SENTINEL .'REPUBLICAN MTFTT.TVTfW' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1898. TERMS.' ' 3Hbscrlrttoa, 1J&9 per annra if PM a ilnocoi $2.09 If not pW la adTanee. TnmninBt dTirtise-nfnta Inserted at 60 mtl er inch for mod iaaartlon. Truuteat tnMtaesa notices tn local eol m, 10 east pr line for each Insertion. CsdceMoat wUl b Bade to thsee deslrtac to eAverttse by the year, half or qaartr year. .Stl Cn SHORT LOCALS. It is noon time for peach bad talk. Cattle at the sales bring good prices. The sales on the farms are now in fall p'ay- Havs your sle bills printed at this office. Spain has a population of about seventeen million. Don't get near fire with celluloid combs or collars. Correspou lents.-TVrite only on one side of the paper. The winter wheat presents a favor able appearance. Blue birds put in an appearance here, on the 26th of February. Mrs, Brad3 JRobison, of Oil City, is visiting bcr sister, Mrs. Ezra Doty. Tbe NationRl Guard of Pennsylva nia is to be recruited to its full quota. If the Maine was exploded by Spaniard, Spain must make good tho loss. Tie horse and mule protection company, held a meeting in town on Saturday. Mrs. Tta Cramer, and sister Miss EmmaFowles, are visiting friends in Pittsburg, Ta. rills. VI HI' I j J 1 .'J"' - - -- her father, Hon. James North in this town, last wetk. The winter has not bsen a hard one, an i rabbits will be correspond ingly plentiful. James TilcClellan, of Virginia ia' visiting her father Captain McClellan who is quite ill. Captain Thos. Frow. of Lewistown, is at C-ifton Springs, N. Y., for the benefit of Lib health. Oa'.y one yee.- has elapsed since the inaugurat'jn of McKinley and the times are "etter. Mr. Soloairn Sieber, who lives two miles north -ast of town is in a pre carious etaf.0 cf health. 'Jjucy Leetum, and Miss mets are visiting .W;ss Bertha anier on Third street. WAR! WAR! WAR! Bat Snvder will sell furniture on March 10th, 1898, at his public sale in the Luck Building. See large hand bills. W. M. Sineely. editor of the Phila delphia Record, died suddenly at his home in Philadelphia, last Sunday, of a broken heart, caused by financial misfortune. The Lswitown Daily news, says ";i number-- nen were at the armory of Co. G , ready to go on the rolls," whei word was received to recruit, the copany up to its full quota. Dorthey E. Davis, aged 73 years, died at her bom, in Fermanagh township, cn the 24th day of Feb ruary, interment by funeral direc tor Snyder in Union Cemetery. The Spanish war cloud, within the past ten days depreciated stocks, to the extent of between one and two hundred million dollars. A number of dealers in business centers were bank rupted. WANTED. Bv an oi l establish od house, a man to take charge of and look after tht-ir business i'.i this section. Salary $600, with com mission. Cosh security required. Addree, Business, care Sentinel. After a few days of vacation. Miss Girty Scbott, returned to Boston, to continue her studies in music, on Tuesday. Her father Merchant Schott, accampanied her as far as to New York City. Tbo Selinsgrove Tribune says Judge Lyon3 has refused the appli cation of the at'orceys for the rail road company for a new trial in tli9 suit of Jeremiah Crouse vs. Pennsyl rania Railroad. SamutI B. Beall, died at the age of 66 years, recently in St., Lt.uis, Mo., leaving en estate for kin fulks that are some where in Pennsylvania. Address No. 812, TJn:on Trust build ing St. L:-u:s, Mo. The average frize of the kangaroo is frcru three to four feet in height. Specimens from six to seven feet are frequently met with on the Aus'ralian plains. A kangaroo Las been known to make a leap of ninety feet. Dealers in wheat say the wRr cloud has stopped a farthf-r advance in the price of wheat, for fear, that in the event of wsr, Spanish war ships will capture ships loaded with wheat after leaving American ports. While walking down Washington avenue this place ou Tuesday after noon barber Albert, Green found a Last Friday night a Lewistown fire bug thrust a ball of cotton atu rated with coal oil through a crack in the weatherboarding of the stable of the Farmers hole) at Lewistown, and set the ball on fire, then ran. Walter Trout came by, saw the light. At first be thought it was a ltntera. the next look revealed the nature cf the light. He gave the alarm. The fire was extinguished before great damage was done A lunch basket social was enjoyed by a koose full of people, at Arch Rock school house, three miles north of town last' Friday evening and fifteen dollars realized for Minister Mortimer's salery. Each member of tho church came with a basket con taining a lacch for two. At the proper time tho baskets were sold. The women of the congregation brought the baskets end the lunch. Each basket contained the name of its owrer, on the inside, and tbo man who bought a basket had the privi lege of taking lunch with its fair owier. It was an enjoyable occasion. Photographs advancing in price. Tttke Nol ice on and after April 1st, 1898, my price for our best Cabinet Photographs will be 3 00 pr dozen, until then April 1st, I will make and sell tickets inr these same pboto graphs for 1.50 per dozsn. I hava ordered 5,000 of the highest style cards, printed in gold to supply this work, our efforts in low priced woik has not been appreciated, therefoie we are obliged to return to our old price $3.00 per dozen. Tickets sold will be good at any time pre3ant6d, this is your liiot and only chance t. get high priced work at half price. Don't come in after the time snd say you didn't 6se this add, it will be too late. Respectfully, Joseph Hess. and down the Juniata Valley at rate of 60 miles an hour There ia a etvin feet diameter oak tree about midway along the bank west of tbe Mathers island. . The February freshet was a small affair which some neorile sav will be made up for in the June flood. i Miss Maggie Elder after a visit to liouie to Mifflintowu, last Saturdry. Mrs. Ellen Maguyre, and Mrs Charles Anderson, spent Sunday and Mordav with Miss Sallie and Maud' Irwin. Grangers of Blair county, have or ganized a bank which it is said will be opened this present month of March. Everybody and all their friends will be at Scyders public sale, cn March 10, '98. Good goods. Large assortment War agitation over the Spanish difficulties last week had a depress ing ffcet on bus'Deps in the sea board cities. The Christ Evangelical Lutheran church in Milton has passed through a revival season that resulted in 145 conversions. John K. Hostetter a Jlifflin coun ty farmer, at his late butchering cut tho'sau.S'ige and pudding meat by horse power. The explosion of the Maine ab- so. bed the attention of the American After some weeks of illue&s John F. Gusharrl, died at bis home in this place cn Tuesday afternoon of apo plexy. He ws born in Montgoraarv county. Pa , February 7, 1837. I ho had lived 8 days longer he would have been 61 jeers old. He camo wiih his parents to Juniata couctv I ia 1S47, leraucd the trade of a ru.i chinest. aiid was in the employment of the Pe?;nsylvaniat Railroad Com pany -12 years. He was a soldier figaicil rebellion. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Kenned? iu Mif lliutowu iu 1S62. Mrs. Guahurd sur v ivta Lim with six children, romelv, El ward, G., Marv M., Geo. li , Will iaui K., Lemuel K , Orpbia M. The funeral will xcka place at 3 o'clock ou Thursday. Iutemient ia the Presby terian cemetery. PUBLIC SALE, OF NEW FURNITURE. In order to reduce my large stock of furniture to make needed changes this spring, I have concluded to give the peo ple of Juniata county an op portunity to buy nw furniture at public sale, the sale to be conducted in Mr Luck's store room Main street Mifflin, Pa., n Thursday, March the 10th, 1898, at 10 o'clock, A. M, and continue during the day; A full assortment of all kinds of furniture will be sold. All purchases amounting to $5.00 and upward a credit of six months will be given by parties givingnote with approved secur ity. All purchases under $5.00 will be cash People who buy to the amount of $25. 00 and over, goods will be delivered free to any parts of Juniata county. All who buy that does not amount to 25-. 00, reasonable arrangements can be made for safe delivery. People buying goods do not of necessity need take goods along home, but "can leave them in my care until such time that it will be con venient to take or have them taken home up to last day of March, or April 1st. Respectful ly vours, W. F. SNrDER. The trouble with thousands of women is "not "female weakness," althoogU" many physicians suppose it is. The real trouble lies in the Kidneys, Liver and Bladder. Doctors often fail to effect a i cure, simply because they don't give the right remedy. Women as well Ay?) as men can ascertain for them selves if their Kidneys are diseased. ) f Simply fill a bottle or glass tum- x a I J uier wilu nunc uiu let it suwu m t" dnv and a Tiifrht Tf tfiors is. a. aediment at the bottom, something ia wrong with the Kidneys. If there is a desire to urinate often if there is a pain in the small of the back if the urine- stains linen look oat! The Kidneys are diseased. Ladies can take Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy with perfect as surance of relief. It will cure them of Kidney, Liver and Bladder disorders just as certainly as it cures men. Mrs. G. W. Davenport, of West Troy, N. Y., says: "I was troubled with my Kid neys, and suffered intense pain in my back and loins. The wife of Dr. Robinson, pastor of the First Avenue Methodist Church, recommended Dr. David Kennedy' Favorite Remedy. I got some, and have used it ever since, with the result that I am greatly benefited. All pains have left me, and I am like another person." Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is a perfect blood and nerve medicine. It restores the liver to a healthy condition and cures the worst cases of constipation. It is a certain cure for all diseases peculiar to females. Ssntpio Bot2 Free Favorite Remedy is such a certain cure that the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. V., will forward, prepaid, a free sample bottle to every sufferer who sends his or her full postofficc address and mentions tills paper. The fact that our liberal offer appears in this paper is a guarantee of its genuineness. . All druggists sell Favorite Remedy at Si.oo a bottle. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. In order to close out the balance of our winter stock'we will sell all our heavy clothing, includ ing men's, boy's and children's overcoats at a special reduction. WE ALSO HAVE a lot of mens, boys a&d children" suito that we are closing out at exactly one halt the price they were formerly sold for. THESE SUITS ARE SOME that nearly all the sires have been sold, and we are cloeinj them out at one half former prices, IN MANY OF THESE there may be only one size left in a pattern, and in order to make room for CJUIt olMilfliir make this unprecedent oiler. THESE GOODS cannot vrc laot FAYETTE MOTES. longjso,iLin-need of a suit for your self or boy, don't let this opportu mty pass. T O. F: GREATEST REMMAiNT AND BARGAIN SAL.E ON RECORD, SGH0ff'STST0RES, FROM FEB. 24, TO MARCH 26,! H0LL0BAUGH & SON, 116 IlI STREET, PATTERSON, PENNA. a: 1 . J A. -1- 1L . L 1 1 T,., ... 11 i -1 Lewibtown D.!i!v Yews, i'eb. IS. If the owner will call on Mr. Gieen,,, , . ;v . i ... he or sue may nave t ho watch. .. r ,- , , 1, J I the direction of tuo ctml uureens Tho Spanish qmstion has natjmnclo information before Juutice changed since lust week. The in- Zerbe against a crowd of young' ftl quirv into. the cause of tbo explosion : lows who hae been 8iuinr on tho of tho Maine is etill goincf on, and ' Btretts at night uui rrtftci' (J Citll"- untii the report of tbe investigating j ard, Win. Hognian, John Stevens, committee h: s been made, the situ 'Hary Marlz, fe5. WaUers, Jr , acd ation must remain unchanged. 1 Win. Roa-inberry on a charge of dis Fast trains havo been traveling up I Samuel WcMutrie ftfid 76 tuibing tho peace They were u c'.iiuu ji Liuire cuuuiy, u3r.ui-r- i , " . , , , - , 0 intone hundied and eirhtv fox. 1 of tho b;8 Fa!ti Tbe most of the foxes were rod foxey, From their ekia and scalps he re ceived a nice cum of inonay. Mrs. Sarah Weber, aged 51 years died at tbe home of her husband, at Miner town, th'ree miles corth west of MifiTntown, on Sunday, February 27. Interment by funeral director Snyder in Union Cemetery," south of town Tnesday, March, lit. On tbo 23rd of February, jnsfc past Squire Thomas Creighto:, of Keeil Gap, Tiiria'a courity, united in the boiias of malrimony, Hugh K. 1 :;lm and Ellen Fulh-r. both of McCor town. The eronm is 77 years old and tbe bride 58 years old. Frederick Glace, died of consump tion, jit his home, at B'ua Spring, near Port Roval, cn the 23rd of Feb. runry, aged 38 years. A wife and five sons, tbe oldest of which is 12 years, survive him. The funeral took plrco on Fridav. Funeral dirfctor Ruble endncied ihn ir-termant nt Syrnce ITili cemetery. To deborn ettlf; take a calf 3 wenks old clip tbe hair on the knob where the horn grows, take a f tick of costic potash, wrap one end with paper to keep fingers from burning, dip the other end iu water and touch the knobs where the bores should grow; touch th a knobs well with the caustic and that will stop horn grow- pf-fple to the exclusion of nil other lfjf Uy the courtesv of Air and -wrs- I Scboll, The Womans Home tnd For- ftime their Hues while others wut to j iil in dsfauit of pay ment. Tois is tbe bsginning of a movement on the part of the police to break up ibis indiscrimiuats car onsing and Lallofug cn our etiecU and they bhou d be supported in it by tho borough tulborities, a t!iiug tbat bun not ulwbys been done bore before. The greatest auction and public sale ever held in Juniata county, on March 8, 1898, com mencing at 10 o'clock, iu the forenoon and continuing all Oaklatd MHv, I'd., Feb. 28, "9S Mr. FrLk Keifele and John Fike aro bu bng Lay in Pfnutz valley this WtH k The reporter attocded t'ne enter tainment at Liberty fcLool l.ous3 cn lii. tiiiiv i vt-uicg i-i iHut. we K, no ro , , . , . ., u ... 1 :. i- "... . . ' . . .-..the ion ff stock causes a lo?8 tc the store, but p.neu u Dig crown out owing: in iuui - urge uu ht-tcrt md b.,d t.i d.-r and : money pavinp for the scores of buyers who attend these tre whiht:iv,g, gv-fhr.ig, au-i .-niti g memdous SACRIFICE SA LES. j gi.iuu u:. at si liiii rsiit, M as A.f.e I Wtli anA raa.l u-itli infoi-ovt Prrfif hv nnp advice indi ..f ITtLV t:Vit respond promptly. First .elections are the b9st selections mt nt to a Hose for ihfj evening, tue ; on same kinds of goods. The limited quantity will likely be ivnuq 1 ia wn tcii f uterUimnenr. ; consumed by the immense crowd of buyers in a short time. W1.3 a tai.ure ns it only ! ted half an j y0u all remember our former creat bargain sales. This one unci for hour. It Kppeats thai son: v'-ople uiike it .1 tasi-ts to aitciitl euch gat lt rings a; d try to make ail the noise tbey caw, in mch rase the mob lawuujht t Luj ar.f jrcal. Afccr the (-n:i-rtaimi.bnt was over a racket occurcd with one of the Slim Vulh-y boy nr.d rue of the Saltm boys both left a i:tilo wild ff tbt-n depu ted. H A. BrLRt-r. II. A. Sarlz O. G Hibbs, :ii)il J E. Swarlz, xpoct to leave i -r North Dakota in the spring. Mr. Snmutl ScLIcgel and wife, are visitictr it!utives ar.d friends in Kan sas and other western st.itr-3. Mr. Samuel Sieber, cf Fermanagh towtship, spent last Wednesday eve ning vry p!tas4utly with the writer. Call a;,'in, Mr. W. 0. Mclleen was railed to Pittsburg on eccv iitt of bis child being i'l with pi;cu uor.ia. Tbe j-ecr 1807 will i o down us a yearwbeis faun, is paid ifF more lovrtgiigt s and debts ever known in 1 1 in lissti.rv. wlir 'S it k-t IScciii-e day at Ferd Meyer's furniture Wiiiiam McKinley is president cf the rooms. 117 liridere street. Am- United Stales. j a , pubiic questions William Jeckits and his brother Diivid of Milford township, have gone v:ef, the former to (Jhicsgo ant the latter to Kansas city. .- Neaily all the do-is in Saville town ship, Perry couuty, have b-?ei sbot b cause a mad d:g roamed ia that tu'Ansh'.p and bit maDy dogs. There ia a talk m certain circles about going to search for Aodrec, out alas, where, for Le sailed in his bidocn ont over tho deep blue seft. Mrs. Wilberforce Schweyer end little son and daughter spent several dya with .Wis. Sehweyer's mother in Lewistown, within the past week. Mrs. Robert Robison and little grand daughter Elizabeth of Port Royal, spent day with Miss Mry and Margaret Laird in this town last week. Lewistown Gazette: Mra. Ezra C Doty, cf MjfflintowD, Pa., spent Sat in d r-- end Sunday at the borne of her p"r(rdrf, Rev. R. F. Wilson and wife, ou Third street. The letters uncalled for - in the Mifflinlown post ofliice for tbe week ending Fabrnary 26tb, 1898, were for Miss Katie Auker, Sliss Florence Noel, Miss S. B. flench. The latest cure for a rattlesnake bite ia coal oil. Tho injured part is pi iced in a vessel filled with oil, and tbtj poison will cotne oat and rise to . the suface of the liquid. The funeral of Miss Mary Kulp took place from tbe heme of banker Irwin, in L Wigtown, on Monday, a rnmber of Mifflintown and Patterson people attecded the funeral. Unclaimed letters, in Patterson ! O.Feb., 28, 1898, were for Mr. Marry Young, John F. Reeves, H Srnge: Miss Maine Saunders, Mies Annie P. Leech, Uiss Annie Harrowe. flintown. Owing to our large coidracis uuado with the large furniture menufactur icg e8tab!ishment!, cf Grand Rapids Hud, Michigan, Will.amsport, I'a., acd New York and many other placs, by which we h-.d to bay large quantities to buy lit light pd e-J. We overcrowded oursa'vej for room and wi.l now give the people if Juni aia county and r ear by coict:e!, such l:rg t ffaiinga a'.d rare tieat la buying furniture at a public sale, to make room as never was before and never may occur ng iin. Don't forget and miss 3-our opportunity. All goods delivered fiee. Yours trulv, FERD "MEYERS. FARM FOR SALE. eign Missionary Society of the Luth eran Coi.gregation of this town, held a chicken ond waffle supper at the I residence of Mr. and Mrs. Scholl. j Tho sapper was a success in every way. The social and financial side of tho occesion was highly er j ved and tip to the highest expectation. Ontbefvening of the 23rd u'.t , JWr. H. C. Rower, and Miss Sarah Cleck were married at the home of tb bride's mother, about 4 mile" north cf this towo, by Rev. A. N. Raven. Tbe bride and groom have a large circle of friends and relations in this county who extend congratu lations and wish them happiness ia the journey of life that they have un dertaken together. Certain men about Altoona are de claring that they have recently, at night, when out of doors, seen a cross in tbe bky, which they . interprit to mean war. Sober people in that community inclined to tbe belief that the people who have seen the cross in tbe sky have been imbibing in some thing differed from lemonade. What they have been drinking is liable to pat a red cross or any colered cross in their eyes whether inside or out side of the house. Last Friday morning about 3 o'clock, burglars exploded the safe in tbe the Washington hotel, in Hun tingdon, obtaining thirty eight hun dred dollars. The proprietor of tbe hotel came upon the scene just as the robbers were leaving. The hotel men opened fire on the retreating thieves. The robbers were tracked to the Broad top railroad, and officers caught one of the thieves atEniriken Ftat ion, he gave his name as Philip FogaD, he bad a gnn shot wound in Tho undersigned, offers Lis Lome stead fane, in Mutiroo township, about three quarters cfa mila from Evendalo, at priv.;io sale. The farm consists of 100 acres more or Jess, ail cleor land excepting about a acres, which is in timber. Th iinurovr nittnfs aie a g od frairu, honB?, frame bark barn, wagon s' J, h;.g pen, sprtr g iionsf, me spring cevr uns. There is !no a weil ot L;vt,r failing water at the houe, church, school bonne, store and mil! tonveniardiy near. There iu a peecii orchard of S00 trees cn the firm. Addies!-", Balthaser Lacvek, Evendale, Juniata Co., Pa. Jan. 5, '08, tm. Wm Shelley, of Thompson town' visited among friends here on Sun" dav, -Mi. S. f xpe cts to leHve for Ian caster cuuuty tm Thursday, I'Ved Wilson left for Williarusport lasi Wednesday whe re be has secured work. Park Rruhaktr left for Paris, Texas lrtst week. Mr. Jackson Robis'.m Aoadtmin visited at MtiMeen's last week. ar.d i'e, of Mr. Jaruea L.4. GKIPI'E. To begin with, McOLINTIO'S HARDWARE iiouse'Furnishitig - S T O R E Since L Grippe bus been preva lent in l-h:B country, there Iimb been found butonn Specific. Dr. Humph reys' "77". For ua'.e by all drug gist e, 22c. Republican county Primary L cctleu and Convention. FLORIDA. Tb Republican county committee met iu Zeiler's hotel in Patterson, on Saturday, and fixed the time for holdirg tho primary election 0:1 Sat urday, A; rii 9, 1808, and tho time for the njff.ticg of the convention of return judges, Moudav, April 11, 18D8, at Mifflmtowu. . m '.rFJ.iNTOWN R A.1.V MAK'ijtiS MIFFLINTOWN, MARCH 2 ,19S. will eclipse any preY'ious tsales. . 50 piece: of good calicoes w rib 5o a yar.l, at 31c a yard. 100 " " Icdigo Hlnzcnd Simpson back calicoes worth 7c, at4o. 50 " 41 silver gray and fitiicv turky red worth 7o, at 5o. Extra quality fine wttite g. ods, Satin stripe!. Nainsook Plaids, Victoria lawns, and India linen (trertb doubl ) at 60, 7o, 8. 9c, lOe. 36 iocb wide Gne qua'itj unbleached muslin 10 j arils for 38a. 36 " ' extra quality "10 yards for 45o. 36 " ' extra heavy like Appleton A ; at 5e a yd. 10 yds- for 49c. 37 " " Appleton A., muslia at 10 ysrde fot 54o. 36 " fine hleacbed uiunlin t 10 yarda for 49a. 36 " finer " " at 10 yards for 65o 36 " " bleiched Hill best muslin 10 yards for 58o 36 " " heavier bousda'c n:usiiu at 7c a jard 36 " " fine Cambrio snd Loncdale caiubr o at 8c aid 9r. Elegant apron ginghams at 3Jo and 4o a yard. Bsst Lancaster giDgbamsat 4lc. licst qnality dre ginghams at 5io and 643. Good quality heavy crash 3 yards for 10c. Largo size towels at 5u a piece. Extra large bath towels tnrkish at I2.. Heavy twilled bed tiosing worth 15c, at So. Other giod bed ticking at 74i and 8.Jc. 1,000 jards of Hamburg edgings at greatly reduced prices. Good pants goods at 12o tnd 15o. Also the finest grades of wool acd w.-rsted f-ui tings, for men acd boys wear. r4G484.9.4lol -unbleached sheeting at 9, 10, 12Jo etc, Children! haodktrchtafi 3 for 5o Menu fine ualaundried rbirts at 39c. Cbildrens bib overalU at 25c. 2 yards of table oil eiotb for 25c. Spring relict window shades at lOo. Elegant table honen at 20 and 25o. Limit: Not over 30 yards to one person. NOTIl No premium card 11 above goods. 35 ladies and children coats and cap?, at great sacrifice. Large ecUotioDS of corsets at 35c, 39o, and 49c, cte. Special rednoticBq in home read carpets Ingrains, Tapes:ry, brussels and velvet carnMR. All dress goods, silki and trimings at greatly reduced prices. Fer this special Fate including all ne v styles of pirtg pattern. Fine quality of dress good at 10c and 15o, 17c, 19o, 25o and 29o. 5000 pair of font were for men. ladies bois and children at redueed prices. $2.00 ladies bboes for $125. We don't attempt a description of this vast assortment figure, will indicate the actual comparison of worth tslling price facta, our reputation for reliable qualities is sufBsieut to guarantee that you will nud everything as represented. Every counter is full of bargain,. Sale will continue until March 26th. SCHOTT'S STORES, 103 to 109 Bridge street, Mffl ntown, Pa. THIS STORE SETS THE PACE. O 0O0 O THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT- Things are never dull here; rever stupid. Tbe full life of the store al ways hes a cheerful welcome for all comers, and sbeppers are quiek to .eei in favor of the Great Values to be found in onr new Neat, Stylish, Inviting' TORE A Specially Selectad Stock ef Ranges, Cook, Parlor aid Ihtp Stoves. Hone Blaakets aad Lap Rekea. LAMPS, large and small. Come in and look arouis. WeMl make you feel at bone. We have the largest Sttek aid Store in tbe county. OUII NAME GUARANTEES QUALITY. K. H, M'CLINTIC, MIFFLINTOWif V.'lifat . . ,, Coru in ear. Tlae Last Tour of the Season via Pennsylvania Railroad. The last of the popular Pennsylva nia Railro -d personally conducted tours to Jaelidouvtlle will leave Nsw York at.d Piiilsdlpkia by special triiin of PuLiniin palaco ears on Tuesday, March 8tb. Round trip tickets, valid to return on regular trains until May 31, 1898, and including railway transportation in each direction, and Pullman ac commodations (ore berth) and meals on special train goir g. will be sold at tbe following rates : New York, $50. 00; Philadelphia, $48 00; Caunan daigus, $52 85 ; Er:?, $54 85 ; Wilkes barre $50.35 ; Pitiebnrt', $53.00 ; and at proportanate rates from other points. For tickets itineraries, and full infor mation applv to ticket agabts; Tour iEt Agent, 1196 Broadway, New York; Thorna Pnrdy, Pas8ccg.r Aent, Long Branch District, 789 Broad Street, Newark, N. J.; Thos. E. Watt, Passenger Agent Western District, .... 92 80 $2 to (2 50 18 13 - J2 .... 12 Rre Clo tfrre -1 .... Butter Egg Ham Shoulder Lard...... .. . ...... Sides 7 Timutbv seed IA0 Faiaeed 60 llran 70 Chop 85c l 90c Middlings 90 Ground la Salt...... ........ "6 AmericaoSalt.... ............. 60c Pbiladelphia Jabkets, Mar. 1st, 1898 - V heai $1 q0; corn 34c; oats 32c; butler 14 to 26c; eggs 12 to 14c; po tatoes 75 to 80c a bushel; chickens 8 to 10c a lb. DIED: Clevenstiue. On the 18th day of February, near Neimond's church, Mary Grace Clevenstine, aged 2 years 6 months and 1 day. Musser On tbe 22nd day of February, near East Salem, Catba' rine lluseer, aged 79 years, 6 months and 20 davs. Silvebthork At Bichvale, Hunt' his right leg-. He had in hie peckets Pittsburg Pa., or Geo. W. ! c?untT'.r February 17th, one hundred and five dollars in cor ;Boyd. Assiitaut General Pabsenger il898' Mra- ' "et Silverthorn, rency and fifty dollar in gold. ' agent, Broad Station, Philadelphia. a6ed 71 7nr 3 niontha and 87 days. 1865, ESTABLISHE D. 1897. Special Invitation To The Pub Hit To attend the Attractive bale oi Clothing that goes on from daily THE IMMENSE ST0GK OF D. W. H it will be TO THE , ADVANTAGE 0E ALL BUYERS Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AJSTD CHILDREN It u truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE J of Suita nd Overooata at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f iil to give him a call if in need of Clothing,1 7 D. W. H A R L E l MIFFLINTOWN FJL. PUBLIC SALES. MarcU 25 D. B. .Vc Williams, iu Busle township, household goods, cat tie, farm machinery, grain, hay. Mar. 18. Mrs. D. Kicheson, Hon ey Grove, bouse goods, farm imple ments, horses, cattle. Mar. 15. "William Showers, Peru Lack, hout-o goods, cows, younercatlle, farm implements. liar. 15. Geo. M. K-jbison, near' Patterson, horgfs, cows, joung cattle and farm implements. Mar. 17. Christ Tyson, Wa'.ker township, horses, cattle, bogs, frm implements. ' Jtfur. 10. J F. Armstrong, War ble, house, cattle, hogs, farm imple ments. Mar. 16. W. S. Rice, Spruce Hill horses, cuttle, farm implements. rfar. 23. J. P. Earnest, Jtfilford township, horses, cows, hogs, chick ens, farm implements. Mar. 22. S. S. Beere, Sprue Hill township, farm implements, horses cows, young cattle. Mar. 24 Cuarles Foltz, Turbett township, horses, cows, young cattle, shoe's, farm implements. .Varch 29. C. W. Book, adminis trator of Martha Book, in Fnye!t3 township, household goods. March 29. George May, of Aci demia, hortrp, ca'tle, hogs, farm uia cbicery, hay corn fodder, and corn. Feb. 22. M. W. Swarlz, will sfU at public side, in Fermanagh town ship, two miles east of MiHintown. horses, cows and farnuDg imple ments. H. H. Snyder, Auctioneer. Subscribe for tbe Sentinel axd R EroHLiCAX, a paper that tv nlains choice reading matter, fail of infem tion that does the reader :oJ, ard in ad litiuii to thnt. all local ntwstha' are worth publishing 6nd pieces in iis coluru! s. tf. Wond erf ul are the cures by Hood's I Sarsupariila and yet it is only because : a3 the one true blood purifier, it makes j pure, rich, healthy, life-giving blood. Hood's Fills for the liver and Uiwels, act sueiiy . yet promptly, too HIVE I0U MONEY TO DEPOSIT ? ARE YOU A BORROWER I -call at a THE HBST 3 MIFFLINTOWN, FA.. ' FOUR FER CENT" INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, v Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. - . LM JUNIATA VALLEY BAK OF MIFFLINTOWif, PA. Stockholders Indindully Libli'J; a Am JOSEPH ROTHBOCK. Prttiitnt. . , T. VAN lRWUi,'Cktm r2 DIBKCTOtS. W. C. Poraeroy, Joseph Rothreet-. Jobn Uertsler, Joaiab L. Bartw. Kobert M. Parker, Lonis B. AtkiasM i . . irwin. YOOKHOLEBBS : i George A. Kepner, Annie W. Sballay. J Joaeph Kothrock, p. w. Kanbeek, i L. E. Afkicaon, R. E. Parker, W. C. Poaieroy, J. Holmes Irwia John Hertzler, Jerome. N. Tbompaon ' C'liuriotte Snyder, T. V. Inrin. John W. Blair, s.iiah L Brtio. . M. M. Pennell, Robert H. Pattprran, t .mnol s. Ko'liiRck, Leri Light, ' U. N. Strrett, Wra. Bwartn. Jamra G. Heading, H. J. SbellenlMtwar - S. W. Hp. M. E. Schlrgel. Baraael Schlegnl. " per cuui. ir.'ermt wiii d ai4 eer ;fics es uf deposit. i r' 2, 1898- WANTED-AN IDEA?j Bflnjt yau wealth. Writ JOHN WKOVEL KUKse w., fatant Attoraaya, U. O.. for their fUffO prize offer. Aim
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers