i-.-t i . V a? v SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : WEIWKSDAY. HIT 27, 1896. TERMS. BnbucriptloB J50 ,nnnln if , alrmace, $2.00 if not paid h, advatiU Transient dTert:e.TnenU inserted at so emu per Inch for each Insertion. Transient business notices In local col "?2 f.nt ?T lin0 for ecn IntBrtlon. to adTort.. by ta T8ar, half or sffosr looms. Bibj carriages for sal at Ruble's. A great deal of cora has been re planted. A. number of citizens are storing coal for next winter. The banks will be close! on Doc oration Day, May 30. Fat cattle are not as high, as they were this time last year. Miss Eva Thompson visited at the Misses Adams' la3t wset. How many people are not appre ciated till they have died. It ia said there aro fourteen veter ans of tho war of 1812 living Fraok Willing Leach is not against Quay, bnt ia earnestly for him. Mayor Patterson of Harrisburg is raiding the Sunday card players. The Ltdies Home Journal, Phila delphia, is a favorite in this commun. ity. During the past winter, 139 farm ers' institutes were held in Pennsyl vania. Huntingdon people enjoyed a cir cus and menagerie on Tuesday yes terday. Cotinlf rfeifers got off a lot of coun terfeit silver dollars in Williamsport, recently. Mason S. Mussinia of Cowan, Pa., has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. C Gortner. Miss Myrtle Pettit of Port Royal, visitod friends in town last Thursday and Friday. They are talking in Huntingdon of reducincr the next school term to sev en months- The social uchcr partv in many plares has run into the gambling poker play. Push crts and wheel-barrows are not nllowed cn the pavements of Lewistown. Miss Annie Harahbprsrer of Lewis town, Js visiting Miss Willa McNitt in Patterson. The downward break of pries in hogs and piers in the west surprised western psople. Some on says the pach crop will be bigger than ever. Wait till the Jane drop is over. Jacob Davis, Reeister and Record er Will's efficient clerk is on a trip to Vw York and Boston. aiis. i'Ji V outrun Auama i iu- m A3 - : 1 inc at the Misses Adams' on Wash ington street this week. Miss Myrtle Douglass of Hwis bursr is paying her aunt Mrs. Wm. Beale of Patterson a visit. Miss Kate Mathers and Miss Jen nie Basks are visiting Miss Helen Parker in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Samuel Wilson and eon of AHoona are visitincr the family of Mr. Georgo Wilson in Patterson. Tuesday mornin Roy Krei.ler started on a trip to Philadelphia, New York, and from there to Drift wood. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gotshal! of LewistowD, are the guests of Mrs. Gotshall's mother, Mrs. Emanuel Afoyer. Miss Bess Crawford returned to her home in Patterson last week, af ter making a prolonged visit in Hunt ingdon. Mrs. Howard Martin and daugh ter Belle, started last Friday on a visit to Altoona, West Newton and other places. The crop prospects in Ruaaia, Aus tria, HuDgary, Roumania, Great Britain and France are good so des patches tell ns. The Mifflintown and Huntingdon base ball clnbs will cross bats on the Huntingdon boy's ground next Sat urday, May 30th. The various posts of the county have made preparation for the decor ation of the graves of deceased com rades on the 30th. Rev. A. V. Raven will lecture in the Mexico Evangelical church next Saturday evening. Subject, "Some unheeded Lesson a." Th' old and new methods of stud Ti;uio is n finest ion that in terests the Presbyterian Assembly at Saratoga, lorfc state. m tf:rcM Xfarv or.d Graco Rus rniUricnn ncd Socnia Kent of Lewistown, v:sited Miss Uet- ty Mayer over bunaay. Mrs. Minnie Thompson Willard, t rrrvV. Kansas, visited her ister Miss Clara J. Thompson on Washington street, last ween. The Lutheran Sabbath School man aeement have determined to hold their annual School picnio in Schmit tle'B Grove, the 3rd week ia June. The Misses Louie McClellan, Hel en Dimm and Francis Hoffman, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Captain McClellan, duriBj the latter pait of last week. . Rv. H. C. Holloway's Soldier Memorial sermon preached in the Presbyterian church, last Sunday, is pronounced by all who heard it a grand sermon. Reckless bievde riders in large numbers have been arrested in the tiea within the past 10 days on ac count of the many accidents that their rapid riding cause. It will take half of the time of the Ait Republican administration to pot the aWs of the county on us EL and should the people be fools SSgh to again elect a Democratic Xuistration, the tmies will not get better in twenty years. All tl) latool """ " Mrs. IcW. "ua,mer nery at ware township, was in twn on Sat Dogs killed nineshsep for Wm B township, several nights ago. diedaani;fr0rick'affed 107jearF. aiea at Iih home in Vincenspa fn diana on Sunday, May 24 J96. Ia" of Hni,?tPnerV? P'ominent ciUzen from the effects of a stroke of paraf ysis, received on the 10th inst. The McAlistervUle and Mifflmtown base ball teams played a game on Saturday on the ground9 at this Place. Score 4 to 6 in favor of Jlfif flintoTrn. The Cleveland management of af fairs, the past year, has resulted in tht L Treasury, having one bnndred and fifty mUlion dollars gold drained out of it. The latest innnnn.umsnlii , the Democracy in Juniata, aro J. amnruge (jonn, for Prothonotary and Charles B. Ciawford for District Attorney. Mrs Mary Bosler of Bedford coun ty is visiting her mother Mrs. Moist, wife of Rev. A.bram .Moist, docessad, at the borne of her brother A. J. Moist, near town. . Mr. Howard McClintic of Pilts bnrg. brother of Mr. K. H. McClin tic of this town and Miss Maude McCulloch, were married at Ham's, burg on Tuesday the 26lh inst. One-third of the frrnmmer nfnnl children in Chicago have never seen a hog or sheep, and yet the cattle and hosr rens of that, cttv ah t,a smelled a distance of eight miles. Jeremiah N. Keller fcirTTiaUt John Etka for County Treasurer, and muiarn ftwartz tor Associate Judge, are the latest announcements among the Democracy for primary nomina tion. John Shaffer, formerly a merchant in this place, but now a ciliz-n of Phillipsbnrg, Cnter county, was in town several days last week, and is now among relatives in Delaware township. The eighth Scotch Irish Congress will meet at Flarriabnrg on the 4th and 5th of Jnne. Robert McMeen, Esq., of this towD, will ppnak before the Congress on the Saotch Irish in tha Juniata Valley. Mary J., widow of Jacob Musser, Co. G , 49 Pa. Infantry of 1217 Cow den street, Harrisburg', Pa , has had her prision granted, dating back to April 2G, lS9o. through the aceccv of Wm. Fry, Mexico, Pa. A number of dnily papers are toll ing the pubJle who will bo the nom inee of the St.. Louis Convention for President. Guess work will do as well as anv when it hits, but the car tainty will come after the Convention has completed its work. Road Supervisors in Mifflin coun ty, are repairing the old pike leading from Lewistown through the narrows to Juniata county. They are work ing on that part of the road in Mif Ciu conuty, find the result will be convenience to travellers cf botn counties. A great hammer has besn put in- to Mann's ax factory at Lewistown. Tbo liammer has a striking force of three thousand pound and at one stroke completes the manufacture of an ax. It takes five men to work it, but the five men with the hammer do as much in a day as 40 men can do by hand. There is a great deal of menta misery and worry by paoplg because they have not the opportunity ti do some uncommon thing. They don't li'jc to bs considered common people, doing common things. It is worri uiont ever such things r.s that, tbat makes rainy peop'o miserable evry day of their lives. Last week a number of men in Bucks valley, Perry county, were en gaged in repairing roads when two yourg men fell out about; a young woman who they greatly admired. They came to blos, and before the fight was over, nine men had knock ed the handles cut of their picks and belabored each other fo vigorously, that a number were severely hurt. On Tuesday evening about 9 o'clock, Arthur Louder of this plsce, was ri'iing a bicycle through Bridge street, Patterson, whei meeting a conveyance he attempted to pass, but cot getting far enough to the right, hia wheel struck one of two horses in the carriage. Ho was icstantlv thrown into the gutter, a gash cut over his right eye and his nose bruised and injured. "Tho property of tho Bedford Springs Company will bo put up at public silo at the Bedford Court House, Tuesday, June 9, 1896. to sat isfy the holders cf 75 bonds of tbo do nomination of $1,000 each, which was secured by the Merchant's Trust Company of Philadelphia. Tho silo will bo made subject to a mortgage of $200,000 with interest unpaid thereon from October 1, 1895. On the day that a bolt of electric, ity ran down the t!outt House light ning rod, a Christian Bishop from Armenia and Rev. A. N. Raven of the Presbyterian church of this town were quite near the temple of justice. Of course both preachers were start led and in the conversation that fol lowed the Bishop told Mr. Raven that in Armenia it seldom thunders and lightens, but when it does, tte people there believe it is caused by a fight in the air between the aiiel Gabriel and tho devil. Recently from tho National Elec trical Exposition Hall in New York, a despatch was sent around the world by wny of Chicago, Los An geles, San Franciseo, Vancouver, Winnipeg aud Caut to London and back via Bwston to New York in four m:nuts. The lints had all been cleared for the message. The mes sage was started at 8:34 P. U., and came back to Ntw York at 8.38 P. M. The distance traveled was fifteen thousand miles- Chauncey Decew sent the message from one j side of the hsll and Thomas A. Edi ; sou received it in a room ,on an op i pobite side of the house. The ham : . . G Json in Whoa'field township, Perry county, was destroyed by fire, the a " . i. nui (mown, last Saturday evening. Two h.rses and two cattle perished in the fire. The loss is $1,000. v RSn Notti McKinley of Burnham; Wilham Saylor, Academic, , CaiV.1Q Green' lewistown; Lem el McKinley, McCoysville; Lemuel Kipper, New Cumberland, and Miss Arego, Oakland Mills, were com meacement visitors at Mrs. Cramer Powells. a V.niteJ,SUtesSenatop William A. Wallace, died in New York on the morning of the 22nd inst The fun eral took place on Tuesday at Claar- field town TTa - en . . , ,j. Z UJ years oia. He held the office of District Attori ney, State Senaior, United States Senator, and was ofteu spoken of as a candidate for the Presidency. Ha was an able public speaker and a good lawyer. Harry Moore had a number f sheep killed by dogs on his farm in Fayette township, a few nights agr. The dogs were followed to a saw mill where they were in tho act of killing a shepp when the pursuers came. Tho dogs were so fierce when they were overtaken that they turned on the men-, and it was with difficulty thet tbo men kept the brutes from biting them. Two dogs were killed there. The third dog escaped. The Cleveland adminiatraf inn m jr.. agement this month of Ma7 has paid out a minion aojiars more than it re ceived.r If you wont to smaj'a aad wreck affairs for 20 years to coma, vote Ibe Democratic ticket at tho next election, and you will get more wreck than you have ever imagined. If you are conspiring with the ene my, comaly, Stata or Nstea to elect members of the Democratio party, vou are indiractlv bring harder and more difficult times Tho County Commissioners had public notices placed on the river brid,a for the purpose of preventing loafing on the side walk and in that way obstructing the highway. Tho notices were put up uoder a general complaint that is made against the loafing of illy behaved men and boys on the side-walk of the bridge where they make themselves offensive to ladies and w!l disposed pass.-rs by. Tbo n-jtices were up about three days. The penalty for pulling down a notico of that kind from county property is not a light one. Tha average wornau looks under hc-r bjd every evening, expecting to soo a man. When Mrs. S. A. Ben son of Norristown, Pa , was about to retire tha other evening, sua looked under her bed. There was a ram there and he came out and blew out her light and choked her. She fought him like a heroine and scream ed as loud as she could. The villian ran out of the honse and she was so badly scared that she could not des scriba him. The man who gets un der a woman's bed is not the kind cf a man tbat women want to meet. Another murderer of the Holmes kind has turned up. This time it is a preacher and his name is Francis Hermman. He is a foreigner, and his latest crimes are the murder of two women, members of his congre gation. He murdered them in the church and cremated their bodies in the furnace of the church in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he has been prenchicg. It is charged that be ia gudty of 6even murders. He escap cd arrest. His motive for murder, was lnsf. Whenever ho tired cf his victims, he murdered them. He is a Mtlhodist preacher and was gener ally liked. S. Boyd Murray with other young men, on Sunday morning rode from this placs to Shade mountain and partly through the long narrows be tween this and Mittlin county. Oa their return all tho bicyclists safely wheeled around a buggy mov ing in tke ssme direction, except Boyd, who turning to far out was thrown from his bicycle upon the rocks and stones. He was badly scratched on the iiht side of the faco and lip and sustains a severe bruise on left knee, which he has bandaged. Besides scratches receiv ed hi"J clothing was considerably toro, requiring attention as well as wounds received Despite the accident Boyd can be found at his ylnce as proprie tor of the National House in town. Last Thursday night fire bugs at tempted to burn Lwistown. Fire was started in five different places in the town, all of which were extin guished without doing much damage, excepting ths fire that was started in the Frauciscus warehouse among pine timber, window sash, &c. Oil was in store, near where the fire started and soon the flames reached the oil, and then it was clear that a great conflagration could not be pre vented. The fire started there about half past on o'clock. Lack of water and the breaking of the fire engine, alarmed the whole town. The only home help then was tho bucket brig ade and the railroad engines that were rigged with hose to fight the fire, but tho engines could not get nearer th;in tho track of the Sulins grova & Sunbury railroad. A des patch was sent to Huntingdon and this town for help. Here the re sponse was prompt. The fire whistle was sounded and the fire engine was spesdily run to the railroad and load, ed on the cars. The hose company ran their apparatus to the railroad, but left it there and joined the en gine company and went to Lewis town and were taken out on the Sun bury road aud there unloaded, but by that time the Lewistown people had Succeeded in getting control of the ix and were not needed. Our fit men came home about 3 o clock on Friday morning. Tho Huntingdon fire company was ou the way when they were informed that the fire was under control and tLey turned back. The whole district between Brown, Dorcas acd Water streets and the al ley, excepting the Keystone hotel and three or four dwelling houses on Brown street were consumed. Elev en dwelling houses were destroyed. The Franciscus werehouse aad lum ber yard and the wholesale grocery store of Witmer and Schwartz & Co., were consumed. The loss is put at $50,000 with an insurance of $20,600. A reward of five hundred dollars is of fered for the arrest and conviction of tho men who started the fire. The Mexico Spy has shaken the ' dust of its native place from its feet ana iransported lUtlf to Waterford, aui there charged its name to "TLe Tusjarora Valley Advocite." It has ceen enlarged. It in hoped proprie tor Smith may find millions in it. x The poet Longfellow's cottage at Nabanr, Mass, was set on fire by painters, who were engaged ia the burning of paint for smooth repaint ing. The high wind at the time, set the building cn fire. With the des true! ion of the buildings a number of other cottages were consumed. Jjewistown Gazette, May 21. A party of boys from Dormantown, started Sundav eveninor tn off. I I.'stival at McClure and went to Suini cue ana got on a freigot train and rode to McClnre Whi Wallace Spigelmj ergot thrown un der the train aomehow and got his foot and leg crushed, which had to be amputated a little under the knee. His skull bone was broken, which the doctors laid back and washed tho cinder and c?al dust out of, and a hole knocked in the back part of his head. He WAS A fitnilf. V.llinrv man and was the only support his aged parents nad at nonie anymore. His father is a poor man. The young man now lavs in McClure with a strange family His father has to be there and nurse him and leave his work lay at home. He is getting along as good 83 can be expected at this writing. The othr thrto 1 got bruised heads and torn up faces ow, o?ys, aout be fools, but take warning after this in, ntav nfF v- W w """J V 1UO freight trains. Sabbatb Scbool Conventles. The Juniata Coucty Sabbath School Convention will be held in the M. E. Church, Mifflintown, Pa , on WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JUNE 3bD AND 4th, 1S96. The Convention will be composed of two delegates and the Superintend ent from the pastors of all churches in tho county. The members of the Convention will be entertained by the citizens of the two town. Prof. Roop, Supt of the babbatu School Normal work in the State and Misa Minnie V. Clark, Sup't cf Primary work, will bo pres ent S3 instructors. Also Mr. James Macklin. District Superintendent. All aro cordially invited to bo present. Farmers' Institutes. The County Board cf Farmers' In stitute Managers wiil meet at the County Commissioners' Office on the 2nd Tuesday in Juno lo arrange for tha places where Institutes are to be held this season. All of our people who tleuiro Institutes ought to attend this meeting and present their claims. This Board is composed cf the local members of tho Stale Hoard of Agricultural and one representa tive from each county Agricultural Society, tho Pomona Grange aud County Alliances. If you find that vou cannot attend this meeting, ad dress a letter with vour rfqnest to the Chairman of Board of Institute .Managers caro cf County (Jorum 1 3 sioners. A suif.blo hall for the meet ing ought to bo provided free of charge by the locality wishing the Institute. SnOered wituSerofula "My daughter suffered greatly with scrofula m her eyes rnd throat and , n 1 . sue was cuui.-eueu 10 wear glasses for a long timo. Sho ban been tak ing Hood s Sareaparilla and now she is able to atteud school and is not ob liged to wear glasses. Another daughter has b?eu greatly benefited by the use of Hoods Sarsaparilla." lias. James M. Sueabeb, Peru Mills, TV- i. II. Hood's Pills cure sick headache. .MARRIED: Ausold Bbkneb. Oa the 10th icst., at. Nowport, Pa., by Rev. N. A. Memmingcr, Mr. M. Arnold and Miss Cora P. Btnner. Crozier Mitchell. On the 10th inst., at Poit Royal by Rev. J. B. B?nnerman, Mr. Mowery L. Crozier asd Misa Carrie E. Mitchell. Z eiders Hostetleb. On the 19th inst by Rev. J. C. Reighard, at the Lutheran parsonage at MeAlisler ville, Mr. Westiey L. Zoiders and Miss Sadie C. Hostetler. Sowers Cameron. On the 13th inst.. by Rev J. C. Reighard, Mr. Har ry Z. Sowers and Mrs. Sarah E. Cameron at the home of the bride's parents in Thompsontown. -HiFf LINTOVTil 5SAKKBTS. Vmnsrsw, May 27, MlJTLIMTOWKGBAIN XAtKVT Wheat "2 Core in ear.. ........ .... ..... 35 Oats, 22 r-rc 60 t . o r or a. o fceitir v 18 fcV.ia 10 lime, ia SLocldcr, 12 Tit-Til . c . ..,..,...,.. 7 Sdos T .ruiLy seed $Z. Q K'jtx seed i'r.-a 9 '(.?.. ...... ..$1.20 a baudrei Nidvihi.ps i.jo Gronjid A'nsi ija'.t 1.00 Anicrxru Sil: "3 to 69 Philadelphia Markets, Mav 25, 1S0C Wheat 67 to GSc; Corn 34 to 35c; Oata 25 to 26; eggs 11c; sugar 5 1 to 5ie; butter 8 to 22c: beef rat tle 3J to 43; Sutep 21 to 51c; spricg iambs i.JiU to 4.5U; bogs 4J to 5Jc; fat cows 2 to 3o a lb; thin cows SS to $15; veul calves 3 to 5c; Milch cows $20 to $40. Perfect Wisdom would give us perfect hsalth. Be canso men and women are not per fectly wine, they mast take medicines to keep thfcmselves perfectly healhy. Pure, rich blood is the basis of good health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the oce true Blood Purifier. It gives good health because it builds upon the true foundation pure blood. Hood's Ptlls are purelv veeetable. perfectly harmless, alwavs reliable 1 ana oeiiuuciai. Teams tTauted. Teams warded f deliver bark from I the diltM-eut jobs to points on theN. & S. V. R. U For further iaforma. tlon af ply to Davio Go-iso, Newport, Prrry Co., l'a. S2 Year Em. We warn the readers of this journal that we do not authorize the use of our name in advertisements of so-called traveling optical specialists. Onr advice to all persons who have defectivi 2yesight : j 1rsr,K. Avid traveling specialises and pedlars ol Spcctstles. QUfcEN & CO., The Opticians, IOIO Chestnut St., Pl:..!-:delphia. uuuiiiciuren ana importer" or xmrata fill. ITv.s I.I..1. T..l ...... CammenoiDg Thursday, , My 14th acd continues' until Saturday evening, May 30th. TELL THE TRUTH. No "Eyeolosing" abont your Credit Stores. rP Lf 7" IT A T7"17 To;Charg s. Two Measures. AliLl XX ft. V Jli J Two Prices and Two Weights. Consider and ponder over it Honey saved at Onr Stores is so much money earned. DAYS OF LOW iPSICE W05DHR3. 5000 yds of best Indigo blue calicoes at 4c; worth 7c. oOO SutKuier Vests, best weave at 5c; worth 10c. 300 Summer Vests, hisle thread at 8ic; worth 15o. ' 5000yds ot light, striped figured Chintz Calicoes at 4o; worth 60. lOOOydg of chaliies at 3o; worth 5o. 1000 pair ladies' black hose at 5c; worth lOo. 100 Boyi' waists at 21c; worth 30a. 500 Ladies' SLirt Waists for 25o, 35a, 45o and 50o. Uopa railed Embroidered Linen and Whitj Goods Bargains. 2000 yards of Lancaster Ginghams at 4fc; worth 74o. . 1000 Fancy Drees Ginghaui9 at 4c; worth 9o. 2500 yards, three stara and ParkUill Zsphyrs; 10yds for 85o; usual re tail price, 10yds for $1.50. 250yds heavy Russia Linen Crusheg, 7 yds fer 25o. 5000yds of 36 inch, best hill bleached niuilin; 10yds for 69o. 500yds heavy twilled Cioshcs, 7yds for 25s. 500yds heavy blue overalls anj scries at 9a. 1000 pair man's light weight hose; 5 pair fur 25o. 1000 pair men's he&virr weight hose, 4 pair for 25o. 500 Fancy Trunks at $2.00 and upwards. fcO fancy Satchel Bajs at 75? &nd upwards. 200yds' Turkey Tablo Linen at 17o; worth 30o. 5000 dollars of men's, ladies' and children's footwear, of all the latest styles at extra low nnd specially reduced prices. 200yd a white tablo linsn at 24o, and all the finest qualities of table linen and napkius at specially redpoed" prices. 500yds all-wool Henriettas and serges for shirts aad dresses at 25o; worth 3So. 1000yds of other Fancy Dress Goods Serges. A black, fanoy Mohair for Dress Skirts and Dress at specially seduced prices. 50 sets of best knives and forks for 5Cc; worth $1.00. Tbey are all steel, handle and all. 100 scissors and shears for 10c to 25c; worth double. CARPETS! CARPETS! 5000yds to select from, all the choicest patterns for 12io, 15o, 20o and 25o. Stair carpets and mattings t extra low prices. 100 Chenilo and Lace Curtains to select from at specially reduced prices. Laee Curtains by the yard; fancy bonnd at 10c; worth 18o. 100 Chenilo Cover at all prices. -' SO0 pair silk cmbroiderod suspenders at 10c; worth 25e. 500ycs Table Oil Cloth at 14o a yd. 200yds of Floor Oil Cloth at 20o. A 2 ard wide oi! cloth each wav for 75o. 5000 Hoi's of choicest patterns of extra low prices; as low as 7o a double. . 500 Waih Silk for waists acd dressjs at 34o. Tho Climax in dry goods sellicg is reached at Our Store;, with such pro fusion of peerless bargains, to close up the light of all IMATATWRS. Don't forget tbo time: Couimt-ucinr, tinuca udiii .-way .sutn. Gold Alluminum Tickets given chott's 103 to 100 1805, ESTABLISHED. 1885). Special imitation To attend the Attractive Sale of from THE 1 -OF D. W. HARLEY It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who cave xnoney to inveet to examine the Stock of Goode for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Stilts and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Priee3. iiie prices leave all Competitors in the rear, bo don't fiil to give hiia a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY, MIFFLIN TO W3ST IPl. S. S. Ruble, Practical Embalmcr and Funer al Director. GALLS PE0UPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. SATISFACTION ClAEAATEED IKALL CASES. Bridge . t., OR EAT BtRGAlS For a limited . time only. Don't miss it: 1 Doz. Cabinet Photographs and one 16x20 Crayon Portrait made by one of the finest Artists in Philadelphia, all for $3.75 at Hess PLcto Studio, Mifflintown, Pa. und Reaattful Spectacle mm v til ... ,i .. . J AT SCHOTT'S STORES. Wall Papers and Borders to match at Thursday, May 14th and eon- away with all purchases. Stores, brjjdgtt: st. To The Public Clothing that goes on daily fUF Mifflintown, Pa. Hollohaugh 4 on have received tbeir entire line of Spring uur special eUnrt for Spring of 1896 JUen'a $7.00 Uat Salts. Last year this identical quality of goods sold for ten dollars. These Suits in over twenty styles of goods have no equal for the money. Tho cloth is absolutely all wool and fast color. The body trimaiiaga leatherioe a very beavv Statian George world. The sleeve lining is a splendid three square inch; the buttons best mottled reamed hole These Garments have in sdditicn to Ibe nbove, all tbo innde vitals com plete, making the Seven Poller acd fifty cent Suit eomDlcte as durable as aav that retails at $25.00. WE JUSTLY 'The Best Trade sod Profit Maker in Spring Clothing, latest styles. Spring flats, latest styles. Spring Shirtp, nobbiest pattern. Our prices are the lowest. Our goods are the best. Onr styles are tho Most. All we ask is a test. eell inferior Goods or else he is a "Blower.' ' A Fine WATER COLERED PORTRAIT given away f;ce to each customer whoee DOLLARS. ft'e Rre Acents for the celebrated Douglass Shoe. Sweet Orr Overalls and Folding Umbrellas H01L0BAUGH & SON, 116 MAIN STREET, PATTERSON, PA. ESTABLISHED 188 O. Tlic McClintic Hardware STORE Hardware, THE HARDEST WAV POSSIBLE to pet along in ihe wcr!d is to buy ''real cheap tLirgs. Ab s rule, the lets j cu pay, the more it costs in the lorg run. We don't boast of "cheap" prices at this Store, and still quality considered, ne tell at j rices that ought to interest careful buyers. COOK STOVES- We control the Sale of RAYMOND & CAiMP.inSLL , ccok stoves tn this county. We have never heard a woman complain who bought one cf these t-toves. Every buyer has agreed on four things: The Stoves Cook better, they bake better, they are easiest to regulate, and are lefs trouble than any other stove. We have them in tour sizes. Prices range from $15 00 to $2S.C0. EVERY WOMAN KNOWS how easily things get "scratched rp" trour.d the hcute. Scmetirres it's a chair cr a tab'e or a door. More than half the time, the EcrattLcs ere r.cglccttd, lecause it eeems hardlj worth while to send for a painter. Why hot do the work yourself. You can Get Prepared Paints ali Ready to nso at a trifling cost. You can brighten up furniture, doors, flower pots, buggies Wd lots cf other tbings. We keep these prepared p.iinfs in all tha colors. And we sell paint brushes, too good ones. The paints come in tin Lnckctg, boldiDg 1 P. The price is 15o. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE, CETTYSBrRt, PA. Founded in 132. Lart.-e Faculty. Two tu i ceunca ot ktadr Classical auil Scientific, F pecial courses in all depart, meats. Observatory, Labttratories and new Gymnasium. Sram bcr.t. Liirnrief, 22,000 velumss. Expenses low. Drpirt. Merit of Hygiene and Physical Culture in cbnrpeoran experiimctd physician. Ac cessible fcy frentfot raiiroa I trains. Loca tin oa th BATTLEFIKLP of G,'itvsburir. i"t plHBsBti and bealtbv. PltEPAK ATOit V DEPARTMENT, in separ ate buidinRS, lor boya ami young mun pre paring tor business or College, under spec ial caro of tb frincipil and tbrce assist ants, residing with students id tbv building. Fall term opsns September Ctti, lS'Jo. For Catalogues, addreF Ji. W. MCKNIGHT, U. D I'reiident, or REV. O. G. KLINGEK, A. M Principal, Gettty&buxg, Pa. JUNIATA VALLEY BAISrl, JJSSTJEXIJSTGWflr, PA. StoekholderB Individnallj Liable JOSSPil KOTHEOCrT. Prutdtnt. T. VAN IRITIS, DiazCToan W. C. Pomeroy, John Hr!x!cr, Robert E. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Joseph Rothroeir, Josiab L. Hartoi-, Luuis K. Atkinson STC'CKUOIEFRS : Geo-jrn A. Ktpner, Ai.nic .V. lu-lli-v Jose; h Eothrock, P. W. Manbeck,1 I.. E. Atkinson, R. K. Parfe. r, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin ftfary Kurtz, erorooN. Thompson, John Ilortsler, T. V. Irwin. Charlotte Snyder, Jos!;ili I, Bartoii, John M. Flair, Robert n. Patter-.Pt. F. M. V. Peonell, f.vi Liirbt, Samncl 8. Bothrock, Wm. Swartz. M.N. Storrett, B. J. EhelloDberpor, James G. Heading, 51. E. Scblogel, S. W. Hesps. Throe and Four pnr ci-nr. inttrcNt wil! 1 1 pail oo certiKcate.i n( c!rosi;. f.'an 23, 18C6 ' WANTED-AN IDEA.T thing to patent? Protectyonrldeaa ; they mar , bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEUDEft- BUKS4 CO., Patent Attorneys, Waabjugton, 1 1), Ci tut their il,HM prut oiler. isce. Clothing and Gents furnishing Godi Arini'.aeo Brand, iie&t dye in the leaf twill. Couut 80 by 84 te tha Ivory not clay or rubber nobby electa? NAME IT America." Life Size cash purchases amount to TEBI m). 119 MAIN STREET, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. McOl ixitic. Scler.tWo American Agency top 5 .VPVJ-W !' Ms. 4 ; j t j L'CtlUH PAT5MTS, COPVIilCHTC. atoJ Tor ' : -rnatlonana frca Handnoilc w.-lti itt y i - co., iinnwu. r-r.w '.i:ic. Cl:-... for ;i-ur;r(r pau-wtji in kn:?rij. T.v":t t -t tn':cn out us i. briMiictit tne public us a not luoglveu trvo ot ckaro Lu Larpcstc?rrnitl."mnf onr BoionUHn pap'-r tn tb9 Daa nliouM bo wfUiuuc It. Wwttl" HX.Ortm yarj i.?Wk1x months. Addryfu, UUSN tt CU. VuiU.tfiiit Rr, 301 Uruuiwuy, JXuw Vurk CUT, mtmm r.u res Bsk Hea?! -cne EAYE I0U MOM TO DEPOSIT? AI!E 0U A B0KK0WEH I ; -CALL AT- tub nm ST 5T TT?P w?j m m ft MIFFLlNi'oWN, TA. KOXJK iPiCn CENT. " lis TEREST PAID (k TIME CERTIFICATES, Noaey Loand at Lowest Hates. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tks Eoiioe: Fleue inona your rekieta t 1 hava a i-.it. rB remedy for tha aboTe-nuued Ja-tu. By its timet? una tbonaanda ot hop?lc& cwe Liv bs?n permanently cured. I shU tie tU :o send two bot!4oa of my nnedjr fWE to mi.i ( VO'ir revlors who bave couiuiupUon it thy will sou! me tluiir ExpreM and P. O. addraas. Kviipoi-t-luliy. X. . BUXWSt. U. C UU Pearl 6U. .N , S; 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers