j$TiVEL & KEPURL1CAN MIFFLINTOWN : WEI)SESDAT DEC-11, 1SS5. TERMS, gobscriptlon, ?1.50 pr aannrn tf paid n stance; $2.00 If not paid Id adrance. Xransiont adverUsoaiecu lnertd at 60 eents V lnoh for raeh Insertion. Transient Cosiness notic la local eo. gnu, 10 cents por lino for each Insertion. pednctions will be made to those desiring (0 advertise by the year, half or quarter rear. SHORT LOCJ1LS. Bay your Hardware at IfcClintic'a. The river froze over last Thursday night A snow a half inch deep fell on Sunday ntgut. Henry Berjer'a largest hog when killed, weighed 446 pounds. The cold of last woelc put an end to the plowing of corn ground. England proposes to prohibit the importation of American sheep. Tli9 place to buy yo ir Christmas Candy ia at the Riverside Restaurant. T 1 - TT 11 1 , wuuu uyiioowgD, era., largest log when killed weighed 632 pounda. Bay yonr Christmas Candy at the Riverside Restaurant and save mon ey. Freseo painters ara at work, paint ing the ineide of the Methodist church. Last week was not favorrblo weath er for the tourist of the tramp per iaibion. A large assortment of fine Christ mas candies at the Riverside Res taurant. The Famous San Francisco M'm-itrt-ls in the Court House on Friday evening. The freight cars are being equip ped with grub irons 83 required by U. S. Law. J If you want to save money buy vonr Xmas Csndy at the Riverside lUstaur&nt. Tbo Port Royal Lutheran pastor ate, hs a large number of applicants for the cburje. Go to Sirs. Diehl's on Front street an! sea the immense bargains in Millinery goods. 2t. Tho Philadelphia investigation oounniittss is at work, and surprises may he looked for. J. B. Wilson's biggest hog1 when killed on his farm f t Oakland Mills, weij;h:il 583 pounils. Read Fur fire watch and clock repairing, pro to J. H. S.veer, Nob!e buil.ling. Maiu Strret. tf. .St;itT "Wiiliani B. Aliison of Iowa, has list :! announced r.s K .-pnaiican presidential chiulicla'. T liniilf-rs, John and T. B. Har ris, killed a l.iuc!: Vp.r riir Wilkes barre, weiguiiig 512 pounda. Sweater Cr:ni-ron bus announce;! thai he will not be p. candidate for re-f itct:.:n to the 17. 3. Senate. Thi electric iight was turned on ab .:it 2 o'clock on Srnrday after no;Ti as b. t- st !:'Lt ami did well. Tho wfcther wiso predict deep no va h-tvreen this ad tho 22ad, and jood sloigiiing fcr tho holidaya. Tbo cold w. ather laat rresk was bar 1 on the growing wheat, There was no corenog of snow to protect lue vyufcat. Judge Clayton of M?d:a, Fa., has rendered a court opinion that a war rant issued by a magistrate on Sun day, is illegal. Tho Odd Fellow held a banquit for themselves, their wives and wp.-t hfiartsin their lodgo on Bridge street on Friday evening. A neighbor says" he traded horses, and bow he has a colt cf 20 summers with four lame legs, but he is first rtte at pulling hay out of the rack. A sure relief from choking is to stand od one a head, and if the chok ing D9rsnns cannot stand on their bo il, get people to hold them up by tho foet. W. M. Allison. Jr., has gone to the rar-ific coast. ILi is a first rats tele graph operator, a number 1 type set ter and aa able, versatile and finish ed writer. Tha funeral of Laviaa Robinson, gea 10 y,arg, daughter of O.P.Rob lson of this town, took place on Mon day at 2 P. M. Interment in the Union cemetery. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com paoy are rip-rapping the river bank lng tho rock below tbe station yard to keep floods from encroaching upon trie back of tbe road. An exchange says: Under a law tbat goes into eflwet this present montn or Uecember, undertakers are required to register and pay a license or 5Zo to aonduct biwcess. President, Cleveland was so pros tr.ito, by the work of preparing his Jate message to Conrrrosa.thathe was compelled to take to hunting in tho woods to bring his nerves back to a state of quietude. Mr. IT. A. Groninger's big bogs in Miifiji-d township weighed this bntchcrinff time 374. 376. 3S3 and 3S5 pounds each, and tha amount of lard rendered from the four hogs, weighed 800 pounds. A 17 year old Altoona garl named Pringle mado three attempts to com mit Rnickle. Twice with landannm and once with a revolver, and every time failed. It is time she tarns her efforts into a worthy direction. Mr. and Mrs Robert McMeen of this town, attended the wedding of Catharine Martin Parker of Pitts burg to Chas. S. Thorne of Philadel phia at the home of the bride's ta. rents at Pittsburg on the 5th of De cember. Judge John A. Baker, veteran jouacalist of the Bloomfield Perry Connty Freeman, died recently. A despatch of his death was immediate ly sent to his brother F. O. Baker, railroad contractor at Fort Scott, Kansas, and to affected him that be was taken ill and died within a few hours of his brother John. 'nraali. Leslie Ailieoa ia ill with a cold. Harry McCIellfln ia v,n,..A - uvuwt Wlbil rheumatism. Chas. Adams t)hotnrrarioi f w ingdon is visiting in this place. Edffar R. Mne;ir vitAn... l Washington, D. C, is visiting in this p'ace. Cashier Ezra Dot n.l ..1frhfor Rebecca, spent last wek in Phila- ueipaia. Robert Heatherton of Pittston. Pa.. . is visit ine his uncle John Ho. Nulty of thia town. Miss Effio Robeson of T.ioir. pent Spnday and Monday with Mrs! noeriorca acuwevr - SALE REGISTER. December 19. Josiah m and Elizabeth Stouffer, heirs of Nan cy Wingnch, will sell at the Gin- gricn homostead in Walker township, at 12 noon; 1 horse. 1 carrincrA bar ness, cook stove, bureau, "stands, taoies, cnairs, carpets, coal stove, diBhes and many other bnnMVi,l,i goods, and canned fruit, jellies and preserviss. December 30. Lewis IWn E- ecutorof Josenb K Kanffman Aa. ceased, will sell the form of 36 acreo, more or less, of said decedent on the premises near McAlisterville, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The im provements are a house and barn and out-buildings. The land is lime stone flint. On the 4th of December, Mr. Thaddeus Zimmerman formerly of Juniata, now a merchant of Ickes- burg, Porry county, killed two six teen months old hogs. They weigh ed 453.J and 563 pounds each. To. tal, 1016J pound. Judge Bell sentenced John Hnrd one of the Commissioners of Blair county, convicted of being interested in a coneract for painting the Court House, to pay a fine of $50 and re moval from his clnce. An appeal on his behalf to the Supjeme Court will be taken. Two Populist members hold the balance of power in the Kentucky uegisiature on joint ballot, between the Republicans and Democrats. Ono of the Populists inclines to be a Democrat, the othsr a Republican, and that mikes the tie as complete as if the Populists were not there. Dr. Robinson of Scrar.ton has e.icsed a great soasation, and caused an investigation to be made into the police methods of that city by the preaching of a sermon on Thanks giving Day, in which he declared that ponnemen m fscrantou had been the Dioaos of infrodocing voting inen in to houses of ill fame. LTpon information made by Fish Warden John G. Mateer, cliarin"' Andrew McKoijjht with violating the fish law by noing a fish basket in the rivt r near Thompson town, Squire Jr. . Wilson i86UPd Iii3 warrant and Mr McKsight was arreateS. At the hearing on Monde', Mr. ITcKnight plead guilty and was fined $50 and the costs. When Domo.T.tie writers and speaker were advocating the Cleveland-Wilson tariff reduction bill, they told the peopla that undor their tar iff measures, the farmers of America would conquer tbe markets of the world, and get better prices for their products. Just tli9 very opposite of what was offered to them was receiv ed, und they are reminded of the Biblical character who asked for a fish r nd received a stone. A fores of men are at work stretch ing additional telephone wirso on the lino through town. It was a quesr act on tha part of tho town council that gave the right of way to the tel ephono company without a consider ation. Had the council known what was plain to almost everyone, the town would have a phona by which it could haya communication wherever telephone lines run, for the right of way that the Company received. Hon. John A. Baker of Bloomfield, died on the evening of the 2nd inst., aged 80 years 5 months and 27 day. Ho was a native of Perry county, wes highly respected by ell who knw him. He became editor and propria tcr of the Perry coanty Freeman ia 1830, aud remained its owner and editor 56 years, till age comptllsd him to relinquish the work. He was an ablo writer, an honest business man, and a warm frieud with those who had tho honor of his friendship. His wife preceded him into the un known but better world about a year. On Wednesday of last week, Mr. Bspj. F. Byers of Turbott township, while assisting Rev. W. F. Sttck to haul his household goods to tha rail road station slid off a box on which he was sitting and falling on the ground one of the wheels passed diag onally across his left leg at the ankle, the combined weight of the waon and goods, being about 2000 pounds. At first it was thought that hi3 lg had been broken, but on examination it was found that no bones had beeu fractured, and sustained only slight injuries, strange to say. Port Royal Times, December 5. When so many people aro taking and deriving benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla, why don't you try it yoursa'.f? It is highly recommended. The Famous San Francisco 3ein strels will give an entertainmsnt in the Court House in Mifflintown, De cember 13, 1S95. Of their entertain ment, the Pittsburg Press of Novcra ber 12, '95, says: The aiDging of the San Francisco OunrtettA- wimnnsA, , i - - - of Messrs. Nankeville, Crockett, Price and Ward, whose rendition of classi cal selections and numerous imita tions were received with marked fa vor, and this ia undoubtedly the best siuging quartette that has ever been heard in Pittsbnrcr. Will F.. XaiV. villa, who for the past five years has been a momber of Cleveland's min strels, rendered several pleasing solos. TUe nerformanca corjlnded vith laughable afterpiece entitled "Danger in I. . ... .. . . . Aiiey vxons, m wmcn tne lull strength of the Company was ntiliz ed. On Thursdav. Fridav and Sat urday evenings, thore will be a spec lai at traction- ft connmn ncrm noL'a WfUK. 1 Meeting; er Aaeeeaar. The Assessors of the county held ft meeting in the Orphan's Court room in the Court House recently, and made out a uniform list for as essment aa follows: - Ordinaty horses 5 to 60 dollars. Ordinary cows 8 to 25 doilars. Extraordinary cows above $25. Oc ei?ptio8, Laboiers $35. Dootois, merchants and ministers $100. Law yers snd hotel-keepers $150. Mech anics and R. R. For and Teacher, $40. Trimmer's Reck, Ac. Those civil engineers of the "Pennsv" at afill at nrni-V in cinity ner Trimmer's rock. Last week they ran a line from below this point across the riv,-r. thr-ce through ir ... .. . "'jwe townsnip, s'.ni;:x;g tue river again at Michael Oren'a p'ace, oppo site Newport. This route, while" it would cec.PRcitntA iha hniUinn nru bridges, would cut off at leabt a mile, and avoid the sharp curves, not alone at Trimmer's reek, bat also above and oeiow .Newport. It would bo much the safer, and probably less expen sive in the long ran. Gossip has it, mat me company w tt.infcing 01 run ning the line on the north side of the Juniata, striking the old canal bed at Millers town dam, and following it to a connection with the main line above Lie wis i, 3wn. This would be an im po.tant undertaking, but it is doubt ful if the company is considering it j --W.....J. - uiyiu,ku.u T. .11 be dnriA. linvuvAr fnwrr1 lm s-.l-Jit at ion of the dangerous curves at Trimmer's Rock and vieinity before long is pretty generally believed. XT . r 1 newpori jjeuger. Married- TnoasE Parker. On the 5th inst., at the home of the bride's pa rents, C205 Alder street, Pittsburg, by Rev. G. "U. Izer, Mr. Charles Stockton Thorne and Miss Kathar ine Martin Parker. The bride is well known in Mifflic town. This is her native place, as it ia the native place of her father Mr. Thomas U. Parker. Only relatives of the biide and groom were pres ent. The relatives of the family who lived in this town in the past or who livo here now, present, were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas U. Parker, Thoc-.as U. Parker, Jr., John Martin, Joseph Martin, Urie P. Martia, Mr. end Mrs. u. 1. Purker, Elmf.r L. Parker, Judge and Mis. L. W. Doty, Mies Katborine Doty, Mr. and Mia. J. C. Doty and Mr. end Mrs. JcLn Peoples of Greecsburg, Pa.; Mr. aud Mrs. Robert McMeen, Mrs. J. Park er and .Viss Harriott P.irksr; Mrs- D. R. Nevi.i, Miss Pierce X.?vin and Parker Novin of Princeton. N. J.; Mr. and Mis. Southard Parker, Mr. Wiiiiam W. Parktr, Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Warner, Mis3 Bcssi Waruer, Br3ynard Warnsr, Jr., and Mr. and Mr?. John Lr:ier of Vrssh ington, D. C. Court Proceedings. Court convened cn Monday, the 2nd day of December at 10 o'clock, A. M. The constables made their return", reporting one bastard child bern in the township cf Tuscarora. The grand jury was charged and swot a. In ih case of the Coiii. vs. J. P. Mcl.ht'.ny. Chsrge. .fornic-ilion and bcslardy. Recognizance roaeTieJ, the child not bfing boru. Ia the case of the Com. vs. John II. Stroap. Charge, fornication and b&ai&rdr. Recognizance renewed. Child not being boru. Com. V3. Abner Wewer. Charge. Cruelty to animals. Not a true bill, and the prosecutor T. J. Eby to pay the costs. Com. vs. J. D. Rickenbaugh Charge, embezzlement. Froseeutor, Jacob VanOrmer. Settled. Cora. va. William Leidy. Charge, fornication with Eila S. McNurlin, nol pressed Com. vs. Warren J. 'Joffit, Sadie P. Moffi Dr. Thomas Pyle and Jen nie Pvle. Indicted for manslaughter and abandoning the infant child found near Mrs. Jeromo Thompson's at Mexico, on the moi ciog of tho 2nd 01 October. Tue grand jury return ed a truo bill. H. J. Culberlaoc, Esq , of Lwistown, who reprsect3 tne defendants moved for a contmu ance on the ground cf want of time for preparation and the absence of important witnesses. District At torney Schweyer oppossd tho motion, but the court granted a continuants until tns I ebruary term. Com. vs. William Lach. Chf.rgsd with assaulting William Kepler with intent to kill with aggravated ascult and battery and with simple assault and battery. Mr. Leach plead guilty to assault and battery. Evidence was produced showing his physical and mental condition on tho day tbe assault occured was such as to ren der him in part irresponsible, and a petition was read to the court eign ed by many influential men living in the two towns and in Fort Roya!, asking for a light sentsnco for Mr. Leach uader tbe circumstances. He was sentt-ncod to pay a fine ef $25 00 and costs of prosecution. Commonwealth ve. Daniel Hens. Fornication and Bastarclv. Marthe Dowling, Prosecutrix. Defendant pleads guilty. The child having been born out of time the sentence was to pay a fine of $1 cost of proh tcution, and $13 lying in expenses. The defendant not being able to pay tha fine and costs, wontto board with Sheriff Calhoun. Commonwealth vs. Samuel Powell. Larceny. Martha Bardeley, prosecu trix. Defendant was charged with stealing two ten dollar bills and a breaet-pin from room of prosecutrix when she was visitor at his father's house in Patterson. Verdict not guilty. Commonwealth vs. James Panne baker. Fornication and bastardy. Jennie Jacobs, prosecutrix. Defendant plead guilty, but sen tence was suspended npon big piving a bond to the Overseers of the Poor. Commonwealth vs. Michael Fulk- rode. Adultery and open lewdness. VV. si. Uroce. prosecutor. This was a peculiar ease as the prosecutor was one of the principal witnesses for the defendant. Verdict, not guilty, but the defendant Michael Fulkrode to pay two-thirds of tke costs, and the real prosecutor was ftenrcra ShAnt.. berger, who was to pay one-third of the scats. Mrw Sbellenbtrger was not in court at the time the yerdict was received and a bench warrant was iaued for him, but he surrender ed himself before the warrant was served. Com. vs. John Benner. Charge, Surc'y of the Peace. Prosecutor, Wilson A. Willow. After hearing the evidecca in tbe cas, the court sentenced each party to pay his own costs, and delivered a lecture on the subject of carrying concealed deadly weapons. Common vealth vs. Harry Good man. Fornicition and bastardy. Re bacca HutreM prosecutrix Settled. Commonwealth vs Ell S. McNur lin. Adultery with William Laedy. J. B. McCahan, prosecutor. The defendant's counsel petitioned the court to be discharged, because she had been arrested on Sunday, but the court was of the opinion that wile tho arrest was illegal, yet she had not taken advantage of it before she gave bail for her appearance at court Tha proseeutor J. B. Mc- Canan was the star witness for the Commonwealth, and swore that he dad seen tbe defendant in tbe act of committing adultery with William Laidy. Other witnfsses swore to acts that wsro at least imprudent on the part of the defandent. Mrs. Mc Nurlin charged the prosecutor with being jealous, because she refused him favors and also charged him with .... being guilty or an attempt to 00m mit a serious crime against her. The tury rendered a verdict of not guilty, but the defendant to pay $19 00 costs, and the prosecutor tbe balance. The prosscutor evidently wa3 aware of the result of the case for he could not be found. A bench warrant was issued for him, but at this writings the Sheriff Las failed to find him. Commonwealth er rel Wilberforce Sohwsyer, Dietrist Attorney vs. J. Calvin Dimm. This is the proceed ings in quo warranto to oust J. C. Dimm from the office of Town Coun cilman vice David Holrnan, deceased. The following is the decree of the court: And now December 2, 1895, judgment entered for the defendant, uia it ia further ordered that the costs by L D. Mucser. K. H. McClm- tic, C. F. Hinkle and C. B. Horning, at whose instance these proceedings were instituted. C. F. Espenschade was appointed guardian of Ralph Espenscbade. Motion for new tril ia tho caw of FowIe9 vs. Rodgers, refused. Tha c-.mrt lilod an opinion on the question of coats of ths inquest, on t be dead body of a bastard child of Ada Strawsi-r. The costs of Justice Bamer acting Coroner were allowed as well .13 ths costa of tho jurors, Tbe costs of tha witnesses nol bsiag allowed. A. and P. Rcberts & Co .va.E lgar A. Lcnnis and iourta Street N-ition tl B:ii;k r:i. sums an interpleader was ordered to determine ownership of property Jcvic-d on by tho Sheriff by virtue of a'.iova s-taied fi fas The s ale of real ess ate of El zabt th Lsoctrd, deceased, No. 1. 72 acres to Ueor.TS W. Wilson for 2.701. No. 3 to J.hirc Shirk 50 acis Ivr $300 aud 22 acres to Henry J. Snellen berger for $1,100, were confirmed by tho court. In the estate of Charlas L Ware am, deceased, C. B. Crawford, Esq , Died ii-3 report; Jolm J. l'atttr-jcu, Jr., Esq, filed bis report in the estate of laarr Irtk, ueoeased, aad W. L Kjops, Esq , filed his report as Aud itor in estate of Joet ph Ball, deceas ed, and Sarah Bell, deceased. A citation was granted to Levi H. Goshen, administrator of Henry Goshen, deceased, to file an account. Raturnable the first Mocdav of Janu- arv 1S9G. An interpleader was granted to cell into court John Adams and Eliz riboth Cleck to interplead to show to whom property leied on as the prop ertv of Sutnuel Cleck, bilonr. D. W. Harley vs. Maurics Leonard and Elizabeth Leonard. Rule to show caus9 why iudg.nsnt as to Eliz tbdh Leonard should not be opened and her xecubr J. B. M. Todd let into a defense, Joseph O'Brian on the usual peti tion, was admittod to bo a citizen of tho United States, he residing in Port Royal In estate of George W. Smith, de ceased. An appeal from the Reojis ler's decree admitting to probate a codicil to the will of said George W. Smith, deceased, was filed and a cita tion was granted to Win. G. Smith, the czscotor, to show cause whv said appeal should not be allowed. Upon polition of tba Trustees of the U. P. church at McCoyuville the executors of the wilt of Hugh Hart, deceased, and Ellen M. Beale, and other legatees were commanded to appear on the first Monday of Feb ruary nesS, aad show cause why a legacy in will of said Hugh Hart ia favor of said TJ. P. Church should net be charged oa the reel estate de vised in the wiM. The Sheriffs deeds were acknowl edged on Wednesday. Court adjourned until Tuesday, JJecemDfir I7tfa, 1895. MARRIED: Best Kepneb. On the 3rd jnst, in the Presbyterian church at Fred- crick, Md., by Rev. W L. Ould, a3 tisted by Rev. D. J. Beale, D. D , and liev. Jjuther Kuhlman, Mr. Geo Z. Btst and Miss Margaret E. Kep ncr, daughter of J. D. Kepner cf 1-retieneic, aid., but formerly of Jun iata county, Pa. Ben-see Wetzlep. On the 5th inst., at the home of the bride's pa rents, air. oamuel Bonner and Misa Sara M. Welzler by Rev. J. C. Reighard. BbtneR McWiixiams. On the 28th nit. by W. F. Steck at Walnut, J umata connty, air. Samuel B. Bry ner and Miss Clara Mc Williams. Rapp Rahck. On tbo 5th inst. at East Salem, by Rev. John Landis, Air. JJarnett V. Ivapp aud Miss Min nie E. Ranck, both of Vandyke, this county. WALKER. Edwin S Manbeck of Adamsburff, spent last babbatn at noma John Nearbood made a business trip to Harrisburg last week. Robert Nearhood spent last week visitiDg relatives in Snyder county. The Sabha'h Scho-.l of the United Evangelical church at Locust Run, will hold a Christmas entartainment on the eyenii of the 24th. Miss Sallie Wetzler and Mr. Sam uel Benner, both of Centerville, were married last Wednesday, the -4th. Iq the afternoon they took the train for a trip to Philadelphia. ' NEW DENTAL OFFICE- Dr. S. D. Diffenderfpr rrrtirtunfA nt the University of Maryland Dental Department, desires to inform the public that he has opened a Dental Ofbc at Oakland Mills, Pa., where he can bo found at all times. Teeth extracted painlessly. All work sruar an teed. LKGJIL. jjEOUTOK'S NOTICE. Whereas Let'ers Trstsmoii'arT hive beea issued in das form bj tbe Register of Jiin ista county, on tho estato of Mrs. Amelia Turbett lste of Turbett township, deceased te ins nna rsignea, mis Is to notify all ner sons indebted te said estate to make im mediate payment snd tboe having claims to present the ssme, properly authenticated fer settlement to Joseph II. Hatbiks, or to Bxeeuttr. Atkinson A Pennell, Jitt'yt. MilBintown, Pa., Nor. 19, 1895. A DMINISTRATRII NOTICE. In tiU.'t of BESJ.tHlS F. WJLLJICE. The undersigned Administratrix, havise bees granted letters testsmentary oa the estate of Benjamin F. Wallace, late or Tus carora township, deceased, ost of the Or phans Court or JubUta connty, hereby gives notice tu all ssrtons indebted te sxid estate to makn immediate payairnt. sad those having claims will prenent them prop, erly smheuticated lor sttluitat. Sopbia TfALLACI, Jdministrmtrtx. McCuilocli's Milli", Juuiata count;. Pa. AT SCHOTT'S STORE Cornmenoisg, Saturday, December' ber31t. THE HOLIDAY DISTRIBUTION of beautiful aad useful jjoojs is under full swias in Our Stores. Nevsr has a modern Merc&ctile Establishment tosa better equipped to serve tbe ooumua. itj ai mis, tue ousie&t 01 an ousy seasons. Tho best from almost everywhere is shown at our couatcrs. Tbe CHRISTMAS PRESENT YOU WANT to buy is surely here aad at a money Presa Cloth for Holiday Presents 83 off of our former prices. Serges and Henriettas for Holiday Presents 33i off the former value. . All styles of Dress Good 38i off of fortuer prices during these Bargain Dae Lsdifls' and Children's Uoats and Wrspg for Holiday Presents at i off, and Fame wraps aa naacb. as one balf off of our form r prices. It i a pity to sell such coats and wrr.ps for less thin co?t, but it can't be helped. Manu facturers made to many asd waited to long for tbe Cold wave. . UNDER Vv EAR AND HOSERIES; Tbe I'srgam Days exert their Potend Influence on this goods: Greatly reduced prices evcrywbore. Special low prices During B&rgaiu Days in Holiday fJoods. Rich and elegant Brio. Brae, fine jewelry for little money. Holiday Handkerchiefs, Men's and Women's gloves and neckties, ailk umbrellas, sil ver plated ware j?wel boxes, comb and brush boxes, albums, dolls and thou sands of tovs and playthings to amuse tbe Children. Fane Shoe and Boots, Slippers of all kinds. Ladies Rubber Over shoes at 25 oonte. Men's Over.hces at 45o; Missss & Children's robbers at 25o; beavy felt boois and tuekle overshoes at $2.15; heavy buckle Arties for Men and Ladies at 11.00. All Goods at specially low prices during Bargain Days. WE SELL YOU: From lOo'clcck in the forenoon, until 4 o'clock in the af:ernoon: Domestic Dry Goods, nnlins, Caliooes, Ginghams, Shirtings, Blankets and lisps, Cwats and Wraps, (.'krpets and Rugs, Oil Cloth aad Win dow Shades and Curtains at speoially low and extra reduced prices. Our Stores are constantly leading with the highest valuos and tbe lowest priees. DON'T ITOTIGICT THE TINIE. Commeaeing Saturday, December 14th and continuing uatil Dec. 31st. SCHOTT'S STORES, 103 TO 1O0 BRIDGE ST., II I F F L I N TOW N. 1865, ESTABLISHED. 1889. Special Invitation rTo The Publit To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE ST0GK OF It will ba TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who nave money to invet te examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOX S AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLE; of Suits and Overcoats at the His prices leave all CoHirjetitors in the rAr. an f ;i to give him a call if in need of D. W. HARLEY, MIFFLIN TOWN JEJL. "Tke Coaimea Peep le,w as Abraham Lincoln called them, do not care to argue abont their ail ments. What they want is a medi cine that will cure them. The aim- p'e, honest statement, "I kaow that Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me," ia the best argument in favor of this" medi cine, and this is what many thou sands voluntarily say. ieoefs Pill Are the Ibest after dinner pills, assist digestion, cure indigestion. Itch on human, mange on horses, dogs and all stock, cured in 30 min utes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mifnintown, Pa. Feb. 6, ly. 680D OPEHIH6 for active lady or gentleman acquaint, ed with neighborhood. Compensa tion from $40 to $150 monthly Work outlined. Only energetic par ty, ambitions to succeed, need apply No capital required. Address, with reference, etite age and whetner mar ried or single. Globe Bible Publish ing Co., 723 Chestnut Street, Phila., Fenna. RbeumatUBB Cared In at Day "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once tbe cause, and the dis eaHe immadiatoly disappears. The first dose grcutly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., druggists Mifnintown. Jan. 9,' '96. 14tb, and continurs until Decern saving price. Wonderfully Low Prices Clothing. 1895. ALWAYS AHEAD. OUR ENTIRE LINE OF Fall & Winter CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES & GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, are nil in of 1895. IN THE QUANTITY, THE QUALITY, the style and the price WE DEFF COMPETITION, An Examination will demonstrate mmmmmam & mm. 116 MAIN STREET, Patterson, Pa. ESTABLISHED J$$Q llie Medhitic Hardware QTHDl? NO. 119 MAIN STREET, L 1 yj Hi!.. MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Hardware, TOOLS, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS Stoves and tin-ware, mill and black-smith supplies, Harness, Collars, Lap Robes, Blankets, Fly-nets and Saddler's Supplies. Best Goods at Low Trices. We did an encouraging business during tbe past season and hope by constant application and prompt attention to do doubly as much in tbe coming season. We are better prepared to furnish Builders' Supplies, DOOES, SASH, HARDWARE Tin, Iron and Felt Kcofing, Sheathing and Lining paper, Paints, Glass and Carpenter Tools at low Prices. Blacksmiths will find it to their interests to call and ex amine our Stock and get Prices of Norwr.y & refined bar iron, Horse and Mule Shoes and Nails and Tools. Lumbeimen and Mill Men will not go away uninterested, alter they have ex?. mined and priced Our Stock of Cross Art Saws, files, Gum and Leather Belting, and Lacer at Low Prices, wood and iron pumps of the be.vt make; also a full line of House furnishing Coeds. Stoves, Tinware, Granite ware, Wil low ware, wooden-ware, Nickle Tea Kettle and coffee pots. Wall Paper at all Prices. tor of mizm imn, that we ore offering at Special Prices to close them out, Barbed Fence WTire, Gasoline Stove, Ice Cream Freezers, forks, scythes. Screen Door and Window Hammocks, brushes oi all kinds, prices furnished on spplicatkn, Cook Stove, Fruit Dryer, the best out estimates to lurnish contractors with the material so licited. Thanking for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. K. H. M'CLINTIC. Practical Embalmcr and Funer al IPircctor. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. SATISFACTION Cl AKAMI EI) IA ALL CASES. Bridge St, Miffliatown, 'Pa JUNIATA VALLEY SAM, orittarFHSTowia, pa, Stockholders Individ nally Liable JOSBPn ROTHEOCK. PrtriJml. 7. VAN IRTf IN, Cithtn DtSFcross. W. C. Pororoy, JoIie Hertiler," RoWt B. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Joseph Rothfoefc, JoMah L. Barton, Lonis E. Atkinson stci;aiiz.rSRS t George A. Efpner, Annie Sf. Sbelti-r, Joseph Rotbrock, P. W. Manbeck, I. E. AtkiDSOB, R. E. Parker, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irw-n Mary Knrtz, Jerome; N. Thompson, John Hertzlor, T. V. Irwin. Char'otteSnvder, Josiab L Barton, John if. Blair, Robert H. Patt woo. F. M. V. rennell, Levi LlffM, Fmul 8. Rotbrock, Wss. fi warts. M . N. Sterrett, Jl. J. Shellenherger, Jsmas G. Heading, M. K. Schlrgol, S. W. Heaps. Three and Fonr per cent, interest will tf ptid on certificates of deposit. rjan 23, 1896 tf The Stnhntl and Reputhm oSce is tbn place to got job work dose. Tiylt. Itwfl piy yon if yon ned anything ri tbat linn. 1895. for the (Lo truth cf our assertions. t Ruble, MYE YOU MOM TO DEPOSIT ? ARE YOU A BORROWER 1 CAliL. AT- T83 FIBST MIFFLINTOWN, PA. tUE PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Mcbey leaned at lowest Bates. c -r O J l-l IS. L H Fir a and SiDi&O; Lshiii'sg, rift and Sisrn Fr5. f f.A for hs Pea Iron RooKnc uad Cum r. ...-.! win- Mlios Co. ( l-td Hbila., i"-, '.: t -naM. ) !Sole ilfr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers