mimL&KEPUBLlCAN iyriJNTowN. .r WCMtaBAI. FEB. 20. IMS. B. F SCirW BIER mni ass raoraiiToa. Cottox seed rueal miied with corn mtal if i aid- makes a most palat able bread. r Withis tbe past two month, -tbe"' National Tnasary bag been drained of fG7.000.000 in cold. . Govehxor fLtvrnios in - importuned Terr day for appointments to place) in the-Agricultural MJureau. The Freneb farmer are petition . ing the French Assembly in favor of the remonitizUicn of silver. Becai-ss no apparent necessity ex iets for tbe erection of the office. Governor ilestings baa vttoed tbe bill to create- an additional law Judge in Wssbington county. TVs GfFiBAOs are-growing tired of tbe gold atan1rd of value, and they are orgiig tbe German Government to aptain re inatatCrtlTV to-tbe-poai tiou it occupied as a medium - of fcx cha.ige before'1870." ' ' - 1 -n -j-ae- a. 1 j.Bt vnHnefte.- cavai 'cominanuers i and tbe commanders of -tbe army' who. a few days ago surrendered to bare all coiumiltcd suicide. They prefer tbat to tbe pumsbnient that is awarded br tbe Chinese government to defeated Gem rale. Ex GoYtniioB Pattti8on. . was de, fca'ed for .Vsjor in Philadelphia by 5,000 majority. Almost tbe entire democratic picket ia the borough of iliffliutown wg; elected. The ticket elected in Patterson -as a mixed one. The disticgui'skecl-ff fjt-ee. about it, was the election f Hi" -Kate Draple for ;Hch .-ol Director. The ticket elected in Fermanagh township was almost entirely republican. Tus State Agricultural Burtau provider for tbe Bcctattjy of Agri culture at a salarr of $4000 a year; a deputy Secretary at $3,500; com inieioner cf forestry at $2,500; a dairy commissioner at $2,500; an economic zoologist at $2,500: a chief clerk bl iht Aepatfhiaiit it $1,500'; a st. uorrapher at $800; . a messenger at $5t)v. All appoipted br th,e Gov rr-t ' ". . . . rLor. : iDt dairy ana ioa com id is S'oner. Ihe commissioner of forestry, and the economis zoologist shall each bwa a a clrrk to be appointed by tba 'oteraor, and receive a salary of 500 a rear eaeb. r Whix the tk-l'Jts for tbe boroughf lor luesdsy s election were primed it was disfavored that the naming of tbe number of years for which the School Directors should serve bad i.ot been printed on the tickets. At fi'st it vis declared to be a mistake of the printer. The printer said, be followed copy, Mr. Groninger, clerk to the i I'mmsssioaera. was applied to: He said it wr.s not his mistcke: tbat he bad made ti e copy from tbe rec ores, prucijily as it waa entered by tbe democrat?" cbmniittaei tbat bad brought in, the nominations from the democrjstit nominating canens to be !"! or rrcordtd. On tbe Jay tbat the defect in the ticket was discover ed, Judge 'LjoSs tvas holding court, and a petition w a tpeediiy gotton out by democratic leaders a:id pre sented to Lis honor craving him to order sn amendment to the r'ecoru in tbe Commissioners' Ofileo tbat ntw tickets might be j rioted " under tbe law. The Judge said the tecord could be amended and tickets print ed, provided, citizen's who bad at- terded the nominating caucus wOuld make affidavit ' tbat the ears - bad bcn mentioned lor which the candi lues were to serve. A thorough canvass of tbe men who attended tbe nominating caucus was made. but not one man waa ' found i mane an snuam ttiat tbe yeure Lad been designated. Tbe demo crrts, tiewwr did not drcp their In rioters, i Lev bad pasters printed. an l used them in the blank-space on me iiraf-t. nufi in toat way votod for their School Directors. .. At)ieerarefer Bead. The rLiladelpbia Inquirer' says.- A Tery eccentric old lady'died recent ly near Iteigeleville, N. J., and who was very much afraid of having her government bonds stolen After her death, every nook of tbe bouse was searched for the bonds, but .without succwaS, and when the body waa pre pared tor burial, on removing; a poro js piaster from her side v the bonds were found anuer it. ""-- TO FLORIDA. Personally roudlacf ed Teura ' la PennsylTanla Rallread. To the large number of people who feel the need of a mid-winter as well as a niid-sniumer holiday, . Uer I'ttsnsylvAuia Kailroada personally conducted tnurs to Florida especial ly commend themselves'; the exenr sioo rats being more' liberal and tbe style of travel first class io every par ticular. Tbe n--xt of the aeries of .Jackson-. Till" tours, allowing two vekB tay' in Florida especially commend them selves; the excursion rates being moat liberal wd tiie stylo of travel first class in every particular. The- next of the aeries of. Jackson ville tours, allowing two weeks' jsUy in Fiords, will leave N-v York aud I'hiladelphia on February 26, and otl:T will leave on March ,12 and 26. The i ate, iiluding- traOBportalion,' midair, en route, and Pnllman bertb on special irain is $50.00 from New York, autt 48 00 from Philadelphia; proportionate rates from . other p.uuts - ; .-.: For further information apply to Ti kt Agetttii," or address Tourist Ajrent, 1196 Broadway, New York, cr 11'jr.m 411, Broad. Street Staiiop, Pluladelphia, to whm application rr space stioiua also be made. Altoona,Pa. Feb. 15. Because she burued piece of ' meat which waa cookintr for her husband's sup T r, Joseph Peck, a butcher Ii ring at J-.:d-rHd', procured a horee- . whi, wapred a bell cord aromid the, ban; iH.i with tacks inserted in itend it ia alb-gad beat his wife in a 'horrible manner He waa arretted to day and sent to jail. .Are. Peck waa the principal witness agaicsV narnua band, and -during the hearinjr she eared ber back and s showed where he tacks had ntered tjleah- - ANNUAL 1H4. - W MOslTII, TBBASEJRUI, a 1 I", fllh .1 hi MM TtklllM. uatauaaiaf Taxes ceaaty iiauuaaiaa' Tax, Biate.f Tases levied la 18M, Coaotv. 'I Taxes levied ia ISM, State Taxes Mviad in IBM. Dog per seat added to Ceaatv Tax a per entaddad te Stato Tax. Additloaal mmaiato.. Ovaraaid Taxes State Tax Kfaadrd..:... Lbaor.lieaaca effoadad Cilb front aaUofBoad..... Cash troia Umporarf loan.... Carti from R. McMeea. tax of J. S.HcCahaa Caah from B. R. Mitchell, refunded scalp Btoaey.. Aiib fronPirtr to-, koesiaa traaapa, ae CeUr from StawtaT f-app MitekoU flaa Cathrom-Sberiir Lapp, Ffrro-Boe.... ..... .... Cask from Sbariff Lapp, Other Hot . . Cah from Sheriff Lapr. verdict ras Cub from Xifllin county, keeping tramps, fee... vaaa rreai suaiiaaeoua apareea 1S4 Dec- 81 Br bntataodiof ordorS of 1898. By order af lMpaid.... 4 ry'Mtataadiag taxes, Coaaty... By outstaadiac Taxea, 6 tate. . . By oa(ataBaiBg.taxea,dog....... By amount of aheap orders paid. , MtetToaa Wal. CHJga, - v v. snsLLr, I'"'. j.m. CLASSIFIED ACCOUNT 1tttiing and Beale Toaraabip Black Log Township itfiswere . . . FafctU" ; ;; Fermanagh'---' i Greenwood Leefcf HiSictotra Boroagh htillord Township Hoaroo Patlereon Borough Port Royal " Spruce Bill township Sniqnehaona . . Tboiapaeiilowa .Borough 'tsrbetl Tewnthip Tnerarora Walker . Election!. Election eflicetg, November Election...... Cooaf abi ei, Peer aary ElecUoi) ............. . Coaat&bler. Korembar Elrctin.. ......... Wsfea'.'EleCtlon pOTpoaea.'.....'."..'.'... .. Eli Ferletuan, carrying Co:greaaional vote... Kent for Reetoa houaaa and keeping booths ..... .... W. M. 3irrretri Bt rfJ making I6M teirBsbip ticket Barchfield A l'eaaall, clerking elect lota ret lira Care of Tramp. Bariel wknowa man, Delaware township 9. U. Crawford k. Sea, medical etteeJance, if. Lamuh. W. S. Arbogaet, board and room N. Lamish... ...... . nailroa tickatil to-fblladefpfala Jsllua Darr, ffinoniDg ; ...'. Wm. Zaif ler. Et Jl atteatioa to Irauipe Railroad tickets,..., .- " Public 'iuiidingt and Ground. Hrery Hawk, Ei A, repairs to ourt House HWe Sieber.'TaA Ac, for jail.....'. Etka A Son. Et Jit, repaire to jiil II. C. HcC:ellan, M Hardware and Supplier. Herrv Hawk, jii. pavement.... Hanbeck A NHaon aad North tumbtr end coal .. Sol. Kulia Jt Co.. Harrieuarg, Pa-, ctrp-tta.... Taylor Tin Company, PhBadefphia. tin for Court Hoaee JohaM. Bkndcr, lia and work na Conrt Itonae.. J. W. SlitBDcell, J. P. Wickartham. EtM - - ' - Public . S, North: Tirasunr, salarv County AodiUtr aud clrrk..... wm. It. Alluon, auditior Co. Officva J. R. Joakina, Recorder Fees.;..';.;..'.... W. If. Zeideii, Protbonolarv Fea John W. Hibbs, unpaid fee Blank Book,, itrcerder's Offljo Blank Book, Protbonotary's Office. ... i. Blanks and other supplies.... .......... CemmtMtoner' Office W. !!, Moore Comra,.,.... Neat U. Stedart. Comei: :.l John Neimaod, Cum w m. II. Gronmger, clerk, salary Jacob Jirawoad , Jnrtor ......... Atkinson A Penoell. Attorney CoDDtr beal. .............. ... ..... ..................... . II. C. McClellaa, Et .41 Gol np Frrd Jiillrr, Williantaport, Pa., i years sfeppile Blsrk Order Clock for Office Stationary Blasts, kte'. Postage Box rent, Ac... ... .. ..................... Bxpease to Comm. Contention at Potrtr lie, Ceianiiuioacrs convention aMewmsnt Printing. Wm. M..AIlion, BUnks all offices Wm. U. AIIikob, blanks for Hi tv amber Blectioa Wm.lf. AWison, other prtafinc J. C, Divm, billots lor-Fehroiry Election; J. C. Diram, otber priatisg Waa. J. Jackman, printing B. F,.ectieier. punting Uarry E. Bonsall, priutinr Bond, other debt Intereet e twmperary loain.. .';.. Uaioa Trwat Co., Pbtla, ThompeontoWs Bridge debt, .......... Temporary Loans paid..... Coanty' Boede Paid... Inlereston Bond Paid Momdi mnd rjeo.'S. Cona and 8 others, damage B. P. Burebfleld and !8 other views..;....... A. B. Eraaa anJ 2 others Bridge views..... .....1.. H. U. HcClellea, v for Tbompaoatowa H. J. Snellenberger, Et. Jit. Plank Ac U. A. htevera, Et. Jl. work W. P. Slagle, paint alifflra - David Wolfgang Et. M. plank - Jacob rowaad Et.M.ftotk . . , H. W. Caveny A Brother, paiatingw G. F. Goodman, r . Mexico Knrts A Caveny, r , - M Lv Kaiser.- "' . ,-. Edward Oill, Et. M. ' B. C. Groninger, Rrp. Groninger'a W. B. Horning. Rep. - Staaabeugh'a Snvdrr County 4 of joint, . Oriental J. L. Hoop. Et. M. Old "Port Royal Wolfgang A Williams, Port Kovsl canal PortKojal-- . Biver McCIure ' - - ' - . Cuba Dam Anmaa'e tlill other Bridges ' , . HantraBdoh. Pa, Feb. 17,-TbeM!?,"? "I in bT body of a new bora male enild was found yesterday by Gor oner Greenberg oh the prtirniese of Hisees Afry S'.meon of Mrkajahnrg. The baby's monti-wsa stdfted: with paper, and tta throatwaa eat xrum ear tor.JiXMMin, prooamy ine iDawanrwat -usaxu waa faAnrl near ev. -To-dar offinera Pbrought Elsie "Hicki tb reputed mother ol tne babe and l'? supposed murderer, and ' Mii ' BtiDsoh, her atfnt to the .county jail. . sTtemsmattaan spair.ed la .aTmy Mvavie jObm 'for. euoaatiaia snd Neuralgia radically cures ia 1 to 3 daya. -Us aOtion' upon the.syctem is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the caose, aiid the' dia ease immeditely - disapp?are. Tbe first dose greatly benefits, 75 eental Sold by h- Banks Co., drnggiate, Maffl ntowa: p- . "- ; : Jn.-9,-"96. NEW DENTALOrrrCE- Dr. S! D. Dffenderfer, gradnate of the University of Maryland Dental Departmentv desires .to inform the poblio that be bM opened' a Dental fffio. at Oakland Mills, Pa., .where he can be-found at all times. - Teeth extracted painlessly. All work guar anteed. - " , ' m ii . KeUeflB8ixneara. - 2istweaing -irljiey sad CUaddor STATEMENT OF THE AUDITORS Cat. MUM 1U1I u 1M1 12 ZUMM suae 1M7 00 me 47 It 69 44 44 ISTf 4& imoo 17SMW soot 00 100 00 . 459 00 770 &fe oo 39000 6oO "62 Oil M OS M24 ... .... ,t - 30 02 50 ' lies s T40 46 120 If , 2402 40 tM0,.92.V. ,-' .tt'. $ 09960 02 Attaal-- " LEWIS DSOJCK.' " Clerks. Rgitttrin$. . . COHXU: .BXOX.'A 7 68' '' ' 81 30 80 Oi M 00 - - ' ' ' V77 '"y 183 34 V 7. '. ; "120 00 . . 37 1C ... J87I 7 18 27 4 64 81 54 76 9 93 41 85 81 64 79 83 11 84 0 06 58 68 00 97 67 97 60 80 68 1 74 28 12 86 140 1 91 8SS6 4 08 81 48 20 91 87 63 1117 961 M10 12 6! 15 74 681 12 72 1106 4 88 26 SO 28 66 117 81 S8 70 01 f.9 1S6 70 1818 M 114 21 9967 10 00 26 60 SIS 12 19S40 86 77 7 60 M 00 89 28 1000 12 00 88 75 62 00 12 60 9 2 550 6ii 2 1'4 . . .. . . 1056 67 121 77 17 68 9 WO 11 00 20 67 22 20 281 38 64 00 6T 86 89 is : 550 QO 120 0U 80 00 . "8 .67 128 74 16-60 . .9000 3100 70 72 ' 276 00 297 60 innrance 686 67 Office .......... .... 1174 53 and Court Houu. 1 242 tO 650 CO - 144 00c 40 IK) ' 4 60; ; .600, 819 60 15 20 6 6 25 65 27 00 SI 25 600 76 00 75 ri7 108! 25 00 164 2ft: 126 :167' 26, Pa 21800 896 81 mnd JnttreU paid. :. .... .. 116 17 ' iM6a 14 7000 00 111140 6567 87 ., 42 00 s 116 40 ' 26 40 1150 . SO 04 2704 88 00 81 60 81 84 I7V'- . 346 94 44 oe , 61 TJ 1101 v CO ' 54-00' 76 88 00 16 00"' 16 60 17 72 08 10 00 , .- 24944 28 Bridge. ' ...... S Bridge ............. " ............. 'V'viy'ti ....... . f .' ' 262 710 8. -Naw.OiriaTAMrrH Amatca.it Craz This zievr twasedy ia a great surprise on account of its exce ding isromptness ia relieving pain ia the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the arin&ry paaoSateo . jn male or fofnale. It twhowoa reAatioa of sra-ter- and pain in passdniit almost im mediately. If yob 'want quick relief and cure thie is your remedy. Sold by K Banks Av Col, Dragai, valif ntntown, ra." -w r et), o. - i Itch on human, mange on 'horses,' dogs and all stock, eared ia 30 min utes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Thia never fails. Bold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mifflintown, Ps. Tsb. 6, ly. HBlCimO"C31CS 8f4urpiBH:r3 Jllvaaek. Ba'alr'JmJl' fLlijj"- es aa7 okwr aa the saacSat. -U whOe baaktscf; weeau avaaa ha wear. Wriaelee olmlnV aa4 arbn ran, wBBaae;aJi -me psoa apallcatna.. Aka Bpilea wa. Hair Kafceav' falftrafe-.4 WW 4 S838G01O. Mcbx. TOT Bubseribe for the Ssarnrn aae BsptiBta. eaav .egvea paper. MM rtasjae TTaawM OF.1 JUNIAT COUNT FOft tliE AR l894 mLUCTOBS. iasi . W.B. Undaers O. W. VaaQnaer ; J. H.Dw;p. 1802 1196 4 J aha Knensa ........... . .... n nii. - . 0. " a ........ - Jaeeh Biaaepk ...... . w - . - . . ..... ....... J. O. If ataor.7. (UbiimI 8 . Tedar i mat II ( u . w ISOf . 'u , 8. hmsmhsI.. H. F. Create n..ld Hkiaaa .. W. H Carls. v.i .'..v.U . V. BrowaJ Bcele J. P. 8ioeeo..... IHiaa.;: .JolnK.Mivanv.S.f. Fayette -; C. E.-lewer Vy". Fernawta. . Jacob Faay ...t..Greeaweed-' "J. .Tr..V.i.l;iijVIUahr: : 8. . Riiasae.i . v.r-. .-i . W. B. atoTaasn.. - m 'A " ' S?if. Inbertv.:v: .. a.-F.-Ly tle.'AI . -iv ... f .... . If. 8. Bab ..l..! A. ft. KenteVea.wh J. vc. Mvaer. . ,.,...,,... L. r.'CathoniC....: J B; Baieii.. :...;...'..: B. A. Smrtt-.. .... Outstanding Dog; Tax. . OF THE EXPENDITURES ,.OF J UN1ATA Pmgmtnti . 1129 9" Cewrff And Jvron Pmy. Conatab'aa Reteroa aad Jaatices Fees, at. L-rpt!n Chemist in Carpoater Caea, " Wolfgang tnd 8 toner. Reward ia eaae C. W. Stater, -Atklaacn and Penoell Et. Jl. Csrpsater aad Jfttehell eases jarors, t ernury Tens lass, Jurors April Term. Jnmra San'emhr Term, w Jarora Decrmbor Term. t ' :.' Boarding Jurors February aad DesaaiWi Terma.e-'-- "' Constables Costs !a Commeaweelta Cases, . ' ' . Costs ia Lnaacy Caa s. 5 esses, rommtaweulth roats February Term, 1894, ; , Commeowealth costs April Term, 1894. Commonwealth coats Septombar Term, 1891. .-' ' - Commonwesltu cos' December, Term. 1891. .-. - i- . : Jss. T. CoramiDgs Et. Jl. Steaographer, . . . . M. W. Cataaly Court Crier, ' . " '; " Deputy 8 1 'riff's aad coastahlee Carpenter caa -' ' '' J. C. Beale Jury Coir u., T4 aad part of 189. .- ' B. S. Gtayblll Jury Conrm., . .t ' Wm. H. Groninger dark to Jury Comm., B. F. Crcsier and O. G. Detra extra Clerks, Jsry Comm.',,,, SAerijrFtem)r prKxmmet - Board iag Priaoacra Washing for Prieonsrs, Clothing tor 1'rUoners. Sheriff a Depatta Peoe Travelinw exi A. a. urtaweil; wateh for Jamea Carpenter, .-.ii.". J. W. Leach u . Supplies lor Jail aad Prlaoara, D. If . Crawford A Son. paJical aitaadsase jail- ' ' : ' 1 ' . K. Crawford, lledieiaa for Jail, . Srafl'old aad Freicht, , . . Burial efJaotae Carpenter '- K. G. Paane'jaker aersa In lalU f 7." ' , AraFasick, ' " ' Mutcdlantou . J. If. Thompson A 13 others, abeep damage, .-, v.;- . ." Burial aad loiab stoeee for 8 Old Soldiers, . . Cot and Fret of Jf ifllin Co , TbompaoaUwa Bridge case, ' A BHeCabao, Et. At. overpaid taxae refunded Exprevskg", Wctw Penitentiary 'keeping prisoners. HuatWicdos Refnrmatorr . State Tax on Coasts Beads, Jo. W. Stimtrisl Tree., ol JnnlaraTo.. Agrleultaraf1 Sokiety ' D. M. Xarshall, 8np't for County Institute, State Tea paid State Treasurer, .-.-.: Wm. H. Orvoinger, for all Stste Work, ' . . .. . Rail Road F-ue, Freight A Oaullag, . - '.' Fcslp sod Justici fses, . '" " ' y ! v. ' X ReempUuIidim Arseesrsg and Begiiteriag. Commoa Exoaer, A Abatcmeats graatad ConaSlors; Klectioas . . Care of Trampa, " . roie BaiMisg AGreaads, -. . :. , Psblie Offlees, v ail ' Commissioners Office A Ceart Hoaee '--Printing ; ,, Beads. Other debt A Iatorest paid . Beads Sad BridaeS, , Ceart and Jarors Pay . ' ; V 8 ber iff j Fees A PriseaEapsasss,-?- ' MiKellaaeeas, . fc ; -Totol,- .J!mt Caah la TreasuTy',.', " ' Caah ia Treasury from Dog Tax Outstanding Couaty Tax oojo, ' " State . ... Dog m Tal Oatstsadiag Beads Bearinc : 4 per eear Interest, , pptua Traal uo.. Bel. TbompssatS sm'BrWg O-i tstandlng orders of 184 unpaid K i , ..'' - h .. - 71 Ltabilitlee over assets. Ws the undersicoed ComralMi(jaurflbfJnaUta eonatv la esmsliaaee with the law. de publish tie ferejgeitkX staA)ciaat.f ttdVAclpf. expeaditares, assets sad Habtlitioa ef said rounty for the year eadiwg December 81st. A V. 189; aa'takea from the record t f thia office. . Jbammtows,Jsasery:UCI696,' - , , .tr HBAC At 8TBUABT, AAset ;-;J - - - ' jomr kbiiaid. ai: WXimGtemmatM. :t . Ooaaty Cemmlsaioaer. Clesk.. ---v. J ' tUFFUNTOWft MAftKCTS. -aisrsamrevra. FeB.-2r,13 Butter 20 , 24 ..! . 12 Kgf-s Bai ml i j. . rrvuiwri ........ Iward Hide-. HTTFLIRTOWKOBAIR JC&f'T WBrat ..' 60 Cora ia ear 60 . ts's, .... -.j, ........... ojB Tiaaethy saia...v.v.rr.r...."2dio Fha see4...J CO Bran .... .... 90 Chop. .. ...... ..01.20 a hundred Middlings ... ........ .. l.io Ground Alain Salt... l.oo Amcrtcao Salt .- 75c to SO Pant.ApKjj.rBiA ' 1fksLitf& February 18. 1895. Wheat 57 to 58c; Corn 57 to 58c; OaU 34 to 36c. butler 13 to 31c; eggs 25o liTeehitkenaaie41 eenta; Turkeys 11 to 12c; dark 2 o 13c; geese 9 to 10c; cloverseedt 9c a lb; Afilch cows S30 to $40; tbincows, $12 to $20 a head, hogs 6 to 7 a lb; 8bt.ep 3 to 5o a lb; lambs 4 to 6 . a ib; beef cattle, 4 to 5gc a lb. Tharstca'spim Ara aortcet bealsh Jewell rkaowato antra. Sea e rausve. rem reUrf tarheMtaehe. MT Cures Constipation I JovAiJrt) a aCnVWinf A TrttV ewjaajm qTATK.: . : i II 1 .Mi! ' 41 01 112 I M 70 vm m I : I'M 42 47 VMM - "M 7 4 . - 870 "SfJP rayMhtV leW " ltM Oieaaisjeeal. . em . Maiaiawa , . ., a . - ... . j' . em Me ...miamm r.HMM 144 if I'ort W ' " Spraee 4UU .- 1 w-e " . .... m T .2S 72 : 47 2T 160 77 , tM M flli Benre . T ft.fl ar .f V. sveala..i: z. 7M77 : 'MS 77 - . 84 7a- IS416S 472 80 421 70 CM 21 -701 U -824 6m ' ' 00 M - 4121'. " MM . . Htflletewa . .721 MSI . fatlarso - 14 00 ffert Bevel -. - 8pmae Hill.. Saaqoeeaaoa . 800 .,.r.M 11 7 1M TboBisooe Taittote totre US 00- , 08690r 45 63 ..TBjfcajorar - .u.. 7:2 ..Walker , .; .1242 20 ' '$18222 88 ; 7464 COUNt-C hum BAT'S TOTALS. . WW v ;' -2I77:' 1T4 7' - 18 6 " 6081 . 274 41 v 2166 " 17 83 ' : 126 : uffv. - 444 . . 24 M. 28 25' -880- V2 47 ' .16t47 22S 06 45 """ 1241 57 W.ii.; '. . " -1 83 14 6216 ' 63 42 " - 25 10,'j-; , 42 to ; . . 0 61'"-' 4211..: SO 1 .f . 10174 S60.42 ?77J 48 1MN um, 91 7t 742 4817 Utmt mil M0 17 n 1M 44 112 " 48 1 S3 88 2087 .401 2 10260 -2200 97 7M S0 .it.. ..10 47 32 00 1 1 60 4 ' 13 2ft M o . 33 68 108 SS 1 70 841 0N 20IK 16 00 . 172 229 2 1MM '296 86 1076 18 60 682 61 M 48 02 100 00 - 174 2093 04 30100 ".- 1 'C$2 471.88 ' 18184 2777 1M7 121 17 ? 1184 8 - 21NC - KM I 24944 2 - 6719 '. 6677 43 ' T372U 471 1 S52.080 78 . . .2841 18 122 -18222 8 1165 S 74 4e ' . 17687 J';' 1867 20 19 84 . 874 7 148737 41 . : ' - TetelV 126)99 72 Po yeej dessr to.-pef of. m rssatrssi m sseaef ef a gor lamdAfaVi Womii sAb ears fs-sa ee safaWed Oef eewajf r swats t. awlgage ogaias AeaaS es swssg eJT m SmmU smsesf a If and ei fas eaete see mtmr reutss' ered- itfotoUpmUw trUk iewereet leaag caarg ow ramspasng aeraiaa of soeav Wsaassi Me Is saw nurfomtit a Umot If 0. abas' m airag - I reivoaoat a Compear, that aae fasaaeC ied IsAhs pUh air the tssiafes eaameWtea abate abd maty Bora.-:Caa yea '-tee snv reaooaf why yoa should pay a large iotereit for aaoaep whoa yea have good sssatltyf Caa'ySu rreseat any good reaaoa why It Is not aawaUi ta reoeiva areata yosrly as to wait tram 7 to lyeae as one deee la Saaay of the Asstemtlsasl Is set the redaetlee ef iaterewt yearly bettor, than waiting many years for prod ur Borrower aador the paa raprsorated by sss ssaame akeolalely ao risk as each 4 00 pas ea the issa is eredlted oa the saaifaga; thsrshy rodncua ' it - fat ptopaetiea te tae smennt paid. Bailing Assaejatieas save beaetited haadreda e tAoaaaada.ee did the eld ears that were prppallad by hersse, Oarptaa- le ss far aperierto Baltdlae, As nelstioas a tbe trolley ears are to . the eld aatiatiated bone ear system. My Unas ta to mueh oe suptod to answer qaestioee tee the earieas, bat tte aeekmg mformatiaa for the bot teraneat of their eeaditioa wUi recmve fall utoatattoa promptly. We offer aa lavost moettathoae who have aamaU amoaat te sare-saaatbly that: haa a sspanor sa to smory sad aoidom aqoaMd for prtfts. - Call or wtte. - - - MacaMs4aoaaaa. ' . :J - Oaktaad ifilla, 'I'M"- : ".-waaj.emm,ty, p i Do fee weal Is aerram mmasy eav tasifslls femes. .r..-- i'Z wW"l ESaBBHiMaSHK- . I- . JZl vaKitii;-- "f Rraarna i JI V. DEER. ' . pKOTBO-WOTABYTI HOTICB.; BstaU ef Caleb C. QrayWII ef team Hetfee is keey rfvee tna tee M .ef aruar aeceaal ef Joeopk 8. Urayai". .dcaoo by Daod of Voluntary aaeiaa"oBt o oOce ef Jaaiaia Coanty, aid the eane will ke at aeon tod fm ooolimetlae aad dltowaaiee to- ike-.Cdtirt ef Coaiswa Ptaas- oT said Conatv. mm Xuaaday she 4Sta day ofHarch, a: Da ises, a(M, aad waore all iaoM iatrroetod may aMaad K they thtek proper. J. K.YeUtf, Attlr. W. ?. Zoidera, ',. rWheae ary'aeffloe,' ' freth'y. atBiaoarP.. Feby. Uth. 1896. JQTKJIUJI PARTITION. . In iKt XtrjFka' Cmrt fjtmvdm Cewf ; . iy. Te laaa BoU Malay and S. R. oUy, her hmabaad Sanaa Mllukasj aad W. A.aUUikaar, ass haab-ad. PU IX. Tay!er, laebal Tay lor, WUbor Taylvr, Kormaa Tsjler. Ocr ahaa Taylor, Ktboi Taylor. Stewart -Coder, Besale af. Coder. OUve L. Coder and Will v. HMte Waa.. a-nardlaa mi ItUm ef. said Wither Tavlor. Wensaai Taylor, Herman Taylor, Ctfeel Taylor, BaoataX. Coder aad Otire L. Cedar, saiaere att ei yenlata eeaa' tT.eanaylvaami William H. Taylor, real, dance anknowa. lest beard of ia the aeet; 1 Surah Harhiro aid Peter Macovw, her has hend. at axoDlcomorT couiiit. . rnminv aU; heirs of joba W. Taylor, ; deeooaed. aad all o there latrr-etad.- -Toe kfu hereby notified . that tbe Or whaua CoaM of aald Ceaatv. awarded an ia .ami to make aartitioa aad valaatiea ef cartels raal saUlo et naid John W. Taylor, cvboimiwb: wi . treat a about aiao esree of lesa?slt'ste' U Ssawse Bill aalVsonatv'aad that said I r maa. mora g III tewaehlp,; ia inane at will be hold oa eaM orcmlMS en rriday.- the 8th day ofMaicb.A. D., 1805, st 10 o'clock, A. M., at which time and place yea are re aaested to tttead, if you think proper- . ' - ' J. P. CALHOUN, 1 Satairr'tOrrici, 'iSKthf.' Mininnew, ra., res. ii, wsa. JROISTER'8 HOTICB. ' - r -Metiea is hereby given that the following asrsri'rrnrit avp tied th-lr swousts la hatfwea roa ei Jsniata tanary, aaa UissniT M ptesenled tercoaHrmatioa saw aJtesraace i sa Orphaa Ceart, te be heMUMmtovra, Pa.t oa -Tsesday the lttK day ef hjareh, A. p., 1896, at ax'eloek A. If. , ' . , - No, 1;' The aaoeaat of Bobert B. Afc Meoti. executor ef Lash Yoha.leto of Tur- hetttawnehrp, deeeased. HeBleea Arty. fa. o fMaHiasf aif aat aeeeunt Joha U. Baraaaadv JAmea '. L. .Woodatde. axeeutors etc of Joha C-Barus, late of Lack township, JneieU couaty. aeeosaea. .:; -.-' - ' ' HelyA:fy. ; 'ife: 8. TlsSaal -CAiat of stahloa C Farrs exeentor ef tbe last will sod tests Stent ol William Leech ls;e of Delaware township, deceased. . Attuisea at rsoseii au-ys. Ke." 4. Tbe Brst sad flsal account of Aa drew Basks, sdmisistrator el ihe estate of Jeers BlUetl, late ef DeUwsre towaahip, Janiata oonaly. deceased. Nooly Att'y. we. . Tbe Brat ai neat account or Jaaah Itawa, sdmisiatrator of the eeiate of CstlmtisePnsa, mto of Fayette towaabtp, JaelaM eaaaty, 4 ec eased. If eery Att'y. Ho: . The Brat aad taal aecoaat of C. B. Daria. admisutrator of the astate of Themis Dana, lata ef Fayette Towaahip, assesses. . Keeiy Att y. Ke.4. The flrat sad Busl aceouat ef Epbraim J. Earls, sdmisistrator of Jacob W. a a rtx, hits ar Delaware towaahip, do essssd. f - Keller Att'y. Smi 8. Aeeeant of Willi ara p. U rah am. Guard As of Jeaepi P. Kearae. minor child of Bleaner . rvoorss, deeeeeod, oa ward becomragof age. - - Boopee Att'y. .He. 9. Account ef William- P-. Graham flrnardma of Sarah H. Nourae, minor .child of Bleaaor M . Nourae. deceased, ward having heeomeof age. . Hoopea Att'y. Be. 10. The Brst aad' flnat aceoant of Jaba Beatlae, executor etc of Aaron Leidy. lata of Fajelte towaahip, Jeaiata eoDDiy, eaeeaaea. . .: Att'y. .. No. 11. The oceoaat of J. W. Hamilton, axeoator ef Margaret Dsan. Isteef Bet'isgh of aUnliBtnwa, dacessfd.- JfcMsea Att'y. . Me. 12. Tae first and Bna! aceouat -of David H. Shirk, admialstralor of Lydia Sbirk, lato or Walaer township, deceased Aasoa- B. Wm, ' Keller Att'y. Regiater. Lesm B. A,txtssea. F. M. . Pawsau. ATKIaTSeBJ as PSBniGII; ' - - ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW, - MFFL1KTOWH, FA. Bar-Col iaetiaar aad Ceaveraastag pismpt Ovasss Oa Maia ssreet,la place ef rest. eeaee or lobm b. A 1Mb sea. Bee., seam ef Bridge arrest. fOe2.t2. wiLaWirMCBi AtttnaMTLaw: IMBfariet At tow f IFFLrRTOWBT, FA. OFFICE TN COURT BOU8K. aa.axaawFea,a. aaawrs .eaAWreaa JJB. D. M. CBAWFOBD A BOW, have termed a partaersbip for Ihe aracrwe ef Medietas aad their eollattoral braaebee. OMca at M stead, earaer of Third aad Or sate atrtaaiamtdwar Pa. ' Oae er bath 01 them wilt be iwaad at their eOce at al' times, asless otherwise yjrefeaiesally ea. gaged. -, April 1st. ISO. AILBtOAO TINB TABLB. pBBBT COCNTT BAILBOAD. The following schedale weal lato effeet Bar. 19, )SM, aad the trains will he raa as follows; ' p. m a. m Leave Arrive 4 80 16 Daacaaaea :21 Eisg-'sMtU " 4 89 .9 24 ...Sulphur Bprlags . s, m p. m 40 SM 8444 81 41 29 89 8 2 S 24 8 84 81 8 29 1 9 14 S24 U 8 21 0S I rS 2 46 7 S S 7 4 288 7 4 288 7 84 2 27 742 S za 7 27 2 20 M 16 sil.azs. "CwrmaaSidiBaT 4 46 ' H 29 MeBtaboiU Psrk Weaver ! -Roddy ' BeaTmaa v "Aeyer . .. . '.- 9Jahaaoy . ;':1-'-41' 8S 4M9 4 as S41. da- 944 tOlOBO 1FIBT r WM' 2 10 r ' 2 1 1 24 IA2B MIS 27.-. 41 182 "xffrmtsearg aeiaheil's GroeaPark 'Heatwur Jaaa . Laadisbarg 0112 p.aia.m Arrive Leave , Trala leaves Bleomleld at .10 a. si. sad entree at Lslsbarg' at 7 - a. sa. Tram leaver Leadisbarg at .! p. m aad arrtree at aieemgeld at . a. m. Tieina leave LeysvlHe far: amsssssou at 7. 220 s. jsu. sad 2. I Be W. Beturaiagi arrive at 1 87 a. m., sad 4.6 p. m. Betwaea Leadisbarg sad Leysvtlie tralss raa ss tbllews: Lenve Laadlsharg for Leys. Villa eft a. m., aae l SO p . ss., laysvtlls for Lsadiabsrg 11 10 a. m., aad 09 p. vs. All atstioaa marked t") are fm slatiaaa. at whteh'traias will came te a fall step oa sigaal.- TBESPASSjmiCll; The aadoratgaed persoas have formed a Asssslstlee for iho.prwtaetioa or their re. sportive preaerties. AH persoas ara here by netifld not te Trespass oa the lands r the aaderaigaad lor the purpoas of huatine- gather ing nets, cbiping timber er threwisg dewa I races or flrisg timber ta any war whatever. Any vlelatiee et the above no tice will be dealt with eccerdiag te lew. - Jobs MJcbml, . WuTlass PaSaahargai, -Oldeea Bmher, i . Beasher A Sook, . ' Mary A. Bradrnkae, Joseph Bethroek, '' Jsha Bylsr, Bsssaal Batt. , MM. . . IfeBase)'- n.Lu Wntrinartfl' of BrOWfiS .iu. ' Mwe -1 have been in dtftrsaned eonditiaw for three years from Nexrouaneea, vveasnaaw ut ww. BtoiBAehe, Djapopeia, aad ladifes. ftA. nnhl aiv kaaltk vraa sTOBe. I - h4 ben doftorig ounstantly with no relieL I bourns otw rjossre ; a l,..nMn Morrirn wliich don ma more good than any worth doetonng l ever am v - would advise wry weakly perooB to nam this valuable aad lovely remedy;. A few bottles of it . fco cured ctwapletely- 1 conatder rttho graua est medicine in the worW." War ranted tbe most wonderful skoaacb And nerv Cure i' jVaaji.JWpl ljetilB ll eeat. , B6ld by X. VBoko AOo,,Drugfit. "lliffllntown.'"?- r . JJST OF DBLEU AJf ' VNDSS. FCwmial nt na eodaTV at ' jvaiaea,' roa reaasAa 89A, as Areaamaa aa sa maonajisu.a ar- . -. ! -- '. '", M.1'- "." ' i Clam. AmU. : , LACK TWP. It H. Patteraoo, merch't 13 $10 00 John Vaugbeh, ' 14 .. 7 00 G. W. CatapbeU,' " . 14 ; ; 7 0a tUbcabosa twp. H. 8. Henry, merchant 14 700 700 10 00 700 , . 7 00 , 7 00 ; 7 00 10 00 7 00 Tbos. Harrison. "14 H. 8. Tbomrn, . 13, W. H. Bobinsoc, -4 A. C. Harris, . ". 14 J.B Heary, ; .t - .14 - -: rBXTCB BILL twV. .4 T. N.LTeckeodorn,roere't 14 J. L. Barton, . , M. .13 Samuel Mowery, '-.-'r 14 W. B.Conn, . r . - i 14 Traaarr twp. Noah Hertxler, merchant 12 PWBTBOXAL. O. It 1L Kepler A Co.,. clothier 14 F. B. Horner, drags . . . . 14 6. O. Crozier, groeery St . . tobacco .'. . 14 A. J. PeUiU merchant. . ; 13 J. C. Sartain, grooerr. . , 14 Port Royal Bank, Bank . 10 W, B. Boltiteou, ahoae . . 14 M. C Dinara - aserebant,. 14 sirs. K Reynolds & Co , raercbanlB......... 14 Q. L. Kepner, coal and lumber 14 MII.ro &D TOWNJ3IP. O. B. M. Wiaebaopt, coal and lumber 12 700 12 50 7oa 700 10 v 7 20 .7 700 '7 7 12 50 700 700 7 00 10 00 700 12 50 700 10 00 10 00 10 00 21 OJ 10 00 0 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 J. C. Uoorhead 14 F. D. Harris, merchant.. 14 Ilackedorn i Gray " 14 T. K. Bearer, " IS John P. Kelley, " 14 .PATTSBSIia. . . Ouss & Seiber, hardware 12 W. H. Banks A Co., drags 14 , HoUobautrh & Son, cloih-.-. ier............ . 13 Mercantile' Asavoiatica ..13 North Jt Son, Grain 13 Maubeck & Nelson . . ... 10 T. J. Middah, giociry.. 1& Joseph Pennell, merchant 13 . Howard Kirk, tobacco.. 11 George Goshec, merchant It E. E .tfcVeen, merchant l l W. F. Single, implements It Wm. NanJcival, - grocery ' - and floor. . .14 - W. M. Beale; R IT1; Com. ' merchant. ....... . 13 W. 11. Besle, Wilaon building, merchant . , 14 M. T. Hibbe, merchant. . 14 P. Bihop, grocery and tobacco '. ., 14 P. W. Ford. . ...... . '.14 J. D. Zeiders,' shots . . 14 " stnLiKTo).'. John W. Kirk, merchsut 14 . W. F. Snyder, furniture 12 . S. a Ruble, 13 Banks W. Kauffman, or - .. gane .,' , 14 Hinkle A E lis. merchant 13 K. H. AleOintic, bard. wata.;.. .....18 J. C. Gi'sen, jrroceries. . w 13 L. BaakaaVGx, drags . .14 H. L. Wagner, merckaat 14 ', Joha Etka; groceries: . . .11 '. I. D. lfasser, groceries.. 14 D. W. Harlny, clothier . . 13 Emit Schott, clothier ... 12 M. P Crawford, drags. . 14 H. a Afcaellss, hard-. ware ...14 Jun:'n valtey Bk...: 8 , v. H. Hollinan, jewelry. 14 Jaa. H. Simons,, barness 14. S. C Myers, unplioaents. 14 Ferd Myert. clothier. ... IS 7 00 10 00 700 ' 7 00 .7 00. 7 no 7 00 7 00 12 50 lOpO 700 10 03 10 00 10 00 700 7 00 700 7 00 10 00 12 60 7 00 7 00 30 00 .7 00 . 700 .700 10 00 John Sweger, jewelry. . 14 .7 00 rATKTTX TOWRSaV. W. 8. Brown, merchant. 18 . E. M. Kellr. . 14 ' 10 00 , 7 00 A. J. Yarkera, " 13 13 13 10 00 10 00 McAbater & Smith, " A. J. Samrman 10 00 xoiraox Towrtaair. J. M. Dietz. merchant. . ' 14 7 00 Graybill A Garman " 12 12 50 .700 SvS. OraybiU 4 Cti . " 14 s. & GraybiD. . " . 14 ' asoriAJurA TovnrsHlr. 700 G. W. Froatk, Jnercbant 14 7 00 7 CO 10C0 "7 00 4A. ISamffer. v -t IB 11. SBbiaa. ' r -i .14 ;.' T. T. Dimak ft Broa. snap. chant.. 14 nXAWABX TOWBSJII. TOO 10 00 10O0 7 00 . 7 00 'ldoe a O. Wiaey, merchant li Samoel Schlegel, is L O. Xnigfat, . -14 Loais Brsidd, " 14 ; " ' TstoMraoaroww. M. E. Schlep inrchtl8 Tri J.F. Haldeinandrug8r. 14 : 7 00 r 10 00 aula. Xenau. -de Bro.. grain and coal. 12 T. 8. ThoraDSon.. wr ' . WAUB TW Sandman A Qarber, mer- ebant IS E.M. HaldamatH ,.ia ; C. A. Thompson, crain Sc 10 00 7 00 'coal...'.. v.-14 7W W. H. Eichman, mertsbaat 14 '" "' 7 00 B. O. JGraybU), ' -14 ; '7 PO w. W.Wmm. 14 '- - T rwl too license aaentieasd la the ahn. n I win oo mum aaa payee ta tbe eoaaty tre. 11B aV M . . ejS TW-l sure en ana after Bay 1st, 19. - Ja apaeal will be held ia the Cemnve- sleeers OSes in the horouah ol flint awn en March 9th. betweea tba baaM r in o'clock, a. m.. and 4 o'clock, n k. aad where aU persoas feetior thamaeJre. sgrievae, may attewl, If thoy think jriaiV Bvea under mv head mmTIL ts!. J wi rwwrwary, a. Mt. IB. w. . - an at iSlntowu. Pa.. 1 n t re,,m. "bmrti,.Apav.kw,.j a rstACTICAl, . DKBJTIBT, (Gradasto ef the PM!ae'.?hl!i Dent legs,) formerly of VI9lihc, Pa.. . cati'd perasSBMrtlr in Mlfftii-inw- . s. cesser te tie lete Pr. fl. L. 0t, : coetiaue the d.f I isinvn , s ' by the IsMer j.a lSC'T at ti- rUoovt' ' ' See oa bksge errrtepBeeiteCekr' ST TEETH EXTBACTF.I?, AB. f!',, LT WITHOUT PAIII. ' " AaV CAoToorw, fitter, or Cat To Sere Gams r Diseamfort t iMl4f. eiibrr aonrc extractive er artCri.r1i ' - " All these ere Gnrertcel ;r rc tUarjw Sillbiaafa. All wort guarai.tnd to tv r,tt. satfsfaeltee. Tarasa, atriclW r ub. H. P. DEI1R, - Practical Dentist. of tne PENHSILVAJilA RAILBOAfl On and after Sua lav, Novemkm 2fi, 1894. Iraino wiH rni aa fwilesr- ; TTay' PaiMmagw. leaves Ph'laa.'ipM I. 4 80 a- to; Usrriabnrgf IS . m ioci' Don 3 64 a. m; Kew raw s 4 . m. j ieretewa 94 a. Pi; i'nrwora 9J i!v ThmpsoatoB 9 47. a. o-.; r-k.- slv wi Tasrarora 9 6 s. a,; Krji..a itf r... mt Port R..yai ! 07 s. ra: V.Kin jii ti : ' ' ni...i. in ...... " - a tor, JfeVrtowc 11 cs w. v . J IS.nlltM II it. . . '. -. -a .. w. . fc , .unci I C; Uuntlsgdon 12 10 p. tn; :" .11 id. ' M 19 p. m; aiioona t-i-jy, n: rjtuojri n, ' um Train wave i'h,iad.tb;, at 7 ta 7 ss, Hsrrisburg ii 20s.w. DntWMa:, a. m; Mewywrt 12 14 p. n yw.a ,4 i uvh!v.iii,..; it.t.v,,..,;1: rin-ras.0;' Alteeaa Accomm1:i&.i ; r.-. , ' ' barg at 00 p. mt Daaeaaoa t r' -Kewpert 02 p. m:; l,, 6 TAsarpsoHewa t 24 p t- , j p. m; Afrxle i p p0r: kw: 0 p. m Ulfflia 47 p. at; DenUha V T . i i . .... uswiriaosj i p. ti.j veyio., ?l. , m; r ewioa uaarruit i.m p. 1 lion 8 82 p. sn; T'. r-.air hi p. 9 20 p.m. Psribr Pvtre-.-. lev.--!. Y' 11 2' p. m; I'arrui.iirv i 'r1 s. Ville S 24 a. D'lttCtsT.br. -ii pert S a. a . l'...i 3;.v.! 4 .;; Sia4 87a. 1. -!.:.. ;:. 3 ; i!kat1. A; A'.tosu Vil s. B'i Pj,?.. - ' Bit. ' -; Be .Teytewp r, .) fr.. to;:i.A-:Z-.r 4 38 a, 00 00 m; Tro .' f ' n. ti-; Alt oa Pittsbsrc 12 10 ; . m .. at Expre. fUrii-!c-g st 1 0 SO J . Sfc Newport 1 J . ir.: Sihiu li ii t. r. rowietoaa M :o a. in, Ha-vl' dea 1 S - v m.'T.reae'l 4A. a .1.1 ammi. s is . . 00 00 PlttaDargVa. ii. ' rt Lias leevr PMLaeiphia at 1? :. -. m; Hsrrrisoare; S 60 p. Lj; Hu ' il-i ?i. m; K.wport 4 "1 p. n- M'Sl ; ... - . 5. waiatewn 6 29 p. ui ii-i.it batoa if. m; Huatisgdoa 8 2b i w; Tyri,.- T : r w; Alteesa 7 0 p. m; Pit -f'..Ti ii is p. KASTITAUf'. Huriaburg AecesLxeodsUoB leaves Al. teoaa at 00 a. mi Tjreae, w; Bas tardea 4 SA a. aa: laewtoat ki.iai.'., 4 IS 00 00 s. ii hie Vey town 6 12 a. Law''' -, ; 1 a. m: M:tdia 7M a. iw lerl 7 44 a. m: Kaxlee 7 48 a. m: Th' - p. towa 8 02 a. at; aliilerr.,ws i . ktswpert 8 22 a. m Dawut-n'.-i s ) i .- ' Barriaburg 9 2 a.- ta. iiea Bbore Issves Pit'toi.- ? i" a asv Altooaa 7 16 a m; Tyreae T 4" a i. iisat- ierdon SO a an - Ve .. 9 14 a r Lewiatowa9S6 a in: afitt 9 66 Port fcovsi 9 69 a d; Tb.Tpvi.e - -. .. ,i; MUleratown 10 22 ir; Mewsort lt - Dunraanoa 10 64 a b.; Marvlr. s; UarrUburg II Horn; rhlla 0 Day Bxprea lee'oa I tf .a . 1 .: I 64 a. o; Altooaa 1 50 a. m; lyrose ii I ,1. no; McBtingdnn 12 49 p. m; f wietewn 1 . m; Mittlii 2bt p. ao- Uarrit J J . ..' Baltimore 6 4 . mi Wssbl-cj 7 L; 1 m; Philadelphia 50 p. m; New Terfc SS p. m Hail iesree Aitooaa at 2 00 p.m. T-rae 2 86 p. la, tJuet Bk je-S 20 p fr r- H 'Vtw Oamilioa S 61 p. at; BeVcytowa i-f. a-; l.ewistowa 4 88 p. mi B! T, V.' y a. Port Rral 6 09 p m; Aixv d 14 a; 1 hompioB'ooa ( C j m; V u:...w I p. 10; Newport 6 44 p. m; Dasessii " p. iu; Harrisburg 7 rO p. n. Kail Exprei J -v PI", bar- Kt ' s m; Altooaa COS p. a Tyer r Uuatiufdoa 7 20 p. mj MrVcji.r - )i . . n; Lewwtowa 8 & p. m; Ji.WlB 47 v k.. Pert Royal 8 62 v. ra; Milier. y. : - p. n-; Newport 9 9 p. m; DiiLnra.a 99p. m; Harrisburg 10 2w p. ha. Phtlsdetyhis Kxpr.ss leave Ptttst.srg at 4 80 p. ss; AUnes 0 , t.. mi; Trrass ' p. sm Waatiagtlos lu U y n; a. sal t ;j ioa 102 p. ni; I.ewwSowa 11 14 p. ai M Ii 11 7 p. ss; Harrtshurg 1 0 . m Pi . mdt4eJ.u A eira aU m a. Ts mssaiaaa m mw ajw b 4 , "1, TSa . PEKBY CUI7BXT EAILKn.i. Traina leave Daacaaaea for H'.ou:-'-!n .1 I a. a, asm 4 80 p. r; letetMas. it,-, at IteaceBeee 8 a. aa. aad 8 y ea wars days. EAST tKOAD TUP B. B. Trams l ave Mt. Dsioa ea w-lt '4 - i 20 aad 11 SO a. m. 4 00 s--i ' f . at, traiaa arrive at Uk Duia P 1 sad ii A s. m. S 1 4 sad 87 p. m. P. V. N. W. B. B Tra a mevee Bellwoud at 00 a. st l 1 S 88 f in. srrived at P 'wood a: 1 ' '" m. and 6 4 p. m. M. A S. V.- B U I ' Traiaa loev Niawtrt mm m. .' - u - iiwt. m. aaa 9 . m. arrive r.: 9 .f. port 7 66 a. m. and 4 0 p. m. T. V. It. U Trains wave Putt Key a! li a s. sd 6 1 p. m stivo a! Pert a) .! ) e. a. aad 8 16 p. m , wash days. LB WIGTOWN DITLSION. Trsms far snadtry at 7 41 i. m. v. , p. m., leave Saaeary fot' Lcttiai. -a il a. ss, sad 2 26 p. a.. TTBOIIE M'!?o. Traiss leavo for BVfo.i 1.! ' . : Hsvea at K 10 a. m., 8 31 -iU : P. hMve Lock Bsvea ler Iroc. 1 i , t ; J a ni. and 1 16 p- m. TTBOIIE AD CLEArr"JKLl) ii. B. Irama leave Trn-i tor Cn.;e-i .sf Curwensvillo at b SO a. nt. . 9 16 &o4 i ef p. ss.. leave Cerwrn.rt'i tor Tvmaeal 414 a. at , 42 sad S 61 p ' For, raUs, mape, ale , eali Tisket Ageatr, or addresa. Thee Jt. Wit:, P. A. W.P. 110 Fifth Avne. intht. art, Pa. 0. Jd. PBBTOST. I W Wood, Gea'l Pass. A:? Gea'l j NEWPOBT AND Srm-? ley Bsllreed Cemaeav. Time At table of aaeasssar tratmr. la elect ea Uom4tj Oosofear let, ISM. 1 r 1 V 19 ': 67 ri a r. ."; Set Ol I 44 Kewvit W,leo OS'luSB BsfiVo BrMao.....' sm raraace . 12-:(-vf, Waeaata '. 16 IS V Mldi; nv tef ,' :o adi SI 10 o, Wat-r Plug BtoonrflsM ionct'ar. Taller Bead 41; I 41 m at BTATlOltBV. West. . t Bast- i-i. r t " - -ward.-- - rar1 r s a a k if ! r'S .. . S 1 34 ' 2 4 2 4 2 4 in 224 ii- BUiUttlMt G .eee Park t- u4 li49l LoyavIHe 7 16 11 00! 75! 7s! Fort Eobeaoa Cmter ........... Ci4aas Boa ....... 7 12'11 V, 1 17'H li 7 'il 11 IB 7 41 7 8 Aadorseabarg ..... BHia .-. 4 ........ 7 Sdlll Kt 7 4e! 7 Sf 11 b0 7 4 7 62 766 Bteuat pioasaot ... New Gwrauut'a ... 7 41 11 86 .7 4611 40 D. GRING. Presideat aad Bsrr. C. B. Mouaa, Geaeral Ageat. Im I SL' i BB twi I.UrCS SICK HCtKs&Cll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers