Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 02, 1898, Image 4

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les are
It Is better to-w-mstte then whine:
It to better to laugh than to cry,
for though it U cloudy, the sua will aooa
bine, .
Actom the blue, beautiful sky.
It is better to nliistle tlinn whine,
O ninn, with the sorrowful brow.
Let the words nf the chile suaMei Baas
tnurn of thine.
And gather his cheerfulness now.
It is better to whistle than whine.
Poor mother! no weary with care.
Thank God for the love and the peace
that are thine.
And the joy of thy little onea share.
It la better to whistle than whine.
Though troubles yon find in your way.
Remember that wise little fellow of nine.
And whistle your whining away.
God blew that brave boy for the cheer
He brought to this sad heart of mine;
When tempted to murmur, that young
voice I hear,
"It is better to whistle than whinel"
WaTeriey Magazine.
once observed that
a man's character
could be better Judg
ed by the books and
and room he keeps
than his company.
Cyril Graves, ear
ly in life, had devot
ed himself to the
study of politics,
and all his bo;es
and fears were cen
tered In that en
graving pursuit.
One Wednesday evening he
was sitting smoking in his
chambers, deeply engrossed
In a blue book, when he
beard a gentle knock on his
in:" he shouted, thinking It
was bis man, and again buried himself
in his book.
Tie door opened and shut quietly
and he s:ill read on, and then suddenly
looked np. There, standing in a de
jected attitude, was the wreck of what
had been a lovely woman. Graves
sprang to bis feet, his face pale an?
stern, for, rn front of him. was his
Justly divorced wife.
"You! Bertha! Here la my rooms!"
He moved over to the bell.
"Don't ring it!" she wailed; "I watch
ed your servant go out, and wanted to
speak to you, ah, so badly."
"Xow look here, Bertha you drag
ged my name In the dust you nearly
ruined my career, and now, when you
have been Jiiaily punished, you come
back. What do you want? money?"
Ills tones were Icy In their coldness,
and the weak, degraded creature be
fore him shivered a she heard the last
"Cyril I've no right to come to you.
I know, but the world is so cold and
wretched to a woman, and God alone
knows how low I've fallen. Cannot
you take me back?" She sank Into a
chair, and began to cry silently.
"Take you back!" he cried, his eye
glittering with fury, whilst, with un
even strides, he paced the room; "take
you back and become the laughing
aock of London! What! Go and nis-
.te in some dreary hole until vou
left me again? You forget what you
The Insult lashed fresh life and spirit
Into the cowering woman.
"And who made me what I am?" she
said, with her color rising, and her
breath eemlng and going rapidly.
"Not I," he replied, with a sneer.
"If not you. who did? When you
first men ate at my father's rectory I
was as simple-minded a girl as anyJn
th land. You made me man-- JU '
did you not?" Her tone was ta
neu suppose I aid T" heTvrered.
"You took me to a dull bouse In this
London town, and there yon left me.
N5ht after night you went to your po
litical rowings and to your Houne of
Commons' . ami trnve me what was left
of your time. You fed me and clotliod
me, ICs true, and there It ended. You
encouraged me to mix In society, and
never troubled te protect me as you
should have done: and then, when 1
left you. more from heart sickness .ir,j
from a dealre to be loved and petted by
some one than from any other cause,
yos divorced me, and received the con
dolence of your Wends. Bah! you art
the mai who la responsible for ray
roia, and you only. Money! I scorn
your money, and never until I die will
I trouble you again."
She left the room abruptly, leaving
Graves a prey to the most conflicting
emotion. Her indictment was. be felt
only too true, arvi a feeling of shame
oasie eror him.
He unlocked his safe and took out hif
will, and read it slowly through, tuet
took a sheet of paper and wrote rapid
ly. and replaced both in the safe.
"There!" lie said. "I shall never mar
ry agiiin. ami If I die before her, whe
knows, it may make a difference If sh
ha-'te control of money. If I coulc
in ;.t..C-' rime over again!"
.;.i.uMi'i:' ' debate was over, and Cyrl
j.i3 rit't li-'' Its hero. Secure Is the self
v.m rf biuii' a thorough knowledge ol
(rive lis possessor, be had
..v. rn-i sat djwa gmigt a chorus ol
o un iess isr -cnefrsi In tbe i0bDT hl
trv,'rsy Y11'1 crowded around him wltt
-.,-iV, in 1 ...1... 1 . , 1
" r1"'" a"u' "rCT" !
Id itiiuu tj tr. 1.'. .i m 1 ua l mo u.i,. c
E p'l j obscure private member wer
ol ' The larger life of a leader ol
. .. . with all Its brilliant possibilities
, .ijt'd to lie open before him, and hi
toe u .
fcLJvo . .iiet down his overstrained n""- e
he took his iiat and coat, and, althougt
It was long past midnight, made bit
nav to the Embankment, a favoriti
tr. when
There vr'
U' ir '.it fleet
ttionsrtit. Tbere cfa full moon, anl
tlie night wasvery still, and.
lost in
"ev.-i i
.. . . . V. 1 , A
be Iw
I ! over me uaiuaii nuc
J guzt.-! i.vjjl- upon the glisterjing, sll-
river Iwiow him.
1 '!.! utter peace and and quietude of
tl:e s.-one soothed him, and he was Just
a!--uf to leave when a heavy band was
l."M upon his Bhoulder.
"Don't do It, sir think over It," was
iiiiiM.?red In bis ear.
!!e turned sharply, and found a po-:i-v:ium
looking at him with comnils
rr.iMon. Cixwl fIoI! constable, you don't
' jTk I'm poing to Jump In the river,
Jo you? Man alive! Can't any one
ulk on the Embankment without do
- t!:.it?"
Aren't you Mr. Graves, the member
f'r K.ist liui !:s. sir?" said the man.
is. I am: we had a hot debate at
:.p II:v.:se, and I strolled here to cool
i .'.vu before turnlnc in. How did you
i.::o'.v 1:1c?" queried 1 raves.
"Lord bless you. sir, I'm a Bucks
'r.nn myself, and a stanch supporter of
.:'-.:rs. But don't ee, sir, come here
-isMn lil:e tUls; it ain't safe, for we call
ir one nf the most risky beats In Lou
duu. We get down here men as are
4t.syera.te for want of toed and ahel-
tar. I believe half the twti.es t-. j
oat of the river come from aloof aero."
There waa sacs a I easing la the asan'e
ton that Graves waa ton eked, ana fait
In his pocket for soma money.
Buddealr, eighty yards np, he saw a
figure outlined against the sky, and
then disappear witfc a load shriek aad
a splash
Am awful cry of "Heir eefeeed
through the still night air.
"Good God, sir, a wemaa'a gone la
and I can't swim a stroke," (Tossed
the policeman. "What shall we do?"
"Dor said Graves, TD go 1 aoyeelf.
Get on the pier below hero, for the tide
will bring us down, and 70a may be
able to lend a hand."
Whilst he spoke be tore off bis boots,
slipped off his coat and trousers, and
stood for an Instant on the balustrade
looking for the suicide.
"Help! help!" she shrieked, coming
once more to the surface. With a mat
tered prayer Graves dived Into the
water. Coming up, he shook the water
from Ms bead and eyes, and wHh a
long, graceful side-stroke made for the
sinking woman.
AU his faculties were keenly awake;
be felt that power, life, and reputation
Itself were nothing to the delight of
saving some despairing creature from
a terrible death. The policeman cheer
ed him on with hearty shouts, and he
spurted Just In time to clutch the wom
an by the hair. To his horror be say
that H waa his cast-off wife.
"Let me sink!" she gasped.
"Never!" he said, between his teeth.
"You said I was responsible for your
fall. I'll not be so for your death. Put
your bands on my hips and 111 do all
I can; don't struggle, but kick out when
I do. Come, Bee," an old, old diminu
tive of fond days, "try and live."
The woman did as she was told, and,
perhaps, loved and reverenced him
more In those few minutes than ever
she had before.
With dogged pluck Graves put forth
all his strength, bnt he knew he waa
falling. Hla breath came and went In
great gasps, and his arms felt like lead;
an awful desire to rest came over him,
which the woman seemed to guess.
me drown, Cyril; save yourself."
she said.
"It's all right, air," shouted the con
stable, "a few more stroke and I can
help you."
It was too late, however, for even as
the man's friendly band closed on the
woman's drees Graves fell back er
haunted and sank like s log.
A woman, whom all the night po
licemen know and respect, haunts the
foul places of London, night after
night, relieving and comforting the lost
of both sexes.
There Is an unknown benefactor who
gives royally to the homes and shelters
of outcast London, and who never tires
of giving.
And one day a woman, whose good
deeds will never be chronicled by man,
will enter the workhouse utterly des
titute, and will await In meekness and
quietude the call that will terminate
her chequered career forever. St
Big Voice, Hasp Rad.
"That winter," said the man who lets
boats and does general utility work
about a summer resort during the sea
son, "I decided to do something easier
than to go Into the woods and do heavy
work In the lumber camps. 80 I got
hold of a grapbophono. a magic lantern,
and a mixed lot of vlewa about which
I fixed up a running lecture that I
thought would make a hit. I waa do
ing first-rate In the little towns In the
upper part of the State and refused s
couple of good offers to sell out.
"About the middle of the winter I
went to the Indian village at the hvsd
of Burt Lake, and when the time for
exMhi fhe hn..y Ue 01
nleai iBe nlrtn
1 vwuioi
sadlence, but I
TTver got a EW
got s Erod or s laugh. Just te
see if I couldn't warm them into some
show of enthusiasm, I turned on s
comic song from the grapbopbone.
"It stirred them, but not In the war
I end boped. By the time the end of
the first verse was reached half a doa
en of the old men of the village were
holding a council la the middle aisle.
Tfaey Jabbered away In a language I
could not understand, and nothisg
could be read from their faces. That
something was wrong, however, ap
peared in the fact that the eyes of the
youngsters seemed popping out of their
heads and the squaws held tketr ear
as they watched the old men.
"The latter advanced solemnly to the
little staKe, saying notbr but emit
ting significant grunts, hey were
bent on seeing where that voice came
from, and no protest of mine received
the slightest attention. They looked In
every possible hiding place, ripped np
the floor, and finally took all my ma
chinery apart. They became angry be
cause mystified, lod me down to tlie
little boat on which I had eonae, threw
my traps In, and ordered me to leave.
"The lake was boiling; It wss pitch
dark: I was nervous, sad before I
reached the east shore I had lost every
thing but the boat, to which I clnng. I
quit the stage and took to the weeds."
Detroit Free Press.
Newspapers' Stability.
A queatlon that was frequently asked
: was: "What will become Of the Sun
' now that Dana Is dead?" The Inquiry
i is based on a mistaken Ides. A great
i newspaper Is far more than an lsdlvld
' uality, no matter how eminent its editor
may be. It Is an secretion of years and
of effort In many departments, and
when It reaches the first rank has
passed far beyond the limits of s single
The great newspaper Is in some de
gree the creation of the public Kself,
who, appreciating Its firm principle
and intelligent championship of the
j-'t make It their forum. A Journal
of this high order and broad Influence
Is Interwoven with current history, and
has a perpetuity like the tide of human
life. When It loses a laborer of excep
tional ability the event Is deplored, but
the paper goes forward without mlss
nig a step.
One day's issue of a newspaper hi the
work of many brains and bands. Like
an army, It needs a general. Like an
army, H survives t. general, and, as the
chain of human affairs Is unbroken, so
the continuity of n leading Journal 1
preserved. Globe-Democrat.
Her Intuit on.
Helen What do you think, dear
Harry Benedict proposed te me las'
Louise I could have guessed K.
Helen Why?
Ixralso I refused him the eveniut
before, and when be left me I knew by
his look that he Intended do aave
thing desperate.
Rr wtt b ueilMtiy
yourself, yon will discover that you
are patient only at times when noth
ing occurs to make you impatient.
Biggest of Recreation Gvoands.
Epplng forest is the largest public
recrsettsn ground la tkm wseid.
aTsw Xt Orswa sjsd the Methods et lro
patriae It tor Use, .
t The Mexicans call the beverage com
posed of the pounded seeds of the cacao
tree chocolate. -The
tree la a handsome one, twelve
Is sixteen feet high; the (not upright,
and about Ire feet long; the wood,
light In weight aad what in color; the
' bark, brownish.
1 The leaves are lanceolate, oblong,
, bright green, quite entire; the flowers
' are small, reddish end inodorous. The
fruit Is smooth, of a yellow or red
tinge, and about three Inches In disnv
' eter; the rind Is fleshy, about half an
'inch In thickness, flesh-colored; within
the pulp Is white, of the consistency
of batter, separating from the rind
j when ripe, and adhering only to it by
' filaments, which pentrats it and reach
I to the seeds. Hence it la known when
the aeeds are ripe by the rattling of
the capsule when K la shaken. The
pulp has s sweet and not unpleasant
taste, with a slight acidity. It la suck
ed and eaten raw by the natives. The
seeds are about twenty-live is number;
when fresh they are of s flesh color;
gathered before they are quite ripe,
they preserve them la sugar, and thus
they are very grateful te the palate.
They quickly lose their vegetation If
taken out of the capsule, but kept in It
they preserve that power for a long
time. The tree bears leaves, flowers
and fruit all the year through; but the
usual seasons for gathering the fruit
are June and December. In two years
It Is about three feet high, and spreads
Its branches, not more than five of
which are suffered to remain; in three
years It begins to bear fruit. A tree
yields from two to three pounds of
seeds annually. The seeds are nourish
ing and agreeable to most people, and
are generally used In South America'
and In the West India Islands.
The seeds of the cacao were made
use of as money In Mexico, In the time
of the Aztec kings, and this use of
them Is still partially continued, the
smaller seeds being employed for the
purpose. The lowest denomination of
coin money current In Mexico Is of the
value of about twelve cents; and as
there must arise many pretty transac
tions of business to a lower amount
the convenience of these seeds, six of
wl Ich are reckoned as the value of one
ceit. must needs be very great.
Cacao Is principally used after bav
in; been made Into cakes, to which the
name of chocolate Is given. The meth
od anciently employed by the Indians
in making these cakes wag simply to
roast the seeds in earthen pots, and af
ter clearing them from the busks,
which by reason of the heat employed
could be easily removed, the naked
seeds were bruised between two stones
aud made up with the hands into
cakes. The process at present used by
Europeans does not differ greatly from
that Just described; more care Is taken
In grinding the seeds after they are
roasted, so as to convert them Into a
paste which Is perfectly smooth, and
some flavoring lngredienta are added,
according to the taste of the people
who are to consume the chocolate.
Clovea and etna men are much used for
this purpose by the Spaniards; other
aroma tics, and eves perfumes, such as
musk and ambergls, have sometimes
been added; but the principal flavor
ing Ingredient used with cacao la va
nilla. Waa Their Meaning; tb. RaaaaT
"If," said the druggist, y'you will give
this new preparation a trial I'm sure
you will never use any" other."
"o, ' replied me invalid, "profs my
One on Him.
"That's the time I got the Joke os
yon," exclaimed the lead pencil to the
paper, as the humorii completed the
pun. St. Louis Republic.
Hard Cash.
"Are you going to use bricks In th
construction of your house?" asked a
"No," replied the owner of the prop
erty, as he glanced over the estimata
furnished by the contractor, "rocks."
The Female Cook Agent.
Timklns There goes a woman wit.
a history.
Slmkins Yes. I know; she was in my
office yesterday trying to sell me a
i-opy on the installment plan.
Then She Took Him In.
He (looking out at the window) It's
so bright and cheerful with'-- - '
cold and gloomy without.
She Without what?
He Why, without you, deareai.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneya,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho lasts and ac
ceptable to tlit: stomach, prompt ia
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
try nip of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
iwmnu. at. e torn, It
' llore WeeVaiaga ta the- Coast?-
T la a very noticeable fact.
MaJ. Luak, who is authority on the
question with .reference to Hymen,
"that there are not as many city chaps
getting married nowadaya as there are
country boys. In some Instances the
country boy marries a city girl, bnt not
very often. The city boy seldom,. If
ever, marries a country jrlrl. Of course,
the city boy does not Ilka to marry
where there Is a disparity of minds,
for, as Dicksss says, those people can
never live happy.' What do I think ia
the cause of it? Why, 1 think the coun
try boy is more economical wHh the
money be earns than tbs boy of the
city. He can do better on $25 a month
than a boy reared rn the city eaa with
fOO. Then again, when the country boy
marries he goes on a tract of land given
him by hla father or bought with hard
earned money." Jefferson OHy Cou
rier. Oalaed Forty-Klgnt TmrnmUm.
"I had a strong appetite for liauor, which
was the beginning of the breaking down ot
ny health. I was also a slave to tea and
eoffoe drinking. I took the gold euro, ba
it did not help me."
This is s portion of aa interview ollppoc
from the Daily Herald, ol Clinton, lose
It might well bo taken for the subject of a
temperance lectors, bat that ia not our ob
ject ia publishing It. It U to show how a
system, run down by driiik snd disease,
may bo restored., we caunoi uo Doner iiui
quote runner iroin t- m
r from s
I I wss p.
no my I
dd not I
or reel I L
tunt ol r
Tor years 1 wss
unable to i
work. I could
sleep nights or
days on aeoount
WIILIUNUUD pallia . r
my stomach and r
.1 : ,
buck. I was unable
to digest my food.
Jieaascnes ana
painful urination
were frequent, and
mv h-.'art's action
became Increased.
I loft my farm and
retired to city life,
for I was a con
firmed invalid, and
the doctors sai l 1
would never bo
well Again.
"Soon afterl hap
pened to use fonr
boxes of Dr. Will
iams' Pink Pills for to orrt un.
Pale People, aud siuoe then I have sees
free from all pnin, hend:tclio aad dyspepsia.;
I eat heartily and have no appetite tor
strong drink or tea or coffee, and fool
twanty years younger.
"My weight has increased 4 pound. I
cannot ssy too tnuob for Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and olalm that they hava cured me.
"Jobs B. Cook."
Subscribed and sworn to before ma this
sixteenth day of Fnbruary, 1897.
A. P. BiUKEit, Notary Public.
. To people run down in health, from what
ever causa drink or disotse the above in
terview will ba of Interest, The truth of it
is unloubto 1, as thn st itamnnt is sworn to,
and we reproduce tua oatli bora. For any
further facts concerning this medicine
write to Dr. Willimns' Medloina Company,
8cbeneatady, N. V.
: The name and aldressof the subject of
above Interview is John B. Cook, ot 308
South Stb Ktraet- Lyon. Iowa.
Police So Dob Fred It., Who Haa Jnat
Died in London.!
Fred II., king of pickpockets, has
Just passed away in London, says the
New York Sun. Like his predecessor,
Fred II. was well known on the turf
both in England aud in France, and
whenever a turfman's poeketbook waa
jsptured by aoy of his ir.ajesty'a out
poets an audience with the monarch
was all that was necessary to secure
its prompt return to the lawful owner.
People not connected with the turf
were lees fortunate.
One day Fred made a bet that he
mould pick the pocket of the Prince of
Wales. The thing seemed to be abso
lutely Impossible, because many of the
Trince's friends knew Fred very well
and the difficulty of getting close
enough to blni to capture his pocket
book was insurmountable.
But It was a simple matter for the
king. He picked the" Prince's pocket
and won his bet. The ties of royalty
are great and strong. The king re
turned the pocketbook to the Prince,
and the latter, of course, could not
think of prosecuting a king. He laugh
ed at the Joke and complimented Fred
on his skill as a pickpocket.
It was ambition that ruined Fred.
He wanted to perform an exploit tn the
pocket-picking line that wonld eclipse
all his prev'ous performances. He de
termined to relieve Karon Ilirsch of
the burden of his heavily loaded purse.
He approached the philanthropist in
his usual courtly way, but unfortun
ately for the king the baron recognized
him Immediately.
"My dear Fred," suid he, "you have
come too late. I have Just lost all my
money on the favorite. Be good
enough to honor me with your atten
tion another day, aud be sure to come
before the race."
Fred saluted with great dignity and
departed, and after that began to go
down hill. He aoon after abdicated
and lived a retired life In a little house
in one of the suburbs of London. His
star bad set.
Many curiosity-seekers attended the
funeral of Fred, and upon feeling for
their money and Jewelry after return
ing home discovered that they had in
fact been at a pickpocket's funeral.
Professional fingers had been set work
ing in honor of the dead.
A modern Dick Turpln. Fred was
good-natured, fond of children, and
generous with the money of other peo
ple. His bank accouut waa never
overdrawn, and be never had any hesi
tation about helping a poor fellow out.
A few shillings or a few pounds to him
amounted to nothing. There were al
ways plenty of available pocketbook
to call upon whenever be was short.
Hewed Ilia Lips Together.
One of the queerest freaks, even fot
an Insane person, was discovered at the
State Insane asylum at Columbus. Ohio.
Alex. Myatt, a middle-aged patient In ,
the Institution, has always complained ,
of the food furnished by the State, and j
has threatened to starve himself to
dth rather than eat It, but aa the
food was all right the attendants con
sidered Myatt'a complalnlnge aa the
workings of an affected brain. One
morning last week, however, when he
waa called to breakfast, he shook his
head to Indicate, to the attendant that
he desired nothing to eat, and that
functionary, supposing be had lost his
appetite through sickness, sent one of
the hospital physicians to him. The
doctor was astonished on bis arrival to
find that Myatt had sewed his lips to
gether so that he could not open tnem
in the least. The work had been done !
wiib a needle and thread stolen from
1:11 atunuunt, and had been done very
thoroughly .-many stitches having been
taken. The physicians removed the
stitches and Myatt is being fed on milk ;
and brandy for a while, his Hps being
too sore from thl- laceration to per- '
mlt of his eating solid food. If blood
poisoning does not set In, he will proba
bly recover from the effects of his crazy
Allington Ia Fierson, the mlUlo
aire, a good church member?
Ieacon Wadhams I thould think ha
was. wny, tne rest 01 us qooi nav
to subscribe hardly anything ta keep
affair gols
1 I w,
V T rtxr
ST. JACOBS OILsciatica
Tsea all aiast knew how easily and
Bnntetkinc that Will Xatsrsst the J
senile Mam Sen ef very Hesaehold
-Qaslat Actisas sag Bright Saylsara
of Many Cats aad Cunning Children.
Where tho 6na Um
The sua lives down behind the weed.
Behind the wood at night he geest
All by myself I found It out
There's so one else tbst knowal
All by myself I watched and watched.
When nurse danced baby en her knees;
I watched the sun slip down and down.
Laughing- behind the trees.
My father says that when I'm big
I'll find the sub's house is the sky;
My mother says the sun Uvea ap
Higher than the clonda ia kigkl
80. I'm the only one that knows
What place the sun takes aU the light,
When ho is tired he pops te tea
Behind tho wood at night!
From "Ked Apples aud Silver Bens"
Little Japo ao Athlete.
Athletics and gymnastics form aa
Important part In school llfs In Japan.
In the large plsygroonds attached to
every school the children are drilled,
boys and girls forming aquares, march
ing and countermarching. The atten
tion given by the Japanese to providing
the children proper accommodation for
out-door exercise, both In wet and dry
weather. Is worthy of Imitation. It la
s pretty picture to see between 100 and
200 little Japa pouring from one of the
largo city schools in their quaint cos
tumes. The contrast between the school
bnlldlngs, which are two stories high
and painted, and the native bouses Is
very great
Canary Ate the Cat
Orsndmn'o Candy Rtnry.
"There you are with another bag ot
candy, I declare! What with choco
late and kisses, caramels sad lemon
balls, and I don't know what all, you
children nowadays can hardly know
where to begin eating candy, nor when
to stop."
"Didn't folks always have candy,
same as tbey do now, grandma?"
"Why. no. Indeed! I can remember
lMn't !
the first candy I ever saw; I
know what It was."
"Oh! oh! how funny! Do tell us about I
it" !
"Well, It was as much as seventy 1
years ago. for I wasn't more than 5 or
S years old. It was way down In New
Hampshire, in the winter, and I went !
to school.
"One night when we were going '
home from school, s whole roadful of
us, the stage-coach came along.
"That was before eara or depots wer 1
ever thought ef. Folks-traveled by
stage in those days. We children all 1
turned out In the snow on the sides of
the road, the boys in a row on one side,
ind the girls en the other, for we were
always taught to turn out and 'make
our manners' when teams passed us:
nd if a scholar went to school and told
the teacher that Moses or Hannah d
not make their manners when the gen
tlemen passed the night before, tlie
teacher would call them up and punish
"We all stood there In two rows, and
as the stage passed us the boys made
their bows, and we girls our courtesies.
The load of passengers smiled and
bowed to us, and one very pretty lady
tossed out a paper of something.
"Someone picked It up, and Insldo
were perhaps half a dozen long, round,
white things.
" 'Candles!' we said. Tbey did look
like that
"There waa a bouse close by, and we
all trooped In there with our treasure.
" 'I know what that is,' said the wom
an, aa soon as she unrolled the paper.
'It'a candy. I saw lots of It In the
. . , t- ,
storeo when I was (o Boston lsst sum
" 'What's It good for? we asked.
Good to eat,' she said. "It's sweet
and nice, but tbey do say It hurts tbs
teeth. Let me divide It among you all.'
That's what the lrdy meant to have
done, I s'pose.
"So she broke up the sticks ef candy,
snd gave us each a little piece. I don't
suppose mine waa more than an Inch or
two long, but I thought It was the
nicest thing I ever tasted."
"I'm glad I didn't live In those days
fraud ma."
"I dare say you are. One thing's
sure. We had less candy and more
manners, and may be It waa Just as
well for us, after all." Youth's Com
panion. Netnina Bcmsrkablc.
Smith Hear about the fire over o.
the west side thia morning? Nine per
sons barely escaped with their Hves.
Remarkable, wasn't It?
Brown I fall tb see anything ver
remarkable about H.
Smith Why not? -
Brown Well, suppose (hey had es
raped without their liver. then it would
have been truly remarkaUs.
It tt said that nations awn by cy
cles. A greai aaaa;
I sBs-l La-n-n-BsSa
tuxr XMCnr
surely it CUU3 slL FATM,
all. Carless sad iAaghaMa
f assaa Nataro Oraahloslly si
trayod hy Kaslasat Wer Artist- sf
Oar Own Dny-A Buds sf Fa.
A a Bacellent Beaeoaw
Mrs. Beyers I wonder how the gro
cer happened to put these amell pota-
toea en top of the measure T
Mr. Bayers Oh. I guess hs musl
have ran out of fftrge ones.
The One Exception.
Tom Did you ever know a girl to re
turn a present that she had received
from a man?
Jack No, I caa't aay that I ever did.
but I presented a girl with a dlarr once
and she didn't keep It
"Hverrthlna; seems to go
contra rt
wise," said the shipbuilder, gloomily.
"What'a the matter r
"When we build a maa-of-war It goes
straight to the bottom, and when w
turn out a submarine torpedo boat It
ticks to the surface Uke a Hfe preserv
er." Washington Star.
Deanerate f tnto of Thlngra.
, Mrs. Phlatthause There seems to be
a nsd of Invention. Just think; there
bs bees s piano Invented that can b
played In bed.
Phlatthause That settles R. Aftei
ihis it will be no nse to stop at merely
crippling piano players; they'll have te
be killed. Cincinnati Enquirer.
A B: iht Action.
Wlllum That waa a brilliant actios
of Dumley'a at the party last night.
BUI um What was that?
Wlllum He lit the gas.
The Wrong Tnrn for Him.
Barton I'd like to get you to pre
scribe for my baby. It'a two month!
old now aad I've stood It Just as long
as I caa.
The Doctor What seems to be th
trouble? Doesn't it sleep nights?
Barton That's Just whsre the rub Is
I It sleeps too well nights. Tou see, I
work on a morning newspaper and
have to sleep during the day. What I
want you to do la to give it something
to keep it awake nights.
Hor TJnfortnnato Knowledge.
After he bad kissed her and pressed
aer rosy cheek against his and patted
her soft round chin she drew back and
"r;eoi-, 4 yon -efasvs jvuiaelM"
"Tea," hs replied.
"I thought ao." she said. "Your fact
Is the roughest I ever "
Then she stopped, but It was too late,
and he went away with a cold, heavy
tump in his breast.
SI 00 for 14 Cental
Salzer's seeds never fail. They sprout,
g-'ow and produce every time. We wish
to get 20fl,0m new customers this year,
hence this trial offer of
1 pkft. Farliest Tied Beet 10c
1 !kg. Karly Fprirg Turnip. ...... .10c
1 pks. 13 Day Rad:sh 10c
1 nkc. Risnian k I'm nnilier. ....... .15c
1 I'kir- Queen Victoria Ittuco. .... .15c
1 j kK. Klondike Melon 15c
1 kg. Jumlw) Onion .i"c
3 pkps. brilliant flower s-eds. ..... .15c
Now, John A. Salzer Seed Co., I
Crosse, Wis., will mail vnn free ail of
above 10 splendid novelties and their
g,-ert plant and seed eatnlotue, upon re
ceipt of this notice and 14 cents postage.
A. C. i
Of 2S cities in the United States con
taining over 100.00 inhabitants the death
rate oi Omaha is lowest.
Allen -'on is called to the advertise
ment of h raciflc Mining and Trading
Co. It will appear but once.
There are 17,000 square miles of coal
lands in West Virginia, which is regarded
as an inexhaustible supply.
1 berrve Plan's (Jure for Consumption vd
my boylife lsst.rnimer.-Mr. AuiKDtiOd
utsa, Le Roy, Mich., Oct. SO. 18M.
There are more than a dozen concerns
manufacturing horseless carriages in the
United States.
Fits petmsnentlv cured. No flu or n"rvoni
ne? after first day's ot Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Kt-storer. Si trial tou and IrenUe tre.
Dr. K. U Kli.ns. Ltd , 9:11 Arch t, Phtla. i'a.
During last year 53 1-2 P"r cent, of all
the commodities Mexico brought abroad
were taken from the United States.
Mm. Wlnmow'a Soothing- Byrup for ehlMren
tecihina.orteus the uumt. reducing lnflamma
ll'in. ..1 a) a pain, cures win 1 colic. 25b a bottle.
There are eight oil-producing samis in
West Virginia, varying in thickm-a from
3c to 2 V 6 feet.
Cmtmrrti Cannot be Cored
With local applications, as thev cannot reach
the seat of tli diwaae. Catarrh is a blood or
constitutional ciieeane, anrt ia order to cure
it you must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts di
rectly on the blood and mucous surface. Hall's
catarrh, uure is not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed by one of lie best physicians in
this country for years, and is a reicular pre-
gcription. It Is composed of the beet tonics
known, combined with the beat blood puriiters,
accinar directly on the mucous surfaces. The
periecccomoination ot tlie two Ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in cur
ing catarrn. send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props, Toledo, O
Sold by DruuKijts, price. 76c
Hall's Family Puis are the best.
The aggregate annual circnlation of
the world's periodicals is 12,006,000,000,
and consumes 760,000 tons of paper.
fhtw Star Tobacco The Best
Emeke SledSe Cigarette.
It is estimated that there is $150,000,000
spent annually in North America for
newspaper and magazine advertisements.
-t .
To Curs s Old la One Day.
Take laxative brnno (,'uinlne Tablets. All
Drngzists refund money it it foils to core. t&c.
During 18)7 the furnaces of Alabama
have sent 2uu,tKK) tons of iron to Europe.
l tire Onaraatced bv DR. s. B, MATBR. ISIS
ARCH ST- FHltA FA. aas at ono ao
cperauan or delay from bonaeas. Ceuollattoa
Ire. Eadonemeats ef phTdciana, ladles aad
prominent cluzeaa. bans lor cuaalac Ofttoa
Latin A. M. lot r. 11.
The value ef the natural gas produced
in Kansas in ISM amounted to f 124,750.
The akin of the kangaroo, when prop
erly tanned, never breaks.
Tbs word "boycott" has now got into
a oat of ths foreign languages.
Nlnety-serea out of every hundred
arctic explorers bars returned alive.
Americana are said to have the poor
est teeth of any people In the world
Plants grow faster between 4 and o
a. aa. than at any time during the day.
The thinnest, and at the same time
one of the toughest, leathers tanned la
Croga akin.
An apparatus has been perfects! that
will spin a kind of silk from the fibrous
talks sf nettles.
Switzerland has the unenviable dis
tinction of having a larger percentage
of lunatics than any other country.
Hospital statistics prove that ampu
tation is four times as dangerous after
the age of 50 as before.
Property la said to be so safe In Fin
land that packages left unguarded any
where are hardly ever touched.
- Germaa locomotive engineers receive
a gold medal and $500 for every ten
years of service without accident.
Eating matches are common among
the village of Alaska. He who eats the
most Is considered the man of great
est distinction.
In Asia the average number of In
habitants per square mile is forty
eight; In Africa, fifteen; In America,
eight; In Australia, one.
Thirteen crimes were punishable by
death when Queen Victoria ascended
the throne. To-day there are but two
treason and murder.
Bleeding at the nose, a doctor has dis
covered, can be quickly stopped by
plunging the feet and hands In water
aa hot as can be endured.
Statistics prove that nearly two
thirds of the letters carried by the
world's postal services are written, sent
io. snd resd by English-speaking peo
ple. In Hindoatan, when the parents of a
baby cannot agree upon a name, two
lamps are placed over. the names. The
one over which the lamp Is brighter ia
that which Is chosen.
The arrangement of the trees in Blen
heim Park, the seat of the Duke of
Marlborough, Is said to represent the
position of the troops In the great bat
tle which gave the estate its Dame.
A man who Is well up In dog lore ad
vises Intending purchasers of a puppy
to let Its mother choose for them. In
carrying them back to their bed the
first that the mother picka up will al
ways be her best
At a wedding recently celebrated the
bride, bridegroom, best man and brides
maid were sll deaf ami dumb. The
bridal pair nodded their "I will," and
pledged their troth by pointing to the
worda in tuslr payer buusa. " '- v
Some Chinese phrases read very
queerly; thus cheese Is known as "cow
milk cake;" slippers are termed "drag
shoes,-" a cigar, "atlck of smoke-leaf;"
a match, "self -come fire;" and black
tea. It appears. Is called "thunder tea."
It Ia a etrange fact that, while the
teeth of the negro slaves on the old
plantations were remarkable for their
whiteness, those of the freed negro of
the present day are in an lnnnlteiy
k worme condition than those of his white
I brothers.
this la nwlnir pnt'relT tn tns-'
jiangj of cat
fiU sia Ue COMorea man
weakness for sweetmeats.
The whole of a recent sitting of the
Japanese Parliament waa devoted to
considering whether a member had not
violated parliamentary etiquette by at
tending the opening Ib a frock coat In
stead of the regulation dress suit. Fi
nally the offending member was sol
emnly warned of hla "Indiscretion."
Just escsplng being handed over to tho
disciplinary committee.
Delicate Hint.
Deal Hole, in his "Little Tear In Ire
land," says that when one ef his party
went a-fiahlng, tt waa to corns home in
triumph, bearing a glorious salmon, its
silver scales glittering ia the sun. Nat
urally be was In good humor, and well
disposed to pay the f Sherman who had
accompanied him. This was tlie dia
logue as the two men stepped on shore:
"Boatmsa," said the happy tourist,
"how much ia the boat?"
"Pure, your honor, the boat'll be Id
the bill. Tour honorll give the boat
man what you please."
"But what is generally given?"
"Well, your honor, some'll give twt
shillings, and some eighteen pi nee. A
tallor'd be for giving eighteen plnce."
How much the passenger gave Is nol
known, but surely he was not Inellnei
to be classed with stay-at-home tailors
not accustomed to "sport."
Tbe Licoal Flavor.
An American, who had left hla na
tive country to travel la Europe, wltt
the maxim, "When In Rome do as tin
Romans do," well in mind, found him
self in Marseilles. He wanted somi
Ice cream and went Into a restauran'
and ordered It.
"What flavor will you have?" askel
the waiter.
The American hesitated a moment
anu then remembered hla maxim.
"Ob, garlic, I suppose," be answered
A Real Afr can A. B.
Bo-SIayou, who has received his dt
ploma from Cobb University school a
Lewiston, Maine, is probably the fir
heir to an African throne who eve
graduated from an American college.
Tbe average girl knowa enough about j
photography to retouch her negativi (
whan she says "no."
Tbe Gentral Newspapsr Union, Lid.
6i4 CHESTNUT ST.. Philadelphia.
Furnishes Machine Composition
In English ana German.
Also Fhoto-Engraving, Lino and Half Tons work. Priatiag ia 3Is
and ia Colors, Quickly at Seasonable Eate.
ttM M Want to Look on ike briiit Side ol Hiiogs,
Tragos, a Gojf, an Ode.
The word tragedy, derived from ths
Oreek tragoa, a goat an ode, a aona
originally denoted the song or chorus
uiai accoinpauieu me sacrmce or a goat
to the gods. Co-nedy, the AngUcniea-
forsa of the Latin comaed'a, com
from the Kreek komoa, a festive pro
cession, and aeidenl, to sing, referring
to the ode sung during the procession.
Farce la a modern term, founded upon
the Latin verb faclre, to stuff. This
waa an allusion to the ancient buffoons
padding out their clothing to abnormal
dimensions. Later the padding waa
dispensed with, but the wide garments
retained. Detroit Free Press.
Tho Orisinal Side-Bplitten
Smiles I heard a side-splitting Joke
(he other day.
Giles What was it?
Smiles I can't recall it Just now, bu
It was something about Adam loalng
his rib.
There is coal in 30 of
the connties of
v Established 1780. X
celebrated for more 2
.u . &
than a century as a gt
delicious, nutritious, "Ot
and flesh-forming jijj
beverage, has our
well-known 2
Yellow Label f
on the front of every gi
package, and our 3j
trade mark,"! j Belle gi
Chocolatiere,"on the
back. ry
& Dorchester, Mass. 2
rUlter'i feedi an YiamaUd U Prodoc.
. Walter. Kara Till. Pa., astonished the world
b mmlMlbO bushels Haixer corn: J. braider. 1
Miatilcou. V ia.. ITS buab. barter. Aad P. HlagtoC,
Randan. lava, br rrowfng l bu&b. Matter oata
per svr. If Tim dutu sriiettiim. We wub to gala
leMMMl o erjutuT. oeuc ami twoa on via
I pkgs of rare farm Kof Pea, Band V4b,
4Uc. Wbeat. .Sheep Hape. Jerutairm mo-u. etc., in
ciadtuaj oar maromotu See 4 .atalofie, telliaf all J
about tne uu gia prixss nr oesi ai"n ior oar i
new marveiuug corn a a a oata, - i-rwugiea.
also aampio of earns, all ana ilea yo upon
receipt or tt Hie. potagr, positirstj
worto auu. to gi a atari, iw ww sots.
Bed KavtsatoM at II iO a bhL
mi rtt. t-arlieat age labia jel
aoodtbia 1 it I I .f
Ut. Aluii. Ia Ha.
viit. Singing Canaries, "Mocking Klrda,
Talking farnita and all nthor Fanny
t'.itfe lSirda, Fine Bred Fom-J.i, Fancy
I'lgeona, GOl.VFISH and ;.brs TBS
la'itost and beat selected stork of firs
elasn Zoods at low prices; send tor Catmt
lostnea. Bird can he delivered to H
part a safely hy express.
N. W. VAHLE, 319 ajarket St., SSH.Sta St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Th four ftreafflt farm MtM noveltie ever ortirtn fe
ted. A aitupreoftscfa. together wtt hone of tbe flaat
CHtalogties ever seen, all postp-iul, fr two He stamp.
JeT.0TE SEED CO.. Sienx Fill. South Bmlr.
Ttw nimimWrimimjitmrrrri
cinrnct. Literal mrie .- A.k tmr frim
r-e-idqnarlers .tt C joKiltLE'l .are now arransinr
o sen J one liun.l.cl GiUB-STAKt D PReSPEO-T-h-
'o search fur ami tx-nte ItEW GOLD
Cf Am? In vicinity of COOK INLET and COP
PE . R1V :", n .w admitted i b n- RICHEST
TE .RICLET in A l:isk!t I'l ni aresticb at rea
ie-t uust"j'inc'tf l-uru full particulars .f tarns
ind t an by "playing er-to u.lly ur by latter at
tl.e office oi the Company, 11 Broadway, N. Y.city
Illustrated with designs aud dia
grams Scores of never before
published explanations of the
most puzzling tricks of the great
est of all conj irers. Equally val
uable for amntcurs ami profes
sionals. Every apparatus fully
Extra cloth, burnished top. Fries $1.00
The . bove book will be sent pest
free to any address upon receipt of
Philadelphia DemoM PnKishim Co.,
612-614 Chestnut Street. PHILADELPHIA
baa wd br minions of rootbev for their
children wliila Tth In sr for ow Fifty Yer,
ft uwvihaa thai ril1f tanft.'Wi the KUIT). aUlflTB
tail RAt
rtfmetlv f
, cure W 1 1 u wuu, auu siv
Twpnty-ivo Cents Bottle.
'ns rtl uov-Hi-nXSI
' r.eart Ezelle! T:1-14 cured iTf lrah. Ko dress.
I r 1. 1 id win f,.r NASA I. INrfP-SATOR. or i cents
.1 to U. It. l illBE,l'i'r.ll.U-J..UtDUI.
If tflltnted with
ore tyom. uaa
i Thompson's Eys Wstsf
1 iila
- of te:.u; . ,