0 s--e Vrrr "5 1 . I 'VTINEL & tEPriiLICAN MIFFLIN rOPA.. rEu. 7, : SOS. B. F. .Jf'TKlEU, EDITOR J PROPRIETOR. fj.-tt.OVS. Tovou likt ;;. grandma?" Kaitl a wfef ! vie voice. Would vo.t " hor 'Htead of 'dearie,' If vouel. your choice T CuAe Htie -ph Pretty dimples, And mi. Se!,n 'Vw Bui shed'1 'ehmb ie ladder L'p ami n "ol,r '"'"I hair ! 'Is-i'i sli l'irlin', grandma, Vi.-h,ei,fb,u? Sav if on, Kranuiiia, ijj'lr. v ( I lx)k an sn wt as you ! Wlivfor-" P .voii fmiiin', grandma j,; TJl V.nny way?" ..i.iV, m glad she has no toofies, -'y,. o ! at your pie to-day !" Dorothy Ilarpur. SHiKl l.(.C9!.s ( nreos convened on Monday. Mr. Ickes' for millinery. 8w. i -no's plurality over Jenks is 117,- S -.'tin-js (f al! kinds at 'VfeCliatic'e W. Allison, editor of the Herald, is - health. Exi-Uaage papers of lx-t week, re port,. J k-e cutting. Pension vouchers are payable at loi.ty order post oflii-es. The new light in the Crawford drug store in a tbi;;s? of beauty. 'rfm.iii comes on Sunday with ' -y for the k-frr.l holiday. varora mouutai;i showed white .:th piiow on Monday morning. Oetjrso Goshen has eold his store stand in Patterson to J. 15. Meloy. C.mrt convened on Monday with one of the shortest trial lists in its history. A revival mating is in progress in the Kvhiigelical church, in Patterson. There is a herd of deer four and a half r,iilc s north of town in Shade mountain. Undertaker Snyder has purchased the handsomest hearse ever seen in the cil:t y. In the Carlisle Indian school there lire ss pupils, representing 76 tribes of I . 'i. ns. -?:.fst.Tilo for the Jfxr.vT.v Sknti sii!. asp Hr:i'i;i!i.icAN", the liest paper iu the countv. Tho public debt of the United States -..Hfcd during the month of Xovenv "(x:,")05. .it-rsball Spangler has issued the i'l'-furoi ! Vows at Blairs's Mills, Hun- tin ".on '. iiiTiiy. The 't(.n en Sunday evening pre v ed --n i' e in most of the cburhet i: le ypmiac Valley. A Vf?- haniinbuix man eluped with i nister-ln-Ia-v. He left u wife and -jft two small children. (.landing army of one hundred ' jsar-d men. by and with the consent no people thr. ugh Congress. .imKins are iroo'i IcSd for cows if i seeds aw scraped out ; for hoifs and .iinl's they are good seeds and all. Spanish troops are being hurried hcr.ie from Cuba. The troops are jieed- ed i.i Spain to keep down rebellion. The p;ore bone prophet this year, -.- the gooe bone is broad and white, .:i .'. that insures a long hard winter. It z only 70 years since the first rail ri" t in the world was fi:iished, now, thir earth has 4K).0li0 miles tunning. Ti e Pennsylvania Kailroad Company mou'.it es that the issue of clerical or- i will I e continued for the year 1S99 . i. I. Bowman, of Philadelphia, oeen pleaching on the subject of ie Millennium, and iis near approach. The .Mourehead phosphate building .. i i.-'spbate mines in Tuscarora. : . iect lone, 1"0 feet wide ar.d 70 :7n Sai.k. Second hand cook ; .ovw. thoroughly repaired and for sale '- J. II. Kodjrers at Johnstown, Juni .a cr;:nty. Arthur K. Harnett, Esq., of Bloom r ' !. i trry county, will o-en a law ' c m i;eaver, Pa., about the 1st of .' :..:ary, 1SSW. 'H Sale. A dwelling house and tore loom on Washington street ad rass Joseph Adams, Van Wert, Juni . . i county, Pa. At Mrs. Ickes, those stylish soft felt military hats 78 cents, line felt Koiiors 4S cents. All latest shapes and "hades in dress hats. 3w. . The party given by Mr. and Mrs. M.mbeck last Thursday evening was the giv.it social event of the town in the K-sing days of 1SB8. It seems funny that people should be TTa'med about the cfiming end of the vorld, when they know that their own fiui is not far distant. 'i ramps who are given lodging in the ! f-banon Jail are put to cleaning the .-..ettsof the town and do the work -.iti.out complaining. The late burglary of the Iloil.ibangh .-mj clothing store in Patterson-, has ct i to the introduction of burglar :i :rni virss and so forth. Marshall Smith, of ToKune town ship. ;"; 'Ty county, was chased out of his f. Uifci s apple orchard a few days n0, by a large black bear. Judge (Sordon, of Philadelphia, may know a good deal, but by the time he ;; through with Colonel McChire, n- it know a good deal more. QiC.-en I,ill, has caught on to the bigness end of disposing of inlands, ai:d is in Washington and wants to t-ul her interest in Uonobil.i. l-Mwiu Brannan, w ho -pent the sum mer in Dakota, is home atm iig his friends in Juniata, lie thinks Ilakoia is a great country, iu the summer. The rid world smart people are say iirg. ' Spain is better of!" without her is-l.-.ud colonies," certainly, and the Un ited States is worse off with them. machine with a capacity for husk ing live hundred bushels of corn a day b.as been invented, which is the work o.'teu common corn husking men. I'he uncalled for letters in the Patter orj p.M office on the 1st of Iiecember fie for W. H. Bumgardner, Miss iertrude Bryner, Mr. -eniian T!ie?i. Harry Hawk and Dan Coder, came from a hunting excursion to Black Log last week, with a bear cub, a wild tur key, five pheasants and forty rabbits. Mrs. Newman, of West field, Pa., went insane on the subject of religious sacrifice, and set fire to her clothinsr, and was so seriously burned that she died. List of uncalled for letters in Mifllin- town, Pa., post office at flie close of business December 3rd, 18!8: llobt. V. Massey, J. H. Comdom, Amos Smoker. The Columbia dam is being repaired and that will prevent shad from com ing up the stream. Newport people are saying "Xo Juniata shad for years to come." Austin C. Sharon, the only soldier from Liverpool, Perry county, Pa., in the late American and Spanish war, died at Ponce, Porto Kico, on the ltith day of November. A traction engine is being used iu Franklin county at Fort IiOtidon to haul lumber over the mountain at that place. It hauls about 5,500 feet at a trip on three wagons. Johnstown, Cambria county, have an ambition to have that place made the county seat of a new county formed from a part of Cambria, Westmoreland, Somerset and Indiana counties. The general sentiment of the country is in favor of keeping all that was won by the late war from Spain, but few are in favor of paying Spain "boot" money to the extent of twenty million dollars. An Atchison man does not know the names of his two daughters. When they were young his wife gave them fancy names, and ever since t'icy have been called "Sis" and "Babe." Atchi son Globe. Spain did not buy Cuba, she did not buy the Philippean Islands, she simply took them from ;their previous owners and never paid for them, now she gct3 from Lncle Sam 0,0CK),Ol,-0 for the Philippine Islands. The daily handling of silver is killing, it brings on a gradual weakness and death. That fai t, however, will hard.ly prevent the democrats from bringing 16 to 1 forward for an issue in the next presidential campaign. The first of December wa3 a delight ful winter day which is scarcely worth mentioning except to charge tho mem ory, to find out whether the saying is true, "that if a mouth comes iu as a Iamb, it w ill go out as a lion. Senator tjuay will face a jury Decem ber li He did not plead his constitu tional privilege as a United States Senator, to le free from arrest until tiie adjournment of the Senate next March, but said go on with the case. Ner K. Fcese, is reported to have found a vein of stone coal on Ids hind near Beavertown, Snyder county. It is in the same kind of rock that Isaac Etka has been digging in, near Van Wert, Juniata coun)y. Marccl'.-js s'rnte. Mr. Ezra Montgomery, one of the substantial citizens of Waterloo, wis in town on Monday. He is a hail well preserved man who knew Colonel A. K. Me 'jure, of the Philadelphia Times, when the Colonel was the editor of the Sentixfi.. She isu t in the least superstitious, but she gets dreadfully white if she hears a dog howl, wiil nearly have nervous prostration over the breaking of a looking glass, a-d would rather go six blocks out of her llS- than to pass under a ladder. . Mrs. Brown But you would not call Mr. White a bad man ? Mrs. Greene No, but he is so lacking in tact. He went fishing bust Sunday and brought the fish in at tiie front door, where everybody passing by could see him. Boston Transcript. A despatch Troni Europe last Friday says, mi engine driver named Delke found on the Ural mountains a bottle containing a pajer signed by Andree. "Andrew's balloon has crossed the Ural mountains" a second paper in the bot tle was to be given to the police or consul. For Sa:.e. Tho P.; ar.I of Di rectoi s of the Farmers Vtre.-!U'i As sociatior in ''aMerson, limitt-d, ffers f-r se'e-. i r r.i;t, tbir Ktore ia Pat terson. Tai ms ea?y For particulars i: quire of W. N. SiCtieit, cn tbj rtmite-i. By ord r of L;ard, Au. 17, 8t. Lewis Deuas, Sec. The total number of guns captured from the Spaniards at Santiago, to be shipped north is 131, varying from in:-hes up tofi inches in calibre. There are 86 six,-inh bronze pieces, thrte steel guns and 42 cast iron guns. There are also 2l000 Mauser rifles and 10,000. 000 cartridges. , M. L. Driimni, of Duncannon, visit ed among old acquaintances in this place last week. He is a sou of the iJcv. M. L. Drunim, who prcac.'ied for the M. E. congregation here a few years ago. The Bev. Dru um died about a year ago, while on a vwit to the northern part of the S ate. One hundred and sevjnty ships went ashore along the Ncv England coast in the late storm. It was the greatest storm within u naif century. Over two hundred fives were lost. From some of the ships not one person cvaped. The only thing to tell of their fate is the wreckage that has come ashore. The Mirthntown and Patterson Im provement Association has over f 13,000 to invest in something that will pay. If you want to engage iu a manufac turing business, or know some one who does want to engage in a manufactur ing business, at this place, call on the offh-ers of the association for particu lars. There was a great rain on Sunday, and a strong wind on Monday, that sucked up the water. Most people pre dicted the winter to follow the storm, other people believed that there has been winter the past three weeks. The Sunday storm did great damage to property in Berks. Schuylkill and Lan caster counties. L. H. Witaker, traveling salesman for J. W. McLaughlin & Son, of Phila delphia, and a party of other hunters camped some' days in the wilds of Licking Creek Valley, and came out of the bushes last Friday, with a string of game, consisting of one bear, one deer, one hundred and eighteen rabbits, forty five pheasants, and one hundred squirrels. Tne country poo poos Judge Gordou for saying he can't live batisfactorily ou seven thousand dollars a year. There are thousands upon thousands of better men than he, live on a great deal less J money than he received when playing , judge, and w ho w ill be glad to serve for less money. Capable men whose minds are sufficiently balanced to not render improper and Injurious opinions, J. H. Seidel, republican candidate for Assembly, in Perry county, had three of a majority when the soldier vote was counted. A. T. Holman con tests the legality of Seidel's election certificate on the ground, that a num ber of the soldiers that voted were not entitled to a vote under the law. " The case is to be tried in Judge Lyons court. With the three votes ofT the vote be tween the two men is a tie. Elsewhere iu Ibis paper ir-ay be read the offeis that are being made to Al toona to start manufacturing enter prises in that town. But why not come to Milllintown. Here some thir teen thousand dollars await the manu facturer, who can make terms with the syndicate of this town who has the matter in charge, and the thirteen thousand dollars in their purse ready to pay. 4 Mrs. Fatpurse "You paint pictures to order, don't you ?" Great Artist "Yes, madam." Mrs. Fatpurse "Well, I want a land scape, with lots of deer and ducks, and quail, and partridges, and pheasants, and cattle, and sheep, and pigs, and so on, you know, and put a lake and an ocean in fresh and salt water, you know ; and lie sure to have plenty of fish swimming around, because it's for tiie dining room." Boston Globe. An old negro strolled up to the win dow of the Commissioner of Registra tion in a Western city and made ap plication for registration papers. "What is your name?" asked the Commissioner. "George Washington " "Well, George, are you the man who cut down the cherry tree?" "No, sab, boss ; no, sah, I ain't the man. I ain't done no work fo' nigh on to a yeah." The eight hour lal-or system is just the system, if the men will use the leisure it gives them for the promotion of intellectual and moral develojic, if on the other hand their leisure is spent in idleness, dUipation and immoral prac tices the system must of necessity prove a great injury to sx-iety generally. The great and suci-essful men and wo men of the country work more than eight hours a day, at whatever their calling may be. It does not follow that the men you meet on tiie street, the road, the cars, is not engaged, he may at every moment be engaged with matters of imiortance. Philadelphia Times, December 1. A moment after bidding her husband good luck on a hunting trip to-day Mis. Samuel Bear, of Elimsport, Lycoming county, was in instantly killed by the accidental discharge of the gun in his hands. Her ."- ear-old child narrowly escaped a similar fate. The contents of the gun tore through both the wo man's arms and lodged in her abdo men. The child's face was burned by the powder. x ne weapon wart uncharged m some unaccountable manner as Mr. Bear was stepping out of the kitchen doer. Mr. Bear is a well-to-do farmer. Lewistown Gazette. Dental Dr. H. C. YV alker was paralyzed iu the right side whiie pulling teeth at the Key stone hotel yesterday afternoon alxiut four o'clock, December 1st. It isa com plete paralyses of the side and he is un able to speak with sny distinctness. Iast week while W. J. Bote, of this place, and a few others were hunting for deer in Stone Valley, William acci dentally stepped into a large steel bear trap and sprung the trap and was caught in it by one of his logs, and was held captive in it until bis companions came and helped him out. He brought the trap along home as a Imphy. Cleveland, Ohio, Plain Iealer. Oh say do you see i bat old gray goose a smiling at ;he Gander. Crawford county lays claim to having not the biggest bir. the oldest goose, perhaps, in this country. Abram Guiss came to this cou.'itry from Germany in 1839, and brought with him a goose. After keeping her twenty years he sold her to LKi'ayette Nigh, who kept her until ihrte ears ago. He turned her over to Je-.'ni (iuiss, a son of Abram Guiss, who !.as her in his possession now. She laved several eggs last spring and rais ed four goslings. She still looks well arid walks around in a kind of a "don't-you-want-your-life-iiiBured" way. She is nearly CO years old. Michael Broad, of Fermanagh town ship, who recently obtained work on the railroad, was hurt last Friday, iu a singular way. With others lie was at work in the narrows letwecii this place and Lewistown. A good sized stone rolled down the mountain and stopped ou the railroad. Broad started to the place to remove the rock, but before he got there a train of cars came and the pilot of the engine struck the stone with such force that the rock was knocked clear ofTthe track, in the di rection of Broad, who was not quick enough to get out of its way. The rock struck one of his heels and hurt him so severely, that surgical attention was re quired, which was rendered by Dr. Dowd Crawford. Citizens of Altoona, within a short time past have been jxioling their cash for the purpose of raising a fund to be offered lo manufacturers to establish manufacturing' plants in that place. The Altoona Tribune of Monday the 5th iust., says. The first offer of in dustry to come to the front since the beginning of the recent Board of Trade agitation was received by a prominent Altoona business man from shoe man ufacturers located in Pottsville, who had heard of the $5000 offer of Vr. John Lloyd toward the establishment of a shoe factory in Altoona. This firm is now conducting a very successful shoe manufactory, but its capital is limited. The managers offer to move to Altoona If, by so doing, they could get more capital and increase their plant. A re ply has been sent to the Pottsville manufacturers to the effect that the Biwrd of Trade is not fully organized. but that their letter will t given care- ful attention as soon as the Board Is In shape to receive offers. Another firm states that if proper in- ducemcnts are offered by the Board of Trade it w ill establish a factory for the njanufacture of ladies w aiats in Ab toona. It w ill agree to employ at least j seveuty-five girls and women from the 'start. The firm asks that a suitable building be given, rent free, for a period to be agreed upon. This offer will be brought before the Board of Trade at the proper time. A letter from a Philadelphia shoe firm has also been received. A sub scription is now being raised and it is believed that before the next meeting f 15,000 will have been secured. Bloomfield Times, December 2. On Monday morning of last week, a short time before daylight, Mrs. Briner, w ife of Ex-P.egister and Becorder Geo. S. Briner, of Jacksou township, after get ting out of bed, had an attack of vertigo and fell over. Mr. Briner hurriedly arose and called his daughter Mary, who slept in a bed upstairs. Miss Bri ner at once came down stairs, but at the foot of the steps there is a small platform or landing with a door at each side, one of which led into the room where Mrs. Briner was lying. Iu mak ing the turn to pass into the room where her mother w as, her foot tripped in the carpet, causing her to fall aud in falling struck her head on the floor rendering her unsonscious. The hired man was at once called by Mr. Briner aud was sent for Dr. Win. J. Allen. When tho doctor arrived everything was done for Mrs. Briner and her daughter, the former soon rallying, but Misss Briner did not regain conscious until about 9 o'clock in the evening. One peculiarity about Misti Briner is that her mind, immediately after re gaining consciousness, was an entire blank in regard to what happened dur ing the week previous to the accident, but could remember everything that occurred before that. S. E. Arnold has niado a public an nouncement that he wilt remain no longer in the horse trading business, but has now gone into tho dog trading business. He and D. L. Kistler made a deal the other day. Mr. A., out of his stock on hand had a dog that just pleased Mr. Kistler. I'.r. A., told him lie had a pig at home he would trade on his dog, he was advised to bring ou the pig, he did so, aud the trade was made. Mr. A., said he paid some boot money but would not sav how much. PRESIDENT McHISLCT'S MESSAGE President McKiulcv's message to Con gress is a long one, but the most of it is devoted to a review of the Spanish war question. He suggests a form of self government for Cuba as soon as the people there are capable of self govern ment, until that time a military govern ment w ill le maintained. He does not say they are or are not capable of self government, a full consideration of the subject is left till )eace has len de clared. He is in favor of the construc tion of the Nicaragua Canal, and tho increase of the regular army. The state of the finance from tiie Treasury books for the year endinsr last June lf&S. was receipts r'lr,321,3;5, and exjenditures fiS.iiGS,!', leaving expenses more than receipts PlS,ti47,247, for the year ending June ls,99, next June, it is esti mated the receipts will be -)77,874,6-17, and the ex pen se JGS9,K7 1,6-17, making an exvenditureof 112.(XO,000 more than receipts. He favors the redemption of tne greenback anu not to be reissiiea unless for gold. M-SJtRIEB; Ekxert Hai.i.KN hatch. On the 2:Jd ult., at Harrisburg, by Kev. Dr. E. X. Kremer, Herman L. Frnest, of Pat terson, and Nettie C. HoMenbaugh, of isew port. " Imks H-iCK kn bkkrv. On the 24th ult., by Kev. H. A. Davenport, at Mif flintown, Emery Inies, and Margaret Teressa Hoekcnlerry. Casxf.k Baiiou On the 30th ult., by Kev. W. H. F.nhs, George H. Casner and Si'arg-iretta M. Bailor. DIED. SiKiiKit. On the 1st inst., an infant son of David Siel-cr, near Mexico. In terment in Union cemetery on the 2nd inst. SHERIFF'S SALES. The PherifTs sales came off in the Court House last Friday, as per advertisement. The sale of the farm in Spruce I fill township, of Lydia A. (ilick and V. F. Glick was postponed to December 20th, at 1 o'clock p. m. The acre tract in Fayette town ship, of W. II. Varuer, was sold to Mary A. N'aruer for $15.00. The 44 acre tract in Lack town ship, of Belle II. Wilson and John S. Wilson, was settled. STATU OFFICIAL. FIGURES. Thcfollkial ret tuns of the late election were counted at Ilarris bitrr on the 2nd iust. The follow ing is the oflicial vote ou the state ticket : Governor "William A. Stone, 4;i,.S;U ; George A. Jenks, .'552, 222 : Silas C. Swallow. 131.5.17. Lieutenant Governor J. I'. S. Gobiu, 505,2$:J ; William H. Sow den, 353,28;$; E. D. Nichols, 00, !3. Secretary of Internal Affairs James W. Latta, 514,609 ; Patrick Delacy, 348,009 ; S. W. Dickson, 58,423. Superior Court Judges Will iani W. Porter, 520,945; William D. Porter, 517,03(5 ; William Trickett, 412,584; Calvin M. Bower, 384, 504. Conjrress-at-Large Galusha A. Grow, 532,848 ; Samuel A. Daven port, 520,773 ; Frank F. lams, 350,213 ; Jerry X. Weiler, 357,481. PMSSlLTiSIi RAILROAD COMPANY WILL ISUE CLERICAL ORDERS FOR 1S99. The Penrsylv nia II lilroa I Com pany annencocs tbat the imus tf clerical ordes will b ciuioucd for tho year J390 on the s ime lines as in tff ct at pi (8..i.t Application blinks may bo oMnia ed of ticket agents, an I game should rtach the Genera! Offre by D.cem-lu-r 20, bo thnt orders may be mailed Deeeuiber 31 to rhrgiun cant ed to receive them. Orders will be is med only cn individual application of clerfjmen when mado cn blar.ks f.'.rtiished by (be Company and certi fied to by otib of its nerits. Dr. Da-rid Kennedy" Favorite Remedy frequently enraa wnn members of a family. While it ia considered by maay to b Kidaay and Bladder Medicine, it to just as certain to cur Dyspepsia, Constipation, Rheu matism, Scrofula and Eczema. This is because it Erst puts the Kidneys ia healthy condition, so they can gift all impurities from Healthy blood practically means a completely healthy Hero ia a letter from Mrs. CapU Pete Racx, of N. Y.: "My husband was troubled with his kidneys, fearfully with shooting pains through his back. He David Kennedy ' Favorite Remedy, and 19 now well and strong. Although seventy years of age, he is as hearty as a man many years younger. I was so troubled with Dyspepsia that it was painful for me to walk. My food did me no good, as my stomach could not digest it Somebody recommended Favorite Remedy to me, and after taking two bottles of it I was completely cured, and am feeling splendid now. We both attribute our good health to Favorite Remedy." It ia prescribed with unfailing success for Nerve Troubles, and for the Liver and Blood it is a specific. It has cured many that were beyond the aid of other medicine. Ask your druggist for it, and insist upon getting It Don't tak m, substitute. It will cost you Ji.oo for a regular full-sized bottle. &mp8 BottSo Frco If you want to try Favorite Remedy before buying, send your full pot offlce address to the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout N. Y and mention this paper. They will send you a free trial bottle, all charges prepaid. This genuine offer is made to prove to everybody what a wonderful medicine it ia. BARGAIN DAYS AT chott's THIS WEEK WE OPEN WITH NEW FALL GOODS. FETCHING STYLES, UNSURPASSED AS SORTMENTS AT PRICES TO MAKE AND RETAIN CUSTOMERS. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Now is the time for replenishing Household Stores of Bedding acd Linens, our reputation as Headquarters for muslins, linens, sheetings, towels, blankets, haps, comfortables, and other House keeping Dry Goods, gained by great assortments and exception al values, will be more than sustained by present stocks, which have never been equalled in Variety or Quantities. Ready made sbetts, 81 by 90 at 4So. High grade unbleached mu :lins 10 jarJs fcr Sao. lo 50c. High errside bleached muslins 10 yards for 49c. to 70c. 17 yai ds best Hill bleached muslin for $1. High grade bleached and unbleach ed Sheetings 42 inch for 9c and 10c, 45 inch for 10c and 12c, 72 inch for 13c snd 15c, 81 inch for 15c end 17c, 90 inch for 17c and 20c. BLANKETS. 114 fine white blankets fcr 50c. 11-4 fine gray blankets for 50c. 11-4 Letter grade Markets f Toe end $100. 12 4 bfet factory madii LhiBkfcis, all wool. $3.90 ai d $4 50. 12 4 superfine Cali fcrnia all wool blankets for $5.C0 and f 6.00. . New Wash Dress Fabrics. Now French Finnne-ettes, haiulsenia coilo iticnti, geometrical deeign?, brccbe effects fcl 10c ft yard. Flarrebutee in plaids and stripes in 10 to 20 yard pecee, X 5c a yard. Real vaiue 9cts. New Fall Underwear for Men, Wo - rion and Children. NEW FALL DRESS GOODS. Iu i'ii.i:, ted Fancy tffects, Serges, Briilisntiiies. and Henri fctlr. New silks for dressoe, yfaisis and irimaics. New fln r.e's end liniu&s and trimmings. New cotton and woolen stock ings men, women and children. Ntw carpets in Brutstle, In grains and Homemade patterns. New calicoes,! in funcy black a il Indigo blue for 5 ccsts a jard. ,0UR MESSENGER SHOE TRADE MARIS - COPYffiCttT. Bargain Dya Cmtnericincr 'his wetk. SCHOTT'S STORES, 1865, ESTABLISHED. 1897. Special Invitation To Jlie S9uhlu To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK op D. W. HARLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous, to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so dorrk t il to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. H A R L EY MrFFLINTOWN !P-A.. Use blood. body. Hadsoa, and sudoral took Dr. Stores. School Shoes For Boys and Girls are made from Special Tannage, and built to "Mr, every pair guaranteed. The name VMossenger is on every pair of shoes. Lidks fine drees ahoss from 90cts to $2.00. Every day shoes for ladies, uion and children. Di'es shoes for men and boj e, iu IVjx Oalf and Vici Kid. You will get better shoes for less money, here, than at any other store. Li lies Soil Plush capes, and Cloth and Bearer capes, are hero and you will hare a special selection, and prices to suit every person. Misses and children's jackets and cloaks we have a very sclt ct assortment At loxest Bargain prices. 103 lo 109, Bridge Street. Holiday Goods H0LL0BAUGH & SON'S. o A fire ditHS suit for M-n, Boys ami Children. A dn-cs Overcoat for Men or Boys. A Nobby Reefer for a child. The latest ttjle Hut. : A fine silk plush Cap, for Men or Boys. A fine pair of dress or working Gloves. Latest Tie, in . uffu, four in har.d ucd tickn. A pair of Douglas fine dress Shoes. A nice neat pair cuff bu'.to'Js. A fine umbrella. A sa;t case. Childrcns rob'oy Suits aod Reefers, Overcoats a specialty for the Holidays. And a hundred other things you have only to see to appreciate. Bought especially for the Holiday trade. Call and see for yourselves. Hollobaugh & Son's 116 Main St., Patterson, Pa. McCLINTIC'S HARDWARE and lIouscFurnishirg STORE THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. O oOo OJ THAT'S WHY Things are never dull here; rever stupid. The full life or the .tore al avs hs I cheerful welcome for all comers, and shoppers are quick to decids 1 favor of the Great Valuos to be foundin our new Neat, Stylish, Inviting STORE K. H, M'CUNTIC, Get a good paper y subscribing lor tbe SKSTIHEL AMD KIPCBLIO. "SEVENTY-SEVEN"-C77.") "7T'it..Dr, Humphreys' famous Specific for tbe cure of Grio and Colds, and the prevt-ntionof Pneumo . ma. All druggists, 25c. Subscribe lor tne oenttjcel axd BErumJcAS, a paper that contains choice readmg mattf r, full ol inform lion that does the reader Rood, and in addition to t! at all local news that are worth publishing find places in ite columns. tf. HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worm. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs, No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headacha. No. lO " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leucorrhea. No. 1 3 Cures Croup. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 10 " Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 10 " Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 " Asthma. No. 24 " General Debility. No. 26 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 " Sore Throat. No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Ir. HcMrimKTs' Homeopathic Majtuai. of Diseases Mailed Fbejc. Small bottle of pleasant pelleta, fit the Tf-rt Docket. Sold hr druciri.-ta. or sent prepaid upon receipt of price, SS cent, except No. 2H. and 891 are made $1 00 size only. Humphreys' Meal nine Company. Ill William St., Sew York. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." rerPfle External or Internal, Blind or Bleedln FWulalnAno: Itching or Bleeding of the Hl-tlim The relief u Immediate Um cure certain. PHICE, 60 OTS. TBIAL SIZE. 25 (7TB. Sola -J llruccteu, or Mot puM-?Mt4 am raastpt mI priee. HcxrniuLUi'siB.cu.. ma us aum at, sw naK For Gifts AT o A dress Shirt. A watch chain A waic'i charm. YOU LIKE IT. A Suciilly oected S toe k o and laop JUnees. Caok. Parlef Stoves. Morse Blankets and Lap LAMPS, large and small. Onme in and look around. Robes. We'll make von feel et home. We bave tbe largest St oak Store in the county. and OUT NAME GUARANTEES QUALITY- mifflintown; HAVE TOU MONEY TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU A BORROWER ? -CALL. AT- TBI FtBST MIFFLINTOWN, PA. THREE PER CENT IKTEEEBT PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATE Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK OF MIFFL.IHTOWH, PA. Stockholders Individually Liabla L0UI3 F. ATKINSON, Prttidnt. T. VAX IRWIN, C-lxm DIKECTOBa, C. Pomerojr, John Hertzler, Kohert K. Parker, T. V. Irwin. H. J, Shollcnbercer, Jonah L. Bartoii, Lonit K. Atkiniaa urOCEBOLDEKS : George A. Kepuer, Annie M. Shelley, Joseph Eothrock, P. W. Matbeck, L. E. AUtiuiton, R. E. Parker, W. C. Poaeroy, J. Holaiea Irwin John Hertzler, Jurome N. Thompson, Charlotte Snydr, T. V. Irwin. John M. B!-r, Jooiah L Barton, P. M. M. Penoell. Htamuol s. Rothiock, Levi Light, M. N. Sterrett, Wm. B warts. James G. Hea ling, fl. J. Sheilenbereer r-amnel St hlegni. M. K. Schlrgel ""hree .r ceui. ir.'t-rent will i. paid on cei ificatt i of deposit. fjan 23, 1896 Dr. David Kennedy Favorite Remedy Cures au. Kioncy. Stomach AND LIVER TROUBLE. 1 t ol 1 ae e- be eh lent lu ll Dd ce OS he ry lit bo ith - of jee D.l lut lat we the rid in. I lm all bey and de- va.k . re- ise- of The 1 by eate. and hou- can- ! - coy ' upon I with , Tupt i th I ,i Sri r
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