SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN: TEEHS. Subscription, SI .50 per unnm 'lf Mid advance; $2.00 If not paid In advance. Transient dverttssmsnts Inserted at 60 oenta per inch for each insertion. Transient businesa notice 1a local col umn, 13 cents pr Hue for each Insertion. BedccMona wlil be made to thoee to sdvertiae by the year, half or quarter year. SHORT LOCJ1L. Cholera is raging in Cairo, Egypt. Jacob Davis has returned from a trip east. T'ur-ra was a water frost oa Tues day morning. Wra A Murray visited in Altoona aal Tjraae list wtek. Weevil are playing havoc with straw berries in N&w Jersey. Misa llautl Kelly has been appoint ea a Notary Public at Butler, Pa. A Iiute salt sprmsled cn a hot ative, will remove any disagreeable oder." Wisa Mry Patterson of LmeiBter, is visiiinjy lier brother John J. Pat terson, Jr. Savatyfiva buildings were demol ished last Thursday at Ambler and vicinity in Bucks county, Pa. Tobm W. Aaker 13 relaying the pavemont ia front of hia dwelling so that it will have loss of a s'aat. Samuel Meyers and Mr Metterlin" wera over to the Iliibish, Freeburg-, Snyder county, horse sale, last week Tbo Republican National Conven tion building in St. Lonia, was dam aged by the late great storm at that place, lset week. W. B. McCahm hvl thirty-t wo dol lars end twenty-five cents worth of Bhoep killed on his farm in llilford township, last week. The Huntingdon find Mifflintown base ball clubs, played a game at H'intidprdon cn Saturday. Siore 11 to 3 in favor of Huntingdon. "If a small piece of bread is put npon tli a point of tha knlfa while peeling and cutting onions, it will pr87ut tho tears from flowing." Clothing merchant Il-irley has re roofed hi3 dwelling and business place with slate, and has had a pablo put On tbo roof facing Bridge street. ' If a dish of cold water in kepi in a c-ik-? box, it will keep tho cakes freali and racist. The water should be renewed every twenty-four hoars." The letters uncalled for in the Miflb'zjtown post office for tho week ending .Vay 30, wero for Robert Sceel, Horace Church, Miss Mary Stewart. '7-3l, ho7 are you getting oa with your wheel?" "Splendid; I've pot so now that I don't fall off when I meet a fjirl in bloomers." nf uP , Why do not the wheelmen profit by the ex ample of the wheel-worn..? Ther soortch not, neither do they hump themselves nor ran blindly into ob structionp, but sit erect and beauti- "''KU graceiuily along and there on time. get teve a Hungry Hironna t v.i I could walk a mile a day without uiiua., cuuiu yoaT Weary Watkins.-No, I couldn't wa.k a mils without a drink, though wum wajn ten miles to Queer, ain't it get one. .The peacli orchards ore said to contain a half dozen little peaches for every large peach. Abe Jnse dr?r will soon be on ptu! the' defec tive ones will drop off. Taa post ofiSjo was clossl on Dec oration Day, excepting da'inj mail recftifing hours. It i3 not known whi-ther Cleveland went fishing on that day as ia days of yjre. Mrs. Izora Bard, formerly o B!oorcnkl, Perry county, with fivo children wa3 the violins of a ftorm in Illinois last week. Tho children were all hart and the mother was killed. Captain McClellan ha3 moved his businf S3 plar.8 into the giound floor room of the Odd Fellows' Hall, where he Ins for sale all kinds of first rats livirrc-s?, heme hand made and faa tory , Tho John -Hopkins University in Baltimore, is financially c-nibarrasscd on account of the holding of $1,350, 000 of BaUi-nore A Ohio liailroad pa per, that has dropped out a3 dividend paying p iper. Oa Sunday morniDg Rv. Raven will spo.ak on the subject of "Saving tha Children." Ia the evening his auhjsct will 12 "Patting waes into bagf? with bole3." . All are invited and will be made welcome. "William Hench of Spruce Hill township, received a despatch on Sunday seating that his son J. S. H?nch had been killed on the rail road in Ohio. The deceased wa3 identifier! by a letter on his person, addressed to bis father. Tho body of Mis Uebecca Moore colored daughter of James Moore of Fayette township, was brought to her father's borne for interment on the 1st inst., from Lancaster, where she died on tho night of thn 31st, at the home of Colonel John J". Patter son of Lancaster. We are glad tt correct the misin. formation that Mr. H. D. Kepnor of Milford towriship, died. Mr. Kep ner is yet living but in poor hwltb. It is the hope cf his many friends that he may so recover his health, that his days of usefulness may bo extended many years. Owing to the Decoration Day ex ereises'at Port Royal, and to the prospect of rain, tho attendance: at the Evangelical chnrch at Mexico on Saturday evening, to hear Rev. Raven lecture, was email. It was thought best to adjourn the lecture until Saturday evening, J une 13th. Wanted, a benefactor who can di me c somethiner into the whirlwinds that are so destructive to life and property. What a benefactor the man will be, who can invent some thing to hurl into and break the whirling storm when it is on its mis sion of destruction and calamity. List of letters remaining in the post office at Patterson at close of business, Saturday, May 30, 1896: Mrs. Alice Reed, Agnes Meminger, Maine Adams, Abram Gross, Richard Wood, J. Pendleton. Manager Toom y, Milton Lawrence, Lawrence Hard, J. M. Speddy, S. Wortsmann, Andrea Abritta Jah Vander Slnis, Com memio Gaarriello. Posted cards: Howard Shuh. Laws Festival. There will be a straw-berry and ice cream festival, held on the lawn back of the M E Parsonage of Mifflintown on next Saturday evening. An unique menu a pleasant open air hour Come and enjoy it. Proceeds for the fond 01 tae stewards. lneUdd Fella urs, the Patriotic Bons or America and many citizens otueDratea Decoration Day at Port noyai- mey hold a meeting on the Fair Grounds on the grand, stand. wnero tney were addressed by Rev. Air. uampbeU. The Junior McAlis- lorviiie band furnished the music We have the pleasure of acknowl edging the receipt of an invitation from Mr. John Edward Haldeman, Miss Maude E. Burchfield and Wayne Thompson Dimm, to the Mifflin Ac ademy exercises in Westminster Pres byterian church, Friday evening, Juno 12th, 189G, for which we tender thanks. Wo are indebted to the Faculty of Pennsylvania College for an invita tion to the Commencement exercises, beginning June 14 and closing Juue 18, for which we tender thaaka. Pennsylvania College is one of the prominent institutions of the coun try -and is destined for greater work m the future. "Last Friday morning W. W Cauffoaan and Darid Mitchell of Per ry V alley, were peeling bark on Buf falo mountain, and found two black snakes in the top of a tree, 47 feet from the ground, where the treo was cut of One of the snakes was six feet and the other five and a-half faet long. Liverpool Sun. I Out in Kansas a yonng woman bi cyclist in passing a porch on which eat a man and his wife, threw a kiss at the husband, which so enraged tho wife, that sho had him go to a jas tisa and bring a suit against the gay bicyoleist for disturbing his mind by throwing kisses at liim. The justice fined tha vouag woman five dollars. Tho Post at this place turned out on Decoration Day and to tho Iflp of martial niuM marched to the several grave-yards where lay their army comrades and decorated their graves. A number of people whose deceased friends were not in the army, took occasion to strew their graves with flowers on Decoration Div. On last Wednesday Irwin Sieber brought a large fish hawk to this plaoi. The bird was shot on the ridge a number of miles frf.ra town, and measured oi feet from tip to lip 01 yiugs, and was Ieit with James A. Banks, who purposes having it stuff ed and mounted. It is a fine speci men cf its kind and doubtless eaaght many fidi. On Tuesday morning Oden C. Gortcer, M. S.- Mussina, Wm. F. Snvder, G. W. Batesholtze, J. H. Sieger find John Gray bill, Jr., started on a bicylo trip to Chambers' burg, Higerstown, Antietain, Harp er's Ferry and Gettysburg. Snyder and Batesholtze are not old men, but they claim to be the oldest bicyclists i 1 the county. The white race in the United States bays had their attention drawn to fho destrnctivecess of storm almost every year since they are here, but up to last week the cities have been singularly exempt from the visitation of whiling des tructive storms, but now sices the great storm struck St. Louis, the aw ful possibilities of a cyclone when it strikes a large town are clearly re vealed. Last week a horse of merchant Eaiil Schott was afflicted with a de caying tooth. Veterinary Surgeon Harry G. Patterson, formerly of this pl-ice, hot now of Altoona was called. He extracted the tooth from tho animal's month and says it is an infant tooth, which wes retarding the growth of a new one. Two Lutheran preachers attend the Lutheran Joint Synod at Mid lie town, Ohio, last week, on the night of May 2S, after Synod adjourned, went out to see the sights of the town at midnight, took a coupla of drinks, got drunk, and were landed in the lock up where they gave ficticious names, but someone identified them. After paying fines and costs for drunkenness they were released. They were expelled from Fthe Synod on Friday. ' Democratic post masters have been acting cs spies on the veterans, and about those whom they do not like, they have pent unfavorable reports to the Democratic administration at Washington, and the administration in that way found excuse to cut down and cut off pensions without a war rant of law. It is nica business for Democratic post-masters and Hoke Smith, to set up a secret court oat side of a warrant of law to cut off and cut down the peasions of veterans. The town schools picnicked at Mac edonia last Wednesday- It was a delightful day and everything passed off pleasantly. The boys were on the lookout for snakes, but it was not a good day for the poisonous things. The only kind discovered were water snakes and a black snake. Profes sor Gortner, principal of the schools had a full line of snake poison reme dias in his medicine chest. A daugh ter of director Mayer and a daughter of citizen Arbogast fell into Mace donia Run, and they were the only incidents to mar the even tsnor of the day. The great destruction of life and property at St. Louis, Mo., has drawn the attention from tha great storm that prevailed in eastern Pennsylva nia on the day after the St. Louis storm. At Columbia, - Pa., last Thursday, it blew down many build. inga and killed people and live stock. At Hanover, Pa., it blew down houses, barns and school houses. In i Montgomery tha same thing was done. At Easton and Pottstown, the torm destroyed buildings. Part of Reading was flooded. At Bethlehem 40 houses were under water. In Bucks county houses and barns by the dozen were blown down. It is estimated that the loss will reach $200,000. Last Wednesday afternoon a giant storm was developed near Moberiy. in Randolph county, Missouri, in the north-eastern part of the state. It moved at the rate of 80 miles an hour through Audin and Pike coun ties and across the Mississippi river into Illinois and thence back into Missouri across the City of St Louis, and 12 miles beyond that city disap peared. Whether it was broken or whether it went up into the air, no one seems to know, but it was one of the most destructive storms that bos visited North America since the ty of Chrietian Endeavor, will be held at Washington, D. C , July 7 o 13, 1896, and for that occasion tha Pennsylvania Railroad Company wi l sell, from July 6 to 8 inclusive, ex cursidn tickets to Washington and return at a tingle fare for the round trtp. These tickets will be good for return passage until July 15, inclu sive, but if deposited witn the Joint Agent at Washington, prior to 6.00 P. M., July 14, will be extended to July 31 inclusive. v Full information in regard to rates and time of trains, can be obtained npon application to ticket agents. Excursion tickets for the following side trips will be sold as under: From July 7 to 13, inclusive, excur sion tickets between Washington and Baltimore and Baltimore and Wash ington, will be sold at $1.25 for the round trip, good for return passage until Ju'y li, inclusive. From July 6 to 31, excursion tick ets from Washington to Gettysburg and return will bs sold at $3.35 for white man occupied the couitry. It tho round trip, good to return until was a death dealing and property destroying storm from the place where it first started or from the place where it first came down till it disappeared below St. Louis. In its track before it struck Si. Louis, it demolished all kinds of property among which was a school house in Audin county. Tho house was full of children many of which were kill ed and injured. In Green county, Illinois, at Drake, it demolished the Ladies' Seminary. Who can tell the quick and dreadful horrors that were visited by a monster thing of the air thi t we call a storm, moviog another time as rapidly as the fastest rnn ning passenger train. To bo struck by fciich a thing meant death or mu tilation to living beings aud demol ition to tdl improvements made by man. Anything struck by such a monster of the eir must needs go down. It was a half mile wide and it plowed through fonr miles of houses in St. Louis. Railroad trains were upset and boats in the river were turned bottom up. Wooden and etesl bridges were blown down as if made of 6traw. Six bundled oplc were killed aud fifteen hun dred were injured and tho lots of property is estimated at 18 to 20 million dollars. Tho storm in Southern Illinois was dreadful. The village of New Baden was almost en tirely destroyed. Thirty-six lives wero lost thtre. In Ohio end Ind iana great damage to property was done. Thfiie are about 400 houses ia Mifflintown and Patterson, which makes a small shovmg against 7000 residences, destroyed by the storm ia St Louio. It will taks aay3 to clear the streets of the wreckage. Church property has suffered in St Louis to the extent of half a million doliais There are 3500 people ia St. Louis made homeless bv the Lite storm. J uly 31, inclusive. On the sarcedays the Western Maryland Railroad Com pany will sell excursion tickets from Baltimore to Gettysburg and return, with same return limit, at $2.15 for the round trip ' From July 6 to 31, excursion tick ets wili be sold from Washington to Richmond and return at $4.00. to Petersburg and return at $5.00, to Old Point Comfort and retorn (all rail) $6.00 (and going all rail and - re turning by boat) $5.55, to Fredericks burg aad return $2.25 These tick eta will all bear return limit of July 31, inclusive. All tickets for side trips will be scld only on presentation of return portions of excursion tickets to Wash ington issued for this occasion. Farewell. Emma Smith and Mr. Charles Page. Ry. W. C. Bierly then delivered a very excellent address, which wes followed by D. L. Detra. Tco exer cises closed with a selection cf music by ft ic Drum Corps GREAT BARG.11T. For a limited Win r.uly. Don't mips it: 1 Doz. Cabinet Photographs and one 16x20 Cryon Portrait ma;lo by one cf tho liuet Ariis!s in fniiadalphtn, all Jo? ?j Phcto Studio, Mifflintown, Pa." IlfrSS' - 1 W Examine Your Eyes. We ram the readers of this journal that we do not authorize the use of our name ia advertisements of so-called traveling optical specialists. Our advice to all persons who have defective eyesight: Arcid travtling specialists and pedlars ol gpcstxtles. QUEEN & CO.,Tije Opticians, IOIO Chestnut St., Philadelphia. HanaictnrM-x nni! Importer..- nf Afcnralc and Beantlfnl Spr-tacl-s nv Ve Olaatas, Our Kyc bight iUouitor sent on rouoipl or live ixnt paslayo t,; .'jis. SCHOTT' STORE BARGAIN DAYS! BARGAIN DAYS! Continue until Saturday evening July 4tJi A Never ending procee ss-e.i- of the latest and Best in Fabrics and garments, is constantly entering our doors, and goods are taking position on the shelves now t lie word '-Teetotaler'' Was Coined- The late Rev. Jol Jewell cf Troy, Pennsylvania, 13 6aid to have origi nated the word "teetotaler." The story goes that at a public temper- j ance meeting in Hector, New York i In 182S, be introduced into the pledge, the letters "O. P." for "old pledge," which pledged gainst dis tilled liquors, aud 'T.," for "tclal," including boih distilled aud ferrnout od liquors. When names were being taken, a youDg man in the gallery said: "Add my r.amo and a CT ,' for I am a T-totaler." Mr. Jewell adopt ed tho word in speeches and writ ings. Some four years later an Eng lishman named Dick Turner, em ployed tho word, and its origin has also been claimed for him. Juce Ladies' Home Journal. Rv. H. C. Holloway, D. D , of the Lutheran church, preached his fare well sermon last Sabbath morning to a church full of people. Rev. A. N. Raven adjourned his aggregation, and in a body tbey wect t? the Luth eran church to hear tho Doctor's farewi-U discourse. The text was in 2nd Corinthians 13th chapter and 11th verse: "Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace and the God of lovo and peace shall bo with you." It wa a beautiful text and one of the prominent m -mlers of the con gregation declared the sermon te be an historical eermors, that covered the ministry of the Doctor from the Isi of June 1891 to the present time. Difiii'.u'Lii'S arose in the congregation that involved the Doctor and the Trusters, each claimed tLat the other trespassed upon the other's rightb, but so far as publio statements go, tbey are not definite as to the immed iate exciticg cause of the difficulties. Bat the Doctor on Sunday, had the floor, aud ho roasted the Trustees to his satisfaction for the roasting thty have been ci?icg him through their star chamber work Outsiders are inclinod to believe there is no real wicktd thing at tho bottom of the trouble, excepting enptiousness and want of Christian congeniality be' tween the pastor, Lis family tud the corgrrgation. From our counters they pass out to tho hundreds Customers and Friends at prices never heard of be tore. of our 200 Ladies' w rop ers and Tea gowns receired here for us specially. T7 - T lir iiuuae ureis yr rappers, gome embroidery trimmed m fine Lawns Percales and orcandies. Hish&n 0 , r sleeves and extra full skirts. You cannot bother with dress making and pay more for Peunejlvanla Railroad Sum mer Excursion Route Book. THE MOST COMFLLTE PCBLICATIOjr OF ITS KIND. The Passenger Department cf the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will, on June 1, publish its annual Sum mer Excursion Route Book. This work, which is compiled with the ut most care with suort descriptive notes of the principal Summer re sorts of Eastern America, with the routes for reaching them, and the rates of fare. There are over four hundred resorts ia tho book to which rates are quoted, and over fifteen hundred different ways of reaching them, cr combination of routes are set out in detail. The book is the most complete end comprehensive handbook of Summer travel ever of fered to the public. Its 215 pages are inclosed in a handsome and striking cover, in col ors. Several rasps, presenting the exact routes over which tickets are eold, are bo an J in the book. It ia also profusely illustrated with fine half tone cuts cf scenery along the lines of tke Pennsylvania Railroad and elsawhere Any doubt as to where the Sum mer should be passed will bo dispell ed after a careful examination of the contents of this publication. On and after June 1, it may be procured at any Pennsylvania Rail road ticket effico at the nominal price of ten cerjts or upon application to the general ofiioe, Broad Street Station, by mail for twenty cents. BLAIR COV.ITY SEMITES-TEKIflAl.. nxruco rates via pknxstlvania b. b. For the Blair County Semi-Cen" tennial, to be celebrated at Hollidays burg, Pa., Juue 11 and 12, tho Penn" sylvauia Railroad Cumpany will Bell' on June 10, 11, and 12, excursion tickets to Hollidaysburg and return, fioin Pittsburg, Harrisburg aDd iu termediate stations (including all sta tions on branch road?, except sta tions on the Bedford Divisions), good for return passage until Juna 13, in elusive, at reduced rates. June 11 will be Military and Grand Army day, and June 12, Civic and In dustrial day. REDUCED RATES TO WASH INGTON, D. C. UIOU FARE FOB THB BOUXD TSIP VIA PENXSYXVAXIA BAILBOAD, ACCOUKT X. P. 8. C. E. COXVESTIOH. The Fifteenth Inter-national Con vention of the Young People's 8ocie The Heroes' Graves Honored In Walker. h Hollobaugh Son bsve received their entire iino of Spting Clothing and Genu furnishing I our opeoiai enort lor Spring of 1890 JWen'a $7.60 Uut Salts. Last year this identical quality of goods sold for ten dollars. These Suits in over twenty styles of goods have no equal for the bmhmj. The cloth is absolutely ail wool and fast color. The body trimniags leatherine a very heavy Statian George Arnntage Brand. Best dye ia the world. The siesva liuing is a splendid three leaf twill. Count 80 by 84 te the square inch; the buttons best mottled Ivory not clay or rubber nobby efeeUs reamed bole - These Gaimccis lave in tddititn to the nbeve. all tho inside vitals eoa plete, making the 8even Dollar cud fiftv cent ?uit ctmplete as durable as say that retails at $25.00. " WE JUSTLY NAME IT "The Best Tisdo scd Profit Mak. r in America." Spring Glothinp, latest stylen. Spriujf Hats, latot etjles. Sprmg Shirt-, nobbiest pattern. Our prices are the lowest. Our goods arc the best. Our stjles arc (bo iatost. All we ask is a test, und he who asserts he can cll clothing lower, must sell mf crier Goods or cise Lt is h "Blower ' A Fine Life Size WVrPICJi COLEEED PORTT? A TT ee !o each customer w!:ofo cckI: purchnses amount to given away t DOLLARS. TEN tt'e Afenta for the celebrated Douglass Sboa. Sweet Orr Overalls aad folding Umbrellas IA0GH & SON, 11G MAIN STREET, -PATTERSON, 3? A.. ESTABLISHED I88O. The JflcClintie Hardware ST0R 7 NO. 119 MAIN STREET, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. nara ware. the Hhtimr wav possibih to get filers' in the v cr'd is to buy ''real cheap tliirgs. rule, the Jets yeu ay, the more it costs in the long run. As a making ban you buy it ready nsade. Oar Price? for wrappers, ready to wesr f.-r 59j. G3j 75.r. OG Sl 00 Si. 25 to $1.50. Don't miss it and buy a gtvlish wrei rtr cr tea n-wu. Ladies waists by the hundreds from 25o, S5c. -15c to -CM. A ccw line of Laities Press SkirtP will bs rn rsl.ith:- n trcck. Latest Novelty in Ladies' and Meu'a beckwenr at Low prices. Spring and mid summer dress goods at extra low ei:d p eeial reduced prices. 6000 jards of carpets snd matting at lowest B Jrjrrin Viet The honored dead! The heroes of the Revolution, the WV.r of 1812 and tbe Rebellion of 1SG1, men who help ed to free tir.s nation, and others wb: helped to pveaerv it. Though t-u cemeteries are net rich in heroes, ye tnty were periiaps as bravo as any who went to tho front and faced the enemy. In a little family C6metery on the farm of Miehael Couldron near Van Wert, lies a hero of the Revolution Here sleeps Fergus Moore, who wen to war nearly at tha bf ginning. J "Company of Horse" was organized by Captain John Hamilton in 1776 of which Mr. Moore was a member. la t!ie i'reshj tenan Uemeterynear CsJar Grove school hous3 is the grave of Col. Matthew Rodgcre, hero of tbo war of 1812. Iu the j ear of 1813 a Company was organ iz'.d under the command of Captain ilattnew liodcers of this township. Captain Rodger's Company belonged to the regiment of the Pennsylvania militia commandsd by Col. Reese Hill from the 5th of May to Novem ber 1813. His tomb bears the follow ing inscription: Col. Matthew Rod gers, served in tho war of 1S12 and 1813. Died April 11th, 137, oged 67 years. Adams' Cemetery: Iu this Cf me tery are the following soldiers' graves, who were all heroes of the war of lbbl 5: Comrad Halmac, Michael Showers, Matthew MrFarlsnd, Henry Conrad and Geo. W. Bitticger. These graves thus far mentioned in this article, were all decorated with choice flowers of spring on Saturday and their names honored icr their heroic deeds. Centre Cemetery: Here can be seen the graves of Geo. McFarland, Johu Fletcher, Jcrdon triaitaell aud one marked "unknown." Th9 decoration servioo was held at this place at 9 o'clock. Afier tbe graves wera decorated by the Sun day school and citizens, all went into the church where the following pro gram was carried out: After all join ed in singing "America," the aud-i-nce was led in prayer by Mr. J. T. Aiiman, after which he followed in a very appropriate address. Mr. Sam uel Miller and Mr. A. J. Page follow ed with short addresses. Locust Run: The United Evan gelical and the United Brethren Sun day Schools met at the cemetery at 10 o'clock, at w hich time also the Juniata Drum Corps came from Cen ter where they had participated in the decoration. After the graves of Thomas Rum berger, Paul Smith, Andrew J. Dill maa and Jonathan King, who lie in this cemetery, were decorated, the assemblage was led in prayer by Rev. W. C. Bierly, after which America was sung. 1 he followicg Sunday ocuosi students recited very appro palate selections: Misses Blanche Rapp, Lillie Dill man, Katie Rapp, Carrio Smith, lisdies,' lien's and Children s Footwear Tiio l.-ro;t sdJ bttt Shoe Stock in tha county at specially low and extrt vtfneed priors. Remember Premium Tickets for Gald Aipuiiciio irc piven away with all purchases. Schott tores, 103 to 109 BRIDGE ST11EKT, 1S .1FFLINTOAVN , PA. 1865, ESTABLISH E 1 Special Invitation To 'M nr. We don't beat of "ehenp" prices at this Store, and etill quality rcndertd, ve f-ell at trices that encht to interest. careful buj'ers. COOK STOVES- We control the Sale of ccok ftoves In tins county. We have never heard a woman complain who 1 ought one of these stoves. Every buyer has agreed cn four things: The Stoves Cook letter, they bake better, they are easiest to regulate, and are less trouble than any other stove. We have them in four sizes. Prices range from $15.00 to $28.00. EVERY WOMAN KNOWS hew ecfily lhirts jet "scrakhul i p' eicurc' (he Lome. Scmetiir os it's chair tr a table or a tlcor. More Ihnn half the time, tie fcialilti; s ie lfgltctcd, leceuse it seems hardly worth while to send for a painter. Why not do the work yourself. You can Gvt Prepared Paints ail Ready to use at a tritiinp cost. -l(U cttn brighten up furniture, doors, flower pots, buggies and lots if ether things We keep ihcse prepared paints in ali the colors. And we feil paint briifhr-s, too oed cues. The paints cciae in tin tuckets. Loldmg j. P. The price is 15c. To attend the Attractive S.ilt? of Clothing from vjes on ia;'v 3 g S j! OF TV W TIABT,W J-..r. SJLIA for It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF AM BUYERS Who nave money to invest to examine the tcck of Good? MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUl, STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Trices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't 31I to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY, MIFFLIN TOWIN" I'A. Ha McOIintic- EESISILVM u mm, jrstr, pa. s. ufole, Practical Embalmcr and Funer al director, CALLS TK0MPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT, SATISFACTION GI ABJLVTEEB LN I ALL CASES Bridge $ty Mifflintown, Pn. GF.TTYSjrs Two tu I cf i r e ot Hinlv C!atical an.i Scient:He, Ficisl ctmrs.-s in all depart, meets. Objirvatcry, Labtiatories and new (lymnr.. inn. Scam heat. Lliirarici IHI.hl " , - j T 1 a . ti'iii po fi t 1 fspcrii ncea IrjTsician. Ac- ccKs.Kie oy ire()i; i,t r.iiiroa:l trains I oca tion ca t!i BATTLKKIELD ol (J. ttvslur most pleast t aaii her'tliy. PflEI48 ATORY DEPARTMENT, in slj'aV alo tiiiWinfs, (or 'uoy? a:i;! jouia mor pre paring icr besir ttas c'r Colii ge. under spec- vi iuu 1 rmcipai una ttreo assist- oeih, rtE.aipg wnu students in tbe building, r an ii-rru opens btptember otb, 16M. For Ji. W. AICKNIG13T. D. D., J'resiilent, - or REV. O. G. KLINGER, A. M., Principal', ctltysb:irg, Pa. 5cisp.iiSo Amerioaa ( JUNIATA VALLEY BANX OF !JIFFi?.IXTlK, Pi. Stockholders Iadividually Liable JOSFPn R07BX0VS. Prurient. T. VAN IRWiy, Caikm 11IRECTORS. C. Tomoroy, Joseph Kothroek, Jnhn HiT'tler, Josiah h. CarfoD, Rr.bcrt K. Parkor, I.c-uls E. Atkinson. T. V. Jrwin. ST0CEIiOirER : George A. Keprer, Annie M. Sfctlley, Joseph Kotbrocii, P. W. Manbeck, ' t. F. A'tintrou, R. F.. firnr, W. C. Pomeroy, J. ilfl;ii.;s Irsrn Ma'y Kurtz, Jvrnme'N. Thompsftn, John IlBrtxIer, Charlotte Pnyder, Jhn jr. Blair, F. M. M . Penunli, Samnct f. Kothrcck, M. N. Slerrett, Jirs G. Uend'mg, 8. W. Heips. T. V. Irwin Josiah T. Borton, Kuburt H. I'm terson. J.evi LiR!t, Wm. Swartz. H. J. Sbellonberger. M. Ji. Schlcgel, Tbi-c-o and Four per cnr. ir.te7iNtilt t puil oa cortiScstos ;f rti'Osit, r-r.S!GM PATENTS, i'-'CA sl CO., 51 l-:vwi.vAr. 2&w York. CV'.? I;iiftii f.r HCrunux patents In Axncrl..? tvery v: t; taken out .y us I3 Irjuriit b.r(r tJ:e pu'cUc f.'7 a uutio given free ot cutrvo it ii i Innrrrt c!rrnlat!nn of any :!ntiCe nanr !n the world. KiilfaiUUly llliuirahHl. Ko Urn lliwu. man should lio without it. wnekly, AZ.OO c jear: 1AJ six tnontlm AddrfM, MUNN 4 CO, yLT.r.nHtun, S61 teuodwuj-, Svw York City. iaaipic free. 4Jirixi.DT:-.AC t'.ti'V.itiAt.,l(.k. r.u res Scadache HAVE I01I MONEY TO DEPOSIT ? ARE YOU A E0SR0WER? CALL. AT THS nm V LA fe Be, JilFFLLM 10WN, Ti.. FOUR PEE CEISTT. INTEREST PAID 0 TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loassd at Lowest Hates, Consumption Surely Cured. To Thb iitor: Pleaao Inform your nadata iht 1 hare a positive remedy Cur tha aboTe-nauMd itiiv-am. Br its tkmelr nae thousand of hovdsM 3sc uara been pemunantlr curod. I absll be pl-jj WANTED-AN IDEAoTS S : thine to patent? Protect vonr Iripss ; th. m; to tend two bottlm of mr mm.w rar.n tn n . ,.t ! 5S! VV,?B.lth- Wri,e WH. WEDbKB-i r- nj readers who hara conanmptlontt they wIU I bUKN & CO.. Patent AtlArnftim. Wjuhinfftim . 1 . . . . . .. . . . . 1 1. C, for tlieir tluo prize offer. Lv. T.V blJUil.L C.. lbl Pearl SC. N i
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