn?1•• P.stairs , n 117: tfar -- 3'fnere,.; fel r , wiii - Coln - ,ii _ Mt' Rowers in may! Rink 1 ildti'did 'qiiiii'riiiit'; Yon' always - d 6:" - ''..." ' 'The,'(hi 13' It i'l ti• 'weeks' 'pained -- iin,• , *atitli , i still Ilinnie..llarlan - - remained - ,aujamute - ; L ot. Mrs., Evans'humble dwelling.,_.l! .T ,,- ,"it seems just as though she hadiake - our dead Blanche's - plader aaid 'the - •doliy ',little. widoiV"tand she - Vega' useful about'. : . ) tll'e - ItottiN it in doiet,'-Allow! hiliNi'l'ever' ''''' 'anaged , Nvitisout: her. .Now. i !Miniiie, you _1 fare: not ,ini earne4„abour. leavink liS W.. morrow I`trinst, : d'ear MitiEviiii4. ' Only" thin't." l : 4 -•=alliayeiliikii her e : tivitt'irlioli` l i tcra - ailig ; row,•atid'svhirait nation of goiter ss , ts,i . 4 'advanta \ geoue-- -- ..--;--------r-T----- '`VO;Y)1 1 0 4-1- lihfq 40* , rf'Nfi, lik'oi' obstinate idif tire." - ' , ,' '.„. '"Detirtlit'lfi l F r .' Eviiiii:Titileas - disivi Plesse , keeti ittYsectet: l ':-.) ~ • `l;', i . ;,, L .."What seeketiii , thatq is. O f tbe,46:'J , religi ! ,o4•l3ly ~litp; r; ! , It i ,) . talk 1.1-4 r. 4:lrst ll , l c f 'Evai.,s, cooly i vfalking 1 , 94).* ,the midst=of. the dnie,nsiion, with 'his-, tai; tiaietosSet 4 abent by the(Winif,''Atid` his . hazel brain ) eyelisparili iearchlii. 1 , '' ; ' '.:, ' ii)' ' !r! '1( - "Secret If repeated Mu.. Evans e tnerfizi 1 P'Aig'illY ,P,'itr)ll4:i l l - !:.,4i4 1 , - ;fikettl_e!".:g ) as 4 .73w 'les. , - Wh,y I.i,r.i rilk. Id , Elie' to - rota '-''• '' ' ~ 4 - ' i. -, • - ; ift , I iim, d i m, ittiri, tr, i; i i-ii.c. I:1 , u -, ,,, q , 013 I , t sl , pith4Friiiiki:l4 ho , e no right colur.la thor,itriiipw.si9no.v9prikiigineas.,„ .-„, ~,„..,..,11 ~ , qi,,,, righti,eli,?, - ; , , Minnie, dp,yon,)tn.qw 1 , ) that , toe old house „has •, been :.a different , t (;d , 11itYsificl; L y.iiii:„tianie ifitti it ? ',DO yofit ' snripost.-we "with t- Colose - OM" * little: ' aitaz ,l ,111- Mirtniesmiled , 'sadly but_ her , bond,feji 3j 'very cold an,cl passive in Frank's.gpas i p.,:, •,,,,• "You'll atay, Minnie ?"• - ' • -`.' 4 ~, She shook ; her t head, de - Writinedly.,•; , .; 4 "Thep ,yoik.mtlpt missed. ; to. Atay„,;' t ; said' Prank.. lifve pissed, soirkliing 9f grdit z value' lately, and' t hereby yOtt' ' on , stispicioli tif the- tli4t! . !'? '- ,'"," ' i. , . "Missed,dctinething . lM , i , Minnie, ro.Bl9;turuing •rpd and ,pale.., ,„ . , "0), ,Fraink yon 014111; 1 e - war' itmfireqi . ine .9", . , '.. ' ! 'iitl i t. I . ii ) o i'll§ , leet: -pi it. 4:1111abt; . 1' 4 f "' i' qnite imr&tinit the ititible isiitoootir p 05434.! .5ei1i0n.".,..` , ,, ~..•:.r •.• ;•••: 4'. ~•'", I ', ": , .ti i - ,f, - , .:‘, ` T': article,l",, .;it s -, . ~,, •, ' ~,,, ' : 1 47 - hen4.• 'Miss 31, j t o pie I, Now l o ok. lereLLl know I am very' yonnt ana very . -pone; but t loVo' yob ' Minnie' ItailaiVantl II:w i I Übe, a goo 1 and trike hu sb aind'i to yor., ,§t4y, !Ind', he 4fly,. )it tle_, wife 17 ~ 1;,. 1•. , .: , ,-,;, , 'I St), - Nip t:iie : - ,l.arlatii, instead .§f,going, ' 'taut 6.o'a boverness accordin g tq hey pro. granitne,' married the dark-hutted young Odic iit•BlifsOn's - express office, - .Nevi . ' Yisilk ;,-, , liiii 4 r '' • ..,. ' ! kr, ' = -*. ~ ,; :, ' T., ey ,w9l.`PlYerY TuetlY.;marrieto wly , in .the morn i inz, auq..,Vraux ..t.,99f .in,lirtn,l(4 homele bis mother, and: thOn *O4 `e401.1`1% , ly,shout - his'busitiesi' in the~ iritiif, i'-'';'.ll . ‘ under the circlet of -gaslight?'. ~'.'; -.-',41. ilEvanoir.;'• ::1 .',' -4 ~,, ..!rf 1 ,y, e ,...„,i,1y. i , ~ i .i ._ f i- . 1 1 - ,' '' s4 ~7;t, ; ',! Fran)4.3014,p3n :60iii - 44,hi0 '‘,, ..r, ',r.,i't . i: -'' (tb4eitivoi on Asia Fay! 1 : - ,:i' i,' ;. -- .1.- .. , --,-;,-,- • . . II 0 e d . . . ~ ~': j -I. 4. ~ i,.: f l~ i •f..~ ich nieteirant,!:; mora c ing she „199ks,like t ~yoq til she coca ootatid:o4 11ed..;.n. !~, 7 e 0 - ~ .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers