SENTIK E L & 1 1 K P UB MC A 3 jniflLiliUiv, i -ft.. Vv'EDXESDA Y, KEPT p J.WKS. if fnpr TTTA1ITV T ' iKiniS.-t-fBl itiox fl.(K) cr year if paid i J iu! ance ; ?l.o if not jmid in sul-vn-e. Transient a!ver(Mii5 and local nolu-es 4 cent a lino. . . JtoJuctioim will Ijc made to tliose de siring t 'Iverlise ly the year, ha!f or .t;-u-ter voar. K4LI.Y ROirxn TIIEJ.riV.4C. Til i: funniest of all the funny .liMish st nil" the Democrats are ttiSint; their hearers anl readers is that ''iMiy rhses to steal the Aiui rican Ami their candi- !;:!" for Ciovernor Hon. f!eorje A. Jeiik, :t nice sjH'ciinen of fossilized. I ): ;n crat isswinin;aionml the i in iu, making sK'eches, complain ing that the Republican party is i r-ning the ll.ic, the Stars ami stripes at their meetings. lemo- nU ie leaders didn't love the flag in days of yore. They organized ii Im IHou and made a new ' Hag, it;it the rank ami lileof the Dem ocracy with the Mepiiolieans help ed to put down. The new Hag -.nrrendered to old glory, the Stars and Stripes at Appomatox. Tdr. Jcuks has not put out a new !ag, Jii-'ll have to lojl; at the glorious n molding of the Stars and Stripes in every county in Pennsylvania I his fail, ln-fore the campaign ends. 2-, Mr. Jeuks and men of his line M.ongnt are not lor ttie exten sion of the Stars and Stripes, and :'. will Ik no wonder to hear, six in. nths after this, that the fossil i. i ri IK'TiKM-mtie candidate for Gov ernor, is doing his utmost to create i public sentiment against the Stars anil Stripes lnring made the ' unlaid on the Philippine Islands. ' illy round 1 lie Hag boys, and for SJieaiVer. "-. Talking about i ie ilag. It the leaders of the Democracy in l.SCO Jeff Davis md Democratic company had !. .-u Moating the Stars and Stripes ih would not have engaged in iiU-llion, and the Government v . hi lil not now le paying over a l.'Hidrod million dollars evory v;ir in pensions, and the State of i'ennsylvania would not have ex pended ten million dollars to edu- ate lietween seventeen and eigh- thousand soldiers orhan ;.il'iren. Ah ?.lr. Jenks it cost t ! i e American people three billion hilars to tloat the American Hag ; r liwp it alloat, tilled the land.with the moan and wail of the widow s; ! orphan, but it prevailed as it ili in this campaign, ami to-day it j- 'lie representative Hag of all that ::..-cinen prize most highly in Gov rument affairs. It is the new , Mivr for Tuba, Porto Kiwi, Ha ' awl the Philippine Islands, ; 'id when the Republican party unfurl it at their meetings they .- i.nly following out the destiny for- the advancement of the nation al banner, that is looked up to by .the rank ami tile f the jieople of tin .orid. If uay is I-coping .-: u the progress of t!ie Hag it i nnother evidence of Quay's good ense. Vete for Stone for (Jover l or. Last week Hags were raised a many school houses, away down fiouth, in Georgia, which, possibly may bring out : declaration thai .)itay is stealing the Stars and Stripes in Georgia. Oh Lord ! what are the Democratic leaders "oming to, and what must their blind followers be like who are moved by such deliverances on the flag as Jenks has been getting oil. Vote for the Republican ticket and lac extension of the American Hag, :.iid remeinlx'r that if the leaders if the Democracy had had their ay when they rebelled in the in -est of a new Hag, the reliel Ilag ' ISol to Si5, von would not ,ow have the privilege of tloat in the Stars and Stripes. DEWEY 4XI M'ISLEY UROVGI1T PEACE. It lwirders on the amusing to read of claims that some public n.en are making of their influence in bringing about a state of peace They have lost sight of the fact, or ; hey believe other cople have lost iht of the fact that it was the navy that brought the terms of peace. It was the tlccts of Dewey and Schley that brought the Span ish government to terms If the Spanish lb-els tlrnt they destroyed were still in existence the war would now bo in full play. Tin-: Heading school Isiard was trying to enforce the compulsory feature of the school law when the corruption among the lioard in the hool lxiok business cropped out, ,..v.l now the board is more inter- in AU-'lcIl tttf tllOll 111 nnuuug iur i-uimicu WM attend school. JEXKS OS APPORTION. EST REFORM. Every time Hon. Geo. A. Jeuks, the Democratic candidate for Gov ernor, opens his mouth in a speech he says something, that plays high jinks. lie has been going about stumping in the State, to elect himself Governor, which is his right to do. - lint he seems to be the most unfortunate of men in getting a misfit argument to roll out over the end of his tongue, for the edification of the Democratic office seekers, w ho are panting for the official plums that must needs drop for some of the erring breth ren if he ljecomes the next " Crover uor. He'll not become the 'next Governor J" If -Jenks had half the common sense that his friends credit him with he wouldn't be talking against any one floating the American flag. If he had half the discrimination he is credited w ith he would not be -stumping the State talking about the Republi cans not apportioning the State. The State should have been appor tioned long since to correspond with the increased population, but it illy becomes the Democrats to talk on that subject. They have a record on the apportionment busi ness. AVhen that Democratic re form prince, Governor Pattison, v. ho was always reforming things and never reformed them, was Gov ernor, he had the apportionment bee in his reform ear. It buzzed and it buzzed reform. lie thought State apportionment a catchy thing to play reform with, just as Jeuks believes it to lie a catchy thi'g. Xow says Tattison I'll show them a nic e turn in the road of reform. I'll apportion the State ! for the reform Democrats, and he calicd the Legislature in extra ses siiii, and it indeed proved to be an extra session fur the benefit of the reforinei-s. They sat almost a whole year and drew extra pay, several hundred thousand dollars w ith which to line their own pock ets. Iut that was not all. Home of the bhxxisof the I'atiison reform Legislature when they had their pocket books filled with reform ex tra session money gave liberally of it to church congregations in the towns in which they lived to shut the mouths of the church members from talking about the l'attisuu reform Legislature: in bribing church members to keep quiet on ' the reform Legislation of the I'at tison apportionment reform. The people of Pennsylvania will not elect Mr. Jenks to play the Patti son apportionment reform extra session dodge. The probability is no apportionment will be made till the next census has been taken, and then it will le made bv a lie- publican Legislature in regular ses sion. There will be no extra session dodge about the business. Vote f.,,.sw,iv...cln;ui.,t i (.-ULaiai vi i.ipi.-ianin.. , UIC . for Stone for (Jovernor. I . . - l V . f i : i f M IV Slv-i ri.'v- T.,.:.- ... i ouni, jins i.trc.i in .ne western part ot ine istate making speeches for the De:nociats, ami in ail probability has talked too much with his mouth. He has a severe uiaciv ui ,:.-.tjiuma, ne uiwiii . ..a. I. . C . l - i . .1 ibout till he declare,! that Quay has been selling post oRice appoint ments which has put (Juay on his nettle, and now Snowdeu will hear something. Oh.onei IIuvax, late Presideu- tial candidate, is anxious to lie mustered out of the military ser vice. Rkaimm; has a public school xxk scandal. It is charged that I here were a lot of boodlers among the directors and an investigation is demanded.. mm MONSTER 3 mm emeus The W. L. Mtin shows seems this t ciison to be ertaticg a general sur prise alt over the country The liraddoek, Ptt , Herald of April 25, 1898, Kpeukir-!; cf it, says The Walter Li. Mau cirens nas al- whvb er.icyed trrefi, popuhirity in this section of ibe couiitry and espscialiy bo in Braddcck here, where it una exhibited evrry season for a number of years. Eich yenr has seen tne show bigger and better than ever and a corresponding increase in the attendance. This year has proven no exception to tbe rule and the ex l.ibition given hre on Jtfonday was undoubtedly tbo hnest iv?r eeen The attendance at both the after- neon r.nd evening performances tax cd the capacity of the targe tents to the utmost,, and it wns a matter of wonder where so many people came frcm. As unusual with so many sIiowf, every feature advertised was shewn and this no doubt hsd much to do with the universal commenda t;on b;-etowed cn the cirens. The street parade given in the foreeoc n, v.-hb worth a trip of miles ilself to see, as it was really a mng nifiont. rogcant. Such crowds as turned out to see it, surpassed in numbers any ever before seen on enr streets at one time. Altogeth?r, the Walter L. Main grandest and best shows shows consolidated, are worth eery cent charged to s;e it Tuis big circus and monster men i. gene comes to NEWPORT, TDES. OCT. 4. WONDERFUL are the cures by WW. - , are simnle and natural. Hood'sSWMk puiila makes PURE BLOOO. rtiIL.ADEL.PUI 4 DEMO- , CRATtft. - 3IcCluro' Times of 22 iwr., hays. The Democrats of PbilHdelphw, hav ing whittled themselves down to the third party at the last election,' now d; ci.Jo to divide the little remnant of toe Democracy into two party organ izations to take the next whack at the Republicans. .'The ramp Democratic organiza tion that is supposed, to snwzo when Judge Gordon eauff, he'd its ccn vention yesterday acd ' nominated John M. Campbell for Difctrict At fc.mey, Edward J. Coll for Controller, George V. Gibbjua for Kicorder of Deed?, Dr Judah Isaacs for Coroner and WMorgau for Cltrk ol tb Qaarler Session?, with Orphmo" Court. J ndg-s Ashman and Ptnrose, Republicans, indorsed. - la a few days we shall have the regular Democraiic organization pre senting ita ticket, and it goes without paying that it won't cccf pt any who hear the Gordon tag. The candi dates are all well fitted and wholly repnUble, r ut as i'.ie Democracy t f PbiladfcluhiH is now the third party of the city, and an the Gordon 'Dem ocracy hasn't a third of the Dtnio cratic strength, it won't take much figuring to ascertain where it wi!l coma out on election night. Considering that the Dtmocrats were overwhelm' ngly beaten at the last tleetiou by the Citizens ticket, that wms -largely beaten by the B pnblicanp, we don't see whv the Doinocrats concluded to divide up tbeir littla rtmnant of out city voters into on!v two parties. Wbv not give evprv Itiadcr a paity of bis owe? There's just as much room for twenty uamocrat:c panics in mm u:iy there is for two, and aa to usefulness there doesn't stem to be much place for even one. If the Democratic peoplo like this sort of rnmp division of the Democracy thejara getting just what they like. SHE GOT HEttiROf. A little dran.ii in real life, show ing the resources' of a woman to Possession of her sou, was enacted lost w eek in this county, the closing scene taking place im Ex-JudWdunidn's oflicV in this ! borough on ttinlay after m Kin Up until about a year ago there lived in Watsontowu, Xorthnmber bitions, and the boy was his assist ant in working the picture ma chine. Ever since the father left home with the lsiy, Mrs. Heaver has been scheming to get her sou back, but where to tlud him she did not i Irimw She recentlv learned that' he and his father were in Saville ! . ,. ... ... ,,,, . township, this countv. She ac- t , i i , -i i ... and had a warrant issued for the . r, . , i .. -li-reit of lit-r son on lie chaiw or i.iuinuuiiy,.ii.uiu v , i.,!,.:.,;, Hid IVtrel lx-iii"- of fl "" l"lra; MeVevtown 7 30 n. ni; Newton of Beaver, together with his wife J 1 f L.,,i t, i 7 i ' i live chic i ens 7 to 10c ; Su- IIamilton7 rp. m; Huntingdon 8 20 and little son. About this time " "ni " J."'. e" " f V i frs 5 cts., spring chickens 2 and P- m; Tyrone 9 02 P. m; Altoona 9 3-5 the domestic relate pound 11 to 12c a pound. Tal- P-.-.. , . , . , , T,.,. i Thev niatJe quick work of theiu.v .. ,. , . l'acinc I,xi)reso leaves Philadelphia hold became strained ami Lea -iei ' t:ikill,r session of the i.m,i ! 1V -'c a pound in cakes ; sweet po- Ht 11 20 p. m; Harrisburg at 3 00 a m. too!' the boy and left. He hadM.".1"'...! tates 15 t . 25c a basket; onions 50 Marvsvifle 3 14 a. m. Duncamion 3 29 been traveling aUmt the country ,!t -U,UU1,V 1Mou.,HU'( .! to 55c a basket; coal oil .I'lc a ni. Newjv.rt 3 52 a m. Port Royal with a stcreoVtican giving cxhi- :U?' "," l'?" i barrel; peaches 'o0 to 1.50 a 1 ? 1 1 .. lr tv.a ,,.,,, -"'I --vv.. ........ .... ... r . .cv i .... the tight was clear and hot ; not a stealing a pair of cuir buttons. , . f , . . . . ' . ... .,, " . i , breath of air was stirring. After fche aec-ouipamed the officer, who.,, K ... ., , r had the warrant, to this place, and'lLe 1" waited here until he went to Sa-! f.reHt,-v f 'et "ut b' tLea l !i,, ville and took the Uy in custody. f, break fist allowed . . J , J, them by the commodore was of in- The little pn.soner, ragged and 1fitilmble ,m)efit When jhe meu dirty, was brought to town to face braikfast a conference of his accuser, his own mother. Iul : ,, a. , , ... , , Tv-,,, tl- all oiheers wa.s held on board the what did she do : Did she put hi m ; . e ,i , . T . , lf , . Oh. no ! She tooic her half-naked, i:.j ...... ly lllllt? 1U Ilv"! ,11111.-; rtUll criol over him and caressed him. Then she opened her grip and got . . i t .A. 1. z .... -1. : ..1. , i,i. i.'.r;.. i.s... - - uc i.a,4 mi.. 11.. ,.' V1-' """"Mwlw were watching the fight ,k...b?. Tr - 'oniihA porthole a few inches he law f Lx-Judge .lunk.n : J;.ereSimixe,l by the couous in the presence of the lawyers and ... . . , J , officers of the law. "When the i.....ll...H l.n.1 :.,.M...,1 .M. 1..,. uuiur ..a.. ....n . . .. u -i "" ! . she quietly departed wit.i l.ia ami j left the lawyers to adjust the , , , , i - ! . i f rather tangled complications into ' ? T .hur,prn7"'CI I-"!. P1CClI" itated the legal status o the case hut she got her boy and who will blame her. Uloouilield Advocate twjiws: TWISS t TWIXSt Green towuBhip, id ihe banner towuvLip in Fruuklm county for twins. Three bouEehoida in that towntihip have beeti made to endie oyer tbo advent, of twiu.-i. Ttit Ccsmbcrfcburg Ilcpoaitcry srts th-i hnppy mothers cro lire. Frank Knrtz, neur Sco'Jand; M.-s. Cbarlc Lu!z, Grecnvilloge, &nd Airs. Sunmel Ti'f, Sc-r tiand. In er.cli e-ie tba children re tbe Crfit born in ths lumily. All tie bullies r.nJ tit ir proud mammas ate doing well. OMAHA EXPOSITION. Eight-Day Peksos ally-Cos ducte d Tour via Pennsylvania Railroad. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged for a special eight-day personally-conducted tour to the 1 rans- .Mississippi auu International expo sition at Omaha on Oclolier 1, ullowui"; four full davs at the Kxijositiou. Hound trip ticketH, including transpor- tation ana I'ullmau iiertn in each u rection, meals in dining car coini; and returniiiK, hotel accommodation) and meals at Omaha, admissions to the Fair, and carriage drive and hotel ac ponmiodutio.iH at Chicasro, will be sold at rate of 10l from New York ; sJS from rhiladclpbi ; f9o from Washing ton ana isaltmiore; ?m trom illiums- port and llarrisburR ; fSO from Pitts burg : auu proportionate rales rrom other points. The party willbe awompunietl by a lour ist Agent ana I haperon, ana win travel in siiex-ial Pullman sleeping cars. For the benefit of those who may de sire to remain longer in Omaha, tickets will Vie made pood to return on regular trains until November lo, inclusive. Such tickets include onlv railway trans portation returning, with reduction of si;, from above rates from all points. For further information apply to ticket agents. Tourist Agent, 1196 Hroadwav. New York, or Geo. W IJoyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. ot. The Sales of Hood's Sarsaparilla are the largest in the world because the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla are wonderful, perfect, permanent. Hood't Pills are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. 2Ac 3 $ayori$e Remedy VUtltfi AM. illBKCV.STOMACH Description t Dewey's Fight. ' PUBLIC BALK - Dr. Kmdleberger gives a graphic VALUABLE REAL -ESTATE, acconnt f the terrific fight." He , - . " . was on the Olvmnia throiurh it all Tne undersigned, executor of Arnold yasontueuijmpiitnroupiiuii. Jftte of j teIaware township, In the first assault the flag ship ! Juniata countv, Pa., deceased, by vlr took , the lead, the other vessels ' tue of an Order of the Orphans' Court, following in her wake at four ships' A of Juniata county, Pa., will expose to Iptiolie Thi Smniuli floot i m Public Sale, on the premises, U miles lengths lhe Spanisli fleet was the village 4if East Salem, in approached by laps, each tnru.Midcuunty )I1 15 bringing the contestants nearer. SATURDAY, OCT., 22nd, A. D. 1898. By this plan the American vessels I at one 0c1ock p. TO.,'the following de fmiuently poured broadsides into' Kc-ribed real entate to wit : the -enemy, but were themselves ! All that certain messuage, tenement more exposed to fire. ; trart of land, situate in lyare - i i- i i - township. County and Btate affewd, At one time the smoke liocame loundea1 on the llorth by linds of so dense that it was necessary ( David V'artin and A. II., Knoads, and draw aside, allowing the cloud to 'others J on the east by lands of David lift. The vessels overe examined; "ag. on the south by lands of Jab , T. , , . . . . F. Sneece and Jesse I'mes, and on tne and it was found they had sustain- j weiitlbv land of B. F. Oliver, and Mow ed no damage. Breakfast : was art Hoojes; containing one hundred served to the men and in a few and sixteen (116) seres, more or less, minutes they re-entered the light )hen aJf erected a large Stone j., J i t u Dwelling House, frame bank barn, with the greatest enthusiasm. ; ned and' rriNs 8prin(? house The second light was even more auu- an necessary buildings, all in good fierce than the first. It M as in ' condition. Sixty-five acres are under that that the Baltimore was struck. ' cultivation, well fanned and eonveii t .i c i ii i.x i, c. : ientlr laid out m hclds, a line apple During the first fight the Span- OI1 tne pKm also a full ish admiral's ship put bravely out bearing peach orchard of 900 trees, and of the line to meet the Olympia. 'other fruits, a well of never failing The entire American fleet concen-1 water . lose to bouse, a god spring , , . ! w-ithln seventy-five yards of the build- tratedfireonherand she was so n FTftv acres are woodland, well badly injured that she turned ! Mt With chestnut and rock oak timber, around to put back. At this juuc- j no timber except for fire wood has been tore the Olvmpia let fly an 8-inch ! tu for uPwards of twenty-five years, shell, w hich struck her stern and j t Jse "mtnw toVpa'id'on'day pierced through almost her entire f Kl;ei i,vthe purchaser, when the length, exploding finally in the property is struck down. Forty per engine room, wrecking her machiu- j cent, on confirmation of the sale by the " rp. -a 'i10ii l-ntoll t',o .(.,; Court, and the balance within one year erj . This shell kille.1 tae captain ; from ;aid ,linrniatU)I1 wltb interest and sixty men and set the vessel . t the rate of six per cent, per annum on fire. j from April 1st, 1S!K, w hen deed and In the heat of the light the two : full possession will be given, said last torpedo boiits moved out to attack S " the fleet. They were allowed to, Joskch Vaknkk. come within 800 yards, when a! fusilade from the Olympia sent one to the bottom with all on ; board and riddled the other. The second boat was later found turn- i ed upon the beach covered with blood. In the second fight the Baltimore was seut to silence to fort at Cavite. land Wnl all her batteries on ' a very ininutes a shell struck the aminu- ... ... . . ,, ... tb UP The "on the ra,thuore was glorious. After the principal .uliir-kU hfiil liooii lfttpni'wl inn line; h iiivi l liir, ttiL iifr.tiij dead were accounte.1 for on the 1 " ' , V T " i snot ir..W in wbicl, 11,)m:l.2.t forl'Dpoaurt basket o0 to , had been hastily buried wore found. The dead wore roturno.1 ! to relatives so far as this couhl be .,,,.1 ,,11 m.l ; for in liest tnannor by the Ameri- "'"f ' . . . . The Spanish loss footed up 400 , , . , . killed, dOO wounded and a prop- .....r. i,...,;,.,,..,, ,r, ,' 'f (K)0 to 10, 000,000. The dav if . second battle was made known bv .. , iufwiiiiuure. Several shots struck the Olympia and she was pierced a number of times. One shell struck the side ,,f the ship against the hospital ., The ehai..;,. an,i nurses sion. experts nave iigured out the fighting volume of the guns of the resnective sides of the battle for th Alnerh.aiis. . r , B A T liK&niTJl iAFUIt, n 111 I3 I'll Mt.ruiltK.h ,lnri' lhe 1);ltt, P" vitnem of events on botl m Fnm hjs positioU! he vmh i every niovement of the Ameri lioth Id can ships and could also see the Spaniards. "For two hours," "the steady thunder of cannon was kept up. The roar was something terrible. "At one time I really thought we would be beaten, lhis was after the lire had been kept up an hour. It looked like every gun on the Spanish ships bad turned loose on us all together and the shore line was a veritable 'blaze of lire irom tue batteries, ine dm was simply indescribable. Tons upon tons of shot fell over our ships. There was steel enough to have sunk our entire fleet. Peopie Believe what read about Hood's SHrsaparillu. They know it 14 an honest medicine, and that it cures. Ui;t Hood's ami only Jlooil s. Hood's Pilis cure all liver ill, re- "ievo constipiition assist digestion. 25c. TIRED MOTHERS find help in Hood's Sai-Naparilia, which gives soem pure mood, a gooa appetite and tnd needed STRENGTH. TIIK STARS AND STRIPES RAISED. Tbe etnra and stripes were raised over Havana on the morning of the 20th of Jnce. Havana and Santiigo are the two chief cities on tVo island of Cuba. Carry the news to Jenks and the Democrat and Register, Ihev 11 eay Quay was ovar thers steal ing a monopoly of the flog raising. Wonderful are the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla and yet it is only because as the one true blood phriner, it makes pure, rich, healthy, life-giving blood. Hocd'S Pills for the liver and bowels, act easily . yet promptly. 25c ppjavid favorite The one sure cure for J Tue Sidney's, liver and Blood THE ONLY True Blood Purifier prominently in the public eye to day is Hood's Sargaparilla. Therefore j get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S Executor of Arnold Varnes, dee'd H. H. Sxyhkii, Auctioneer. emr Iii i i.a Delphi A Markets, September 2G, 1898. j "Wheat 72c. ; onts2llc; corn 34c; ! Pennsylvania wk1 27 to oOcts a i pouml. Lard 5 to 7 els. a ouiid ; '('tired ham 8 to i) cts. a pound; f'.V1 H' ,h V wheat and oats straw at .;)() a gs 15c ; (ton: butter 20 to 2.c : eg! ( cattle 4 to 3c ; potr.U 05 a bushel ;veal calves 5 r-ttoes 55 to to Sc;;t sheep 2 to 5 cts lamUs 1.00 to ' j .00 ; thin cows to 22 ; milch -5 1 arte" , vesxn, l J X il Mn f ' ieieloiiM s o ni .loupes per basl ; - 1 I" --, "S canton 10 .lie, ,ia o n n. Mocha 17 to 21c, Costa Hica 10 to IS), Nicaragua 10 to 11c ; caudles 7 to 8c a pound ; Feathers :il to 35c for due and 29 to ,32c for geese ; white lish half barrel s.1.00 to 50 : hops 9 to 10c a pound : To bacco, I'ennsylvania filler S to 12c, and 12 to 1 ie 5 fine wppcrs AO to 00c ; wool, Pennsylvania 25 to 30c a pound. Kirrij!MTOVJC UHA!H WAKKfclS MIFFIdNTOWN, SKPT 2a, 1S9S. Wheat. ..... Ci.rti in cur . , . .... .... He Flitter F(tKl' II am StioU'dur. . .. Lard Sl.1e Timothy ., l" i -i-d.... L'r'ii ... Caop M Ma linen.... Ground m Am-JriranSaU. S 60 88 ... 25 t .. $2 to 52 50 16 u'l 12 12 S V.V.Vl.4( fiO 70 ..S5c to i)0o 90 76 60c s;i. F&HMEBS THIS. In order to rcliablv determine the relative value of our several brands of i Fertilizers, uihmi the wheat crop of ! Juniata county, we have decided to ' ofter PltKMH! MS amounting to $100 for the liect three acres of wheat grown by the use of Ol'U FKItTl LIZKHS. We want to know what is best by actual field trials. Agents may talk, but FACTS A HE FACTS. The Premiums to I divided into three classes as follows : Finsr PKKJIU'M .... $50.00 HKCOXl) PiSE-MICM .... 35.00 Thii;i Pkkmh-m .... 15.00 The test to lie made on three acres. Using our Brands of FKUTlLIZKItS. The money will be depositel with the Juniata County Agricultural Society, who will name the Judges and award the PREMIUMS September 1S99. All persons wishing to enter the contest will register with tne Secretary or ine Agricultural Society. James N. Gkonixof.r, T. S. Mooiikiiead, & Co., 3 mo. ltort Koyal, June 7th. MARRIED: Fitv Ha it uis. On the 22nd day of September, at Miftlintown, by Rev. A N. Haven, J. H. Fry and IJessie M Harris. r- . . r?trO Copyrights ic AnTOB f oarttns rtHeh nd rtiTlptlon mar nteklr MrrtHln onr opinion free whrtnw n UiTnlioii H prohbly patentable. Communlo. tlontrictlTennflrtntlil. Handbook on ratenta lent rreo. oldeat airency for twurinBpaten. Patxntu taken through Munn a Co. rwelre tptcUU notice, wttnoui cnmn iu ui Scientific Jlmericam A hsnrteomely UhmtrBted weekly. Jmwmot culatton of any nctontiUc Jonraal. Term. 3 a year: four month. IL Sold by all newadMlera. MUNN&Co.88' New York Garfis Trs "uru Co:Ft!r.:or,. X -.)!. - . it - ' .N.'l he By Its Record of rcn;:i:kable cures Ilood'c jSai8apHrilla become the one true blood purifier prominently in the public eye. Get only flood's. Hood's Pills are the best family "athai-tic and liver medicine. 25c. Subscribe for th. Juuuta Sestutel A50 Sefcbucan, fc44 SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ma Loo, E. Atwk. r.V. M. Fiww. - ATKISSOIf Jt PEWSEL.a, J ATTORNEYS-AT - LAW, - MlFFLUfTOWN, PA. ; 0fic On Hsia street, in plaoe of r& donce of Louis B- Atkinson, XW-? Bridge street, r: J rOct36.1SW ST-Collecting snd OonveyanclaK prcmpt ly attended to. ITILRERFORCE SCHWETER, Attorney-at-Law. ScS-Collectionsand Bll legal busi ness promptly attenped to. -OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DS.D.MXKAWTOKD, D. BUW11 f. CRAWFORD YyH' D- M CRAWFORD & SON, have formed partnership for fie piw.tlce of Medicine and their coUatteral branches. Ottlce at o!d stand, corner of Third and Or angp streefB, llifllintojrn, Pa. One or both ot thora will be fonnd at their office - at all times, unless otherwise profensiooK'.ly en gtd. April 1st. 1S96. P. DERPs PRACTICAL OESTIST. : -adnnte of the Philadelphia Dental Oobvge. Office at old established lo oation, Hridge Street, opposite Court House, .1ifflintowo, l'a. f XJ Crown and Bridge work; rainlnss Extraction. All work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD- Schedule in Effect May 27, 1898. WESTWARD. ' Wav Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. m; Harrisburg 8 00 a. m; Duneanuon 8 35 a. m; 'New Port 9 Oo a. m; Millerstown 9 lo a. m; Durword 9 21 a. m; Thompson town 9 20 a. m; Van Dyke 9 33 a. m; Tuscarora 9 38 a. m; Mexico 9 40 a. m; Port Itoyal 9 44 a. m; Milllin 9 50 a. m; Deubolm 9 55 a. m; Ijewistown 10 13 a. m; MeVevtown 10SS a. m: Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Union 11 00 a. m; Hunting don 11 32 p. m; Tyrone 12 20 p. ni; Al toona 1 00 p. m: PittHburg 5 50 p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m ; Harrisburg at 11 4S a. m; Mifllin 111 p. m; Lewistnwn 1 30 p. m; Hunting don 2 29 p. m; Tyrone 3 12 p. m; Al toona 3 45 p. in; Pittsburg 8 30 p. m. A 1 toon a Accommodation leaves Har risbur? at 5 00 p. m; Dinicannon 5 34 v. ni: Newport 6 02 n. m: Millerstown 11 p. m: Thompson town S 21 n. m: Tuscarora 6 30 p. ru; Mexico 6 33 )). ni; Port Itoyal 6 Ss p. m: MilHin (i 43 p. m; liuntiiigd. a. m. Tyr., ou G (IS a. m. Petersburg 6 19 roneb a. m. Altwma 7 40 a. m. 1'ittsburjj 1 10 a. m. Oyster Kx press leaves Philadelphia at 4 R5 p, m. 1 larrisbur? at 10 liO p. m. Newport 11 0 p. m. Milllin 11 40 p. m. I.ewistown 11 58 p. m.; Huntingdon 12 55 a. m. Tvrone 1 32 a. in. Altoona 'Z 0(1 a. in. Pittsburg 5 30 a. m. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m. Harrisburg 3 50 p. m. Duncan no.i 4 15 p. m. Newport 4 35 p. ni. Mif flin 5( 07 p. m. Lewistown 5 27 . m. Mount Union 6 CS p. ni. Huntingdon 6. 27 p. m. Tyrone 7 04 p. m. Altoona 7 40 p. m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. m. F.STWAItI). Alioosia A-comiiiointbi leuv Al toona at 4 40 a. m. Tyrone 5 04 a. m. Petersburg 5 2o a. m. Huntingdon 5 B7 a. m. Newton Hami'toii 01 a. m. Mc Veytown 6 17 a. m. I-ewistown 6 38 a. m.'Miniin 6 58 a. m. Port Itoyal 7 02 a. m. Tl;onifso:itowii 7 17 a. in. MiHers town 7 20 a. m. Xewiiort 7 35 a. m. Duneanuon 8 00 a.m. Hariiburg 8 30 a. m, Sea Shore leaves Pittsburg at 2 50 a. m. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone 7 43 a. m. Huntingdon 8 30 a. m. MeVevtown 9 15 a. m. lewistown 9 35 a. m. Milllin 955 a. m. Port Itoyal 9 59 a. m. Thompson town 10 14 a. in. Millerstown 10 22 a. ni. Newport 11 32 a. m. llmicaniion 10 54 a. ni. Marysville 11 07 a. m. Harris burg 1 1 25 :. m. Philadelphia 3 00 p. ni. Mum Iiiie Kxprcss loaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. ni. Altoona 11 !( a. m. Tyrone 12 03 p. in. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m, IjewiNto.wn 1 3." p. ni. Milllin 1 50 J ni. Harrisburg 3 10 i. ni. Kaltimore 0 00 p. ni. Washington 7 15 p. m. Philadelphia C 23 p. m. Nail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p. m. Ty nme 235 p. ni. Huntingdon 3 17 p. in. Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. m. HcVey town 4 20 p. m. Iewistown 4 .'4$ p- m- i ni in -i o-i p. m. I'ort Koyal o oo . m. Mexico a -ii p 1 bom peon town o 18 P m. Millerstown 5 28 p. ni. Newport 5 39 p m. Duneanuon 6 08 p. m. Har- l istiurg 0 -15 p r Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p. in. Altoona t 10 p. m. Tyrone 0 42 p. m. Huntingdon 7 23 p. lii. cey town 8 Oft p. m. Lew istown 8 26 ji. lii. Milllin 8 47 p. in. Port Koyal H 52 p. m. Millerstown 9 10 p. m. Newjort 9 2(5 p. ni. Duucaunon 9 50 p.m. Harrisburg 10 20-n m. Philadelphia Express elares Pitts burg at 4 30 p. ni. Altoona!) 05 p. m. Tyrone 9 33 p. m. Huntingdon 10 12 p. ni. Mount I'nion 10 32 p.m. Iewis- town ii in p. m. jtfimin ii 37 p.m. llar risburg 1 00 a. ni Philadelphia 4 30. At ijcwistowu Junction. t-or Sun- bury 7 30 a. in- ami 3 05 p. m. week- davs. For filroy 6 15, 10 20 a. m. and S 00 p. ni. week-days. At jyronc. rort. leariield and Cur- wensville H 20 a. m. 3 20 and 7 20 p. in. week-da vs. For ISellefonte and Lock Haven 8 10 a. m. 12 30 and 7 lo p. m. week-days. tor further information apply to iioKei Agents, or I noma rj. Watt, Comer Fifth Avenue and Hmithlield' Street, Pittslmrg. J. B. H L'TCT 1 1 NSON, J. R. WOO D, t.eneral Matrg'r. Ueneral Fas'r. Agt HA FEVER. nr. iimuijnreys' .jieeiiic "77" cures Ifay Fever and Autumn! Catarrh; all druggists; 25c, or Humphreys' Medi cine Company, New York. LKGJIL. UDITOK'8 NOTICE. In the estate of James E. Kustiell, late of Port Itoyal borousrh. deceanei. The umlersigued appointed by the Orphans' Court of Juniata County, an Auditor to make distribution of the balance remaining in the hand of I the Administrator of the estate of James r. Kussell, late of Port itoval borouirh. deceaned, will set for the purpose of his appointment at nis onu-e m the Bor ough of Minlintown. Pa.. Thursdav Oetouer 2Hh, A. I)., 1898, between the uours or a o i-kh-k a. m. and 4 o'clock v. iu., wueu auu wnere all persoiiB having elaims against said estate will present them properly authenticated for payment or be forever debarred from participating in the distribution oi g&iu estate. WlI.nKKFOKC'E BCHWEYKR, Sept. 27th, 1898. . Auditor. Great Cures proved by thousands of testimonials show that flood's Sar. apai-illa possesses power to purify. Vitalize and enrich the blood. Hood's Pills re the only pills to vm takxn wi xtooa'8 barMpniiUft, FALL OPENING OF ' OL.OT FURNITURE. Our windowB are now being filled with Few Fall and Winter utock. Hundreds of new, stylish suits and fall overcoats are placed in stoclc, all proTinff our great effort to fr.end9, old and now ; m dcrmlP, trimmings and workmanship superior to any shown heretofore. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. $9 50 Boy's and Men's fine dress suits and top' coats, silk lined suits' Overcoats lined in satin, guaranteed for two seasons sack auitsi Prince Albert suils. JWast fit, be of best quality and style or $7 2530-8 and Men's fine dress snits, sack, cutaway, frocks, in cluding fine clay worsteds, black and blue eerffos, unfinished worsted Bannock Burns and cheviot. ' '- ' " . . . , . Men'B 0ercoata Twenty-five of the advance winter styles m regu lar box coat shapes. Price $3 to $15. We have ted extra special bargains for the opening of school season with $2 50 all wool knee oa-sts suits, -as 8 to 16, in latest designs of plaids, str.pep, and plain, which are the greatest values ever offered. Boys kuto pants for 20 cents. Young Jkfen's fine suits with knee pants, $3 to $5. Men a suits, fml of style and wear too, from $1.50 lo $6. Fall opening cf Ilats Derby hats, any color and latest styles, from 08 cents, to $1.98. Alpines, any color and style, at same price as Derby's Boy's school caps, in new shades and swell colorings, lo st. and 48 cents. Children's novelty Tarns, Eton and Golf Yaent cap. Men's Furnishing Gilore. Everything and anything that you maj want Negligee shirts, nlaundercd, with attached collare, in light and dark colors at 49 cents. Laundered ones of high grade 1 ercnle 48 cents. Heavy web elastic jmapenders 10 ctnfs. Wash and Satin Neckwear in Tecks, Four-in hand, Bad bows and String tiss 2o eta. OurGuarantse Should any purchase fail to please, your rooney is instantly returned. FURNITURE. Ct Q AVe will soil you ail the followiog: I vb2 2.00 solid oak bed, nicely carved, 1 solid oak bureau, plate glass, 1 solid oak washstand, splasher back, 2 chafre, 1 rocker, 1 clothes tree, 1 double woven wire spring, 1 soft top inatliesR, 1 set all feather pillow and bolster. In all 13 pieces complete w Ttu $29.00. ... . . First cl3ss, large dining room chairs for oo r!s. Solid oafc eiten- sion tables, 6 feet long, turned legs and well finished for 84 bohd oak Sideboards, polish anish, French beveled mirror, tor G. FiBe couches, upholstered in relvet and crduroy, spring heRd aul ijody, fine fringe, for $5.87. Solid oak chiff.inier, polish finish, brass trim mings, five drawers, carved back, price $4 62- Goods delivered FREE with in the County. , Ferd. Meyers, HI 1 01 i n to n n, Pn. Tuscarora Valley Eailroad. SCHEDULE IS EFFECT M05TOAY, JUNE. 20, 1898. 8TT,4ItI. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT STUD AT. No.l No.3 A. M P. M. Blair's Mills .Li 7 25 1 45 1 51 1 57 2 05 2 12 2 25 Waf erloo. Leonard's Grove 7 31 7 37 Ross Farm 7 4 Perulack .............. East Waterford Heckman 7 52 8 05 8 17 2 37 S 22 2 42 Honey Grove Fort Bigham !8 30l2 50 8 392 C9 Wsrble Pleasant View 8 44!3 04 8 52i3 12 Seven Pines Spruce Hill 3 15 Graham s . . ; Stewart Freedom Turbett Old Port 3 23 2ff 29 32 38 45 Port Royal ,.Ar. Trains Nor. 1 and 2 connect at Port Royal with Way Passenger and Seasbora Express on r. K. K., ana No.;3 and 4 with Mail east WESTWARD. STATIONS. 1 5 No.2 No.4 DAILY, EXCEPT SmtDAY. .2 ft A. M. P. H. Port Koyal 0.010 20 5 B5 Old Port...- 1.3119 27 5 12 Turbett 2.8 10 33 5 18 Freedom 3.7 10 3:5 21 Stewart 4.410 39 5 24 Graham's 5.010 42l5 27 Spruce Hill 6.310 50 5 35 Seven Pines 7.2 10 535 38 Pleasant View. . 9.011 0l5 46 Warble 10.011 0&5 51 Fort Bigham 12.0 11 15 6 00 Honey Grove 14.0 11 236 08 Heckman 15.1 11 286 13 East Waterford 17.511 4ojfi 25 Perulack 20.5 11 536 38 Koss Farm 22.0 12 006 45 Leonard's Grove... 24.012 08 6 53 Waterloo 25.512 146 59 Blair's Mills Ar. 27.0 12 20 7 05 Trains Nos. 2 and 8 connect at Blair's Hills with Concord, Doyletbnrg Or; Run, Nessville, Neelvton, Shade dap, Shade VaJloy and Ooabora Station Stag Lines. J. a MOORHEAD, Superintendent. S. MOOKHEAD, President. IMaeiMes sent tree to tuyau- - poor patients can aKo ohtn. 1 medicine free of Kl.amr. Ttis rBMtrbaS been prepared by the teww , '.stor 4oenig, ot Fort Wayue. Ind. since is A uwMopared under bis dirocUou brtlio KONIG MED. CO.. Chicago, lii. Sold by Dratgiata at SI per Bottle. Siam mcm mm. S1.7S. at Bottlea lor Sla. MCOIVO SMaiHiia hat over aad aw anim Tamvcwl h um JOPwption. f sited, Ilia. ttliwOw Tw BLOOD PtmOm. T - " rTt 3STG and RAILROAD TIME TABLE. pSRRY COUNTT RA1LKOAD. The following sctieiula wnt Info efl'ect Not. IS, 1SW, and the trains wiil be run as follows: p. m 4 ao' 4 rA 4 341 4 45 4 46 4 61 4 n4 4 f 4 .r.9 a. ra Leava Arrive a. n p. m 9 CO - I?uvs ana, 7 & L - o 04 9 C6 9(9 U 9 14 015 9 19 9 22 9 24 9 2' -amr'sHia 749 Sulphur Sprinrs 7 Corman Sid ine 7 4 2 23 2 20 8 18 2 IS 2 13 2 OS 8 8S 2 03 2 00 I 41 1 3 1 81 1 28 1 25 1 20 1 18 1 IS 2 50 p ra Nono-belio Park 7 41 Vveavnr 7 40 "Roddy 7 88 Hoffman 7 S3 Royer 7 81 Xabaiioy 7 2S BioomlleiU 7 23 Tressler 7 09 .Vellson ' 7 04 . 'Durn's 7 01 F.llintsbar? PH Bjrnhsl' H 51 Groen Ytrk 8 48 Vontonr Juno 6 S3 Landisbi:rr 2S Arriva Let re a. an 6 10 10 43 6 10 9 49 6 21 9M 6 24 9 67 5 27 10 0 5 82 10 7 5 84 10 17 ft 37 10 m U 02 10 35 p. ni a. m Train l-aves Bloorntt-M at 5.6J . Bi.f nl arrives ' L,aodiab'.ir? at tVZi m Train leavws Lsu.lii.burK at 6.03 p. m on1 arriTes at Bloomituld at 6.40 p. m. AM stations marked ('Vara B at which trains will coma to a full oa signal. Coas. H. Sour. i. n Rra Prosidenl. Sapt. VEW PORT AMI SHHR2iA.V VAI. I lr Hailm! Company. Tiwr- tuhl of passsnen trains in ffcpt M mid it, May lHtb, 1898. STATIOX3. W out ward. wor"l. r PXlAM alS PB 6 On 10 851 8 80 4 0i 6 OS 10 H 27j 3 B7 6 12,10 42! 8 23 n ss 6 15 10 4 8 2i 5 6 25 10 62" f IB g4s 6 22 U Oil 8 11! At Kewrv-rt BclTalo Bridge Juniata Furnace ... V. annua StItbo W-tr Ping " Rlcouilirlri J-mct'n. ValUiTBoa.t ....... Eiliottaburg. ...... Green Park l.oysvillt. Fort Kobiixon ...JJ Cwnter Cisna's Ran .....! ALdcnoiibiirir . 'i Mount Pleiunt . ., New Cerniant'n . ' Oil UK l Vf. ft 83.11 o a III' ti 61,11 211 7 4.-) r- . .. " 3 88 3 82 i 15 0 54 II 24 10 in 7 05.11 S5 i 24! 1 av ' VCj 2 63 7 M 2 41 7 16 a 4 7 i a 40 7 K 2 33 Ii fcH 2 24 6 60 2 20 7 1111 41 15,11 45 7 2111 6i 7 27 11 57 7 85 12 05 7 4H2 11 7 4612 15 D. GRING, President and aauntf l. K.. Mules, General Acent. Tha FARQUHAR VARIABLE FKICTIOK. FEED SAW MILL fi EffGltlE EST. ""."?!3.,tJ.M - .. A. aV VAKQVHAR CO., Ltd., YOttK. PA. KEKGI3 & 12 FtO f ' G lTS-. 1.. " "- t--'i . . r . A wuiKivn1;! jiiipvenwiii m r;)i-,t,iq ,1 4wlff-Bltck. Iiack niotwrioit 'arr':.- . fiT.,'-. . c artny other in lh ciuik4. IVi?ttcii J .- .' 'a CatiminK nil the feHl eta Hits tt k:-i;.u tt v;'.. . lnc; rtnt wirinic In pnwrr and rrit . fV-a-loifti and itricf frt. Alno H.inr Ij-: CultWator, r Flantra. She Her , eu JVenfion this paper. HENC'H 4c DKLnGOLD, Mfr., "Voik. WANTED-AN IDEA5hr J I v"vPATENT 5 & wat and Hi SJ. C. for tboir WU0 prli oriat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers