t 'M- : -' ' V'?''-''- '-fri; - : . '" , ' V.' v.- -.', I'r i i S KNTINEh ft KiTl'HLIOAif Ml?Fr,lNTOWN. WED5EDAT. OCT. 27. 1897- ti. F. S C II VV Jfi I E B, EEPUBLICAN STATE TICKET- State Treasurer James S. IJeacom . Aiulitor General Levi O. McCauley. . Republican County Ticket. Register and Recorder Jlnsijn B. Will. " Sheriff Samuel Lapp. Jury Commissioner. Samuel Auratul. A mas on a fixel incomn, the pen sioner. Thkbe is ts'k of warbetwt-en Japan a d n:i8"-ia. Tun i:iiP8 are growing lett2r under llrKihUy's rule. (Iheat storm alon? the Atlantic cosine on Mondnr. England s.ivs tbe United S'a'es and Spain wi:I fiybt. The holiest tide at Atlantic City sicce 1841.cn Monday. What docs Great Ciilain want with 1iO new war ship?. To be settled, the boundary line between Alaska and Great Dritain. Heavy rains destroyed a large per" centage of the fruit crop in Calfornia- FjTvje, seronty-five million Amer icans financially dependent on Great ISritain. The kins of Rus-iti hss insulted the king of Prussia by not receiving some frieuds. The Democratic party is scraf'cliiig its head over the problem of Adding a policy for next year's campaign. TrBKtv is Plill grumbling over the curb that the fiva nations put on her to prevent her from absorbing Greece. The New Jersey deer shoiting sea son opened on Monday. Deer re ported plenty in gome parts of that .State. What will the American Congress do with the Spanish Cuban question is a question asked by all European government?? Foot ball injuries are reported from all parts of the compass. There is no civilization in foot-ball. It is an out-crop of barbarity. Spain- stems to bo picking up c ur age since the weather has grown cooler. Sue seems disoosed to show ber war side to the United States. Don't shoot! Democratic leaders are down in tbe mouth, for tbey feel that they are no longer believed in for tlioir 6yinrr: '-Mark Hanna is holding up the price of wheat." The Democrats have the dumpr, because the r.ew pension examining board in Juniata county has been made Republican. Ihe erring breth ren will survive tbe shock. The failnre of tbe prain crop it1. the f liluro of the potato crop in Ire land promises to produce a famine. Ecplwd is near athr.nd aid can keep tha Irish from starving till the next crop is raised. The Migration of Squirrels People don't seem to know more about tbe migration of squhrols than ther do about many other thicg-i. Tbey know here iu the woods of Jun iata connty, that recently there were more gray squirrels than holes in the 'rcrs to shelter them. Where did they conin (Tom and what is the pur pos.j of their migrat ion. They seem to be somewhat like peop'.e, disposed to roam. Every once in awbilo pco pie move by the thonsands. History gives many illustrations. America itself is an example. The present, white rac r,f people came from Eu rope. They are con ing every year in these dechnintf days of tbe 19ih cen tury, bv thousands Tbera are ovt-r 70,000,00;) people in f..; Ui.id St.i'e-, who all caico from rtcrna.-t t!; ; :. within the post few hun!r;-.l ; o-.-s, and tbey brought with tlion :i new race of rats. The present A:;er ican ratV ancestors camo from tbe north of Europe ar.d to day knewf in s.nio piaea as tbe Norway rat that came with tbe white rnoo andt xtenu iuated the black rit t'oit lived will the Indian in America. Hut the gray fiep.irrel whue it n governed or sei:ij to bo governed by tr.o same upjs ilioll to owf.KiorjaHy movfl H1m th. grav rat, is a distinctly American an imai, and this fall s-e'n to be naigrat icg from the south to the north Within the pas-t month tbey have been seen erortsiug the Potomac riv t n.iribward bound in droves of thousands. They have been numer ous enough m Juniata county to moke tbeir presence felt on corn fields. Wherever there is a strip o woods by a corn field tbe Fqnirrela are found in great numbers, and u many places they have come into orchards and barns and it is related of a uu'ubcr of citizens who killed qnirrela with apples in trying to drive them out of orchards. Up to Octobr-r lo. shooting was not allow ed, and therefore tbe squirrels be came tame. On the loth, howi-vcr. everything was changed. Almost ev crvoce who could shoot and could get out from business and work, turned out to shoot f qnirrels. Hundreds were (tbot on the I5ti, tbe 1st day cf the peason, and hundreds have been shot since, and the hunt is not yet over, and tbe ques'iou continues to be Ask ed, nasrs dit the) pquirrel- come frcm. Eat Salem Xnten- On Thnrsday morning Amos Kin Uer had bis b.orso shot, she having re eclviug it.juries from a run-off. C. L. Winev and Ira A. Winey re turned home from a trip to Philadol phia ou Wednesday night. fsiin bi'hiegei ana wife have turned home from Philadelphia. John Wert who is working for re- the P. It. It. Company at Pittsburg, came 'lyrni on Friday to spend a few days. Rhoda Brandhofl'er is at Atkinson's WilJiiira Hooi'Ie vt Lew's own vis ited LitT grandmother Elizabet1"- TkT : 1 , 1. - 1 L ' li uiur n ic. iriB huh xi mruvu home on Saturday. Will'aw James of Irry VaUey, spent a day with his brother John, James on last week. Mr. Kpner of Pvrt Titans, vi-i'- intr his daughter Jfrf. J sepb Varnes. Mrs Fred Hvrraan atd 'daughter J-nnie came to tbe borne of the; former's daughter Mrs. Maggie Mar- j ktl on Saturday, and returned t k; their bomt .t MeKee Half Falls on ( Sunday. Mrs. M. going along to ; sp-ud a w tlc. Lct w.- k while f-boeii g a bois, ! Joseph V rnes got kicked. Ha i? : atria io be Around alth'rjgti Fo:ne-! what ci i pi lo.l for work. I Arnold Varnes is on lh; s:ck list i .Vi-'Vio!a L imn of Patterson,' speut Saturday abd Sund ij y.th ber ; friend M 83 Ma-jgie Ki z;r. , The fo lowing parson took a t rip j to Cumlx-rland eon: ty n F.ida: William Sitber, Satm:s L- iter, Jo'n ; H Gra-bill and JobaJbau Huo ey. ' There was quite a htir up around' here over the report that lli re i-:,h ' en ocursion t I'it'sbur-.' .T Sunday Fart $1.50 from Mftbn Mid return.' It ii't being truj we did nit get to see the Smoky City. Suiuel Hailstone. HlKjEPUSLICAN PARTY ; i w v STEADY WORK GOOD WAGES. Get out the Vote! f Tuesday. Nov. 2.'JS9?' MirrLKTOWs, Oct- i7, Ti t-9 30 ii TTtv'Rt . rn in -rr.. R e lo ft-Hrt- (1 ha !r . . Fze Ham Slion'dt r. I.anI Siili's". . . . . 32 $2 to $: 50 !5 !0 1 '. .7.7-1 .41) M .S.jc to 9lo !! . . . . " -i Co TifDuthy F h &i Brsn Chop.... .M.i'.tl'.irgs.... f;r ir.l n S.i'.i AlUjriranS J l'lULAPETaiA .Vai-kcts, O. 1S07 Wheat OS-; 2.-d nv-A .br 2 ?rd r:: coin 32-.1; o-'h 20c: eg-.'-12 f v 22 : C-o:::i lticn i Ni. a'i-u.Ji : : t-.fi--t! 12 : Ii'o c fT - 7 ' 11' a l.S. 1 rt;r - a i 11- t V 'J -it! C . n :h : :Tec ! !. 3 ib.; dt 22 to Pt'Jyr. v n u i.'; bi-'j to DJ H 1' ; creese f:t:I: ti 3 7 t: featb' islS t- 2"e: hoji-t 5 t 1 i-. I I iji 11' 's - ?l -r, low 3.-: rc r: i;!.b s j'rv-tii b:i! 5 to G -: c i'.T 0 I 7 ; -M to S3 CO a b.-irri'": yo sw-.et potatoes 12 t.. 5J t G : ; r.r.;-jrs (j'X-; caoi age 2 to 3-.f a 'b; lice 1 t j a lb; wh f ky $2 to .3 S.j a .mH- n; Pvdd sy.via wool 21 to 29-.; linsu-d cil 33vt; colt. n s-ed oil 28a. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Something About Thl World Famous Old English Cfaaroh. The architecture of Westminster ab bey dates back to a remote period, but long before any part of the present "glorious pile" was in existence a fcax ou church stood upon the same spot Many years before the conquest tho Saxon church vas connected with a monastic body of the Koncdiofine order, which gave tho name Western nujias- tory, cr Westminster, to its place of , abode, to distinguish it from St Paul's, ' in Loudon, w hich was known as East Minster. Considered architecturally, the first church hcio of which v. e have any an- : thentic history w:6 erected by Edward the Confessor and consecrated on Koly , Innocents' day, lOoo. Tho greater part of tbe abbey was built by Henry LI1 in the style known as early English. Tho west front, with its grandly beautiful windows, belongs to tho liftcenth cen- ; tury, as does also the completion of the ! nave and the aisles. The estremo length j of Westminster abbey is Oil fet, the. width across the transepts is 203 feet ' and the width across tho aisles 70 feet; ! the height of tho roof is 102 feet. j Tbo fortunes of the abbcv bave fol- ' lowed and uro closely interwoven with those of tho nation, and many, there fore, are its historical associations. There the sovereigns of England have been crowned ever since the conquest. The coronation stone, brought from Scotland by Edward I, may still be seen under the coronation chair used by Richard IL This chair has ever since been occupied by English rulers riuriug the coronation cert monies. Within tho wails cf the abbey the funerals of many crowned heads have taken place, and sovereigns and mcm- bers of royal families have graves and ' tombs lx uer.th its rcx.f Oliver Crora- ! well never wore a crown, but bis ro- ! mains were deposited for a time in a j vault beneath llenry VII '8 chapel with ' pomp never surpassed by that of royalty, j The south transept is known to the world as the "poets' crrucr, " because ; there, sleeping tbeir last sleep, aro ! mi iitirM.sM 'il l i . ft Chauoer, Spenser, Ben Jonson, Cowley, j man needs to speak up, it appears to b -Drydcn, Beaumont Addison and Ten-1 in the modern elevator tar." New nyson and near by aro monuments to Shakespeare, Milton, Isaac Watts, Gold smith and Johnson. bUU A i VJJ. kll klUJI. 1 till, VUl t,U II J 1 renowned statesmen. There lie pitt, ! Wilberforce, Fox, Peel, Canning and Palmers ton. Many eminent divines, men of letters, generals, admirals and other persons known to fame are buried) Knncart, f Vio marl.lo racnnun rrr ha ' monuments by its pillars or on its his toric walls. Philadelphia Times. A CASE OF LXS031XIA. THE RETIRED BURGLAR RELATE3 AN INTERESTING EXPERIENCE. Dow Urn Cum to Em Roast4l Oysters With m eatlemaa Who Cooldnt Sleep. He DMot Uitkt a Cent, but Enjoyed the RHt and Had a Pleasant Visit. : "I found the dining room of a house that I was looking over one night," raid the retired burglar, "filled withjfr glow of light from a bright hard coal fire burning in a grate at ono end of the room. There was just a little bit of gas burning from one burner, bnt it only mado a little yellow tip in the redder .glow from the fire.. About half the ta ble W33 covered with a folded white ta blecloth, clean niid thick and with the creases still in it. On this cloth there wero a plate end a plato of bread and &nie butter and vinegar and catchup and thiups like that, and on the other end of tao table that wasn't covered, the end nearest tho fire, there was an old , fashioned equaro tea tray with the ! japanning pretty much all worn off. ! Locking down by the fire, I saw on one , side of tho hearth a half bushel basket pretty near full of big selected oysters, pretty nnifonn in eize and laid iu care 1 fully with tbo round shell down. ! "'It was a winter night, eolder'n j Greenland outside, end this room was just as comfortablo as it could he, and that layout did look inviting, and I couldn t even guess who it was for, be- causo the bouso was shut up tighter'n a drum evidently nobody expected niid nobody sitting up But while I was standing there woudering over it I heard a door open the ono next to the one I'd come in at and iu conies a man that looks at mc fcr a minute and says: " 'This is an cnexpected pleasure.' 'And I wys it is to me, too, looking at him at the same time and seeing a j man maybe a Jittlo bigger'u myself and perfectly resolute and capable and ! able to take caro of himself. "'But sit down," he says, 'and cat I something with mo. You'll find au ' other oyster knife in tbo left hr.nd side ' cf the right hand drawer cf that sitlo ' hoard right buck of you. ' And there it I was, and when 1 turned around again ! tbo man was putting oysters en tbe the j in the gratis Five minutes later he v.as i picking em up with a pair of tongs an ! layiu 'em carefully, round shell down, ' cn te oM tea tray 'Now. will yon j just help yourself?" he says, j " ' Yon do this very often?" I says. I ' 'Well, no, 1 don't,' he says, 'and 1 shouldn't do it at all if I could help it, ; but I snfl'er from insomnia, end 1 tiud i that when I ain't sleep a little, snack of something to eat makes me sleep. I csa tell generally boforo I go to btul the j nights when 1 nin't going to sleep, and ; such uight3 I have 'em fix cp something j to cat in case I should m ed it, ami then ' 1 come dowu and Umi it, like this, and fating Hor.cthing sort t.f tranquilizcsmy mind, and I go back to bed and go to ' sleep all right ' I "He pnslud tho ton shell off an oyster i in t rout of hiut iver cu to tho tray and ! pot a little bit "f a scrap of butter on tho oyster and locked at it dissolve a , minute, and then be put cn just cue ! drop cf pepper sunc. turned tho oyster over it the rirep s':-.!l so as to get the . dry top title into tho i ysiir juice and ; melted butter, and thru he uo it Then j he dipped a littler hr.kk cf oread Into ; the juice in the ! cp shell m:l ot'j that, : end thim he pushed the empty shell cut i cf the way on the fray and VxM another cyster off tbe lire with tho tonga and j L?-gs:rW that. "Darned if 1 coe'd see how a men ( that ru.ir.yctl eating cs much r.s ho did ; cculrl ever bother "Ant anything, but ! l.o tiiJ. all the timeSfe.at W!iS plain, or ' ho wouldn't have been tlure. " 'i don't eu;.pcs' ' bo s:iys. 'that 'you evcrs'i!lr lioe.i itisctutiia, and if ycu d:d it wouldn't- mi'ki- any :!for ecce. Im-cscso you want to l;u wideawake night.- in your business, eb?' And be seemed to think this was a pretty slick little sort of a joke. Then 1 told bin' Low 1 camo to go into 1 he business; that when 1 was a yr.r.;; maul h:'d : been a great suSVrtT iron. i;iso'.:u:i:i my self; that in those uVys tiiero were not nearly so many ni;:ht c. t'p::t:; lis to choohR from as no-.v, a::d that my chr.ico was limitctl; that I hud not followed turglary from inclination, but that I was compelled to do something for a living, and burglary was the only night worlt I could get at the time, end that's how I came to take it up as a business. " 'Ycu don't mean it,' he cays. 'Put on the blower and start up the fire a ! little If I'llia' known you wero com- iug I'd had another basket " Well, we finished 'cm up, and I says to him: 'What do you think; think you can sleep now?" And ho Knid ho thought he could. And ho let mo out the front deer and vent to b d, I sup pose. I know I went home myself feel ing comf oi table. I hadn't Mado a cent, but it's a good thing to tube a rest now and then, end I always did like roctt oysters. " Is'cw York ljuc. A Krai I'oll Tt-x. Uoulevard loungers in Paris were amused tbe r.tbtr day when ten men, correctly garbed ell exactly ulik?, walk ed into a cafe end gravely ordered drinka, for, as they removed tbeir hats, each man had painted on his bald head one letter of a word advertising a new (lrniui'.tic seusatioa They were arrested, however, fo.' evading the law that ro nnires sandwich men end josters to pay a tat of CI francs, bt they wero dis cha:ged cn promising to afiix tiio ucces Kary stamps to their skulls, a poll tax, ks it were. Architects in these times are opposed fo any rooms in a bouso that are not living rooms The prim and usually de r rtwl parlor of former days has been banished, and that old fashioned ico house known as the spare chamber sent to keen it company through modem heating and housekeeping improve ments. Where a Kan Most Bpeaa ,,.. "I had occasion the other dav, for the first time," said a sober miiidod cithteu, to go np mgii m one ol tho modern tall buildings. I called on a man in tho seventeenth story. It certainly was tre mendous the way they hoisted us up that shaft, with a smooth start and easy t! ps and lightning Lctween. Unt the most impressive thing about the trip was this: A men whi got oa where I aid, at tbe grrend f.'jor, i t.d who wanted lo get off i-.t tbo tenth lloor, said 'Tenth, ' ad it seemed to me, the ii:staut wo sturi -d up, but tho elevator man taid: 'This is the tv.ellth. We'll s!op going dowu. ' "If there is a place cn earth where a iorK bun. Locclrm Architecture. long ago an English Not as h architect , a, , f r aa u,-om,1" ':rM " , csc- ivo remark. Convcrsatioa bad turned j upon tho manifold d.mgers to which we ! expose ourselves by traveling in rail ;:- ,h way carriages. " J.nc great rule, saia .e. L, is never to look out of the window until yon ere a good 80 miles from Loudon. Otherwise you risk seeing the Crystal palace." , COMMERCIAL k , atencu csucmsa IT tUfPtlCI. Cwvns !tMI wah rifaefc-1 Br LEGAL. I fOOD SAVI TUS C0HM3NWeLTII j Jg LECTION PKOCLAM U-ECTION PKOCLAM ATION . WHKKEA3, by an act of General An seuibly' of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled " An act to regubite the nomination n1 nlectiun of public ettieera aperoved tho lO'.b day nf June 189a. It is aMde the duty t.f Hie slierilf of every coun y within tho Coniinor.of lib to give not tice of any general ctection to be tieltl fliiieiu to enun -s ute the oiH.-rrs to be elected and give a list of a'l the r.otuir tions made ts provided in B(oreait-utirei act of Asaetnli'y, l-:;nate the 'places at nh'th the elections aro to be hel.l, a::l give notice that ct'r'sin pirsons holding certr.n eflicrs ol proi t or trust are incipile of huldin; or rlorri-in? at tho same tmi-j the oliice or apioititinent ol' Judge, In spector or Clor of any flection of thi Coinnionwfaith. Tlnrefore, I, Jaraia P. ;a:ho!in, High ShnlTof thj County of J.iniata, do htrehy ruuko known and gave this Pnolic Notice to Ih electors ot Ihe county ol Juniata that ou TtTESDAY, KOVE31BER 'X. 197 it being tbe first Tuesday a'ter the first Uonday ol saiJ month a central election will bn held iu tbe vcrjl election districts in said county, at which timo tbey will vote by ballot tor the following named officers. One pi-rsnn lor the llioo ol Stat Treas urer. One rer:on for tho office of Auditor Gen era'. One person lor tho rdh of Register and Clerk I the Orphans' Court. One person for the oHw ol Si "rift". One person f.,r the odi-.o of Jury Com misioner. I also hereby make kn"'wn ond givo no tice, that the places for holding tho afore said General Kicction in the several bor oughs and townships within the county of .Tun:ata, aro us follows, to wit : The (i cemen of the borough of Milllintown are to hold their el-ciiim in the room known as t.ie Orphans' Co.irt room in the Court House, in said borough. The freomon of the township of Ferman agh aro to hold their election in thn l u'ldine known as tuo ware-house of Msu. Kck & Ne!3 i, in s.ud township. The freemen ot the tow iship of Walker are to hold their nlnr.'inn in the cilice of the Wnit'hou;e bloc.'ng to Cbi.r'es A. Thnmpkoa. The t'reemen of the township of Delaware are to hold their election at Smith's School House, in said township. The fre;utitn of tho borough or Thomp sontown are to hold their election at the School Ilonae in said boronh. The freemen of the township ot Green wood are to hold their election at tho bouse known as tho Seven Stir Hot. 1, in said township. The f reemen of tho township of Monroe are to hold their election at the School House in Kichlield, in fall township. The freemen of tho township of Susque hanna are to hold their election in the hons- known sa Frynioycr's Hotel, in said township. The freemen of the township of Fuyetta are to hold their election at the School House in SIsAlisterTillo, in said township. Thi freemen of the bj-roinrlr Pa:teron are to hold their el ct'oa at the Hook and Ladder Ho isu in said Iwrough. The freemen of the bo-ouh of Port Hyal aro to hold their clec ion at tho School Ilotiso in said borough. The freemen of tne township of llilfoni rre to hold their election at Locust Grove Schonl House, in said township. The freemen of the township of Spruce Hill are to hold their election at Spruce Hill School House, in said township. ( The freemen of tho township of Turhett re to hold their election at the Church Hill School House, in said township. The IVeeii'en of the township of Bealeare to h'.ld tiifir lection at the School House at Aea lemi t, iu and township. The Ireemen or the township of Tuscaron, except that portion of it lrinz north-west-tvard ol tho summit of the Sludo mountain, nre to hold their election at the School !!oitsj tte-ar SloCulloeh's Mills, in said town ship. The freemen of tho towarlnp of Luck, ex. cej't that portion f.f it lviig nort'i -west-war ! oT tho Hiiiumit ot thi SHadt? morniain, ere to bolj !h -.ir e'.ue'iou at the LackSchool i.'ou c m said towrshi.), Thotrwmen c-( s'j much of the townbhips of Lack and Tnscarora as lie north. wct of the summit of the Sb.idn mountain are to hold their ejection at l.iuver's School touso in id rliztzic. 63T The election ia to ba openpl at 1 O'ClOCK iu the forenoon, and shall contiituu without iuteruiission or adjourn ment, and is not to hi closed before T o'tlocJi iu the ctetiiiKr. I a'.sn herein- maku known and Rive no tice, "that the inspectors and judges shall .liect at the respective pl tees appointed for holding tho election in the district at which they respective! belong, before 7 o'ciock in the lenrniiij; of Tuesday, November 3, 1SUC, aud cadi said inspector shill appoint t oe clerk, wh ssiall be a qualified voter ol such district. I aNo herchv inaite known mid (rivo no. e, that ' every re-stin excepting JtistK.es of the Pea c. Kho s'.-ill hold a-iy oliice or uppointmwnt of croli' or Irmt un.hir Hie EOVeriitneut Ol' thT f.'llil.'il SUtes, or ot tl.18 State, orof any city o? iiito. i:;;i'crt 'listrict whether aciiiuinMsioiie'd oiticeror otherwisp, a subordinate ollieer or ajcuut who is or shall be employed under legislative, execu tive or iudiuiarv department of this State, or of the Uuib'd Stttcs, or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the State Lcfrisl.itnro and of the select or common cotiucil of any city, or eoiutuissionersof any incorporated district, is by law, incapahle of hold in j; or exercisins; at the si: no time tho r.thce or appointment of judje, inspector or clerk of any election iu this Commonwealth, and that no luspector, judge, or other offi cer of any such election shall be eligible to any oliice to bo theu voted for," except 'bat of an election "ilicer. Pennsylvania : PENNSYLVANIA. O TICE OF THE ) SECUETAItr OV TBE COMMOFWEALTH J Harrisburg, October I'Jth, 1S97. This will certify that the fellow id R is Iho Official Lit of tho names of partita or policies rcprrsnntei by all cai'tiidates whose i.oiuina;ion certificates or papers have hcn I; led iu this olli-e asd which bave not bctin found and declared to be invalid at provided in s ection 9 of tbe Act of June 1(1, A. V., 'SUJ, and who are fo be voted tor n the state at lare aud in ihe ccunty of Jun.dti. at the ezsiiiug elec tion, November 2, 1897. REPUBLICA!!. S'ltto Treasurer. James S. Beacjio. Auditor General. Levi (J. McCtu'ey, DEJIOCRATIC. Stati? 'f ro:tsuri'r, M. E. Brown. Auditor i eril. Waller E. Ritter. , I'ROIIIIIITIO.X. Sfa' Treasurer. Silas C. Swallow. Auditor General. WM'iiim W. Lstrope. SOCIALIST LtBOR. State Treasurer. William M. Thompson, Auditor General J. Malilon Karnes. LIBERTY.' State Treasnrer. Amos Steelsniiih. ' Auditor General, y ' ..- - JaniPs C. Hoga1-. ' IHDEPF.RDEMT. ' " State Trasnepr. . . " . Wihiam B. Thompson. Is tistimont weiKor, I have hereunto I set mr hand and caua" ie Seal of the Secre tary's office to bo affixed this ' 19lh day ofOctobcr, A. D. 1897. JAMFS E. BARNETT, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. To the Sheriff, County of Juniata, Mifflin, town. Pa. Pennsylvania : orricE or rnt corrrr cmntssios ERS Or JUIiTA COUXTT, bTAT cr rtsiTiTAn Thia will certify that tho fnllowlnz in the oflizial list of the names of and parties or rolicies rflpresentc! by all candidates whose nomlnst'on cartiflratns or papers have been tiled in this otilt-e, and which have not bees foncd and di-clered to be invalid as provid ed in section 9 or Ait of Juno 10, A. D , 1H93, and who aro to b voted for in tho county of Juniata, Register and Recorder and Clerk ol the Orphins' Court, Sheriff, Jury Commissione', at the entiling election. REGISTER AMI RECORDER x Alf D CLERK OP THE OKPII4XS' COI'UT. Voto tor oiie-1 nEPUBUCt.V Anson R. Will. DEMOOitiTIC. Georgo B. Cramer. rnosiiBiTioi. W. Frank Castles. SHERIFF. . Vote for one. RKPUfUJCAK Samuel I.spp. Clayton S toper. PROHIBITION. Samuel VT. WvcknfT. JCKT COMUISSIONEB. fVotn for ne.l KEl'UBLICAN S-'tno1! Anrand. DKMOCRATIC. . A'exsrder McCluro. riiOiiicirioN. Chas. H. Webster. In Testimony whereof wo have hereunto set our hands and caused tho seal of iho county or J-.inisla to bo allixed this !'J;h doy of October, A. D., I'J7. W1LLI4M PCKr'F.NBERGF.R, (T n J DAVID D . RHIXESMITH, )U. O. JEREMMII LOrjDENSLAGF.R , v, Couny Commissioners. To the Sherhfuf Juniata county. Pa. . Given under my hint at nty ol!i;o in MiT -flintovrn. ihi.t 12th dar of Oe'ober, in the i year ot our Lmd. ono thousand eijj it hun . dred and ninty-s- ven and of tho Indepen dence of tho Ihii'ed States, the ono h:n dr.d and twenty-firs'.. J.lllKS I . I Xlhoos, Sherd's OlUco, M Rhntown, Shcrrf October 12, 1S97. S SuWribo fir tbo Srxrixyu asd TtEl-UBLlCAS'. a VQDiT tiiafc ou tains ch-jice roa litig ni-iftcr. fj:l of inform liou Ihut ilot-s the rrmler .:o 1., and in p,d li;iun to Mut till l-cal nrws that are worth pubiiribiu Gnd places iu its coIutnr:6. tf- RgCH RED BLOOD is thefoun 'l.ttion of ood healtii. That is why Hooel's Sarsaparilla, the One True B:ood Purilier, gives HEALTH. MILLISER1. GivjI fpw f -r Mm. Il'ils for 5.' 10, 15, 17, 19 H-i-1 25.?. S la-.o bc-tff-r crudes c!fr, Trireme! Hao fr 25, ?.0. 50, 75c, $100, $123, gi 50. AH ftoos rtiluctfd at It. M. A. Diehl's Great Cures pro-cil by fhousnntls of t'.'MinusnKils show tli:tt ilotnl's S?ar siijiitrilla possesses jiowcr to purify, vit:;!i.3 iinl ciuielt ll.:- LItien.1. Hood's Fiils lire the only pille to be tai:cu with Hootl's mviiiKinlia. EOW TO FIND CUT. i Fill r. Iv.ie ' r o-i.n:n r a a w 1, i urii c iir.'l U-. it t-:.l I ,vet:t ibt'n-; r. r.pl'wi't "r f"'iln. f- ur f ijii:- nt" t ';? ' Pile's nil tli; t't-'tv C it: I ton 1i:i..t 'in c vltlt-nc' -f U"'l't-v !rtv b:r. I.-o Ifr-quer.t l ?i'V In r'c r pain in :; of tb'it th'j i'ack in h!h- to'-trinoiaj Mlp kiiinevs 5C 1 l-'..M-r ari out f rder. i WHAT TO MO. j T'.:; ro ifi ;o.nf e ia tii SrnowlHde Roofipa t-X'-ri-sai, 'hit IV Ktlair3 ' S-anip U -f, tbe cr-rt lii.lny run 'fily fa: file fvciv tr sbin relifvinp: puin 'io tlie brtfk. kidnev. liver, blitJtb r nr.tl ovi-ry p:ut f.f lo I'rlr .iri' pus. it'-rt. It c-.Tifcts iti il'-iify lo Iki'.I nri' O cc bii !.!! ia pfssiutr it ;or bs.I i-ll?eti laiioAiri! ns i-i iniu-ir ! w:r.ir boor, itaat.ver t'otnea lUslurt- I pb'UMir.t :!' fs'iy cf fch.compt i'eu ! to vt-i up tii 'vr ;:n-,i'.i '":vir:o t!i? I.: . . m. -i. i. -it xtr-i -. i.; S.s;;j O SriliHt'!. 1 ilO IPIl.l I'.'.'d lilf ,'inn.rv ffec'. of j-'.H-siop iv-v.i: r.t-ili.rd. It s'hii'.U the Viitr ,Kfnr-9 wf.inb-i fai Ciirr-9 of f'i ; mri; t lisf n:s6Sif-o. If roa iifOvt I .i r.'c'fitu' sb.ouhi buve the bt-sf ! Sohl by iJi-rsfdi'T'-t rri1' fif;y "t i una lug tl-J'.ar Y; n 1:1:2V '.-nve i saij 't.! '.K.Ule mil pb.ii:ip!iie! boUlti lb I ... 1 .- :i :T,t, s., i, . T.tvt Kt II . II!' 1 V ijisii. ji. T..t..-i. i.j.j wu.. IA.TA SENT'NnL A'1 RwUBMPAS aril1. i-eutl vt.-ur tiJJress; to Dr. Kibuvr & O;., B'.i'S.itiiton. N- T. Till r-ro-prit iorfl of 'bin pnyitrr puirmitt tbo g'iiuiiit.'iif fb t.f tl is offr. j'y. LEG. It. A DMINISTRATOU'S NOTIOE. Notice is b 'rebv cien thst hiftf s of Ad- minis:rati"u h tebeen framed to the ul. dersigned upon ths e.-U'e of Henry J. Burn, late of fayetto township, Juriiata county. Pa., decset. Anyone in .'tt-l to faid esiatd is request-.'d to in-itc.' prompt pay ment and those having claims or demands to present them properly an'hentica'ed to thj uudersigned lor settlement. Chablc A. Besnck, Oct.27.6t. Adtuiuisirator. Sseifstaliioo sCod SLai-res OH ma HVPGPHOSPHITES. Ti isusea and tnZcrecdby Physi cians because it is tho bet. aisralatableaairnig. Ji 13 tlirss tines zz soadauB &s plain CcaLivsrCfl. is far Ecricr is &H ether eoc&Sed & is a perfect Emulsia, doss cot sapa rat9 cr change, U is wcnderfsl s ficeli proisser. It is tie bsst rejasdy for Consumption, Scrofula, Eronofciilis, pasting Si eases, Chronio Cougns and ft&s. Sold bv all Drvgolsts. iCOTT BOW ME. Chemists, M.Y Y giiioysriess Is caused by terpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putriiy Id tlta s!oi:::tch.- Then folksr dlzziuec-s, headache. 53 tnsoiniua, nervousness. auu. Ii not roliovei, billons fever ! or l.lcoa jot;Q:-,!ng. iiooc a sg irr;e the liver, ctre headache, dbrziness, con stioaiion, e:.. V, tents. Sold by all tlniKRists. Xuc ouly l'ill3 to take wiUi ilood a aarsapaxilla. fHLfc s- A V.-uiarl Boole n pfcrvorfc xtsouscs sent tree to sny hu it-.w anJ t:oor pulients can also ot.-uui: it- tiUs iiicdisiiie tree or diarse. rtf-ip!iv has bra nrcparPtl by tbe Eert'rene --s:rtr Kt.-H-iti-. ct Vert v.'srue. LaJ since lS, sv sii.o-.v nrep&rtd uaUortiis tlirscUr.u by tLo rCCK!S CO.. Criicagc. ?'!. .7o:J !7 OrussUls at e 1 per KottlB. C fcr CC. Cjircetii.-.Ci.?3. flncttlasforsn. CAUTION. TRESSPASS KOTICE. Tho undersigned persons have associated themscves together far tho protection of Willow Run Tront stram in Lack town ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All persons are stricR'y forbidden not . trespass npon the land cr stream of the si' l psrties to fish a Iho stream has been stocko I with trout Persons violating this noijo, will ho pros ecuted according to law. R. H. Patterson, T. II. Carnthers, 4. P. Roh't A. Woodside, W. D. Walls. Frank Vswn, Dyson Yawn. . April 23, 1895. TRESPASS KMS'TE. Tfie r.ndersiifntd persons hsvp formed an Association tor ths prto.Min3 ot their re. spective prope:rtics. All persons aro here by notified not to trespass on the lands of tho undersigned for tli9 purposo of hun'ins (j.itheriiift nuts, e.hipmst timbc-r or throwing down fences or fii-in-r tituaer ia at:y wty whatever. Any violation ot tbe abovo no tice will be dsalt with jcc-trdtny to law. John Mirhgd, Wiilinm Fuffenberger, (Sitleon S'eher, Ueashor & Zook, Mary A. Srahaker, Joseph To' h roc!;, John Byler, isarauel Bcil. Septen ber 6 IH'Jj. FIpc's r.imeaT for Catarrh Is tho Best, Easiest So Tr ar.J Chpsrtcst. TO C0XSU.MPT1VES.. Thfl nn1ersii3l h n-t.ir bean tmtorml to health by siinpre meanv sf ter Millering sev eral years witbt sever-' I'.mi atfoction, anf that dread disease consii'vpli'tn. is anxious to nuke known to bis follow mfTerers the means of cur. To those hi desire it. he will cheerfully send (free of charts) a copy ot thrt preacrij.tion usd, which they will find a fore enre for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and long Maladies. He hopes all sn.Tiircr' will try his remedy, cs i is invaluable. Thn-o rle sirirft the re.c.i; tii.n. which will cost fbem nothii.p. nrd may rrote a blessing, will p'ense ad;Ir."ss, h'EV. KDtt'AKD A. WILSO.V, Brooklyn, . jew ion;. oup , jo. Vsrbila Frlct! Ben Fe?d tVfj. SAW and m m Rjipi:!, arcurute, str:ij rt:1 p'riiplo. wltb larco itl;riry. I'.iisin ou ptl.s or wlifi'is. isimi.af .n lKaf. No Fnrqubnr iiuruiilltirul t mnlpnicntH r.-i.nil'y. liny i'r.!sa sr t uf !ot;ue and prtccB to k. B. S3., Ltd., York, Pa. a ."l S t-VA I! V L CS fs?iKd I CeNEPt'lOM AFTER CCKrRATlT Itroppftt on S4ffttrt Children tor T'. Every SufferoriES rZX!T& Aji:h.j,c:k,:-- ra Morius li!V7ihua, ljm"cs.-i. .rxrw in baxlr o.' Limbs, Stilt Joints or trin wi'l tLl.l T UiW old Aaoslyne ivtief ami nreoiy cure. I'it.?iS7 tre. So!.l T-,-ynVi. I'rt e ; ctn., hy tnill. 6 t :ttV. PS :i - --r Inft-sts the blood of liuiiiaiiiiy. It ap-pcars in varied funns, but is fon-oil to yieltl to IIooi's c?:irsa(itrill:i, which purifies tuid vitalizes tliu blootl 'and cures all such diseases, liead tlii.s: "In September, 1&94, 1 made a ra iastcp afld Injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards, two inches across formed and in walking to favor it I sprained my ankle. The sore became worse; I could nut put ray boot on end I thought I should have to give up at every step. I could not get any relief and had to stop work. I read of a cure of a similar case by Hood's Saraapcrilla and concluded to try it. Before I bad taken all of two bottles the sore had healed and the swelling had gone down. Mv 4, la Is now well cad I have besa greatly bene fited otherwise. I have increased in weight and ain in better health. I cc.nnot say enough in praise of Hood's Sarsapa rilla." Mrs. II. Blake, So. Berwick, Me. This and other similar enres prove that IrloocS Sarsaparilla I.) the On? True PIni.il r:irifior. All ln:reisj. $1. - , - th' i'cr.t t.iJiiJycutliHrUc ; uuu aver sUiuuiaut. i5o nek m m M99a9 8oIl by DrusnrtgU oreeut by mall. trJc . T. HuelUae, Wuraa, Pa. isi 11 H J fcw. j9tt if W fc- L7I .SB MC mm S or Lotus E. Atkissow. " F. V. M. Frsr fll. ATKimHon a pehiell. ATTORNEYS. AT - LAV. JlIFrLINTOWN, PA. Orrics On Main street, in place of ren'- dence of Louio li. Atkinson, Bsq., sontn Bridge street. , f Oct 26,1992 UJT" Collecting and Coaveyaaclng prompt : ly attended to. - tTILBER FORCE SCIIWETER, Attoraey-at-Law. "Collections and all legal bu9i ness promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DK.D.H.CKAWTOBD, DK. DAWIW M.0aawrOaD jpR. D. M. CRAWFORD h. SON, hsvo formed a partnership for tho practice of Wcdicine and their eollstteral brancbrs. Oliice at old stand, corner of Third and Or-a-?e streets, Mittiintown, Pa. One or both of them will be found at thoir office at si! times, unless otherwise profession!!? en gajed. April 1st, 1895. P.DERR, PRACTICAL. OEJITIST. i -adualc- of tbe Philadelphia Dental Oo.. ge. Office at old established lo cation, Bridge Street, opposite Court House, JUiffiin-'own, Fa. CF Crown and Bridge work; , Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. Tnscarora Valley Eailroad. soin!Dn.E nt f.ptect Monday, jiay 18, 1896. EASTW.IRB. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT SUMDAY. No.l No.3 BIairs Mills Waterloo Leonard's Grove. Rof-s Farm Peru! ack East Waterford . . Ileckuian Hosiey Grove. . . . Fort Cigham Wrb!e Pleasant View Seven Pines Spruce Hill Graham's Stewart Frpedom Turbett Old Port Port Royal , .Lv.!7 45 7 5112 CC 7 58:2 13 8 05 2 20 8 1212 27 S 25 2 40 8 3512 GO 8 47i2 57 ;8 48!3 03 8 553 10 9 0013 -IS 9 063 21 9 10 3 25 9 14 3 29 9 16 9 18 9 20 3 31 3 33 3 35 3 40 .Ar. 3 45 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Port Royal with Way Passenger and Seashore Expr?ss on P. It. II., aud Nos. 3 and i with Hail east WESTWARD. STATIONS. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. A. M. P- M Port Koyftl Old Port .'. TuiLfctt Freedom Stewart G.-ahaui's Spruco Hiil Seven Piur-s Pleasant View. . . . Wai-L!-: Fort B'uftJB Ilocoy Grovt- Htckinun East Vv'ulcrford.. PoruiHck Hoes Farm Leonard's Grove. 0.0 10 30;5 20 1.3 10 35'5 25 2!8 10 405 CO 3.7 10 42 5 32 4.4 10 44 5 34 S.ojio 4G!5 SO 6.3 10 50 5 40 7.2 10 54 5 41 0.0 11 03 5 50 110.011 or, o F.5 . .112.011 116 01 ...i 110,11 18 6 03 !l5.i;u 25 6 15 .. 1 17.5:11 33 0 25 ..120.5 11 49,6 36 ..122.012 55 6 45 ..I 24.0 12 02 6 52 Waterloo . . .125.512 09 6 &9 Bkir's Mills Ar.J 27.0.12 1517 05 Trains Nos. 2 and S connect with Stage Lino at Blair's Mills for Concord, Day las burg and Dry Run. J. C. MOOKIIEAD, Superintendent. S. MOOIlIiEAD, President. RASl.SCOiD TIME TABLE. pERKT COUNTY RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into eti'ect Nov. ltt, 1896, and the trains will be run as follows: p. ra 4 80 4 86 4 39 3 41 4 45 4 4"5 4 51 4 61 4 56 4 59 Leave Arrive a. m Dnncaonon T 54 King's Mill 7 49 Sulphur Springs 7 46 Corman Siding 7 44 Hontebello Park 7 41 p. m 2 28 2 23 2 20 3 18 2 15 2 13 2 OS 2 65 2 03 2 00 I 41 I 86 1 81 1 28 1 25 1 20 1 18 1 15 2 50 9 0) 9 C6 9 (9 9 11 9 14 9 15 9 19 9 22 9 24 9 27 Weaver 7 40 Roddy 7 36 Hofl'man 7 83 Roy or 7 81 Mahanoy 7 28 5 10 10 43 Bloomncld 7 28 5 16 9 49 Tressler 7 09 5 21 9 64 Nellsoo 7 04 6 24 9 57 'Duru's 7 01 5 27 10 05 Elliotsbui e 6 58 5 32 10 17 Bernheisl's 6 61 6 84 10 17 'Groen Prk 6 48 6 87 10 80 'Montour Juno 6 83 6 02 10 35 Landibburg 6 28 p. m a. m Arrive Leave a. m p m Train leaves BloomHeld at 6.53 a. tn., and arrives at Landisbnrg at 6.28 a. ra. Train leaves Lamlisburg at 6.08 p. m., and arrives at Bloomfleld at 6.1'' p. iu. All stations marked () are Hag stations, at which trains will coino to a full stop on signal. Chas. H. Smilzy, 'S. H. Beck, President. Snpt. A wonit'rtiil lmrrovennnt tn Krirtlon Kirpc! :i-Hark. IWaltniottoinjf 'ht:u7 $ tini-. .l:u i ai.y other in the nmrkeu b'rirtina 4 lim-I: lYrrit 'lis1di? nil th fJ ffenrtn tOBtainl Mttll wliPo hm-k-'sigX tyrcat mvihi In power nnl wrtiri t--t-a cfniKinntttniiia frluri:eCuLi!fei,eunii iri-v-i Also I f'itfl' HRrrowH. I mv 11 xaU.f. ')!( :v:i!trM. n rlnntrrw,ShHIretc Af'T.ti ttis m r. liKKtUHOU4jrUUKMa Vork. 0 I 1 No.2 No.4 S PENNSYLVANIA KAlLUt -I 1CQ7 f Mi'na will smli aa follrlWW WESTWARD. Way Passenger, leave FDiladetpha,r 4 80 a. m; Harrisbnrjr 8 OO a. m; Dnncan- no 8 85 a. ro; New Port 9 06 a. ms MH lerstown 915 a. tn; Dnrword 9 21 a. m; Thoropsontoarn 9 Sit a. m.Van Dyke 9 SS a. o; Tnscarora 9 36 a. m; Mexico 9 40 a. ro; Port Roval 9 44 a. ro: MifHin 06 a. m; Denholm 9 65 a. in; Lewistown 10 IS n : MeVevtown 10 88 a. m; Nrwtoa Hamilton 11 00 a. m; Mount Union II 06 . id; Huntingdon 11 38 p. tn; Tyrone 12 20 t p. m; Altoona 1 00 p. m; Pittsburg 5 60 p. m. Mil leaves Philadelphia at 7.00 a. m.; Harrisburi at 10 55 a. ra.; Mifflin 22.18 p. m., Lewistown 12 37 p. m.; Huntingdon 1 . 87 p.m.; Tvmr.e 2.20 p. m ; Altoona 2.66 p. m.; Pittsbnrft 7 00 p. m. Altoona Accommodation leaves H irris hnrff at 6 00 p. tn; Duncannon 5 84 p. m; Newport 6 02 p. ra; Afillerstowa 6 11 p. m; Thoir psontown 6 21 p m; Tuscarora 6 80 ?. p. m; iWexico ti 11 p. ni; fort Koyal 6 sa p. m; MifHin 6 43 p. m; Denhohn6 49 p. m; Lewistown 7 7 p. m; AcVeytown 7 80 p m? Newton Hamilton 7 50 n. m: Hnntlnv. don 8 20 p. m; Tyrone 9 02 p. rc; Altoona? 9 85 p. m- J facitlc express leaves rniiadelpnia al 1". 20 p. m; Harrisbur 3 10 a. ra; MarraU v ' le 3 24 a. m; Duncannon 3 88 a. m; New4 mt 8 59 a. ni, Port Roval 4 81 a. m; Mff- flic 4 27 a. m; Lewistown 4 58 a. m; Me Ve town 5 20 a. m; Huntingdon 6 03 rp; Tyrone 6 55 a. m; Altoona 7 40 a. Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. Ovster Express leaves Philadelphia at 35 p.ra; nanisburc at 10 2') p. tn; Hew; 11 06 p. m; Mifflin 11 40 p. m; Lewisto 12 55 a. ni; Huntingdon 12 65 a. m.i Tvroa 1 32 a m; Altoona 2 00 a. m; Pittsburg 6 V ' a.m. Vi Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m; Ilarrrisbiirg 3 50 p.- m; Duncanon 4 la p. in; Newport 4 35 p. m; Mifflin 5 07 p. ro. Lewistown 6 2 p. m; Meant Union S 08 p. m; Huntingdon 6 27 p. m; Tyrone 7 04 p m; Altoona 7 40 p. ro; Pittsburg 11 JO p. m. EASTWARD. .j nnutinrdon Accommodation leaves Al ') tooca at 10 60 p. m; Tyrone 11 17 p. m ; - arrives at Huntingdon 11.56 p.m. and bs- 3 conies H iiriburg Accommodation, leav. iog Huntingdon at 5 80 a. D; Newton Ham ilton 6 65 a. m; McVeylown 6 12 a. m; ' Lewistown 6 32 a. m; MifHin 0 51 a. m; Port Roys! 6 66 a. ni; Mexico 6 69 a. m; Thomp'nntown 7 12 a. m; Millerstown 7 21 a. rc; Newport 7 80 a. m; Duncaanon 7 67 a ro; Harrisburg 8 30 a. ra. Sea Shoro leaves Pitttsborg 3 80 a m; Altoona 7 15 a m; Tyrone 7 48 a m; Hunt fngdon 8 30 a ro; .McVovtown 9 15 am; Lewistown 9 35 a m; Mifflin 9 65 a tn; Port Royal 9 59 a ro; Thompsontewn 10 14; Millerstown 10 22 a in; Newport 10 82 a m; Duncannon 10 54 a m; Marysvilla 11 07 ro; Harrisburg 11 25 a m; Philadelphia 8 00 p m. Main Linn Express leaves Pittsburg at R ntj a. rr; Altooua 11 40 a. ia; Tyrone 12 03 p. m; Huntingdon 12 35 p. m; Lewis town 1 33 p. m; MifHin 1 60 p. m; Harris burg 8 10 p. ro; Baltimore 6 00 p. m; Wasb ington 7 15 p. m; Philadelphia 6 23 p. IP New York 9 30 p. m Mvil 'javes Altoona at 2 10 p.ni, Tyrone 2 45 p. in, Huntingdon 3 28 p ni; Newton Hamilton 3 58 p m; Mc Veytown 4 20 p. m Lewistown 4 46 p. m; Mifflin 6 10 p. m. Port Royal 5 15 p. mj .Mexico 6 20 p. m; Tlmmtisontown 5,83 p. m; Millerstown 6 48 p. mj Newport 5 51 p. ra; Duncannon 6 28 p. iu; Harrisburg 7 00 p. m. Mail Express leaves Pittsbnrg at 1 00 p. ro; Altoona 6 05 p. m; Tyrone 6 87 p. m; HtiniiDffrion 7 20 p. m; Mc Veytown 8 04 p. ro; Lewistown 8 26 p m; jMidlin 8 47 p m; Port Koyal 8 52 p. in; Millerstown 9 16 p. m; Newport 9 26 p. mj Duncannon 9 60 p. m; Ilurri-ihur! 10 20 pan. Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsbnrg at 4 30 p. tn; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tyrone 9 83 p. m; Huntingdon 10 12 p. m; Vonnt Un ion 10 32 p. ro; Lewistown 11 16 p. m; Mif Hin 11 87 p. m; Harrisburg 1 00 a. m; Phli adelpbia 4 30 New York 7 83 a. m. ( jLWI5TOWN IVIRl----k p. rn leave Suntinry for Lewistown 10 06 a. n, and 2 45 p. ra ; for Milrov 6 85 a. m. 10.20 a. ra. ami 3 10 p. in., week days. TYRONE DIV1-WN. Tra'ras leave for Bellefonte and Lock Haven st 8 1(1 a. in., 12 30 aad-.T 16 p. m., leave Lock Haven for Tyrone 8.65 p, ni. end '1 lo p. ra. TYRONE AND CLEAKKIKLD R. R. Tieini leave Tjrone for Clearfield and Curwensviile at 8 '.'0 a. ra., 3.16 and 7 2C; p in. leave Curwensviile tor Tyrone at 9.15 a. m.,3 '15 p rn., aid 7 CO p. ra. For, ratoh, maps, etc., call on Ticket Agent , or address, TLos E. Watt, P. A. W. D , 360 Fifth Aver.ue, PitU bursr, Pa. J. 15. !i:tciuson, J. 11. Wood, Geti'l Manager. Geu'l Pass. Agt Vjr.VPORT AND SHERMAN'S TaL ' lev Railroad Company. Time tabla of passenger trains, in effect on Monday, lT:iy 18th. 1896. aTATlO:?c West ward. East wart. 3 I P M ' A 11 A P kt 4 00 3 67 3 53 8 60 846 8 41 8 88 8 82 8 16 8 10 804 266 2 49 246 240 2 88 224 220 NewpTt , Buffalo Pririge .. Juniata Furnace .., Wjbneta i?r!vao Wat"r Ping BloomHeld" JtiDct'u, Valley Road Elliottshnrs Green Paik Loysville ......... Fort Kobeson Center Cisaa's Kan Andorsoubtire B'ain Mount I'll--- New Gerr.. ..'a ... 6 05 10 35 0 08 10 38 8 80 8 27 8 23 I 6 12 10 42' 6 15 !(; 4,5 6 25 10 f 6 21 11 o: 6 Si ll 09 6 39 11 09 6 61 11 21 B 20i 8 16 8 II 8 08 8 00 7 45 6 51 11 24 7 40 7 05 11 35 7 34 7 26 7 15 7 1111 41 7 15 11 45 7 21 11 61 7 27 U 57 7 35 12 05 741il2 11 7 10 7 03 6 68 7 45112 15 6 601 D. C,f IVG, President and Manager h.. k; : ea. General Agrit. GARTER'S EVER P!LLS. CURE FlekTIearlachean-l relieve all the troubles inci dent to a bilious state of the 3-stem. such as I.izzi'ies.t, Nausea, t irowsiuesn, Distress after eatine. Pain in the Side. Ac While their moat remarkable succevi has been sho-vn in curing Headache, yet Carter's Lrm.a Li-cr Piujb arc etjnatly valnaMe in Constljauion. curing and prsvenlinsr this annoTingcomplaint. while they also eern-et all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowsla Even if they only cured Ache they would he almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately thetr goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will And those little pills raltiable In so manv ways thaf tney will not be willing to do without them. . But after all sick head ACHE te the bane of so many Uvcs that here i where we make our fzrreat boast. Our pills cure 19 while others clo not. Carter's Lirax Lnra Pills are very smeIt and very easy to take. One or to pills male a dose. They are strictly vetutble and S not ffnpe or purge, oui uy cneir Knue plesne all who use them. In vials al S& five for $1 . Sold everywhere, or sent by CASTES US2ICXVS CO., ITtv Tk. b!ta, UIo. bEfrh 4 i ' 1 X I. t 0'R V V ' V i 1 If A V.Y i r',' -' x-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers