Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 19, 1899, Image 4

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fcractbias that Will Iitoml tba Ja
cnile Member of Every Hoaaehold
-Quaint Action a ad Bright Seyiase
: ef Many Cate a ad Cnaaiaa Ckildraav
I thought when I learned my letters
That all my troubles wore done;
Bnt I find myself mistaken
They hare only jnst began.
Learning to rem was awful,
Bnt nothing like learning to write,
I'd be sorry to have you tell it,
Cut my copy-book is a sight.
The ink gets over my fingers.
The pen cats all sorts of shines;
And rvnn't do at all as I bid It,
The letters won't stay on the lines.
Bnt go up and down and all over.
As though they were dancing a jig
They are there in all shapes and sixes.
Medium, little and big.
There'd be some comfort in learning;
If one could get through; instead
Of that, there are books awaiting
Quite enough to craze my bead.
There's the multiplication table.
And grammar, and oh, dear met
There's no good place for stopping.
When one has begun,, I see.
My teacher says, little by little
To the mountain top we climb.
It isn't done in a minute.
But only a step at a time;
Pile says that all the scholars.
And all the wise and learned men.
Had each to besin as I do:
If that's so where's my pen?
( ninese Ha by'" Hnrd Task.
The management of the knife and
fork Is a stumbling block In the prog
ress of many an Occidental youth tot
ward complete culture, but it Is reallj
a simple matter compared with the ar
LUBM.NO to eat with chop-sticks.
of handling chop-sticks as the Chinese
baby must. He learns proficiency at
quite an early age. however, practicing
on bis bowl of rice.
(.hunk of Alcohol for Fuel.
Julius Norden, an Inventor of Alden
hoven, Germany, has discovered a way
of reducing alcohol to a solid. By his
process It Is compressed Into small
cakes, which are incased in tin, and
thus become little pocket lamps or
stoves ready for the light. When a
lighted match is touched to the top of
one of these diminutive tin cases the
aicobol blazes up brightly, and, with
out danger of explosion, will continue
to burn as long as it would have burn
ed in its original form. In this manner
It is possible for a busy man to carry
quarts of condensed alcohol in his vest
pocket, ready for use.
Why He Wanted to Fee It.
Willie, aged 5, rung a neighbor's door
bell recently and asked to see Mrs.
Blank. Being shown into the presence
of that lady, she said: "Well, Willie,
what can 1 do for you?" "May I see
your new bonnet?" asked the youthful
caller. "Certainly," said Mrs. B., as she
opened a box on the table. "Here it is.
Now tell me what made you want to
see it?" "Because." was the frank re
ply, "mamma said the sight of it made
ber sick and I wanted Jo see if it would
make me sick, too."
Peary's Last Rear.
To the youthful readers of St. Nich
olas. Lieut. Penry tells of some of his
adventures as a killer and a capturer
of polar bears.
. At the first glimpse of daylight on thp
moruini; of Sept. 4, the Hope got und-.-i
way, and steamed out for Cape York
to land my faithful Eskimo assistants.
As we steamed out through the western
passage Iwtweeti Meteorite Island and
Akpudi. we entered the fleet of count
less bergs sweeping out of Melville
Bay. dazzling In their glitteriug bril
liancy. ami with the dancing whltecaps
flashing between them in every direc
tion. Scarcely were we well within this
Arctic white squadron, threading 0111
way between llK' stately cruisers, when
one of my quick-eyed Eskimos cried
out, "Nannooksoah!" He had seen the
bear for an instant far up on the tip ot
a big berg, one of the tabular giants of
Melville Bay. peering over Its preclp
Itous face, but it had quickly disnp
peared. As we steamed slowly rouud
the berg, he came into view again, 11
beautiful white animal with contrast
ing black nose, moving leisurely along
the surface of the Iceberg. The cap
tain and I both chanced a shot at him
at long range, and the captain's buller
grazed his hind leg. making him whirl
and snap savagely at the wound. Then
be galloped awkwardly awy and lis
appeared round a pinnacle of the beru
Circling the berg again, we discovert!
him in the water swimming vlgorons'y
and several shots were tired nt u'm
ot wmcn took effect, and he rVparentij
collapsed completely; yet a few mo
ments later he was swimming of!
again, and It was only after I bad a
boat lowered that he was secured.
The fur of the animal was so spot
feasly white and uustaiued that I gave
orders not to have lriui lowered upon
the deck, but kept him suspended from
the tackle until, a few hours later, we
reached Cape York, and, mooring the
Hope against the race of a glacier, he
was swung out on to the surface of the
;lacler, covered with newly fallen
snow, and there skinned and the beau
tiful pelt rolled up and packed away
ill unsullied. This was our last bear.
Thought Father Talkc l Ton Long.
A 6-year-old urchin accidentally cut
u:4 shoe with a knife, and his father
(ruceeded to scold Mni at great leugtb
.ir bis carelessness. The little fellow
stened patiently for a time, then look
:. g up at his father, said: "Papa, if you
'Jou't stop talking so much about It
ou'll get me inad, too."
'lie druggist who has conscientioi--i
ui!e9 should also possess conscii u
.. ouuees and pounds.
faXMn lkaUtl voric or outdoor
exercise ?
Win cure after a few appli
cations, and make the
ric'cllsa Sttaatiou of a Brttlah Ottawa
io the Alexandria Caaapalsra.
It Is the bulldog fearlessness aad
tenacity of an Englishman that make
aim a conqueror even when he faces a
mob of barbarians. After the bom
bardment of Alexandria by the English
Beet bad driven the Egyptian troops
jut, the city was looted by thieves and
cutthroats. Three or four hundred
bluejacket were landed, who stopped
the outrages by arresting every person
found with plunder in bis possession.
On arrest a person was tried by
jrumhead courtmartial. and the sen
tence, shooting or flogging, was exe
rut without delay. An Englishman,
Hulme Beamau. who assisted in pun
ishing the robbers, describes In his
book. "Twenty Years in the Neat
East." a dangerous experience from
which he was enabled to emerge by
fool, fearless, bulldog pluck.
He bad been detailed to superintend
the flogging of two prisoners and Hit
snooting of a third, the sentence to be
carried out at their native village, a
nest of thieves. There were ten thou
sand of the riffraff looking on. Five
lollcemen (Egyptians) and three En
glishmen represented law and order.
The prisoner, sentenced to be shot for
i murder, was fitted into a shallow
grave, and the policemen fired a volley,
mild the execrations of the mob.
Only Mr. Beaman and the Egyptian
officer commanding the police under
itood what the mob were saying, and
the Egyptian begged the three En
glishmen to get away while yet tbeie
wa. time. They, however. Insisted on
seeing the flogging carried out, and re
marked that the slightest symptom of
fear would excite the mob to murder
' The flogging exasperated the crowd,
already excited by the execution, and
they pressed close round the English
men. "It is time to put an end to Intidels
torturing believers!" said a portly old
Arab sheikh, close to Seaman's elbow.
Tne Englishman seized the Arab, and
told the mob they should be ashamed
if themselves to sympathize with a
murderer and thieves. A sullen silence
followed. The prisoner, placed In a
carriage, in which a policeman and two
Englishmen a Wo rode the third rldln?
horseback aiongIde-was driven at a
walk through the dense throng.to Alex
andria, where a court martial ordered
him to be flogged.
The next year that sheikh called on
Mr. Beaman at Cairo, brought with him
little presents, admitted the justice of
his punishment, and he and Mr. Bea
man remained the best of friends. The
faintest sign of weakening would hav
turned that mob into furious wolves.
The American Sunday School Union
whose headquarteis are in Philadel
phia with Morris K. Jesup of New
York as President, will on the 25th of
next May celebrate its Seventy-fifth
Anniversary in Philadelphia. A Special
Committee of Arrangements has been
appointed. Claikson Clothier Chairman,
William H. Wanamaker. William C.
Stoever. H. C. Clara of Philadelphia,
Robert T. B. Easton and John N. Beach
of New York, with J. M. Andrews as
Secretary- and Klmer B. Stevenson of 1
Iowa as Assistant to the Chairman.
The Academy of Music one of the
laigext Aud'toriums of the city, has
already been secured for the meetings.
Many leading speakers of the country
are to be here and representatives of
the t'nion from all parts of the United
Stales will be present. No pains will
be spared to make this one of the great
est gatherings of the kind ever held in
this country.
This is the oldest and largest Sunday
School Missionary Society in America,
having for its field of operations the
whole United States and has organized
over one hundred thousand Sunday
Schools during its seventy-five years
rpf work.
France, or at least Marseilles, has
become an enormous consumer of
American cottonseed oil. not only the
edible oil, which, it is presumed, is con
verted into "olive oil" for reimporta
tion, but of the soap stock, used pre
sumably in the manufacture of castlle
soap and other fancy brands. In 1898
there were imported at Marseilles 120.
541 barrels of edible oil and 143.739 bar
rels of soap stock. The latter is a pro
duct of cottonseed oil caused by the
refining process, the thick and fatty
parts of the crude oil being precipitated
and so treated as to be available for
the purpose named.
I nrlov Ten Teats
An ?-t by mail Irlil bottlei Hoxaie's Troup
rnr- and ros e' biks lor roup, rough..
C..ldN lir i ciltei. A. 1" 11. It xi-, I'uff tl.. -N Y
AH men's souls are Immortal, but
the souls of the righteous are both Im
mortal and divine.
fiirr Cniranti-r'l UH J. t. MATKR.IOU
Alti'llHT.. lillL.V. PA. Kase at once: "!THE
orra:i n or del Iroin bii-l'iess. Consultation
lice. Enforcements oi iilir-ieian. ladles aoj i
pKiiiiiiient citizen-! heua lor circular ome
i;.n a a M. to 1 I. Il
Feople who fish for others are apt I
In Vw fniicrht themselves. I
iro-Tn-Bae far Fifty Ceata,
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men Mroriu, blood pure. cOc. f L All druitgista
A man is strong when he admits to
himself his own weakness.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing; Syrup for children
teething, sotlms the gums, reducing- inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, &jc a bottle.
There is -only one person you
to manage, and that is yourself.
D-a"l Tubarre Sit sad Smoke Tear Ul Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mac
netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac.
the wonder-worlter. that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 50e or tl. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or Netr York.
The great art of conversation is to
know when to talk and when to lis
ten. Dr. Seth Arnold's Coutrh Killer Is a won
derful medicine for Weak I.nngs. Ida
Babhows. . Deer Grove. 111 March 31. 1898
A good reputation is like money at
interest it is ali the time increas
ing. 1o Ists a fold In One Daw.
laks LasMtre Promo OnlniDe TtUMs. AO
Druggists rrluitd a.icry t; tl fat late core. ata.
Hope is often a cruel jade, but, after
all, she is one of the best friends we
The More You Say the Less People Remember."
One Word With You.
PREPARE for th turn of Ufa. It U a critical period.
As indications of the change appear be we your phy si
' cal condition is good. The experience is a wonderful
one and under some circumstances full of menace. Mrs. Pink
ham, of Lynn, Mass.. will gire you her advice without charge.
tauzg tvra
ivorjmn of
ing and became Tery weak. When I wrote to you I was down
in bed. Bad not sat up for six months; was under a doctors
treatment all the time, but it did me no good. . I had almost
given up in despair, but your Vegetable Compound has made
me feel like a new woman. I cannot thank you enough. I
would advise any woman who is afflicted as I have been to
write to Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass., and get her ad
vice and be cured as I have
Mrs. F. H. Allen. 419 Ne
braska Ave.. Toledo. Ohio,
writes :
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
Change of life was working on
me. My kidneys and bladder
were affected. I had been
confined to the house all sum
mer, not able to stand
on my feet for any
1no-th ctt time. Terri
ble pains when urinat-fet
ing and an itching that
nearly drove me wild.
I had tried many reme
dies. I told my hus
band I had great faith
in yours and he got me a bottle; am now on my fourth bottle.
I feel that I am entirely cured. I can work all day. I can hardly
realize that such a wonderful cure is possible. Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound is the best medicine for women."
Don't wait until you are prostrated with the mysterious con
dition known as "Change of Life." Get Mrs. Pinkham's ad
vice and learn how other women got through.
Prefers Hnmethin-r Else.
Visitor Why do they cal Col. Swal
lerby "Old Hoss?"
Native Because they can lead him to
water, but they can't make him drink
't. Puck.
St ats or Oajto, Crrr or ToMnm, I
Lcoaa Cotnrrr. 1
Frank J. Chbkby makes oath that as Is tba
senior partner of the Ann of F. J. t amii
10.. doing bnaineaalB the City of Toledo, Count -and
State aforesaid, and thai said arm will pay
the sum of on a hundhbd dollars for each
and every eaue of catabrh that cannot bi
eared by the nee of Hiu.'i Catarrh ubb.
Frank J. thbhbv.
Sworn to before me and subscribed la my
I i presence, this Mb day of December,
1 ibal V A. D. 18a. A. W. Oluw.
( ( fiam public
Hall's Catarrh On re is taken Internally, and
acta dir. etly on the blood and mucous surface
f the system. Send for testimonials, free.
T. 1. 1 rivii as .o Toledo, O.
Sold by Drag-gists, JSc.
Hall's r amify Pills are the beat.
Fame that you can't make your bread
and butter out of. Is a poor invest
ment. Beanty la Blooa Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin.
beautv without it. Cascarets. Candy Catbar-
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by j jf 12, and when well under way they
stirring up the Jazy hver and driving .all im- j oeJjall to cook 8npper on the caboose
purities from the body. Begin to-day to r . , , .
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, j ove. The rear brakeman. on watch
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking I in the cupola, observed that the eugine
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug- 1 (eemed to have unusual difficulty In
gists, .at.sfact.on guaranteed, 10c. 25c, 50c. pumng H(? QQt
There is no one who gets so tired and : fact wl,h tbf Pence of several
disgusted with himself as a lazy : hoboes on top of the cars. who. un
man. ' known to him. were setting brakes and
- ' stalling the train. The front door of
Educate Year Bowel. With Cascarets. , tne caboo8e flew opeu. and four masked
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, j . , .....
t0c, 2.ic. tfc.ee. fail, druggists refund money. ! armed men ordered the occupants
Take the place and attitude which
belong to you, and all men will ac
quiesce. Plso's Cure for Consumption relieves the
nost obstinate coughs. Rev. D. BrcHMUaxr
lbr, Lexington, Mo.. February 34. 1894.
He who can suppress a moment's
anger may prevent days of sorrow.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c
If C C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money'
Good luck has ruined more men than
bad luck ever did.
Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervoat
nen slier first day s ate of Dr. Kline s Great
Serve Krsto er. M trial bottle and treatise free
1K. R. II. KL1NB. Ltd. Mil ArcbSu 1'lul.i. i'.i
Relying on virtue Is relying on the
truest philosophy that is.
Spalding's Official
Base Ball Guide
Editbo bt Hbnby Cbadwick.
New Playing Rules.
Sand for CAtmlan of ft Bll -vol AttokMta tftjoJ
!-iw Vrk. DeaTgr. CUcmy .
any better ink than j
we do we don't
know how to. We
ls the best that can
can make poorer
made. It costs vou no
more than the poorest.
'ana cneaper 109,:
hut we wont.
Funny booklet " How to Make Ink Pictures "fire.
CARTER'S INK CO.. Boston. Mass.
Ladies' Cycle raa'le
Fine material, fine
workmanship, easy
to mount, easy to
ride. None better.
Price very low. Afssts
wasted, l.adyor Cent.
Chatsless Cycle Mfg. Co., Sole Masnfactarers
iPrssssct Strati. ' tOCHESTER, N. T.
ANY LADY who can sew can earn good pay
making neckwear for us at home ; work ail
cut sent by mail any distance post paid. Send
10 cents for particulars and sealed contract for
employment. Work can be done in spare time.
Home Employment Co.
UW East 23th Street, New York.
rjAfjTFn mim ni mm
" Send25cfora2t-psgepam
phlet containing a 1.1st sfnes(laas asked by
an examining board of engineers. Address
Uearfl. A. Z-l er. Bookseller. IS S 4tb St.,
St. Louis, Mo. Mention this paper.
VLANTED Boys to work few hours after
school and receive free the highest grade
punching bags, boxing gloves, foot-balls,
catchers' mitts, cameras and McFadden exer
cisers; easy and pleasant work; send 10c for
sample and particulars.
MONDAY MF'G CO., Rochester, N. Y.
T 9 I qaiekrslMf and was worst
at t iimiwi.i i I A j
Frsa. Dr. a. B. .keen's sons Boa D. Attaata.
$1. DR. READ, ioji 5outh Street. Pnila.
w Cough Syrup. TytM Good. Vm
. ru.n OT CtMlsttv,
OnV-lal r
ATerait l"m battln !.
National flaajr I s- flsld n.
and minor aa If pitching
leagues SS Basaj w aaa- bass
and sF running:
college ffSJBfK a a how to
clubs: ILsaT aBa I I nadths
pictures of 4 I I pUrsn'
aim IIbbV sVsV STaragtM.
I I etc
She has done so mucn tor women,
surely you can trust her. Read
this letter from Mrs. M. C. Grip
ping, of Georgeville, Mo. :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: The
doctor called my trouble ulcera
tion of womb and change of life.
I was troubled with profuse flow
Deeds of Darina; that the Men Them
selves Bomct raes Forget.
The Century has published several
articles on the Heroes of I'eaee. and
sue of the best of the series appears
in a late number of the magazine. It
Is called "Heroes of the Railway Ser
vice," and consist of notes from the
xperlence of Charles De La no HIne.
The writer is a graduate of West I'olnt.
who, after serving four years as an
)tlicer, voluntarily resigned his com
mission In the army to become a
freight-bra tenia n. He worked six
months as a brakeman and two years
ts a yard-master, all of the time in
coustaut contact with the men and the
j 3anger8 he describes. In the lnte war
1 be was a major in the First District
i if Columbia Volunteer Infantry. Here
is one of the good stories he tells:
I Not long ago a freight-conductor
1 itarted on a night run after drawing
, his mouth's wages from the pay-car.
: He had with him his young son. a lad
to tnrow up their bands, me con-
ductor Jumped to shield bis child,
seized a coupling-pin and .smashed a
head, but not until four shots had rung
out and three bullets were In bis body.
Fighting to the last, be fell dead in the
doorway. The brakeman was shot in
the arm, and made his escape from the
car to the ground. Fearing be would
give the alarm and cause their capture,
the bandits fled. Then the boy showed
that the blood of heroes is transmitted
to succeeding generations. He pulled
the body of his father inside, and coolly
secured his money and watch. He no
ticed that the train was barely moving,
aud it occurred to bim that there was a
second section close behind. He knew
the brakeman had no lantern even :f
ilive. The plucky boy took the red
light and torpedoes, dropped off. ran
oack. expecting at every step to be
shot, aud flagged the other train. Trav
?lers westward over the Big Four
sometimes wonder why a slender vol
unteer seems so prominent in helping
the switchmen attach the dining-car at
3ne of the terminals. If they happen
to inquire, the men reply: "Why. that
s John's boy, the conductor those
bums put In the clear' that pay-day
last year."
Lapsed la ltacorum, Since WhicM No
body Will Consent to Use It. .
The town of Holden, Me.. Is the owner
t a hearse that Is out of a job. It is a
good hearse, only six years old, clean,
bright, and as good as new; but in spite
of Its apparent attractiveness and In
spite of the fact that it cost the town
$700, it has not carried a coffin or led a
funeral procession for more than foil;
Until five years ago it was the most
popular and widely employed hearse in
northern Hancock County, and was
hired by people in Eddington, Dedbam,
and Clifton. One day the driver, hav
ing taken a body to Brooklin for Inter
ment, saw a chance to turn an honest
dollar by bringing back a load of salt
fish. Then thetrouble began. The fish
didn't harm the hearse any, and the
hearse didn't hurt the fish, but when
the story got ont the usefulness of the
hearse was gone. Those who had
friends to bury sent to Bangor, ten
miles away, and paid f 10 or $15 for a
hearse sooner than have the local
hearse for nothing. The town had the
hearse newly painted and varnished,
hoping to remove the prejudice, bnt the
fish story held on. and the village boys
threw stones at the hearse house to
show their contempt. In a year or so
the feeling against the hearse became
so strong that men declared In their
wills that their heirs should be disin
herited in case the testators were car
ried to the grave in the Holden hearse.
Those who didn't wish to mention the
hearse got around it by demanding that
their bodies should be conveyed in a
hearse from Dedbam or Bangor. These
wills were filed In the probate office In
Bangor, and before the property could
he divided the heirs were obliged to
prove that the renues t regarding tbi
hearse had been fulfilled.
The affair baa caused no end of trou
ble and expense, but In spite of the time
that has elapsed the feeling Is stronger
to-day than It was fire years ago. This
spring there Is an article in the town
warrants "to see if the town will vote to
tell the hearse." It will be adopted.
jab-Fare Regulators, .
' Five hundred cabs In Paris have been
provided with the new Maris Indicat
ors to regulate the fare according to
the tin of the driva.
Waraias Notes Calllas the Wicked to
THE Bible Is a
weapon of at
tack; It needs no
It willnot pay
to be always ask
ing, will It pay?
God has not as
cended above our
needs and sor
rows. When yon walk
God's way, yon
may know His works.
Cod gave us a gospel that needs no
There Is only one day in a year, that
Is: To-day.
It Is only tba coward who finds it
accessary to be cruel, .
Infidelity plucks the flowers and
scoffs at the gardener.
You cannot bury your sorrow, bnt
Christ can bear It for yon.
It is not opposition without, but
tpatby within, that hinders.
The supreme business of the devil is
to keep men'r eyes from Jesus.
If God judged us as harshly as we do
our fellows, we might well fear.
Sin may bide Its sting till the grave
puts you out or reach of the remedy. .
The saloon was born of evil, but It
exists because good men tolerate It. .
ConipetUlon may be the life of busi
ness, but It is the death of the church.
Christ's presence turns the common
waters of our lives Into heavenly wine.
The safety vaults of your heavenly
treasures may be the hauds of the
To turn a new leaf is not enough;
there must be a new life to make the
Human selfishness lost us Eden, but
Divine 8elf-forgetfulnc8S has given us
Many a m-iu will slam the door In
the devil's faca. and oiieu a window to
let him in.
You cannot do Christ's work In the
world, unless you have Ills love for
the world.
We say we believe in Christ, but we
sceiu to put our trust in orators, choirs
and financiers.
It is no use singing "Crown Him Lord
of All," while you go right on paying
taxes to the devil.
Circumstances may make you poor In
pocket, but you ulone are to blame If
you are not rich in thought.
What would we do If God foreclosed
on us wbeu we failed to pay the ln:
teretit on what He has loaned us?
It is hard for the preacher to keep
people from' the opera In the week
when he runs as near to it as he can
on Sundays.
't he intidel reviles the Bible, while e
rests s-jenre under the protection of Its
lows, enforced by believers of the
Mora Ways than One.
Dyer Bullion lost a cool million yes
tenia y.
Puell Got caught in wheat?
Dyer No. His daughter married
count. Puck.
The lack of money Is the root of most
Love suffers, but it never forsakes.
THE pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well-known remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Company, illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxative principles
of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste
and acceptable to the syitem. It is the one perfect strengthening laxative,
Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and substance, and its acting on the kidnevs
liver and bowels, gently yet promptly, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative'
In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but
by a method known to the California Fig Syrup Company only. In order to get its beneficial effects and
o avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on tl.e front of every oackaire
Consunlfers of the choicest products of modern commerce purchase at about the same price that others
pay" for cheap artd-worthless imitations. To come into universal demand and to be everywhere considereri
the best of its class, Utt -article, most be capable of satisfying the wants and tastes of the best infnrn,Arl
purchasers The CaliforniariffripCompany having met with the highest success in the manufacture
and sale of its excellent liquid laxatTvFrtmedy, Syrup op Figs, it has become important to all to have
knowledge of the Company and its product. The California Fig Syrup Company was organized more thn
fifteen years ago, for the special purpose of manufacturing and selling a laxative remedy which wonW ih.
more pleasant to the taste and more beneficial in effect than any other known. The great value of
remedy, as a medicinal agent and of the Comrany's efforts, is attested by the sale of millions of Ivltti
anmtally.-nnd by the high approval of most eminent physicians. As the true and eenuine rem,X a
Syrup oy Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only, the kiiowledaof tl.-r'l
will assist in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other parties.
wr woio My mii
A resident of Oklahoma has patented
. bead canopy for protecting the head
from the rays of the son while at wortt.
a light frame being attached to the
body by straps to support an adjusta
ble covering of rain and son proof ma-,
A Westerner has patented a combined
minnow bucket and trap for fisher
men's use, consisting of a wire cy Under,
with a bale at the top which i placed
Inside a tin ieceptacle. two conical en
trances being formed In the cylinder,
through which the fish are attracted
by bait.
To assist artists and writers in draw
ing fine lines with their instruments a
new pencil and pen attachment con
slstsof an elastic finger arranged to rest
on the paper under the drawing Instru
ment and receive a portion of the
weight V the arm.
Railway cars are easUy changed from
broad to narrow gauge by an Austra
lian patent, the wheels being attached
to the axle by screw threads, several
turns In either direction drawing the
wheels together or spreading them,
with levers and ratchets to lock them In
either position.
An Iowa woman has Invented a lamp
Attachment for sewing machines, a
slotted plate be'ng secured to the rear
of the table. In which a screw slides to
bold a plate on the npper side of the
slot, the plate sliding Into convenient
position and having spring arms, which
hold the lamp.
In an improved photographic printing
frame the spring arms which hold the
back of the frame In place are attached
to the sides of the frame by automatic
catches, formed of an L-shaped piece of
metal pivoted In the frame so that pres
sure on the short end swings the long
eud over the end of the spring arm.
Compile tod Relatloaeblp.
A curious case of complicated rela
tionship exists In Oakland, as a result
of a father and son marrying two sis
ters. Alinlo Tolentino de Flguereda.
aged nfty- married May Carmyn. an
eighteen-year-old girl, and Wilfred A.
3e Figuereda. aged eighteen, married
Katherine Carmyn. twenly-three years
Did. Thus the boy will be his father s
brother-in-law; the two sisters will be
sisters-in-law; the father's wife will
be a step-mother to her brother-In-lnw;
the son's wife will be the old gentle
man's daughter-in-law as well as sister-in-law.
If children be born to the
wife of the son, the grandfather will
h their uncle, and should there be
shildren In the father's home the son
will be uncle and itep-brother. The
old man's wife will be aunt and step
erandmother to her sister's little ones.
Mast Have Drowned.
"Oh. mamma," said little Bessie, "1
found a gweat big clam hull on thf
"And was there a clam In It?" asked
ber mother.
"No," replied Bessie; " Ideas he fall
ed ont and got dwound."
The Text.
Mamma What was the text the cler
gyman preached from to-day? Kthel
(8 years old) Many are cold, bnt few
are frozen.
We suppose the hardest task in the
world would be to persuade a real
r 't1'"ss nnn to liin a suicide club.
Beauty and good nature are sel
dom found together.
uiuioio , iTice out Per DorNe.
Every farmer who makes a specialty of fancy stock
taVt pride to exhibiting: the finest product of his farm. To
show to best advantage, the natural colors of the wool or
hair must be brought out; the white in particular must be
snowy white and not tinged with dirty brown or yellow.
" I have used it for many years and find it for all prac- .
leal purposes superior to anyth'ng I have ever used. . . .
It leaves the skin soft and clear, furnishes life to the coat,
produces a beautiful growth . . . and leaves it smooth,
glossy and free from harshness. I use it with Iuke-warm
rain water, which I find is the best. This forms a rich, oily
lather, and helps loosen all stubborn scales and blotches of
the skin.
r ihu tsa. to Vto rim. a
Harden or tba Rico.
No sovereign Is so rich as the Em
peror of Russia, and no sovereign has
such heavy calls upon his purse. The
Grand Dukes Vladimir, Alexis, Serge
tnd Tanl Alexandrovitch, as well at
the Grand Duke Mlcbael-Nienoleje-vltch,
as the sons of emperors of Rus
sia, receive from the head of the bouse
an annual sum of 185,000 rubles, which,
added to their private means, makes
them very rich. The wives and widows
of Russian grand dukes receive 40,000
rabies, their sons 150,000 rubles. It
wss the late Emperor Alexander III.
who made the rule that every member
of the Russian imperial family must
spend a part of the year In Russia or
else lose a third of his or her allowance.
Time's Whirligig-.
Active, rapid and decisive that is
the text of the present age. The ce
lerity with which great events even
tuate is Illustrated by the experience
of the Maine merchant skipper who
left Manila In a sailing vessel for a
voyage around the Cape, stopping at
St. Helena. When he started there
was no expectation of war; when he
reached Maine the war was over. That
Is the way the whirligig whirls.
How It Happened.
Mrs. Wackum How did that naughty
boy of yours hurt himself?
Mrs. Snapper That good little boy of
yours hit him on the head with a brick.
-Ally Sloper.
Boldness is a good steed when wis
dom is the driver.
Syf? ip Co
1 J 1 VV I
5Iy wife bad pimples on ber face, but
she has been tukine CASi.'AKt.TS and Ihey
have all disappeared. I hud been troubtal
with constipation for some time, but after u.k
in the Urst Cascaret I bare had no trouble
with this ailment. We cannot sia too bicii
ly of Cascarets." Fred Waktii as.
670b Oermantown Ave.. Polladelfhla. P.i
Pleasant. Palatable, l otent. Taste Good. r:
Good. Merer Sicken. Weaken, or tirif e. lot. 2Jc. Mc
tttrilas Caawaar, . Vaalr.il. Sa Tact, til
MTU DAf1 Sold and guaranteed hr sharo?
" I U'DAU etiU to CX Zl f. ToUuxu limbil
The overworked brain of the business man, tb
tired body of the workinirman. are pet
tins; new strenfrtn. energy and
vigor by steadily wearing;
SffS" ""nasi C A ustrisn Patent.
naaa I-! 9 L. It. 1'. 88503.
In cases of Rheumatism, in even.- par: f the
body. Neuralgia, Gout. Par:i1vis, erou$nes,
Hyporhondiia, Palpitation of tne lUan. Dizzi
ness, Noise in the Kar, Headache. Siceple ;r.
Asthma. Hard-Hearing. I.a I'.rippe. Skin In
eases. Stomach Troubles. Red -wet ti e. C' li and
General Debilitv. FEITH'S VOLTA CKO.-.S Oil
STAR Rives relief and cure, wh.ch is proved by
incontestable testimonials.
-Pr;ce per Star or Cross, ctm-islin ol i Elec
tric Elements :
1 Electric Element, - $1.00
2 Electric Elements, 2.00
Will be sent C O. D., or after receipt of price, by
LOVIS STKF.IT. 47 K- 3l St..
zW Agents Wanted. .Wh- 1'orfc City.
or Know Thyself Manual.
A 9Upaa pamphlet by a Humanitarian and emi
nent medical authwr.
This Is a unique Vade Mernm of Medical Srlones
for MEN ONLY, whether married, inininrnt-l. or
about to marry : Younir, middle ayed .rld. Price
so cents by mail, sealed ; sent free rorrtidav.. Ad
dress The Pealljr Idedlcal Institute. No. I liullima
-!Uate Of Harvard M..HIal
Ma, t-nier ninrn i iu i-m Mi-inn.
te Bunreon 5th Mmm rt,.. vi. .i.J n,...t .ml.
vz;n?:ru?, always clkes
here Others Kail. I'nnaultatlon In person "bT
etter.from 9to8. sundnv. io to 1.
V"" th ialidv".Mc-dloal Institute ha at
talned has subjected it to a test which onlv a merit
orlous Institution could nnderuo. rT"ii J..iirnaL
ThePealaaly Medical Institute has ujmij nulls
tors, but BO euuaul lluaton licrai J.
FOR 14 Ctr.TS;
We wiah to sain thia jearV0
Bear euatoniers. ami iieuoa o"
1 rki. 13 Oar Uadii.li. !"c
IPka. Larlr Hip I'ald.aee, V
i" Lamest Red Be. t, W
l.na i...-.iiu't i u. umber lie a
t" Ksltar's Beat l.ettu.-e. be f
California f ie Tuniato, fx Z
" Karlr Dinner Omen, J X
Rrilliant flutter Hi eOa. 5
R srta 1.00, for ! 4 ecu a. 'il.i I
Above 111 pkca. worth f 1.IH, aelll I
mail ijo tree, together i! out T
great Piant and Seed t'at.de'ia V
apou receipt of t hi mil iee ' 5
Postage. Ve invite our trade ara .
Know tthan you once try !ler a a
Beedarou will never eel .i'Tisa't"-
-. bui lura, ifninn . , 1 1 ' ' .... a
p a io. raisianai
a Iibl. Catalog alone;. . ,i. a
S4I.ZKR 5Kfll.ll... Ilinilt. " s.
has been nsed hy millions of mothers for
their children while Teetl.ln-r for over Kiny
Years. It soothes the child, softens the
5U.mV,U,y" a" pain, cures wind colic-, and
is the best remedy for diarrbcra.
Twenty. fiva Cants a Bottle.
UltrHurt Its i'""v
BTa.1lal US luuata,
guaranteed, SU.75
16. Bhopttorndt aaa.
ond hand ttbeeia, gone
as new, 3 to a 10.
Great rartaeyalaarla. aria.
H. ...a t. i'"'
'&.H-, ,...-.l-.tt
"Sanaa. ,.-. TSrtal u ,au.,.t w:ijr
a-estaa mZZZfLZJ'V ' " FREE OtJI
saVBBBBS ymm Jt V
VyAHTKD-Caaeof tml uea.ui lout K-lf A .
,. S not benefit. Hend eta. to Hlnans fhe.not
19 new York, tor 10 samples and low teatlinoul'-1
CltKBD Sample bottle, 4 days'
AwwphEimmp, jjIALil at. N.V
zmis A. SA
- mr miT