Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 21, 1881, Image 4

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" Dmjcat rams' diet, particularly
for breakfast, which ordinarily means
abstinence from subsUntial fats, to the
death of many journalists as well as other
persons, whom journalists should teach to
know better. Kestore the old fashioned
hog soa hominy" to Its wonted place,
and there would be such a faDinc off in
the death rate hereabouu a would even
astonish tbe keeper of the streets so
nricfa better would people be able to with-
stand their vile emanations la short,
editors should teach the people in these
latitudes, that, in one way or another,
every juu grown man ana wanu, a"1'
every youth, requires about two ounces of
aome kind of fat daily, as a portion of his
diet, and if not taken as food, the time u
hastened when it has to be aa a nWicine,
to simply protons it may be for a year
two a nuaerab.e existence with con-
sumption or two other fatal disease m
consequence ; dyspepsia and loss ot fat
being commonly the first admonitions. A
jwiHiw, ur mnj vi.ua rn
latitude, who neglects to take a due pro-
portion of fatty food to maintain bodily
temperatare. will soon find himself grow -
ine lean, his system will live upon in in -
terstitial fat -that whieh is distributed
throughout the bodily tissues of healthy
nmnm .nrl w.ll .Krtlr K4o tn
dyspeptic symptoms, on account of the
deficiency in his food to maintain healthy
10 wash nne aanneis, aniitea weoicas.
... , . - . . . ,
Dissolve crude borax in water, a lump
as large as the thumb to each quart. Boil
tbe borax, and cool tt off until U is aoeut
the temperature of river water in the rum-1 damp air. Rust to the union of the oxy
mer. Add a little liquid ammonia, less of & .ith the metal of the la-
than a teaspoon ul to a quart. If the arti
cles are very soiled, dissolve a li'tle soap
that has bo rosin in it. IX) not ruD we
flannel, nor wring It, press it potato -
masher will do aa well for this aa auything
else. Rinse it in water of the same tern-.
perature. White xephyr shawls and head
wraps can be cleansed by shaking them in
a pillow-case, with plenty ot ary wneat
uour lull piuvenu wxu. u mo
worst spots in the flour as if it were wa -
r-mr. .t - m.. r,l.;n n.n k
and bake in washimrton-Die platen, having
th. ti.iok vwrh ti miit Afir nli t-
tine, spread one half with a filling made
as below, place the top piece on, and sprin
kle with powdered sugar. Tbe cake should
always be fresh, rilling : une square oi
Baker a chocolate, one cupful of sugar,
the yolks of two eggs, one-third: of a cup
tul of boiling milk. Mix scraped choco
late and sugar together : then add. very
slowly, the boiling milk, and then the
eggs, and simmer ten minutes, being care
ful that it does not burn, .Flavor with
vanilla. Have fully cold before using.
Ti'bket CBOourrrxa. Chop very finely
or pound in a mortar the remnants freed
from fat or bone of a roast or Dolled
turkey. Heat a piece of butter the size
of an egg; chop together a little onion
and f prig Ot parsley and add to the butter
with a large tablespoonfui of flour. When
well cooked put in a cupful of strong
stock and seasoning of pepper, salt, a little
lemon Juice and sherrykand and tbe .tur
key. Set away to cooL and when cold
mould into small rolls ; dip into a beaten
egg, then into cracker crumbs, and fry in
not lard. Serve beaped around a pile of
French canned peas made very hot and
seasoned with butter.
To Maeb Raspbibbt Vixkoae. Take
three duarts of raspberries, pour over them
one quart of good cider-vinegar; let stand
twenty-four hours ; pcur off the juice ;
take the same quantity of fruit again, and
so on the third time ; then to one quart
of juice add one pound of crushed sugar.
put it in a stone jar, put lhe lar in a pot
over the Are with water and let it bod two
hours; then take it out ; when cold bottle
and tie up the mouth (not cork) with white
paper, sticking a few holes in it. It will
be ready to use at any tune.
PisH-paan or Mcttor. Take any lean
mutton, cut it in small pieces without any
fat or gristle, boil it down into a nice
broth. Then take out the meat. Wash
I a teacup of rice nicely and boil it for a
little while in the broth, until it begins to
look transparent. All grease to be skim-
mea on. rnentaxe a mutton cnop or two I
take out the bone, cut in dice. Bod the
whole together, with a whole onion and a
little pepper and salt, for a quarter of an
hour. Serve it without straining. The
same recipe does for beef, chicken, turkey
or rabbit.
Spicko Bbef. Three or four small sli
ces of pork ; fry it till it to a light brown;
then lay in your raw beef in one piece :
let it brown a little both sides ; tiien cov-
I et it with water, and let it stew over a
moderate fire for five six or seven hours.
and water as it boils away, so that there
will be enough left when done to make a
gravy. About half an hour before it to
done salt to your taste and add one tea
spoonful whole allspice and good-sized
stick of cinnamon. When done, take out
inemeai ana inicten lhe gravy with a
little flour smoothed in water.
Dipththeria.- Dissolve one tablespoon
lul ot sulphur in a glass et cold water
gargle tbe throat six or eight times a day.
Cook salt pork in vinegar and bind on the
throat ; when tbe paroxysms come on soak
the bands and feet in just as hot water as
the patient will bear, with a tablespoon of
baking powder thrown in. flubbing tbe
limbs and body will assist greatly in throw.
Iing off the disease. Tbe simple sulphur
remedy is very effectual in common sore
JohnkT Cakb. Take one auart of but-
' yv -utiiw vuv vl awa, up wa uvui S vv will I Uav Ut
a teacupful of molasses, a little salt, one
tor lYlllkr AnA tAaumn Af flwiw Iwa Iktawla nf
teaspoonf ul of saleratus, one egg (beat of
course Then stir in Indian mesl, but be
sure and not put in too much. Leave it
win that it wm aimox run. Bake in a
tin in any oven, and tolerably quick. If
it to not first-rate and light it will be be
cause you make it too thick with Indian
Tapioca Soup. Make a good beef soup
with two pounds of meat and bone and
two and a half quarts of cold clear water.
simmering for four or five hours, and ad
ding one onion, some parsley and carrota.
Put in a very little salt, Let the rtock
when done get cold. Take the fat off
the top and reheat the soup, putting in a
tablespoonfui of tapioca to quart of
stock. Season to taste and add a few
drops of lemon Juice.
Moxpat's Pcddiso. Cut tbe remains
of a good cold plum pudding into finger
pieces, soak in em in a little brandy and
lay them eroes -barred hi a mould until
mil. juaae a custara wun pint of milk I
and five eggs, flavoring with nutmeg or
rcuiun imu , uu up me uiuuiu wuu n, ue I
it uuwi wun m uuui ami uwu or steam it
i or an nour. oerve wun a uiue oi tne c US-
tard poured over, to which has been add
ed a tablespoonfui of brandy.
Boilbd starch is much improved by
the addition of a little sperm, or a lit
tle salt, or both, or a little gum arabic.
From the photographs of the comet
which Las recently disappeared in space, I
Dr. Hemy Draper infers that the hypothe- I
sis of the presence of carbon in the con-1 a
stitution of such bodies receives corrobo-1
ration, and he adds, with apparent caution, I
tnat a pan ox ue spectrum may oe a tie to lent
omer element i
... , . i
A very useful kind of Tarnish, accord
ing to tbe Scientific Arte a, ha been made
known by M. Leon VidaL It is excellent
for producing an imitation of ground glass,
and it will doubtless be found available
for other purposes. The formula given
as follows: Sandarac, 18 parts; mastic, 4 1
pMts. ether. 200 parts, and benxole, 80 to I
1UU parts.
The phylloxera baa spread to a jrea ed.
extent In tbe )Minul. of Una. fa, An,tri. 1
Th Cab or Comb Hosbt. The fol
I l, i. pnmi ulm on the subject from
one of our most successful como honey
nmdnran : "Filled aections or boxes that
hare been removed from toe hires, should
be examined ererr few dara. If thel
1 combs show signs of wo.-ma. the honey
maat be fumigated with sulphur. Care
I must k t-k.,1 , to give them too much
I or it will disfigure the honey, giving iti
rmnish cast. The amount used will de-
nend. of course, on the size of the room
or box vou are name. It requires but very
I little of the fumes of sulphur to destroy
life either animator vegetaDie. rnmiga.
liolI wu not destroy the eggs, so it may
be necessary to give them a dose, after all
the ears have had time to bated, y close
watching vou will be able to discover the
worma before they have done any material
damage. Tney are very small at first, but
foo wiu wce thek presence by seeing a
mmmU thread like streak of a mealy looking
gu balance on the cappings or around the
edge of tne com os 01 we paiuy-mieu caia.
(-omb honer should be kept in a warm,
dark place. It abculd never be allowed
1 ,n anl where the sun will shine direct! v
1 ,h. iymtH eanprixll v when behind glass.
lhe capping, WU1 soften m a few momenta
KtUe down on the honey, giving it a
I . , nm 1.1 . -lT.l.l
I Ketp ue boner as white and clean as pos -
,jbe ,ji tbe time. Comb honey will bring
I two cr three centa more oer round, when
BM HM . w ..
I A wkltA than tk.t rtf fh HIM
.-, . Hiwio-t nb.
'"' 1
I Oiidatios. 1 ciished tools and imple-
I mUA. m liable to rust in warm, and
plement Oxygen eats ap or burns up
iron, steeL and all but tbe precious met
ato, more or less rapidly in warm, mcist
1 air u u eats up wood in hot air, or fire,
I r tb. ronaumntion of wood, oxviren
ood, oxygen
I uoiiea with the carbon of wood to make
caibcnic acid gas. It unites with the
to u ozMe of the metal. The
oxygen eats into the metal until it forms a
matin? immrriona to the air. la the
1 - ,., or metals in cemrnoa use we call it
I nut Iron mat is an oxide of iron. To
prevent the corroding effect of oxygen on
poiisnea implements we sun ace must oe
protected. iMueu linseeu ou excellent
swer the same purpose. Iron and steel im
plements are kept from rusting by dissolv
ing a half ounce of camphor gum in one
pound of dog's lard. Skim, and mix in
enough black lead t give the lard nearly
a normal gray tint. Kub it over the pol-1
ithed implement, and after twenty -four or
forty-eight hours rub off with a woolen
cloth. Tne implement will keep bright
for months. If our hardware men and
dealers in fine cutlery would take this pre
caution as many rusty Implements would
not be in the market. No purchaser wants
a rusty knife, bay fork, saw or hoe.
A ppus, in addition to being a delicious
fruit make pleasant medioine. A raw,
mellow apple to digested in an hour and a
half; while boiled cabbages require five
hours. Tbe most healthy dessert that can
be placed on a table is a baked apple. If
eaten frequently at break tast, with coarse
bread and butter, without meat or flesh of
any kind, it has an admirable effect ou
the general system, often removing coosti
pation, correcting acidities and cooling off
febrile conditions, more effectually than
the most approved medicines. If families
could be induced to substitute them for
pies, cakes and sweet-meats, with which
their children are frequently stuffed, there
would be a diminution in the total sum of
doctot's bills In a single year sufficient to
lay in a stock of this delicious fruit for
the whole season's usi
Fob a number of years we have been
advising farmers who keep bees to plant
baaswnod in every available place for tbe
purpose of furnishing pastures tor the little
honey gatherers. Hooey gathered from the
flowers of any of tot numerous species of
basBwood or lindens as they are known
by both of these common names is equal
to that obtained from tbe white clover,
and there U no good reason why the farm
ers should not provide pasturage for his
Dees as well as lor his cattle. The Eu
ropean basswoods come into bloom at an
earlier age than our American species, and
produce flora in greater abundance, and
tor this reason are preferable for supply
ing the bees with honey; but all the
species are excellent for this purpose.
A practical stock grower advises hiS
brother farmers not to be in a hurry to
destroy any animal that may break a leg,
for by means ef plaster of Paris (not land
plaster) and some bagging strips, the limb
may be set and supported until the frac
tured bones unite again. His plan has
Deen, Doth with calves and sheep, to wind
the strips of bagging about the broken
limb, piaster over with calcined plaster
mixed to a thin paste, wind another over
that and apply more plaster, the leg being
fastened by splints of wood until the plas
ter seta. The animal would limp around
for a few days, on three legs, but recovers
without blemish.
Potatoes should be harvested as soon
as tbey are ripe ; otherwise the tubers may
start into a new growth. Tbey are much
more apt to be affected by the "rot" if
left long enough in the soil. If this "dis
ease" which to a fungus growth, makes its
appearance, tbe vines should be burned as
soon as the potatoes are dug, as the spores
are thus destroyed in vast quantities.
Whbu an orchard requires fertilizing it
is best to do this all ever tbe ground and
apply manure only near the trees. This
produces a large growth ot roots close to
the trees, for roots grow where the soil
is nch. Orchards need iime and ashes
more than manure, and soon produce
neaiuiy smooth bark.
A stiff wisp broom to better to remove
tbe dust and dirt from a hone's legs than
a curry comb. Many horses with thin
skins, are exceedingly nervous and restive
in the hands of a careless groom, and this
nervousness often degenerates into vicious-
Keep your hands moving and pick
your cotton as rapidly as possible, but
dont pick on wet days. It makes a great
QUI ere nee. cotton picked wet never can
make good sample. Better to let it dry
in the pod where it will regain its natural
color end freshness.
Mast a farmer pays out large sums for
fertilizers, while he allows those of his
own barnyard to run to waste.
r ...I. .1 . , .. . .
J 'Jnela-
kally earned on.
I powdered aoapstone in the butter. The
adulteration cannot be detected by the
. -",
I taste or .the eye.
Cow should be milked at least twice
each day, and at regular hours. The strip-
pings contain must oi toe cream, or butter,
ana uus a poor miiKer rarely obtains.
Is this country, green corn fodder, pro-1 "
perry grown and led, yields the greatest
amount to mux and nrah, lor the same ex
penditure, of any other crop grown.
Ur. VcnUchlaoer, of Danslg. has
found that salicylate of sodium is a remedy
of great value in the treatment of nervous
headache, especially if given in a dose of
one gramme in the beginning of an attack. I
It usually produces drowsiness, and after I
It usually produces drowsiness, and after
a few hours the patient wakes up refreshed
few hours the patient wakes no retreahMi
and free from pain. It, however, often
fails to produce this effect in cases depend-
on anamia. I
. .. . ... i
oilk necKuea can oe washed in rain. I.
water, to one pint ef which add a ten.
wwnaM nf a. hit Knnow .r. .. I
hartshorn. Do not cqueexe but let them I
anp, ana When nearly ary press between
WW a w I
folds of cloth.
l c, A, CTJB ,orf le" u,,wln?
I '
- - " . r ' 1
m uu un iiyflAni uwn Mm cuueut Eunr. i
Keen the wbole wet with sUvnz stir-
lor. '
u ib
rushed into the office of the eeuy
AonMrin Ue other aay. Aoere, 7
wild look 111 his eye ana a copy i u
SotitMAr ine in hi nana. ajio you put
that piece in here ?" be demanded of the
-jimr. miming with trembling fnser to
I. narumDh stating . that salt scattered
.bout the vard 11 ould kill fowL " That?
I (-id the editor, inquiringly, stopping: in
the midst ef his editorial and laying down
hu caste brush : " yes that's mine what
nf it Tnie ain't it P "Tea. and
that's lust what's the matter. " said Jones,
I and vou mav stop my paper right off
1 do you hear I" " Uh, vea, certainly,
nud tbe editor. " John P he called out.
gop Jones' paper, Anything else Mr.
1 Jones ? " Yes. there is something else !
I thr.krl Jones, maddened at the editor's
coolness : " I'd like to know what you
Du. gurf. thin(rB , TOUr paper fur. There's
I Smith, who Uvea next to me. He got
your rasCtLlv tbeet Saturday night, and
Monday morning.air, his yard was full of
dead hens my hens, sir I ae'ii raited
hi. vmmt.hle rantn. tha villain and all
.jon of thiu confounded piece ot yourn.
I As eastern tourist in Nevada had been
spinning some incredible fish yarns, when
one of the pary, turning to an old moun-
I Linear uiH
1 " Bill, that gets away with fishing
this country don't it I"
WaL 1 dont know about that.'
No, but J have caught some purty big
Come now, tell us the weight of the
largest trout vou ever caught "
" Wal, 1 cant exactly tell as to the
weight but you folks can flggoron it.
Now, you know it is over 200 miles around
this yer lake. Put that down. As I
said before, I dont know the weight of
tbe biggest fish I ever yanked out, but I
did haul one up on the beach, and after I
hamipri him th lokn foil thr f nH
landed him the lake fell three feet, and
you can see by the water mark over yon
der it hasn t nz since."
Cromwell U was a Quaker captain
bringing oil and candles from Nantucket
to Philadelphia. The mate, however,
was not a Friend. The vessel was lying
on Sunday morning at Chestnut street
wharf when a large ship came up. The
mate of the incoming ship seemed deter
mined to usurp the place of Cromwell
B s vessel. His quiet remonstrance
having no effect, he went to tbe cabin
gangway and called to his first officer, who
was below shaving for Sunday. " Mate,
1 tnink tbee'll have to come up here and
use some of thy language." The mate
1 soon appeared, half shaved, and pouring I
out a volley of oaths. .The officer of the
incoming ship said. " I guess we 11 bare to
more ; they're got some one else on
board besides that old Quaker."
Sub poked hei head in at the office win
dow of the village postmaster, and inno
cently observed : " I expected a letter
from Arthur to-day. What do you sup
pose was the reason he didn't write?'
Annoyed by the intrusion, the Federal offi
cial sharply responded ; ' I dont know
but perhaps he was engaged In writing to
another woman last night." It happened
unfortunately for the Postmaster that the
lady who sought the information was
niece of tbe Congressman for that district,
and the next month his official head rolled
in the the basket. Tbe county organ of
the administration announced the chrnge
in an article headed, "Civil service reform
moves grandly on."
Cas pa make a circus, mat" "1 don't
know, Johnny ; I suppose he could if be
had a great deal of money to buy hones
and wild animals ; but why do you ask.
Johnny?" "Oh nothing much. Only I saw
that Gaston fellow, wno you told sis not to
have nothing to do with, standing with
his arm around her at the back gate, last
night, and he said to sis, 'I s'pose if yer
old man came around now be would make
a circus,' and sis laughed and said, 'You
A pczzlb soltkd : Two Irishmen were
poring over tbe news in one of our city
papers, and coming to the heading " La
test " and immediately following it " very
latest," one said to the other : " An' sure
Tim, wd ye be afther explainin' what this
means ?" " Arrah, bedad, ' raid Tim.
an' its meself that can explain that to
ye. Sure tbe latest is what comes in time
to I e printed'snd the very latest to what
comes afther the paper is out, "
No, " Emma," you have been misin
formed. There are no cows on Wall
street, the fiery, untamed bo vines of that
wicked precinct being all of tne other sex.
In answer to your other query, tbe bean
there are not muzzled. When you make
your proposed visit to Uotbam yon need
feel no alarm while traversing that street
as you can pass through it with perfect
safety if you hold your skirts up out of
the tobacco juice on the pavement.
Reuoiocs: On a recent Sunday, when
tbe pastor of one of the leading Presbyter
ian churthes of St. Louis was absent from
his pulpit, several persons expressed dis
satisfaction at seeing a stranger in the pul
pit, ana cne uidy s&id she would not have I
come if she had known that Dr, was I
not going to preach. An elder standing I
rear very promptly replied : "Madame
the worship of Dr. will be resumed
next bunday."
Two countrymen went imo a hatter's
to buy one of them a hat. They were
delighted with the sample. Inside the
crown of which was inserted a looking-
glass. "What is the glass fort" said one
of the men. The other impatient at such
a display oi rural ignorance, exclaimed :
... i
"What fori Why for the man who
buys the hat to see how it fits."
A gbakdfatbek, couung to read bis pa-1
per, iouna thai he had mislaid his spec
tacles, and thereupon declared. " I have I
lost my glasses somew here and cant read
the paper." A little three-year-old girl.
desiring to assist him, answered. " U'an'-
pa, you go outside and look froo ze win
dow, and I'll hold ze paper up so vou can
read it."
Tbbbb's no use in heaving old boots and
shoes over the line fence into your neigh-1
bor's garden, tbey won't grow. It has!
often been tried and always proved a fail
ure. You re wrong, my boy : they've
been known to yield large returns, esoeci-1
any li your neignoor is irascible.
The last piece of rustic laxiness encoun-
IawuI K ... . , . .. .
it. vj wu ui-wwuuurrauunueDtau tnat
of a man who being asked what ailed his
eve. answered. " Kothin' : I shut it rm I
can see well enough with one. Some
times I shut one, sometimes t'other. "
AHAMiii, - ne murmured, with a
pathos in his voice, " why do you quiver I
at my touch r why ao you shrink from
my embrace as the startled fawn tremb.es
at the rustling of the autumn leaves t"
I've been vaccinated," she said.
Tom had been very seriously whiDDed.
and knelt down to say his prayers. "
wouldn't ssy my prayers if I had been
whipped." stud his brother. " You shut
up," said Tom. " I'm only praying to be
Dig enougn to jicb. uncie.
A -Pbiladelpula minister waa angry tie
other day. He married a couple, and the
psu left without the feeder of a fee. He
published a notice of marriage, adding the
words: "-No cards, no cake, no cash, eo
t,.- i; . v..-. .
- t""-"1-"t" "io ana
u"TO cna mm money every month to
keep his landlord from evicting him
mk - 'm anting back his gratitude, alwsys
ITaWmTiraM " W I aOlw I'M araaant m W
As " Indian idol" was recen iv nloairh
whether it is a god or a devU. If it has "ie
. . J . r. '
ud in Tf ooamirr. ana tim rinn't i
il I
" " wuuurT few-
Oaishij. have to nave Jocc arms wkea
tbey bag the siwre. I
.. i
I A Corbisfoxdixt write that the fol-
I Inwinr !twiHpnt nmirml At lhi rirpakfaai
table,Lelaware rYatcr Gap.! urt as related :
Mamma Oh artl h.mnn nankin
II cmn't emt without napkin. n Little
daughter "Why, mamma, we never nse
napkicj gt home. Mamma (explanatory
to the lady by her aide)" You see, I
generally take my breakfast in bed, and
just use a towel. " Little daughter ' 'But
mamma, you don't uee eren a towel very
often." The dead silence which ensues to
broken only by a sympathizing lady, who
remarks ; - Well, children are always
saying what they cughtn t to."
Keokuk CooiUtaUon.
Evcrj Tim.
A man, or even a piece of machinery
that does it work right every time, to we
think, very correctly Judged valuable."
And certainly none the less valuable to any
article designed to relieve tbe ills of man.
kind and which does so every tune.
Messrs. Jones, Cook & Co., Bay State Brew-
err. Boston, Mass., write; We hare used
Sr. Jacob's Oil among ocr men and find
that it helps them "every time." We
therefore recommend it as a paln-hcali ng
VmaXd to'hia rlerk"
Zte hmwn mn
package of brown paper come
from 7" " It's just a sample, sir, sent by
Pulp, Fibre & Co., but we can't u-e it ;
it s too coarse and heavy for us to use.
Ah, weli," replied the honest druggist.
" do not waste it : put it in the window
and sell it for fly paper.
(Cairo, (UL) Radical Republican.,
What Wa Know About IU
"What do we know about St. Jacob
Oil!" said one of our oldest subscribers.
This was a fair question, and we answer.
that we are reliably informed, that a gen
tleman of this city who has suffered un
told agony, and spent a mint of money to
get relief from Rheumatism, in desperation
bought some and tried it, and declares
that it is the best remedy for Rheumatism
he ever beard of.
Latent Agoxt: It to difficult to keep
all the agonies of this agonizing period in
mind ; but if you wish to be considered
intense it is abtol'iteiy neccessary that
you should receive by mail a polkadot
handkerchief from vour best girl. This
signifies : ''There is s spot (in fact, several
cf them) that s dear to me. Yi lit comet"
The Best Medicine.
FaurOKT. Illi., Sept. IT. 1RT8.
H. R. STEVENS, Boston:
Dear Sir. I have been mlng yon r valuable
have no hesltailoo In eartng that I consider It
one of tne brat. If not tk heat medicine In
the market tor a general laTfgor&tor and Blood
uruiciueL -imtunff -rnriu.iu.riii I w-rn 11 T r ana
Eruptions of the Skin. Chronic Sore Ejes,
and General Debility.
Bead what Dr. Simmons says:
ViaoKA, Kiss- loot 5. is;.
B. E. STEVENS, Boston:
I have used "Veretlne" In mv famflv for two
Tfai s and cordially recommend It as a remedy
for Brumous ot tbe akin, chronic nor Bvea
and General Debiuty. I hav am iveom
mended It to a great many persons In this seo-
uoa.ana 1 mini it nas given general aauaiao.
Tour verr valuable medicine, "veretlne." iw.
stored tbe slgbt to my little damhter, saved
hrr from being blind, and I have no doubt aaved
nor uie. ery grateiuiiy.
Shibotoas, Wut, Nor. 12. 1S7S.
H. B. STEVENS, Boston:
Dear Sir. I can rally testify to the efficiency
of your Vegetine aa a Great Blood Purifier,
having nsed It daring tha last seven month
Ilia aucn oenenu
A ours truly,
W. a ST. SURE, Druggist.
B. WL SIETEIs, ln, Haas.
Tefellat la Sold fey All Tlraicrlata.
ta urn t ncrm u un tut.
Is a rwttl e Core
Nimt arn(anil at CO aatl ( Vattn Avaaaa,
lraa.KMa. PnorSl. Stttntllalforla kalkart
althatorm aT pilla, aaa la tha (oral at loaaafaa, aa
aaaMpt at frlaa, V at an for aRhv. Mil IHiaiBI
l all lattan at inquiry. Baa ( aaaafe
a bvafir aaaaM ka wttaoat LTMA B. IrrirrBABS
uvxb rnxa, iw
mmt awH Bj af ttaavtw. Uc
ear StU fey mB Drma-lata. -sa
Thonsh Sh:ikra la Every Joint
mi .
' .11. irm ID I HIW. IV MIIMM tMlHM
-"' 5T 'red from the malignant
"m .-i,' wua ,1,- ln?
ipa - moa - , wni.-a u frtaermore a supreme rem-
s?'"t "?r complaint, eonsupation. drtDeDela. I
ww , ai aaj luiLnr-rmnrE sa snnnrn. 9t lia- I
?fiiii',.rtt0QU"?lnj kWneT tronwea aidher ?'
-VJ. u.vrr cudduibl MmatinBtmn
ran Bm P laral CaJalata mm m
awaaaaa wuFpajl faiala wmm latlaa.
Ttwttlene aatbaly tW wawS lorm ot V I H O
jhlnai, nTrlaroi laTiiSiiiatliM mtm Pl
Vaa. lanbw aa4 Maplaeaajaata, aa te aaaaaqaaal
Sataal Waakmaam, a4 la aatnnahrtr ta a
(In t Ufa.
win tkaoi aaaaaHaavmfi rnawte
aa aariy atataet li.il pint tae In In iaa
eafaaaBaaiiwitharatieaaBaaa varyiaaodnyBy Waaa,
It i uu u m fahilii aw, Satnlia r J, SilinjiaB tartar
B aana aVaanfc Pftlara. Hinoaa Promooa,
aural OabOlty, Sliitlniia Pumalia an haav
Tial laamai et aaarnw Im, aaaakar ili mfes
aa4Safrai.hlalwayiiaiaaifiaitty anal SyBwaaa.
ISwUlataUtbaaiaad aadaran limaminO
Saiaiiaf nlllllnli i II 1 1 i ISi rimlnjnai.
Vartbaaaraat Kldaay Caarebaati at Utaar mm IMP
Oianin t awnirraS.
Whtx a fellow roe to see bis girl,
waiting ball an hour in the parlor for her
to come down is about aa uuagreeaoie a
thing as can happen to him. And
when the old lady to sitting in one corner
of the room scowling at you, wun ner
lips shut as tight as an ice box, and the
old man to perched en a high chair in an
other corner trying in vain to grind out a
few ideas regarding the weal ner, it is
Doaitire'.r Hades. We have been there
and we know.
A WiM Deacao.
"Deacon Wilder. I want you to tell me
now you kept yourself and family well
the oast season, when all the rest of us
have been sick so much, and hare bad the
doctors visiting us so often."
Bra Tavlor, the answer is very easy.
I used Hop Bitters in time; kept my fa
milr well and sared the doctcr bills.
Three dollars' worth of it kept us well and
able to work all the time. 1 11 warrant it
has cost you and the neighbors one to two
hundred dollars apiece to keep sick the
same time."
"Deacon, 111 use your medicine here
Baltimoki people have great presence
of mind. When a man fell dead the other
day, it was proposed to call a coroner.
Said a man, "Holdout Call two. This
is a very melancholy occurence, but we
may as well make the best of it, and en
joy seems: the race between the coroners.
and their fljrhi over the body." And
they did.
Kidney Dii
Sidney diseases afflict tha greater part ot
I a-swuaa ftvnil WflT BTV OUIiniaiiMT wa
tha inert ax, bnt wfl.ro tbe vurtne. of KidMT-
Wort have oacoina Known. uj
eiSk and .peed.! u
havo bad too.-nilantly dowspinU of mtrs
and eoe staff, give thi. great rem dj a trial
ITS V- ennd. In tha dry form U u mo4
conomiral. in I ha 1 quid the mo -t eaavemen.
Flulm. I'm.
Of light wiiout : A facetious baker
in Auburn put a broad grin lately on the
faces of all his customers by announcing
on a conspicuous placard that he sold
yeast of a new kind which made bread so
light that a pound of it only weighed
twelve ounces.
"Iot Kmow Half Tbelr Valua."
"They cured me of Ague, Biliousness
and Kidney Complaint, as recommended.
I had a half bottle left which 1 used for
my two little girls, who the doctors and
neighbors said could not be cured. I
would have lost both of them one night if
1 had not given them Hop Bitten. They
end them somuchood I continued their use
until they were cured. That is why 1 say
you do not know half the value of Hop
Bitters, and do not recommend them high
enough." B., Rochester, N. Y.
A Ten lace at Atlantic City the other
day drew a crowd of 6,000 persona. Tbe
people didn't care so much about the race,
but tbe sight of a washtub was quite a rev
elation to most of them. Several of the
young ladies were quite enthusiastic in
their expressions of delight, one of them
remarking that the wash-tub's rugged, un
assuming beauty was quite too overpower
ing for idle words.
vTondarfuI Power.
Whan a mediitfrut mm.
Kidney-Wert ia eooatantly doinz, it may truly
ba aaid to hara wnoiWfoi ZZZm a .L
tar in Montgomery. Vt., bad suffered for e ght
years from the worst of 1 1 lney diseaiea, and
nal been wholly incanac UUtd for work. Ha
says, "On box made a new man of me. and
I sincerely believe it will rr store to health all
Ure amula.lv affl cted " it ia now sold in
uvut uquia ana ary form Danhury sne$.
A widow being about to marrv her
fifth husband, her pastor rebuked her
for contemplating matrimony; so soon
anin. WeiL" retorted the widow.
I Just want yon to understand if the
Lord keeps on taking them, I will too."
Teacher. " The earth is round, like a
ball or orange, you remember. It is one.
rourth land. What are the other three
fourths?" " Pleethe, inarm," said a lit
tle girl in the front row, " I deth it ith
thkin." Her experience with oranges
had not been a nappy one.
Veoetlvb does not deceive invalid intn
false hopes by purging and creating a fic
titious appetite, but assists nature in clear.
ing and purifying the whole system, lead
ing the patient gradually to perfect health.
?J2"" 'Jz&t,
I their parents to be supported. Something
new turns up every day to brush the rose
ate hue and gaudy glitter from the face of
It ia said that Sitting Bull has become
sad and despondent; so much that
vague hope prevails that he J&ay commit
suicide. This is about the only sanguinary
act he has not committed in hut illustrious
No preparation ever discovered exeeot
Cabbolixb, a deoderized extract of petro
leum, win reaiiy produce new hair on bald
heads, It will be a happy day when the
great army of bald heads fully understand
Wombk's Rioirrs: Sir William Ham
Uton said : On earth there ia nothing
great out man. " i nanBs sir W Uliara ; ho.
maiiKs awiuiiy. row. what have vou
say Mrs. Li verm ore 1
Bona, pimples, and all blood diseases
are cured by "Dr. Linrfsey's Blood Search
er." sold by all druggists. Never fails.
Remabk ABorr bachelors : Dean
Stanley remained a bachelor until he was
o. nitss Antnony nas done tbe same
thing until she is- but let us not pursue
uu painful subject.
Aboct twice every month I Lake a dnu
of "Sellers' Liver Pills," and I always en-
oy excenen' neaiu.
41AKT, Uneen of Scots, is said to have
lett one hundred aprons of various hues.
" not a Eiunuus opportunity there waa
to establish a new secret society Just
i lit. ii
TnorsAXDS of ladies have found sudden
relief from all their woes by tbe use of
Lydia t Pink ham s Vegetable Compound.
' It's a good time to change bad hab
it's, said Shuttle this morning, and he
threw aside his old clothes and blossomed
out in a new f 14 suit.
One swallow does not make a summer.
but." says SnifHns. "it lmnarta a
pleasant warmth."
Sbb co led : he wooed : the old man said
they could if they would. No cards.
-Rough aw Rati."
Ask trn?Kiats for it. It clears out rata.
mo., nncuea. Dea-DOea. Baa. verm in in.
HOwUBaM M h.iu a Untn .1 a
ZXSff' rrmu Cnuuitree B,h-.yeoa
hand a eulroato..B m rx.ra doe quality Wa
monua. auicu urey offer at aa toi prtiaia
no, lira Urw.qual.iy. p.riect ahxe Ui color
a. a simpe, can be tola fur. w
tr. ml. Dm Cook,
of Cookarille, Heard County. Ga., writeai
Meaara. P. Neuataedter Co.
Oentlemeo. 1 am happy to inform yon that
Anakfit, Dr. B. Sua bee's Pile remedy, met
with my approbation. I have tried it in three
different easea, and it ha not faded to relieve
them at one. Tha patient that bad it for two
years says ha thinks he ia well, and thai h
always expects to keep a box on hand for fear
it might come back again; another ease of
abort duration used only three applications and
aaja ahe ia entirely weiL It is tha beat thing
1 hare ever seen for Pilee. I will osa it in my
practice when needad.
Yours obsdientlv,
i. D. COOK M. D.
"Anakenm.' Dr. SUsbaww Eitamal P.u
Ivzl' p" y jlrnggiatB rrerTwhera. Pnc
a . . . wvmmw-
00 P Pz. fcsspiaa nuuled Vet to all sot -
'j- . -anufao- J
c... t.,. i Kr rhpfk on the easy cnair
hark ajrain&t his head and murmured
How 1 do love to rest against your
A11(,mt Do vou t" taiJ he.
i it irH vou love me!" "No
iv.,,. ;t U ni and fr.lt." Then be
lay end lay and thouat and thought.
siv.- iinnna sjTaiii rame into fashion
thew are alluded to as domestic cinder.
is not known who perpetrated the pun,
hni . ia no doubt soine teoeirade lourua-
liot hn hnnlit be exiled from the bustle
of life to the very outskirts of civilization
ATBBtate dinner given by an African
Cm? h.fct vear. some boxes of American
sugar-coated pills furnished the desert.
- i ... T r r, 1;,1a (nwm
t his was wneu u Aiug r-
but he can t be fooled bow.
Si.mb eirls have dead loads of luck.
When Miss Dashie got scared by tne cow
nrt r limbed a fence she had her nicest
hose ou snd six gentlemen were looking.
What are the effects of different kinds
of inteL'ectual wark on the cerebral circu-
i.tmn Thi oueation 5L tiley. a rencn
nrmirxrUt. has attemctcd to answer by ex
nmcnti mail tinon hinuself. When he
applied himself to a subject which he had
a iiimrnirv in understanding luutuniuij,
and had, therefore, to concentrate all bis
energies upon it, the rhythm of the heart
was far more acceieraiea man "
tnrk nn aome matter with which he was
well acquainted.
eaOlia haiils
mi i i i I L r
neuraicsa. sciatica, lumoagu.
Backache. Soreness of the Chesi.
Gout, Quins f, Sore Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, Genera! Bodily
footh. Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
No Prrparatioa on earth equals Sr. Jicoss 0 I
a a aor, rrw, fmp ift cheap Eztmal
BxMimIv A (rl Mhib hat th epmfMJmtiTlilV
triflinc oatlav at i0 fnita. and every one mtfrriac
with paia caa have cbap rad positive trout of ha
PirecUoos ia Eleveo Lanfftuw!.
BaUiwftrt. MA.. U.M.A
That jtetaat Ikeaaaie llaae M
Btcamie wv allot thru mat argon to I
I Voonw doygttl or torpid, and poitomms I
I Harmon are thtrtfon forcttl Mo the Hood
that ihovldbeerpeiUil nalHraUt' I
rit.Es, rsxTirtTiei, rsncAKT
by causing ret actio of Vut organ and
rtstoring their power to UtTOt of ditto.
Way aaffer Billoas paias and acaeaf
Way tonaeated with Piles, CeaatlpaUral
Why friKkteaew aver dlaafwemt Kialaeyat
vfay eadare aerveaa ar airk headarheat
It hi pat ap la Sry TtaAM raraa, la On
emsm on. packac ot whica aaucaa aia qoBTBi of
aiedirlna. Also la UewMParaa, very (am.!
toatS, lorianrr Ihal caanea wwriily prrpama.1
M 1t art with arraal rSVirorr laaitaarfo
M n or tocr drcogist. micr, st.ee I
(WUI arad tha dry aoaVpaid.) BnUXCMB,!
( elciaev m Drink.)
nors, jirenr, mandrake,
A TO TH r Praawr 3f D RtTMrnTrtLQCAIA.
tiuoiju oTuxa Birraaa.
An niaraaraof tbeRtomarh. Rowrta. Blood.
Llrrr. kldn-y.aiid t rtaary ornniL Ner
vwuaneaa, SIn-ulrwnrMand erpnrujly
$1000 IN COLD.
Will be raid for a caw they win ant core or
kelp, or lor anything Impure or lajuiluua
f ooad la them.
."Jlr"' , D" Wttersaadtry
then before yia aleep. Take) a at hear.
D rl5 P " ""teaad hrraatrhleeiire for
Oraalunoeaa, om of opium. totMcoo
WUfn Mfr. C... fcar. . v., a Tan, Oat,
Invest your Etirnings
in me nvt or ttim nmm T Bnj Ti......
nniaiiy. ProAbt inur than tw n-pnvit nr nwth
Ataotiiti .y mm.li No trrmHtml llah.li:.. Iml onlr in
Drvver tied KtmlM. lhv,.L.n.u . . f A-
Auiard by rr -.'l-ftviit hti.ndw men V Ivuwr hrfer
toaiircf our ui. or W men . rtaover. Auy
aui,ijrr Bh.rat Tm UHjBra a, a,arnt 1.T raailua
rbkiic uf utJHjy. Cavalr.-. M-at tnmt. .'.lr.w
A. H. Etcb, TaBMarars At It Smiim. aiSwury
.ow Afenta Wawtrsl for Ufa ar
neeoWne Biefnll hbwnryaf hi boMb and awaawal
life nd .ltBr.UT lan.imatloo. MlUloDaafsatmte
. . T ""w 01 rairn penny- hnltaDot
S2 "V" "Ply "'thaine and foilTuiaetratoa u.
Anomi. rcmigni Oo, PmTadatphia. Fa,
Aawta "J sa tka Btaaaant Air'ealtanl Bau
Farming for Profit
W la-Mla -w---- -- A AWJ wa.
Ltr-T IM tUrif. A sura aruKfaa aa. ' . -
siaiRBinnpv s s s -''
awvra mrnmrnf nan IU oaat
J.CM3Cti,P CO l aUiliviiiykia. r
H lll-r.UAB. Hani t .m r.rwnTaH anal .
OTTX-'S 020
fte thia style of PHILADELPHIA
KI.WKK. Baaltoaay8laar ai
the aarket Jtiwi aatu, are
it twarrwiwaaea-fceWe
(aaiaawarM. Thwlstheauaa
arrle other rwnnanias latail fur
50. AUIfarhiaaawanaaaBdaw
yaanm. Send fur Illaauated Or
calaraad Tratlajontia. Aaireai
-j y -,
A TEAS AVn nmn mm
Airrobi Imtnt free. liUira B at.
Sanaa a-aoa BBBai
sa al, AV
mro oiooa mues wnryi nesh, srrose
and a clear at In. If vnn wmiiri h!.. J
firm, your bones sound without cries, and
comprex:on fair, nse Had way a aaraasaaVtr
IIm Btaaolvew. "farll.
A resiedy composed of Intrredlfnta of ertr
oTdlnary med.cai properties essenUal to DunrT
heal, repair and In vK-ot a te the brvikaa-dowa
wasted Oody-vuiCK. PLKaSAST. iiafii
PKKMA.NKNT ia Its treatment and cure
No matter by what name the compiaiat uur
be deala-nated. whether It be Scrt uil
arysipelas. or Salv-Kheum. diseases flte
Lunaa. Kidneys. BladJur. Womb. bla. I nV
atotuaoh or Bowels, eltber cbrome or cocstitf, '
uonal, the virus ot the disease is la the blum-whit-a
supplies the waste, and builds andr
swirs these) oritn.i and wasted tissues or ifZ
aystam. It the blood Is unueaKhy, tha trrZ.
of repair must be unsound. '
Is a euBiBwosauar remedy, but secures the hir
BMwleas action of each ot the orxana. UestThl
UsaesthjwiiKwttheenuieBj-em fuaeltoaal
aaraKNiy. aud supplies the b ood-ve sels wuhi
pure and hoalahy current of new hie. TheikiiT
after a lew days ase ef the owrsapajllliaa hi:
somas clear and beauufuL Pinapiea. hWkZ"
Blaotc Spots aod klD EniDt ih .nJZZJt!?-
aMdlkiS8eoTieurt Persons surrertai
fremScrorula, KrupUve Dlaases of the Kiel
Itoirta. Bars, Leys, Throat and Glands. uS
have aoea anUted and spread, either trom un
rured dlseasea or mereuxv. or rmm k. tL. -.
to.roBiveBublla:ate, may rely upua a ture
One bottle contains more of iho ui'n
pies of medicloes than any otter ptepaAtioa"
Taknla Teaspooolul Due- while oher. Z
i'lire ave er aix tlmea as much. Owe Uoi ia
'er AVMtla.
Obly renntres awlawtra aot haan t.,
Ueve pain and cure acuie disrate.
Oeadv Relief;
la from one to twenty minutes, never falls to
relieve PAIN with one thorough applkauou
bo nutter how violent or excruclaaaK tbe pain
the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, inarm. Crippled.
Nervous. SeursJgtcor prostrated with dtsea-e
man suner. RAOAAYs KKAUV liKLlKir am
afford inatant ease.
IwSUaawauMaaai arian KMaaya. .
smm aiu auaavaer. lUuaaaUai Mia,
f'rmmt Muaa. Brakes -amaarr aT
rwiala, Aerveaiaeia, Iwe a I eeaw ela.
aufka. tValato, Bpralaa Pate, la tmZ
Jarvww. LU" Awataatly aw.
Fever and Ague.
PETER and AGUE cored for sa rr-n'x iw
la net a remedial airent In tbls world tht m,u
cure Fever and Ague, and other Xaiailoua, Bili
ous scarlet. Typoold. Yellow and other fevers
(al.ied by Kadway's PUiS) so quickly aa fcUu-
wav a nuui niuir.
It wlli In a few momenta, when iakia
In? to directions, cure Cramps, apasuis, sour
Stomach. Heartourn. sick Ueauacbe. liarrhui.
ijDwii,,uB. nuiH ui me Duweia, and au
Internal Palna.
Travelers should alwars earrv a hot r i nt
ways Beady Relief wild them. A few drops a
wa er will prevent sickness or pal us iront
cbaaire of wat r. It is better than French
braudy or bitters as a stimulant.
Miners and Lumbtrmea sho alwars be
provided wiu It.
All remedial acrenta eanahie nf iImbim.. nr.
by an oveidose should be avoided. Mbrpnine.
opium, strychnine, arnica, hyosclaiaus, aud
other powen ul remedies, dow at certain Umfc,
la very small doses, relieve the paHent dunni;
their actloa In tbe a j stem, tut perhaps the
second duse. If repeated, may aggravate and In
crease tbe Buffertoif, and another dose cun
death. There Is no necessity lor nsluff these
uncertain agent when a positive remedy like
Kadway's Eeady Rel.ef a 111 stno the mat n.
eructating pain quicker, without entailing tha
was auiicuity in either ihlant or adult.
RABWAY'S RBADT Raxrar Is the onlv renH,lial
agent In vogue that will instantly stop pain.
Fllljr Cents IVr Bottle.
Regulating Pills.
Perfect 1'nreatiTes, ijootbinir Aierl-
enis, Act Without Pain, Always
Rt-ll tbie, and Natural in their
Perf-tly tavstelesa. elemntly coated with
sweet gum, purge, regular, purify, cleanse and
Rabwat's Pills, for the rare of all Disorders
of toe Biamacn. Uver. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder.
Nervous ihaeasea. Headache, Constitution, Cos
tivenesa, Ind geslloo. Uyspepsla, Biliousness.
Fever, IcflamaUon of the bowels. Plies, and all
derangemenia oc the Internal Viscera. War
ranted to effect a nenect euro. Pureiv veire-
tabie. containing no ntenury, minerals or ttele-
wikius uruga.
SwUbaerve the fnllnwtntravninrjimarvxnl 1
from Diseases of the lllgeMive urgaoa: onsti-
laiuua, luwara nies, ruiinesa ot tne uio a id
the Bead, Acidity of tbe Momach, Sausea.
Heartburn. 11 irust of Fund. PuimesB or Welirlit
In the utomacn, Nur Kructlona, sinking or
Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffering
sensations wnea in a lying posture, Dlmneof
VislnB, Dots or Webs Before the Bight, Fever
and Dull Pain In the Head, Dedclency of Per
spiration, Yellowness of tbe Bkin and Kyea.
Pals In the hide. Cbe-t, Limbs, and sudden
Flushes of Heat. Burning in tne Flesh.
A few doses of RadwaVb Pills will free the
system from ail the above-named Disorders.
Price, 25 Cents Fer Box.
We renew that the reader most eonault our
books and papers oo the subject of diseases and
their cute, tfhong which may be named :
Parse mmnt Traa,"
Kadwar Irritable Urethra."
Kdway ka cmlulB,
and others relating to different classes or DIs
end a letter sramD to AD WAY At CO
ST. B3 War re a. Vwr. CBwrrh m.. Hew
twInrormaUoB worth thousanlswui be se
DTO.V A CO. ham muh A- ww m
dtir ttm wm of Mwtie runner. Caofrs 3
The new Chnret, u.. n.. . ,uuo
Send ti for abicwmm foitv.
EaaenoB'a I IUFaIL. I m.i n.
ma a .
Bf. w T . '. .-,ww
" mupvrnM dw, iur singiaa; Vm
, I SONG BELLS. I, .oe.,
ew, genial aod beauuful eoUeutloa of
The new
School Hon.
acaa aw eta. iur Sprctmrw, Cup.
(30 eta ) Ail raiiiaiu with beauty, and full of tha
weetest meioily. t ar suiiav Sehoola.
oend JU eta. for Specimen I vpt.
(SJI eta.) A large, well ailed, aduuraoly selected
and cvtnpoarL aod every war desirahia nmitin.
I ftumlay School and Goapel He tin- w
bend Hi eta. fur apecunen Cuwt
OUTER DfTSOw co Boataa.
cS;5l P" co-. Drrsoy,
i"Buway, .-u i. lm) Cheatnut at-JTula.
the oldest and largest arm In Ameri.-v Addreaa
t-ui'ed 8talea Manufacturing Cot, Chicago, Hi.
A "r"- prmwa Faad eans
aWlra.r' arS-.'r.trt-,
,U First Avaaaa, I. I.
YQTTrrr ITPV U yoa vrowld awra Trh
v. z. 1 .. rraphy In four month
e aaaweriag aw Mvartlanaat will
r lavar apoa the advwrriaar amd tha
ibUaawr bT atatlaa-tnaA tkrr mmmm tk. -H..
tiaeaaewt la this joarwai (ainlaf tbe paper
aaa. uiarall mrmMmtmm. fmlmttMUm
Heart, SayaSerarw. Crwwa, Olma.
taarla. taurrl. liiinu. MeaiajM.aT
TaMhark, Sranlfia. Hheaaaataaa!
. .. m. ..iia aaaa . bub. .ii.i.i..