r SENTINEL& REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. PA. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22, 1899 iKRMS. Subscription $1.00 per year If paid la advance; (1.50 if not paid In ad vance. Transient advertising andj local notices 8 cents a line. Deductions will be made to those de siring to advertise by the year, half or quarter year. SWRTLOCJILS. The iustitue next Meek. Corn here and there in shock re mains unlnisked. Dr. King's Xew Discovery. Coal oil has leeii found not far from Williainsport. The Russian wheat crop is a poor crop this year. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Admiral Dewey has. sold his house to his new wife. Politicians are all watching Quay's sensational case.- Dr. King's New Discovery. The railroad route totheSusqne- 1 .... , . 1 w ha uurl'Arail num." i? i ic-fiiiMjwi, a The knittins; factory work is re port el to le in a flourishing state. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Institute visitors will find the latest stylcsof clothing at Tlarley's. The elect ion expense in Berks county as 33 cents for every voter. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Ts there to lie a railroad on the rniito of tliA defunct ranal is a quest ion. ... i ' i - a i i. i 1 l ow nsu id jmm 1 1 itrisi us are - neiuuj; no" the pins ifor the February election. Dr. King's New Discovery. Commissioners elect Hostetler and T-ong were in town on Satnr- any. , W. II. Nelson of ThompsontowiJ, spent a dav on business at the county seat. TPTe British have landed a new army of over 20,1)00 troops in South Africa. To Loan. Five hundred dol lars. CallonWillierforceSi-hweyer, Mifflintown, Ta. Dr. King's Wew Discovery. Professor Oortner has beeu on a tour of school examination through out the county. One of the common topics in local circles is the proposed railroad to the Susquehanna. The American Army in three columns are chasing Agninaldo from bush to bush. Dr. King's New Discovery. Perry eotmtV farmers hauled 000 bushels of apples from Loysville to Newport last week. . . ; Mrs. Strayer and daughter Miss Minnie expect to pass the winter in Washington, D. C. Dr. King's New Discovery. Candidates in Luzern county are beginning to announce themselves for next fall's election. In Adams county there are t wen ty -five applicants for the clerkship to the County Commissioners. The war lietween the British and the Boers has increased ocean trade. Ships are now in demand. Dr. King's New Life Pills. 3T Samuel Lapp officiated in i4he Jacol House office during the sickness of Samuel A.Tyson last week. Miss Jennie Aucker has ed from a protracted visit retnrn among of the friends iu the eastern , part State. Fx-Prothonotary Geo. Conn, Wm Junk and Thomas Arbuckle, all of Tuscarora were in town on business a few days ago. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Export Exposition in Phila delphia, will be closed on the 2nd of December. You have one week more time in which to visit it. There isn't much use in wasteing expressions over election frauds in the tsouth w hen Philadelphia is a hot-led of ballot lox stuffing. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thanksgiving next week. ''The leaven of KJ23 of the Mayflower Pilgrims has grown to be a mighty lump. It is the leaven of industry. William Diet rick conductor of the Mifflin work train lwught a house from Miss Relecca Cunning ham on Main street, Patterson for I,too. The winter so far has leen mild. Wait for the middle and home stretches. The blizzard that des ' t roved the peach crop in Juniata last year came in February. Charley Tate of Mill Creek, Huntingdon county, had quite a time in lauding a 21 pound " liass that took his hook when he fished in the Juniata river recently .r The 2Sth annual convention of the Mifflin County Sunday School association will !e held in the Presbyterian church at McVey town, November 2S, -2U and 30.. Mexican Indians say the Mauser rilles are not dreaded as much as the Remington rifle for the reason the bullets do not inflict such se vere wounds and they heal quickly. There are auy amount of excuses made for the Filipino and Boer war, but a new one is that the Bible teaches that the heat lieu is to be come the inheritance of the Christian. Ducklen's Arnica 01v Baeklen Arnica &Xvt. rePrt of tlie finding of gold in York oonnty that returna one tnoiisand dollars a ton, is too good tolelieve. , R. M. Rob a student at the Lock Haven Normal Sc hool, lea for a VU at II IK hlllTP of rWimMittw uu, appear at borne. Foul pla, IN Y (SMS r s J. H. Simons and hiswifeoftitatow;, the visitors at the Export Expos- ition in Philadelphia on PennW vania day. During InHtitnte, Philadelphia ExDress will o r i T ...... i "ffJ,,21K..!ffi During Institute. Philadelphia lienefit of those who il j4i rp ti of. tend the Institute. Berks county democrats propose adopting the Crawford county sys tem by nominating candidates for office. The highest nominees of the popular vote to le the candi dates. Dwight L. Moody, the disting uished evangelist lecame seriously ill with heart trouble at Kansas City, Mo., last Thursday, and was taken home to Northfield, Mass., in a special car. In and around Delta. York coun ty, Pa., gold has been found The gold assays 1 ,000 a ton. Tr J1 that is true the Boreland gold mines sink out of sight in comimr ison for richness per ton. A deer walked into the garden of Constable Kelly at Lackawaxen, Pike couuty and feasted on cab bage. A deer walked into the yard of Emil Rongeux near Snow Shoe and Emil's dog caught it. A scientific man says the con stant use of white bread creates an appetite for beer, and if the Amer ican people continue eating wheat Joreod in a few generations they will develop into a nation of leer drinkers. " A fifteen year old loy named David Knepp set a bear trap on Shade mountin not far from Sig lerville, Mifflin county, and was delighted in tve catching of a young bear, which weighed 36 pounds dressed meat. The J. V. Aver Co. Lowell. Mass., Almanac has been chanjred, mod ernized and summarized into a handsome little look of reference and 20th century almanac, all for 5cts in stamps to J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. The concert last night was a grand success. The company was a fine one. Standing room was at a premium. Morning Herald, Ti tusville. Pa. Teachers' Institute, Thursday evening, November 30. Agninaldo must prove himself a good desd of a dodger, if he escapes from the three army columns that are after him, namely: The "army under General McArthnr; the army under General Lawton; the army nnder General Wheaton, Captain J. D. Howell of Spruce Hill attended the re-union of the ,49th regiment, Pennsylvania' .Vol unteers, recently held at Tyrone, with Judge J. L. Barton. The major is the oldest memler of the regiment Wing 81 years of age. It would cost the Pennsylvania railroad company less to place tracks on the tow-path of thealtan doned canal than to blast the hills along the present road for track room. A rosid on the canal bed would make a convenient outlet for the iron ore at Mecedonia. The meteoric shower is reported as ready for next year. People in Fulton county in the vicinity of the Smith farm where the large meteor fell on the morning of the 14th inst., are satisfied. They would be glad to hear that the reserve stock of meteors had been exhausted. Ralph Espeuschade an efficient young druggist, who was educated in the business iu the P-anks drug store and in the University of Penn-sj-lvania has gone to Pittsburg where he has accepted a position in a drug store. Ralph has friends here who wish him success equal to his merit r Huntingdon Globe, Novemlier 17. Mrs. Harry Quarry, who lives near Sultillo, killed a wild turkey a few days ago, which we lelieve no other woman has yet - done. It was scared from the mountain by Hunters and flew into an open field. She shot its head off with a 22-cal-ibre revolver. A ncu- (u-hmliilA for the runiiinr of passenger trains went into effect on the l!th. The only trains that stop at this place that are effected by the new time table are Altoona Accommodation and Mail Express. The time ;of Altoona accommoda tion at this station is now 7.18 a. m., and the time of Mail Express is now S.:M) p. m. Ferry Couuty Freeman, Novem berl7. E. S. Heckendom, Esq., of Duncsinnon sold his farm near this place to Chas. Adams, consid eration, we understand, nean?1550. Real estate is very low. The ma jority of farms would not sell for as much as the buildings nave cost We lelieve there is more changing of real estate iu this locality than any other in the county. . For convenience of the public chart of Court House will lie ou exhibition and reserved seat tick pts for the concert. Thursday, No vember 30th, will be ou sale asfol lows: Heckerman's drug store, Port Roval: Globe office, Thomp- Fon'own; GraybilFs store, Even dale: Gravbill & Garman's store. Richfield, and at the followingpost offices. McAlisterville, Swales, Co lolamus. Van Dyke, East Salem, Walnut and Academia. 1 h lu tnre of W. T. S ulp on "mien twned kintrs." in the M. E Church last night, was a splendid success. Lectures are often dry, but this one was not; it abounded iu wit. pathos and power, and will w J be long remembered by the large audience that h id the pleasure of hearing the eloquent speaker. Torouto, (O.) Tribnne. , Teachers' Institute, Wed. Eve., Xov. 27. 7 Bloomfield Demoi r it, November IS: Daniel Hart man of Lancaster, inade a curious catch on Thursday, while hunting. After filling his pockets with chestnuts he fell rke,he- frni r fan Ml"? - lUW h"ntln J"?" lpin" thelvt chestnuts, Both were captured ! wtown t,a.ette:-E. E. Mc- iMrp:H: . '" I Meen of Patterson has pnrch 7 H. A. Felix, hased ml joining the Miller lmnse. and will build a three story business .house on it in the spring. The building will be 150 feet deep and the cellar and the three floors above will be ( used as a department store, togeth er witn a ware-House in the rear. j.. Grub worms are eating the young wheat in fields around Belle ville, a niiinlter of farmers are go ing to sow salt to clear out the grub worm. The Lutherru congregation in this town have been talking about building a new house of worship. They own valuable property at the head of Bridge street and in such quantity that the place on which 1 it .i - i , i . i to imuu a new enure n seems to Dei almost as perplexing to determine as the question of the actual build ing. First they have the location of the present buildinsr: second they have the location of the sex ton's house; third they have the lo cation of the parsonage; fourth they have the location on Washing ton street, opposite Mr. Weidruan's residence. James McCauley and meralters of his family were among the few people, who saw the meteors on the morning of the 14th. Mr. Mc Cauley looked out of a window in his house that morningbetween the hours of 2 ami 3 o'clock. There was a great rift in the clouds over head. Thronsrh the rift or break in the clouds the meteors were darting hither and thither. It was anawe-inspiringsight that he call- ins family to witness with him. The opening in the clouds did not last long. When the clouds rolled together the scene above was clos ed as if by a curtain. The lines of the Pennsvlvania Traction Company in'which anum Wr of Juniata county people were interested in Lancaster county, were sol i at the office of the Com oany in Lancaster citv on the 15th inst.. for 205,000 subject to (i0.- 000 first mortgage bonds Tt was sold by the Providence Life Trust Com pany trustee. There had leen a default in the payment of interest on $4,250,000 of bonds issued when John .T. Patterson xftia president. The default in the payment of in terest brought the concern to a state of financial collapse, A new company has been organized. REPORT OF ARCH ROCK SCHOOL FOR MONTH KJfDIX NOVEMBER 17, 1809. Whole No." in attendance during month 49; average attendance 33; per cent of attendance 91. The fol lowing were present every day dur ing month : Grace V. Stoner, Esther E. Pan naliaker. Dessie P. Leonard, Flor ence R. Temple, Jennie F. Krebbs, Ella F. Longacre, Maggie F. Whistler, Millie Grose, Esther E. Diimm, Mabel A. Horning, Emily J. Horning, Carrie M. Warner, Eva J. Warner, Pearl M. Wentel, Retta M. Longacre, Jnnie M. Dav is, Emily M. Wilt. Jennie S. Sn- louff. Franklin W. Page, Martin L. Stambangh. Charlie E. Temple, Stephen R. Sulonff, Irvin J. Tem ple, Charlie W SuloufT. Ei.i.a B. Wii.t, Teacher. . MARRIED: Kai'ffman Sixsek. On the 14th inst.. at McAlisterville, bv Rev. H. S. Welty, Foster A. Kauff man of Walker township and Mar garet Fronk Singer of Thompson town. Browaxd Lotz. On the 15th inst., at Mifflintown by Rev. Wm. R. Picken, Joseph H. Browand of Mifflintown and Helen E, Lotz, of Lewistown Mifflin Co., Pa. Siiiom.. Swkigart. On the 15th inst., at Oscela Mills, Mr. A. G. Scholl of MifHinto-n and Miss Maude M. Sweigart of Osceola Mills, Clearfield county, Pa. Mr. Scholl is one of the rising young-business men of Mifflintswu, and is President aud General bus- ness manager of the Tuscarora Tel ephone Company. They will be at home in Mitnintown after Decem ber 1st. The Sentinel and Re PCBI.ican desires to express con gratulation and le-t wishes. Jeremiah George of Losch, Jun iata county, Ia., and Barbara Ida Watts of Richfield, Juniata Co. William A. Kerlin of Mil ford township and Sarah E. Souders of Turbett township. James I. Lauver ofMilfordTwp and Nellie township. R. Conrad of Mil ford STATE VOTE. The official vote of the Stale as an nounctd from Harrishurg shows that LieuteDant Colonel James E. Barn ett received a plurality of 110,488 over Wm. T. Creasy in the contest for State Treasurer. Judge John I. Mitchel received 15(5,350 more votes than Char ha J. Redly for the Super ior Couit Judgeship. J. nay iJrown received 103,486 more voU s for the Supreme Couit Judgeship than S. Leslie Aleotrtzat. Brown was the big best man on both tickets aod Barcett the lowest on the Republican ticket. Creasy nulled the largest Democratic vote and Me8trezat the low st. Dr. Dmrid 'KmmmmAj'm Fmrorite Xemedy fraquMtl? curat number ot a family. Whila k is conaidarad by m&ay to b a Kidaay aaa Bladder Medicine, it ia Jnat aa certain to w Dyipeaeia, Ceattipatie. K.b matism. Scrofula and Eczema. . This ia bacanaa k Aral puta the Kidaaya ia a healthy condition, to thay can lift all impontie from Healthy blood practically meaoa a completely healthy Hera la a letter from Mr. Capt. Prraa Raca, of N. T. : ' My husband was troubled with his kidnays, fearfully with shooting pains through his back. Ha David Kennedy Favorite Kemedjr, and is now well ana strong. Altnougn seventy year of age, ha is aa hearty as a man many years younger. I was so troubled with Dyspepsia that it waa painful for mo to walk. My food did ma no good, .- as sny stomach could. not digest it. Somebody recommended Favorite Remedjr to me.andafter taking two bottles of it I waa completely cured, and am feeling splendid now. Wo both attribute our good health to Favorite Remedy." It ia prescribed with unfailing success for Narva Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood it ia a specific It baa cured many that were beyond the aid of other medicine. Ask your druggist for it, and insist upoa getting it Doa't tato substitute. It will cost you fti.oo for a regular full-sisad bottle. Carnpfo Bottlo Frco If yoa want to try Favorite Remedy before buying, send year fall post office address to the Da. David Kbnnbdy CosrosATioM, Rondout, N. Y., and mentis this paper. They will send you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid. This genuine offer is made to prove to SOHOTT'S -:- -:- STORES. Bargain Days ! Bargain Days ! COMMENCING NOVEMBER UNTIL DECEMBER 2. We need room for our display ot HOLIDAY GOODS, and will therefore offer you a special reduction for a few weeks on our goods in all our departments. g1f mm Wjs. aC-TT Y.T'' YZ A duty you owe to joursslf to come here yLlMmVA J ll-'Ia.j BOd procure some of these Bargains: 00 yards of 32 inch Bleaebed Muslio for 4 cents. 2.000 ysrds of Dress Flanneletts and Outwe Cloth f 6jMh 720 Hesvy Fleeced Ribbed ClildreD Vests, 2 pants, for 10 to 75 250 ladies' Cacbmere Mitts for 121 cents a pair, as per siie 150 Psir Hesvv Knit Wonl Lined Gloves for Aen for 25 cents. 1.000 ysrds of Dsrk Ginghams as 4 oents. 3.000 ysrrfs of Lancaster snd AmoAeeg Ginghams for a cents. 1.000 ysrds of Blsek snd Colored Sateens for cent. 1.000 ysrds of Good Towliag for 3 1-3 cents. 100 Flsnnelette Petticoats or Skirts for 24 ce"- 100 Ladies' Wrsppere for 49, 69 and 89 cents. 200 yards All Wool Cloth for 25 cents. 400 yards of Faney Plaid Dress Goods for 74 cents. ' 1.000 ysrds of Dsrk Calicoes for 31 cents, 10 vsrds m a piece. 100 Comfortables, filled with good cotton, for 98 200 pairs or White snd Polored Bed Blankets for 49 cents. 500 psirs orChildren's Hear? Cotton Hoes for 6 eents 600 pairs of Men s Sesmless Heavy Scks for 5 oeota 500 Lsdies' Fleeced Bibbed Vesta for 12 cents. 250 Ladies' Extra Heavy Fleeoed Winter Vests for 24 cents. 250 Suits of Men's Hssvy Shirts and Drawers for 48 cents. 250 White Unlanadr'.ed 8hirts for 89 cents. 2.000 yards of Yellow Canton Flannel, 10 yards for 44 cents. 2,000 yards of White Sbsker Flsnnel for 4 J cents. 5.000 yards of all kinds or Dress Goods at reduced prices. 2,000 yards of Cloth and Pants Goods ot reduced prices. 1,000 ysrds of Mnslins, Sheetings, Flannels at rednoed prices. SHOE SELIiTNG, 500 pairs of Ladies' Hesvv Winter Shoes, former price $1.50, all leather for $1 19. 500 pair Ladies' Dress Shoes, former price $1.50, for $1.19. 300 pairs of Ladies' Shoes, former price f 1.50 to $2 50, for 79 cents. 2,000 pairs of Men's, Boy's and Children Shoes at extra ordinary and special reduced prioes. 1,000 Ladies Rubbers for 25 cents a pair. 300 psirs of Men's Good Felt Boot aad Overs for $175, $2 and $2 50. Jackets, Capes $ Coats, and Suits. Oar large assortment ef strictly tsylor msde Jackets, Capes, and Suit, continue to draw tbe attention of the ladies, the value and style are tbe best obtainable. All we ask your inspection and eompsrison, yoa are enre to buy, also offer yoa 150 of styles Cloaks for ladies and children at $1, $2, and $3 fromer price $5 to $10. Come qiiok, before they are all gone. CARPETS AND OIX CLOTH. Strined Carpets for 12A cents. Domestic Csrpet for 20 cents, Flowered and Home-Made Carpets for 25 cents. Table Oil Cloth for 12! oents, a 2 yards p;ece of Fine Floor Oil Cloth for 89 cents. Laee Curtains Goods at specially redused prices. 500 rolls of Wall Paper, former price was 10, 12 J and 15 cents for 8 cents a doable bolt Don't miss this opportunity and don't forget the Place and Date. SCHOTT'S STORES, 103 TO 109 BEIDGE STREET, 1865, ESTABLISHED. 1899. Special invitation To 17ie JPublie To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HAELEY It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who nave money to invest to MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLEi of Suits and Overcoats at the His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f jil to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN J?-A. tae blaad. body. Hadsea. aadsaffaraj took Or. everybody what a wonderful medicine it hvJ 1C. AND WILL CONTINUE cents. examine the Stock of Goods for Wonderfully Low Prices. : Lome a. inoKi. : F. If . St. Panau. ATKtSSOS at PBMllEt.1,, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. MlfTLINTOWN, FA. Or no a On Mela street, hi place of resi dence of Louis K. Atkinson, Bsq,., soutb Bridge street. fOct26,1892 u7Co!!eetbur and Goavevaaclnc prou: fT 1XBERFORCE SCHWETER, Attorney-at-Law. 9ColleotioDB and all legal busi ness promptly attended to. ; OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DI.D.aliWtDID, DB. DAI WIS I4IlVIOD yy- D- K . CRAWFORD a SON. bave formed a partnership for tbe pwt of Medicine and their collatteral branch-. Office at old stsnd, corner of Tbird an4 sage streets, Miffiintown, Fa. On or bo't o tbem will be found at tbeir office at all tunes, unless otherwise profeMior-'lv en g !. April 1st, 18S6. P. DEER. PRACTICAL. DENTIST. Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College. Offioe at old established lo cation. Bridge Street, opposite Court House, Jlifflinfown, Pa. ICF"" Crown and Bridge work J Painless Extraction. All work gusrsnteed. - FENNSYLVA10TA RAILB0AD ednle in Effect Nov. U, 189!. WEHTWAKI). Wav PaHsenper, leaves Philadelphia at 4 HO a. m: Harrmbunr 8 00 a. m: Duncannnii 8 3.5 a. m: New Port 9 05 a. m; Millerstown 9 15 a. m: Thirword 9 21 a. mNThompHoiitowiv 9 26 a. m: Van Dvke 9 33 a. m: Tiiarora 9 SB a. m: Mexk-o 9 40 a. in: Port Uoval 9 44 a. m: Mifflin 9 50 a. m: Penholm 9 55 a. m: Tvewistown 10 13 a. m McVevtown 10 38 a. m: Newton Ham "ton 11 00 a. m: Mount Union 11 06 a m: Hunting don 11 32 p. m: Tvrone 12 20 . m: Al toona 1 00 n. m: Pittuhiinr 5 50 p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m: Harrishunr at 11 48 . m: Mifflin 1 11 n. m: T.ewintovn 1 30 p. m: Hunting don 2 29 p. m: Tvrone 3 12 p. m: Al toona 3 45 n. m: Pittfhurar 8 40 p. m. Altoona Ainnimodatioii leaves Har rishurf at 5 00 n. m: Punoannon 5 34 Pv m: Newport 6 02 p. m: Millerstown 11 p. m: Thnmpsontown 21 p. m: Tuwarora 6 30 p. m: Mexii-o 6 33 p. ra: Port Royal 38 p. m: Mifflin 6 43 p. m; Den holm 6 49 p. m: Ijewistown 7 07 p. m: Movevtowii 7 an p. ra: jNewron Hamilton 7 50 p. ra: Hiintinirdon 8 20 p. m: Tyrone 9 02 p. m: Altoona 9 35 p. m. Pacific Kxpress leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 n. ra: Harrtaburg at 3 00 a. m. Marysv'He 3 14 a. m. DunoaiMion 3 29 a ra. Newport 8 52 a m. Port Royal 4 25 a. m. Mifflin 4.30 a. m. Lewistown 4 52 a m. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m. Huntinedon (a a. m. Petersburg 19 a. m. Tvrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a. ra. PittsbiirK 12 10 a. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 35 p. m. Harrlsbur" nt 10 20 p. m. Newport 11 OR p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. m. Tiewistown 11 58 p. m.: Huntingdon 12 55 a. m. Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00 a. m. Pittsburg 5 80 a. m. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25-p. m. Harrisbursr3 45 p. ra. Dunoan non 4 10 p. m. Newport 4 30 p. m. Mif flin 5 W- p. m. Iiewistown 5 22 p. m. Mount Union 6 03 p. m. HuntinKdou 6. 22 p. m. Tvrone 6 59 p. m. Altoona 7 35 p, rih-PUtsbunr 11 30 p. m. EASTWARD ; - Altoona Accommodation leavevAl toona at 5 0" a. m. Tvrone 5 24 a. m. Petersbunr 5 45 a. ra. Huntingdon 5 57 a. m. Newton Hamilton 6 21 a. m. Mc Vevtown 6 37 a. m. -lie wist" m" 7.1K a. m. 1'ort 1 -r-a. ra. Thompsontown 7 37 aTnT Millers town 7 40 a. m. Newport 7 55 a. m. Duncannon 8 20 a. m. Harrisburg 8 50 a. m. Sea Shore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a. m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone 7 48 a. m. Huntingdon 8 30 a. m. McVevtown 9 15 a. m. iiewistown so a. in. iMimm woo a. m. Port Royal 9 50 a. m. Thompson- town 10 14 a. in. Millerstown 10 22 a. m. Newport 1132 a. m. Duncannon 10 54 a. m. Marysville 11 07 n. in. Harns- burar 11 25 a. m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. m. Maiirl.ine Kxpress leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. m. Altoona 1 1 40 a. in. Tyrone 12 03 p. ra. Huntingdon 12 So p. m. Ijewistown 1 33 p ra. Mifflin 1 50 p ni. Harrisburg 3 10 p. ra. Raltiniore 6 00 p. m. Washington 7 15 p. m Philadelphia 6 23 p. m. Mail leaves Altoona at wo p. ni. Ty rone 235 p ni Huntingdon 3 1i p- m. Newton Hamilton 3 47 p ni McVey town 4 20 n. ra. Ijewistown 4 33 p. ra. Mifflin 4 55 prin. Port Royal 5 00 p. ni. Mexico 5 'JO p m Tlnniisoiitowii 5 18 p.m. Millerstown ti3S p ni. JNewport 5 39p m. Duncannon 15 OS p. ni. Har- rislmnr K p pi s'ail Kxpress leaves rtttslmigat 1 4o p. ni- Altoona o oo p m l.vnme t i p.m. Huntingdon 7 10 p m. vcvev town 7 51 l. in- Ijewistown 8 10 p. ni. i Mifflin 8 30 p. in. lVrt Royal 8 34 p. m. Millerstown 8 57 p. ra. Newxrt 9 0o p. m- Duncaunoii 9 29 p. m. Harrisburs 10 00 p m. Philadelphia Kxpress leaves Pitts burg at 4 30 p. ra. Altoona 9 05 p. ra Tvrone 9 33 p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 p. ni. Mount Union 10 32 p. ni. Lewis town U 16 p. m. Afiffliii 11 37 p. in Har risburg 1 00 a. m. Philadelphia 4 30. At ijewistown junction. r or iin- bury 7 50 a. m. and 3 40 p. ni. week days. For Jfilroy 7 55, 11 45 a. m. aud 3 00 p. ni week-days. At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur wensville 8 20 a. ra, 3 20 and 7 20 p. m. week-days. For Rellefonte and Lock Haven 8 10 a. m. 12 30 aud 7 15 p. ni. week-days. For further information apply to Ticket Agents, or Thomas K. Watt, Passenger Agent, Western Division, Corner Fifth Avenue and Kmithfield Street. Pittsburg. J. B. H UTCH I NSON, J. R. WOOD, General Man'g'r. General Pass'r. Agt WONDERFUL are the cure br Hood's ai-8aparilla and yet they are ample and natural. Hood's StinsV parilla makes PURE BLOOD. Tradc Marks ssetO Anrnne sending s etrn ua mwiw onldilT asoermln oar opinion free whether n UonsMrtctlTConBdentlaL Handbook on PatenU eat free. Oldext ency lor necuniiB imiein. Plentii tnken throush Munn a Co. recelTO Jkj . without, chnrso. in the Scientific American. A handsomclr Hlnirtrsted weeklr. Ijireest rtr cnlallon of any vcienuflc Jonrnal. Term. SSS! rear : fnnr months, L Sold bjall newadealem rum r pn astBrs.NPw Branch Offloe. 623 F St. Wanhlmrttm. D. Blood and : " rves arc very close. ly rclatetl. Keep llic bluuil rich, pure and lieaUliy. with Hoods barwiparillb and you will have no nervousness, Hzod'S Pills are besi after-dinner pills,aid diges'iou, prevent oonitipatiop k44j bo YEARS' K EXPERIENCE HOLTL,OBUaH & SOIST The only up to date Clothiers. They sell none goods.- Tbey sell more Hats and Gaps tbao all others combined? Why? beoaas tbey keep the Latest Blocks aod buy from Riokert, who sells no seoond. I BUY THK SABLE U i BRAND fan S A J V WE HAVE IT. The Douglass Shoe is another of their specialities. It talks for itself. We carry twice as many dress overcoats as any other boose. We hse the largest and best Line of .Men's, Boy's and Children's Suits The very latest out We are sgeots for the 8teet Orr Overalls. We buy by the case from Sweet Orr Co, not by the dozen pairs from second hand. We are bead qnar ters for those goods. The other fellow is Hind-qnarters. -Selsh! AH we ask is a oompsrisoo of Oar Line, snd if the line is not superior ia price, in finish, in Quality of Material and in fit, we won't ask yon to buy. We take pleasure in showing our goods, beotuse we have them to show all new, all up to da'e. CALI, AND liE CONVINCED. HOLLOBAUGH & SON. 116 MAIN STREET, Patterson, Penna. MgOLINTIO'S HARDWARE and House-Furnishing S T O R E THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. O oOo O THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Things are never dull here; never stupid. Tbe full life of the store al ws)6 bss a cheerful welcome for all comers, and shoppers ire quick to decide in favor of -te Great Values to be found in our new Neat, Stylish, ST ORE. A Speoially Selected Stock of 8auges, Cook, Parlor and Shop Stoves. Horse Blankets and Lap itobes LAMPS, largo and small. Come in and look around. We'll inske you fetl at borne. We have tbe largest Stock and Store in tbe county. GUARANTEES QUALITY. K. H. M'CUNTIC, HAVE I0U MM TO BWIT , ARE YOU A BORROWER i CALL. AT THE flBST MIFFLIN! OWN, VK. THREE PER CENT I3STTEREBT PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATED, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. - March 5, 1898. -THE- Juniata-Valley National Bank. Capital .... S0,O00. LOUIS E. ATKINSON, President T. V. IRWIN, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Louis E. Atkinson. V. C. Pomeroy. John Hertzler. J. L. Barton H. J. Snellen berger. W. N. Sterretf. T. Van Irwin. Interest allowed on time deposits a the rate of three per cent, per annmm. January 11, 1899. Th Sales of Hood's Ssrarjaril are the largest in the world becaoA lie cures by Hood's SsmarjariUa a7 onderfnl, perfect, permanent. Hood's Pills are the best few cathartic and liver medicine, g&c. but up to date , I S OS 3 t ijf3iE Jk-..v."!'-? MIFFLINTOWN. SEVENTY-SEVEN,-("77.") '"is Dr. HumphreyB famous Specific fur tbo enro of Grip and Colds, and tho preventien of Pm umo nia. All druggists, 25c. Subscribe for the Skstinix amd IIepvblican, a paper tliat contains choice reading matter, full of inform tiou that does tbe reader good, and in addition to that all loral news that are worth publishing Gnd places in its columns. If. HUMPHREYS No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headache. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leucorrhea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IS " Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough) No. 21 " Asthma. No. 24 " General Debility. No. 26 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " s Urinary Disease No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 " Sore Throat. No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Da. HuifPHBETs' Homeopathic MincjVX. of Diheases Mailed Fbre. Small bottle of pleasant pellets, fit the Test pocket. Sold by druggist?, or wnt prepaid apoQ receipt of price, 26 centK, except N( l. and SE are made $1.00 iz; only. Humphreys' Medt cine Company, 111 Wlllium St., New York. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." rorPflai Bjwiiial or Internal, DUiidorBleedlnfi Fistula In Ano; ltcnlmtorUleedlns of the Kwum, Tbe relk-f U Immedlatcr tlin cure certain. rsios, eo ots. triat. size. v oTf. Sold "J DrnffvMta, m Mul ru-pkIl mi rarp4 arflaaj lamaasf r asskcsw. 1 11 s i is sl. isw was
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers